Search results for ""birkhauser""
Birkhauser In Touch: Landscape Architecture Europe
European landscape architecture builds on a common horizon of understanding and yet produces quality works of very different expression and style. In Touch explores outstanding projects created within the European mindset, diving below the surface in an attempt to uncover the common values that bind European design work. The book presents 11 in-depth project 'features', which include thematically related essays, and 28 concise project 'icons'. The features focus both on big and small scale urban and rural situations. On the one hand, the newly installed and subtly designed railway line of the Glattalbahn in the Zurich metropolitan region, on the other the small scale urban spaces the privately developed and publicly used City Dune exterior spaces of the SEB Bank in Copenhagen. On the one hand French Sermange's redesigned heart of the village, focusing on a meadow, on the other and the far reaching site installations referring to local legends in Norway's Lake Seljord region. The essays include debates about landscape policies as well as about how to design with history, about the role of art and nature as well as about pioneer landscape architects across the European countries. In Touch is the third volume in the triennial Landscape Architecture Europe series, following On Site (2009) and Fieldwork (2006). Produced for the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE), situated in the Netherlands, it aims to set standards, in design and design critique, by presenting an overview of carefully selected and edited projects and topics of contemporary European landscape architecture. The series is endorsed by the European Federation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA) within the International Federation for Landscape Architecture (IFLA). It is produced under the auspices of Meto Vroom (chairman), Fritz Auweck, Maria Goula, Alastair McCapra and Kathryn Moore, members of the board of the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE). The jury of In Touch has been composed by Michael van Gessel (chairman), Antonio Angelillo, Lilli Lic?ka, Tone Lindheim, João Ferreira Nunes. The book has been edited by Lisa Diedrich (editor-in-chief), Mark Hendriks, Thierry Kandjee, Claudia Moll, and produced by Harry Harsema.
Birkhauser Unbuildable Tatlin?!
The book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna Edition Angewandte, published by Birkhäuser Basel and De Gruyter Berlin/Boston, comprises anthologies, documentations, and monographs with a focus on architecture, visual and media art, design, conservation and restoration, art theory, art pedagogy, art education, and language arts. Appearing since 2007, the series has become widely known and recognized as an established platform for relevant publications from art and science. The books are published in German as well as in English.
Birkhauser IOA Studios. Hadid Lynn Prix: Selected Student Works 2009
The book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna Edition Angewandte, published by Birkhäuser Basel and De Gruyter Berlin/Boston, comprises anthologies, documentations, and monographs with a focus on architecture, visual and media art, design, conservation and restoration, art theory, art pedagogy, art education, and language arts. Appearing since 2007, the series has become widely known and recognized as an established platform for relevant publications from art and science. The books are published in German as well as in English.
Birkhauser Rotes Wien: Architektur 1919–1934: Stadt – Raum – Politik
1919 initiierte die sozialdemokratische Wiener Stadtregierung ein Reformprogramm um die Infrastruktur nach sozialistischen Vorstellungen zu formen. Das Herzstück des „Roten Wien“ waren die Wiener Gemeindebauten, 400 städtische Häuserblöcke, die, verteilt über die ganze Stadt, Wohnraum für ein Zehntel der Stadtbevölkerung bot. Während der Baukampagne wurde Österreich jedoch von einer konservativ-klerikalen, antisozialistischen Mehrheit regiert.In ihrem Buch zeigt Eve Blau wie dieser ideologische Konflikt die Bauten des Roten Wien formte, wie sich die Architektur ihrer eigenen Codes, Praktiken und Geschichte bediente um ihre Position gegenüber den politischen Rahmenbedingungen abzugrenzen.Das Buch, längst Standardwerk in der Architektur- und Kunsthistorikerausbildung, liegt nun erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung vor.
