Search results for ""author julia""
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Complete Short Stories Volume 1
Gathered here for the first time are the stories of Enid Dinnis, who lived and wrote in London throughout the first half of the 20th century. Few in London's literary scene knew that Dinnis was a nun but she lived most of her life in a small convent in Wimbledon with other well-known figures from the period, including Maud Petre.
V&R unipress GmbH OsnabrÃ"cker Abhandlungen zum gesamten Wirtschaftsstrafrecht.
V&R unipress GmbH Manuscripta theatralia.: Dokumente und Positionen
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Ethik in Der Klinikseelsorge: Empirie, Theologie, Ausbildung
JRP Ringier Francis Alÿs: As Long as I'm Walking
Coffee House Press Twelve Branches: Stories from St. Paul
A "once-in-a-lifetime book."—St. Paul Pioneer Press For six months, residents of St. Paul gathered at a dozen public libraries and shared their memories, anecdotes, and histories with four outstanding Minnesota writers. The result of this nationally unique collaborative project is a beautifully realized book that weaves the (mostly) true stories into (mostly) fictional ones, spans the century, and captures the spirit of a city and its people. The 12 chapters, grown from the stories told at the 12 branch libraries, are as diverse in style and content as the community from which they sprang—from war to friendship and fire to fertility, these stories are tied together by the urban landscape itself.
Academy Chicago Publishers Peculiar People: The Story of My Life
These days, hardly anyone remembers Augustus John Cuthbert Hare (1834-1903). But in his prime, the late Victorian age, his name was on the lips of anyone who mattered. He was a travel writer, a story teller and memoirist of the first order, and his work is a fascinating record of a lost way of life amongst the strangest upper classes of English society. Hare's 6-volume autobiography was published between 1899-1903 in England; and this is a 1-volume condensation of this remarkable work.
The Catholic University of America Press The Dry Wood
In the English-speaking world, the Catholic Literary Revival is typically associated with the work of G. K. Chesterton/Hilaire Belloc, Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene. But in fact the Revival's most numerous members were women. While some of these women remain well known?Muriel Spark, Antonia White, Flannery O'Connor, Dorothy Day?many have been almost entirely forgotten. They include: Enid Dinnis, Anna Hanson Dorsey, Alice Thomas Ellis, Eleanor Farjeon, Rumer Godden, Caroline Gordon, Clotilde Graves, Caryll Houselander, Sheila Kaye-Smith, Jane Lane, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Alice Meynell, Kathleen Raine, Pearl Mary Teresa Richards, Edith Sitwell, Gladys Bronwyn Stern, Josephine Ward, and Maisie Ward.There are various reasons why each of these writers fell out of print: changes in the commercial publishing world after World War II, changes within the Church itself and in the English-speaking universities that redefined the literary canon in the last decades of the 20th century. Yet it remains puzzling that a body of writing so creative, so attuned to its historical moment, and so unique in its perspective on the human condition, should have fallen into obscurity for so long. The Catholic Women Writers series brings together the English-language prose works of Catholic women from the 19th and 20th centuries; work that is of interest to a broad range of readers. Each volume is printed with an accessible but scholarly introduction by theologians and literary specialists. The first volume in the series is Caryll Houselander's The Dry Wood. Houselander is known primarily for her spiritual writings but she also wrote one novel, set in a post-war London Docklands parish. There a motley group of lost souls are mourning the death of their saintly priest and hoping for the miraculous healing of a vulnerable child whose gentleness in the face of suffering brings conversion to them all in surprising and unexpected ways. The Dry Wood offers a vital contribution to the modern literary canon and a profound meditation on the purpose of human suffering.
Rowman & Littlefield Making a Difference: University Students of Color Speak Out
Students of color relate their first-hand experiences with educational systems and campus living conditions. Their narratives provide an insider perspective useful to anyone working on diversity issues who is trying to improve institutional culture and policy. The book is a user-friendly guide. The first section focuses on the voices of students of color and draws on the power of personal narratives to reveal alternate perspectives that illuminate and contest the dominant cultures often hidden beliefs about race, culture, institutional goals and power. Following the narratives, contextualizing essays and a lengthy appendix provide further valuable resources and concrete tools, such as websites, lists of associations, a bibliography, and videography of autobiographical videos by people of color. This book should be read by faculty members and students (both white and non-white), parents of college students, college administrators, and executives and administrators of other institutions and businesses. The contextualizing essays following the student narratives are written by academics and student affairs professionals who draw links between issues of institutional access, recruitment and retention of students and faculty of color, curriculum changes, teaching strategies—especially for teaching whiteness and racial identity formation, campus climate, and the relation between an individual institution's history of dealing with race to developments in public policy.
