Search results for ""author thomas"
Thomas Nelson Publishers Ready As You Are
Thomas Nelson Publishers Take Your Seat at the Table
Thomas Nelson Publishers Leaving Cloud 9
A powerful, heartbreaking, and redemptive account of a boy who endured a childhood of poverty and abuse in an American Southwest trailer park named Cloud 9.Abandoned by his father at age two, Rick Sylvester lived with an abusive mother whose struggles as a member of the working poor led her to drugs, alcohol, theft, and prostitution--and eventually attempted suicide. Rick battled depression, anxiety, and PTSD as the chaos, neglect, and unpredictability of his childhood seemed to doom him to follow in his mother''s footsteps.Well into adulthood, Rick stumbled through unemployment and divorce, using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain until he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Miraculously, though, he overcame the odds and today is a happy husband and father. How did this happen? Rick''s answer is this: It was the Lord.A message of hope to those who are drowning from an undeserved childhood, Leaving Cloud 9 speaks to millions who grew u
Thomas Nelson Publishers Anne Neilsons Angels Guided Journal
Are you ready to go deeper on your spiritual journey and breathe new life into your faith? Love, joy, wisdom, and hope––these are just a few of the things we all want more of in our lives. Anne Neilson''s Angels Guided Journal will give you a chance to engage in these topics while experiencing inspiration from Anne''s incredible angel art. Embrace your devotional time with God as you pour out your fears, challenges, hopes, and dreams in this gorgeous journal. Anne Neilson''s Angels Guided Journal offers: • 40 days of thought-provoking, inspirational stories accompanied by new original angel art throughout • Guided writing prompts • Journaling space to write your thoughts and deepen your reading experience • A heartfelt foreword by friend and longtime fan, Kathie Lee GiffordMy prayer, says Anne, is that the art and stories throughout this book will be a beau
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Jam and Jelly Nook
In the final installment of Amy Clipston’s bestselling Amish Marketplace series, a young widow struggling to raise her son dreams of one more chance at love.Since her husband died seven years ago, Leanna Wengerd has done her best—caring for her son, Chester, and running her Jam and Jelly Nook at the Amish market. Though she enjoys seeing her cousins and customers at the marketplace, she wishes she could find more time for her rebellious teenage boy.When Chester gets into trouble for trespassing, he winds up at the police station with his friend Maggie, who was riding with him to a youth group gathering. Leanna comes to the police station to fetch Chester and happens to meet Emory, Maggie’s father. Emory is also a widower, raising Maggie alone—and both he and Leanna have similar burdens and problems.Over time Emory and Leanna become closer friends, discovering how much they have in common. As single parents, they struggle
Thomas Nelson Publishers Princess Ever After
She thought fairytales were just for stories. She never expected one to come true in her tiny town.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Every Home a Foundation
Thomas Nelson Publishers Biblia historias para niños
Biblia historias para niños es un hermoso libro de rimas que contiene adaptaciones infantiles de algunas de las historias más asombrosas de la Biblia. Sin duda, los pequeños disfrutarán cada relato, mientras se introducen en el maravilloso mundo del estudio bíblico. Cada par de páginas presenta una historia diferente representada con tiernas y coloridas ilustraciones especialmente diseñadas para llamar la atención de los hombres más pequeños de la casa. Incluye: Contenido de sabiduría Bíblica. Tiernas y coloridas ilustraciones para niños. Tipografía que facilita su lectura y comprensión. Adaptaciones cortas de historias de la Biblia. Bible Stories for BoysBible Stories for Boys is a beautiful rhyming book that contains children's adaptations of some of the most amazing stories in the Bible.The little ones without a doubt will enjoy each story as they are introduced to the wonderful world of Bible study. Each pair of pages presents a different story represented with cute and colorful illustrations specially designed to attract the attention of the smallest men in the house. It includes: Biblical wisdom content. Cute and colorful illustrations for boys. Typography that facilitates its reading and understanding. Short adaptations of stories from the Bible.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Daughters in Danger: Helping Our Girls Thrive in Today's Culture
