Search results for ""author thomas"
Thomas Nelson Publishers A Gentleman Walks Down the Aisle: A Complete Guide to the Perfect Wedding Day
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Five Money Personalities: Speaking the Same Love and Money Language
Thomas Nelson Publishers Salvaje de corazón, Edición ampliada: Descubramos el secreto del alma masculina
John Eldredge revisó y amplió su fenomenal best seller, Salvaje de corazón, e invita a los hombres a convertirse en seres más completos mediante: recuperar su corazón masculino; verse a sí mismos en la imagen de un Dios apasionado; y deleitarse con la fuerza y el desenfreno para el que fueron creados. En este libro que cambia vidas, John Eldredge ofrece una mirada al interior del verdadero corazón de un hombre y les da permiso a los hombres para ser como Dios los diseñó: arriesgados, apasionados, vivos y libres.Wild at HeartJohn Eldredge has revised and expanded his phenomenal bestseller, Wild at Heart,and invites men to become more complete by: recovering their masculine heart; seeing themselves in the image of a passionate God; and delighting in the strength and wildness that they were created to offer. In this life-changing book, John Eldredge provides a look inside the true heart of a man and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be--dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.
Thomas Nelson Publishers A Call for Courage: Living with Power, Truth, and Love in an Age of Intolerance and Fear
Thomas Nelson Publishers Buenas noches, angelito / Good Night Angel (Edición bilingüe / Biligual edition): Una celebración de Navidad de ensueño
¡Es la época de la alegría! Celebra la diversión familiar y las bendiciones de la temporada navideña con un joven zorro ártico mientras tu familia recuerda que Jesús es el mejor regalo de todos. Las encantadoras rimas de Amy Parker y las tiernas ilustraciones de Virginia Allyn hacen de Buenas noches, angelito - Edición Bilingüe la lectura perfecta para niños pequeños y preescolares que disfrutan de la temporada navideña.Al pequeño zorro le encanta toda la emoción que trae la Navidad al bosque: hacer regalos creativos, colocar la estrella en el árbol y asegurarse de estar listo para ser el centro de atención en la gran obra de teatro navideña. Pero pronto se da cuenta de que el regalo perfecto ya ha sido dado por el bebé que llegó en la primera noche de Navidad.Este libro de cartón de Navidad de la exitosa marca de libros de cuentos para dormir Night Night ofrece a las familias una forma divertida de dar las buenas noches durante el tiempo de Adviento celebra los momentos especiales de las actividades navideñas en familia recuerda suavemente a los niños que el Niño Jesús es el motivo de la temporada El tema navideño y la brillante cubierta hacen que Buenas noches, angelito - Edición Bilingüe sea perfecto para un regalo de Adviento, para rellenar un calcetín o para sorprender a los padres, abuelos, maestros de la escuela dominical y amigos en la mañana de Navidad. Tu angelito estará listo para acurrucarse durante la noche mientras celebran juntos todas las bendiciones de la Navidad.Night Night Angel'Tis the season for joy! Celebrate the family fun and season's blessings of Christmas with a young arctic fox as your family remembers that Jesus is the best gift of all. Amy Parker's delightful rhymes and Virginia Allyn's sweet illustrations make Night Night, Angel – Bilingual edition the perfect read-aloud for toddlers and preschoolers enjoying the Christmas season.Little fox loves all the excitement that Christmas brings to the forest: making creative presents, placing the star on the tree, and making sure she is spotlight-ready for the big Christmas play. But soon she realizes that the perfect gift has already been given through the baby who arrived on the first Christmas night!This Christmas board book from the hugely successful Night Night bedtime storybook brand gives families a fun way to say goodnight during the Advent season celebrates the special moments of family holiday activities gently reminds children that Baby Jesus is the reason for the season The Christmas theme and sparkling cover make Night Night, Angel – Bilingual edition perfect for an Advent gift, stocking stuffer, or Christmas morning surprise from parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, and friends. Your little angel will be ready to snuggle in for the night as together you celebrate the many blessings of Christmas!
Thomas Nelson Publishers 31 Ways to Show Him What Love Is: One Month to a More Lifegiving Relationship
In Alyssa Bethke's newly revised edition of 31 Ways to Show Him What Love Is, readers will discover practical and inspiring tips for bringing more romance, joy, and vibrancy to their marriages.In 31 Ways to Show Him What Love Is, Alyssa Bethke gives wives thirty-one specific tips for strengthening and deepening their relationship. Each day readers find a new suggestion for encouraging and loving their husbands. Topics include serving each other, offering forgiveness, laughing together, praying for one another, affirming each other through words, and even making a favorite snack. From serious to lighthearted, each tip challenges readers to make their marriage a priority and reminds them of the importance of a healthy, vibrant relationship. Designed with new covers and revised content, these books take readers on a one-month journey that will bring them closer to their husbands than ever before.
