Search results for ""author em"
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Marriage of Convenience: Rockefeller International Health and Revolutionary Mexico
Offers a nuanced analysis of the interaction between the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Division and Mexico's Departamento de Salubridad Pública as they jointly promoted public health through campaigns against yellow fever and hookworm disease, organized cooperative rural health units, and educated public health professionals in North American universities and Mexican training stations.
Cornell University Press Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York
Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York documents the extraordinary diversity of fishes found within the state''s inland marine waters and twelve nautical miles off the coastline. In this definitive resource for the region, Howard M. Reisman and Emerson C. Hasbrouck Jr. highlight 244 species alongside the fisheries and food chains to which they are vital. Species profiles describe distribution and annual movements, anatomical, physiological and behavioral distinctions, ecological roles, and more. This up-to-date volume also features: Fishery management and sustainability practices More than 150 drawings and a color gallery QR codes linking to fish videos Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York is essential for professionals and enthusiasts looking to discover the region''s abundance of unique and important fish species.
Alfred A. Knopf Station Eleven: A novel
Institution of Engineering & Technology Code of Practice for Electromagnetic Resilience
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd From Suffragette to Homesteader: Exploring British and Canadian Colonial Histories and Women's Politics through Memoir
From Suffragette to Homesteader opens a unique window into the past. Central to this book is a powerful memoir written in 1952 by Ethel Marie Sentance as an anniversary present for her husband, Clarence. The memoir begins in 1883 and details Ethel's early life in a small English village. Frustrated with women's social and political inequality, Ethel became a suffragette in her early twenties. She participated in meetings and rallies, sold suffrage newspapers, and was eventually jailed for breaking a window at a protest. In 1912, her life changed considerably when she married and relocated to the Saskatchewan prairies to become a homesteader and settler.Surrounding Ethel's memoir are chapters by leading historians and life-writing scholars that provide further analysis and context, exploring topics within and beyond those written about by Ethel. Together, the chapters in this book tell a compelling story of early and mid twentieth century social justice advocacy, women's and feminist histories, struggles for gender equality, and the farmworker and homesteader experience. At the same time, the book is also a story of imperialism and the British Empire, race and class, and settler colonialism.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Hundred Years War: 1337–1453
An illustrated overview of the Hundred Years War, the longest-running and the most significant conflict in western Europe in the later Middle Ages. There can be no doubt that military conflict between France and England dominated European history in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Hundred Years War is of considerable interest both because of its duration and the number of theatres in which it was fought. Drawing on the latest research for this new edition, Hundred Years War expert Professor Anne Curry examines how the war can reveal much about the changing nature of warfare: the rise of infantry and the demise of the knight; the impact of increased use of gunpowder and the effect of the war on generations of people. Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and 50 new images, this illustrated introduction provides an important reference resource for the academic or student reader as well as those with a general interest in late medieval warfare.
Alfred A. Knopf Sea of Tranquility: A novel
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Worth Getting Muddy For!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Marriage in the Modern Age
Spanning cultures across the 20th century, this volume explores how marriage, especially in the West, was disestablished as the primary institution organizing social life. In the developing world, the economic, social, and legal foundations of traditional marriage are stronger but also weakening. Marriage changed because an industrial wage economy reduced familial patriarchal control of youth and women and spurred demands and possibilities for greater autonomy and choice in love. After the Second World War, when more married women pursued education and employment, and gays and lesbians gained visibility, feminism and gay liberation also challenged patriarchal and restrictive gender roles and helped to reshape marriage. In 1920 most people married for life; in the twenty-first century fewer marry, and serial monogamy prevails. Marriage is more diverse and flexible in form but also more fragile and optional than it once was. Over the century control of courtship shifted from parents to youth, and friends, as opposed to kin, became more important in sustaining marriages. Dual-wage-earner families replaced the male breadwinner. Social and political