Search results for ""author thomas"
Vintage Publishing Sitopia: How Food Can Save the World
'A visionary look at how quality food should replace money as the new world currency' Tim Spector'Hugely ambitious and beautifully written...destined to become a modern classic' Bee WilsonHow we search for, make and consume food has defined human history. It transforms our bodies and homes, our politics and our trade, our landscapes and our climate. But by forgetting our culinary heritage and relying on cheap, intensively produced food, we have drifted into a way of life that threatens our planet and ourselves.What if there were a more sustainable way to eat and live? Drawing on many disciplines, as well as stories of the farmers, designers and economists who are remaking our relationship with food, this inspiring and deeply thoughtful book gives us a provocative and exhilarating vision for change, and points the way to a better future.'Utterly brilliant' Thomasina MiersWINNER OF THE 2021 GUILD FOOD OF WRITERS AWARD FOR BEST FOOD BOOK*Shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize 2020*
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Patient Expectations: The Art of Finding and Keeping Loyal Patients
Strategies for Building Satisfying Patient Relationships New England Healthcare Assembly This book fills a huge void in the areas of medical education andthe delivery of patient service. The clear advice about how toidentify and respond to patient needs and preferences is essentialreading for physicians and those who work with them. If thepersonal rewards of medicine are important to you, read thisbook. --Joseph A. Lieberman, III, chairman, department of family andcommunity medicine, clinical professor of family medicine, ThomasJefferson University This important resource describes how to develop the qualities ofunderstanding, empathy, and compassion that help to meet and exceedpatient expectations. Managing Patient Expectations is filled withrealistic and cost-effective strategies for maintaining patientsatisfaction, creating loyalty, and increasing referrals. SusanKeane Baker explains how to find out what patients really think andhow physicians can best respond in a variety of situations.Co-published with the Healthcare Assembly Press.
Octopus Publishing Group Bold Beans
A BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme Book of the Year 2023'With recipes this good you'll wonder why you didn't embrace the bean craze sooner...' - Thomasina Miers'I love having beans as a base to make a hearty delicious dinner.' - Melissa HemsleyGet ready to become bean obsessed! Beans have had it tough, but they've finally had the makeover they deserve. No longer confined to the back of the cupboard, and now celebrated by foodies, these protein-rich, sumptuous and satisfying marvels offer versatility, texture and heartiness.With contributions from the Bold Bean team as well as Anna Jones, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and the team at Mob among others, these are enticing, exciting recipes uncompromising in their deliciousness.Bold Beans contains over 90 recipes divided into the following chapters: Speedy BeansBean Snacks and Share PlatesBrothy BeansBean BowlsHearty SaladsBean Feasts
HarperCollins Publishers The Ripping Tree
GET OUT. BEFORE THEY SAVE YOU. Early 1800s. Thomasina Trelora is on her way to the colonies. Her fate: to be married to a clergyman she's never met. As the Australian coastline comes into view a storm wrecks the ship and leaves her lying on the rocks, near death. She's saved by an Aboriginal man who carries her to the door of a grand European house, Willowbrae. Tom is now free to be whoever she wants to be and a whole new life opens up to her. But as she's drawn deeper into the intriguing life of this grand estate, she discovers that things aren't quite as they seem. She stumbles across a horrifying secret at the heart of this world of colonial decorum – and realises she may have exchanged one kind of prison for another. The Ripping Tree is an intense, sharp shiver of a novel, which brings to mind such diverse influences as The Turn of the Screw, Rebecca and the film Get Out as much as it evokes The Secret River. A powerful and gripping tale of survival written in Nikki Gemmell's signature lyrical and evocative prose, it examines the darkness at the heart of early colonisation. Unsettling, audacious, thrilling and unputdownable.