Thomas Nelson Publishers More Than Your Number: A Christ-Centered Enneagram Approach to Becoming AWARE of Your Internal World
Are you interested in the Enneagram, but want to explore your personality more fully than a single number result? Discover how the Enneagram can be paired with the power of the gospel in this revolutionary and transformative guide for Enneagram beginners and experts alike.We are all made up of parts. Have you ever said, “Part of me wants to go to the party, but part of me wants to stay home”? We already speak in these terms without realizing it. More Than Your Number takes a deeper dive into the world of the Enneagram by moving past the quickly assigned and sometimes stereotypical Enneagram Types to consider and engage your unique, multidimensional personality. After discovering your Enneagram Internal Profile (EIP), you’ll be able to not only name what has affected you your entire life, whether positively or negatively, but also understand and apply the truth of how God intends to redeem and use all of you—not just parts of you.Through the EIP, Enneagram coaches Beth and Jeff McCord provide a simple, tested, personal strategy to understand and welcome these parts through God’s grace, equipping you to better lead and shepherd your internal interests. Filled with charts, diagrams, and unique insights, you will: Explore the driving force behind your unhealthy thoughts, feelings, and behaviors Learn how to lead yourself out of unhealthy patterns and get real help Experience deeper understanding, confidence, and peace in your relationships with God, yourself, and others Discover why the Enneagram on its own is not enough and how the gospel changes everything Discover your real identity in Christ, readjusting your internal world toward a healthier path for your unique personality type.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It?
A USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller!Learn how to fight better and end your arguments with your partner feeling closer, more loved, and better understood.We take our cars in for oil changes. We mow our lawns and pull weeds. Why don't we do maintenance on our marriages? This relationship is the most important one we will ever have, so why not get better at it?For the last several years, Penn and Kim Holderness of The Holderness Family have done the hard maintenance and the research to learn how to fight better. With the help of their marriage coach Dr. Christopher Edmonston, they break down their biggest (and in some cases, funniest) fights. How did a question about chicken wings turn into a bra fight (no, not a bar fight or a bra fight)? How did a roll of toilet paper lead to tears, resentment, and a stint in the guest bedroom?With their trademark sense of humor and complete vulnerability, Penn and Kim share their 10 most common Fight Fails and how to combat them. Throughout the book, they offer scripts for how to start, continue, and successfully close hard conversations. Couples will emerge equipped to engage and understand, not do battle—and maybe laugh a little more along the way.In Everybody Fights, couples will learn how to: Use "magic words" for healthy conflict resolution Address unspoken and unrealistic expectations Banish the three Ds of unhealthy communication—distraction, denial, and delay Carry individual baggage while helping your partner deal with theirs Penn and Kim want you to know you're not alone. Everybody fights. Marriage is messy. Marriage is work. But marriage is worth it. Fight for it!
Thomas Nelson Publishers Work in Progress: Unconventional Thoughts on Designing an Extraordinary Life
Now available in trade paper! How did a couple of quirky siblings from suburban Pittsburgh end up as the king and queen of eclectic-design chic with their own HGTV show? They never let fear get in the way of a great idea. Leanne and Steve Ford share their secrets for how to turn dreams into reality.Leanne and Steve were middle-class kids growing up in Pittsburgh in the 80s and 90s. There was nothing particularly glamorous or unusual about their lives as kids. Leanne was a shy, stubborn child who lived a rich life in her own imagination. Steve was outdoorsy and offbeat and was bullied mercilessly at school for being different. Their parents, grounded in faith and always encouraging of both creativity and hard work, gave them the confidence and the encouragement they needed to pursue the often difficult creative life. Leanne’s slogan as a child was, “My name is Leanne. If I want to, I can.”Leanne studied clothing design and pulled gigs at fashion houses in New York and as a stylist to country music stars in Nashville before she found her true passion: interior design. Steve threw himself into kayaking and snowboarding and opening his own men’s clothing store in Pittsburgh. And then their individual passions converged when Leanne asked Steve to help renovate her bathroom. There was magic in their collaboration, and they began renovating for clients in Pittsburgh—creating unique, authentic spaces that manage to feel both chic and completely obtainable—before catching the eye of producers at HGTV.Leanne and Steve share the details of their journey, including the beliefs that have inspired them and the experiences that have challenged them along the way.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Going Down to the River: A Homeless Musician, an Unforgettable Song, and the Miraculous Encounter that Changed a Life
The astonishing story of a singer-songwriter living on the streets of Nashville who met Jesus, got sober, and found international stardom at the age of 62.Doug Seegers left New York for Nashville in search of every songwriter’s dream. When he didn’t find success, he fell into a state of loneliness that fed an addiction he had battled since adolescence. Soon, he was homeless, playing his guitar on the street with a cardboard sign asking for money. But then he cried out to God in repentance and need, and God graciously met him. Doug then found sobriety, regained some footing, and in a miraculous moment was discovered outside a food pantry by a Swedish musician and documentarian who put his story on the air in Stockholm. Within days of the documentary airing--even though he still walked to the public library every day and acquired most of his belongings from nearby Dumpsters--Doug had the number-one selling song in Sweden. Going Down to the River is Doug’s inspirational story of faith, forgiveness, and the power of prayer and belief. It is also the never-give-up tale of a man who played music for 55 years without success only to become a chart-topping artist at the age of 62.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Together: A Guide for Couples Doing Ministry Together
