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Verso Books After Diana: Irreverent Elegies
The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, was met by the deepest mourning of the twentieth century. Two and a half billion people worldwide watched the funeral on television, floral tributes flooded London's royal parks and sprung up, too, in small towns in Texas, conspiracy theories ricocheted around the Internet, commemorative stamps were issued in newly communist Hong Kong.Press coverage of the death was also unprecedented in both its scale and uniformity. Yet, in an enormous welter of schmaltz, very little was said about the meaning of what had occurred-whether Tony Blair's public emoting heralded a new kind of politics; what, if anything, the anguish of so many who never knew Diana in person revealed about modern society; how the intertwining of the ideas of celebrity and victim, physical beauty and moral worth, affected people's responses; what was implied for the future of the royal family.For those perplexed by the events surrounding Diana's death, this book provides some answers. Insisting that all aspects of the affair are open to investigation, that nothing (and especially not royalty) is sacred, it brings together a group of distinguished writers whose primary interest is to analyze the death rather than lament it.Contributors: Mark Augé, Jean Baudrillard, Sarah Benton, Homi K. Bhabha, Mark Cousins, Alexander Cockburn, Richard Coles, Régis Debray, Françoise Gaillard, Peter Ghosh, Christopher Hird, Christopher Hitchens, Linda Holt, Sara Maitland, Ross McKibbin, Mandy Merck, Tom Nairn, Glen Newey, Naomi Segal, Dorothy Thompson, Francis Wheen, Judith Williamson, and Elizabeth Wilson.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Body Language For Dummies
The complete guide to mastering the art of effective body language Body Language For Dummies is your ideal guide to understanding other people, and helping them understand you. Body language is a critical component of good communication, and often conveys a bigger message than the words you say. This book teaches you how to interpret what people really mean by observing their posture, gestures, eye movements, and more, and holds up a mirror to give you a clear idea of how you're being interpreted yourself. This updated third edition includes new coverage of virtual meetings, multicultural outsourcing environments, devices, and boardroom behaviours for women, as well as insight into Harvard professor Amy Cuddy's research into how body language affects testosterone and cortisol, as published in the Harvard Business Review.. Body language is a fascinating topic that reveals how the human mind works. Image and presentation are crucial to successful communication, both in business and in your personal life. This book is your guide to decoding body language, and adjusting your own habits to improve your interactions with others. Become a better communicator without saying a word Make a better first (and second, and third...) impression Learn what other people's signals really mean Transform your personal and professional relationships Realising what kind of impression you give is a valuable thing, and learning how to make a more positive impact is an incredibly useful skill. Whether you want to improve your prospects in job seeking, dating, or climbing the corporate ladder, Body Language For Dummies helps you translate the unspoken and get your message across.
Stanford University Press Refugees of the Revolution: Experiences of Palestinian Exile
Some sixty-five years after 750,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homeland, the popular conception of Palestinian refugees still emphasizes their fierce commitment to exercising their "right of return." Exile has come to seem a kind of historical amber, preserving refugees in a way of life that ended abruptly with "the catastrophe" of 1948 and their camps—inhabited now for four generations—as mere zones of waiting. While reducing refugees to symbols of steadfast single-mindedness has been politically expedient to both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict it comes at a tremendous cost for refugees themselves, overlooking their individual memories and aspirations and obscuring their collective culture in exile. Refugees of the Revolution is an evocative and provocative examination of everyday life in Shatila, a refugee camp in Beirut. Challenging common assumptions about Palestinian identity and nationalist politics, Diana Allan provides an immersive account of camp experience, of communal and economic life as well as inner lives, tracking how residents relate across generations, cope with poverty and marginalization, and plan––pragmatically and speculatively—for the future. She gives unprecedented attention to credit associations, debt relations, electricity bartering, emigration networks, and NGO provisions, arguing that a distinct Palestinian identity is being forged in the crucible of local pressures. What would it mean for the generations born in exile to return to a place they never left? Allan addresses this question by rethinking the relationship between home and homeland. In so doing, she reveals how refugees are themselves pushing back against identities rooted in a purely nationalist discourse. This groundbreaking book offers a richly nuanced account of Palestinian exile, and presents new possibilities for the future of the community.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visual Basic Graphics Programming: Hands-On Applications and Advanced Color Development
All the tools you need to create the full range of Visual Basic(r) color graphics applications Expert Rod Stephens provides you with everything you need to add advanced graphics to your applications in this in-depth introduction to graphic programming with Microsoft Visual Basic. From images using as few as 16 colors to "true-color" applications that use more than 16 million, he shows you how to create the full range of color graphics applications. You'll learn how to use Visual Basic controls to create impressive graphic effects without having to buy expensive add-on products. This book/CD-ROM package also explains how to integrate imaging, animation, and two- and three-dimensional graphics into an application. And you'll find the tools to manipulate color images, overlay one image on another, build scrolled windows, and much more. The Second Edition covers: * New API functions * Bitmap image morphing * New algorithms for hidden surface removal * Print preview with multiple pages and scales * Image processing, including high color and true color * Examples of controlling animation using simulation * New examples that demonstrate shape-distorting transformations * New examples of fractals and tilings * Gouraud shading, Phong shading, and texturing * Ray tracing speed improvements * Ray tracing for new kinds of objects The CD-ROM includes: * More than 400 complete, ready-to-run example programs * Pictures to use with the example programs * Images generated by the programs * Color images of many of the figures from the book * Source code for all example programs from the First Edition
The University of Chicago Press Evolution and the Machinery of Chance: Philosophy, Probability, and Scientific Practice in Biology
An innovative view of the role of fitness concepts in evolutionary theory. Natural selection is one of the factors responsible for changes in biological populations. Some traits or organisms are fitter than others, and natural selection occurs when there are changes in the distribution of traits in populations because of fitness differences. Many philosophers of biology insist that a trait’s fitness should be defined as an average of the fitnesses of individual members of the population that have the trait. Marshall Abrams argues convincingly against this widespread approach. As he shows, it conflicts with the roles that fitness is supposed to play in evolutionary theory and with the ways that evolutionary biologists use fitness concepts in empirical research. The assumption that a causal kind of fitness is fundamentally a property of actual individuals has resulted in unnecessary philosophical puzzles and years of debate. Abrams came to see that the fitnesses of traits that are the basis of natural selection cannot be defined in terms of the fitnesses of actual members of populations, as philosophers of biology often claim. Rather, it is an overall population-environment system—not actual, particular organisms living in particular environmental conditions—that is the basis of trait fitnesses. Abrams argues that by distinguishing different classes of fitness concepts and the roles they play in the practice of evolutionary biology, we can see that evolutionary biologists’ diverse uses of fitness concepts make sense together and are consistent with the idea that fitness differences cause evolution. Abrams’s insight has broad significance, for it provides a general framework for thinking about the metaphysics of biological evolution and its relations to empirical research. As such, it is a game-changing book for philosophers of biology, biologists who want deeper insight into the nature of evolution, and anyone interested in the applied philosophy of probability.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Social Leap: The New Evolutionary Science of Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What Makes Us Happy
In the compelling popular science tradition of Sapiens and Guns, Germs, and Steel, a groundbreaking and eye-opening exploration that applies evolutionary science to provide a new perspective on human psychology, revealing how major challenges from our past have shaped some of the most fundamental aspects of our being.The most fundamental aspects of our lives—from leadership and innovation to aggression and happiness—were permanently altered by the "social leap" our ancestors made from the rainforest to the savannah. Their struggle to survive on the open grasslands required a shift from individualism to a new form of collectivism, which forever altered the way our mind works. It changed the way we fight and our proclivity to make peace, it changed the way we lead and the way we follow, it made us innovative but not inventive, it created a new kind of social intelligence, and it led to new sources of life satisfaction.In The Social Leap, William von Hippel lays out this revolutionary hypothesis, tracing human development through three critical evolutionary inflection points to explain how events in our distant past shape our lives today. From the mundane, such as why we exaggerate, to the surprising, such as why we believe our own lies and why fame and fortune are as likely to bring misery as happiness, the implications are far reaching and extraordinary.Blending anthropology, biology, history, and psychology with evolutionary science, The Social Leap is a fresh and provocative look at our species that provides new clues about who we are, what makes us happy, and how to use this knowledge to improve our lives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organized Labor and Civil Society for Multiculturalism: A Solidarity Success Story from South Korea
Some 30 years ago, South Korea began a temporary worker program modeled after Japan, Europe and the U.S. Newly arrived migrants, framed as temporary populations, were expected to return to their countries of origin upon fulfilling their economic roles. However, many overstayed their visas to maximize their earning potential. In Organized Labor and Civil Society for Multiculturalism: A Solidarity Success Story from South Korea Joon K. Kim shows how South Korea's progressive labor unions and labor rights advocates spearheaded the labor rights struggles of new immigrant workers - a one-of-a-kind development. Such consistent advocacy efforts contributed to significant changes in broader immigration and naturalization policies, as the scope of such organizations' advocacy work quickly spread to other similarly situated populations, including marriage migrants, co-ethnic Koreans from China and Russia, North Korean defectors, and new asylum seekers and refugees from South Asia and Africa. Kim demonstrates the huge contribution such work made to the sudden and widespread use of the term damunhwa (literally meaning "multi-culture";) in South Korea over the last ten years in a country that has prided itself on its homogeneity. The relatively few incidents of anti-immigrant movements in South Korea can be attributed to the role of organized labor and civil society in structuring policies and discourses through their advocacy work since the early-1990s—a success story indeed. For its depth of rigorous original research Organized Labor and Civil Society for Multiculturalism is a must-read for researchers and students interested in ethnic studies and labor movements.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Well Played: The Ultimate Guide to Awakening Your Family's Playful Spirit
From Today Show contributor, Meredith Sinclair, comes this ultimate resource for awakening your playful spirit, jumpstarting your relationships, and upping your happiness quotient. In our age of digital addiction, many of us have lost our ability to be spontaneous. More parents are complaining that they no longer even remember how to play...with their children, their spouse, and even with their own friends. Don't fret! In Well Played, expert Meredith Sinclair helps families relearn what used to come naturally and shows how to find happiness through play. For children, playing comes naturally...or at least it used to. But today that kind of easy-going fun is harder to come by, for both kids and their parents. With hectic lifestyles and constant technology overload, families have simply forgotten how to play. The solution? Relearn how to integrate fun and creative play into our day-to-day lives. Well Played will show you how to simplify your overscheduled lives with plenty of original and entertaining ideas, including: * Why a disco ball is an essential kitchen appliance * Lip Sync Battle, family edition * Parent-child slumber parties...don't forget the popcorn! * Party like it's 1949 with old-school table games * 12 dates that are way better than dinner and a movie * Stop helicopter parenting yourself-find things that thrill and slightly alarm you all at the same time! * Grown-up field trips to slap on your schedule Packed with fun and engaging line drawings, entertaining DIY projects, and hundreds of lists and tips on capturing the game-changing joy of goofing off, Well Played is an indispensable guide for families to incorporate quality fun and playtime into our daily lives.
