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Ma Non Troppo Técnicas Maestras de Piano
El viaje de Orfeo
Orfeo, hijo de la reina Ofelia y del rey Eagro, es un príncipe que nació del amor y de la magia. Maldecido desde su nacimiento por la bruja Lismena, creció con un don natural para la música. Pero su padre no le permite disfrutar de su pasión porque cree que el arte no debe ser oficio ni de hombre ni de futuro monarca. Años después, cuando se cumple la maldición, la bruja piensa que Orfeo merece una segunda oportunidad y le ofrece un trato al príncipe. Desde ese instante, ayudado por unos divertidos seres mágicos, inicia un apasionante viaje a través de un mundo en el que comenzará a sentir la emoción de aceptarse a sí mismo, descubriendo que la felicidad empieza por vivir según le dicta su corazón.El viaje de Orfeo, la valiente propuesta de Jonás Emanuel, rica en colorido y sentimientos, es una banda sonora de palabras resonando como campanas en una caverna tenebrosa, una aventura ilustrada que destierra prejuicios aún demasiado latentes sobre la diversidad y la libertad de elegir a qu
de Gruyter Basile de Césarée
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Pensee Et Etre-Soi: Lecons Sur La Subjectivite
Chicago Review Press This Is Really War: The Incredible True Story of a Navy Nurse POW in the Occupied Philippines
In January 1940, navy nurse Dorothy Still eagerly anticipated her new assignment at a military hospital in the Philippines. Her first year abroad was an adventure. She dated sailors and attended dances. But as 1941 progressed, signs of imminent war grew more urgent. Military wives and children were shipped home to the States, and the sailors increased their daily drills. Days after Pearl Harbor was attacked, the Japanese military assaulted the Philippines. When Manila fell to Japan in early January 1942, Dorothy was held captive in a hospital and then transferred to a civilian prison camp. Under the direction of Chief Nurse Laura Cobb, Dorothy and ten other navy nurses maintained rank and reported each day to a makeshift hospital. Cramped conditions, disease, and poor nutrition meant the navy nurses and their army counterparts were overwhelmed caring for the camp. In May 1943, a civilian physician asked Cobb if the navy nurses would consider transferring to a new prison camp in the countryside. The twelve nurses feared the unknown, but they could not deny they were needed. On the morning of their departure, inmates used the public address system to play the navy fight song, "Anchors Aweigh." The nurses were overwhelmed by the response. They had indeed been the anchors of the camp, who kept ill inmates form drifting. In the new prison camp, the "twelve anchors" turned a stripped infirmary into a functioning hospital. Despite their own ailments, they provided nonstop care for starving, diseased, and abused inmates. Over the years, their friendships deepened, and several of the women, including Dorothy, even found love.This Is Really War is an inspiring story about a young nurse who fought for life during a dark time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Haemophilic Joints: New Perspectives
Edited by an orthopaedic surgeon who is a leading specialist in the treatment of the musculo-skeletal complications of haemophilia.The Haemophilic Joints: New Perspectives reviews the different protocols for the orthopaedic management of the haemophilic articulations. The book draws together, in a single volume, the more recent perspectives of all the orthopaedic methods that can be applied in the diagnosis and treatment of the haemophilic joints from numerous specialists worldwide. It will be an invaluable resource for all those treating the articular problems in people with haemophilia.
