Search results for ""mcgraw-hill""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Marriages and Families Intimacy Diversity and Strengths
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Personal Finance
This new book offers students a comprehensive and engaging treatment of personal finance, while incorporating unique themes, an application-driven pedagogy, and a definitive action plan. Unlike other texts on the market, it offers a frank and timely discussion of living within one’s means and incorporating personal values and priorities into a personal financial plan. The intent is to help readers set priorities that guide their finances, rather than the other way around. This book establishes a path toward financial freedom that is less about accumulating wealth and more about building a future tailored to individual goals. With Walker/Walker, your future looks bright!Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 Access Card (18 Weeks) for College Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe American History: Connecting with the Past Volume 2
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf Version for Intermediate Algebra (Softcover Edition)
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 Access Card (52 Weeks) for Beginning & Intermediate Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect Math Hosted by Aleks Access Card 52 Weeks for Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect Math Hosted by Aleks Access Card 52 Weeks for Beginning Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Basic Mathematical Skills with Geometry
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Experiments Manual for Contemporary Electronics
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The West in the World Vol 1 to 1715
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose-Leaf for Microeconomics
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf Beginning Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Audio CD Program part 1 for SOL Y VIENTO
Sol y viento integrates the latest in second language acquisition research with the highest quality, Hollywood caliber feature film available for the Introductory Spanish classroom. The Sol y viento program creates a distinct and captivating cultural experience that motivates students to develop their communication skills. Created specifically for beginning language learners, Sol y viento tells the story of a Chilean family and their winery, and of a young U.S. Latino businessman who finds himself intricately involved with the family as his company tries to buy their land. Mystery, romance, and the unexplainable forces of nature all play a part in this spellbinding story, drawing students in and compelling them to want to communicate about the film and its themes. Sol y viento 3/e is available with CENTRO, a portal learning management system, which offers a diagnostic tool that provides students with tailored learning plans to address their specific learning needs. This integrated technology platform delivers a variety of digital components including Quia workbooks, laboratory manuals and an interactive e-book with voice board, allowing professors to deliver a seamless learning experience to students in both seated and virtual sections.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Dos Mundos: Comunicacion y Comunidad
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Lab Manual (Manual de Actividades) Volume 2 for Sol Y Viento
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Laboratory Manual for Prego!
Prego! is easy to use! For this exciting new edition, we listened to our many adopters and made significant revisions to adapt Prego! to the changing needs of your students. Every aspect of this program is based on the strong foundation of vocabulary and grammar presentations unique to Prego along with communicative activities and expanded cultural material to help students develop language proficiency. As a result, the program is even stronger, offering a truly integrated approach to presenting culture that inspires students to develop their communication skills.All print and media supplements for the program are completely integrated in CENTRO, our comprehensive digital platform that brings together all the online and media resources of the Prego! program. These include the Quia online versions of the workbook and laboratory manual, the video program, the music playlist, and new interactive games. Instructors will also find an easy-to-use grade book, an instructor dashboard, and a class roster system that facilitates course management and helps reduce administrative workload.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra with Trigonometry
Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, and Sobecki’s College Algebra with Trigonometry text is designed to be user friendly and to maximize student comprehension by emphasizing computational skills, ideas, and problem solving as opposed to mathematical theory. The large number of pedagogical devices employed in this text will guide a student through the course. Integrated throughout the text, students and instructors will find Explore-Discuss boxes which encourage students to think critically about mathematical concepts. In each section, the worked examples are followed by matched problems that reinforce the concept being taught. In addition, the text contains an abundance of exercises and applications that will convince students that math is useful. A MathZone site featuring algorithmic exercises, videos, and other resources accompanies the text.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Audio CD Part A/Dos Mundos