O'Reilly Media Modern Leatherwork for Makers
Take leather crafting into the 21st century with this complete guide that marries traditional skills to the latest CNC and 3D printing technologies. Learn how to start making your own leather creations with traditional tools, and then take them to incredible new levels with digital design techniques. Leatherworking is one of humankind's oldest skills and remains a fun and exciting way to make great-looking wearables, accessories, and cosplay items. 3D printers and even hobbyist-class CNC machines have created fantastic new opportunities for new directions in this popular hobby. The book is perfect for makers new to leatherworking, as well as experienced leatherworkers who want to understand how to integrate new digital fabrication tools into their workbench. Written by an experienced leatherworker and programmer, this is a resource that makers will turn to again and again. Highlights: First comprehensive reference on applying digital design techniques to leatherwork Provides both a reference manual and a project guide Includes traditional techniques like cutting, stamping, tooling and dyeing leather Introduces novices and experienced leatherworkers to cutting-edge digital tools Every project has been real-world tested Opens up exciting new project areas for makers This book provides valuable reference and how-to information for makers interested in leatherworking but who have no prior experience, for experienced leatherworkers who want to extend their knowledge to include new digital tools, and for 3D printing and CNC enthusiasts who want to include a new material in their repertoire. Leatherworking is a hobby that is enjoyed by a wide range of people from middle school through adulthood and can be incorporated into a variety of other kinds of projects, from clothing design and costuming to carrying cases and furniture.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Refuge: My Journey to the Safe House for Battered Women
Until 1971, female victims of domestic violence were expected to 'kiss and make up' with their husbands, hide their black eyes and bruises, and bear the shame that somehow their partners' brutality was their fault. Chiswick Women's Aid was Europe's first ever refuge for what were then called 'battered women', and Jenny Smith was one of the first females who bravely made their way to this much-needed safe house. Desperate, and in fear for her life and the welfare of her two small children, Jenny had fled her dangerously schizophrenic partner, carrying only a few possessions. In the Chiswick shelter, founded by famous women's rights campaigner Erin Pizzey, Jenny found other women in the same position, all with harrowing, extraordinary stories to tell. Amenities were basic, but the respect, kindness and humanity of the community would help to give Jenny a new lease of life and strength. When the safe house came under threat of closure, she lobbied parliament and drove across Europe in a convoy of women in camper vans to raise awareness of their plight. Jenny's story is a slice of social history that begins in a Derbyshire mining village in the 1950s and takes the reader to inner city of Hackney in the 1960s, and Jenny's heart-breaking journey to the refuge. The house was the subject of a famous documentary, Scream Quietly or the Neighbours Will Hear, which, when first broadcast in 1974, sent shockwaves through the UK. Jenny was one of the first women to break a taboo by speaking publicly about domestic abuse. With the new start afforded her by the refuge, Jenny went on to find love, have another child and work as a foster carer.
The University of Chicago Press 9/11: The Culture of Commemoration
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a general sense that the world was different - that nothing would ever be the same - settled upon a grieving nation; and the events of that day were received as cataclysmic disruptions of an ordered world. Refuting this claim, David Simpson examines the complex and paradoxical character of American public discourse since that September morning, considering the ways the event has been aestheticized, exploited, and appropriated, while "Ground Zero" remains the contested site of an effort at adequate commemoration. In 9/11, Simpson argues that elements of the conventional culture of mourning and remembrance - grieving the dead, summarizing their lives in obituaries, and erecting monuments in their memory - have been co-opted for political advantage. He also confronts those who labeled the event an "apocalypse," condemning their exploitation of 9/11 for the defense of torture and war. In four elegant chapters - two of which expand on essays originally published in the "London Review of Books" to great acclaim - Simpson analyzes the response to 9/11: the nationally syndicated "Portraits of Grief" obituaries in the "New York Times"; the debates over the rebuilding of the World Trade Center towers and the memorial design; the representation of American and Iraqi dead after the invasion of March 2003, along with the worldwide circulation of the Abu Ghraib torture photographs; and the urgent and largely ignored critique of homeland rhetoric from the domain of critical theory. Calling for a sustained cultural and theoretical analysis, "9/11" is the first book of its kind to consider the events of that tragic day with a perspective so firmly grounded in the humanities and so persuasive about the contribution they can make to our understanding of its consequences.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Start Your Own 'S' Corporation
Everything you need to know about forming an S corporation orlimited liability company This new Second Edition of How to Start Your Own S Corporationprovides small business owners with the real facts about forming anS corporation. Newly updated, this one-of-a-kind guide tells youeverything you need to know on the subject, with step-by-stepguidance, savvy insider tips, and a wealth of hard-to-getinformation on S and every other type of corporation your businessmay qualify for. This Second Edition updates the many changes in income tax lawsince the original publication, including the expansion of theallowed number of stockholders, the new rule that S corporationscan own subsidiary corporations, new rules for medical expensebenefits, and new IRS rules for LLC classification. The SecondEdition of How to Start Your Own S Corporation includes: *Up-to-date information on recent changes in tax law affecting Scorporations, LLCs, and stockholder rules *The latest updated IRS forms *Clear explanations of the advantages and disadvantages of Scorporations, LLCs, partnerships, C corporations, and other legalforms of business *Straightforward expert advice on choosing the business form that'sright for your goals and income level *A detailed plan for setting up your corporation and findingaffordable professional assistance *Dozens of eye-opening, real-life examples *New information when tax law changes at So, whether you are thinking about starting your own business oryou already own a small business, the Second Edition of How toStart Your Own S Corporation will give you all the insiderinformation you need to take full advantage of current tax law.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Shock-Capturing Methods for Free-Surface Shallow Flows
The first of its kind in the field, this title examines the use of modern, shock-capturing finite volume numerical methods, in the solution of partial differential equations associated with free-surface flows, which satisfy the shallow-water type assumption (including shallow water flows, dense gases and mixtures of materials as special samples). Starting with a general presentation of the governing equations for free-surface shallow flows and a discussion of their physical applicability, the book goes on to analyse the mathematical properties of the equations, in preparation for the presentation of the exact solution of the Riemann problem for wet and dry beds. After a general introduction to the finite volume approach, several chapters are then devoted to describing a variety of modern shock-capturing finite volume numerical methods, including Godunov methods of the upwind and centred type. Approximate Riemann solvers following various approaches are studied in detail as is their use in the Godunov approach for constructing low and high-order upwind TVD methods. Centred TVD schemes are also presented. Two chapters are then devoted to practical applications. The book finishes with an overview of potential practical applications of the methods studied, along with appropriate reference to sources of further information. Features include: * Algorithmic and practical presentation of the methods * Practical applications such as dam-break modelling and the study of bore reflection patterns in two space dimensions * Sample computer programs and accompanying numerical software (details available at The book is suitable for teaching postgraduate students of civil, mechanical, hydraulic and environmental engineering, meteorology, oceanography, fluid mechanics and applied mathematics. Selected portions of the material may also be useful in teaching final year undergraduate students in the above disciplines. The contents will also be of interest to research scientists and engineers in academia and research and consultancy laboratories.