Octopus Publishing Group Enough: How your food choices will save the planet
***'An astonishing accomplishment that might be the most important book we ever read, it will change the way you look at what we eat forever.' - Dr Max Pemberton'A wonderfully written guide for anyone who wants to eat better and save the world at the same time. Essential reading for anyone who cares about the planet.' - Thomasina MiersHow changing what you eat can save the planetOur food production systems are the single biggest cause of environmental change, while diseases linked to our eating habits are at epidemic levels and increasing. Enough. uses the latest scientific research to address this vital question: can we provide a growing population with a healthy diet from sustainable food systems? Fortunately for us all, the answer is yes. Enough. shows exactly how we can tackle both of these urgent, interconnected challenges at the same time. Using a seminal piece of research published in 2019, the Planetary HealthDiet (PHD), Dr Coburn reveals the hidden consequences of our food choices, and how we can easily make changes which are better for ourselves and the planet. She details which food groups we should be eating, which we should avoid - and why. Changing our way of eating is something that every one of us has the power to do. Enough. is a clear, ultimately hopeful and hugely important roadmap for both own health - and the planet's.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation
Non-market environmental valuation (NMEV) is undergoing a period of increased growth in both application and development as a result of increasing recognition of the role of economics in environmental policy issues. Against this backdrop, The International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation brings together world leaders in the field to advance the development and application of NMEV as a tool for policy-making. The expert contributors provide insights into the state of the art across the spectrum of both revealed and stated preference methods and highlight new directions being taken. A sequence of topical applications demonstrate various techniques and illustrate what can be achieved using NMEV: deliberately diverse case studies are drawn from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia with valuation targets ranging across use and non-use values of the environment. A number of reviews of cutting-edge issues are also presented. This outstanding resource will enable those interested in environmental valuation from theoretical, practical or policy perspectives to bring themselves to the forefront of developments and practice. As such, this Handbook will prove invaluable to a wide-ranging audience encompassing academics, researchers, students, practitioners and consultants involved in environmental economics and NMEV.Contributors: S. Bain, I.J. Bateman, J. Bennett, E.Y. Besedin, M.C.J. Bliemer, R. Brouwer, R.T. Carson, J. Champ, J. Cheesman, S. Colombo, J. Downing, J. Englin, S. Garcia, M. Giergiczny, A. González-Cabán, T. Groves, N. Hanley, J.A. Herriges, S. Hess, T. Holmes, Y. Jeon, R.J. Johnston, H.A. Klaiber, C.L. Kling, Y. Liu, J. Loomis, P.-A. Mahieu, K.E. McConnell, S. Navrud, A. Pang, G.L. Poe, P. Riera, J. Rolfe, J.M. Rose, E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, V.K. Smith, J. Strand, P.J. Thomassin, D. Tinch, P. van Beukering, C.A. Vossler, X. Wang
Princeton University Press Suburbs under Siege: Race, Space, and Audacious Judges
In Suburbs under Siege Charles Haar argues passionately that all people--rich or poor, black or white--have a constitutional right to live in the suburbs and that a socially responsible judiciary should vigorously uphold that right. For various reasons, American courts have generally failed to question local zoning regulations that trap the urban poor in the squalor of inner cities, away from decent housing and jobs in the suburbs. No U.S. Supreme Court case, for instance, has confronted exclusionary zoning rules, as Brown v. Board of Education once attacked school segregation. Instead, judges at all levels have most often reinforced the residential segregation that may well destroy American society. In this provocative book on the landmark Mount Laurel cases, Haar shows how the N.J. state judiciary broke out of this pattern of judicial behavior. These courageous, innovative judges attracted nationwide attention by challenging the forces of affluence that ruled the suburbs (and the legislature) of their state. Furthermore, they based their reasoning on the N.J. state constitution in order to protect their rulings from invalidation by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the early 1970s, when the cases began, the plaintiffs, Ethel Lawrence and her daughter Thomasene, were barely making ends meet in the Philadelphia suburb of Mount Laurel, a town where their African-American ancestors had lived for seven generations. The Lawrences' dream was to live in a Mount Laurel garden apartment planned by a grassroots reform group as affordable housing: in their way stood a typical minimum acreage zoning ordinance. The eventual court victory of the Lawrences and their young public interest attorneys inspired other N.J. suits and a process of remediation that continues to this day, as judges, experts (special masters), the state legislature, and other citizens work to carry out the Mount Laurel principles. Haar's book is a bold attack on conventional doctrines of the separation of powers limitations on the judicial branch and a plea that judges across the country assume their proper responsibilities for fair housing before it is too late. Originally published in 1996. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Ebury Publishing From the Veg Patch: 10 favourite vegetables, 100 simple recipes everyone will love