Birkhauser HighwayIng: Lukas Ingold & Fabio Tammaro
Birkhauser Home Smart Home: How we want to live
Welcome to the hybrid home, in which the bathroom has become a temple of wellness, the living room an online couch, and the kitchen a lounge. Everything appears tidy and chic, perfect for social media. In the Instagram Age, even micro-apartments are mutating into semi-public places. The German journalist Oliver Herwig has been studying the transformation of living spaces and dream interiors for years. In this book, he portrays a society in the throes of digital transformation. The lines between work, leisure and rest have been blurred, as our homes become temporary, multipurpose work, fun and multimedia spaces; the office has invaded the home, and the world of smart shopping is always just a word away thanks to Alexa. Nothing quite fits anymore, yet everything must have its place. Welcome to the hybrid home. Easy reading about the difficult transitions in our living spaces Smart and analytical, the book reveals the hidden desires that shape how we live Designed and illustrated by Studio für Gestaltung, Cologne Available in German and English
Birkhauser Basics Loadbearing Systems
Loadbearing systems are the basis of any structure. In order to provide architecture students with an easily understandable introduction to the field of supporting structures, this volume begins with the fundamentals of loads and forces and then moves on to building components and finally to loadbearing systems, together with their characteristic attributes.Subjects: Loads; Forces; Structural building components; Supporting structures and systems; Presizing.
Birkhauser Walter Gropius: Buildings and Projects
As founder of the Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius (1883–1969) is one of the icons of 20the century architecture. While his early buildings in Pomerania were still strongly marked by his teacher Peter Behrens, after an expressionistic phase focused on handicraft, he ultimately arrived at geometric abstraction. During the entire period he collaborated with other architects, founding the collective known as "The Architects Collaborative" in the US. The comprehensive monograph documents all 74 of the known buildings by Gropius that were realized, including many early works which he never publicized; but it also critically examines his unbuilt projects. The book is illustrated with new photographs by the author, historical figures, and with as new plans drawn by the author.
Birkhauser Basics Design Ideas
Design Ideas offers students a variety of different ways to go about finding a design solution. In addition to suggesting fundamental ways to get the creative process moving and develop a design approach, it also proposes various sources of inspiration for design ideas. It focuses on the three elements of place, form, and function, which can sometimes constitute immediate springboards for concrete designs. These elements must eventually be incorporated as the design process.Subjects: Creativity in the design process; Sources of inspiration and design approaches; Working with place; Working with form; Working with function.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1992-1996
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the worldwide leading architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron, we are publishing the third volume of the Complete Works as an accessible paperback edition. The reprint, in original format, comprehensively present all buildings and designs from 1992 up to the year 1996. The development of the practice over the first years can be tracked in fascinating documents of the time.
Birkhauser 9 x 9 – A Method of Design: From City to House Continued
An ideal design is site-specific, which is the only way architecture can create or connect with a specific sense of identity. This requires addressing the structural and local circumstances. This method handbook, developed at the Department of Architectural Design, offers a playful way in which to systematically ascertain a complex framework and use it for your own design. The “9 x 9 method” takes all relevant factors and their alternate interaction into consideration: location, structure, shell, program, and materiality, all which, in a matrix with various intersections, produce exactly 9 “fields of action” for the design. The individual “fields” are not only illustrated visually awith meaningful and eidetic pictures, but are also discussed in texts by leading specialists. For this book, the “9 x 9 method” was completely re-worked and redesigned. Authors: Florian Aicher, Jia Beisi, Adam Caruso, Dietmar Eberle, Franziska Hauser, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Michele Lanza, Arno Lederer, Silvain Malfroy, Adrian Meyer, Marcello Nasso, Fritz Neumeyer, András Pálffy, Miroslav Šik, Laurent Stalder, Eberhard Tröger.
