Search results for ""De Gruyter""
De Gruyter Ich möchte, dass es mich etwas angeht / I want it to be my concern: Die Suche nach Erinnerung / In Search of Memory
Zum Internationalen Holocaust-Gedenktag entwickelten Studierende der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Texte und Aktionen. Wer findet in ihren Schreib-Räumen Platz? Gelegentlich scheint es, als würde sich die Sprache selbst gegen das Näherkommen sperren.Die Arbeiten sind Ausdruck eines Zwiespalts, in dem Erinnerung zwar geteilt werden soll, aber offen bleibt, mit wem. Postmemory oder Post-Oblivion? Die Aussparung wird selbst zum Thema; Wörter werden hin- und her-gedreht, und Bedeutungen heraus- und nachgelesen. Die vierte Generation sucht so nach Erinnerungen.
De Gruyter Odyssea
De Gruyter Die Kunst des Herrn Nestler: Bildhauer, Zeichner und Performer
Das Buch der Neuen Galerie Graz gibt einen ersten umfassenden Einblick in das Schaffen des österreichischen Bild-hauers, Zeichners und Performers Norbert Nestler (1942–2014). Sein Werk setzt sich mit Raumutopien auseinander und steht in enger Verbindung mit den Entwicklungen der Materialien und Medien seit den 1960-er Jahren. Dem Visionären räumte Nestler dabei einen besonderen Stellenwert ein. Seine dynamischen Untersuchungen des Sehens von zwei- und dreidimensionalem Raum haben das Kunstgeschehen in Graz und Österreich seit mehreren Jahrzehnten begleitet und maßgeblich mitgeformt.Die Zusammenschau von Nestlers Œuvre mit zahlreichen Werkabbildungen und Ausstellungsansichten enthält auch Texte des Künstlers, die er noch selbst für diese Retrospektive vorbereiten konnte. Weitere Beiträge stammen unter anderem von der Kuratorin Katrin Bucher Trantow, die Nestlers zeichnerischem Interesse nachgeht. Günther Holler-Schuster betrachtet den Kontext des Pneumatischen bei Nestler, während Elisabeth Fiedler den „Stadtgestalter“ und Künstler für den öffentlichen Raum untersucht.
De Gruyter Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder
In recent decades, a growing number of children have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a condition characterized by, among other features, social interaction deficits and language impairment. Yet the precise nature of the disorder’s impact on language development is not well understood, in part because of the language variability among children across the autism spectrum. The contributors to this volume — experts in fields ranging from communication disorders to developmental and clinical psychology to linguistics — use innovative techniques to address two broad questions: Is the variability of language development and use in children with ASD a function of the language, such that some linguistic domains are more vulnerable to ASD than others? Or is the variability a function of the individual, such that some characteristics predispose those with ASD to have varying levels of difficulty with language development and use? Contributors investigate these questions across linguistic levels, from lexical semantics and single-clause syntax, to computationally complex phonology and the syntax-pragmatics interface. Authors address both spoken and written domains within the wider context of language acquisition. This timely and broadly accessible volume will be of interest to a broad range of specialists, including linguists, psychologists, sociologists, behavioral neurologists, and cognitive neuroscientists.
De Gruyter Räume - Bilder - Kulturen
Hat Europa die Zentralperspektive erfunden? Oder existieren nicht auch Alternativen, den optischen Sprung aus zwei in drei Dimensionen zu realisieren, aus dem Bild in den Raum? Diesen Fragen widmet sich das vorliegende Buch aus den Blickwinkeln von Kunstgeschichte, Bildwissenschaft, Mathematik, Informatik, Psychologie, Museumspädagogik und Philosophie. Historisch gesehen ist die mathematisch konstruierbare "Perspektive" ein Produkt der frühen italienischen Renaissance. Seit ihrer Erfindung wurden jedoch immer wieder Zweifel an ihrer ästhetischen Substanz laut, die sich in den nächsten Jahrhunderten insbesondere im ostasiatischen Raum ausbreiteten. Neben der europäischen Bilderwelt werden deshalb auch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der chinesischen, der japanischen und der melanesischen Kultur zum Vergleich dargestellt. Darüber hinaus unterlagen 'Bilder' auch einem epochalen Wandel: Heute verstehen wir darunter nicht nur analoge Medien, etwa Tafelmalereien oder Druckgraphiken, Diagramme, Karten oder Modelle, sondern auch Resultate digitaler Verfahren in Naturwissenschaft und Medizin.
