Search results for ""author kind"
Inter-Varsity Press The God Who Makes Himself Known: The Missionary Heart Of The Book Of Exodus
The Lord's commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the missionary theme that spans the Bible, and is the central theological concern of the book of Exodus. Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text due to theological problems, Ross Blackburn contends that Exodus can be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of this missionary theme in its canonical context is of great help in dealing with difficult issues that the book poses. For example, how is Exodus 6:3 best understood? Is there a tension between law and gospel, or mercy and judgment? How should we understand the painstaking detail of the tabernacle chapters? From a careful examination of Exodus, Blackburn demonstrates that: * the Lord humbles Pharaoh so that the world would know that only God can save; * the Lord gives Israel the law so that she might display his goodness to the world, and live in a state of order and blessing; * the Lord deals with Israel's idolatry severely, yet mercifully, for his goodness cannot be known if his glory is compromised. In the end, Exodus not only sheds important light on the church's mission, but also reveals what kind of God the Lord is, one who pursues his glory and our good, ultimately realizing both as he makes himself known in Christ Jesus.
Emerald Publishing Limited What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?
Leading scholars consider Austrian economics from several perspectives such as characteristic themes of entrepreneurship and uncertainty, scientific methods such as mathematical complexity theory and experimental economics, and historical contexts such as pre-war Vienna and post-war France. Placing "Austrian economics" in these multiple contexts helps to reveal the rich texture of the Austrian tradition in social thought and its multiple connections to current research in diverse fields. Applications to the theory of the trade cycle and to foreign intervention suggest that the Austrian tradition contains possibilities not yet full explored and exploited. The volume gathers together papers presented at the second biennial Wirth conference on Austrian economics, held in October 2008 when the crisis of Fall 2008 was still new and shocking. This coincidence of timing makes policy issues and crisis management a kind of leitmotif of the volume. If, as keynote speaker David Colander argues, Austrians have a comparative advantage in political economy, then its stock should rise in times of crisis and political uncertainty. The volume provides evidence in favor of this view. Contributors include David Colander, Richard Wagner, Jeffery McMullen, J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Steve Horwitz, Richard Ebeling, Chris Coyne, and Peter Boettke.
Critical Publishing Ltd Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Teaching Primary Foundation Subjects
As Ofsted introduces a new framework with higher expectations regarding subject knowledge across the primary curriculum, there has never been a more important time for trainees to secure their subject knowledge and improve confidence. This book aims to help early career teachers in teaching primary foundation subjects. This is another text for the Essential Guides for Early Career teachers series and it provides ECT's and their mentors with the right tools for teaching primary foundation subjects, improving their subject knowledge and building understanding. It ensures that relevant theory and research are woven together with real classroom experience. It links to key readings, resources and online sources which will allow trainees to continue their own learning and encourage independent study through the use of reflective exercises and practical tasks to ensure the delivery of the best possible teaching. A text like this is needed more than ever as the Ofsted framework for ITT is explicit in highlighting subject knowledge as being a key component to successful teaching. This book, therefore, covers the kind of topics that ECT's might at first struggle with from art and design, to computing and IT to languages like French and German. This book breaks down each subject and points trainees in the direction of resources, support and best practice.
Page Two Books, Inc. Summits of Self: The Seven Peaks of Personal Growth
Your own personal Everest is waiting for you to climb it. We all have mountains to climb. Some we climb by choice; others rise before us without warning. All require skill, preparation, and determination to conquer. In this guide , speaker, author, performance coach, and mountain climber Alan Mallory-whose family was the first to scale Mount Everest together-draws on his personal and professional experiences to lead you through seven summits that will lead to stronger mental health, resilience, and fulfilment. With practicable steps and actionable ideas for scaling new heights, you'll learn to shed your perceived limitations, and gain the confidence to find new footholds in your professional and personal climb. As you scale the summits of self-knowledge, self-motivation, self-balance, self-regulation, self-respect, self-actualization and self-advocacy, you'll not only gain the skills to soar higher than before-you'll also gain a better sense of who you are and what drives you. Along the way, you'll learn to carve a path toward a kinder, healthier, and more productive relationship with yourself and the world around you.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Publishing E-Books For Dummies
Publish, market, and sell your own e-book Although creating an e-book seems fairly straightforward, it is not. You need to select and create a variety of formats that will be read on a variety of e-reader devices--and market and sell your book in a variety of ways. Before you take the plunge, get this practical guide. With clear instruction and sensible advice, it will help you navigate the often confusing, time-consuming, and costly world of self-publishing an e-book. The book gives you solid marketing tips for selling your e-book, including using blogging and social media and how to build an online platform. It also discusses key technologies you'll encounter, including Smashwords, iBooks Author, Amazon, Microsoft Word, Open Office, Calibre, WordPress, E-junkie, and others. Helps readers navigate the confusing, time-consuming, and often costly world of self-publishing an e-book Provides both technical how-tos as well solid marketing advice on how to sell your e-book using Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and other social media sites Covers essential technologies, such as Smashwords, iBooks Author, Amazon, Microsoft Word, Open Office, Calibre, WordPress, and E-junkie Explores e-book devices, including Kindle, Kobo, Sony Reader, Nook, iPad, and other tablets Delves into the nitty-gritty of e-book formats Before you self-publish your e-book, start first with Publishing eBooks For Dummies.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XXXVI: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2013
A series which is a model of its kind EDMUND KING, HISTORY The contributions collected in this volume demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period in a variety of disciplines. They begin with Elisabeth van Houts' Allen Brown Memorial Lecture, which makes a major contribution to understanding the culture of early tenth-century Normandy. A number of essays deal illuminatingly with monastic culture (both male and female) and with associated literary production, from the making ofthe famous Worcester cartularies to new insights into the cultural world of forgery. Reading in the monastic refectory, the high-quality of female monastic administration, the history of charters for lay beneficiaries in the kingdom of Scots, attitudes to women and power, and an exciting article on the nature of maritime communities on both sides of the Channel also feature, and there is a provocative and fascinating comparison of Henry II's and FrederickBarbarossa's respective treatments of their families. David Bates is Professorial Fellow, University of East Anglia. Contributors: Ilya Afanasyev, Mathieu Arnoux, Robert F. Berkhofer III, Laura Cleaver, Matthew Hammond, Elisabeth van Houts, Susan M. Johns, Catherine Letouzey-Réty, Alheydis Plassmann, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, Andrew Wareham, Teresa Webber, Emily A. Winkler.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure
Infrastructure systems provide the services we all rely upon for our day-to-day lives. Through new conceptual work and fresh empirical analysis, this book investigates how financialisation engages with city governance and infrastructure provision, identifying its wider and longer-term implications for urban and regional development, politics and policy. Proposing a more people-oriented approach to answering the question of 'What kind of urban infrastructure, and for whom?', this book addresses the struggles of national and local governments to fund, finance and govern urban infrastructure. It develops new insights to explain the socially and spatially uneven mixing of managerial, entrepreneurial and financialised city governance in austerity and limited decentralisation across England. As urban infrastructure fixes for the London global city-region risk undermining national 'rebalancing' efforts in the UK, city statecraft in the rest of the country is having uneasily to combine speculation, risk-taking and prospective venturing with co-ordination, planning and regulation.This book will be of interest to researchers and scholars in the fields of business and management, economics, geography, planning, and political science. Its conclusions will be valuable to policymakers and practitioners in both the public and private sectors seeking insights into the intersections of financialisation, decentralisation and austerity in the UK, Europe and globally.
