Search results for ""author ross"
Kensington Publishing Silver Bells
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose-Leaf Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications
Bookshots Kisses at Midnight
DC Comics Wonder Woman: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2
Classic Wonder Woman stories from the Silver Age collected together in stunning hardcover!Fans of the Amazon warrior won't want to miss this brilliant collection of 1960's comics. Picking up where Wonder Woman: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1 leaves off, this collection includes Wonder Woman #124-149!
Hodder Education AQA A-level PE (Year 1 and Year 2)
Boost confidence with our all-in-one textbook for AQA A-level Physical Education. This updated and accessible textbook combines Year 1 and Year 2 content with brand new assessment preparation to provide detailed support for both the academic and practical elements of the course. This book:- Develops conceptual understanding with thorough coverage of topics on the AQA A-level specification together in one book- Includes updates to 'end of chapter practice' questions and assessment preparation- Contains summaries, diagrams and key questions to direct thinking and aid revision- Stretches, challenges and encourages independent thinking and a deeper understanding through extension questions, stimulus material and suggestions for further reading- Features definitions of key terms to aid and consolidate understanding of technical vocabulary and concepts- Builds sound knowledge and understanding, analysis, evaluation and application skills through activitiesThis Student Book has been approved by AQA
University of Toronto Press Female Doctors in Canada: Experience and Culture
Female Doctors in Canada is an accessible collection of articles by experienced physicians and researchers exploring how systems, practices, and individuals must change as medicine becomes an increasingly female-dominated profession. As the ratio of practicing physicians shifts from predominately male to predominately female, issues such as work hours, caregiving, and doctor-patient relationships will all be affected. Canada's medical education is based on a system that has always been designed by and for men; this is also true of our healthcare systems, influencing how women practice, what type of medicine they choose to practice, and how they wish to balance their personal lives with their work. With the intent to open a larger conversation, Female Doctors in Canada reconsiders medical education, health systems, and expectations, in light of the changing face of medicine. Highlighting the particular experience of women working in the medical profession, the editors trace the history of female practitioners, while also providing a perspective on the contemporary struggles women face as they navigate a system that was tailored to the male experience, and is yet to be modified.
Little, Brown & Company No Justice: One White Police Officer, One Black Family, and How One Bullet Ripped Us Apart
NO JUSTICE tells the story of a young black man, Robbie Tolan, who was gunned down on his parents' front lawn simply because a white officer failed to follow procedure. And it almost cost him his life.ROBBIE TOLAN, son of 14-year Major League Veteran Bobby Tolan, was a baseball standout at Bellaire High School in Houston, TX. Signing with the Washington Nationals, with dreams of following in his father's footsteps, Robbie's life was destroyed because white Bellaire police officers falsely suspected him of driving a stolen car. Innocent, and instead of being given a chance to defend himself, Robbie was shot inches from his heart in front of his pleading mother and father. Despite the unlikely chances of survival, and grim expectations by doctors, Robbie beat all the odds. He survived the shooting, but his dreams of a major league career did not. The bullet remains in his back as a reminder of the racial profiling that nearly cost him his life. That night transformed a tragedy into a call of justice; not only for Robbie but for the other black men and women being targeted by white police officers who have not had the same outcome. They have been killed over simple excuses, whether jaywalking by Michael Brown, or making an illegal lane change with Sandra Bland. Robbie Tolan's story emphasizes that that it doesn't end with the police encounter. Robbie's hope with this book is to help keep the dialogue alive to find a way to stop police from reaching for their guns when they're not 100 percent certain of the criminal, the crime, or the threat. NO JUSTICE is a poignant, gripping book that sits squarely in the crosshairs of race, police violence, racial profiling, and the ongoing discussion about why African Americans are disproportionately affected by violent police interactions. Finally, a black victim of police violence has lived to speak for those who were killed. And Robbie has something important to say. His case was a precedent setting. It was the first Supreme Court ruling on a race since Brown vs. Board of Education, and thousands of cases have now been heard because of this ruling. The bullet that did not kill him will create justice for others.
Edinburgh University Press Christianity in East and Southeast Asia
Taking the analysis of worldwide Christianity to a deeper level of detail, this volume focuses on Christianity in East and Southeast Asia, covering every country and offering both reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners.
