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Peeters Publishers Vers L'invention De La Rhetorique: Une Perspective Ethno-logique Sur La Communication En Grece Ancienne
Lorsque l'on part, comme l'a fait l'auteur, de la definition classique de la rhetorique comme "art de persuader par le discours", on est amene a s'interroger plus finement sur ce que peuvent signifier des expressions comme "art" et "technique", "influencer l'autre", "discours", dans des contextes culturels aussi differents que ceux qui separent, par exemple, des societes de type oral et des societes ayant franchi le sueil de l'ecriture, ou encore des societes concevant leur forme d'organisation sur un monde heteronome et d'autres adoptant un mode d'organisation autonome. Cette interrogation conduit a distinguer divers "niveaux de conscience" du discours persuasif, niveaux de conscience que l'auteur tentera d'inscrire dans une perspective genealogique.Mettant en oeuvre cette perspective par le recours aux donnees de l'ethnologie de la communication, l'auteur decrit les differents niveaux de conscience du discours qui se situerent en amont de l'apparition de la rhetorique proprement dite, qui survint en Grece Ancienne, a l'epoque des Philosophes - qui est aussi celle de l'extension de l'usage de l'ecriture et de la crise de l'experience democratique athenienne. C'est alors seulement que l'on serait sorti des formes de discours "proto-rhetoriques", encore liees a la "parole efficiente" et que l'on aurait accede reellement a une conception de la rhetorique comme "manipulation consciente du discours par un orateur, ayant comme but d'assurer a son message la reception la plus favorable possible aupres du public auquel il s'adresse".Partant de la reconstruction de l'espace-temps social de l'oralite, l'auteur s'attache a en decrire les transformations en un espace-temps de l'interpretation, puis de l'argumentation, en liant ces transformations aux nouvaux usages de l'ecriture alphabetique et au developpement de la cite democratique. Ce n'est qu'en fin de parcours que sera decrite l'emergence de la rhetorique proprement dite, comme emergence simultanee et paralelle a celle de la philosophie. Au-dela de cette description, ce livre propose en fait une lecture, sous un angle inhabituel, d'une histoire de la raison et de la philosophie en Grece Ancienne.
Peeters Publishers Q12: 49-59. Children Against Parents - Judging the Time - Settling Out of Court: Volume Editor: S. Carruth
Peeters Publishers From Malines to Arcic. The Malines Conversations Commemorated
Peeters Publishers La Constitution Du Picard: Une Approche De La Notion De Langue
Peeters Publishers Les Dictionnaires Specialises Et L'analyse De La Valeur: Actes Du Colloque Organise En Avril 1995 Par Le Centre De Terminologie De Bruxelles (Institut Libre Marie Haps)
Peeters Publishers Q4: 1-13,16. the Temptations of Jesus - Nazara
Peeters Publishers Europees Sociale-zekerheidsrecht
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XXXI - Preaching, Second Century, Tertullian to Arnobius, Egypt Before Nicaea
Papers presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1995 (see also Studia Patristica 29, 30, 32 and 33). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Commentum Medium Super Libro Peri Hermeneias Aristotelis. Translatio Wilhelmo de Luna Attributa: Averrois Opera Series B
Peeters Publishers Mentalite Contemporaine et Morale Chretienne. En Hommage a Mgr. Philippe Delhaye (1902-1990)
Peeters Publishers L'ergativite en Tibetain. Approche Morphosyntaxique de la Langue Parlee
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of Coordinates and Satellites of the Middle Egyptian Verb
Peeters Publishers Droit et Creation Sociale Chez Fichte: Une Philosophie Moderne de l'Action Politique
Peeters Publishers A Healthy Rivalry. Human Rights in the Church
Human rights in the Church...The combination, human rights and the Church, is not always an easy one, although church authorities increasingly promote human rights and their meticulous application in civil society. This book aims to describe human rights in the Church as they already exist today (in the 1983 Code of Cann Law, in everyday practice) and as they can be developed in the future. Human rights in the Church could be promoted by the development of a health legal culture and by simulating independent responsibility among the Christian faithful. By using existing canon law as creatively as possible and by promoting reasonable changes with an eye to the future, the quality of internal church life can be improved without endangering theological foundations. Indeed, good legal structures are a matter of justice. Finally, this book is a plea for constructive dialogue in the Church. The faithful and the hierarchy are not enemies. They share a common source of inspiraton which is not vitiated by their choice of rival philosophical or pastoral options. Indeed, a healthy rivalry between committed Christians can be a real gain for the life of the Church. Rik Torfs, Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law K.U.Leuven, Lic. Iur., Not., J.C.L., J.C.D. (Leuven). Before joining the faculty of Canon Law, he taught at the University of Utrecht (K.T.U.). He also teaches at Antwerp University (U.I.A.). He is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Church and State Research (Milan) and editor of the "European Journal for Church and State". His research and publications are in the field of general norms of Canon Law, Catholic hospitals and schools, marriage law and the realtions between Church and State.
