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Ediciones Mundi-Prensa La sanidad en el colmenar
La salud de las abejas determina la productividad del colmenar. Por tanto, es importante saber detectar a tiempo cualquier síntoma que requiera un tratamiento o un manejo adecuado.;A lo largo de sus tres capítulos, este libro plantea, de un modo comprensible, las principales patologías que afectan a las abejas, su diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención, haciendo referencia a las bases legales existentes en la Unión Europea.
Publicacions Universitat Alacant Memorias
Alianza Editorial Diccionario de sociología
Este Diccionario, cuya primera edición se publicó en 1998, se ha convertido ya en la obra básica de referencia en el ámbito de la sociología hispana. Ello ha aconsejado la publicación de esta nueva edición, revisada, considerablemente aumentada y puesta al día. La continua expansión de las ciencias sociales, su función como saber profesional para la ingeniería social, la política social y educativa, las políticas del gobierno y las actuaciones públicas y privadas se refleja en numerosas novedades terminológicas, por lo que los editores han introducido o ampliado aquellos términos de mayor peso y vigencia. Por otra parte, se suman a esta edición cuarenta y tres nuevos colaboradores, entre ellos destacados científicos sociales iberoamericanos, dando cabida así a la comunidad hispánica más amplia.
Mandalas Spanish Edition
Más de 60 motivos inspirados en la tradición hinduista para colorear a tu gusto. Rotuladores, pinturas, pasteles... sorpréndete con diferentes técnicas y deja volar la imaginación y la creatividad. Con el paso de las páginas, tu Art Book para colorear se transforma en un original libro de arte!Escoge tus más bellas creaciones y conviértelas en decorativos cuadros para colgar o regalar.
Atico de Los Libros El Mar de la Tranquilidad
Ma Non Troppo Técnicas Maestras de Piano
El viaje de Orfeo
Orfeo, hijo de la reina Ofelia y del rey Eagro, es un príncipe que nació del amor y de la magia. Maldecido desde su nacimiento por la bruja Lismena, creció con un don natural para la música. Pero su padre no le permite disfrutar de su pasión porque cree que el arte no debe ser oficio ni de hombre ni de futuro monarca. Años después, cuando se cumple la maldición, la bruja piensa que Orfeo merece una segunda oportunidad y le ofrece un trato al príncipe. Desde ese instante, ayudado por unos divertidos seres mágicos, inicia un apasionante viaje a través de un mundo en el que comenzará a sentir la emoción de aceptarse a sí mismo, descubriendo que la felicidad empieza por vivir según le dicta su corazón.El viaje de Orfeo, la valiente propuesta de Jonás Emanuel, rica en colorido y sentimientos, es una banda sonora de palabras resonando como campanas en una caverna tenebrosa, una aventura ilustrada que destierra prejuicios aún demasiado latentes sobre la diversidad y la libertad de elegir a qu
de Gruyter Basile de Césarée
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Pensee Et Etre-Soi: Lecons Sur La Subjectivite
Chicago Review Press This Is Really War: The Incredible True Story of a Navy Nurse POW in the Occupied Philippines
In January 1940, navy nurse Dorothy Still eagerly anticipated her new assignment at a military hospital in the Philippines. Her first year abroad was an adventure. She dated sailors and attended dances. But as 1941 progressed, signs of imminent war grew more urgent. Military wives and children were shipped home to the States, and the sailors increased their daily drills. Days after Pearl Harbor was attacked, the Japanese military assaulted the Philippines. When Manila fell to Japan in early January 1942, Dorothy was held captive in a hospital and then transferred to a civilian prison camp. Under the direction of Chief Nurse Laura Cobb, Dorothy and ten other navy nurses maintained rank and reported each day to a makeshift hospital. Cramped conditions, disease, and poor nutrition meant the navy nurses and their army counterparts were overwhelmed caring for the camp. In May 1943, a civilian physician asked Cobb if the navy nurses would consider transferring to a new prison camp in the countryside. The twelve nurses feared the unknown, but they could not deny they were needed. On the morning of their departure, inmates used the public address system to play the navy fight song, "Anchors Aweigh." The nurses were overwhelmed by the response. They had indeed been the anchors of the camp, who kept ill inmates form drifting. In the new prison camp, the "twelve anchors" turned a stripped infirmary into a functioning hospital. Despite their own ailments, they provided nonstop care for starving, diseased, and abused inmates. Over the years, their friendships deepened, and several of the women, including Dorothy, even found love.This Is Really War is an inspiring story about a young nurse who fought for life during a dark time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Haemophilic Joints: New Perspectives
Edited by an orthopaedic surgeon who is a leading specialist in the treatment of the musculo-skeletal complications of haemophilia.The Haemophilic Joints: New Perspectives reviews the different protocols for the orthopaedic management of the haemophilic articulations. The book draws together, in a single volume, the more recent perspectives of all the orthopaedic methods that can be applied in the diagnosis and treatment of the haemophilic joints from numerous specialists worldwide. It will be an invaluable resource for all those treating the articular problems in people with haemophilia.