Serving in numerous ministry capacities together, Geoff and Sherry Surratt have valuable lessons and observations to pass along to couples seeking to serve in ministry together.Marriage is hard. Learning to do life with another human being presents unanticipated challenges that take determined, focused, humbling effort to work through.Ministry is hard. Much like marriage, it's full of unanticipated challenges, requires a great deal of selflessness, and often comes with little reward.Marriage and ministry together? It’s a unique calling, yet couples who enter into it seldom receive adequate preparation, training, or even warning!Geoff and Sherry Surratt have been at both marriage and ministry together for over 30 years and have seen the highs, lows, and everything in between—they've managed to figure out a way to make it all work together. But the Surratts aren't the Facebook ministry couple with perfect hair, perfect skin, and perfect children. In fact, Together isn't a how-to-guide to create the model marriage-in-ministry. It's more like coffee with friends who've been where you are going and have learned some valuable lessons that may help you find your way, together.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Serenity, Paperback, Red Letter: A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery
Now you can discover for yourself the principles behind the Twelve Steps as they occur in Scripture through this best-selling New Testament.You will find an introduction to the Twelve Steps of recovery with each step listing recovery meditations and related recovery scriptures. As you read and meditate on Serenity, you will begin to see how the God of the Bible speaks directly to your needs. He will liberate you from debilitating addictions to restore you to wholeness and a perfect relationship with Him.7-point type size
Thomas Nelson Publishers Undivided: A Muslim Daughter, Her Christian Mother, Their Path to Peace
“Mom, I have something I need to tell you…” They didn’t talk. Not for ten years. Not about faith anyway. Instead, a mother and daughter tiptoed with pain around the deepest gulf in their lives – the daughter’s choice to leave the church, convert to Islam and become a practicing Muslim. Undivided is a real-time story of healing and understanding with alternating narratives from each as they struggle to learn how to love each other in a whole new way.Although this is certainly a book for mothers and daughters struggling with interfaith tensions , it is equally meaningful for mothers and daughters who feel divided by tensions in general. An important work for parents whose adult children have left the family’s belief system, it will help those same children as they wrestle to better understand their parents.Undivided offers an up close and personal look at the life of an Islamic convert—a young American woman—at a time when attitudes are mixed about Muslims (and Muslim women in particular), but interest in such women is high. For anyone troubled by the broader tensions between Islam and the West, this personal story distills this friction into the context of a family relationship—a journey all the more fascinating.Undivided is a tremendously important book for our time. Will Patricia be able to fully trust in the Christ who “holds all things together?” Will Alana find new hope or new understanding as the conversation gets deeper between them? And can they answer the question that both want desperately to experience, which is “Can we make our torn family whole again?”
Thomas Nelson Publishers Don't Look Back Planner
In Don't Look Back, Christine Caine taught us that moving on is more than a one-time decision--it's a way of life. In this new yearlong planner format, Christine shows us the life-changing power of living in the moment while looking toward the future.Within the pages of the Don't Look Back Planner, you'll find: Life-changing content from Christine along with monthly podcast recommendations to help you get unstuck Plenty of space to list your to-dos, self-care management, gratitude, and goals Undated calendars for your planning, including 12 monthly calendar overviews and 52 weekly calendar overviews Blank space for notes, an address book, and a spot to keep track of important dates This gorgeous undated 12-month planner--with a hand-painted cover created by artist Elizabeth Lang--features all of your planner must-haves, including: A metal wire-o spine, so your planner can lay flat as you're reading and taking notes A durable pocket to store important documents An elastic band closure to keep your trusty planner and everything inside secure on the go Join Christine as she shares her powerful teachings and helps you look forward to the future and keep moving toward it in faith.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Unfair Advantage: 7 Keys from the Life of Joseph for Transforming Any Obstacle into an Opportunity
"Life's not fair!" You've heard it a million times--and probably said it yourself. But what if your greatest difficulties were steppingstones to a greater destiny? What if seasons of unbearable pain turned out to be pathways to unbelievable purpose?In The Unfair Advantage, pastor Aaron Burke takes a closer look at the seven unfair seasons Joseph endures in the book of Genesis and reveals how Joseph's struggles are not unlike the battles readers face today.Combining biblical truths with Pastor Aaron's insights from his years of walking with people through their biggest challenges, this book offers a message of hope and renewed strength for anyone who has battled seasons of feeling discouraged, rejected, undervalued, tempted, unfairly punished, deprived, or forgotten. The surprising reality revealed by the story of Joseph is that unfair moments and seasons of difficulty--if handled wisely--can actually be used by God for our advantage.Readers will be comforted and inspired as they encounter in a new way the dramatic story of Joseph's trials and ultimate triumph. Along the way, they'll learn how to transform adversity into advantage, endure even the most challenging moments through courage and hope rooted in faith, become aware of God's presence, peace, and promise in the midst of hardship. In The Unfair Advantage, readers who are walking through a season that seems unfair will be reminded of God's ultimate gift of favor. While their situation may seem hopeless now, they can trust that God is forging something beautiful out of the brokenness, putting purpose to their pain, righting every wrong, and building a destiny better than their greatest dreams.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Secret Society of Success: Stop Chasing the Spotlight and Learn to Enjoy Your Work (and Life) Again