Thomas Nelson Publishers Buried Alive: The True Story of Kidnapping, Captivity, and a Dramatic Rescue (NelsonFree)
Thomas Nelson Publishers And Then, the Train Wrecked: A Nonfiction Narrative on Grief and Life
The train that was the happy life of Ronnie and Merry was derailed by Merry’s rapid, unexpected death from pancreatic cancer. This nonfiction book chronicles Ronnie’s grief and thoughts on life and God during the days leading up to her death and during the year that followed. It captures the raw emotion of a man as he seeks to understand and to cope with the loss of his wife. It follows one rule in its telling: to be honest from the start. That honesty and raw emotion comes through in every paragraph and makes this a very personal, well told story. Anyone that has known the loss of a loved one can relate to this story, and hopefully, be helped by knowing that it is a path well traveled. They are not alone and are not the first to travel to wherever, whenever. The “life” we plan is seldom the “Life” we end up with. In the end, it comes down to faith and trust in God. That trust gives us the ability to walk through the wreckage of our broken plans, our broken lives and onto the path that God intends for us to follow. Join Ronnie on his journey toward that path.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Cuba Libre (Spanish Edition): Como Una Banda De Guerrilleros Auto Entrenados Derroco a Un Dictador Y Cambio La Historia Del Mundo
LA SORPRENDENTE HISTORIA DEL CHE GUEVARA, FIDEL CASTRO Y EL AGUERRIDO GRUPO DE REBELDES Y MUJERES AVENTURERAS QUE LOS SIGUIERON. La mayoría de la gente está familiarizada con los elementos básicos de la Revolución cubana de 1956 a 1958. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre la naturaleza improvisada del boyante movimiento, ni de las vidas de sus protagonistas. En esta entretenida y meticulosa investigación, el historiador y escritor de viajes Tony Perrottet desentraña la odisea detrás de la más increíble revolución del mundo: la historia de como un puñado de jóvenes desaliñados y revolucionarios autodidactas vencieron a cuarenta mil soldados veteranos para derrocar al régimen del dictador Fulgencio Batista. ¡CUBA LIBRE! se sumerge en las profundidades de la Revolución, revela detalles fascinantes y descubre al movimiento que capturó la imaginación del mundo gracias a su naturaleza dramática, su temeraria valentía, su carácter trágico y, en ocasiones, su alta comicidad. «Tony Perrottet sabe cómo contar una historia ¡y qué historia es esta! En ¡CUBA LIBRE! [...] ha escrito un relato fabuloso de uno de los sucesos mas improbables, románticos y asombrosos del siglo xx». —Chris Ryan, autor del bestseller Sex at Dawn y Civilized del New York Times «¡Una lectura atractiva, divertida y rápida, y profundamente documental! ¡CUBA LIBRE! trastoca la mitología de la Revolución cubana y descubre dimensiones genuinamente épicas de la isla y su historia». —Patrick Symmes, autor de Chasing Che y The Boys from DoloresTONY PERROTTET es autor de cinco libros: Off the Deep End, Pagan Holiday, The Naked Olympics: 2500 años de historia al desnudo y The Sinners Grand Tour. Sus relatos de viajes se han traducido a una docena de idiomas y han aparecido en diversas antologías, además de haber sido seleccionados en siete o más ocasiones para el premio Best American Travel Writing. Aparece con regularidad como invitado en programas de televisión de The History Channel y colabora en la revista Smithsonian. Vive en Nueva York.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Time With God For Mothers
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Money Answer Book
Thomas Nelson Publishers Amiga, deja de disculparte: Un plan sin pretextos para abrazar y alcanzar tus metas