Hatje Cantz Ann Mandelbaum: Matter
This is the fourth monograph of the American artist Ann Mandelbaum. It offers both analogue black and white work from 1990–2000 and also digital colour images from 2007–present. None of the 100 examples have been exhibited or published before. The richness of the volume lies in the 35 year process delineated. It reveals a continual obsession with the organic world—woven within abstraction and sensation—and processed originally through the depths of the darkroom and subsequently on the digital screen. The varied imagery spans the history of the medium, including the photogram and multiple printing. Throughout, surreal techniques employ sculpture, collage, and the language of drawing. Regardless of medium, Mandelbaum consistently reinvents and rediscovers a language of surprise.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children: Creative Ideas for Therapy, Life Story Work, Direct Work and Parenting
Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children is full of creative ideas for how you can use stories therapeutically with children in counselling, life story work or direct work. Psychologist Kim S. Golding shows how you can use stories to build connections with children aged 4–16 and support their recovery from trauma and stress. She illustrates the techniques with 21 stories adapted from her own clinical work with children and families, and explains how you can expand or adapt them to make them more relevant for a particular child. Advice and stories are arranged into sections dealing with common psychological issues, including looking back and moving on, lack of trust and need for attention. Golding also gives invaluable tips for planning stories and life story work, and for storymaking with children. She also describes how stories can be used therapeutically with parents of traumatized children and as a tool for self-reflection by counsellors. Imaginative and practical, this book will be enormously useful for counsellors, psychologists, therapists and social workers working with traumatized children, and will also be helpful for parents and carers involved in therapeutic parenting.
James Currey Architecture and Politics in Africa: Making, Living and Imagining Identities through Buildings
Honourable Mention - 2023 ASR Prize for Best Africa-focused Anthology or Edited Collection Innovative study of state politics, identity and buildings that sheds new light on the links between the material and the ideational realms of contemporary life in Africa. Buildings shape politics in the ways they define communities, enable economic activity, reflect political ideas, and impact state-society relations. They are materially and symbolically interwoven with the everyday lives of elites and citizens, as well global flows of money, goods, and contracts. Yet, to date, there has been no research that explicitly connects debates about Africa's domestic and international politics with the study of architecture. This innovative book fills this gap, providing a new and compelling reading of the politics of identity in sub-Saharan Africa through an examination of some of its most significant buildings. Using case studies from nine countries across sub-Saharan Africa, this volume reveals how they are commissioned and built, how they enable elites to project power, and how they form a basis for popular conceptions of the state. Exploring a diverse range of buildings including parliaments, airports, prisons, ministries, regional institutions, libraries, universities, shopping malls, public housing, cathedrals and palaces, the contributors suggest a innovative perspective on African politics, identity and urban development. This book will be a compelling reference for scholars and students of African politics, development studies and city life in its elaboration of and challenges to established concepts and arguments about the relationship between material objects and political ideas. This book is available as an Open Access ebook under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND.
CABI Publishing Managing Visitor Experiences in Nature-based Tourism
This book focuses on the experiences of tourists visiting nature-based destinations, exploring current knowledge and providing insights into conceptual issues through the use of empirical evidence from five continents. Presented as three topics, the contents discuss tourism and nature-based experiences by looking at the role and relevance of nature and the uniqueness of such experiences. The book identifies visitor management challenges and provides explanations for the solutions reached. The final section takes a more overarching destination management perspective that transcends the tourism product or business level and focuses on destination and generic issues like indicators or marketing implications. The book also includes research-based case studies which contribute to an overall understanding of the core issues involved in managing visitor experiences in nature-based tourism.