University Press of Mississippi David Fincher: Interviews
David Fincher (b. 1962) did not go to film school and hates being defined as an auteur. He prefers to see himself as a craftsman, dutifully going about the art and business of making film. Trouble is, it's hard to be self-effacing when you are the director responsible for Se7en, Fight Club, and The Social Network. Along with Quentin Tarantino, Fincher is the most accomplished of the Generation X filmmakers to emerge in the early 1990s. This collection of interviews highlights Fincher's unwavering commitment to his craft as he evolved from an entrepreneurial music video director (Fincher helped Madonna become the undisputed queen of MTV) into an enterprising feature filmmaker. Fincher landed his first Hollywood blockbuster at twenty-seven with Alien3, but that film, handicapped by cost overruns and corporate mismanagement, taught Fincher that he needed absolute control over his work. Once he had it, with Se7en, he achieved instant box-office success and critical acclaim, as well as a close partnership with Brad Pitt that led to the cult favorite Fight Club. Fincher became circumspect in the 2000s after Panic Room, shooting ads and biding his time until Zodiac, when he returned to his mantra that ""entertainment has to come hand in hand with a little bit of medicine. Some people go to the movies to be reminded that everything's okay. I don't make those kinds of movies. That, to me, is a lie. Everything's not okay."" Zodiac reinvigorated Fincher, inspiring a string of films--The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Social Network, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo--that enthralled audiences and garnered his films dozens of Oscar nominations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Element Speciation in Bioinorganic Chemistry
Element speciation determines the different forms a chemicalelement can take within a given compound, enabling chemists topredict possible ramifications for the environment and humanhealth. This comprehensive book focuses on the analytical aspectsand instrumentation of speciation, while covering the gamut ofmetal speciation forms with adverse effects on biological materialsand the environment at large. The book consists of contributions by a truly international groupof leading authorities on element speciation in bioinorganicchemistry. The editor--a contributor here himself--traces thedevelopments in the field, discussing the advances made over thepast decade in various methodologies and the significance of theincreased capacity to detect extremely small concentrations oftrace elements in various media. Several chapters are dedicated to the various methods andapplications of speciation, exploring specific analytical methods,such as direct, chromatographic and nonchromatographic methods, aswell as nuclear-based and voltammetric methods. Others coverspeciation in various natural water and marine environments and itsmanifestation in biological materials, human serum, or foodstuff.In addition, the book examines speciation theory and legal aspectsas well as questions of quality and sources of errors--issues thatunderscore the perennial need to develop new methods for obtainingstill more accurate data. Extremely broad in scope and rich in detail, this volume providesthe key to improving the state of the art in the field, and is sureto stimulate further research. It stands as a one-of-a-kindreference for analytical and inorganic chemists, as well asbiochemists, in a wide range of disciplines, including toxicology,environmental science, nutrition research, clinical chemistry, andpharmacology. A complete reference for the analytical and instrumental aspects ofspeciation This unique volume provides both a comprehensive reference and apractical guide to the complete range of issues arising fromelement speciation. It concentrates on analytical methods andinstrumentation in bioinorganic chemistry--especially as applied towater-related projects--while addressing the larger environmentaland human-health concerns of our times. Complete with over 100 illustrations, this collaborative effort byan international group of experts describes * Methods for the detection and analysis of species elements,including direct methods, atomic spectrometry, nuclear activationanalysis and radio tracer, high-performance chromatography, orvoltammetric procedures * Specific effects of various species elements, including heavymetals, arsenic, and many other trace elements * Biological materials showing concentrations of trace elements,including human serum, milk, and marine organisms * Various environments affected by element speciation, such asnatural waters, sea waters, estuarine, and coastal environments * How to avoid common pitfalls and obtain sound and accuratedata For anyone involved in environmental and earth sciences, as well asthe related areas of public health, pharmacology, toxicology,nutritional research, or environmental regulations, this importantwork offers the most systematic survey of element speciation todate. It also provides historical perspective, a preview ofexpected developments, and a multitude of new ideas for furtherresearch. The author of approximately 240 published papers and three previousbooks, Dr. Caroli is an active member of numerous national andinternational committees and organizations concerned with chemicalsin the environment. He also sits on the editorial or advisoryboards of several scientific journals, including the Journal ofAnalytical Atomic Spectroscopy, Environmental Science and PollutionResearch International, and Microchemical Journal.
New York University Press Unequal Coverage: The Experience of Health Care Reform in the United States
The Affordable Care Act’s impact on coverage, access to care, and systematic exclusion in our health care system The Affordable Care Act set off an unprecedented wave of health insurance enrollment as the most sweeping overhaul of the U.S. health insurance system since 1965. In the years since its enactment, some 20 million uninsured Americans gained access to coverage. And yet, the law remained unpopular and politically vulnerable. While the ACA extended social protections to some groups, its implementation was troubled and the act itself created new forms of exclusion. Access to affordable coverage options were highly segmented by state of residence, income, and citizenship status. Unequal Coverage documents the everyday experiences of individuals and families across the U.S. as they attempted to access coverage and care in the five years following the passage of the ACA.It argues that while the Affordable Care Act succeeded in expanding access to care, it did so unevenly, ultimately also generating inequality and stratification. The volume investigates the outcomes of the ACA in communities throughout the country and provides up-close, intimate portraits of individuals and groups trying to access and provide health care for both the newly insured and those who remain uncovered. The contributors use the ACA as a lens to examine more broadly how social welfare policies in a multiracial and multiethnic democracy purport to be inclusive while simultaneously embracing certain kinds of exclusions. Unequal Coverage concludes with an examination of the Affordable Care Act’s uncertain legacy under the new Presidential administration and considers what the future may hold for the American health care system. The book illustrates lessons learned and reveals how the law became a flashpoint for battles over inequality, fairness, and the role of government. More books on the health care debate
Pajama Press Listen Up! Train Song
Where do the trains go? There and back. Let's sing a train song All down the track. Toddlers love trains and the noises they make. Listen Up! Train Song uses repeating verse and bright photographs to match this enthusiasm with a unique take on the conceptual sound book that is perfect for reading aloud. Each spread uses onomatopoeia to highlight the ting-a ling! of subway door chimes, the chuff-a-gruff-a! of a diesel engine, and more. And after the children have sung along through the colorful pages, a final note to caregivers offers enriching, age-appropriate activities to keep building their child's foundational learning skills. A first expectation of kindergarten curriculums is for preschoolers to explore sounds, rhythms, and language structures. With repetitive, easy-to-remember verse from the award-winning author of Nat the Cat Can Sleep Like That and Shape Up, Construction Trucks!, Victoria Allenby's Listen Up! Train Song invites its young audience to recognize the songs of the train yard and to proudly sing their own.
