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Taylor & Francis Inc Fibrinolysis in Disease - The Malignant Process, Interventions in Thrombogenic Mechanisms, and Novel Treatment Modalities, Volume 2
Fibrinolysis in Disease reviews the state of the art of basic and clinical aspects of the fibrinolytic enzyme system. The text, authored by outstanding and internationally known investigators, is presented in two books.The Malignant Process, Interventions in Thrombogenic Mechanisms, and Novel Treatment Modalities discusses the molecular biology of the system's key components and their fundamental roles in a variety of thrombotic and metabolic disorders. Molecular and Hemovascular Aspects of Fybrinolysis presents the latest findings and concepts of the association between plasminogen activator (u-PA) overexpression and abnormal growth regulation in a variety of solid tumors and in leukemia. One chapter deals with various successful interventions in thrombogenic mechanisms, ranging from exercise and diet to anticoagulants and direct and indirect thrombolytic agents. It concludes with a projection of exciting, novel treatment modalities in thrombotic and malignant diseases.
Taylor & Francis Inc Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: Evolutionary Aspects
This volume provides a synthesis of recent work on evolutionary aspects of metal tolerance in plants. It presents contributions from scientists with a wide diversity of expertise. It covers the evolution of heavy metal tolerance in groups of plants, fungi, and protists. The book discusses the physiological, genetic and molecular aspects of metal tolerances. It deals with the evolution of populations in metal-contaminated environments. Several chapters include tolerance in animals in order to place the rest of the book on plants in proper perspective. This publication is an exciting addition for scientists with both applied and basic interest in metal toxicity and tolerance. It is of importance to those in vegetation ecology, land reclamation, agronomy, physiology, population ecology, ecological genetics, evolutionary biology and molecular biology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cell Surface Carbohydrates and Cell Development
Cell Surface Carbohydrates and Cell Development summarizes knowledge on the structure and function of cell surface carbohydrates in development and differentiation. The chapters include reviews on the expression of cell type-specific carbohydrates and their roles in cell-cell interaction. In particular, the role of cell surface carbohydrates in immune cell response, malignant transformation, fertilization, and neural cell development are addressed. This includes the exciting discovery about the role of adhesive molecules in leukocyte-endothellium interaction.Cell Surface Carbohydrates and Cell Development also summarizes the latest knowledge on structure and biosynthesis of carbohydrates, the role of specific carbohydrate modification, and animal lectins. The book will be useful to researchers and students interested in the biology of glycoproteins and biotechnology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hormones and Vitamins in Cancer Treatment
Hormones and Vitamins in Cancer Treatment is intended to serve as a therapeuticial guide for physicians using non-aggressive methods, such as hormonotherapy and vitamin therapy, when treating cancer patients. This book provides the rationale and scientific basis for hormones and vitamins, which play an important role in cancer management, and emphasizes the significance of hormones and vitamins in chemoprevention and chemoprophylaxis of cancer. Topics discussed in this book include the criteria for selecting patients for hormonotherapy and vitamin therapy; the favorable effects and advantages of hormonotherapy and vitamin therapy over (or used as adjuvant therapeutic agents) more aggressive methods, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy or surgery; and hormone-like substances, such as growth factors, interferons, interleukins, and prostoglandins. Also included is the newest information regarding the role of diet in cancer prevention. This book is packed with valuable information for researchers, physicians, and students of endrocrinology and clinical oncology. It is also the only book of its kind that discusses the role of hormones, hormone-like substances, and vitamins in cancer prevention and treatment.