Peeters Publishers Le Spondaique Expressif dans l'Iliade et dans l'Odyssee
Peeters Publishers De Paleografie van de Documentaire Bronnen in Holland en Zeeland in de Dertiende Eeuw. 1. Onderzoek: 3 Delen
Peeters Publishers De Paleografie van de Documentaire Bronnen in Holland en Zeeland in de Dertiende Eeuw. 2. Bijlagen: 3 Delen
Peeters Publishers Le Tonnerre, Intellect Parfait (NH VI, 2): Avec Deux Contributions De W.-P. Funk
Depuis son identification comme traite distinct au sein du codex VI, en 1962, le traite intitule "Le tonnerre, intellect parfait" n'a cesse de susciter l'etonnement et l'embarras de ses commentateurs. La recherche menee sur ce traite depuis 1970 a cependant permis d'eclairer plus d'un aspect du texte, par exemple, ses liens avec la Sagesse biblique et l'Isis hellenistique ou encore sa forme litteraire, et ont ainsi balise la voie pour tout futur interprete du traite. Mais celui-ci reste confronte a l'aporie hermeneutique creee par l'absence de tout cadre narratif ou d'un contexte mythologique clair, et par un recours systematique a des oppositions et a des antitheses dont on ne sait jamais si elles sont voulues pour elles-memes ou si elles resultent de l'application mecanique d'un procede litteraire. Dans cet ouvrage, une interpretation d'ensemble du traite est presentee ainsi que le premier commentaire consacre a lui. L'ouvrage comporte en outre un texte copte nouvellement etabli, une traduction fracaise, des index du vocabulaire et des formes grammaticales, ainsi qu'une etude de l'orthographe du Codex VI et de la langue du traite.
Peeters Publishers La Bibliotheque de Marguerite d'Autriche: Essai de Reconstitution d'Apres l'Inventaire de 1523-1524
Peeters Publishers La Chaine sur la Genese. Edition Integrale III. Chapitres 12 a 28
Peeters Publishers Den Menschen mit Dem Himmel Verbinden. Eine Studie zu den Katechetischen Homilien des Theodor von Mopsuestia
Die katechetischen Homilien Theodors von Mopsuestia, eines der grossten Exegeten und Dogmatiker der Alten Kirche, sind nicht im griechischen Original auf uns gekommen, sondern in der Volks- und Literatursprache des christlichen Orients, dem Syrischen. Die Grunde hierfur sind bekannt, sie liegen in der mit Leidenschaft und Erbitterung gefuhrten Debatte um die Rechtglaubigkeit seiner Positionen. Die vorliegende Studie mochte einen ersten Einblick in das theologische Denken des Bischofs von Mopsuestia bieten und zu einem vertieften Verstandnis seines Werkes anregen. Die Grundidee, die sich hinter den Einzelthemen verbirgt, ist die rechte Verbindung und Zuordnung von Gottlichem und Menschlichem, Ewigem und Zeitlichem, Unwandelbarem und Verganglichem.
Peeters Publishers Il Senodos Etiopico. Canoni Pseudoapostolici: Canoni Dopo L'Ascensione, Canoni Di Simone Cananeo, Canoni Apostolici, Lettera Di Pietro: V.
