Search results for ""author barbara"
Verlag Barbara Budrich European Social Work - A Compendium
This volume gives an account of the fundamental developments transforming social work in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century. A European standard of social work has already emerged, but models for future European social work are absent. Therefore, the compendium gives an overview of the current transformation process for the first time, discussing the visible and invisible changes and mapping out where social work is positioned in the emerging post-welfare states. Contents include: A General Introduction: Transforming Perspectives. Social Work in Europe and European Social Work * Analytical Perspectives: Social Work in Europe and European Social Work in Post-Welfarist Contexts * Professional Perspectives: Main Approaches of Social Work in Europe and European Social Work * Positions: New Theoretical and Methodological Discourses of Social Work in Europe and European Social Work * Future Perspectives of Social Work in Europe and European Social Work * Social Work's Contribution to a Social Europe. [Subject: Social Work, European Studies]
Verlag Barbara Budrich The World of Political Science: A Critical Overview of the Development of Political Studies around the Globe: 1990-2012
How well is the field of political studies doing and where is it headed? These questions are answered by this broad world overview of political science, its advances and shortcomings, along with prescriptions for the future in the first decades of the 21th century. The volume includes three world regional assessments of the discipline by senior scholars along with an in-depth survey of various sub-disciplinary fields and a concluding critical essay on the future of political studies. Great as a text book, i.e., an introductory global overview.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Experiences of Intervention Against Violence: An Anthology of Stories. Stories in four languages from England & Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia
The stories in this anthology emerged from interviews with women and young people about their experience of intervention when they were escaping a situation of abuse, neglect and/or sexual exploitation. They come from the research project “Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence (CEINAV)” in four countries – England & Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. Through support services the women and young people were contacted; they came from a minority or migration background and had travelled through a history of violence and intervention, and were asked to tell who intervened, what had been helpful and what had not.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Beyond the Panama Papers. The Performance of EU Good Governance Promotion: The Anticorruption Report, volume 4
This last title in the series covers the most important findings of the five yearsEU sponsored ANTICORRP project dealing with corruption and organized crime.How prone to corruption are EU funds? Has EU managed to improve governancein the countries that it assists? Using the new index of public integrity and avariety of other tools created in the project this issue looks at how EU funds andnorms affected old member states (like Spain), new member states (Slovakia,Romania), accession countries (Turkey) and the countries recipient of developmentfunds (Egypt, Tanzania, Tunisia). The data covers over a decade of structuraland development funds, and the findings show the challenges to changing governanceacross borders, the different paths that each country has experiencedand suggest avenues of reforming development aid for improving governance.
Barbara Fiore Editora Diario de libros
El Diario de libros es una agenda a largo plazo, sin fecha de caducidad. Es un tesoro de consulta, un precioso contenedor ilustrado por Rotraut Susanne Berner, en el que guardar valiosos recordatorios regidos por un ritmo distinto, más lento, más plácido: el de la lectura.
Barbara Fiore Editora S muchas cosas
Sé que puedo cavar un hoyo espectacular y trepar a un árbol tan alto como el cielo para observar el vuelo de un pájaro.Claro y rítmico, lúdico e ingenioso, así es el texto de Ann Rand que anima a los más pequeños a pensar sobre todo lo que se puede llegar a aprender del mundo que los rodea. Las ilustraciones, coloristas e ingeniosas, las debemos a su marido, el diseñador gráfico Paul Rand. Sé muchas cosas es un clásico infantil que captura la frescura de la infancia y el descubrimiento del mundo que nos rodea.
