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Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist I: Manuscripts in the Henry E. Huntington Library
'The Index of Middle English Prose' is an international collaborative project which will ultimately locate, identify and record all extant Middle English prose texts composed between c.1200 and c.1500, in both manuscript and printed form in medieval and post-medieval versions. The first step towards this goal has been this series of 'Handlists', each recording the holdings of a major library or group of libraries. Compiled by scholars, 'Handlists' include detailed descriptions of each prose item with identifications, categorisations and full bibliographical data. Every 'Handlist' will also contain a series of indexes including listings of opening and closing lines, authors, titles, subject matter and rubrics. For students of the middle ages 'Handlists' provide essential bibliographical tools and shed light on a wide range of subjects.
York Medieval Press Reusing Manuscripts in Late Medieval England
Explores the practices and processes by which manuscripts were crafted, mended, protected, marked, gifted and shared.
York Medieval Press Design and Distribution of Late Medieval Manuscripts in England
New essays on late medieval manuscripts highlight the complicated network of their production and dissemination. One of the most important developments in medieval English literary studies since the 1980s has been the growth of manuscript studies. Long regarded as mere textual repositories, and treated superficially by editors, manuscripts are now acknowledged as centrally important in the study of later medieval texts. The essays collected here discuss aspects of the design and distribution of manuscripts in late medieval England, with a particular focus on vernacular manuscripts of the late fourteenth, fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. Those in the first half consider material evidence for scribal decisions about design: these range from analysis of individual codices to broader discussions of particular types of manuscripts, both religious and secular. Later essays look at the evidence for the production and distribution of manuscripts of specific English texts or types of text. These include the major Middle English poems The Canterbury Tales and Piers Plowman, as well as key religious works such as Love's Mirror, Hilton's Scale of Perfection, the Speculum Vitae and The Pricke of Conscience, all of which survive in significant numbers of manuscripts. The comparison of secular and devotional texts illuminates shared networks of production and dissemination, and increases our knowledge of regional and metropolitan book production in the period before printing. Contributors: DANIEL W. MOSSER, JACOB THAISEN, TAKAKO KATO, SHERRY L. REAMES, AMELIA GROUNDS, ALEXANDRA BARRATT, JULIAN M. LUXFORD, LINNE R. MOONEY, MICHAEL G. SARGENT, JOHNJ. THOMPSON, MARGARET CONNOLLY, RALPH HANNA, GEORGE R. KEISER.
Princeton University Press Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts
The love of books in the Jewish tradition extends back over many centuries, and the ways of interpreting those books are as myriad as the traditions themselves. Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink offers the first full survey of Jewish illuminated manuscripts, ranging from their origins in the Middle Ages to the present day. Featuring some of the most beautiful examples of Jewish art of all time--including hand-illustrated versions of the Bible, the Haggadah, the prayer book, marriage documents, and other beloved Jewish texts--the book introduces readers to the history of these manuscripts and their interpretation. Edited by Marc Michael Epstein with contributions from leading experts, this sumptuous volume features a lively and informative text, showing how Jewish aesthetic tastes and iconography overlapped with and diverged from those of Christianity, Islam, and other traditions. Featured manuscripts were commissioned by Jews and produced by Jews and non-Jews over many centuries, and represent Eastern and Western perspectives and the views of both pietistic and liberal communities across the Diaspora, including Europe, Israel, the Middle East, and Africa. Magnificently illustrated with pages from hundreds of manuscripts, many previously unpublished or rarely seen, Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink offers surprising new perspectives on Jewish life, presenting the books of the People of the Book as never before.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman: the B-version
The B-version of 'Piers Plowman', perhaps the only version authorised by Langland, is the one most frequently read today, and the most influential form of the poem. This catalogue of the extant medieval manuscripts, now locaed in Cambridge, London, Oxford, Tokyo, and San Marino, California, offers both individual manuscript descriptions and a record of the annotations. The new and detailed codicological descriptions include information on provenance and ownership, a full list of the contents, and a description of the physical make-up and the presentation of each manuscript. The first published accounts of the various textual annotations on each manuscript (whether produced by the original scribes or later readers) provides the best record available of how 'piers plowman' was understoon by its earliest audience. Professor C. DAVID BENSON teaches in the English Department at the University of Connecticut; Dr LYNNE BLANCHFIELD is an Associate Lecturer at the Open University.
