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Princeton University Press The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems
Everybody knows that mathematics is indispensable to physics--imagine where we'd be today if Einstein and Newton didn't have the math to back up their ideas. But how many people realize that physics can be used to produce many astonishing and strikingly elegant solutions in mathematics? Mark Levi shows how in this delightful book, treating readers to a host of entertaining problems and mind-bending puzzlers that will amuse and inspire their inner physicist. Levi turns math and physics upside down, revealing how physics can simplify proofs and lead to quicker solutions and new theorems, and how physical solutions can illustrate why results are true in ways lengthy mathematical calculations never can. Did you know it's possible to derive the Pythagorean theorem by spinning a fish tank filled with water? Or that soap film holds the key to determining the cheapest container for a given volume? Or that the line of best fit for a data set can be found using a mechanical contraption made from a rod and springs? Levi demonstrates how to use physical intuition to solve these and other fascinating math problems. More than half the problems can be tackled by anyone with precalculus and basic geometry, while the more challenging problems require some calculus. This one-of-a-kind book explains physics and math concepts where needed, and includes an informative appendix of physical principles. The Mathematical Mechanic will appeal to anyone interested in the little-known connections between mathematics and physics and how both endeavors relate to the world around us.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without: 18 Ways to Become Indispensable
In his previous books, noted management consultant Glenn Shepard showed managers how to get the most from their workforce. Now, in How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without, Shepard shows employees how to get the most from themselves, their jobs, and their careers. This practical, actionable guide explains what today's managers are really looking for in employees, what they place the highest value on, and how employees can surpass expectations to gain raises and promotions. Based on common-sense principles that will work for anyone in any career, this practical, real-world guide shows you how to: Answer the one question that will immediately make you a highly valued employee Excel in your job by simply showing your employer how much you care about your job Create job security by earning a reputation as the most reliable person around Learn the right way to make mistakes Develop the kind of professional work ethic that gets you promoted Be the problem-solver companies are looking for And take control of your professional destiny! Millions of Americans feel stuck in dead-end jobs that are getting them nowhere. Often they think, despite their best efforts, that no one will notice or reward their success. How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without shows you how to excel at the office and garner the recognition you've worked hard to earn. Master these principles and apply them every day at work and unlimited success will be your reward.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Ransoming Prisoners in Precolonial Muslim Western Africa
Examines African debates on captivity, legal and illegal enslavement, and religious and ethnic identity in the era of West African jihads. In this pioneering study—the first to cover ransoming, or the release of a prisoner prior to enslavement for cash or kind, in African regions south of the Sahara—Jennifer Lofkrantz focuses on a broad temporal and geographical area ranging from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries and including present-day Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Morocco. The work concentrates particularly on the nineteenth-century jihad era and on the Sokoto Caliphate and the Umarian States. The overall period was a time of intense intellectual debate over the questions of who was and who was not a Muslim, how Islamic law could and should be implemented, what rights and protections recognized freeborn Muslims should have, and what role governments should play in ensuring those rights especially during a time when slavery was legal. Ransoming discourses and procedures expose Muslim West African answers to these questions as well as providing a lens on broader issues and ideas on slavery, freedom, and religious and ethnic identity. Based on research conducted mostly in Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and France and on Arabic-, French-, and English-language archival sources, treatises, personal correspondence, oral sources and testimony, biographical data, travel reports, and early colonial documents, this study approaches the question of ransoming of captives through an examination, first, of intellectual debates among pre-nineteenth-century West African scholars on issues of ransoming; second, of nineteenth-century policies based on understandings of those intellectual debates in the context of the jihads; and, finally, of West African practices of ransoming in the nineteenth century.
New York University Press Drugs in America: A Documentary History
Chronicles the rise and fall and rise again of drugs popular in the U.S. Most Americans would be surprised to learn that large quantities of beer were brought over on the Puritan ships and that the hallowed Puritans were fond of drink. How many today realize that hemp was once one of our most lucrative cash crops encouraged by President John Adams and promoted by the Agriculture department? Or that cocaine, opium and heroin had several waves of popularity in this century and the last? Drugs and alcohol have been with us from the start. So have attempts to control or eliminate their use. In the first anthology of its kind, renowned drug policy expert David Musto chronicles the rise and fall and rise again of the most popular mind altering substances in the Unites States: alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and opiates. In the section on alcohol we hear the Reverend Lyman Beecher, prominent radical abolitionist and father of Harriet Beecher Stowe, thundering against the evils of alcohol in 1826. We read medical documents that show how the first stirrings of concern about about what is now termed fetal-alcohol syndrome in 1910 turned public opinion against drinking and helped move the country toward Prohibition. The sections on illegal drugs contain surprises as well. With accessible, jargon-free introductions this anthology puts drug and alcohol use at the center of American culture. At this critical point in the "war on drugs" if we do not appreciate our drug and alcohol history we may become captive to the powerful emotions that lead to draconian repression, exaggeration, or apathy and silence.
University of Minnesota Press Subject Of Documentary
The documentary, a genre as old as cinema itself, has traditionally aspired to objectivity. Whether making ethnographic, propagandistic, or educational films, documentarians have pointed the camera outward, drawing as little attention to themselves as possible. In recent decades, however, a new kind of documentary has emerged in which the filmmaker has become the subject of the work. Whether chronicling family history, sexual identity, or a personal or social world, this new generation of nonfiction filmmakers has defiantly embraced autobiography. In The Subject of Documentary, Michael Renov focuses on how documentary filmmaking has become an important means for both examining and constructing selfhood. By looking at key figures in documentary filmmaking as well as noncanonical video art and avant-garde artists, Renov broadens the definition of what counts as documentary, and explores the intersection of the personal and political, considering how memory can create a way into asking troubling questions about identity, oppression, and resiliency. Offering historical context for the explosion of personal nonfiction filmmaking in the 1980s and 1990s, Renov analyzes films in which the subjectivity of the filmmaker is expressly defined in relation to political struggle or historical trauma, from Haskell Wexler's Medium Cool to Jonas Mekas's Lost, Lost, Lost. And, looking beyond the traditional documentary, Renov contemplates such nontraditional modes of autobiographical practice as the essay film, the video confession, and the personal Web page.Unique in its attention to diverse expressions of personal nonfiction filmmaking, The Subject of Documentary forges a new understanding of the heightened role and function of subjectivity in contemporary documentary practice.Michael Renov is professor of critical studies at the USC School of Cinema-Television. He is the editor of Theorizing Documentary and the coeditor of Resolutions: Contemporary Video Practices (Minnesota, 1996) and Collecting Visible Evidence (Minnesota, 1999).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Not Saved: Essays After Heidegger
One can rightly say of Peter Sloterdijk that each of his essays and lectures is also an unwritten book. That is why the texts presented here, which sketch a philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger, should also be characterized as a collected renunciation of exhaustiveness. In order to situate Heidegger's thought in the history of ideas and problems, Peter Sloterdijk approaches Heidegger's work with questions such as: If Western philosophy emerged from the spirit of the polis, what are we to make of the philosophical suitability of a man who never made a secret of his stubborn attachment to rural life? Is there a provincial truth of which the cosmopolitan city knows nothing? Is there a truth in country roads and cabins that would be able to undermine the universities with their standardized languages and globally influential discourses? From where does this odd professor speak, when from his professorial chair in Freiburg he claims to inquire into what lies beyond the history of Western metaphysics? Sloterdijk also considers several other crucial twentieth-century thinkers who provide some needed contrast for the philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger. A consideration of Niklas Luhmann as a kind of contemporary version of the Devil's Advocate, a provocative critical interpretation of Theodor Adorno's philosophy that focuses on its theological underpinnings and which also includes reflections on the philosophical significance of hyperbole, and a short sketch of the pessimistic thought of Emil Cioran all round out and deepen Sloterdijk's attempts to think with, against, and beyond Heidegger. Finally, in essays such as "Domestication of Being" and the "Rules for the Human Park," which incited an international controversy around the time of its publication and has been translated afresh for this volume, Sloterdijk develops some of his most intriguing and important ideas on anthropogenesis, humanism, technology, and genetic engineering.