Rachel Hollis, autora del best seller Amiga, lávate esa cara y fundadora de, exhorta a las mujeres a dejar de disculparse por sus deseos, esperanzas y sueños y, en cambio, perseguirlos con pasión y confianza.Rachel ha sido testigo con frecuencia de mujeres que tienen temor de lograr sus propios objetivos. Temen pasar vergüenza, no alcanzar la perfección o no ser lo suficientemente valiosas. Pero el mayor temor de todos es ser juzgadas por el solo hecho de tener una ambición.Habiendo aprendido a definirse a sí mismas a la luz de otras personas –ya sea como esposas, madres, hijas o amigas– muchas mujeres han olvidado quiénes son en realidad y quiénes deberían ser. En este libro la celebridad emprendedora en línea, Rachel Hollis, alienta a las mujeres a ser dueñas de sus esperanzas, deseos y metas, y les recuerda que no tienen que pedir permiso para desear alcanzar más. Con un llamado a las mujeres de todo el mundo para que no dejen de hablar de sus sueños, Hollis identifica las excusas de las que tienen que liberarse, los comportamientos que deben adoptar y las habilidades que necesitan adquirir, en el camino hacia el crecimiento, la confianza y la mejor versión de sus vidas.Conoce más en
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Listens, 3-pack: Daily Devotional Prayers of Peace, Joy, and Hope (the New 365-Day Prayer Book)
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dios nunca se da por vencido contigo: Lo que la historia de Jacob nos enseña sobre la gracia, la misericordia y el amor incesante de Dios
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez si tienes demasiados tropiezos para que Dios utilice a alguien como tú? Si te puede beneficiar una historia de la gracia y la devoción incesante, indoblegable e inquebrantable de Dios, entonces la historia de Jacob es justo lo que necesitas.Dios nunca se da por vencido contigo es para los luchadores entre nosotros y para los ineptos que llevamos dentro. Para los que somos en parte santos y en parte sinvergüenzas. Tenemos buenas intenciones, pero ¿lo hacemos bien? Bueno, no siempre. Tenemos avances, sin duda, pero también fracasos, a menudo en la misma hora. No necesitamos que nos los recuerden. No los hemos olvidado. Sin embargo, podríamos usar un curso de actualización sobre el plan perfecto de Dios para utilizar a personas imperfectas.Y nadie es más adecuado para la tarea que Jacob, el patriarca que se portó mal. Era menos un prodigio y más un pródigo. Fuerte en inteligencia. Con poca conciencia. Dios utilizó a Jacob porque eligió utilizar a Jacob. Y punto. ¿La palabra para tal devoción? Gracia. La gracia vino tras Jacob. La gracia lo encontró en el desierto. La gracia lo protegió en el exilio. La gracia le hizo caer al suelo y le bendijo. La gracia lo llevó a su casa en Canaán. La historia de Jacob nos invita a creer en un Dios que se queda con los indignos y los que no alcanzan el éxito hasta que estamos a salvo en casa.God Never Gives Up on YouEver wonder if you have one too many stumbles for God to use someone like you? If you could benefit from a tale of God’s unending, unbending, unswerving grace and devotion, then the story of Jacob is just what you need.His Grace Never Quits is a book for the members of the Lost Halo Society. For the strugglers among us and the fumbler within us. For those of us who are part saint, part scoundrel. We mean well, but do well? Well, we don’t always. We have breakthroughs, for sure, but breakdowns as well, often in the same hour. We need no reminder of our failures. We have not forgotten them. But we could use a refresher course on God’s perfect plan to use imperfect people.And no one is more suited to the task than Jacob, the misbehaving patriarch. He was less a prodigy and more a prodigal. Strong on savvy. Low on conscience. God used Jacob because God chose to use Jacob. Period. The word for such devotion? Grace. Grace came after Jacob. Grace found him in the desert. Grace protected him in exile. Grace wrestled him to the ground and blessed him. Grace led him home to Canaan. Jacob’s story invites us to believe in a God who sticks with the unworthy and underachievers until we are safely at home.
Thomas Nelson Publishers More Than a Bucket List: Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality
Fun ideas of things to do, places to see, and ways to make a difference!Everyone dreams about places to see, people to meet, and things to do in their lifetime. But too often we lose sight of those dreams and get buried in everyday busyness and demands. More Than a Bucket List will inspire you to seize and act on a range of dreams—anything from visiting the Holy Land, donating your time at a soup kitchen, learning to climb a tree, or helping a child learn to read. The book also includes ideas to make lasting memories as you marvel at a new sight, laugh like crazy with an old friend, or change a life. The compilation of bucket list items is divided thematically and blended with Scripture and personal stories. Pages at the back allow you to write your own bucket list items. Are you ready to finish this life well and start checking off items from your bucket list?