liberalism assailed conservative laws and religious regimes, expanding access to divorce and birth control. Although norms of masculinity and femininity retain huge power in most cultures, visions of more egalitarian and romantic love as the basis of marriage have gained traction—made appealing by the global spread of capitalist social relations and also broadcast by culture industries in the developed world. The legalization of same-sex marriage—in over twenty-five nations by 2020—epitomizes a century of change toward a less gender-defined ideal that includes a continued desire for social recognition and permanence. A Cultural History of Marriage in the Modern Age presents an overview of the period with essays on Courtship and Ritual; Religion, State and Law; Kinship and Social Networks; the Family Economy; Love and Sex; the Breaking of Vows; and Representations of Marriage.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Modern European Intellectual History: Individuals, Groupings, and Technological Change, 1800-2000
This non-technical introduction to modern European intellectual history traces the evolution of ideas in Europe from the turn of the 19th century to the modern day. Placing particular emphasis on the huge technological and scientific change that has taken place over the last two centuries, David Galaty shows how intellectual life has been driven by the conditions and problems posed by this world of technology. In everything from theories of beauty to studies in metaphysics, the technologically-based modern world has stimulated a host of competing theories and intellectual systems, often built around the opposing notions of ‘the power of the individual’ versus collectivist ideals like community, nation, tradition and transcendent experience. In an accessible, jargon-free style, Modern European Intellectual History unpicks these debates and historically analyses how thought has developed in Europe since the time of the French Revolution. Among other topics, the book explores: * The Kantian Revolution * Feminism and the Suffrage Movement * Socialism and Marxism * Nationalism * Structuralism * Quantum theory * Developments in the Arts * Postmodernism * Big Data and the Cyber Century Highly illustrated with 80 images and 10 tables, and further supported by an online Instructor's Guidet, this is the most important student resource on modern European intellectual history available today.
Simon & Schuster Never Put a Cactus in the Bathroom
Fuel your houseplant obsession with this beautifully illustrated room-by-room guide to bringing the outdoors inside-perfect for plant parents everywhere!
Biblok Book Export, S.L. Memorias de Napolen
Clan Editorial Cuentos de mujeres
Miquio mo
?Mi ilustre maestro y amigo?, escribe Emilia Pardo Bazán a Benito Pérez Galdós en 1883. ?Querido y respetado maestro?, un año más tarde. ?Amigo querido?, en 1886, firmando ?soy de usted amiga, admiradora y compañera? treinta y tantas cartas después. ?Miquiño mío del alma? le dice en mayo de 1889, avisándole de que el sábado siguiente podrá ?besar mi escultural geta gallega?, si se encuentran por casualidad. Un año más tarde, ya Galdós ha pasado a ser su ?caro roedor literario? y, bien entrado el siglo siguiente, firma aún las misivas?su invariable amiga Emilia?.Más de 90 cartas escritas en 32 años cuentan la amistad, el amor y la admiración entre dos genios de su tiempo, que compartieron cuitas creativas, avatares editoriales y alguna escapada ocasional. Unas cartas en las que la personalidad de Pardo Bazán ?apasionada, clara, guerrera, maternal? brilla tanto como su dominio del lenguaje, su gracia y su originalidad.Todo un festín para amantes de la literatura, espíritus romántic
Los Pazos de Ulloa Libro bolsillo Band 796
El díptico narrativo formado por "Los Pazos de Ulloa" y "La madre naturaleza" constituye, sin duda alguna, la obra más célebre de Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921). Cuando el joven sacerdote don Julián se presenta en la hacienda de los Pazos de Ulloa, en la Galicia rural, para ejercer de administrador, el mundo con el que se halla está lejos de cualquier grandeza y, en cuanto a los mecanismos y pasiones que en él rigen, próximo a un primitivismo medieval. El atraso y la decadencia, las ambiciones y el aislamiento, el instinto frente a la sociedad, la inanidad de la nobleza frente a la férrea determinación del aldeano son los ejes en torno a los cuales gira la acción de una novela que provocó un gran escándalo a su publicación, en 1886, debido a su adscripción al naturalismo, la crudeza de las situaciones que narra y sus descripciones.
La madre naturaleza Libro bolsillo Band 797
La aparición en 1886 de "Los Pazos de Ulloa" provocó un formidable escándalo en el mundo literario de la Restauración. Sin esperar a que se calmaran las aguas, Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) publicó al año siguiente otra novela, "La madre naturaleza", que es continuación directa de la anterior. En ella, la persistencia de ciertos temas (como el desvelamiento de las dimensiones ocultas del alma, el conflicto entre los instintos y la razón, el retroceso hacia la animalidad) y de la forma de tratarlos muestra la profundidad del compromiso de la autora con el naturalismo. En esta ocasión, sin embargo, el núcleo del relato (los amores incestuosos de los dos adolescentes que protagonizan la novela) se impone a los elementos sociales que acompañan a su trama.
