Search results for ""Author David"
Michaels Vertrieb Das Buch der AntiGravitation Albert Einstein Nikola Tesla T Townsend Brown Gravitationskontrolle UFOs VortexTechnologie ElektroGravitationsantrieb
Humboldt Verlag Das große Kochbuch gegen Rheuma
Redline Die nächsten fünf Schritte
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Walden oder Leben in den Wldern
Christliche Verlagsges. Vom Bekenntnis zur Praxis
Humboldt Verlag Das groe GichtKochbuch ber 120 Rezepte fr die ganze Familie mit Nhrwert und Harnsureangaben Die wichtigsten Ernhrungsgrundstze bei Gicht
Stiebner Verlag GmbH Hemd Design Das groe Ideenbuch Technik Design Muster
Trias LowCarbAmpel
FISCHER Sauerländer Zurück in die Wildnis
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Das Vaterunser
Grin Publishing Richtig essen und trinken bei erhhten Blutfettwerten erhhtem Cholesterin Ernhrungstherapie bei erhhtem Cholesterinspiegel
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Spirou und Fantasio Gesamtausgabe 17 20042008
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Realität
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Kongo Eine Geschichte
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Business Skills B1B2 English for Telephoning Kursbuch mit CD
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Schrecklich amsant aber in Zukunft ohne mich
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Die Kosmonauten
Goldmann Verlag Von der Pflicht Eine Betrachtung
Trias DiabetesAmpel
C.H. Beck Die Kunst als Mittelpunkt der Welt
Reclam Philipp Jun. Vom Wandern Was bedeutet das alles
Schaap, Till Edition SWISS AMBULANCE
Rutgers University Press Whitewashing the Movies: Asian Erasure and White Subjectivity in U.S. Film Culture
Whitewashing the Movies addresses the popular practice of excluding Asian actors from playing Asian characters in film. Media activists and critics have denounced contemporary decisions to cast White actors to play Asians and Asian Americans in movies such as Ghost in the Shell and Aloha. The purpose of this book is to apply the concept of “whitewashing” in stories that privilege White identities at the expense of Asian/American stories and characters. To understand whitewashing across various contexts, the book analyzes films produced in Hollywood, Asian American independent production, and US-China co-productions. Through the analysis, the book examines the ways in which whitewashing matters in the project of Whiteness and White racial hegemony. The book contributes to contemporary understanding of mediated representations of race by theorizing whitewashing, contributing to studies of Whiteness in media studies, and producing a counter-imagination of Asian/American representation in Asian-centered stories.
Adventures Unlimited Press Vril
Biggerpockets Publishing, LLC Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat: The Brrrr Rental Property Investment Strategy Made Simple
CavanKerry Press A Half–Life
A poetry collection centered on the Korean American experience. The term “half-life” is used to describe radioactive decay, pharmaceutical drugs, rocks, the atoms of our human bodies, and even technological products. Using this idea as a starting point, A Half-Life provides a rare glimpse into the Korean American experience. The poems utilize the literal metaphor of the highway as the intersecting point of America, Asia, and the globe, to reflect on the emotional and physical journeys many Asian Americans take. From Chicago to Seattle, from the biographical to the fictional, from current times to the Korean and Vietnam wars, A Half-Life covers the joy and pain, the probable and improbable, the individual and communal—the cultural histories we all share.
CavanKerry Press Night Sessions
Sparsile Books Ltd A Fool's Pilgrimage: It's never too late to come of age
5M Books Ltd The Veterinary Book for Sheep Farmers
This is a practical manual focusing principally on the needs of sheep farmers and shepherds in the United Kingdom but covering material applicable to sheep-farming situations worldwide. It should also be invaluable to agricultural and veterinary students as well as to veterinary surgeons in general practice who treat sheep only occasionally. Major headings are: Health and disease; preparation for mating; manipulation of breeding; management during pregnancy; abortion; other diseases encountered during pregnancy; lambing time; care and welfare of newborn lambs; diseases of newborn lambs; pneumonia and other respiratory diseases; trace elements, minerals, vitamoins and water; internal parasites; skin parasites of sheep; skin, eye and gum conditions; foot lameness; poisons and radioactivity.
Scottish Text Society Alexander Montgomerie: Poems: Volume II: Notes
Publishedby Boydell & Brewer Inc.
