Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Corporate, Real Estate, Household, Government and Non-Bank Financial Sectors Under Financial Stability
Sound financial stability assessments necessitate intensive analysis of different sectors, namely, the household sector, the corporate sector, the real estate sector, the government sector, and the non-bank financial sector. This volume provides a complete analysis and risk assessment of each of these sectors which make up the subtle and intricate fabric which contribute to financial stability. The book considers: • Micro-prudential and macro-prudential regulations and how they constitute core ingredients to ensure a sound and smooth functioning financial system. • The role of household debt as a coveted economic indicator of the building up of financial instability pressures. • The relation of the real estate sector to the prevalence of financial crises through asset price bubbles. • The role of the corporate sector in financial stability risk analysis. In particular, the balance sheets of the corporate sector are widely examined to uncover feasible risks to financial stability. • The role of the government sector, with particular emphasis being laid on public debt management. This book will prove valuable to central bankers, economists, and policy-makers who are involved in the field of financial stability, as well as researchers studying the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Energy Economics: Understanding and Interpreting Energy Poverty in China
Energy poverty, one of the major challenges facing the global energy system, has drawn wide attention from the international community and academia. As the largest developing country in the world, China faces a number of challenges in understanding and resolving the problem of energy poverty. Energy Economics: Understanding and Interpreting Energy Poverty in China presents a succinct overview of research on China’s Energy Poverty as studied by the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEP), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). Based on the analytical framework of energy economics, the book summarizes and refines international energy assessment methods, builds China’s energy poverty measurement and comprehensive evaluation criteria, and evaluates China’s energy poverty from the perspective of time and space. It goes on to analyze the impact of solid fuel use on urban and rural residents’ health, and review the relationship between energy poverty and economic development, clean energy development and energy poverty, as well as climate change and energy availability. Finally, it summarizes policies and actions to eliminate energy poverty. This book will provide essential scientific support for researchers and policy makers dealing with energy poverty.
Emerald Publishing Limited Young Children’s Play Practices with Digital Tablets: Playful Literacy
The ebook version of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and is freely available to read online. This book presents how young children's current practices when playing with tablets inform digital experiences in Denmark and Japan. Through an interdisciplinary lens and a grounded theory approach, Fróes identifies and maps these practices, which compose the taxonomy of tablet play and proposes a series of theoretical concepts that complement recent theories related to play and digital literacy studies. Tablet devices bring with them not only a multitude of options, but they also help create notions of digital space and environments defining emerging territories in young children's play experiences. Young children play with these devices and have fun indulging in digital worlds, while discovering and problem-solving with a variety of narratives and interfaces encountered on these digital playgrounds. A set of tablet play characteristics, such as multimodal applications (apps) combined with tablets' physical and digital affordances shape children's digital play. The data collected through observations informed some noteworthy aspects, including how children's hands gain and perform an embodied knowledge of digital spaces. This embodied knowledge develops through digital play interactions, defining what is proposed as digital penmanship. Complementary to the penmanship, several symbols and a range of modes of use shape a rich multimodal semiotic vocabulary in children's digital play experiences. These early digital experiences set the rules for the playgrounds and assert digital tablets as twenty-first-century toys, shaping young children's playful literacy.
Emerald Publishing Limited European Origins of Library and Information Science
Previous books on the history of Library and Information Science (LIS) have focused on single countries, particularly English speaking ones. Although some books have been written about the emergence of LIS in non-Anglophone European countries, they were published in languages other than English, which make them difficult to access for an international audience. This book bridges this gap by offering readers a cross-national history of the emergence of LIS in non-Anglophone European countries. It retraces the emergence of LIS as a higher education field of learning and inquiry in seven countries: France, Yugoslavia (current day Croatia), Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain and Portugal, from the first quarter of the 19th century to the last quarter of the 20th century, and identifies the pioneers, the earliest education programs in vocational library schools, and their absorption into universities from the 1970s which paved the way for the academic recognition of LIS in the last quarter of the 20th century. This cross-country history of LIS in non-Anglophone European countries shows that, despite apparent linguistic and terminological differences, there are underlying common characteristics in the march of LIS towards academic, social and cognitive institutionalisation in these seven countries. This book is a fundamental reading for students and researchers in LIS, particularly for anyone who wishes to expand their view and understanding of LIS outside of English-speaking countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living Innovation: From Value Creation to the Greater Good
The concept of innovation is always changing. Innovation systems are no longer rigid structures, but agile and self-healing systems. And the goal of innovation is no longer limited to value-creation for organizations, but often aims for much nobler goals: namely, creating a smart future where people are happy, where organizations thrive, and where the environment flourishes. The emerging innovation paradigm for building a smart future is the practice of lived innovation. Here innovation and knowledge management experts Sang M. Lee and Seongbae Lim offer a roadmap to these new territories and their futures. Drawing upon real-world examples from across the globe, they explain the fundamentals of innovation; they introduce emerging innovation tools such as convergence management, co-creation, and design thinking; and they outline a new innovation strategy, co-innovation, by which many partners and stakeholders collaborate to achieve shared goals. Along the way, they also examine several daunting, negative impacts of innovation in the digital age---job losses, wealth inequality, and sustainability and environmental issues---in order to demonstrate why innovation must focus on the greater social good. Living Innovation is essential reading for business executives, public administrators, innovation researchers, and anyone eager to confront major twenty-first-century challenges in new ways.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Realism, History, and Philosophy in the Social Sciences
Social science, history, and philosophy have often been neglect in thinking through their fundamentally intertwined relationship. The result is often an inattention to philosophy where social science and history is concerned, or a neglect of historicity and social analysis where philosophy is concerned. Meanwhile, the place of values in research is often uneasily passed over in silence. The inattention to, and loss of, the intersection between these different disciplines and their subject matters, leaves our investigations all the more impoverished as a result. In resolving these problems, it is not enough to strive for cooperation or integration, but to rethink of the nature of the disciplines themselves; their interests, purposes, and presuppositions. In this volume, contributors explore different facets of these relationships, and move beyond the problematics erected by positivism often cast in terms of value-free or value-neutral science, that is, a science obsessed with empirical data, schematic classifications, and the pursuit of law-like forms. While positivism has been subject to critique, the influence and legacy of positivism remains. It remains in the way in which we often think about science; the line drawn between the sciences and the humanities; the norms researchers should follow; what a successful explanation looks like; and the ethical, normative, and political implications of scientific research. Aimed at students and researchers of philosophy, history and the social sciences, this book is driven by a desire to revindicate questions concerning ontology and social ontology, to rethink the nature of explanation, and to resituate normativity and values within scientific, social scientific, and historical pursuits.