Birkhauser Polychromie architecturale: Le Corbusiers Farbenklaviaturen von 1931 und 1959 / Le Corbusier's Color Keyboards from 1931 and 1959 / Les claviers de couleurs de Le Corbusier de 1931 et de 1959
Le Corbusier designed two color collections for the Salubra wallpaper company: the “Clavier de couleurs” of 1931, with 43 colors, and the 1959 collection, with 20. Not content with the mere color selection, drawn from his experience as an architect and painter, he also organized the tones on 12 sample cards in such a manner that, by using a slider, three or five colors could be varyingly isolated or combined. Each card contained a different color scheme meant, when applied, to create a particular spatial effect. This would become not only a useful tool but also a kind of testament of the purist color theory, an essential groundwork and a valuable instrument for all those who deal with color in theory or practice. In the first volume, Arthur Rüegg, the renowned Le Corbusier expert, explores the significance of the Salubra collections for the history of modern architecture, and in the epilogue to this third edition, presents the specialist research conclusions from the last twenty years. The second volume contains 13 color plates with the 63 colors, printed using the screen printing method and glued by hand as well as 4 separate sliders in pocket. Volume three consists of 63 full page color sample sheets, also printed using the screen printing method.
Birkhauser Mapping Design Research: Positions and Perspectives
An authoritative and scientifically based collection of 18 international texts since 1960 that mirrors and analyses the principal developmental phases of design research and scientific research. The importance of the focus on pivotal texts for the design research cannot be overstated. However, while certain charismatic names come up in the discussion, the community has thus far lacked a handbook that is straightforward and accessible. Grand and Jonas have now filled this gap. Compiled on the basis of a deep and extensive knowledge of the field, their essays situate and elucidate these exciting texts and aid readers in understanding them.
Birkhauser Synesthetic Design: Handbook for a Multi-Sensory Approach
Synesthetic design strives to develop products that systematically incorporate all five senses. In future, the current wealth of medical technical insights in psychology, physiology, motor functions, and neurology and the development of innovative materials with astonishing new properties will open up almost unlimited opportunities for the designer’s creativity. Haverkamp brings together for the first time precisely those aspects of this fundamental knowledge that are specifically relevant for designers. The result is a book that offers designers of all schools a clear and well-organized practical handbook and a solid foundation for their own designs.
Birkhauser Alte Meister - Junge Meister
Der künstlerische Hochdruck als Ursprung der Medienkunst bietet Jahrtausende überspannende Entwicklungslinien. Diese sind in der Sammlung von Herwig Tachezi nach zu vollziehen und bilden den Ausgangspunkt für die Beschäftigung der Studierenden der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien mit den historischen Meisterwerken des Hochdrucks. Als „Junge Meister“ beschäftigen sich diese mit den unterschiedlichen Werken der „Alten Meister“. Die Annäherung an die historischen Werke erfolgt dabei auf vielfältige Weise, konzeptuell, formal, ästhetisch oder auch technisch. Ergänzt werden die Arbeiten der Studierenden durch Werke von Jan Svenungsson und Michael Schneider.
Birkhauser Oskar Kokoschka – ein Künstlerleben in Lichtbildern Oskar Kokoschka – An Artist's Life in Photographs: Aus dem Oskar Kokoschka-Zentrum der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien From the Oskar Kokoschka-Zentrum of the University of Applied A
The photographic estate of Oskar and Olda Kokoschka comprises approximately 5.000 photographs. It contains portraits by renowned photographers, including Madame d’Ora (Dora Kallmus), Hugo Erfurth, Brassaï, George Platt Lynes, René Burri, Trude Fleischmann or Erich Lessing. Apart from artistically composed images, the estate also features numerous press photographs and astonishing snapshots. With its extensive commentary, this first photo-biography of Kokoschka provides an insight into the artist’s many-faceted work and eventful life. The publication offers a vivid record of the evolution of photography and a historico-cultural journey through the 20th century as reflected by the mirror of this extraordinary artist.
