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John Wiley & Sons Inc Christian Prayer For Dummies
Advice and examples help you find your own prayer style Discover how prayer works and why you need it now more than ever Do you want to pray, but you're not sure how? This friendly guide explains the different kinds of prayer - revealing how and why to pray and how to discern God's answers. You'll see how to overcome hindrances, how to use a journal, and how to pray on your own. Discover what "Thy will be done" means and how to approach prayers that seemingly haven't been answered. The Dummies Way * Explanations in plain English * "Get in, get out" information * Icons and other navigational aids * Tear-out cheat sheet * Top ten lists * A dash of humor and fun
Fordham University Press Head and Heart: Affection, Cognition, Volition, as Truine Consciousness
Head and Heart proposes a theory of a triune consciousness formed by the heart and mind, composed of an equal partnership of reason, will, and affection. Professor Tallon sets out asking whether and how affective consciousness fits into this triad. By first defining affection in terms of intentionality (as the theory of a triune consciousness is possible only when affectivity has been shown to participate in intentionality), he argues that affection, in its full scope of passion, emotion, and mood, earns a place equal to cognition and volition as a constituent of the human consciousness. Tallon accomplishes his task by proving the existence of affectivity as a distinct kind of consciousness inseparable from the other two, by showing precisely how affection works, how it operates in synthesis with reason and will, and, finally, by offering a new concept of a triune consciousness as paradigm for the human mind.
Indiana University Press Health and Wealth on the Bosnian Market: Intimate Debt
Larisa Jasarevic offers an unforgettable look at the everyday experiences of people living in post-socialist, post-war Bosnia. Not at all existing on the world's margins, Bosnians today are concerned with the good life and are as entangled in consumer debt as everyone else. The insecurities of living in an economy dominated by informal networks of trade, personal credit, and indebtedness are experienced by Bosnians in terms of physical ailments, some not recognized by Western medical science. Jasarevic follows ordinary Bosnians in their search for treatment—from use of pharmaceuticals to alternative medicines and folk healers of various kinds. Financial well-being and health are woven together for Bosnians, and Jasarevic adeptly traces the links between the two realms. In the process, she addresses a number of themes that have been important in studies of life under neoliberalism in other parts of the world.
Hyperion Heartwood Hotel 02 Greatest Gift
Courage, kindness, and adventure abounds in this charming, illustrated chapter book series about a mouse discovering the true meaning of home. Mona the mouse has finally found a place to call home, the cozy Heartwood Hotel, where she works as a maid and sleeps snuggled up in a room with her best friend. Following the festive St. Slumber celebration, most of the guests have settled in to hibernate, and the staff is looking forward to a relaxing winter. But disruptions abound, from a difficult duchess to a mysterious midnight snacker. As the snow stacks higher, Mona will have to gather friends both old and new to keep the peace, finding help in some of the most unexpected places. These heartwarming stories will delight newly independent readers and send them scurrying for the third book in the series, Better Together.
American Alpine Club Pp Babysitters Club T/Shirt
The AAJ goes beyond social media, video clips, and marketing copy with in-depth reports on major climbs, written by the climbers and carefully edited by a team of experts Recon sections cover the history, recent climbing activity, and new-route potential of a wild area. This year: the wild mountains of Tierra del Fuego 2020 edition includes a special report: the state-of-the-art of women's climbing Published annually since 1929, the American Alpine Journal (AAJ) is renowned as the world's journal of record for long new climbs of all kinds. The AAJ publishes each year's most compelling stories, told by the climbers themselves and carefully edited by a team of experts. Each year, many newly discovered climbing destinations are revealed, from Alaska to the Karakoram.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit
Real case studies on Internet fraud written by real fraud examiners Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit is a one-of-a-kind collection of actual cases written by the fraud examiners who investigated them. These stories were hand-selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive, enlightening and entertaining picture of the many types of Internet fraud in varied industries throughout the world. Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered, how it was investigated, and how perpetrators were brought to justice Topics included are phishing, on-line auction fraud, security breaches, counterfeiting, and others Other titles by Wells: Fraud Casebook, Principles of Fraud Examination, and Computer Fraud Casebook This book reveals the dangers of Internet fraud and the measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place.
Oxford University Press Vagueness and Law: Philosophical and Legal Perspectives
Vague expressions are omnipresent in natural language. As such, their use in legal texts is virtually inevitable. If a law contains vague terms, the question whether it applies to a particular case often lacks a clear answer. One of the fundamental pillars of the rule of law is legal certainty. The determinacy of the law enables people to use it as a guide and places judges in the position to decide impartially. Vagueness poses a threat to these ideals. In borderline cases, the law seems to be indeterminate and thus incapable of serving its core rule of law value. In the philosophy of language, vagueness has become one of the hottest topics of the last two decades. Linguists and philosophers have investigated what distinguishes "soritical " vagueness from other kinds of linguistic indeterminacy, such as ambiguity, generality, open texture, and family resemblance concepts. There is a vast literature that discusses the logical, semantic, pragmatic, and epistemic aspects of these phenomena. Legal theory has hitherto paid little attention to the differences between the various kinds of linguistic indeterminacy that are grouped under the heading of "vagueness ", let alone to the various theories that try to account for these phenomena. Bringing together leading scholars working on the topic of vagueness in philosophy and in law, this book fosters a dialogue between philosophers and legal scholars by examining how philosophers conceive vagueness in law from their theoretical perspective and how legal theorists make use of philosophical theories of vagueness. The chapters of the book are organized into three parts. The first part addresses the import of different theories of vagueness for the law, referring to a wide range of theories from supervaluationist to contextualist and semantic realist accounts in order to address the question of whether the law can learn from engaging with philosophical discussions of vagueness. The second part of the book examines different vagueness phenomena. The contributions in part 2 suggest that the greater awareness to different vagueness phenomena can make lawyers aware of specific issues and solutions so far overlooked. The third part deals with the pragmatic aspects of vagueness in law, providing answers to the question of how to deal with vagueness in law and with the professional, political, moral, and ethical issues such vagueness gives rise to.