The University of Chicago Press Sprawl: A Compact History
As anyone who has flown into Los Angeles at dusk or Houston at midday knows, urban areas today defy traditional notions of what a city is. Our old definitions of urban, suburban, and rural fail to capture the complexity of these vast regions with their superhighways, subdivisions, industrial areas, office parks, and resort areas pushing far out into the countryside. Detractors call it sprawl and assert that it is economically inefficient, socially inequitable, environmentally irresponsible, and aesthetically ugly. Robert Bruegmann calls it a logical consequence of economic growth and the democratization of society, with benefits that urban planners have failed to recognize. In his incisive history of the expanded city, Bruegmann overturns every assumption we have about sprawl. Taking a long view of urban development, he demonstrates that sprawl is neither recent nor particularly American but as old as cities themselves, just as characteristic of ancient Rome and eighteenth-century Paris as it is of Atlanta or Los Angeles. Nor is sprawl the disaster claimed by many contemporary observers. Although sprawl, like any settlement pattern, has undoubtedly produced problems that must be addressed, it has also provided millions of people with the kinds of mobility, privacy, and choice that were once the exclusive prerogatives of the rich and powerful. The first major book to strip urban sprawl of its pejorative connotations, "Sprawl" offers a completely new vision of the city and its growth. Bruegmann leads readers to the powerful conclusion that "in its immense complexity and constant change, the city - whether dense and concentrated at its core, looser and more sprawling in suburbia, or in the vast tracts of exurban penumbra that extend dozens, even hundreds, of miles - is the grandest and most marvelous work of mankind."
New York University Press Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality
Compares today’s same-sex marriage movement to the experiences of black people in the mid-nineteenth century. The staggering string of victories by the gay rights movement’s campaign for marriage equality raises questions not only about how gay people have been able to successfully deploy marriage to elevate their social and legal reputation, but also what kind of freedom and equality the ability to marry can mobilize. Wedlocked turns to history to compare today’s same-sex marriage movement to the experiences of newly emancipated black people in the mid-nineteenth century, when they were able to legally marry for the first time. Maintaining that the transition to greater freedom was both wondrous and perilous for newly emancipated people, Katherine Franke relates stories of former slaves’ involvements with marriage and draws lessons that serve as cautionary tales for today’s marriage rights movements. While “be careful what you wish for” is a prominent theme, they also teach us how the rights-bearing subject is inevitably shaped by the very rights they bear, often in ways that reinforce racialized gender norms and stereotypes. Franke further illuminates how the racialization of same-sex marriage has redounded to the benefit of the gay rights movement while contributing to the ongoing subordination of people of color and the diminishing reproductive rights of women. Like same-sex couples today, freed African-American men and women experienced a shift in status from outlaws to in-laws, from living outside the law to finding their private lives organized by law and state licensure. Their experiences teach us the potential and the perils of being subject to legal regulation: rights—and specifically the right to marriage—can both burden and set you free.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Promise: The Moving Story of a Family in the Holocaust
Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss retells her own story specially for younger readers. This is the remarkable true story of a young Jewish girl and her brother caught in a world turned upside down by the Nazis during the Second World War. Eva Schloss describes her happy early childhood in Vienna with her kind and loving parents and her older brother Heinz, whom she adored. But when the Nazis marched into Austria everything changed. Eva's family fled to Belgium, then to Amsterdam where, with the help of the Dutch Resistance, they spent the next two years in hiding - Eva and her mother in one house, and her father and brother in another. But in the end they were all betrayed and deported to Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Despite the horrors of the camp, Eva's positive attitude and stubborn personality (which had often got her into trouble) saw her through one of the most tragic events in history but sadly her father and brother perished just weeks before the liberation. Eva and her mother travelled back to the house in Amsterdam where Heinz and his father had hidden. There they found over thirty beautiful paintings by her brother. For Eva, here was a tangible, everlasting memory of her beloved older brother, and a reminder of her father's promise that all the good things you accomplish will make a difference.Heinz's paintings have been on display in exhibitions in the USA and are now a part of a permanent exhibition in Amsterdam's war museum.Eva Schloss is the posthumous step-sister of Anne Frank, after her mother was remarried to Otto Frank, the only surviving member of his immediate family.
Stanford University Press Is It Righteous to Be?: Interviews with Emmanuel Levinas
Recent debates within Continental philosophy have decisively renewed the question of the ethical, with the French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1995) as its center. Coming from yet in contestation with the phenomenological traditions of Husserl and Heidegger, Levinas defines ethics as an originary response to the face of the other. For him, language is an exception to a habitual economy that represses alterity and maintains the asymmetry and distance constitutive of the nontotalizing relation to the other. Ethics occurs in the interlocutionary relation to the other, and interpellation—a kind of interruption by speaking—is the essential feature of ethical language. Between 1982 and 1992, Levinas gave numerous interviews, closing a distinguished sixty-year career. Of the twenty interviews collected in this volume, seventeen appear in English for the first time. In the interviews Levinas sets forth the central features of his ethical philosophy, previously enunciated in Totality and Infinity (1961), in a language that bridges to the idiom of his later work. He underlines his dedication to the phenomenological search for the concrete and the nonformal signification of alterity. He also elaborates issues that do not receive extensive treatment in his formal philosophical works, including the question of prephilosophical experiences and the ethical signification of money, justice, and the State. The informality of the interviews prompts Levinas to address matters about which he is reticent in his published works, notably the relation of his ethical philosophy to theological questions, the intrication of the Hebrew Bible in Greek philosophy, his substantial corpus of "nonphilosophical" or "confessional" writings on the Talmud, and recollections of his extraordinary talmudic teacher, Shoshani. The centerpiece of the volume is a previously untranslated 1986 interview with François Poirié. Containing Levinas's sole extended discussion of biographical matters with an interviewer, this text helps to situate Levinas in his contemporary intellectual world and to clarify his place in French thought.
Crown House Publishing MiniMax Interventions: 15 simple therapeutic interventions that have maximum impact
In MiniMax Interventions, Manfred Prior presents therapeutic communication strategies that are designed to achieve a lot with just a few linguistic alterations: maximum results for minimal effort. These tried-and-tested communication strategies can be used in an effective way by any therapeutic practitioner, in almost any kind of session. The step-by-step methods can make a huge contribution to helping patients and clients solve their problems and clarify their goals more quickly. They are easy to understand and put into practice and, as such, their profound effect will be readily observable. It takes a lot of time and experience to condense such a lot of information into such a short book, and such powerful transformative effects into short therapeutic phrases. Manfred Prior has studied the speech patterns of successful communication in psychotherapy, medicine and counselling for more than 30 years. As one of the most renowned hypnosis instructors in the German-speaking world, he has taught effective communication techniques and methods to psychotherapists, doctors and dentists since the mid-eighties. For the first time, his insights are now available in the English-speaking world. The book, originally published in German as the bestselling MiniMax-Interventionen: 15 minimale Interventionen mit maximaler Wirkung, is translated by Professor Paul Bishop. MiniMax interventions provide the basis for efficient communication as well as human encounter. They help reduce resistance from patients or more precisely do not let it build up. They strengthen the relationship between therapist and patient and build motivation and willingness to cooperate. Finally, they demonstrate time and again how a few short words can have long-lasting therapeutic consequences. Suitable for psychotherapists, counsellors, supervisors, coaches and organisational consultants. If you want to improve your communication skills in a decisive yet practical way this succinct, accessible book is for you.
