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BIS Publishers B.V. Pitching Ideas: Make People Fall in Love with Your Ideas
We are good at designing beautiful products and we offer good services. We always know exactly what the user wants and we know dozens of methodologies. However, if we have to convince our customers and colleagues, we find it rather difficult. For one reason or another, pitching ideas is one of the most undervalued practices in the creative field. From convincing a colleague to opt for a certain methodology to persuading a customer to go for a certain concept, you can have the best ideas in the world, but if you are not able to bring them across, they will never become reality. In this book the author will take you inside the heads of the people you have to convince. Pitching Ideas will help you to find the essence of the idea you want to get across and will explain how you can really convince the right people in the end.
BIS Publishers B.V. Eat Your Heart Out Postcard Block
When times are particularly difficult, and you are likely to slip into despair, some of the greatest pop songs can provide true comfort to make it through the pain. The problem with advice in general is that we often don’t take it. The great thing about advice songs is that you can kick back and listen to someone else coach you through a tough situation while rocking out at the same time. Marcus Kraft’s bestsellers Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow and Don’t Talk Just Kiss struck a chord with music lovers. This sparked the idea for the Get off the Internet Postcard Block. In the footsteps of this popular postcard block, we present a new collection of postcards, using the same iconic design as the books. They contain the best advice from the most iconic pop songs. Surprise your friends or family with one of the 20 pieces of advice collected in these postcard blocks.
BIS Publishers B.V. Think Like A Designer, Don’t Act Like One
This anthology of design concepts reveals what you can learn from Mad Men’s Don Draper, why the Beatles were not just brilliant as musicians, how a lemon tart can make you world famous and why purple is just always so wrong. Unless you’re Prince or the Pope, that is, but this book is for everyone who isn’t.
BIS Publishers B.V. Thinking in Services: Encoding and Expressing Strategy through Design
We think we know services — not a day goes by without using them — until we have to design them. It is then that their realities confront us, teasing us sometimes. While services have always been ‘designed’, the qualities of their designs are more important than ever, given how much more we depend on them. Thus the need for deepening our understanding of what services are, what they can be, and why they fail — often in unexpected ways. This book reveals the surprising design of services — their internal structure or ‘DNA’ — through simple diagrams. It introduces a language and format for describing the concept of a service with clarity and depth. And, it provides the principles for implementing strategy through design.
BIS Publishers B.V. Pixel-Art Game: The Milkmaid
This three-staged memory game invites you to observe masterpieces closely. Historically, a masterpiece was a work of a very high standard, produced in order to obtain membership of a guild or academy. Since the author never went to art school, her untrained eye wondered: “How should I look at art in order to fully appreciate it?” Trying to answer this question, she decided to design a system of observation based on different steps: games and activities following a set scheme that triggers the player to look at a masterpiece on a different scale. Pixel-Art Game allows you to zoom into these Dutch Masterpieces. Match the original image with its pixelated copies by zooming into Vermeer’s famous The Milkmaid. The painter’s colour and use of light are emphasised through the pixels of the digitalised image, taking art into our contemporary digital language. With light packaging, perfect to take along with you, the Pixel-Art Game offers several games in one set. Each of these 3 games is a step towards understanding the artwork better, and they can be played with multiple players.
BIS Publishers B.V. Your Work and Your Life Towards a True Win-Win
A lot of people regard their professional life as a ‘different’ life than to their private life. But don’t we all have one life, of which work is an integral part? This book shows you how you can use your full potential and that of your (work) environment in three easy steps. In accordance with the Ego to We-go principle, it illustrates how you can be the same person in both areas for 100% and how you can create a good work-life balance. The left side of our brain has become very dominant while the right side tends not to be so prominent. We can consider this reality as ‘above the table’ and ‘under the table’. Above the table we experience the rational reality in which we fulfil a specific role. ‘Under the table’ is a hidden reality of emotions, intuitions and beliefs. They don’t channel their way to the rational reality, but are key to how we feel and our well-being. When people consciously start using their hidden reality, seeing it and sharing it, it immediately changes the work situation. We can use this to get more out of our life and work and to tap into new energy and creativity again and again. You are happier, are able to work better with others and you can get more out of situations you find yourself in.