Barbara Fiore Editora Hermosa soledad
En la primavera de 1995 Jimmy descubrió que tenía leucemia. Durante un año de tratamiento, vivió en reclusión y silencio. Hasta 1998 los dibujos fueron toda su vida. Este libro recoge sus obras de dicho período, un mundo poético que se rige por sus propias leyes. En él, las ballenas bailan y cantan ante el asombrado y triste espectador. Las lágrimas de un conejo hacen brotar flores del suelo reseco. Los poetas nadan en piscinas sin agua, y las mariposas, con sus alas de mil brillantes colores, cubren a las muchachas con una preciosa colcha multicolor.Durante mucho tiempo después de enfermar no pinté. Cuando volví a coger los pinceles, por animado que fuera el tema de la ilustración, al plasmarlo adquiría una cierta melancolía.Jimmy Liao nació en Taipei (Taiwán) en 1958 y se licenció en Bellas Artes. Después de una brillante trayectoria de doce años en el mundo de la publicidad, una leucemia le obligó a replantearse su vida: a los cuarenta, abandonó su empleo en una agencia para
Barbara Fiore Editora Linesperat regal del Pare Noel
Imaginem un Pare Noel que s?entesta a trobar el destinatari apropiat per a cada regal i el regal apropiat per a cada nen en aquesta era d?excés en què tots tenim més del que necessitem. Una divertia i bonica història sobre la felicitat veritable, esquiva i capritxosa, però que sempre acaba arribant a qui espera.
Barbara Fiore Editora La cosa perdida The Lost Thing
Un día, mientras pasea por la playa en busca de tapones de botellas para su colección, un joven se encuentra con una criatura extraña, de aire triste, desamparada y solitaria, la cosa perdida. Mientras espera en vano que alguien venga a recogerla se establece una relación intima entre ellos. En la playa nadie sabe nada sobre la criatura, ni siquiera la han notado. Entonces decide llevarla a su casa donde la cosa perdida pasa desapercibida para sus padres, tan atentos a las noticias oficiales de desgracias ajenas que, sin embargo, cuando finalmente la notan gracias a las observaciones del joven, la menosprecian, la excluyen y se desentienden. El joven no sabe que hacer hasta que encuentra en el periódico un anuncio del Departamento Federal de Objetos Inútiles. Una vez llegados al dfoi la cosa hace un ruidito de infelicidad, mientras él busca un bolígrafo con el que rellenar los interminables modelos burocráticos, un empleado de la limpieza le aconseja que si en algo aprecia a la cosa pe
Barbara Fiore Editora El viaje de Olek
El joven Olek no es un simple cazador de osos, es un cazador con un corazón de oro que un día decide realizar un viaje para ver si puede hacer algo en alguna parte. En su camino encuentra situaciones que, aunque no requieran de una gran valentía, como atar un cordón de zapato, tapar agujeros de un cubo, liberar a un conejo de una trampa, ayudar a un ave con un ala rota, sí le hacen implicarse y ayudar. Pero según va avanzando, los retos que se presentan son cada vez más complicados: incluso deberá salvar a doce niñas retenidas por el diablo y enfrentarse a él aun a riesgo de perder la vida. Y es que los viajes a veces son duros y plantean situaciones muy difíciles, pero las buenas acciones, por pequeñas que sean, tarde o temprano se ven recompensadas; al igual que las cosas pequeñas que hacemos, por pequeñas que sean, pueden llegar a salvar a las personas. Además, como le ocurre al joven Olek, si uno hace lo que buenamente puede, podría descubrir cosas fantásticas que jamás hubiera sos
Barbara Fiore Editora El profesor Astro Cat y la odisea del cuerpo humano
El último título de la exitosa serie del Profesor Astro Cat lleva a los lectores a un viaje a través de las maravillas del cuerpo humano.Después de desvelarnos los secretos del Universo y del fascinante mundo de la física, el dúo formado por el doctor Dominic Walliman y el ilustrador Ben Newman nos invita a descubrir los misterios de nuestra anatomía.Por qué tienen nuestras orejas una forma tan extraña? Para qué estornudamos? Cómo sabe el cuerpo que tiene que reaccionar ante algo que quema? Qué hace nuestro cerebro mientras dormimos? El cuerpo humano es una máquina compleja y esta odisea por su interior nos ayuda a entender su funcionamiento gracias a rigurosas explicaciones y detalladas infografías. El libro explora los diferentes tipos de células, el esqueleto, los cinco sentidos, los órganos y sus respectivos funcionamientos sin olvidar varios capítulos dedicados al crecimiento, a la reproducción y al futuro de la ciencia.Un fascinante recorrido desde el corazón hasta la pu
Barbara Fiore Editora La memoria del elefante un viaje inolvidable por la memoria de Marcel
Un álbum excepcional con grandes ilustraciones y planchas enciclopédicas llenas de detalles sorprendentes, extraordinarios o simplemente estrambóticos, pero siempre verídicos, sobre toda clase de temas.Porque en los recovecos de la memoria de un elefante viejísimo encontramos en desorden, entre otras cosas: animales raros o en peligro de extinción, un planisferio, mares, instrumentos musicales, rascacielos, objetos...Marcel, el elefante africano que ha viajado a lo largo y ancho de este mundo, ha decidido recoger todo lo que ha aprendido en un gran libro ilustrado. Memoria no le falta, se acuerda de todos los acontecimientos de su vida.Sin embargo, el viejo elefante parece haber olvidado que ese día es su cumpleaños. y finge no ver que todos sus amigos se han reunido para ofrecerle una fiesta inolvidable! O será él, por el contrario, quien sorprenda a sus amigos?Un álbum enciclopedico extraordinario y lúdico!