Sloan Publishing The Ancient World
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc German PHTLS & Course Manual: PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Präklinisches Trauma-Lebenserhaltung) & PHTLS-Kurshandbuch
Auf dem Feld zählen die Sekunden. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, neunte Edition lehrt und bekräftigt die Prinzipien der raschen Beurteilung eines Traumapatienten unter Anwendung eines systematischen Vorgehens, der sofortigen Behandlung lebensbedrohlicher Probleme, sobald diese erkannt werden, und der Minimierung von Verzögerungen bei der Einleitung des Transports zu einem geeigneten Zielkrankenhaus. Entwickelt von der NAEMT (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) spiegelt die neunte Edition von PHTS aktuelle, evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisse und Praktiken wider und fördert kritisches Denken als Grundlage für eine qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung. Dynamische Programmkomponenten Das PHTLS-Hauptlehrbuch, neunte Edition, ist die maßgebliche Ressource für die Traumabehandlung, die die medizinische Evidenz hinter den empfohlenen Prinzipien und Praktiken des PHTLS-Kurses detailliert beschreibt. Als nächster Schritt in der Entwicklung des PHTLS-Programms wird das Hauptlehrbuch von diesem neuen PHTLS-Kurshandbuch begleitet, das die Schlüsselkonzepte des Kurses bekräftigt und verdeutlicht, ein ansprechendes, interaktives Design aufweist und so geschrieben ist, dass Sie das Gefühl haben, an einem Gespräch teilzunehmen, anstatt einem Vortrag zuzuhören. Das Kurshandbuch enthält die folgenden Hauptmerkmale: Progressive Fallstudien - Überwachen Sie einen Patienten von Alarmierung über die Untersuchung bis hin zum Management und Transport und legen Sie fest, wie Sie einen ähnlichen Fall vor Ort behandeln würden. Fragen, die zum kritischen Denken einladen - Wenden Sie das im Kapitel vorgestellte Wissen an und stärken Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Patienten. Weitere Informationen - Erweitern Sie Ihr Verständnis von Vitalkonzepten und erforschen Sie die Erkenntnisse, die hinter den besten Praktiken zur Behandlung von Traumapatienten stehen. Lernfragen - Bereiten Sie sich auf den Erfolg beim Nachtest des Kurses vor, indem Sie die Hauptkonzepte des Kapitels durch praxisbezogene Fragen untermauern.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS 9e Spanish: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, Novena Edición: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, Novena Edición
Hace más de tres décadas, PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario transformó la evaluación y manejo del trauma en el campo. A lo largo de los años y alrededor del mundo, el curso de PHTLS ha mejorado la calidad de la atención al paciente de trauma y ha salvado vidas. La novena edición de este confiable y fidedigno recurso continúa con la misión de PHTLS de promover la excelencia en el manejo de pacientes con trauma por parte de los proveedores involucrados en proporcionar la atención prehospitalaria mediante la educación global. Este legendario programa fue desarrollado por primera vez por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT), a principios de la década de los ochenta del siglo pasado con la cooperación del Comité para el Trauma del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, ACS-COT). Su contenido médico se revisa y actualiza en forma continua para reflejar lo último y más actualizado del conocimiento y la práctica con base en la evidencia. El PHTLS promueve el pensamiento crítico como fundamento para proporcionar una atención de calidad. Basándose en la creencia de que los profesionales de los servicios de emergencias médicas toman las mejores decisiones en beneficio de sus pacientes cuando se les proporciona una base sólida de conocimiento y principios clave para estimular sus habilidades de pensamiento crítico. Un enfoque claro para evaluar al paciente de trauma En el campo, los segundos cuentan. PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, novena edición enseña y refuerza los principios para evaluar con rapidez al paciente con trauma usando un enfoque ordenado, tratando de inmediato los problemas que ponen en riesgo la vida conforme se van identificando y minimizando cualquier retraso para iniciar transporte a un destino adecuado. Soluciones de tecnología dinámica El contenido de clase mundial se une al diseño instructivo con una interfaz en línea fácil de usar para proporcionar a los instructores y estudiantes una medio de realmente interactivo con una atractiva experiencia de aprendizaje con: • E-book del Manual del curso PHTLS que refuerza los conceptos clave presentados en el curso del PHTLS.