DruckVerlag Kettler Hamlet Lavastida: Cultura Profiláctica
Hamlet Lavastida (b. 1983 in Havana, Cuba, lives and works in Havana) creates installations made of posters, prints, collages, photos, and video clips compiled into comprehensive archives. He primarily uses texts, images, and symbols, as well as political speeches and ideological terminologies, from the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s, the period in which socialism became increasingly institutionalised in his native Cuba. By re-appropriating and re-interpreting this material from an artistic perspective, Lavastida seeks to question the political developments of that era. This publication showcases Lavastida’s most recent installation at Künstlerhaus Bethanien. Through his personal confrontation with those cultural archives, which are not recognised as such in Cuban society, Lavastida creates a kind of register and calls for a critical examination of Cuba’s history. In particular, he condemns the failure to raise awareness about and address the scars of the past in today’s Cuba.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Recycling from Waste in Fashion and Textiles
The alarming level of greenhouse gases in the environment, fast depleting natural resources and the increasing level of industrial effluents, have made every single manufacturing activity come under the scrutiny of sustainability. When all kinds of waste such as clothes, furniture, carpets, televisions, shoes, paper, food wastes etc. end up in the landfill, only a few of them are naturally decomposed and thus a large majority remains as non-biodegradable. It is for this reason, efforts are concentrated to reduce the burden on earth by this waste, and as far as used textile products are concerned, there are now attempts to recycle or up-cycle. This book addresses the role of sustainability by using textile waste in fashion and textiles with respect to manufacturing, materials, as well as the economic and business challenges and opportunities it poses. This wide-ranging book comprises 19 chapters on the various topics including: Solutions for sustainable fashion and tex
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Catalan Literature
The first and only guide in English to the influential body of Catalan literature, from the middle ages to the present day. This book is the only one of its kind in English. Part literary history, part literary criticism, it is above all a personal assessment of a rich and important body of work which is still not widely known outside Catalonia. Catalan literature, one of the three major Peninsular literatures, reached an impressive level of excellence in the middle ages, beginning with Ramon Llull and the chronicles, and culminating in the two great fifteenth-century writers,the poet Ausiàs March and Joanot Martorell, the author of Tirant lo Blanc, one of the landmarks in early prose fiction. After three centuries of relative eclipse, the nineteenth-century Renaixença produced a distinctive version of Romanticism with notable achievements in poetry, theatre and the novel. More recently, Catalan writers have successfully assimilated a number of international tendencies, from Symbolism to Surrealism, while remaining deeply aware of the possibilities of the Catalan language itself. After the cultural disruption caused by the Civil War of 1936-39 and its aftermath, Catalan literature has once again shown its capacity for self-renewal,and the present literary scene is one of great interest and originality. The book does not presuppose any knowledge of Catalan; all quotations and book titles are translated, and a list of works translated into English is included. ARTHUR TERRY is Emeritus Professor of Literature at the University of Essex. Este libro queda sin paralelo en inglés. Una combinación de historia y crítica literarias, es ante todo una valoración personal de una literatura rica e importante que todavía queda poco conocida fuera de Cataluña. La literatura catalana consiguió un nivel de excelencia impresionante en la Edad Media y, a partir de su restablecimiento a principios del siglo diecinueve, ha demostrado una capacidad extraordinaria de autorenovación que todavía persiste hoy en día. Este libro no presupone saber catalán; cada cita y título de libro queda traducido, y se incluye una lista de obrastraducidas al inglés.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Healthy Carb Cookbook For Dummies
According to USA Weekend, over a quarter of the adults in the U.S. have tried a low-carb diet. Many people have enjoyed lasting success. Others have felt mystified or deprived and given up! Whether you’re a first-timer or a “try, try-againer”, this book helps you get with the low-carb program and stick with it! Building on the success of Low-Carb Dieting For Dummies, it gives you loads of nutritional information plus more than 100 sumptuous low-carb recipes like Crunchy Brunch Oatmeal Pecan Waffles, Caribbean Chicken, Chile Spiced Broccoli, and Lemon Torte with Raspberries. Low-Carb Cookbook For Dummies includes: A complete nutritional analysis for each recipe so you can’t go wrong Lots of recipes for dishes with 5 carbs or less Recipes that de-carb no-nos like Southern fried chicken and Philly cheese steak sandwiches Recipes for soups, seafood, and meat dishes, including pork chops, lamb and steaks (with a steak chart so you can chart a low-carb course) Recipes for great desserts, including chocolate specialties and cheesecake Vegetarian recipes and crock pot specialties Terrific wrap recipes using lettuce, tortillas, or crepes Guidelines for eating low-carb when you’re dining out or brown-bagging it Author Jan McCracken, a health advocate and low-carber for more than ten years, has written two low-carb cookbooks and is a contributor to numerous low-carb publications. Having fallen off the low-carb wagon several times herself, she alerts you to things that can sabotage your success and clues you in on carb counting and techniques that have worked for her. You’ll get started right with: Mini-courses on low-carb math and on low-carb nutritition and the glycemic index A shopping list for stocking a low-carb kitchen The scoop on different kinds of carbs and artificial sweeteners Tips on using spices creatively for variety and flavor Advice on incorporating exercise, including taking the first step (and lots more steps) with a pedometer Tips for reducing stress (a common cause of bingeing) With this information, you won’t be mystified. With the fantastic recipes, you won’t feel deprived. You will be inspired to stick to a low-carb lifestyle—one that can help you lose weight and feel healthier!
