Search results for ""bis""
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Tell El-Dab'a XVII: Opferdeponierungen in Der Hyksoshauptstadt Auaris (Tell El-Dab'a) Vom Spaten Mittleren Reich Bis Zum Fruhen Neuen Reich Teil I: Auswertung Und Deutung Der Befunde Und Funde Teil II: Katalog Der Befunde Und Funde
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Brandbestattungen Von Der Mittleren Donau Bis Zur Agais Zwischen 1300 Und 750 V. Chr.: Akten Des Internationalen Symposiums an Der Osterreichischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften in Wien, 11.-12.Februar 2010
Dr Ludwig Reichert Horasan Zur Timuridenzeit Nach Dem Tarih-E Hafez-E Abru (Verf. 817 Bis 823 H.) Des Nurallah 'abdallah B. Lutfallah Al-Hvafi Genannt Hafez-E Abru: 1. Edition Und Einleitung
BIS New Thai Style
Thai Style is renowned throughout the world for its grace, form and colours, reflecting wider national culture. Whether pavilion-style architecture,elegant interior designs, innovative use of textiles and materials, Thai Style manages to combine cultural traditions with skilled craftsmanship and modern interpretations. These design forms have evolved into a 21st century paragon of design practice and universally admired. Contemporary Thai Style — one that merges ancient practices with modern fashions, graphics and technologies is what this book seeks to showcase. Forward-looking forms — be they in architecture, furniture design, art, interiors or landscaping are featured in this exciting new publication. A number of carefully selected homes, resorts, hotels and residences from the north, through Bangkok to the islands in the south are featured in New Thai Style - a cornucopia of all that is new and exciting in confident, thrusting Thailand’s design scene. Work from established and emerging architects and designers are featured as international culture vultures and collectors, hot hoteliers and developers lead the way with a 21st-Century aesthetic, confident and contemporary, yet still distinctly Thai.
Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Hafen ALS Orte Der Reprasentation in Antike Und Mittelalter: Workshop Im Rahmen Des Dfg-Schwerpunktprogramms Hafen Von Der Romischen Kaiserzeit Bis Zum Mittelalter Im Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut Fur Archaologie, M
Delius Klasing Vlg GmbH So wirds gemacht Mercedes 200 D 220 D 240 D 300 D Typ W 123 Diesel Jan 76 bis Dez 84 200 D 5560 PS 220 D 60 PS 240 D 6572 PS 300 D warten reparieren Mit Strombauplnen
BIS Design Incubator: A Prototype for New Design
This book selects and curates exclusive content from DIC’s extensively documented seven-year archive and is presented here as a single body of work. Interspersed with insights and reflections from team members past-and-present, it is a handbook for designers that seek to incorporate unique, progressive methods and approaches into their personal or professional practices as well as a retrospective monograph on the Design Incubation Centre. Projects within the book are arranged and organised in a thematic manner and contain over 400 colour photographs, charts, notes and sketches that illustrate with acuity how ideas and research are distilled and translated into polished prototypes and outcomes. Over the years, the Centre had its work featured and exhibited at The MoMA, New York, Maison et Objet, Paris, Salone Satellite, Milan and Ricordi & Sfera, Tokyo.
BIS Sketchbook: Composition Studies for Film
Featuring hundreds of carefully hand-crafted illustrations by the internationally renowned production designer Hans Bacher, Sketchbook - Composition Studies for Film is a unique journey through the mind and creative process of one of the artistic legends in animation film design. Having shaped such films as The Lion King, Mulan and Beauty and the Beast to name a few, Hans’s work is a part of the very cultural fabric of our age. Here the artist puts on display the rarely discussed first part of image making for film, the conceptual thumbnail. Exquisitely beautiful in themselves, these small illustrations represent the birth of what eventually becomes the iconic images we experience on the silver screen. Essential to anyone interested in understanding the skeletal structure that exists underneath stunning imagery in all forms of media, this book is especially relevant today with the dramatic increase of interest in film and game design. Although students today have ready access to and an understanding of technical aspects of the craft using associated software, the area most lacking in accessible information is this quintessential first part of thumb-nailing an image. This unique book will provide the student and professional with the fundamentals of conceptualizing images, and how these can be used in composition in the related fields of illustration, graphic novels, 2D animation, 3D animation, photography and cinematography.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Efeso Paleocristiana E Bizantina /Fruhchristliches Und Byzantinisches Ephesos: Referate Des Vom 22. Bis 24. Februar 1996 Im Historischen Institut in ROM Durchgefuhrten Internationalen Kongresses Aus Anlass Des 100-Jahrigen Jubilaums Der Ost
BIS Psychogeometries
The first book to consider the conceptual, thematic and material development of Shawcross's art, from the extraordinary machines that marks his emergence in the early 2000s to his most recent projects, which extend the possibilities of art in the public realm, examining the geometries and topologies with which he has experimented, and exploring his ongoing interest in the tension between the rational and the irrational. Psychogeometries is published by Elephant in association with Victoria Miro Gallery.