Edinburgh University Press Christianity in South and Central Asia
This comprehensive reference volume covers every country in South and Central Asia, offering reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Smoking Geographies: Space, Place and Tobacco
Smoking Geographies provides a research-led assessment of the impact of geographical factors on smoking. The contributors uncover how geography can show us not only why people smoke but also broader issues of tobacco control, providing deeper clarity on how smoking and tobacco is ‘governed’. The text centres on one of the most important public health issues worldwide, and a major determinant of preventable mortality and morbidity in developed and developing countries Records the outcomes of a long-term research collaboration that brings a geographical lens to smoking behaviour Uncovers how geography can play a part in understanding not only why people smoke but also broader issues of tobacco control Provides a deeper understanding of how smoking and tobacco is ‘governed’, regarding where people may smoke, but also more subtle governance as a climate is produced in which smoking becomes ‘denormalised’ Brings both quantitative and qualitative perspectives to bear on this major source of mortality and morbidity
Marvel Comics Venom By Donny Cates Vol. 5: Venom Beyond
Running Press,U.S. The Louvre: All The Paintings
The Louvre Museum houses many of the world's most celebrated and important art of all time -- from da Vinci's Mona Lisa to Vermeer's The Lacemaker -- making it also the most visited art museum in the world. The Louvre: All the Paintings allows you to experience every painting currently on display in the permanent collection in Paris, without ever having to step on a plane. Divided and organized into the four main painting collections of the museum -- the Italian School, the Northern School, the Spanish School, and the French School -- the paintings are then presented chronologically by the artists' date of birth. Four hundred of the most iconic and significant paintings are illuminated with 300-word discussions by art historians Anja Grebe and Vincent Pomarède on the key attributes of the work, what to look for when viewing, the artist's inspirations and techniques, biographical information on the artist, the artist's overall impact on history, and more. Immerse yourself in the wonder and dazzling display of the Louvre without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home. Learn more about each artist and painting, and tour the realms of sensational masterpieces with this new paperback edition.
University of California Press Lectura Dantis, Purgatorio
This new critical volume, the second to appear in the three-volume "Lectura Dantis", contains expert, focused commentary on the Purgatorio by thirty-three international scholars, each of whom presents to the nonspecialist reader one of the cantos of the transitional middle cantica of Dante's unique Christian epic. The cast of characters is as colorful as before, although this time most of them are headed for salvation. The canto-by-canto commentary allows each contributor his or her individual voice and results in a deeper, richer awareness of Dante's timeless aspirations and achievements.
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Business Management: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Business Management Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the new CfE Higher Business Management curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the Higher Business Management exam Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Washington and Oregon Animal Tracks
Washington and Oregon abound with many species of animals and this book will help you identify their tracks. Concise descriptions of the animals and their tracks are combined with detailed drawings of the front and back prints, stride patterns and other important identifying aspects. A perfect guide for teachers, parents, hikers and urban adventurers.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Rocky Mountain Animal Tracks
Rocky Mountain Animal Tracks will help you identify tracks of all shapes and sizes, from the Grizzly Bear to the Deer Mouse. This book is perfect for children, teachers, parents, backwoods explorers and naturalists: * Excellent illustrations of the animals * Detailed drawings of fore and hind prints * Stride patterns * Easy track identification * Animal behavior.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Animal Tracks of Illinois
Concise descriptions of the animals and their tracks are combined with detailed drawings of the front and back prints, stride patterns and other important identifying features. Over 52 common animals found in Illinois appear in this compact black and white book. Perfect for hikers, teachers and parents, as well as a reference for children.
Currency Press Pty Ltd The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea: the play
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Collected Works: v. 39: Letters, 1852-55
Part of a definitive English-language edition, prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Moscow, which contains all the works of Marx and Engels, whether published in their lifetimes or since. The series includes their complete correspondence and newly discovered works.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc The Louvre: All The Paintings
A historic publishing event! For the first time ever, all 3,022 paintings from the world's most popular museum are collected into a striking, slipcased book and DVD-ROM set.From the Da Vinci's Mona Lisa to Vermeer's The Lacemaker, the Louvre houses many of the most celebrated and important paintings of all time. The Louvre: All the Paintings allows you to view every painting currently on display in the permanent collection of the museum from your home.Organized and divided into the four main painting collections of the museum-the Italian School, the Northern School, the Spanish School, and the French School-the paintings are then presented chronologically by the artist's date of birth. Four hundred of the most iconic and significant paintings are illuminated with 300-word discussions by art historians Anja Grebe and Vincent Pomarè on the key attributes of the work, what to look for when viewing the painting, the artist's inspirations and techniques, biographical information on the artist, the artist's impact on the history of art, and more.The DVD-ROM is easily browsable by artist, date, school, art historical genre, or location in the Louvre. This last feature allows readers to tour the Louvre and its contents room by room, as if they were actually walking through the building.DVD-ROM System Requirements: DVD-ROM runs on a PC (Windows 2000/XP or later) and MAC (OSX 10.4.8 or later) running the following browser software Internet Explorer 7 or 8; Firefox 3.6 and above; or Safari 5.0 and above.