Birkhauser Printed Physics: Metalithikum I
Birkhauser Synthesis and Nullification: Works 1991-2011
Here is a retrospective of the career of Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss, visual artist, graphic designer, multimedia developer, writer, researcher, educator and visionary conceptualist. It includes many previously unpublished texts and artworks of the last two decades.
Birkhauser Building Integrated Photovoltaics: A Handbook
Photovoltaics is one of the most promising technologies for global energy production in the context of the energy crisis and climate change. Photovoltaic modules are now available in such a wide range of forms that nearly all of the usual fl at parts of buildings can be provided with photovoltaic capabilities. In addition to producing energy, these modules offer a number of synergistic effects, since increasingly they are integrated as glazing elements and can perform such other functions as weather protection, solar control, and providing privacy. Special modules such as solar roofing tiles and solar membranes are available for particular applications. This book explains the technology, presents the available products, and communicates clearly how they are used in buildings, with a particular focus on large-scale buildings. It provides architects with all of the necessary know-how to provide a new or existing building with a photovoltaic system, covering both planning and implementation. Last but not least, it is a valuable practical instrument to prepare for communicating with the relevant manufacturers and clients.
Birkhauser Acoustics and Sound Insulation: Principles, Planning, Examples
Acoustics and protection against noise do not perhaps number among the primary parameters that normally influence the design of a building. Nevertheless, at the very latest when the lecturer in the seminar room cannot be heard, when the noise level in an open-plan office reaches unbearable levels, or when a neighbor’s noise deprives you of sleep, it becomes clear just how essential acoustic can be to everyday well-being. it is not just concert halls or the amphitheaters of antiquity that call for acoustic quality; rather, every building, indeed every room, has an acoustic dimension that changes according to the nature of its particular requirements. This practice-oriented volume provides expert planners and architects but also interested developers with practical knowledge on the subject of acoustics in high-rise architecture, beginning with standards on methods of planning and prognosis and moving on to the areas of acoustics of rooms and architecture and noise protection in urban planning. Typologically organized chapters comment on proper approaches to the subject with examples of different types of building such as residential and office buildings, schools, kindergartens, lecture halls, event spaces, and so on, because appropriate acoustic conditions make an essential contribution to the success of a project.
Birkhauser Basics Urban Analysis
Basics Urban Analysis is a new addition to the module on city planning. Building on the elements of cities as described in the volume Basics Urban Building Blocks, it provides techniques for analyzing cities. As a basis for city planning and architectural design work, a solid understanding of the existing and surrounding urban structures is indispensable. This volume not only explains the possible approaches; it also describes in practical terms how to implement those approaches in the areas analyzed and how to evaluate the data one has collected.
Birkhauser Basics Water Cycles
The integration of building services is an important aspect of architectural planning. The conceptual design of supply systems and cycles within the building demands a solid grasp of the relationships that underpin the supply and disposal of the element water. The focus here is on relations among the individual elements of the cycle, from the supply of drinking water, consumers inside the building, and the disposal of wastewater to the rehabilitation of wastewater. The subject of water conservation is present throughout as an overarching framework.Topics: Requirements for drinking water Supply connections and distribution networks in the building Wastewater disposal and use Dealing with rainwater Resource-friendly approaches
Birkhauser Basics Glass Construction
Glass construction is one of the most varied and innovative areas of structural design. Glass connects exterior and interior spaces; at the same time, it protects the interior space from the outside world. Its constructional possibilities go far beyond classical window constructions. Special glasses possess astonishing physical characteristics and can thus be used in varied and creative ways.Topics: Glass as building material Processing and finishing Applications Construction types Connections / Mountings
Birkhauser Landschaftsarchitektur visualisieren: Funktionen, Konzepte, Strategien
"We don't sell gardens; we sell images of gardens." This observation on the part of a landscape architect makes it clear just how important it is that a design be effectively communicated to the community, building sponsors, and the public. Drawings, models, simulations, and films communicate the designers' proposed ideas and solutions, but they also convey their attitude toward the use of nature and the environment. With myriad possibilities - including computer programs as well as hand drawings and models, which continue to be widely used - and strong competition in the field, there is now a huge variety of visual representations, with agreed-upon rules but also a great deal of freedom. In three large sections, this books sifts through the currently commonplace and available techniques and evaluates them in terms of their informative value and persuasive power, always illustrating its points with analysis of examples from international firms. An introductory look at the development thus far is followed by a systematic presentation of modes of representation in two, three, and four dimensions - in the plane, in space, and in the temporal process. The second section deals with the sequence of modes within the workflow: from the initial sketch through concept and implementation planning all the way to the finished product. The third section deals with the strategic use of visualizations in the context of competitions, future scenarios, and large-scale landscape planning. The focus in this section is not on the familiar fundamentals of the relevant techniques, but rather on the methods and forms of visual representation in contemporary landscape architecture.
