Search results for ""Author MANUS"
Gibb Memorial Trust The manuscript of alMalik alAfdal A Medieval Arabic Anthology from the Yemen Gibb Memorial Trust Arabic Studies
The author's talents spanned many disciplines and this is a collection of works on agriculture, animals, astrology, astronomy, biography, calendars, crops, genealogies, geography, grammar, lexicography, mathematics, medicine, taxes, timekeeping, warfare and weapons.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Transmission of Medieval Romance: Metres, Manuscripts and Early Prints
The genre of medieval romance examined through the lens of their physical and their metrical forms. Romances were immensely popular with medieval readers, as evidenced by their ubiquity in manuscripts and early print. The essays collected here deal with the textual transmission of medieval romances in England and Scotland, combining this with investigations into their metre and form; this comparison of the romances in both their material form and their verse form sheds new light on their cultural and social contexts. Topics addressed include the textualhistory of Sir Orfeo; the singing of Middle English romances; their rhythms and rhyme schemes; their printed transmission from Caxton to Wynkyn de Worde; and the representation of the Otherworld in manuscript miscellanies. AD PUTTER is Professor of Medieval English at the University of Bristol; JUDITH A. JEFFERSON is Research Associate at the University of Bristol. Contributors: Michelle de Groot, Judith A. Jefferson, RebeccaE. Lyons, Carol M. Meale, Donka Minkova, Nicholas Mylkebust, Derek Pearsall, Rhiannon Purdie, Ad Putter, Elizabeth Robertson, Jordi Sánchez-Martí, Thorlac Turville-Petre
Medieval Institute Publications The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript, Volume 2
British Library MS Harley 2253 is one of the most important literary works to survive from the English medieval era. In rarity, quality, and abundance, its secular love lyrics comprise an unrivaled collection. Intermingled with them are contemporary political songs as well as delicate lyrics designed to inspire religious devotion.
Brepols N.V. Gautier De Coinci: Miracles, Music and Manuscripts
Classiques Garnier Fragments Manuscrits Relatifs a la Culture Classique
George Braziller Inc Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500
Forty colour plates illustrate some of the finest achievements of medieval painting.
Paperblanks Shakespeare, Sir Thomas More (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Unlined Hardcover Journal
William Shakespeare (1564–1616), long considered the greatest of English writers, left few traces of his handwriting. The banned play Sir Thomas More (1595) was written and revised by five different playwrights, of whom scholars now believe Shakespeare to be one. The handwritten manuscript on this Paperblanks journal cover portrays his passionate defence of refugees and displaced people.
British Library Publishing Cats in Medieval Manuscripts
Cats were illustrated in medieval manuscripts throughout the Middle Ages, often in exquisite detail and frequently accompanied by their natural prey, mice. Medieval cats were viewed as treasured pets, as fearsome mousers, as canny characters in fables, as associates of the Devil and as magical creatures. Featuring an array of fascinating illustrations from the British Library's rich medieval collection, Cats in Medieval Manuscripts includes anecdotes about cats - both real and imaginary - to provide a fascinating picture of the life of the cat and its relationship with humans in the medieval world.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Alfreds Drum Manuscript Paper Alfreds Drum Method
Red Sea Press,U.S. The Manuscripts Of Timbuktu: Secrets, Myths and Realities
Review and Herald Publishing Association Ellen G. White Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations
Paperblanks Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Midi Lined Journal
Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931) was a Lebanese American writer, poet and artist. He is most famous for his great work, The Prophet – one of the bestselling books of all time. The Prophet, a collection of 26 prose poetry fables, is thematically similar to the theological musings of William Blake, Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson, while also being influenced by traditional Arabic writing and modern surrealism.Since its publication in 1923, The Prophet has been translated into more than 100 languages and has never gone out of print. Reproduced for our cover is one of Gibran’s handwritten English drafts of the work, currently held at Princeton University Library’s Special Collections, Manuscripts Division.