De Gruyter Smooth muscle and stromal tumors and prevention of inadequate surgery
The subject matter of volume 1 of the 2-volumes-handbook focusses on leiomyosarcoma, low-grade and high-grade endometrial sarcoma and undifferentiated uterine sarcoma of the whole female genitalia. A separate extensive chapter is devoted to the variants of leiomyoma (angio-, lipo-, cotyledonoid, cellular, mitotically active, epithelioid and myxoid leiomyoma, leiomyoma with bizarre nuclei), atypical smooth muscle tumors (smooth muscle tumors with uncertain malignant potential), and disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis, benign metastasizing leiomyoma, and intravenous leiomyomatosis. Furthermore, endometrial stromal tumors – endometrial stromal nodules, endometrial stromal tumor with sex cord-like elements (ESTSCLE), uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex-cord tumor (UTROSCT) - and similar tumors are described in detail. The book provides a description at length of the epidemiology, etiology, pathological anatomy, prognosis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, imaging and comprehensive therapy of each primary, relapsed, and metastasized tumor including surgery, chemo-, hormone- and radio- and targeted therapy. Another chapter is devoted to the prevention of subjecting sarcomas to inadequate surgical therapeutic measures under the assumed diagnosis of leiomyoma, and includes a diagnostic-therapeutic flowchart with a diagnostic score. The book aims to identify and provide diagnostic and therapeutic guidance. The listed tumor entities also constitute a particular diagnostic challenge for pathologists that contains numerous pitfalls and difficulties. This book, therefore, addresses gynecologists and pathologists in both clinical and private practice, but also surgeons and hemato-oncologists.
De Gruyter Angkor Wat – A Transcultural History of Heritage: Volume 1: Angkor in France. From Plaster Casts to Exhibition Pavilions. Volume 2: Angkor in Cambodia. From Jungle Find to Global Icon
This book unravels the formation of the modern concept of cultural heritage by charting its colonial, postcolonial-nationalist and global trajectories. By bringing to light many unresearched dimensions of the twelfth-century Cambodian temple of Angkor Wat during its modern history, the study argues for a conceptual, connected history that unfolded within the transcultural interstices of European and Asian projects. With more than 1,400 black-and-white and colour illustrations of historic photographs, architectural plans and samples of public media, the monograph discusses the multiple lives of Angkor Wat over a 150-year-long period from the 1860s to the 2010s. Volume 1 (Angkor in France) reconceptualises the Orientalist, French-colonial ‘discovery’ of the temple in the nineteenth century and brings to light the manifold strategies at play in its physical representations as plaster cast substitutes in museums and as hybrid pavilions in universal and colonial exhibitions in Marseille and Paris from 1867 to 1937. Volume 2 (Angkor in Cambodia) covers, for the first time in this depth, the various on-site restoration efforts inside the ‘Archaeological Park of Angkor’ from 1907 until 1970, and the temple’s gradual canonisation as a symbol of national identity during Cambodia’s troublesome decolonisation (1953–89), from independence to Khmer Rouge terror and Vietnamese occupation, and, finally, as a global icon of UNESCO World Heritage since 1992 until today. Congratulations to our author Michael Falser who received the prestigious 2021 ICAS Book Prize in the "Ground Breaking Subject Matter" category.