Birkhauser Frank Lloyd Wright: Second, revised edition
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) exercised a shaping influence on architectural history throughout the world as only very few other architects beside him have done. His structures – developed from landscape, program, material, and construction – are highly individual and independent of the stylistic developments of modern architecture. His constant attempts to invent new things gave rise to the idiosyncratic forms and constructions that are typical of his work. The author, Daniel Treiber, has produced a well-researched and thorough presentation that highlights the fundamental aspects of the American architect’s work that are relevant from a contemporary perspective. He systematically investigates the forms, types, and strategies of Wright’s oeuvre and accompanies his outstanding texts with a lavish offering of photographs and plans. Thanks to his many years of experience teaching design and architectural history at the École d’architecture in Lille, France, and elsewhere, the author possesses a deep and comprehensive expert knowledge of his subject.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron 1997-2001
The Tate Modern in London made Herzog & de Meuron famous all over the world. The projects and structures they have built since then are distinguished by the sensitive treatment of materials for which the architects are renowned. In addition, these Pritzker Prize–winning architects have developed a topographical conception of architecture that not only locates their designs in a larger context but also frequently structures them as landscapes. In order to represent them, the layout of volume 4 of the complete works has been completely redesigned. The publication contains essays by the architects themselves in which they situate their projects. The structures presented include such icons of contemporary architecture as the Prada store in Tokyo Aoyama and the Allianz Arena in Munich, where the opening game of the 2006 Soccer World Cup was played. Pathbreaking museum structures such as the Schaulager near Basel, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and the De Young Museum in San Francisco continue the conversation surrounding what constitutes a truly contemporary presentation of modern art.
Birkhauser LichtEinfall: Tageslicht im Wohnbau
The image of open working and living spaces flooded with light has, more than any other, become fixed in our minds as a symbol of modernity and the spirit of the times. While the workplace has always been the focus of ergonomic studies and optimization with respect to a good provision of daylight, large glass surfaces have now become the order of the day for living spaces as well. But does this automatically make for better illumination? Taking this question as its starting point, the publication Illuminating thematizes central aspects of light planning, including the connection between the provision of daylight and architectural design, building orientation, the nature of the facade, the ground plan, comfort, and the proportions and atmosphere of rooms. In the process, general characteristics and fundamental principles as well as subtle facets of an intelligent treatment of daylight are discussed and critically examined within an expanded architecture- and culture-historical context.
Birkhauser Kosteneffizient Bauen: Ökonomische Konzepte – Wirtschaftliche Konstruktionen
This latest volume in the In Detail series turns the spotlight on projects otherwise overshadowed by the spectacular and extravagant buildings that fill the specialist journals: unvarnished, unpretentious buildings that, despite tight budgets, are clearly worked out to the last detail. They exemplify how, and by what measures, cost-effective planning and building are possible. Because cost-effective building requires that special attention be paid to the overall planning and implementation these processes are examined comprehensively in specialist contributions and project documentations, from office organization through the design phase and the coordination of implementation planning, on to ultimate realization. The spectrum of solutions extends from the use of standardized products to innovative and individual solutions for details, complete with specified costs, and is a source of inspiration for architects and planners.
