Search results for ""Author David"
Biggerpockets Publishing, LLC Pillars of Wealth: How to Make, Save, and Invest Your Money to Achieve Financial Freedom
Messianic Jewish Publishers Nuevo Testamento Judio-FL
Peter Halban Publishers Ltd Final Stop, Algiers
When a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv violently disrupts his life, Mickey Simhoni abandons his plans to become an artist and instead allows himself to be recruited into the Mossad. Slowly, he learns the art of spycraft the and painstaking process of building a cover, becoming someone else whom he resembles, who is presumed dead.His cover story takes him to Toronto where he meets and earlier flame -- Niki, a girl he had hooked up with in Tokyo a decade earlier. Mickey is torn between loyalty to the Mossad and his intense feelings for Niki -- which the ever-resourceful Niki partially resolves with an unusual decision.But still Mickey's dilemma persists, as he oscillates between duty and love, his complex operations in the Mossad threatening to kill their love. When his final operation in Algiers goes badly wrong, the rage and hatred engendered, and the utter humiliation visited on then, leads to a traumatic conclusion.
Jingo Wobbly Euro Guides Fontainebleau Top Secret: Font Bloc: Volume 2
Fontainebleau is the world centre for boulder style climbing, with thousands of boulders scattered throughout the majestic forest. This 2nd volume covers all of the quieter areas that are 'deep' in the forest (TOP SECRET), hidden from the crowded hotspots. The climbing in these areas is stunning, with over 130 classic circuits that comprise of 5000+ problems. The beautifully clear graphics and 1400+ photo topos, also allows for an additional 4000+ off circuit problems to be included. This book gives an exceptional level of detail with problem styles, heights, and even crash pad ratings. * 9000+ climbing routes - 60 venues - beginner to expert* 130+ quiet circuits away from the crowds, covering all standards* Ultra modern graphics, and 1400+ quality photo topos* Ideal for indoor bouldering gym enthusiasts to explore outside* Bi-lingual guidebook, French and EnglishThis is the second in the series from Jingo Wobbly. Font Bloc Vol 1 - Fun Bloc, covers 7000 problems with 100 circuits. 9781873665152.
Crossway Books There Is No Defeat in the Cross (25-Pack)
Casemate Publishers Witness to Neptune's Inferno: The Pacific War Diary of Lieutenant Commander Lloyd M. Mustin, USS Atlanta (Cl 51)
1942 would prove crucial for the United States in the Pacific following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and a series of setbacks in the Southwest Pacific late in 1941 into 1942. As the first ship commissioned following America’s entry into World War II, the light cruiser USS Atlanta would be thrust into the Pacific fight, joining the fleet in time for the pivotal battle of Midway and on to the Guadalcanal campaign in the Southwest Pacific. Embarked was an exceptionally astute observer - Lieutenant Commander Lloyd M. Mustin - who faithfully recorded his thoughts on the conflict in a standard canvas-covered logbook.Diaries were not supposed to be kept by those serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II and for good reason—if recovered by the Japanese they would likely have revealed that the Japanese code had been broken prior to the battle of Midway. Thus Mustin’s diary is a rare day-to-day accounting of the Pacific from a very opinionated mid-grade officer.Beginning with the commissioning of the light cruiser Atlanta at the Brooklyn Navy Yard on Christmas Eve 1941, Mustin covers the ship’s workups and her deployment to the Pacific in time for the Battle of Midway. It’s then on to the Southwest Pacific where the ship first engages enemy aircraft at the battle of the Eastern Solomons in late August 1942. His final entry covers the battle of Santa Cruz in late October 1942. The story is completed by an account of the battle of Guadalcanal and beyond, drawing upon Mustin’s oral history.This is a valuable document, fully interpreted to provide a better understanding of the Pacific War during that critical year.