It’s time to redefine success.“The book you’re about to read is an absolute game changer, life changer, and outlook changer. . . . You will never view success the same way again. And that’s a very good thing.”— ERNIE JOHNSON JR., Emmy Award winner and host of TNT’s Inside the NBAThere’s a message getting a lot of airtime these days. It says to be successful, you have to step into the spotlight, climb the ladder, become the boss, or chase whatever version of success that’s been dangled in front of you.But what if there’s another way? What if fame, money, and power aren’t all that we should be chasing?In The Secret Society of Success, Tim Schurrer invites you to reevaluate your definition of success and learn a new, freer way to go about achieving it. How do you learn this approach? With the Secret Society as your guide—a community of people who know how to make an impact, whether they have the spotlight or not. The Secret Society will teach you to define success for yourself; contribute to your team without minding who gets the credit; make an impact that spans far beyond yourself, regardless of the size of your platform; navigate living in the tension between contentment and striving; go from feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and restless in your job to being confident in the value you bring to the team; and discover meaning and fulfillment in the work that you do. Through powerful stories of people like the CEO of Apple Tim Cook, NBA all-star LeBron James, Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, and people whose names you’ve never heard of, you will discover that the success you’re looking for is within your reach, wherever you are and whatever your role.“The Secret Society of Success is an important book that everyone should read. It is not only insightful; it’s inspirational. This book captures what it really means to be successful. I am for one ready to up my game! Thank you, Tim, for giving me this gift!”— DAVID NOVAK, cofounder and former chairman and CEO of Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut)
Thomas Nelson Publishers The TEXT Bible: Uncover the message between God, humanity, and you (NET, Paperback, Comfort Print)
What would you do if you could text God all your questions, all your worries, all your doubts and fears to God? What if He was always online and would always answer you? Would you start typing right now?Someone once said that the single most important thing about you is your thoughts on God. Give that a minute to sink in. Why would that be? Because all your thoughts about humanity, love, suffering, and the like are shaped primarily by whether or not you think there is any meaning to it all, by whether or not you are on your own, and by whether or not God even cares about it all. Knowing who God is will give you answers to life’s big questions that you might not have even known you needed.The TEXT Bible gives you a practical and memorable Bible study method that you can use with any passage of Scripture: Talk to God; Encounter God and humanity; eXamine your heart; Talk to others. Plus, there's so much more! Features include: Book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Texting the Text: use the 4-step process of Scripture engagement Big Q of the Text: big life questions with short answers "Who is God?": 100 short devotions on the person and character of God Praying the Text: learn how to start praying God's Word right back to Him Get to Know the Text: provides concise history of a major event or character Follow the Thread: navigate the Bible across topics Anatomy of the Text: describes parts of speech or important types of literature such as parables or apocalyptic books Terms of the Text: what you need to understand about some of the unique words in the Bible Wide margins provide space to reflect, journal or create art next to your favorite verses Bible reading plans guiding you through the entire Bible Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading 8 full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Clear and readable 9-point NET Comfort Print®
Thomas Nelson Publishers Encountering God Study Bible: Insights from Blackaby Ministries on Living Our Faith (NKJV, Brown Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print, Thumb Indexed)
Encounter God through the Scriptures as you are guided by the wisdom and experience of the Blackaby family.The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God. To meet with God, to be changed by Him, and to become more like Him as a result. For decades, the Blackaby family has dedicated their ministry to helping believers address this deepest need. Now you can learn from their insights to experience deeper encounters with God as you develop a regular routine of Bible reading and study in the Encountering God Study Bible.The Encountering God Study Bible is the crowning work of the Blackabys. Featuring their trusted approach to Bible study, explanatory notes, word studies, biblical character sketches, historical encounters with lives of exemplary faith, articles highlighting the creative nature of God, and other articles defending the faith, you will be encouraged to see that you can encounter God in His Word—and that He wants to encounter you through it.Features include: Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Encounter Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His Word Articles highlighting the creative nature of God by Daniel Blackaby Articles defending the lasting truths of the faith by Mike Blackaby Rich explanatory notes explaining ideas, events, people, and places in the text to make the meaning clear Word studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of church history figures all written by members of the Blackaby family Word studies shed light on key terms and important meaning from the original Greek and Hebrew Character profiles give overviews of key men and women in the Bible Biographical sketches give examples of people who faithfully encountered and followed God in their life Book introductions setting the scene for each biblical book and its importance for encountering God Timeline of the biblical narrative for a better understanding of how historical and biblical events fit throughout history A succinct harmony of the Gospels details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels Chart of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus as Messiah provides Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament Reading plans guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Center-column reference set allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Full NKJV concordance provides an alphabetical listing of important passages by key words Words of Christ in red quickly identify verses spoken by Jesus Index to easily find word studies, character studies, historical encounters, apologetic, and aesthetic articles Ribbon markers make it easy to navigate and keep track of where you were reading Clear and readable NKJV Comfort Print® in a 9-point print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers Encountering God Study Bible: Insights from Blackaby Ministries on Living Our Faith (NKJV, Brown Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print)
