Search results for ""birkhauser""
Birkhauser Mies van der Rohe: Space - Material - Detail
It is understood that Mies van der Rohe is one of the most important architects of the Modern movement. But how do Mies’ ideas on architecture and on the logic of construction relate to his built – and sometimes unbuilt – oeuvre? This book investigates this question based on 14 projects, with a focus on the choice of detail and material. Specially produced three-dimensional drawings provide an easy-to-understand analysis of Mies’ construction concepts. The projects include Lange and Esters Houses (1927–30), Tugendhat House (1928-30), the Barcelona Pavilion (1928-29), Farnsworth House (1946-51), Lake Shore Drive (1948-51) and the New National Gallery (1962-68). The investigation covers several decades of Mies’ work, and hence his German and American creative periods.
Birkhauser Dachstühle
Das Dach ist die Urform menschlicher Behausungen, bei dem Holz als Baustoff für die Verwendung von Dachkonstruktionen - zumindest im Wohnhausbau - nach wie vor eine enorme Bedeutung zukommt. Aufgrund des geringen Gewichts, der schnellen Montage, der Elementierbarkeit und der modernen Verbindungstechnik werden auch in Zukunft Holzdachstühle in Verwendung sein. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die gängigen Konstruktionssysteme, die im Altbau und Neubau angewendet werden, bis hin zu Sonderformen, Dachgaupen und modernen Konstruktionen.In der Neuauflage wurden speziell die Auswirkungen der aktuellen Normen berücksichtigt (EUROCODE 5) sowie die Arten der Dachstühle, Verbindungen und Hallentragwerke überarbeitet. Auch Hinweise zur Bestandsanalyse zur späteren Dachraumnutzung fehlen nicht.
Birkhauser Skulpturen-Parks in Europa: Ein Kunst- und Landschaftsführer
Das Interesse an Parks und Gartenanlagen, in denen moderne Skulpturen und Natur eine besondere Verbindung eingehen, steigt stetig. Landschaft dient als inspirierendes Ambiente für Kunstwerke, die ihrerseits die Anlagen beleben und so ein ganz eigenes Spannungsmoment zwischen Kunst und Natur erzeugen. In zweiter Auflage präsentiert der Führer mehr als 90 Parks aus 27 europäischen Ländern, neu sind u. a. Finnland, Ungarn und Polen. Zu den präsentierten Anlagen gehören Klassiker wie die Fondation Maeght in Saint-Paul de Vence oder das Louisiana Museum in Humlebaek, aber auch spektakuläre neue Anlagen wie das Museo Atlantico, der erste Unterwasser-Park Europas vor der Küste Lanzarotes. Jeder Park und die in ihm ausgestellten Kunstwerke werden mit Fotografien, Plänen und Texten vorgestellt.
Birkhauser Metamorphism: Material Change in Architecture
Materiality is a recurring and central issue in architecture. This book explains how materials are "constructed", how they become cultural substances. Metamorphism investigates the complex relationship between natural materials and technology, science and sensuality. Gottfried Semper (1803–1879) made the notion of Stoffwechsel the key element of his theory. With this concept he intended to explain how a structural form originally bound to a method of processing is transferred from one material to another, liberated from its original function. For the first time, the book investigates the subject from a historic point of view whilst reflecting on current interdisciplinary research. Examples from Aalto to Zumthor illustrate the specific aspects of historic and contemporary material concepts.
Birkhauser Fußböden
Fußböden präsentiert in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die gängigen Fußbodenkonstruktionen und Bodenbeläge für den Hoch- und Industriebau. Die Autoren erläutern konstruktive Eigenschaften; sie legen besonderes Augenmerk auf Materialwahl, Gestaltung und Verarbeitung und stellen den Bezug zu den geltenden Regelwerken und Normen im deutschsprachigen Raum her. Dabei werden auch die neuesten Anforderungen an Wärme- und Schallschutz für Fußböden behandelt. Viele Beispiele aus der Praxis machen den Band zu einem wertvollen Handbuch.Themen: Grundlagen von Fußbodenkonstruktionen – Unterkonstruktionen – Blindböden, Estriche und Estrichbindemittel – Anforderungen hinsichtlich Wärme-, Schall- und Brandschutz – Heizestriche – Sportböden – Außenanlagen – Garagenböden – Pflege und Wartung.
