Search results for ""author barbara"
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Regional Security Puzzle Around Afghanistan: Bordering Practices in Central Asia and Beyond
Western military presence wanes in Afghanistan and a transformed security environment challenges borders and stability in Central Asia. This book examines how the tensions relating to the reorganization of external military presence interact with regional states' ambitions and challenge the borders already contested by numerous dividing lines. It studies a complex political landscape across which radical Islam connected with international terrorism is feared to spread as the international mission initiated in the wake of the 9/11 attacks winds down.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Civil Strife against Local Governance: Dynamics of community protests in contemporary South Africa
Hardly a day goes by without South Africans going on a rampage over the provision of basic municipal services such as water, electricity, sanitation and other municipal obligations. This book connects the critical issue of community protests to the equally precarious issue of political trust in local governance in South Africa by using comparative analysis of grassroots activism in predominantly black communities and predominantly white communities.
Verlag Barbara Budrich How to Be a Superpower: The Public Intellectual Debate on the Global Role of the United States after September 11
How to Be a Superpower focuses on the role and self-perception of public intellectuals in 21st-century America. Drawing on a series of interviews conducted with the most prominent ‘professional thinkers’ in the field of foreign policy since 9/11, from Noam Chomsky via Francis Fukuyama to Michael Walzer. With his fascinating interviews, Tobias Endler illustrates how intellectuals inspire, influence, and participate in the nation’s current public discourse and opinion-shaping process. This unique and insightful book explores the role and self-perception of 21st-century American intellectuals. Challenging the idea that intellectuals are becoming increasingly irrelevant, this book argues that they have managed to stake out a significant role in present society. Accelerated and intensified by the events of September 11, renowned experts in the field of foreign policy such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Noam Chomsky, Francis Fukuyama, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Michael Walzer have engaged in a vibrant public political debate on the global status of the United States – and very successfully so.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Women, Biomedical Research and Art: A Relationality in Tension
Die Studie widmet sich intersektionalen Verletztbarkeiten, sozio-geografischen und rassistischen Ungerechtigkeiten sowie dem Traumapotenzial von Reproduktionsmedizin, Menschenhandel und Schwarzmarkt-Organhandel. Mittels eines empirischen, kritisch-diskursanalytischen, künstlerischen und philosophisch-theoretischen Zugangs entwickelt die interdisziplinäre Studie praktische kreative Werkzeuge für eine Pädagogik, die Würde und Integrität betont und die Menschenrechte im Alltag der betroffenen Bevölkerung unterstützt.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis
Debate among politicians and academics alike vacillates as to whether the euro is the crowning achievement of a half-century of European integration efforts, or now constitutes a force that threatens to drive European Union member states apart. This book introduces both the political and economic forces at play in the eurozone crisis that have shaped this debate and changed the face of European integration.
Verlag Barbara Budrich European Strategies in Lifelong Learning: A Critical Introduction
Verlag Barbara Budrich Innovating Teaching and Learning: Reports from University Lecturers
The book brings together unique teaching experiences of young researchers innovating their teaching and student learning and enhancing student engagement. Their teaching innovations serve as a valuable source of inspiration for other young teachers who face similar pedagogic problems.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Germany’s New Partners: Security Relations of Europe’s Reluctant Leader: 5
In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis Germany became Europe’s most influential nation state. This book aims to provide a comparative assessment of how this is reflected in the country’s bilateral security relationships with key global and regional partners. Prepared by an international team of scholars, it will offer unique, in-depth perspectives on the ways these evolving interactions affect the prospects for addressing recent and emerging security challenges. The fact of Germany’s (re-)emergence as Europe’s leading state is now undisputed, even if the implications are not. The post-2008 financial crisis, heightened conflict along Europe’s eastern and southern fringes since 2014, and the populist political wave across the West have all driven stronger German engagement in international affairs. While German policy seeks to exercise “leadership from the middle” via multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, NATO, and the European Union, this entails major adjustments in interactions with other states. Indeed, the future of the security order built on these institutions now hinges on the quality of Germany’s key bilateral ties. With such stakes in mind, this volume offers a comparative assessment of the background, status, and prospects of a selection of the most significant cases. These investigations cover Germany's relationships with the US, Russia, UK, France and China as well as with Poland and the Balkans. The volume concludes that, though active German leadership is more necessary than ever, it remains insufficient for European or broader international security. Germany and its new partners must aim for a balanced model of cooperation that responds to both the internal and external challenges of the early twenty-first century.