Taylor & Francis Inc Catecholamines and Heart Disease
A concise, in-depth analysis of the status of the sympathetic system in heart diseasesThis book summarizes the functional status of the sympathetic neural system in cardiological diseased states and highlights aspects of sympathetic neural activity that are important to an overall understanding of the pathophysiology process. Critical reviews of methods for evaluating sympathetic activity are discussed, existing data is closely scrutinized, and attempts are made to delineate the factors derived from increased sympathetic activity. The book provides a physiologically and clinically based approach to the investigation of the involvement of catecholamines in cardiovascular diseases, which makes it a valuable addition to the reference collections of researchers, clinical scientists, and graduate students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biology and Physiology of the Osteoclast
Biology and Physiology of the Osteoclast is a comprehensive volume thoroughly covering the field of osteoclast biology. The book features some of the latest work (much of which has never before been published) from internationally respected scientists in the field. It will be a significant reference volume for researchers interested in the broad field of bone metabolism, especially those in cell and molecular biology, dental science, endocrinology, hematology, orthopedics, and rheumatology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Protein Nutrition and Mineral Absorption
This volume presents information regarding the mechanisms of protein absorption under normal and pathologic conditions, in addition to reviewing changes that occur at various stages of life. General modifiers of intestinal absorption, such as the processing of foods, the nutritional status of the individual, and disease, are explored with reference to both proteins and minerals. Inorganic macronutrients, namely calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, are discussed in relation to protein ingestion. The book also explores the concept of essential trace elements (e.g., iron, zinc, copper, and iodine) and their link to protein sufficiency. The relationship of ultratrace elements with the content of proteins in food is examined, and the book offers a fresh view of the role of certain elements, particularly zinc, on the conformation of proteins linked to DNA, hormone receptors, and gene products. Protein Nutrition and Mineral Absorption is packed with 2,300 references, 100 figures and graphs, plus 25 tables. Nutritionists and physicians will find this book to be an invaluable reference source for rationalizing nutritional interventions and diet modifications for their patients.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Experimental Animal in Biomedical Research: A Survey of Scientific and Ethical Issues for Investigators, Volume I
The Experimental Animal in Biomedical Research provides a concise, useful survey of knowledge regarding laboratory animal care. Volume I addresses researchers who use animals and focuses on how to maximize the welfare of animals used in research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transformation of Human Diploid Fibroblasts: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms
This comprehensive publication draws together the important aspects of carcinogen-cell interaction. This interesting work describes the regulation of normal cell proliferation, cellular responses to carcinogen damage, the biologic consequences of cellular DNA modification, the structural and genomic changes resulting from carcinogen insult, and the possible involvement of such changes in the conversion of normal human fibroblasts to malignant cells. It presents current reviews with up-to-date literature references and provides critical information from leading investigators that is essential in understanding the biology of human cell transformation. This volume is especially useful to advanced students in genetic toxicology, molecular biologists, and all who are interested in the molecular and macromolecular changes in human cells leading to neoplasia.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pulse Radiolysis of Irradiated Systems
Pulse Radiolysis presents an in-depth discussion of the pulse radiolysis technique, one of the most important and powerful means for detecting transient and relaxation phenomena and following their behavior in irradiated systems. The book covers the principle of pulse radiolysis, identifies various kinds of pulse radiolysis techniques, and discusses recent advancements in the field. The text also discusses new experimental pulse radiolysis techniques (basic and applied) in broad scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. These techniques include picosecond pulse radiolysis, single particle radiolysis, and muon-induced transient phenomena. Pulse Radiolysis provides essential information for all professionals involved with pulse radiolysis research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Flow Cytometry: Advanced Research and Clinical Applications, Volume I
The current technology and its applications in flow cytometry are presented in this comprehensive reference work. Described in explicit detail are the instrumentation and its components, and applications of the technology in cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, genetics, hematology and clinical medicine. Methods for data analysis, including both hardware and software, and explicit experimental techniques for making specific measurements are presented.Material is divided by topic into two volumes: Volume I covers instrumentation, genetics, and cell structure; Volume II contains material on cell function studies by flow cytometry.This reference is essential for both the novice and the experienced investigator using flow cytometry in research, and for students of cell biology, biomedical engineering, and medical technology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Geophysical Exploration at Sea