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism
Baker Publishing Group Early North African Christianity – Turning Points in the Development of the Church
An internationally recognized scholar highlights the important role the North African church played in the development of Christian thought. This accessible introduction brings Africa back to the center of the study of Christian history by focusing on key figures and events that influenced the history and trajectory of Christianity as a whole. Written and designed for the classroom, the book zeroes in on five turning points to show how North African believers significantly shaped Christian theology, identity, and practice in ways that directly impact the church today.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy
This new edition was recognized as a highly commended title by the British Medical Association at the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards . Regarded by both students and instructors, Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, 4th Edition , offers an integrated mechanism-based and systems-based approach to contemporary pharmacology and drug development. An easy-to-follow format helps first- and second-year students grasp challenging concepts quickly and efficiently. Each chapter presents a clinical vignette illustrating a therapeutic problem within a physiologic or biochemical system; followed by a discussion of the biochemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology of the system; and concluding with a presentation of the pharmacology of the drugs and drug classes that activate or inhibit the system by interacting with specific molecular and cellular targets. Chapters are integrated into sections that focus on organ systems and therapeutic areas of highest importance. Clear, concise illustrations highlight key points, and drug summary tables offer quick access to essential information.The Fourth Edition features: Comprehensive updates to all chapters, including recently approved drugs Nearly 40 popular and practical Drug Summary Tables with state-of-the-art information on clinical applications, serious and common adverse effects, contraindications, and therapeutic considerations A new chapter on drug transporters , and extensively revised information on drug-receptor interactions, pharmacodynamics, drug toxicity, and pharmacogenomics Key changes to Section 1: Fundamental Principles of Pharmacology, which now provides a comprehensive framework for material in all subsequent chapters Hundreds of meticulously updated and colorized illustrations , including many that are new or substantially modified to highlight new understanding of physiologic, pathophysiologic, and pharmacologic mechanisms
University of Nebraska Press A Different Trek: Radical Geographies of Deep Space Nine
A different kind of Star Trek television series debuted in 1993. Deep Space Nine was set not on a starship but a space station near a postcolonial planet still reeling from a genocidal occupation. The crew was led by a reluctant Black American commander and an extraterrestrial first officer who had until recently been an anticolonial revolutionary. DS9 extended Star Trek’s tradition of critical social commentary but did so by transgressing many of Star Trek’s previous taboos, including religion, money, eugenics, and interpersonal conflict. DS9 imagined a twenty-fourth century that was less a glitzy utopia than a critical mirror of contemporary U.S. racism, capitalism, imperialism, and heteropatriarchy. Thirty years after its premiere, DS9 is beloved by critics and fans but remains marginalized in scholarly studies of science fiction. Drawing on cultural geography, Black studies, and feminist and queer studies, A Different “Trek” is the first scholarly monograph dedicated to a critical interpretation of DS9’s allegorical world-building. If DS9 has been vindicated aesthetically, this book argues that its prophetic, place-based critiques of 1990s U.S. politics, which deepened the foundations of many of our current crises, have been vindicated politically, to a degree most scholars and even many fans have yet to fully appreciate.
Simon & Schuster Builder Bugs
Crossway Books God and Galileo
Using excerpts from a letter written by famed astronomer Galileo in 1615, two modern-day astronomers explore the relationship between science and faith, arguing that our notion of ultimate truth must include both the physical and spiritual domains.
Crossway Books Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry (Paperback Edition)
Recognizing the widespread struggles facing pastors today, Tripp exposes and exhorts the cultures that train and support our church leaders so that they can lead well and our churches can be healthy.