Bonnier Books Ltd The Glasgow Gruffalo's Wean: The Gruffalo's Child in Glaswegian
Everybody loves The Gruffalo's Child and now you can enjoy this children's classic for the very first time in Glaswegian! Translated by Elaine C. Smith and published by Itchy Coo, this new edition of The Gruffalo's Child will delight both children and adults alike. Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's The Gruffalo's Child has become a bestselling phenomenon across the world. This award-winning rhyming story of a mouse and a monster is now a modern classic, and will enchant children for years to come. The Gruffalo said that nae gruffalo shouldEver set fit in the scary big wood.But the Gruffalo's Wean is pure gallus and tough,and wan wintry night she dauners oot intaethe snow. Efter aw, the Big Bad Moosediznae really exist... diz he?
Cornell University Press Brooklyn Before: Photographs, 1971–1983
Before Brooklyn rose to international fame there existed a vibrant borough of neighborhoods rich with connections and traditions. During the 1970s and 1980s, photographer Larry Racioppo, a South Brooklynite with roots three generations deep, recorded Brooklyn on the cusp of being the trendy borough we know today. In Brooklyn Before, Racioppo lets us see the vitality of his native Brooklyn, stretching from historic Park Slope to the beginnings of Windsor Terrace and Sunset Park. His black and white photographs pull us deep into the community, stretching our memories back more than forty years and teasing out the long-lost recollections of life on the streets and in apartment homes. Racioppo has the fascinating ability to tell a story in one photograph and, because of his native bona fides, he depicts an intriguing set of true Brooklyn stories from the inside, in ways that an outsider simply cannot. On the pages of, Brooklyn Before the intimacy and roughness of life in a working-class community of Irish American, Italian American, and Puerto Rican families is shown with honesty and insight. Racioppo's 128 photographs are paired with essays from journalist Tom Robbins and art critic and curator Julia Van Haaften. Taken together, the images and words of Brooklyn Before return us to pre-gentrification Brooklyn and immerse us in a community defined by work, family, and ethnic ties.
Bristol University Press The Unequal Pandemic: COVID-19 and Health Inequalities
Rated as a top 10 book about the COVID-19 pandemic by New Statesman: EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC- ND It has been claimed that we are ‘all in it together’ and that the COVID-19 virus ‘does not discriminate’. This accessible, yet authoritative book dispels this myth of COVID-19 as an ‘equal opportunity’ disease, by showing how the pandemic is a syndemic of disease and inequality. Drawing on international data and accounts, it argues that the pandemic is unequal in three ways: it has killed unequally, been experienced unequally and will impoverish unequally. These inequalities are a political choice: with governments effectively choosing who lives and who dies, we need to learn from COVID-19 quickly to prevent growing inequality and to reduce health inequalities in the future. COVID-19 is an unequal pandemic.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 61.2
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
HarperCollins Publishers Cambridge IGCSE™ English Teacher’s Guide (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™)
The third edition of the Collins Cambridge IGCSE® English Teacher’s Guide supports the Student’s Book, giving teachers everything they need to teach the Cambridge IGCSE® and IGCSE® (9–1) First Language English syllabuses 0500 and 0990. This Teacher’s Guide supports the new syllabuses for first examination in 2020. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International EducationLevel & Subject: IGCSE First Language English (0500), IGCSE (9–1) First Language English (0990)First teaching: September 2018 First examination: June 2020 This title has been endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education. Revised and updated to support the 2020 syllabuses and examination formats. Support student progress with teaching sequences that follow the structure of the Student Book, moving from building the key reading and writing skills to applying these skills to specific exam questions and coursework tasks. Save time on planning and preparation with expert support from Julia Burchell, an experienced examiner and trainer. The Teacher Guide includes a two-year scheme of work, differentiated lesson plans, worksheets and PowerPoints for every two- or four-page section of the Student Book, plus extension activities for students aiming for the highest grades. Adapt the resources to the needs of your classes with printable PDFs and editable Word and PowerPoint files. Detailed guidance and annotated sample answers in the Teacher Guide help you and your classes to make the most of the practice examination papers in the Student Book.
