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Thomas Nelson Publishers Cartas a Bruno: Treinta consejos para treinta peligros
La vida actual está llena de riesgos para los jóvenes, cuyo buen juicio, tierno y en formación, está más propenso a extraviarse.La sociedad pone poco freno al libertinaje y ahora parece que más importante que lo sustancial es lo accesorio: el vicio predomina por sobre la virtud, la temeridad por sobre la prudencia, el exceso por sobre la moderación y la injusticia por sobre la honradez. Quienes se ven más desorientados por esta pérdida de valores son los jóvenes, por eso, a la manera de las epístolas clásicas, Rogelio Guedea le escribe estas cartas a su hijo, en las cuales le provee de las herramientas necesarias para poder sortear las amenazas que le imponga la vida. Desde las drogas, el alcohol, la pornografía, el sexo hasta las redes sociales, las malas compañías, la ansiedad, etcétera, y a través de ejemplos sacados de la vida propia y de la de otros, estas cartas no son más que una forma de evidenciar el amor de un padre a su hijo, y de proveerle con las herramientas de ética y sabiduría los elementos que necesitan más que nunca.Letters to BrunoLife today is fraught with danger for the young, whose tender, forming good judgment is most likely to err.Society puts little brake on licentiousness and now it seems that the accessory is more important than the substantial: vice prevails over virtue, imprudence over prudence, excess over moderation and injustice over honesty. The most disoriented by this loss of values ??are the young, therefore, in the manner of the classic epistles, Rogelio Guedea writes these letters to his son, in which he provides him with the necessary tools to improve himself. the threats that life imposes on me. From drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex to social networks, bad company, anxiety, etc., and through examples drawn from one's own life and that of others, these letters are nothing more than a way of demonstrating the love of a father to his son, and endow him with the tools of ethics and wisdom, the elements that he needs more than ever.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Palabras de fuego: Cómo Casiodoro de Reina entregó su vida por el libro que cambiaría la historia
«Cuando los hombres tienen que morir por sus ideas, algo nuevo está a punto de comenzar». Con una combinación de intriga y rigor histórico, Palabras de fuego traslada a los lectores a un momento histórico, en el que la palabra impresa podía ser el arma más transformadora.Año 1557. Fray Daniel de Ecija es un novicio del Monasterio de los Jerónimos de San Isidoro del Campo, que se encuentra fascinado por las nuevas ideas que está introduciendo su amigo Casiodoro de Reina. Sevilla parece revolucionada por las riquezas que llegan de América y las ideas de Alemania. La imprenta ha conseguido que las enseñanzas de Lutero y Erasmo se extiendan por Europa, pero la Inquisición acecha. Los monjes son advertidos de una inminente redada y escapan hacia Cádiz para buscar un barco que los lleve hasta Italia.La Inquisición envía tras los monjes «herejes» a dos monjes que intentarán traerlos de nuevo a España para que sean juzgados y quemados en la hoguera. Mientras que Daniel de Ecija y sus compañeros huyen por Europa, Casiodoro de Reina comienza a gestar la idea de traducir la Biblia al castellano, pero los espías de Felipe II están en todas partes y tienen mucho interés en que el libro no se publique.«Hubo un tiempo en que los libros podían cambiar el mundo, hacer tambalear los poderes más fuertes y cambiar para siempre la historia».The Words of Fire"When men have to die for their ideas, something new is about to begin.” With a combination of intrigue and historical rigor, The Words of Fire takes readers back to an historical moment when the printed word could be the most transformative weapon.The year 1557. Fray Daniel de Ecija is a novice of the Hieronymite Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, who is fascinated by the new ideas being introduced by his friend Casiodoro de Reina. Seville seems to be revolutionized by the riches coming from America and the ideas from Germany. The printing press has managed to spread the teachings of Luther and Erasmus throughout Europe, but the Inquisition is lurking. The monks are warned of an imminent raid and escape to Cadiz to find a ship to take them to Italy.The Inquisition sends two monks after the "heretical" monks who will try to bring them back to Spain to be judged and burned at the stake. While Daniel of Ecija and his companions flee through Europe, Casiodoro de Reina starts to develop the idea of translating the Bible into Spanish, but Philip II’s spies are everywhere and are very interested in the book not being published."There was a time when books could change the world, shake up the strongest powers, and change history forever."