Random House USA Inc The Lola Quartet: A Suspense Thriller
Catholic Book Publishing Christmas Coloring Book
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Sonatas Fantasias Rondos 1 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Württenburg Sonatas: Complete
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers An Arrow to the Moon
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers The Astonishing Color of After
Oxford University Press Inc Air Words: Writing Broadcast News in the Internet Age
Pearson Education Draping for Fashion Design
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Tacitus
The greatest of Roman historians, Publius Cornelius Tacitus (56-117 CE) studied rhetoric in Rome. His rhetorical and oratorical gifts are evident throughout his most substantial works, the incomplete but still remarkable Annals and Histories. In concise and concentrated prose, marked by sometimes bitter and ironic reflections on the human capacity to misuse power, Tacitus charts the violent trajectory of the Roman Empire from Augustus' death in 14 CE to the end of Domitian's rule in 96. Victoria Emma Pagan looks at Tacitus from a range of perspectives: as a literary stylist, perhaps influenced by Sallust; his notion of time; his modes of discourse; his place in the historiography of the era; and the later reception of Tacitus in the Renaissance and early modern periods. Tacitus remains of major interest to students of the Bible, as well as classicists, by virtue of his reference to 'Christus' and Nero's persecution of the Christians after the great fire of Rome in 64 CE. This lively survey enables its readers fully to appreciate why, in holding a mirror up to venality and greed, the work of Tacitus remains eternal.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Wilhelm von Humboldt and Transcultural Communication in a Multicultural World: Translating Humanity
Shows that the work of Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) forms a philosophy of dialogue and communication that is crucially relevant to contemporary debates in the Humanities. Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) is the progenitor of modern linguistics and the originator of the modern teaching and research university. However, his work has received remarkably little attention in the English-speaking world. Humboldt conceives language as the source of cognition as well as communication, both rooted in the possibility of human dialogue. In the same way, his idea of the university posits the free encounter between radically different personalities as the source of education for freedom. For Humboldt, both linguistic and intellectual communication are predicated firstly on dialogue between persons, which is the prerequisite for all intercultural understanding. Linking Humboldt's concept of dialogue to his idea of translation between languages, persons, and cultures, this book shows how Humboldt's thought is of great contemporary relevance. Humboldt shows a way beyond the false alternatives of "culturalism" (the demand that a plurality of cultural and faith-based traditions be recognized as sources of ethical and political legitimacy in the modern world) and "universalism" (the assertion of the primacy of a universal culture of human rights and the renewal of the European Enlightenment project). John Walker explains how Humboldt's work emerges from the intellectual conflicts of his time and yet directly addresses the concerns of our own post-secular and multicultural age.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Images of Childhood: A Visual History From Stone to Screen
Drawing on a rich legacy of pictorial evidence, Images of Childhood examines historical constructions of childhood and how they reinforce or challenge the prevailing view of childhood as a state of innocence. Each chapter explores how visual elements such as framing, points-of view, and lighting, as well as clothes, accessories, and body language, help to construct our many different conceptions of children: from members of the family unit and assumed gender roles; to schooling and aesthetic objects; through to their economic value and use in political propaganda. Skillfully navigating a multitude of perspectives on this topic, Paul Duncum considers both how our ideas, beliefs and values have changed throughout history and how some have remained unchanged. He also explores the cultural notion of “the child within” and how this has contributed to the way adults perceive children. The result is a text far broader in scope than any other in its field, as art history is interweaved with contemporary popular culture to explore how we visually represent childhood. In doing so, the book highlights the real-life implications that these representations have on children’s rights.
Random House USA Inc Station Eleven: A Novel (National Book Award Finalist)
Cornell University Press Forced to Be Good: Why Trade Agreements Boost Human Rights
Preferential trade agreements have become common ways to protect or restrict access to national markets in products and services. The United States has signed trade agreements with almost two dozen countries as close as Mexico and Canada and as distant as Morocco and Australia. The European Union has done the same. In addition to addressing economic issues, these agreements also regulate the protection of human rights. In Forced to Be Good Emilie M. Hafner-Burton tells the story of the politics of such agreements and of the ways in which governments pursue market integration policies that advance their own political interests, including human rights. How and why do global norms for social justice become international regulations linked to seemingly unrelated issues, such as trade? Hafner-Burton finds that the process has been unconventional. Efforts by human rights advocates and labor unions to spread human rights ideals, for example, do not explain why American and European governments employ preferential trade agreements to protect human rights. Instead, most of the regulations protecting human rights are codified in global moral principles and laws only because they serve policymakers' interests in accumulating power or resources or solving other problems. Otherwise, demands by moral advocates are tossed aside. And, as Hafner-Burton shows, even the inclusion of human rights protections in trade agreements is no guarantee of real change, because many of the governments that sign on to fair trade regulations oppose such protections and do not intend to force their implementation. Ultimately, Hafner-Burton finds that, despite the difficulty of enforcing good regulations and the less-than-noble motives for including them, trade agreements that include human rights provisions have made a positive difference in the lives of some of the people they are intended-on paper, at least-to protect.