HarperCollins Publishers Harry the Clever Spider on Holiday: Band 08/Purple (Collins Big Cat)
When Clare and her family go on holiday, she is not allowed to take her pet spider Harry with her – so when he sneaks away with her Clare is told off. But when her mum’s suitcase goes missing, who can save the day? Purple/Band 8 books offer developing readers literary language, with some challenging vocabulary. Text type: A story with a familiar setting Posters on pages 22 and 23 advertise Harry's services for finding lost items and remind the readers of Harry's talents. Curriculum links: Citizenship: People who help us; Animals and us. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
HarperCollins Publishers The Mermaid and the Octopus: Band 04/Blue (Collins Big Cat)
Read the fantasy story by Julia Donaldson about a mermaid and a greedy octopus, filled with colourful illustrations. Blue/ Band 4 books offer longer, repeated patterns with sequential events and integrated literary and natural language. Text type – A fantasy story. The illustrations on pages 14 and 15 allow children to retell the story in their own words. Curriculum links – Art: Mother nature, designer; Citizenship: Choices This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Oxford University Press The Lives of the Artists
Packed with facts, attributions, and entertaining anecdotes about his contemporaries, Vasari's collection of biographical accounts also presents a highly influential theory of the development of Renaissance art. Beginning with Cimabue and Giotto, who represent the infancy of art, Vasari considers the period of youthful vigour, shaped by Donatello, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, and Masaccio, before discussing the mature period of perfection, dominated by the titanic figures of Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo. This specially commissioned translation contains thirty-six of the most important lives as well as an introduction and explanatory notes. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Wolters Kluwer Health Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Arrhythmias
Accurate diagnosis of fetal arrhythmias is a challenging and essential skill for obstetric practitioners. Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Arrhythmias is the first and only text devoted exclusively to these difficult-to-diagnose abnormalities, helping you distinguish similar rhythms and provide appropriate patient care. Abundant illustrations and dozens of videos online provide clear visual guidance for ultrasound diagnosis of fetal cardiac rhythms. Offers simple, straightforward methods to diagnose and triage fetal arrhythmias, written with the obstetric practitioner in mind. Highlights the well-organized text with more than 400 full-color images and line drawings. Features an extensive library of more than 50 video case examples included with eBook. Provides expert, focused coverage of a key area for obstetricians and residents, maternal-fetal medicine fellows and attendings, obstetric sonographers, and pediatric cardiologists. Includes access to an additional image-based chapter of arrhythmia case studies in the eBook. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum: A CBT Activity Book for Kids Age 4-8
This activity book is a helpful and creative tool for children aged 4-8 to learn and understand their emotions to help reduce anxiety. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the 10 Steps to Reducing Your Child's Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum: The CBT-Based 'Fun with Feelings' Parent Manual.Come and have fun with us, your feelings! Get to know us so that we can help you express your feelings any time you need to! Say hello to Happy Henry Honeydew and see how his eyes light up, his mouth has a great big smile and how he's always laughing.Sit beside Sad Sally Strawberry and you'll learn that when she is sad her eyes look down, her face has a frown, and sometimes she cries.You can show that you are strong, brave and clever by meeting and getting to know all of your feelings. By getting to know your feelings, and learning about the Tools in your Toolbox, you will be able to express and talk about your feelings whenever you need to.
David Zwirner The Five Lives of Hilma af Klint
A moving biography, told in vivid illustrations, this graphic novel features key moments in the life of Swedish artist and pioneer of abstract painting Hilma af Klint (1862–1944). Long-underrecognized, af Klint’s sensational rediscovery continues to take art audiences by storm. Artist Philipp Deines traces the story of now world-famous af Klint’s unique life and groundbreaking oeuvre through five chapters featuring her development as an artist, her family background, and her relationship to the spiritual. Highlighting how she came to her distinctive paintings, her spiritual quest, and the friends who helped her, this is a story of the strength it took af Klint to continue as an artist against all odds. Beautifully drawn, brightly colored, and well-researched, this graphic novel is a new way of looking at the story of an artist. Referencing Julia Voss’s new biography of af Klint, Deines presents an accessible and lively introduction for many ages. Biography, art history, and contemporary narrative style merge and complement each other in these magnificent visual worlds.
HarperCollins Publishers Vita Nostra
The definitive English language translation of the internationally bestselling Russian novel – a brilliant dark fantasy combining psychological suspense, enchantment, and terror that makes us consider human existence in a fresh and provocative way. ‘A book that has the potential to become a modern classic.’ – Lev Grossman, bestselling author of The Magicians Our life is brief . . . Sasha Samokhina has just met Farit Kozhenikov and her life will never be the same again. Whilst on holiday, Sasha is asked by the mysterious Farit to undertake a strange task for him. Reluctantly, she obliges, and is rewarded with a shining golden coin. The more tasks she performs, the more coins Sasha receives until Farit instructs her – against the wishes of her family – to travel to a remote village and use her gold to gain entrance to the Institute of Special Technologies. Sasha quickly discovers this is no ordinary school. The books are impossible to read, the lessons obscure to the point of maddening, and the knowledge itself refuses to be remembered. Despite this, Sasha undergoes changes that defy matter and time; with experiences that are nothing like what she could have dreamed of before… but which are suddenly all she could ever want. But this learning comes at a cost. The school uses terror and coercion to keep students in line: should they transgress at all, their families pay a terrible price… A complex blend of adventure, magic, science, and philosophy, expressed through a distinctly Russian voice, this astonishing story will transport the reader to a place far beyond imagining.