Birkhauser Basics Lighting Design
Daylight is the most important element determining the mood and appearance of architecture, more so than all construction materials. In office buildings in particular, the good provision of daylight and matching artificial lighting installations make an important contribution to energy conservation – the better the use made of daylight, the less energy has to be consumed for artificial lighting. For this reason, typical architectural concepts have changed in recent years; enclosed buildings with full air-conditioning have increasingly made way to buildings that respond to the climate conditions of their environment, thereby using only a much reduced amount of energy without compromising on comfort. The BASICS Lighting Design volume includes the most important principles of daylight and artificial lighting design. Selection of subjects covered: Sizes and units Building concept design principles (layout design, building orientation and facade structure) Lighting design concepts Current daylighting and artificial lighting systems Solar screening Directing daylight
Birkhauser Basics Lichtplanung
Mehr als jedes andere Baumaterial bestimmt das Tageslicht Raumwirkungen, erzeugt Stimmungen, inszeniert Architektur. Eine sinnvolle Tages- und eine darauf abgestimmte Kunstlichtplanung trägt, gerade in Bürogebäuden, wesentlich zur Energieeinsparung bei: Je besser das Tageslicht genutzt wird, desto weniger Energie muss für Kunstlicht eingesetzt werden. Aus diesem Grund hat sich das Leitbild der Architektur in den letzten Jahren geändert: Aus abgeschlossenen, voll klimatisierten Gebäuden wurden zunehmend Bauwerke, die auf die klimatischen Gegebenheiten der Umgebung baulich reagieren und so, ohne Einbußen beim Komfort, nur noch wenig Energie benötigen. Im Band Basics Lichtplanung sind die wichtigsten Grundlagen zur Tages- und Kunstlichtplanung zusammengestellt. Themen sind u.a.: Größen und Einheiten Planungsregeln der Gebäudekonzeption (Grundrissgestaltung, Gebäudeorientierung und Fassadengliederung) Konzepte der Lichtplanung aktuelle Tages- und Kunstlichtsysteme Sonnenschutz Tageslichtlenkung
Birkhauser Wege der Moderne / Ways to Modernism: Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos und die Folgen / and Their Impact
The catalogue for the exhibition at the MAK (Austrian Museum for Applied Art/Contemporary Art in Vienna) focuses on two fundamental approaches of the Moderne movement in an antithetic comparison, including the preceding history and after-effects to this day: Josef Hoffmann (1870-1956) and Adolf Loos (1870-1933) represent opposing reactions to the basic problems of modern civilization, which were triggered by the process of industrialization and democratization. Two different concepts for a modern way of life were created: Hoffmann promoted a comprehensive aestheticization of all spheres of life, while Loos interpreted architecture and design as the functional background for the development of individual personalities. In 16 essays, well-known European and American experts investigate a wide range of contributing conditions and the highlights and consequences of these two traditions of the Moderne movement, from the 19th century to the present. The key works of Hoffmann and Loos - as well as those of their predecessors such as Otto Wagner, and successors such as Josef Frank - are richly illustrated.
Birkhauser De Bâle - Herzog & de Meuron
the global success story of the Basel architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron has local roots. This book traces these origins while identifying the essential ideas, professional ethics, and development of their architectural practice, established in 1978. The biographies of both architects and the activities of their practice are intimately bound up with the town of Basel. With this embeddedness in Basel as a point of departure, the authors elucidate central themes of their architectural oeuvre: from habitat to monument. With reference to exemplary buildings, they analyze the motifs, constructive principles, and spatial design of the architectonic works of Herzog & de Meuron. In addition, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron lead us on tours through Basel and its surroundings: statements by the architects, along with photographs taken especially for this volume by George Dupin, present the locales and buildings that have played key roles for the work of these architects. The book is rounded out by an intensive exchange of ideas between the architects and Jean-François Chevrier.
Birkhauser Form Follows Nature: Eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst / A History of Nature as Model for Design in Engineering, Architecture and Art
Seit jeher beschäftigt die Menschheit sich mit der Natur als Vorbild, als Ziel und Herausforderung in ihrer Vollkommenheit. Die Natur ist in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Fundus für den schaffenden Menschen – aber auch ein Kontrapunkt in der eigenen Arbeit. Sowohl die energetisch und konstruktiv optimierten Formen sind Vorbild, als auch die Anpassungsfähigkeit und Vielseitigkeit. Naturwissenschaftler, Ingenieure, Architekten und Künstler schöpfen aus dem reichen Fundus der Natur, lernen daraus und lassen sich inspirieren. Das Buch zeigt, wie sich der Mensch mit der Natur auseinandergesetzt hat und bietet einen Ausblick auf weitere mögliche Lektionen.Die zweite Auflage enthält unter anderem ein bisher unveröffentlichtes Interview mit Frei Otto, das Ende 2014 geführt wurde.
Birkhauser Architekturtheorie im 20. Jahrhundert: Eine kritische Anthologie
Worte bringen die Architektur zur Sprache, sie halten sie am Leben, vermitteln sie im kulturellen Diskurs. Mit dieser einzigartigen Textanthologie liegt nun ein unverzichtbares Vademekum der Architekturtheorie in einer zweiten, überarbeiteten Auflage vor. 100 Quellentexte von Architekten, Künstlern, Kunsthistorikern und Philosophen, zum Teil mit Illustrationsmaterial der Erstdrucke, stehen dem Leser für die eigenen Recherchen zur Verfügung: nach fünf Themenbereichen geordnet, in kommentierter Form und handlichem Format. Die zweite überarbeitete Auflage enthält neue Texte und ein neues Vorwort zur aktuellen Theorie-Entwicklung.