John Wiley & Sons Inc XSLT For Dummies
Restructuring information in an XML document so that it works in other formats used to be a time-consuming ordeal involving lots of blood, sweat, and tears. Now XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) makes the process nearly instantaneous. Just provide an example of the kind of information you’d like to see, and XSLT does the rest. With XSLT you can effortlessly transform XML documents into virtually any kind of output, including other XML documents and HTML pages. But mastering XSLT can be tricky, especially if you’ve never worked with XML or HTML; and most books on the subject are written for people who have. Here comes XSLT For Dummies to the rescue! XSLT For Dummies is your ticket to quickly mastering XSLT—no matter what your prior programming experience. Writing in easygoing, plain English, XML pro Richard Wagner provides expert advice, step-by-step guidance, and tons of crystal-clear examples to help you harness the power of XSLT to transform documen ts. In no time you’ll: Understand how XSLT works with XSL and XPath Experiment with templates, stylesheets, and expressions Perform HTML transformations Master XPath data types and functions Combine XSLT stylesheets Explore cool XSLT programming tricks XSLT For Dummies works from the ground up, starting with a practical introduction of the “X-Team”—XML, XSL, XSLT, and X-Path—and instructions on how to write a XSLT stylesheet. From there it quickly moves onward and upward through the whole range of important XSLT topics, including: Transforming with stylesheets Understanding and using template rules Using XPath to locate nodes in XML documents Combining XSLT stylesheets and adding processing instructions Debugging XSLT transformations Ten XSLT processors available online It doesn’t matter whether you’re a babe in the woods who can’t tell a “tag” from an element, or you’re an old pro at creating XML documents, XSLT For Dummies offers you a fun, easy way to explore and take full advantage of Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Cool Code
In this funny and heartfelt slice-of-life graphic novel for fans of Raina Telgemeier and Kayla Miller, when coding whiz Zoey goes from homeschooled to new school, she develops an app to help her make friends. Will the Cool Code help Zoey fit in Or will it completely crash her social lifeIn an attempt to fit in, Zoey develops an app called the Cool Code with a cute llama avatar that will tell her everything from what to say to what to wear based on pop culture algorithms she’s uploaded.But when the app gives her ridiculous advice, awkwardness and hilarity ensues. With a few upgrades and a bit of debugging from the coding club, the app actually works—Zoey gets really popular . . . and gets her pulled in all kinds of directions, including away from her real friends.Life’s most complicated choices. . . is there a code for that
Duke University Press Virgin Mary and the Neutrino: Reality in Trouble
In Virgin Mary and the Neutrino, first published in French in 2006 and here appearing in English for the first time, Isabelle Stengers experiments with the possibility of addressing modern practices not as a block but through their divergence from each other. Drawing on thinkers ranging from John Dewey to Gilles Deleuze, she develops what she calls an “ecology of practices” into a capacious and heterogeneous perspective that is inclusive of cultural and political forces but not reducible to them. Stengers first advocates for an approach to sciences that would emphasize the way each should be situated by the kind of relationships demanded by what it attempts to address. This approach turns away from the disabling scientific/nonscientific binary—like the opposition between the neutrino and the Virgin Mary. An ecology of practices instead stimulates an appetite for thinking reality not as an arbiter but as what we can relate to through the generation of diverging concerns and obligations.
Stanford University Press The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation
This volume presents an interdisciplinary approach to humanistic scholarship, one that can be situated somewhere between cultural studies and cultural history while being more specific than either. Cultural analysis as a critical practice is based on a keen awareness of the critic's situatedness in the present—the social and cultural present from which we look, and look back, at objects that are already of the past, objects that we take to define our present culture. Thus it can be summarized by the phrase "cultural memory in the present." Far from being indifferent to history, cultural analysis is devoted to understanding the past as part of the present, as what we have around us. The essays gathered here represent the current state of an emerging field of inquiry. At the same time, they suggest to the larger academic world what cultural analysis can and should do, or be, as an interdisciplinary practice. The challenge for this volume is to counter the common assumption that interdisciplinarity makes the object of inquiry vague and the methodology muddled. In meeting that challenge, it offers close textual and visual readings of subjects ranging from Vermeer to abstract expressionism, from the Book of Ruth to Djuna Barnes's Nightwood, from the history of cinema to popular culture in Zaire. The essays in Part I, "Don't Look Now: Visual Memory in the Present," explore in detailed case studies centered on the theme of visuality or looking, the tricky consequences of the uncertainties regarding history that the presentness of the past entails. Part II, "Close-ups and Mirrors: The Return of Close Reading, with a Difference," demonstrates and advocates "listening" to the object without the New Critical naïveté that claims the text speaks for itself. Instead, the essays create the kind of dialogical situation that is a major characteristic of cultural analysis; the text does not speak for itself, but it does speak back. The essays in Part III, "Method Matters: Reflections on the Identity of Cultural Analysis," do not propose any "directions for use" or authoritative statements on how to do cultural analysis. Arranged in pairs of opposites, the essays represent the kind of fruitful tension that stimulates debate. Though no definite answers are proposed, and conflicting views are left in conflict, the essays stimulate a (self-)reflection on cultural analysis, its practices, and its understandings.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Gloria
_______________ 'Kerry Young is a standalone talent in the new emerging generation of writers from the Caribbean region. Read her if you want to know about the Caribbean' - Monique Roffey, winner of the OCM BOCAS Prize for Caribbean Literature 'A vivid portrayal ... Kerry Young's heartfelt, sparky and affecting debut novel is a chronicle of multicultural Jamaica, both in its cultural richness and in its strife and tensions' - Guardian 'A pacy but absorbing saga of domestic struggle and gangland manoeuvring set against the violent backdrop of postwar Jamaican politics' - Independent on Sunday _______________ From the author of the Costa and Commonwealth Prize-shortlisted Pao Jamaica, 1938. Gloria Campbell is sixteen years old when a single violent act changes her life forever. She and her younger sister flee their hometown to forge a new life in Kingston. As all around them the city convulses with political change, Gloria’s desperation and striking beauty lead her to Sybil and Beryl, and a house of ill-repute where she meets Yang Pao, a Kingston racketeer whose destiny becomes irresistibly bound with her own. Sybil kindles in Gloria a fire of social justice which will propel her to Cuba and a personal and political awakening that she must reconcile with the realities of her life, her love of Jamaica and a past that is never far behind her. Set against the turbulent backdrop of a country on the cusp of a new era, Gloria is an enthralling and illuminating story of love and redemption. _______________ 'Gloria is a brilliant, observant, sometimes complex read, but with clear and simple messages, it speaks to the feminist and equal rights campaigner in all of us *****' - Western Mail 'A very authentic portrayal of a woman’s lot in 1950s, 1960s Jamaica. I fell in love with Gloria and was turning over the pages rapidly, willing her to conquer her situation. A triumph' - Alex Wheatle, author of Brenton Brown 'A highly evocative portrait of a country in transition, and of one woman’s search for self-awareness and self-respect' - Mail on Sunday
Policy Press Community Research for Participation: From Theory to Method