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Competencies: How they are acquired and measured
A comprehensive guide to competences Competence has become a key concept in political and scientific discussions. It is used as a headword in publications, at conferences and congresses: it dominates strategy papers and practical concepts; it is the standard bearer and point of crystallization for sometimes bitterly fought differences of opinion. The text explains the term “competence” and reflects the current international discussion. From the Contents: Development guidelines and approaches regarding education policy The competence concept and its difference from similar concepts Building blocks of competence Types of competences Genesis of competence Recording competence and measuring competence Fields of application Instruments for recording and harmonising competences and qualifications for comparison purposes
Verlag Barbara Budrich “Frozen conflicts” in Europe
Oft forgotten but simmering “frozen conflicts” continuously mark the political map of Europe. All located in South Eastern Europe, the Black Sea area and Transcaucasia, these conflicts run along ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic lines, separating communities. This insightful book offers a rare critical analyses of the cases of Northern Cyprus, Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and Crimea.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Relations: A Self-Study Guide to Theory
The book is written for active learners – those keen on cutting their own path through the complex and at times hardly comprehensible world of THEORY in International Relations. To aid this process as much as possible, this book employs the didactical and methodical concept of integrating teaching and self-study. The criteria for structured learning about IR theory will be derived from an extensive discussion of the questions and problems of philosophy of science (Part 1). Theory of IR refers to the scientific study of IR and covers all of the following subtopics: the role and status of theory in the academic discipline of IR; the understanding of IR as a science and what a ""scientific"" theory is; the different assumptions upon which theory building in IR is based; the different types of theoretical constructions and models of explanations found at the heart of particular theories; and the different approaches taken on how theory and the practice of international relations are linked to each other. The criteria for the structured learning process will be applied in Part 2 of the book during the presentation of five selected theories of International Relations. The concept is based on ""learning through example"" – that is, the five theories have been chosen because, when applying the criteria developed in Part 1 of the book, each single theory serves as an example for something deeply important to learn about THEORY of IR more generally.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Evidence-based Practice – Modernising the Knowledge Base of Social Work?
The quest to create an evidence-based Social Work practice is emerging strongly in different fields of Social Work and social policy. In this volume internationally renowned proponents and opponents of this approach deliver profound analyses of the meaning and implications of an evidence based perspective which clearly challenges the nature of the knowledge base of the established Social Work practice and apparently reevaluates and reshapes the character of welfare professionalism. Aus dem Inhalt: What Knowledge? Evidence-based Practice, Profession and Users Organising, Measuring and Implementing Evidence Towards an Evidence-based Professionalism
Verlag Barbara Budrich Early Childhood Education Leadership in Times of Crisis: International Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat weltweit dramatische Auswirkungen auf sämtliche Aspekte des Berufs- und Alltagslebens, auch auf den Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung und Betreuung. Dieser Band beleuchtet das Thema Führung in Kitas: Wie erleben Leitungskräfte die Herausforderungen, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind, und welche Bewältigungsstrategien wenden sie an, um mit den Veränderungen im Alltag und in der Praxis in der Kita umzugehen? Autor*innen aus zwölf Ländern präsentieren empirische Befunde, die Informationen über verschiedene Mechanismen der Krisenbewältigung von Kinderbetreuungssystemen auf der ganzen Welt liefern.