AWSNA Publications The Wonders of Waldorf Chemistry: From a Teacher's Notebook, Grades 7-9
This practical book contains a complete curriculum for chemistry for Classes 7 to 9 in Steiner-Waldorf schools.There are descriptions of demonstrations, experiments, and clear step-by-step procedures for the class teacher.The book also includes twenty-five short biographies of important scientists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Industrial Policy and Competitive Advantage
The emergence of industrial policy as a central issue among not just policy makers but the intellectual community as well reflects not only concerns about the international competitiveness of firms and nations but also unemployment and growth. Scholarship on industrial policy has been scattered across a wide range of disciplines and subjects, rendering it difficult to grasp the state of knowledge on the subject. The purpose of this three volume series is to provide the classic articles forming the building blocks of scholarship on industrial policy and present them in an integrated framework. These classic contributions span a number of subjects within economics, such as international trade, industrial economics, labour economics, economic development and technological change, as well as a number of different academic disciplines, including political science, sociology, international relations, and international management. The first volume focuses on The Mandate for Industrial Policy, the second on Instruments and Targets, and the third on Industry and Country Studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An International Directory of Business Historians
This unique directory presents - for the first time - comprehensive, up-to-date information on over 700 business historians from 27 countries. Compiled from material provided by the business historians themselves, An International Directory of Business Historians contains entries giving pertinent biographical data and a select bibliography together with a description of the business historian's main area of work. The main listing in the book is alphabetic by business historian's surname, and the information is fully indexed by country and subject specialization, so that searching, particularly on subject specialization, is made easy.This important book is an essential resource for all those with an interest in business history whether as teachers, researchers, consultants, analysts or planners for institutions of higher education, business or government.
Acclaimed articles which explore eight fundamental concepts in international political economy - including power/hegemony, interdependence, regimes, mercantilism, economic statecraft, development/dependency, and imperialism - are reprinted in this important two volume set. Scholarly debates on the use of these concepts, as well as discussion of their evolution, are also featured.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Economic Policy in the 1990s
Understanding Macroeconomics provides short non-technical summaries of important areas of economics, especially those where the alternative literature is either not easily accessible or else highly specialized. An important objective of the book is to provide an analysis of current economic policy. It successfully demonstrates that simple economic analysis can be brought to bear lucidly and penetratingly on economic problems. The result is a book which, for its concise and authoritative survey of major areas, will be an essential purchase for school and college economics teachers and their libraries. It will also prove invaluable to university and polytechnic students of economics seeking an introduction to the application of economic theory to the major problems facing economists today.
Whittles Publishing The Grey Wolves of Eriboll
The surrender of the German U-boat fleet at the end of World War II was perhaps the principal event in the war's endgame which signified to the British people that peace really had arrived. This revised, updated and expanded new edition gives career details of not only the 33 commanders who accompanied their boats to Loch Eriboll but also of a further 23 previous commanders of those U-boats, including four who might be considered 'Aces' because of the damage they inflicted, sinking and disabling Allied shipping. The book also features an analysis of the Allied naval operation under which the surrendering U-boats were assembled in Scotland and Northern Ireland; asks who first contacted those U-boats after the capitulation - armed British trawlers, frigates of the Allied navies or aircraft of the Royal Air Force; and discloses how U-boats spared destruction were distributed to the navies of the USA, France, USSR and the Royal Navy. Also revealed are more unpublished recollections of British and German naval personnel present at the Loch Eriboll surrenders and how 116 surviving U-boats came to be sunk in the waters of the Western Approaches in the winter of 1945/46.The Grey Wolves of Eriboll includes a wealth of historical insights including the German Surrender Document; detailed descriptions of the construction, service careers and circumstances of each surrendered U-boat; details of the frigates that supervised the surrenders, contemporary newspaper reports and descriptions of the naval Operations Pledge, Commonwealth, Cabal, Thankful and Deadlight, each of which involved Eriboll U-boats. The mysteries surrounding Hitler's yacht and the alleged 'Norwegian Royal Yacht' (which did not exist at the time) are also explored. The pivotal role played by Loch Eriboll in ending the U-boat menace is little-known and lesser celebrated - this book rights that wrong.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd A Short History of Modern Angola
This book begins in 1820 with the Portuguese attempt to create a third, African, empire after the virtual loss of Asia and America. In the nineteenth century the most valuable resource extracted from Angola was agricultural labour, first as privately owned slaves and later as conscript workers. The colony was managed by a few marine officers, by several hundred white political convicts, and by a couple of thousand black Angolans who had adopted Portuguese language and culture. The hub was the harbour city of Luanda which grew in the twentieth century to be a dynamic metropolis of several million people. The export of labour was gradually replaced when an agrarian revolution enabled white Portuguese immigrants to drive black Angolan labourers to produce sugar-cane, cotton, maize and above all coffee. During the twentieth century this wealth was supplemented by Congo copper, by gem-quality diamonds, and by off-shore oil. Although much of the countryside retained its dollar-a-day peasant economy, new wealth generated conflict which pitted white against black, north against south, coast against highland, American allies against Russian allies.The generation of warfare finally ended in 2002 when national reconstruction could begin on Portuguese colonial foundations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Development Studies
The Elgar Companion to Development Studies is an innovative and unique reference book that includes original contributions covering development economics as well as development studies broadly defined. This major new Companion brings together an international panel of experts from varying backgrounds who discuss theoretical, ethical and practical issues relating to economic, social, cultural, institutional, political and human aspects of development in poor countries. It also includes a selection of intellectual biographies of leading development thinkers. While the Companion is organised along the lines of an encyclopaedia, each of its 136 entries provide more depth and discussion than the average reference book. Its entries are also extremely diverse: they draw on different social science disciplines, incorporate various mixes of theoretical and applied work, embrace a variety of methodologies and represent different views of the world. The Elgar Companion to Development Studies will therefore appeal to students, scholars, researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the filed of development as well as the interested layman.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intervention in Mental Health-Substance Use
The Mental Health-Substance Use series provides clear guidance for professionals on this complex and increasingly recognised field. It concentrates on the concerns, dilemmas and concepts that impact on the life and well-being of affected individuals and those close to them, and the future direction of practice, education, research, services, intervention, and treatment. Mental health-substance use is a complex and varied phenomenon, and this volume stresses an appreciation that interventions that work for one individual or family may prove ineffective for another. It therefore explores the needs of individuals and carers, the nature of the therapeutic relationship, and the theory and application of a variety of interventional techniques; these include group therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), brief interventions and many more. The volumes in this series are designed to challenge concepts and stimulate debate, exploring all aspects of the development in treatment, intervention and care response, and the adoption of research-led best practice. They are essential reading for mental health and substance use professionals, students and educators.