Birkhauser Recueil de plans d habitation / Atlante delle planimetrie residenziali
L atlante delle planimetrie residenziali analizza circa 160 edifici realizzati in un contesto internazionale nell arco di oltre 40 anni, con particolare attenzione agli esempi contemporanei. Opere di architetti più o meno noti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo illustrano la varietà di approcci di tipo funzionale, tipologico e sperimentale rispetto ad un ampio spettro di temi progettuali. Ogni progetto è rappresentato in scala 1:200. Planimetria generale, sezioni e immagini fotografiche illustrano il contesto e la costruzione dell edificio. I dati sistematici riguardo alle dimensioni e al numero degli alloggi, ai modelli di finanziamento ecc. sono corredati da una dettagliata descrizione della forma dell abitare. La struttura complessiva del manuale - dalla classificazione in tipologie urbanistiche attraverso le modalità di rappresentazione fino ai dettagli costruttivi – fanno di questo libro uno strumento progettuale irrinunciabile per gli architetti, per chi partecipa a concorsi di progettazione, per studenti e committenti.
Birkhauser Basics CAD
Computer aided design (CAD) is the rendering of architectural drawings using the computer, which today plays a central role in almost all architectural firms. This volume explains the principles and fundamentals of CAD and provides the student with a simple and easily understandable path to using the computer as a tool and medium.Subjects: The architectural design in dialogue with the computer; An introduction to working with software and hardware; Practical, user-oriented explanations of CAD functions; Digital visualization; Interfaces and data processing.
Birkhauser Natures intermédiaires: Les paysages de Michel Desvigne
Michel Desvigne is no doubt the most high-profile French landscape architect working today. He collaborates with architects like Richard Rogers, Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, Ieoh Ming Pei, Herzog and de Meuron, and Jean Nouvel, and his projects are synonymous with a strong strategic and conceptual component, influenced by insights from geography. Traffic projects also play an important role in his work – they underscore the competence of landscape architecture in matters of city planning. This thematic monograph documents the key elements of Desvigne’s work in individual chapters: processes of transformation, geography, territory, urban structures, and public squares. Each of these themes is vividly illustrated by selected projects, including the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, the Dallas Center for the Performing Arts, the French Ministry of Culture in Paris, and Keio University in Tokyo.
Birkhauser Rehabilitación
A former power plant becomes an art mile; a tea house is built on the remnants of a historical wall. Everywhere we encounter buildings which are no longer used in their original state and now provide the setting for new uses. As disparate as the structures in question themselves are the structural and technological demands they impose on the architect. Whether the subject is energy-conscious renovation or progressive conversion, these new language editions of In Detail: Building in Existing Fabricincorporate innovative examples from Italy, France, and Spain developed specially for these volumes. Introductory essays by noted experts deal with the subject in depth from the perspectives of historical preservation, economy, and building technology. From a structure’s surrounding environment to large-scale representations of details, all of the drawings are meticulously researched and presented with the customary high quality and with the competence and experience of the editorial staff at DETAIL.