Barbara Fiore Editora Allí Hier
El primer libro de Carmen José es una obra de arte, la historia de una de tantas emigrantes españolas que decidieron ?trasplantarse? a otro país en busca de algo mejor. En el caso de Carmen: un lugar donde poder desarrollar su trabajo artístico. Pero, qué hacer con todo lo bueno que se queda en casa? Cómo reconciliar dos lenguas, dos identidades, dos vidas? Es posible llevarlo todo consigo?De esta reconciliación, o no-reconciliación, trata ALLÍ : HIER. Del crecimiento, el cambio y la búsqueda de otros climas distintos, del crecimiento y el cambio, también, al llegar a casa (o es que lo que queda en casa ya es sólo pasado?). La emigración no es un viaje de ida y vuelta, aunque se vuelva: sólo de ida. Qué es dentro y qué es fuera? Cómo saber qué casa es la casa? Traducir la casa, amueblar la casa, llevar la casa, habitar la casa. Ser casa.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Handbook of Direct Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the political history of Central and Eastern Europe has been mainly the story of arise, consolidation, transformation and struggles of new democratic regimes and societies. The handbook offers an instructive approach to that history focusing on the relevance of practices and institutions of direct democracy. It collects 20 political analyses of direct democracy in 20 Central and Eastern European countries after 1989.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Democracy under Construction: Patterns from four continents
The book compares five newly emerged democracies in Europe, South East Asia, Latin America and Africa. Cutting across vastly dif¬fer¬ent historical and cultural backgrounds it tells the story of how societies come to terms with a painful past and how politics, culture and the economy intertwine in the process of creating new democratic nations.
Barbara Fiore Editora El secreto de la garganta del ruiseor
Barbara Fiore Editora Cigarra
Tac, tac, tac! Cigarra lleva diecisiete años grabando datos en un edificio alto. Sin cometer errores. Sin descanso. En una oficina rodeada de humanos. Maltratada por sus compañeros. Tac, tac, tac! Cigarra se va a jubilar. Nadie se despide. Nadie le agradece. Entonces Cigarra sube hasta la azotea? y, allí, algo fuera de lo común sucede.Tras El árbol rojo, Emigrantes y Cuentos de la periferia el australiano Shaun Tan regresa con una poderosa reflexión sobre el mundo empresarial, el ciclo de la vida, la resistencia y la posibilidad de transformación. Un texto simple y rítmico acompañado de evocadoras imágenes al óleo que evocan un ambiente laboral gris que nos empuja a la reflexión.Shaun Tan es capaz abordar temas sociales, políticos o históricos complejos a través de historias aparentemente sencillas que, sin embargo, esconden múltiples posibilidades de interpretación.
Barbara Fiore Editora Flora y los pavos reales
Molly Idle vuelve a sorprendernos con este delicado y original libro sin palabras dedicado a la amistad.Flora baila en compañía de dos pavos reales. Pero la relación entre tres amigos puede convertirse en un baile delicado. El espectacular final revela que los verdaderos amigos siempre encontrarán la forma de bailar, volar y jugar juntos.Un libro de tonalidades verdes y turquesas que encandilará a grandes y pequeños.
Barbara Fiore Editora Paisaje de amor
En el fondo de tu corazón quizá tengas un bello paisaje que merezca la pena buscar toda la vida.En 2003, Ekin Cheng, Karena Lam y Ye Liu protagonizaron la película The Floating Landscape, dirigida por Miu-Suet Lai. Invitaron a Jimmy Liao a que pintase diez ilustraciones que reflejasen los distintos estados de ánimo de la protagonista en su búsqueda desesperada de su difunto amor, así como el hermoso paisaje que este había visto, con un desenlace muy diferente de lo habitual en las historias de amor de hoy en día. En los créditos finales, las diez ilustraciones aparecían como telón de fondo de la canción The Floating Landscape, que cantaba feliz la protagonista, dando así un toque añadido de romanticismo e imaginación a la película. The Floating Landscape fue seleccionada para el 60 Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia. La película se estrenó en Japón en 2005, y la editorial japonesa Tokuma le pidió a Jimmy que crease un álbum a partir de esas diez ilustraciones. A finales de es
Barbara Fiore Editora Llegan los dinosaurios Y otros contemporneos que no eran dinosaurios
Te gustan los dinosaurios? Sabrías decir el nombre de cien de estos maravillosos animales? Sabes cuál fue el primero? Cuáles fueron los más altos y largos o los más pequeños de todos? Sabes cuántos de ellos volaban? Si aún no lo sabes, Llegan los dinosaurios! te dará las respuestas a todas estas preguntas.Con la serie de libros ilustrados Leporello hemos ampliado los límites del concepto de libro. Ahora puedes darte un buen paseo de cuatro metros rodeado de dinosaurios! Además de disfrutar y aprender con este curioso libro, lo puedes utilizar para decorar tu espacio favorito, enmarcarlo o dejarlo a la vista para tenerlo siempre mano.