University Press of Southern Denmark Bookish Riddarasögur: Writing Romance in Late Mediaeval Iceland
Peter Lang AG Sprache, Sprachwissen Und Sprachwissenschaft: Eine Einfuehrung: Linguistische Propaedeutik Fuer Anglisten
Alternative Comics Dark Garbage & The Egg
Pan Macmillan The Lola Quartet
How far would you go for someone you love?The Lola Quartet: Jack, Daniel, Sasha and Gavin, four talented musicians at the end of their high school careers. On the dream-like night of their last concert, Gavin's girlfriend Anna disappears. Ten years later Gavin sees a photograph of a little girl who looks uncannily like him and who shares Anna's surname, and suddenly he finds himself catapulted back to a secretive past he didn't realize he'd left behind. But that photo has set off a cascade of dangerous consequences and, as one by one the members of the Lola Quartet are reunited, a terrifying story emerges: of innocent mistakes, of secrecy and of a life lived on the run. Filled with love, music and thwarted dreams, Emily St. John Mandel's The Lola Quartet is a thrilling novel about how the errors of the past can threaten the future.
Random House USA Inc Sea of Tranquility: A novel
SPCK Publishing The Glory of the Cross: A Journey through Holy Week and Easter
'A compelling account of the great drama of our faith, taking us from the fickle enthusiasm of Palm Sunday, through the desolation of the cross to the serene joy of Easter Day.' Timothy Radcliffe OP Cardinal Vincent Nichols invites you to join him on a journey through the world-changing events of Holy Week and Easter, as he reflects on their eternal significance for all believers. A great book for Christians of all denominations!
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Fairy Tales Folklore Coloring Book
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Simone Weil la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza
La presencia de Simone Weil en el panorama filosófico, literario y cultural ha ido en aumento en los últimos años. Su vida y su obra, dotadas de extraordinaria pureza y autenticidad, son objeto de admiración no exenta de crítica. La mayoría de sus lectores manifiestan haberse visto atraídos por un impulso interior que les ha permitido afrontar el riesgo que se corre al acercarse a sus escritos: el riesgo de desmontar todos los planteamientos y poner en cuestión todas las creencias. Pues el contacto con el pensamiento de Simone Weil produce una sacudida que sitúa ante el lugar incierto y peligroso que ella consideraba patrimonio exclusivo de los desheredados, con los que quiso identificarse plenamente en su sed inagotable de verdad. Simone Weil vivió en ese límite de la lucidez y la locura, ya que no quería para sí una cordura al precio de la indiferencia, la mentira y la incoherencia. A su juicio, sólo una santidad genial, absolutamente nueva y vibrante, podría servir aún de revulsivo
Este libro es un trabajo de Historia, que aunque, por supuesto, aprovecha las aportaciones de otras disciplinas, es un estudio sobre individuos y sobre sociedades de tiempos pasados, realizado, fundamentalmente, a través de testimonios escritos.
Glenstone Foundation Louise Bourgeois - To Unravel a Torment
A survey of the psychologically, emotionally and often sexually charged work of Louise Bourgeois Celebrated for her singular contributions to 20th-century sculpture, drawing, painting, printmaking, installation and writing, French-born American artist Louise Bourgeois' (1911–2010) explorations of the human condition originated from her own lived experience. "My goal is to relive a past emotion," Bourgeois explained. "My art is an exorcism." Psychologically, emotionally and often sexually charged, Bourgeois' works intermingle the abstract and corporeal, the voluptuous and the distressing, to striking effect. Louise Bourgeois: To Unravel a Torment accompanies the first exhibition of the artist's work at Glenstone Museum, and features more than 30 major works drawn from the museum's collection. From her early wooden Personages to her large hanging sculptures, from suites of drawings and prints to textile works and her immersive Cells, To Unravel a Torment surveys Bourgeois' career through selected examples from her enormous body of work. Bourgeois was also a prolific writer, matching her sculptural language with reams of psychoanalytic musings on repression, symbolism and material. To Unravel a Torment also brings together never-before-published diary entries by the artist, annotated by Bourgeois scholar Philip Larratt-Smith, a contribution by art historian Briony Fer and an introduction by Emily Wei Rales, founder and director of Glenstone Museum.
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Der Grundstein
Yale University Press People and the Land through Time: Linking Ecology and History
A revised and updated edition of a classic book that defines the field of historical ecologyPeople and the Land through Time, first published in 1997, remains the only introduction to the field of historical ecology from the perspective of ecology and ecosystem processes. Widely praised for its emphasis on the integration of historical information into scientific analyses, it will be useful to an interdisciplinary audience of students and professionals in ecology, conservation, history, archaeology, geography, and anthropology. This up-to-date second edition addresses current issues in historical ecology such as the proposed geological epoch, the Anthropocene; historical species dispersal and extinction; the impacts of past climatic fluctuations; and trends in sustainability and conservation.