University of Minnesota Press Debt to Society: Accounting for Life under Capitalism
It is commonplace to say that criminals pay their debt to society by spending time in prison, but what is a “debt to society”? How is crime understood as a debt? How has time become the equivalent for crime? And how does criminal debt relate to the kind of debt held by consumers and university students?In Debt to Society, Miranda Joseph explores modes of accounting as they are used to create, sustain, or transform social relations. Envisioning accounting broadly to include financial accounting, managerial accounting of costs and performance, and the calculation of “debts to society” owed by criminals, Joseph argues that accounting technologies have a powerful effect on social dynamics by attributing credits and debts. From sovereign bonds and securitized credit card debt to student debt and mortgages, there is no doubt that debt and accounting structure our lives. Exploring central components of neoliberalism (and neoliberalism in crisis) from incarceration to personal finance and university management, Debt to Society exposes the uneven distribution of accountability within our society. Joseph demonstrates how ubiquitous the forces of accounting have become in shaping all aspects of our lives, proposing that we appropriate accounting and offer alternative accounts to turn the present toward a more widely shared well-being.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Old English Metrical Calendar (Menologium)
First modern text and English translation of an important Anglo-Saxon poem dealing with the liturgical year. WINNER of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists 2017 Publication Prize: Best Edition The late tenth-century Old English Metrical Calendar (traditionally known as Menologium) summarises, in the characteristicheroic diction and traditional metre of Old English poetry, the major course of the Anglo-Saxon liturgical year. It sets out, in a methodical structure based on the basic temporal framework of the solar/natural year, the locations of the major feasts widely observed in late Anglo-Saxon England. Such a work could have been a practical timepiece for reading the dates of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, for which it serves as a kind of prologue in the manuscript.The clearly domestic perspective of the poem, which fits in the manuscript context, is also noteworthy, while the poem also reveals various interesting characteristics in its grammar, vocabulary and prosody. This is the firstfull modern edition of the poem, and is accompanied by a facing translation. The introduction provides an extensive discussion of matter, content, style, and context, while the commentary offers further information. The volume also includes the texts and translations of a number of analogous works. Kazutomo Karasawa is Professor of English philology at Komazawa University, Tokyo.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How Can My Kid Succeed in School? What Parents and Teachers Can Do to Conquer Learning Problems
What to look for when a child is struggling in school and what can be done at home and at school to help them succeed This practical resource for parents and teachers explains how to understand a child's complete learning profile-an inventory of his or her unique strengths and weaknesses-and provides helpful strategies that can be used at school and at home to get the child on a path to success. The book walks readers through the process of gathering clues about the child's learning style and provides guidelines for selecting the most appropriate learning strategies that will help spell success in school and life. Pohlman shows how parents and teachers can collaborate to help kids become successful learners, and also guides readers through the process of getting an educational assessment, for those students with particularly challenging issues. Helps readers understand what's going on when a child is struggling in school Explains what to look for at home and at school to gather "clues" to understanding a child's learning profile Shows how parents and teachers can collaborate to help a child or adolescent succeed at school Includes guidelines on obtaining educational assessments Pohlman, from the acclaimed All Kinds of Minds Institute, has conducted or supervised thousands of assessments of struggling learners
Princeton University Press Diversity and Complexity
This book provides an introduction to the role of diversity in complex adaptive systems. A complex system--such as an economy or a tropical ecosystem--consists of interacting adaptive entities that produce dynamic patterns and structures. Diversity plays a different role in a complex system than it does in an equilibrium system, where it often merely produces variation around the mean for performance measures. In complex adaptive systems, diversity makes fundamental contributions to system performance. Scott Page gives a concise primer on how diversity happens, how it is maintained, and how it affects complex systems. He explains how diversity underpins system level robustness, allowing for multiple responses to external shocks and internal adaptations; how it provides the seeds for large events by creating outliers that fuel tipping points; and how it drives novelty and innovation. Page looks at the different kinds of diversity--variations within and across types, and distinct community compositions and interaction structures--and covers the evolution of diversity within complex systems and the factors that determine the amount of maintained diversity within a system. * Provides a concise and accessible introduction * Shows how diversity underpins robustness and fuels tipping points * Covers all types of diversity * The essential primer on diversity in complex adaptive systems
HarperCollins Publishers The Zanzibar Chest: A Memoir of Love and War
A deeply affecting memoir of a childhood in Africa and the continent's horrendous wars, which Hartley witnessed at first hand as a journalist in the 1990s. Shortlisted for the prestigious Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-fiction, this is a masterpiece of autobiographical journalism. Aidan Hartley, a foreign correspondent, burned-out from the horror of covering the terrifying micro wars of the 1990s, from Rwanda to Bosnia, seeks solace and solitude in the remote mountains and deserts of southern Arabia and the Yemen, following his father’s death. While there, he finds himself on the trail of the tragic story of an old friend of his father’s, who fell in love and was murdered in southern Arabia fifty years ago. As the terrible events of the past unfold, Hartley finds his own kind of deliverance. ‘The Zanzibar Chest’ is a powerful story about a man witnessing and confronting extreme violence and being broken down by it, and of a son trying to come to terms with the death of a father whom he also saw as his best friend. It charts not only a love affair between two people, but also the British love affair with Arabia and the vast emptinesses of the desert, which become a fitting metaphor for the emotional and spiritual condition in which Hartley finds himself.