Barbara Fiore Editora Zip y Candy
Me llevaba el dedo índice a los labios para indicarle a mi familia que guardara silencio, acercaba una grabadora al altavoz del televisor y grababa programas de música en una cinta de casete.La cara A y la cara B del casete pronto se llenaban con mi música favorita. No podía comprarme otra cinta porque mis padres no me daban paga, así que tenía que elegir entre grabar la música nueva encima de la antigua o no volver a grabar canciones en la misma cinta para que no se borraran las anteriores. A veces me costaba mucho decidirme.Si la cinta tuviera voluntad propia, es decir, si respirase por sí sola, cómo podría vivir con una memoria tan limitada? Así fue como se me ocurrió la idea que dio lugar a este cuento.Si el anterior, El cielo estrellado del doctor Ink, era una historia oscura, esta vez quise escribir un cuento lleno de luz. Una vez decidido el rumbo que quería tomar, Zip y Candy, los protagonistas, empezaron a andar y a hablar por sí mismos, y yo me convertí en un simp
Barbara Fiore Editora Esbozos de una tierra sin nombre
Bajo la superficie de todo proyecto creativo suele haber un gran iceberg oculto que lo mantiene todo a flote: una masa de material preliminar formado por cajas, folios y cuadernos de notas que en principio el autor no pretende mostrar y menos aún publicar. Eso es especialmente aplicable a Emigrantes, una historia que depende en gran medida del silencio y el misterio. Siempre imaginé que, una vez terminado, el libro superaría las referencias a su fuente original, que sería algo así como un álbum perdido procedente de un universo alternativo. La falta de aclaraciones tan sólo le añadiría interés, el lector se encontraría sólo con una serie de dibujos extraños, de personajes sin voz en paisajes anónimos. Así pues, qué necesidad tenía de volver a mi viejo archivo y publicar un volumen de notas y dibujos de trabajo? Aunque por lo general considero mi propio proceso creativo simplemente como eso, como un medio para conseguir un objetivo, lo cierto es que los cuadernos de trabajo de otros art
Barbara Fiore Editora El visor
Escrita por el aclamado autor de obras de terror Gary Crew, eL visor cuenta una historia peculiar sobre un chico cuya obsesión por curiosos artefactos le lleva a descubrir una caja extraña en un vertedero. Resulta que es un viejo arcón lleno de artilugios ópticos, uno de los cuales le llama la atención: se trata de un intrincado objeto mecánico que reproduce discos de imágenes: escenas de destrucción, violencia y la caída de civilizaciones a lo largo del tiempo. El chico tiene miedo, pero a la vez no puede evitar seguir mirando la máquina una y otra vez mientras las imágenes cambian y se sucedenComentarios sobre eL visor en la pagina web de Shaun Tan:
Barbara Fiore Editora La ventana
El mundo es un caos, y el simple hecho de vivir no es nada fácil. Es inevitable que un sinfín de tribulaciones pongan a prueba a la gente y la hagan madurar. Todo se vuelve complicado y deja un mal sabor de boca. Al final entendemos que la realidad de la vida es que todos estamos absolutamente solos. Pero corremos en pos del rayo de esperanza del amor, que nos muestra un rumbo claro que se abre paso entre la oscuridad.La ventana describe un mundo cada vez más caótico y a una persona que basa su precaria supervivencia en una simple creencia. Refleja mis pensamientos tras muchos años de vida en sociedad, escondidos por mi pincel en un país lejano. Su transformación en un cuento de hadas cruel es en recuerdo de la inocencia perdida.
