Search results for ""Author David"
Avni animal veritablement no identificat
Comença el curs! L?escola de primària d?Animalia acull els seus alumnes en el primer dia de classe i l?Avni busca el seu lloc entre els nous companys. Sembla un inici de curs clàssic, però l?Avni intriga els altres alumnes des del primer minut. No s?assembla a cap dels seus nous petits companys. No és com ells: no és un os, ni un ocell ni una tortuga. I què podem dir dels seus poders extraordinaris, que el converteixen en l?atracció del pati del collegi, prenent el protagonisme a Lleó el camaleó? L?Avni és un ?animal veritablement no identificat? i deixa a tothom desconcertat, commogut i seduït per la seva fantasia i singularitat. I si, al final, no fos més que un gran amic? Un nou petit heroi, simpàtic i amable.Estructurats en aventures de dues pàgines, els guions aborden de manera senzilla temes tan rellevants com la diferència, el bullying o l?amistat. L?humor, per descomptat, és un element omnipresent i essencial en aquestes històries, que Vincent Caut illustra amb gran tendresa
El secuestro de Edgardo Mortara
La extraordinaria historia real de cómo un niño judío de seis años, raptado por el Vaticano en 1858, precipitó el derrumbe del poder temporal del Papa en Italia.El libro que fascinó a Steven Spielberg.Bolonia: medianoche, junio de 1858. Un golpe resuena en la puerta del comerciante judío Momolo Mortara. Dos oficiales de la Inquisición buscan dentro a su hijo Edgardo, de seis años de edad, para llevarlo a Roma en un carruaje. Cuando el niño es arrancado de los brazos de su padre, la madre, desesperada, pierde el conocimiento. La razón del secuestro se descubrirá más tarde: el niño había sido secretamente bautizado por una criada de la familia, angustiada ante la idea de verle morir en un trance de enfermedad. De acuerdo con la ley papal y la teología eclesiástica, el niño es católico, y puede ser apartado de su familia e ingresado en un monasterio, donde su conversión al catolicismo será completada.Con esta terrible escena, que marcaría a esa familia para siempre, el premiado
Editorial Elearning Soporte vital bsico Certificados de profesionalidad Atencin sanitaria a mltiples vctimas y catstrofes
Vaso Roto Ediciones El vaso de tiempo
Ediciones La Llave El proceso terapéutico ensayos y conferencias
Derribó ideas de Freud e inspiró un psicoanálisis humanista: el pensamiento de Karen Horney, maestra de psicoanalistas, reunido en un libro práctico de consejos para terapeutas.
Historia general del Carnaval de Cdiz Prxima aparicin
Desde las Viejas Ricas hasta Juan Carlos Aragón: una historia completa del Carnaval de Cádiz, desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días, con 100 fotografías históricas,para conocer esta maquinaria de creatividad popular.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Bond Debt Governance: A Comparative Analysis of Different Solutions to Financial Distress of Corporate Bond Debtors
de Gruyter The Phonetics of Derived Words in English
Brepols Publishers Water Management in Gerasa and Its Hinterland: From the Romans to Ad 750
Simon & Schuster The First Populist: The Defiant Life of Andrew Jackson
Scribner Book Company The Last American Aristocrat: The Brilliant Life and Improbable Education of Henry Adams
Clydesdale Press Walden and Civil Disobedience
Karnac Books Depending on Strangers: Freedom, Memory, and the Unknown Self
We live in a world where our livelihood depends on our ability to relate to strangers. The central quality that defines strangers is that they are unknown. Because strangers are unknown, they represent, in the world outside, the unknown self within. The unknown self is the core of the personality considered as a potential to become something yet to be determined. To be already known is to be determined prior to and independently of our presence in our lives. At the outset of the process of taking form, the individual is, in a sense, a stranger to self and to others. The more this is the case, the greater the openness of the process of self-formation and the more marked the role of freedom from predetermination in that process. Freedom from predetermination exists along three dimensions: the free movement of thoughts and ideas or “inner freedom”; the freedom to relate, which is also the freedom not to relate; and freedom in relating, which is the possibility of maintaining secure self-boundaries in relations with others. In exploring freedom understood in this way, Professor Levine considers such topics as: the nature of inner freedom and its relationship to deliberation and choice; stranger anxiety and its connection to group dynamics and social connection; the internal factors that enable us to make the decisions that shape our lives and through our actions realize the ends embedded in our decisions; how our memories shape our thought processes and therefore the choices we make and the lives we lead that result from them; what makes it possible for us to live comfortably with and depend on people we do not know; concern for the welfare of strangers and how our welfare can be secure in a world where we do not care about others and they do not care about us.