Yale University Press Venice Illuminated: Power and Painting in Renaissance Manuscripts
For patricians in the Republic of Venice, paintings in manuscripts marking their appointment to high office expressed a tension between selfless service and individual ambition. Originally of value in confirming and instructing an elected officer, these unique documents were transformed through art into enduring monuments promoting state ideals, individual status, and family memory. This book introduces the reader to a long-hidden world of beautiful and complex images, and to tales of personal sacrifice, political maneuvering, and family intrigue. Analysis of these small paintings within books opens up new perspectives on canonical works by such artists as Giovanni Bellini, Titian, and Veronese, as well as on tomb sculptures and public memorials. Extensive original material on artistic patronage in Venice and its territories abroad encourages an expanded understanding of art in the service of the state and of Venice as empire.
Harvard University Press The Seventy-Five Folios and Other Unpublished Manuscripts
Presented for the first time in English, the recently discovered early manuscripts of the twentieth century’s most towering literary figure offer uncanny glimpses of his emerging genius and the creation of his masterpiece.One of the most significant literary events of the century, the discovery of manuscript pages containing early drafts of Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time put an end to a decades-long search for the Proustian grail. The Paris publisher Bernard de Fallois claimed to have viewed the folios, but doubts about their existence emerged when none appeared in the Proust manuscripts bequeathed to the Bibliothèque Nationale in 1962. The texts had in fact been hidden among Fallois’s private papers, where they were found upon his death in 2018. The Seventy-Five Folios and Other Unpublished Manuscripts presents these folios here for the first time in English, along with seventeen other brief unpublished texts. Extensive commentary and notes by the Proust scholar Nathalie Mauriac Dyer offer insightful critical analysis.Characterized by Fallois as the “precious guide” to understanding Proust’s masterpiece, the folios contain early versions of six episodes included in the novel. Readers glimpse what Proust’s biographer Jean-Yves Tadié describes as the “sacred moment” when the great work burst forth for the first time. The folios reveal the autobiographical extent of Proust’s writing, with traces of his family life scattered throughout. Before the existence of Charles Swann, for example, we find a narrator named Marcel, a testament to what one scholar has called “the gradual transformation of lived experience into (auto)fiction in Proust’s elaboration of the novel.”Like a painter’s sketches and a composer’s holographs, Proust’s folios tell a story of artistic evolution. A “dream of a book, a book of a dream,” Fallois called them. Here is a literary magnum opus finding its final form.
Silkworm Books / Trasvin Publications LP Manuscript Cultures and Epigraphy of the Tai World
During the past four decades an impressive corpus of manuscripts and epigraphical material in Thailand, Laos, and adjacent Tai-speaking areas has been surveyed, documented, and digitized. Scholarly interest in this material has not been restricted to philological and historical studies of the texts contained in manuscripts and inscriptions but has extended to its material aspects, which encompass manuscripts written on palm-leaf, various forms of paper, cloth, bamboo, and other organic material, and inscriptions on stone, metal, and wood. In Manuscript Cultures and Epigraphy of the Tai World, Volker Grabowsky seeks to explore the production, use, and transmission of manuscripts both as containers of traditional knowledge and as objects used in daily life, rituals, and ceremonies. Particular emphasis is given to the relationship between manuscripts and inscriptions, as both have influenced each other to no small degree. Through a comprehensive look at the Tai-language literature’s chronological and synchronic development, readers will learn the social importance of these literary productions.
University of Notre Dame Press Manuscript Poetics: Materiality and Textuality in Medieval Italian Literature
Manuscript Poetics explores the interrelationship between the material features of textual artifacts and the literary aspects of the medieval Italian texts they preserve. This original study is both an investigation into the material foundations of literature and a reflection on notions of textuality, writing, and media in late medieval and early modern Italy. Francesco Marco Aresu examines the book-objects of manuscripts and early printed editions, asking questions about the material conditions of production, circulation, and reception of literary works. He invites scholars to reconcile reading with seeing (and with touching) and to challenge contemporary presumptions about technological neutrality and the modes of interfacing and reading. Manuscript Poetics investigates the correspondences between textuality and materiality, content and medium, and visual-verbal messages and their physical support through readings of Dante Alighieri’s Vita nova, Giovanni Boccaccio’s Teseida, and Francesco Petrarca’s canzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta). Aresu shows that Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarca evaluated and deployed the tools of scribal culture to shape, signal, or layer meanings beyond those they conveyed in their written texts. Medieval texts, Aresu argues, are uniquely positioned to provide this perspective, and they are foundational to the theoretical understanding of new forms and materials in our media-saturated contemporary world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Text and Image in René d'Anjou's Livre des Tournois [3 volume set]: Constructing Authority and Identity in Fifteenth-Century Court Culture