De Gruyter Whitehead's Pancreativism: The Basics
There is one question that any potential reader who suspects that Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) might be important for past, contemporary, and future philosophy inevitably raises: how should I read Whitehead? How can I make sense of this incredibly dense tissue of imaginative systematizing, spread over decades of work in disciplines so different and specialized as algebra, geometry, logic, relativistic physics and philosophy of science? Accordingly, this monograph has two main complementary objectives. The first one is to propose a set of efficient hermeneutical tools to get the reader started. These straightforward tools provide answers that are highly coherent and probably the most applicable to Whitehead's entire corpus. The second objective is to illustrate how the several parts of Process and Reality are interconnected, something that all commentators have either failed to recognise or only incompletely acknowledged.
de Gruyter A History of Early Christian Creeds
de Gruyter Hunnius Pharmazeutisches Wörterbuch
De Gruyter Physik Für Mediziner, Biologen, Pharmazeuten
De Gruyter Mediensprache: Eine Einführung in Sprache und Kommunikationsformen der Massenmedien
The new edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive and up–to–date introduction to media linguistics. It presents basic terms in communication theory and describes the major linguistic phenomena in today’s German-language mass media (press, radio, TV, and the “new media”), including recent examples.
De Gruyter Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache
In einer grundlegenden Überarbeitung der 3. Auflage von 2007 bietet das Werk unter Einbeziehung der neuesten Forschungsliteratur eine aktualisierte Gesamtdarstellung der Wortbildung der deutschen Sprache des 20. und des beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Herausgearbeitet werden die Grundzüge der Wortbildung des Substantivs, Adjektivs, Verbs und Adverbs, wobei sowohl die strukturell-morphologischen als auch die semantischen Parameter der Bildungsmodelle in analytischer und synthetischer Sicht behandelt werden. Im Vordergrund steht das Prinzip synchroner Beschreibung, ggf. ergänzt um sprachhistorische Erklärungen. Neu aufgenommen wurden Kapitel zur Stellung der Wortbildung in der Grammatik sowie zum Verhältnis zwischen Wortbildung und Lexikon. Einige Grundfragen wurden neu entschieden, z. B. die Gliederung der Wortbildungsarten, der wortbildungsmorphologische Status der Verbzusätze und die Gruppierung wortbildungsmorphologischer Paradigmen. Morphosyntaktische Bezüge der Wortbildungsmodelle bekommen ein stärkeres Gewicht. Erweitert wurden das Textkapitel sowie die Darstellung der Fremdwort- und der Kurzwortbildung. Zeitgemäße Beispiele aus journalistischen und belletristischen Quellen sowie aus elektronisch verfügbaren Korpora wurden ergänzt. Ein Sach- und ein Formenregister, beide verbessert, erleichtern die Orientierung im Text.
De Gruyter Gertrud von le Fort – Friedrich Gogarten: Briefwechsel 1911–1927
Zwei der bedeutendsten um im Folgenden besonders einflussreichen Hörer des Religionsphilosophen und Theologen Ernst Troeltsch aus der Heidelberger Zeit, die Dichterin Gertrud von le Fort (1876–1971) und der Theologe Friedrich Gogarten (1887–1967), die sich 1911/12 begegnet waren, traten nach drei Jahren in einen zunehmend vertrauensvollen Briefwechsel und eine familiäre Beziehung zueinander. Ihre Korrespondenz reicht über die Kriegszeit, krisenhafte Kirchenzustände und die Verhältnisse im untergehenden Kaiserreich mit allen Facetten der Not und Orientierungslosigkeit hin zu den Anstrengungen theoretischer und religiöser Neugestaltung.Während le Fort bis zu Troeltschs Tod und darüber hinaus in geistig enger Beziehung zu dem prägenden Lehrer blieb, versuchte Gogarten im Umgang mit Schweizer Freunden die neuen Wege der sog. ‚dialektischen‘ Theologie mitzubestimmen, auch mit Buber und Guardini in Beziehung zu kommen. Die Dichterin trat mit rasch von der katholischen Öffentlichkeit rezipierten ‚Hymnen an die Kirche‘ (1924) hervor und arbeitete gleichzeitig nachdrücklich an der Edition von Troeltschs ‚Glaubenslehre‘ (1925). Als sie 1926 konvertierte, schien der Briefverkehr zu erlöschen. In ihm, wie in den beigegebenen Texten bildet sich subtil und eindrücklich ein dramatisches und erregendes Zeitgeschehen im überschaubaren Feld reflexiver Subjektivität ab.