The Audio Program, coordinated with the Actividades auditivas from the Cuaderno de actividades, is available in audio CD format and also on the Online Learning Center. Additionally, an audio recording of the Enlace a la literatura passages and selected Lecturas from the textbook are included in special audio CDs as part of Audio Program. Part A is used in conjunction with the Workbook/Lab Manual Part A or the Combined Workbook/Lab Manual.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Physical Geography Lab Manual
Lemke et al: Physical Geography Laboratory Manual is a comprehensive introductory manual for students without a previous science background. An abundant set of 21 exercises assures that every professor will find a complete set of preferred labs for a semester-long course. Lemke/Ritter/Heywood wrote this lab manual in order to provide equal coverage of the four spheres of the environment—the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. The lab manual was written independent of any specific textbook and will work with available physical geography texts.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Audio CD Volume 2 T/A Portafolio
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Audio CD Volume 1 T/A Portafolio
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Common Core Basics, Mathematics Core Subject Module
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workplace Skills: Applied Mathematics, Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Biological Investigations Lab Manual
Designed to be used with all majors-level general biology textbooks, the included labs are investigative, using both discovery- and hypothesis-based science methods. Students experimentally investigate topics, observe structure, use critical thinking skills to predict and test ideas, and engage in hands-on learning. By emphasizing investigative, quantitative, and comparative approaches to the topics, the authors continually emphasize how the biological sciences are integrative, yet unique. This manual is an excellent choice for colleges and universities that want their students to experience the breadth of modern biology encouraged them to think for themselves.An instructor's manual, provides detailed advice based on the authors' experience on how to prepare materials for each lab, teachings tips and lesson plans, and questions that can be used in quizzes and practical exams
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Inside Reporting
No other textbook offers a more engaging and accessible approach to newswriting than Inside Reporting. While emphasizing the basics, this new edition offers a wealth of information on digital reporting and packaging stories in modern, interactive ways. It also includes more useful advice on feature writing—from stories to reviews and column-writing—than any other textbook in the field.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Plants in our World: Economic Botany:
This one-semester text is designed for an upper level botany course. Plants in our World emphasizes how people use plants; including fundamental information on morphology, anatomy, and taxonomy as a foundation of general botany. Now in full color, the fourth edition includes molecular data that has immensely altered the understanding of relationships among flowering plants and recently pinpointed the origin of numerous crops. Taxonomy of species has been updated to discuss the system of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra: Graphs & Models
Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn-Herdlick Series: that of laying a firm foundation, building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. In the Graphs and Models texts, the authors combine their depth of experience with the conversational style and the wealth of applications that the Coburn-Herdlick texts have become known for. By combining a graphical approach to problem solving with algebraic methods, students learn how to relate their mathematical knowledge to the outside world. The authors use technology to solve the more true-to life equations, to engage more applications, and to explore the more substantial questions involving graphical behavior. Benefiting from the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, College Algebra: Graphs & Models emphasizes connections in order to improve the level of student engagement in mathematics and increase their chances of success in college algebra. The launch of the Coburn/Herdlick Graphs and Models series provides a significant leap forward in terms of online course management with McGraw-Hill’s new homework platform, Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS Corp. Math instructors served as digital contributors to choose the problems that will be available, authoring each algorithm and providing stepped out solutions that go into great detail and are focused on areas where students commonly make mistakes. From there, the ALEKS Corporation reviewed each algorithm to ensure accuracy. A unifying theme throughout the entire process was the involvement of the authors. Through each step, they provided feedback and guidance to the digital contributors to ensure that the content being developed digitally closely matched the textbook. The result is an online homework platform that provides superior content and feedback, allowing students to effectively learn the material being taught.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Physics of Sports