Barbara Fiore Editora El paraíso
Verlag Barbara Budrich At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe
Verlag Barbara Budrich Research and Development in Adult Education: Fields and Trends
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Psychology
The book Political Psychology provides detailed information about the development of the field of political psychology, a subfield of both political science and psychology. It describes the evolution of concepts and theories within political psychology, international influences in the field, current concepts and methodology, and trends that augur for the future of the enterprise. Contributors: Betty Glad, Kathleen M. McGraw, Elizabeth Marvick, Brent Strathman, Donald A. Sylvan, Linda Valenty, David G. Winter
Verlag Barbara Budrich Status and Ethnic Identity: A Study on First- and Second-Generation Migrants: 56
Migrants’ minority and majority identity are controversial political topics, offering insights into challenges of integration and social cohesion. Based on a two-dimensional model of ethnic identity, the book asks about the role of social status for migrants’ identification with their origin group and the majority population. It focuses on intergenerational differences, migrant visibility, status mismatch, and exposure in the receiving country. Results reveal forms of ethnic identity beyond the classical assumption of mutual exclusiveness, which suggests minority identity among status-lower, and majority identity among status-higher migrants.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Mind Your Writing – How to be a Professional Academic Writer
In order to write and publish successfully, academic writers must be aware of their skills and their role as writers. They need to be able to answer fundamental questions about their writing, enabling them to make conscious and strategic decisions. Only in that way they will become writing professionals who successfully carry out their profession.
Barbara Fiore Editora La primavera de las 999 hermanas ranas
Mamá rana despierta a sus 999 hijas. Es primavera! Ya podéis levantaros! Pero que ha pasado? Mamá rana cuenta a sus hijas una y otra vez, y solo hay 998. La hermana mayor aún no se ha despertado-una, dos, tresMamá rana cuenta a las pequeñas, pero solo hay 998.-Qué raro-dice, y justo después oye unos ronquidos.-Vaya! Hay una que todavía duerme-exclama mamá rana, sorprendida.-Es nuestra hermana mayor.-La mayor aún no se ha despertado.-Es una dormilona!Las ranitas se ríen de su hermana.
Verlag Barbara Budrich After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves: 17 Conversations
After 9/11 presents 17 interviews with America´s leading political thinkers. Renowned experts such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Francis Fukuyama, and Noam Chomsky discuss the nation’s foreign policy in the post-9/11 world. Yet, they also comment on their own role in US society – and the mounting challenges they face today. The conversations illustrate the hopes and expectations, the anger and frustration, the shattered beliefs and unshakable convictions of the nation´s preeminent minds – at a time when America made its epic transition from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. Renowned experts engage in a vibrant debate about their nation´s position on the global stage: What is America´s foreign policy in the post-9/11 world? What should it be? What led to the catastrophe of September 11? How best to prevent another one, and how to restore America´s damaged reputation? What to expect of Obama? While struggling to define their nation´s role in a world that has changed since the terror attacks, the intellectuals discuss their own role in 21st-century society – a society that thrives on public discourse. The book is written for students, graduates, and lecturers in political science, sociology, culture studies, philosophy, and history. However, anyone interested not only in the political positions of America´s most prominent thinkers but also in how these thinkers feel about what they do and how they do it will enjoy this book. Interview partners: Benjamin Barber John Bolton Zbigniew Brzezinski Noam Chomsky Francis Fukuyama Jean Bethke Elshtain Robert O. Keohane James M. Lindsay Michael Novak Joseph Nye Clyde Prestowitz Anne-Marie Slaughter Nancy Soderberg Strobe Talbott Michael Walzer Cornel West Howard Zinn (†)
Verlag Barbara Budrich Migration and Refugee Policies in Germany: New European Limits of Control?