Liverpool University Press H. G. Wells, Modernity and the Movies
This book investigates Wells’s interest in cinema and related media technologies, by placing it back into the contemporary cultural and scientific contexts giving rise to them. It plugs a gap in understanding Wells’s contribution to exploring and advancing the possibilities of cinematic narrative and its social and ideological impacts in the modern period. Previous studies concentrate on adaptations: this book accounts for the specifically (proto)cinematic techniques and concerns of Wells’s texts. It also focuses on contemporary film-making ‘in dialogue’ with his ideas. Alongside Hollywood’s later transactions, it gives equal weight to neglected British and continental European dimensions. Chapter 1 shows how early writings (The Time Machine and short stories) feature many kinds of radically defamiliarised vision. These constitute imaginative speculations about the forms and potentials of moving image and electronic media. Chapter 2 discusses the power of voyeurism, ‘absent presence’ and the disjunction of sound-image reproduction implied in The Invisible Man and its topical politics, updated in notable screen versions. Chapter 3 extends this to dystopian warnings of systematic surveillance, broadcasting of celebrity personae and ‘post-literate’ video culture in When the Sleeper Wakes, a crucial template for urban futures on film. Chapter 4 analyses Wells’s belated return to screenwriting in the 1930s. It accounts for his ‘broadbrow’ ambition of mediating between popular and avant-garde tendencies to promote his cause and its mixed results in Things to Come, The Man Who Could Work Miracles, etc. Chapter 5 finally surveys Wells’s legacy on both small and large screens. It considers whether, as well as being raided for scenarios for spectacular effects, his subtexts still nourish an evolving tradition of alternative SF, which duly critiques the innovations and applications of its host media.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Willpower For Dummies
Develop rock-solid willpower with evidence-based techniques Willpower For Dummies shows you how to train, strengthen, and improve your willpower in seven easy steps! Written by a clinical psychologist and cognitive therapist, the book proves that willpower can be learned like any other skill, and provides tons of practical exercises and strategies you can start using today. You'll learn how willpower works inside the brain, and how choosing goals and identifying challenges can affect your success. The book stresses the importance of patience, rewards and being kind to yourself, and walks you through the techniques that will keep you on the right track, even on your worst days. The mind works in two different ways: the long view and the short view. Controlling which aspect wins out is the key to willpower. Willpower For Dummies breaks this complex science down into easily digestible bits, written in plain English with a dash of humour. You'll find scientifically robust guidance toward strengthening your willpower just like a muscle, and expert advice on training your brain to work with you instead of against you. Discover the most important factors in building self-discipline Learn how to set goals and how to train your willpower Practice simple willpower-strengthening exercises Employ coping strategies for when you're about to break Whether you're trying to lose weight, quit smoking or just work harder, rest assured that you can do it—regardless of past failures and false starts. Willpower is not a trait, but a skill. Everyone can learn it, and everyone can make it stronger. Willpower For Dummies walks you through the process, teaching you the skills you need for lasting success.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Nemesis
Mickey Bale, a Met close protection officer, wants revenge on the mafia family who killed his sister. First in The Protector, a gripping British thriller series from Anthony Riches. 'Nemesis is a full-throttle adventure' ANDY McNAB 'Fast-moving... The Bill meets Jack Reacher' THE TIMES Thriller of the Month They killed his sister. Now he'll kill them all. Mickey Bale is an elite close protection officer. That's why the Met police has given him the toughest job of all: guarding the Minister of Defence at a moment when Chinese-British relations have hit a deadly boiling point. And when Mickey's life isn't on the line for his work, he's taking his chances waging war on a powerful London gang family. Their dealer supplied a lethal ecstasy pill to his sister, and Mickey is determined to take them down, one at a time. But will he get away with it – or will his colleagues in the force realise that the man on an underworld killing spree is one of their own? 'Nemesis is a full-throttle adventure that twists and turns from the corridors of power to London's gangland underbelly, propelled by a hero with a thirst for vengeance and the skillset to execute it' Andy McNab 'Nemesis kicks like a 12-bore shotgun... A British thriller to rival Reacher' Giles Kristian 'Mickey Bale is a Jack Reacher for a harder, faster, more assured millennium. Nemesis is the kind of book for which the word 'compelling' was coined' Manda Scott 'Meet Mickey Bale – London's John Wick. A rocket-propelled grenade of a book, shot through with gallows humour. Guy Ritchie meets Lee Child' Robyn Young 'This may be Riches' first contemporary-set novel but he throws his protagonist into a gladiatorial climax worthy of Ancient Rome' Shots
University Press of America For Labor's Sake: Labor Gains and Pains as Told by 29 Creative Inside Reformers
In this volume 22 men and six women from 20 international unions stand in for several thousand counterparts and explain what being an inside reformer means today in the American labor movement. More interested in correcting labor's shortcomings and helping to chart a course for the future than in finger-pointing and blame-assigning, the change-agents help replace authoritarian styles of leadership with participative modes. They assure an adequate supply of valued resources for innovative projects. Pragmatic and rewarding, their reforms help broaden the limits of what other unionists see as achievable and begin to desire for their own situation. Intent on proving to themselves and everybody else that labor is not behind the curve, and that there is life beyond pain, they promote the kind of creativity without which organized labor cannot long survive. And they have learned how to rebound from disappointments to try a second and third time, improving their effort with each successive attempt. They do so without rancor or self-disparagement. Instead, each is preoccupied with uncovering lessons, uncovering pointers and guidelines well-worth calling to the attention of fellow unionists and supportive students of labor alike. Given the state of siege with which the American labor movement struggles it is vital that its every component—from the AFL-CIO through to the thousands of locals of its 87 affiliates—be as sound as possible: Each should be member-centered, effective, and future-oriented. Each should operate with open arms, more caring ways, better uses of better information, stronger structures, finer TQC programs, smarter job loss responses, more potent political action, sounder internal democracy, fairer and more unionism than ever before. An extraordinary effort on this behalf is now well underway, one for which the volume's contributors are owed much credit.
University of Minnesota Press Cuban Cinema
The earliest films made in Cuba—newsreel footage of the Cuban-Spanish-American War—date from the end of the nineteenth century, but Cuba cannot be said to have had an indigenous film industry before the revolution of 1959. The melodramas, musicals, and comedies made until then reflected Hollywood’s—and the United States’s—cultural domination of the island, but the revolution precipitated urgent debates about the role of cinema in a socialist country and the kinds of films best suited to the needs of the people and their rulers. Among the feature films, documentaries, and short subjects made in accordance with revolutionary principles are celebrated works by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Humberto Solás, and other filmmakers who have had a profound influence on both Latin American and world cinema.Michael Chanan provides a comprehensive, authoritative, and absorbing account of Cuban cinema both before and after the revolution, deftly setting individual films and filmmakers within the larger framework of Cuba’s social, political, and cultural history. First published as The Cuban Image in 1984 to wide acclaim, Cuban Cinema now appears in a new, expanded edition that updates Chanan’s discussion to the beginning of the twenty-first century. New chapters address ongoing concerns about freedom of expression; Havana’s restored importance within the Latin American film industry through the Havana Film Festival, before state support for filmmakers dwindled in the economic collapse that followed the fall of the Soviet Union; Cuban cinema’s place within the globalized cultural market; and the changing audience for Cuban films. The only book-length study of Cuban cinema written in English, this indispensable work on one of the world’s most vital national cinemas offers a unique perspective on the Cuban experience in the twentieth century.Michael Chanan is a documentary filmmaker and professor of cultural and media studies at the University of the West of England in Bristol.
John Wiley & Sons Inc LINQ For Dummies
If you’ve asked yourself “Why can’t I develop database and XML queries in a language I already know?”, then Language INtegrated Query, or LINQ, is for you. LINQ For Dummies introduces you to LINQ and the .NET Framework technologies, so you can use LINQ to query any object, any data set, any kind of XML, and SQL Server—no questions asked. This plain-English guide gives you a thorough overview of LINQ, from understanding the tasks it performs to making LINQ work with both Visual Basic and Visual Studio 2005. It explains the four LINQ providers in the .NET Framework, the easiest ways to go about accessing data, and how to write more efficient applications with less code using LINQ. There’s also clear guidance on combining third-party providers with LINQ to create even more powerful apps. With this single, comprehensive guide, you’ll discover how to: Use one query language with all Microsoft languages Examine .NET language extensions and work with extension methods, partial methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions LINQ to DataSet operators, SQL server operations, XML API, or Active Directory Deal with databases — download and install the Northwind database, generate Northwind entity classes, and create the Northwind XML mapping file Create the partial class example, the partial method example, and the database modification example Use objects with LINQ Query databases in Visual Basic and C# As an added bonus, you can visit the companion Web site for LINQ examples in C# and Visual Basic. With LINQ For Dummies, you’ll link up with LINQ in no time and see how you can query almost anything! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
The University of Chicago Press A Student's Guide to Law School: What Counts, What Helps, and What Matters
Law school can be a joyous, soul-transforming challenge that leads to a rewarding career. It can also be an exhausting, self-limiting trap. It all depends on making smart decisions. When every advantage counts, A Student's Guide to Law School is like having a personal mentor available at every turn. As a recent graduate and an appellate lawyer, Andrew B. Ayers knows how high the stakes are - he's been there, and not only did he survive the experience, he graduated first in his class. In A Student's Guide to Law School he shares critical insights about how to make a law school journey successful. Originating in notes Ayers jotted down while commuting to his first clerkship with then-Judge Sonia Sotomayor, and refined throughout his first years as a lawyer, A Student's Guide offers a unique balance of insider's knowledge and professional advice. Organized into four parts, the book begins with a section on tests and grades, explaining what's expected and exploring the choices students must make on exam day. The second part discusses the skills needed to be a successful law student, giving the reader easy-to-use tools to analyze legal materials and construct clear arguments. The third part contains advice on studying, classwork, and note-taking. Ayers closes with a look beyond the classroom, showing students how the choices they make in law school will affect their career-and even determine the kind of lawyer they become. The first law school guide written by a recent top-ranked graduate, A Student's Guide to Law School is relentlessly practical and thoroughly relevant to the law school experience of today's students. With the tools and advice Ayers shares here, students can mke the most of their investment in law school, and turn their valuable learning experiences into a meaningful career.