Emerald Publishing Limited Routine Dynamics in Action: Replication and Transformation
Contains an Open Access chapter. As organizations become increasingly distributed and diverse, and products, technologies and services more complex and dispersed, there is mounting pressure to understand how work can be coordinated across geographical, cultural and intellectual distance, both within and across organizations. As a result, questions arise about how work is accomplished through organizational practices and routines and in particular how patterns of actions are replicated and transformed across different contexts and over time. Routine dynamics has started to explore these dynamics by focusing attention on how routines (as practices) are enacted and, thus, created and re-created over time and across organizational locations through the actions of people and machines. This book explores central themes in the enactment and coordination of organizational routines, drawing in particular on in-depth case studies and empirically-grounded theorizing. The chapters explore important organizational phenomena in the areas of strategy, entrepreneurship, human resources, health care, social policy, and the arts. Focusing in particular on four central themes in routine dynamics: replication and transfer; ecology and interdependence; action and the generation of novelty and technology and sociomateriality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Life on Instagram: New Social Communication of Photography
How does Instagram shape how we relate to each other online? Are users concerned about privacy when documenting their lives in fine detail? How does Instagram work as a marketing machine? Drawing on three years’ research with Instagram users, Elisa Serafinelli explores how Instagram is changing people’s visual experiences. Instagram is now by far the most popular online photo sharing platform, fuelled by the growth of smart mobile devices, and the management of an online persona is now part of millions of people’s everyday reality. This has not gone unnoticed among commercial actors, with the savviest of these exploiting the social dynamics of sharing that underlie the very logic of Instagram. This book addresses the issue of how mobile media and visual communication permeate people’s daily routines, how marketing influences practice, whether privacy and surveillance concerns are a reality, and how the platform shapes social relationships and identity formation. In its conclusion, the book advances the innovative concept of new mobile visualities to describe the social communication of photography and its huge expansion. Digital Life on Instagram is an online ethnography fit for the modern age of social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Skin, Meaning, and Symbolism in Pet Memorials: Tattoos, Taxidermy, and Trinkets
In response to increased academic interest in the fields of death studies, memorial studies, and human and animal studies, Skin, Meaning and Symbolism in Pet Memorials examines the mourning rituals which exist between people and their domestic pets. Paying close attention to the changing role and increased prominence of the companion animal in the domestic setting, each chapter considers a different form of companion animal memorialization, linking modern practices such as tattooing to historical examples of animal focused memento mori, particularly taxidermy. The final chapter adopts a forward focus in its provision of a framework for future studies related to how death and memorialization rituals are increasingly coming to occupy the digital space. While skin and touch are the focal points of many encounters explored in the text, what becomes evident is how the virtual realm is increasingly intruding into the touch experience. As a result, the posthumous, online afterlives of pets are set to become a social issue of increasing significance to the death and mourning experience. This work meets the needs of academics, post-graduate students and general readers alike, appealing to anyone with an interest in death studies, popular culture, tattooing and human and animal studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Medievalism and Metal Music Studies: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Metal music has long nurtured an obsession with visions of the Middle Ages, with countless album covers and lyric sheets populated by Vikings, knights, wizards, and castles. Medievalism and Metal Music Studies: Throwing down the Gauntlet addresses this fascination with all things medieval, exploring how metal musicians and fans find inspiration both in authentically medieval materials and neomedievalist depictions of the period in literature, cinema, and other media. Within metal music, the medieval takes on multiple, and even contradictory meanings, becoming at once a cipher of difference and grotesque alterity while simultaneously being imagined as a simpler, more authentic time, as opposed to the complexities and stresses of modernity. In this fashion, the medieval period becomes both a source for artistic creativity and a vector for countercultural social and political critique. The contributors in this book hail from a wide range of fields including medieval history, music performance, musicology, media studies, and literature, and computer linguistics, bringing a variety of critical perspectives to bear on the topic. Engaging in analyses of cover art, liner notes, lyrics, and musical style, the contributors investigate issues of research methodologies, crucial concerns over identity and nationalism, and the recontextualisation of historical materials, all aimed at critically examining how and why medievalism has permeated heavy metal music and culture. Hearken to our tales!
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context: Case Studies from Business Practice
This book presents real life business-to-business (B2B) branding cases. The book deploys a theoretical-practical approach, where theoretical and conceptual frameworks related to key branding topics are supported by empirical case studies. Each case helps to illustrate the framework and discuss its applicability in practice. Through the presented exploratory case studies, the authors provide fresh examples from business practice that are easy to comprehend by undergraduate students, and are easily applied by managers in the field. The book consists of three main parts, covering important aspects of B2B branding. It presents several aspects of external as well as internal branding, supplemented by novel approaches in B2B branding. In addition, the book offers examples of best practices, as well as notable mistakes made by companies involved in branding processes. Thus, it provides a holistic perspective, which will enable companies to learn not only about best practices, but also about pitfalls in the area of corporate branding. In addition to the novel practical cases, each chapter provides relevant theoretical underpinnings presented in a simple, down-to-earth manner. The book highlights recent research areas and coming trends within B2B branding. The book is suitable for everyone with an interest in B2B branding, regardless of background or previous knowledge of branding.