Encounter God through the Scriptures as you are guided by the wisdom and experience of the Blackaby family.The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God. To meet with God, to be changed by Him, and to become more like Him as a result. For decades, the Blackaby family has dedicated their ministry to helping believers address this deepest need. Now you can learn from their insights to experience deeper encounters with God as you develop a regular routine of Bible reading and study in the Encountering God Study Bible.The Encountering God Study Bible is the crowning work of the Blackabys. Featuring their trusted approach to Bible study, explanatory notes, word studies, biblical character sketches, historical encounters with lives of exemplary faith, articles highlighting the creative nature of God, and other articles defending the faith, you will be encouraged to see that you can encounter God in His Word—and that He wants to encounter you through it.Features include: Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Encounter Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His Word Articles highlighting the creative nature of God by Daniel Blackaby Articles defending the lasting truths of the faith by Mike Blackaby Rich explanatory notes explaining ideas, events, people, and places in the text to make the meaning clear Word studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of church history figures all written by members of the Blackaby family Word studies shed light on key terms and important meaning from the original Greek and Hebrew Character profiles give overviews of key men and women in the Bible Biographical sketches give examples of people who faithfully encountered and followed God in their life Book introductions setting the scene for each biblical book and its importance for encountering God Timeline of the biblical narrative for a better understanding of how historical and biblical events fit throughout history A succinct harmony of the Gospels details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels Chart of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus as Messiah provides Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament Reading plans guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Center-column reference set allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Full NKJV concordance provides an alphabetical listing of important passages by key words Words of Christ in red quickly identify verses spoken by Jesus Index to easily find word studies, character studies, historical encounters, apologetic, and aesthetic articles Ribbon markers make it easy to navigate and keep track of where you were reading Clear and readable NKJV Comfort Print® in a 9-point print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dance Your Dance: 8 Steps to Unleash Your Passion and Live Your Dream
Now available in trade paper! A-list choreographer Laurieann Gibson guides creators of all kinds to embrace their passions and achieve success, providing a practical road map to never giving up on your dream.Have you felt stuck like you’re just running in place, fearful of taking the next step? World-renowned Emmy-nominated choreographer and creative visionary Laurieann Gibson shares personal stories from her 20+ career in entertainment, words of encouragement, and practical advice to help you reach your full potential.Gibson candidly opens up about her experiences, challenges, and triumphs, sharing the 8 principles that not only shaped her incredible career but also guided her work with the world’s biggest pop stars. Dance Your Dance is a practical guide that will help you: Act on the creative spark that brings you joy Move beyond the dream killers of your past Persevere through the toughest moments Build a team to support you on your journey Empower others to realize their own dreams Drawing on her fascinating artistic experiences and the faith that sustained her through her biggest challenges, Laurieann offers a step-by-step guide to living out your vision...because when it comes to being who God created you to be, it’s always your time to shine.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Grown-up Faith: The Big Picture for a Bigger Life
Kevin Myers, the founding pastor of 12Stone Church, a congregation of more than 30,000 active attenders near Atlanta, believes the reason we don't experience a transformed life is that we fail to grow up spiritually. We focus on developing physically, intellectually, emotionally, and financially, yet our faith remains immature and anemic.In this powerful new book, Myers offers a deep yet simple roadmap to a grown-up faith through understanding the whole context of the Bible, developing spiritual intimacy with God, and gratefully embracing holy obedience.As you understand the Bible and the big picture of God's story with humanity, you begin to find answers to life's most compelling questions. As you begin to understand God more, your longing and ability to experience spiritual intimacy with him increases, as does your desire to obey what God asks of you and your ability to follow through. This is the way to the bigger life, a life even better than you expected--or even dreamed possible.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God In My Corner: A Spiritual Memoir
Thomas Nelson Publishers 27 Summers: My Journey to Freedom, Forgiveness, and Redemption During My Time in Angola Prison
In one of America's most notorious prisons, a young man sentenced to life without parole miraculously found faith, forgiveness, redemption, and restoration. In 27 Summers Ronald Olivier shares his dramatic and powerful story and offers proof that God can bring healing and hope to even the darkest circumstances. As a teenager Ronald Olivier ran wild in the streets of New Orleans, selling drugs, stealing cars, and finally killing someone on what was supposed to be the happiest day of the year--Christmas Day. Facing the consequences of his crime, he remembered what his mother once said. "Baby, if you ever have real trouble, the kind that I can't get you out of, you can always call on Jesus." So he did.Ron was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Through the agony of solitary confinement and multiple transfers into increasingly dangerous prison environments, Ron kept seeking God for healing and hope. Finally, after being locked up for twenty-seven summers at the notorious Louisiana State Penitentiary--known as Angola--Ron was miraculously released. Remarkably, he became the director of chaplains at Mississippi State Penitentiary. Today, Ron loves to combat hopelessness, wherever he finds it, by saying, "Don't tell me what God can't do!”Readers will learn new insights about faith and patience from a man who spent almost three decades in a cruel and violent environment; be encouraged, like Ron, to find grace and forgiveness to overcome the pain of their past; and find hope that God can redeem and restore anyone. Ron's fascinating story brilliantly displays God's power to transform individuals, families, and communities, reminding us that there truly is nothing God can't do.