Birkhauser by: EOOS: Design zwischen Archaik und Hightech / Design Between Archaic and High-Tech
In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Eoos is one of the chariot draft horses of the sun god Helios; the design studio EOOS founded in Vienna 20 years ago is also a driving force, in the today's globalized world of design. This is verified by more than 130 design awards and an impressive number of patents. EOOS pursues a consistent reduced design language, alternating between archaic and high-tech and entirely free from stylistic affectations. This first and long overdue monograph on EOOS is divided into three parts, and is a source of inspiration, analysis, and documentation. Part one is based on a series of images, which gives insight into the “making of” - into the way in which EOOS approaches the design process. It shows references, links, drawings, research material, and finished products. In part two, EOOS assumes the form of first-person narrator to report on selected designs, backgrounds, and details of their histories. Part three documents in chronological order all the EOOS products that have gone into production, as well as projects and design experiments conceived purely by and for EOOS.
Birkhauser Basics Wasserkreislauf im Gebäude
The integration of building services is an important aspect of architectural planning. The conceptual design of supply systems and cycles within the building demands a solid grasp of the relationships that underpin the supply and disposal of the element water. The focus here is on relations among the individual elements of the cycle, from the supply of drinking water, consumers inside the building, and the disposal of wastewater to the rehabilitation of wastewater. The subject of water conservation is present throughout as an overarching framework.Topics: Requirements for drinking water Supply connections and distribution networks in the building Wastewater disposal and use Dealing with rainwater Resource-friendly approaches
Birkhauser Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
Constructing Landscape is a systematic introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the construction of open space elements and the use of plants. For landscape architects and architects it is an indispensable guide to correct and professional execution planning as well as to preparing solid and well-thought-out requests for proposal. Constructing Landscape is divided into two sections, Materials and Surfaces and Building Construction and Building Elements. The first section provides an overview of the various building materials of landscape architecture and their specific characteristics. It also explains the qualities of surfaces and the different approaches to treating them. The second section begins with an introductory chapter explaining the principles of statics, the connections of load-bearing elements, and the various approaches to anchoring building compo-nents and supporting structures. The subsequent chapters use drawings and text to present the constructional principles and techniques associated with the various building elements. Each chapter concludes with a collection of sample projects, illustrated with photographs and technical drawings.
Birkhauser New Architecture in Wood: Forms and Structures
Timber: the old raw material and building material returns.There are many reasons today for building with wood and there are great advantages over conventional designs. Wood is not only a renewable building material that helps reduce the levels of CO2 and is hence good for climate change, but, due to modern computing and manufacturing processes, it can also be used for a variety of construction tasks. Wood possesses excellent qualities for both construction and indoor climate control, and can easily be combined with other common building materials. Based on 24 international projects, the book provides an overview of the range of possibilities in wood construction today. Texts, images, and plans document the architectural and constructive qualities of contemporary timber structures from the conceptual design to the structure in detail. The various uses are based on current research in modern timber engineering but also on timber construction expertise that has been developing over many centuries. This special discipline has evolved significantly in recent decades, particularly in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and is a world leader today.
Birkhauser The Drama of Space: Spatial Sequences and Compositions in Architecture
The experience of architectural spaces is formed by the way they are staged. The Drama of Space examines the composition and articulation of architectural spaces in terms of spatial dramaturgy, as a repertoire of means and strategies for shaping spatial experience. This fundamental approach to architectural design is presented in four parts: Archetypal principles of spatial composition are traced from the study of three assembly buildings of the early modern period in Venice. Theatre, film, music, and theory provide background knowledge on dramaturgy. Detailed analyses of 18 international case studies offer new perspectives on contemporary architecture. The book ends with a systematic presentation of the dramaturgy of space, its parameters and tools, in architectural design.
Birkhauser Basics Betonbau
Birkhauser Wohnhäuser: Eine Typologie
Die intelligente Weiterentwicklung von Bautypen ist eine wesentliche Aufgabenstellung im Wohnungsbau. Für den einzelnen Entwurf wie für die breite Anwendbarkeit, Wiederholbarkeit und Variation von erprobten Strukturen ist das vertiefte Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden Typen un-verzichtbar. Für diese Wohnungsbautypologie haben die Autoren neue, systematische Darstellungen über innovative Typen entwickelt. In den einzelnen Kapiteln werden die Anwendungs- und Transformationsmöglichkeiten jeweils einer bestimmten Wohnbauform entfaltet. Der erste Teil widmet sich dem Hofhaus, das den Hof als intimen Außenraum des Wohnens nutzt. Der zweite Teil behandelt die weit verbreitete Wohnform des Reihenhauses, erörtert das Prinzip Reihe als Stadtbaustein und die Ecklösungen. Im dritten Teil werden am Typus des Stadthauses Themen wie Flachbau und Geschosswohnungsbau, Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit, Wohnen und Arbeiten durchgespielt. Der Typus des freistehenden Hauses soll schließlich durch seine allseitige Orientierung eine optimale Ausrichtung der Wohnungen ermöglichen. Das Spektrum der Lösungen ist in einheitlich und maßstäblich neu gezeichneten Grundrissen und Schnitten aufgearbeitet. In einer neuen Einleitung diskutieren die Autoren die Möglichkeiten typologischen Entwerfens heute.