Barbara Fiore Editora Alto vuelos
Barbara Fiore Editora Oram H Filbert el diablillo bueno
Había una vez un papá diablo que era feroz y malvado. Había también una mamá diablo que era fiera y malvada. Y luego estaba Filbert, su pequeño diablillo, que no es que fuera bueno, era RE-TE-BUENO.Filbert se quitó el abrigo rabiosamente rojo, los cuernos monstruosos y los horripilantes guantes y se los dio a Florinda.Florinda se quitó la suave capa plateada, las esponjosas alas blancas y la aureola dorada y se las dio a Filbert.Una angelita nada perfecta. ... y un diablillo casi angelical.
Barbara Fiore Editora Soy feliz no me preocupo soy yo quien tiene preocupado al mundo
Barbara Fiore Editora Nocturno
Encuadernación: CartonéTres historias paralelas se desarrollan en una sola noche en New York City en 1948, una noche calurosa de tormenta, entre melodías de jazz tres historias de soledad y de desesperación. Ann Schleffer ofrece un recital en la radio NBC y, arropado por su voz que resuena en la ciudad, da comienzo el viaje de los personajes: una estrella de la radio, un escritor fracasado y una camarera melancólica.Las ilustraciones, que al principio parecen una espléndida serie de portadas retro de The New Yorker, se encadenan melodiosamente y muestran una narrativa magistralmente lograda.Blanchet rinde un homenaje a la arquitectura de los años treintaa cincuenta del siglo xx, un homenaje al aerodinamismo, al movimiento streamline, representada con líneas puras, largas y curvas, los edificios con sus formas entrelazada y halls amplios y desmesurados incrementan la majestuosidad de los personajes.Nocturno es una novela gráfica dedicada a los que tienen miedo de la no
Barbara Fiore Editora El nuevo libro del abecedario
Qué es esto? Un abecedario? Un libro para aprender a leer? Es un libro para aprender a leer, a pensar, a mirar Un libro colmado de una poesía sencilla, de una filosofía concreta, de un viaje lleno de sensibilidad a través del alfabeto en 26 imágenes. Concebido en 1790 por Karl Philipp Moritz, Wolf Erlbruch lo ha ilustrado y reinterpretado, y del Abecedario de Moritz ha surgido un verdadero libro de poesía: el resultado es un libro lleno de imaginación y fantasía para personas de cualquier edad.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Survival through Bildung – On the Topicality of Heinz–Joachim Heydorn′s Philosophy of Education
The central reference point of the volume is Heinz-Joachim Heydorn's essay "Survival Through Education - Outline of a prospect" (1974), which was translated into English and subsequently made available to a broad public for the first time. Despite the time gap of almost 50 years, Heydorn's text is fascinating, because the survival of humanity – at least a qualitatively substantial survival of humanity – seems extremely questionable today. Researchers with different theoretical perspectives question the text on its contemporary content and put their interpretations up for discussion.