This two-volume handbook presents advanced research and operational information about hard minerals and hydrocarbons. It provides information in an integrated, interdisciplinary manner, stressing case histories. It includes review chapters, illustrations, graphs, tables, and color satellite images that present the results of gravity, geodetic, and seismic surveys and of 3-D sea floor sub-bottom visualizations. The data was obtained using satellites, aircraft, and ships from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. Major topics addressed in these volumes include geophysical methods used to explore for hydrocarbons, advanced radiometric and electrical methods for hard mineral searches, the role of geotechnology and seismic acoustics in overcoming geological hazards in selecting drilling sites and pipeline routes, and remote sensing techniques used to determine the physical properties of sediments.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Role of the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract in Gustatory Processing
Providing an essential brainstem relay for three cranial nerves, the NST coordinates highly complex sensory information. While other functions of the NST have received attention, its role in gustatory processing has received little. The first reference devoted exclusively to gustatory processing, The Role of the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract in Gustatory Processing offers an in-depth review of one of the most important central relay stations in the brain.Combining widely dispersed research into a comprehensive single volume, it presents a thorough historical background, documents the anatomy of the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract (rNST), and explores the properties of synaptic transmitters and neurons within that tract. The book examines the role of reflex activities and considers factors that influence how gustatory rNST neurons respond to taste stimuli. It describes the development and maturational changes the rNST undergoes and considers the challenge involved with identifying rNST neural circuits.The Role of the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract in Gustatory Processing brings together expert investigators who have contributed substantially to the current knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and developmental biology of the solitary nucleus. This pertinent work serves as a standard reference for those involved in the field, providing ready access to past investigations and inviting practitioners to create new approaches that will advance knowledge about the central processing of gustatory information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Preparative Layer Chromatography
Preparative Layer Chromatography explains how this method is used for separating large quantities of mixtures containing a wide variety of important compounds. It offers a broad review of preparative layer chromatography (PLC) applications and adaptable working procedures for microseparations involving organic, inorganic, and organometallic compounds. The book contains theoretical background, chemical principles, and relevance of preparative layer chromatography (PLC) to a wide range of applications, particularly in the study of pharmaceuticals and biochemistry. Written by many of the best known and most knowledgeable specialists in the field, the chapters describe all the necessary techniques, current procedures, and superior strategies for selecting the most suitable eluents and designing application-specific PLC systems based on the data being sought. They provide comprehensive instructions, surrounding issues, and suggestions for optimizing optional working techniques within the framework of PLC. The book also provides a complete coverage of bulk sorbents and precoated chromatographic plates available on the international market. A comprehensive, yet accessible source of information, Preparative Layer Chromatography is a relevant and practical text for experienced as well as novice researchers and practitioners involved in analytical, environmental, geochemical, biological, medicinal, and pharmaceutical analysis.
Taylor & Francis Inc Metal Ions In Biological Systems, Volume 44: Biogeochemistry, Availability, and Transport of Metals in the Environment
Volume 44, devoted solely to the vital research areas concerning the biogeochemistry of metals and their transport in the environment and availability to living systems, offers 9 timely and authoritative chapters on these fascinating topics by 19 internationally recognized experts.
Taylor & Francis Inc Unsupervised Signal Processing: Channel Equalization and Source Separation