Dover Publications Inc. Designs and Ornaments from the Chapels of Notre Dame
Biblok Book Export, S.L. Memorias de Napolen
La gota de sangre y otros relatos policacos
Ignacio Selva, un señorito madrileño aficionado a leer novelas policíacas, se convierte en detective al verse obligado a resolver un crimen ocurrido en su círculo de amistades para demostrar su propia inocencia.Selva, que no es un detective al uso, se implica en la investigación por encargo de su médico, para paliar y combatir su abulia existencial. Sin embargo, pese a llevar a cabo sus pesquisas estudiando el lugar del crimen, valorando las pruebas y comprobando sucesivas hipótesis, no es el detective infalible que parece querer demostrar, sino un ser humano ambiguo y contradictorio; en definitiva, un investigador vulnerable. Completan este libro tres relatos de la autora de género policíaco: La cana, Nube de paso y La cita.
Gota perdida en el inmenso mar
La brillantez revolucionaria de su novelística convierte a Emilia Pardo Bazán en una de las figuras esenciales de la literatura del siglo XIX; esto ha provocado que su actividad poética (desarrollada desde la infancia hasta el final de su vida) sea casi desconocida salvo para especialistas pardobazianos. Evidentemente, la altura de su prosa no resulta comparable al verso, pero tampoco lo es en el caso de otros coetáneos varones que sí son reconocidos como poetas. Esta antología acerca al público lector algunas de sus más valiosas composiciones de las diferentes etapas de su trayectoria publicadas, por primera vez, en un único volumen que viene a llenar un vacío inexcusable en la percepción de la poliédrica trayectoria literaria de doña Emilia. La finalidad es ofrecer una panorámica de la obra lírica de la prolífica autora gallega, marcada en esta faceta por un claro influjo post-romántico y metafísico fundado tanto en sus lecturas como en sus viajes y circunstancias biográficas, que no
Ediciones 19 Los salones de Madrid circa 1897
Los Salones de Madrid es la obra de un escritor que se oculta bajo el seudónimo de Monte-Cristo y un fotógrafo, Christian Franzen. Prologada por Emilia Pardo Bazán, se publicó sin fecha (hacia 1898). Fue una edición limitada (casi sólo para suscriptores) difícil de localizar, debido a su escasez. La descripción de cada salón y sus dueños se acompaña con sesenta y siete magníficas fotografías de Franzen que nos permiten ver cada uno de los palacios aristocráticos y embajadas, así como sus habitantes e invitados. Esta nueva edición, preparada y anotada por Germán Rueda 10
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Mahamudra: A Practical Guide
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Soins De Réanimation Préhospitaliers, Neuvième Édition
Sur le terrain, les secondes comptent. PHTLS: Soins de réanimation préhospitaliers enseigne et renforce les principes d'évaluation rapide d'un patient en état de traumatisme en utilisant une approche ordonnée, en traitant immédiatement les problèmes potentiellement mortels au fur et à mesure qu'ils sont identifiés, et en réduisant tout retard de transport vers la destination appropriée. Développé par la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT ou Association nationale des techniciens médicaux d'urgence) en coopération avec le American College of Surgeons Committee (ASC-COT ou Collège américain du Comité des chirurgiens), PHTLS, Neuvième édition reprend les connaissances et la pratique actuelles étayées par des données, et encourage la pensée critique en tant que fondement de la fourniture de soins de qualité. Évaluer rapidement un patient en état de traumatisme pour identifier les soins vitaux est au cœur de la neuvième édition de PHTLS. Il faut 2 minutes ou moins à un patient pour se vider de son sang. Aucune autre intervention des prestataires de soins préhospitaliers n’est plus importante que l’arrêt de l’hémorragie chez les patients en état de traumatisme. Pour refléter cela, PHTLS, Neuvième édition utilise le moyen mnémonique d’évaluation du patient XABCDE pour placer une hémorragie au premier plan de chaque contact avec un patient. L'importance de la méthode XABCDE (en français hémorragie, voies aériennes, respiration, circulation, handicap et exposition/environnement) est renforcée dans chaque chapitre clinique. PHTLS, Neuvième édition présente : Les informations actuelles sur la réanimation liquidienne et l'immobilisation de la colonne vertébrale provenant de la recherche factuelle et de prestataires de soins préhospitaliers expérimentés qui appliquent les principes et les pratiques de PHTLS sur le terrain Les dernières techniques de gestion des patients, y compris la mise en place d’un garrot, les sites de décompression par aiguille, l'utilisation de liants pelviens, la réanimation pédiatrique liquidienne et la gestion pédiatrique des voies respiratoires L'accent est mis sur les blessures