Random House USA Inc The Lola Quartet: A Suspense Thriller
Catholic Book Publishing Christmas Coloring Book
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Sonatas Fantasias Rondos 1 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Württenburg Sonatas: Complete
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers An Arrow to the Moon
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers The Astonishing Color of After
Oxford University Press Inc Air Words: Writing Broadcast News in the Internet Age
Pearson Education Draping for Fashion Design
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Tacitus
The greatest of Roman historians, Publius Cornelius Tacitus (56-117 CE) studied rhetoric in Rome. His rhetorical and oratorical gifts are evident throughout his most substantial works, the incomplete but still remarkable Annals and Histories. In concise and concentrated prose, marked by sometimes bitter and ironic reflections on the human capacity to misuse power, Tacitus charts the violent trajectory of the Roman Empire from Augustus' death in 14 CE to the end of Domitian's rule in 96. Victoria Emma Pagan looks at Tacitus from a range of perspectives: as a literary stylist, perhaps influenced by Sallust; his notion of time; his modes of discourse; his place in the historiography of the era; and the later reception of Tacitus in the Renaissance and early modern periods. Tacitus remains of major interest to students of the Bible, as well as classicists, by virtue of his reference to 'Christus' and Nero's persecution of the Christians after the great fire of Rome in 64 CE. This lively survey enables its readers fully to appreciate why, in holding a mirror up to venality and greed, the work of Tacitus remains eternal.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Wilhelm von Humboldt and Transcultural Communication in a Multicultural World: Translating Humanity
Shows that the work of Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) forms a philosophy of dialogue and communication that is crucially relevant to contemporary debates in the Humanities. Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) is the progenitor of modern linguistics and the originator of the modern teaching and research university. However, his work has received remarkably little attention in the English-speaking world. Humboldt conceives language as the source of cognition as well as communication, both rooted in the possibility of human dialogue. In the same way, his idea of the university posits the free encounter between radically different personalities as the source of education for freedom. For Humboldt, both linguistic and intellectual communication are predicated firstly on dialogue between persons, which is the prerequisite for all intercultural understanding. Linking Humboldt's concept of dialogue to his idea of translation between languages, persons, and cultures, this book shows how Humboldt's thought is of great contemporary relevance. Humboldt shows a way beyond the false alternatives of "culturalism" (the demand that a plurality of cultural and faith-based traditions be recognized as sources of ethical and political legitimacy in the modern world) and "universalism" (the assertion of the primacy of a universal culture of human rights and the renewal of the European Enlightenment project). John Walker explains how Humboldt's work emerges from the intellectual conflicts of his time and yet directly addresses the concerns of our own post-secular and multicultural age.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Images of Childhood: A Visual History From Stone to Screen
Drawing on a rich legacy of pictorial evidence, Images of Childhood examines historical constructions of childhood and how they reinforce or challenge the prevailing view of childhood as a state of innocence. Each chapter explores how visual elements such as framing, points-of view, and lighting, as well as clothes, accessories, and body language, help to construct our many different conceptions of children: from members of the family unit and assumed gender roles; to schooling and aesthetic objects; through to their economic value and use in political propaganda. Skillfully navigating a multitude of perspectives on this topic, Paul Duncum considers both how our ideas, beliefs and values have changed throughout history and how some have remained unchanged. He also explores the cultural notion of “the child within” and how this has contributed to the way adults perceive children. The result is a text far broader in scope than any other in its field, as art history is interweaved with contemporary popular culture to explore how we visually represent childhood. In doing so, the book highlights the real-life implications that these representations have on children’s rights.