Barbara Fiore Editora Otar
Esto podría haber sido O*. Con alas. Joven. Atolondrado. Un ganso pura sangre.[aunque en una anterior vida, lejana, pasada]Ocurrió que ? planeando en 1 de sus vuelos -...Hizo el ganso y chocó de lleno contra una lámparaCon un cuac! y un paf! cayó de plano sobre el suelo en plena ciudadEl color gris del entorno caló sus plumasFue así cómo O* se transformó en una paloma.La mayoría de las palomas vivían a ras de suelo en lo más bajo ........ Picoteando aquí y allá sin levantar el vuelo. O*, en cambio, aspiraba a lo más alto horizonte vida anterior lejana y pasada.Concluyó que la riqueza espiritual de sus innumerables vuelos [por cierto, de un valor histórico nada desdeñable]... Y la pérdida del ala derecha daba derecho a antigüedad. Se erigió a sí mismo en vipVipVery important pigeon (paloma muy importante)Y se trasladó en transporte preferente a la suite 3901 [la habitación más alta en la torre más alta del edificio más grisáceo de la ciudad]
Barbara Fiore Editora El profesor Astro Cat y las fronteras del sistema solar
Los pequeños lectores guiados por el profesor Astro Cat descubrirán los secretos del sistema solar. Un apasionante viaje lleno de sorpresas y curiosos datos sobre el Sol, la Tierra y los planetas.Una primera enciclopedia ilustrada que invita a los niños a adentrarse en el fascinante mundo de la astronomía. Un libro para despertar la curiosidad de los más pequeños.
Barbara Fiore Editora Soy la vida
Barbara Fiore Editora Hilda y el bosque de piedra
Hilda ya casi no pasa tiempo en casa; quiere que sus días estén llenos de grandes emociones, y su madre no puede evitar preocuparse. En un momento de tensión, las dos acaban viéndose arrojadas a un lugar lejano, un bosque oscuro y misterioso: el país de los trols!Podrán entre las dos escapar de las garras de estas siniestras criaturas de piedra?El mundo de Hilda es. un sitio glorioso y emocionante, aunque también bastante amenazador; los niños tendrán muchas ganas de entrar en él.The New York TimesLas imaginativas ilustraciones de Pearson, un cruce entre Lucky Luke y Miyazaki, crean el hechizo mágico de un mundo misterioso.The Observer
Barbara Fiore Editora Arlequín
Cuatro versos de Lorca dan forma al universo en este bello desplegable concebido por André da Loba y el Equipo TresBrujas:Un viaje del día a la noche, a través del cuerpo, el amor y la muerte.Lectura de descubrimiento que abrirá una nueva puerta a la belleza tanto a quienes saborean su primer poema, bebés y niños, como a consolidados amantes del arte.
Barbara Fiore Editora Cómo atrapar al monstruo de tu armario en 10 sencillos pasos
Barbara Fiore Editora La carrera espacial
Un hermoso libro en acordeón que aborda los acontecimientos definitorios de la carrera entre EE. UU. y la URSS por llegar al espacio exterior durante la guerra fría.Completamente ilustrado, La carrera espacial no es solo una bella obra de arte, sino que también cuenta con una cronología en la que se detallan los avances más importantes en la exploración del espacio exterior en ambos lados del telón de acero entre 1957 y 1975. Una fantástica herramienta para educadores así como una manera divertida para que los niños exploren unos de los períodos clave del siglo XX.
Barbara Fiore Editora 999 hermanas ranas
Es primavera y mamá rana ha dado a luz 999 renacuajos en un campo de arroz. Un día, mientras las 999 hermanas ranas juegan al escondite, son acechadas por una serpiente enorme y hambrienta que quiere comerse a la hermana mayor.Ken Kimura y Yasunari Murakami nos adentran con esta deliciosa historia en la saga de las 999 hermanas ranas, siendo éste el primer libro de la triología que iniciamos en 2011 con el segundo de los cuentos: 999 hermanas ranas se mudan de charco.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Governing development across cultures: Challenges and dilemmas of an emerging sub-discipline in political science
The book is a critical examination and appraisal of the status, methodology and likely future trends of the emerging sub-discipline of “Governing Development” within the broader discipline of political science, leading to the application of “Good Governance” in the administration and development of the newly emerged nations during the later half of the twentieth century.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Social Policies and Institutional Reform in Post–COVID Cuba
The economic crisis in the wake of the COVID pandemic is putting Cuba's socialism to a severe test. The government in Havana has added a fundamental reform of the economy, institutional structure and social policies to the agenda. This volume brings together contributions from leading international experts as well as from the island itself, analysing the economic, political and social challenges Cuba is facing today.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Quality Teacher Education in Cameroon: The Role of Sociocultural Backgrounds in Pedagogical Reform Projects
Quality teacher education improves the quality of teaching and learning processes. What role do the sociocultural backgrounds play here? The book highlights how actors' sociocultural backgrounds influence the quality of teacher training within a pedagogical reform project involving participants from Cameroon and Germany. The analysis and interpretation of qualitative data shows that actors' sociocultural backgrounds are important factors influencing international, intercultural dialogues on teacher education as well as teaching-learning interaction dynamics in classrooms. The book further discusses the influence of sociocultural contexts on learner-centered classrooms based on principles of diversity, interaction and reciprocal responsibility.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Anticorruption Frontline: The Anticorruption Report, volume 2