Thomas Nelson Publishers Perdona lo que no puedes olvidar: Descubre cómo seguir adelante, hacer las paces con recuerdos dolorosos y crear una vida nuevamente hermosa
Descubre el paso que aún no has logrado y que podría resolver el caos en las relaciones de tu vida.¿Alguna vez te has sentido atrapado en un ciclo de dolor sin resolver, repitiendo las ofensas una y otra vez en tu mente? Sabes que no puedes continuar así, pero no sabes qué hacer. Lysa TerKeurst ha luchado en este proceso también. Pero de una manera sorprendente, ha descubierto cómo deshacerse del resentimiento acumulado y superar la resistencia a perdonar a las personas que no están dispuestas a hacer las cosas bien.Con profunda empatía, perspicacia terapéutica y amplia enseñanza bíblica que surge de más de 1,000 horas de estudio teológico, Lysa te ayudará a: Aprender a seguir adelante cuando la otra persona se niega a cambiar y nunca dice que lo lamenta. Seguir un proceso paso a paso para liberarte del dolor de tu pasado y sentirte menos ofendido hoy. Descubrir lo que la Biblia dice realmente sobre el perdón y la paz que proviene de vivirlo en este momento. Identificar qué está robando la confianza y la vulnerabilidad de tus relaciones para que puedas creer que todavía hay algo bueno por delante. Disminuir el impacto de los detonantes que se apropian de tus emociones adoptando las dos partes necesarias del perdón. Forgiving What You Can't ForgetDiscover the step you have not yet taken that could resolve the chaos in your life's relationships.Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing the offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like this, but you don't know what to do. Lysa TerKeurst has struggled in this process as well. But in a surprising way, she has discovered how to get rid of the bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgive people who are not willing to make things right.With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming out of 1,000 hours of theological study, Lysa will help you: Learn how to move on when the other person refuses to change and never says they're sorry. Walk through a step-by-step process to free yourself from the hurt of your past and feel less offended today. Discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living it out right now. Identify what's stealing trust and vulnerability from your relationships so you can believe there is still good ahead. Disempower the triggers hijacking your emotions by embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Falling Home: Creating a Life That Catches You When You Fall
Beloved speaker and radio host Hallie Lord shows how to use unexpected hardships and challenges to build a life that will make you more secure and grounded than ever before. Hallie Lord understands the upheaval life can bring. From her parents' divorce when she was a preteen to moving eleven times in fifteen years with her family, the radical changes she faced relentlessly pushed her toward fear and helplessness. Yet by digging into her faith and through much self-reflection, she realized that even though those challenges had left her a bit battered and bruised, they had also equipped her for any difficulty that may arise.In Falling Home, she describes the four interconnected foundations that now give her strength and security during life's upheavals: committed, supportive friendships, healthy family relationships, an intimate love affair with God, and a compassionate sense of self. Inviting readers into her hard-fought journey, Lord shows them how they, too, can embrace whatever life brings their way. With lyrical prose and a tender, inviting voice, she shares how hurts and sacrifices are also the groundwork for creating a beautiful life that can catch them whenever they fall.
Thomas Nelson Publishers If My People: A Prayer Guide for Our Nation
When a nation is divided, to whom can we turn? Perfectly timed and updated for the election season, If My People provides us with 40 days of prayers and reflections in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."If My People also stirs our hearts and minds with seven prayers from past presidents that were inspired during some of our country's darkest days. This hardcover edition is an ideal book to share with: Entire church congregations Sunday school classes Small groups Prayer partners to pray through together This prayer guide not only reminds us that "in God we still trust," but it also brings a greater sense of pride in and hope for our country, just when we need it most. With biblical and historical reminders of the power of prayer, If My People will inspire anyone who feels uncertain about how to make a difference as the country heads into another election season.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesús te llama, devocional para la familia: 100 devocionales para disfrutar la paz en su presencia
Esta edición especial del libro más vendido de Sarah Young, Jesús te llama®, es perfecta para la familia.Cada día ofrece una lectura devocional para adultos de Jesús te llama® y una lectura devocional para niños extraído de Jesús te llama®: 365 lecturas devocionales para niños. Con las lecturas devocionales lado a lado, los padres y los niños pueden leer su propia lectura y luego leer, hablar y orar juntos. Estas lecturas devocionales amadas se basan en las Escrituras y están escritas como si Jesús les estuviera hablando directamente a usted y a sus hijos, se incluyen preguntas enriquecedoras diseñadas para llevarlo más profundamente al corazón del Salvador para su familia.La autora Sarah Young ha tocado millones de vidas a través de sus devocionales. Esta edición especial de Jesús te llama® lo invita a llevar a sus hijos a lo largo del viaje: acérquese mientras experimenta el amor de Jesús de una manera fresca y alegre.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gentle on My Mind: In Sickness and in Health with Glen Campbell
The page-turning, never-before-told story of Kim Campbell's roller-coaster thirty-four-year marriage to music legend Glen Campbell, including how Kim helped Glen finally conquer his addictions only to face their greatest challenge when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.Kim Campbell was a fresh-faced twenty-two-year-old dancer at Radio City Music Hall when a friend introduced her to Glen Campbell, the chart-topping, Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated entertainer. The two performers from small Southern towns quickly fell in love, a bond that produced a thirty-four-year marriage and three children.In Gentle on My Mind, Kim tells the complete, no-holds-barred story of their relationship, recounting the highest of highs—award shows, acclaimed performances, the birth of their children, encounters with Mick Fleetwood, Waylon Jennings, Alan Jackson, Alice Cooper, Jane Seymour, and others—and the lowest of lows, including battles with alcohol and drug addiction and, finally, Glen’s diagnosis, decline, and death from Alzheimer's. With extraordinary candor, astonishing bravery, and a lively sense of humor, Kim reveals the whole truth of life with an entertainment giant and of caring for and loving him amid the extraordinary challenge of Alzheimer's disease. This is a remarkable account of enduring love, quiet strength, and never-faltering faith.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A: How Faith, Cows, and Chicken Built an Iconic Brand