This book bridges a major gap in knowledge by considering, through a range of reflexive chapters from different disciplinary backgrounds, both theoretical and practical issues relating to community research methodologies. The international contributors consider a number of key epistemological, ontological and methodological questions. They explore what community peer research means in a range of settings, for a range of people, for the quality of data and subsequent findings, and for the production of rigorous social research. The collection will also stimulate thinking about how methodological advancement can be made in the field. It is the first book of its kind to combine practical and methodological reflections with clearly presented recommendations about how the approach can be used. Presenting the latest thinking in the field and providing summaries, case studies and review questions, 'Community research for participation' will be invaluable to students, researchers, academics and practitioners who aim to place community members at the centre of their research.
Stanford University Press Contention in Context: Political Opportunities and the Emergence of Protest
Despite extensive theoretical debates over the utility of "political opportunities" as an explanation for the rise and success of social movements, there have been surprisingly few serious empirical tests. Contention in Context provides the most extensive effort to date to test the model, analyzing a range of important cases of revolutions and protest movements to identify the role of political opportunities in the rise of political contention. With evidence from more than fifty cases, this book explores the role of the state in protest, the frequent overemphasis on political opportunities in recent research, and the extent to which opportunity models ignore the cultural and emotional triggers for collective action. By examining new directions in the study of protest and contention, this book shows that although political opportunities can help explain the emergence of certain kinds of movements, a new strategic language can ultimately tell us far more.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Your Endowment
This practical workbook will help you put in place the last component of a comprehensive development office-- an endowment program. Building Your Endowment gives development professionals, executive directors, consultants, and volunteers the information needed to understand and implement an endowment program that will get bottom-line results. Based on the philosophy and teachings of Henry R. Rosso-- founder of the Fund Raising School and the preeminent twentieth century fund raising educator-- Building Your Endowment is infused with Rosso's views, approaches, and perspectives on fund raising. Building Your Endowment * Offers systemic approaches to developing an endowment fund raising program * Includes the strategic choices an organization faces when developing endowments * Contains a proven approach to endowment donors that has been successful for other organizations * Gives a summary of the unique components of endowment and how it is different from other kinds of fund raising
Headline Publishing Group Honey & Spice: the heart-melting TikTok Book Awards Book of the Year
⭐ A REESE'S BOOK CLUB AND TIKTOK BOOK CLUB PICK ⭐The fresh, utterly addictive rom-com you've been waiting for - from Sunday Times bestselling author Bolu Babalola. 'A triumph' BETH O'LEARY'Hilarious, hot and heartfelt' MEG CABOT'Romantic, sexy, fun, delicious and important' MARIAN KEYES__________ Kiki Banjo is an expert in relationship-evasion. In fact, she has made it her mission to protect the women of Whitewell University from the dangers of players and heartbreak, supplying advice, tips and essentials to paying men no mind on her student radio show, Brown Sugar. And then Kiki meets distressingly handsome newcomer Malakai Korede, who threatens to tear apart the community of women she's fought so hard to protect. Kiki publicly declares Malakai the 'Wasteman of Whitewell' on Brown Sugar and brings a stop to her girls chasing his attentions. But when she and Malakai suddenly find themselves shackled into a fake relationship to salvage their respective reputations and save their academic futures, she is in danger of falling for the very wasteman she warned her sisters about. With her heart compromised and defences weakened, Kiki has to learn to open herself up to the perils of love... and face up to a past that forced her to close down in the first place. A funny and sparkling debut, Honey & Spice is full of delicious tension and romantic intrigue that will make you weak at the knees. Recommended by New York Times - Entertainment Weekly - Elle - Esquire - Harper's Bazaar - Sunday Times Culture - Stylist - Bustle - Buzzfeed - Zoella - Time - Goodreads and more!'Everything you could ever want from a romance and more - the vibes are simply immaculate' ZOELLA'Kiki compares her feelings for Malakai as like swallowing a star. That's a bit how I felt after reading this messy but joyful book' THE TIMES'Breathes new life into the genre with its vibrant characters and sexy, authentic voice' RED'Smart, sexy and energetic' EMMA GANNON'Romance will never be dead, as long as Bolu is writing it' JESSIE BURTONWHY READERS LOVE HONEY & SPICE'Bolu makes it look effortless. I'm not being told Malakai and Kiki are hot for each other, I'm experiencing it. It's happening right there on every page' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'How modern chick flicks should, and probably will, look like' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Warm, funny and sweet. I see a lot of myself & experiences in the main character Kiki - and we love that kind of representation' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Funny, hot, thought-provoking - read it all in one weekend it was so good' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Kogan Page Ltd Running Your Own Boarding Kennels: The Complete Guide to Kennel and Cattery Management
With an increasing demand for quality kennel accommodation for dogs and cats, a good boarding kennel is a sound investment and can provide a healthy income if run efficiently. Running your own Boarding Kennels, the only guide of its kind available, is essential reading for anyone who is considering starting out in the business. This new edition by animal care expert David Cavill provides advice on every aspect of running a boarding kennel. With an exhaustive breadth of detail it covers every related topic, including: boarding fees, raising finance, insurance, kennel cleaning, dangerous dogs, types of food, exercise, grooming, beds and towels, staff training, accommodation, advertising, puppy and kitten rearing, and product sales. Comprehensive and unique, Running your own Boarding Kennels also includes information on ancillary services such as dog-walking, pet sitting and home boarding.