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Wisdom for Mothers
The crown of a mother is found in her faithfulness and character as it’s reflected in her children.God’s Wisdom™ for Mothers was created to give timeless wisdom and guidance for Scripture meditation and application. It is divided topically to include 11 categories (62 subjects) pertaining to motherhood, such as Wisdom with Children, God Delights in Mothers Who . . . , God Walks with Mothers Through Heartache, Adversity, Worry, and many more. Included are pages at the back for prayer lists and personal study notes. This book is a spiritual pathway to help every mother become all she wants to be in the eyes of God and her family.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Surrender Your Story: Ditch the Myth of Control and Discover Freedom in Trusting God
Popular podcaster and self-proclaimed control freak Tara Sun shows how "having everything under control" is overrated--not to mention downright dangerous--and reveals the surprising, lifegiving alternative: only radical surrender to God brings the peace and fulfillment we yearn for.Today's culture is peddling a seductive promise, a message that bombards social media feeds and dominates bestseller lists: you can control your circumstances and achieve any goal through positive thinking, organization, and sheer force of will. But anyone who's tried to white-knuckle their way to self-fulfillment has discovered what lies on the other side of this supposedly empowering message: frustration, disappointment, and exhaustion.Tara knows what it's like to be obsessed with control--all under the guise of the supposed virtues of being self-sufficient, organized, and high achieving. When a battle with severe chronic illness demolished her illusions of control, Tara embarked on a journey of discovering the antidote to the burdensome and ultimately empty myth of control: surrender to the God who cares for us and has an infinitely better blueprint for a life filled with joy, peace, and meaning. Readers will identify how the false promises of control and self-sufficiency have warped their view of themselves, their hopes, and their purpose; learn to trust God--in the big events and the small details of their lives; discover practical steps and strategies for letting go of control and moving forward in faith, even in the face of setbacks and disappointments; and be inspired by examples from Tara's life and from the Bible of the strength and purpose that comes through a lifestyle of surrender. For all those who are exhausted from trying to control their lives and disappointed by their unreached plans, Surrender Your Story is a welcome lifeline that opens readers' eyes to the beauty of a life surrendered to the Master Planner.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Rebuilding Beautiful: Welcome What Is, Dare to Dream Again, and Step Bravely into What Could Be
Thomas Nelson Publishers Life Starts Now: How to Create the Life You’ve Been Waiting For
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dream Big Journal: Weekly Wake-ups to Help You Reach Your Most Ambitious Goals
Thomas Nelson Publishers Take Back Your Family: From the Tyrants of Burnout, Busyness, Individualism, and the Nuclear Ideal
Thomas Nelson Publishers Facing Your Giants: God Still Does the Impossible
How long has your Goliath dominated your days and pilfered your peace?Like David, you know well the presence of Goliath. Your Goliath doesn’t carry a sword or shield; he brandishes blades of unemployment, abandonment, or depression. Your giant doesn’t parade up and down ancient hills; he prances through your office, your bedroom, your classroom. He brings bills you can’t pay, addictions you can’t resist, a past you can’t shake, and a future you can’t face.How long has your Goliath stalked you? Invaded your first thought of the morning and last worry of the night?David knows a little something about facing giants. The shepherd boy seemingly had little to offer against the nine-foot, nine-inch Goliath. You could read his story and wonder what God saw in him. Throughout his life, David fell as often as he stood, stumbled as often as he conquered.But for those who know the threat of a Goliath, David gives this reminder: Focus on Giants—You Stumble. Focus on God—Your Giants Tumble. Are you ready to face your giant? Let David’s story inspire you. The same God who helped him will help you.Extended study guide included.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It
Thomas Nelson Publishers El diario más cool del mundo
Diarios de todo tipo han proliferado en los últimos años, en todas sus formas. Desde la novela o el diario ficticio de un personaje determinado, hasta los diarios autoguiados reales que invitan al usuario a seguir una serie de indicaciones que conducen a un viaje experiencial a través del libro y su uso. Este recurso ya ha demostrado ser extraordinariamente exitoso en Brasil, donde ha vendido más de 100 mil ejemplares.Ahora podemos llegar al mercado con un concepto probado, lo que nos da una ventaja sobre varias editoriales que desean ingresar a este espacio.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Kinda Like Grace: A Homeless Man, a Broken Woman, and the Decision That Made Them Family
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Adam Quest: Eleven Scientists Who Held on to a Strong Faith While Wrestling with the Mystery of Human Origins
Thomas Nelson Publishers Will the World End in 2012?: A Christian Guide to the Question Everyone's Asking
