Search results for ""author philippe""
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Vom Leben der Wildbienen
Birkhauser Le Corbusier. Le Couvent Sainte Marie de La Tourette / The Monastery of Sainte Marie de La Tourette
in 1952 Le Corbusier was commissioned "to dwell in the silence of men of prayer and study and to construct a church for them". The result was his impressive Convent of La Tourette, marking a significant step in modern religious architecture. Beginning with the rectangular form common to the Cirstercian monastic tradition, he created a building whose stark form contrasts beautifully with the organic elements of the interior court and the grasslands surrounding it. The church itself is a model of simplicity, the cement has been left rough and the well located sources of light evoke a feeling of silence and reflection. The order s precept of prayer, study and reflection is aptly mirrored in the architecture. Like the other Le Corbusier Guides published by Birkhäuser, this volume provides a wealth of plans, details, photographs and information on this building which today is also a conference centre.
Bod Third Party Titles Auerschulische Lernorte und Themen im Sachunterricht neu denken berlegungen zur Bedeutung einer Vernetzung der rumlichen und inhaltlichen Lernen und Lehren in der Grundschule
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Spirou und Fantasio 42 Ein Dorf sieht schwarz
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Spirou und Fantasio 33 Marilyn ist nicht zu stoppen Neuedition
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Generation Social Media Wie Digitale Kommunikation Leben Beziehungen Und Lernen Jugendlicher Verandert Wie digitale Kommunikation Leben Beziehungen und Lernen Jugendlicher verndert
Ãœber den richtigen Umgang mit Digital Natives in der Schule
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Ein Geheimnis Roman Geschenkausgabe
Diogenes Verlag AG Erogene Zone
Diogenes Verlag AG Betty Blue 372 Grad am Morgen Roman
Diogenes Verlag AG Ein heißes Jahr
Diogenes Verlag AG Serafin lesen verboten
Klett Sprachen GmbH Les cls du nouveau DELF A1 Livre de llve Tout por russir le DELF nouvelle formule
Weber Verlag Waldführer für Neugierige
Pocket Ceci nest pas un fait divers
Hachette Compromis
Le Livre de poche Larchipel du chien Littrature
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Graphs and Networks: Multilevel Modeling
A transport network is typically a network of roads, streets, pipes, aqueducts, power lines, or nearly any structure that permits either vehicular movement or the flow of some commodity. Transport network analysis, a field of transport engineering that typically employs the use of graph theory, is used to determine the flow of vehicles, commodities, or people through these networks. It may combine different modes of transport - for example, walking and driving - to model multi-modal journeys. This edition is completely updated and contains two new chapters covering spatial analysis and urban management through graph theory simulation. Highly practical, the simulation approach allows readers to solve classic problems, such as placement of high-speed roads, the capacity of a network, pollution emission control, and more.
James Currey The Genocide against the Tutsi and the Rwandan Churches
Pioneering study of the role of the Christian churches in the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi; a key work for historians, memory studies scholars, religion scholars and Africanists.