Sage Publications Ltd Understanding Case Study Research: Small-scale Research with Meaning
Written in an accessible and jargon-free style, this book provides a comprehensive, student-friendly guide to the nature and use of case study research. Whether as part of a more substantial study or as the foundation for a self-contained smaller project, case studies provide viable and valuable alternatives to conducting large-scale research. Grounded in both theory and practice, this book sets out not only the key debates and ethical issues surrounding case study research, but also focuses specifically on the work of others and how you can understand, use, and write about secondary data as the basis for your own research project. With tips, examples, and extensive discussion of real-world case studies from a variety of social science and other disciplines, Tight illustrates the kinds of research to which case studies can be applied. Topics include: Types of case studies Advantages and disadvantages to using case studies The meaning and value of case study research The use of case studies in different disciplines and research designs Whether you want to know how to access and use the case studies of others or understand the methods behind conducting your own case study research, this book will take you through every step of the process!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Politics of Oil: Controlling Resources, Governing Markets and Creating Political Conflicts
Exploring the wide variety of political aspects relating to oil resources and markets, The Politics of Oil provides an important and accessible introduction to topics such as the so-called 'resource curse?' oil rent, producer cartels, and international oil governance. Broadening the scope further, Dag Harald Claes also examines the role of oil in political conflicts.Divided thematically into three parts, this book discusses the exercise of political control over oil resources, their extraction, and the income from oil exports; the vagaries of oil market forces and political attempts to govern them; and finally, the complex role of oil in international, regional, and domestic conflicts. Drawing on a number of academic perspectives, including economics, political science, philosophy, history, geology, and more, the key debates surrounding oil are explored. These include the role of OPEC, the future of oil in the context of climate change, and the part oil has played in civil war and terrorism.Easily accessible, this introduction to the intertwined relationship between oil and political decisions and behaviour, is an essential tool for students of political science, economics, and energy related studies of all kinds. It is also valuable for policymakers, industry practitioners, and others interested in the oil business or governance seeking a comprehensive introduction to the subject.
Page Street Publishing Co. Handmade Renaissance Faire Fashion: 20+ Patterns for Crafting Faire-Ready Capes, Cloaks and Crowns—the Authentic Way!
Whether you’re attending a Renaissance faire, anime convention, LARP event or costume party, dressing up is half the fun. Now it’s easier than ever to make your own unique, one-of-a-kind outfit. In this costumier’s trove, Costurero Real creators Alassie and Mara have included a wealth of clothing and accessories you can easily make at home, and for half the price of what you’d find at somebody’s costume booth. This collection of projects and large foldout tracing patterns is perfect for anyone who wants to create impressive, memorable clothes that would suit any fantasy character. Show everyone that you’re fit to navigate the thorns of court politics with the Velvet Royal Dress or the imperial Antlers Headpiece. Or, bring your fae-blooded roleplay character to life with the Butterfly Wings or Animal-Shaped Mask. Best of all, you can trace and create your own patterns, to ensure that whatever you make is the perfect fit. The possibilities are endless with these lively, fantastical designs. Whether you’re dressing up for a day at the faire, recreating your favorite character’s outfit or something in between, this impressive collection is a must-have for anyone looking to create their very own fantasy wardrobe.
University of Massachusetts Press Teaching the History of the Book
With original contributions from a diverse range of teachers, scholars, and practitioners in literary studies, history, book arts, library science, language studies, and archives, Teaching the History of the Book is the first collection of its kind dedicated to book history pedagogy. Presenting a variety of methods for teaching book history both as its own subject and as an approach to other material, each chapter describes lessons, courses, and programs centered on the latest and best ways of teaching undergraduate and graduate students. Expansive and instructive, this volume introduces ways of helping students consider how texts were produced, circulated, and received, with chapters that cover effective ways to organize courses devoted to book history, classroom activities that draw on this subject in other courses, and an overview of selected print and digital tools. Contributors, many of whom are leading figures in the field, utilize their own classroom experiences to bring to life some of the rich possibilities for teaching book history in the twenty-first century. In addition to the volume editors, contributors include Ryan Cordell, Brigitte Fielder, Barbara Hochman, Leslie Howsam, Matthew Kirschenbaum, Clare Mullaney, Kate Ozment, Leah Price, Jonathan Rose, Jonathan Senchyne, Sarah Wadsworth, and others.
New York University Press War in the Age of Technology: Myriad Faces of Modern Armed Conflict
Technology of one kind or another has always been a central ingredient in war. The Spartan king Archidamus, for instance, reacted with alarm when first witnessing a weapon that could shoot darts through the air. And yet during the past two centuries technology has played an unprecedented role in military affairs and thinking, and in the overall conduct of war. In addition, the impact of new technology on warfare has brought major social and cultural changes. This volume explores the relationship between war, technology, and modern society over the course of the last several centuries. The two world wars, total conflicts in which industrial technology took a terrible human toll, brought great changes to the practice of organized violence among nations; even so many aspect of military life and values remained largely unaffected. In the latter half of the twentieth century, technology in the form of nuclear deterrence appears to have prevented the global conflagration of world war while complicating and fueling ferocious regional contests. A stimulating fusion of military and social history, extending back to the eighteenth century, and with contributions from such leading historians as Brian Bond, Paddy Griffith, and Neil McMillen, War in the Age of Technology will interest lay readers and specialists alike.