Bristol University Press Understanding Global Social Policy
With a contemporary overview of global social policy formation, the third edition of this leading textbook identifies key issues, debates and priorities for action in social policy across the Global South and North. Accessible and lively, it incorporates seven new chapters covering theory, social justice, climate, migration, gender, young people and water, energy and food. The original chapters have also been fully updated to reflect major developments in the fast-changing world of global social policy. Key features include: • overview and summary boxes to bookend each chapter; • questions for discussion and follow-up activities; • further reading and resources. Exploring what it means to locate human welfare within a global framework of social policy analysis and action, this textbook offers a perfect guide for curious students.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Encapsulated Voices: Estonian Sound Recordings from the German Prisoner-Of-War Camps in 1916-1918
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
McGraw Hill Education India Loose Leaf for Fundamentals of Solid Modeling and Graphic Communication
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was? Workbook: Grade 2 Language/Reading
It's fun to learn the Who Was? way! Introducing a new series of workbooks that explore language arts topics in Phonics, Writing: Spelling and Grammar, and Vocabulary for curious kids and Who Was? fans alike.Fans of the Who Was? series are sure to love this workbook filled with reading passages based on their favorite historical figures! The interactive writing prompts at the end of each passage make the educational material more engaging, and allow young learners to apply the skills they've been practicing in an exciting, and creative way.This workbook also includes stand-alone activities like crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank word games, and word searches that readers can solve for extra Who Was? fun!With material that aligns with national Common Core Standards and is vetted by a top educational consultant, Who Was? Workbooks are designed to reinforce language arts lessons introduced in the classroom in an accessible way for young learners everywhere.
CABI Publishing Kiwifruit: Botany, Production and Uses
Rudolf Steiner Press Childhood Illnesses and Immunizations: Anthroposophic Ideas to Ensure the Wellbeing of Our Children in This Digital Age
Bristol University Press Gangs, Drugs and Youth Adversity: Continuity and Change
In Glasgow, street gangs have existed for decades, with knife crime becoming a defining feature. More than a decade on from Deuchar’s original fieldwork, this book explores the transitional experiences of some of the young men he worked with, as well as the experiences of today’s young people and the practitioners who work to support them. Through empirical data, policy analysis and contemporary insights, this dynamic book explores the evolving nature of gangs, and the contemporary challenges affecting young people including drug distribution, football-related bigotry and the mental health repercussions emerging from social media.
Hodder Education My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Geography B Second Edition
Target exam success with My Revision Notes. Our updated approach to revision will help students learn, practise and apply their skills and understanding. Coverage of key content is combined with practical study tips and effective revision strategies to create a guide that can be relied on to build both knowledge and confidence. My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Geography B will help students:- Plan and manage revision with our topic-by-topic planner and exam breakdown introduction - Practise and apply skills and knowledge with Exam-style questions and frequent check your understanding questions, and answer guidance online - Build quick recall with bullet- pointed summaries at the end of each chapter - Understand key terms for the exam with user-friendly definitions and a glossary - Avoid common mistakes and enhance exam answers with Examiner tips - Improve subject-specific skills with an Exam skills checkbox at the end of each chapter
Pharmaceutical Press Pharmacy management of long-term medical conditions
Pharmacy Management of Long-term Medical Conditions shows you how you can use your expertise to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people with LTMCs by ensuring they get the best out of their medicines.It contains 17 chapters with each chapter focusing on one of the most prevalent long-term medical conditions that you may encounter day-to-day including an overview, diagnosis, pharmacy input, pharmacy review and management/treatment.Pharmacy Management of Long-term Medical Conditions features useful resources and case studies at the end of each chapter to help bring guidelines to life and into the practice setting.Written by expert pharmacists in their respective fields, it provides practical information that can be easily implemented in practice to make a difference to patient care and outcomes.This book is designed to support primary care pharmacists working in community and GP practice pharmacy
University of California Press Inferno: Lectura Dantis
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1998.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Northern California Animal Tracks
Concise descriptions of the animals and their tracks are combined with detailed drawings of the front and back prints, stride patterns and other important identifying aspects. A perfect guide for teachers, parents, hikers and urban explorers.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Animal Tracks of Arizona & New Mexico
Concise descriptions of the animals and their tracks are combined with detailed drawings of the front and back prints, stride patterns and other important identifying aspects. A perfect guide for teachers, parents, hikers and urban explorers.
McGraw-Hill Education Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications ISE
Lone Pine Media BC Rocky Mountain Nature Guide
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Collected Works: v. 15: 1856-58
Part of a definitive English-language edition, prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Moscow, which contains all the works of Marx and Engels, whether published in their lifetimes or since. The series includes their complete correspondence and newly discovered works.
McGraw-Hill Education Essentials of Corporate Finance ISE
Essentials of Corporate Finance focuses on what undergraduate students with widely varying backgrounds need to carry away from a core course in business or corporate finance. The goal is to convey the most important concepts at a level that is approachable for the widest possible audience. Essentials is written in a relaxed, conversational style that invites the students to join in the learning process rather than being a passive information absorber.Essentials has three basic themes as a central focus: An Emphasis on Intuition: We always try to separate and explain the principles at work on a commonsense, intuitive level before launching into any specifics. A Unified Valuation Approach: We treat net present value (NPV) as the basic concept underlying corporate finance. A Managerial Focus: Students shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that financial management concerns management. We emphasize the role of the financial manager as decision-maker, and we stress the need for managerial input and judgment.