Light Technology,U.S. How to Teach Ascension Classes
Archaeopress On the Origins of the Cartouche and Encircling Symbolism in Old Kingdom Pyramids
On the Origins of the Cartouche and Encircling Symbolism in Old Kingdom Pyramids is a treatise on the subject of encircling symbolism in pharaonic monumental tomb architecture. The study focuses on the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt; from the first dynasty through the sixth. During that time, encircling symbolism was developed most significantly and became most influential. The cartouche also became the principal symbol of the pharaoh for the first time. This work demonstrates how the development of the cartouche was closely related to the monumental encircling symbolism incorporated into the architectural designs of the Old Kingdom pyramids. By employing a new architectural style, the pyramid, and a new iconographic symbol, the cartouche, the pharaoh sought to elevate his status above that of the members of his powerful court. These iconic new emblems emphasized and protected the pharaoh in life, and were retained in the afterlife. By studying the available evidence, the new and meaningful link between the two artistic media; iconographic and architectural, is catalogued, understood, and traced out through time.
The Old Mill Press The House of the Future: Walt Disney, MIT, and Monsanto's Vision of Tomorrow
Step inside The House of the Future, the iconic Disneyland attraction that captured the imagination of countless visitors during its ten-year run from 1957 to 1967.In this meticulously researched and beautifully illustrated book, readers will take a journey through the conception, construction, and ultimate closure of this groundbreaking exhibit. The House of the Future was a pioneering experiment in living that showcased cutting-edge construction techniques and futuristic household appliances, including the now-ubiquitous microwave oven.It was a glimpse into a world of endless possibility and unbridled optimism, brought to life through the vision of Walt Disney, his Imagineering team, MIT, and Monsanto.With stunning, never-before-seen photographs and illustrations, this book offers a deep dive into the world of The House of the Future and the lasting impact it had on generations of visitors. The House of the Future is more than a historical artifact; it's a testament to the power of imagination, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of progress.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Piano Album III
Archaia Studios Press New World
Hendrickson Publishers Inc The Ark of the Covenant in Its Egyptian Context
Fulcrum Publishing Of Living Stone
Of Living Stone is a new collection of essays (the Contributor's Essays) on the importance and legacy of Vine Deloria, Jr. and his work, featuring thirty-five essays from an eclectic and insightful group of hard scientists (e.g., Margaret Redsteer), social scientists (e.g., Tom Biolsi, anthropology), education specialists (e.g., Cheryl Crazy Bull), legal scholars (e.g., Rebecca Tsosie, Gabe Galanda), activists (e.g., Suzan Harjo ), humorists (e.g., Migizi Pensoneau of the 1491s and more recently seen on Resevation Dogs), Tribal government leaders (e.g., Deron Marquez and Frank Ettawageeshik), artists (e.g., Cannupa Hanska Luger), and three scholars from France who add an international dimension.
Regal House Publishing LLC The Femme Fatale Hypothesis
More accurately a love triptych than triangle, The Femme Fatale Hypothesis is the story of one spring in 2015 when three people form intimate bonds forged in the fires of their respective tribulations. As Rose Geddes’s lung cancer progresses toward its inexorable end and her husband’s ability to care for her diminishes, their widowed neighbor, June Danhill, stumbles into the middle of their intersecting crises. June’s only son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren have recently moved to the West Coast. She embraces the opportunity to distract herself from her loneliness by helping to care for the Geddeses. But it isn’t long before June realizes that Rose wants more from her than she is willing to give. Love and loss, family secrets, visiting vultures, the Memorial Park boys, a long-forgotten keepsake, morphine versus fentanyl, and the sexual cannibalism of the false garden mantid all fuel this psychological thriller that tests the thin line between mercy and murder.