WW Norton & Co Fearless Girls, Wise Women, and Beloved Sisters: Heroines in Folktales from Around the World
Dismayed by the predominance of male protagonists in her daughters' books, Kathleen Ragan set out to collect the stories of our forgotten heroines. Gathered from around the world, from regions as diverse as sub-Saharan Africa and Western Europe, from North and South American Indian cultures and New World settlers, from Asia and the Middle East, these 100 folktales celebrate strong female heroines. Fearless Girls, Wise Women, and Beloved Sisters is for all women who are searching to define who they are, to redefine the world and shape their collective sensibility. It is for men who want to know more about what it means to be a woman. It is for our daughters and our sons, so that they can learn to value all kinds of courage, courage in battle and the courage of love. It is for all of us to help build a more just vision of woman.
The Chinese University Press Business Chinese
This textbook is designed for students of Chinese as a second/foreign language who have had three years of study at college. Focusing on topics of international business and foreign trade, the book offers advanced training in vocabulary, grammar, and rhetoric. With an emphasis on communication and practicality, the textbook contains detailed explanations for word usages and sentence structures, and ample exercises of different kinds, each targeting at a specific skill area. It also includes various authentic materials, including documents, forms, and letters, etc. In addition, it provides some useful cultural information and business background knowledge in each lesson. Songren Cui obtained his Ph.D. from UCLA in 1992. His research interests include language proficiency and testing, teaching methodology and learning strategies, pedagogical grammar and discourse grammar. He has been an assistant professor of the Asian Studies Program of Bowdoin College since 1999.
Stanford University Press Cemetery Citizens
Across the United States, groups of grassroots volunteers gather in overgrown, systemically neglected cemeteries. As they rake, clean headstones, and research silenced histories, they offer care to individuals who were denied basic rights and forms of belonging in life and in death. Cemetery Citizens is the first book-length study of this emerging form of social justice work. It focuses on how racial disparities shape the fates of the dead, and asks what kinds of repair are still possible. Drawing on interviews, activist anthropology, poems, and drawings, Adam Rosenblatt takes us to gravesite reclamation efforts in three prominent American cities.Cemetery Citizens dives into the ethical quandaries and practical complexities of cemetery reclamation, showing how volunteers build community across social boundaries, craft new ideas about citizenship and ancestry, and expose injustices that would otherwise be suppressed. Ultimately, Rosenblatt argues that an ethic of
Duke University Press Open Admissions
In Open Admissions Danica Savonick traces the largely untold story of the teaching experience of Toni Cade Bambara, June Jordan, Audre Lorde, and Adrienne Rich at the City University of New York (cuny) in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This period, during which cuny guaranteed tuition-free admission to every city high school graduate, was one of the most controversial in US educational history. Analyzing their archival teaching materials—syllabi, lesson plans, and assignments—alongside their published work, Savonick reveals how these renowned writers were also transformative educators who developed creative methods of teaching their students to navigate and change the world. In fact, many of their methods—such as student-led courses, collaborative public projects, and the publication of student writing—anticipated the kinds of student-centered and antiracist pedagogies that have become popular in recent years. In addition to recovering the pedagogical le
Storm King Productions Fetch Book One: The Journey
Danni is twelve years old and struggling to get over the loss of her dog, Pirate, when a new teacher and an old school book reveal to her the world of Greek mythology. Danni stumbles across an illustration that looks familiar enough for her to leave the house in the dead of night and seek out what she thinks could be the gate to Hades, the Greek Underworld, and perhaps a way to bring her dog back to the land of the living. What she didn’t expect was her younger brother, Sammy, to tag along or that once in the Underworld she’d need a guide… and two 21st century kids on a quest to save their dead dog was the last thing Odysseus was expecting. Adventuring in the Underworld since the fall of Troy he’s the last of his kind - a true Hero - but with enemies leaping on them at every turn and monsters and gods to overcome this may be his toughest odyssey yet!
Emerald Publishing Limited Reimagining Business Education: Insights and Actions from the Business Education Jam
'Reimagining Business Education’ discusses the rationale for, and design of, the first Business Education Jam. It reviews key challenges facing business education and articulates a vision for how the role and delivery of business education could be reimagined. This book is critically important during a time when business schools, as an industry, struggle to identify the innovations necessary to meet the needs of a changing world. The Jam was the first open platform for dialogue of its kind for business education and continues to make an impact - including use by Schools and Deans around the world to guide strategic planning efforts; program directors as they drive innovation in their programs; and industry executives as they identify ways to better engage with business education. This book takes this collaborative effort a step further to break down traditional models and structures as we seek to reimagine the future of business education in a more open and connected world.