BIS Publishers B.V. Design Roadmapping: Guidebook for Future Foresight Techniques
Design Roadmapping is for anyone interested in design, strategy and innovation, and its wonderful combinations. For those who dare to create a future vision, frame the time pacing and map the pathways towards it. This guidebook teaches you how to create a roadmap. It outlines the origins, design theories and science results. Strategic designers, innovation managers and professors share their roadmapping experiences, views and achievements, including venture CPOs, Head of Design, product and program managers of international companies such as Canon, Peerby, Ferrari, Philips, Victoria State Library and many more. By design roadmapping you devise creative responses to future strategic challenges. Guided by future foresight techniques, you uncover new trends, scout for new technologies and map the values and ideas on the roadmap. Through strong visualization, a design roadmap supports an organizational mindset on value innovations.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Notebook: Notebook for Creative Thinking
Creativity research shows that dividing thinking into divergent and convergent forms improves and increases idea production; this leads to unexpected thoughts and original solutions. Divergent thinking is used to generate ideas; convergent thinking helps in selecting the best ideas. The concept of divergent and convergent thinking is so integral to the creative process and innovative thinking that it is known as ‘the heartbeat of creativity’. It is the underlying rhythm of creative thinking. This book is an introduction to divergent and convergent thinking and includes guidelines to enhance innovative thinking, as well as hands-on exercises to strengthen creativity. The concept of the book is supported by its triangular shape, illustrating divergent and convergent thinking: the top half of the book communicates divergent thinking, while the bottom half communicates convergent thinking. This principle remains the same throughout the book.
BIS Publishers B.V. Create with Artists: Art Activites for Everyone
The programme 'Create with Artists' offers the most inspiring workshops the Stedelijk Museum of contemporary art in Amsterdam has organized for young people over the past decade. These workshops with artists and designers have become a true phenomenon in Amsterdam. Only about a dozen kids can participate in a workshop, which are always sold out, leaving the parents and many, many others jealously behind. In response to their ever-increasing popularity, the workshops have been transformed into this book. Now everyone can do these fun workshops-created by renowned contemporary artists and designers-at home, at a party, at a community centre, or at school. All the artists have a special connection to the museum and many of them are world famous. In this book they give us insights into their ways of looking at the world and the questions they ask themselves. The artists also share their personal tips and techniques. The workshops all start with a question to trigger the imagination and are spread out over an array of media, from painting, to sculpture, video, design, graffiti, photography, and more. The workshops are accessible for both children and grownups and can be done in groups as well as individually. The Stedelijk Museum is the largest museum for modern and contemporary art and design in the Netherlands.
BIS Publishers B.V. What are they saying about you?: 50 lessons to manage your reputation
You are what they are saying about you, when you just left the room.... That is your personal reputation. With the omnipresence of social media, your reputation becomes more and more important, in business and in personal life. Society has become more critical and transparent, and as a result, our reputation has become more vulnerable. Pressure can be easily organized: one tweet can be enough to cause serious reputation damage. But our times also offer chances when you are aware of the possibilities and laws of reputation management. In this visual and very practical book you will find fifty short lessons that help you build and maintain your personal reputation. The lessons are based on the author's 30 years of experience in reputation management and crises consulting for brands, organizations, and managers. Consider this book as your personal reputation management coach, or spin doctor, if you will. Whether you are a board member of an organization, a doctor, a teacher, or the director of your own company, following the advice in this book will help you to differentiate yourself in a positive way and gain some fat on your reputation bones for when times get tougher.
BIS Publishers B.V. LOIS Logos: How to Brand with Big Idea Logos
George Lois is an American icon in graphic design. This book showcases his logos with his own comments on why they work. A bonus in the book is a chapter of world logos made by others with George Lois’s comments on why they are so good. George Lois continues to prove that a memorable brand name interacting with a strong visual symbol to communicate a humanistic idea is the ultimate art form in popular graphic communication. His Big Idea branding and logo design, developed with a built-in, conceptual, “catchy” brand name, can visually impart information in a nanosecond, delivering a specific ethos with a penetrating promise of power that immediately sears a product’s virtues into a viewers’ brain—and has the potential of bringing instantaneous success. Lois boldly states, “My goal, with the vast majority of the brands I have named and logos I have designed, is to create ‘humanistic’ symbols, driven by a pregnant idea, visualizing some recognizable aspect of the human experience, and magically relating it to a unique selling proposition that empowers great advertising and promotion.” If anyone wants to experience the creation of Big Idea Branding, this astounding compilation of the work of George Lois is the ultimate form of clear, precise, eye-popping communication.