Emerald Publishing Limited Return on Investment in Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Social, Economic, and Environmental Value of Sustainable Business
In today’s climate, companies must be economically successful and at the same time take social responsibility. Author Cesar Sandro Saenz Acosta introduces a new SROIM (Social Return on Investment Management) model, to design and measure the social value created by companies. SROIM is a framework for tracking, understanding, measuring, and reporting the social, economic and environmental value created by a project, a program, or a business. This value creation can be done: Before the project is initiated During design and development, to plan for maximum value. During implementation, so that maximum value can be attained. During post-analysis, to assess the delivered value against the anticipated value. Acosta presents a methodological approach that can be replicated throughout an organization, to demonstrate a company’s creation of value through the social return of the investment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reproduction, Health, and Medicine
At a moment when reproduction is increasingly politicized, this volume explores the breadth of contemporary research on reproduction from the perspective of medical sociology, illuminating the lived experience of reproduction and offering insights to inform sociology and health policy. Reproduction, Health, and Medicine elucidates the tensions and contradictions between the normal physiologic processes of pregnancy and birth and the sociocultural beliefs, values, and arrangements that shape how we experience these biological phenomena. Investigating a range of reproductive events and experiences, including pregnancy, birth, abortion and fertility planning, the volume advances our understanding of how lay people and professionals make cultural meaning out of these processes in diverse settings. The chapters highlight how studies of reproduction, health, and medicine interface with core sociological concepts such as stratification, inequality, intersectionality, family and kinship, risk, and social control, and how experiences of reproduction are shaped by gender, race, class, sexuality and citizenship, as well as culture, health care systems, and health politics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategies for Fostering Inclusive Classrooms in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion
Higher education institutions continue to address an increasingly complex set of issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion. Many institutions face mounting pressure to find innovative solutions to eliminate access, participation, and achievement barriers as well as practices that impede retention and graduation rates in higher education. This volume provides educators with a global understanding of the challenges associated with the growing diversity of student identities in higher education and provides evidence-based strategies for addressing the challenges associated with implementing equity and inclusion at different higher education institutions around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World
Global Migration has changed the practice of educational leaders, policy makers, students, teachers and community members. This book traces this worldwide shift through research-based chapters that touch on both local idiosyncrasies and dynamics common across many contexts. Education, Immigration and Migration identifies issues educational leaders face as they seek to lead schools and school systems experiencing immigration and better understand their current strategies for improvement. The chapters shed light on the poorly understood relationship between educational leadership and refugee populations by giving a deeper appreciation of the scope and nature of issues at local, national and transnational levels. Each chapter offers new ways in which practitioners, policy-makers and scholars can think about complex dilemmas such as the implementation of equitable and democratic values, and difficulties involved in adapting organization and culture. Given its cross-national interdisciplinary approach, this book will prove invaluable for educational leaders, scholars and policymakers alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Continuous Auditing: Theory and Application
Continuous auditing is a novel emerging technology in academia and practice. The concept of continuous auditing was conceived over two decades ago in academia and we are now at a junction where the auditing profession recognizes the implement-ability and value of a continuous audit. The book’s purpose is twofold. First, the book aims to provide academics and practitioners with a compilation of select continuous auditing design science research that can be used as a springboard to future research and development. Second, the book aims to provide readers with an understand of the underlying theoretical concepts of a continuous audit, ideas on how continuous audit can be applied in practice, and what has and has not worked in research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Education, Migration and Family Relations Between China and the UK: The Transnational One-Child Generation
Education, Migration and Family Relations between China and the UK: The Transnational One-Child Generation provides a fresh perspective on the understanding of transnational families, examining the one-child generation of Chinese migrants who came to the UK to study, and their parents who remain in China, separated from their only child. As these highly-educated, capital-bearing Chinese migrants continue to pursue their careers and establish families in the West, a deeply significant dilemma emerges: as the only child in the family, how do they balance their personal aspirations with responsibilities to their parents? This study is based on interviews conducted with the one-child generation of Chinese migrants in the UK and their parents in China. It charts the life course of these migrants, from their upbringing in China, to their decision to study overseas, and establish their lives abroad. Both children and parents reveal the human complexity that lies behind these choices regarding transnational mobility and immobility, temporal and spatial changes that have challenged the basis of traditional Chinese family values, which dominated intergenerational relations in China for more than two thousand years. Ultimately, this fascinating book demonstrates that the shifting multidimensional nature of an individual’s identity demands a re-examination of definitions of international students, migrants, and family.
Emerald Publishing Limited Project Management in the Library Workplace
An important component of library administration and organization in the modern age is managing projects. Once the realm of technology and business gurus, formal project management tools, techniques and schemas have become more commonplace in libraries. Using formal project management components can help libraries achieve their desired outcomes with less stress for employees. However, there can be an entry barrier to project management, since the concepts are still somewhat out of the range of the usual library administration experience. This volume of Advances in Library Administration and Organization attempts to put project management into the toolboxes of library administrators through overviews of concepts, analyses of experiences, and forecasts for the use of project management within the profession.