Simon & Schuster Bedtime Bugs
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions
Through a series of multidisciplinary readings, Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions contextualizes environmental ethics within the history of Western intellectual tradition and traces the development of theory since the 1970s. Includes an extended introduction that provides an historical and thematic introduction to the field of environmental ethics Features a selection of brief original essays on why to study environmental ethics by leaders in the field Contextualizes environmental ethics within the history of the Western intellectual tradition by exploring anthropocentric (human-centered) and nonanthropocentric precedents Offers an interdisciplinary approach to the field by featuring seminal work from eminent philosophers, biologists, ecologists, historians, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, nature writers, business writers, and others Designed to be used with a web-site which contains a continuously updated archive of case
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Sustainable Energy - without the hot air
Addressing the sustainable energy crisis in an objective manner, this enlightening book analyzes the relevant numbers and organizes a plan for change on both a personal level and an international scale--for Europe, the United States, and the world. In case study format, this informative reference answers questions surrounding nuclear energy, the potential of sustainable fossil fuels, and the possibilities of sharing renewable power with foreign countries. While underlining the difficulty of minimizing consumption, the tone remains positive as it debunks misinformation and clearly explains the calculations of expenditure per person to encourage people to make individual changes that will benefit the world at large. If you've thrown your hands up in despair thinking no solution is possible, then read this book - it's an honest, realistic, and humorous discussion of all our energy options.
Marquette University Press Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
This study aims to call attention to the contemporary significance of Catholic Social Teaching and to investigate what is meant by a number of central ideas that regularly surface in these essays.
Stanford University Press The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks
This book tells the story of the Dönme, the descendents of Jews who resided in the Ottoman Empire and converted to Islam along with their messiah, Rabbi Shabbatai Tzevi, in the seventeenth century. For two centuries following their conversion, the Dönme were accepted as Muslims, and by the end of the nineteenth century rose to the top of Salonikan society. The Dönme helped transform Salonika into a cosmopolitan city, promoting the newest innovation in trade and finance, urban reform, and modern education. They eventually became the driving force behind the 1908 revolution that led to the overthrow of the Ottoman sultan and the establishment of a secular republic. To their proponents, the Dönme are enlightened secularists and Turkish nationalists who fought against the dark forces of superstition and religious obscurantism. To their opponents, they were simply crypto-Jews engaged in a plot to dissolve the Islamic empire. Both points of view assume the Dönme were anti-religious, whether couched as critique or praise. But it is time that we take these religious people seriously on their own terms. In the Ottoman Empire, the Dönme promoted morality, ethics, spirituality, and a syncretistic religion that reflected their origins at the intersection of Jewish Kabbalah and Islamic Sufism. This is the first book to tell their story, from their origins to their near total dissolution as they became secular Turks in the mid-twentieth century.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Head Dress of the British Heavy Cavalry: Dragoon Guards, Household, and Yeomanry Cavalry 1842-1922
Here for the first time ever, is a book dedicated to the head-dress worn by the British Heavy Cavalry, both regular, and volunteer of the period 1842 to the present day. It is lavishly illustrated with both colour and black and white photographs of helmets, most of which have never previously been published, together with contemporary black and white photographs of officers in full dress uniform. Each pattern of helmet is fully described, including the type of materials and metal used, the number of component parts, and method of construction for both the officers, and the other ranks pattern of helmet. The head-dress includes the three Household Cavalry regiments from the c. 1842, the seven regiments of Dragoon Guards, and three of Dragoons from 1847, and some twenty-seven regiments of yeomanry from c. 1848 to 1914. Additionally there is a brief description of the pattern of helmet worn by many of these regiments prior to 1842/47, a 'thumbnail' description of the full dress uniform worn, together with the address of the Regimental Headquarters of each yeomanry regiment as at 1914. This book is an essential source of reference for both the established, and new collectors of heavy cavalry head-dress of both the regular cavalry and the yeomanry regiments, and to the student of cavalry full dress uniforms of the period c. 1850 to 1914.
Simon And Schuster Group USA The Elements of PopUp
Penguin Putnam Inc Status And Culture: How Our Desire for Social Rank Creates Taste, Identity, Art, Fashion, and Constant Change
Farrar, Straus and Giroux The Monster Show
Random House USA Inc The Annotated Pride and Prejudice
MIT Press Person Thing Robot
MIT Press Artificial Intelligence
The first text to take a systems engineering approach to artificial intelligence (AI), from architecture principles to the development and deployment of AI capabilities.Most books on artificial intelligence (AI) focus on a single functional building block, such as machine learning or human-machine teaming. Artificial Intelligence takes a more holistic approach, addressing AI from the view of systems engineering. The book centers on the people-process-technology triad that is critical to successful development of AI products and services. Development starts with an AI design, based on the AI system architecture, and culminates with successful deployment of the AI capabilities. Directed toward AI developers and operational users, this accessibly written volume of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series can also serve as a text for undergraduate seniors and graduate-level students and as a reference book. Key features:In-depth look at mod
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Groups, Rings and Fields
This is a basic introduction to modern algebra, providing a solid understanding of the axiomatic treatment of groups and then rings, aiming to promote a feeling for the evolutionary and historical development of the subject. It includes problems and fully worked solutions, enabling readers to master the subject rather than simply observing it.