Birkhauser Basics Holzbau
Together with masonry construction, timber construction is usually one of the first building exercises encountered by the student in his or her training. This volume begins by presenting the building material timber in all of its facets and explaining the fundamental principles of timber construction. It then goes on to describe the most important building components and their constructive possibilities, specifically as they pertain to building with timber. Subjects: Timber as building material, Timber preservation, Systems for building with timber, Building components from foundation to roof.
Birkhauser Basics Technical Drawing
Technical Drawing deals with the representation of plans throughout all phases of a project. For students, the primary focus is on the development and methodical construction of a technical drawing. Themes: Types of plan (from site plan and preliminary drawings to design and detail plans) Components of the plan (floor plan, section, elevation, detail) Line width, dimensioning, hatching, use of text, symbols Plan presentation and compilation
Birkhauser Landscape Infrastructure: Case Studies by SWA
Now available as revised edition: The successful title on integrated ecological landscape planning Infrastructure, as we know it, no longer belongs in the exclusive realm of engineers and transportation planners. In the context of rapidly changing cities and towns, infrastructure is experiencing a paradigm shift where multiple-use programming and the integration of latent ecologies is a primary consideration. Defining contemporary infrastructure requires a multi-disciplinary team of landscape architects, engineers, architects and planners to fully realize the benefits to our cultural and natural systems. This book examines the potential of landscape as infrastructure via essays by notable authors and supporting case studies by SWA landscape architects and urban designers, among them the technologically innovative roof domes for Renzo Piano’s California Academy of Science in San Francisco, the restoration of the Buffalo Bayou in Houston, and several master plans for ecological corridors in China and Korea. Other projects develop smart re-use concepts for railroad tracks that no longer serve their original purpose, such as Kyung-Chun railway in Seoul or Katy Trail in Dallas. All case studies are described extensively with technical diagrams and plans for repositioning infrastructure as a viable medium for addressing issues of ecology, transit, urbanism, performance, and habitat.
Birkhauser Cut & Compose: Toolbox for Visualizations in Architecture and Design Baukasten für Visualisierungen in Architektur und Design
Architecture is now reliant on advanced visualizations. Indeed, visualization is the key to making planned projects and ideas palpable, and to winning the support of clients and other interested parties. Ambitious presentations can generate a clear advantage over the competition. In the real world, however, the manpower and time needed to develop high-quality visualizations are often unavailable. There is also a lack of professional literature on the subject. Cut and Compose is a feature-rich tool that allows architects, interior decorators, landscape planners, and designers to optimize their visual presentations. The program's extensive database is organized into six clear categories: people, vegetation, accessories, vehicles, the sky, and materials/structures. The objects are stored as color photos, black surfaces, and contours. Object codes allow one to retrieve vector .psd files from the DVD. Users can also add their own images. The publication includes a DVD containing all of the images featured in the book.
Birkhauser Olgiati | Conferencia: Una Conferencia de Valerio Olgiati
The Graubünden-based architect Valerio Olgiati has become well-known outside Switzerland for such buildings as his school building in Paspels and the Atelier Bardill in Scharans, but not least for his Yellow House and his studio in Flims. In the form of a wellillustrated essay, the architect explains how he develops his projects, the parameters that influence his design process, and the intellectual context from which he works. In a reduced, clear language this iconographic autobiography offers a very personal view of the Valerio Olgiati’s activity and of his selfimage as an architect, thus supplementing with a personal statement the earlier publication DADO. Text (in Spanish language) and images complement each other to create a narrative thread that offers informative insights into the architect’s intellectual and visual imagination and expands our understanding of Olgiati’s oeuvre.
Birkhauser Grüner Wohnen. Green Living: Zeitgenössische deutsche Landschaftsarchitektur / Contemporary German Landscape Architecture
This volume in the series on contemporary landscape architecture is concerned with how life quality can be increased by improving our living environment through planning and raising the quality of public space. How green do we want our housing to be? What are the essential criteria of a successful planning of open space in residential architecture? Will the changed relationship between city and country contribute to that, perhaps in the form of urban agriculture? This book was published on the occasion of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2011, the Special Housing Environment Award, and the largest competition for ideas from students and young professionals in landscape architecture and open space planning: the Peter Joseph Lenné Award. With a revised design and reworked structure, the essays and project descriptions in the book reveal the strategies with which the profession is meeting new challenges.