BIS Vision: Color and Composition for Film
Featuring hundreds of carefully hand-crafted illustrations as well as significant tuition on how to best compose and use images to create the most powerful frames, this book is potentially Hans P. Bacher's life's work encapsulated in one volume. Here, the internationally renowned production designer shares his expertise in an easy-to-follow and imaginative way – giving tips, exercises, and a depth of knowledge garnered from a lifetime in the industry.Bacher's production designs have established the look of many seminal animated films such as The Lion King, Balto, Mulan and Beauty and the Beast, so fans of his work will be delighted. While keeping the focus on storytelling, Bacher instructs readers in the art of animated cinematography with the ever-present aim of soliciting an emotional response from the audience. Vision: Color and Composition for Film represents an amazing depth of experience — and is visually arresting to boot.
BIS Barcelona Sketchbook: Homage to Catalan Architecture
The perfect introduction to the city’s architectural heritage, Barcelona Sketchbook gives visitors and residents insight into a wealth of sights, both grand and intimate in scale. Many facets of the Catalonia capital and surroundings are recorded here, as Graham Byfield strolls with his sketchpad through the Ramblas, the glories of Antoni Gaudí, the great ceremonial buildings, and cafés and parks full of character. On the way, with a few pencil strokes and splashes of watercolour, he captures scenes of daily life, as well as a plethora of architectural wonders dating from the Middle Ages to the present day. Founded as a Roman city, Barcelona became the capital of the County of Barcelona in the Middle Ages. After merging with the Kingdom of Aragon, it continued to be an important city as an economic and administrative centre and the capital of the Principality of Catalonia. Besieged several times during its history, Barcelona has a rich cultural heritage and is today a major tourist destination being one of the world’s most visited cities. Particularly renowned are the architectural works of Antoni Gaudí and Lluís Domènech i Montaner, which have been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The city is also an important port, has hosted two International Exhibitions and is known for its successful Summer Olympics in 1992. Accompanying the paintings and sketches are observations and notes handwritten by the artist, as well as a learned and informative introduction to Barcelona and its various areas by heritage expert Marcus Binney.
BIS Publishers Can You See What I See Memory Game
BIS Publishers B.V. Storytelling on Steroids: 10 stories that hijacked the pop culture conversation
Storytelling is pop culture’s `weapon’ of choice to connect, engage and ultimately convince. Every TV ad a compelling movie? Every Facebook post a contagious piece of content? Every infographic a work of art? Yes, please. Tell me where to sign up! Right now, this very minute, a junior copywriter is adding “storyteller” to his Facebook profile. There is a gaming developer doing the same on LinkedIn. A PR agent is casually including “teller of stories” in his Twitter bio. Graphic designers, journalists, editors, broadcasters, coders, model makers, set designers, ginormous brands, ocean explorers, astronauts, schoolteachers, CEOs, marketing directors, creative consultants and trend watchers are peppering their websites, blogs and email signatures with the word “storytelling.” In Storytelling on Steroids, editor and adman John Weich finds out why. Where did all this storytelling come from? Why are so many professionals suddenly so eager to spread the storytelling gospel? And who blazed the trail for an Age of Storytelling in mainstream communication? In his compact, fast-moving book, Weich explores the iconic brands, cultural movements and social technologies that have contributed most to storytelling’s rise in mainstream creativity and communication. Along the way, he calls out countless pop culture darlings to make his case: Batman, Banksy, Tomb Raider, TED Talks, Radiohead, Jay-Z, BMW and New York Times infographics. He even raves about a powerful little campaign about the worst hotel in the world. What we’re experiencing isn’t a radical new movement but a storytelling renaissance, one fueled by addictive technologies, the abundance of choice and … you! You and the billion others engaged in the most massive and shamelessly personal storytelling experiment in the history of humankind: social media.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Little Book of Agile Wisdom
The Little Book of Agile Wisdom is a practical guide for Scrum Masters and Agile practitioners, offering 66 themed quotes with images, interpretations, and exercises to bridge theory and practice, fostering a thriving Agile culture.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Fast Guide to The Fundamentals of Architectural Design: Strategies and Techniques for creating a successful project
