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Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Cute Chibis Coloring Book
Color adorable and charming creatures with the Cute Chibis Coloring Book! Anime and chibi enthusiasts and those fond of cuddly animals will enjoy this delightful coloring book. Each chibi creature inside has cute facial expressions and poses that are sure to make you smile. The word “chibi” is a Japanese slang term for short and implies cuteness. Chibi is also known as a popular anime and manga drawing style used in film and television. Chibi-style characters are often drawn with exaggerated body proportions and big eyes. All of them are fun to color! The Cute Chibis Coloring Book features over 120 coloring pages of creatures, including: Cats Pandas Pigs Bunnies And more! Express your creativity and start coloring cute chibis today!Chartwell Coloring Books is the ultimate coloring book series, encompassing designs of every kind. From intriguing abstract patterns to beautiful pictures from the natural, technological, and fantasy worlds, each of these coloring books will soothe the mind and inspire the inner creative in anyone. With so many variations of complex, beautiful designs in each book, you’ll have plenty of pages to bring to life. Whether young or old, creative or not, this series has something for you.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd State of Crisis
Today we hear much talk of crisis and comparisons are often made with the Great Depression of the 1930s, but there is a crucial difference that sets our current malaise apart from the 1930s: today we no longer trust in the capacity of the state to resolve the crisis and to chart a new way forward. In our increasingly globalized world, states have been stripped of much of their power to shape the course of events. Many of our problems are globally produced but the volume of power at the disposal of individual nation-states is simply not sufficient to cope with the problems they face. This divorce between power and politics produces a new kind of paralysis. It undermines the political agency that is needed to tackle the crisis and it saps citizens’ belief that governments can deliver on their promises. The impotence of governments goes hand in hand with the growing cynicism and distrust of citizens. Hence the current crisis is at once a crisis of agency, a crisis of representative democracy and a crisis of the sovereignty of the state. In this book the world-renowned sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and fellow traveller Carlo Bordoni explore the social and political dimensions of the current crisis. While this crisis has been greatly exacerbated by the turmoil following the financial crisis of 2007-8, Bauman and Bordoni argue that the crisis facing Western societies is rooted in a much more profound series of transformations that stretch back further in time and are producing long-lasting effects. This highly original analysis of our current predicament by two of the world’s leading social thinkers will be of interest to a wide readership.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Politics of Oil: Controlling Resources, Governing Markets and Creating Political Conflicts
Exploring the wide variety of political aspects relating to oil resources and markets, The Politics of Oil provides an important and accessible introduction to topics such as the so-called 'resource curse?' oil rent, producer cartels, and international oil governance. Broadening the scope further, Dag Harald Claes also examines the role of oil in political conflicts.Divided thematically into three parts, this book discusses the exercise of political control over oil resources, their extraction, and the income from oil exports; the vagaries of oil market forces and political attempts to govern them; and finally, the complex role of oil in international, regional, and domestic conflicts. Drawing on a number of academic perspectives, including economics, political science, philosophy, history, geology, and more, the key debates surrounding oil are explored. These include the role of OPEC, the future of oil in the context of climate change, and the part oil has played in civil war and terrorism.Easily accessible, this introduction to the intertwined relationship between oil and political decisions and behaviour, is an essential tool for students of political science, economics, and energy related studies of all kinds. It is also valuable for policymakers, industry practitioners, and others interested in the oil business or governance seeking a comprehensive introduction to the subject.
Page Street Publishing Co. Handmade Renaissance Faire Fashion: 20+ Patterns for Crafting Faire-Ready Capes, Cloaks and Crowns—the Authentic Way!
Whether you’re attending a Renaissance faire, anime convention, LARP event or costume party, dressing up is half the fun. Now it’s easier than ever to make your own unique, one-of-a-kind outfit. In this costumier’s trove, Costurero Real creators Alassie and Mara have included a wealth of clothing and accessories you can easily make at home, and for half the price of what you’d find at somebody’s costume booth. This collection of projects and large foldout tracing patterns is perfect for anyone who wants to create impressive, memorable clothes that would suit any fantasy character. Show everyone that you’re fit to navigate the thorns of court politics with the Velvet Royal Dress or the imperial Antlers Headpiece. Or, bring your fae-blooded roleplay character to life with the Butterfly Wings or Animal-Shaped Mask. Best of all, you can trace and create your own patterns, to ensure that whatever you make is the perfect fit. The possibilities are endless with these lively, fantastical designs. Whether you’re dressing up for a day at the faire, recreating your favorite character’s outfit or something in between, this impressive collection is a must-have for anyone looking to create their very own fantasy wardrobe.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Stranger Game
The Stranger Game is a dark, suspenseful, and twisty novel that is Gone Girl for teens. Perfect for fans of Lauren Oliver and E. Lockhart. When Nico Morris's older sister mysteriously disappears, her parents, family, and friends are devastated. But Nico can never admit what she herself feels: relief at finally being free of Sarah's daily cruelties. Then the best and worst thing happens: four years later, after dozens of false leads, Sarah is found. But this girl is much changed from the one Nico knew. She's thin and drawn, when Sarah had been golden and athletic; timid and unsure, instead of brash and competitive; and strangest of all, sweet and kind, when she had once been mean and abusive. Sarah's retrograde amnesia has caused her to forget almost everything about her life, from small things like the plots of her favorite books and her tennis game to the more critical-where she's been the last four years and what happened at the park on the fateful day she vanished. Despite the happy ending, the dark details of that day continue to haunt Nico, and it becomes clear that more than one person knows the true story of what happened to Sarah...
Triumph Books How Football Explains America
ESPN's Sal Paolantonio explores just how crucial football is to understanding the American psyche Using some of the most prominent voices in pro sports and cultural and media criticism, How Football Explains America is a fascinating, first-of-its-kind journey through the making of America's most complex, intriguing, and popular game. It tackles varying American themes—from Manifest Destiny to "fourth and one"—as it answers the age-old question, “Why does America love football so much?” An unabashedly celebratory explanation of America's love affair with the game and the men who make it possible, this work sheds light on how the pioneers and cowboys helped create a game that resembled their march across the continent. It explores why rugby and soccer don't excite the American male like football does and how the game's rules are continually changing to enhance the dramatic action and create a better narrative. It also investigates the eternal appeal of the heroic quarterback position, the sport's rich military lineage, and how the burgeoning medium of television identified and exploited the NFL's great characters. It is a must read for anyone interested in more fully understanding not only the game but also the nation in which it thrives. Updated throughout and with a new introduction, this edition brings How Football Explains America to paperback for the first time.
Kogan Page Ltd Develop Your Presentation Skills: How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence
Provides step-by-step advice to prepare effectively and nail that presentation. This quick and easy guide provides a practical toolkit for developing a winning presentation and improving your confidence. Complete with case studies and expert input to help you avoid disaster, Develop Your Presentation Skills includes content to help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. This fully updated 5th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates and top tips to help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress. From unpicking the original brief and understanding just what the audience wants, to facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content, you will keep your audience rapt with attention. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.