Pearson Education Limited Metro pour L'Ecosse Rouge Student Book
Metro pour L'Ecosse covers the Scottish curriculum at S3 and S4, taking into account the requirements for Standard Grade and Intermediate Levels 1 and 2. It follows on from Metro 1 and 2 but can be used as a stand-alone course. It is a clearly structured course that focuses strongly on grammar and gives students plenty of opportunities for practice and revision throughout, to help them face the exams with total confidence. This Rouge book is for General/Credit/Intermediate 2. It includes grammatical progression and clear explanations for pupils; optional primer sections ("Deja vu") at the start of each chaper which revise earlier material; opportunities to practise all four skills; and special sections which focus on key areas such as extended writing and speaking practice.
Cato Institute Critics of State Education: A Reader
The relation between school and state in American liberal thought has a checkered past. Many traditional heroes of American individualism, such as Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, upheld some role for government in education. Others, however, feared the consequences of placing control of education in the hands of a single group and supported the separation of school and state. The preservation of individual freedom, according to those who were against state education, is the only legitimate function of government. Critics of State Education: A Reader contains articles, written during the 18th and 19th centuries, that oppose all state inference in the education of children, whether in the form of tax support for schools, compulsory attendance laws, mandated curricula, and so forth. Many of the writers included here are virtually unknown even to historians of education, and most of their articles are reprinted for the first time
NewSouth, Incorporated From Marion to Montgomery: The Early Years of Alabama State University, 1867-1925
Alabama State University is well known as a historically black university and for the involvement of its faculty and students in the civil rights movement. Less attention has been paid to the school's remarkable origins, having begun as the Lincoln Normal School in Marion, Alabama, founded by nine former slaves. These men are rightly considered the progenitors of Alabama State University, as they had the drive and perseverance to face the challenges posed by a racial and political culture bent on preventing the establishment of black schools and universities. It is thanks to the actions of the Marion Nine that Alabama's rural Black Belt produces a disproportionate number of African American Ph.D. recipients, a testament to the vision of the Lincoln Normal School's founders. From Marion to Montgomery is the story of the Lincoln Normal School's transformation into the legendary Alabama State University, including the school's move to Montgomery in 1887 and evolution from Normal School to junior college to full-fledged four-year university. It's a story of visionary leadership, endless tenacity, and a true belief in the value of education.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units: From Quantum Chemistry to Condensed Matter Physics
Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units: From Quantum Chemistry to Condensed Matter Physics provides an overview of computing on graphics processing units (GPUs), a brief introduction to GPU programming, and the latest examples of code developments and applications for the most widely used electronic structure methods. The book covers all commonly used basis sets including localized Gaussian and Slater type basis functions, plane waves, wavelets and real-space grid-based approaches. The chapters expose details on the calculation of two-electron integrals, exchange-correlation quadrature, Fock matrix formation, solution of the self-consistent field equations, calculation of nuclear gradients to obtain forces, and methods to treat excited states within DFT. Other chapters focus on semiempirical and correlated wave function methods including density fitted second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory and both iterative and perturbative single- and multireference coupled cluster methods. Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units: From Quantum Chemistry to Condensed Matter Physics presents an accessible overview of the field for graduate students and senior researchers of theoretical and computational chemistry, condensed matter physics and materials science, as well as software developers looking for an entry point into the realm of GPU and hybrid GPU/CPU programming for electronic structure calculations.
Quarto Publishing PLC Steve Irwin
Emerald Publishing Limited Frank H. Knight in Iowa City, 1919 - 1928
This collection includes both refereed articles and review essays of recent books in the history of economic thought and methodology. The articles highlight research the historiography and methodology of the English Poor Laws, behavioural economics, and the socialist calculation debate; as well as A.D. Roy and portfolio theory and correspondence regarding John Maurice Clark's "Economics of Planning".
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual
This collection includes both refereed articles and review essays. The articles highlight research on the role of western economic advisors in China before the Communist Revolution (Paul Trescott), John Ryan on minimum wage legislation, a symposium on Clement Juglar, and a comparison of recent work in the history of economics and the history of science. Review essays on new publications examine a range of subjects, including: David Hume's political economy; conceptions of economic morality in American thought; Frank Knight and the Austrians on institutions; Friedrich Engels; Austrian views on entrepreneurship; Coase and Pigou on government intervention; Hayek and conservatism; the history of the 'living wage' notion; methodological consideration of economics and econometrics; and, Paul Heyne's essays on economic and ethics.