John Hunt Publishing Daylight Saving Time
Collective Ink Elijah the Bodhisattva: An Interspiritual Exploration
This is an interspiritual commentary -- largely though not exclusively Buddhist-inspired -- on the life of Elijah as recounted in the Bible. It treats the externals of his life as metaphors for internal mind-states, his story as a labyrinth-like journey toward enlightenment, an unfolding realization of the non-duality of himself and God. Elijah begins with a henotheistic conception of God as a national deity connected to the land of Israel and progresses to a realization of God as the ground of being, being-itself, the God of those who struggle with God, which is the deeper meaning of the name Israel. While the inner dimension is emphasized, there is also a focus on the political dimension of the story, which liberation theologians call God’s preferential option for the poor, and here it is called the politics of anatta -- the core Buddhist principle of not-self.
Collective Ink Primacy of Loving, The: The Spirituality of The Heart
When love is lost within a family, catastrophic consequences follow. That is not just for the parents, but for the children, too, and society at large. When the God-given love that Jesus Christ introduced into the first Christian family was lost, similar consequences ensued. Loveless men and women not only do damage to themselves, but to others, too - inside and outside of the Church. This last spiritual and supreme masterpiece of a great spiritual master explains and details how the love that was lost can be put back and flourish where it once flourished before. This book is the long-awaited watershed that can slake the thirst of the dry weary land that has been yearning to receive it.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An Introduction to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Understanding the New NAFTA
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), a modified and modernized version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), will continue to govern most economic relationships in North America, including the more than $1.3 trillion in annual regional trade in goods and services, for the foreseeable future. USMCA preserves the bulk of the NAFTA structures that permit North American manufacturers to compete effectively with their European and Asian counterparts in North American and foreign markets. Once in effect, USMCA should largely resolve the chilling effect on investment and new hiring generated by three years of uncertainty over NAFTA's future. This book provides a detailed analysis and critique of the provisions of the USMCA and the USMCA's relation to NAFTA. It is designed to assist lawyers and non-lawyers alike, including law, economics and public policy scholars, business professionals and governmental officials who require an understanding of one of the worlds' most economically and politically significant regional trade agreements.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Cybersecurity Law
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business, and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This succinct Advanced Introduction delivers insights into the pressing technological, political, and legal challenges of cybersecurity. Exploring cybersecurity threats on both a national and global scale, it provides guidance on how countries use domestic and international law to counter crime, terrorism, espionage, and armed conflict in cyberspace. Key features: Centres cybersecurity law within the internet as a technology, cyberspace as a political and governance space, and transformations in international relations over the past twenty years Tracks how the development of policies on responding to different cyber threats, improving cyber defences, and increasing cyber deterrence affects the use and effectiveness of cybersecurity law Analyses whether the ongoing evolution of cyber threats changes, or should change, how countries apply domestic and international law to counter cybersecurity challenges concerning crime, terrorism, espionage, and armed conflict This Advanced Introduction is an invaluable resource for researchers and students of law, public policy, and international relations focusing on how digital technologies, the internet, and cyberspace affect world affairs. It also serves as an accessible entry point for government, corporate, and NGO staff concerned with cybersecurity law.
Edward Elgar Rethinking Rural Studies
Salt Publishing Cracked Skull Cinema
Poetry Wales: Poetry Books of 2019Cracked Skull Cinema offers poems on culture and society, colonialism and its legacies, media and power. Set between these are homages and reflections on middle age, on life’s loves and losses.