Stanford University Press Queer Theory: The French Response
In 2012 and 2013, masses of French citizens took to the streets to demonstrate against a bill on gay marriage. But demonstrators were not merely denouncing its damaging effects; they were also claiming that its origins lay in "gender theory," an ideology imported from the United States. By "gender theory" they meant queer theory in general and, more specifically, the work of noted scholar Judith Butler. Now French opponents to gay marriage, supported by the Vatican, are attacking school curricula that explore male/female equality, which they claim is further proof of gender theory's growing empire. They fear that this pro-homosexual propaganda will not only pervert young people, but destroy the French nation itself. What are the various facets of the French response to queer theory, from the mobilization of activists and the seminars of scholars to the emergence of queer media and the decision to translate this or that kind of book? Ironically, perceiving queer theory as a threat to France means overlooking the fact that queer theory itself has been largely inspired by French thinkers. By examining mutual influences across the Atlantic, Bruno Perreau analyzes changes in the idea of national identity in France and the United States. In the process, he offers a new theory of minority politics: an ongoing critique of norms is not only what gives rise to a feeling of belonging; it is the very thing that founds citizenship.
University of Texas Press Class Struggle in Hollywood, 1930-1950: Moguls, Mobsters, Stars, Reds, and Trade Unionists
As World War II wound down in 1945 and the cold war heated up, the skilled trades that made up the Conference of Studio Unions (CSU) began a tumultuous strike at the major Hollywood studios. This turmoil escalated further when the studios retaliated by locking out CSU in 1946. This labor unrest unleashed a fury of Red-baiting that allowed studio moguls to crush the union and seize control of the production process, with far-reaching consequences.This engrossing book probes the motives and actions of all the players to reveal the full story of the CSU strike and the resulting lockout of 1946. Gerald Horne draws extensively on primary materials and oral histories to document how limited a "threat" the Communist party actually posed in Hollywood, even as studio moguls successfully used the Red scare to undermine union clout, prevent film stars from supporting labor, and prove the moguls' own patriotism.Horne also discloses that, unnoticed amid the turmoil, organized crime entrenched itself in management and labor, gaining considerable control over both the "product" and the profits of Hollywood. This research demonstrates that the CSU strike and lockout were a pivotal moment in Hollywood history, with consequences for everything from production values, to the kinds of stories told in films, to permanent shifts in the centers of power.
The University of Chicago Press Holding On to Reality: The Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millennium
In the late-1990s people hear constantly about the "information revolution". The 24-hour news channels and dizzying Internet technologies bombard people with facts and pictures from around the globe. But what kind of a "revolution" is this? How has information really changed from what it was ten years or ten centuries ago? This work offers some answers to these questions. Albert Borgmann has written a history of information, from its inception in the natural world to its role in the transformation of culture - in writing and printing, in music and architecture - to the late-1990s Internet mania and its attendant assets and liabilities. Drawing on the history of ideas, the details of information technology, and the boundaries of the human condition, Borgmann explains the relationship between things and signs, between reality and information. His history ranges from Plato to Boeing and from the alphabet to virtual reality, all the while being conscious of the enthusiasm, apprehension, and uncertainty that have greeted every stage of the development of information. The book is underscored by the humanist's fundamental belief in human excellence and by the conviction that excellence is jeopardized unless we achieve a balance of information and "the things and practices that have served us well and we continue to depend on for our material and spiritual well-being - the grandeur of nature, the splendour of cities, competence of work, fidelity to loved ones, and devotion to art or religion".
Ohio University Press Acholi Intellectuals: Knowledge, Power, and the Making of Colonial Northern Uganda, 1850–1960
Acholi Intellectuals draws on the writings of homespun historians, interviews with elderly men and women who remember the last days of colonial rule, and government and missionary archives to illuminate the intellectual and political history of the colonial transition in northern Uganda. The book focuses on Acholiland, a place that has been chronically understudied in comparison to Uganda’s rich, fertile, and well-documented south. Southerners there—following the depictions of colonial officials and missionaries—have often regarded northerners as uncultured people lacking ideas. Acholi Intellectuals challenges this prejudice, bringing into view a whole category of men (and a few women) who mediated between indigenous and colonial knowledge systems and inaugurated a new kind of politics. Patrick William Otim studies a category of people—known as healers, messengers, war leaders, poet-musicians, and diplomats—who possessed prestige and power in an older Acholi political logic and who, in the dawning days of colonial government, came to occupy positions of power in the British administration. Otim argues that these Acholi intellectuals were not simply creatures of British colonial self-interest; neither was their power invented by the coercive logic of indirect rule. He asserts instead that people who held moral and social power in the older system were able to transform that strength, under colonial administration, into a new form of political legitimacy.
Sounds True Inc Tibetan Sound Healing: Seven Guided Practices for Clearing Obstacles, Accessing Positive Qualities, and Uncovering Your Inherent Wisdom
"It is my sincere desire that this simple and elegant practice of the Five Warrior Syllables, which is based on the highest teachings of the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition of which I am a lineage holder, will benefit many beings in the West. Please receive it with my blessing, and bring it into your life. Let it support you to become kind and strong and clear and awake."-Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche One of the world's oldest unbroken spiritual traditions is the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. This wisdom path has survived, thanks to the efforts of a handful of dedicated lamas such as Bön lineage holder Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Now, with Tibetan Sound Healing, you can connect to the ancient sacred sounds of the Bön practice-and through them, activate the healing potential of your natural mind. The Bön healing tradition invokes the Five Warrior Syllables-"seed" sounds that bring us to the essential nature of mind and release the boundless creativity and positive qualities that are fundamental to it. Through the medicine of sound, you can clear obstacles in your body, your energy and emotions, and the subtle sacred dimensions of your being. With Tibetan Sound Healing, you are invited to learn from a master of this ancient lineage-and discover the power of sacred sound to purify your body, connect with your inherent perfection and completeness, and awaken spiritual virtue.
The University of Chicago Press Engineering the Eternal City: Infrastructure, Topography, and the Culture of Knowledge in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome
Between the catastrophic flood of the Tiber River in 1557 and the death of the "engineering pope" Sixtus V in 1590, the city of Rome was transformed by intense activity involving building construction and engineering projects of all kinds. Using hundreds of archival documents and primary sources, Engineering the Eternal City explores the processes and people involved in these infrastructure projects--sewers, bridge repair, flood prevention, aqueduct construction, the building of new, straight streets, and even the relocation of immensely heavy ancient Egyptian obelisks that Roman emperors had carried to the city centuries before. This portrait of an early modern Rome examines the many conflicts, failures, and successes that shaped the city, as decision-makers tried to control not only Rome's structures and infrastructures but also the people who lived there. Taking up visual images of the city created during the same period--most importantly in maps and urban representations, this book shows how in a time before the development of modern professionalism and modern bureaucracies, there was far more wide-ranging conversation among people of various backgrounds on issues of engineering and infrastructure than there is in our own times. Physicians, civic leaders, jurists, cardinals, popes, and clerics engaged with painters, sculptors, architects, printers, and other practitioners as they discussed, argued, and completed the projects that remade Rome.