Birkhauser Mies van der Rohe – The Built Work
This essential and comprehensive Mies monograph focuses in its analysis on Mies’ design intentions: it reconstructs the buildings in their original state, examines them from the present day persepctive and rediscovers the inspiring architecture of a great modern master. The book presents eighty of Mies’ works in chronological order. Approximately thirty of these works are analyzed in detail in three parts. In the first part, the construction is documented in its built state; for this all the ground plans were redrawn by the author. The second part outlines the changes to the buildings and the third part develops the results of this investigation with regard to their relevance to the contemporary view of Mies’ work.
Birkhauser Building to Suit the Climate: A Handbook
In future, buildings that make sense from a bioclimatic perspective will not be the exception; planners will simply be expected to design them. With its wealth of facts, this book serves as a concrete aid to planning and design. With the planning process as its roadmap, it accompanies the planner from the basic evaluation stage through conception and implementation planning all the way to building operation. The building-related characteristics of the various climatic zones form the basis for the made-to-measure development of integrated building solutions. Well-conceived graphics illustrate planning contexts and facilitate efficient planning decisions and realistic predimensioning. Materials, systems, and technologies are described, and their areas of application are pointed out. Reference parameters, costs, and the presentation of interrelationships equip the planner to make a strategic and well-informed selection.
Birkhauser Fassaden: Prinzipien der Konstruktion
Facades determine the appearance of a building. Thus they have a very important role to play in architecture. At the same time, the building envelope has important functions to fulfill, including lighting, weatherproofing, thermal isolation, load distribution, and sound insulation, to name only the most important. In the last fifteen years, facades have become significantly more complex. For example, "intelligent," climate-active facades use self-regulating systems to respond to changing light and weather conditions.This book demonstrates the principles of facade construction. Guidelines are suggested for good detailing. The installation procedures are described for the most common materials –glass, wood, steel, concrete, and aluminum. Numerous drawings made specially for the book explain the principles of the individual types of facade which are then illustrated with built examples.
Birkhauser Material Revolution: Sustainable and Multi-Purpose Materials for Design and Architecture
Since it is now clear that in the future many raw materials will only be available to us in limited quantities, scientists have for some time been conducting intensive research into possible alternatives. Sustainability is the order of the day and the magic word for a better future in politics and industry. Moreover, environmental consciousness and a penchant for thinking in terms of material cycles have caught on with consumers: the use of environmentally compatible materials and production methods is desired, even taken for granted by the client. Designers and architects thus have a special role and responsibility. For they are the ones who decide what materials will be used on their projects and thus wield enormous influence on the sustainability of our product world. At the same time, we are dealing with a flood of new materials, which calls for specialized knowledge of their properties, their possible use, and their handling. Material Revolution bridges the gap between research and industry on the one hand and designers and architects on the other by offering a systematic overview of the currently available sustainable materials and providing the reader with all the information he or she needs to assess a new material’s suitability and potential for a given project. Along the way, it examines natural and biodegradable materials, while also presenting materials with multifunctional properties and the potential for diminishing energy requirements.
Birkhauser Dado: Gebaut und bewohnt von Rudolf Olgiati und Valerio Olgiati
Valerio Olgiati arbeitete als Architekt in Los Angeles, Zürich und seit 2008 in Flims. Er unterrichtete als Gastprofessor an der ETH Zürich, der AA London und der Cornell University, New York. Seit 2002 ist er Professor der Accademia die architettura in Mendrisio, ab Herbst 2009 führt er in Harvard den Kenzo Tange Chair. Seine Bauten finden aufgrund ihrer unverwechselbaren Geradlinigkeit und Eigenständigkeit inzwischen internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Im alten Ortskern von Flims liegt das Grundstück der Familie Olgiati. Rudolf Olgiati (1910-1995) hat das Anwesen „Dado" 1930 erworben und an ihm Zeit seines Lebens seine architektonischen Gedanken und Ideen verwirklicht. Im Haus seines Vaters wohnt heute der Sohn, der anstelle des ehemaligen Stalls 2008 sein viel beachtetes Architekturbüro errichtete. Die Publikation porträtiert das Leben und Wirken der beiden Architekten am Beispiel von Wohnhaus und Atelier, also anhand der Wandlungen, die es durch seine Bewohner in nahezu achtzig Jahren erfahren hat. Es zeigt persönliche Möbel und Objekte, die individuelle Raumbelegung und Gestaltung und damit die Vorlieben und Haltungen der beiden Architekten. Zugleich dokumentiert dieses außergewöhnliche Porträt nicht nur das Verhältnis zwischen Vater und Sohn, sondern auch die Prägungen zweier Generationen und ihr architektonisches und ästhetisches Selbstverständnis. Valerio Olgiati has worked as an architect in Los Angeles, Zurich, and, since 2008, in Flims. He has been a visiting professor at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zurich, the AA in London, and at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Since 2002 he has been professor at the Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio and since autumn 2009 he has held the Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard. The unmistakable straight lines and independence of his buildings has brought him international attention. The Olgiati’s family estate is located in the historical town center of Flims. Rudolf Olgiati (1910–95) purchased the property, known as Dado, in 1930 and throughout his life used it to realize his architectural thoughts and ideas. Today, the son is living in his father’s house, and in 2008 he set up his much-admired architectural firm on the former site of the barn. This publication portrays the life and work of both architects using the example of the house and studio—that is, through the transformations they have undergone at the hands of their residents over a period of nearly eighty years. It shows personal furniture and objects, the individual layout and design of the spaces, and hence the penchants and attitudes of the two architects. At the same time this unusual portrait documents not only the relationship between father and son but also the characters of two generations and their understanding of architecture and aesthetics.