Thomas Nelson Publishers It's Not About Me: Rescue From the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy
Thomas Nelson Publishers Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession, and Grace
Thomas Nelson Publishers Hooked on You
Thomas Nelson Publishers You Have What It Takes: What Every Father Needs to Know
In You Have What It Takes, Eldredge gives fathers a look inside both themselves and their sons and daughters, encouraging them to give their children permission to be who God designed them to be.Every boy wants to be a hero. He wants to be powerful, dangerous. He wants to know… Do I have what it takes?Every girl wants to believe that she is captivating, worth fighting for. She wants to know... Am I lovely?Only you, Dad, can help your children find the answer to those questions. That makes you the most powerful man in your child's life. And as you will learn in this inspiring book, You Have What It Takes.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success
A New York Times bestseller with over 1.3 million copies sold! Only a few months ago, he was a successful executive. Now he’s a desperate man. Join David Ponder on an incredible journey to discover the Seven Decisions for success that can turn any life around, no matter how hopeless a situation seems.Forty-six-year-old David Ponder feels like a total failure. Once a high-flying executive in a Fortune 500 company, he now works a part-time, minimum wage job and struggles to support his family. Suddenly an even greater crisis hits: his daughter becomes ill, and he can’t even afford to get her the medical help she needs. When David’s car skids on an icy road, he wonders if he even cares to survive the crash.But an extraordinary experience awaits David Ponder. He suddenly finds himself traveling back in time, meeting leaders and heroes at crucial moments in their lives—from Abraham Lincoln to Anne Frank. As David speaks with each of these historical figures, they share their personal philosophies with him. By the time his journey is over, he has received seven secrets for success—and a second chance. Among these crucial decisions for success are: The buck stops here, and I am responsible for my past and my future I will seek wisdom and be a servant to others I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit, and I will forgive myself Today I will choose to be happy and be the possessor of a grateful spirit The message is simple: Life is about choices. While we have little control over the events that occur in our lives, success is determined by the choices we make daily. The Traveler’s Gift will challenge you, inspire you, and give you seven decisions that you can employ to determine your own personal success.Acclaim for The Traveler’s Gift: Good Morning America’s “Read This!” book selection for May 2003 Hit the New York Times bestseller list and remained there for 17 weeks Reached #5 on the New York Times Business Bestseller list Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publisher’s Weekly bestseller Translated into nearly 20 languages, including Braille
Thomas Nelson Publishers Chasing Failure: How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success
A USA TODAY Bestseller! Chasing Failure will help you remove every excuse for not pursuing the life you want to live, and that failure may just be the quickest way to success.We all have something we’d love to do, but often our fear of failure outweighs the potential of our destiny. But what if we found out that failure could actually help us succeed?In Chasing Failure, Ryan Leak shares the science behind why people are afraid to fail, mixing in real-life stories and adding practical steps to help us intentionally chase failure in order to embrace the opportunities that come with it. Everyone fails in life—but if you’re willing to learn, improve, and grow because of your failures, you are already on the road to success.As a motivational speaker, whether addressing people in corporations, churches, or youth events, Ryan has a message of hope: failure is right around the corner, so be brave enough to chase it! The good life is on the other side, and as he says, “God promises to be with you always, even through the failure.”Packed with wisdom, specific strategies, and a key takeaway included at the end of each chapter, Chasing Failure will help you: Explore whether your dream idea is worth pursuing Count the cost and create an action plan for your idea Learn how to effectively deal with criticism Understand how to embrace failure and learn how it can propel you By blending personal stories, get-up-and-go encouragement, and practical step-by-step advice, Ryan Leak will show you how chasing failure could be the quickest way to success.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Baggage Handler
When three people take the wrong suitcase from baggage claim, their lives change forever. A hothead businessman coming to the city for a showdown meeting to save his job.A mother of three hoping to survive the days at her sister's house before her niece’s wedding.And a young artist pursuing his father’s dream so he can keep his own alive.When David, Gillian, and Michael each take the wrong suitcases from baggage claim, the airline directs them to retrieve their bags at a mysterious facility in a deserted part of the city. There they meet the enigmatic Baggage Handler, who shows them there is more in their baggage than what they have packed, and carrying it with them is slowing them down in ways they can’t imagine. And they must deal with it before they can leave.In this modern-day parable about the burdens that weigh us down, David Rawlings issues an inspiring invitation to lighten the load.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Champion: How One Boy's Miraculous Journey Through Autism Is Changing the World