Editorial GEU Atencin a la diversidad en educacin primaria
Linkgua Crónica Internacional
El regalo de Carlos III a George Washington El periplo de Royal Gift
Un apasionante y memorable relato sobre la historia de Estados Unidos y de Espan?a en torno a la dádiva real de Carlos III para con el general Washington, quien puso en marcha un ambicioso proyecto en su plantación de Virginia en los años previos a su presidencia. Este fecundo libro narra la historia de lo ocurrido para alcanzar un objetivo, desvelando sus claves y la repercusión que tuvieron sus hechos.
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Medios de comunicación y español actual
?Medios de Comunicación y Español Actual?, de Susana Guerrero Salazar y Emilio Alejandro Núñez Cabezas, libro en el que se pretende recoger y analizar el especial uso que se hace de nuestra lengua en los medios de comunicación. Para ello, se realiza un riguroso estudio mediante una muestra significativa de casos, recogidos en los medios de comunicación, especialmente radio, televisión y prensa, durante un periodo amplio de tiempo. Los autores han consignado ciertas tendencias (léxicas, morfosintácticas, ortográficas, etc.) que deberían ser evitadas, con intención no sólo de reprobar, sino de dar una alternativa. Se completa con la definición de lenguaje periodístico y su relación con el lenguaje político, así como un capítulo dedicado al sexismo lingüístico en el que se recoge su definición, estrategias no sexistas y varios tipos de ejemplos, igualmente tomados de los medios de comunicación.
Editorial Doble J, S.L. Reseña verídica de la Revolución filipina
Alfaqueque Ediciones La risa de las mujeres muertas
Julio Pretel, concertista sevillano, tiene un extraño encuentro con una misteriosa mujer en el bellísimo Alcázar de Sevilla. Después, la joven desaparece ante sus ojos, como si se desintegrase en el aire. Alucinación? Experiencia paranormal? Salto en el tiempo? Ansioso por saber lo que de veras sucedió, Julio halla coincidencias entre la mujer que él vio (o creyó ver) y ... una princesa sevillana que vivió en ese mismo Alcázar novecientos años atrás! El músico inicia así una búsqueda obsesiva en la que intentará borrar las fronteras del tiempo. Poco a poco irá conociendo la personalidad de una extraordinaria mujer, Buthayna, poetisa, princesa de Sevilla y esclava de los almorávides. Una mujer atrapada como él en una historia en la que lo verosímil y lo imposible no parecen ser sino una misma cosa. Mientras, una antigua amante vuelve a cruzarse en su camino, reiniciándose así una historia de amor que ambos creían ya acabada mucho tiempo atrás. "La risa de las mujeres muertas" plantea lo
Maestros del pensamiento sociológico las ideas en su contexto histórico y social
Maestros del pensamiento sociológico es una investigación original que profundiza en el contexto social, político y moral de los grandes protagonistas de la historia de la teoría sociológica. Cómo eran mis clásicos, a los que regreso una y otra vez?, se pregunta Emilio Lamo de Espinosa en la presentación de la obra. Cómo se desarrolló su vida, con quién la compartieron, cómo la financiaron; eran alegres o aburridos, formales o transgresores, por qué escribieron lo que escribieron? Con quién se relacionaban el misógino Spencer, el profesoral y aburrido mandarín Durkheim, el aristocrático Pareto, el ascético y trabajador Weber, el mujeriego y creativo Veblen, el urbanita y judío Simmel, el emigrante Thomas?. Cada capítulo es un ensayo original de sociología del conocimiento, en el que Coser aplica sistemáticamente al estudio de cada autor lo que los mismos autores analizados le han enseñado. Constituye así, según Lamo, el primer libro de historia de la teoría sociológica escrito por un s
Paulist Press International,U.S. Introduction to Bioethics An Fourth Edition Revised and Updated
This book provides an introductory survey of various bioethical issues facing society from beginning of life issues to end of life issues, and several issues in between.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Trio in B Minor Flute Violin Cello with Piano Score Parts Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Prussian Sonatas Nos 16 Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music Four Sonatas Parts Kalmus Edition
Jonglez Destination Wellness
Discover the 35 best places in the world to take time out. In this glorious, coffee-table book and practical guide, you can find the perfect retreat to suit your needs. Do you need a real break but don''t know where to go, maybe you''re dreaming of a complete change of scenery to combine with your spa break, perhaps the answer is a holistic centre that''s off the beaten track - this is the guide for you.Discover our finest selection of the 35 best wellness destinations in the world, to suit all styles and budgets. Choose from: a yoga retreat on a private island in Greece an ayurvedic week in Normandy a breathwork course in Costa Rica a detox holiday in the sun in Italy or Arizona a panchakarma cure in Sri Lanka an island spa in the Maldives All the destinations will leave you feeling healthier, stronger and more in touch with yourself. Enjoy your (inner) journey.
