Search results for ""Aperture""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms
Build your knowledge of SAR/ISAR imaging with this comprehensive and insightful resource The newly revised Second Edition of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging with MATLAB Algorithms covers in greater detail the fundamental and advanced topics necessary for a complete understanding of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging and its concepts. Distinguished author and academician, Caner Özdemir, describes the practical aspects of ISAR imaging and presents illustrative examples of the radar signal processing algorithms used for ISAR imaging. The topics in each chapter are supplemented with MATLAB codes to assist readers in better understanding each of the principles discussed within the book. This new edition incudes discussions of the most up-to-date topics to arise in the field of ISAR imaging and ISAR hardware design. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of advanced techniques like Fourier-based radar imaging algorithms, and motion compensation techniques along with radar fundamentals for readers new to the subject. The author covers a wide variety of topics, including: Radar fundamentals, including concepts like radar cross section, maximum detectable range, frequency modulated continuous wave, and doppler frequency and pulsed radar The theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing algorithms used in ISAR imaging The numeric implementation of all necessary algorithms in MATLAB ISAR hardware, emerging topics on SAR/ISAR focusing algorithms such as bistatic ISAR imaging, polarimetric ISAR imaging, and near-field ISAR imaging, Applications of SAR/ISAR imaging techniques to other radar imaging problems such as thru-the-wall radar imaging and ground-penetrating radar imaging Perfect for graduate students in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering, electromagnetism, imaging radar, and physics, Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms also belongs on the bookshelves of practicing researchers in the related areas looking for a useful resource to assist them in their day-to-day professional work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Aperture Antennas and Arrays: From Theory to Design, Fabrication and Testing
This book is intended as an advanced text for courses in antennas, with a focus on the mature but vital background field of aperture antennas. The book is aimed at final year, MSc, PhD and Post-Doctoral students, as well as readers who are moving from academia into industry, beginning careers as wireless engineers, system designers, in R&D, or for practising engineers. It assumes the reader has undertaken an earlier course of study on Maxwell's equations, fields and waves. Some of these topics are summarised in the early few chapters in order to provide continuity and background for the remaining chapters. The aperture antennas covered include the main types of horns, reflectors and arrays as well as microstrip patches, reflectarrays and lenses. To provide more than a superficial treatment of arrays, the topic of mutual coupling is covered in greater detail than most similar books in the area. Also included is an introduction to arrays on non-planar surfaces, which is of importance for applications that involve curved surfaces such as in aerodynamics or for making aperture antennas unobtrusive. A chapter is included on some modern aperture antennas to illustrate design techniques beyond the most common types of aperture antennas described in the early chapters. This is to show where advances have recently been made and where they could be improved in the future. Also included are selected topics of a practical nature for aperture antennas, namely fabrication and measurement.
Aperture Tom Sandberg: Photographs
The first major publication dedicated to one of Norway's most important photographers Working in a signature modulating gray scale, the late Norwegian photographer Tom Sandberg spent decades rendering the world according to an exacting vision, training his eye on the shapes and forms of the everyday—dark abstractions of asphalt and sea, the hard edges of an automobile, an ominously curved tunnel, an anonymous figure casting a shadow—to plumb the nature of photographic seeing. His pictures are subtle yet transformative, studies of stillness that radiate mystery. A perfectionist in the darkroom, Sandberg was acutely sensitive to the rich spectrum of black and white, and his handmade prints, at times printed on aluminum and canvas, project a powerful physical presence. Although Sandberg is esteemed in his native Norway and throughout Scandinavia and Europe, his oeuvre is less known in the United States and other parts of the world. This monograph, produced in close collaboration with the Tom Sandberg Foundation in Oslo, is a long-overdue celebration of this distinguished artist.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Diffraction, Fourier Optics and Imaging
This book presents current theories of diffraction, imaging, and related topics based on Fourier analysis and synthesis techniques, which are essential for understanding, analyzing, and synthesizing modern imaging, optical communications and networking, as well as micro/nano systems. Applications covered include tomography; magnetic resonance imaging; synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and interferometric SAR; optical communications and networking devices; computer-generated holograms and analog holograms; and wireless systems using EM waves.