Emerald Publishing Limited Individual, Relational, and Contextual Dynamics of Emotions
This volume of Research on Emotions in Organizations contributes to the ongoing study of the emotion-related forces that shape the functioning of individual, interpersonal workplace relationships and the organizational system as a whole. The chapters in this book demonstrate the complex interplay between emotion, cognitive processes, brain functioning and contextual factors that contribute to a better understanding of organizational behavior at multiple levels of workplace life and in the context of a fast-paced, uncertain and dynamically changing work environment. Taken together, they provide recent advances on the dynamics of emotions and point to future research venues consistent with the increasing interest in cross-country investigation and the role of neuroscience in organizational psychology. This volume is organized in three parts to provide coverage of the latest developments in each of the following areas: micro-level self-related dynamics of emotions; relational-centered dynamics of emotions; and emotional dynamics related to macro contextual factors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Motivation in Education at a Time of Global Change: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice
Economic, social and political disruption, financial recession, international migration and rapid technological advancements have produced major changes throughout the world regarding the availability and access to knowledge, human communication, social relationships, learning and education. As socioeconomic, sociodemographic and sociocultural conditions are constantly changing in parallel with rapid scientific and technological progress, learning environments are also evolving. The increased complexity of educational processes calls for new research and theoretical inquiry to address how these global changes affect education, schools and academic learning. This volume in the Advances in Motivation and Achievement Series is dedicated to the role of motivation in that process. The fundamental assumption of the volume is that, on the one hand, change and challenge have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ motivation to learn and achieve and, on the other hand, motivation can have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ capacity to cope with change and challenge effectively. This book opens up a dialogue on how to support achievement motivation in challenging times as a means for successful academic trajectories and positive adaptation to school. Internationally leading researchers provide a critical understanding of the role of current motivational theories during unsettling times, discuss a number of challenges affecting motivation in education, and indicate potential implications of motivational theory and research for educational practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Airline Economics in Asia
Air transport service has become an indispensable source of long distance transport for businesses and leisure travelers and for high-value-low-volume products. The significance of this transport service as a driver of economic growth is made abundantly apparent when examining the interdependence of business and air transport growth in Asia. Given the key role this region plays as a contributor to growth in the global airline transport service sector and the distinctive features of the aviation market observed, it is important to understand the economics of this sector in Asia. This volume contributes to the understanding of air transport services in Asia by presenting new research in the following four key areas in airline economics: Competition and regulatory change, passenger demand and satisfaction, industry performance, and the interdependence of airlines companies and airports. Specifically, in this volume prominent researchers in the region have examined important issues such as low cost carrier growth in Japan, competition against full service hub carriers in the Middle East, aviation market liberalization in Central Asia, high-speed-rail and airline competition in China, air transport and tourism in Asia and Australia, airline performance and outsourcing, airports development, and airport-airline cooperation. These rigorous studies contributes to a better understanding of the aviation market in Asia, allowing better decisions to be made by industry leaders and government agencies. This book also serves as an excellent reference book for researchers in the transport and logistics industry, and postgraduate students in the disciplines of applied economics, industrial organization, corporate strategy and public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women, Activism and Apartheid South Africa: Using Play Texts to Document the Herstory of South Africa
This book investigates women’s political activism and conflict in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, examining issues around domestic violence, racial abuse and women in detention without trial. It builds on the theatrical analysis within play texts such as ‘You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock’, ‘Glass House’, ‘Born in the RSA’, ‘Has Anyone Seen Zandile?’ and ‘So What’s New?’ to chart participation in the struggle against apartheid between 1975 and 1993, providing a political, economic and social herstory of South African women’s activism. Further, the focus on play texts addresses the dearth of knowledge of pertinent herstorical moments, women’s fight for political agency and equality, how apartheid laws affected women’s role in theatre and provides a feminist lens and insight into how these laws affected the herstory of South Africa. The inclusion of a critical perspective from women who wrote plays and worked in theatre takes the book beyond a purely theatrical analysis. It seeks to explore how theatre as a form can help write a ‘herstory’ of apartheid, not only to document the reality of women’s experiences but also as a means to imagine different realities.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Skills for Successful Ventures
This book is a practical handbook for entrepreneurship in tourism related industries. The book will provide students and prospective entrepreneurs with the knowledge, know-how and best practices in order to assist them in planning, implementing and managing business ventures in the field of tourism. It constitutes a valuable contribution to developing the necessary knowledge, competencies and skills of entrepreneurial decision-making and ventures. It would serve as a guide for those studying entrepreneurship and preparing for entrepreneurial careers as well as a reference for the practical use of entrepreneurs at the planning, implementation, operation and evaluation stages of building a tourism business. Examples from the industry/business world are provided to illustrate real-life practice and give readers a better understanding of entrepreneurship in tourism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices
We live in a "metric culture" where data, algorithms, and numbers play an unmistakably powerful role in defining, shaping and ruling the world we inhabit. Increasingly, governments across the globe are turning towards metric technologies to find solutions for managing various social domains such as healthcare and education. While private corporations are becoming more and more interested in the collection and analysis of data and metrics for profit generation and service optimisation. What is striking about this metric culture is that not only are governments and private companies the only actors interested in using metrics and data to control and manage individuals and populations, but individuals themselves are now choosing to voluntarily quantify themselves and their lives more than ever before, happily sharing the resulting data with others and actively turning themselves into projects of (self-) governance and surveillance. Metric Culture is also not only about data and numbers alone but links to issues of power and control, to questions of value and agency, and to expressions of self and identity. This book provides a critical investigation into these issues examining what is driving the agenda of metric culture and how it is manifested in the different spheres of everyday life through self-tracking practices. Authors engage with a broad range of topics, examples, geographical contexts, and sites of analysis in order to account for the diversity and hybridity of metric culture and explore its various social, political and ethical implications.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy
This volume brings together new research that bridges the domains of stakeholder theory, non-market strategy and social movement theory. Although these three research domains have developed via relatively distinct academic communities, they speak to a common set of phenomena at the intersection of business, markets, civil society, and the state. This collection sets an agenda for a more holistic theory of business and society – a theory that takes seriously the various kinds of stakeholders that make up society and have claims over business, that incorporates the goals and objectives of businesses to survive and thrive, and that places an important role on the process of mobilization and contentious interaction between actors whose goals inherently conflict. Using a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, contributors focus on a phenomenon at the intersection of business, civil society, and government. Examining markets shaped by heavy stakeholder involvement and contention, chapters explore topics such as markets for electric vehicles, medical marijuana, municipal drinking water, and cigarettes along with controversial business practice, including employment practices for LGBT workers and racial/ethnic minorities, and working conditions in global supply chains.