Parthian Books A Wilder Wales: Travellers’ Tales 1610-1831
A Wilder Wales highlights the astonishing transformation of Wales from a poor rural backwater to the crucible of the industrial revolution and offers readers an insight into the ways in which outsiders viewed the land and its people. A fine gift book for discerning travellers and tourists wanting to take words from Wales home. “Even Hannibal himself wou’d have found it impossible to have march’d his army over Snowden” Daniel de Foe, A tour thro’ the whole island of Great Britain... 1724
Caffeine Nights Publishing Before They Die
BackPage Press Limited The Responsibility of Love
A witty, sexy, intelligent and moving novel set against the foreground of a short-listed writer's bizarre dash across London to attend a literary prize-giving ceremony. Taking place across decades, across London and across America, this novel asks the question - are we forever responsible for those we have tamed?
Old Street Publishing I Am Spain
American Meteorological Society Eloquent Science – A Practical Guide to Becoming a Better Writer, Speaker and Scientist
"Eloquent Science" evolved from a workshop aimed at offering atmospheric science students formal guidance in communications, tailored for their eventual scientific careers. Drawing on advice from over twenty books and hundreds of other sources, this volume presents informative and often humorous tips for writing scientific journal articles, while also providing a peek behind the curtain into the operations of editorial boards and publishers of major journals. The volume focuses on writing, reviewing, and speaking and is aimed at the domain of the student or scientist at the start of her career. The volume offers tips on poster presentations, media communication, and advice for non-native speakers of English, as well as appendices on proper punctuation usage and commonly misunderstood meteorological concepts. A further reading section at the end of each chapter suggests additional sources for the interested reader, and sidebars written by experts in the field offer diverse viewpoints on reference topics.
Reardon Publishing Nimrod Illustrated: Pictures from Lieutenant Shackleton's British Antarctic Expedition
To celebrate the centenary of one of the most exciting expeditions of the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration comes "Nimrod Illustrated". The book is a remarkable collage of expedition photographs, paintings and ephemera in a deliberate reminiscence of the expedition scrapbooks kept by so many of the expedition participants at the time. Many of the images are rarely seen, if ever before published, whilst others are better known.Together with quotations from the diaries of expedition participants, they tell the story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909 which saw the first use of ponies and motor cars in the Antarctic; achieved the first ascent of Mount Erebus; achieved the first attainment of the South Magnetic Pole; and, took Shackleton within 100 miles of the South Geographic Pole to attain a dramatic new 'Farthest South' record. This was the expedition that made Shackleton's name as an explorer and for which he was awarded his knighthood. Edited by Dr. D. M. Wilson, "Nimrod Illustrated" is a treat for anyone interested in Shackleton, the Antarctic, polar exploration or the atmosphere of the Edwardian age. It is a part of the well regarded series commenced with "Discovery Illustrated: Pictures from Captain Scott's First Antarctic Expedition" (2001).