James Currey The Genocide against the Tutsi, and the Rwandan Churches: Between Grief and Denial
Pioneering study of the role of the Christian churches in the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi; a key work for historians, memory studies scholars, religion scholars and Africanists. Why did some sectors of the Rwandan churches adopt an ambiguous attitude towards the genocide against the Tutsi which claimed the lives of around 800,000 people in three months between April and July 1994? What prevented the churches' acceptance that they may have had some responsibility? And how should we account for the efforts made by other sectors of the churches to remember and commemorate the genocide and rebuild pastoral programmes? Drawing on interviews with genocide survivors, Rwandans in exile, missionaries and government officials, as well as Church archives and other sources, this book is the first academic study on Christianity and the genocide against the Tutsi to explore these contentious questions in depth, and reveals more internal diversity within the Christian churches than is often assumed. While some Christians, Protestant as well as Catholic, took risks to shelter Tutsi people, others uncritically embraced the interim government's view that the Tutsi were enemies of the people and some, even priests and pastors, assisted the killers. The church leaders only condemned the war: they never actually denounced the genocide against the Tutsi. Focusing on the period of the genocide in 1994 and the subsequent years (up to 2000), Denis examines in detail the responses of two churches, the Catholic Church, the biggest and the most complex, and the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda, which made an unconditional confession of guilt in December 1996. A case study is devoted to the Catholic parish La Crête Congo-Nil in western Rwanda, led at the time by the French priest Gabriel Maindron, a man whom genocide survivors accuse of having failed publicly to oppose the genocide and of having close links with the authorities and some of the perpetrators. By 1997, the defensive attitude adopted by many Catholics had started to change. The Extraordinary Synod on Ethnocentricity in 1999-2000 was a milestone. Yet, especially in the immediate aftermath of the genocide, tension and suspicion persist. Fountain: Rwanda, Uganda
Cinebook Ltd Highlands - Book 2 Of 2
Joseph is in hiding and believed dead. Wrongly accused of seducing Amelia Menmuir, gravely injured by her brother William, he now rests and prepares his revenge. Against Peter, his apprentice, who altered his drawings to frame him, and against William, whom he thinks orchestrated it all. Meanwhile, however, Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Stuart heir, is about to return to Scotland, and the country will soon be engulfed in a bloody rebellion that will end in Culloden ...
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inside Anthropotechnology: User and Culture Centered Experience
For the last 40 years, anthropotechnology has concentrated its efforts on the study and improvement of the working and living conditions of populations throughout the world. It guides the actors of the design processes by paying attention to the “human factor”: its social, cultural and environmental components. It therefore values a conception of techniques that respect people and their ways of thinking and acting in specific contexts. This book introduces the reader to design dynamics that combine often conflicting sets of competencies, but that are always anxious to respond to the contexts of the field.
Fonthill Media Ltd Great War Special Agent Raymond de Candolle: From Railway to Oil 1888-1922
This is the story of the career of the author's mysterious great uncle Raymond de Candolle, who had apparently disappeared into the bowels of London, at the turn of the twentieth century. It begins when he joins a group of enterprising bankers, engineers and tycoons, fascinated by international railway opportunities. They build railroads in Mexico, Spain, China, Columbia, and eventually Raymond heads up Argentina's leading railway. Just as the First World War is about to break out, he is sent to solve a dispute with Germany's Baghdad Railway in Anatolia. He is recruited by the British War Cabinet in 1916 to help stop the German advance in Romania. As chaos erupts in Russia they send him to deal with the Trans-Siberian Railway, the rise of the Bolsheviks, and finally the capture of Mosul in 1918. He is active at the Paris Peace Conference in settling Romania's reparations and the take-over of the Baghdad railway. In 1921 it is back to Anatolia to deal with its dilapidated railway, and the eventual horrors of the Smyrna genocide. He shakes hands with a victorious Kemal Ataturk. Raymond's story concludes with his family, and their good friend Ian Fleming, listening to his conclusions about the future.
Seagull Books London Ltd Obscurity
Princeton University Press Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them
Immigration divides our globalizing world like no other issue. We are swamped by illegal immigrants and infiltrated by terrorists, our jobs stolen, our welfare system abused, our way of life destroyed--or so we are told. At a time when National Guard units are deployed alongside vigilante Minutemen on the U.S.-Mexico border, where the death toll in the past decade now exceeds 9/11's, Philippe Legrain has written the first book about immigration that looks beyond the headlines. Why are ever-rising numbers of people from poor countries arriving in the United States, Europe, and Australia? Can we keep them out? Should we even be trying? Combining compelling firsthand reporting from around the world, incisive socioeconomic analysis, and a broad understanding of what's at stake politically and culturally, Immigrants is a passionate but lucid book. In our open world, more people will inevitably move across borders, Legrain says--and we should generally welcome them. They do the jobs we can't or won't do--and their diversity enriches us all. Left and Right, free marketeers and campaigners for global justice, enlightened patriots--all should rally behind the cause of freer migration, because They need Us and We need Them.