Unicorn Publishing Group Anna Coatalen: Art for Happiness et Bonheur
Anna Coatalen (née Hook) was born in Clifton, Bristol, studied at the Byam Shaw School of Art London, and then worked as a book illustrator before WW2. It was as a WRNS in Plymouth, that she met her Anglo/French husband Hervé, an RNVR engineer officer, which resulted in her spending her life in France. Anna painted prolifically throughout her life, continuing right up to her death aged 95, but never sought to publicise her work. Amongst friends who appreciated and admired her, were the artists Mary Fedden and Alexander Goudie, whose son, Lachlan, has written a very perceptive introduction to this book. Her eldest daughter Annik, with help from her family, has gathered together a selection of her most compelling works, ranging from early woodcuts and paintings to the three stained-glass windows in the Île Tudy church, Brittany. Anna’s gift enabled her to encapsulate the spirit of her life and surroundings, and they are presented here as a tribute to permit a wider audience to appreciate her skill. ‘The world seen through Anna’s eyes, is a happy place to be and her paintings are a fitting testament to the kind and talented person that she was in life.’ – Lachlan Goudie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What Use is Sociology?: Conversations with Michael Hviid Jacobsen and Keith Tester
What's the use of sociology? The question has been asked often enough and it leaves a lingering doubt in the minds of many. At a time when there is widespread scepticism about the value of sociology and of the social sciences generally, this short book by one of the world's leading thinkers offers a passionate, engaging and important statement of the need for sociology. In a series of conversations with Michael Hviid Jacobsen and Keith Tester, Zygmunt Bauman explains why sociology is necessary if we hope to live fully human lives. But the kind of sociology he advocates is one which sees 'use' as more than economic success and knowledge as more than the generation of facts. Bauman makes a powerful case for the practice of sociology as an ongoing dialogue with human experience, and in so doing he issues a call for us all to start questioning the common sense of our everyday lives. He also offers the clearest statement yet of the principles which inform his own work, reflecting on his life and career and on the role of sociology in our contemporary liquid-modern world. This book stands as a testimony to Bauman's belief in the enduring relevance of sociology. But it is also a call to us all to start questioning the world in which we live and to transform ourselves from being the victims of circumstance into the makers of our own history. For that, at the end of the day, is the use of sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Special Operations Forces in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
This book sets out the major social scientific approaches to the study of Special Operations Forces. Despite consistent downsizing, over the past two decades the armed forces of the industrial democracies have seen a huge growth in Special Operations Forces (SOF). Through increasing numbers of personnel and more frequent deployments, SOF units have wielded considerable influence in conflicts around the world, with senior SOF officers having led major strategic operations. This increased presence and unprecedented expansion for SOF is largely a result of the ‘new’ kinds of conflicts that have emerged in the 21st century. At the same time, even with this high profile in the military, policy and media and popular cultural arenas, there is relatively little social scientific research on SOF. This volume aims to fill this gap by providing a series of studies and analyses of SOF across the globe, since the end of World War II. Analysing SOF at the micro, mezzo and macro levels provides broad and diverse insights. Moreover, the volume deals with new issues raised by the use of such forces that include emerging modes of civilian control, innovative organizational forms and the special psychological characteristics necessitated by SOF operatives. It concludes with a discussion of a question which continues to be debated in today’s militaries: what makes SOF ‘special’?Filling a clear gap in the literature, this book will be of much interest to students of strategic studies, civil-military relations, irregular warfare, security studies, and international relations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Just Deserts: Debating Free Will
The concept of free will is profoundly important to our self-understanding, our interpersonal relationships, and our moral and legal practices. If it turns out that no one is ever free and morally responsible, what would that mean for society, morality, meaning, and the law? Just Deserts brings together two philosophers – Daniel C. Dennett and Gregg D. Caruso – to debate their respective views on free will, moral responsibility, and legal punishment. In three extended conversations, Dennett and Caruso present their arguments for and against the existence of free will and debate their implications. Dennett argues that the kind of free will required for moral responsibility is compatible with determinism – for him, self-control is key; we are not responsible for becoming responsible, but are responsible for staying responsible, for keeping would-be puppeteers at bay. Caruso takes the opposite view, arguing that who we are and what we do is ultimately the result of factors beyond our control, and because of this we are never morally responsible for our actions in the sense that would make us truly deserving of blame and praise, punishment and reward. Just Deserts introduces the concepts central to the debate about free will and moral responsibility by way of an entertaining, rigorous, and sometimes heated philosophical dialogue between two leading thinkers.
Vertical Editions Imperfect 10: The Man Behind the Magic, by Tony Currie
Imperfect 10 is a searingly honest account of the life of a footballing genius, whose character and personality are worlds apart from the on-field extrovert who thrilled the crowds. Tony Currie, the former Watford, Sheffield United, Leeds United and QPR player with outrageous skills and the confidence to sit on the ball during a game or blow kisses to his adoring fans, was so shy that the avoidance of any kind of conflict or facing up to challenging decisions became his natural modus operandi. Sometimes it is almost impossible to believe that the two sides of the man lovingly known as TC belong to the same person. His private life fell apart, there was a damning relationship at international level and the team trophies he craved eluded him. But he had the crowd on his side throughout. In his autobiography, Currie remembers the magic moments but also the crippling self-doubt and dwindling self-esteem that brought him to his knees as he drifted towards an inevitable retirement and life after football. If there is a happy ending, it is in the acclaim he still commands from fans at Sheffield United, the club he spent most time with. They initially rescued him, and attracted him back up north for an eventual re-connection with the Blades. Tony Currie is a living legend who almost didn't have the will to hang around to see it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Systems Perspectives on Resources, Capabilities, and Management Processes
Traditional notions of stand-alone, "atomistic" organizations are giving way to new concepts about organizations and new modes of organizational interaction. Systems thinking is now becoming an essential skill for managers and management researchers who want to understand new kinds of competitive and cooperative interrelationships between organizations. This volume brings together systems and strategy thinkers to develop a number of systems perspectives and approaches that are essential in managing today's organizations. A main feature of this volume is its careful integration of systems concepts with contemporary strategic management ideas about organizational resources, capabilities, and management processes. The work explains essential systems concepts and their central role in current ideas about organizational competence. Papers in the volume apply systems concepts to: modelling practical management problems; reconceptualizing the nature of organizations and their internal processes; improving managerial sensemaking capabilities in complex environments; devising "simple rules" for reducing and managing organizational complexity. Several case studies and examples are used to illustrate key systems concepts and their application to management practice. The book also provides a solid grounding in essential systems concepts for management researchers developing new management theory for today's complex environments, as well as practical insights for managers who must manage increasing complexity in their organizations today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Power Transfer: Principles and Applications
Wireless Power Transfer Presents a detailed overview of multiple-objective wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies, including the latest research developments and emerging applications Wireless Power Transfer: Principles and Applications offers comprehensive coverage of all key aspects of wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies, including fundamental theory, intelligent control, configuration analysis, and emerging power electronics techniques. This unique resource is the first book of its kind to provide in-depth discussion of energy transmission control schemes with emphasis on omni-directional vector control, energy-encryption-based security control, demand-based optimal designs for transmitter, pickup, and self-resonance coils, multiple-objective power distribution, and maximum efficiency and power control under various conditions. In addition, this text: Presents the methodologies and approaches of emerging multiple-objective WPT technologies Discusses various applications for wireless charging techniques, including contactless power for electric vehicles, in-flight charging for unmanned aerial vehicles, and underwater wireless charging Covers both intermittent and continuous impedance matching methods for different classes of coils Features more than 400 high-quality illustrations and numerous figures and tables throughout Wireless Power Transfer: Principles and Applications is an invaluable technical reference for academic researchers and industry professionals in power and energy engineering, and an excellent textbook for postgraduate courses in relevant areas of industrial and electronic engineering.