Johns Hopkins University Press Resource Management for Colleges and Universities
How comprehensive activity-based models can help university leaders and faculty reshape their institutions through better resource management.Resources in higher education steer colleges and universities both strategically and tactically. They drive incentives and accountability for faculty and staff while providing academics with the infrastructure they need in order to perform effectively. But while American colleges and universities remain the gold standard for worldwide higher education, Resource Management for Colleges and Universities argues that their decision-making cultures and business models are beset by serious flaws. In this audacious book, William F. Massy writes that resource allocation in colleges and universities needs to become more responsive to academic mission, marketplace realities, and the requirements of financial sustainability. Such improvement is needed, he asserts, because few institutions currently have the evidence, know-how, and cultural capacity to take advantage of modern information systems and models. Luckily, today's academic resourcing models enable academic leaders and faculty to close the gaps and do a significantly better job of controlling costs and improving academic performance. Massy describes three kinds of contemporary, comprehensive AR models: internal economic, external economic, and mission-market-margin. He explains how these models, if used correctly, support mission-critical academic decisions and reveals why they are game-changers for college and university management. Describing how real universities are using these models to understand their teaching and research revenues and costs and to predict changes needed in budget planning, Massy also provides numerous insights about how academic organizations function and how they can be induced to adopt needed changes. Building on Reengineering the University, Massy's earlier book, Resource Management for Colleges and Universities will provide readers with the wherewithal, and the motivation, to fundamentally transform their institutions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Ultimate Lost and Philosophy: Think Together, Die Alone
Health Economics and Financing What are the metaphysics of time travel? How can Hurley exist in two places at the same time? What does it mean for something to be possibly true in the flash-sideways universe? Does Jack have a moral obligation to his father? What is the Tao of John Locke? Dude. So there’s, like, this island? And a bunch of us were on Oceanic flight 815 and we crashed on it. I kinda thought it was my fault, because of those numbers. I thought they were bad luck. We’ve seen the craziest things here, like a polar bear and a Smoke Monster, and we traveled through time back to the 1970s. And we met the Dharma dudes. Arzt even blew himself up. For a long time, I thought I was crazy. But now, I think it might have been destiny. The island’s made me question a lot of things. Like, why is it that Locke and Desmond have the same names as real philosophers? Why do so many of us have trouble with our dads? Did Jack have a choice in becoming our leader? And what’s up with Vincent? I mean, he’s gotta be more than just a dog, right? I dunno. We’ve all felt pretty lost. I just hope we can trust Jacob, otherwise … whoa. With its sixth-season series finale, Lost did more than end its run as one of the most talked-about TV programs of all time; it left in its wake a complex labyrinth of philosophical questions and issues to be explored. Revenge, redemption, love, loss, identity, morality—all of Lost’s key themes are examined in this fully updated guide, which reveals the deeper meaning behind every twist and turn in this historic, one-of-a-kind show.
John Wiley & Sons Inc IoT for Defense and National Security
IoT for Defense and National Security Practical case-based guide illustrating the challenges and solutions of adopting IoT in both secure and hostile environments IoT for Defense and National Security covers topics on IoT security, architecture, robotics, sensing, policy, operations, and more, including the latest results from the premier IoT research initiative of the U.S. Defense Department, the Internet of Battle Things. The text also discusses challenges in converting defense industrial operations to IoT and summarizes policy recommendations for regulating government use of IoT in free societies. As a modern reference, this book covers multiple technologies in IoT including survivable tactical IoT using content-based routing, mobile ad-hoc networks, and electronically formed beams. Examples of IoT architectures include using KepServerEX for edge connectivity and AWS IoT Core and Amazon S3 for IoT data. To aid in reader comprehension, the text uses case studies illustrating the challenges and solutions for using robotic devices in defense applications, plus case studies on using IoT for a defense industrial base. Written by leading researchers and practitioners of IoT technology for defense and national security, IoT for Defense and National Security also includes information on: Changes in warfare driven by IoT weapons, logistics, and systems IoT resource allocation (monitoring existing resources and reallocating them in response to adversarial actions) Principles of AI-enabled processing for Internet of Battlefield Things, including machine learning and inference Vulnerabilities in tactical IoT communications, networks, servers and architectures, and strategies for securing them Adapting rapidly expanding commercial IoT to power IoT for defense For application engineers from defense-related companies as well as managers, policy makers, and academics, IoT for Defense and National Security is a one-of-a-kind resource, providing expansive coverage of an important yet sensitive topic that is often shielded from the public due to classified or restricted distributions.
Stanford University Press Soap
". . . And now, dear reader, for your intellectual toilet, here is a little piece of soap. Well handled, we guarantee it will be enough. Let us hold this magic stone." The poet Francis Ponge (1899-1988) occupied a significant and unchallenged place in French letters for over fifty years, attracting the attention and admiration of generations of leading intellectuals, writers, and painters, a notable feat in France, where reputations are periodically reassessed and undone with the arrival of new literary and philosophical schools. Soap occupies a crucial, pivotal position in Ponge's work. Begun during the German occupation when he was in the Resistance, though completed two decades later, it determined, according to Ponge, the form of almost all his postwar writing. With this work, he began to turn away from the small, perfect poem toward a much more open form, a kind of prose poem which incorporates a laboratory or workshop, recounting its own process of coming into being along with the final result. The outcome is a new form of writing, which one could call "processual poetry." Ponge's later work, from Soap on, is a very important tool in the questioning and rethinking of literary genres, of poetry and prose, of what is literature. There is a blurring of boundaries between Soap and soap (which was hard to come by during the Resistance and is also, of course, metaphorical for a larger social restitution). Soap contains the sum of Ponge's aesthetics and materialist ethics and his belief in the supremacy of language as it becomes the object of the text. In the words of Serge Gavronsky, "this work, perhaps one of the longest running metaphors in literature, slowly unwinds, bubbles in verbal inventions, and finally evaporates, leaving the water slightly troubled, slightly darker, but the hands clean, really clean. . . . Out of murky literary habits, Ponge has devised a way of cleaning his text, and through it, man himself, his vocabulary, and as a consequence, his way of being in the world."
New Village Press Main Street: How a City's Heart Connects Us All
Mindy Thompson Fullilove traverses the central thoroughfares of our cities to uncover the ways they bring together our communities After an 11-year study of Main Streets in 178 cities and 14 countries, Fullilove discovered the power of city centers to “help us name and solve our problems.” In an era of compounding crises including racial injustice, climate change, and COVID-19, the ability to rely on the power of community is more important than ever. However, Fullilove describes how a pattern of disinvestment in inner-city neighborhoods has left Main Streets across the U.S. in disrepair, weakening our cities and leaving us vulnerable to catastrophe. In the face of urban renewal programs built in response to a supposed lack of “personal responsibility,” Fullilove offers “a different story, that of a series of forced displacements that had devastating effects on inner-city communities. Through that lens, we can appreciate the strength of segregated communities that managed to temper the ravages of racism through the Jim Crow era, and build political power and many kinds of wealth. . . . Only a very well-integrated, powerful community—one with deep spiritual principles—could have accomplished such a feat.” This is the power she hopes we will find again. Throughout Main Street, readers glimpse strong, vibrant communities who have conquered a variety of disasters, from the near loss of a beloved local business to the devastation of a hurricane. Using case studies to illustrate her findings, Fullilove turns our eyes to the cracks in city centers, the parts of the city that tend to be avoided or ignored. Providing a framework for those who wish to see their communities revitalized, Fullilove’s Main Street encourages us all to look both inward and outward to find the assets that already exist to create meaningful change.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Chasing Hillary: A Memoir of Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling
For a decade, award-winning New York Times journalist Amy Chozick chronicled Hillary Clinton's pursuit of the presidency. Chozick's front-row seat, initially covering Clinton's imploding 2008 campaign, and then her assignment to “The Hillary Beat” ahead of the 2016 election, took her to 48 states and set off a nearly ten-years-long journey in which the formative years of her twenties and thirties became – both personally and professionally – intrinsically intertwined to Clinton's presidential ambitions. Chozick's candor and clear-eyed perspective-from her seat on the Hillary bus and reporting from inside the campaign's Brooklyn headquarters, to her run-ins with Donald J. Trump and her globetrotting with Bill Clinton- provide fresh intrigue and insights into the story we thought we all knew. This is the real story of what happened, with the kind of dishy, inside details that repeatedly surprise and enlighten. But Chasing Hillary is also a rollicking, irreverent, refreshingly honest personal story of how the would-be first woman president looms over Chozick's life. And, as she gets married, attempts to infiltrate the upper echelons of political journalism and inquires about freezing her eggs so she can have children after the 2016 campaign, Chozick dives deeper into decisions Clinton made at similar points in her life. In the process, Chozick came to see Clinton not as an unknowable enigma and political animal but as a complex person, full of contradictions and forged in the political battles and media storms that had long predated Chozick's years of coverage. Trailing Clinton through all of the highs and lows of the most noxious and wildly dramatic presidential election in American history, Chozick comes to understand what drove Clinton, how she accomplished what no woman had before, and why she ultimately failed. Poignant, illuminating, laugh-out-loud funny, Chasing Hillary is a campaign book like never before that reads like a fast-moving political novel.
Stanford University Press Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing
Bootstrapping analyzes the genesis of personal computing from both technological and social perspectives, through a close study of the pathbreaking work of one researcher, Douglas Engelbart. In his lab at the Stanford Research Institute in the 1960s, Engelbart, along with a small team of researchers, developed some of the cornerstones of personal computing as we know it, including the mouse, the windowed user interface, and hypertext. Today, all these technologies are well known, even taken for granted, but the assumptions and motivations behind their invention are not. Bootstrapping establishes Douglas Engelbart's contribution through a detailed history of both the material and the symbolic constitution of his system's human-computer interface in the context of the computer research community in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Engelbart felt that the complexity of many of the world's problems was becoming overwhelming, and the time for solving these problems was becoming shorter and shorter. What was needed, he determined, was a system that would augment human intelligence, co-transforming or co-evolving both humans and the machines they use. He sought a systematic way to think and organize this coevolution in an effort to discover a path on which a radical technological improvement could lead to a radical improvement in how to make people work effectively. What was involved in Engelbart's project was not just the invention of a computerized system that would enable humans, acting together, to manage complexity, but the invention of a new kind of human, "the user." What he ultimately envisioned was a "bootstrapping" process by which those who actually invented the hardware and software of this new system would simultaneously reinvent the human in a new form. The book also offers a careful narrative of the collapse of Engelbart's laboratory at Stanford Research Institute, and the further translation of Engelbart's vision. It shows that Engelbart's ultimate goal of coevolution came to be translated in terms of technological progress and human adaptation to supposedly user-friendly technologies. At a time of the massive diffusion of the World Wide Web, Bootstrapping recalls the early experiments and original ideals that led to today's "information revolution."