LápizCero ediciones El manuscrito de la rosa y su perfume
"Alma siente la necesidad imperiosa de ponerse a escribir un manifiesto, ya que la madurez la ha premiado con una visión de la vida y una actitud positiva que desea compartir con los demás incansables buscadores del sentido de la propia existencia y los secretos de la naturaleza que ha caracterizado a la humanidad desde la noche de los tiempos. Su curiosidad y su insaciable sed de conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones ancestrales y otros estilos de vida la llevan a viajar por el mundo, recalando en Alemania por unos años. Es allí, en la casita del lago a las afueras de Berlín, prestada por un amigo suyo durante la primavera; donde una mañana, emocionada por la belleza del jardín de las rosas, siente llegar la inspiración en su forma más luminosa y romántica. "
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Learning Line: Manuscript Writing, Kindergarten - Grade 2 Workbook
MB - Cornell University Press Tibetan Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Volume I
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of the Armenian Manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library
This collection which comprises 25 full manuscripts as well as one in Armeno-Turkish and two vellum fragments, though originating in the 18th century, is mainly constituted by small bequests and purchases from the last decades of the last, and early years of the current century. The detailed description of each codex afforded in the present volume expands on the Ellis' handlist of 1926, briefly listing the 16 items then in the library's possession. The holdings are representative of Armenian book arts in consisting of ecclesiastical genres designed for scriptural, liturgical and didactic functions. Their chronological range extends from the 13th to the 19th centuries, about half dating directly or indirectly to the 17th as commissions displaying merchant munificence. Equally diverse in provenance, approximately four fifths evince a modicum of illumination, while half exhibit a full programme of miniatures and marginal scenes.
Broadview Press Ltd A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder (1888)
Drifting on a sailing boat off the Canary Islands, four British gentlemen take turns reading a manuscript that they find inside a copper cylinder discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean. The manuscript recounts Adam More’s adventures after being lost at sea during an Antarctic voyage in 1844 and his life with the Kosekin, a lost civilization living at the South Pole. The values of the Kosekin are opposed to the civilized norm—they love death, abjection, and poverty. Their society may be well suited to their particular evolution, but it is profoundly disconcerting to the narrator, and it is radically contentious to the Victorian gentlemen who read and debate More’s account.This Broadview edition of James De Mille’s classic recreates the format of the posthumous 1888 Harper’s Weekly serial, including 18 original illustrations by Gilbert Gaul. The appendices allow the novel to be seen in terms of other satirical and scientific romance, Antarctic exploration, and contemporary geology. The introduction and notes tap into recent scholarship to bring to life De Mille’s genre innovations and his use of Orientalist and colonialist discourses.
Faber Music Ltd 64-page, A4 Manuscript Spiralbound Book, 12-stave
64-Page A4 Manuscript, 12-Stave (Spiralbound White Book). A range of manuscript paper in various formats is available from Faber Music.
