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Verlag am Goetheanum Wer war Ita Wegman Eine Dokumentation in drei Bnden Kmpfe und Konflikte 1924 bis 1943
Glenstone Foundation Brice Marden
Throughout his career, American artist Brice Marden (born 1938) has explored various modes of painterly abstraction, producing monochrome canvases in nuanced, muted hues as well as calligraphic compositions on a grand scale. This book marks the long-term exhibition of Moss Sutra with the Seasons (2010–15) at Glenstone Museum, a monumental five-panel painting commissioned by Glenstone and inspired by the artist's fascination with moss, the changing seasons and traditional Chinese calligraphy, among other subjects. The catalog includes two original essays by art historian Suzanne Hudson, an interview with the artist about this commission and a photo-essay by the artist's daughter, Mirabelle Marden, who documented the process of creating the work. Also included are reproductions of all additional works by the artist in Glenstone's collection, a group which spans each decade of the artist's career and an introduction by Emily Wei Rales, Founder and Director of Glenstone Museum.
Glenstone Foundation Charles Ray
In his sculptural practice, American artist Charles Ray (born 1953) has long been fascinated by the concept of representation, the depiction of the human form and questions of scale. Known for his keen sense of—and respect for—the uncanny, Ray has carved a widely admired path that crisscrosses the arenas of minimalism and conceptual art, while continually pushing the boundaries of visual perception. This book marks the long-term exhibition of works at Glenstone Museum selected by the artist, including Baled Truck (2013), a sculpture made of solid machined stainless steel, emblematic of the artist’s meticulous fabrication process. It also includes a conversation with—and text by—the artist and installation photography.
Pan Macmillan The Accidental Duchess: From Farmer's Daughter to Belvoir Castle
'The Duchess does indeed seem a remarkable woman . . . this is an engaging book' – Lynn Barber, Daily TelegraphWhen Emma Watkins, the pony-mad daughter of a Welsh farmer, imagined her future, she imagined following in her mother's footsteps to marry a farmer of her own. But then she fell in love with David Manners, having no idea that he was heir to one of the most senior hereditary titles in the land. When David succeeded his father, Emma found herself the chatelaine of Belvoir Castle, ancestral home of the Dukes of Rutland.She had to cope with five boisterous children while faced with a vast estate in desperate need of modernization and staff who wanted nothing to change – it was a daunting responsibility.Yet with sound advice from the doyenne of duchesses, Duchess ‘Debo’ of Devonshire, she met each challenge with optimism and gusto, including scaling the castle roof in a storm to unclog a flooding gutter, being caught in her nightdress by mesmerized Texan tourists and disguising herself as a cleaner to watch filming of The Crown. She even took on the castle ghosts . . .At times the problems she faced seemed insoluble yet, with her unstoppable energy and talent for thinking on the hoof, she won through, inspired by the vision and passion of those Rutland duchesses in whose footsteps she trod, and indeed the redoubtable and resourceful women who forged her, whose homes were not castles but remote farmhouses in the Radnorshire Hills.Vividly written and bursting with insights, The Accidental Duchess will appeal to everyone who has visited a stately home and wondered what it would be like to one day find yourself not only living there, but in charge of its future.
Duval House Publishing Echoes in the Halls
Penguin Clásicos Cuentos
Casi un siglo después de su muerte, se empieza a despejar la incógnita sobre el juicio que la posteridad ha reservado a la prolífica obra de la condesa de Pardo Bazán. La crítica suele estar de acuerdo en afirmar que lo mejor de su producción se encuentra en sus cuentos, valientes, modernos, de impecable factura. Leer ahora estas piezas, y en un país donde el cuento no ha sido el género más afortunado, supone una grata e inesperada sorpresa. Lejos de haber envejecido, estos relatos parecen cobrar nueva vida, un vigor insospechado, una renovada luz. La variedad de registros, la atención al detalle, el dominio de la técnica y la capacidad de desenmascarar la condición humana son algunos de los elementos que les han proporcionado la intemporalidad. Eva Acosta, biógrafa de la condesa y una de las grandes especialistas en la obra de la escritora, ha llevado a cabo una rigurosa selección de sus mejores cuentos. Fantásticos, policíacos, realistas, humorísticos, de misterio, históricos o intim
Fundación José Antonio de Castro Una cristiana La prueba La piedra angular Doña Milagros Memorias de un solterón
Fundación José Antonio de Castro Pascual López autobiografía de un estudiante Un viaje de novios La tribuna El cisne de Vilamorta
Insolacin Historia amorosa Literatura Reino de Cordelia Spanish Edition 134
Asís Taboada, joven atractiva y prematuramente viuda, se despierta una mañana con una fuerte resaca, provocada por los excesos que ha cometido el día anterior en la feria madrileña de San Isidro en compañía de un galán seductor y calavera, el gaditano Diego Pacheco. Aunque la moral de la época lanza constantes alertas para que se olvide de ese pretendiente, ella no lo tiene tan claro y desoye los consejos de la buena moral. Cien años después de la muerte de Emilia Pardo Bazán, Insolación sigue siendo una obra divertida, profundamente castiza y muy adelantada en su concepción, claramente feminista, a la época en la que fue escrita.