There is a large and growing number of excellent books on physics and sports. While these books are well written, educational, and often entertaining, they are simply not textbooks. Physics concepts such as: force, velocity, and torque, come into the discussion. Interesting facts are given, and occasionally a formula is applied. However, the focus is typically on conveying interesting physics related facts about a particular sport, rather than developing a general appreciation and facility for scientific reasoning. The Physics of Sports is intended as a textbook for a 1 semester or a 1-2 quarter undergraduate course, for students - not necessarily intending to major in Physical Science, Engineering, or a related field. With this course, it is hoped that a student's natural interest in athletics and the direct relevance to concrete material will bridge the gap for students, turned off by the seemingly abstract stuff covered in many undergraduate physics courses. The discussion being completely centered around real life examples, allows students to understand sports by talking about Physics.McGraw-Hill's Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers an may also have a "multi-step solution" which helps move the students' learning along if they experience difficulty.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Medical Coding Workbook for Physician Practices and Facilities: ICD-10 Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Economics
Samuelson's text was first published in 1948, and it immediately became the authority for the principles of economics courses. The book continues to be the standard-bearer for principles courses, and this revision continues to be a clear, accurate, and interesting introduction to modern economics principles. Bill Nordhaus is now the primary author of this text, and he has revised the book to be as current and relevant as ever.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The West in the World
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Basic College Mathematics with P.O.W.E.R. Learning
Sherri Messersmith’s successful hardcover franchise is expanded with the new softcover P.O.W.E.R. series. The conversational writing style, practical applications, innovative student resources and student friendly walk through of examples that users of the hard cover books noted and appreciated are also found in the pages of the P.O.W.E.R. series. The P.O.W.E.R. FrameworkWhat makes P.O.W.E.R. a unique tool for the classroom? A major challenge in developmental courses is that students at this level struggle with basic study skills and habits. Maybe this is one of their first college courses or perhaps they are adults returning to school after a long absence. Either way, many of the individuals taking this course don’t know how to be good students. Instructors often don’t have the time, the resources or the expertise to teach success skills AND the math concepts. The new team of Messersmith, Perez and Feldman offer a scientifically based approach to meet this challenge. The P.O.W.E.R. Learning Framework was developed by successful author, psychologist, student success instructor and researcher, Bob Feldman. It is a method of accomplishing any task using five simple and consistent steps. Prepare. Organize. Work. Evaluate. Rethink. This framework is integrated at every level of the text to help students successfully learn math concepts while at the same time developing habits that will serve them well throughout their college careers and in their daily lives. The MathMastering Concepts--With the textbook and Connect Math hosted by ALEKS, students can practice and master their understanding of algebraic concepts.Messersmith is rigorous enough to prepare students for the next level yet easy to read and understand. The exposition is written as if a professor is teaching in a lecture to be more accessible to students. The language is mathematically sound yet easy enough for students to understand.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Privilege, Power, and Difference
Privilege, Power, and Difference is a groundbreaking tool for students and non-students alike to examine systems of privilege and difference in our society. Written in an accessible, conversational style, the 3rd edition links theory with engaging examples in ways that enable readers to see the underlying nature and consequences of privilege and their connection to it. This program has been used across the country, both inside and outside the classroom, to shed light on issues of power and privilege. The Connect course for this offering includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience which guides students to master, recall, and apply key concepts while providing automatically-graded assessments.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Gregg Reference Manual: A Manual of Style, Grammar, Usage, and Formatting Tribute Edition
The Gregg Reference Manual is intended for anyone who writes, edits, or prepares material fordistribution or publication. For over fifty years this manual has been recognized as the beststyle manual for business professionals and for students who want to master the on-the-jobstandards of business professionals.Features of the New EditionThe eleventh edition of The Gregg Reference Manual has been revised and enhanced to satisfy the continually evolving demands of business and academic writers. In addition, this special four-color edition of GRM pays tribute to the author Bill Sabin with personal photographs and a new biographical essay.Other Components of the Eleventh EditionA number of supplementary components are available online for trainers, instructors and students including:Basic WorksheetsComprehensive WorksheetsTrainer’s Resource ManualInstructor’s Resource Manual Visit The Gregg Reference Manual Resource
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Estimating Construction Costs
In preparing the sixth edition of Estimating Construction Costs the author has retained the fundamental concepts of estimating that have made the book successful for many years. All of the example problems have been revised with more explanations regarding assumptions used in the calculations. This edition has reorganized and consolidated chapters to increase the clarity of the subject matter for the reader. Extensive new sections have been added on equipment, including graders equipped with GPS, and methods of calculating depreciation, investment, and operating costs of construction equipment. The computer estimating chapter is revised with additional material on the use of computers in preparing estimates for bidding purposes.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers Using Excel ® 2007