Brepols Publishers Manuscripts, Music, Machaut: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Earp
Penguin Putnam Inc Murder, She Wrote: Manuscript For Murder: Murder, She Wrote #48
Devon & Cornwall Record Society Devon Maps and Map-makers: Manuscript Maps before 1840
This carto-bibliography of over 1300 Devon manuscript maps published in two volumes contains details not only of the maps themselves, extracted from 30 separate repositories in addition to some in private hands, but also biographical information on the surveyors who made them, over a third of whom have not appeared in any national cartographic reference book. There is also an Introduction which explains the significance of these, mostly large-scale, Devonmaps and how they fit into the national cartographic picture. The detailed list of maps is arranged in alphabetical order of parish for ease of reference and there is a Personal Names index. There are coloured illustrations of some of the maps and the two volumes will be presented in a slipcase. The volumes will be an indispensable reference tool for all interested in the social history, the landscape and archaeology of Devon.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Soldiers' Chronicle of the Hundred Years War: College of Arms Manuscript M 9
A remarkable and very important unpublished chronicle written by two soldiers, covering in detail the English campaigns in France from 1415 to 1429. It lists many individuals who served in the war, and was written specifically for Sir John Fastolf, the English commander. This previously unpublished chronicle from the mid-fifteenth century covers the English wars in France from 1415 to 1429. It is highly unusual in that it was written by two soldiers, Peter Basset and Christopher Hanson. William Worcester, secretary to the English commander Sir John Fastolf, also had a hand in it, and it was specifically written for Sir John. The content is unusual, as it includes many lists of individuals serving in the war, and records their presence at battles, naming more than 700 in all. Over half these individuals are French or Scottish, so it would seem that the authors had a particularly detailed knowledge of French military participation. The narrative is important for the English campaigns in Maine in the 1420s in which Fastolf was heavily involved and which otherwise receive little attention in chronicles written on either side of the Channel. The progress of the war is well mapped, with around 230 place names mentioned. The chronicle was extensively used in the sixteenth century by several heralds and by Edward Hall. As a result, it had an influence on Shakespeare. The death of the earl of Salisbury at Orleans in 'Henry VI Part I' Follows the chronicle closely. The 'Mirror for Magistrates' Salisbury narrative is also derived from the chronicle. Another point of interest is that the chronicle is by a scribe who can be identified, and proves to be the only known fifteenth-century account of the war written in England in French, which adds an important linguistic dimension to its study.
Logos Verlag Berlin Feiertag. Manuskripte Der Sendungen Im Deutschlandradio Kultur 1999-2012
Universitatsverlag Winter Labyrinthe Des Erzahlens: Jean Potockis 'manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse'
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Bertrand Russell: Theorie de la Connaissance: Manuscrit de 1913
New York University Press Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts: Volume IV: Notes
General Series Editors: Gay Wilson Allen and Sculley Bradley Originally published between 1961 and 1984, and now available in paperback for the first time, the critically acclaimed Collected Writings of Walt Whitman captures every facet of one of America’s most important poets. Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts gathers Whitman’s autobiographical notes, his views on contemporary politics, and the writings he made as he educated himself in ancient history, religion and mythology, health (including phrenology), and word-study. Included is material on his Civil War experiences, his love of Abraham Lincoln, his descriptions of various trips to the West and South and of the cities in which he resided, his generally pessimistic view of America’s prospects in the Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, and his reminiscences during his final years and his preoccupation with the increasing ailments that came with old age. Many of these notes served as sources for his poetry—first drafts of some of the poems are included as they appear in the notes—and as the basis for his lectures.
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Daily Handwriting Practice: Traditional Manuscript, Kindergarten - Grade 6 Teacher Edition
ANAYA INFANTIL Y JUVENIL El manuscrito Sancho Panza
Espasa Libros, S.L. El manuscrito de fuego
Quién mató al único hombre que supo hacer reír y se atrevió a decir la verdad al emperador Carlos V? Don Francés de Zúñiga, antiguo bufón del emperador Carlos V, es acuchillado en plena noche. La emperatriz le encarga las pesquisas del caso a Fernando de Rojas. A través de su investigación, iremos conociendo la vida del controvertido e irreverente Don Francés, así como los entresijos de una época tan fascinante como escandalosa.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Segovia Manuscript: A European Musical Repertory in Spain, c.1500