DruckVerlag Kettler Kurt Wanski
In the early 20th century, the canon of works consecrated by the history of art was increasingly challenged by critics such as Hans Prinzhorn and artists such as Jean Dubuffet, who focused on the works of so-called dilettantes, self-taught artists, and lunatics as primordial artistic expressions seemingly related to the art of primitive tribes and children. The art of these 'outsiders,' for which Dubuffet coined the term 'Art Brut', was special in its instinctive directness. It is free from academic influences, resulting instead from a kind of maniac production without any model or strategy. Today, Kurt Wanski (1922-2012) remains one of the least known major exponents of Art Brut, despite having been a renowned and respected figure in East Berlin's art scene. From the outset, Wanski spent his life in asylums and hospitals before finally moving to the safe haven of a Catholic mental health institution. He always remained independent as an artist. A captive of his own world, Wanski primarily used magazines and journals as models for his drawings. Although he redrew the motifs in a rather clumsy way, his works are more magical than the original designs. For Wanski, who never left Berlin during his lifetime, printed pictures were an unlimited source of inspiration linking the real world with his imagination. Text in English and German.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Perovskite Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications
Perovskite Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics Discover a one-of-a-kind treatment of perovskite photovoltaics In less than a decade, the photovoltaics of organic-inorganic halide perovskite materials has surpassed the efficiency of semiconductor compounds like CdTe and CIGS in solar cells. In Perovskite Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications, distinguished engineer Dr. Tsutomu Miyasaka delivers a comprehensive exploration of foundational and advanced topics regarding halide perovskites. It summarizes the latest information and discussion in the field, from fundamental theory and materials to critical device applications. With contributions by top scientists working in the perovskite community, the accomplished editor has compiled a resource of central importance for researchers working on perovskite related materials and devices. This edited volume includes coverage of new materials and their commercial and market potential in areas like perovskite solar cells, perovskite light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and perovskite-based photodetectors. It also includes: A thorough introduction to halide perovskite materials, their synthesis, and dimension control Comprehensive explorations of the photovoltaics of halide perovskites and their historical background Practical discussions of solid-state photophysics and carrier transfer mechanisms in halide perovskite semiconductors In-depth examinations of multi-cation anion-based high efficiency perovskite solar cells Perfect for materials scientists, crystallization physicists, surface chemists, and solid-state physicists, Perovskite Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications is also an indispensable resource for solid state chemists and device/electronics engineers.
Kogan Page Ltd Taking Minutes of Meetings: How to Take Efficient Notes that Make Sense and Support Meetings that Matter
Taking Minutes of Meetings guides you through the entire process of minute taking: arranging the meeting; writing the agenda; creating the optimum environment; structuring the meeting and writing notes up accurately. The often misunderstood role of minute-taker is one of the most important and powerful in a meeting, and this book will help you excel at this crucial skill, allowing you to build your career and credibility. Taking Minutes of Meetings is an easy to read 'dip-in, dip-out' guide, providing hands-on advice about the sections of a meeting as well as tips on how to create an agenda, personal preparation, best practice advice on taking notes and how to improve your accuracy. Fully updated for 2019, this 5th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips, as well as guidance on using technology effectively and minutes for different types of meetings. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.
Vanderbilt University Press Malicious Intent: Murder and the Perpetuation of Jim Crow Health Care
Do we want to perpetuate a Jim Crow health system?" A brilliant, idealistic physician asked that question in Alabama in 1966. Her answer was no—it led to her murder. Unearthing the truth of Jean Cowsert's life and death is a central concern of David Barton Smith's Race, Murder, and Medicine. Unearthing the grim history of our healthcare system is another. Race-related disparities in American death rates, exacerbated once again by the Covid-19 pandemic, have persisted since the birth of the modern U.S. medical system a century ago. A unique but fundamentally racist history has prevented the United States from providing the kind of healthcare assurances that are taken for granted in other industrialized nations. The underlying story is one of political, medical, and bureaucratic machinations, all motivated by a deliberate, racist design. In Race, Murder, and Medicine, David Barton Smith traces the Jean Cowsert story and the cold case of her death as a through line to explain the construction and fulfillment of an unequal healthcare system that would rather sacrifice many than provide for Black Americans. Cowsert's suspicious death came at a key moment in the struggle for universal healthcare in the wealthiest country on earth. Race, Murder, and Medicine is a history of those failed efforts, and a story of selective amnesia about one doctor's death and the movement she died for.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation
"Devices enormously smaller than before will remodel engineering,chemistry, medicine, and computer technology. How can we understandmachines that are so small? Nanosystems covers it all: powerand strength, friction and wear, thermal noise and quantumuncertainty. This is the book for starting the next century ofengineering." - Marvin Minsky MIT Science magazine calls Eric Drexler "Mr. Nanotechnology."For years, Drexler has stirred controversy by declaring thatmolecular nanotechnology will bring a sweeping technologicalrevolution - delivering tremendous advances in miniaturization,materials, computers, and manufacturing of all kinds. Now, he'swritten a detailed, top-to-bottom analysis of molecular machinery -how to design it, how to analyze it, and how to build it.Nanosystems is the first scientifically detailed description ofdevelopments that will revolutionize most of the industrialprocesses and products currently in use. This groundbreaking work draws on physics and chemistry toestablish basic concepts and analytical tools. The book thendescribes nanomechanical components, devices, and systems,including parallel computers able to execute 1020 instructions persecond and desktop molecular manufacturing systems able to makesuch products. Via chemical and biochemical techniques, proximalprobe instruments, and software for computer-aided moleculardesign, the book charts a path from present laboratory capabilitiesto advanced molecular manufacturing. Bringing together physics,chemistry, mechanical engineering, and computer science,Nanosystems provides an indispensable introduction to theemerging field of molecular nanotechnology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Holocaust Remembrance: The Shapes of Memory
The recording, explanation and the inescapable task of judging great wrongs in the past presents historians with their most difficult assignment. For those who have either lived through such injustice or have been in some way responsible for it the impositions of memory are both painful and unavoidable. Memory shapes the future, and the recollections of past suffering haunt and may overwhelm generations long after. In 1938 the National Socialist Party in Germany began the final preparations for the systematic genocide of the Jews throughout Europe. For the Jews, whose national loyalties had long exceeded any ties of ethnicity, the programme of extermination was an act not merely of monstrous cruelty but of humiliation and treachery. In Holocaust Remembrance scholars, artists and writers consider the ways in which the events of 1938-1945 have been, might be, and will be remembered. The records of the Holocaust are vast and various, ranging from the museum at Auschwitz to the cartoons of Art Spiegelman, from the dark paintings of R. B. Kitaj to the elegaic stories of Primo Levi, from the filmed testimonies of the death camp survivors to revisionist historians who usurp the name of scholar in the pursuit of denial and evasion. The perspectives brought to bear here are rich and various - impassioned, objective, personal, poetical, historical and philosophical. They are united by an awareness of the dangers both of respectful silence and overwhelming information, and that only in remembering can an understanding of the past be sought and human kind redeemed from the forces of humiliation and guilt.