Fundación José Antonio de Castro Cuentos dispersos 18651910
La Tribuna
Las tensiones sociales y políticas que se producen en España a raíz de la revolución de 1868 adquieren un tratamiento nuevo y original en "La Tribuna" (1882). El título de la novela hace referencia a la protagonista, Amparo, obrera de una fábrica de tabacos de La Coruña y defensora de la república federal, quien se convierte en líder de las cigarreras. Sin embargo, un oficial del ejército, que la seduce y abandona, frustra sus ambiciones. Fiel a los postulados del naturalismo, Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) muestra la presión del medio sobre los personajes, refleja los aspectos más sórdidos de la realidad y lleva a cabo una denuncia de la mentalidad conservadora de las clases acomodadas, de la precaria situación de la mujer y de la fe ingenua del pueblo en las reformas políticas.Introducción y notas de Marisa Sotelo Vázquez
Insolacin Edicin ilustrada Una historia amorosa Spanish Edition
Con motivo de la conmemoración del primer centenario de la muerte de la escritora Emilia Pardo Bazán, publicamos una edición ilustrada a todo color de una de sus novelas más importantes: "Insolación", publicada en 1889, cuando ya había sido reconocida por la crítica como gran novelista tras el éxito de "Los Pazos de Ulloa" y La madre naturaleza"."Insolación" narra la historia de amor, apasionado e irresistible, entre Diego Pacheco, un don Juan díscolo pero de buen corazón, y la marquesa de Andrade, viuda, ingenua pero no tanto, bella y sensual, que casi por casualidad descubre que para recuperar la vida primero ha de atreverse a resucitar su cuerpo, sepultado bajo capas de decoro y exigencias sociales.En la novela vemos desfilar al Madrid de la época en todo su esplendor, desde los chulapos a los maleantes, las clases populares y los aristócratas, los reformadores y los que de ninguna manera quieren ser reformados, todos mezclados cuando de lo que se trata es de participar de l
Bauhaus-Universität Selam Bauhaus
Cheng & Tsui Co Adventures in Japanese
Bohlau Verlag Transatlantische Rivalitaten
Was einmal als Wettlauf um die Moderne tituliert worden ist die Rivalitäten der beiden Aufsteigernationen an der vorigen Jahrhundertwende, Amerika und Deutschland , gehört zu den spannendsten Gründungsgeschichten unserer Zeit. Schriften zu Amerikanismus und Fordismus sind inzwischen Legion. Die Technik selbst ist dabei zu kurz gekommen. Amerikanische Historiker haben die Geschichte des Landes im Spiegel seiner technischen Allmacht erzählt; deutsche Technikhistoriker haben die hiesigen Entwicklungen fachkundig behandelt. Dazwischen sind jedoch die vielen kulturellen Konfrontationen und Verflechtungen der beiden Länder auf diesem Gebiet im Schatten geblieben, als ob die technische Moderne in den USA erst mit Ford und Taylor begonnen habe und Deutsche den Amerikanismus erst in der Weimarer Republik entdeckt hätten.Dank der Evolution der Technikgeschichte in den letzten Jahrzehnten, mit welcher Technik als dynamischer Kulturfaktor und nicht bloß als Abfolge von Erfindungen und deren Anwen
Pace Publishing Loie Hollowell - Plumb Line
Radiant and energetic abstractions of the human figure in the latest works from acclaimed painter Loie Hollowell New York-based painter Loie Hollowell (born 1983) has evolved a dynamic vocabulary of dimensionality, color and geometric shape. Abstracting the human figure, Hollowell’s paintings explore the dualities of light, and volume and scale, blurring the lines between the illusory and the real. In particular, her latest body of work explores her relationship to different stages of her pregnancy from conception to birth to motherhood. Nonetheless, subject matter in Hollowell’s work often emerges through phenomenological encounter rather than narrative content, tapping the depth of the artist’s embodied experience. This catalog for Hollowell's exhibition Plumb Line, an inaugural show at Pace Gallery's new headquarters in New York, features nine large-scale paintings, as well as installation shots, and deploys die-cut colored pages as a compositional element. An essay by Emma Enderby and a conversation between the artist and Elissa Auther contextualize the work, and are complemented by poetry by Iris Cushing.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc The Vagina: A Literary and Cultural History
From South Park to Kathy Acker, from Lars Von Trier to Sex and the City, women’s sexual organs are demonized. In The Vagina: A Literary and Cultural History, Emma L.E. Rees investigates the evolution of this demonization: she considers how writers, artists and filmmakers contend with the dilemma of he vagina's puzzling 'covert visibility' and how the ‘c-word’ is an obscenity that both legitimates and perpetuates the fractured identities of women globally. In our postmodern, porn-obsessed culture, vaginas appear to be everywhere, literally or symbolically but, crucially, they are as silenced as they are objectified. Even common slang terms for the vagina can be seen as an attempt to divert attention away from the reality of women’s lived sexual experiences: slang offers a convenient distraction from something taboo. The Vagina: A Literary and Cultural History is an important contribution to the ongoing debate in understanding the feminine identity.