BIS Publishers B.V. Think Like a Manager
Think Like a Manager, Don't Act Like One offers 75 successful approaches to help you foresee or manage unpredictable situations. These 75 perspectives will add to your confusion - but also your understanding. This collection of approaches may well irritate you from time to time, and possibly inspire you, but really it should make you think. It probably wouldn't be sensible to follow every one of them, but they might give you some fresh ideas. Because those who keep doing what they've always done achieve the results they've always achieved.
BIS Publishers B.V. Design Transitions: Inspiring Stories. Global Viewpoints. How Design is Changing.
Discover where design practice is today - and where it will take us in the future. Design Transitions presents 42 unique and insightful stories of how design is changing around the world. Twelve countries are represented from the perspectives of three different communities: design agencies, organizations embedding design; and design academics. Our journey has taken us across the globe in search of the most innovative design practitioners, and their answers to the question How are design practices changing? From small practices to vast corporations, the renowned to the lesser known: these are the stories of people working at the fringes of the traditional disciplines of design. They have opened up their design worlds to reveal the methods, tools and thinking behind their inspirational work. Some of the organizations and individuals featured includes: Droog, BERG, Fjord, thinkpublic, FutureGov, Hakuhodo Innovation Lab, DesignThinkers Group, INSITUM, Optimal Usability, frog Asia, Ziba, Banny Banerjee, Ezio Manzini, Carlos Teixeira and Adam Greenfield. Design Transitions is divided into three sections: Section I: Changing Practices features 25 stories from design practices in a range of disciplines. Section II: New Territories features five organizations introducing and embedding design approaches into their core practice and operations. Section III: Viewpoints features 12 interviews with leading design academics, offering additional insights and a critical perspective on the key themes that have emerged from our case studies and interviews.
BIS Publishers B.V. Connect: Design for an Emphatic Society
The prospects are clear: we will probably live longer. The number of people aged 65 and up will increase enormously over the next few decades. Society will change as a result, but in what manner? Europe and, in fact, probably the world faces the challenge of preventing loneliness and isolation amongst a growing group of senior people. The oldest part of the population is at particular risk of becoming isolated and lonely as they grow older and their work-related networks erode. While working in the field of technology and aging, the authors discovered that there is a whole new field to be explored, namely the phenomenon of connectedness.This book is written by a group of authors with very different backgrounds, varying from business, ICT, marketing, anthropology, medicine, design and computer interaction. They all felt the urge to explore this field of connectedness and they discovered new opportunities for the emerging market of aging-driven design . By unfolding the very nature of relationships and age-based transitions in life, the authors invite the reader to join them in an effort to design for connectedness: to reframe the picture, rethink our options and reinvent how to connect!
BIS Publishers B.V. Never Sleep with the Director: And 50 Other Ridiculous Film Rules
Ridiculous' is a relative term, what is nonsense for one can be an important guideline for another. It is not about laying down the law. For each of the 51 rules covered in each book, Van Gaalen refers to quotes by famous fellow creators, who either think there's something to the rule or have made a personal variation on it.
BIS Publishers B.V. 1 to 1 The essence of Retail Branding and Design
Retail mirrors society and as society is constantly changing retail has to be able to anticipate these changes in order to maintain its right of existence. In short; act, react or suffer! This book covers all the facets of retail branding, holistic formula development and the essential one-to-one relationship with your customers. It is the second book of Michel van Tongeren. The first book ‘Retail Branding: from stopping power to shopping power.’ was about how retail branding works. This new book is also about that topic, but perhaps more about how you can achieve great branding in retail. It explains how to be alert to the changes and all possible chances that lie ahead, how to get a deep insight about your brand, and how to translate your brand into an excellent operating retail formula. These topics are visualised in the Platform Development Model©, which functions as the foundation of this book. The book is practical, because it can be used as a manual for retailers, for people that want to start their own retail business, or for anyone who wants to get to know more about this topic. The book is relevant for physical stores as well as virtual retail. It is easy to use because of the many examples and clear models. The book is inspirational too, because it tells about the dynamics in our lives, our changing needs and our favourite pastime: shopping!
BIS Publishers B.V. Never Leave the House Naked: And 50 Other Ridiculous Fashion Rules
A list of inspirational/delusional fashion jargon for the world to judge.