Essays illuminating a complex and sophisticated musical manuscript. The Segovia Manuscript (Cathedral of Segovia, Archivo Capitular) has puzzled musicologists ever since its rediscovery at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is unique: no other manuscript of the period transmits a comparable blend of late fifteenth-century music, consisting of 204 sacred works and vernacular pieces in Flemish, French, Italian, and Spanish. An important group of pedagogical pieces by French and Flemish composers may preserve transcriptions of instrumental improvisation. This summary might suggest a messy collection, but on the contrary the manuscript is arranged with care, copied by one proficient scribe (except perhaps for the Spanish texts), who obviously followed a predetermined master plan. But which plan, who designed it, and why was the person responsible so interested in this combination? The essays here aim to treat every dimension of this fascinating source. New discoveries help date the manuscript and explain how it came to Segovia; particular attention is paid to the main scribe, now determined to be Flemish, and his relation with northern composers and repertory, above all that of Jacob Obrecht, Alexander Agricola, and Henricus Isaac; and the vexed question of the conflicting attributions is considered afresh and found to affect only a few of the fascicles. The contributors also look at questions of ownership and function. . WOLFGANG FUHRMANN is Professor of Musicology at Leipzig University; CRISTINA URCHUEGUÍA is Professor of Musicology at the University of Bern. Contributors: Bonnie J. Blackburn, Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Tess Knighton, Kenneth Kreitner, Honey Meconi, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Cristina Urchueguía, Rob C. Wegman
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral Library
Collection of 277 litle-known medieval manuscripts, second only in number to Durham; special strengths are scholastic theology, biblical studies and sermons 13c-15c, and early music. Worcester Cathedral Library contains 277 medieval manuscripts, the largest number of any English cathedral except Durham. Most of them belonged to the pre-Reformation Cathedral Priory and date between the eleventh and late fifteenth centuries. The collection has never been adequately catalogued before, and is consequently little known; much of the contents of the books, their physical features and history, is here described for the first time. The libraryis rich in late medieval theology and sermon-literature. Many of the books are important because of their connections with Oxford University, and constitute a valuable source for the history of studies there after c.1300. The Worcester monks tended to annotate and write their names in their books, and some seventy of them are identified. Great treasures are the Worcester Antiphoner, and the fragments of early polyphonic music, some newly-discovered and described for the first time. About half the books are in their medieval bindings, including the second-oldest intact Anglo-Saxon binding. These are described individually, and the history of binding at the Cathedral Priory traced, by Michael Gullick. The rest of the Introduction is devoted to the history of the books and library to the early 1600s. There are indexes of incipits and of manuscripts other than those catalogued, as well as a general index.R.M. THOMSON is Emeritus Professor of History, University of Tasmania; MICHAEL GULLICK..Other Cathedral library catalogues; Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Hereford Cathedral Library and Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Library.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Concise Companion to the Study of Manuscripts, Printed Books, and the Production of Early Modern Texts: A Festschrift for Gordon Campbell
Bringing together a broad range of case studies written by a team of international scholars, this Concise Companion establishes how manuscripts and printed books met the needs of two different approaches to literacy in the early modern period. Features essays illustrating the particular ways a manuscript and a printed book reflect the different emphases of an elite, private and an egalitarian, public culture, both of which account for the literary achievements of the Renaissance Includes wide-ranging essays, from printing the Gospels in Arabic to a contemporary reconceptualization of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus Increases accessibility through a rubric organized around archival and manuscript studies; the provenance of texts and the authority of editions; and studies of genre, religion and literary history Announces the recovery of archival documents, which in some instances are over four hundred years old Places translations of Milton's Latin, Greek, and Italian alongside the original texts to increase accessibility for a wide audience of students and scholars Provides an invaluable platform for highlighting on-going attention to the history of the book and its corollary subjects of reading and writing practices in the 1500s and 1600s
Peeters Publishers Les manuscrits syriaques de parchemin du Sinaï et leurs 'membra disjecta'
L’ouvrage est consacré à une petite partie du riche patrimoine livresque de la bibliothèque du monastère de Sainte-Catherine au Sinaï : les manuscrits syriaques écrits sur parchemin. Bénéficiant de l’apport des « Nouvelles découvertes » de 1975 et de l’identification d’un grand nombre de membra disjecta présents dans les bibliothèques étrangères, l’auteur s’emploie à reconstituer l’état de ces manuscrits, tel qu’il devait être au début du 19e siècle, avant que ne s’opère un important processus de fragmentation et de dispersion. De contenu presque exclusivement religieux (biblique, patristique et liturgique), ces manuscrits sont des témoins précieux des usages du livre dans les communautés chrétiennes de langue syriaque ; leur copie s’étend sur une période de huit siècles (de l’extrême fin du 5e s. à la fin du 13e s.). Le travail de reconstitution ici entrepris donne une vue d’ensemble de la part ancienne du fonds syriaque de Sainte-Catherine, bien plus précise que l’inventaire sommaire d’Agnes Smith Lewis paru en 1894, et marque une étape importante vers la réalisation d’un catalogue moderne. Il met en relation des fragments maintenant conservés à des milliers de kilomètres de distance. Il offre aux spécialistes (éditeurs de textes, biblistes, liturgistes, historiens, codicologues) une base renouvelée et plus sure pour de futures recherches.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Gennadius Library: (text in modern Greek)
Among the collections of the Gennadius Library in Athens are over 300 Greek manuscripts, ranging in date from the 13th to the 19th century. This book presents a collection of studies of various aspects of the collection written by leading paleographers, Byzantine art historians, and theologians.