A Celebration of Everyone Who Fulfills Their Purpose Through Unexpected ChallengesUntil two years of age, Craig and Samantha’s son Connor was just like other kids—playful, verbal, and affectionate. Then everything changed. He stopped talking, displayed behavioral problems, and withdrew into his own world. The official diagnosis—autism. Faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, Craig and Samantha refused to believe a meaningful life for Connor was impossible. God confirmed their faith by revealing to Craig that Connor would one day touch the lives of thousands of people around the world. Craig and Samantha held that unlikely promise in their hearts during the agonizing years ahead. Champion is a spellbinding chronicle of the twists and turns of Connor’s journey—guided by his parent’s steadfast hope in God’s promises. Through the unexpected breaking of their spirits, The Holy Spirit was poured out, culminating in a miracle that has launched a global ministry to the disabled.X
Thomas Nelson Publishers This Life I Live: One Man's Extraordinary, Ordinary Life and the Woman Who Changed It Forever
**NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER**Her story. His story. The love story of Joey and Rory.By inviting so many into the final months of Joey’s life as she battled cancer, Joey and Rory Feek captured hearts around the world with how they handled the diagnosis; the inspiring, simple way they chose to live; and how they loved each other every step of the way. But there is far more to the story.“My life is very ordinary,” says Rory. “On the surface, it is not very special. If you looked at it, day to day, it wouldn’t seem like much. But when you look at it in a bigger context—as part of a larger story—you start to see the magic that is on the pages of the book that is my life. And the more you look, the more you see. Or, at least, I do.”In this vulnerable book, he takes us for the first time into his own challenging life story and what it was like growing up in rural America with little money and even less family stability.This is the story of a man searching for meaning and security in a world that offered neither. And it’s the story of a man who finally gives it all to a power higher than himself and soon meets a young woman who will change his heart forever.In This Life I Live, Rory Feek helps us not only to connect more fully to his and Joey’s story but also to our own journeys. He shows what can happen when we are fully open in life’s key moments, whether when meeting our life companion or tackling an unexpected tragedy. He also gives never-before-revealed details on their life together and what he calls “the long goodbye,” the blessing of being able to know that life is going to end and taking advantage of it. Rory shows how we are all actually there already and how we can learn to live that way every day.A gifted man from nowhere and everywhere in search of something to believe in. A young woman from the Midwest with an angelic voice and deep roots that just needed a place to be planted. This is their story. Two hearts that found each other and touched millions of other hearts along the way.
Thomas Nelson Publishers 66 Ways God Loves You: Experience God's Love for You in Every Book of the Bible
God deeply loves you—He loves you with an everlasting love. In 66 Ways God Loves You, Jennifer Rothschild walks you through each of the sixty-six books of the Bible and shows, in concise and thoughtful ways, how every book reflects God’s love for you, such as: In Genesis God fashions you with His hands. In Esther He Makes you royalty. In Acts God’s Spirit comes to live in you. In I Peter God gives you victory over suffering. From Genesis to Revelation, each chapter includes a succinct, meaningful reading on the message of that book in the Bible, along with a simple takeaway to help you bring the message to light in your own heart and life. This lovely book is perfect for gift-giving to moms, friends, sisters, and anyone who needs to be reminded that they are known and beloved by God no matter what.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Grace, Not Perfection: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy
Are you ready for a new way of seeing your time? Have you been told you can have it all, only to end up exhausted and occasionally out of sorts with the people you love? Hold yourself and those you love to a more life-giving standard in Grace, Not Perfection, and allow that grace to seep into your days, your family, and your heart. As a busy wife, mother, and entrepreneur, Emily Ley came to a point when she suddenly realized she couldn't do it all. She needed to simplify her life, organize her days, and prioritize her priorities. She decided to hold herself to a standard of grace rather than perfection. This mantra led to the creation of her bestselling Simplified® planner. By embracing grace, not perfection, you will discover how to: Simplify your life by simplifying three major areas: your space, your time, and your mind Create effective to-do lists and get through them one step at a time Center your day around an intentionally slower rhythm of life with various strategies Grace, Not Perfection is for: Moms, ages 25-50 Mother's Day, National Best Friend Day, birthdays, and holiday gifts Designed with Emily Ley's signature aesthetic, gorgeous photography, and a beautiful ribbon marker, this book gives women tangible ways to simplify their lives to give space to what matters most.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Great Teams: 16 Things High Performing Organizations Do Differently