International migration is one of the most controversial political topics today which demands innovative approaches of global and regional governance. The book provides a fresh theoretical framework to understand European responses to the international migration of people and explains the dynamics of Germany’s migration and refugee policy during the last two decades. Against traditional theories and their inherent focus on the national political sphere, the book highlights supranational and multi-level political processes as increasingly important factors to account for national policy changes. Confronted with the most recent developments of international migration, the study offers students and practitioners the necessary background to participate in today’s debates.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Rising employment flexibility and young workers’ economic insecurity: A comparative analysis of the Danish model of flexicurity
How have the immediate school-to-work transition and the early career changed in different labour market entry regimes since the early 1980s? How do institutional frameworks differ with regard to insecurity perception? Ellen Ebralidze investigates these topics from a cross-national perspective while focusing on Denmark, the darling of flexicurity literature. The results show that in all the labour market entry regimes, the school-towork transition has become increasingly difficult, and flexible forms of work are more typical in the first job. Furthermore, the liberal institutional framework of the United States seems to produce a similarly low degree of job-loss worry among young people in their early career as the Danish paradigm.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Smooth Path or Long and Winding Road?: How Institutions Shape the Transition from Higher Education to Work
The book uses a comparative study of Germany and Britain to reveal how national institutions shape the labour market careers of higher education graduates. It identifies four institutional spheres that are important: the structure of higher education systems, the content of study, the structure of graduate labour markets, and labour market flexibility. Due to country differences, the transition from higher education to work in Germany follows a smooth path, while in Britain it is more comparable to a long and winding road.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Controlling Corruption in Europe: The Anticorruption Report, volume 1
Corruption has an impact. It is about time that anticorruption starts having an impact, too. This is the first annual policy report of the European Seventh Framework Research Project ANTICORRP, which has started in 2012 and will continue until 2018. Based on the work of 21 different research centers and universities gathering original data, ANTICORRP offers yearly updates on the latest from corruption research, analyzing both the consequences of corruption and the impact of policies attempting to curb it. This first report offers a methodology to evaluate corruption risk and quality of government at country, region and sector level by means of corruption indicators that are sensitive to change and policy intervention. The aim of the project is to offer testable, easy to handle policies which reduce corruption risk. Corruption distorts market competition, bolsters deficits on behalf of discretionary spending, hurts real investment in public health and education, reduces tax collection, detriments the absorption rate of EU funds, and generates vulnerable employment and brain drain. This study estimates that if EU member states would all manage to control corruption at the Danish level, tax collection in Europe would increase by 323 billion Euro per year – double of the EU budget for 2013.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Multilateralism and Multipolarity: Structures of the Emerging World Order
The international system is undergoing a fundamental change from unipolarity to multipolarity and is facing the growing importance of Asia in world politics. In order to build global governance for the 21st century, the multipolar state system must be complemented and linked with structures of multilateral cooperation.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Health Among the Elderly in Germany: New Evidence on Disease, Disability and Care Need
Whether increasing life expectancy leads to better health remains still controversial. Three topics are explored: (1) vanguard groups which inform about possible levels of health if the general social and environmental conditions were to approach those of the vanguard group; (2) the social and behavioral determinants of health differentiated into proximal and distal factors; (3) vulnerable groups such as migrants and the health differences between migrant groups. Newly available population-based data as well as new study designs and advanced stati¬stical modelling form the basis for the empirical analyses.
Verlag Barbara Budrich A Student’s Guide to European Universities: Sociology, Political Science, Geography and History
Studying Abroad The guidebook to Social Sciences in Europe addresses students and researchers going abroad. It offers an insight into the origins, methods and current trends in four Social Science disciplines in six European countries (Spain, France, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Great Britain) combined with practical information on the university system as well as teaching and assessment methods. It also includes information on student life in the countries in question. A thorough preparation is the best asset to make the most of a study abroad experience. From a practical standpoint, this guidebook is a goldmine for students in Social Sciences (History, Political Science, Geography and Sociology) who are planning to move to one of the six countries investigated (Germany, Spain, France, Britain, Italy and the Czech Republic). Not only are they provided with an opportunity to learn about the history of each academic system, but they can also gain an understanding about the evolution of the specific discipline they are studying, and discover the content of classes, the ways students are assessed and papers graded, or the national approaches of social sciences. The guidebook is also a genuine contribution to the analysis of European university systems. It provides hitherto unpublished material, and implicitly defends three strong positions. First, it confirms that the European Higher Education Area is only in its infancy. Next, it shows how national differences extend beyond structural differences to include pedagogical conceptions, ways of teaching and curricular management. Finally, it challenges the universal character of disciplines and emphasizes their national specificities, despite the constant stream of transnational circulations and transfers. From the Contents: An invitation to go abroad From Bologna (1217) to Bologna (1999): A brief history of European universities Building a European Higher Education Area Studying Abroad: Intercultural challenges Czech Republic France Germany Great Britain Italy Spain