Alma Books Ltd A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder: Annotated Edition
Four sailors discover a copper cylinder containing a manuscript written by the adventurer Adam More, who was shipwrecked in the southern hemisphere. They read its contents out to one another, and the incredible story unfolds of his journey to a lost world which survives at the foot of a volcano. This strange utopian society, in which humans coexist with prehistoric animals, is the antithesis of Victorian England, as poverty is preferred to wealth and darkness to light. At once a timeless satire and a pioneering work of science fiction, A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder will enthral readers of today and revive James De Mille’s reputation as a writer ahead of his time.
Watkins Media Limited The Seer: Volume I of The O Manuscript: The Scandinavian Bestseller
We live in uncertain times, and in our search for solutions to the problems of the world The Seer offers a new way of thinking and living.Praised for its visionary and transformative power, this incredible true story has attracted tens of thousands of readers from across the globe, with more discovering it every day.The Seer is the first book in the Grail Trilogy, otherwise known as The O Manuscript.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Wiener Ausgabe: Band 7: Synopse Der Manuskriptbande I-IV
Henry Bradshaw Society Liber Regie Capelle: A Manuscript in the Biblioteca, Evova
This text represents a sort of customary or ordinal for the English court chapel in 1449, intended to govern the life of the 49 people, including choirboys, who were the staff of this peripatetic establishment. It was based on earlier drafts, and was sent to Alvaro Vaz d'Almada, a knight of the Garter, for the use of Afonso V of Portugal; it includes a copy of the English coronation rites.
Silkworm Books / Trasvin Publications LP Sazigyo, Burmese Manuscript Binding Tapes: Woven Miniatures of Buddhist Art
Sazigyo are fine, tablet-woven Burmese tapes used to bind the palm-leaf manuscripts of an earlier era. Tiny images and extended texts were deftly woven into the long, colorful bindings. These Buddhist “textile texts” were commissioned by donors to make merit in the hope of attaining a better rebirth and ultimately nirvana. This beautiful book elucidates the religious and social context of sazigyo and describes in detail the weaves, texts, designs, and images. It contains stunning, full-scale reproductions and enlargements of many hundreds of sazigyo segments found in collections throughout the world and presents translated excerpts from 150 sazigyo texts. The book is a celebration of a craft now vanishing and a tribute to the skill and flair of Burmese women weavers. It will appeal to weavers and textile designers and to all admirers of exquisite craftsmanship.
Getty Trust Publications Amber and the Ancient World – And Getty Apocalypse Manuscript
This title offers a fascinating look at the one of the ancient world's most prized substances. Amber has fascinated mankind since the Palaeolithic era. Through exquisite visual examples and vivid classical texts, this book examines the myths and legends woven around amber - its employment in magic and medicine, its transport and carving, and its incorporation into jewellery, amulets, and other objects of prestige. Amber is a tree resin that has metamorphosed over millions of years into a hard, transparent, plastic-like polymer. In the ancient world it was treasured in its raw state, made into ornaments, sewn onto clothing, used to perfume oils and creams, ground into medicines, and burned as incense. It was dedicated to the gods and buried with the wealthy and powerful. Full of fascinating facts and stories, this book brings to life one of the world's most luminous substances.