Thomas Nelson Publishers There's Beauty in Your Brokenness: 90 Devotions to Surrender Striving, Live Unburdened, and Find Your Worth in Christ
Do you feel that you're not enough? Do you struggle to see your inherent worth just as you are? In this beautiful full-color devotional, the creators of popular online community Her True Worth offer encouragement through Scripture, story, and art to anchor your identity in Christ and to find rest in His presence. No matter how much we strive or work, it can still seem like it's never enough. But that's okay! Our "enough" ultimately has nothing to do with our actions. Our identity is found in God—and Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer don't toss that phrase around lightly. As these 90 devotions reveal, realizing your inestimable value in God alone is a life-altering, soul-anchoring truth that will change everything about your life—how you feel about yourself, how you spend your time, and how you treat others.As you walk through the pages of this beautiful devotional, Brittany and Cassandra will kindly guide you back to what God intended for your life, showing you through Scripture, meditations, and reflective questions how sin corrupted God's plan, how Christ redeemed it, and how we can live securely in that redemption today. Each entry speaks the truth that you are: Safe, seen, and loved Already enough because of your value in Christ Part of a community of women who understand your longing for soul renewal Whole and complete in Christ, even when you feel fragile or overwhelmed In a world filled with countless counterfeit identities, it's easy to get caught up chasing the wrong things. These devotions feel like sitting down to coffee with a close friend and sharing both the hard and good of what it means to be a woman following Christ, learning together how to grow and rest in the peace and security Jesus offers. These vulnerable invitations for reflection will help you confidently live out your true worth secure in His promises for you.
Thomas Nelson Publishers A Change of Affection: A Gay Man's Incredible Story of Redemption
The powerful, dramatic story of how a successful Hollywood set designer whose identity was deeply rooted in his homosexuality came to be suddenly and utterly transformed by the power of the gospel.When Becket Cook moved from Dallas to Los Angeles after college, he discovered a socially progressive, liberal town that embraced not only his creative side but also his homosexuality. He devoted his time to growing his career as a successful set designer and to finding "the one" man who would fill his heart. His life centered around celebrity-filled Hollywood parties and he traveled to society hot-spots around the world--until a chance encounter with a pastor at an LA coffee shop one morning changed everything. In A Change of Affection, Becket Cook shares his testimony as someone who was transformed by the power of the gospel. His dramatic conversion to Christianity and subsequent seminary training inform his views on homosexuality--personally, biblically, theologically, and culturally--and his compelling book guides readers through this complex and controversial issue while revealing how to lovingly engage with those who disagree. Provocative, genuine, and deeply faithful, A Change of Affection is a timely and indispensable resource for anyone who desires to understand more fully one of the most common and difficult stumbling blocks to faithfully following Christ today.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond
"I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:3The Final Chapter From Billy Graham. Experience the glory of heaven as Billy Graham, the beloved evangelist, shares from his past, and his present, the reality of eternity. As our nation and world travail in the midst of political, economic, and cultural uncertainties, we can find comfort in the hope that comes from the unchanging truth of God’s Word. Whether talking with a US president, a world leader, or the common man or being interviewed on network television, Billy Graham has always begun his answers with “The Bible says…”In Where I Am, Mr. Graham shares what the Bible has to say about eternity from all of its sixty-six books; messages of truth, warning, love, and the certainty of the future, all gleaned by a man who would like to be remembered solely as a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.The greatest promise ever given to the human race came from the lips of our Redeemer when Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me...I go to prepare a place for you...I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1–3). Just after his ninety-fifth birthday, Mr. Graham proclaimed with resolve, “When I die, tell others that I’ve gone to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—that’s where I am.”
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Luckiest Man: How a Seventeen-Year Battle with ALS Led Me to Intimacy with God
How do you experience God's intimate, comforting, tangible presence? In The Luckiest Man, John Paine reveals how he found the answer to this most important of all questions--by facing a terminal diagnosis.At middle age, John Paine thought he knew what it meant to have a relationship with God. He was a successful businessman, a well-respected Christian leader, a Bible teacher, and--outwardly, at least--the spiritual leader of his family. He was satisfied and thought he understood what it meant to know and experience God. But did he?John's journey into true, mystical intimacy with God began when a neurologist diagnosed him with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, and said, "Go home and get your affairs in order." Seventeen years later, John tells his story, recounting the ways God intervened in his life, freeing him from all that prevented intimacy with God, even as John slipped into pain, paralysis, and further toward death. In stunning, insightful prose, The Luckiest Man points to the God who lovingly, though occasionally painfully, drew John into the richness of friendship. In this profoundly moving memoir, John Paine reveals the secret to intimacy with God and provides hope to all who are in the middle of their own trials. They, too, will understand why John considers himself the "luckiest man."