The University of Chicago Press Bonebeds: Genesis, Analysis, and Paleobiological Significance
The vertebrate fossil record extends back more than 500 million years, and bonebeds - localized concentrations of the skeletal remains of vertebrate animals - help unlock the secrets of this long history. Often spectacularly preserved, bonebeds - both modern and ancient - can reveal more about life histories, ecological associations, and preservation patterns than any single skeleton or bone. For this reason, bonebeds are frequently studied by paleobiologists, geologists, and archaeologists seeking to piece together the vertebrate record. Thirteen respected researchers combine their experiences in "Bonebeds", providing readers with workable definitions, theoretical frameworks, and modern techniques in bonebed data collection and analysis. By addressing the historical, theoretical, and practical aspects of bonebed research, this edited volume - the first of its kind - provides the background and methods that students and professionals need to explore and understand these fantastic records of ancient life and death.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disaster Education
Education is the key to risk reduction, be it environmental management or disaster risk reduction, and is a process which needs to be embedded at different levels of management and practices to collectively reduce the risk. While school education forms the foundations of the knowledge cycle, for effective knowledge use, it is necessary to link school and community education. Education is linked to enhanced awareness and a key reflection of education is seen in terms of actions. Divided into four sections this book begins with an informative introduction to the subject of disaster risk reduction education and proceeds to highlight key places of education such as family, community, school, and higher education. It then examines approaches, methods and tools before providing a future perspective and pointing to the way ahead. This is the first book of its kind on disaster risk reduction education. A ready reference for practitioners in the field, this book describes and demonstrates different aspects of education in an easy-to-understand form with current academic research and practical field experiences included throughout.
J-Novel Club My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Volume 8
Katarina was reincarnated as the villainess of an otome game. Now that the game’s events have passed, all she wants to do is live a peaceful life working at the Magical Ministry with her friends. But things are never that easy — Katarina has now found herself living in the sequel to the original game!This time, her character‘s fate is supposed to include getting her hands on some powerful Dark Magic and then her defeat at the hands of the heroes. Although she‘s done her best to avoid going down this path, she‘s now ended up with a Dark Familiar (Pochi, the puppy) and the Dark Covenant in her possession!Katarina still has no idea how to escape certain doom, and now she suddenly has to attend some kind of international event at the castle. Could this be part of the sequel game too?Find out what happens next in the eighth volume of the popular romance and doom comedy!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Museum Theory
MUSEUM THEORY EDITED BY ANDREA WITCOMB AND KYLIE MESSAGE Museum Theory offers critical perspectives drawn from a broad range of disciplinary and intellectual traditions. This volume describes and challenges previous ways of understanding museums and their relationship to society. Essays written by scholars from museology and other disciplines address theoretical reflexivity in the museum, exploring the contextual, theoretical, and pragmatic ways museums work, are understood, and are experienced. Organized around three themes—Thinking about Museums, Disciplines and Politics, and Theory from Practice/Practicing Theory—the text includes discussion and analysis of different kinds of museums from various, primarily contemporary, national and local contexts. Essays consider subjects including the nature of museums as institutions and their role in the public sphere, cutting-edge museum practice and their connections with current global concerns, and the links between museum studies and disciplines such as cultural studies, anthropology, and history.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Guyku: A Year of Haiku for Boys
Boy-centric haiku about outdoor fun throughout the seasons, with illustrations by the New York Times bestselling creator Peter Reynolds.The wind and I play tug-of-war with my new kite. The wind is winning. When you’re a guy, nature is one big playground—no matter what the season. There are puddles to splash through in the spring, pine trees to climb in the summer, maple seeds to catch in the fall, and icicles to sword fight with in the winter. Nature also has a way of making a guy appreciate important stuff—like how many rocks it takes to dam up a stream, or how much snow equals a day off from school. So what kind of poetry best captures these special moments, at a length that lets guys get right back to tree climbing and kite flying Why, guyku, of course!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Shared Services: Adding Value to the Business Units
"One of the ways companies are looking for competitive advantage in this frenetic [business] environment . . . is through the use of a tactical technique called shared services. . . . In this book, we bridge [the] chasm between the theory of how a shared services operation 'ought to' work and the practical issues involved in how to make it work, how to carry out a successful implementation of a shared service operation in your business."-from the Preface. Gaining competitive advantage in today's fierce business environment requires focus throughout the company on value, as measured by quality, cost, speed, and service. In the quest for superior performance, a growing number of companies are now turning to shared services, a tactical technique by which corporations can organize financial and other transaction-oriented activities to reduce costs and provide better service to business unit partners. Written by four authorities, three PricewaterhouseCoopers consultants and the executive who has directed the shared service efforts at Lucent Technologies, this comprehensive resource-the first of its kind-examines shared services from the macro issues that compel senior management to embrace this approach through the design and implementation of a shared services environment that leads to increased customer and shareholder value. Of all the tools available for gaining competitive advantage, why shared services? One of the principal reasons is that it creates, through consolidation of often disparate activities, more of a "one company" feel among business units. The benefits of this are twofold: one, it enables companies to show a consistent face to clients and customers, vendors and suppliers, shareholders and potential shareholders; two, it provides increased flexibility to all of the business' operations, allowing corporate leaders to maintain a global perspective while at the same time allowing business unit leaders to take strong, customer-focused actions. Providing both a domestic and global view, Shared Services addresses the full spectrum of issues, including: * Assessing whether shared services is right for you-issues to consider, goals to be reached. * Getting started-building support, establishing an effective organization, instituting continuous communication. * Setting up the infrastructure-billing shared services to business units, dealing with tax and legal entity issues. * International challenges-complexity, time zone, legal issues, currency stability, and security. * Program and project management-structures, planning, execution, and control. A groundbreaking book that examines a timely and important topic, Shared Services is an accessible and thorough guide to what could be a critical component in achieving long-term business success. This comprehensive resource is the first to introduce, explain, and explore shared services, an innovative business strategy that involves centralizing various business units, including accounting and transactional operations, to reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction. Presenting a practical and easy-to-follow blueprint for the smooth and sound implementation of shared services in your organization, Shared Services: Adding Value to the Business Units covers all the fundamentals, from how to get started to proper management techniques.