Emerald Publishing Limited Consumer Culture Theory
This series epitomizes the 2017 Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) conference themes of hyper-reality and cultural hybridization. The partnership of the co-editors, with diverse backgrounds including Caribbean, Mexican and Indian roots, itself depicts cultural hybridity, culminating in a series of fascinating articles written by authors from around the globe. The eleven research papers provide a global perspective on a range of consumer discourses both in the physical marketplace (research on mobility practices within the transportation market in Vietnam; or an examination of stigma in beef consumption practices in India), or in the virtual marketplace (a study of the discourses surrounding the mythic nature of Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto; or parental management understood through the media marketplace experiences of black women in Britain). The conference’s Best Competitive Award paper is featured; a compelling look at hyper-reality within the world of the Broadway musical, Wicked, examining how new media platforms are used to appeal to new and existing consumers. This series also includes two insightful papers on wine producers and their cultural intermediaries, and on wine tourism, where the authors traverse the globe to better understand market development and consumer engagement respectively. Whether it be an examination of consumer tribes, breast cancer and gender identity, or product gender and design, these authors collectively provide us with unique and riveting perspectives on consumer and marketplace experiences. The series fittingly culminates with a critical look at the emergence of the CCT tradition; an emergence that is both timely and important as this series demonstrates.
Emerald Publishing Limited Empirical Nursing: The Art of Evidence-Based Care
This book seeks to provide students and practicing nurses with the tools to better understand and engage in scientific arguments to support quality nursing and evidence-based practice. The nature of nursing and its relationship with science remains an area of ongoing debate, controversy and considerable confusion to both students and practitioners. For a science-based health discipline, it is something of a paradox that most nursing students have limited exposure to scientific philosophy education, which is not covered in depth in many modern university nursing programmes. This work seeks to remedy this: in providing material on modern scientific research methods, with particular emphasis on the context of practice, it presents an alternative theoretical iteration of holistic nursing as scientific inquiry. The author is a passionate advocate for empirical and pragmatic approaches to nursing, and the book provides challenging ideas to support a new wave of critical-thinking in contemporary nursing, confronting postmodern dogma with contemporary scientific critique. In doing so, this text engages readers with the art of progressive empirical client-centred care, appropriate for the development of 21st century holistic nursing practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics
Creative industries are a growing and globally important area for both economic vitality and cultural expression of industrialized nations. The growth and dynamism of creative industries depends on “continuous innovation” that must manage inherent tensions such as novelty to attract consumers and sustain artistic expression and familiarity to aid comprehension and stabilize demand for cultural products. In this volume, the macro-structural conditions that shape creative industries – their institutional, categorical and structural dynamics- are examined to provide an overview of new trends and emerging issues in scholarship on this topic. Creative industries offer products and services that range from the prosaic to the sublime and provide meaning to our lives, and this volume features a wide range of examples, from advertising, to architecture, art markets, Champagne wine, fashion and music. Contributors examine topics such as the micro-interactions of brokerage relations; how actors transform a brokerage role from control to co-production to enact creative leadership; how investors provide legitimacy to the new categories such as abstract art; how technological disintermediation creates alternative category processes such as authenticity; how social relations shape social evaluation; how prototypical producers can trespass categories and avert negative evaluation; how personal styles enable social evaluation; and how the ambiguity of a category, such as Swing music, facilitated its adaptability and longevity. The volume concludes with an Afterword examining research on creative industries as a form of cultural product and a category in itself.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Materialism: Origins, Philosophies, Prospects
Digital materiality (digimat) proposes a set of basic principles for how we understand the world through digital processes. Digital instruments may seem forbiddingly complex but they are based on simple mechanical principles which operate today on the subatomic scale, creating challenges for conventional human epistemology. This short book sets out a methodical materialist understanding of digital technologies, where they come from, how they work, and what they do. This analysis starts from the classical materialism of the Greek physicist-philosophers, engages with the humanist and historical materialism of the flourishing of Enlightenment arts and sciences, and extrapolates from post-humanist new materialism informed by quantum physics. There can be no future without a present and that present is always, persistently material. Readers of this book must grapple with the mattering of digital material, especially the awe-inspiring epistemological schism between the infinitesimal, lightspeed reality of digital data and conventional, empirical human epistemologies which provide the vocabularies and cultural metaphors we must have recourse to in the attempt to discuss, communicate and decypher these phenomena. The obsolescent figure of anthropos (human being) will provide a central foil and subject for this challenge to understand our digital tools and their seemingly irrepressible reproduction. The future of humanity is at stake!