The longtime chief marketing officer for Chick-fil-A tells the inside story of how the company turned prevailing theories of fast-food marketing upside down and built one of the most successful and beloved brands in America.Covert Cows will help you… Discover unexpected, out-of-the-box marketing methods and new ways of approaching business problems. Understand the positive impact of building a business based on biblical principles. Receive an insider’s look at the evolution of one of America’s most beloved brands. Learn key marketing and business insights from the man who was the chief marketing officer for Chick-fil-A for thirty-four years. During his thirty-four-year tenure at Chick-fil-A, Steve Robinson was integrally involved in the company’s growth--from 184 stores and $100 million in annual sales in 1981 to over 2,100 stores and over $6.8 billion in annual sales in 2015--and was a first-hand witness to its evolution as an indelible global brand. In Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A, Robinson shares behind-the-scenes accounts of key moments, including the creation of the Chick-fil-A corporate purpose and the formation and management of the now-iconic "Eat Mor Chikin" cow campaign. Drawing on his personal interactions with the gifted team of company leaders, restaurant operators, and the company's founder, Truett Cathy, Robinson explains the important traits that built the company's culture and sustained it through recession and many other challenges. He also reveals how every aspect of the company's approach reflects an unwavering dedication to Christian values and to the individual customer experience. Written with disarming candor and revealing storytelling, Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A is the never-before-told story of a great American success.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Everywhere Holy: Seeing Beauty, Remembering Your Identity, and Finding God Right Where You Are
“Readers who are dealing with depression, parenting struggles, questions of identity and self-image, or who simply find it hard to bring prayer into their chaotic life will find welcome encouragement in Lawler’s rejuvenating words.” – Publishers WeeklyPopular writer and blogger Kara Lawler shows women how to embrace the sacred in mundane, ordinary life--and in the process, discover themselves.Life doesn't have to be lived on grand mountaintops for it to be meaningful. We can see God at work right where we are: in our ordinary and mundane routines, in the faces of our family and friends, and--especially--in nature.Kara Lawler speaks to the hearts of those who find themselves lost in the midst of their chaotic schedules and weary attempts to be all that is expected of them. Everywhere Holy addresses our deepest struggles, including: How to feel joy, despite depression and anxiety Dealing with hardships and understanding unconditional love How to view life as an adventure, even when that feels too hard How to feel more connected, more grateful, and more at peace In beautiful prose, Lawler describes the unique sacredness found in God's creation and offers fifteen inspiring insights for cultivating it day-to-day. She encourages you to make this lifestyle change through the observance of small acts. In so doing, you will discover a holy space that honors God and the life you’ve been given--and will discover yourself and your unique place in the holy that is everywhere, whether it’s in the woods behind your house or in the face of a stranger on a bus in a busy city. No matter where you are, there is holy free for the taking.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Wasted Prayer: Know When God Wants You to Stop Praying and Start Doing
Faith without obedience is dead. Prayer without action is wasted.What would your life look like if you stopped praying about God’s will and just did it instead? How would your church look if it spent as much time serving as it spent praying about serving?The truth is, sometimes when you think you’re praying, you’re really just procrastinating. And when you think you’re asking that God’s will be done, you’re really telling him no. In times that call for action, prayer can be disobedience in disguise. Wasted Prayer uncovers the ways we use prayer to dodge responsibility for the work God has assigned us.Complete with punch-in-the-gut biblical exposition that will help get you off your knees—and out of your chair—Wasted Prayer will provide you with the jolt you need to start living like a Christian, instead of just praying like one.It’s time to stop praying and start doing.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Doing Life Differently: The Art of Living with Imagination
Thomas Dunne Books Northmen: The Viking Saga, Ad 793-1241
Thomas Allen Publishers A Good Man
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Promises for Your Every Need
God's Promises® for Your Every Need quickly guides you to the most beloved and helpful verses for your circumstances, whether you're seeking God's promises and answers for your own life or for a friend.No matter what season of life we are in, we need reassurance of God's promises to us--reminders that God is with us, ready to meet our needs with His love, provision, and direction. God's Promises for Your Every Need provides: Short readings and prayers, making it a perfect companion for time alone with God or as a giftable keepsake A collection of hundreds of verses from the Bible arranged topically to address every season of life and answer your most pressing questions Scriptures to comfort in times of worry, offer direction in times of crisis, and reassure you of God's love in times of discouragement Whether you're considering this for a gift or self-purchase, you should know God's Promises® for Your Every Need: Has a beautiful leather cover Includes a ribbon marker Contains a presentation page to personalize your gift Is perfect for all ages With 15 million copies of God's Promises® books sold, these books are a perfect guide for when you crave a word of encouragement or you need biblical direction. When you live with God's promises in your life, you will be blessed beyond your wildest imagination.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Key to Personal Peace