GMC Publications Mastering Portrait Photography
Sarah Plater and Paul Wilkinson present a modern, fresh and vibrant approach to portraiture that aims to capture a moment in the lifestyle of the person or persons in the picture. This authoritative guide contains clear, concise and jargon-busting text that discusses the essential technical aspects of photography from choosing a camera and equipment to an appreciation of exposure, aperture, metering, shutter speed, depth of field and white balance settings, in addition to how natural light, colour and movement affect a photograph.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy
An essential reference for optical sensor system design This is the first text to present an integrated view of the optical and mathematical analysis tools necessary to understand computational optical system design. It presents the foundations of computational optical sensor design with a focus entirely on digital imaging and spectroscopy. It systematically covers: Coded aperture and tomographic imaging Sampling and transformations in optical systems, including wavelets and generalized sampling techniques essential to digital system analysis Geometric, wave, and statistical models of optical fields The basic function of modern optical detectors and focal plane arrays Practical strategies for coherence measurement in imaging system design The sampling theory of digital imaging and spectroscopy for both conventional and emerging compressive and generalized measurement strategies Measurement code design Linear and nonlinear signal estimation The book concludes with a review of numerous design strategies in spectroscopy and imaging and clearly outlines the benefits and limits of each approach, including coded aperture and imaging spectroscopy, resonant and filter-based systems, and integrated design strategies to improve image resolution, depth of field, and field of view. Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy is an indispensable textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in optical sensor design. In addition to its direct applicability to optical system design, unique perspectives on computational sensor design presented in the text will be of interest for sensor designers in radio and millimeter wave, X-ray, and acoustic systems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Microstrip and Printed Antennas
Lee-Antennas-044210 The latest research results and important topics driving the development of microstrip and printed antennas Keeping abreast of current research topics and results in a field as dynamic as microstrip and printed antennas is a challenge for graduate students, researchers, and practicing engineers alike-theoretical and experimental advances since 1989 have quickly outdated existing literature on the subject. This invaluable reference provides the latest information on conventional antenna topics, comprehensive accounts of new research topics, updated research results, and summaries of future trends. Advances in Microstrip and Printed Antennas is a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation of the research that is propelling these antennas into an ever-widening array of applications, including potential uses in radar and communication systems. Featuring contributions by leading researchers and supplemented with extensive illustrations, this book: * Covers recent advances in probe-fed and aperture-coupled microstrip antennas, microstrip arrays, and dual and circularly polarized planar antennas * Examines the development of CAD formulas for the rectangular patch * Explores the potential for multifunction printed antennas, new high-temperature superconducting materials, active microstrip antennas, and tapered slot printed antennas * Discusses the finite-difference time-domain method of analysis * Examines competing dielectric resonator antenna technology * Includes design data and an extensive bibliography
John Wiley & Sons Inc Foundations for Microwave Engineering
FOUNDATIONS FOR MICROWAVE ENGINEERING, Second Edition, covers the major topics of microwave engineering. Its presentation defines the accepted standard for both advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on microwave engineering. An essential reference book for the practicing microwave engineer, it features: Planar transmission lines, as well as an appendix that describes in detail conformal mapping methods for their analysis and attenuation characteristics Small aperture coupling and its application in practical components such as directional couplers and cavity coupling Printed circuit components with an emphasis on techniques such as even and odd mode analysis and the use of symmetry properties Microwave linear amplifier and oscillator design using solid-state circuits such as varactor devices and transistors FOUNDATIONS FOR MICROWAVE ENGINEERING, Second Edition, has extensive coverage of transmission lines, waveguides, microwave circuit theory, impedance matching and cavity resonators. It devotes an entire chapter to fundamental microwave tubes, in addition to chapters on periodic structures, microwave filters, small signal solid-state microwave amplifier and oscillator design, and negative resistance devices and circuits. Completely updated in 1992, it is being reissued by the IEEE Press in response to requests from our many members, who found it an invaluable textbook and an enduring reference for practicing microwave engineers. Sponsored by: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available upon request from the Wiley Makerting Department.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Space Antenna Handbook