Dictum John Stott's Right Hand: The untold story of Frances Whitehead
This is a charming book, describing, in the words of Chris Wright, 'one of the greatest partnerships in church history.' It is a story which John Stott himself hoped would one day be told. It is widely agreed that Stott could not have been half so effective without Frances Whitehead at his side. He invited her to become his Secretary when she was still a young Christian, at that time working for the BBC. Having done secret war work as a mathematician, she brought a good mind as well as determination. Stott relied on her, and she would shoulder responsibility to work on the infrastructure to establish his ideas. She also typed his 50 books from longhand. They are both described (by one of the succession of young graduate Study Assistants) as 'fast, exacting and determined', with Frances matching Stott's gold standard again and again. 'She was as remarkable in her way as John Stott was in his.' They were good friends, and she was named in his Will as 'My friend and Executor'. Neither married and both were completely dedicated to John's ministry. You can't understand his ministry without knowing of Frances Whitehead. This is a very colourful biography looking at Frances Whitehead's ancestry as well as her own interesting life. It includes walk-on parts from George III, Gainsborough, Prince Albert, Florence Nightingale, the Singer family (of Singer sewing Machine fame) and Jacqueline du Pre. It is no ordinary 'Christian biography'. Her family at one stage owned much of Chelsea, including the land on which Harrods now stands. Frances's life story gives us glimpses into the way they worked together, and their shared values. Both were very modest about their contributions, and lived modestly. John Stott lived in a small two-roomed flat, from which he worked. His Study Assistant had a desk in Stott's small bedroom - the desk had been rescued from a skip. Frances worked in a small office looking out onto a brick wall. The book concludes with a summing-up of John Stott's and Frances Whitehead's joint legacy. This includes the founding and establishing of two global movements. Timeline, Family trees, Appendices, and over 30 photographs.
Futa Fata ZOG in Irish (as Gaeilge): 2019
Hachette Children's Group The Wolf's Secret
Wolf is a hunter, feared by every creature. But he has a secret: in the middle of the forest lives a girl whose beautiful voice has entranced him . . .The Wolf longs for friendship. But is he prepared to sacrifice his own true nature in order for his wish to come true?A beautiful and lyrical contemporary fairy tale about difference, trust and the power of friendship to overcome any obstacle.This sumptuous hardback gift book, with gold foil detail, is perfect for lovers of fairy tales and fables, new and old. It is gloriously illustrated by acclaimed artist and Greenaway Medal nominee Júlia Sardà.
Cambridge University Press Ageing and Health: The Politics of Better Policies
One of the most important political and economic challenges facing Europe and elsewhere is the ageing of societies. Must ageing populations create conflict between generations and crisis for health systems? Our answer is no. The problem is not so much demographic change as the political and policy challenge of creating fair, sustainable and effective policies for people of all ages. This book, based on a large European Observatory study, uses new evidence to challenge some of the myths surrounding ageing and its effects on economies and health systems. Cataclysmic views of population ageing are often based on stereotypes and anecdotes unsupported by evidence. How we address ageing societies is a choice. Societies can choose policies that benefit people of all ages, promoting equity both within and between generations, and political coalitions can be built to support such policies. This title is available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Pan Macmillan The Snail and the Whale and Friends Outdoor Activity Book
Grab your wellies and head outdoors with this fun-filled activity book packed full of outdoor activities for children, including characters from four bestselling picture books by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.Based on much-loved picture books including The Snail and the Whale and The Gruffalo's Child, and created by nature play specialists Little Wild Things, The Snail and the Whale and Friends Outdoor Activity Book is packed full of fun outdoor activities to encourage children and families to explore nature together. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and lots of hints and tips, the whole family can get involved!Includes activities based on: The Snail and the Whale, The Gruffalo's Child, The Smartest Giant in Town and A Squash and a Squeeze.Enjoy more outdoor activities with The Gruffalo and Friends Outdoor Activity Book.