People are seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. We are all crying out for guidance. For comfort. For peace. Is there a way out of our dilemma? Can we really find personal peace with God? Yes! But only if we look in the right place.The Key to Personal Peace not only includes trusted Biblical insights from renowned evangelist Dr. Billy Graham, but also includes the full gospel of John, making the book a perfect gift for evangelism or outreach. The Key to Personal Peace offers a look into how to live life in the fullness of God.Sections include: The Great Quest Our Dilemma What is God Like What Did Jesus Do for Us? Finding the Way Back Peace at Last Heaven, Our Hope
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gánale la guerra a la preocupación: Cultiva un corazón en paz y una mente confiada
Dios es más grande que el miedo y todos sus primos: la depresión, la ansiedad, el pánico y la preocupación. Louie Giglio nos recuerda que, gracias a esa verdad, podemos comenzar de inmediato el proceso de restar importancia a la preocupación y sustituirla por confianza.Gánale la guerra a la preocupación tiene el potencial de poner a los lectores en un nuevo camino y darles las herramientas que necesitan para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentido de confianza en el Todopoderoso. Cuando experimentemos la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podríamos comprender, Él guardará nuestros corazones y mentes mientras vivimos en Cristo Jesús.Jesús te ha dado todo lo que necesitas para la vida y la piedad. Él ya ha ganado la guerra a la preocupación, derrotando a la muerte, al infierno y a la tumba de una vez por todas. A medida que leas este sencillo, pero poderoso, libro, empezarás a ver más claramente cómo: la preocupación es un pensamiento mentiroso, pero podemos elegir si queremos escuchar al enemigo o a nuestro Padre Celestial el miedo alimenta la preocupación, que alimenta nuestra necesidad de control, pero el amor perfecto de Dios expulsa el miedo puedes mantenerte firme en la verdad de que Jesús quiere y es capaz de encargarse de lo que te preocupa podemos sustituir los pensamientos ansiosos por pensamientos que se alineen con el carácter y la naturaleza de Dios Gánale la guerra a la preocupación puede ponerte en un nuevo camino y darte las herramientas que necesitas para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentimiento de confianza en el Todopoderoso. A través del viaje práctico que se expone en este libro, permite que Louie Giglio te señale a Aquel que es más grande, al Dios que anima a Su pueblo.Winning the War on Worry God is greater than fear and all its cousins: depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how: Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the enemy or our Heavenly Father Fear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God's perfect love drives out fear You can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what's worrying you We can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of God Winning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told
Thomas Nelson Publishers Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health
Most people believe that sucralose (Splenda) is a perfectly safe artificial sweetener. Big business and the FDA have fostered that dangerous misconception. The truth is Splenda is by no means safe; and the same is true for many of the other artificial sweeteners being marketed today. Dr. Joseph Mercola---supported by extensive studies and research---exposes the fact that Splenda actually contributes to a host of serious diseases. Sweet Deception will lay out how the FDA really works for big food companies and should not be trusted when it comes to your health.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Brushstrokes of Life
Now available in trade paper!Here''s a secret: God has deposited a gift inside of you. Acclaimed angel artist Anne Neilson wants to help you find yours as she shares her personal story of passion and purpose and how faith radiates from every canvas of her life. The Brushstrokes of Life will help you see there are no coincidences with God.Anne Neilson believes that each of us begins our life as a blank canvas: clean and fresh and ready to find texture in our experiences. Each trial, each joy, each heartache, and each hope leaves an explosion of color and sweeping brushstrokes that shape us. When we allow God to take over as the Master artist, we will find that He carefully adds dimension and highlights to create a beautiful masterpiece in us. Often, though, it''s hard to find the beauty when we are wading through mess.In this beautiful memoir, Anne shares personal stories about why her faith is so important to
Thomas Nelson Publishers Where the Road Bends
How did I get here? He ripped back the zip, his heart pounding as red dust trickled in and landed on his face. He stood, brushing the dust from his eyes, a sense of vertigo launching itself up his spine. One step from the swag and his eyes snapped open. He started to lean into a void. Over a cliff. Fifteen years after college graduation, four friends reconnect to keep a long-ago promise and go on a trip of a lifetime in the Australian Outback. Eliza needs to disconnect from her high-powered fashion job to consider the CEO position she’s just been offered. Lincoln hopes to rekindle a past relationship and escape from another one. Bree looks forward to a fun getaway from home and her deeply buried disappointments. Andy wants to disappear from the mess he’s made of his life—possibly forever. Dropped at a campsite in the middle of nowhere, the friends quickly discover they aren’t the same people they once were, and they begin to confront hard truths about one another—and themselves. Then a bizarre storm sweeps across their camp, scattering them across the desert. Wondering if they are part of some strange escape game, each of the friends meets a guide to help them find exactly what they need: purpose, healing, courage, and redemption. But they’ve already traveled far down the road of life and course-correcting to become the people they were meant to be won’t be easy.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Around the World on 50 Bucks: How I Left with Nothing and Returned a Rich Man
Christopher Schacht shares his incredible experiences, revealing what he has learned along the way about life, love, and God, describing touching and bizarre encounters and insights that aren’t found in any travel guide.Christopher Schacht was only nineteen years old and had just finished school when he put a dream into motion. With only 50 euros in savings, he traveled around the world, relying only on his friendliness, flexibility, charm, and willingness to work for his shelter and food.Christopher traveled for four years, visiting 45 countries and traversing 100,000 kilometers on foot, hitchhiking, and on sailboats. He has earned his living as a jeweler, locksmith, au pair, and fashion model. He lived among indigenous people of South America and drug dealers and has journeyed through some of the most dangerous areas in the middle east.“My plan was not to have a plan, just live without schedules and time pressure, where I could stay in places that I enjoyed until I was ready to move on.”
