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Trotamundos Senegal
Siempre recomendamos leer con atención el capítulo de Generalidades de nuestra guía de Trotamundos Routard. En el caso de Senegal creemos que esta lectura resulta imprescindible, por las peculiaridades del país africano. En él encontraréis la respuesta a todas aquellas dudas que se os planteen antes de iniciar vuestro viaje: qué documentación se necesita; vacunas y cuestiones sanitarias básicas; si es seguro viajar fuera de los circuitos; qué idioma se habla (incluimos un breve vocabulario de wolof y de francés de Senegal); si se puede pagar con tarjetas de crédito. Pero, además de plantear estas cuestiones generales, la guía Trotamundos Routard intenta hacer reflexionar sobre otras de mayor compromiso. Y es que ocurre en ocasiones que el turismo occidental en África puede correr el riesgo de ser percibido como otro tipo de ?colonialismo?. Evitarlo no es difícil, basta con respetar los usos y costumbres de los países visitados.Os acompañaremos en vuestra visita a este fascinante pa
Trotamundos México
El único país del mundo que es surrealista por instinto... decía A. Bretón de México. Seguro que más de uno recordaréis esta cita cuando viajéis allí. La grandeza y desmesura que caracteriza, casi en general, a toda América encuentran en México su máxima expresión, desde la mezcla de culturas pasadas, la influencia de Estados Unidos, las enormes y bulliciosas ciudades, las magníficas playas. Lugar de contrastes podríamos decir, pero quedaría pobre y manido, pues el país centroamericano es mucho más, como podréis leer en el capítulo ?Generalidades? de la guía Trotamundos que aquí os presentamos. Todo lo que siempre quisisteis saber sobre México pero nunca os atrevisteis a preguntar, así podríamos titular este apartado de ineludible lectura tanto antes como durante el viaje. La historia de México, la política y la población, los yacimientos arqueológicos, la geografía, el narcotráfico, la arquitectura, la gastronomía, el tequila, la música, las fiestas y costumbres... Pero además será im
Trotamundos Brasil
Por dónde empezar? Será la primera pregunta que os hagáis cuando planifiquéis vuestro viaje a Brasil. Una pregunta difícil de responder pues este vasto país es un continente en el interior del continente americano. Otra pregunta común: playa o montaña? Aunque en este caso la formularíamos así: playa o selva? Tenéis por delante una emocionante labor, a dónde ir? cómo organizar el viaje?La guía Trotamundos de Brasil os proporciona algunas respuestas y os propone la visita comenzando por el sureste: Río de Janeiro y sus playas, Sao Paulo, Espirito Santo y minas de Gerais. En el centro y oeste encontraréis Brasilia, Goiás Velha, Mato Grosso y Mato Grosso do Sul. Al sur: Paraná y Santa Caterina. Por último, al norte y noreste: la Amazonía, Maranhao, Ceará, Río Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Olinda, Porto de Calinhas, Salvador de Bahía y su litoral. Qué ilusión! Qué gran aventura! No os emocionáis de tan solo pronunciar estos nombres...?Todos los lugares propuestos van acompañados de p
Trotamundos Irlanda
Los irlandeses no se esfuerzan por ser amables han nacido así! y esto lo sabréis en cuanto pongáis un pie en su isla. Son célebres su hospitalidad y jovialidad, ingredientes que harán, si cabe, de vuestra estancia una experiencia mucho más agradable.Si habéis elegido la guía Trotamundos de Irlanda como compañera fiel en vuestro viaje, os recomendamos que le echéis un vistazo antes de salir, pues en ella encontraréis información de índole práctica (clima, transportes, dinero y bancos, electricidad, propinas, correos, alojamiento, gastronomía, compras, medidas, diferencia horaria, medio ambiente, etc.), así como otros interesantísimos apartados sobre el país y su idiosincrasia (costumbres y saber estar, el pub irlandés, el cine, la lengua, la mitología, la música, la historia, la religión.). Mil preguntas respondidas en el capítulo " Generalidades " , al comienzo de la guía.Y qué sigue? Pues es fácil, las propuestas de visita que desde Trotamundos os hacemos: la costa sur, Ring o
Contra la izquierda conservadora una crtica radical del capital sin nostalgia estatista
Qué significa ser de izquierda en el siglo XXI? Cómo evitar la deriva conservadora de discursos originariamente revolucionarios? Cuáles son los caminos para volver a articular la crítica de la dominación y la filosofía de la emancipación?En una conversación apasionante, orientada por Philippe Corcuff, Nancy Fraser y Luc Boltanski responden estas preguntas y se sumergen en nuestra actualidad política: crisis del capitalismo, posibilidades emancipadoras y amenazas posneoliberales o neoconservadoras.Es hora de relanzar los diálogos y las cooperaciones entre los intelectuales y los movimientos sociales. Sin embargo, a contrapelo del sentido común imperante, para ambos autores apartarse de las críticas más someras del neoliberalismo implica abandonar la nostalgia estatista.