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd The Lying Life of Adults: A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER
“AN INCENDIARY PORTRAIT OF THE VOLCANIC CURRENTS OF SEX AND BETRAYAL.”—Mail on Sunday THE INTERNATIONAL No. 1 BESTSELLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF MY BRILLIANT FRIEND A BBC2 Between The Covers Book Club Pick BRITISH BOOK AWARDS 2021 – SHORTLISTED FOR FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR Soon to be a NETFLIX original series 18M OF ELENA FERRANTE'S BOOKS SLOD WORLDWIDE Giovanna’s pretty face has changed: it’s turning into the face of an ugly, spiteful adolescent. But is she seeing things as they really are? Where must she look to find her true reflection and a life she can claim as her own? Giovanna’s search leads her to two kindred cities that fear and detest one another: the Naples of the heights, which assumes a mask of refinement, and the Naples of the depths, a place of excess and vulgarity. Adrift, she vacillates between these two cities, falling into one then climbing back to the other. Set in a divided Naples, The Lying Life of Adults is a singular portrayal of the transition from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER “This is no amiable coming-of-age tale… the most intense writing about the experiences and interior life of a girl on the cusp of adulthood that I have ever read. It is brilliant.”—The Financial Times “An astonishing, deeply moving tale.”—The Guardian “Ferrante confronts female sexual awakening with such an absence of romantic enchantment it leaves you gasping.”—The Daily Mail WHAT READERS ARE SAYING: “Brilliant as always.”—Jan on Amazon “A tightly crafted and gripping story.”—Maxwell on Goodreads “Excellent book. My only complaint was that it ended too soon!”—Mhairi on Amazon “I woke up eagerly looking forward to reading more of this novel every single day.”—Violet on Goodreads “Fans of Elena Ferrante will not be disappointed.”—Lesley on Amazon
University of Tennessee Press Title IX, Pat Summitt, and Tennessee's Trailblazers: 50 Years, 50 Stories
In June 1972, President Richard Nixon put pen to paper and signed the Educational Amendments of 1972 into law. The nearly 150-page document makes no mention of “gender,” “athletics,” “girls,” or “women.” The closest reference to “sport” is transportation. In fact, the bill did not appear to contain anything earth shattering. But tucked into its final pages, a heading appears, “Title IX—Prohibition of Sex Discrimination.” These 37 words would change the world for girls and women across the United States. On its face, Title IX legally guaranteed equal opportunity in education. In time, Title IX would serve as the tipping point for the modern era of women’s sport. Slowly but surely, women’s athletics at the high school and collegiate levels grew to prominence, and Tennessee fast emerged as a national leader. In Title IX, Pat Summitt, and Tennessee’s Trailblazers, Mary Ellen Pethel introduces readers to past and present pioneers—each instrumental to the success of women’s athletics across the state and nation. Through vibrant profiles, Pethel celebrates the lives and careers of household names like Pat Summitt and Candace Parker, as well as equally important forerunners such as Ann Furrow and Teresa Phillips. Through their lived experiences, these fifty individuals laid the foundation for athletic excellence in Tennessee, which in turn shaped the national landscape for women’s sports. The book also provides readers with a fuller understanding of Title IX, as well as a concise history of women’s athletics in the pre- and post-Title IX eras. With interviewees ranging from age 20 to 93, Pethel artfully combines storytelling with scholarship. Guided by the voices of the athletes, coaches, and administrators, Pethel vividly documents achievement and adversity, wins and losses, and advice for the next generation. This book represents the first statewide compilation of its kind—offering readers a behind-the- scenes perspective of Tennessee women who dedicated their lives to the advancement of sport and gender equality. Readers will delight in Title IX, Pat Summitt, and Tennessee’s Trailblazers: 50 Years, 50 Stories.
The University of Chicago Press The Culture of Public Problems: Drinking-Driving and the Symbolic Order
"Everyone knows 'drunk driving' is a 'serious' offense. And yet, everyone knows lots of 'drunk drivers' who don't get involved in accidents, don't get caught by the police, and manage to compensate adequately for their 'drunken disability.' Everyone also knows of 'drunk drivers' who have been arrested and gotten off easy. Gusfield's book dissects the conventional wisdom about 'drinking-driving' and examines the paradox of a 'serious' offense that is usually treated lightly by the judiciary and rarely carries social stigma."—Mac Marshall, Social Science and Medicine "A sophisticated and thoughtful critic. . . . Gusfield argues that the 'myth of the killer drunk' is a creation of the 'public culture of law.' . . . Through its dramatic development and condemnation of the anti-social character of the drinking-driver, the public law strengthens the illusion of moral consensus in American society and celebrates the virtues of a sober and orderly world."—James D. Orcutt, Sociology and Social Research"Joseph Gusfield denies neither the role of alcohol in highway accidents nor the need to do something about it. His point is that the research we conduct on drinking-driving and the laws we make to inhibit it tells us more about our moral order than about the effects of drinking-driving itself. Many will object to this conclusion, but none can ignore it. Indeed, the book will put many scientific and legal experts on the defensive as they face Gusfield's massive erudition, pointed analysis and criticism, and powerful argumentation. In The Culture of Public Problems, Gusfield presents the experts, and us, with a masterpiece of sociological reasoning."—Barry Schwartz, American Journal of SociologyThis book is truly an outstanding achievement. . . . It is sociology of science, sociology of law, sociology of deviance, and sociology of knowledge. Sociologists generally should find the book of great theoretical interest, and it should stimulate personal reflection on their assumptions about science and the kind of consciousness it creates. They will also find that the book is a delight to read."—William B. Bankston, Social Forces
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Cult of Saints and the Virgin Mary in Medieval Scotland
A new investigation of the saints' cults which flourished in medieval Scotland, fruitfully combining archaeological, historical, and literary perspectives. Of all the Celtic countries, Scotland has lacked the kind of scholarly attention that has been lavished fruitfully on Wales, Ireland, Cornwall and Brittany. And yet of all of them, Scotland offers the widest range of interfaces with broader work on the cult of saints. The papers presented here cover this territory very effectively.... [the book] brings together excellent studies that successfully explore the wide ramifications of the topic. Anyone with aninterest in saints' cults will want this book. DAUVIT BROUN, Professor of Scottish History, University of Glasgow. This volume examines the phenomena of the cult of saints and Marian devotion as they were manifested inScotland, ranging from the early medieval period to the sixteenth century. It combines general surveys of the development of the study of saints in the early and later middle ages with more focused articles on particular subjects,including St Waltheof of Melrose, the obscure early medieval origins of the cult of St Munnu, the short-lived martyr cult of David, duke of Rothsay, and the Scottish saints included in the greatest liturgical compendium producedin late medieval Scotland, the Aberdeen breviary. The way in which Marian devotion permeated late medieval Scottish society is discussed in terms of the church dedications of the twelfth and thirteenth-century aristocracy, the ecclesiastical landscape of Perth, the depiction of Mary in Gaelic poetry, and the pervasive influence of the familial bond between holy mother and son in representations of the Scottish royal family. Dr Steve Boardman is Reader in History, University of Edinburgh; Eila Williamson gained her PhD from the University of Glasgow. Contributors: Helen Birkett, Steve Boardman, Rachel Butter, Thomas Owen Clancy, David Ditchburn, Audrey-Beth Fitch, Mark A.Hall, Matthew H. Hammond, Sim Innes, Alan Macquarrie
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Analytics and Deep Learning Models
Advanced Analytics and Deep Learning Models The book provides readers with an in-depth understanding of concepts and technologies related to the importance of analytics and deep learning in many useful real-world applications such as e-healthcare, transportation, agriculture, stock market, etc. Advanced analytics is a mixture of machine learning, artificial intelligence, graphs, text mining, data mining, semantic analysis. It is an approach to data analysis. Beyond the traditional business intelligence, it is a semi and autonomous analysis of data by using different techniques and tools. However, deep learning and data analysis both are high centers of data science. Almost all the private and public organizations collect heavy amounts of data, i.e., domain-specific data. Many small/large companies are exploring large amounts of data for existing and future technology. Deep learning is also exploring large amounts of unsupervised data making it beneficial and effective for big data. Deep learning can be used to deal with all kinds of problems and challenges that include collecting unlabeled and uncategorized raw data, extracting complex patterns from a large amount of data, retrieving fast information, tagging data, etc. This book contains 16 chapters on artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and their uses in many useful sectors like stock market prediction, a recommendation system for better service selection, e-healthcare, telemedicine, transportation. There are also chapters on innovations and future opportunities with fog computing/cloud computing and artificial intelligence. Audience Researchers in artificial intelligence, big data, computer science, and electronic engineering, as well as industry engineers in healthcare, telemedicine, transportation, and the financial sector. The book will also be a great source for software engineers and advanced students who are beginners in the field of advanced analytics in deep learning.