Thomas Nelson Publishers From Monk to Money Manager: A Former Monk’s Financial Guide to Becoming a Little Bit Wealthy---and Why That’s Okay
Build a better financial future for yourself and the world. Former monk turned financial advisor, Doug Lynam, shares the rules of money management that will change your approach to earning, saving, and investing.From Monk to Money Manager is an entertaining and self-deprecating journey through Lynam’s relationship with the almighty dollar—his childhood in a rich family, the long-haired hippie days running away from materialism, time in the Marine Corps looking for selfless service, and his twenty years in the monastery under a vow of poverty that led to his current profession as a financial advisor. In this unique look at wealth from a spiritual perspective, Lynam shares his belief that God doesn’t expect us to live in poverty. The truth is, we need financial peace so we can help others. When money becomes a part of our spiritual practice, used in love and service, it can bring us closer to our highest spiritual ideals.With humor and humility, Lynam uses stories told through the lens of his own money mistakes, and those of counseling clients, to understand how our attitudes about money hold us back. He also provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to grow a little bit wealthy. His insights include how to build a compassionate relationship to our finances; some of the good, bad, and ugly truths about money; and the tricks to unlocking financial freedom.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World
Thomas Nelson Publishers Distinto a todos
Nacida en Alabama, Paula Vauss pasó la primera década de su vida en la carretera junto a su joven madre de espíritu libre, Kai, una cuenta cuentos itinerante que mezclaba la mitología hindú con la tradición oral sureña para reinventar su historia mientras vagaban. Pero todo, incluyendo el nombre de nacimiento de Paula, Kali Jai, cambió cuando ella relató su propia historia: una que llevó a Kai a la cárcel y a Paula a sistemas de hogares temporales. Separadas, guardando cada una sus propios secretos, el intenso vínculo que antes compartían quedó fracturado. Ahora Paula se ha reencarnado en una dura abogada de divorcios con un exitoso bufete en Atlanta. Aunque no ha visto a Kai en quince años, sigue haciendo pagos a esa deuda kármica, hasta el día en que su último cheque fue devuelto en el correo, junto con una nota enigmática: «Voy a hacer un viaje, Kali. Voy a volver al principio; la muerte no es el fin. Tú serás el fin. Nos volveremos a encontrar, y habrá nuevas historias. Ya sabes cómo funciona el karma». Entonces, el secreto más guardado de Kai llega literalmente a la puerta de Paula, llevando su vida al caos y cambiándola de ser hija única a ser hermana mayor. Desesperada por encontrar a su madre antes de que sea demasiado tarde, Paula emprende un viaje de descubrimiento que la llevará de nuevo al pasado y a los rincones más profundos de su corazón. Con la ayuda de su examante Birdwine, un detective privado emocionalmente volátil que sigue estando enamorado de ella, esta brillante mujer, experta en familias destrozadas, ahora tiene que descubrir cómo restaurar una: la suya propia. Esta es una historia sobre la historia misma, cómo los relatos que contamos nos conectan, nos quebrantan y nos definen, y cómo los finales y los principios que escogemos pueden destruirnos… y restaurarnos. Con toques de humor y una perspectiva conmovedora, la querida autora best seller del New York Times, Joshilyn Jackson, está en su mejor momento.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Canción de cuna de Auschwitz
Una emocionante novela basada en hechos reales que rescata del olvido una de las historias más conmovedoras de heroísmo de una madre alemana en medio del terror nazi.Entre los papeles encontrados del doctor nazi Joseph Mengele hay un diario escrito en cuadernos infantiles de una mujer llamada Helene Hanneman. Se trata de una enfermera alemana casada con un hombre gitano, deportada en la primavera de 1943 al Campo Gitano de Birkenau Auschwitz II. Sector BII e. En el diario Helene describe los dieciséis meses de su estancia en el Campo de Exterminio. Helena está a punto de despertar a sus hijos para que vayan al colegio cuando un grupo de policías irrumpe en su casa. Los policías quieren llevarse a su esposo y a sus cinco hijos gitanos. Según la orden del 16 de diciembre de 1943 firmada por el líder de las SS Heinrich Himmler todos los gitanos pertenecientes a los territorios conquistados por los nazis deben ser encerrados en campos de concentración. La policía le dice a Helene que ella como alemana no tiene que acompañarles, pero decide compartir el destino de su familia. Tras convencer a sus hijos que van a un lugar de vacaciones, para que estén tranquilos, toda la familia es deportada a Auschwitz.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff
Wall Street Journal BestsellerHave you ever wondered why we spend so much time and energy thinking about the big challenges in our lives when all the evidence proves it’s actually the little things that change everything? That’s right… Absolutely everything.Little Things embodies Andy’s own approach to life and work, detailing for the first time some of the exclusive material that he uses to teach and coach some of the most successful corporations, teams, and individuals around the world. In his unique humorous style, Andy shows how people succeed by actually going against the modern adage, “don’t sweat the small stuff”. By contrast, Andy proves that it is in concentrating on the smaller things that we add value and margin.Discover a new perspective and a game plan for meeting various challenges, such as: Managing life in a society that seems to be constantly offended by something or someone Creating change that is permanent and not short term Dramatically increasing results by harnessing the fraction of margin between second place and first Understanding our spiritual connection with God and how that affects planning and outcome Identifying the very moment when asking the question why? multiplies the success of an endeavor Recognizing the smallest details that ensure the greatest success
Thomas Nelson Publishers So Much To Celebrate: Entertaining the Ones You Love the Whole Year Through
Create meaningful, extraordinary celebrations and events that foster lifelong memories with the ones you love with inspiration from Katie Jacobs through her essential guide to entertaining.Create beautiful memories for your family and friends with help from Katie Jacobs, a stylist for Reese Witherspoon's lifestyle brand Draper James. She reveals her secrets for throwing fantastic parties for any occasion, from a casual backyard movie night to a lavish holiday party.The ultimate party hostess and styling pro, Katie shares her magical gift of making entertaining look effortless, and possible at the same time.Using Katie’s inspiring ideas and make-ahead tips, you will be so organized that you can minimize the fuss, enjoy the time, and celebrate too!In So Much To Celebrate, readers will: Become inspired to make the most out of every season through entertaining loved ones Remind you to craft experiences for family and friends that can be felt (and tasted), not just seen Discover a mix of tasty recipes, creative entertainment tips, and a heavy helping of nostalgia Brimming with creative party themes for every season, inspiring décor ideas, and delicious recipes, So Much to Celebrate is the perfect book for anyone who appreciates good times, good food, and good celebrations.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesús te llama para pequeñitos - Bilingüe
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Carols of Christmas: A Celebration of the Surprising Stories Behind Your Favorite Holiday Songs
Thomas Nelson Publishers Wild at Heart Discovering the Secret of a Man s Soul DVD Region 1 NTSC
Thomas Nelson Publishers Captivating Video Series Updated Edition Unveiling the Mystery of a Womans Soul
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Promises for Your Every Need, Deluxe Edition: NKJV
There’s nothing that renews and strengthens our minds and hearts like God’s Word.In the best-selling God's Promises line—over 15 million sold—God’s Promises for Your Every Need NKJV Deluxe Edition offers encouragement and hope straight from the Bible, providing immediate help and support for facing the daily challenges of life. It’s beautifully packaged in duo-tone leather for an elegant look and feel, creating a special keepsake for years to come. No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you!
Thomas Nelson Publishers Turn My Mourning into Dancing: Finding Hope During Hard Times
In times of suffering, simple answers often ring empty and hollow--so how can you find hope in hard times? Learn how to survive the difficult seasons with the comfort and of God's constancy. With sensitive, practical advice, Henri Nouwen gently points you towards a life that is grounded in God’s companionship and rooted within eternal hope. In this newly formatted edition, Turn My Mourning into Dancing discusses five movements we experience during hard times: From Our Little Selves to a Larger World From Holding Tight to Letting Go From Fatalism to Hope From Manipulation to Love From a Fearful Death to a Joyous Life Nouwen has discovered that healing begins with taking our pain out of its toxic isolation and seeing our sufferings in communion with all humanity and all creation. He teaches us that our little lives participate in something much larger. Turn My Mourning into Dancing is compelling reading for: Those looking for growth and insight amid life’s hard and harsh moments Anyone grieving and searching for reassurance Anyone who has experienced a loss or betrayal Though it may not last forever, grief is a gradual, organic process that changes a person permanently. Nouwen guides you during your hard times toward answers and hope--hope that allows you to dance even through the darkest night.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Grace and Glory
Thomas Nelson Publishers A Dog Named Mattis