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dios te bendiga y buenas noches
Este dulce libro se asegurará de que su pequeño se duerma sintiéndose seguro y amado.Las historias enDios te bendiga y buenas noches les recuerdan a lospequeños soñolientos de las bendiciones de Dios y lo amados que son. Estas encantadoras historias con rimas llevan a los lectores a través de varias escenas de animales arropaditos que se están preparando para la cama. Las dulces rimas, a veces bobas, y las adorables ilustraciones seguramente harán que este libro sea una parte favorita de la rutina de la hora de dormir para los padres y los niños.Dios te bendiga y buenas noches: Prepara a los niños para un sueño tranquilo y seguro Las frases que riman son divertidas para los pequeñitos El dulce ritual antes de dormir fortalece los lazos entre padres e hijos Incluye hermosas ilustraciones que a los niños les encantarán God Bless You and Good NightThis sweet book will make sure your little one falls to sleep feeling secure and loved.In God Bless You and Good Night, sleepy little ones are reminded of God’s blessings and how much they are loved. The delightful rhyming story takes readers through several scenes of snuggly animals who are getting ready for bed. These sweet, sometimes silly rhymes and adorable art are sure to make God Bless You and Good Night a favorite part of the bedtime ritual for parents and children.God Bless You and Good Night: Prepares children for restful and secure sleep Rhyming stories are fun for kids Sweet bedtime rituals strengthen bonds between parents and children Features delightful animal art kids will adore
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Comeback: It's Not Too Late and You're Never Too Far
Have you ever longed for a comeback?We all know what it feels like to have life disappoint us and not work out as we’d hoped. We all know what it’s like to long for something different, something better, something more.The Comeback celebrates new beginnings. It offers encouragement and perspective, and it’s for you if you feel frustrated or confused, if you’re sorrowing or in pain, if you’ve made mistakes or are grieving, if you’re disappointed or feel as though life doesn’t make sense.The good news is that God is in the business of giving fresh starts to people. He gives hope to the hopeless. Direction to the directionless. Help to those who need help. God is always good, all the time, and God’s plans will always prevail, even when our plans don’t.God already knows what the solutions are. No matter what kind of disappointment or grief or pain or trouble or heartache you encounter, God always offers a new beginning, a change of heart, or a powerful spiritual turnaround. God offers the way forward, and his pathways are always good.Your current circumstances will not get the final say in your life. God is the God of the comeback, no matter what kind of challenge you’re facing.And your story can become a great comeback story too.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Say and Pray Bible: First Words, Stories, and Prayers
Say and Pray Devotions with Your Little Ones Today! Encourage even the littlest hearts to grow in faith through these fun devotions that teach the importance of gratitude. Children will enjoy pointing to and naming labeled objects on each page while learning more about God’s love and how He provides for us. Scripture and short prayers will also hide God’s Word in young hearts.
Thomas Nelson Publishers WayMaker: Finding the Way to the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Warrior Maiden
Thomas Nelson Publishers Word Nerds Unite!: The Fascinating Stories Behind 200 Words and Phrases
Why are spectacularly successful movies called blockbusters? Why does "putting your best foot forward" mean you hope to make a good impression? Why is rowdy and prankish behavior called horseplay and what does it have to do with the rarity of horses? Word Nerds Unite! shares 200 fascinating word meanings for fans of Wordle, Scrabble, and other word games.You've probably used words or phrases like these without giving them a second thought. But you'll be surprised and interested to discover the fascinating and sometimes curious origins to these fun sayings!In Word Nerds Unite! you'll find: 200 quirky, interesting words, phrases, and colloquial terms Backstory for these colorful sayings still used today How some of our favorite expressions have evolved through the years You'll discover such fascinating word and phrase origins for: handwriting on the wall play for keeps raining cats and dogs break the ice bull's eye and many more! Word Nerds Unite! is perfect for word lovers, Wordle enthusiasts, homeschoolers, and anyone curious about the illuminating history of 200 words that pepper our everyday dialogue and how they gained contemporary use. Organized by subject, each chapter begins with a quote, an introductory paragraph, and a list of what you'll discover! This fun read is great for sharing with and gift-giving to the Word Nerd in your life--even you!