BIS Publishers B.V. Hidden Persuasion: 33 Psychological Influences Techniques in Advertising
Visual messages are omnipresent in our daily life. They are constantly attempting to persuade us to buy, learn and act. Some are more successful than others in influencing our behaviour and choices. What is the secret power of these messages? How do they succeed in changing our behaviour? This book analyzes advertising beyond the persuasive power of the imagery itself. It explains the psychology behind 33 effective influence techniques in visual persuasion and how to apply them. The book is co-authored by leading figures in social influence and visual persuasion. It is designed as an accessible modern reference book for creating and understanding persuasive visual imagery. "You'll never look at an ad, an online shopping site or product packaging the same way again." -
BIS Publishers B.V. Birth Like a Man: A Field Guide for Future Fathers
Birth Like a Man is a field guide for future fathers or non-birthing partners. This pocket-sized book is filled with tips, reminders and summaries to help you support your partner's pregnancy process; from helping with morning sickness, setting up a birth plan, going out for the first time or changing diapers. See this book as the cheat-sheet to your parenting and partner exam, but unlike any other school exam, the parenting-school-year hasn't even begun. This book is for everyone who thinks they have a more active, supportive role to play in the delivery of their child than those millennia old stereotypical gender roles teach us. It is a short, snappy and easily navigable guide to make being a true parenting partner just a little bit easier.
BIS Publishers B.V. Design for Sustainability Survival Guide
Design for Sustainability Survival Guide concerns all the details on applying sustainability requirements in design. It is a critical and concise overview of the important facts from all imaginable angles. The book is written and illustrated to inform, support and inspire future designers. The guide covers everything in sustainability: from personal reader experience to universal guiding principles, from energy use and the flow of materials to the role of time, consumption, use, circularity and reduction. It includes tips, principles and guidelines to nourish design projects from start to finish. New approaches beyond the conventional are introduced and current assumptions on economics, technology and design are pointed out throughout the book.
BIS Publishers B.V. Burp: The Other Wine Book
"I like the idea that wine can entertain and make you smile. That's why I'm looking forward to receiving my copy of Burp, which focuses on the design and the stories behind the labels." - Tim Atkin, wine writer, critic and Master of Wine There is a story behind every bottle of wine. As a winemaker, you can make a statement with your label. It is the showcase of your company. And more importantly, it can persuade consumers to buy your product. The label should be in line with the wine you can expect in your glass. This is why Jur Baart and Bas Korpel decided to write Burp, because they strongly believe that a wine tastes better when you know the story behind it. In the book, 40 wines are presented, each with a distinct label and a matching story. The selection of wines does not focus on the vinification technique but on the labels of the bottles. What is striking, however, is the exceptionally high proportion of natural wines. It seems this group of winemakers (in some cases new to the profession) is paying more attention to how their products are presented to their customers. Yet Burp also includes a number of all-time classics that should not be missed - essential not only in this book, but also in your wine cellar. Just like folk tales, the stories behind the wine are often passed on - and sometimes spiced up in the retelling. Rest assured that this also happens with the stories in this book. Burp will give you lots of new anecdotes to tell while drinking your next bottle of wine. Well-known producers included in the book: Château Mouton Rothschild, Pol Roger, Marqués de Riscal Well-known winemakers included in the book: Angelo Gaja, Telmo Rodriguez, Francis Ford Coppola
BIS Publishers B.V. The Fast Guide to Accessibility Design
New in the architectural series (previous published in this series: The Fast Guide to Architectural Form) is The Fast Guide to Accessibility Design. Written by Baires Raffaelli, this book explores ways to create a project that focuses on accessibility. It is a reminder that serves as a checklist for those who design everyday spaces we live in. It is a random (but not too random) collection of indications to make cities more accessible. This book wants to remind us that we are not alone and as long as we take this into consideration, we will design welcoming, inclusive and functional spaces.
BIS Publishers B.V. Delft Design Guide (revised edition): Perspectives - Models - Approaches - Methods
Delft Design Guide provides an overview of the perspectives, models, approaches, and methods used in the bachelor's and master's curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Some of these are unique to the university, others are well known and are used by designers worldwide. Designing products and services at this faculty is considered a systematic and structured activity, deliberately and purposefully, and with moments of increased creativity.The methods and techniques are each described in a practical one-page text, illustrated for further clarification and enriched with images that should encourage reflection and further reading.Design students can use the book as a reference guide in their design projects and in managing their personal development. Design teachers can use the book as a reference guide to assist students in learning a method. Design professionals can use the book as a reference guide to support their design processes.