University of Texas Press A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice
Speaking for the growing community of Latina feminist theologians, the editors of this volume write, "With the emergence and growth of the feminist theologies of liberation, we no longer wait for others to define or validate our experience of life and faith.... We want to express in our own words our plural ways of experiencing God and our plural ways of living our faith. And these ways have a liberative tone." With twelve original essays by emerging and established Latina feminist theologians, this first-of-its-kind volume adds the perspectives, realities, struggles, and spiritualities of U.S. Latinas to the larger feminist theological discourse. The editors have gathered writings from both Roman Catholics and Protestants and from various Latino/a communities. The writers address a wide array of theological concerns: popular religion, denominational presence and attraction, methodology, lived experience, analysis of nationhood, and interpretations of life lived on a border that is not only geographic but also racial, gendered, linguistic, and religious.
Pluto Press Revolution, Democracy, Socialism: Selected Writings of V.I. Lenin
This is an entirely new collection of Lenin's writing. For the first time it brings together crucial shorter works, to show that Lenin held a life-long commitment to freedom and democracy. Le Blanc has written a comprehensive introduction, which gives an accessible overview of Lenin's life and work, and explains his relevance to political thought today. Lenin has been much maligned in the mainstream, accused of viewing 'man as modeling clay' and of 'social engineering of the most radical kind.' However, in contrast to today's world leaders, who happily turn to violence to achieve their objectives, Lenin believed it impossible to reach his goals 'by any other path than that of political democracy.' This collection will be of immense value to students encountering Lenin for the first time, and those looking for a new interpretation of one of the 20th century's most inspiring figures.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc S.O.S.: Society of Substitutes #4: Super Fun World
If there’s a problem in school, there’s no substitute for the world-saving substitute teachers of the S.O.S.! This is the fourth book of this hilarious, highly illustrated early chapter book series.It’s Spring Break! Milton Worthy and his family are off on a vacation to Super Fun World. It’s a week filled with roller coasters, rides, and fried food—and no super-sub missions for seven whole days.Everything is going according to plan until Milton gets stuck looking after Noah—part-time classroom pet, full-time evil mastermind—who has an entirely different kind of getaway in mind.Will Milton be able to figure out Noah’s latest plot for world domination before it ruins his family’s fun time?HarperChapters build confident readers one chapter at a time! With short, fast-paced books, art on every page, and milestone markers at the end of every chapter, they're the perfect next step for fans of I Can Read!
Duke University Press Equaliberty: Political Essays
First published in French in 2010, Equaliberty brings together essays by Étienne Balibar, one of the preeminent political theorists of our time. The book is organized around equaliberty, a term coined by Balibar to connote the tension between the two ideals of modern democracy: equality (social rights and political representation) and liberty (the freedom citizens have to contest the social contract). He finds the tension between these different kinds of rights to be ingrained in the constitution of the modern nation-state and the contemporary welfare state. At the same time, he seeks to keep rights discourse open, eschewing natural entitlements in favor of a deterritorialized citizenship that could be expanded and invented anew in the age of globalization. Deeply engaged with other thinkers, including Arendt, Rancière, and Laclau, he posits a theory of the polity based on social relations. In Equaliberty Balibar brings both the continental and analytic philosophical traditions to bear on the conflicted relations between humanity and citizenship.
Little Genius Books Hello! Hometown Heroes
Get to Know the Everyday Heroes in Your Hometown! Hello! Hometown Heroes is a charming and fun read-along board book that introduces children to the people who make our neighborhoods and lives better. Follow along as a little boy, his mother, and his dog walk through town, meeting and greeting everyday heroes along the way. With gently rhyming text and engaging illustrations, Hello! Hometown Heroes introduces young readers to the people in our neighborhoods who make our lives safer, cleaner, and better. From the mail carrier and sanitation workers to firefighters, doctors, nurses, and more, the text succinctly describes what each hero does, and then provides children the opportunity to say "hello" to them. The final spread shows the whole town with each hero doing what they do . . . along with a simple act of heroism the child performs--proving that all you need to be an everyday hero is a little bit of kindness and thoughtfulness.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Tragedy in Antiquity
In this volume, tragedy in antiquity is examined synoptically, from its misty origins in archaic Greece, through its central position in the civic life of ancient Athens and its performances across the Greek-speaking world, to its new and very different instantiations in Republican and Imperial Roman contexts. Lively, original essays by eminent scholars trace the shifting dramatic forms, performance environments, and social meanings of tragedy as it was repeatedly reinvented. Tragedy was consistently seen as the most serious of all dramatic genres; these essays trace a sequence of different visions of what the most serious kind of dramatic story might be, and the most appropriate ways of telling those stories on stage. Each chapter takes a different theme as its focus: forms and media; sites of performance and circulation; communities of production and consumption; philosophy and social theory; religion, ritual, and myth; politics of city and nation; society and family, and gender and sexuality.
Ebury Publishing Aroha: Maori wisdom for a contented life lived in harmony with our planet
As seen on Oprah's Book Club! The #1 New Zealand Bestseller! Discover how to live a happier life - simple, traditional wisdom for difficult modern times.Aroha is an ancient Maori word and way of thinking. Maori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder explores how Aroha can help us all by sharing 52 thought-provoking whakatauki, traditional Maori life lessons - one for each week of the year.Discover how we can all find greater contentment and kindness for ourselves, each other and our world by understanding how we might invite the values of Aroha into our daily lives.Ki te kotahi te kakaho ka whati, ki te kapuia, e kore e whati.When we stand alone we are vulnerable but together we are unbreakable.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Gilded: The St. Croix Chronicles
In the gleaming heights of Victorian London, a world of deception awaits an unconventional Society lady whose taste for adventure makes her a most formidable adversary ...Though Society demands that I make a good marriage, I, Cherry St. Croix, have neither the time nor the interest. I am on the trail of a murder with no victim, a mystery with no motive, and the key to an alchemical formula that could be my family's legacy. Yet the world is not so kind as to let me pursue simple murder and uncomplicated bounties. Above the foggy drift, an earl insists on my attention, while my friends watch my increasingly desperate attempts to remain my own woman. From the silken demands of the Midnight Menagerie-to whose dangerously seductive ringmaster I owe a debt-to the rigorous pressures of the peerage, all are conspiring to place before me a choice that will forever change my life.