Birkhauser Transparent Plastics: Design and Technology
Recent years have seen the construction of buildings made of plastic, structures that are as attractive as they are unusual. After initial experiments in the 1970s, plastic is currently experiencing a tremendous boom. Originally used for temporary structures like the BMW Pavilion in Frankfurt, it is now employed in many permanent buildings as well, including the recent Catholic church in Radebeul by Staib/Behnisch. Prominent international avant-garde architects such as Shigeru Ban and Herzog & de Meuron frequently use transparent plastic for their structures. Transparent plastic seems ephemeral and thus captures the spirit of the times. Its various qualities between transparent and translucent make it possible to achieve fascinating effects with light and color. Projects presented include the Allianz Arena in Munich by Herzog & de Meuron, the Rocket Tower in Leicester by Grimshaw & Partners, the Paper Art Museum by Shigeru Ban in Shizuoka, Japan, and the public housing development Cité Manifeste in Mulhouse by Lacaton Vassal. Seit einigen Jahren entstehen ebenso attraktive wie ungewöhnliche Bauten aus Kunststoff. Nach ersten Versuchen in den 1970er Jahren erlebt der Baustoff derzeit einen ungeheuren Boom. Zunächst für temporäre Bauten wie dem BMW Pavillon in Frankfurt genutzt, entstehen mittlerweile auch zahlreiche bleibende Gebäude (wie kürzlich die Katholische Kirche von Staib/Behnisch in Radebeul). Bekannte Architekten der internationalen Avantgarde wie Shigeru Ban oder Herzog & de Meuron verwenden gerne transparenten Kunststoff für ihre Bauten. Das Material scheint ephemer, transitorisch (ohne es zu sein) und trifft damit den Nerv der heutigen Zeit. Seine unterschiedlichen Qualitäten zwischen transparent und transluzent erlauben faszinierende Licht- und Farbeffekte. Zu den dargestellten Projekten gehören die Allianz-Arena in München von Herzog & de Meuron, der Rocket-Tower in Leicester von Grimshaw & Partner, das Papiermuseum von Shigeru Ban in Shizuoka, Japan, und der soziale Wohnungsbau der Cité Manifeste in Mulhouse von Lacaton Vassal.
Birkhauser Transformation: Basic Principles and Methodology of Design
Bar, surface, body, and space are the fundamental elements of the design process. Every form, however complex, may be understood as a variation of them. And underlying every concrete design is a design methodology that can be analyzed, taught, and learned as a transformation of these four categories.In this sense, Transformation represents a foundational work for architects, designers, and lay people with an interest in cultural history: the unrivaled grammar of design. With a systematic aim and progressively increasing complexity, it unfolds the creative potential of these categories with succinct texts, uniform drawings, and a broad array of examples from architecture, design, and art.But Transformation also occupies an exceptional position as a physical book: the layout makes it especially easy to compare and combine different design steps, and the separate binding of individual groups of pages makes doing so even easier. The result is a kind of construction set that invites the reader to play as well as research. By generating new “links”, he or she is able to use a limited set of fundamental elements to discover an unlimited and ever-changing array of new design possibilities.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 3: 1934-1938: Volume 3: 1934-1938
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 4: 1938-1946: Volume 4: 1938-1946
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive and singular survey of his work.
Birkhauser Integrative Design: Essays and Projects on Design Research
Design reflects social developments in those issues which are also embraced by design researchers. A key concept for how designers position themselves in the future, according to the editor’s thesis, may well be "integrative design". This term denotes design’s potential for the integrative development of a society, a potential imperatively linked with economic and political positions. Integrative Design collects basic essays on aspects of Integrative Design, including design after ownership, inclusion, design as an interface with society, the integration of design and technology, and the political agenda of design. The associated website documents current and recently completed research projects that expand on these aspects.