Rutgers University Press Privacy and the Past: Research, Law, Archives, Ethics
When the new HIPAA privacy rules regarding the release of health information took effect, medical historians suddenly faced a raft of new ethical and legal challenges—even in cases where their subjects had died years, or even a century, earlier. In Privacy and the Past, medical historian Susan C. Lawrence explores the impact of these new privacy rules, offering insight into what historians should do when they research, write about, and name real people in their work. Lawrence offers a wide-ranging and informative discussion of the many issues involved. She highlights the key points in research ethics that can affect historians, including their ethical obligations to their research subjects, both living and dead, and she reviews the range of federal laws that protect various kinds of information. The book discusses how the courts have dealt with privacy in contexts relevant to historians, including a case in which a historian was actually sued for a privacy violation. Lawrence also questions who gets to decide what is revealed and what is kept hidden in decades-old records, and she examines the privacy issues that archivists consider when acquiring records and allowing researchers to use them. She looks at how demands to maintain individual privacy both protect and erase the identities of people whose stories make up the historical record, discussing decisions that historians have made to conceal identities that they believed needed to be protected. Finally, she encourages historians to vigorously resist any expansion of regulatory language that extends privacy protections to the dead. Engagingly written and powerfully argued, Privacy and the Past is an important first step in preventing privacy regulations from affecting the historical record and the ways that historians write history.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Entrepreneur and Small Business Problem Solver
A new, revised edition of the classic guide for entrepreneurs For more than a decade, The Entrepreneur and Small Business Problem Solver has been the go-to resource for budding entrepreneurs and small business owners alike. Now in its Third Edition, this classic has been revised and updated to meet the needs of the modern reader in today's fast-paced business environment. Covering everything from getting a start-up loan to introducing a new product, this comprehensive guide shows you how to deal with the common problems every small business faces-without hiring expensive outside help. This handy guide is packed with the kind of essential, down-to-earth advice everyone running a small business needs-whether you need help with your business plan or collecting a small debt. This new Third Edition features new information on tax law changes, technological advances, and changes in government services, and includes an entirely new chapter on Internet marketing and e-commerce. Focused on practicality, the book also features downloadable, chapter-ending worksheets that will help you retain what you learned and implement it correctly. A truly unique source for sound business guidance, The Entrepreneur and Small Business Problem Solver, Third Edition is an invaluable reference that every business owner needs. Inside, you'll find world-class guidance on these topics and more: How and where to find start-up capital Insuring your business Extending credit and collecting debts Financial record-keeping Carrying out marketing research Pricing products and services Marketing and advertising your business Doing business and marketing online Recruiting and managing employees Protecting your business and avoiding rip-offs
Not Stated Beneath the Keep
“A suspenseful, multilayered tale of how the sparks of revolution are kindled, and of those who strive to ignite them.”—Cassandra Clare, #1 New York Times bestselling authorAs a kingdom descends into darkness and new alliances are forged under fire, a battle begins over a prophecy that will change the course of history in this much-anticipated stand-alone prequel to the bestselling Queen of the Tearling trilogy. The Tearling, founded as a utopia, has collapsed and reverted to feudalism. As the gap between rich and poor widens and famine threatens the land, rumors of a prophecy begin to spread: a great hope, a True Queen who will ascend and save the kingdom.But rumors will not help Lazarus, a boy on the verge of manhood, trapped in the clandestine underworld known as the Creche. Enlisted from his earliest days to kill without mercy, he has never seen sun or sky, not until a quest for vengeance propels him aboveground. There he
Springer International Publishing AG Verstorbenen-fokussierte Trauerbewältigung: Ein alternativer Ansatz
Herkömmliche Trauermodelle konzentrieren sich auf die Hinterbliebenen, einschließlich der Maßnahmen, die sie ergreifen müssen, um nach dem Tod eines geliebten Menschen wieder zur Normalität zurückzukehren. Dieses Buch schlägt vor, dass es im Trauerprozess hilfreich sein kann, sich stattdessen auf den Verstorbenen zu konzentrieren. Die Forschung weist auf die Vorteile altruistischer Handlungen und Gedanken hin, einschließlich der Verbesserung der Stimmung. Altruistische Handlungen und Gedanken können auch auf den Verstorbenen ausgedehnt werden, der im Tod ebenfalls einen Verlust erlitten hat. Indem man die Perspektive des Verstorbenen einnimmt und ihm gegenüber empathisch ist, kommt es zu einer "Reaktionsverschiebung", die bei den Hinterbliebenen zu einer Verbesserung der Stimmung und zu Glück führen kann. Das Buch enthält Leitlinien für dieses alternative Trauermodell beim Tod eines Kindes, eines Teenagers, eines Ehepartners/Partners und eines Geschwisters sowie bei mehreren Todesfällen und bei anhaltender Trauererfahrung unter anderem. Auf der Grundlage von Motivationsprinzipien wird auch ein Arbeitsbuch zur Überwachung der Fortschritte bei der Trauerbewältigung bereitgestellt. Zu jedem Kapitel gibt es Verständnisfragen und zusätzliche Lektüre, die dem Leser helfen, das jeweilige Thema zu vertiefen.Dieses Buch eignet sich für Lehrveranstaltungen zum Thema Tod, Sterben und Trauer, für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe und Trauerberater sowie für Wissenschaftler, die sich mit Tod, Sterben und Trauer in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Psychologie, Soziologie, Sozialarbeit, öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Religion beschäftigen.Die meisten Trauermodelle konzentrieren sich auf die Hinterbliebenen, einschließlich der Maßnahmen, die der Überlebende ergreifen muss, um nach einem Verlust wieder zur Normalität zurückzufinden. Im Trauerprozess kann es jedoch hilfreich sein, die Aufmerksamkeit stattdessen auf den Verstorbenen zu lenken. Indem die Hinterbliebenen Dinge tun, die sie als angenehm für den Verstorbenen empfinden, können sie im Gegenzug Heilung und Zufriedenheit erfahren.Lisa Farino (2010) stellt fest, dass es nicht an Forschungsergebnissen mangelt, die auf die positiven Auswirkungen der Konzentration auf andere hinweisen. In einer Studie von Carolyn Schwartz und Rabbi Meir Sendor (1999) wurden Laien, die an einer chronischen Krankheit litten, darin geschult, anderen, die dieselbe Krankheit hatten, mitfühlende, bedingungslose Zuwendung zukommen zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Geber von Fürsorge und Mitgefühl über eine bessere Lebensqualität berichteten als die Empfänger von Fürsorge und Mitgefühl, obwohl sowohl die Geber als auch die Empfänger dieselbe Krankheit hatten. Die Geber zeigten tiefgreifende Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Selbstvertrauen, Selbstwahrnehmung, Selbstwertgefühl, Depression und Rollenverhalten. Die Forscher betonten die positive Bedeutung der "Reaktionsverschiebung" (die Verschiebung interner Standards, Werte und Konzeptdefinitionen von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden) im Umgang mit der eigenen Notlage. Farino (2010) merkt an, dass diese Forschung von großer Bedeutung ist, da in der westlichen Kultur die Überzeugung vorherrscht, dass man sich glücklich fühlt, wenn man etwas für sich selbst bekommt. Die Vorstellung, dass "Geben besser ist als Nehmen", hat einen biologischen Ursprung. Mit Hilfe der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRI) konnten Forscher einen Zusammenhang zwischen Gehirnaktivität und Geben nachweisen. Bei Menschen, die freiwillig und für einen guten Zweck gaben, wurde der Teil des Gehirns, der für Freude und Glück zuständig ist, stärker aktiviert (z. B. Harbaugh, Mayr & Burghart, 2007).Studien zeigen, dass etwa 7 % der US-Bevölkerung an einer komplizierten oder lang anhaltenden Trauerstörung leiden (z. B. Kersting et al., 2011). Dabei handelt es sich um anhaltende Trauer, die nicht abklingt, und viele Eltern neigen dazu, dies nach dem Verlust eines Kindes zu erleben. In ihrer Studie fanden Catherine Rogers und Kollegen (2008) heraus, dass trauernde Eltern fast 20 Jahre nach dem Verlust eines Kindes über mehr depressive Symptome, ein schlechteres Wohlbefinden und mehr Gesundheitsprobleme berichten.Hinterbliebene zeigen sich in der Regel besorgt darüber, wie sich ihre verstorbenen Angehörigen vor dem Tod gefühlt haben und ob sie im Jenseits glücklich waren oder nicht (z. B. Eyetsemitan & Eggleston, 2002). In einer Studie wurde berichtet, dass die Befragten bei der Beschreibung der Gesichter von Verstorbenen emotionsdiskrete Begriffe wie traurig, glücklich oder wütend verwendeten. Die Forscher vermuteten, dass der wahrgenommene emotionale Zustand eines verstorbenen geliebten Menschen Auswirkungen auf den Trauerverlauf des Hinterbliebenen haben könnte (z. B. Eyetsemitan & Eggleston, 2002).Das Trauermodell, das stattdessen den Verstorbenen in den Mittelpunkt stellt, bietet eine Alternative zu den bestehenden Trauermodellen, um den Überlebenden bei der Bewältigung des Verlustes zu helfen.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography
The latest edition of the authoritative reference to HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is today the leading technique for chemical analysis and related applications, with an ability to separate, analyze, and/or purify virtually any sample. Snyder and Kirkland's Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography has long represented the premier reference to HPLC. This Third Edition, with John Dolan as added coauthor, addresses important improvements in columns and equipment, as well as major advances in our understanding of HPLC separation, our ability to solve problems that were troublesome in the past, and the application of HPLC for new kinds of samples. This carefully considered Third Edition maintains the strengths of the previous edition while significantly modifying its organization in light of recent research and experience. The text begins by introducing the reader to HPLC, its use in relation to other modern separation techniques, and its history, then leads into such specific topics as: The basis of HPLC separation and the general effects of different experimental conditions Equipment and detection The column—the "heart" of the HPLC system Reversed-phase separation, normal-phase chromatography, gradient elution, two-dimensional separation, and other techniques Computer simulation, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and method validation and quality control The separation of large molecules, including both biological and synthetic polymers Chiral separations, preparative separations, and sample preparation Systematic development of HPLC separations—new to this edition Troubleshooting tricks, techniques, and case studies for both equipment and chromatograms Designed to fulfill the needs of the full range of HPLC users, from novices to experts, Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition offers the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and accessible survey of HPLC methods and applications available.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide
Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition “With its cornucopia of information, both thorough and practical, this book is a must for our methodology shelves. Its study questions and project suggestions will be a boon for many research methods courses.”Robert M. DeKeysevr, University of Maryland “This guide to collecting, coding and analyzing second language acquisition data will be an essential reference for novice and experienced researchers alike.”Peter Robinson, Aoyama Gakuin University “Comprehensive and technically up-to-date, yet accessible and cogent! This remarkable textbook is sure to become a premier choice for the research training of many future SLA generations.”Lourdes Ortega, University of Hawaii “Alison Mackey and Susan Gass’ valuable new book offers hands-on methodological guidance from established experts on all kinds of second language research.”Michael H. Long, University of Maryland Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide is an informative guide to research design and methodology in this growing and vibrant field. Utilizing research methods and tools from varied fields of study including education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology, this collection offers complete coverage of the techniques of second language acquisition research. This guide covers a variety of topics, such as second language writing and reading, meta-analyses, research replication, qualitative data collection and analysis, and more. Each chapter of this volume offers background, step-by-step guidance, and relevant studies to create comprehensive coverage of each method. This carefully selected and edited volume will be a useful text for graduate students and scholars looking to keep pace with the latest research projects and methodologies in second language acquisition.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Sustaining the Fleet, 1793-1815: War, the British Navy and the Contractor State
An assessment of the work of the contractors who were commissioned by the Victualling Board to provision the fleet in this period. Provisioning the fleet, and the army overseas, during the French Wars of 1793-1815 was a major undertaking. This book explains how the Victualling Board in London handled this enormous task, focusing in particular on contractors -that is the merchants and brokers, who provided a vast range of commodities including flour and biscuit, salt beef and pork, as well as huge quantities of fresh water and coal, and every other item needed. It shows how these merchants could be large or small concerns, and provides detailed case studies of different kinds of contractors, including examples of contractors based both in Britain and in the navy's overseas bases. The book demonstrates how, overall, the contracting system represented the mobilisation of a substantial part of the British economy for war; how the performance of contracting was effective, with little or no corruption; and how the contractors took considerable financial risks and made only reasonable margins. It assesses the performance of the Victualling Board, arguing that this was good, and that the problem in the major area of weakness - accounting - was quickly addressed following a major crisis in 1808-09. It concludes that this was "an impressive performance" by the state, but that the overwhelming advantage was the resilience of the market, and that it was "upon the success of the contractors that the war at sea was won." For most of his career, ROGER KNIGHT was on the staff of the National Maritime Museum, leaving as Deputy Director in 2000. Since then he has taught at the Greenwich Maritime Institute at the University of Greenwich, where he is currently Visiting Professor of Naval History. MARTIN WILCOX completed a doctorate in maritime history at the University of Hull, and has been employed as postdoctoral research fellow at Greenwich Maritime Institute since 2006.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting
Setting the agenda on agenda setting, this Handbook explores how and why private matters become public issues and occasionally government priorities. It provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the perspectives, individuals, and institutions involved in setting the government's agenda at sub-national, national, and international levels. Drawing on contributions from leading academics across the world, this handbook is split into five distinct parts. Part one sets public policy agenda setting in its historical context, devoting chapters to more in-depth studies of the main individual scholars and their works. Part two offers an extensive examination of the theoretical development, while part three provides a comprehensive look at the various institutional dimensions. Part four reviews the literature on sub-national, national and international governance levels, and finally part five offers innovative coverage on agenda setting during crises.The first of its kind, this Handbook will be the definitive reference tool in public policy agenda setting for scholars, students, and practitioners in political science, public policy, public administration, and mass communication.Contributors include: F.R. Baumgartner, T.A. Birkland, A. Boin, L. Chaqués-Bonafont, P. Cairney, N. Cohen, N. Dalmer, C.A. Dunlop, R. Eissler, R. Gava, C. Green-Pedersen, A. Harcourt, J. Joachim, B.D. Jones, M.D. Jones, S. Kuipers, S. Ladi, P.B. Mortensen, V. Novotný, J. Peake, M. Perottino, H.L. Peterson, M. Polásek, S. Princen, D.A. Rochefort, A. Russell, P. Rutledge, S. Saurugger, P. Van Aelst, S. Walgrave, N. Zahariadis, P. Zittoun
The Pragmatic Programmers Driving Technical Change
Finding cool languages, tools, or development techniques is easy-new ones are popping up every day. Convincing co-workers to adopt them is the hard part. The problem is political, and in political fights, logic doesn't win for logic's sake. Hard evidence of a superior solution is not enough. But that reality can be tough for programmers to overcome. In Driving Technical Change: Why People On Your Team Don't Act on Good Ideas, and How to Convince Them They Should, Adobe software evangelist Terrence Ryan breaks down the patterns and types of resistance technologists face in many organizations. You'll get a rich understanding of what blocks users from accepting your solutions. From that, you'll get techniques for dismantling their objections-without becoming some kind of technocratic Machiavelli. In Part I, Ryan clearly defines the problem. Then in Part II, he presents "resistance patterns"-there's a pattern for each type of person resisting your technology, from The Uninformed to The Herd, The Cynic, The Burned, The Time Crunched, The Boss, and The Irrational. In Part III, Ryan shares his battle-tested techniques for overcoming users' objections. These build on expertise, communication, compromise, trust, publicity, and similar factors. In Part IV, Ryan reveals strategies that put it all together-the patterns of resistance and the techniques for winning buy-in. This is the art of organizational politics. In the end, change is a two-way street: In order to get your co-workers to stretch their technical skills, you'll have to stretch your soft skills. This book will help you make that stretch without compromising your resistance to playing politics. You can overcome resistance-however illogical-in a logical way.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose
From the founder of the influential website Career Contessa, an invaluable career resource for women feeling stuck or unfulfilled that combines actionable advice, learning tools to make impactful life changes, and an in-depth discussion of how to build a meaningful career on your terms.With her popular website Career Contessa, Lauren McGoodwin built an audience of ambitious, professional, millennial women who thought they did everything right—they got the degree, the internship, and even the promotion—but still wondered why they felt stuck and unfulfilled. The first site of its kind to focus on the unique, complex aspects of women's careers, Career Contessa offers women the smart advice they deserve, in a voice that resonates.Drawing on the insights and lessons developed from Career Contessa, Power Moves is the essential handbook that helps professional women truly feel understood so they can bypass perfection and planning and head straight to evolving. McGoodwin addresses young professionals’ number-one concern: career transitions and growth, and engages them with specific goals, including: What is a Power Move and why they matter Cutting out comparison, shame, and self-loathing How to abandon the elusive “dream job” Embracing your inner questioner, your inner quester, and your inner-quitter Making money moves and taking control of your financial future Tuning out from the noise and tuning into your voice Power Moves is filled with the information, guidance, advice, and essential tools, (including helpful graphics) that can help women take decisive, bold steps without self-doubt and fear, Power Moves shows women how to build a successful career on their own terms.
The University of Chicago Press African Rhythm and African Sensibility: Aesthetics and Social Action in African Musical Idioms
"We have in this book a Rosetta stone for mediating, or translating, African musical behavior and aesthetics."—Andrew Tracey, African Music"John Miller Chernoff, who spent 10 years studying African drumming, has a flair for descriptive writing, and his first-person narratives should be easily understood by any reader, while ringing unmistakably true for the reader who has also been to West Africa."—Roderick Knight, Washington Post Book World"Ethnomusicologists must be proud that their discipline has produced a book that will, beyond doubt, rank as a classic of African studies."—Peter Fryer, Research in Literatures"A marvelous book. . . . Not many scholars will ever be able to achieve the kind of synthesis of 'doing' and 'writing about' their subject matter that Chernoff has achieved, but he has given us an excellent illustration of what is possible."—Chet Creider, Culture"Chernoff develops a brilliant and penetrating musicological essay that is, at the same time, an intensely personal and even touching account of musical and cultural discovery that anyone with an interest in Africa can and should read. . . . No other writing comes close to approaching Chernoff's ability to convey a feeling of how African music 'works'"—James Koetting, Africana Journal"Four stars. One of the few books I know of that talks of the political, social, and spiritual meanings of music. I was moved. It was so nice I read it twice."—David Byrne of "Talking Heads"The companion cassette tape has 44 examples of the music discussed in the book. It consists of field recordings illustrating cross-rhythms, multiple meters, call and response forms, etc.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Girl Mans Up
A William C. Morris Award finalist! "Fierce. Tender. Unstoppable." is how Lauren Myracle describes M-E Girard's brilliant and addictive debut about the many battles Pen Oliviera faces growing up butch and awesome with no one else like her around for miles. Now in paperback! “Pen is an inspiration to anyone who’s struggled to be understood, and a vital addition to the growing world of genderqueer protagonists.” –The New York Times Book Review Lambda Literary Award Winner * Entertainment Weekly Best YA Book of 2016 * Children’s Book Council Books Best Book of 2016 * Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Coming-of-Age Novel of 2016 and Best Teen Book of 2016 with Unforgettable Protagonists * Publishers Weekly Fall 2016 Flying Starts * William C. Morris YA Debut Award Finalist All Pen wants is to be the kind of girl she’s always been. So why does everyone have a problem with it? They think the way she looks and acts means she’s trying to be a boy—that she should quit trying to be something she’s not. If she dresses like a girl, and does what her folks want, it will show respect. If she takes orders and does what her friend Colby wants, it will show her loyalty. But respect and loyalty, Pen discovers, are empty words. Old-world parents, disintegrating friendships, and strong feelings for other girls drive Pen to see the truth—that in order to be who she truly wants to be, she’ll have to man up. Now available in paperback, M. E. Girard’s Girl Mans Up is perfect for fans of Meredith Russo, Becky Albertalli, Alex Sanchez, and Jaye Robin Brown!