Stanford University Press Theory of Society, Volume 1
This first volume of Niklas Luhmann's two-part final work was initially published in German in 1997. The culmination of his thirty-year theoretical project to reconceptualize sociology, it offers a comprehensive description of modern society on a scale not attempted since Talcott Parsons. Beginning with an account of the fluidity of meaning and the accordingly high improbability of successful communication, Luhmann analyzes a range of communicative media, including language, writing, the printing press, and electronic media as well as "success media," such as money, power, truth, and love, all of which structure this fluidity and make communication possible. An investigation into the ways in which social systems produce and reproduce themselves, the book asks what gives rise to functionally differentiated social systems, how they evolve, and how social movements, organizations, and patterns of interaction emerge. The advent of the computer and its networks, which trigger potentially far-reaching processes of restructuring, receive particular attention. A concluding chapter on the semantics of modern society's self-description bids farewell to the outdated theoretical approaches of "old Europe," that is, to ontological, holistic, ethical, and critical interpretations of society, and argues that concepts such as "the nation," "the subject," and "postmodernity" are vastly overrated. In their stead, "society"—long considered a suspicious term by sociologists, one open to all kinds of reification—is defined in purely operational terms. It is the always uncertain answer to the question of what comes next in all areas of communication.
Liverpool University Press The Caribbean: Aesthetics, World-Ecology, Politics
Bringing together the work of literary critics, social scientists, activists, and creative writers, this edited collection explores the complex relationships between environmental change, political struggle, and cultural production in the Caribbean. It ranges across the archipelago, with essays covering such topics as the literary representation of tropical storms and hurricanes, the cultural fallout from the Haitian earthquake of 2010, struggles over the rainforest in Guyana, and the role of colonial travel narratives in the reorganization of landscapes. The collection marks an important contribution to the fields of Caribbean studies, postcolonial studies, and ecocriticism. Through its deployment of the concept of ‘world-ecology’, it offers up a new angle of vision on the interconnections between aesthetics, ecology, and politics. The volume seeks to grasp these categories not as discrete (if overlapping) entities, but rather as differentiated moments within a single historical process. The ‘social’ changes through which the Caribbean has developed have always involved changes in the relationship between humans and the rest of nature; and these changes have long been entangled with the emergence of new kinds of cultural production. The contributors to this collection provide a series of unique insights into the relationship between aesthetic practice and specific ecological processes and pressure-points in the region. More than ever Caribbean writers and artists are engaging explicitly with environmental concerns in their work; this volume responds to that trend by bringing literary and cultural criticism into sustained dialogue with debates around local, national, and regional ecological issues.
Anness Publishing The Angler's Practical Guide to Fishing: Freshwater - Game - Satlwater - Fly Fishing
This is a comprehensive how-to manual on tackle, techniques and locations, shown step by step in over 1200 pictures. It features over 1200 photographs and illustrations, including step-by-step instructional sequences throughout. It covers all the major species of fish, and gives information on their habitat and location, feeding habits and how to identify them. It includes details of the best lures and baits to use, with guidance for every level of angler, and clear, step-by-step instruction on tying flies. It offers expert advice on where to fish, what to fish for, the best fishing techniques for all kinds of species, and locations and tips on reading all types of water. Angling is one of the most popular sports around the world, giving thousands of hours of pleasure to fishermen and women of all ages and levels. Here is extensive expert advice on the best fishing techniques and locations, and how to select rods, reels, lines, flies and plugs as well as clothes and accessories for all situations. The various skills involved in freshwater, saltwater and game fishing are covered in detail, with diagrams and explanations of different techniques. The book includes an in-depth visual guide to the major species the angler is likely to encounter, with advice on recognition, size potential and feeding habits, together with professional tips of the trade on how to catch each type.
DK El reno gruñón (The Grumpy Reindeer): Un cuento de Navidad sobre la generosidad
- Un libro de regalo de Navidad perfecto que los pequeños leerán con atención a medida que su ceño fruncido se vaya relajando.- Promueve la interacción social y la importancia de cuidar de la amistad, esencial para manejar mejor el estrés y los momentos de cambio.¡Es la época más maravillosa del año! Pero no para el reno gruñón, que se queja y asusta a todos los demás renos. Los niños y niñas verán que con la ayuda de Santa el reno descubrirá la importancia de la amistad y tener un buen corazón.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As well as being the perfect Christmas treat, little ones will read in anticipation as his frown turns upside down.- Promoting social interaction and friendships are important, since they can help us better handle stress and major life changes.A magical Christmas story that teaches little ones about the importance of friendship and why we should always be kind.An enchanting book for kids about making room for others and what it means to be good-hearted.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd State of Crisis
Today we hear much talk of crisis and comparisons are often made with the Great Depression of the 1930s, but there is a crucial difference that sets our current malaise apart from the 1930s: today we no longer trust in the capacity of the state to resolve the crisis and to chart a new way forward. In our increasingly globalized world, states have been stripped of much of their power to shape the course of events. Many of our problems are globally produced but the volume of power at the disposal of individual nation-states is simply not sufficient to cope with the problems they face. This divorce between power and politics produces a new kind of paralysis. It undermines the political agency that is needed to tackle the crisis and it saps citizens’ belief that governments can deliver on their promises. The impotence of governments goes hand in hand with the growing cynicism and distrust of citizens. Hence the current crisis is at once a crisis of agency, a crisis of representative democracy and a crisis of the sovereignty of the state. In this book the world-renowned sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and fellow traveller Carlo Bordoni explore the social and political dimensions of the current crisis. While this crisis has been greatly exacerbated by the turmoil following the financial crisis of 2007-8, Bauman and Bordoni argue that the crisis facing Western societies is rooted in a much more profound series of transformations that stretch back further in time and are producing long-lasting effects. This highly original analysis of our current predicament by two of the world’s leading social thinkers will be of interest to a wide readership.
McGraw-Hill Education Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Understanding the Role of AI in Surgical Practice
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The first surgical AI guide of its kind! Machine learning, neural networks, and computer vision for surgical education, practice, and researchWhile radiology and pathology are on the leading edge of AI in healthcare, surgery is showing tremendous potential for disruption by AI. Written for anyone not steeped in mathematics, technology, or engineering, this matchless guide gets ahead of the knowledge curve now—so you can evaluate new technologies with a critical eye and make informed decisions about bringing AI into your practice. Artificial Intelligence in Surgery covers the history, principles, and main subfields of AI, offering examples of current and near-future use cases for AI in surgery. It gives you a clear understanding of the ethical implications of AI, its potential impact on healthcare policy, and how to read and interpret papers that use AI. The appendix includes a quick reference on AI techniques, their use cases, strengths, and limitations; glossary of terms; important learning resources; and techniques (including examples of appropriate use cases, advantages, and limitations)—all of which can be used to interpret claims made by studies or companies using AI.