Cornell University Press Adenauer's Foreign Office: West German Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Third Reich
The creation of the Foreign Office under Adenauer tells us much about the possibilities and limits of professional diplomacy in the mid-twentieth century. It also demonstrates three themes central to the early history of the Federal Republic: the integration of the new state into the international community, the cooptation of German elites and traditions by the new political system, and the creation of government in a state under foreign occupation. In this important study, Thomas Maulucci argues that, despite an improvised start and a considerable continuity of practice and personnel with pre-1945 Germany, the changed international anddomestic situation proved decisive in creating a ministry that could help to implement new directions in German foreign policy. In addition, Maulucci explores the interactions between international, political, and social history, contributing to a literature that bridges the gap between the pre- and post-World War Two eras that characterized previous writing on German history. Based on extensive research in German, American, British, and French archives, Adenauer's Foreign Office is the only English-language book of its kind. The troubling question of personnel continuity in the German diplomatic service is of considerable importance today, especially because of the Foreign Office's previous attempts to portray its past in the best possible light. Of interest to scholars and students of German history and politics as well as non-specialists, this book provides new insights into post-war diplomacy, the sociology of German elites, and the problems involved in creating a new government after losing a major war.
New York University Press Essential Papers on Kabbalah
An essential volume of 12th to 17th century papers on the Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah As recently as 1915, when the legendary scholar of Jewish mysticism Gershom Scholem sought to find someone—anyone—to teach him Kabbalah, the study of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah was largely neglected and treated with disdain. Today, this field has ripened to the point that it occupies a central place in the agenda of contemporary Judaic studies. While there are many definitions of Kabbalah, this volume focuses on the discrete body of literature which developed between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries. The basis for most of this kabbalistic literature is the concept of the ten sefirot, the complex schema depicting the divine persona, and speculation about the inner life of God. It maintains the conviction that all human action reverberates in the world of the sefirot, and thus influences the life of divinity. Proper action helps to restore harmony and unity to the world of God, while improper action reinforces the breach within God brought about originally through human transgression. Collected here in one volume are some of the most central essays published on the subject. The selections provide the reader with a sense of the historical range of Kabbalah, as well as examples of various kinds of approaches, including those of intellectual and social history, history and phenomenology of religions, motif studies, ritual studies, and women's studies. Sections discuss mystical motifs and theological ideas, mystical leadership and personalities, and devotional practices and mystical experiences.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to help you Master the Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Finance
The ongoing turbulence in the global financial markets has drawn attention to an alternative system of financial intermediation: Islamic banking and finance. This is now one of the fastest growing sectors within the market place and has, so far, remained on the sidelines of this unrest. Since the inception of Islamic banking thirty years ago the number and reach of Islamic financial institutions worldwide has risen significantly. Institutions offering Islamic financial services constitute a significant and growing share of the financial system in several countries, and market participants everywhere are joining the race to study and be a part of this emerging financial system. The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook is a one-of-a-kind workbook on the topic, enabling readers to test their understanding of Islamic banking and finance concepts. Although suitable as a standalone learning tool, the book is designed to test the information covered in the companion book, Introduction to Islamic Finance and Banking, and covers the fundamentals of Sharia'a law, the Islamic contracts interpretations and definitions, Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Istisna'a, Salam and Ijara modes of finance, Takaful and much more. Emphasis is placed on mini case studies, multiple choice questions and tests of the basic concepts. It also includes a full answer key and brief chapter summaries, as well as learning objectives. The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook is an essential learning tool for students and practitioners who want to test their knowledge of the rapidly growing world of Islamic banking and finance.
The University of Chicago Press Strategic Giving – The Art and Science of Philanthropy
The philanthropic landscape is changing dramatically as a new generation of wealthy donors seeks to leave its mark on the public sphere. Peter Frumkin reveals in Strategic Giving why these donors could benefit from having a comprehensive plan to guide their giving. And with this thoughtful and timely book, he provides the much-needed framework to understand and develop this kind of philanthropic strategy. After listening for years to scores of individual and institutional funders discuss the challenges of giving wisely, Frumkin argues here that contemporary philanthropy requires a thorough rethinking of its underlying logic. Philanthropy should be seen, he contends, as both a powerful way to meet public needs and a meaningful way to express private beliefs and commitments. He demonstrates that finding a way to simultaneously fulfill both of these functions is crucial to the survival of philanthropy and its potential to support pluralism in society. And he goes on to identify the five essential elements donors must consider when developing a philanthropic strategy—the vehicle through which giving will flow, the way impact will be achieved, the level of engagement and profile sought, the time frame for giving, and the underlying purpose of the gift. Frumkin’s point is that donors must understand strategic giving as the integration of these five critical dimensions to giving. Essential reading for donors, researchers, and anyone involved with the world of philanthropy, Strategic Giving provides a new basis for understanding philanthropic effectiveness and a promising new way for philanthropy to achieve the legitimacy that has at times eluded it.