Orion Publishing Co Plantfulness: How to Change Your Life with Plants
In an increasingly hectic world, Plantfulness is a guide to help you reconnect with nature while reaching for a peaceful and mindful life.Finding the perfect houseplant for you can be daunting, particularly for those who feel like they have a black touch rather than a green thumb, but Plantfulness guides you through 50 houseplants which can give back to you in a symbiotic relationship which allows you both to thrive.Featuring the practical benefits, from cleaner air and beautiful scents, to the emotional ones, like creative inspiration and a daily sense of accomplishment for caring for them, Plantfulness is the perfect choice for anyone wishing to improve their wellbeing and enjoy nature from the comfort of their home.An internationally respected expert on mindfulness and houseplant enthusiast, Dr Jonathan Kaplan works as a clinical psychologist in New York City. He lives with his wife, 2 kids, 2 cats, and asparagus fern Rhonda.
University of South Carolina Press The Doctor to the Dead: Grotesque Legends and Folk Tales of Old Charleston
You ask for a story. I will tell you one, fact for fact and true for true." So begins ""Crook-Neck Dick,"" one of twenty-three stories in this beguiling collection of Charleston lore. Derived from African American legends, these fables have entertained generations of Charlestonians with sheer storytelling magic. To delight of folklorists, students of Charleston history, and all those who love a good ghost story, this treasure features photos of the storytellers who shared these remarkable stories with John Bennett.Julia Eichelberger, the Marybelle Higgins Howe Professor of Southern Literature and an executive board member of the Center for Study of Slavery at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, provides a foreword.
Obelisco Tiranosaurio Soso
Oxford University Press Inc The Caregiving Ambition: What It Is and Why It Matters at Home and Work
Humans have always been caregivers. Yet caregiving for children, the sick, and the elderly is shockingly undervalued and underaccommodated. Given how little value is placed on caregiving, the work-life movement has been stalled for decades, stuck on women and their children like a skipping record. There are more women in the workforce, but not significantly more in the top leadership positions. Most importantly, many women-- and increasingly some men--experience their efforts to have careers and care for dependents as a battle against themselves or their own wellbeing. Most of this conversation is centered on helping mothers succeed in the workplace, with little attention to how we think about caregiving more broadly. Commonly construed as a duty, obligation, or responsibility, caregiving is, for many people, something very different: a goal, a desire, an ambition. Society's failure to acknowledge caregiving as an ambition on par with career aspirations has created real consequences, including a troubling lack of caregiving for each other, stubborn gender gaps in leadership, and widespread dissatisfaction with life. This evidence-based, reflective, and practical book on caregiving ambition pushes beyond the "mommy wars" that divide women, and increasingly men, by how they care, uniting them instead on why and how much they care. Through firsthand quantitative and qualitative empirical research, plus a wealth of research reviewed, the authors bring together psychological theories and cutting-edge management research to illuminate how ignoring caregiving as an ambition perpetuates the status quo. This book shows the path forward: an honest discussion about caregiving ambition will make our individual and collective lives more humane, caring, and productive.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Incredible Inventions: Poems
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industries
The hospitality and tourism sector is an increasingly significant contributor to GDP worldwide, as well as a key source of employment in developing regions. Drawing on contemporary research, this Handbook provides a provocative review of the major human resource challenges facing the hospitality and tourism sector today.Leading international scholars examine how hospitality and tourism businesses succeed through a consistently high level of service, particularly through the attitudes and behaviours of front-line employees to positively impact upon guest satisfaction and improve intention to return. Against this background, chapters analyse the myriad of reasons the industry struggles to attract and retain quality employees, including long and unsocial hours, non-competitive pay and unsophisticated management practices. Offering a thorough review of these human resource challenges through employee focus groups, in-depth interviews and surveys, this Handbook offers evidence-informed recommendations for their resolution. These include; strategies and tactics associated with brand internalisation, talent management, engagement, high-performance practices, learning and leadership development.Practical and engaging, this Handbook will be of interest to students and scholars researching hospitality and tourism from a business management perspective. Senior hospitality leaders will also benefit from the ideas herein, gaining competitive advantage by creating and supporting highly engaged and effective employees.Contriibutors include: T. Baum, M.-H. Budworth, R.J. Burke, C. Cheung, J. Christensen-Hughes, A. Jenkins, C.E. Kapoor, D. Kara, L. Lee, J.M. Madera, S. Mann, S. Mooney, W.C. Murray, A. Ogle, W. Pallett, T.-W. Tang, Y.-Y. Tang, M. Uysal, M.C.-H. Wang, T.C. Wang