An illustrated manual showing how a medieval tournament was organised, here presented in three volumes with essays on various aspects of the manuscript. This 3 volume set contains the full text of René d'Anjou's Livre des tournois. This is famous as the most substantial account of the organisation of a medieval tournament that has come down to us. It survives in eight manuscripts, most of which have an almost identical layout; the best of these is a magnificent work of art in its own right. But these manuscripts have a further interest to the historian of culture, because they represent in effect the evidence for one of the first illustrated manuals, in which text and image are complementary, and form a single whole. The copyists understood this, and followed the original because the mise en page was an essential part of the whole. Justin Sturgeon's interdisciplinary study reveals the patterns and relationships which give the manual its very specific character. The study begins by exploring the relationship between the work's images and text, and brings into focus the author's identity as an authority on the subject matter. Next, the use and depiction of heraldry as essential to the construction of an embedded visual narrative within the work is explored. We then turn to the subject matter and to René's sources for the work and the form of tournament he describes, are examined and the author shows that René was drawing on specific precedents to construct his idealized version of such an event. Analysis of the visual presentation uses spatial and ritual theory to engage with a series of spectacles surrounding the punishment and review of the noble tourneyers. The last section of the book concentrates on the physical manuscripts.The codicological, textual and visual evidence from all eight known medieval manuscript copies is used to construct a new understanding of the provenance and transmission of the work, before turning to scrutinize the reception of two copies in detail. The conclusion draws together threads of identity, authority, and the importance of the Livre des tournois as a product of the culture and circumstances of its production. A series of appendices forms the second volume and directly supports the book. These appendices include the first scholarly edition of the source manuscript to make use of all eight medieval manuscripts,with full supporting data. The third volume contains 300 images of vital comparisons in high resolution close-ups using a special technique developed by the author which highlights important details within images while showing the detail in the context of the whole picture. Three Volume set.
Urim Publications The Mystery of the Milton Manuscript: A Novel
An Oxford student’s investigation into his professor’s death unveils Milton’s hidden meaning of Paradise Lost amidst a trail of conspiracy and murder. Many are calling The Mystery of the Milton Manuscript the "Jewish Da Vinci Code." Is it possible that John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, the most celebrated poem of English and Christian Literature, is based on Jewish principles? Brimming with intrigue, mystery, and suspense, this new book is a tale of literature, forgery, and religious conspiracy that thrillingly exposes the enigma behind Paradise Lost, whose purpose was to justify the ways of God and explain the moral paradox of evil. This thrilling mystery brings to light Milton’s understanding of Pauline Theology and Mosaic Law and incorporates new evidence to explain how Milton could have learned complex Talmudic Tracts and Hebraic interpretations when there were no Jews in England to have mentored him. In this historically accurate book, Libin uncovers the true meaning of Milton’s epic poem through Jewish eyes and determines how Milton justifies the ways of God to man.
Peeters Publishers Le Topos Du Manuscrit Trouve: Hommages a Christian Angelet
Ces actes d'un colloque international qui a reuni en mai 1997 une quarantaine de specialistes autour du topos seculaire du manuscrit trouve dans la litterature francaise, presentent l'etat de la question le plus recent sur le sujet. Les differentes contributions interrogent, par ordre chronologique, les occurrences les plus diverses d'un cliche dont la naissance coincide avec celle de la litterature meme: des premiers textes en langue francaise aux romans de Philippe Sollers, en passant par Chretien de Troyes, Rabelais, Marivaux, Sade, Stendahl, Proust, Roussel, sans oublier les textes-clefs de la litterature mondiale que sont le Don Quichotte ou les contes de Borges. Trois etudes d'une portee plus generale - synthetique, historique et typologique - assurent a ces etudes de cas une indispensable coherence. Le tout est complete d'un index tres detaille.