Wicked Son Isaac's Beacon
Permuted Press One Base at a Time
Whitaker House Grace Is Free, But It Isn't Cheap: Challenging Today's Watered-Down Version of Christianity
Paraclete Press Cloud Devotion: Through the Year with the Cloud of Unknowing
Paraclete Press Looking For the King: An Inklings Novel
Casemate Publishers The Atlanta Campaign, 1864: Peachtree Creek to the Fall of the City
General John Bell Hood’s tenure commanding the Confederate Army of Tennessee stood in marked contrast to that of his predecessor Joseph E. Johnston. Where Johnston was forced to conduct a war of maneuver, parrying William T. Sherman’s repeated flanking attempts, he rarely risked offensive blows. The initiative remained almost entirely with the Federals. When Johnston did stand to accept battle, with only a few exceptions, he received enemy assaults behind fortified lines. However, weeks of retreating undermined morale.With Hood in charge, offense became the order of the day. Hood fought the two largest and bloodiest battles of the entire campaign within the space of two days: attacking at Peachtree Creek on July 20, and again at the Battle of Atlanta on July 22. A third attack at Ezra Church on July 28 was launched by Stephen D. Lee, on his own initiative. The results of all three battles, however, were the same—bloody failures for the Confederates. Thereafter, Hood adopted a more defensive strategy, choosing to preserve what combat power his army retained.The second volume on the Atlanta campaign portrays the final months of the struggle for Atlanta, from mid-July to September, including what remains to be seen of the battles around the city: Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Decatur, and Ezra Church. The siege will cover historic views of Atlanta, operations east of the city, and the city’s capture. The cavalry chapter focuses on the Union cavalry raids south of Atlanta which ended in disaster. Finally, the fighting at Jonesboro will bring the series to a close.
America Through Time Pioneering Women of Glacier National Park
Skyhorse Publishing Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics, Grades 4-5
Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics, Grades 45 provides brain-friendly, ready-to-use mathematics lessons for the classroom. Teachers will find step-by-step guidance and all the necessary reproducible materials for mathematics instruction that involves group work, reflection, movement, and visualization. Through activities such as Scuba Division, Party Planners, Sunken Treasure, and Parachute Drop, intermediate learners will enjoy developing skills connected with multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, geometry and measurement, algebra, data analysis, and more.Aligned with NCTM standards and focal points, the instructional strategies enhance motivation and content retention, while addressing individual intelligences. Also included is instruction to:Promote writing as an important learning toolUse concrete models to make concepts meaningfulConnect mathematical ideas to the real worldIncorporate graphic organizers to help students organize their thinkingDeepen and revitalize instruction using Sousa’s proven brain-compatible approach for helping every student develop self-confidence in mathematics!
Alfred Music Cattin' Latin: Conductor Score
Light Technology,U.S. Connecting with the Arcturians 2: Planetary Transformation from a Galactic Perspective
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Paul Reveres Ride For Amplified Soprano Solo SATB Chorus and Orchestra
Skyhorse Publishing River of the Brokenhearted
American Academy of Pediatrics Adult Telephone Protocols: Office Version
Now in it's 5th edition, this powerful decision-support tool will guide triagers thorough each call with the same step-by-step checklist organization and ease-of-use features as its companion resource, Pediatric Telephone Protocols. This comprehensive resource includes protocols that cover 95% of the most common adult complaints. Look here for triage guidelines ranging from everyday problems such as back pain, insect bites, and sunburn to more serious conditions such as breathing difficulty, seizures, and wound care. KEY FEATURES Completely updated and revised 6 new protocols—Anxiety and Panic Attack, Breast Symptoms, Coronavirus (COVID-19), Flank Pain, Hip Pain, and Shoulder Pain Triage guidance updated to include video visit options
Insight Editions Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future
J Ross Publishing Foundations of Investment Management: Mastering Financial Markets, Asset Classes, and Investment Strategies
Reformation Heritage Books God's Battle Plan for the Mind: The Puritan Practice of Biblical Meditation
Brookes Publishing Co Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies for Transition
Packed with down-to-earth, immediately useful transition strategies, this book has the evidence-based guidance readers need to help students with moderate and severe disabilities prepare for every aspect of adult life, from applying for a job to improving social skills.
Arcadia Publishing Marylands Lower Susquehanna River Valley Where the River Meets the Bay American Chronicles History Press