Unsupervised Signal Processing: Channel Equalization and Source Separation provides a unified, systematic, and synthetic presentation of the theory of unsupervised signal processing. Always maintaining the focus on a signal processing-oriented approach, this book describes how the subject has evolved and assumed a wider scope that covers several topics, from well-established blind equalization and source separation methods to novel approaches based on machine learning and bio-inspired algorithms.From the foundations of statistical and adaptive signal processing, the authors explore and elaborate on emerging tools, such as machine learning-based solutions and bio-inspired methods. With a fresh take on this exciting area of study, this book: Provides a solid background on the statistical characterization of signals and systems and on linear filtering theory Emphasizes the link between supervised and unsupervised processing from the perspective of linear prediction and constrained filtering theory Addresses key issues concerning equilibrium solutions and equivalence relationships in the context of unsupervised equalization criteria Provides a systematic presentation of source separation and independent component analysis Discusses some instigating connections between the filtering problem and computational intelligence approaches. Building on more than a decade of the authors’ work at DSPCom laboratory, this book applies a fresh conceptual treatment and mathematical formalism to important existing topics. The result is perhaps the first unified presentation of unsupervised signal processing techniques—one that addresses areas including digital filters, adaptive methods, and statistical signal processing. With its remarkable synthesis of the field, this book provides a new vision to stimulate progress and contribute to the advent of more useful, efficient, and friendly intelligent systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microoptics and Nanooptics Fabrication
The deep interconnection between micro/nanooptical components and related fabrication technologies—and the constant changes in this ever-evolving field—means that successful design depends on the engineer’s ability to accommodate cutting-edge theoretical developments in fabrication techniques and experimental realization.Documenting the state of the art in fabrication processes, Microoptics and Nanooptics Fabrication provides an up-to-date synopsis of recent breakthroughs in micro- and nanooptics that improve key developmental processes. This text elucidates the precise and miniaturized scale of today’s fabrication methods and their importance in creating new optical components to access the spectrum of physical optics. It details successful fabrication techniques and their direct effect on the intended performance of micro- and nanooptical components. The contributors explore the constraints related to material selection, component lateral extent, minimum feature size, and other issues that cause fabrication techniques to lag behind corresponding theory in the development process. Written with the professional optical engineer in mind, this book omits the already well-published broader processing fundamentals. Instead it focuses on key tricks of the trade helpful in reformulating processes to achieve necessary optical targets, improve process fidelity, and reduce production costs. The contributing authors represent the vanguard in micro-optical fabrication. The result of their combined efforts, this searing analysis of emerging fabrication technologies will continue to fuel the expansion of optics components, from the microwave to the infrared through the visible regime.
Taylor & Francis Inc Database of Biologically Active Phytochemicals & Their Activity
Database of Biologically Active Phytochemicals and Their Activities presents an alphabetical tabulation of some 3,000 biologically active phytochemicals (elements and compounds) from higher plants. The data includes at least one and in some cases as many as 25 biological activities for each phytochemical. The database also provides data on effective dose, inhibitory concentrations, and lethal and/or toxic doses. Entries after 1990 indicate the source of the data. Database of Biologically Active Phytochemicals and Their Activities makes it possible to locate the concentration of many compounds in plants and compare this data with dosage information to calculate how much of a given plant food it would take to cause lethality, antioxidant activity, hypoglycemic activity, or artemicidal activity. Using WordPerfect™ 5.1's search function, you can find compounds by entering a key word in their name (e.g., choline or salicyl-), locate all compounds with a given activity (e.g., hypotensive), or list all compounds for which ED50 data is entered or reported.
Taylor & Francis Inc Optical Code Division Multiple Access: Fundamentals and Applications
Code-division multiple access (CDMA) technology has been widely adopted in cell phones. Its astonishing success has led many to evaluate the promise of this technology for optical networks. This field has come to be known as Optical CDMA (OCDMA). Surveying the field from its infancy to the current state, Optical Code Division Multiple Access: Fundamentals and Applications offers the first comprehensive treatment of OCDMA from technology to systems.The book opens with a historical perspective, demonstrating the growth and development of the technologies that would eventually evolve into today's optical networks. Building on this background, the discussion moves to coherent and incoherent optical CDMA coding techniques and performance analysis of these codes in fiber optic transmission systems. Individual chapters provide detailed examinations of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology including theory, design, and applications; coherent OCDMA systems; and incoherent OCDMA systems. Turning to implementation, the book includes hybrid multiplexing techniques along with system examples and conversion techniques to connect networks that use different multiplexing platforms, state-of-the-art integration technologies, OCDMA network security issues, and OCDMA network architectures and applications, including a look at possible future directions.Featuring contributions from a team of international experts led by a pioneer in optical technology, Optical Code Division Multiple Access: Fundamentals and Applications places the concepts, techniques, and technologies in clear focus for anyone working to build next-generation optical networks.