Random House USA Inc Station Eleven: A Novel (National Book Award Finalist)
Cornell University Press Forced to Be Good: Why Trade Agreements Boost Human Rights
Preferential trade agreements have become common ways to protect or restrict access to national markets in products and services. The United States has signed trade agreements with almost two dozen countries as close as Mexico and Canada and as distant as Morocco and Australia. The European Union has done the same. In addition to addressing economic issues, these agreements also regulate the protection of human rights. In Forced to Be Good Emilie M. Hafner-Burton tells the story of the politics of such agreements and of the ways in which governments pursue market integration policies that advance their own political interests, including human rights. How and why do global norms for social justice become international regulations linked to seemingly unrelated issues, such as trade? Hafner-Burton finds that the process has been unconventional. Efforts by human rights advocates and labor unions to spread human rights ideals, for example, do not explain why American and European governments employ preferential trade agreements to protect human rights. Instead, most of the regulations protecting human rights are codified in global moral principles and laws only because they serve policymakers' interests in accumulating power or resources or solving other problems. Otherwise, demands by moral advocates are tossed aside. And, as Hafner-Burton shows, even the inclusion of human rights protections in trade agreements is no guarantee of real change, because many of the governments that sign on to fair trade regulations oppose such protections and do not intend to force their implementation. Ultimately, Hafner-Burton finds that, despite the difficulty of enforcing good regulations and the less-than-noble motives for including them, trade agreements that include human rights provisions have made a positive difference in the lives of some of the people they are intended-on paper, at least-to protect.
University Press of Southern Denmark Bookish Riddarasögur: Writing Romance in Late Mediaeval Iceland
Peter Lang AG Sprache, Sprachwissen Und Sprachwissenschaft: Eine Einfuehrung: Linguistische Propaedeutik Fuer Anglisten
Alternative Comics Dark Garbage & The Egg
Pan Macmillan The Lola Quartet
How far would you go for someone you love?The Lola Quartet: Jack, Daniel, Sasha and Gavin, four talented musicians at the end of their high school careers. On the dream-like night of their last concert, Gavin's girlfriend Anna disappears. Ten years later Gavin sees a photograph of a little girl who looks uncannily like him and who shares Anna's surname, and suddenly he finds himself catapulted back to a secretive past he didn't realize he'd left behind. But that photo has set off a cascade of dangerous consequences and, as one by one the members of the Lola Quartet are reunited, a terrifying story emerges: of innocent mistakes, of secrecy and of a life lived on the run. Filled with love, music and thwarted dreams, Emily St. John Mandel's The Lola Quartet is a thrilling novel about how the errors of the past can threaten the future.
Random House USA Inc Sea of Tranquility: A novel
SPCK Publishing The Glory of the Cross: A Journey through Holy Week and Easter
'A compelling account of the great drama of our faith, taking us from the fickle enthusiasm of Palm Sunday, through the desolation of the cross to the serene joy of Easter Day.' Timothy Radcliffe OP Cardinal Vincent Nichols invites you to join him on a journey through the world-changing events of Holy Week and Easter, as he reflects on their eternal significance for all believers. A great book for Christians of all denominations!