Birkhauser Dense + Green: Innovative Building Types for Sustainable Urban Architecture
The integration of nature in architecture is a key concern of sustainability. However, all too often sustainable design is reduced to improving the energetic performance of buildings and the ornamental application of natural green. Dense + Green explores new architectural typologies that emerge from the integration of green components such as sky terraces, vertical parks and green facades, in high-density buildings. The book describes green strategies in a comparison across different design tasks and climate conditions. In-depth case studies on the most relevant building types, consistently presented with analytical drawings made exclusively for this book, are complemented by expert essays that demonstrate the current paradigm shift in the sustainable urban environment. From the Contents: • Dense + Green Building Types, by Thomas Schröpfer, architect, Singapore University of Technology and Design • Dense + Green Building Technology, by Atelier Ten, environmental design consultants and building services engineers, New York, NY • Dense + Green Landscape Design, by Herbert Dreiseitl, landscape architect, Atelier Dreiseitl/Rambøll Liveable Cities Lab, Überlingen/Singapore/Portland, OR • Dense + Green Botanical Design, by Jean Yong, plant eco-physiologist, Singapore University of Technology and Design • Dense + Green Urbanism, by Kees Christiaanse, urban planner, ETH Zurich • 25 in-depth case studies from Europe, Asia and the USA • Practice Reports by Foster + Partners, WOHA, Ken Yeang, MVRDV and others
Birkhauser Zeiträume - Time Scales: Zeitgenössische deutsche Landschaftsarchitektur / Contemporary German Landscape Architecture
Changes over the course of time is a specific category of landscape architecture in open spaces and with organic materials: sustainability, identity, the preservation and development of our natural environment and our built living environment are designed in and by time-based processes. What does this mean for the concrete implementation in landscape architectural concepts and current projects? In essays, interviews, and presentations of the best projects realized over recent years, Time Scales pinpoints the challenges, tasks, and performance of current landscape architecture. The book will appear on the occasion of the German Landscape Architecture Prize Awards Ceremony in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Federation of German Landscape Architects (bdla).
Birkhauser Basics Freehand Drawing
The importance of freehand drawing for educating architects is often underestimated. However, this craft is essential for any designer. The act of drawing shows you how to see and observe. It helps develop spatial imagination. A design idea can be quickly and easily clarified and displayed in only a few strokes. The sketch in perspective is vital in design presentations whether at the design academy or in meetings with contractors - every architect needs to master this craft.Basics Freehand Drawing explains step-by-step how to develop a perspective drawing from the initial structure of the image to various drawing techniques and use of color. It also shows in numerous color illustrations different drawing techniques and examples of presenting perspective drawings of buildings, interiors, and details.
Birkhauser Ecotourism, Nature Conservation and Development: Re-imagining Jordan's Shobak Arid Region
In the field of desert conservation, this book presents a new approach that preserves ecosystems, fosters local economic development and capitalizes on both natural and cultural landscapes for ecotourism. Situated in the special protected area of Shobak, a Jordanian desert region rich in historical background and biodiversity, the innovative strategic plan unites the goals of nature preservation and regional development in a groundbreaking way, by developing tools for promoting the untapped potentials of wild arid areas. It integrates the professions of landscape architecture and architecture with various other disciplines including natural resources management and ecology in order to provide complex, tailored solutions that are resilient to shifting socio-political contexts and harsh arid environments.
Birkhauser Basics Budgeting
Successful project management of construction projects is largely dependant on the confident handling of construction costs and schedules. For contractors, the ability to reliably plan costs is an essential quality feature of a good architect, and hence one of the most important basics of project preparation. Cost estimation is also vital in preparing project budgets, and it particularly requires an efficient methodology that can immediately reveal possible planning-related cost overruns. Central key concepts such as cost variables or life-cycle costs, costing methods, and cost control methods form an essential repertoire for all practicing architects.Basics Budgeting explains cost planning processes during the planning and construction phase step-by-step and on a practical level, and describes in a clear and structured manner how to estimate and evaluate cost impacts and risks. Supported by practical tips, examples, and illustrations, the inexperienced planner learns the tools of the trade in order to enter the field of budget management informed and in step with actual practice
Birkhauser Basics Architekturfotografie
Architectural photography is an important tool for studying built architecture and documenting students own projects.Basics Architectural Photography provides a practically based explanation of the key technical aspects of photography, image analysis and photo editing, and includes helpful tips on how to take and process photographs.Topics: Photographic concepts (focal length, image circle, angle of view, depth of focus, exposure time, contrast range, etc.) Equipment (camera, lens, tripod, light meter, etc.) Photographing architecture (perspectives, architectural models, etc.) Stylistic devices in architectural photography Exterior shots Interior shots Image editing, scanning, image correction