From Turkey to Egypt, Bulgaria to Ukraine, and Brazil to India, we witness the rise of an angry urban middle class protesting against what they see as fundamental corruption of their political regimes, perceived as predatory and inefficient. Corruption is near the top of all global protesters’ list of grievances – from the Occupy movement to the Arab Spring. Their countries have benefited to varying degrees from globalization, but their regimes have all failed to evolve politically to meet their expectations. Corruption has become the main explanation for failures in government performance, for networks of patrons and clients subverting fair competition, and for billions of Euro in disappearing public funds, national or foreign assistance income. The economic crisis exposed the hypocrisy of rich countrieswhich control corruption at home but use it to advance their economic interests abroad. The rise in the last two decades of an international anti-corruption regime only raised awareness but failed so far to diminish corruption. There is increasing demand for good governance resulting in quality education and health systems, and denunciation of sheer bread and circus populism. Briefly put, governments unable to control corruption cannot get away with organizing football World Cups anymore. Volume 2 of the Anticorruption Report tackles these issues across key cases and developments.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Divergent Pathways: Turkey and the European Union: Re-Thinking the Dynamics of Turkish-European Union Relations
Should Turkey become a part of the European Union? This heated debate has been going on for many years now, always under the assumption that it is the membership candidate alone who needs to adjust to the EU’s influence. The book’s main argument is precisely that the Turkish accession needs to be analyzed not only by looking at the EU’s impact on Turkish transformation but also from an angle that captures the Turkish role in recasting Europe.
Verlag Barbara Budrich India
The title is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training, the standard reference for comparative research in vocational education in German. It is intended for an academic audience as well as vocational education and training practitioners. Selected titles are translated to make them available to the much broader English readership.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Leadership in Early Education in Times of Change: Research from five continents
The collection brings together the latest work of researchers from Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe focusing on early childhood leadership matters. It covers different aspects of leadership in early education: professional education and development, identity and leadership strategies as well as governance and leadership under different frame conditions.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Business and Government: Methods and Practice
This volume reviews current debates on the role of business in politics and it assesses emerging methodological approaches to its study. The book brings together leading scholars to assess various qualitative and quantitative methods, network analysis, historical context and positive rational choice modeling, and detailed research case studies in the study of Business- Government relations.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Social Work and Forced Migration: Developments in African, Arab and European Countries
The book focuses on Social Work with refugees in African, Middle East and European countries. Published as a follow-up to the ‘International Social Work Week’ in Würzburg/Germany with professionals and experts from all over the globe, this book intends to share insights into country-specific developments, challenges and potentials of Social Work in forced migration contexts. The objectives are to map Social Work in this field of action across several countries, to bring into sharper focus an International Social Work in forced migration contexts as well as to contribute in connecting Social Work scholars and experts around the globe.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Blurring Boundaries – ‘Anti-Gender’ Ideology Meets Feminist and LGBTIQ+ Discourses
In politischen Auseinandersetzungen wird “Gender” als Sammelbegriff für Themen wie Frauen- und LGBTIQ + -Rechte, Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, sexuelle Bildung, feministisches Wissen und Geschlechterforschung verwendet. Während sich bisherige Veröffentlichungen auf die anti-gender Gruppen selbst oder feministische und queere Reaktionen auf diese konzentrieren, beleuchtet dieser Band die verschwimmenden Grenzen zwischen beiden Lagern. Im Fokus steht die Frage, inwieweit “Anti-Gender”-Behauptungen mit bestimmten Spielarten in der feministischen und LGBTIQ+-Politik interagieren und so Diskursbrücken zu liberalen und progressiven Teilen der Gesellschaft bauen. Anders als der „Sammelbegriff“ Gender vermuten lässt, ist das feministische und LGBTIQ+-Lager von politischen Konflikten, Meinungsverschiedenheiten und divergierenden Interessen durchzogen. Daher analysieren die Autor*innen die Verbindungen zwischen einigen dieser umstrittenen Positionen und dem “Anti-Gender”-Diskurs.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Perspectives on School Settings, Education Policy and Digital Strategies: A Transatlantic Discourse in Education Research