Chicago Review Press A Mythic Obsession: The World of Dr. Evermor
In addition to hundreds of whimsical welded sculptures, Tom Every poured most of his effort into the Forevertron, the world’s largest sculpture built by a single person, and in the process, he discovered his alter ego: Dr. Evermor. With the full participation of Tom and Eleanor Every, Every’s amazing life is keenly documented, including never published family photos, sketches, and personal memories, producing a detailed portrait of a unique self-taught artist. From a very early age, Every collected, modified, and resold cast-off industrial material. His work as a salvager led him to Alex Jordan Jr., creator of the House on the Rock. When the time is right (and only Dr. Evermor will know when) the famous, enigmatic scientist will climb the winding staircase of the Forevertron and enter its egg-shaped travel chamber, power up the dynamos and flip on the thrusters, and fly away on a “highball to heaven,” propelled by an electromagnetic lighting force beam. Or so the story goes. Anyone who has spent time at the elaborate visionary environment created by Tom Every has heard some variation of the Evermor myth. Lesser known is the story behind the story, the fascinating history of this one-of-a-kind creative spirit.
Orion Publishing Co Damaged Goods
'Better than Martina Cole' - Amazon reviewLOVE IS DANGEROUS. OBSESSION IS DEADLY . . .Things have been going too well for Daisy Lane. Her murdered lover, Eddie Lane, has left her well off and his son little Eddie is adorable and a constant reminder of his father. The new man in her life, South London gangster Roy Kemp, looks out for her and is kind to her son.But someone is watching Daisy's every movement, like a predator choosing the perfect moment to pounce. He is a man with murder in his heart - a man obsessed with Daisy and enraged that she turned to Roy Kemp for love instead of him. And he plans to teach Daisy a lesson she will never forget . . .If you like crime thrillers by Jessie Keane, Kimberley Chambers and Martina Cole, you'll love Damaged Goods, the third gripping novel in the Daisy Lane thriller series.Why readers love June Hampson's thrillers: 'A cracking story' - THE BOOKSELLER'As good as Martina Cole and Jessie Keane' Amazon review'The Daisy Lane books are all brilliant' - Amazon reviewer'This book is an emotional rollercoaster full of grit, violence, sadness, warmth, emotion and love' - Goodreads reviewer
Intersentia Ltd Principles of Cross-Border Insolvency Law
The thesis of this book is that cross-border insolvency rules of all kinds (e.g. European Insolvency Regulation, UNCITRAL Model Law, ALI Principles for the NAFTA States, national laws such as Chapter 15 US Bankruptcy Code or Sch. 1 Cross-Border Insolvency Regulation 2006) are founded on, and can be traced back to, basic values and that they aim to pursue and enforce such standards. Furthermore, several principles can be identified, distinguished and sorted into three groups: conflict of laws principles (e.g. unity, universality, equality, mutual trust, cooperation and communication, subsidiarity, proportionality), procedural principles (e.g. efficiency, transparency, predictability, procedural justice, priority) and substantive principles (e.g. equal treatment of creditors, optimal realisation of the debtors assets, debtor protection, protection of trust (for secured creditors or contractual partners), social protection (for employees or tenants)). Using the principle-oriented approach, the book will have a significant impact for both deciding cases and shaping cross-border insolvency law. It offers both legislators and courts new substantive and methodological support in making decisions, for example where the treatment of secured creditors, support for foreign insolvency practitioners or even harmonisation of cross-border insolvency laws is at stake.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking Urban Green Spaces
Proposing and demonstrating the ways in which we need to rethink urban green spaces as cities, societies and environments evolve, renowned scholar Cecil C. Konijnendijk explores urban green spaces as essential parts of cities. Chapters offer a comprehensive look at how their roles have changed over time and will continue to do so, moving from their conventional purpose as areas for recreation to become spaces contributing to climate adaptation, biodiversity conservation and economic development.This timely and innovative book argues that we need to rethink the ways in which we govern, design, plan and manage green spaces, as well as the funding of different kinds of green spaces and the narratives around what green spaces can and cannot do. Using a diverse range of case studies from across the globe, Konijnendijk offers practical suggestions for change in the future to make cities greener and healthier, and introduces new green space concepts such as urban groves and streetwoods.This is an invigorating read for students and scholars of urban planning, landscape architecture, urban ecology and urban studies. Urban green space planners, designers and managers will also find the wealth of cases and practical suggestions make this an insightful read.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Rise of Hungarian Populism: State Autocracy and the Orbán Regime
Under the tenure of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the political system in Hungary has moved significantly in an autocratic direction, yet there is a lack of research explaining the historical context, political landscape and drive behind this shift.This book offers a deep historical and theoretical investigation into how this authoritarian, populist regime has evolved. Backlash from globalization in the 21st century, dissatisfaction with the European Union and international fiscal institutions have created a situation in which Orban’s regime is able to thrive. New kinds of autocracy cannot be properly understood without a thorough analysis of Eastern Europe’s development in the 20th century and the neoliberal agenda before and after the regime changes. There is a major oversight in the contemporary literature regarding the historical and theoretical origins of right-wing authoritarian populism in Hungary. This book explores the main factors behind the Orbán regime including the country’s authoritarian populist past, the charismatic charm of populist leaders, and cooperation between neoliberal and state autocracy. By providing a thoroughly researched historical narrative and offering an alternative critique of right-wing populism, this text will prove invaluable for researchers seeking to understand Eastern European history and politics, as well as populism, authoritarianism and neoliberalism more broadly.
The University of Chicago Press Forensics of Capital
As one of Africa's few democracies, Senegal has long been thought of as a leader of moral, political, and economic development on the continent. We tend to assume that any such nation has achieved favorable international standing due to its own merits. In Forensics of Capital, Michael Ralph upends this kind of conventional thinking, showing how Senegal's diplomatic standing was strategically forged in the colonial and postcolonial eras at key periods of its history and is today entirely contingent on the consensus of wealthy and influential nations and international lending agencies. Ralph examines Senegal's crucial and pragmatic decisions related to its development and how they garnered international favor, decisions such as its opposition to Soviet involvement in African liberation - despite itself being a socialist state - or its support for the US-led war on terror - despite its population being predominately Muslim. He shows how such actions have given Senegal an inflated political and economic position and status as a highly creditworthy nation even as its domestic economy has faltered. Exploring these and many other aspects of Senegal's political economy and its interface with the international community, Ralph demonstrates that the international reputation of any nation-not just Senegal-is based on deep structural biases.