Peeters Publishers Self-determination and the Moral Act. a Study of the Contributions of Odon Lottin, O.S.B.
Peeters Publishers Progress in Unity? Fifty Years of Theology within the World Council of Churches: 1945-1995. A Study Guide
As an expert and lively tour-guide, Brinkman takes the reader through the breathtaking landscape of a half-century of ecumenical dialogue. The author makes an invaluable contribution by his deft selection of documents, his thought-provoking commentary on key issues, and his keen discernment of the missionary challenge that faces the church of Christ as it travels on the road to greater visible unity. the work is equally suitable for personal reading and for the college or seminary classroom. A veritiable feast for ecumenical and evangelical readers. This work is a refreshing stimulus to reflection, prayer, and action for the unity and mission of the church in a troubled world. George Vandervelde President of the North American Academy of Ecumenists, Professor of Systematic Theology, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada One thing becomes clear from Martien Brinkman's book : those who claim that the ecumenical movement went into a deadlock have not studies its results. Most people suffer from a lack of memory when it comes to the history of ecumenical theology during the past 70 years. This book provides medicine for ecumenical amnesia. It deals especially with the Faith and Order Movement and Commission, within the World Council of Churches. There flows, from Brinkman's book a whole new stream of an ecumenical theological tradition which is scarcely known, even to academic theologians. This tradition treats of such matters as Scripture and Tradition, Faith and Sacraments, Church, World and Kingdom of God. This book provides an excellent overview and in-depth evaluation of the major currents in this developing ecumenical tradition. It will certainly promote its reception in the churches and its study in the academy. At the same time, however, it keeps an eye open for the difficulties and tensions of the dialogue between ecumenical amd evangelical Christians, and between the theological methods of the North and the South. It will be difficult to find any more reliable study-guide to the results of the multilateral ecumenical dialogues of the twentieth century. Anton Houtepen Professor of Ecumenism, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands This book, conceived as a study-guide to the Faith and Order Movement, does precisely what it sets out to do and does it well. It brings the reader into close contact with the documents and studies published by this influential section of the World Council of Churches. Such an inventory comes at the right time, just as the Commission on Faith and Order takes stock after the World Conference of Santiago, and under the guidance of a new director. It is no secret that Faith and Order has been invited to reflect upon its future orientation. The well-documented and orderly survey which Prof. brinkman offers us here will certainly be of help in such a process. Jos Vercruysse S.J. Professor of Church History and Ecumenism, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
Peeters Publishers Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras: Proceedings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd International Colloquium Organized at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in May 1992, 1993 and 1994
The volume contains twenty three contributions to the political, institutional, religious and cultural history of Egypt and Greater Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras (10th-15th centuries). These are the revised and sometimes enlarged versions of papers read at three colloquia organized by the section of Arabic and Islamic Studies of the KULeuven in 1992, 1993 and 1994. The authors, all distinguished European scholars, meet each year in Leuven to discuss current research in their field.
Peeters Publishers L'interpretation Du Texte Et La Traduction
Peeters Publishers Marie de France. L'Espurgatoire Seint Patriz
Peeters Publishers La Deuxieme Controverse De Paris. Un Chapitre Dans La Polemique Entre Chretiens Et Juifs Au Moyen-Age
Peeters Publishers Coptology: Past, Present, and Future: Studies in Honour of Rodolphe Kasser
This volume is a compilation of 28 contributions, predominantly in German, but also in English and French, and is dedicated to R. Kasser. To honour his 65th birthday, colleages and pupils have chosen 5 themes on coptology. The first is concerned with coptic art, archaeology and inscriptions. The second chapter shows some aspects of theology and church history. The third theme is concerned with the history of religions. The book also includes 6 articles on various linguistic aspects of coptic. A last chapter deals with some coptic manuscripts and editions in the field of theology and history of religions.