An exchange on education ideas has shaped the transatlantic discourse in education for a long time. Over the past two decades education science has increasingly become networked internationally. Since 2015, the Office for International Cooperation in Education at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education has organized international sessions on education research at the Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, thus providing a floor for transatlantic exchange on current research topics. The volume gives an overview of the transatlantic activities in education research with regard to these sessions representing a collection of topics ranging from school development over the use of large scale assessment and digital data in education to questions related to migration and public education or the economization of education. At the same time the volume offers a reflection on the assets and obstacles of international exchange.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Managing Ownership and Succession in Family Firms
Verlag Barbara Budrich Youth on Globalised Labour Markets: Rising Uncertainty and its Effects on Early Employment and Family Lives in Europe
Following the repercussions of the recent financial market crisis, both academic as well as public interest in the phenomena of transnationalisation, globalization and Europeanization has continued to rise. Increasing ly, the three terms have become central reference points for media, politicians, academics, and policy-makers to explain social change in the modern societies of contemporary Europe. From the Contents: Introduction and Theoretical Background International Comparison National Case Studies France Italy Austria Estonia Czech Republic Poland Political initiatives
Verlag Barbara Budrich Professional-Scientific Education: Discourses, Perspectives, Implications, and Options for Science and Practice
There is a growing need for professional-scientific education in science, the labour market and society. However, many key players remain in traditional silo thinking with regard to professional and scientific education and strong social forces maintain their institutional separation in the education system.The volume intends to reflect and to enhance the discourse on the relation and integration of professional and scientific education. In a series of contributions by well-known educational scientists from Germany and other countries, the theoretical, conceptual and practical design questions for a qualification are discussed, which sets the connectivity of scientific and professional education within and between courses into an integrative perspective.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Vocational Education and Training in the Age of Digitization: Challenges and Opportunities
The increasing digitization of the world of work is associated with accelerated structural changes. These are connected with changed qualification profiles and thus new challenges for vocational education and training (VET). Companies, vocational schools and other educational institutions must respond appropriately. The volume focuses on the diverse demands placed on teachers, learners and educational institutions in vocational education and training and aims to provide up-to-date results on learning in the digital age.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Engendering Transformation: Post-socialist Experiences on Work, Politics, and Culture
Gender relations in post-socialist countries Even more than 20 years after turning away from socialism, Eastern European and Central Asian states are still characterized by the regime change in the fields of work, politics, and culture. What are the effects and implications that this change has produced for gender relations in post-socialist countries? And what does this mean for the situation of women and men living there today? In this context gender relations are especially interesting since gender equality was perceived as a political goal and, moreover, a given reality in socialism. The articles in this volume show the changes as well as the stability of gender relations and power structures during the transformation process and in post-socialist times. They shed light on topics like labour market policies, fertility, political representation of women or male artists concerned with gender issues covering the geographical space from Hungary and Poland over Bulgaria and Romania to Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Beyond that, some of the descriptions and analyses challenge understood certainties about how to create gender equality and about the women and men living in post-soviet regions today.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Fathers in Work Organizations: Inequalities and Capabilities, Rationalities and Politics
This book is dedicated to the role of work organizations when it comes to the realization of an active fatherhood. Firstly, it deals with barriers for active fatherhood and its correlating mechanisms of inequality: Which aspects of discrimination and social closure do fathers face today if they assert a claim for active fatherhood, and with what kind of barriers are they confronted? Secondly, capabilities of fathers are addressed: Which is their possible scope of action, who are relevant actors, what is the effect of policies and programs on change and organizational learning with respect to fatherhood?