New York University Press The Radical Lives of Helen Keller
A political biography that reveals new sides to Helen Keller Several decades after her death in 1968, Helen Keller remains one of the most widely recognized women of the twentieth century. But the fascinating story of her vivid political life—particularly her interest in radicalism and anti-capitalist activism—has been largely overwhelmed by the sentimentalized story of her as a young deaf-blind girl. Keller had many lives indeed. Best known for her advocacy on behalf of the blind, she was also a member of the socialist party, an advocate of women's suffrage, a defender of the radical International Workers of the World, and a supporter of birth control—and she served as one of the nation's most effective but unofficial international ambassadors. In spite of all her political work, though, Keller rarely explored the political dimensions of disability, adopting beliefs that were often seen as conservative, patronizing, and occasionally repugnant. Under the wing of Alexander Graham Bell, a controversial figure in the deaf community who promoted lip-reading over sign language, Keller became a proponent of oralism, thereby alienating herself from others in the deaf community who believed that a rich deaf culture was possible through sign language. But only by distancing herself from the deaf community was she able to maintain a public image as a one-of-a-kind miracle. Using analytic tools and new sources, Kim E. Nielsen's political biography of Helen Keller has many lives, teasing out the motivations for and implications of her political and personal revolutions to reveal a more complex and intriguing woman than the Helen Keller we thought we knew.
Oxford University Press Inc Lived Religion in Latin America: An Enchanted Modernity
What does the practice of religion look like in Latin American today? In this book, which examines religious practice in three Latin American cities-- Lima, Perú; Córdoba, Argentina; and Montevideo, Uruguay-- Gustavo Morello reveals the influence of modernity on average citizens' cultural practices. Technological development, the dynamics of capitalism, the specialization of spheres of knowledge-- all these aspects of modernity were thought to diminish the importance of religion. Yet, Morello argues, if we look at religion as ordinary Latin Americans practice it, we discover that modernity has not diminished religion, but transformed it, creating what Morello calls "enchanted modernity." In Latin America, there is more religion than secularists expect, but of a different kind than religious leaders would wish. Morello explores how urban, contemporary Latin Americans, both believers and non-believers, from different social classes and religious affiliations, experience transcendence in everyday life. Using semi-structured interviews with 254 individuals in three cities with shifting religious landscapes and different cultural histories, Morello highlights the diversity within Latin America, exploring societies that are understudied and examining a broad array of religious traditions: "nones" (agnostics, non-affiliated, atheist), Catholics, Evangelicals (including mainstream Protestants, Pentecostals, neo-Evangelicals), and other traditions (including Jews, Muslims, Mormons, African-derived traditions, and Buddhists). Morello emphasizes elements, nuances, and dynamics that have previously been overlooked and that can enrich the study of religion other non-western societies. The book seeks to contribute to a critical theory of contemporary religion-- one that is not centered in the North Atlantic world and that takes seriously the voices of the Latin American people.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Plates vs Plumes: A Geological Controversy
Since the advent of the mantle plume hypothesis in 1971, scientists have been faced with the problem that its predictions are not confirmed by observation. For thirty years, the usual reaction has been to adapt the hypothesis in numerous ways. As a result, the multitude of current plume variants now amounts to an unfalsifiable hypothesis. In the early 21st century demand became relentless for a theory that can explain melting anomalies in a way that fits the observations naturally and is forward-predictive. From this the Plate hypothesis emerged–the exact inverse of the Plume hypothesis. The Plate hypothesis attributes melting anomalies to shallow effects directly related to plate tectonics. It rejects the hypothesis that surface volcanism is driven by convection in the deep mantle. Earth Science is currently in the midst of the kind of paradigm-challenging debate that occurs only rarely in any field. This volume comprises its first handbook. It reviews the Plate and Plume hypotheses, including a clear statement of the former. Thereafter it follows an observational approach, drawing widely from many volcanic regions in chapters on vertical motions of Earth's crust, magma volumes, time-progressions of volcanism, seismic imaging, mantle temperature and geochemistry. This text: Deals with a paradigm shift in Earth Science - some say the most important since plate tectonics Is analogous to Wegener's The Origin of Continents and Oceans Is written to be accessible to scientists and students from all specialities This book is indispensable to Earth scientists from all specialties who are interested in this new subject. It is suitable as a reference work for those teaching relevant classes, and an ideal text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students studying plate tectonics and related topics. Visit Gillian's own website at
University of Illinois Press Designing for Diversity: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Architectural Profession
A powerful statement about the repercussions of discrimination and the benefits of diversity in architecture Providing hard data for trends that many perceive only vaguely and some deny altogether, Designing for Diversity reveals a profession rife with gender and racial discrimination and examines the aspects of architectural practice that hinder or support the full participation of women and persons of color. Drawing on interviews and surveys of hundreds of architects, Kathryn H. Anthony outlines some of the forms of discrimination that recur most frequently in architecture: being offered added responsibility without a commensurate rise in position, salary, or credit; not being allowed to engage in client contact, field experience, or construction supervision; and being confined to certain kinds of positions, typically interior design for women, government work for African Americans, and computer-aided design for Asian American architects. Anthony discusses the profession's attitude toward flexible schedules, part-time contracts, and the demands of family and identifies strategies that have helped underrepresented individuals advance in the profession, especially establishing a strong relationship with a mentor. She also observes a strong tendency for underrepresented architects to leave mainstream practice, either establishing their own firms, going into government or corporate work, or abandoning the field altogether. Given the traditional mismatch between diverse consumers and predominantly white male producers of the built environment, plus the shifting population balance toward communities of color, Anthony contends that the architectural profession staves off true diversity at its own peril. Designing for Diversity argues convincingly that improving the climate for nontraditional architects will do much to strengthen architecture as a profession. Practicing architects, managers of firms, and educators will learn how to create conditions more welcoming to a diversity of users as well as designers of the built environment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Call Centers For Dummies
Tips on making your call center a genuine profit center In North America, call centers are a $13 billion business, employing 4 million people. For managers in charge of a call center operation, this practical, user-friendly guide outlines how to improve results measurably, following its principles of revenue generation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. In addition, this new edition addresses many industry changes, such as the new technology that's transforming today's call center and the location-neutral call center. It also helps readers determine whether it's cost-efficient to outsource operations and looks at the changing role and requirements of agents. The ultimate call center guide, now revised and updated The authors have helped over 60 companies improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their call center operations Offers comprehensive guidance for call centers of all sizes, from 20-person operations to multinational businesses With the latest edition of Call Centers For Dummies, managers will have an improved arsenal of techniques to boost their center's bottom line.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Museum Textiles, Volume 2: Scientific and Technological Research
Handbook of Museum Textiles Textiles have been known to us throughout human history and played a vital role in the lives and traditions of people. Clothing was made by using different materials and methods from natural fibers. There are different varieties of textiles, out of which certain traditional textiles, archaeological findings, or fragments are of cultural, historical, and sentimental value such as tapestries, embroideries, flags, shawls, etc. These kinds of textiles, due to their historical use and environmental factors, require special attention to guarantee their long-term stability. Textile conservation is a complex, challenging, and multi-faceted discipline and it is one of the most versatile branches of conservation. Volume II of the Handbook of Museum Textiles provides precise instruction for conservation techniques to preserve the textile heritage more scientifically and technologically. Additionally, the book covers the most modern techniques used to characterize archaeological textiles and dyes. Progress and innovation in nanotechnology-based interventions in museum textiles are emphasized. Chapters cover the general introduction to biological damage caused by physical and chemical agents and their prevention methods. Information on microscopy and characterization of historical textiles, ancient dyes, and prints is highlighted. Several aspects of assessment of degradation, repair, and stabilization of antique textiles are presented in depth. Experimental research methods for diagnosis and scientific study of fibers and natural dyes using LC-MS and UV-VIS are described. Practical knowledge based on analysis and visualization of historical textiles for the needs of museum conservation, exhibition, digital technology, and virtual museums is addressed as well. Audience It will serve as an educational asset and tool for researchers, art scholars, archaeologists, museum curators, and those who are interested in the field of traditional or historic textile collections.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Smart Fat: Eat More Fat. Lose More Weight. Get Healthy Now.