Obelisco Shiatsu de Las Energías Sutiles, El
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Guaranteed Diagnosis of Uncertain Linear Systems Using State-Set Observation
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont Bildband Atlas der Reiselust Frankreich
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Wetterleuchten im Roussillon Ein neuer Fall fr Inspecteur Sebag
Classiques Garnier L'Improvisation Polyphonique a la Renaissance
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Que Mentir?
Classiques Garnier Dix Etudes Sur Montaigne
Classiques Garnier La Grande Coupure: Essai de Philosophie Testimoniale
Classiques Garnier de Shylock a Cinoc: Essai Sur Les Judaismes Apocryphes
Classiques Garnier Montaigne a l'Etranger: Voyages Averes, Possibles Et Imagines
Les Belles Lettres Mecene, Ombres Et Flamboyances
Les Belles Lettres de Rebus Bellicis: Sur Les Affaires Militaires
Alfred Music Medailles Antiques
Alfred Music Deux Esquisses: Part(s)
Alfred Music Suite: Part(s)
Wake Forest University Press Selected Poems
Alfred A. Knopf The Last Colony: A Tale of Exile, Justice, and Courage
Random House USA Inc The Ratline: The Exalted Life and Mysterious Death of a Nazi Fugitive
Hoaki Japanese Tattoo The History and Evolution of an Art Form
In the world of tattoo art, few traditions can rival the elaborate and refined artistry of Japanese tattoos. In this richly illustrated book, readers will find a wealth of detailed information about the history of this unique folk art, its relation to literature and art as well as great colour photographs of their work. Remarkable for the richness of their iconography, the balance of their compositions, and their refinement in details, Japanese tattoos have seduced since the fifteenth century Western travellers, merchants and later, in the 18th and 19th century sailors, soldiers, eccentrics and artists such as Degas, Monet, and Toulouse-Lautrec. The book shows the historical influence of Japanese tattooing on the worldwide tattoo community and its integration into the modern global cultural landscape. With over 270 illustrations, this book is a powerful tribute to the artistry, skill, and enduring charm of Japanese tattooing. Perfect for tattoo enthusiasts, this comprehensive and visua
Salleck Publications Im roten Bereich Band 1 Carrera
Wunderhorn Was blieb von unseren Leidenschaften
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Die Ökologie der Anderen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Leben und Sterben in Amazonien Bei den JvaroIndianern
Diogenes Verlag AG Wie die wilden Tiere
Georg Thieme Verlag Physiotherapie in der Inneren Medizin
Klett Sprachen GmbH Un secret Franzsische Lektre ab dem 6 Lernjahr
interforum editis Un soir dete
Hachette Les morts ne nous aiment plus
Le Livre de poche Un secret
Stock Rature
John Murray Press Global Coaching: An Integrated Approach for Long-Lasting Results
The need for a "master level" of coaching has never been greater in the global economy and interconnected world in which we live. Global Coaching inspires managers and coaches to find meaningful and long-lasting results through an integrated approach, combining coaching strategies from six perspectives-physical, managerial, psychological, cultural, political and spiritual. Philippe Rosinski's pioneering work in bringing the crucial intercultural dimension into the practice of coaching has won him worldwide acclaim. The first European to be designated Master Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation, he is a leading expert in executive coaching, team coaching and global leadership development. He is currently principal of Rosinski & Company, a global consulting firm that helps leaders, teams and organizations unleash their human potential to achieve sustainable high performance. He is an MBA professor for global managers at the Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business in Tokyo, Japan. For more information, visit and
Collective Ink Scavengers of Beauty: A personal, cultural and symbolic exploration of the Moon landing
Why was the mission to the Moon named after the God of the Sun, and not after a Moon Goddess or God? In this unconventional work, Philippe Sibaud explores the symbolism behind the 1969 landing on the Moon. More than fifty years after this seminal event, and whilst the Moon is attracting renewed interest, the author offers a bold new interpretation of the iconic Apollo mission. Was the Apollo landing the ultimate triumph of solar consciousness over the ancient lunar ways, a concrete enactment of the god Apollo mythically slaying the mother dragon at Delphi, or can the whole venture be seen as the sacred union of Sun and Moon, birthing a new vision at a time of great need? By weaving his own personal story with a greater cultural and symbolic narrative, Philippe Sibaud invites us to reflect on the importance of myths and the power of the Imagination to unlock the deeper meaning of our individual and collective experiences. You will never look at the Moon with the same eyes again.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microprocessor 1: Prolegomena - Calculation and Storage Functions - Models of Computation and Computer Architecture