De Gruyter Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe
This handbook comprises an in-depth presentation of the state of the art in word-formation. The five volumes contain 207 articles written by leading international scholars. The XVI chapters of the handbook provide the reader, in both general articles and individual studies, with a wide variety of perspectives: word-formation as a linguistic discipline (history of science, theoretical concepts), units and processes in word-formation, rules and restrictions, semantics and pragmatics, foreign word-formation, language planning and purism, historical word-formation, word-formation in language acquisition and aphasia, word-formation and language use, tools in word-formation research. The final chapter comprises 74 portraits of word-formation in the individual languages of Europe and offers an innovative perspective. These portraits afford the first overview of this kind and will prove useful for future typological research. This handbook will provide an essential reference for both advanced students and researchers in word-formation and related fields within linguistics.
De Gruyter Der "Dritte Humanismus"
De Gruyter Stochastic Finance: An Introduction in Discrete Time
This book is an introduction to financial mathematics. It is intended for graduate students in mathematics and for researchers working in academia and industry. The focus on stochastic models in discrete time has two immediate benefits. First, the probabilistic machinery is simpler, and one can discuss right away some of the key problems in the theory of pricing and hedging of financial derivatives. Second, the paradigm of a complete financial market, where all derivatives admit a perfect hedge, becomes the exception rather than the rule. Thus, the need to confront the intrinsic risks arising from market incomleteness appears at a very early stage. The first part of the book contains a study of a simple one-period model, which also serves as a building block for later developments. Topics include the characterization of arbitrage-free markets, preferences on asset profiles, an introduction to equilibrium analysis, and monetary measures of financial risk. In the second part, the idea of dynamic hedging of contingent claims is developed in a multiperiod framework. Topics include martingale measures, pricing formulas for derivatives, American options, superhedging, and hedging strategies with minimal shortfall risk. This third revised and extended edition now contains more than one hundred exercises. It also includes new material on risk measures and the related issue of model uncertainty, in particular a new chapter on dynamic risk measures and new sections on robust utility maximization and on efficient hedging with convex risk measures.
De Gruyter Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim)
This book is the second of four volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series which treat the systematics and biology of Coleoptera. With approximately 350,000 described species, Coleoptera are by far the most species-rich order of insects and the largest group of animals of comparable geological age. The beetle volumes will meet the demand of modern biologists seeking to answer questions about Coleoptera phylogeny, evolution, and ecology. This second Coleoptera volume covers the remaining polyphagan taxa (apart from Phytophaga) and recently described groups not included in the first volume (covering the suborders Archostemata, Myxophaga and Adephaga, and the basal series of Polyphaga), with information on world distribution, biology, morphology of all life stages (including anatomy), phylogeny and comments on taxonomy.
De Gruyter Religiöse Reden: Nachdruck Von: In Der Tiefe Ist Wahrheit - Das Neue Sein - Das Ewige Im Jetzt
De Gruyter Physikalische Therapie
De Gruyter Verfahren, I
De Gruyter Odyssee: Griechisch - deutsch
De Gruyter Sonne, Mond und Venus: Visualisierungen astronomischen Wissens im frühneuzeitlichen Rom
Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften ist eine Geschichte der Verbildlichung. Der Band stellt zwei Fallbeispiele frühneuzeitlicher Visualisierungen astronomischen Wissens vor: eine monumentale Spiegelsonnenuhr von 1644 und ein Buch über den Planeten Venus von 1728. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine erfolgreiche Rezeptionsgeschichte unter Umständen weniger von der Korrektheit des visualisierten Wissens abhängig war, sondern vielmehr durch die jeweiligen Strategien der Verbildlichung und Evidenzerzeugung beeinflusst wurde. Die Untersuchung der Problemfelder der ausbleibenden Rezeption und des wissenschaftlichen Irrtums führt dabei ebenso zu weitreichenden Erkenntnissen über die wissenschaftliche Theorie und Praxis wie das Verfolgen von Erfolgsgeschichten.