New Island Books Face Down: The Disappearance of Thomas Niedermayer
Telos Publishing Ltd The Who Adventures: The Art and History of Virgin Publishing's Doctor Who Fiction
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Appointed to Preach: Assessing a Call to Ministry
Why does Ordination matter?If you have a call to ministry how do you know - and if so, how are you assessed? In an age that fears to contradict personal feelings and emotive persuasion here is a resource that clarifies the matter.Topics covered: The appointment of God's man The affirmation of God's people The man God appoints Character and desire Message and gifts The process of ordination Preparing for ordination The ordination council
Andrews UK Limited Tales from Soho
Andrews UK Limited A Deadly Diversion
Andrews UK Limited Terra Nova
Conclave Publishing LLC Weaponforger
Sourcebooks, Inc Shadows of Berlin: A Novel
1955 New York City, the city of progress. But in the Perlman residence, the past is as close as the present. Rachel Perlman, a child of Berlin and an artist bearing her mother's legacy, arrives in New York as part of the wave of Jewish displaced persons who managed to survive the brutalities of the war.But despite her efforts, Rachel is unable to live the ""normal"" life of an American housewife until she can shake the ghosts of her past and the tremendous guilt that weighs down on her: the ""crime"" of survival.
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Undying Spirit
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Chrystal Blue Eyes: The Last Reindeer
Little, Brown Book Group Controlling Your Mind: A Workbook for Depression, Anxiety and Obsessions
Stop disruptive, negative thoughts at their root with a new method of mental control from one of the most distinguished figures in the field of CBTOur mind is always active, capable of generating free-floating thoughts that are entirely disconnected from each other and may have little relevance to our current situation. Sometimes these thoughts take on a darker, more negative tone because they're triggered by a stressful or problematic situation. These unwanted intrusive thoughts play an important role in the persistence and severity of anxiety and depression. They often trigger other forms of distressing thought such as obsessive thinking, worry, rumination or pathological guilt. Based on new findings on the nature of mental control, this book targets negative, intrusive thoughts with therapeutic strategies based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). You will learn:· How our minds become unsettled by doubts and unwanted thoughts· Strategies for developing greater willpower and self-control· Control skills for self-discovery, mental de-toxification and mindful self-acceptance· Way to maximise positive intrusions and be mindfully accepting of yourselfPublished by New Harbinger in the USA under the title The Anxious Thoughts Workbook: Skills to Overcome the Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts that Drive Anxiety, Obsessions and Depression
SAGE Publications Inc Energizing Brain Breaks
The fastest way to keep your students engaged It′s an all too familiar sight: that glazed look in your students′ eyes. They′ve been sitting or listening for too long. What they need is an Energizing Brain Break—a quick physical and mental challenge that′s like hitting the refresh button on your computer, but for your students. This practical full-color flip book contains 50 highly effective, classroom-tested brain breaks that you can put to immediate use across the grades. No preparation or supplies are required; just one to two minutes of your time when you see a need. You′ll find pictures, directions, and online videos for activities such as: Slap Count Letters: students alternate slapping each other′s hands while spelling a word Rock, Paper, Scissors, Math: partners reveal a certain number of fingers to each other, and the first person to add them together wins Bizz-Buzz: groups of students count from 1 to 40 using a combination of numbers and words There′s no better way to help students remain sharp and alert, reenergized to take on the next task of learning!
Orion Publishing Co Always Hungry?: Beat cravings and lose weight the healthy way!
ALWAYS HUNGRY? will be both a relief and a revelation to many who struggle with weight. We're not getting fat because we're overeating; we're overeating because we're getting fat. In other words, what makes us constantly hungry, overweight, and undernourished is not a lack of will power, but a biological reaction to our present-day diet and lifestyle. Our fat cells are hoarding the nutrients from the food we eat instead of releasing them into the bloodstream to be used, triggering a starvation response that sets us up for failure: if we eat more, we'll gain weight; if we eat less, we'll slow our metabolism down and (again) gain weight. HELP!ALWAYS HUNGRY shows us how to break out of this cycle that is keeping us overweight. It helps us to: - re-programme our fat cells - tame humger- boost our metabolism- lose weight In a clear, compassionate, and authoritative voice, Dr Ludwig debunks the calorie myth that losing weight is simply a matter of eating less. He explains the science and the research behind our epidemic of overweightness and presents a detailed, highly structured plan to help us conquer the cravings.
Austin Macauley Publishers Simone's Choice: The true story of a man's pursuit of love in the digital world