Taylor & Francis Inc Submarine Groundwater
Sustainable management of water resources is quickly increasing in importance on a global scale. An important piece of the puzzle is the characterization of marine water and determining its importance to geochemical budgets. To do this, submarine groundwater discharges must be carefully studied. Comprehensively exploring the subject, Submarine Groundwater presents quantitative data relating groundwater contribution to the water/salt balance of regional and global bodies of water.The authors examine different data-supported methods for studying submarine groundwater flow and discharge through case studies contributed by leading international scientists. They discuss the maintenance of optimal water, salt, temperature and hydrobiological regimes of inland seas and large lakes. The book covers subsurface water exchange between the land and sea as well as groundwater discharge to the seas. It also provides a review of experimental methods and numerical modeling that can be used for the evaluation of specific discharge data and the effect of groundwater on the salt balance of seas and oceans. Defining the field of marine hydrogeology as a science that studies submarine groundwater, its properties, circulation, and distribution, Submarine Groundwater delineates the role of quantitative assessment of subsurface water exchange between land and sea in predicting its changes under the influence of natural factors and human activity. It provides a framework for assessing different methods and making the best choice for various situations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Amyloid and Amyloidosis
This authoritative volume contains 179 chapters by international experts on recent developments in our understanding of amyloid proteins, protein folding disorders, and new and proposed clinical trials in amyloidosis. Topics include detection and characterization techniques; biological functions; genetics; disorders, diagnosis, and treatments, including organ transplants and drug therapies; results from extensive clinical studies; and epidemiology. This is a valuable resource for clinicians who care for patients with systemic and localized forms of amyloidosis, and for researchers in biochemistry, neurobiology, and cell biology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular and Cellular Methods in Developmental Toxicology
This new manual provides a convenient source of experimental procedures, including the most modern and frequently used molecular and cellular techniques. Experimental protocols have been carefully selected by developmental toxicologists for developmental toxicologists. The most important new trends, such as evaluation of the safety of therapeutic antisense oligonucleotides, studies of the role of cell death in abnormal development, and the identification of sparingly expressed developmental control genes are featured. This is the perfect manual for scientists trained in classical developmental toxicology who want to add molecular and cellular methods to their research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Materials Processing Handbook
The field of materials science and engineering is rapidly evolving into a science of its own. While traditional literature in this area often concentrates primarily on property and structure, the Materials Processing Handbook provides a much needed examination from the materials processing perspective. This unique focus reflects the changing complexity of new and emerging materials such as cutting-edge semiconductors, smart materials, and materials based on spintronics.This highly comprehensive work also presents groundbreaking coverage of the processes applied to a myriad of solid materials including ceramics, polymers, metals, composites, and semiconductors. Organized into six sections, this work examines processes that convert one phase into another, processes that change only the microstructure within a solid phase, shape changes that modify the microstructure and properties of materials, joining processes, and the basics of processes integration.Rich in data, yet accessible across several fields, this volume provides technicians and students with a one-stop resource on proven and promising new developments in materials processing.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Behavioral State Control: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
Handbook of Behavioral State Control: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms provides the first synthesis of information on the neurobiology of behavioral states, ranging from normal stress and sleep deprivation to debilitating neuropsychiatric disorders. This book presents a working reference on the cellular and molecular mechanisms generating arousal states; pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of behavioral state control; and the bi-directional interaction between arousal state and the neurobiology of pain, and between sleep and the immune system.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chronic Pain
Providing a general approach to the understanding and management of all forms of chronic pain, this book offers a clear and reader-friendly format that clarifies procedures in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of the most common chronic non-cancer pain entities. Describing various types of intractable non-cancer pain, including neuropathic, somatic, and visceral pain, this source discusses the many available types of treatments, including opioid and adjunctive pain medications, and the safe and proper use of narcotics for treating chronic pain.
Taylor & Francis Inc Crop Ferality and Volunteerism
At a time when much of humanity is already but one failed harvest removed from starvation, we cannot afford to ignore any potential danger to food security, especially when that danger poses a threat to rice, the staff of life for so much of the world. Crop Ferality and Volunteerism brings together research pioneers from various disciplines including the crop, plant, and weed sciences to discuss crop ferality and volunteerism. The book provides thorough coverage of crop and plant molecular biology and genetics as it pertains to ferality and weeds. In an exhaustive effort to provide complete and highly useful coverage of this impending crisis, the authors go beyond the science of the problem to discuss the potential economic and social impact of crop ferality, particularly in relationship to rice. Readers will discover a wealth of well-organized and well-written material about the overall biology and management of weeds and weedy crops. Many examples of ferality are considered, because, as the editor states, readers will discover that there is no unified theory of ferality. Thanks to the incredible diversity of the plant kingdom, "Surprises abound in every chapter."