De Gruyter Psycholinguistik
De Gruyter Jean-Paul Sartre: Das Sein und das Nichts
De Gruyter Handbook of Management Communication
Management communication encompasses a wide range of practices that define modern organizations. Those practices are, in many respects, constituted, formed and contextualized by the use of language. This handbook traces the theoretical modelling of these practices by contemporary research. It explores their linguistic features and performance in specific situations of value creation and in various modes. It is a companion for students and scholars of applied linguistics and organizational communication as well as management and strategy research.
De Gruyter Identity and Pragmatic Language Use: A Study on Japanese ELF Users
ELF (English as a lingua franca) research counters the monocentric view of English based on norms of native speakers of English, and supports any usages reflecting sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic reality of ELF communication. Such an approach empowers any speakers of English to contemplate their own varieties of English as legitimate, providing them greater options for positive self-identification. Based on qualitative and interpretive methodology, this book illustrates how Japanese L2 English users establish identities related to L2 English as part of their multiple identities, and how they explore new identity options through ELF. Moreover, the author demonstrates how power relations relating to English language are constructed through the participants’ experiences in ELF interactions. Also, analysis of the data reveals that to what degree the Japanese L2 English users wish to affiliate with particular groups in ELF interactions with people from diverse cultural background.Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the study, this book will appeal to a broad audience such as scholars and students who are interested in further understanding of identity and sociocultural issues involved in intercultural communication.
De Gruyter Architektur und Klimawandel
De Gruyter The Nazi Holocaust. Part 8: Bystanders to the Holocaust. Volume 2
This edition is the first of its kind to offer a basic collection of facsimile, English language, historical articles on all aspects of the extermination of the European Jews. A total of 300 articles from 84 journals and collections allows the reader to gain an overview of this field. The edition both provides access to the immense, rich array of scholarly articles published after 1960 on the history of the Holocaust and encourages critical assessment of conflicting interpretations of these horrifying events. The series traces Nazi persecution of Jews before the implementation of the "Final Solution", demonstrates how the Germans coordinated anti-Jewish activities in conquered territories, and sheds light on the victims in concentration camps, ending with the liberation of the concentration camp victims and articles on the trials of war criminals. The publications covered originate from the years 1950 to 1987. Included are authors such as Jakob Katz, Saul Friedländer, Eberhard Jäckel, Bruno Bettelheim and Herbert A. Strauss.
De Gruyter Macht und Makel der Bilder
Bilder machen seit je her einen Unterschied. Kunst als Trägerstoff von Emotionen religiöser, kultischer oder kollektiver Art kommt eine wichtige Rolle bei der machtvollen Verwandlung von Welt zu. Vom Makel des Kultes oder des Götzendienstes behaftet zu sein oder durch die Inkarnation von Ideen und des Transzendenten erst das Leben und Kunstwerke zu ermöglichen in dieser Spannung geht bis heute der Streit um die Macht der Bilder. Sie rufen den Schrecken und das Heilige hervor und bannen beides zugleich. Auf zahlreichen Leinwänden von der Antike bis zur Moderne wird diese Spannung in religiösen und weltlichen Lebenszusammenhängen kritisch anschaulich. Von antiken und jüdischen Fundstellen handelnd sowie christliche, islamische und bürgerliche Belege aufsuchend, wird der Bogen bis in unsere demokratisch oder autoritär geprägte politische Gegenwart geschlagen. Bilder des Wahren und Verrat durch Bilder Kunst, Bilderstreit und Kultverbot in den Kulturen seit der Antike <
De Gruyter A SomaliNorwegian Saga
De Gruyter Corporate Governance in a Nordic Setting: The Case of Sweden
Corporate Governance in a Nordic Setting focuses on the historical, cultural and political development of the Swedish corporate governance code and model. It explores the definition and interpretations of corporate governance, including the Cadbury Report and OECD definitions, and specifically discusses powerful institutions that shaped its tradition over time. It further outlines the distinguishing features of the Nordic and Swedish corporate governance models, including taxation, ownership structures, corporate culture, and leadership styles. Emphasis is placed on the role of corporate governance in achieving a sustainable society, arguing for the importance of integrating financial, social and environmental perspectives at the corporate governance level. The chapters discuss a broad spectrum of topics including corporate ownership structures, agency conflicts, board diversity, employee representation on corporate boards, sustainability governance, and corporate governance in times of crisis, providing insights into Nordic and Swedish corporate governance and highlighting their unique characteristics and implications for businesses and society.