The University of Chicago Press The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of Sound
Sound - one of the central elements of poetry - finds itself all but ignored in the current discourse on lyric forms. The essays collected here by Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkin break that critical silence to readdress some of the fundamental connections between poetry and sound - connections that go far beyond traditional metrical studies. Ranging from medieval Latin lyrics to a cyborg opera, sixteenth-century France to twentieth-century Brazil, romantic ballads to the contemporary avant-garde, "The Sound of Poetry/The Poetry of Sound" explores such subjects as the translatability of lyric sound, the historical and cultural roles of rhyme, the role of sound repetition in novelistic prose, the connections between 'sound poetry' and music and between the visual and the auditory, the role of the body in performance, and the impact of recording technologies on the lyric voice. Along the way, the essays take on the 'ensemble discords' of Maurice Sceve's Delie, Ezra Pound's use of 'Chinese whispers', the alchemical theology of Hugo Ball's Dada performances, Jean Cocteau's modernist radiophonics, and an intercultural account of the poetry reading as a kind of dubbing. A genuinely comparatist study, "The Sound of Poetry/The Poetry of Sound" is designed to challenge current preconceptions about what Susan Howe has called 'articulations of sound forms in time' as they have transformed the expanded poetic field of the twenty-first century.
Duke University Press Cultures without Culturalism: The Making of Scientific Knowledge
Cultural accounts of scientific ideas and practices have increasingly come to be welcomed as a corrective to previous—and still widely held—theories of scientific knowledge and practices as universal. The editors caution, however, against the temptation to overgeneralize the work of culture, and to lapse into a kind of essentialism that flattens the range and variety of scientific work. The book refers to this tendency as culturalism. The contributors to the volume model a new path where historicized and cultural accounts of scientific practice retain their specificity and complexity without falling into the traps of culturalism. They examine, among other issues, the potential of using notions of culture to study behavior in financial markets; the ideology, organization, and practice of earthquake monitoring and prediction during China's Cultural Revolution; the history of quadratic equations in China; and how studying the "glass ceiling" and employment discrimination became accepted in the social sciences. Demonstrating the need to understand the work of culture as a fluid and dynamic process that directly both shapes and is shaped by scientific practice, Cultures without Culturalism makes an important intervention in science studies. Contributors. Bruno Belhoste, Karine Chemla, Caroline Ehrhardt, Fa-ti Fan,Kenji Ito, Evelyn Fox Keller, Guillaume Lachenal, Donald MacKenzie, Mary S. Morgan, Nancy J. Nersessian, David Rabouin, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Claude Rosental, Koen Vermeir
Stygian Sky Media LLC Human-Shaped Fiends
LOS ANGELES, 1854. Felipe Alvitre and a band of teenage outlaws set out on a brutal, seemingly random killing spree across the San Gabriel Valley, ignighting the ire of the Los Angeles citizens. Sheriff James Barton wrestles with a rapidly escalating crime rate and a populace that demands more from their corrupt, do-nothing legal system as the bodies continue to pile up. The crimes of the young Alvitre gang become symbolic of a greater frustration, and the sheriff faces mounting pressure to bring the outlaws to justice. His greatest battle, however, comes from within, and his responsibilities soon play second fiddle to his struggles with addiction and his toxic, unrequited love for a mysterious prostitute.LOS ANGELES, 2021. Self-obsessed, pretentious, womanizing novelist Chandler Morrison has been contracted to write a Western. He knows what kind of book his fans want, but he's torn between his commitment to the craft and the "brand" to which he believes he is expected to adhere. As he sinks deeper into deluded self-importance while juggling a number of surface-level relationships, the line separating fiction from reality becomes increasingly blurred.
University Press of America Memoirs of 1984
A former Soviet scientist and political prisoner now living in America, Yuri Tarnopolsky tells the story of his quest to understand Russia. In 1983 he was tried on charges of defaming the Soviet system: he had become a refusenik activist who defended the right to emigrate. He spent the Orwellian year of 1984 in a Siberian labor camp, and he compares Orwell's predictions with reality. As a scientist, Tarnopolsky is interested in broader facts and generalizations. He supports the view that Soviet communism was a natural continuation of Russian history. Tarnopolsky describes the pyramidal structure of Soviet society, its origin, and gives his own interpretation of the fall of the Soviet empire and the current Russian crossroads. Scenes of life in a labor camp alternate with memories of the past, essays on the totalitarian society, Russian mentality, modern Jewish problems, references to current American reality, psychology of isolation, ideology, moral choices, freedom, social and individual evolution, order and chaos, and complexity. This book is the first memoir of its kind ever to be written originally in English and addressed to the Western reader. Also being published by University Press of America, Unfinished Journey is Nancy Rosenfeld's personal story of her involvement with the campaign to free Yuri.
Kogan Page Ltd Luxury World: The Past, Present and Future of Luxury Brands
The word "luxury" has almost lost its meaning. Once used to describe genuinely prestigious products or places, the concept of luxury has been hijacked by a multitude of aspiring or overpriced commodities, from foot spas to chocolates. So what is real luxury? Which are the genuine luxury brands, and how have they reacted to the rise of the "mass luxury" sector? What strategies do they use to lift themselves into the realm of the truly elite? Who are their customers - and what kind of lives do these remarkable people lead? How do luxury brands attract and retain them? And above all, where can the industry turn now excess is out of fashion? With wit, accuracy and insatiable curiosity, Luxury World takes us on a voyage around the luxury universe, slipping behind the facades of the world's most sophisticated businesses to demonstrate how they function. Among other destinations, Luxury World visits Swiss watchmakers, the Champagne houses of France, the diamond district of Antwerp, the luxury enclave of Monte Carlo, the discreet ateliers of the last craftsmen and a host of brands in Paris - the self-proclaimed capital of elegance. Along the way, he uncovers the true face of today's luxury industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd British Foreign Policy: Crises, Conflicts and Future Challenges
Britain has been a significant voice in global politics in the last two decades and its impact on world events far outweighs its material resources. But how does a small island on the edge of Europe continue to exercise this level of power on an international scale? What kind of actor is Britain internationally? And what future challenges will confront British foreign policymakers in a multi-polar world of emerging powers? In this comprehensive introduction to British foreign policy today Jamie Gaskarth addresses these and other key questions. Against a rich historical backdrop, he examines the main actors and processes involved in British foreign policy-making as well as the role played by identity in shaping such choices. Later chapters focus on the relationship between economics and foreign policy, what it means to be ethical in this policy sphere, and the justification for and benefits of the UK’s continued use of force to achieve its foreign policy goals. Combining interview research, theoretical insight and analysis of contemporary and historical trends, this book charts how British foreign policy has come to be understood and practised in the 21st Century. It will be an invaluable guide for students of British politics, foreign policy, international relations and related courses.