Unión Editorial, S.A. Ensayos sobre la libertad y el poder
El presente volumen recoge fundamentalmente la selección de ensayos de Lord Acton que Gertrude Himmelfarb publicó en 1948 bajo el título Essays on Freedom and Power. Sin embargo, se han añadido otros que, a nuestro juicio, completan dicha selección y ayudan a comprender la visión de Lord Acton sobre el progreso de la libertad en la historia. Los ensayos aquí recogidos son los siguientes:El Estudio de la Historia, conferencia pronunciada en Cambridge el 11 de junio de 1895. Publicada con el título A Lecture on the Study of History (Londres 1895). Reeditada en Acton, Lectures on Modern Story (ed. por John Figgis y Reginald Laurence, Londres 1906), pp. 1-28, 319-342; Acton, Essays on Freedom and Power (ed. por Gertrude Himmelfarb, Illinois 1948), pp. 3-29, 399-428; Acton, Essays in the Liberal Interpretation of History (ed. por William McNeill, Chicago 1967), pp. 300-359. En nuestra edición se han suprimido las abundantes notas, material no integrado en el texto y reunido por el Autor
Espasa Libros, S.L. Los pazos de Ulloa
Fiel representante del naturalismo en las letras nacionales, Los pazos de Ulloa retrata a la perfección la vida rural y el caciquismo del interior (Pardo Bazán incluso creó para los personajes un habla propia, a medio camino entre el castellano y el gallego, para que pudiera ser entendida por todos los públicos sin perder del todo el sabor local), así como las luces y sombras de la España aristocrática de la que ella misma formaba parte.
Ediciones Akal Teatro completo
Todas las obras teatrales de Emilia Pardo Bazán reunidas en un libro. La completa antología de una de las escritoras más destacadas del siglo XIX español cuyos textos teatrales, cien años después de su publicación, siguen sorprendiendo a los lectores.
Con fascinación y horror, a partir iguales, seguía el mundo la construcción del coloso de hierro que se levantaba en París como gran atracción de la Exposición Universal de 1889. Entre los enviados especiales de la prensa se encontraba doña Emilia, una experta viajera y eficaz reportera que da cuenta en estas crónicas de los pormenores del acontecimiento. La vemos lidiar con sus cocheros, protestar por los precios de los hoteles, evaluar la situación política, reflexionar sobre algunas de las figuras de la cultura, extasiarse ante las novedades tecnológicas o calibrar la oportunidad de la moda del momento: el traje pantalón al que alaba entusiasta en pro de la libertad de movimientos de las mujeres. Es un París que conoce bien, hervidero de novedades, intrigas y excentricidades que ella recoge con talante ameno, chispeante y hasta divertido. La escritora disfruta prestando sus ojos y oídos a lectores lejanos que, como ella, admiran la batahola de sucesos que trae la modernidad a la ent
Un viaje de novios
Escrita en la "década prodigiosa" de la narrativa española del XIX, que vio la aparición de novelas como "La Regenta", "Fortunata" y Jacinta" o "Los Pazos de Ulloa" -todas ellas en esta colección-, "Un viaje de novios" (1881) supuso una primera aproximación de Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) a los dominios del realismo-naturalismo. La obra narra las ingratas consecuencias del desatinado matrimonio entre un funcionario oportunista y cuarentón y una joven provinciana e inexperta, Lucía, quien, tras la unión, no tarda en verse sometida al creciente divorcio entre deseo y realidad. Es precisamente el retrato de ésta, hija única de un tendero de ultramarinos enriquecido, uno de los más acabados e inolvidables que puede encontrarse en la obra de la escritora gallega.Introducción de Marisa Sotelo Vázquez
Algo de feminismo y otros escritos combativos
Conocida durante mucho tiempo principalmente como la introductora de la corriente naturalista en España por medio de sus novelas "Los Pazos de Ulloa" y "La madre naturaleza", Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) fue una mujer a la vanguardia de su época, beligerante defensora del valor de la mujer. La clave de nuestra regeneración -declaraba en 1914, hace más de un siglo, a El Caballero Audaz- está en la mujer, en su instrucción, en su personalidad, en su conciencia. España se explica por la situación de sus mujeres, por el sarracenismo de sus hombres. La presente selección reúne los textos principales en que la autora dio a conocer sus ideas y su parecer acerca de la situación subalterna de la mujer en España, valorándola como una de las grandes rémoras del país. Por desgracia, sus textos no son hoy material de museo, sino que, leyendo entre líneas y siendo conscientes de los mecanismos de la sociedad actual, en muchos sentidos siguen teniendo plena vigencia.Selección e introducción de M
LUP - University of Michigan Press Early Film Culture in Hong Kong Taiwan and Republican China
Features new work on cinema in early twentieth-century Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Republican China. Looking beyond relatively well-studied cities like Shanghai, these essays foreground cinema’s relationship with imperialism and colonialism and emphasize the rapid development of cinema as a sociocultural institution.