Harvard University Press The Infant’s World
What do infants know? What do they feel, and how do they come to understand what’s happening around them? How do they begin to construe others as persons with feelings and intentions? These questions inspire this remarkable new look at the infant’s world. The short answer? Infants are much more sophisticated perceivers, feelers, and thinkers of their world than we may think.In this lively book, Philippe Rochat makes a case for an ecological approach to human development. Looking at the ecological niche infants occupy, he describes how infants develop capabilities and conceptual understanding in relation to three interconnected domains: the self, objects, and other people. Drawing on the great body of contemporary “competent infant” research, Rochat offers a thoughtful overview of many current, controversial topics, from neonatal imitation to early numeracy, to the development of self-awareness. In a provocative conclusion, he describes infancy as a series of key transitions—so dramatic that they are sometimes called “revolutions”—and maps out the processes that impel development.Offering a unifying theoretical vision of the vast research of recent years, The Infant’s World is an inspiring introduction to the liveliest area of modern psychology.
Hachette Livre - BNF Causeries Sur l'Art Et Les Artistes
Orion Publishing Co The Ratline: Love, Lies and Justice on the Trail of a Nazi Fugitive
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER FROM THE WINNER OF THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE'Hypnotic, shocking and unputdownable' JOHN LE CARRÉ'Remarkable' THE SUNDAY TIMES'Breathtaking, gripping, shattering' ELIF SHAFAK'A taut and finely crafted factual thriller' OBSERVER'A triumph of research and brilliant storytelling' ANTONY BEEVOR'Extraordinary' EVENING STANDARDIn this riveting real-life thriller, Philippe Sands offers a unique account of the daily life of senior Nazi SS Brigadeführer Otto Freiherr von Wächter and his wife, Charlotte. Drawing on a remarkable archive of family letters and diaries, he unveils a fascinating insight into life before and during the war, as a fugitive on the run in the Alps and then in Rome, and into the Cold War. Eventually the door is unlocked to a mystery that haunts Wächter's youngest son, who continues to believe his father was a good man - what happened to Otto Wächter while he was preparing to travel to Argentina on the 'ratline', assisted by a Vatican bishop, and what was the explanation for his sudden and unexpected death?
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Hubert Looser Collection at Kunsthaus Zurich
Hubert Looser, entrepreneur and patron of the arts, has put together an outstanding collection of modern and contemporary art. The focus of Looser's interest is Abstract Expressionism, Minimal Art, and Arte Povera. The collection also includes classical modernists, as well as Asian and African sculpture. The Hubert Looser collection will be given to Kunsthaus Zurich as a long-term loan in 2017. This book is published to coincide with the first exhibition of key works from this highly significant Swiss collection at Kunsthaus Zurich in summer 2013. It features paintings and sculptures by artists such as John Chamberlain, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Elsworth Kelly; Anselm Kiefer, Yves Klein, Willem de Kooning, Roy Lichtenstein, Brice Marden, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Sean Scully, Louis Soutter, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, and others. It also offers an insight into Looser's private space, his home and garden, as a setting for masterpieces of 20th and 21st-century art.
Transcript Verlag Finding a Path for China's Rise: The Socialist State and the World Economy, 1970-1978
The "rise of China" is ever-present in scholarly and public debate on the global economy and ongoing power shifts. Often, emphasis is given to the Chinese economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping from the end of 1978 onwards, which are considered to be of historical significance in their contribution to dramatic changes in the world economy and the emergence of a new world power. In contrast, little attention has been given to the prehistory of these "reforms". Philippe Lionnet elaborates on important steps in China's agricultural, industrial and foreign trade policies of the decade and thus contributes to the understanding of interdependencies between China's course and the emerging World Economy.