BIS Publishers B.V. Sketching: Drawing Techniques for Product Designers
Some may think sketching is a disappearing skill, but if you ever enter a design studio, you will find out differently. Studios still make sketches and drawings by hand and in most cases, quite a lot of them. They are an integral part of the decisionmaking process, used in the early stages of design, in brainstorming sessions, in the phase of research and concept exploration, and in presentation. Drawing has proved to be, next to verbal explanation, a powerful tool for communicating not only with fellow designers, engineers or model makers but also with clients, contractors and public offices. This book can be regarded as a standard book on design sketching, useful for students in product design.
BIS Publishers B.V. Little Creative Thinker’s Connection Dominoes
As with the Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book, this wonderfully simple children’s game is built on the tried and tested theory that by enhancing your ability to see connections, you can enhance your creativity. Based on the same basic rules as dominoes – it’s all about matching the bricks you’re dealt with the bricks on the table. The winner is the one who is quickest to place all of their bricks. The difference is, this version is not played with numbers, it’s purely visual. The bricks can be matched in a number of fun ways but always with a connection. It could be a pattern, a shape or a concept that connects the two dominoes. Although you might think you’re just having fun with your kids, you’re actually teaching yourselves to be better at thinking creatively by strengthening the underlying mechanism of creativity itself. So, go for it, play yourselves more creative!
BIS Publishers B.V. Visual Thinking Workbook
As a follow-up to the bestseller Visual Thinking and the second book Visual Doing, the author is releasing two workbooks. These books are great tools to help you kick-start your visual journey and gain the confidence to produce amazing, compelling drawings. The books are crammed with tons of visual exercises, ranging from tracing illustrations to drawing hacks. It will inspire you to design and share your own icons! The Visual Thinking Workbook: Drawing people and interactions, highlights simple ways of drawing people, emotions and interactions. It will hone your drawing skills and give you the confidence to use them in meetings or whenever you want to explain something or visualise a situation.
BIS Publishers B.V. My Photography Toolbox: A Game to Refine your Eye and Improve your Skills: A Game to Refine your Eye and Improve your Skills
Create powerful images while learning the basic principles in photography. My Photography Toolbox will guide the players on how to take stylish photographs. Each card will coach you on the secrets of visual language and will enhance your creativity. This game is perfect for all those who take pictures regularly and would love to improve their skills. It displays 30 visual principles and enables you to play with tools that smartphones or digital cameras don’t provide, such as the psychology of forms. Because photography is everywhere, this is a must-have game for its style, easy rules, valuable rewards and ludo-didactic features that allow you to learn while playing in teams or individually. The box includes two games. 1. BE A MASTER: to create an image based on a photography genre and four given rules. 2. REFINE YOUR EYE: to discover the rules in existing photographs. Each has a different goal: make a powerful photograph in less than 20 minutes, or discover the rules of photography connecting images and concepts.
BIS Publishers B.V. Brand the Change: The Branding Guide for Social Entrepreneurs, Disruptors, Not-For-Profits and Corporate Troublemakers
Brand the Change unpacks the brand building process in practical steps. Whether you are building an innovative new product, creating a service for good, spreading a new idea, or positioning yourself as a leader in your field, thinking like a brand strategist will help you to create a clear, compelling offer, develop unique brand experiences and ultimately attract and convert the right audiences. The book offers the tools and exercises to build your own brand and offers a rich array of tips from trademarking to digital marketing, and inspires with case studies of successful change-making brands. The content has been developed based on years of experience in building brands, conversations with dozens of changemakers, understanding their branding challenges and required knowlege and skills, and extensive content testing with hundreds of workshop participants. It contains 23 tools and exercises, 14 case studies from change-making organisations across the world and 7 guest essays from experts.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Politics of Design: A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication
Many designs that appear in today’s society will circulate and encounter audiences of many different cultures and languages. With communication comes responsibility; are designers aware of the meaning and impact of their work? An image or symbol that is acceptable in one culture can be offensive or even harmful in the next. A typeface or colour in a design might appear to be neutral, but its meaning is always culturally dependent. If designers learn to be aware of global cultural contexts, we can avoid stereotyping and help improve mutual understanding between people. Politics of Design is a collection of visual examples from around the world. Using ideas from anthropology and sociology, it creates surprising and educational insight in contemporary visual communication. The examples relate to the daily practice of both online and offline visual communication: typography, images, colour, symbols, and information. Politics of Design shows the importance of visual literacy when communicating beyond borders and cultures. It explores the cultural meaning behind the symbols, maps, photography, typography, and colours that are used every day. It is a practical guide for design and communication professionals and students to create more effective and responsible visual communication.