The innovative guide that reveals how eating more fat-the smart kind-is the key to health, longevity, and permanent weight loss. For years experts have told us that eating fat is bad. But by banning fat from our diets, we've deprived ourselves of considerable health benefits-and have actually sabotaged our own efforts to lose weight. Though they originally came from vastly different schools of thought about diet and weight loss, renowned nutritionist Jonny Bowden and well-respected physician Steven Masley independently came to the same conclusion about why so many people continually fail to shed pounds and get healthy. It all comes back to a distinction far more important than calories vs. carbs or paleo vs. plant-based: smart fat vs. dumb fat. In Smart Fat, they explain the amazing properties of healthy fat, including its ability to balance hormones for increased energy and appetite control, and its incredible anti-inflammatory benefits. The solution for slimming down-and keeping the pounds off for life-is to "smart-fat" your meals, incorporating smart fats with fiber, protein, and most importantly, flavor. Bowden and Masley identify smart fats, explain what not to eat, and provide a thirty-day meal plan and fifty recipes based on the magic formula of fat, fiber, protein, and flavor. It's time to unlearn what we think we know about food. Getting smart about fat-and everything you eat-and learning to smart-fat your meals is the only solution you'll ever need.
The University of Chicago Press Golk
In midcentury America, the golden age of television, a man named Golk is wreaking havoc with the medium. Through a devastating series of exposures—"You're on Camera"—Golk manipulates the high and mighty, the lowdown and dirty, and the outrageous weird; all are within the compass of Richard Stern in this early novel, a comedy with as many inspired maneuvers as its rambunctious protagonist has for taking the measure of a profligate world. "Golk is a rich and marvelously detailed novel by a man with a cultivated intelligence; it is also the first really good book I have read about television."—Norman Mailer "An original: sharp, funny, intelligent, rare. . . . Working in a clean, oblique style reminiscent of Nathanael West, Mr. Stern has written in Golk a first-rate comic novel, a piece of fiction that is at once about and loaded with that kind of recognition that junkies call the flash."—Joan Didion, National Review "Golk is fantastic, funny, bitter, intelligent without weariness. Best of all Golk is pure—that is to say necessary. Without hokum."—Saul Bellow "Golk (like Golk himself) is a wonderous conception. Its world responds to personification, not analysis, and personify it Mr. Stern has done. A book in a thousand."—Hugh Kenner "What I like about Mr. Stern's fantasy is that it has been conceived and written with so much gaiety. Far from a political melodrama, it reminds me of a René Clair movie, and even the surrealist touches needed to bring out the power and pretense of the television industry are funny rather than symbolically grim."—Alfred Kazin, Reporter "A mighty good book, altogether alive, full of beans and none of them spilled."—Flannery O'Connor
Equinox Publishing Ltd The Mother of All Tableaux: Order, Equivalence, and Geometry in the Large-Scale Structure of Optimality Theory
An Optimality Theoretic grammar arises from the comparison of candidates over a set of constraints, oriented toward obtaining certain of those candidates as optimal. The typology of a specified system collects its grammars, encompassing all total domination orders among the posited constraints. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the internal structure of Optimality Theoretic grammars but, in this book, we move up a level from grammar to typology, probing the structure that emerges from the most basic commitments of the theory. Comparison is once again central: a constraint viewed at the typological level rates entire grammars against each other. From this perspective, the constraint goes beyond its familiar role as an engine of comparison based on quantitative penalties and instead takes the form of a more abstract order and equivalence structure. This “Equivalence-augmented Privileged Order” (EPO) can be presented as a kind of enriched Hasse diagram. The collection of the EPOs, one for each constraint, forms the MOAT, the “Mother of All Tableaux”. The EPOs of a typology’s unique MOAT are respected in every violation tableau associated with it. With the MOAT concept in place, it becomes possible to understand exactly which sets of disjoint grammars constitute valid typologies. This finding provides the conditions under which grammars of a given typology can merge to produce another, simpler typology and thereby abstract away informatively from various differences between them. Geometrically, the MOAT concept enables us to show, following the insights of Jason Riggle, that the grammars of a typology neatly partition its representation on the permutohedron into connected, spherically convex regions. Discussion proceeds along both concrete and abstract lines, facilitating access for readers across a wide range of interests.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide
Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition “With its cornucopia of information, both thorough and practical, this book is a must for our methodology shelves. Its study questions and project suggestions will be a boon for many research methods courses.”Robert M. DeKeysevr, University of Maryland “This guide to collecting, coding and analyzing second language acquisition data will be an essential reference for novice and experienced researchers alike.”Peter Robinson, Aoyama Gakuin University “Comprehensive and technically up-to-date, yet accessible and cogent! This remarkable textbook is sure to become a premier choice for the research training of many future SLA generations.”Lourdes Ortega, University of Hawaii “Alison Mackey and Susan Gass’ valuable new book offers hands-on methodological guidance from established experts on all kinds of second language research.”Michael H. Long, University of Maryland Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide is an informative guide to research design and methodology in this growing and vibrant field. Utilizing research methods and tools from varied fields of study including education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology, this collection offers complete coverage of the techniques of second language acquisition research. This guide covers a variety of topics, such as second language writing and reading, meta-analyses, research replication, qualitative data collection and analysis, and more. Each chapter of this volume offers background, step-by-step guidance, and relevant studies to create comprehensive coverage of each method. This carefully selected and edited volume will be a useful text for graduate students and scholars looking to keep pace with the latest research projects and methodologies in second language acquisition.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Personality Disorders in Modern Life
A revision of the leading textbook on personality disorders by renowned expert Theodore Millon "Personalities are like impressionistic paintings. At a distance, each person is 'all of a piece'; up close, each is a bewildering complexity of moods, cognitions, and motives." -Theodore Millon Exploring the continuum from normal personality traits to the diagnosis and treatment of severe cases of personality disorders, Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition is unique in its coverage of both important historical figures and contemporary theorists in the field. Its content spans all the major disorders-Antisocial, Avoidant, Depressive, Compulsive, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Schizoid, and Borderline-as well as their many subtypes. Attention to detail and in-depth discussion of the subtleties involved in these debilitating personality disorders make this book an ideal companion to the DSM-IV(TM). Fully updated with the latest research and theory, this important text features: Discussion of the distinctive clinical features and developmental roots of personality disorders Balanced coverage of the major theoretical perspectives-biological, psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive, and evolutionary Individual chapters on all DSM-IV(TM) personality disorders and their several subtypes and mixtures Case studies throughout the text that bring to life the many faces of these disorders Including a new assessment section that singles out behavioral indicators considered to have positive predictive power for the disorders, this Second Edition also includes a special focus on developmental, gender, and cultural issues specific to each disorder. A comprehensive reference suitable for today's practitioners, Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition features a clear style that also makes it a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. The most thorough book of its kind, this Second Edition is a powerful, practical resource for all trainees and professionals in key mental health fields, such as psychology, social work, and nursing.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Undiscover'd Country: W.G. Sebald and the Poetics of Travel
The first sustained interrogation of travel in Sebald's literary and essayistic work, employing multivalent and new critical perspectives. W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) is the most prominent and perhaps the most enigmatic German-language writer of recent decades. His books have had a more profound impact outside the German-speaking world than those of any other. His innovative approach to writing brings to the fore concerns that are central to contemporary culture: the relationship between memory, history, and trauma; the experience of exile and our relation to place; and the role of literature (and photography) in the remembrance of the past. This collection of essays places travel at the center of Sebald's poetics and shows how his appropriation of travel in its myriad historical and cultural forms -- tourism, the pilgrimage, the walking vacation, travel as escape -- works to craft intertextual narratives in which the pursuit of individual life stories is mapped onto a wider European cultural history of loss and destruction. Following these cues,the contributors wander the various modalities of travel in Sebald's writing in order to discover how walking, flying, sojourning, and other kinds of peregrination inform the relationship between writing, reading, memory, and place in Sebald's work. At the same time, the essays uncover in innovative ways the affinities between Sebald and literary travelers like Bruce Chatwin, Franz Kafka, Adalbert Stifter, Christoph Ransmayr, and Joseph Conrad. Contributors: Christian Moser, J. J. Long, Carolin Duttlinger, Martin Klebes, Alan Itkin, James Martin, Brad Prager, Neil Christian Pages, Margaret Bruzelius, Barbara Hui, Dora Osborne, Peter Arnds. Markus Zisselsbergeris Assistant Professor of German at the University of Miami, Florida.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Empty Sea: The Future of the Blue Economy