Wisdom Publications,U.S. A Monks Guide to Finding Joy
A profound and practical guide to uncovering your own wise mind and kind heart.We all want to find happiness. But how do we go about it? In this easygoing and clear-sighted guide, celebrated Buddhist meditation and philosophy master Khangser Rinpoche provides us with down-to-earth advice on how to train our minds and find our own innate wisdom and kindness along the way. He helps us see the profound insight that is open to us all, and how it can awaken us to the truth of the way things are. This insight into the truth, and the practices that help you cultivate this awareness, transform suffering into wisdom and compassion—and ultimately joy. A Monk''s Guide to Finding Joy brings the ancient Tibetan mind training tradition into our twenty-first century lives. Through stories, real-life examples, reflections, and meditation practices—all told with warmth and humor—Khangser Rinpoche shows us how we can transform the suffering of our life in
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Popular Pleasures: An Introduction to the Aesthetics of Popular Visual Culture
Today’s many popular aesthetic pleasures have a very long history. Paul Duncum considers the historical critical discourses, and socio-political issues raised by aesthetic pleasures in fifteen thematic chapters. Using illustrative examples from the past, present, and across cultures, he challenges the idea of any decline of cultural standards and argues that no grounds exist for cultural pessimism. Refusing to condemn popular culture on the basis of taste, he reserves critique for the socio-political ideologies aesthetics invariably serve. Art history, film, cultural studies, and philosophical aesthetics are each employed to show that the sensory/emotional lures of today’s popular culture are mostly identical to those of premodern fine art. They include the violent, the horrific, the sentimental, the exotic, the erotic, and the humorous. Some of these pleasures derive from our evolutionary biology; they are all an important part of what it means to be human, and central to understanding contemporary society. Examples are wide-ranging, including British seaside postcards, Disney films, Nazi propaganda, burlesque, modern advertising, as well as many exemplars of fine art. The book reveals fresh insights for all those studying visual culture, art history, aesthetics, media studies, and media and art education.
Princeton University Press Making Human Rights a Reality
In the last six decades, one of the most striking developments in international law is the emergence of a massive body of legal norms and procedures aimed at protecting human rights. In many countries, though, there is little relationship between international law and the actual protection of human rights on the ground. Making Human Rights a Reality takes a fresh look at why it's been so hard for international law to have much impact in parts of the world where human rights are most at risk. Emilie Hafner-Burton argues that more progress is possible if human rights promoters work strategically with the group of states that have dedicated resources to human rights protection. These human rights "stewards" can focus their resources on places where the tangible benefits to human rights are greatest. Success will require setting priorities as well as engaging local stakeholders such as nongovernmental organizations and national human rights institutions. To date, promoters of international human rights law have relied too heavily on setting universal goals and procedures and not enough on assessing what actually works and setting priorities. Hafner-Burton illustrates how, with a different strategy, human rights stewards can make international law more effective and also safeguard human rights for more of the world population.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Royal French State, 1460 - 1610
In this second volume of the History of France series, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie provides a masterful account of the early modern period combining a compelling narrative with broad analysis of events and wider comparisons with European history.