Emerald Publishing Limited The Politics and Ethics of the Just Price: Ethnographies of Market Exchange
Prices permeate contemporary life. From the cost of basic foodstuffs in developing countries to the pay of CEOs in rich ones, the question of the politics and ethics of pricing everything through the market dominates public life. At the same time, we know that dilemmas about how to value fairly, but also efficiently, goods and services have been with us for more than two thousand years, since the times of Aristotle in Ancient Greece. Through the course of the centuries, important thinkers like Thomas Aquinas, Adam Smith and Karl Marx all devoted considerable effort to try to understand how prices could reflect the intrinsic worth of the objects workers produce and exchange with other people. This is the question of the "just price." This volume represents the first systematic attempt to address this ancient debate through the use of qualitative empirical research, particularly ethnography. The volume comprises a substantial introduction that sets out the terms of the debate, proposing four different approaches to the just price, plus eight case studies based on fieldwork carried out in four different continents (Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America), ranging from topics such as fair trade, human rights and recycling, to organic agriculture, the rose oil industry, rural and urban marketplaces. Bringing together the most recent scholarship in economic anthropology and associated fields to investigate the social, political and ethical consequences of market prices on ordinary people, this book is of interest to researchers in anthropology, sociology, history and geography.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 2017: Shifts in Workplace Voice, Justice, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Contemporary Workplaces
Volume 24 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains eight papers highlighting important aspects of the employment relationship. The papers deal with such themes as shifts in workplace voice, justice, negotiation and conflict resolution in contemporary workplaces. Consistent with previous AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 24 reflect a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, including case studies, survey, interviews, historiography, theory building, and longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs and analysis. These papers also reflect a global perspective on workplace issues. The specific topics of these papers include social construction of workarounds, workplace dispute resolution, employee involvement at Delta Air Lines, voice and empowerment practice in an Australian manufacturing company, democracy and union militancy and revitalization, adapting union administrative practices to new realities, pro-social and self-interest motivations for unionism and implications for unions as institutions, and high performance work systems and union impacts on employee turnover intention in China.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure delivers refreshing insights from a host of scientific studies in the domains of hospitality, leisure and tourism. It provides a platform to galvanize thoughts on contemporary issues and merging trends essential to theory advancement as well as professional practices from a global perspective. The focus is to transcend the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected. All volumes are keen to address the needs of the populace having interests in disseminating ideas, concepts and theories derived from scholarly investigations. Potential readers may retrieve useful texts to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the subjects of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability Assessment: A Rating System Framework for Best Practices
Concerns about environmental, social, economic, health, and other impacts in the building industry have led to the development of a number of environmental and sustainability assessment approaches, strategies, models, appraisals, and methodologies. Green technology and practices have been implemented to improve sustainable development performance and yield economic, social, and environmental benefits and a series of environmental and sustainability rating systems (ESRSs) have been developed around the world and used extensively with unquestionable benefits to stakeholders in the building industry. Such systems beg to be adapted and implemented in other industry contexts still seeking suitable tools with which to effectively communicate their commitment to a sustainable future and gain the “social license” to operate. Sustainability Assessment: A Rating System Framework for Best Practices shows how this can be done. It makes the case for the development and implementation of ESRSs in new industry contexts ranging from , manufacturing and transportation to mining and energy putting forward a new project sustainability rating system framework to assess the sustainability of a wide variety of organizations and projects. This assessment framework includes but is not limited to regulatory requirements, and includes approaches for measuring sustainability on social, economic, environmental, and health grounds. This book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners across a wide range of disciplines and industries. Scientists will find technical insights here that can further research while practitioners will find that they can implement the framework in any type of organization or project in order to address stakeholders’ needs and expectations while achieving their short, mid, and long term sustainability vision and goals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Culturally Responsive Strategies for Reforming STEM Higher Education: Turning the TIDES on Inequity
By the end of this decade, the U.S. economy will annually create hundreds of thousands of new jobs requiring a bachelor's degree in STEM fields, particularly computer science. This increasing need for computer scientists, coupled with an inconsistent agenda for managing dramatic shifts in the demographic landscape of higher education, compromises our competitiveness in scientific discovery and innovation. As higher education seeks to address this issue, the need for more culturally responsive approaches to undergraduate STEM teaching also increases.This book uses the power of reflection, storytelling, and data to holistically demonstrate the effectiveness of a novel professional development intervention for STEM faculty - Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM, or TIDES - that significantly increased faculty self-efficacy in implementing culturally responsive pedagogies. In it, the editors combine the authentic voices of authors from multiple institutional contexts and individual worldviews to assimilate and synthesize broad theoretical concepts into practice in usable ways, while also offering concrete applicable examples of strategies and solutions that serve as an important comprehensive reference for all undergraduate educators and administrators. This practical guide provides a durable platform for building capacity in understanding of the cultural complexities and institutional realities of recruiting and retaining diverse students in STEM, particularly the computer sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools
This edited collection occupies a unique position as the first book to explore teacher leadership within the context of professional development schools (PDSs) and other school-university partnerships in the United States. In today's educational climate of data, differentiation, and accountability, teacher leadership is essential. Professional development schools and other school-university partnerships support teacher leader development by prioritizing teacher learning, modeling best practices, encouraging instructional innovations, and pursuing educational research and other scholarly work. Because PDSs and other school-university partnerships offer distinctive occasions for teachers to engage in leadership roles and responsibilities, a closer look at teacher leadership within these contexts provides a valuable opportunity for the instruction and inspiration of all educators. Written for aspiring teacher leaders as well as for those who teach, research, serve, supervise, and lead in PDSs and other school-university partnerships, Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools will immerse readers in deep exploration of teacher leadership across three broad areas: Teacher Leadership and Student Learning; Definitions, Structures, and Cultures that Promote Teacher Leadership; and Teacher Leader Preparation and Development. Following a thought-provoking foreword and two introductory chapters, each of the book's three sections features three to four research-based chapters, written by higher education faculty and practicing P-12 teachers and administrators; a scholarly synthesis chapter, written by a known expert in the field; and three to four teacher leader reflections, written by aspiring, developing, and veteran teacher leaders from across the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sustainable Nation: Politics, Economy and Justice