Birkhauser Kunststoffe: in Architektur und Konstruktion
Plastics are high-performance materials of wide use in the built environment. Their versatile technical properties are particularly fascinating. A broad range of form-giving and finishing processes makes plastic especially interesting for complex geometries in combination with digital planning processes. Following the pioneering plastic structures of the 1970s, a number of spectacular buildings have in recent years highlighted the outstanding technical and aesthetic potential of the material.Until now, however, there has been no systematic treatment of the use of plastic in architecture. This book seeks to fill that gap by providing an introduction to the structural and design possibilities of plastic. It introduces the material and its specific characteristics, describes various types of plastic in terms of their relevance for building, explains processing technologies and presents typical products and components. A concise presentation of twenty-five international built projects – organized by the type of application and the plastic involved – documents the broad range of plastic in architecture. Finally, a look ahead at the future describes the current state of the art in materials research.
Birkhauser Chroma: Design, Architektur und Kunst in Farbe
Designers and architects have to make decisions regarding color every day. But how does one find the necessary inspiration? The appropriate color? How do other designers and artists deal with the issue? With Chroma, the Greek word for color, as its title, this illustrated book provides answers to these questions and makes it clear that color is much more than mere decoration – it is one of the central problems of creative work. In the process, Chroma embraces the sensuous experience of color, inspiring and seducing the reader with unusual projects, from industrial products to color field painting. The book presents works by younger designers like Stefan Diez and Arik Levy as well as famous artists like Ellsworth Kelly. All of the works are presented in large-scale reproductions and also in a kind of color gradient, in which they are assigned to the chapters "monochromatic," "multichromatic," and "achromatic." The spectrum encompasses all conceivable shades and combinations, from brilliant and colorful through tasteful and subdued all the way to black-and-white contrasts. An additional chapter analyzes the work of outstanding artists, architects, and designers like Gerhard Richter, Konstantin Grcic, and Sauerbruch Hutton, who grapple with color to an unusual degree and have formulated characteristic chromatic worlds. An alphabetical index provides background information on the artists and studios selected.
Birkhauser Basics Climatisation
The comfort of interior rooms depends on temperature, humidity, and an adequate supply of fresh air. Depending on use and climatic conditions, technical systems of varying complexity are required to achieve it.Basics Room Conditioning provides a basic understanding of these relationships and uses diagrams to explain the different possible levels of space conditioning – from simple principles of housing construction to totally air-conditioned systems that are fully independent of outside air.
Birkhäuser A New LotkaVolterra Model of Competition With Strategic Aggression
Introduction.- Description of the model.- Description of the main results.- Toolbox.- Basins of attraction.- Parameters dependence.- Strategies of the first population.
Birkhäuser Elliptic Equations An Introductory Course
Part I Basic Techniques.- Hilbert Space Techniques.- A Survey of Essential Analysis.- Weak Formulation of Elliptic Problems.- Elliptic Problems in Divergence Form.- Singular Perturbation Problems.- Problems in Large Cylinders.- Periodic Problems.- Homogenization.- Eigenvalues.- Numerical Computations.- Part II More Advanced Theory.- Nonlinear Problems.- L8-estimates.- Linear Elliptic Systems.- The Stationary Navier--Stokes System.- Some More Spaces.- Regularity Theory.- p-Laplace Type Equations.- The Strong Maximum Principle.- Problems in the Whole Space.- Large Solutions.- Mountain Pass Techniques.