BIS Publishers B.V. Innovative Architecture Strategies
This book presents a series of contemporary, diverse and innovative design strategies that vary in form, function and design intent. The common denominator of all projects is the alternative and/or experimental approach of combining both private and public spaces. Diverse, innovative design approaches with complex programme are combined with socially and financially sustainable strategies. ‘Innovative Architecture Strategies’ aims to help understand the different design approaches that can be followed when called to propose a concept and design for an innovative mixed-use building. It’s also a guide, point of reference, and inspiration book. The book demonstrates an analytical and clear way to conceptualize, explain and present a mixed-use design project. Each project in the book is selected for its different form, function, technique and design intent. They all offer a clear example of a design project. The diverse design approaches are presented in ten chapters. Each chapter begins with explaining the main concept behind the specific design approach and with a reference to a built precedent.
BIS Publishers B.V. Creative Personal Branding: The Strategy to Answer: What’s Next
Jürgen Salenbacher examines the work of leading theorists in business culture before explaining how our success in exploring change rests on our ability to think creatively. Branding practises, he suggests, can help us, but we also need to cultivate creative thinking. This book is a unique resource for creative minds, entrepreneurs, and teams, but may also be used by anyone facing major life decisions.
BIS Publishers B.V. 75 Tools for Creative Thinking: A Fun Card Deck for Creative Inspiration
This creative card deck toolbox will guide the player to be creative at the different stages of any process or situation where new ideas are desired. The seventy-five tools are organized around six steps in the process: get started, look around, ask around, break it down, break free, evaluate, and select.
BIS Publishers B.V. From Selling to CoCreating New Trends Practices and Tools to Upgrade your Sales Force
A groundbreaking book that identifies the current and future trends in sales.
BIS Publishers B.V. Optical Illusions Game
Optical Illusions Game is a new game that resembles the emory game, but with three bonuses: 1. Instead of a set of two the player has to find a set of four. 2. When the set is completed, the player has to puzzle the four cards into one image. 3. Presto: the four cards form an image of an optical illusion to discover and marvel at.The goal of the game is to collect four cards that form one optical illusion. The player who collects the most optical illusions wins the game. The optical illusions in this game were selected by Paul Baars, a world famous author and expert on optical illusions. For this game he has selected a broad range of mindboggling illusions from the famous classical ones to new illusions created by contemporary designers and artists. The Optical Illusions Game consists of 80 cards and 20 illusions as well as a brochure in which the illusions are shown and briefly explained.
BIS Publishers B.V. AIAssisted Architectural Design
This book explores the transformative impact of AI on architectural design, examining its integration in education and practice, and presenting case studies and guidelines on leveraging AI for creative and efficient design processes.
BIS Publishers B.V. The New Creatives: How AI changes the face of the creative industry
Get a deeper understanding of the brilliance and limitations of AI, our added human value on creativity and the future of work in the creative industry. The creative industry is rapidly evolving due to the rise of artificial intelligence. Some fear that the increase in machine-learning technologies could end human creativity. Seema Sharma, a renowned creative director at one of the world's largest independent communication agencies, believes the future of the creative industry lies in collaboration between human creators and machines. The book "The New Creatives," which Sharma co-authored with Artificial Intelligence, offers a ground-breaking exploration of the changes to come. The authors examine the skills, processes, and work ethics that AI will affect and discuss the emotional and economic value of creativity in this new landscape. They explore the potential disappearance of certain jobs, the changing dynamics of client relationships and discuss the currency of creativity in the age of AI. The book also sheds light on new roles emerging in the industry and elaborates on the new formats that will become necessary. - Discover how artificial intelligence will impact the creative industry, and its craft, with all of its complexities involved. - Aimed at creative makers within the creative industry. - Written in co-collaboration with AI.
BIS Publishers B.V. Instant Innovation Cards: Design thinking insights the moment you need them
Introducing the Instant Innovation Cards-an efficient way to incorporate Design Thinking into your everyday work life. Forget about those lengthy meetings, instead, pick a card that fits the moment, and you're ready to uncover fresh insights within seconds. These cards are designed to assist leaders and team members gain new perspectives in complex situations while fostering empathy for users, teams, and stakeholders. By viewing challenges from various angles, it becomes easier to make informed decisions, communicate effectively, reduce friction, and achieve the desired outcomes effortlessly. This toolkit is based on behavioural and technological insights and has been tested and developed alongside a transformative design and innovation practice. Instant Innovation Cards are quicker and more intuitive than traditional methods, making it easy for readers to find inspiration and take decisive action. - A quick and efficient way to incorporate Design Thinking into your work life. - Gain new perspectives and foster empathy - Enhance problem-solving, decision-making, and communication processes in the workplace. Simply pick a card that fits the moment and find new insights in seconds.