Reliable framework for designing successful projects from start to finish. Transform your architectural projects with "The Fundamentals of Architectural Design." Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills, this book will prove a rich source of information. The book provides a practical and concise roadmap for students, architects and designers alike. It guides the designer step-by-step in a simple way through all phases of the design process: from site inspection to the presentation of the project. Each of the 33 essential steps featured in the book is accompanied by diagrams, images and slogans. "The Fundamentals of Architectural Design" is the latest addition to the "The Fast Guide To" series, made up of successful pocket-size books known for their comprehensive and accessible resources. - A practical and concise roadmap consisting of 33 essential steps - Benefits both beginners and experienced professionals in the field of architecture. - Part of the successful "The Fast Guide To" series, known for its comprehensive and accessible resources.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Lean Innovation Guide: A proven approach for innovation success
Creating new and innovative products, services or businesses can be challenging, which is why, sadly, most innovations are not successful. But, the good news is that you can significantly improve the chance for success by being guided - the lean way. That's where the Lean Innovation Guide comes in. This book guides you through the lean journey by clarifying what to focus on next and what to improve. If you or your organisation want or need to drive innovation, then this book is a must-read! Discover the secrets to faster, more focused innovation success: learn the proven approach to innovating your business and get the competitive edge you need to stay ahead. The book is aimed mainly at corporate innovators and provides them with the missing link to successfully using Lean Startup as an innovation method: namely the Lean Progress Model. With the Lean Progress Model, author David Griesbach developed a tool that quickly and purposefully guides you through the Lean Innovation process. You will know at all times where your project stands, which questions are still open-ended and what needs to be done next. In addition, the illustrations throughout the book support the text and turn this book into a practical guide that takes you through the startup and innovation process. In this book, you will find a proven approach to guide you and your colleagues to innovation success, helping you to move faster, be more focused, and innovate the business. The book provides an easy-to-follow approach to driving change in any business or startup and is a must-have for anyone looking to succeed in innovation. Any new business idea, product or service will be developed more efficiently, faster, and more focused using this model.
BIS Publishers B.V. The Characters of Creativity: Activate creativity by understanding your colleagues
Everybody can be creative. But how do you get people to release their innate creativity? The Characters of Creativity has all the answers. This book helps organisations and individuals to understand and support the creative process in the workplace. It is a practical guide designed to help managers and leaders understand how to effectively support and manage creative colleagues in a commercial organisation.The book presents caricatures or archetypes of different types of creatives (Picky, Molotov, Solo, Artiste, Fibber, and Playful, to name a few), which help readers to identify and understand the different approaches and needs of creative individuals in the workplace. For instance, Solo doesn't like teams. Artiste hates having work evaluated. Molotov is convinced it's always management's fault. Picky loves having just one final pick at a non-existent problem. Fibber assures you the work will be finished by Friday. Playful turns everything into a game. Wobbly's insecurities tempt you to become an amateur psychotherapist.Whether you're a manager of creatives, a colleague of creatives, or simply creative yourself, chances are you recognise some of your colleagues or team members in this. If so, The Characters of Creativity is your go-to guide. The book offers specific strategies and techniques for releasing creativity. * A practical guide to the complex world of creativity. * Turn strategy into creativity and find out what management tools work for creatives. * Learn how to create a professional environment that stimulates creativity and innovation. * Grow the fertile ecology in which creativity flourishes.
BIS Publishers B.V. Dilemmarama The Game: The Ultimate Edition: The Game Is Simple, You Have To Choose!
Every time you say goodbye you have to cry OR You can't read time anymore. All the paint in your house is always wet OR You spray toilet freshener all over yourself every day. In this game there is only one real rule: you HAVE to choose!The Dilemmarama's absurd dilemmas will not only make you laugh, but will also cause heated debates and feisty duels amongst friends and family. There are two game options to choose from, because after all, everything in life is a dilemma. In one of the game options, your goal is to become the Dilemmaestro by creating difficult dilemmas for the other players. In the other option, you play in teams and try to guess what your teammates will choose. This way you really get to know your friends and family!BONUS: The Ultimate Edition can be used as a stand-alone deck but it can also be combined with Dilemmarama The Game: The Original Edition, expanding the game to 120 cards with over 7,000 new combinations.