Since its commercialization in 1971, the microprocessor, a modern and integrated form of the central processing unit, has continuously broken records in terms of its integrated functions, computing power, low costs and energy saving status. Today, it is present in almost all electronic devices. Sound knowledge of its internal mechanisms and programming is essential for electronics and computer engineers to understand and master computer operations and advanced programming concepts. This book in five volumes focuses more particularly on the first two generations of microprocessors, those that handle 4- and 8- bit integers. Microprocessor 1 the first of five volumes presents the computation function, recalls the memory function and clarifies the concepts of computational models and architecture. A comprehensive approach is used, with examples drawn from current and past technologies that illustrate theoretical concepts, making them accessible.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Robust Control Optimization with Metaheuristics
In the automotive industry, a Control Engineer must design a unique control law that is then tested and validated on a single prototype with a level of reliability high enough to to meet a number of complex specifications on various systems. In order to do this, the Engineer uses an experimental iterative process (Trial and Error phase) which relies heavily on his or her experience. This book looks to optimise the methods for synthesising servo controllers ny making them more direct and thus quicker to design. This is achieved by calculating a final controller to directly tackle the high-end system specs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Migration and Security
People are undoubtedly on the move, when one out of every 33 people in the world is an international migrant. Concurrently, nation-states are attempting to curb migration for security reasons. International migration is perceived, in some eyes, as an existential security threat in the post-Cold War era. This Handbook provides a state-of-the-art analysis of the critically important links between migration and security in a globalising world. The Handbook presents original contributions suggesting innovative and emerging frontiers in the study of the securitization of migration. Experts from different fields reflect on their respective conceptualisations of the migration-security nexus, and consider how an interdisciplinary and multifaceted dialogue can stimulate and enrich our understanding of the securitization of migration in the contemporary world. This Handbook will aid students of migration studies to understand the comparative policies in creating and reproducing the migration-security nexus, and offer scholars and practitioners in migration studies a comprehensive understanding of a multitude of aspects of the securitization of migration. It will also appeal to academics, specialists and practitioners in the field of security studies who are keen to learn how migration has become securitized.
The History Press Ltd SS Nomadic: Titanic's Little Sister
SS Nomadic was commissioned by White Star Line to serve the Olympic-class liners Olympic, Titanic and Britannic when they called in Cherbourg. Built in Belfast alongside Titanic, she was made with the same steel, built by the same workers and decorated by the same craftsmen. Because her duties were to serve first- and second-class passengers, she was fitted out far more luxuriously than other tenders of that time and she was considered by the White Star Line as a window into the sumptuous new transatlantic liners. While Titanic is commonly described as the ill-fated White Star Liner, SS Nomadic can without any doubt be qualified as the lucky tender, having survived both world wars and escaped destruction many times. She is now restored to her former glory as a tourist attraction in Belfast.
North-South Books The Little Christmas Tree
It’s the size of one’s heart that matters most in this heartfelt Christmas story for young readers!Alex the Christmas tree is teased because he is the smallest fir tree in the tree nursery. He can’t hold as many ornaments, he can’t stand as tall . . . Alex isn’t sure any animal family will want him as their Christmas tree. When the families come to choose their fir tree, Alex isn’t noticed at first. But then Selma, the smallest rabbit of all, discovers him. The rabbit family takes Alex home, and they all celebrate and sing together-even Alex, the littlest Christmas tree with the biggest holiday spirit! Swiss best-selling author Thomas Meyer tells the story with humor and a big dose of Christmas spirit. Philippe Goossen’s pictures create a warm mood, and his characters win hearts-big and small.