Verlag Peter Lang Je Suis Déjà Là: La Structure de la Relation Entre Homme Et Être Dans Etre Et Temps de Martin Heidegger
JPM Publications SA,Switzerland Thailand
Dalton Watson Fine Books Watkins Glen: The Street Years, 1948-1952, Glory, Drama and the Birth of American Road Racing
In 1948 Watkins Glen staged the first official American race for sports cars since the Vanderbilt Cup races of the early years of the century. This book is about the transformation of post-World War II racing in America and how road racing became a leading sport in the US, beginning at Watkins Glen and followed by Sebring, Daytona, Laguna Seca and other circuits. These historic first five years are fundamental to road racing in America when the race was staged through the village streets and neighboring countryside until a permanent track was built in 1953. The races introduced famous international marques such as Ferrari, Jaguar, Porsche, Allard, Healey and Cunningham and encouraged a pantheon of great drivers to develop, among them, Briggs Cunningham, John Fitch, Phil Walters, Phil Hill, Jim Kimberly and Walt Hansgen. Later, from 1961 to 1980, Watkins Glen was the site of the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix Cameron Argetsinger, a lawyer and leader in upstate New York, was the man with the dream and the story of how he made it all happen against enormous odds is told in detail. It includes anecdotes and interviews contributed by many of the early participants, and has exclusive color photographs taken during years when color photography was practically unknown. In 2011, Watkins Glen celebrates the 50th anniversary of its first Formula 1 Grand Prix. Had the early Sports Car Grand Prix of 1948-52 not taken place and quickly become a huge popular success, Watkins Glen would long ago have disappeared in the annals of history. Instead, it remains to this day a challenging race track, with two nationally televised events each year, and it is the home of the world's first Motor Racing Research Library. Over 300 photographs provide vivid and fascinating illustrations of the men and machines who threaded together every part of this extraordinary story. Full race results and statistics for all entrants in the 13 races run between 1948 and 1952 are also provided in detail. A final chapter shows how many of the race cars from the early years are now highly valued and are prize-winners at concours events.
Seagull Books Seedtime Notebooks 195479
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Le microprocesseur 5: Aspects logiciels et matériels du développement, du débogage et du test
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Le microprocesseur 4: Aspects logiciels
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Le microprocesseur 3: Aspects matériels
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stem Cells: Cellular & Drug Therapies -- Volume 2
Nova Science Publishers Inc Neural Stem Cells & Cellular Therapy
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hippocampus: Neurotransmission & Plasticity in the Nervous System
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Deformaciones morfológicas de la columna vertebral tratamiento fisioterapéutico en reeducación postural global RPG
Obra que aborda el tratamiento de las deformaciones morfológicas de la columna vertebral escrita por el Prof. Philippe Souchard, creador del método de Reeducación Postural Global (RPG).Título con un enfoque eminentemente didáctico que se aprecia en los numerosos esquemas e ilustraciones de la obra. Igualmente, se incluyen un número significativo de imágenes radiológicas que ayudan al lector a identificar mejor la deformidad a tratar.Los capítulos tienen una estructura homogénea e incluyen destacados, puntos clave y conclusión para aclarar al lector cuestiones fundamentales del capítulo.Obra dirigida a fisioterapeutas, así como a hosteópatas, terapeutas manuales y otros profesionales involucrados en el tratamiento de los problemas de columna a través del Método de RPG.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Jordan Wolfson Ecce Homo Le Poseur
Classiques Garnier L'Homme-Clavecin, Une Analogie Diderotienne
Les Belles Lettres Herodote, Histoires: Tome IV: Livre IV: Melpomene
Les Belles Lettres Herodote, Histoires: Tome III: Livre III: Thalie
Les Belles Lettres Bucoliques Grecs: Tome II: Pseudo-Theocrite, Moschos, Bion, Divers
The University of Alabama Press The Slaves Who Defeated Napoleon