De Gruyter Public Library Governance: International Perspectives
Major changes in public libraries throughout the world have led to an increased focus on governance issues. Forging successful futures for public libraries depends on effective governance. This book defines governance and examines its many facets in relation to public library provision internationally, differentiating governance from the policies, processes and practices of public libraries. The perspectives of leaders, practitioners, researchers, decision makers, and service users are presented, offering a variety of views from the past, the present and potential approaches in the future. Decision-making and the roles of decision makers involved in governance are explored. Prominent figures from the public library community throughout the world have contributed their knowledge and experience. Wicked problems facing the public library sector are identified and the varying approaches adopted internationally to deal with them are outlined. There are many practitioner and professional practice issues associated with provision of libraries and views on library usage and delivery vary according to user and practitioner standpoints. Globally diverse content provides directions for the future development of public libraries and for dealing with the emerging challenges facing the library world.
Person und Musik Mozarts faszinieren bildende Künstler bis heute. Zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum des Mozartfests Würzburg gehen eine Ausstellung im Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg und der begleitende Katalog dieser langen Wirkungsgeschichte nach. Neben originalen Zeugnissen Mozarts spannen rund 60 Kunstwerke – unter anderem von Chagall, Klee und Slevogt – einen Bogen von Porträts und Denkmälern, die das Bild des Komponisten nachhaltig bestimmen, über Bühnenbilder zur Zauberflöte bis hin zur abstrakten Malerei. Die Ausstellung legt einen besonderen Akzent auf die schöpferischen Energien, die Mozarts Schaffen freisetzte und den Wandel von der Darstellung beliebter Opernszenen und -figuren seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert hin zur Reflexion von Kompositionsprinzipien im 20. Jahrhundert und der Gegenwart. Blick ins Buch
De Gruyter Technoscientific Research
Unlike the bulk majority of publications on philosophy of science and research ethics, which are authored by professional philosophers and intended for philosophers, this book has been written by a research practitioner and intended for research practitioners. It is distinctive by its integrative approach to methodological and ethical issues related to research practice, with special emphasis of mathematical modelling and measurement, as well as by attempted application of engineering design methodology to moral decision making. It is also distinctive by more than 200 real-world examples drawn from various domains of science and technology. It is neither a philosophical treaty nor a quick-reference guide. It is intended to encourage young researchers, especially Ph.D. students, to deeper philosophical reflection over research practice. They are not expected to have any philosophical background, but encouraged to consult indicated sources of primary information and academic textbooks co
De Gruyter Trust in GermanChinese Business Cooperation
What makes international joint ventures successful? Among other key success factors such as strategic fit, material and political-relational incentives, and the cultural compatibility of the joint venture partners, the role of one factor in the successful establishment and management of joint ventures is critical: the mutual trust among the managers involved. This book explores how to establish, develop, and continue to nurture mutual trust between the managers of German and Chinese joint ventures. A series of guided interviews conducted by the authors reveals assessments of Chinese and European executives about their mutual trust in the context of the cultural differences between the two countries, the worldviews characterizing China and Germany, and their impact on the behavior of their executives. The authors then use these judgements from the interviews to make recommendations for action to build more successful cooperation in German-Chinese business cooperation
De Gruyter Category Theory: Invariances and Symmetries in Computer Science
This book analyzes the generation of the arrow-categories of a given category, which is a foundational and distinguishable Category Theory phenomena, in analogy to the foundational role of sets in the traditional set-based Mathematics, for defi nition of natural numbers as well. This inductive transformation of a category into the infinite hierarchy of the arrowcategories is extended to the functors and natural transformations. The author considers invariant categorial properties (the symmetries) under such inductive transformations. The book focuses in particular on Global symmetry (invariance of adjunctions) and Internal symmetries between arrows and objects in a category (in analogy to Field Theories like Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity). The second part of the book is dedicated to more advanced applications of Internal symmetry to Computer Science: for Intuitionistic Logic, Untyped Lambda Calculus with Fixpoint Operators, Labeled Transition Systems in Process Algebras and Modal logics as well as Data Integration Theory.