Facet Publishing The No-Nonsense Guide to Project Management
This book provides a ‘no-nonsense’ guide to project management which will enable library and information professionals to lead or take part in a wide range of projects from large-scale multi-organisation complex projects through to relatively simple local ones. Barbara Allan has fully revised and updated her classic 2004 title Project Management to incorporate considerable developments during the past decade, including: the development and wide-scale acceptance of formal project management methodologies; the use of social media to communicate and disseminate information about projects and the large shift in the types of project library and information workers may be involved in. The text is supported by practical case studies drawn from a wide range of LIS organizations at local, regional, national and international levels. These examples provide an insight into good practice for the practitioner, from an individual working in a voluntary organization on an extremely limited budget, to someone involved in an international project. Content covered includes: an introduction to project management, project workers and the library and information profession different approaches to project management, the project cycle, the people side of projects and management of change discussion of project methodologies, project management software, open source software, collaborative working software and use of social media project initiation, communication, analysis and project briefs developing project infra-structure, scheduling, working out the finances and carrying out a detailed risk analysis implementation, monitoring and reporting and identifying potential problems current approaches to funding, bidding and tendering, and taking part in audits working in partnerships, in diverse and virtual teams, and managing change If you are an LIS professional involved in project work of any kind, whether on a managerial, practical, academic or research level, this is an invaluable resource for you.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Raising Happy Children For Dummies
Every parent would like to have a happy, well- behaved child – but every parent also knows this is not often a reality! Raising Happy Children For Dummies helps you better understand your children – from toddler to teen, boys and girls – and is packed with practical tips from an experienced parenting coach to improve your parenting, your child’s happiness and as a result, their behaviour. The book helps you explore your own parenting skills, helps you to define what changes you may need to make and provides advice on how to implement new parenting habits to improve you and your family’s relationships. Covering both day-to-day parenting and offering extra advice on how to help your children deal with life’s tougher challenges, this is a down to earth guide from a parenting coach and mother of two, Sue Atkins. Raising Happy Children For Dummies covers: Becoming a Confident Parent Knowing What Kind of Parent You Are - and Want to Become Understanding Your Kids' Needs Beginning with the End in Mind: Establishing Goals for Your Family Communicating Effectively and Connecting with Your Children Approaching Parenting With Common Sense Maintaining Great Relationships Getting Down to Earth and Practical: Disciplining Your Kids Choosing Different Strategies for Different Ages When the Going Gets Tough: Handling Conflict Coping With School Helping Your Child Cope with Individual Problems Helping Your Child Cope with Bigger Issues Raising Children with Unique and Special Needs Raising Twins, Triplets, and Multiple-Birth Children Ten Things to Do Every Single Day as a Parent Ten Techniques to Build a Happy Home Ten Things to Do When it All Goes Pear-Shaped Ten (or so) Top Resources for Parents
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives
Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives Food additives are chemicals or ingredients that are added to food during processing to improve quality, flavour, appearance or nutritional value, or to prevent chemical or microbial spoilage. The most common types of additives are preservatives, colourants, sweeteners, flavourings, emulsifiers, thickeners and stabilisers. Adding new ingredients to a food has an effect upon its chemistry and structure as well as its sensory characteristics. Additives are usually characterised by where they come from (for example, whether they are natural or synthetic), by their purpose (such as improving shelf life) and the risks associated with them (such as their toxicity, and any side effects upon the consumer). Although in recent years the trend in consumer marketing has been to trumpet a lack of additives and preservatives, with ‘artificial ingredients’ commonly seen in a negative light, there nevertheless remains a wide variety of additives and preservatives that are crucial both to producers and consumers, without which the quality of the food would suffer. Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives is an up-to-date reference guide to the wide range of different types of additives used in the food industry today. It looks at the processes involved in adding preservatives and additives to foods, and the mechanisms and methods used. The book provides full details about the chemistry of each major class of food additive, showing the reader not just what kind of additives are used and what their functions are, but also how they work, and how they may have multiple functionalities. This book also covers numerous new additives currently being introduced, how the quality of these is ascertained, and how consumer safety is ensured. Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives is an ideal reference for food chemists, food safety specialists and agencies, food processors who are working with additives and preservatives, and food regulators and policy makers. Written in an accessible style and covering a broad range of food additives and preservatives, the book offers an in-depth analysis of the chemical interactions of food additives and preservatives with the natural composition of the foods to which they are added. It is a unique and ground-breaking treatment of a topic vital to both the food industry and the researcher.
The University of Chicago Press The Diversity Bargain: And Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities
We’ve heard plenty from politicians and experts on affirmative action and higher education, about how universities should intervene—if at all—to ensure a diverse but deserving student population. But what about those for whom these issues matter the most? In this book, Natasha K. Warikoo deeply explores how students themselves think about merit and race at a uniquely pivotal moment: after they have just won the most competitive game of their lives and gained admittance to one of the world’s top universities. What Warikoo uncovers—talking with both white students and students of color at Harvard, Brown, and Oxford—is absolutely illuminating; and some of it is positively shocking. As she shows, many elite white students understand the value of diversity abstractly, but they ignore the real problems that racial inequality causes and that diversity programs are meant to solve. They stand in fear of being labeled a racist, but they are quick to call foul should a diversity program appear at all to hamper their own chances for advancement. The most troubling result of this ambivalence is what she calls the “diversity bargain,” in which white students reluctantly agree with affirmative action as long as it benefits them by providing a diverse learning environment—racial diversity, in this way, is a commodity, a selling point on a brochure. And as Warikoo shows, universities play a big part in creating these situations. The way they talk about race on campus and the kinds of diversity programs they offer have a huge impact on student attitudes, shaping them either toward ambivalence or, in better cases, toward more productive and considerate understandings of racial difference. Ultimately, this book demonstrates just how slippery the notions of race, merit, and privilege can be. In doing so, it asks important questions not just about college admissions but what the elite students who have succeeded at it—who will be the world’s future leaders—will do with the social inequalities of the wider world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Threats to Homeland Security: Reassessing the All-Hazards Perspective
Addresses threats to homeland security from terrorism and emergency management from natural disasters Threats to Homeland Security, Second Edition examines the foundations of today's security environment, from broader national security perspectives to specific homeland security interests and concerns. It covers what we protect, how we protect it, and what we protect it from. In addition, the book examines threats from both an international perspective (state vs non-state actors as well as kinds of threat capabilities—from cyber-terrorism to weapons of mass destruction) and from a national perspective (sources of domestic terrorism and future technological challenges, due to globalization and an increasingly interconnected world). This new edition of Threats to Homeland Security updates previous chapters and provides new chapters focusing on new threats to homeland security today, such as the growing nexus between crime and terrorism, domestic and international intelligence collection, critical infrastructure and technology, and homeland security planning and resources—as well as the need to reassess the all-hazards dimension of homeland security from a resource and management perspective. Features new chapters on homeland security intelligence, crime and domestic terrorism, critical infrastructure protection, and resource management Provides a broader context for assessing threats to homeland security from the all-hazards perspective, to include terrorism and natural disasters Examines potential targets at home and abroad Includes a comprehensive overview of U.S. policy, strategy, and technologies for preventing and countering terrorism Includes self-assessment areas, key terms, summary questions, and application exercises. On-line content includes PPT lessons for each chapter and a solutions key for academic adopters Threats to Homeland Security, Second Edition is an excellent introductory text on homeland security for educators, as well as a good source of training for professionals in a number of homeland security-related disciplines.