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Science in Central-East Europe: Diversity and Convergence
The book will survey the recent development and current “state of the art” of political science in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. It will comprise (a) three comparative overviews: Political Science and Regime Change in East-Central Europe from the 20th to the 21st Century; Analytical and Normative Elements in Political Science Approaches: Is there a Specific Central-East European Pattern?; Political Science Associations in East-Central Europe: How Important, how much International Cooperation?; (b) 20 detailed and comparable country reports: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine; (c) a chapter on the European Confederation of Political Science Associations. The country reports will include tables on political science faculty, students with political science as a major, and sub-fields taught at both state and private universities (as per the end of 2008). They will cover the following topics: Institutionalization of the discipline; achievements, deficits, prevailing approaches, and funding of research in the discipline’s sub-fields; curricula, admission regulation, and degree system in political science teaching; national representation and international cooperation (major journals and published books, political science associations, international links); public impact of the discipline, labor market, challenges and opportunities.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order: Perspectives from the BRICS and beyond
The book explores different questions, for example the status and role of BRICS in the changing international order; how countries in the Global South can use regionalism to change the world order; the competing worldviews that manifest themselves in the institutional variety of regionalism; and, most importantly, how all these changes push International Relations as a field to become more global, or at least to go beyond Westphalian thinking – thus bringing the role of multilateralism back to the discussion. The book critically analyzes the ongoing changes in the regional, intra-regional, and global dynamics of cooperation, from a multi-disciplinary and pluralist perspective. It is based on the insight that in a post-hegemonic world the formation of regions and the process of globalization can be largely disconnected from the orbit of the US, and that a plurality of power and worldviews has replaced US hegemony. In spite of these changes, most existing analyses of current changes in the world order still rely upon Western-centered approaches, and Westphalian thinking. Against this backdrop, the book proposes to advance a truly global IR understanding of the post-hegemonic world, and weaves together the pluralist and multi-disciplinary perspectives of scholars located all around the world.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Family Diversity: Collection of the 3rd European Congress of Family Science
Family in all its aspects Familienbande International experts provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art of European family research and outline the multiple formations, structures and configurations of family in Europe. Four aspects are discussed in depth: family images, sex/gender roles, globalisation and family development processes. Influenced by globalisation, European countries experience processes which still have greatly varying consequences. Cultural differences, reflected in a range of family schemes and national family policies, are one reason for the continued existence of differences in the scope and speed of change processes. Quite generally, images and concepts of family have become more heterogeneous and flexible. The flip side of this coin is that family members are increasingly faced with the challenges of achieving a satisfactory work-life balance – a task aggravated by globalisation. We therefore need to ask how family policy can help families enjoy adequate freedom of action and latitude for their decision-making. To summarise: a read well worth the effort for all experts working in family research and family policy.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Sociology – The State of the Art
The World of Political Science - New volumes The book traces the disciplinary development of political sociology and the transdisciplinary research into the overlapping issues involving politics and society. The contributions cover overviews of the history, methodological and theoretical development of this academic discipline. Successes as well as failures in past, unexplored areas and salient issues in ongoing research are also highlighted. From the Contents: Subrata K. Mitra and Malte Pehl, Taking Stock of Political Sociology Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Political Culture at a Crossroads? Kay Lawson and Mildred Schwartz, Parties, Interest Groups and Social Movements: Shall Change be Mid - wife to Truth? Eva Etzioni-Halevy, Socio-Political Inequalities: Elites, Classes and Democracy Prakash Sarangi, Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the State Jan van Deth, Political Sociology: Old Concerns and New Directions
Verlag Barbara Budrich European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners: NICE Handbook Volume 2
The citizens of Europe are facing increasingly complex challenges to their career development nowadays. Over the span of their lifetime, they need to manage their careers, and make numerous decisions concerning education, training and employment – decisions, which seriously impact their futures and their wellbeing. To prepare citizens for these challenges, and to support them in the progress, competent career practitioners are needed. But what kinds of career practitioners are we talking about? And what do they need to be able to do? How can the quality of their training be assured? This handbook introduces common European competence standards for the academic training of career practitioners in Europe, together with some proposals and examples, of how to implement and establish such competence standards in practice. More than 200 experts from all across Europe have contributed to the development of these shared standards of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE). The standards are already being used in many countries for the development of degree programmes.