Johns Hopkins University Press STEM Education in Underserved Schools: Promoting Equity, Access, and Excellence
Offers a model for increasing equity in STEM education at the K–12 level in the United States.In STEM Education in Underserved Schools, editor Julia V. Clark addresses an urgent national problem: the need to provide all students with a quality STEM education. Clark brings together a prestigious group of scholars to uncover the factors that impede equity and access in STEM education teaching and learning and provides research-based strategies to address these inequities. This contributed volume demonstrates that students of color and those from lower socioeconomic communities have less access to qualified science and mathematics teachers, less access to strong STEM curriculum, less access to resources, and fewer classroom opportunities than their peers at other schools. Identifying the challenges and best practices related to producing more equitable and inclusive routes to access STEM education and professions, contributors explain how to positively impact the trajectory of individuals from underrepresented groups in K–12 and pre-college programs and lay out a bold reenvisioning of STEM education. These essays aim to build knowledge and theory for how schools can promote coherent guidance for culturally responsive instruction by exploring the policies and practices of four nations—Finland, Singapore, Korea, and Australia—that have made noteworthy strides toward more equitable achievement in science and mathematics. Clark offers a powerful framework in STEM to capture the benefits of international collaborations that would embed American scientists and students in vibrant, globally collaborative networks. Through a deep analysis of successful programs elsewhere in the world and a uniquely international framework, Clark and these contributors present an innovative road map to equalize access to STEM education in the United States.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Tectonic, Climatic, and Cryospheric Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Special Publications Series. Tectonic, Climatic, and Cryospheric Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula presents the analysis of data collected during the SHALDRIL program, which sampled the most complete Cenozoic stratigraphic section in the Antarctic Peninsula. The stratigraphic intervals sampled fill major gaps in the existing stratigraphic record in the region, which is believed to have been the last place in Antarctica to become fully glaciated and, as such, the last refugium for plants and animals living on the continent. Providing previously unpublished results from studies aimed at improving our understanding of the changes in climate, glacial setting, and fauna and flora that took place over the past 30 million years, the volume highlights include discussions of marine seismic and drill core records documenting the initial growth and expansion of an ice sheet across the northernmost Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf in the northwestern Weddell Sea. The book features: Detailed vegetation and phytoplankton evolution from greenhouse through icehouse conditions in Antarctica's last refugium Sand grain texture and micromorphology indicating ice sheet control of weathering style Exhumational history around the Drake Passage margins from thermochronology and sediment provenance Comprehensive review of the opening of the ocean passageway between Antarctica and South America and the associated regional tectonics. Tectonic, Climatic, and Cryospheric Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula will be of interest to geologists, climatologists, and glaciologists interested in climate and cryosphere evolution and those factors that regulate it.
Fordham University Press Dining With Sherlock Holmes: A Baker Street Cookbook
A recipe book offering full menus from four Sherlock Holmes dinners and recounting a history of the dinners and of the Firehouse Breakfast which has become a tradition with the Culinary Institute of America. All the recipes are served with a little relevant history and research.
Stanford University Press Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700–1950
This ground-breaking documentary history contains over 150 primary sources originally written in 15 languages by or about Sephardi Jews—descendants of Jews who fled medieval Spain and Portugal settling in the western portions of the Ottoman Empire, including the Balkans, Anatolia, and Palestine. Reflecting Sephardi history in all its diversity, from the courtyard to the courthouse, spheres intimate, political, commercial, familial, and religious, these documents show life within these distinctive Jewish communities as well as between Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Sephardi Lives offer readers an intimate view of how Sephardim experienced the major regional and world events of the modern era—natural disasters, violence and wars, the transition from empire to nation-states, and the Holocaust. This collection also provides a vivid exploration of the day-to-day lives of Sephardi women, men, boys, and girls in the Judeo-Spanish heartland of the Ottoman Balkans and Middle East, as well as the émigré centers Sephardim settled throughout the twentieth century, including North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. The selections are of a vast range, including private letters from family collections, rabbinical writings, documents of state, memoirs and diaries, court records, selections from the popular press, and scholarship. In a single volume, Sephardi Lives preserves the cultural richness and historical complexity of a Sephardi world that is no more.