Solidsilva925 Killing Time
Edward Everett Root Territory of the Historian
Currency Press Pty Ltd This Was Urgent Yesterday
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Images of Childhood: A Visual History From Stone to Screen
Drawing on a rich legacy of pictorial evidence, Images of Childhood examines historical constructions of childhood and how they reinforce or challenge the prevailing view of childhood as a state of innocence. Each chapter explores how visual elements such as framing, points-of view, and lighting, as well as clothes, accessories, and body language, help to construct our many different conceptions of children: from members of the family unit and assumed gender roles; to schooling and aesthetic objects; through to their economic value and use in political propaganda. Skillfully navigating a multitude of perspectives on this topic, Paul Duncum considers both how our ideas, beliefs and values have changed throughout history and how some have remained unchanged. He also explores the cultural notion of “the child within” and how this has contributed to the way adults perceive children. The result is a text far broader in scope than any other in its field, as art history is interweaved with contemporary popular culture to explore how we visually represent childhood. In doing so, the book highlights the real-life implications that these representations have on children’s rights.
Atravesar fronteras Encuentros con seres vivos Paisajes digitales
En los ambientes digitales, como en todos los contextos educativos de los nidos y las escuelas de la infancia municipales de Reggio Emilia, los niños actúan como autores y constructores del propio saber y los propios imaginarios individuales y colectivos, dejando de lado una idea de tecnología anestésica y centralizadora y haciendo visible otra, amplificadora y generadora. La tecnología entra en la cotidianidad de los contextos educativos, no domina, no sustituye sino que se mezcla con otros lenguajes. Entra como ambiente, no puramente instrumental y funcionalista, sino conector de saberes y exploraciones multidisciplinarias, dando apoyo a los modos de conocer de los niños, inaugurando nuevos ambientes de socialización y participación. Tiene la potencialidad de transformar los contextos de enseñanza-aprendizaje ofreciendo nuevas modalidades de representación para los pensamientos y las teorías de los niños, proponiendo una dimensión cultural capaz de conjugar abstracción y artesanía. E
Prestel Verlag Welt und Heimat
Verlag am Goetheanum Wer war Ita Wegman Eine Dokumentation Wer war Ita Wegman II 19251943 Band 2
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Memory in the Eighteenth Century
A Cultural History of Memory presents an authoritative survey from ancient times to the present. The set of six volumes covers over 2500 years of history, charting the evolving nature and role of memory throughout history. This volume, A Cultural History of Memory in the Eighteenth Century, explores memory in the 1700s. As with all the volumes in the illustrated Cultural History of Memory set, this volume presents essays on memory and: power and politics; time and space; media and technology; science and education; philosophy, religion and history, high culture and popular culture; rituals, faith, practices and the everyday; and remembering and forgetting. A Cultural History of Memory in the Eighteenth Century is the most authoritative and comprehensive survey available on memory in this era.
Pan Macmillan The Accidental Duchess: From Farmer's Daughter to Belvoir Castle
'The Duchess does indeed seem a remarkable woman . . . this is an engaging book' Lynn Barber, Daily TelegraphWhen Emma Watkins, the pony-mad daughter of a Welsh farmer, imagined her future, she imagined following in her mother's footsteps to marry a farmer of her own. But then she fell in love with David Manners, having no idea that he was heir to one of the most senior hereditary titles in the land. When David succeeded his father, Emma found herself becoming the chatelaine of Belvoir Castle, ancestral home of the Dukes of Rutland.She had to cope with five boisterous children while faced with a vast estate in desperate need of modernisation and staff who wanted nothing to change - it was a daunting responsibility. Yet with sound advice from the doyenne of duchesses, Duchess ‘Debo’ of Devonshire, she met each challenge with optimism and gusto, including scaling the castle roof in a storm to unclog a flooding gutter; being caught in her nightdress by mesmerised Texan tourists and disguising herself as a cleaner to watch filming of The Crown. She even took on the castle ghosts . . .At times the problems she faced seemed insoluble yet, with her unstoppable energy and talent for thinking on the hoof, she won through, inspired by the vision and passion of those Rutland duchesses in whose footsteps she trod, and indeed the redoubtable and resourceful women who forged her way, whose homes were not castles but remote farmhouses in the Radnorshire Hills.Vividly written and bursting with insights, The Accidental Duchess will appeal to everyone who has visited a stately home and wondered what it would be like to one day find yourself not only living there, but in charge of its future.
Verlag am Goetheanum Wer war Ita Wegman Eine Dokumentation in drei Bnden Kmpfe und Konflikte 1924 bis 1943