Birkhauser Ort der Sinne: Erweiterungsneubau Tanne
Mit den Händen, der Nase und dem ganzen Wesen wahrnehmen Wie konzipiert und entwirft man Gebäude für Menschen mit eingeschränkten Wahrnehmungsmöglichkeiten? Wie fühlen sich die Wände für Taubblinde an? Wie riecht und klingt das Haus? Was spürt man, wenn man sich darin bewegt? Scheibler & Villard Architekten haben die speziellen Anforderungen mit den Erweiterungsneubauten für das bestehende Kompetenzzentrum mit viel Empathie und Können beantwortet: Die zwei neuen Hybridbauten aus Beton und Holz ordnen sich selbstbewusst in den Bestand des Kompetenzzentrums wie ins historische Ortsbild ein und beeindrucken mit einer bis ins Detail klientenorientierten Ausstattung. In dieser Gebäudemonografie kommen neben den Architekten Fachleute der Stiftung sowie Klienten zu Wort. Zahlreiche eigens angefertigte Fotos und Pläne komplettieren das Buch. Exemplarische Neubauten für Menschen mit mehrfacher Sinnesbehinderung Vielfältige Lebensräume für die Klienten Texte von Prof. Andreas Fröhlich, Pädagogik bei schwerster Behinderung, und Dorothee Huber, Kunsthistorikerin
Birkhäuser Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers
- Floating Point Arithmetic.- Norms, Condition Numbers.- Solving Systems of Linear Equations.- The Least Squares Problem.- Eigenvalue Problems.- Interpolation.- Nonlinear Equations and Systems.- Numerical Integration.- Ordinary Differential Equations.- Optimization.- Practical Error Estimation.
Birkhauser Rudolf Wäger Baukünstler 1941–2019: Ein Pionier in Vorarlberg
Als gelernter Zimmermann war Rudolf Wäger (1941–2019) in der Architektur Autodidakt. Das 1965 eigenhändig errichtete „Würfelhaus", ein emblematisches, auf das Wesentliche in Material und Gestalt reduziertes Kleinhaus, wurde zum viel beachteten Pionierwerk der „Vorarlberger Baukünstler" – jener Gruppe, die den internationalen Ruf der Vorarlberger Baukultur prägte: klug, maßvoll und perfekt in Planung und Ausführung. Neben der Vielzahl an kostengünstigen Einfamilienhäusern sind seine Entwürfe für Wohnanlagen und Reihenhäuser von Baugemeinschaften noch heute wegweisend in Raumgestalt und Konstruktion. Das Konzept dieser ersten Monografie ist noch in Zusammenarbeit mit Rudolf Wäger entstanden. Anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags im Jahr 2021 eröffnen Buch und Ausstellung einen umfassenden Zugang zu seinem Oeuvre.
Birkhauser Systems in Timber Engineering: Loadbearing Structures and Component Layers
Timber construction has become completely modernized. It has gained considerably in market share with respect to competing building materials and is dominated by systems such as frame and solid timber construction. Every timber construction is determined by its structure. Hence it is essential to know the connections and relationships from the design stage right through to the construction phase. Systems in Timber Engineering takes a whole new approach to this subject. It is a comprehensive, analytical, and visually organized treatment, from the simple single-family house to the large-scale multistore structure. It includes the building envelope, which is so important for saving energy, and systems for ceilings and interior dividing walls, which are so essential from the vantage point of construction. This work uses plans, schematic drawings, and pictures to show the current and forward-looking state of the technology as applied in Switzerland, a leading country in the field of timber construction.
Birkhauser Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel: Specifications, Connections, Details
This book provides the means for a better control and purposeful consideration of the design of Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS). It deploys a detailed categorization of AESS and its uses according to design context, building typology and visual exposure. In a rare combination, this approach makes high quality benchmarks compatible with economies in terms of material use, fabrication methods, workforce and cost. Building with exposed steel has become more and more popular worldwide, also as advances in fire safety technology have permitted its use for building tasks under stringent fire regulations. On her background of long standing as a teacher in architectural steel design affiliated with many institutions, the author ranks among the world‘s best scholars on this topic. Among the fields covered by the extensive approach of this book are the characteristics of the various categories of AESS, the interrelatedness of design, fabrication and erection of the steel structures, issues of coating and protection (including corrosion and fire protection), special materials like weathering steel and stainless steel, the member choices and a connection design checklist. The description draws on many international examples from advanced contemporary architecture, all visited and photographed by the author, among which figure buildings like the Amgen Helix Bridge in Seattle, the Shard Observation Level in London, the New York Times Building and the Arganquela Footbridge.
Birkhauser 30 Trees: And Why Landscape Architects Love Them
30 Trees presents the favorite trees of 30 internationally renowned landscape architects. In each case, the designers describe the characteristics that represent the essence of the selected tree, the designed landscapes they associate with it, and how it was used in completed projects. These personal insights are complemented by five scholarly essays on criteria such as typology, ecology, maintenance, and seasons that are critical in matching trees to landscapes. Additionally, the book includes a botanical description of each species mentioned. The result is a compendium of insights into tree species and the use of trees in landscape architecture. This book will be of interest to professionals and amateurs alike. Compendium of the most popular trees used in landscape architecture Over 30 projects from around the world Selected by 30 international landscape architects Ron Henderson is Professor of Landscape Architecture + Urbanism at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago, Illinois, USA, and founding principal of LIRIO Landscape Architecture
Birkhauser Elements in Landscape: Areas, Distances, Dimensions
Designing the outdoor environment is a complex process. Landscape architects must take into account various factors such as space, distance and movement. This volume is a practical reference work for students as well as professionals. It provides all the key dimensions for vertical planning, vegetation and public spaces – everything one needs to design functional and use-specific landscapes.