De Gruyter Atem / Breath: Gestalterische, ökologische und soziale Dimensionen / Morphological, Ecological and Social Dimensions
Beim Atmen – im Prozess von ständigem Austausch und Grenzüberschreitung zwischen Organismus und Umwelt – wird Luft als «immaterielles» Material aktiv. Der Band versammelt erstmals Studien zum Atem aus Perspektive der Künste, Geisteswissenschaften sowie experimentellen wissenschaftlichen und gestalterischen Praktiken. Mit Fokus auf die Zeit von 1900 bis heute umfasst die Publikation bewusst eine Epoche, in welcher Luft ein prekäres Medium ist: Ob im Kontext von Klimawandel und globaler Pandemie, Raumfahrttechnologien oder im Giftgaskrieg – Luft ist von Menschen miterzeugt und manipuliert. In diesem Spektrum zeigt sich der Atem selbst als schwer zu fassende, aber wesentliche Substanz, die Verbindungen zwischen Physischem, Symbolischem, Technologischem und Sozialem sichtbar macht
De Gruyter Gender Differences in Technology and Innovation Management: Insights from Experimental Research
Even though the number of working women has steadily increased over the last few years, women are still significantly under-represented in STEM activities (i.e. mathematics, informatics, science and technology). In order to eliminate this under-representation, numerous education policies and corporate initiatives, particularly in the recent past, have been aimed at increasing women's enthusiasm for STEM activities and professions. According to the latest surveys, however, it is clear that these efforts have not yet led to the desired success. Compared to their male counterparts, women continue to do fewer STEM activities. One possible reason for this is that relatively little is yet known about the concrete impact of the above education policies on working with innovation and technology: What are the gender differences between women and men? Is it enough to recognize these differences, or should these differences ideally not only be recognized, but also treated appropriately or even encouraged? This anthology deals with current topics in technology and innovation management against the background of these and other gender-relevant aspects. Empirical analyses and experiments in collaboration with companies from various sectors provide a sound scientific basis on which new results and findings are presented: How do women and men deal with creativity and competition? How are technologies applied and how can differences in access to technology be deduced? Answers to these and other questions help decision-makers in politics and business to proactively use the differences between women and men to motivate women to work in the STEM field and to strengthen them by acknowledging existing differences.
De Gruyter Delivering Digital Transformation: A Manager’s Guide to the Digital Revolution
Deliver on your digital transformation by learning from the insights and experiences from organizations adapting their approaches to life in the digital world. Business leaders, industry strategists, academics, and policy makers are all scrambling to make sense of digital transformation, and to define strategies for success in our increasingly digital economy. This book provides today’s leaders, managers, and practitioners with the tools for understanding, leading, and delivering in the digital age. »What I see here is an excellent survey of the best thinking on Digital Transformation. It’s a book I wish I had written.« Brad Power, Process Innovator »A clear and crisply written guide for any manager considering delivering digital transformation who would like a digestible introduction to key technology trends, organisational and social impact as well as a glimpse of the future.« Petrina Steele, Equinix »A thoroughly enjoyable read. A great synthesis of many different sources that I’m sure will be an invaluable guide for managers.« Richard Sargeant,