University of Minnesota Press Physics of Blackness: Beyond the Middle Passage Epistemology
What does it mean to be Black? If Blackness is not biological in origin but socially and discursively constructed, does the meaning of Blackness change over time and space? In Physics of Blackness: Beyond the Middle Passage Epistemology, Michelle M. Wright argues that although we often explicitly define Blackness as a “what,” it in fact always operates as a “when” and a “where.” By putting lay discourses on spacetime from physics into conversation with works on identity from the African Diaspora, Physics of Blackness explores how Middle Passage epistemology subverts racist assumptions about Blackness, yet its linear structure inhibits the kind of inclusive epistemology of Blackness needed in the twenty-first century. Wright then engages with bodies frequently excluded from contemporary mainstream consideration: Black feminists, Black queers, recent Black African immigrants to the West, and Blacks whose histories may weave in and out of the Middle Passage epistemology but do not cohere to it. Physics of Blackness takes the reader on a journey both known and unfamiliar—from Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and gravity to the contemporary politics of diasporic Blackness in the academy, from James Baldwin’s postwar trope of the Eiffel Tower as the site for diasporic encounters to theoretical particle physics’ theory of multiverses and superpositioning, to the almost erased lives of Black African women during World War II. Accessible in its style, global in its perspective, and rigorous in its logic, Physics of Blackness will change the way you look at Blackness.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Spacecraft Sensors
Spacecraft Sensors, the first of its kind, offers a comprehensive review of many aspects and intricacies of sensors used in the spacecraft industry. It covers sensor development from concept, design, and cost, to building, testing, interfacing, integrating, and on-orbit operation. It is intended for the specialist or non-specialist engineer, scientist, and those involved in the business aspect of the spacecraft industry. Focusing on how these various disciplines contribute to the development of a sensor used in space, this key text: Explains how mathematics, physics, business, and engineering-based concepts are used to develop and design a sensor which complies with a set of specific requirements. Discusses essential topics such as cost estimation, signal processing, noise reduction, filters, phased arrays, radars, optics, and radiometers used in space operation. Covers a range of typical sensors used in the spacecraft industry such as infrared, passive microwave, radars and spacebased GPS sensors. Concludes each chapter with examples of past and current orbiting sensors such as DSP, SBIRS, CHAMP, LANDSAT, and GOES to illustrate how concepts are applied. Includes the Matlab codes used to create the example plots in order to give the reader a starting point for further analysis Spacecraft Sensors is an invaluable resource for engineers, technical consultants, those in the business division, and research scientists associated with spacecraft projects. It is also an excellent textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying the development, design and applications of spacebased sensors.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective
Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders The past decade has seen a tremendous increase in the number of people being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders – and not just young children. Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective is the first volume of its kind to provide authoritative information for professionals on how to appropriately evaluate and diagnose these disorders in individuals of all ages. Donald P. Gallo, a board-certified clinical psychologist, shares his professional insights and expertise garnered from more than 1,500 autism evaluations over the past ten years. The book includes in-depth interviewing strategies that focus on the three primary areas of impairment – socialization, communication, and behavior – to determine if an individual has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Differential diagnostic considerations are also addressed, and numerous case examples provide further clarity. Ways to present the assessment findings to parents and patients that will help them accept the diagnosis are also included. The information is targeted specifically for a wide range of practitioners, including child psychologists, child psychiatrists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, paediatricians, paediatric neurologists, and students in those disciplines. Authoritative and timely, Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective provides medical and mental health professionals everywhere with an invaluable resource for the proper diagnoses and assessment of an exceedingly complex disorder which affects people of all ages.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Myth of the Press Gang: Volunteers, Impressment and the Naval Manpower Problem in the Late Eighteenth Century
Overturns the generally held view that the press gang was the main means of recruiting seamen by the British navy in the late eighteenth century. SHORTLISTED for the Society for Nautical Research's prestigious Anderson Medal. The press gang is generally regarded as the means by which the British navy solved the problem of recruiting enough seamen in the late eighteenth century. This book, however, based on extensive original research conducted primarily in a large number of ships' muster books, demonstrates that this view is false. It argues that, in fact, the overwhelming majority of seamen in the navy were there of their own free will. Taking a long view across the late eighteenth century but concentrating on the period of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars of 1793-1815, the book provides great detail on the sort of men that were recruited and the means by which they were recruited, and includes a number of individuals' stories. It shows how manpower was a major concern for the Admiralty; how the Admiralty put in place a range of recruitment methods including the quota system; how it worried about depleting merchant shipping of sufficient sailors; and how, although most seamen were volunteers, the press gang was resorted to, especially during the initial mobilisation at the beginning of wars and to find certain kinds of particularly skilled seamen. The book also makes comparisons with recruitment methods employed by the navies of other countries and by the British army. J. Ross Dancy is Assistant Professor of History at Sam Houston State University.
Liverpool University Press The Monster Evil: Policing and Violence in Victorian Liverpool
Liverpool gained a unique and notorious reputation during the 19th century for being an abnormally violent and criminal place. ‘The Monster Evil’ intends to explore the historical foundations of this stigmatization: were the fears real or an invention of the Victorian newspapers? In answering such questions the book examines Liverpool’s violent crime and how effectively it was policed by the newly established constabulary through the use of local and national press reports, contemporary accounts and police records. In doing so issues relating to public acceptance and tolerance of violence and the police will be explored. All forms of criminal interpersonal violence are described and analysed in the context of the city; including notorious murders such as the Tithebarn-street kicking of 1874, the ‘wholesale poisonings’ by two sisters in 1883 and the killing of young children by other young children in 1855 and 1891. Everyday acts of violence in the home between family members, or in the street, whether as acts of robbery or as drunken unprovoked attacks on strangers or against the police, are also given prominence. An extract on police night shift duty by Liverpool’s foremost 19th-century journalist, Hugh Shimmin, is included. The book, which covers much of the Victorian period, is based on original and extensive research. Through an examination of a wide range of ‘typical’ case studies and news stories, which exemplify the various kinds of violent crime found in Liverpool, readers will find the book accessible, authoritative and surprising in its resonance with present day crime and its news coverage by the media.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Small, Strong Congregations: Creating Strengths and Health for Your Congregation
Create a small, strong congregation that is dedicated to advancing God's mission The twenty-first century is the century of small, strong congregations. More people will be drawn to small, strong congregations than any other kind of congregation. Yes, there are mega-congregations; Their number is increasing greatly. Nevertheless, across the planet, the vast majority of congregations will be small and strong, and the vast majority of people will be in these congregations. With uncommon wisdom Kennon L. Callahan--today's most noted church consultant--moves ahead of conventional thinking and in Small, Strong Congregations offers his unique vision of the church of the future. This important book chronicles the emergence of a vast number of congregations that are questioning the bigger-is-better notion in church membership. These congregations are deliberately small, active, and happy in their dedication to creating strong church communities that advance God's mission. Step by step, Kennon Callahan shows pastors and other church leaders how they can develop the values and specific qualities helpful to shape and strengthen their own small congregations.Written to be a hands-on guide, Small, Strong Congregations offers practical suggestions for creating mission and service, compassion and shepherding, community and belonging, self-reliance and self-sufficiency, worship and hope, teams and leaders, space and facilities, and giving and generosity. This wise resource is filled with illustrative examples that show clearly how myriad small churches have created solid, vigorous congregations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Introduction to Chemical Engineering An accessible introduction to chemical engineering for specialists in adjacent fields Chemical engineering plays a vital role in numerous industries, including chemical manufacturing, oil and gas refining and processing, food processing, biofuels, pharmaceutical manufacturing, plastics production and use, and new energy recovery and generation technologies. Many people working in these fields, however, are nonspecialists: management, other kinds of engineers (mechanical, civil, electrical, software, computer, safety, etc.), and scientists of all varieties. Introduction to Chemical Engineering is an ideal resource for those looking to fill the gaps in their education so that they can fully engage with matters relating to chemical engineering. Based on an introductory course designed to assist chemists becoming familiar with aspects of chemical plants, this book examines the fundamentals of chemical processing. The book specifically focuses on transport phenomena, mixing and stirring, chemical reactors, and separation processes. Readers will also find: A hands-on approach to the material with many practical examples Calculus is the only type of advanced mathematics used A wide range of unit operations including distillation, liquid extraction, absorption of gases, membrane separation, crystallization, liquid/solid separation, drying, and gas/solid separation Introduction to Chemical Engineering is a great help for chemists, biologists, physicists, and non-chemical engineers looking to round out their education for the workplace.