Stanford University Press Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700–1950
This ground-breaking documentary history contains over 150 primary sources originally written in 15 languages by or about Sephardi Jews—descendants of Jews who fled medieval Spain and Portugal settling in the western portions of the Ottoman Empire, including the Balkans, Anatolia, and Palestine. Reflecting Sephardi history in all its diversity, from the courtyard to the courthouse, spheres intimate, political, commercial, familial, and religious, these documents show life within these distinctive Jewish communities as well as between Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Sephardi Lives offer readers an intimate view of how Sephardim experienced the major regional and world events of the modern era—natural disasters, violence and wars, the transition from empire to nation-states, and the Holocaust. This collection also provides a vivid exploration of the day-to-day lives of Sephardi women, men, boys, and girls in the Judeo-Spanish heartland of the Ottoman Balkans and Middle East, as well as the émigré centers Sephardim settled throughout the twentieth century, including North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. The selections are of a vast range, including private letters from family collections, rabbinical writings, documents of state, memoirs and diaries, court records, selections from the popular press, and scholarship. In a single volume, Sephardi Lives preserves the cultural richness and historical complexity of a Sephardi world that is no more.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Risk Appraisal and Venture Capital in High Technology New Ventures
This book is a 'crossover' treatment of quantitative and qualitative risk analysis within the setting of new high technology ventures in the UK. Reid and Smith have based their research on extensive fieldwork in patent-intensive, high-technology firms. This has included face-to-face interviews with leading investors, and is illustrated by two chapters of case studies. Their aim is to advance the understanding of methods of risk assessment and to illuminate current policy concerns about stimulating innovative output and securing intellectual property.This book is unique in being academic in intent and purpose, yet strongly grounded in practice, without becoming merely a practitioner volume. Reid and Smith find a considerable consensus in the venture capital industry on the spectrum of investments by risk, and on key commercial factors affecting risk. This book offers a useful and interdisciplinary approach to an increasingly popular field of study.
Banana Books Kitchi: The Spirit Fox
The History Press Ltd Victorian Engineering
L T C Rolt was an engineer and pioneer of industrial history; in this book he combined these two passions to give us a fascinating account of the men who 'made' Britain. From Brunel to Telford, he takes us on a journey from the first railway tracks being laid down to bridges spanning hitherto unimagined lengths, through to the 'invention' and mastery of the gas and electricity, which we take for granted today. The Victorians were at the forefront of modern technology in their time, but often came to see it as a blight on their landscape and struggled to adapt to the fast pace of this new industrial era.In this book, Rolt not only examines the creations that made Britain's empire great, but also how the age of optimism turned to one of disillusionment with many of our inventors finding fame and fortune abroad. This unrivalled insight into our industrial heritage is compulsory reading for anyone wanting to appreciate the foundations on which our modern lives were built.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Swine Flu: Signs / Symptoms, Preventive Methods & Treatment Options
Jantar Publishing Ltd Big Love: 2019
Andrič and his girlfriend Laura have been seeing each other for a long time now but it isn’t clear what each sees in the other. Self-absorbed, delusional or just a regular couple? ‘Big Love is primarily a critique of contemporary society, in which the triumph of liberal democracy has increased rather than diminished the Kafkaesque aspects of life.’ – Charles Sabatos.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge
This open access book presents original contributions and thought leadership on academic integrity from a variety of Canadian scholars. It showcases how our understanding and support for academic integrity have progressed, while pointing out areas urgently requiring more attention.Firmly grounded in the scholarly literature globally, it engages with the experience of local practicioners. It presents aspects of academic integrity that is specific to Canada, such as the existence of an "honour culture", rather than relying on an "honour code". It also includes Indigenous voices and perspectives that challenge traditional understandings of intellectual property, as well as new understandings that have arisen as a consequence of Covid-19 and the significant shift to online and remote learning.This book will be of interest to senior university and college administrators who are interested in ensuring the integrity of their institutions. It will also be of interest to those implementing university and college policy, as well as those who support students in their scholarly work.