Taylor & Francis Inc Advances in Biopreservation
Moving rapidly from science fiction to science fact, cryopreservation is an integral part of many research, development, and production processes in industry and academia. The preservation sciences have emerged as an interdisciplinary platform that incorporates the fundamentals of cell and molecular biology, and bioengineering, with the classic methodological approaches to freezing and drying living matter. Researchers and biotech companies must scramble to learn about, and adopt, the new preservation strategies that incorporate the classic and the new molecular-based approaches.The first reference of its kind, Advances in Biopreservation addresses the breadth of the field of biopreservation. Written by recognized international leaders in biopreservation, the book expertly integrates recent molecular-based discoveries with classically-based biopreservation basics, offering a new look at advances in the emerging regenerative medicine arena. In addition to general concepts of biopreservation, it includes chapters detailing subspecialty principles, such as biologically active macromolecules, stem cells, and gene therapy, as well as new protocols for cell, tissue, and organ preservation. The classically based approaches to biopreservation are now recognized as bottlenecks to advances in the emerging regenerative medicine arena. Recent discoveries have changed the basic foundations upon which the preservation sciences were built. Integrating the concepts of first generation cryopreservation with the new paradigm, this book is a fundamental reference to the latest advances in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nicotinic Receptors in the Nervous System
Nicotine research has been conducted for the better part of a century, but with the discovery of the relationship of nicotinic systems to Alzheimer's disease, the differentiation of nicotinic receptor subtypes, and the development of novel nicotinic ligands, the field of nicotine research has exploded. This book will provide you reference to the latest research methods and findings concerning nicotinic neural systems.Featuring a unique approach, Nicotinic Receptors in the Nervous System provides integrated coverage of cutting-edge research concerning neuronal nicotinic systems relevant to smoking addiction and cognitive dysfunction. By bringing together molecular and neurochemical applications, this book provides the key to understanding function and dysfunction of nicotinic systems and how they are significant for disease, addiction, and the development of novel drug treatments. Within the next several years, it is very promising that clinical research will support the use of nicotinic treatments for addiction, pain, and cognitive and motor dysfunction. Nicotinic Receptors in the Nervous System provides you with the basic mechanistic background for these treatments as well as the functional assessment necessary to determine therapeutic effects.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biomaterials for Delivery and Targeting of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Newcomers to the field of biopharmaceuticals require an understanding of the basic principles and underlying methodology involved in developing protein- and nucleic acid-based therapies for genetic and acquired diseases.Biomaterials for Delivery and Targeting of Proteins and Nucleic Acids introduces the principles of polymer science and chemistry, as well as the basic biology required for understanding how biomaterials can be used as drug-delivery vehicles. No book to date combines a discussion of high-tech biomaterials-based delivery of protein and nucleic acid drugs with the pharmaceutical or biocompatibility aspects. Featuring contributions from leading experts from around the world, this text discusses physiochemical parameters used for design, development, and evaluation of biotechnological dosage forms for delivery of proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, and genes. The authors also present biological barriers to extravasation and cellular uptake of proteins and nucleic acids.Combining an introduction to biomaterial delivery with the latest developments in the field, this is a valuable reference for both the novice student and the practicing scientist on delivery of biomaterials, on biomedical polymers, and on polymer therapeutics. Understanding these core fundamentals is critical to moving on to more advanced study.
Taylor & Francis Inc Linear Systems Properties: A Quick Reference
This pocket book serves as an immediate reference for the various formulae encountered in linear systems, control systems, probability, communication engineering, signal processing, quantum mechanics, and electromagnetic field theory. It includes novel results on complex convolutions; clearly explains real and complex matrix differentiation methods; provides an unusual amount of orthogonal functions; and presents properties of Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Hilbert transforms, Laplace transforms, and z-transforms. Singular value decomposition techniques for matrix inversion are also clearly presented.This new edition adds material from:Orthogonal functions Linear algebra Matrix analysis Matrix and vector differentiation Singular value decomposition State space techniquesOther discussions include: Discrete linear and circular convolution Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure Graphical derivation of DFT from CFT Truncation windows Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matricesThis succint resource will be particularly useful as a supplement to regular texts, designed for the master's or doctoral student as well as the advanced undergraduate.