-One of delicious magazine's top cookbooks of 2021'Not only does Kathy Slack write beautifully, but she also takes stunning photographs with a strong sense of place, light dappling across the pages.' - delicious'What a lovely first cookbook this is: a fresh and tempting celebration of the joys of growing your own, and cooking what you grow. And Kathy writes beautifully.' - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall'This book is a seasonal treat. I feel transported into nature when I read Kathy's delightful recipes...' - Thomasina Miers'A gentle, useful book full of inspiring, delicious recipes and guidance for kitchen gardeners. Kathy writes with a poetic, infectious wonderment at the life-enhancing magic of growing and cooking vegetables.' - Rosie Birkett'A book full of promise.' - Gill Meller-Everyday recipes that make vegetables the star of the showKathy Slack takes us through a year in her veg patch in this celebration of her ten favourite things to grow and eat.Peas, lettuce, courgettes, beans, tomatoes, beetroot, squash, apples, kale and leeks; all simple to grow, affordable and readily available to anyone without a growing space of their own. Most recipes are vegetarian, some use meat or fish, but every dish makes veg the star of the plate. This is food for everyone and every day.Here are recipes to herald the start of spring (Pea, Feta and Mint Frittata) to enjoy on a sweltering summer day (A Tomato-lovers Salad with Anchovy Breadcrumbs) to warm you up as the nights start to draw in (Pumpkin Tikka Masala) and to hunker down with in the depths of winter (Leek, Chestnut and Cider Crumble).Whether you grow your own vegetables at home or buy them at the supermarket, these beautiful recipes celebrate ingredients at their very best and are a joy to cook and eat.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Taufe und Mahlgemeinschaft: Studien zur Vorgeschichte der altkirchlichen Taufeucharistie
In nahezu allen bekannten Liturgien der Alten Kirche ist die Taufeucharistie Ziel und Höhepunkt der Initiation. Und spätestens ab dem 2. Jahrhundert ist die Taufe die notwendige Bedingung für die Teilnahme an der Eucharistie und an den gemeindlichen Mählern. Dieser Befund setzt bestimmte Entwicklungen und Homogenisierungsprozesse in der Auffassung wie auch im rituellen Vollzug von Taufe und Herrenmahl voraus, die in den Taufgottesdiensten des 4. und 5. Jahrhunderts manifest werden. In der vorliegenden, exegetisch wie liturgiegeschichtlich angelegte Untersuchung rekonstruiert Hans-Ulrich Weidemann die Vorgeschichte dieser gegenseitigen Zuordnung von Taufe und Kultmahl auf dem Hintergrund der pluralen frühchristlichen Mahlpraxis. Im Zuge dessen werden die vorkonstantinischen Taufeucharistien, aber auch die komplexe Zuordnung von Taufe und Mahlgemeinschaft in den neutestamentlichen Texten untersucht.Zunächst wertet er die wichtigsten Quellen aus dem 2. und 3. Jh. aus: die Didache, das Zeugnis Justins, die apokryphen Petrus-, Paulus- und Thomasakten, die Pseudoclementinen, das Zeugnis Tertullians sowie die sogenannte Traditio Apostolica. Dabei wird der plurale Befund zur Taufeucharistie und zur postbaptismalen Mahlpraxis erhoben, und die Initiation mit den weiteren Angaben zur Mahl- und Eucharistiepraxis der jeweiligen Zeugnisse in Beziehung gesetzt. Im zweiten Teil analysiert er jene neutestamentlichen Textpassagen, in denen von postbaptismalen Mählern erzählt wird oder in denen Taufe und Eucharistie inhaltlich zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden: die Apostelgeschichte des Lukas, den ersten Korinther- und den Galaterbrief des Apostels Paulus sowie den Hebräerbrief.
Independent Thinking Press The Philosophy Foundation: The Philosophy Shop (Hardback)- Ideas, activities and questions to get people, young and old, thinking philosophically
Edited by Peter Worley with chapters by: Harry Adamson, Peter Adamson, Alfred Archer, Saray Ayala, Grant Bartley, David Birch, Peter Cave, Miriam Cohen Christofidis, Philip Cowell, James Davy, Andrew Day, Georgina Donati, Claire Field, Berys Gaut, Morag Gaut, Philip Gaydon, Nolen Gertz, A. C. Grayling, Michael Hand, Angie Hobbs, David Jenkins, Milosh Jeremic, Lisa McNulty, Sofia Nikolidaki, Martin Pallister, Andrew Routledge, Anja Steinbauer, Dan Sumners, Roger Sutcliffe, John L. Taylor, Amie L. Thomasson, Robert Torrington, Andy West, Guy J. Williams, Emma Williams, Emma Worley, Peter Worley. The Philosophy Shop is a veritable emporium of philosophical puzzles and challenges to develop thinking in and out of the classroom. Imagine a one-stop shop stacked to the rafters with everything you could ever want, to enable you to tap into young people's natural curiosity and get them thinking deeply. Well, this is it! Edited by philosophy in schools expert, Peter Worley and with contributions from philosophers from around the world, The Philosophy Shop is jam-packed with ideas to get anyone thinking philosophically from children and young people to adults. For use in the classroom, at after school clubs, in philosophy departments and philosophy groups or even for the lone reader, this book will appeal to anyone who likes to think. Take it on journeys and dip in; use it as a classroom starter activity, or for a full philosophical enquiry - it could even be used to steer pub, dinner party or family discussions away from the same old topics. The proceeds of the book are going towards The Philosophy Foundation, a charity bringing philosophy to schools and communities. This book is also available in paperback edition, ISBN 9781781352649. Winner of the Education Resources Awards 2013, Educational Book Award category Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Winner, Philosophy (Adult Nonfiction)