Clan Editorial Cuentos de Navidad y Reyes
Las descripciones detallistas y precisas que en estas narraciones nos ofrece la Condesa de Pardo Bazán retratan una sociedad con diferencias extremas, colocando el desamparo junto con la riqueza más ostentosa. Los protagonistas encarnan la caridad, la reconciliación, la devoción mística, en ocasiones de una forma que puede parecer insólita. Insólita en cualquier otro momento de sus vidas, en cualquier otro día que no fuera Navidad.
M.A.R. Editor Lisboa antología de relatos de viajes
Fundación José Antonio de Castro Los pazos de Ulloa La madre naturaleza Insolación Morriña
Ediciones Cátedra La mujer española y otros escritos
Esta selección de textos de Emilia Pardo Bazán constituye un testimonio incomparable de las diferencias que existían entre los hombres y las mujeres a finales del siglo XIX, y una ocasión única para acercarse a la obra y la ideología de esta escritora española. Observadora inteligente y audaz, doña Emilia fue testigo excepcional de una sociedad que recelaba de cualquier intento que hiciera una mujer por escapar de su papel preestablecido, y logró ella misma salirse de él para triunfar en una actividad que se consideraba de los hombres. Su denuncia no es victimista ni se centra exclusivamente en las mujeres, sino que plantea las diferentes vías y expectativas que la sociedad les ofrece para desarrollar su personalidad, y las exigencias que gravitan sobre cada sexo. Todo ello unido al estilo accesible y ameno con que escribe, hace que la lectura de estos textos se convierta en motivo de verdadero disfrute.
Fundación José Antonio de Castro Cuentos dispersos 19111921
Capstone Press Our Future in Space
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS 9e United Kingdom: Print PHTLS Textbook with Digital Access to Course Manual eBook: Print PHTLS Textbook with Digital Access to Course Manual eBook
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field. Throughout the years and across the globe, the PHTLS course has improved the quality of trauma patient care and has saved lives. This UK localised edition continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all clinicians involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education. This legendary programme was first developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT). The UK edition of this trusted and reliable resource is endorsed by the College of Paramedics. The text has been revised and updated to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and brings the established course in line with national guidance to reflect the paramedic role within the UK. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that prehospital clinicians make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Dynamic Technology Solutions World-class content joins instructionally sound design with a user-friendly online interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with: • eBook of the PHTLS Course Manual that reinforces key concepts presented in the PHTLS course • Video demonstrations of critical skills in the PHTLS Online Instructor ToolKit
Elsevier Science Introduction to Optimum Design
Octopus Publishing Group The Little Book of Gratitude
Gratitude is, first and foremost, a way of seeing that alters our gaze.Gratitude is the simple, scientifically proven way to increase happiness and encourage greater joy, love, peace, and optimism into our lives. It''s not just good medicine though, a nice sentiment, a warm fuzzy feeling, or a strategy or tactic for being happier or healthier. It is also the truest approach to life. We did not create or fashion ourselves, and we did not get to where we are in life by ourselves.Living gratefully begins with affirming the good and recognizing its sources. It is the understanding that life owes you nothing and all the good you have is a gift, accompanied by an awareness that nothing can be taken for granted.Featuring beautiful illustrations and simple exercises, this is the perfect little book to help you:- Practice gratitude- Improve your health and wellbeing- Enhance your relationships- Encourage healthy sleep- Heighten feelings
Prototype Publishing Ltd. PROTOTYPE 4
The fourth instalment of Prototype’s annual anthology: a space for new work, open to all and free from formal guidelines or restrictions. Poetry, prose, visual work and experiments in between.Including contributions by ajw, Sascha Akhtar, Chiara Ambrosio, Charlie Baylis, Jack Barker-Clark, Natalie Linh Bolderston, Jo Burns, Nancy Campbell, J. R. Carpenter, Joe Carrick-Varty, Robert Casselton Clark, Rory Cook, Emily Cooper, Kate Crowcroft, Eve Esfandiari-Denney, Alisha Dietzman, Edward Doegar, Nathan Dragon, Laura Elliott, Alan Fielden, Clare Fisher, Livia Franchini, Jay Gao, Honor Gareth Gavin, Emily Hasler, Grace Henes, Martha Kapos, Annie Katchinska, Victoria Manifold, Samra Mayanja, Jessa Mockridge, Helen Palmer, Yannis Ritsos (trans. Paul Merchant), Rochelle Roberts, Kimberly Reyes, fred spoliar, Scott Thurston, Hao Guang Tse, Ralf Webb, Sam Weselowski, Chrissy Williams and Xuela Zhang.