Stanford University Press Theory of Society, Volume 2
This second volume of Niklas Luhmann's two-part final work was first published in German in 1997. The culmination of his thirty-year theoretical project to reconceptualize sociology, it offers a comprehensive description of modern society. Beginning with an account of the fluidity of meaning and the accordingly high improbability of successful communication, Luhmann analyzes a range of communicative media, including language, writing, the printing press, and electronic media, as well as "success media," such as money, power, truth, and love, all of which structure this fluidity and make communication possible. The book asks what gives rise to functionally differentiated social systems, how they evolve, and how social movements, organizations, and patterns of interaction emerge. The advent of the computer and its networks, which triggered potentially far-reaching processes of restructuring, receives particular attention. A concluding chapter on the semantics of modern society's self-description bids farewell to the outdated theoretical approaches of "old Europe"—that is, to ontological, holistic, ethical, and critical interpretations of society—and argues that concepts such as "the nation," "the subject," and "postmodernity" are vastly overrated. In their stead, "society"—long considered a suspicious term by sociologists, one open to all kinds of reification—is defined in purely operational terms. It is the always uncertain answer to the question of what comes next in all areas of communication.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC TV's Betty Goes Global: From Telenovela to International Brand
Premiering in 2006,Ugly Betty, the award-winning US hit show about unglamorous but kind-hearted Betty Suarez (America Ferrera),is the latest incarnation of a worldwide phenomenon that started life as a Colombian telenovela,Yo soy Betty,la fea, back in 1999. The tale of the ugly duckling has since taken an extraordinary global journey and become the most successful telenovela to date. This groundbreaking book asks what the Yo soy Betty,la fea/Ugly Betty phenomenon can tell us about the international circulation of locally produced TV fictions as the Latin American telenovela is sold to,and/or re-made-officially and unofficially-for different national contexts. The contributors explore what Betty has to say about the tensions between the commercial demands of multimedia conglomerates and the regulatory forces of national broadcasters as well as the international ambitions of national TV industries and their struggle in competitive markets. They also investigate what this international trade tells us about cultural storytelling and audience experience,as well as ideologies of feminine beauty and myths of female desire and aspiration. TV's Betty Goes Global features original interviews with buyers and schedulers,writers,story editors and directors,including the creator of Yo soy Betty, la fea, Fernando Gaitan
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon
The architectural historian and critic Kenneth Frampton ‘never recovered’ from the force of Hannah Arendt’s teaching at The New School in New York. The philosopher Richard J. Bernstein considers her the most perceptive political theorist and observer of ‘dark times’ (a concept which, drawing from Brecht, she made her own). Building on the revival of interest in Hannah Arendt, and on the increasing turn in design towards the expanded field of the social, this unique book uses insights and quotations drawn from Arendt’s major writings (The Human Condition; The Origins of Totalitarianism, Men in Dark Times) to assemble a new kind of lexicon for politics, designing and acting today. Taking 56 terms – from Action, Beginnings and Creativity through Mortality, Natality, and Play to Superfluity, Technology and Violence – and inviting designers and scholars of design world-wide to contribute, Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon, offers up an extraordinary range of short essays that use moments and quotations from Arendt’s thought as the starting points for reflection on how these terms can be conceived for contemporary design and political praxis. Neither simply dictionary nor glossary, the lexicon brings together designing and political philosophy to begin to create a new language for acting and designing against dark times.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Avoiding Cyber Fraud in Small Businesses: What Auditors and Owners Need to Know
INCREASE THE LIFE SPAN OF YOUR SMALL BUSINESS The average small business has a life span of about five years, and inadequate internal controls are the main cause of failure. Cyber fraud, the leading culprit today in internal criminal activity, occurs when advanced technologies are used to steal money or property. The majority of such crimes occur in-house, and the lack of sufficient capital and technological resources committed to protecting company assets makes small businesses especially vulnerable. Awareness of the dangers of internal theft by computer, illegal access to information systems, credit card fraud, and Internet scams is integral-especially as auditors, business owners, and managers are increasingly held responsible for negligence. Providing critical guidance on what auditors and businesses can do to better prevent and detect the growing number of occurrences of cyber fraud, the information in this one-of-a-kind manual: * Protects outside auditors by supplying the knowledge to ensure they meet their responsibilities * Protects small business owners by providing them with the necessary tools to meet due diligence requirements in cyber fraud prevention * Focuses on the key areas of vulnerability Take the first step in protecting your company-and your future-with Avoiding Cyber Fraud in Small Businesses, the only book committed to helping you keep your small business free of computer crime.
Stanford University Press I Am the Truth: Toward a Philosophy of Christianity
A part of the “return to religion” now evident in European philosophy, this book represents the culmination of the career of a leading phenomenological thinker whose earlier works trace a trajectory from Marx through a genealogy of psychoanalysis that interprets Descartes’s “I think, I am” as “I feel myself thinking, I am.” In this book, Henry does not ask whether Christianity is “true” or “false.” Rather, what is in question here is what Christianity considers as truth, what kind of truth it offers to people, what it endeavors to communicate to them, not as a theoretical and indifferent truth, but as the essential truth that by some mysterious affinity is suitable for them, to the point that it alone is capable of ensuring them salvation. In the process, Henry inevitably argues against the concept of truth that dominates modern thought and determines, in its multiple implications, the world in which we live. Henry argues that Christ undoes “the truth of the world,” that He is an access to the infinity of self-love, to a radical subjectivity that admits no outside, to the immanence of affective life found beyond the despair fatally attached to all objectifying thought. The Kingdom of God accomplishes itself in the here and now through the love of Christ in what Henry calls “the auto-affection of Life.” In this condition, he argues, all problems of lack, ambivalence, and false projection are resolved.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity
Evil is not confined to war or to circumstances in which people are acting under extreme duress. Today it more frequently reveals itself in the everyday insensitivity to the suffering of others, in the inability or refusal to understand them and in the casual turning away of one’s ethical gaze. Evil and moral blindness lurk in what we take as normality and in the triviality and banality of everyday life, and not just in the abnormal and exceptional cases. The distinctive kind of moral blindness that characterizes our societies is brilliantly analysed by Zygmunt Bauman and Leonidas Donskis through the concept of adiaphora: the placing of certain acts or categories of human beings outside of the universe of moral obligations and evaluations. Adiaphora implies an attitude of indifference to what is happening in the world – a moral numbness. In a life where rhythms are dictated by ratings wars and box-office returns, where people are preoccupied with the latest gadgets and forms of gossip, in our ‘hurried life’ where attention rarely has time to settle on any issue of importance, we are at serious risk of losing our sensitivity to the plight of the other. Only celebrities or media stars can expect to be noticed in a society stuffed with sensational, valueless information. This probing inquiry into the fate of our moral sensibilities will be of great interest to anyone concerned with the most profound changes that are silently shaping the lives of everyone in our contemporary liquid-modern world.