Indiana University Press The Complete Dinosaur
Praise for the first edition:"A gift to serious dinosaur enthusiasts" —Science "The amount of information in [these] pages is amazing. This book should be on the shelves of dinosaur freaks as well as those who need to know more about the paleobiology of extinct animals. It will be an invaluable library reference." —American Reference Books Annual"An excellent encyclopedia that serves as a nice bridge between popular and scholarly dinosaur literature." —Library Journal (starred review)"Copiously illustrated and scrupulously up-to-date . . . the book reveals dinos through the fractious fields that make a study of them." —Publishers Weekly"Stimulating armchair company for cold winter evenings. . . . Best of all, the book treats dinosaurs as intellectual fun." —New Scientist"The book is useful both as a reference and as a browse-and-enjoy compendium." —Natural HistoryWhat do we know about dinosaurs, and how do we know it? How did dinosaurs grow, move, eat, and reproduce? Were they warm-blooded or cold-blooded? How intelligent were they? How are the various groups of dinosaurs related to each other, and to other kinds of living and extinct vertebrates? What can the study of dinosaurs tell us about the process of evolution? And why did typical dinosaurs become extinct? All of these questions, and more, are addressed in the new, expanded, second edition of The Complete Dinosaur. Written by many of the world's leading experts on the "fearfully great" reptiles, the book's 45 chapters cover what we have learned about dinosaurs, from the earliest discoveries of dinosaurs to the most recent controversies. Where scientific contention exists, the editors have let the experts agree to disagree. Copiously illustrated and accessible to all readers from the enthusiastic amateur to the most learned professional paleontologist, The Complete Dinosaur is a feast for serious dinosaur lovers everywhere.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Tolerance Regions: Theory, Applications, and Computation
A modern and comprehensive treatment of tolerance intervals and regions The topic of tolerance intervals and tolerance regions has undergone significant growth during recent years, with applications arising in various areas such as quality control, industry, and environmental monitoring. Statistical Tolerance Regions presents the theoretical development of tolerance intervals and tolerance regions through computational algorithms and the illustration of numerous practical uses and examples. This is the first book of its kind to successfully balance theory and practice, providing a state-of-the-art treatment on tolerance intervals and tolerance regions. The book begins with the key definitions, concepts, and technical results that are essential for deriving tolerance intervals and tolerance regions. Subsequent chapters provide in-depth coverage of key topics including: Univariate normal distribution Non-normal distributions Univariate linear regression models Nonparametric tolerance intervals The one-way random model with balanced data The multivariate normal distribution The one-way random model with unbalanced data The multivariate linear regression model General mixed models Bayesian tolerance intervals A final chapter contains coverage of miscellaneous topics including tolerance limits for a ratio of normal random variables, sample size determination, reference limits and coverage intervals, tolerance intervals for binomial and Poisson distributions, and tolerance intervals based on censored samples. Theoretical explanations are accompanied by computational algorithms that can be easily replicated by readers, and each chapter contains exercise sets for reinforcement of the presented material. Detailed appendices provide additional data sets and extensive tables of univariate and multivariate tolerance factors. Statistical Tolerance Regions is an ideal book for courses on tolerance intervals at the graduate level. It is also a valuable reference and resource for applied statisticians, researchers, and practitioners in industry and pharmaceutical companies.
Duke University Press Trans/Feminisms
This special double issue of TSQ goes beyond the simplistic dichotomy between an exclusionary transphobic feminism and an inclusive trans-affirming feminism. Exploring the ways in which trans issues are addressed within feminist and women’s organizations and social movements around the world, contributors ask how trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary issues are related to feminist movements today, what kind of work is currently undertaken in the name of trans/feminism, what new paradigms and visions are emerging, and what questions still need to be taken up. Central to this special issue is the recognition that trans/feminist politics cannot restrict itself to the domain of gender alone.This issue features numerous shorter works that represent the diversity of trans/feminist practices and problematics and, in addition to original research articles, includes theory, reports, manifestos, opinion pieces, reviews, and creative/artistic productions, as well as republished key documents of trans/feminist history and international scholarship.Contributors: Miriam Abelson, Sara Ahmed, Aitzole Araneta, Alexandre Baril, Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier, micha cárdenas, Daniel Chávez, Jeanne Córdova, Pedro J. DiPietro, Lucía Egaña, A. Finn Enke, Karine Espineira, Sandra Fernández, Simon D. Fisher, Tania Hammidi, Christoph Hanssmann, Emma Louise Heaney, Hailey Kaas, Cael Keegan, Faris Khan, Yana Kirey-Sitnikova, Terence Kumpf, Riki Lane, Helen Hok-Sze Leung, Claudia Sofia Garriga López, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, L. Leigh Ann van der Merwe, Scott Morgensen, Marcio Jose Ornat, Ruin S. M. Pae, José Quiroga, Naomi Scheman, Joseli Maria Silva, reese simpkins, Miriam Solá, Sandy Stone, Stefania Voli, Rinaldo Walcott, Lori Watson, Cristan Williams, Shana Ye, Asli Zengin
Sage Publications Ltd Developing Research Proposals
Writing a research proposal is one of the most important tasks facing academics, researchers and postgraduate students. Yet there is a good deal of misinformation and a great lack of guidance about what constitutes a good research proposal and what can be done to maximise one′s chances of writing a successful research proposal. Denicolo and Becker recognise the importance of developing an effective research proposal for gaining either a place on a research degree programme or funding to support research projects and set out to explore the main factors that that proposal writers need to attend to in developing successful proposals of their own. Developing Research Proposals will help readers to understand the context within which their proposal will be read, what the reviewers are looking for and will be influenced by, while also supporting the development of relevant skills through advice and practical activities. This book: Explores the nature and purpose of different kinds of proposals Focuses on the actual research proposed Discusses how best to carry out and structure the literature review Examines the posing and phrasing of research questions and hypotheses Looks at how methods and methodology should be handled in a proposal Discusses the crucial issues of planning, strategy and timing in developing targeted proposals Denicolo and Becker draw together the key elements in the process of preparing and submitting a proposal and concludes with advice on responding to the results, successful or not, and their relevance to future proposals. The Success in Research series, from Cindy Becker and Pam Denicolo, provides short, authoritative and accessible guides on key areas of professional and research development. Avoiding jargon and cutting to the chase of what you really need to know, these practical and supportive books cover a range of areas from presenting research to achieving impact, and from publishing journal articles to developing proposals. They are essential reading for any student or researcher interested in developing their skills and broadening their professional and methodological knowledge in an academic context.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Architectural Detailing: Function, Constructibility, Aesthetics
The industry-standard guide to designing well-performing buildings Architectural Detailing systematically describes the principles by which good architectural details are designed. Principles are explained in brief, and backed by extensive illustrations that show you how to design details that will not leak water or air, will control the flow of heat and water vapor, will adjust to all kinds of movement, and will be easy to construct. This new third edition has been updated to conform to International Building Code 2012, and incorporates current knowledge about new material and construction technology. Sustainable design issues are integrated where relevant, and the discussion includes reviews of recent built works that extract underlying principles that can be the basis for new patterns or the alteration and addition to existing patterns. Regulatory topics are primarily focused on the US, but touch on other jurisdictions and geographic settings to give you a well-rounded perspective of the art and science of architectural detailing. In guiding a design from idea to reality, architects design a set of details that show how a structure will be put together. Good details are correct, complete, and provide accurate information to a wide variety of users. By demonstrating the use of detail patterns, this book teaches you how to design a building that will perform as well as you intend. Integrate appropriate detailing into your designs Learn the latest in materials, assemblies, and construction methods Incorporate sustainable design principles and current building codes Design buildings that perform well, age gracefully, and look great Architects understand that aesthetics are only a small fraction of good design, and that stability and functionality require a deep understanding of how things come together. Architectural Detailing helps you bring it all together with a well fleshed-out design that communicates accurately at all levels of the construction process.
John Wiley & Sons Inc User and Task Analysis for Interface Design
"Hackos and Redish wisely offer us the three things we most need about user and task analysis: practical advice, practical advice, and practical advice." -Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland "This book is well written, thorough, and loaded with techniques, examples, and resources that bring analysis to everyone." -Marcia L. Conner, Director of Usability & Learnability PeopleSoft, Inc. User and Task Analysis for Interface Design helps you design a great user interface by focusing on the most important step in the process -the first one. You learn to go out and observe your users at work, whether they are employees of your company or people in customer organizations. You learn to find out what your users really need, not by asking them what they want, but by going through a process of understanding what they are trying to accomplish. JoAnn Hackos and Janice (Ginny) Redish, internationally known experts in usable design, take you through a step-by-step process to conduct a user and task analysis. You learn: * How interface designers use user and task analysis to build successful interfaces * Why knowledge of users, their tasks, and their environments is critical to successful design * How to prepare and set up your site visits * How to select and train your user and task analysis team * What observations to make, questions to ask, and questions to avoid * How to record and report what you have learned to your development team members * How to turn the information you've gathered into design ideas * How to create paper prototypes of your interface design * How to conduct usability tests with your prototypes to find out if you're on the right track. This book includes many examples of design successes and challenges for products of every kind.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks
A handbook on recent advancements and the state of the art in array processing and sensor Networks Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks provides readers with a collection of tutorial articles contributed by world-renowned experts on recent advancements and the state of the art in array processing and sensor networks. Focusing on fundamental principles as well as applications, the handbook provides exhaustive coverage of: wavelets; spatial spectrum estimation; MIMO radio propagation; robustness issues in sensor array processing; wireless communications and sensing in multi-path environments using multi-antenna transceivers; implicit training and array processing for digital communications systems; unitary design of radar waveform diversity sets; acoustic array processing for speech enhancement; acoustic beamforming for hearing aid applications; undetermined blind source separation using acoustic arrays; array processing in astronomy; digital 3D/4D ultrasound imaging technology; self-localization of sensor networks; multi-target tracking and classification in collaborative sensor networks via sequential Monte Carlo; energy-efficient decentralized estimation; sensor data fusion with application to multi-target tracking; distributed algorithms in sensor networks; cooperative communications; distributed source coding; network coding for sensor networks; information-theoretic studies of wireless networks; distributed adaptive learning mechanisms; routing for statistical inference in sensor networks; spectrum estimation in cognitive radios; nonparametric techniques for pedestrian tracking in wireless local area networks; signal processing and networking via the theory of global games; biochemical transport modeling, estimation, and detection in realistic environments; and security and privacy for sensor networks. Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks is the first book of its kind and will appeal to researchers, professors, and graduate students in array processing, sensor networks, advanced signal processing, and networking.