Drawing on almost 20 years of Liam Leonard’s research in the field, The Sustainable Nation: Politics, Economy and Justice provides a detailed case study of a modern European state’s tumultuous development through first decades of the Millennium. As the Republic of Ireland experienced an initial phase of accelerated growth, followed by a dramatic economic downturn, the nation’s attempts to expand its infrastructure was met with resistance from communities concerned about local environments. The Sustainable Nation: Politics, Economy and Justice looks at some of the conflicts that emerged as part of the Irish people’s attempts to achieve a sustainable form of development. Other issues such as the rise of a multicultural and globalized society as well as issues of social justice are also explored within this study. This book represents a culmination of Leonard's research on Ireland which began at the turn of the Millennium. The book provides an in depth and up to date study on Ireland's growth and the substantial changes experienced there during the last two decades.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions
The insight that institutions, and the communicative practices that create, sustain, and challenge them, are multimodal accomplishments has garnered increasing attention from scholars in organization and management research over the last decade. Traditional understanding of social knowledge and meaning as being constituted primarily through verbal discourse has been challenged and extended by work that has promoted the centrality of visual, material, and other sign systems (e.g., audio, gestures, layout) for constructing social reality. While some discursive approaches to organizations and institutions have acknowledged the existence and relevance of modes other than the verbal for some time, systematic research on multimodality has remained rather sparse. In particular, the interaction and orchestration of multiple modes remains terra incognita with considerable empirical, methodological, and theoretical stakes. Together, 54A and 54B of Research in the Sociology of Organizations investigate these issues with innovative research that focuses on the relationship between different modes in the emergence, diffusion, maintenance, and challenge of social meanings and institutions. Individual contributions demonstrate the potential of multimodal approaches to rejuvenate and extend the study of institutions, they revisit research on classic phenomena in organization theory through a multimodal lens, and advance the design of relevant and rigorous methods of analysis for the study of multimodal communicative practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Becoming Digital: Toward a Post-Internet Society
Becoming Digital examines the transition from the online world we have known to the Next Internet, which is emerging from the convergence of Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, and the Internet of Things. The Cloud stores and processes information in data centers; Big Data Analytics provide the tools to analyse and use it; and the Internet of Things connects sensor-equipped devices everywhere to communication networks that span the globe. These technologies make possible a post-Internet society filled with homes that think, machines that make decisions, drones that deliver packages or bombs, and robots that work for us, play with us, and take our jobs. The Next Internet promises a world where computers are everywhere, even inside our bodies, “coming alive” to make possible the unification of people and machines in what some call the Singularity. This timely book explores this potential as both a reality on the horizon and a myth that inspires a new religion of technology. It takes up the coming threats to a democratic, decentralized, and universal Internet and the potential to deepen the problems of commercial saturation, concentrated economic power, cyber-warfare, the erosion of privacy, and environmental degradation. On the other hand, it also shows how the Next Internet can help expand democracy, empowering people worldwide, providing for more of life’s necessities, and advancing social equality. But none of this will happen without concerted political and policy action. Becoming Digital points the way forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Precarious Work
This volume presents original theory and research on precarious work in various parts of the world, identifying its social, political and economic origins, its manifestations in the USA, Europe, Asia, and the Global South, and its consequences for personal and family life. In the past quarter century, the nature of paid employment has undergone a dramatic change due to globalization, rapid technological change, the decline of the power of workers in favor of employers, and the spread of neoliberalism. Jobs have become far more insecure and uncertain, with workers bearing the risks of employment as opposed to employers or the government. This trend towards precarious work has engulfed virtually all advanced capitalist nations, but unevenly so, while countries in the Global South continue to experience precarious conditions of work. This title examines theories of precarious work; cross-national variations in its features; racial and gender differences in exposure to precarious work; and the policy alternatives that might protect workers from undue risk. The chapters utilize a variety of methods, both quantitative statistical analyses and careful qualitative case studies. This volume will be a valuable resource that constitutes required reading for scholars, activists, labor leaders, and policy makers concerned with the future of work under contemporary capitalism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Carl J. Couch and the Iowa School: In His Own Words and In Reflection
In this new volume of Studies in Symbolic Interaction Carl J. Couch’s (1925-1994) memoir The Romance of Discovery, which has lain unpublished for thirty years, is published in full for the first time. Couch, one of the co-founders of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, reflects on his work that influenced a generation of scholars and created a novel perspective known as the new Iowa School of Symbolic Interaction. His memoir describes the joy of establishing synergetic connections and the pain of the political struggles associated with the establishment of this school of thought. It offers a frank, proud yet humble, unapologetic description of a scholar’s journey, from a successful research to a founder of a school of thought. It provides a readable and valuable ‘moral tale’ of how research is not only a social act, but charged with political and conflictual dynamics as well. Edited and set in context by Michael A. Katovich, the volume also includes Couch’s unpublished essay ‘Forms of Social Processes’ which sets out a theory of his methodology. Friends and colleagues offer their personal reflections on their relationship with Couch, and the volume concludes with a unique selected bibliography on new Iowa School works.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 33 contains articles on the economic history of Europe, America and Asia and brings new analysis, and newly created datasets to address issues of interest. Two papers focus on the US and contribute to our understanding of the Great Depression. In "Reexamining the Origins of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act", Beaudreau argues industrialists used the plight of farmers to raise tariffs on manufactured goods. And Jalil and Rua show in "Inflation Expectations in the U.S. in Fall 1933” that shifts in inflationary expectations could be responsible for the patterns in output witnessed in 1933: an expansion in the early part of the year which stalled by the Fall. Two papers present new data. "First Cabin Fares from New York to the British Isles, 1826-1914" by Dupont, Keeling and Weiss extends their work on understanding early tourism by creating a new series to examine the time path of first class travel over the 19th century. "Reforms and Supervisory Organizations: Lessons from the History of the Istanbul Bourse, 1873–1883" by Hanedar, Hanedar, Torun and Çelikay data newly collected from the Istanbul Bourse to better understand how investors respond to different types of reforms. And finally, Field in "The Savings and Loan Insolvencies and the Costs of Financial Crisis" gives a reinterpretation of the Savings and Loan Crises of the late 1980s and early 1990s in light of the subsequent, much more severe crisis of 2007/08.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Movements and Media