Glenstone Foundation Brice Marden
Throughout his career, American artist Brice Marden (born 1938) has explored various modes of painterly abstraction, producing monochrome canvases in nuanced, muted hues as well as calligraphic compositions on a grand scale. This book marks the long-term exhibition of Moss Sutra with the Seasons (2010–15) at Glenstone Museum, a monumental five-panel painting commissioned by Glenstone and inspired by the artist's fascination with moss, the changing seasons and traditional Chinese calligraphy, among other subjects. The catalog includes two original essays by art historian Suzanne Hudson, an interview with the artist about this commission and a photo-essay by the artist's daughter, Mirabelle Marden, who documented the process of creating the work. Also included are reproductions of all additional works by the artist in Glenstone's collection, a group which spans each decade of the artist's career and an introduction by Emily Wei Rales, Founder and Director of Glenstone Museum.
Glenstone Foundation Charles Ray
In his sculptural practice, American artist Charles Ray (born 1953) has long been fascinated by the concept of representation, the depiction of the human form and questions of scale. Known for his keen sense of—and respect for—the uncanny, Ray has carved a widely admired path that crisscrosses the arenas of minimalism and conceptual art, while continually pushing the boundaries of visual perception. This book marks the long-term exhibition of works at Glenstone Museum selected by the artist, including Baled Truck (2013), a sculpture made of solid machined stainless steel, emblematic of the artist’s meticulous fabrication process. It also includes a conversation with—and text by—the artist and installation photography.
Pan Macmillan The Accidental Duchess: From Farmer's Daughter to Belvoir Castle
'The Duchess does indeed seem a remarkable woman . . . this is an engaging book' – Lynn Barber, Daily TelegraphWhen Emma Watkins, the pony-mad daughter of a Welsh farmer, imagined her future, she imagined following in her mother's footsteps to marry a farmer of her own. But then she fell in love with David Manners, having no idea that he was heir to one of the most senior hereditary titles in the land. When David succeeded his father, Emma found herself the chatelaine of Belvoir Castle, ancestral home of the Dukes of Rutland.She had to cope with five boisterous children while faced with a vast estate in desperate need of modernization and staff who wanted nothing to change – it was a daunting responsibility.Yet with sound advice from the doyenne of duchesses, Duchess ‘Debo’ of Devonshire, she met each challenge with optimism and gusto, including scaling the castle roof in a storm to unclog a flooding gutter, being caught in her nightdress by mesmerized Texan tourists and disguising herself as a cleaner to watch filming of The Crown. She even took on the castle ghosts . . .At times the problems she faced seemed insoluble yet, with her unstoppable energy and talent for thinking on the hoof, she won through, inspired by the vision and passion of those Rutland duchesses in whose footsteps she trod, and indeed the redoubtable and resourceful women who forged her, whose homes were not castles but remote farmhouses in the Radnorshire Hills.Vividly written and bursting with insights, The Accidental Duchess will appeal to everyone who has visited a stately home and wondered what it would be like to one day find yourself not only living there, but in charge of its future.
BUP - Policy Press Migration and Social Work Approaches Visions and Challenges
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Psicosociología del ocio y del turismo
Birkhauser Architecture Follows Climate
Climate-friendly construction is essential if we are to ensure that future generations can enjoy comfortable living spaces. Design and the choice of materials help to considerably reduce the climate impact of buildings. The techniques featured in this book come from all five climatic zones and many are drawn from non-European and bygone societies. The low-tech approaches, illustrated in schematic drawings and explained in texts, are a source of inspiration for the design of sustainable and energy-autonomous building structures. Architecture Follows Climate provides the first in-depth and comprehensive overview of passive building techniques that have been tried and tested for centuries.
Hansebooks Wallensteins vier letzte Lebensjahre
Alpha Edition Capitola the Madcap