Harvest House Publishers,U.S. Hear, O Little One: In the Morning and in the Evening
This lyrical adaptation of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 introduces young children to the "Shema," a sacred statement of belief that has been recited in the morning and evening through the ages, including by Jesus Himself. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”Deuteronomy 6:4-9 For centuries, followers of God have started and ended their day by saying the Shema, a five-verse passage in the book of Deuteronomy, as a twice-daily reminder to love God with all of their heart, soul, and strength. Written in rhyme for infants through four-year-olds, Hear, O Little One is a colorful and creative adaptation of the Shema. This innovative board book is intended to be read in the morning and then flipped over and read in the other direction for a different version at nighttime. Help your child develop a lifelong love of God and a deep reverence for God’s Word with this one-of-a-kind children’s book.
Phaidon Press Ltd Art & Place: Site-Specific Art of the Americas
Art & Place is an extraordinary collection of outstanding art destinations in the Americas, visited by millions of people every year.The book features hundreds of powerful and spectacular art works, all created by an artist specifically for their location –whether indoors, outdoors, desert, in the mountains or in the middle of a city. This is art to experience –in an immersive way –presented together in a single book for the first time.From the monumental sculptures of Richard Serra to the grand land art of Robert Smithson, and from the to the oversized public installations of Claus Oldenburg to Diego Rivera's History of Mexico in Mexico City, Art & Place is the only book to compile all the best of site-specific art of North, Central and South America.Featuring beloved site-specific art in 60 cities–from Albuquerque to Washington, DC and from Baja to Rio de Janeiro. Each of the works has a dedicated entry that includes large-format images with an explanation of how the artist adapted their work to its environment.Art & Place presents works geographically rather than chronologically, allowing fresh juxtapositions and exciting opportunities for comparison to arise, as a spread of rock art may appear next to a contemporary sculpture. Covering everything from carving and painting, murals and frescos, mosaics, altarpieces, tapestries, integral sculpture, stained glass, earthworks and land art, there is something for everyone in this one-of-a-kind book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Analysis with Applications in Mechanics and Engineering
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATIONS IN MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING A much-needed guide on how to use numerical methods to solve practical engineering problems Bridging the gap between mathematics and engineering, Numerical Analysis with Applications in Mechanics and Engineering arms readers with powerful tools for solving real-world problems in mechanics, physics, and civil and mechanical engineering. Unlike most books on numerical analysis, this outstanding work links theory and application, explains the mathematics in simple engineering terms, and clearly demonstrates how to use numerical methods to obtain solutions and interpret results. Each chapter is devoted to a unique analytical methodology, including a detailed theoretical presentation and emphasis on practical computation. Ample numerical examples and applications round out the discussion, illustrating how to work out specific problems of mechanics, physics, or engineering. Readers will learn the core purpose of each technique, develop hands-on problem-solving skills, and get a complete picture of the studied phenomenon. Coverage includes: How to deal with errors in numerical analysis Approaches for solving problems in linear and nonlinear systems Methods of interpolation and approximation of functions Formulas and calculations for numerical differentiation and integration Integration of ordinary and partial differential equations Optimization methods and solutions for programming problems Numerical Analysis with Applications in Mechanics and Engineering is a one-of-a-kind guide for engineers using mathematical models and methods, as well as for physicists and mathematicians interested in engineering problems.
Stanford University Press Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science
This ambitious work aims to shed new light on the relations between Husserlian phenomenology and the present-day efforts toward a scientific theory of cognition—with its complex structure of disciplines, levels of explanation, and conflicting hypotheses. The book’s primary goal is not to present a new exegesis of Husserl’s writings, although it does not dismiss the importance of such interpretive and critical work. Rather, the contributors assess the extent to which the kind of phenomenological investigation Husserl initiated favors the construction of a scientific theory of cognition, particularly in contributing to specific contemporary theories either by complementing or by questioning them. What clearly emerges is that Husserlian phenomenology cannot become instrumental in developing cognitive science without undergoing a substantial transformation. Therefore, the central concern of this book is not only the progress of contemporary theories of cognition but also the reorientation of Husserlian phenomenology. Because a single volume could never encompass the numerous facets of this dual aim, the contributors focus on the issue of naturalization. This perspective is far-reaching enough to allow for the coverage of a great variety of topics, ranging from general structures of intentionality, to the nature of the founding epistemological and ontological principles of cognitive science, to analyses of temporality and perception and the mathematical modeling of their phenomenological description. This book, then, is a collective reflection on the possibility of utilizing a naturalized Husserlian phenomenology to contribute to a scientific theory of cognition that fills the explanatory gap between the phenomenological mind and brain.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Improving Patient Care: The Implementation of Change in Health Care
Strategies for successfully updating and improving health care organizations of all kinds Health care is always evolving and improving. However, the rapid speed of medical advancement can make the adoption of new technologies and practices a challenging process – particularly in large organizations and complex networks. Any projected impact upon quality and outcomes of care must be carefully evaluated so that changes may be implemented in the most efficacious and efficient manner possible. Improving Patient Care equips professionals and policymakers with the knowledge required to successfully optimize health care practice. By integrating scientific evidence and practical experience, the text presents a cohesive and proven model for practice change and innovation, complete with analysis of innovation, target group and setting; selection and application of strategies; and evaluation of process, outcomes and costs. This new third edition also includes: Newly written chapters on clinical performance feedback, patient engagement, patient safety, evaluation designs, and methods for process evaluation Increased emphasis on the role of contextual influences in implementation and improvement New research examples from across the world and updated scientific literature throughout Designed to help promote safer and more efficient, patient-centered care and better outcomes, Improving Patient Care is an essential resource for healthcare providers, quality assessors, and students of health services research, health management, and health policy.