BIS Publishers B.V. Society Driven Design
Judah Armani's 'Society Driven Design' offers transformative insights on using design for social change, drawing from his extensive experience in working with marginalized communities.
BIS Publishers B.V. Make Products That Matter: A practical guide to understanding customer and user needs
A hands-on guide for using research, experimentation and testing for new products; from idea through to post-launch. You want to make products that matter. Products that strike a chord with your target audience. To do that, you will need to connect with customers and users to get their feedback. Sounds easy enough, but figuring out the right research methods for product development can be complex. That's where this book comes in. "Make Products That Matter" helps you navigate the entire product lifecycle, considering everything from organisational growth, popular frameworks like lean start-up, product-market fit, design thinking, and innovation. It's a practical guide explaining which research methods work best at different product lifecycle stages. Additionally, it provides insights on how to maintain and apply these insights effectively.- Get the tools you need to build innovative products and toolkits- Learn how to keep insights and research at the forefront of product development- Your go-to reference, guiding you from ideation to post-launch.
BIS Publishers B.V. Co-Design Canvas: A proven design tool for societal impact
Let everyone's voice be truly heard in the co-design process! Societal challenges are urgent and affect everyone, including politicians, citizens, government officials, business professionals, NGOs, designers and researchers. Understanding and addressing these challenges is difficult because no single stakeholder or organisation is solely responsible. Everything is interconnected and constantly changing, resulting in challenges being neglected and stakeholders being unable or unwilling to make important decisions. The Co-Design Canvas is a practical and user-friendly tool that supports flexible planning, conducting, and evaluating of co-design processes for multi-stakeholder coalitions and facilitators. It encourages coalitions to discuss and consider eight co-design variables. The accompanying manual helps people find common ground and align their perspectives. - Discover how to facilitate open and transparent dialogue. - A useful tool for initiating, planning, conducting and assessing collaborations. - Learn about inclusivity and effective collaboration in addressing societal challenges.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Impact Plan: Rethinking today, remaking tomorrow, designing a better world
The Impact Plan is a detailed decision-making framework that guides students and creative professionals to quickly assess the future impact of their creative projects. While formulated with designers in mind, the method elaborated within this book will help professionals cycle through potential contexts and project influences in order to determine the impact in an economic, social, and even humanitarian way. Moving through the fundamentals of strategic decision-making and impact-centered thinking, The Impact Plan gives the reader a framework for planning and prioritising project-based activities and experiences. Structured over four main sections which follow 'The Hero's Journey', touching on introducing the journey, explaining adversities, deploying the tool, and reflection, moving through this framework will help drive the user sharpen the craft of thinking.
BIS Publishers B.V. Swipe: Being online 24/7
Inspired by the format of Frequently Asked Questions, SWIPE presents questions about the smartphone that users might (not) have frequently asked themselves. In order to reflect the endlessly diverse and dynamic content users daily swipe for on their smartphone, these questions are not followed by single sentences, but by image collections consisting of Internet-found visuals. Contemporary writers and artists help you embrace your newly acquired knowledge by guiding you through reflective visions of the age of the smartphone.In SWIPE you will encounter five categories that offer guidance. SURVIVAL speaks about how the smartphone helps users survive, and whether it itself will survive. SENSE OF SELF reflects on how the user's being is constructed by the smartphone, and vice versa. HABITS focuses on the user's daily use of the smartphone, and how its constant presence shapes daily life. RESOURCES speaks about how nature and users give power to the smartphone. And lastly, EXISTENTIAL CRISIS reflects on how the smartphone is used to escape the anxieties of real-life.