Take a ride-along with Sergeant Mark Tappan and his amazing K9 partner Mattis, whose heroic actions will inspire you to live courageously, serve selflessly, and love passionately because every human (and dog) has a purpose.Sergeant Mark Tappan shares a unique bond with his K9 partner Mattis, one of the most decorated police K9s of all time. Mark knew from the first time they interacted that Mattis was something special. As a man of deep faith, Mark also knew that God''s most profound teaching often comes through the most unexpected sources, and he soon realized that Mattis was going to teach him about loyalty, selfless service, and so much more.In A Dog Named Mattis, Mark shares twelve life lessons he''s learned from working with Mattis. Through these first-hand accounts of bravery and service, you will learn profound lessons, like:being willing to ''go all in'' and work with all your heart even when things are uncertain,
Thomas Nelson Publishers Imagine More: Do What You Love, Discover Your Potential
Thomas Nelson Publishers Are You Praying for the Wrong Thing
The Bible tells us to pray continually and without ceasing, but what happens when we''re waiting for God but discover He''s waiting for us? In his first book, pastor and recording artist Travis Greene guides the reader to apply Biblical truths for a fulfilled life.Praying and waiting for God to answer can be confusing. When something--or everything--feels stuck because God doesn''t seem to be answering our prayers, what next? Pastor and Grammy–nominated recording artist Travis Greene issues a challenge and asks us to examine our prayers--Are we praying for the right thing? Are we planning and preparing for what we''ve asked for? Are we praying for our will to grow closer to His? Or do we sometimes treat him like a genie in a bottle? Using Biblical examples, Travis invites readers to reconsider our prayers and navigate beyond feeling trapped to thriving in God’s purposes; learn to use what''s left instead of focusing on what was
Thomas Nelson Publishers Collecting Confidence
See yourself with fresh new eyes. Start where you are and become the person you were meant to be!Showcasing the confidence she''s gathered from her own life journey, Kim Gravel--beloved QVC star and creator of Belle by Kim Gravel and Belle Beauty--invites you to discover the person you were created to be. Collecting Confidence, reminds you that you are not your current circumstance. You are not your current habits. Where you are right now is simply your starting place to become who you''re meant to be.If you''ve lost your way and forgotten who you are, this book will: Equip you to glean empowerment from life''s lowest moments Inspire you with no-holds-barred stories from Graceland to Piggly Wiggly Help you understand the importance of how you see yourself Change your perspective to realize mistakes can be stepping stones
Thomas Nelson Publishers Rebuilding Beautiful: Welcome What Is, Dare to Dream Again, and Step Bravely into What Could Be
Thomas Nelson Publishers The 3:16 Promise: He loved. He gave. We believe. We live.
For readers looking to experience God’s grace and plan of salvation for the first time, or who would like to share the message of hope with someone they know, John 3:16 is the perfect place to start.Based on Max Lucado’s bestselling book 3:16: The Numbers of Hope, The 3:16 Promise is a 64-page evangelistic booklet that journeys word-by-word through John 3:16, the passage Max calls the "Hope Diamond" of Scripture. This twenty-six-word parade of hope begins with God, ends with life, and urges us to do the same.Ideal for sharing the gospel with friends and acquaintances, this booklet includes an easy-to-remember explanation of salvation: God loves God gave We believe We live Max’s message to readers: “The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God’s treatment is prescribed in John 3:16.”
Thomas Nelson Publishers Brave Enough to Be Broken: How to Embrace Your Pain and Discover Hope and Healing
None of us are perfect. And that is okay! Trauma, abuse, childhood wounds, and toxic relationships have broken us. But there is no shame in brokenness. In fact, it’s in our brokenness where the healing power of Jesus comes to find us. Brave Enough to Be Broken is a biblical road map you can use to heal from the pain, the shame, and the regrets that have tried to steal your joy, so you can rest in the unconditional love, healing, and hope of Jesus. From Toni Collier, founder of the international women's ministry Broken Crayons Still Color, Brave Enough to Be Broken will show you how to bravely process your brokenness so that you can experience the fullness of God's restoration power. Many of us feel the pressure to be perfect, but what we really want is the freedom to be broken. We long to hear that our brokenness doesn't discount us, and we want a way out of the pain that threatens to overwhelm us. Toni shares practical steps and biblical wisdom to help you stand in your brokenness and experience healing. No perfection required. You’ll learn how to Overcome shame and other inner obstacles blocking you from healing Recognize the harmful effects of trauma and toxic relationships on your mental health Embrace your brokenness so you can help others do the same Hear the voice of Jesus saying “you ARE worthy” when you don’t feel it Accept the unconditional love of Jesus when you surrender your brokenness Brave Enough to Be Broken will guide you to the hope that is found in pain and the beauty that exists in brokenness. It's an invitation to reclaim the wholeness and freedom waiting for you in the fullness of God's purpose for your life.