Pennsylvania State University Press A Saving Science: Capturing the Heavens in Carolingian Manuscripts
In A Saving Science, Eric Ramírez-Weaver explores the significance of early medieval astronomy in the Frankish empire, using as his lens an astronomical masterpiece, the deluxe manuscript of the Handbook of 809, painted in roughly 830 for Bishop Drogo of Metz, one of Charlemagne’s sons. Created in an age in which careful study of the heavens served a liturgical purpose—to reckon Christian feast days and seasons accurately and thus reflect a “heavenly” order—the diagrams of celestial bodies in the Handbook of 809 are extraordinary signifiers of the intersection of Christian art and classical astronomy.Ramírez-Weaver shows how, by studying this lavishly painted and carefully executed manuscript, we gain a unique understanding of early medieval astronomy and its cultural significance. In a time when the Frankish church sought to renew society through education, the Handbook of 809 presented a model in which study aided the spiritual reform of the cleric’s soul, and, by extension, enabled the spiritual care of his community. An exciting new interpretation of Frankish painting, A Saving Science shows that constellations in books such as Drogo’s were not simple copies for posterity’s sake, but functional tools in the service of the rejuvenation of a creative Carolingian culture.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Hereford Cathedral Library
227 manuscripts dating from the 8th- to the 15th-century. The library at Hereford Cathedral is famous as one of the few surviving `chained libraries'; but the contents of the books secured to the seventeenth century presses are less well known. There are 227 western manuscripts, of whichabout half have been at the cathedral since before the Reformation. They range in date from the eighth to the fifteenth century, and include finely-illustrated patristic books of the twelfth century, a large collection of OxfordUniversity legal textbooks, and books of civil and canon law from the end of the thirteenth century. Over half the volumes survive in largely intact medieval bindings. The catalogue, begun by the late Sir Roger Mynors and completed by Professor Thomson, reflects the particular strengths of the collection. The many glossed books are described using a particularly effective system devised by Sir Roger Mynors. An introductory essay by Michael Gullick describes the medieval bindings, and the plates cover not only illumination and bindings, but medieval pressmarks and ownership inscriptions, as well as examples of scripts.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Gennadius Library (English)
Among the collections of the Gennadius Library in Athens are over 300 Greek manuscripts, ranging in date from the 13th to the 19th century. This book presents a collection of studies of various aspects of the collection written by leading paleographers, Byzantine art historians, and theologians.
Birkhauser Manuskript: Essentials für den Alltag von Innenarchitekten und Designern
MANUscript is a reference book sui generis: a combination of inspiration, guide, and notebook. It explores basic aspects of interior design (ceilings, floors, walls, doors, stairs) and the relevant materials used (rugs, wall paint, glass, wood products, stone, concrete). It also focuses on means of recording and communicating designs: methods of representation, practical tables, rules of thumb, and hands-on suggestions. This updated and expanded edition addresses new and important topics in day-to-day design practice, discusses how to use plants in green facades, space-defining shrubs, the staging potential of light, and also lists key terms in a multilingual table. There are also stimulating statements on design-related issues from prominent architects, interior designers, and designers. An additional special feature of this publication are the pages with space for personal additions, observations, and notes.
New York University Press Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts: Volume II: Washington
General Series Editors: Gay Wilson Allen and Sculley Bradley Originally published between 1961 and 1984, and now available in paperback for the first time, the critically acclaimed Collected Writings of Walt Whitman captures every facet of one of America’s most important poets. Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts gathers Whitman’s autobiographical notes, his views on contemporary politics, and the writings he made as he educated himself in ancient history, religion and mythology, health (including phrenology), and word-study. Included is material on his Civil War experiences, his love of Abraham Lincoln, his descriptions of various trips to the West and South and of the cities in which he resided, his generally pessimistic view of America’s prospects in the Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, and his reminiscences during his final years and his preoccupation with the increasing ailments that came with old age. Many of these notes served as sources for his poetry—first drafts of some of the poems are included as they appear in the notes—and as the basis for his lectures.
Cornell University Press Deirdre: Manuscript Materials
From reviews of The Cornell Yeats series: "For students of Yeats the whole series is bound to become an essential reference source and a stimulus to important critical re-readings of Yeats's major works. In a wider context, the series will also provide an extraordinary and perhaps unique insight into the creative process of a great artists."—Irish Literary Supplement "I consider the Cornell Yeats one of the most important scholarly projects of our time."—A. Walton Litz, Princeton University, coeditor of The Collected Poems of William Carols Williams and Personae: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound "The most ambitious of the many important projects in current studies of Yeats and perhaps of modern poetry generally.... The list of both general and series editors, as well as prospective preparers of individual volumes, reads like a Who's Who of Yeats textual studies in North America. Further, the project carries the blessing of Yeats's heirs and bespeaks an ongoing commitment from a major university press.... The series will inevitably engender critical studies based on a more solid footing than those of any other modern poet.... Its volumes will be consulted long after gyres of currently fashionable theory have run on."—Yeats Annual (1983) The ancient story of the ill-fated Deirdre and the Sons of Usnach has a special place in Irish literature—as a tale prefatory to The Táin—and a durable hold on the Irish imagination. Building on the many earlier literary retellings of the story, W. B. Yeats deliberately frames his 1906 play as an extension of the legend, writing a new death-tale for Deirdre that is also a personal statement about love, death, and the making of art. This edition of the manuscripts of Deirdre presents the transcription of work from three substantially different versions of the play through its first performance, together with post-performance revisions that throw light on what Yeats learned from producing the play on stage. Deirdre is an important transitional play in Yeats's career as a playwright. The manuscripts included here show him extending the limits of the conventionally staged play and initiating the development of some of the features of the dance plays (the use of chorus and song, the unity of metaphor, the compression of language). Most intriguing, however, is the view they offer of the play as it was first performed at the Abbey Theatre. The Cornell Yeats edition of Deirdre features a series of sketches for staging the play, one of a very few pieces of evidence for Yeats's production plans for any of his early plays.