Columbia University Press The Green New Deal and the Future of Work
Catastrophic climate change overshadows the present and the future. Wrenching economic transformations have devastated workers and hollowed out communities. However, those fighting for jobs and those fighting for the planet have often been at odds. Does the world face two separate crises, environmental and economic? The promise of the Green New Deal is to tackle the threat of climate change through the empowerment of working people and the strengthening of democracy. In this view, the crisis of nature and the crisis of work must be addressed together—or they will not be addressed at all.This book brings together leading experts to explore the possibilities of the Green New Deal, emphasizing the future of work. Together, they examine transformations that are already underway and put forth bold new proposals that can provide jobs while reducing carbon consumption—building a world that is sustainable both economically and ecologically. Contributors also debate urgent questions: What is the value of a federal jobs program, or even a jobs guarantee? How do we alleviate the miseries and precarity of work? In key economic sectors, including energy, transportation, housing, agriculture, and care work, what kind of work is needed today? How does the New Deal provide guidance in addressing these questions, and how can a Green New Deal revive democracy? Above all, this book shows, the Green New Deal offers hope for a better tomorrow—but only if it accounts for work’s past transformations and shapes its future.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Dirty Version: On Stage, in the Studio, and in the Streets With Ol' Dirty Bastard
On the tenth anniversary of his death, The Dirty Version is the first biography of hip hop superstar and founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Ol' Dirty Bastard, to be written by someone from his inner circle: his right-hand man and best friend, Buddha Monk. Ol' Dirty Bastard rocketed to fame with the Wu-Tang Clan, the raucous and renegade group that altered the world of hip hop forever. ODB was one of the Clan's wildest icons and most inventive performers, and when he died of an overdose in 2004 at the age of thirty-five, millions of fans mourned the loss. ODB lives on in epic proportions and his antics are legend: he once picked up his welfare check in a limousine; lifted a burning car off a four-year-old girl in Brooklyn; stole a fifty-dollar pair of sneakers on tour at the peak of his success. Many have questioned whether his stunts were carefully calculated or the result of paranoia and mental instability. Now, Dirty's friend since childhood, Buddha Monk, a Wu-Tang collaborator on stage and in the studio, reveals the truth about the complex and talented performer. From their days together on the streets of Brooklyn to the meteoric rise of Wu-Tang's star, from bouts in prison to court-mandated rehab, from Dirty's favorite kind of pizza to his struggles with fame and success, Buddha tells the real story-The Dirty Version-of the legendary rapper.
Emerald Publishing Limited Generation Impact: International Perspectives on Impact Accounting
Mistrust in big business and major politicians, coupled with recent scandals in international development, grew from a blatant lack of accountability between decision-makers and recipients. Remedies seem to lie within the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the rise of social entrepreneurship, and the demand for responsible practices, all key drivers for social, rather than merely financial, returns on investments. Yet accounting for such returns remains scattershot and unevenly implemented. With contributions from world-leading scholars and practitioners, Generation Impact brings together lessons from both developed and developing economies, shares current best practice and suggests future trends in impact accounting. The book analyses social and environmental capital protocols, the international convergence in impact investing, organisational management and capacity-building and best practice in assurance and training, and offers reflections on policy directions. Through its case-studies it provides insights into a growing global community of practitioners, academics, impact investors, policy-makers and organisations of all kinds working to cement the central importance of accounting for social value. For its unique blend of scholarly research and boots-on-the-ground insights, Generation Impact is a must-read for development scholars and students interested in social and environmental accounting, practitioners, senior managers, and executives concerned with organisational practice and its real impact on wider social and economic development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Virtual teams
Effective knowledge work depends on bringing people together to form a team with the right mix of expertise for the project or problem on hand. Increasingly, that mix can only be created by finding people who are geographically dispersed across sites of the company or across several companies. These virtual teams typically work by linking through electronic tools, such as the telephone, fax, email, NetMeeting, Lotus Notes, and other web-based communication systems. Recent research suggests that these teams have all of the challenges of face-to-face teams in addition to others, such as the limitations of technology, cultural differences, and multiple supervisors. The papers included in this volume identify some of the problems and some of the solutions to these kinds of problems, but most importantly, in a dynamic field such as virtual teams, the papers provide a framework for thinking about such problems and a collection of ideas that can form a foundation for advancing both research and practice in the field. Much of the literature on virtual teams focuses on the technology. The technology is an enabler, but it does not seem to have advanced far enough to make electronic communications as effective as face-to-face meetings. Like other teams, virtual teams consist of human beings and they have interpersonal and identity needs that must be met to optimize their ability to work and to collaborate. So, issues such as member solidarity, cooperation and unity of actions and values become special concerns. Such issues are addressed in this volume with the hope that this work will provide a foundation for moving ahead in this field toward more effective virtual teams.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Development Goals: Law, Theory and Implementation
Building on the previously established Millennium Development Goals, which ran from 2000-2015, the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the UN with a roadmap for development until 2030. This topical book explores the associated legal and normative implications of these SDGs, which in themselves are not legally binding.The 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs cover areas as crucial as poverty reduction, climate change, clean water and access to justice. Combining both thematic and goal-specific analysis, expert contributors establish the relevance not just of international law, but also of a broader range of normative frameworks including constitutional norms, domestic regulatory law and human rights. Connecting the SDGs to wider debates in international law and politics, this book ultimately demonstrates that law has an important constitutive and instrumental role to play in both implemention and analysis.The first of its kind to offer a specific focus on the relationship between law and the SDGs, this much-needed book will prove invaluable for scholars in the field of international sustainable development. Its insightful observations will also provide food for thought for both related international organizations and national government officials.Contributors include: S. Adelman, H. Aust, M. Barnard, L. Collins, N. Cooper, A. du Plessis, D. French, L. Kotzé, G. Long, O. McIntyre , K. Morrow, N. Sánchez Castillo-Winckels, W. Scholtz, N. Soininen
McGill-Queen's University Press Property, Liberty, and Self-Ownership in Seventeenth-Century England
The concept of self-ownership was first articulated in anglophone political thought in the decades between the outbreak of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution. This book traces the emergence and evolution of self-ownership over the course of this period, culminating in a reinterpretation of John Locke's celebrated but widely misunderstood idea that "every Man has a Property in his own Person." Often viewed through the prism of libertarian political thought, self-ownership has its roots in the neo-Roman or republican concept of liberty as freedom from dependence on the will of another. As Lorenzo Sabbadini reveals, seventeenth-century writers believed that the attainment of this status required not only a specific kind of constitution but a particular distribution of property as well. Many regarded the protection of private property as constitutive of liberty, and it is in this context that the vocabulary of self-ownership emerged. Others expressed anxieties about the corrupting effects of excessive concentrations of wealth or even the institution of private property itself. Bringing together canonical republican writers such as John Milton and James Harrington, lesser-known pamphleteers, and Locke, a theorist generally regarded as being at odds with neo-Roman thought, Property, Liberty, and Self-Ownership in Seventeenth-Century England is a bold, innovative study of some of the most influential concepts to emerge from this groundbreaking period of British history.
The University of Chicago Press Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress toward Racial Equality
In the 1960s, many believed that the civil rights movement's successes would foster a new era of racial equality in America. Four decades later, the degree of racial inequality has barely changed. To understand what went wrong, Patrick Sharkey argues that we have to understand what has happened to African American communities over the last several decades. In "Stuck in Place", Sharkey describes how political decisions and social policies have led to severe disinvestment from black neighborhoods, persistent segregation, declining economic opportunities, and a growing link between African American communities and the criminal justice system. As a result, neighborhood inequality that existed in the 1970s has been passed down to the current generation of African Americans. Some of the most persistent forms of racial inequality, such as gaps in income and test scores, can only be explained by considering the neighborhoods in which black and white families have lived over multiple generations. This multigenerational nature of neighborhood inequality also means that a new kind of urban policy is necessary for our nation's cities. Sharkey argues for urban policies that have the potential to create transformative and sustained changes in urban communities and the families that live within them, and he outlines a durable urban policy agenda to help us move in that direction.