The “Blue Economy” is used to describe all of the economic activities related to the sea, with a special emphasis on sustainability. Traditional activities such as fisheries, but also undersea mining, tourism, and scientific research are included, as well as the phenomenal growth of aquaculture during the past decade. All of these activities, and the irresistible prospect of another new frontier, has led to enthusiastic and, most likely, overenthusiastic assessments of the possibilities to exploit the sea to feed the world, provide low-cost energy, become a new source of minerals, and other future miracles. This book makes sense of these trends and of the future of the blue economy by following our remote ancestors who gradually discovered the sea and its resources, describing the so-called fisherman’s curse – or why fishermen have always been poor, explaining why humans tend to destroy the resources on which we depend, and assessing the realistic expectations for extracting resources from the sea. Although the sea is not so badly overexploited as the land, our demands on ecosystem services are already above the oceans’ sustainability limits. Some new ideas, including “fishing down” for untapped resources such as plankton, could lead to the collapse of the entire marine ecosystem. How Neanderthals crossed the sea in canoes, how it was possible for five men on a small boat to kill a giant whale, what kind of oil the virgins of the Gospel put into their lamps, how a professor of mathematics, Vito Volterra, discovered the “equations of fishing,” why it has become so easy to be stung by a jellyfish while swimming in the sea, and how to play “Moby Dick,” a simple board game that simulates the overexploitation of natural resources are just some of the questions that you will be able to answer after reading this engaging and insightful book about the rapidly expanding relationship between humanity and the sea.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Protection of Modern Power Systems
Protection of Modern Power Systems Familiarize yourself with the cutting edge of power system protection technology All electrical systems are vulnerable to faults, whether produced by damaged equipment or the cumulative breakdown of insulation. Protection from these faults is therefore an essential part of electrical engineering, and the various forms of protection that have developed constitute a central component of any course of study related to power systems. Particularly in recent decades, however, the demands of decarbonization and reduced dependency on fossil fuels have driven innovation in the field of power systems. With new systems and paradigms come new kinds of faults and new protection needs, which promise to place power systems protection once again at the forefront of research and development. Protection of Modern Power Systems offers the first classroom-ready textbook to fully incorporate developments in renewable energy and ‘smart’ power systems into its overview of the field. It begins with a comprehensive guide to the principles of power system protection, before surveying the systems and equipment used in modern protection schemes, and finally discussing new and emerging protection paradigms. It promises to become the standard text in power system protection classrooms. Protection of Modern Power Systems readers will also find: Treatment of the new faults and protection paradigms produced by the introduction of new renewable generators Discussion of SmartGrids—intelligently-controlled active systems designed to integrate renewable energy into the power system—and their protection needs Detailed exploration of Synchronized Measurement Technology and Intelligent Electronic Devices Accompanying website to include Solutions Manual for instructors Protection of Modern Power Systems is an essential resource for students, researchers, and system engineers looking for a working knowledge of this critical subject.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NIV, Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, 2nd Edition, Genuine Leather, Brown, Comfort Print: Growing in Knowledge and Understanding of God Through His Word
Pastor Charles Stanley provides a wealth of principles to be applied practically as you read and study God’s Word.The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, with over a million sold to date, is designed to lead believers into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to help them experience the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love. The updated second edition is the best way to experience this bestselling classic—with a completely new design featuring our easy-to-read Comfort Print typeface, 100 specially designed maps and charts that bring biblical places and themes to life, and over 43,000 cross references to enrich your study of the Word.Features include: 30 Life Principles articles highlight Dr. Stanley’s essentials for Christian living More than 2,500 Life Lessons verse notes bring to life the practical and personal nature of God’s Word to us A listing of over 300 verses revealing God’s promises throughout the Bible that encourage, strengthen, and bring hope Answers to Life's Questions and What the Bible Says About articles bring scriptural insight to bear on topics of special importance to every believer Topical indexes give immediate access to hundreds of life-giving principles and promises throughout the Old and New Testaments Book introductions provide an overview of the themes and literary structure of each book, and alert readers to important principles they’ll encounter as they read New for the 2nd Edition, 100 maps and charts that help important biblical places and themes come alive, and over 43,000 cross references to enrich your study Exclusive NIV Comfort Print® typeface Easy-to-read 10-point print size
John Wiley & Sons Inc Roadmaps and Revelations: Finding the Road to Business Success on Route 101
Rory Newman's company is going through big changes—the kind no one likes—having been bought by a global competitor that is now shaking things up. His new boss's first order of business is to demand that Rory come up with a new process for strategic planning to guide the company as it struggles to reinvent itself in the marketplace. Up until now, the company's "strategic plans" were made up of visions in the former CEO's mind. Now, Rory's got five short days to develop, formalize, and deliver a winning strategic planning process. Rory planned to use a leisurely drive down the 101, en route to his wife's family reunion, to gather his thoughts, but things change when he halfheartedly agrees to pick up his wife's second cousin Sydney Wise from the airport. To his astonishment, Sydney turns out to be—instead of another maddening relative—a strategic planning guru, entrepreneur—and Rory's rescuer. Discover, along with Rory and Sydney, what strategic planning is really about, why it is important, and how to develop a simple yet powerful strategy your company can use to set it on the course to success. Through Rory's experience, you will find out why strategic planning is not something left to the "higher ups," but something in which everyone in an organization needs to be invested. Roadmaps and Revelations: Finding the Road to Business Success on Route 101 uses an entertaining storyline to walk you through the daunting process of creating a successful strategy. Sprinkled with practical examples and workable solutions for business executives, managers, and consultants, this motivating fable will put you on track toward creating a strategy for sustainable success.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Drug Discovery and Development, Volume 2: Drug Development
From first principles to real-world applications-here is the first comprehensive guide to drug discovery and development Modern drug discovery and development require the collaborative efforts of specialists in a broadarray of scientific, technical, and business disciplines-from biochemistry to molecular biology, organic chemistry to medicinal chemistry, pharmacology to marketing. Yet surprisingly, until now, there were no authoritative references offering a complete, fully integrated picture of the process. The only comprehensive guide of its kind, this groundbreaking two-volume resource provides an overview of the entire sequence of operations involved in drug discovery and develop-?ment-from initial conceptualization to commercialization to clinicians and medical practitioners. Volume 1: Drug Discovery describes all the steps in the discovery process, including conceptualizing a drug, creating a library of candidates for testing, screening candidates for in vitro and in vivo activity, conducting and analyzing the results of clinical trials, and modifying a drug as necessary. Volume 2: Drug Development delves into the nitty-gritty details of optimizing the synthetic route, drug manufacturing, outsourcing, and marketing-including drug coloring and delivery methods. Featuring contributions from a world-class team of experts, Drug Discovery and Development: Features fascinating case studies, including the discovery and development of erythromycin analogs, Tagamet, and Ultiva (remifentanil) Discusses the discovery of medications for bacterial infections, Parkinson's disease, psoriasis, peptic ulcers, atopic dermatitis, asthma, and cancer Includes chapters on combinatorial chemistry, molecular biology-based drug discovery, genomics, and chemogenomics Drug Discovery and Development is an indispensable working resource for industrial chemists, biologists, biochemists, and executives who work in the pharmaceutical industry.
HarperCollins Publishers Losing It: Sex Education for the 21st Century
‘It’s the kind of book that makes you wonder, ‘why wasn’t this written before?’ It could change lives’ EVENING STANDARD ‘Turns everything you’ve been taught about sex on its head’ RUBY RARE An urgent, myth-busting book that dismantles sex misinformation and reimagines sexual freedom for today. Clueless about everything from her own anatomy to relationships, Sophia Smith Galer’s sex education classes left her with more questions than answers. But what she didn’t know was that this lack of knowledge was about to turn her life upside down – as it does to countless people in the UK every year. Thanks to inadequate sex education, many of us are finishing school knowing more about STDs and condoms than the bigger sexual picture – our own physicality, pleasure and consent. And the effects can last a lifetime. In Losing It, Smith Galer shares the eye-opening stories of ordinary people affected by sex misinformation and finds that many of us are unable to access the world of sexual freedom that we’ve been promised. She draws on her own experiences – and the expertise of a new generation of sex educators – to uncover a world that subscribes to a wide catalogue of sex myths. This book tackles: The Virginity Myth: Does having sex for the first time alter us biologically? The Sexlessness Myth: Who is abstaining and why? The Virility Myth: Why do men feel so much pressure to have sex? The Consent Myth: Is there more to it than just saying no? Losing It challenges the status quo and empowers people from all backgrounds and any age to rewrite the story of their sex lives.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Smart Fat: Eat More Fat. Lose More Weight. Get Healthy Now.
The innovative guide that reveals how eating more fat-the smart kind-is the key to health, longevity, and permanent weight loss. For years experts have told us that eating fat is bad. But by banning fat from our diets, we've deprived ourselves of considerable health benefits-and have actually sabotaged our own efforts to lose weight. Though they originally came from vastly different schools of thought about diet and weight loss, renowned nutritionist Jonny Bowden and well-respected physician Steven Masley independently came to the same conclusion about why so many people continually fail to shed pounds and get healthy. It all comes back to a distinction far more important than calories vs. carbs or paleo vs. plant-based: smart fat vs. dumb fat. In Smart Fat, they explain the amazing properties of healthy fat, including its ability to balance hormones for increased energy and appetite control, and its incredible anti-inflammatory benefits. The solution for slimming down-and keeping the pounds off for life-is to "smart-fat" your meals, incorporating smart fats with fiber, protein, and most importantly, flavor. Bowden and Masley identify smart fats, explain what not to eat, and provide a thirty-day meal plan and fifty recipes based on the magic formula of fat, fiber, protein, and flavor. It's time to unlearn what we think we know about food. Getting smart about fat-and everything you eat-and learning to smart-fat your meals is the only solution you'll ever need.