This book addresses a broad range of topics on antennas for space applications. First, it introduces the fundamental methodologies of space antenna design, modelling and analysis as well as the state-of-the-art and anticipated future technological developments. Each of the topics discussed are specialized and contextualized to the space sector. Furthermore, case studies are also provided to demonstrate the design and implementation of antennas in actual applications. Second, the authors present a detailed review of antenna designs for some popular applications such as satellite communications, space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers, science instruments, radio astronomy, small satellites, and deep-space applications. Finally it presents the reader with a comprehensive path from space antenna development basics to specific individual applications. Key Features: Presents a detailed review of antenna designs for applications such as satellite communications, space-borne SAR, GNSS receivers, science instruments, small satellites, radio astronomy, deep-space applications Addresses the space antenna development from different angles, including electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical design strategies required for space qualification Includes numerous case studies to demonstrate how to design and implement antennas in practical scenarios Offers both an introduction for students in the field and an in-depth reference for antenna engineers who develop space antennas This book serves as an excellent reference for researchers, professionals and graduate students in the fields of antennas and propagation, electromagnetics, RF/microwave/millimetrewave systems, satellite communications, radars, satellite remote sensing, satellite navigation and spacecraft system engineering, It also aids engineers technical managers and professionals working on antenna and RF designs. Marketing and business people in satellites, wireless, and electronics area who want to acquire a basic understanding of the technology will also find this book of interest.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Substrate-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Communication and Radar Systems
Substrate-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Communication and Radar Systems The first and only comprehensive text on substrate-integrated mmW antenna technology, state-of-the-art antenna design, and emerging wireless applications Substrate-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Communication and Radar Systems elaborates the most important topics related to revolutionary millimeter-wave (mmW) technology. Following a clear description of fundamental concepts including substrate-integrated waveguides and loss analysis, the text treats key design methods, prototyping techniques, and experimental setup and testing. The authors also highlight applications of mmW antennas in 5G wireless communication and next-generation radar systems. Readers are prepared to put techniques into practice through practical discussions of how to set up testing for impedance matching, radiation patterns, gain from 24GHz up to 325 GHz, and more. This book will bring readers state-of-the-art designs and recent progress in substrate-integrated mmW antennas for emerging wireless applications. Substrate-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Communication and Radar Systems is the first comprehensive text on the topic, allowing readers to quickly master mmW technology. This book: Introduces basic concepts such as metamaterials Huygens's surface, zero-index structures, and pattern synthesis Describes prototyping in the form of fabrication based on printed-circuit-board, low-temperature-co-fired-ceramic and micromachining Explores applications for next-generation radar and imaging systems such as 24-GHz and 77-GHz vehicular radar systems Elaborates design methods including waveguide-based feeding network, three-dimensional feeding structure, dielectric loaded aperture antenna element, and low-sidelobe synthesis The mmW is one of today’s most important emerging technologies. This book provides graduate students, researchers, and engineers with the knowledge they need to deploy mmW systems and develop new antenna designs with low cost, low loss, and low complexity.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave Design and Computer Simulation
This textbook is an introduction to microwave engineering. The scope of this book extends from topics for a first course in electrical engineering, in which impedances are analyzed using complex numbers, through the introduction of transmission lines that are analyzed using the Smith Chart, and on to graduate level subjects, such as equivalent circuits for obstacles in hollow waveguides, analyzed using Green’s Functions. This book is a virtual encyclopedia of circuit design methods. Despite the complexity, topics are presented in a conversational manner for ease of comprehension. The book is not only an excellent text at the undergraduate and graduate levels, but is as well a detailed reference for the practicing engineer. Consider how well informed an engineer will be who has become familiar with these topics as treated in High Frequency Techniques: (in order of presentation) Brief history of wireless (radio) and the Morse codeU.S. Radio Frequency AllocationsIntroduction to vectorsAC analysis and why complex numbers and impedance are usedCircuit and antenna reciprocityDecibel measureMaximum power transferSkin effectComputer simulation and optimization of networksLC matching of one impedance to anotherCoupled ResonatorsUniform transmission lines for propagationVSWR, return Loss and mismatch errorThe Telegrapher Equations (derived)Phase and Group VelocitiesThe Impedance Transformation Equation for lines (derived)Fano's and Bode's matching limitsThe Smith Chart (derived)Slotted Line impedance measurementConstant Q circles on the Smith ChartApproximating a transmission line with lumped L's and C'sABCD, Z, Y and Scattering matrix analysis methods for circuitsStatistical Design and Yield Analysis of productsElectromagnetic FieldsGauss's LawVector Dot Product, Divergence and CurlStatic Potential and GradientAmpere's Law and Vector CurlMaxwell's Equations and their visualizationThe LaplacianRectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinatesSkin EffectThe Wave EquationThe Helmholtz EquationsPlane Propagating WavesRayleigh FadingCircular (elliptic) PolarizationPoynting's TheoremEM fields on Transmission LinesCalculating the impedance of coaxial linesCalculating and visualizing the fields in waveguidesPropagation constants and waveguide modesThe Taylor Series ExpansionFourier Series and Green's FunctionsHigher order modes and how to suppress themVector Potential and Retarded PotentialsWire and aperture antennasRadio propagation and path lossElectromagnetic computer simulation of structuresDirectional couplersThe Rat Race HybridEven and Odd Mode Analysis applied to the backward wave couplerNetwork analyzer impedance and transmission measurementsTwo-port Scattering Parameters (s matrix)The Hybrid Ring couplerThe Wilkinson power dividerFilter design: Butterworth, Maximally flat & Tchebyscheff responsesFilter QDiplexer, Bandpass and Elliptic filtersRichard's Transformation & Kuroda’s IdentitiesMumford's transmission line stub filtersTransistor Amplifier Design: gain, biasing, stability, and conjugate matchingNoise in systems, noise figure of an amplifier cascadeAmplifier non-linearity, and spurious free dynamic rangeStatistical Design and Yield Analysis