Taylor & Francis Inc Compact Regs Parts 807, 812, and 814: CFR 21 Parts 807, 812, and 814 Medical Device Approval (10 Pack)
Supplemented with a convenient keyword index, this book provides a pocket-sized verbatim reproduction of key US FDA regulations. It presents the requirements as set forth by the FDA CFR 21 Parts 807, 812, and 814 to sell or distribute medical devices, including the pre-market approval requirements for the devices. The easy-to-use format that puts the exact section of the reg required by medical device manufacturers within easy reach. This is the perfect low-cost tool for employees as part of documented training programs; suppliers/vendors so that they may provide components, labels, and parts with an understanding of FDA requirements; and technicians charged with ensuring adherence to US FDA regulations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advanced Methods in Cellular Immunology
Immunologists as well investigators in other disciplines may often use protocols involving the isolation, cultures and characterization of different types of leukocytes. Advanced Methods in Cellular Immunology is a collection of techniques in an easy-to-use format.Each chapter provides readers with related program information, a step-by-step description of the methodology, alternative techniques, pertinent references, and information about commercial sources for materials and regents. In addition to leukocytes, the authors guide readers through the processes of cell culture as well as inflammation and autoimmunity in a variety of animal models.Covering topics such as PCR and Apoptosis, this book will serve a guide to commonly used procedures in cellular immunology while utilizing both human and murine models.
Taylor & Francis Inc Dietary Proteins and Atherosclerosis
Dietary Proteins and Atherosclerosis provides a thorough review of the role of proteins in the development of atherosclerosis. The author reviews early research connections between dietary fat and cardiovascular disease caused by the build-up of plaque in arteries and examines other factors that contribute to atherosclerosis, such as infection and dietary proteins. Relying on data obtained from almost 2,000 research articles and literature reviews, the author provides a thorough analytical examination and discusses how emphasis on the role of dietary fat in atherogenesis has overshadowed the critical contribution of dietary proteins to the development of cardiovascular disease.
Taylor & Francis Inc Compartment Syndromes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Complications
Written by an internationally recognized expert, this book provides a comprehensive text for physicians, nurses, and physiotherapists treating patients with acute and chronic compartment syndromes. Taking a mutlidisciplinary approach, the author delineates difficult material in a clear, concise manner that provides an easier understanding of this technical subject. The text includes the most current research and data on compartment syndromes. It presents in-depth coverage of acute and chronic compartment syndromes, considerations of interstitial space, intramuscular pressure recordings, and limb edema.
Taylor & Francis Inc Electronic Portable Instruments: Design and Applications
With the availability of advanced technologies, digital systems, and communications, portable instruments are rapidly evolving from simple, stand alone, low-accuracy measuring instruments to complex multifunctional, network integrated, high-performance digital devices with advanced interface capabilities. The relatively brief treatments these instruments receive in many books are no longer adequate. Designers, engineers and scientists need a comprehensive reference dedicated to electronic portable instruments that explains the state-of-art and future directions. Electronic Portable Instruments: Design and Applications introduces the basic measurement and instrumentation concepts, describes the operating principles, and discusses the typical specifications of three main groups of portable instruments:Portable and handheld instruments built for specific applications Intelligent sensor-based devices with few components and dedicated features, such as implantable medical devices Portable data systems containing fixed sensors and supporting mechanisms, but equipped with advanced communications capabilities, such as mobile weather stationsThe author discusses sensors suitable for these instruments, addresses how components are selected, and clearly shows that instrument design centers on trade-offs between costs, performance, size and weight, power consumption, interface options, ruggedness, and the ability to operate in a range of environments. A multitude of tables, formulae, and figures--many in full color--enhance the presentation. Numerous examples of applications demonstrate the current diversity of these devices and point the way to future trends in development and applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems
Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems reviews recent accomplishments in the field of nanobiology and introduces the application of nanoscale matrices to human biology. It focuses on the applications of nanotechnology fabrication to biomedical devices and discusses new physical methods for cell isolation and manipulation and intracellular communication at the molecular level. It also explores the application of nanobiology to cardiovascular diseases, to oncology, to transplantation and a range of related disciplines. This book build a strong background in nanotechnology and nanobiology ideal for molecular biologists, biochemists, materials scientists, bioengineers, biotechnologists