Thomas Dunne Books Ireland: A Luminous Beauty: A Luminous Beauty
Thomas Nelson Publishers Billy: The Untold Story of a Young Billy Graham and the Test of Faith that Almost Changed Everything
The remarkable true story of a young Billy Graham and his best friend who walked away from the faith.We all know howthe story ends but how did it begin? Before he became a household name, and America's Pastor,he was simply known asBilly. When he wasn't playing baseball, he was discovering his lovefor Christian ministry. His best friend, Charles Templeton, wasalready ontrack to be a highly successful evangelist and the two young men beganstrategizing on how to win the world for Christ. That plan takes adrastic turn, however, when Templeton deserts the faith and becomes anatheist. The impact of this decision on a young Billy Graham isimmeasurable and agonizing. Charles would later become the greatintellectual architect for agnosticism and atheism. Billy wouldbecome the single greatest messenger for the Christian Gospel. It isone of the great untold dramas between friends - Atheism vsChristianity, betrayal and hope.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The New Strong's Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words
WHAT'S INSIDE The only resource to incorporate the best of Vine's Words of Christ highlighted in red Enhanced word studies drawn from standard dictionaries such as Vine's, Thayer's, Brown-Driver-Briggs Definitions of Hebrew and Greek primary roots greatly expanded-three times as much as before Frequency word counts for all English words in concordance proper and Hebrew and Greek words in the dictionaries Main concordance, with Strong's numbering system, fully retained Fan-Tab™ Thumb-Index Reference System
Thomas Nelson Publishers NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Leathersoft, Blue, Full-Color, Red Letter: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features Include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large10.5-point print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers Boss Up!: This Ain’t Your Mama’s Business Book
Boss Up! will help you put your business on the map and the ideas you’ve previously only dreamed about into the marketplace. Learn to overcome your fears and guilt to find a fulfillment that changes you and your family for the better— breaking free of the hard and boring and having fun along the way.In Boss Up! Lindsay helps you gain confidence to understand that having ambition doesn’t make you a bad wife or mother. That it’s okay to have a desire for something more than endless sippy cups, clean-ups, Band-Aids, and groundings. That no matter your education or experience, you can tap into your passions and create businesses that give you increased flexibility, fulfillment, and financial security.Lindsay doesn’t just do this through commiserating but by giving you the tools for change. Using the lessons she learned on her own path to success, Lindsay shares real, solid business principles with ten distinct success philosophies that you will encounter on the journey to entrepreneurship, such as: Thinking long-term Being unapologetically yourself Use the “unsales” tactic Understand your “why” Lindsay is a stay-at-home mom turned multimillion-dollar-producing business owner, but she doesn’t just have a passion for entrepreneurship. She has a deep passion for helping women of all walks of life gain the confidence and skills to tap into their ambition and achieve success in their own business endeavors. Are you ready to Boss Up?
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Cloth over Board, Pink Floral, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features Include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large10.5-point print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Purple Floral Cloth over Board, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition, Comfort Print: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the kingdom.Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations. Features include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large 9-point KJV Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Groomed: Overcoming the Messages That Shaped Our Past and Limit Our Future
Someone in your past sold you a false story about who you are and what you’re worth. It has been holding you back for too long. Take control of your future. A staggering one out of three women in America was a victim of sexual abuse at some point in her childhood. No matter how many years it’s been, if that’s your story, those scars are probably still with you. But even if that’s not part of your story, this book is for you. Women today have been groomed for a lot more than just sex.Using her own story of abuse, family tragedy, and rebellion, Elizabeth Melendez Fisher guides readers toward an understanding that grooming is oftentimes subtle, but it’s always life-altering. In Groomed Fisher incorporates the language and lessons gained over the past decade working with sex trafficking victims and her work in ministry and counseling before that. She draws out five specific ways that women have been groomed, from physical appearance to spirituality to finances, and shows how those manipulative messages have affected the way we see our worth and how they’ve oftentimes stifled and limited us. From there Fisher offers readers a way to overcome their past, starting with the all-important but rarely explored idea of a selah, or a time of rest and reflection, and exploring active ways to forgive and move forward to a new level of freedom.No one has to be defined by her past. No one has to live for her groomers. It’s time to take a look back at where we came from to escape the messages of our past and take control of our future.
Thomas Nelson Publishers ICB, Really Woolly Holy Bible, Leathersoft, Blue: Children's Edition - Blue
The ICB Really Wooly Bible makes an ideal gift for a baby or young child in an easy-to-read format accompanied with classic full-color illustrations.This collectible Really Woolly® Bible is the perfect keepsake. It combines the readability of the International Children's Bible® and the whimsy of the Really Woolly® brand from DaySpring®.Features include: Full-color presentation page to make this a Bible your child will cherish Baby Record section for personalizing special details Full-color Really Woolly® characters artwork with Bible verses to help capture the attention of children as they relate to the beautiful imagery A convenient “Where Do I Find It?” index to easily track down special biblical characters and events What God Promises About section provides a list of important promises in Scripture your child can trust throughout their life Detailed ICB Dictionary for a better understanding of key Bible characters and terms Key memory verses to help direct your child through life Ribbon-marker to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading 7-point print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Purposeful Productivity
Tanya Dalton, the world's leading expert on maximizing productivity, has created a DayReader with 60 eye-opening entries to help you assess and live a life free from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gods Promises for Graduates Class of 2025 Gold NIV
Today''s high school and college graduates are looking for a promise of hope for their future. This practical and inspirational gift for graduates delivers God''s promises of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and encouragement straight from the Bible on relevant topics such as character, integrity, loyalty, focus, respect, and perseverance.This attractive book is a perfect keepsake gift offering: Hundreds of Scripture passages from the New International Version Bible translation A Leathersoft cover designed for personalization with your graduate''s name A portable size, perfect to take on-the-go God''s Promises® for Graduates is a #1 bestselling inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God''s Word.Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God''s Promises®, God''s Answers®, and God''s Wisdom® gift books.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gods Promises for Graduates Class of 2025 Pink NKJV
Today''s high school and college graduates are looking for a promise of hope for their future. This practical and inspirational gift for graduates delivers God''s promises of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and encouragement straight from the Bible on relevant topics such as character, integrity, loyalty, focus, respect, and perseverance.This attractive book is a perfect keepsake gift offering: Hundreds of Scripture passages from the New King James Version Bible translation A Leathersoft cover designed for personalization with your graduate''s name A portable size, perfect to take on-the-go God''s Promises for Graduates® is a #1 bestselling inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God''s Word.Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God''s Promises®, God''s Answers®, and God''s Wisdom® gift books.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Take Your Seat at the Table Study Guide
What's keeping you from taking ownership of your decisions and reaching for your dreams? What stands between you and the life God wants you to live?