évitables, de la distraction au volant aux chutes chez les personnes âgées, en passant par la violence conjugale L'accent est également mis sur les menaces et les interventions tactiques des civils, des véhicules utilisés comme armes de destruction massive à un nouvel organigramme de la méthodologie d'évaluation à distance Composants dynamiques du programme Le manuel principal de PHTLS, Neuvième édition est la ressource définitive en matière de traumatologie. Il présente en détail les preuves médicales sous-tendant les principes et pratiques recommandés dans le cours PHTLS. La prochaine étape de l'évolution du programme PHTLS sera un nouveau manuel de cours PHTLS qui accompagnera le manuel principal. Il renforce et clarifie les concepts clés du cours, a une présentation agréable et interactive et est rédigé de façon à ce que vous ayez l'impression de participer à une conversation, plutôt qu’à un cours magistral.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Edition
On the battlefield, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Ninth Edition teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASC-COT), PHTLS, the Military Ninth Edition reflects current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and promotes critical-thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. Since 1996, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) has improved the care rendered in combat prehospital environments. TCCC is the battlefield prehospital component of the Joint Trauma System, an organization within the Department of Defense that projects combat trauma care out to the point of injury and continues that care seamlessly while bringing the casualty home for recuperation and rehabilitation. TCCC guidelines are continuously revised and updated by the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Co-TCCC), an all-volunteer group of military medicine and trauma care specialists. The membership of Co-TECC includes combat medics, corpsmen, and pararescuemen as well as physicians and physician assistants. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Ninth Edition is the next step in the evolution of the premier global prehospital trauma education program, a partnership between PHTLS and TCCC that goes back to the fourth edition of this manual. Military Ninth Edition continues the shared mission to promote excellence in trauma care by all providers and in all environments. In addition to the PHTLS core content, it features thirteen chapters written by military prehospital trauma care experts for practitioners in the military environment. Military Ninth Edition includes: Scenario – An opening case study that presents the key concepts of the chapter in a realistic patient or casualty care situation that encourages the participant to ask, “What would I do?” Key Terms – All key terms that appear in the Glossary are highlighted within the chapters. Engaging Art Program – The Military Ninth Edition features photos and illustrations that depict the realities of battlefield prehospital care. Summary – A list of the key concepts of the chapter. Scenario Solution – A discussion on how the patient or casualty in the opening scenario is assessed and treated in the field or on the battlefield and during transport.
Cambridge University Press Minoan Zoomorphic Culture
Editorial GEU Atencin a la diversidad en educacin primaria
Linkgua Crónica Internacional
El regalo de Carlos III a George Washington El periplo de Royal Gift
Un apasionante y memorable relato sobre la historia de Estados Unidos y de Espan?a en torno a la dádiva real de Carlos III para con el general Washington, quien puso en marcha un ambicioso proyecto en su plantación de Virginia en los años previos a su presidencia. Este fecundo libro narra la historia de lo ocurrido para alcanzar un objetivo, desvelando sus claves y la repercusión que tuvieron sus hechos.
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Medios de comunicación y español actual
?Medios de Comunicación y Español Actual?, de Susana Guerrero Salazar y Emilio Alejandro Núñez Cabezas, libro en el que se pretende recoger y analizar el especial uso que se hace de nuestra lengua en los medios de comunicación. Para ello, se realiza un riguroso estudio mediante una muestra significativa de casos, recogidos en los medios de comunicación, especialmente radio, televisión y prensa, durante un periodo amplio de tiempo. Los autores han consignado ciertas tendencias (léxicas, morfosintácticas, ortográficas, etc.) que deberían ser evitadas, con intención no sólo de reprobar, sino de dar una alternativa. Se completa con la definición de lenguaje periodístico y su relación con el lenguaje político, así como un capítulo dedicado al sexismo lingüístico en el que se recoge su definición, estrategias no sexistas y varios tipos de ejemplos, igualmente tomados de los medios de comunicación.