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this volume focuses on media and social movements. Contributing authors draw on cases as diverse as the Harry Potter Alliance to youth oriented, non-profit educational organizations, in order to assess systematically how media environments, systems, and usage affect collective action in the 21st century. The volume demonstrates that the study of media and social movements has developed into a vibrant sub-field stretched across Communication Studies, Political Science, and Sociology, and illustrates the need for serious interdisciplinary research. Chapters in the volume reinforce the need to examine many kinds of media (such as fiction) for social movements, particularly in terms of recruitment and framing. They show the critical importance of connecting classic and contemporary social movement research when trying to understand topics such as recruitment, identity, and discourse, even when these are playing out in the digital world. Chapters explore the difficulties that organizations face in organizing whether or not they are primarily offline or online; the ways that digital media usage affects various organizational functions and effectiveness; and the importance of examining the role of youth in social movements across all of these topics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Super-sticky WeChat and Chinese Society
App designers dream of creating a platform that users never want to leave, that keeps them glued forever - a platform that is "sticky". Over 846 million WeChat users leave text and voice messages, share life moments, play games, use stickers, purchase rail and flight tickets, shop online, pay utilities and bills, transfer money to friends, and even donate to charity without leaving WeChat, the super-sticky platform. The Economist called WeChat "one app to rule them all", and as it starts to gain global appeal, it is rewriting the rules for social media platforms. This book provides a balanced and nuanced study of how the super-sticky WeChat platform interweaves into the fabric of Chinese social, cultural, and political life. It keeps the wider global and national social media landscape in view and compares and contrasts WeChat with Weibo and QQ, two other popular social media platforms in China, and other Western social media platforms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Coping with Disaster Risk Management in Northeast Asia: Economic and Financial Preparedness in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea
Disaster risk management is of increasing significance in today’s world. Every year, natural disasters cause tens of thousands of deaths and tens of billions of dollars’ worth of losses. Northeast Asia holds a high propensity for natural disasters, including earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, floods and landslides. Countries in the region have a long history of natural disasters that have devastated populations, cities and their heritage. Restoring livelihoods and rebuilding social and economic infrastructures requires adequate political actions and financial resources, necessitating the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the management of catastrophe risks. Coping with Disaster: Risk Management in Northeast Asia provides an examination of the disaster risk management approaches and financing practices adopted in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. The objective of this book is to provide the necessary information on hazards, exposures and vulnerabilities to assist policy development design to increase governmental preparedness for catastrophe risks. It addresses the traditional aspects of disaster risk management, but goes further to focus on the measures of financial protection required to secure post-disaster resources and strengthen budgetary discipline. Written in an accessible and comprehensible manner, the book will appeal to a wide audience, but is of special interest to policy-makers, public officials, insurance managers and students eager to learn more about disaster risk management in one of the most exposed regions in the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
Volume 12, Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, is a blind refereed serial publication. It presents state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as supply chain, health care, prospecting for donations from university alumni, and the use of clustering and regression in forecasting. The orientation of this volume is for business applications for both the researcher and the practitioner of forecasting. Volume 12 is divided into three sections: Forecasting Applications, Predictive Analytics and Time Series. An interdisciplinary group of experts explore wide-ranging topics including multi-criteria scoring models, detecting rare events, the assessment of control charts for intermittent data, and fuzzy time series models.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mobile Technologies in Children’s Language and Literacy: Innovative Pedagogy in Preschool and Primary Education
Mobile technologies can facilitate different kinds of learning, in a range of contexts. They can also enable innovative and powerful ways of participating in collaborative learning. This book examines the ways in which mobile technologies may contribute to, change, or disrupt literacy learning in children up to the age of twelve. Also explored is the impact mobile technologies may have on literacy definitions and practices; learning environments; student, parent and teacher roles and interactions; power relations in education; and social and material interactions. Contributing authors include eminent researchers and innovative practitioners from around the world, who share their insights on the possible roles of mobile technologies in literacy practices and education. This book explores how educators might harness mobile technologies to equip literacy learners for the 21st century, as well as considering how mobile technologies may help to enhance access to quality literacy education for children in developing countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Austrian and Bloomington Schools of Political Economy
The relationship between the Austrian tradition and Bloomington institutionalism has been part of a larger intellectual evolution of a family of schools of thought that coevolved in multiple streams over the last 100 years or so. The Bloomington scholars, once they delineated the broader parameters of their own research program, started to reconstruct, reinterpret, and in many cases simply rediscover and reinvent Austrian insights and themes. As such, they created the possibility of giving those insights and themes new interpretations and new applications, in novel circumstances with new research priorities, in particular, public administration, governance and collective action, and entrepreneurship in non-market settings. Was there a programmatic and explicit effort to recover and reinvent the Austrian tradition? The answer has to be an emphatic ‘no’. But that is precisely the reason why the Ostroms’ work should be interesting to scholars working in the Austrian tradition. The thematic convergence and the compatibility and complementarity between the Austrian and Bloomington schools is driven by their internal underlying theoretical logic and by the logic of problem solving. Upon closer inspection, the underlying familial and genealogical connections reveal themselves again and again. The convergence and interplay between these two intellectual traditions is rich and productive. On the one hand, it stands as a demonstration of the applied relevance of the set of approaches and issues that we traditionally associate with the Austrian tradition. On the other hand, it is a challenge to further explore and elaborate this area. This volume is an attempt to respond to that challenge.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Lost Ethnographies: Methodological Insights From Projects That Never Were
The Lost Ethnographies reports on the methodological lessons learnt from ethnographic projects that, viewed superficially, failed. Experienced researchers write about projects they planned, and were excited about, which then never began, had to be abandoned, or took such unexpected directions that it became a different piece of work altogether. The topics and settings are varied and disparate, but the lessons learnt have important similarities. This collection focuses on absences; topics and settings that remain under researched; taken for granted aspects of social life that have not been scrutinized, and finally the potential insights that are gained when absences are carefully examined and explored. Readers will learn a great deal about research design, fundraising, writing up, access negotiations, serendipity in the field, and the complex interaction between the body and the brain of the ethnographer and the realities of ethnographic research. Maximising learning from the ‘failings’ of ourselves and of others is the positive message of the collection. The most poignant chapters are those in which the author ‘returns’ to reread and reflect on a past project; something that is not done often enough, partly because it can be painful. The accounts of projects which had to be abandoned or radically changed offer hope to researchers facing difficulties in their own investigations. These reflections, on projects that were never even begun, show how to gain fresh energy and social science insight from apparent rejection, and the collection approaches the whole concept of lost ethnography in provocative ways.