SAGE Publications Inc Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks, 6-12: Fostering Hope in the Middle and High School Classroom
Empower your students as they reimagine the world around them through mathematics Culturally relevant mathematics teaching engages students by helping them learn and understand math more deeply, and make connections to themselves, their communities, and the world around them. The mathematics task provides opportunities for a direct pathway to this goal. But many teachers ask, how can you find, adapt, and implement math tasks that build powerful learners? Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks helps teachers to design and refine inspiring mathematics learning experiences driven by the kind of high-quality and culturally relevant mathematics tasks that connect students to their world. With the goal of inspiring all students to see themselves as doers of mathematics, this book provides intensive, in-the-moment guidance and practical classroom tools that empower educators to shape culturally relevant experiences while systematically building tasks that are standards-based. It includes A pathway for moving through the process of asking, imagining, planning, creating, and improving culturally relevant math tasks. Tools and strategies for designing culturally relevant math tasks that preservice, novice, and veteran teachers can use to grow their practice day by day. Research-based teaching practices seen through the lens of culturally relevant instruction that help students develop deep conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, fluency, and application in 6-12 mathematical content. Examples, milestones, opportunities for reflection, and discussion questions guide educators to strengthen their classroom practices, and to reimagine math instruction in response. This book is for any educator who wants to teach mathematics in a more authentic, inclusive, and meaningful way, and it is especially beneficial for teachers whose students are culturally different from them.
The University of Chicago Press The Emotions of Protest
In Donald Trump's America, protesting has roared back into fashion. The Women's March, held the day after Trump's inauguration, may have been the largest in American history, and resonated around the world. Between Trump's tweets and the march's popularity, it is clear that displays of anger dominate American politics once again. There is an extensive body of research on protest, but the focus has mostly been on the calculating brain--a byproduct of structuralism and cognitive studies--and less on the feeling brain. James M. Jasper's work changes that, as he pushes the boundaries of our present understanding of the social world. In The Emotions of Protest, Jasper lays out his argument, showing that it is impossible to separate cognition and emotion. At a minimum, he says, we cannot understand the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street or pro and anti-Trump rallies without first studying the fears and anger, moral outrage, and patterns of hate and love that their members feel. This is a book centered on protest, but Jasper also points toward broader paths of inquiry that have the power to transform the way social scientists picture social life and action. Through emotions, he says, we are embedded in a variety of environmental, bodily, social, moral, and temporal contexts, as we feel our way both consciously and unconsciously toward some things and away from others. Politics and collective action have always been a kind of laboratory for working out models of human action more generally, and emotions are no exception. Both hearts and minds rely on the same feelings racing through our central nervous systems. Protestors have emotions, like everyone else, but theirs are thinking hearts, not bleeding hearts. Brains can feel, and hearts can think.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cellular Aging and Cell Death
Cellular AGING AND CELL DEATH Edited by Nikki J. Holbrook, George R. Martin, and Richard A.Lockshin Cellular Aging and Cell Death provides a thorough understanding ofthe mechanisms responsible for cellular aging, covering the recentresearch on programmed cell death and senescence, and describingtheir role in the control of cell proliferation and the agingprocess. This one-of-a-kind book is the first to combine the twohottest research areas of cell biology into one comprehensivetext. Leading experts contribute to give readers an authoritativeoverview of the distinct fields of cellular aging and programmedcell death, as well as to demonstrate how both fields are criticalto understanding the aging process. They address the large andgrowing interest in apoptosis, especially with regard to themolecular signals that induce and regulate programmed cell death,and the role of apoptosis in a variety of age-associated diseasesand disabilities. Throughout the book, a strong emphasis is placedon the interrelationship of the molecular, cellular, andphysiological aspects of senescence. Individual chapters discuss such topics as the role and regulationof apoptosis in development, the potential impact of cell death onsuch postmitotic tissues as nerve and muscle, and suggest thatprogrammed cell death plays an important role in both pathologicaland nonpathological aspects of aging, including neurodegenerativediseases. One important chapter focuses on the most recent research involvingthe study of telomeres, whose reduction in length with age and celldivision may underlie cellular senescence. The subject of neuronalcell death is also put into the perspective of aging. Cellular Aging and Cell Death bridges the rapidly growing fields ofcellular aging and programmed cell death. This thorough, yetconcise book will be of particular interest to graduate studentsand researchers within the fields of cell and developmentalbiology, neurobiology, immunology, and physiology. Physicians andmedical students involved in the fields of gerontology andpathology will also find this an informative reference.
Stanford University Press Art as a Social System
This is the definitive analysis of art as a social and perceptual system by Germany's leading social theorist of the late twentieth century. It not only represents an important intellectual step in discussions of art—in its rigor and in its having refreshingly set itself the task of creating a set of distinctions for determining what counts as art that could be valid for those creating as well as those receiving art works—but it also represents an important advance in systems theory. Returning to the eighteenth-century notion of aesthetics as pertaining to the "knowledge of the senses," Luhmann begins with the idea that all art, including literature, is rooted in perception. He insists on the radical incommensurability between psychic systems (perception) and social systems (communication). Art is a special kind of communication that uses perceptions instead of language. It operates at the boundary between the social system and consciousness in ways that profoundly irritate communication while remaining strictly internal to the social. In seven densely argued chapters, Luhmann develops this basic premise in great historical and empirical detail. Framed by the general problem of art's status as a social system, each chapter elaborates, in both its synchronic and diachronic dimensions, a particular aspect of this problem. The consideration of art within the context of a theory of second-order observation leads to a reconceptualization of aesthetic form. The remaining chapters explore the question of the system's code, its function, and its evolution, concluding with an analysis of "self-description." Art as a Social System draws on a vast body of scholarship, combining the results of three decades of research in the social sciences, phenomenology, evolutionary biology, cybernetics, and information theory with an intimate knowledge of art history, literature, aesthetics, and contemporary literary theory. The book also engages virtually every major theorist of art and aesthetics from Baumgarten to Derrida.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Natural Products and Molecular Therapy: First International Conference, Volume 1056
Although the peoples of all continents and cultures have been using different kinds of natural products for centuries, their mechanisms of action are poorly understood. Interestingly, most of these products "work," and paradoxically we are witnessing a great limitation of existing pharmacological targets and agents for various new diseases, such as HIV, as well as those that affect the growing aged population worldwide. This volume presents research focused on the molecular basis of action of different natural products and their applications to various diseases, including cancer, brain disorders, and infectious diseases. Promising natural therapies are scrutinized and evaluated in an effort to advance rigorous scientific analysis of these products and therapies, including achieving neuroprotection through herbal extracts, plant products, and dietary supplements. The role of antioxidants and free radicals from natural products in health and disease is also explored. The research findings presented in this volume focus on botanical, nutritional, and pharmacological strategies for improving general health and slowing normal aging, and the contributors are scientists recognized for their molecular and mechanistic work in this area. African medicine, traditional Chinese and other east Asian medicines, and ayurvedic medicine are addressed, as are a range of other natural treatments/enhancements in current use. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
Verso Books After Diana: Irreverent Elegies
The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, was met by the deepest mourning of the twentieth century. Two and a half billion people worldwide watched the funeral on television, floral tributes flooded London's royal parks and sprung up, too, in small towns in Texas, conspiracy theories ricocheted around the Internet, commemorative stamps were issued in newly communist Hong Kong.Press coverage of the death was also unprecedented in both its scale and uniformity. Yet, in an enormous welter of schmaltz, very little was said about the meaning of what had occurred-whether Tony Blair's public emoting heralded a new kind of politics; what, if anything, the anguish of so many who never knew Diana in person revealed about modern society; how the intertwining of the ideas of celebrity and victim, physical beauty and moral worth, affected people's responses; what was implied for the future of the royal family.For those perplexed by the events surrounding Diana's death, this book provides some answers. Insisting that all aspects of the affair are open to investigation, that nothing (and especially not royalty) is sacred, it brings together a group of distinguished writers whose primary interest is to analyze the death rather than lament it.Contributors: Mark Augé, Jean Baudrillard, Sarah Benton, Homi K. Bhabha, Mark Cousins, Alexander Cockburn, Richard Coles, Régis Debray, Françoise Gaillard, Peter Ghosh, Christopher Hird, Christopher Hitchens, Linda Holt, Sara Maitland, Ross McKibbin, Mandy Merck, Tom Nairn, Glen Newey, Naomi Segal, Dorothy Thompson, Francis Wheen, Judith Williamson, and Elizabeth Wilson.