Algar libros S.L.U. El beso de Antoñita letra manuscrita
FJH Music Co, Inc The FJH Guitar Student Manuscript Book
Edinburgh University Press Literary Manuscript Culture in Romantic Britain
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. Miniature Paintings in Judaeo-Persian Manuscripts
Hal Leonard Corporation Frozen: Music Manuscript Paper (Wide-Staff
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Carta Manuscript Paper No 2 Basic
George Braziller Inc Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500
Forty colour plates illustrate some of the finest achievements of medieval painting.
Red Sea Press,U.S. The Manuscripts Of Timbuktu: Secrets, Myths and Realities
LápizCero ediciones El manuscrito de la rosa y su perfume
"Alma siente la necesidad imperiosa de ponerse a escribir un manifiesto, ya que la madurez la ha premiado con una visión de la vida y una actitud positiva que desea compartir con los demás incansables buscadores del sentido de la propia existencia y los secretos de la naturaleza que ha caracterizado a la humanidad desde la noche de los tiempos. Su curiosidad y su insaciable sed de conocer nuevas culturas, tradiciones ancestrales y otros estilos de vida la llevan a viajar por el mundo, recalando en Alemania por unos años. Es allí, en la casita del lago a las afueras de Berlín, prestada por un amigo suyo durante la primavera; donde una mañana, emocionada por la belleza del jardín de las rosas, siente llegar la inspiración en su forma más luminosa y romántica. "
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Learning Line: Manuscript Writing, Kindergarten - Grade 2 Workbook
MB - Cornell University Press Tibetan Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Volume I
Four Courts Press Ltd Manuscripts in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: Cultures and conncetions
Peeters Publishers Manuscrits Ouigours Du IXe-Xe Siecle De Touen-Houang
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Der Gehulfe (Manuskript)
University of Washington Press Buddhism Illuminated: Manuscript Art from South-East Asia
Voltaire Foundation Bonne Main: La Communication Manuscrite au XVIIIe Siecle
Chambre Noire Un manuscrit étrange
University of Texas Press The Teabo Manuscript: Maya Christian Copybooks, Chilam Balams, and Native Text Production in Yucatán
Winner, LASA Mexico Humanities Book Prize, 2017Among the surviving documents from the colonial period in Mexico are rare Maya-authored manuscript compilations of Christian texts, translated and adapted into the Maya language and worldview, which were used to evangelize the local population. The Morely Manuscript is well known to scholars, and now The Teabo Manuscript introduces an additional example of what Mark Z. Christensen terms a Maya Christian copybook. Recently discovered in the archives of Brigham Young University, the Teabo Manuscript represents a Yucatecan Maya recounting of various aspects of Christian doctrine, including the creation of the world, the Fall of Adam and Eve, and the genealogy of Christ.The Teabo Manuscript presents the first English translation and analysis of this late colonial Maya-language document, a facsimile and transcription of which are also included in the book. Working through the manuscript section by section, Christensen makes a strong case for its native authorship, as well as its connections with other European and Maya religious texts, including the Morely Manuscript and the Books of Chilam Balam. He uses the Teabo Manuscript as a platform to explore various topics, such as the evangelization of the Maya, their literary compositions, and the aspects of Christianity that they deemed important enough to write about and preserve. This pioneering research offers important new insights into how the Maya negotiated their precontact intellectual traditions within a Spanish and Catholic colonial world.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. El manuscrito carmesí
En los papeles carmesíes que empleó la Cancillería de la Alhambra, Boabdil -el último sultán- da testimonio de su vida. La luminosidad de sus recuerdos infantiles se oscurecerá pronto, al desplomársele sobre los hombros la responsabilidad de un reino desahuciado.
Permuted Press The Ghost Manuscript
Mentoren-Media-Verlag Gmb Manuskript von Albisano
Hal Leonard Corporation The Lion King Music Manuscript Paper - Wide Staff
Agam Kala Prakashan Conservation of Manuscripts
Simon & Schuster The Hopkins Manuscript