Peeters Publishers La Pneumatologie de Schleiermacher
Peeters Publishers Poverty on the Way to God. Thomas Aquinas on Evangelical Poverty
Peeters Publishers Naming God Today
Peeters Publishers Paradoxes De L'Inculturation. Les Nouveaux Habits Des Yanomani
Peeters Publishers Perspectives on English. Studies in Honour of Professor Emma Vorlat
Peeters Publishers Studia Varia Bruxellensia. Ad Orbem Graeco-Latinum Pertinentia: III
Peeters Publishers Siegreiche Feldzug des Konigs Amda-Seyon Gegen die Muslime in Adal im Jahre 1332 N. Chr.: T.
Amda-Seyons "chronicle" is in fact a detailed report of a year's (1332 AD) campaign of the king against a coalition of Muslim petty kingdoms in Ethiopia's southeast. It was most probably written by an eye witness of the events who furthermore disposed of some document material. Because of its pure language and elegant style as well as its masterly compostion as a true Christian hero's drama it must be ranged among the best products of Ge'ez medieval literature. Published for the first time more than hundred years ago it proved even in its deficient edition and rather tentative translation to be a principal source for the history of Ethiopia in the 14th century. Other sources for the same period are extremely rare, the historical tradition deriving from the Muslim counterpart included. The new critical edition made of all available mss. provides the long needed sound textual base for further research. The slightly commented translation, as well as the introduction, sums up the results of scholarly discussion so far; comparison is made to fragments of Muslim chronicles in Arabic and a few, partially unpublished documents in Ethiopic texts. The documentary value of the long list of Muslim contingents and territories in the coalition has been established: a real gazetteer of that region. The second - important from the historical and literary point of view - is that this text stands in a long tradition of Ethiopic historiography, near to hagiography (in the style of Lalibala's the Zagwe king's vita) where the manierated search for authentic and pure Ge'ez expression covers almost the Amharic reality of the time.
Peeters Publishers Anagrammes et allitérations
Peeters Publishers Die Syrische Apokalypse Des Pseudo-Methodius: T.
The homily "On the Succession of the Kings and the End of Times" attributed to bishop Methodius of Patara (died ca. 311) is one of the most influential non-biblical apocalyptic texts both in Eastern and in Western Christianity. Written about 692 in Iraq by a Syriac-speaking Christian, it was soon translated into Greek and Latin, and subsequently into many other languages in East and West. The present edition offers the first critical text based on all extant Syriac textual witnesses, including references to the forthcoming new edition of the oldest Greek and Latin recensions by W.J. Aerts and G.A.A. Kortekaas in the Subsidia of CSCO. The present volume also includes the facsimile edition of the text (difficult of access) in the Oriental manuscripts Mardin Orth. 368 and Mardin Orth. 891. The German translation is provided with a comprehensive apparatus of explanatory notes and preceded by and introductory essay discussing the historical, religious and literary aspects of this important text, which may be considered as one of the earliest Christian responses to the rise of Islam.
Peeters Publishers Disciples and Disciplines. European Debate on Human Rights in the Roman Catholic Church
Peeters Publishers Les Figures De Construction Dans La Syntaxe Latine (1500-1780)
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XXIV - Historica, Theologica et Philosophica, Gnostica
Papers presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1991 (see also Studie Patristica 25, 26, 27 and 28). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Miscellanea Martin Wittek. Album De Codicologie Et De Paleographie Offert a Martin Wittek
Peeters Publishers De VSV. Etudes De Syntaxe Latine Offertes En Hommage a Marius Lavency
Peeters Publishers Syntaxe Latine
Peeters Publishers Pluralism: a New Paradigm for Theology
Methodologically, Gillis suggests that Christian thology be constructed not only with an awareness of, but also using the data of, other religions. Theologically, he defends the position of pluralism and investigates the implications of this for soteriology, christology and ethics. As practical theology, he offers suggestions for the conduct of interreligious dialogue on the local level. Chester Gillis is assistant professor theology at Georgetown University. He holds a Licentiate degree in Philosophy and the M.A. in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of Leuven. His Ph. D. in Theology is from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. He is author of "A Question of Final Belief".