Columbia University Press The Cinema of Louis Malle: Transatlantic Auteur
Arguably a pioneer of the French New Wave (with Ascenseur pour l’échafaud, 1957) Louis Malle went on to enjoy an acclaimed yet provocative and versatile transatlantic career. This collection of original essays proposes to reassess his richly eclectic and boldly subversive oeuvre and redress the surprising critical neglect it has suffered over the years. It does so through a combination of transversal and monographic analyses that use a variety of critical lenses and theoretical tools in order to examine Malle’s documentaries as well as his fiction features (and, more importantly, the constant shuttling and uniquely persistent cross-pollination between those two cinematic approaches), illuminate the profound, lasting dialogue his films entertained with literature and theater, bring to the fore their sustained, albeit often oblique autobiographical thrust along with their scathing sociopolitical critique, and scrutinize the alternating use of stars and non-professional actors.In addition, the volume features an exclusive interview with the acclaimed playwright John Guare (a close friend and collaborator of Louis Malle’s who scripted Atlantic City) and is bookended by a foreword by Volker Schlöndorff and an afterword by Wes Anderson, two renowned filmmakers who articulate their admiration for, and the seminal influence of, their predecessor.
Columbia University Press The Birth of Vietnamese Political Journalism: Saigon, 1916-1930
Philippe M. F. Peycam completes the first ever English-language study of Vietnam's emerging political press and its resistance to colonialism. Published in the decade that preceded the Communist Party's founding, this journalistic phenomenon established a space for public, political contestation that fundamentally changed Vietnamese attitudes and the outlook of Southeast Asia. Peycam directly links Saigon's colonial urbanization to the creation of new modes of individual and collective political agency. To better justify their presence, French colonialists implemented a peculiar brand of republican imperialism to encourage the development of a highly controlled print capitalism. Yet the Vietnamese made clever use of this new form of political expression, subverting colonial discourse and putting French rulers on the defensive, while simultaneously stoking Vietnamese aspirations for autonomy. Peycam specifically considers the work of Western-educated Vietnamese journalists who, in their legal writings, called attention to the politics of French rule. Peycam rejects the notion that Communist and nationalist ideologies changed the minds of "alienated" Vietnamese during this period. Rather, he credits colonial urban modernity with shaping the Vietnamese activist-journalist and the role of the French, even at their most coercive, along with the modern public Vietnamese intellectual and his responsibility toward the group. Countering common research on anticolonial nationalism and its assumptions of ethno-cultural homogeneity, Peycam follows the merging of French republican and anarchist traditions with neo-Confucian Vietnamese behavior, giving rise to modern Vietnamese public activism, its autonomy, and its contradictory aspirations. Interweaving biography with archival newspaper and French police sources, he writes from within these journalists' changing political consciousness and their shifting perception of social roles.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Middle Voice in Gadamer's Hermeneutics: A Basic Interpretation with some Theological Implications
Philippe Eberhard proposes a medial interpretation of Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics and draws theological implications concerning faith and our human condition from a Christian humanist standpoint. He brings into focus the middle voice as a way to articulate what it means to listen to language and the Word.His thesis is twofold. First, the hermeneutic event is medial throughout. The core of the mediality of hermeneutics is the subtle balance between the event of understanding, which happens to the subject, and the subject who understands within it. Second, the mediality of understanding is the primary reason why hermeneutics is theologically meaningful. Both understanding as well as faith and theology are medial experiences leading to an always renewed understanding of what it is to be a human being in the world.The author analyzes the notion of the middle voice from a linguistic as well as from a philosophical standpoint and establishes that the middle voice is conspicuous by its absence in most commentaries about Gadamer: usually mediality shines between the lines but does not receive any explicit treatment. The author describes understanding as an event following Gadamer's notions of play, fusion of horizon(s), and linguistic speculation and considers the same event from the standpoint of the subject within it. Though understanding is an event that happens to the subject, the subject is not passive but involved. The examination of Gadamer's use of theology leads to the argument that he tends to exclude the Christian kerygma from the hermeneutic event. Gadamer does not apply back to theology the insights he gained from it for his description of hermeneutics. Philippe Eberhard, by contrast, includes the kerygma and faith in hermeneutics and proposes a medial account of faith based on the medial interpretation of hermeneutics. Finally, the conclusion sums up the argument and goes one step further: although faith is a hermeneutic experience, it differs from hermeneutics because it is not only a constant effort to be at home in the world, but above all it keeps questioning the world that is to be our home.