This practical text is a perfect fit for introductory engineering courses by successfully combining an introduction to Excel fundamentals with a clear presentation on how Excel can be used to solve common engineering problems. Updated to ensure compatibility with Excel 2007, Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers Using Excel 2007 provides beginning engineering students with a strong foundation in problem solving using Excel as the modern day equivalent of the slide rule. As part of McGraw-Hill's BEST series for freshman engineering curricula, this text is particularly geared toward introductory students. The author provides plenty of background information on technical terms, and provides numerous examples illustrating both traditional and spreadsheet solutions for a variety of engineering problems. The first three chapters introduce the basics of problem solving and Excel fundamentals. Beyond that, the chapters are largely independent of one another. Topics covered include graphing data, unit conversions, data analysis, interpolation and curve fitting, solving equations, evaluating integrals, creating macros, and comparing economic alternatives.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Beginning Algebra
Beginning Algebra, 9th edition, by Baratto, Bergman, and Hutchison is part of the latest offerings in the successful Hutchison Series in Mathematics. The book is designed for a one-semester course in beginning algebra and is appropriate for lecture, learning center, laboratory, and self-paced settings. The ninth edition continues the series’ hallmark approach of encouraging mastery of mathematics through careful practice. The text provides detailed, straightforward explanations and accessible pedagogy to help students grow their math skills from the ground up. The authors use a three-pronged approach of communication, pattern recognition, and problem solving to present concepts understandably, stimulate critical-thinking skills, and stress reading and communication skills in order to help students become effective problem-solvers. Features such as Tips for Student Success, Check Yourself exercises, and Activities underscore this approach and the underlying philosophy of mastering math through practice. Exercise sets have been significantly expanded and are now better-organized, and applications are now more thoroughly integrated throughout the text. The text is fully-integrated with McGraw-Hill’s new online learning system, Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS Corp, and is available with ALEKS 360.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Basic College Mathematics
Get Better Results with high quality content, exercise sets, and step-by-step pedagogy! The Miller/O'Neill/Hyde author team continues to offer an enlightened approach grounded in the fundamentals of classroom experience in Basic College Mathematics. The text reflects the compassion and insight of its experienced author team with features developed to address the specific needs of developmental level students. Throughout the text, the authors communicate to students the very points their instructors are likely to make during lecture, and this helps to reinforce the concepts and provide instruction that leads students to mastery and success. Also included are Problem Recognition Exercises, designed to help students recognize which solution strategies are most appropriate for a given exercise. These types of exercises, along with the number of practice problems and group activities available, permit instructors to choose from a wealth of problems, allowing ample opportunity for students to practice what they learn in lecture to hone their skills. In this way, the book perfectly complements any learning platform, whether traditional lecture or distance-learning; its instruction is so reflective of what comes from lecture, that students will feel as comfortable outside of class as they do inside class with their instructor.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Power Electronics
Power Electronics is intended to be an introductory text in power electronics, primarily for the undergraduate electrical engineering student. The text is written for some flexibility in the order of the topics. Much of the text includes computer simulation using PSpice as a supplement to analytical circuit solution techniques.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Computer Organization and Embedded Systems
The sixth edition of this book covers the key topics in computer organization and embedded systems. It presents hardware design principles and shows how hardware design is influenced by the requirements of software. The book carefully explains the main principles supported by examples drawn from commercially available processors. The book is suitable for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering majors and computer science specialists. It is intended for a first course in computer organization and embedded systems.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design