Thomas Dunne Books Gluten-Free Artisan Bread
Thomas Nelson Publishers Beyond Ivy Walls
Reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, a recluse and a young woman discover that the scars of life are no match against an act of love.Iowa, 1903. All of Monticello believes Otis Taylor has been away fostering his musical genius. But the truth is that his father exiled him long ago, rejecting Otis''s appearance and the scars that came with it. Now that he is the last living Taylor, Otis has covertly returned to settle his family''s affairs and rid himself of his past for good. However, he soon discovers that he may not have been the only abandoned Taylor and begins a tireless search for his missing toddler niece.At twenty-three years old, Sadie West left her family farm and found employment at the Hoag feather duster factory. It isn''t a romantic job, but she''s hardly had a glimmer of romance since her beau went off to college, leaving her with no promise of a future together. Desperate to save money and help her family make ends meet,
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love's Dwelling
Thomas Nelson Publishers Lady of Disguise
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love Outside the Lines: Beyond the Boundaries of Race, Difference, and Preference
Discover Jesus' goals of togetherness, oneness, and unity in an increasingly divided world. When you learn to confront the areas in your heart that might not love as Jesus loved, you can help build a flourishing, Christ-like culture. Throughout his ministry, Jesus specifically bridged the gap with the ostracized, outcast, and overlooked. He told his followers to do the same. The gospel message is for everyone—and our mission as believers is to make disciples of Jesus, not duplicates of ourselves. This requires us to live and love beyond our preferences, to build relationships with those who are different from us, and to go beyond the boundaries of unspoken rules and invisible lines. It's time to break the strongholds of division that have been passed down from generation to generation.In Love Outside the Lines, Jimmy Rollins will expand the gospel message of Christ beyond the lines of cultural norms, show us how to follow in Jesus' footsteps by moving away from racial stereotypes and moving toward things that unite us, empower a culture of people willing to be part of the conversation on racial reconciliation, help us embrace the kingdom truth that we are better together than we are divided, and exemplify a life of dynamic diversity at church, work, and home. Join Jimmy on a powerful journey to rediscover the discipleship of diversity that leads to unity. Together, we will confront our comfort-zone barriers—both known and unknown—and take a detour to pursue the kind of diverse relationships and honest dialog that build a flourishing Christ culture.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Breaking Open: How Your Pain Becomes the Path to Living Again
In a broken world, we ache for a way to walk through life without giving up or giving in. Instead of breaking down, Jesus offers us another way: breaking open. Discover a new way of living and rise with hope, power, and purpose! Everyone aches to be whole. We ache to be healed. We ache to be restored. But most of the time we wouldn’t put it into words. We just know we are broken because our child is addicted. We ache because the depression of our youth is now the depression of our golden years. We are stretched to the point of breaking because our career ambitions position us to commit to a pace we can’t sustain. Miscarriage, divorce, loneliness. In all of it, we ache. In Breaking Open, Pastor Jacob Armstrong exposes the seven dangerous ways that we commonly seek to avoid a breakdown, showing how these seven ways are stealing life from us, and then walks us through a progression of seven Jesus-ways that move us from merely breaking to breaking open. It is these Jesus-ways that get us to the good stuff: a life filled with hope and opportunity. In Breaking Open, you discover how your greatest heartaches can open you up to the life God desires for you, learn how to slow down from a frenzied pace and settle into the spacious life you have been longing for right now, stop living a cheap imitation of life and develop trust in who God says you are, receive permission not to have it all together by finding the power to love and live vulnerably, and find the courage to name the achy undercurrent in your soul so you can break it wide open and let Jesus heal you and make you whole. Jesus never intended for us to break and stay shattered, but to fall and rise differently. To rise with power, rise with hope, rise with purpose. In Breaking Open, learn to rise open to a new way of living!
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Garden Children's Bible, Hardcover: International Children's Bible: International Children's Bible
Do you want your kids to learn about the Bible in a way that is fun and entertaining?The Garden Children’s Bible is a great way to get kids to “toon” into Scripture! Lenny the Lion and Lucy the Lamb are sent out on adventures by The Boss (God), who teaches them lessons from His Word along the way. Presented by characters based on the animated series The Garden, created by award-winning animator Butch Hartman, this illustrated Bible depicts over 100 stories from the storyline of Scripture.Kids will delight in the five, full-color comic strips based on The Garden animated series spaced throughout the Bible. Twenty more full-color pages of characters and stories from Scripture will draw kids into the stunning color and original designs by Hartman.In addition to the art, one hundred short, foundational pieces of wisdom from The Boss appear in the Bible to give children easy takeaways they will carry with them for a lifetime. Two hundred Lenny and Lucy character sidebars explain key biblical concepts in clear, easy-to-understand language that helps children better connect with the content in God’s Word. And fifty prayers developed around Scripture teach children how to pray God’s Word.Scripture memorization lists, promises from Scripture, a kid-friendly topical index, dictionary, a reading plan, activity pages, and more are in this fun and encouraging Bible.Features include: Presentation Page allow you to personalize the Bible by recording a memory or note Bible Book Introductions provide concise overviews highlight important events in each book 300 Character Callouts presented by Lenny, Lucy, and “The Boss” bring emphasis to key Biblical concepts Activity End sheets at the front and back of the Bible Full-color multi-page comic section based on the animated series Bible Learning Lists such as Names of God, Bible Verses to Memorize, Miracles of Jesus, Scripture Promises End-of-page Cross-references help your child find related passages quickly and easily Topical Index and Dictionary are kid-friendly tools teaching how to use the Bible Miracles and Parables of Jesus create a quick reference to important events 50 Scripture-based Prayers provide easy topics for kids to pray about Satin Ribbon Marker to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading 4 Pages of Full-color Maps for a visual representation of the locations where key events take place in the Bible Easy to read 10-Point Type Size The International Children’s Bible® (ICB) translation was created especially for children in the third grade and up and provides the ideal blend of readability and fidelity to the original meaning of the Scripture text.