Running Press,U.S. Hamburger America: A State-By-State Guide to 200 Great Burger Joints
The classic guide to America's greatest hamburger eateries returns in a completely updated third edition--featuring 200 establishments where you can find the perfect regional burger and reclaim a precious slice of Americana. America's foremost hamburger expert George Motz has been back on the road to completely update and expand his classic book, spotlighting the nation's best roadside stands, nostalgic diners, mom-n-pop shops, and college town favorites--capturing their rich histories and one-of-a-kind taste experiences. Whether you're an armchair traveler, a serious connoisseur, or a curious adventurer, Hamburger America will inspire you to get on the road and get back to food that's even more American than apple pie."A wonderful book. When you travel across the United States, take this guide along with you." -- Martha Stewart"A fine overview of the best practitioners of the burger sciences." -- Anthony Bourdain"Just looking at this book makes me hungry, and reading George's stories will take you on the ultimate American road trip."-- Michael Bloomberg"George Motz is the Indiana Jones of hamburger archeology."--David Page, creator of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multilevel Modelling of Health Statistics
Multilevel modelling facilitates the analysis of hierarchical data where observations may be nested within higher levels of classification. In health care research, for example, a study may be undertaken to determine the variability of patient outcomes where these also vary by hospital or health care region. Inference can then be made on the efficacy of health care practices. This book provides the reader with the analytical techniques required to study such data sets. * First book to focus on multilevel modelling for health and medical research * Covers the majority of analytical techniques required by health care professionals * Unifies the literature on multilevel modelling for medical and health researchers * Each contribution comes from a specialist in that area Guiding the reader through various stages, from a basic introduction through to methodological extensions and generalised linear models, this test will show how various kinds of data can be analysed in a multilevel framework. Important statistical concepts, such as sampling and outliers, are covered specifically for multilevel data. Repeated measures, outliers, institutional performance, and spatial analysis, which have great relevance to health and medical research, are all examined for multilevel models. The book is aimed at health care professionals and public health researchers interested in the application of statistics, and will also be of interest to postgraduate students studying medical statistics. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
University of Texas Press Principles of Adaptation for Film and Television
From All Quiet on the Western Front, the Academy Award-winning "Best Picture" of 1929-1930, to Dances with Wolves, the 1991 winner, many of Hollywood's most popular and enduring movies have been screen adaptations of written work, including novels, stories, and plays. In this practical, hands-on guide, veteran TV and screenwriter Ben Brady unlocks the secrets of the adaptation process, showing aspiring writers and writing teachers how to turn any kind of narrative material into workable, salable screenplays for film and television.Step by step, Brady guides novice screenwriters to the completion of a professional screenplay. He begins with an incisive discussion of how to evaluate a written work's potential as a screenplay. Then he discusses each step of the writing process, showing how to identify the plot and premise of the play, develop character, treatment, and dialogue, and handle camera language and format. Brady illustrates each of these points by developing and writing a complete screenplay of the novel Claire Serrat within the text.With these tools, beginning screenwriters can draw on the rich resources of words in print to create exciting screenplays for film and television. Written in vivid, entertaining prose, the book will be equally useful in the classroom or at the kitchen table, wherever enterprising writers ply their craft.
Columbia University Press City Reading: Written Words and Public Spaces in Antebellum New York
Cultural historian David Henkin explores the influential but little-noticed role played by reading in New York City's public life between 1825 and 1865. From the opening of the Erie Canal to the end of the Civil War, New York became a metropolis, and demographic, economic, and physical changes erased the old markers of continuity and order. As New York became a crowded city of strangers, everyday encounters with impersonal signs, papers, and bank notes altered people's perceptions of connectedness to the new world they lived in. The 'ubiquitous urban texts'--from newspapers to paper money, from street signs to handbills--became both indispensable urban guides and apt symbols for a new kind of public life that emerged first in New York. City Reading focuses on four principal categories of public reading: street signs and store signs; handbills and trade cards; newspapers; and paper money. Drawing on a wealth of visual sources and written texts that document the changing cityscape--including novels, diaries, newspapers, municipal guides, and government records--Henkin shows that public acts of reading (to a much greater extent than private, solitary reading) determined how New Yorkers of all backgrounds came to define themselves and their urban community.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Essentials of Microbiology
Essentials of Microbiology is an extensive guide to all aspects of microbiology covering immunology, bacteriology, virology, medical mycology, diagnostic medical microbiology, and many miscellaneous infections. The book is divided into 89 chapters across seven sections. Each chapter begins with an outline and concludes with key points, multiple choice, short and long questions. Two bacteriology sections are included, the first covering the basics of general bacteriology, and the second covering systemic bacteriology, with discussion on the classification, antigen structure, toxins and enzymes, and laboratory diagnosis of various kinds of bacteria. The virology section covers virus structure, classification and evolution, their interaction with host organism physiology and immunity, the diseases they cause, and their use in research and therapy. The mycology section covers fungal infections, and amongst miscellaneous infections covered are microbes of the human body, hospital-acquired infections and hospital waste management. Essentials of Microbiology is enhanced by over 200 images and illustrations and 181 tables. The final chapter on practical microbiology for MBBS students makes this book ideal for medical undergraduates. Key Points Comprehensive guide to microbiology Covers immunology, bacteriology, virology, medical mycology, diagnostic medical microbiology, and many miscellaneous infections 208 images and illustrations, 181 tables
Harvard University Press The Framed Houses of Massachusetts Bay, 1625–1725
A nation's buildings are a record of the character and aspirations of its people. In a rich blend of social and architectural history, Abbott Lowell Cummings reconstructs, through text and pictures, the framed houses of Massachusetts Bay that reflect the straightforward honesty of our earliest northern settlers and their profound love of craftsmanship.A substantial number of the nation's seventeenth-century houses have been preserved in Massachusetts, and Cummings provides illustrations for a majority of them. He describes the dwellings in detail, and includes architectural drawings that were especially commissioned for this book. He demonstrates that the builders were far more sophisticated than previously imagined and that, while maintaining their English timber-building traditions, they were astonishingly adaptable to their new environment.Beyond the houses themselves, Cummings discusses evolutions in pioneer life. The most simple kinds of changes in architecture, Cummings shows, indicated singular changes in family living. Such additions as kitchens and parlors, or the moving of the master bedroom to a second floor, suggest shifts in the private and social lives of families.The Framed Houses of Massachusetts Bay is a splendid story of innovations— of restless, migratory people and their architectural and social responses to the heavily forested New World. It is the first chapter in the long saga of America's preoccupation with technology as it affected the early American home.