BIS Publishers B.V. Creative Thinker's Rethink Book: 52 Exercises to Train Your Ability to See Connections Others Don't
Creative Thinker's Rethink Book trains your ability see and make connections - the underlying mechanism that helps you to think creatively. The exercises in this book forces you to go beyond the obvious - to think and rethink - again and again. It is not a theory book. It's a hands-on exercise book to boost your creativity and innovative thinking. Working with these exercises will help you to come up with fresh thinking, original ideas and unexpected innovative solutions. You can use this book as a creative morning booster, a warm up before working creatively, for everyday creativity training or just as a fun activity. The exercises can be used at home, at school, in the design studio, in the office or in the agency. Creativity is for everybody!
BIS Publishers B.V. Influence: Powerful Communications, Positive Change
When you want to change the world, how do you get the world on board?This is the communications playbook changemakers, entrepreneurs and aspiring leaders everywhere have been waiting for.It uniquely guides you through the Five Traits of Influence, step by step. You'll activate your purpose, identify your audiences, build your brand, construct your plan and master core skills. These essential skills cover changing behaviour, body language, persuasive conversations, creating killer content, storytelling, writing craft, media relations and TED-standard public speaking.Inside, you'll find expert insights, practical tools and handy quick-reference summaries. Accompanying all this is your personal Influence Canvas, where you'll plan your leadership path.This book unlocks the tools previously only accessible to those employing PR and media agencies and development coaches. Learn their secrets and use them for yourself. Whether it's for personal growth or you want to build up a business or movement, Influence will become your go-to coach for leading positive change through powerful communications.
BIS Publishers B.V. How to Create Better Ideas: Connecting the Left and Right Brain in the Design Process
With examples ranging from Precious Plastic to the Sheltersuit, How to Create Better Ideas provides insights into the design process - and into how to produce better ideas in general. The concepts are divided into two sections: the right brain and the left brain. The first section analyses the general design process. The second introduces six self-developed methods that teach you to create more and better visual ideas relevant to all design disciplines.This book is for anyone who would like to understand design more deeply and in more detail. It is for anyone who wants to know, What is design? What is creativity? What mentality and conditions are needed to guarantee a productive design process? It is for design educators and students, and for those working with designers as clients or commissioners. And it is most certainly a guide for design professionals who want to advance their ability to create visual ideas.
BIS Publishers B.V. Dilemmarama the Game: Happy edition: The game is simple, you have to choose!
You get to have a robot butler OR you can become any animal you like? You have a magic tap that contains all the drinks you want OR you snap your fingers and your entire house is tidy and clean? This game only has one rule: you HAVE to choose! And this time around, both options will make you feel happy. For this happy edition of Dilemmarama we've only selected positive dilemmas. The kind that will put a smile on your face, but that will also cause heated debates and feisty duels. And, because everything in life is a dilemma, there are two game options to choose from. One of the options allows you to become the Dilemmaestro by creating difficult dilemmas for the other players. The other option lets you play in teams and you have to try to guess what your teammates will choose. It is a way to really get to know your friends and family!
BIS Publishers B.V. Dare to Ask: Learn to Ask Questions like a Pro
Did you ask someone a question today? Asking questions makes us human, it helps us to establish connections, learn and transform. This book turns the spotlight on the craft of asking questions. Learn the ropes from all walks of life, like Socrates, a hairdresser, Einstein, a help desk employee, Lao Tse and a police detective. Use the practical tips and fun facts in this book to your advantage during birthday parties, when you meet the parents, at networking events or a first date. Are you ready to turn the focus to the other, ask questions, listen better and in the end: learn more?
BIS Publishers B.V. Museum Art cards: Experience Art Like Never Before
Besides the overwhelming amount of visual information that can stand in the way of a pleasant museum visit, there’s another trivial matter: meaning. Many of us aim to understand and categorize everything we see, but what do you truly think when looking at a particular artwork? The activities on these cards help you to establish a connection with an artwork yourself, despite any given information. You can do this in each museum, anywhere in the world. Follow the activities from A-Z, choose one randomly or do the ones who appeal to you most.
BIS Publishers B.V. My Photography Game: Play, Match, Share
Learn the basics of photography while playing one of three game options and get inspired to take your own photograph. Lay out all images face up, pick a subject card from the pink deck and collect four image cards depicting that subject. Or play this game reversed, by matching the image one-by-one with the correct symbol. For a more advanced option, play memory with the symbols faced up and find pairs with overlapping subjects. Finally, inspire yourself looking at a pair, a trio or a quartet of cards and take a photograph with a smartphone that represents the same theme. Upload it on the My Photography Game website and share it with your friends!