Verlag Barbara Budrich Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method: In International Educational Research
Verlag Barbara Budrich Doing Succession in Europe: Generational Transfers in Family Businesses in Comparative Perspective
Family enterprises make up the majority of all businesses across Western Europe. Nonetheless, they are seen as an endangered species. Succession is an especially critical moment for their survival. The succession process is shaped by the dynamics of generational relations in the family. Different institutional contexts between countries create diverse conditions for the negotiation between the generations. Doing Succession in Europe examines whether and how succession processes in European family businesses vary. Scholars of the family, capitalism, welfare state and law discuss comparative findings and ideas; business and legal experts highlight the concrete practices.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Youth and Political Participation in Europe: Results of the Comparative Study EUYOUPART
Youth an Politics How do young people in Europe perceive politics? How do they engage in the political realm? Which groups of young people are actively involved? And which learning environments and opportunity structures can foster parti - cipation? Furthermore methodological problems of comparative participation research are discussed and the measurement instrument that was developed in this European research project, and is certainly useful for similar studies is presented. From the Contents: Reingard Spannring, The meaning of and relationship with politics Wolfgang Gaiser, Johann de Rijke, Forms of political participation among young Europeans Sabine Westphal and Natalia Waechter, Learning for participation: family, peers, schools, voluntary organisations Ruth Picker, Gender: a female way of participation/ young women and politics Günther Ogris, The measurement instrument Johann de Rijke, Wolfgang Gaiser and Franziska Waechter, Stability of political behaviour Reingard Spannring, Günther Ogris, Wolfgang Gaiser, Conclusion
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Developments in Research on Extended Education: Perspectives on extracurricular activities, after-school programs, and all-day schools
From childhood to adolescence, young people are enrolled in various public or private forms of educational arrangements outside regular school lessons. These activities can be summarized by the term extended education. The volume provides an overview of extended education in multiple nations around the world. Different models, policies, methods, and research findings are discussed from an international point of view. Children participate in school- or community-based programs, forms of private tutoring or after-school activities such as art courses or academic clubs, or they attend extracurricular activities at all-day schools or leisure time centres. In as far as these activities and programmes focus on the social, emotional and academic development of children and young people and are pedagogically structured to make it easier for the participants to learn specific contents they can be summarized by the term extended education. The volume aims at three main aspects: Firstly, it explores major characteristics of extended education as an emerging research field, defines what this research field is (and is not), and points to areas/nations/regions where we know very little about extended education. Secondly, the volume provides a potential framework for future cross-national research (collaborative and comparative research) on extended education we are lacking so far. And thirdly, the volume sheds light on the national and international features of extended education and suggests future developments in this field of education. The volume focuses on childhood and adolescence (through secondary education, including college students), though some lifelong implications are discussed as well. It encompasses 18 articles which cover extended education in 12 different countries around the globe.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Borders and Margins: Federalism, Devolution and Multi-Level Governance
The theory and concept of multi-level governance (MLG) is a fairly recent one, emerging from the deepening integration of the European Union in the early 1990s and the development of free trade agreements around the world. MLG enlarges the traditional approaches, namely those of neo-institutionalism and multinational federalism, by offering a better understanding of the role of the state, regions and provinces. The book analyses the changes that have taken place as well as those that might take place in the future.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Curriculum Design for Language Courses: Developing an EFL Speaking Course
The course design process is an important empirical type of research. However, course designers often neglect to follow the academic guidelines in curriculum theory and development. This study on curriculum design in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) links theory with practice and provides a practical guide for teachers and language professionals in designing foreign language courses. This book will be beneficial for researchers working on educational sciences and foreign languages and also for those working as professionals (teachers, lecturers etc.) in the teaching of English as a foreign language.
Verlag Barbara Budrich A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be
This short introduction to the United Nations analyzes the organization as itis today, and how it can be transformed to respond to its critics. Combiningessential information about its history and workings with practical proposalsof how it can be strengthened, Trent and Schnurr examine what needs to bedone, and also how we can actually move toward the required reforms. Thisbook is written for a new generation of change-makers — a generation seekingbetter institutions that reflect the realities of the 21st century and that can actcollectively in the interest of all.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The EU as a Children's Rights Actor: Law, Policy and Structural Dimensions
This edited collection critiques from an interdisciplinary perspective the growing body of EU children's rights activities in the light of broader global political, economic, and legal processes. Specifically, it interrogates whether EU intervention effectively responds to what are perceived as global violations of children's rights and the extent to which EU efforts to uphold children's rights complement and reinforce parallel national and international pursuits. Moreover, it scrutinises the compatibility of EU children's rights measures with the principles and provisions enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).