Baker Publishing Group - Baker Books Her One and Only
2017 Christy Award WinnerGray Fowler, star NFL tight end, is being pursued by a stalker, so his team hires a protection agency to keep Gray under the watch of a bodyguard at all times. When Gray meets Dru Porter, an agent assigned to him, he''s indignant. How can an attractive young female half his size possibly protect him?But Dru''s a former Marine, an expert markswoman, and a black belt. She''s also ferociously determined to uncover the identity of Gray''s stalker. And she''s just as determined to avoid any kind of romantic attachment between herself and the rugged football player with the mysterious past. But the closer they get to finding the stalker, the closer they grow to each other. As the danger rises, can Dru and Gray entrust their hearts--and their lives--to one another?
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Secret Life of a Vampire
Lara Boucher will do whatever it takes to get that coveted promotion to detective. She knows that something strange was happening at the incredibly handsome Jack's party. Working that out will have to take a back seat to discover why so many college girls have gone missing. But the last thing she expects when she goes undercover at the so-called 'spa' is to run into Jack again - or to feel such a strong attraction. The last thing Jack wants is to become the kind of man his father was. But that's just what's required if he's going to bring down this latest ring of Malcontents. Drawing on his legendary Casanova lineage, Jack works his way into the group. But will he be able to show Lara the man he really is without jeopardizing their mission? And can Lara ever trust a man with so many secrets?
Rowman & Littlefield The New Portland Maine Chefs Table
Maine's cultural and culinary heart, Portland is a buzzing and energetic food community. Widely considered to have one of the country's most vibrant food scenesnamed Restaurant City of the Year by Bon Appetitthe city offers a diverse culinary landscape, from classic seafood to Oaxacan to Korean to Milanese, and its devotion to farm-to-table cuisine and locally sourced ingredients is undeniable given that the Portland Farmers' Market, the country's oldest continually operating market of its kind, has thrived here for over 200 years.With more than 80 recipes from dozens of the city's most celebrated restaurants, including Drifter''s Wife, Rose Foods, and Chaval, and showcasing full-color photos of mouth-watering dishes by James Beard nominated chefs, and lots of local flavor, Portland's dynamic food scene is celebrated in all its gustatorial glory.
Hachette Children's Group Dinosaur Infosaurus: Dinosaur Babies
Everything you need to know about dinosaurs in bite-size infographic informationDid you know that T. rex's nest is thought to have been 3 metres wide? That's about the same length as two bikes end to end! Explore the world of baby dinosaurs in Dinosaurs Babies. Learn about eggs, how dinosaur babies grew up to be huge creatures, how much they ate and how they developed... You'll find out all kinds of fascinating facts about these fierce and violent beasts. The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Other topics in the series are killer dinosaurs, gigantic dinosaurs, dinosaur bones and fossils, the age of dinosaurs,sea and sky monsters and dinosaur babies.Perfect for readers aged 7+.
Castle Point Books The One-Minute Self-Care Journal: 365 Ways to Nurture Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-Being Every Day
Give yourself the gift of self-care you need to be at your best. It’s simple and enjoyable with this friendly guided journal. Just one minute each day will help you focus on ways (big and little) to invest in and love yourself. With 365 prompts designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit, Eva Olsen's The One-Minute Self-Care Journal will help you live a life filled with energy, purpose, and joy. Discover how self-care can be your superpower, starting today. - Find 365 ways to treat yourself with kindness in just one minute each day. - Make your heart happy with fun, creative journaling prompts. - Cultivate calm confidence so you can tackle anything that comes your way. Show yourself the love and care you deserve with The One-Minute Self-Care Journal!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Your Sharpie Style: 75 Original Sharpie Craft Projects to Design Your Home and Your Life
Decorate * Embellish * Transform your home and accessories using just a Sharpie pen! Take your coloring to the next level! From cups and saucers to sneakers and tote bags, this book is guaranteed to transform your home and your garments with stylish and colorful designs. Clear and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions take you through the basics of working with a variety of Sharpie pens, from oil-based and water-based markers to paint pens and more! Ranging from cute and crafty to unique and boutique, these fun, one-of-a-kind projects are for all skill levels and can be easily applied to fashion accessories, home decor, and many more commonly found objects. Filled with tips, variations, and colorful photographs, it has never been this easy to customize your life. All you need is your creative inspiration, and a Sharpie.
Duke University Press For a Liberatory Politics of Home
In For a Liberatory Politics of Home, Michele Lancione questions accepted understandings of home and homelessness to offer a radical proposition: homelessness cannot be solved without dismantling current understandings of home. Conventionally, home is framed as a place of security and belonging, while its loss defines what it means to be homeless. On the basis of this binary, a whole industry of policy interventions, knowledge production, and organizing fails to provide solutions to homelessness but perpetuates violent and precarious forms of inhabitation. Drawing on his research and activism around housing in Europe, Lancione attends to the interlocking crises of home and homelessness by recentering the political charge of precarious dwelling. It is there, if often in unannounced ways, that a profound struggle for a differential kind of homing signals multiple possibilities to transcend the violences of home/homelessness. In advancing a new approach to work with the politics of inhabitation, Lancione provides a critique of current practices and offers a transformative vision for a renewed, liberatory politics of home.