Birkhauser Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for the design of the human environment. The analysis of biological constructions can not only lead to astonishing technical solutions but can also inspire the design of architecture. Bionics is a fascinating border area between pure research and practical application: biologists, chemists, physicists, mineralogists, and paleontologists meet up with material scientists, engineers, and architects and transfer their knowledge to architecture and construction. Using numerous practical examples, this richly illustrated introduction traces the process from the understanding of how something functions, to abstraction—for example in computer models—and the construction of initial prototypes, through to fully functional manufacture and production.
Birkhauser Staging Urban Landscapes: The Activation and Curation of Flexible Public Spaces
Urbane Freiräume bilden eine ideale Bühne für öffentliche Events. Maßgeblich für deren Planung in einer zunehmend heterogenen, multikulturellen Stadtlandschaft ist das Zusammenspiel von Gestaltung, Nutzung und sozialer Funktion. Das Buch dokumentiert sowohl temporäre als auch dauerhafte Installationen unterschiedlichster Art: vom Freilichthof eines Museums über eine Uferpromenadengestaltung bis hin zum Stadtpark. Die dargestellten Projekte liegen in UK, Deutschland, Schweiz, Spanien, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, den USA, Kanada und Australien. Beiträge international renommierter Experten erörtern die verschiedenen Dimensionen der Gestaltung urbaner Freiräume – von der Planung über den Entwurf bis hin zur Umsetzung und Unterhaltung unter Berücksichtigung funktionaler Anforderungen.
Birkhauser Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialized Natural Resources for Architecture and Construction
NEXT GENERATION BUILDING MATERIALS The 21st century faces a radical change in how we produce construction materials – a shift towards cultivating, breeding, raising, farming, or growing future resources. This book presents innovative industrialized production methods for cultivated building materials, like cement grown by bacteria, bricks made of mushroom mycelium, or bamboo fibers as reinforcement for concrete. Spanning from scientific research to product development and architectural application, this book builds a bridge between the academic and the professional world of architecture. The book describes the challenges, strategies, and goals in the first part, followed by a second part on bamboo, A cultivated building material and a number of examples in the third part which form the bridge from cultivated materials to building products.
Birkhauser Olgiati | Lecture: A Lecture by Valerio Olgiati
The Graubünden-based architect Valerio Olgiati has become well-known outside Switzerland for such buildings as his school building in Paspels and the Atelier Bardill in Scharans, but not least for his Yellow House and his studio in Flims. In the form of a wellillustrated essay, the architect explains how he develops his projects, the parameters that influence his design process, and the intellectual context from which he works. In a reduced, clear language this iconographic autobiography offers a very personal view of the Valerio Olgiati’s activity and of his selfimage as an architect, thus supplementing with a personal statement the earlier publication DADO.Text and images complement each other to create a narrative thread that offers informative insights into the architect’s intellectual and visual imagination and expands our understanding of Olgiati’s oeuvre.
Birkhauser In Touch: Landscape Architecture Europe
European landscape architecture builds on a common horizon of understanding and yet produces quality works of very different expression and style. In Touch explores outstanding projects created within the European mindset, diving below the surface in an attempt to uncover the common values that bind European design work. The book presents 11 in-depth project 'features', which include thematically related essays, and 28 concise project 'icons'. The features focus both on big and small scale urban and rural situations. On the one hand, the newly installed and subtly designed railway line of the Glattalbahn in the Zurich metropolitan region, on the other the small scale urban spaces the privately developed and publicly used City Dune exterior spaces of the SEB Bank in Copenhagen. On the one hand French Sermange's redesigned heart of the village, focusing on a meadow, on the other and the far reaching site installations referring to local legends in Norway's Lake Seljord region. The essays include debates about landscape policies as well as about how to design with history, about the role of art and nature as well as about pioneer landscape architects across the European countries. In Touch is the third volume in the triennial Landscape Architecture Europe series, following On Site (2009) and Fieldwork (2006). Produced for the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE), situated in the Netherlands, it aims to set standards, in design and design critique, by presenting an overview of carefully selected and edited projects and topics of contemporary European landscape architecture. The series is endorsed by the European Federation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA) within the International Federation for Landscape Architecture (IFLA). It is produced under the auspices of Meto Vroom (chairman), Fritz Auweck, Maria Goula, Alastair McCapra and Kathryn Moore, members of the board of the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE). The jury of In Touch has been composed by Michael van Gessel (chairman), Antonio Angelillo, Lilli Lic?ka, Tone Lindheim, João Ferreira Nunes. The book has been edited by Lisa Diedrich (editor-in-chief), Mark Hendriks, Thierry Kandjee, Claudia Moll, and produced by Harry Harsema.