BIS Publishers B.V. Play with Shapes Memory Game
* BOOST CREATIVITY with this deck of 60 dual-sided, illustrated cards* TWO GAMES IN ONE for endless fun* CREATE different geometric shapes with unique card patterns* STIMULATE YOUR IMAGINATION while playing a traditional memory game or by creating a large geometric pattern with the backside of the cards* GIVE THIS EXCITING GIFT of design and mental exercise that is fun for all ages
BIS Publishers B.V. Dragon Tactics: How Chinese Entrepreneurs Thrive in Uncertainty
In life and business, change is the only constant. Read Dragon Tactics and learn how to thrive in uncertainty! In business, change is the only constant. Dragon Tactics demonstrates that Chinese entrepreneurs know how to thrive in uncertainty. The book contains many lessons for Western leaders to learn how to ride the wave of change. Global conflicts, environmental challenges and rapid digitization are just some of the unpredictable factors that are putting increasing strain on traditional business models. Chinese entrepreneurs know how to thrive in uncertainty: they have grown their business in an environment that has taught them to adapt often, thrive in chaos and overcome constant challenges of uncertainty. * Learn how to better navigate an increasingly uncertain and volatile world far beyond China's borders.* Masters skills that are rooted in China's four-thousand-year-old history and culture.* Read about management methods that borrow as much from Confucianism as from new technologies.* Written by business experts and China veterans Aldo Spaanjaars and Sandrine Zerbib.
BIS Publishers B.V. Think Like an Adman, Don't Act Like One
Advertising is far more than a 30-second commercial on TV. It's everything you do to lure people into different behaviours, into other perspectives, or different options. You're advertising all day long. For yourself, your company or brand. Your NGO, political party or school. Your neighbourhood, city or country. In every conceivable way. By telling stories. Or twisting the facts. By making some things seem more attractive and others uglier. By sketching out an alternative. By stimulating people or discouraging them. And the nice thing about advertising is that everyone does it. But only a few are any good at it (just look around you).This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to seduce. A loved one, a colleague, a client or, indeed, a large group of people. And, once you've read this book, you won't have to be an advertiser to do it.
BIS Publishers B.V. Type Tricks: User Design: Your Personal Guide to User Design
Type Tricks: User Design is a dissemination of the author's research into typeface legibility. What to consider when choosing fonts in difficult reading situations including signage, small point sizes, glance-like reading or scanning? But also what to look out for when designing for struggling readers, for example people with low-vision, elderly, children and people with dyslexia. This kind of research is normally communicated in scientific papers, which takes a long time to read and understand. In this book, all findings are presented in an illustrative and easily accessible way. The book has a small amount of text and lots of illustrations presenting more than 140 tips from evidence-based research.
BIS Publishers B.V. Captains of Leadership: Build Your Facilitative Confidence
Another two-hour brainstorm with your team, and you are left feeling drained: nothing really useful came out of it. It feels like a waste of time. Why is it that so many meetings are not effective? We need to start working with a type of leadership that empowers from the bottom up instead of top-down: facilitation. In Captains of Leadership you will learn the secrets of facilitative leadership, which will allow you to bring co-creation to another level. No more wasting time during team meetings, learn how to make every shared moment count. Alwin Put outlines a three-part approach in which he explains how to get the best and most out of people by working together. This book is your guide to become a facilitative leader, in other words: a Captain of Leadership. The three parts discuss (1) why it is worth the effort to develop yourself as a facilitator, (2) how to learn to work with the holy trinity of facilitation (guide, conduct and catalyse), and (3) how to keep the right frame of mind and a high energy level to get the most out of your crew. Captains of Leadership combines elements of business, creativity and self-awareness. It is an essential tool for anyone who believes in co-creation. It is both hands-on and inspiring. Become a Captain of Leadership: with facilitation, anyone can step up and be a leader.
BIS Publishers B.V. Design Things that Make Sense: Tech. Innovator's Guide
Design Things That Make Sense is the first and complete guide to designing technology-based products and services. It answers questions like: Why do so many new tech products fail? What accelerates technology adoption? How do you design products that make sense? Deborah Nas transformed the knowledge she gained in her 25 years of experience as a designer, professor, and thought leader in technology-based innovation into practical design strategies. These design strategies will guide you in developing successful new products and improving existing products. They will help you design products and services whose technological benefits far outweigh their potential drawbacks. In other words, it will help you to "Design Things That Make Sense" for your future customers; products people will love to use and will continue using. Product owners, product managers, and innovation managers can utilize this book to help their teams become better innovators. It can help start-up founders improve their value propositions and speed up adoption of their products. It can enable design professionals to fast track their design process. Design students can use it as a reference manual in their design projects and design tutors can use it to boost their students' design knowledge. The book comes with a free online toolkit designed for teamwork, workshops and co-creation sessions. Design Things That Make Sense is a hands-on book that will help you develop great ideas into successful products.