Thomas Nelson Publishers Present in Prayer
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Joy of Missing Out
This book is two things. It’s an eye-opener to the fact that we don’t have to do a million things to be productive (or successful). And it’s a coach that helps us trim the fat, get real with our purpose, and start living more intentionally-Goop Dalton helps readers by teaching us to focus on the most important things and create our own operating systems that are exclusive to our lives as individuals. By doing this, we can simplify and make life even better- San Francisco Book ReviewDalton’s ground-up approach to productivity teaches readers to identify their real priorities and, in doing so, cut their massive to-do lists down to size by learning to say no to the tasks that pull them away from their North Star-GratefulOverwhelmed. Do you wake up in the morning already feeling behind? Does the pressure of keeping it all together make you feel anxious and irritable?<
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesús te llama: 365 lecturas devocionales para niños
Devocionales escritas como si Jesús hablara directamente al corazón de los niños.Basado en el libro original Jesús te llama esta versión ha sido adaptada a un lenguaje y formato que hará que los niños pequeños y los de edad escolar relacionen los textos con su vida diaria. Tras varios años escribiendo en su diario de oraciones, la misionera Sarah Young decidió escuchar a Dios, lápiz en mano y escribir lo que consideró que Dios le dictaba a través de las Escrituras. Otras personas fueron bendecidas cuando les compartió sus escritos y muchos empezaron a usar sus devocionales en todo el mundo. Son textos escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesús, y a ello se debe el títuloJesús te llama. La plegaria ferviente de Sarah es que nuestro Salvador bendiga cada vez más a los lectores adultos, y ahora también a los más jóvenes, con Su presencia y Su paz.Devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to a child's heart.Based on her original Jesús te llama, this version has been adapted in a language and fashion that kids and tweens can relate to their everyday lives. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers, and now young readers, with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Villa Esperanza
Tes y sus amigos han logrado escapar de Minos para dirigirse a San Francisco, allí esperan encontrar la cura para el extraño virus que está terminando con los adultos o convirtiéndoles en gruñidores. El gobierno de los Nuevos Estados Unidos de América está intentando controlar la situación, pero para que Tes pueda acceder a la cura tendrán que ir a la capital del estado, Sacramento, e intentar atrapar al jefe de los gruñidores antes de que cumpla sus planes de destrucción de Villa Esperanza....¡LA SERIE QUE DESPERTARÁ EL FERVOR DE LOS LECTORES!Tes and her friends have managed to escape from Minos and head to San Francisco. There they hope to find the cure for the strange virus that either does away with adults or turns them into Growlers . The government of the New United States of America is trying to manage the situation, but to have access to the cure, Tes has to reach the state’s capital, Sacramento, and trap the chief of the Growlers before he completes his plans to destroy Villa Esperanza. The series will have readers on the edges of their seats!
Thomas Nelson Publishers 3:16 Evangelio de Juan
Comparte la promesa más grande de DiosEste folleto individual del Evangelio de Juan complementa la campaña 3:16 como una herramienta evangelística sencilla y accesible. El folleto incluye una breve pero profunda explicación del evangelio escrito por Max Lucado. Los lectores pueden comenzar con ese resumen y luego pasar directamente al fascinante drama del Evangelio de Juan donde se encuentran con Jesús y aprenden lo que significa convertirse y vivir como cristiano.3:16 Gospel of JohnShare God's greatest promiseThis standalone booklet of the Gospel of John complements the 3:16 campaign as a simple and accessible evangelistic tool. The booklet includes a brief but in-depth explanation of the gospel written by Max Lucado. Readers can start with that summary and then move directly into the riveting drama of the Gospel of John where they meet Jesus and learn what it means to become and live as a Christian.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Daddy Dates: Four Daughters, One Clueless Dad, and His Quest to Win Their Hearts: The Road Map for Any Dad to Raise a Strong and Confident Daughter
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Circle Series 4-in-1
Thomas Nelson Publishers But God Can