Fundamentals of Digital Logic With Verilog Design is intended for an introductory course in digital logic design. The main goals are (1) to teach students the fundamental concepts in classical manual digital design, and (2) illlustrate clearly the way in which digital circuits are designed today, using CAD tools.Use of CAD software is well integrated into the book. Some excellent CAD tools are available free of charge. For example, the Altera Corporation has its Quartus II CAD software, used for implementing designs in programmable logic devices such as FPGAs. The Web Edition of the Quartus II software can be downloaded from Altera's website and used free of charge, without the need to obtain a license. Previous editions of this book a set of tutorials for using Quartus II software was provided in the appendices. These tutorials can now be found on the Author's website. Another set of useful tutorials about Quartus II can be found on Altera's University Program website, which is located at
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Communication Systems
This exciting revision of Communication Systems, a classic text in the communications field, presents an introduction to electrical communication systems, including analysis methods, design principles, and hardware considerations. The fifth edition has been updated to reflect current technology covering both analog and digital communication in this ever-evolving field. Conceptual/descriptive/thought questions have been added throughout the book as well as MATLAB® questions and lecture Powerpoint files on the website. The text covers both analog and digital communications. It features worked examples and exercises for students to solve within chapters, helping them to master new concepts as they are introduced.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering
Building on seven strong editions, the eighth edition maintains the organization and approach for which Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering is known while making significant improvements and additions to content as well as problems and projects. The revisions for the eighth edition make the text easier to use in a one-semester course.Integrating case studies to show the object oriented approach to software engineering, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 8/e presents an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques. While maintaining a unique organization with Part I covering underlying software engineering theory, and Part II presenting the more practical life cycle, the eighth edition includes significant revision to problems, new content, as well as a new chapter to enable instructors to better-utilize the book in a one-semester course. Complementing this well-balanced approach is the straightforward, student-friendly writing style, through which difficult concepts are presented in a clear, understandable manner.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Wblm T/A Asi Lo Veo
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Introduction to Logic Design
Introduction to Logic Design by Alan Marcovitz is intended for the first course in logic design, taken by computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering students. As with the previous editions, this edition has a clear presentation of fundamentals and an exceptional collection of examples, solved problems and exercises.The text integrates laboratory experiences, both hardware and computer simulation, while not making them mandatory for following the main flow of the chapters. Design is emphasized throughout, and switching algebra is developed as a tool for analyzing and implementing digital systems. The presentation includes excellent coverage of minimization of combinational circuits, including multiple output ones, using the Karnaugh map and iterated consensus. There are a number of examples of the design of larger systems, both combinational and sequential, using medium scale integrated circuits and programmable logic devices. The third edition features two chapters on sequential systems. The first chapter covers analysis of sequential systems and the second covers design. Complete coverage of the analysis and design of synchronous sequential systems adds to the comprehensive nature of the text. The derivation of state tables from word problems further emphasizes the practical implementation of the material being presented.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Do Everything with Adobe Acrobat 6.0
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition
The gold-standard text in pediatric hospital medicine – updated and streamlined for today’s practiceHailed by reviewers and clinicians alike, Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine has become the specialty’s cornerstone text. Edited by five leading figures in pediatric hospital medicine, this acclaimed resource brings you the most up-to-date, evidence-based approaches to inpatient pediatric care from experts in their fields. Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition opens with an informative introductory section that defines hospital medicine and addresses general issues of hospitalist practice and administration. This includes important topics such as medical legal issues, communications, electronic health records, palliative care, ethical issues, careers, professional organizations, and more.The book then moves into commonly presenting signs and symptoms. This is followed by the largest section, a breakdown of diseases by system. The text concludes with a procedures section that provides hard-to-find instruction on the procedures most commonly performed on children in a hospital setting. The Disease chapters are templated to include Background, Pathophysiology, Differential Diagnosis, Diagnostic Evaluation, Management, Special Considerations, Key Points, References, algorithms, and more. The Procedures chapters include Indications, Contraindications, Anatomy, Equipment, Procedure, Preparation, Technique, Complications, and Special Considerations. If you’re in need of an up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative text that spans the emerging field of pediatric hospital medicine, your search ends here.