Taylor & Francis Inc Biodegradable Systems in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Conventional materials technology has yielded clear improvements in regenerative medicine. Ideally, however, a replacement material should mimic the living tissue mechanically, chemically, biologically and functionally. The use of tissue-engineered products based on novel biodegradable polymeric systems will lead to dramatic improvements in health care. The most important materials in development for use in tissue engineering, replacement, and regeneration are based on polymers and on composites reinforced with bioactive ceramics. The first book to address the topic in an integrated manner, Biodegradable Systems in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine presents an extensive description of biodegradable polymers used in medicine and explores their design, development, and processing. The authors discuss the performance of biodegradable systems and the special requirements that should be taken into account when evaluating their biocompatibility. Included are several methodologies for tailoring cell adhesion and proliferation on the surface of biodegradable polymers. This book represents a coordinated effort by outstanding international experts, and provides an integrated, forward-looking perspective. By joining together the most active groups in the field, the editors offer a unified approach, representing diverse fields of study, to produce a revolution in regenerative medicine.
Taylor & Francis Inc Polyurethanes as Specialty Chemicals: Principles and Applications
Looking beyond the traditional applications of polyurethanes (PUR), Polyurethanes as Specialty Chemicals presents a different approach to polyurethane chemistry by examining a range of new products and new research for both environmental and medical applications. This book is also the first in its field to provide useful design tools for product designers to customize the foam surface.The author examines extraction methods and biodegradability of polyurethanes for removing pollutants from air and groundwater and for sanitation/wastewater treatment. Thomson also explores the behavior of polyurethanes in a biological environment, covering a broad spectrum of applications that includes artificial organs, chelating agents for pharmaceuticals, and delivery systems for skin care products and cosmetics. The in-depth treatment of biochemical processes and cellular interaction includes tissue response, cell adhesion, 3D cell scaffolding for cell propagation, the immobilization of enzymes, and the production of proteins. Other topics of interest include agricultural applications and the use of PUR as an analytical/diagnostic system for testing toxicity without the use of animals.Destined to become indispensable in its field, Polyurethanes as Specialty Chemicals explores conventional PUR and its composites - emphasizing formulations, reticulated foams and hydrophilics - as versatile structures that can be used for specific design objectives in environmental and medical applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microwave and RF Product Applications
The field of microwave engineering has undergone a radical transformation in recent years, as commercial wireless endeavors overtook defense and government work. The modern microwave and RF engineer must be knowledgeable about customer expectations, market trends, manufacturing technologies, and factory models to a degree that is unprecedented. Unfortunately, most of the available literature does not reflect this fact, but remains focused on high-performance, low-volume applications.Microwave and RF Product Applications helps resolve that deficiency. Editor Mike Golio culled its chapters from his bestselling RF and Microwave Handbook, incorporated critical updates contributed by the original authors, and organized the chapters into a practical, tightly focused reference. A complete table of contents at the front of the text makes finding specific answers quick and easy, and detailed lists of references in each chapter provide convenient access to the relevant expert literature.For engineers in industry, government, or academia, Microwave and RF Product Applications provides insight and information that may be outside their area of expertise. For managers, marketers, and technical support personnel, it builds a better understanding of the fields that drive and are affected by their decisions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Filing Patents Online: A Professional Guide
The average cost of an uncomplicated patent application filing is about $10,000. This high cost can leave thousands of inventors out in the cold. Filing Patents Online: A Professional Guide is a complete manual that walks inventors through each step of filing and prosecuting the patent online at a fraction of the cost. The online filing system recommended in the book allows continuous monitoring of the review status and for a much faster approval than the traditional route. Drawing from the many years of the author's experience as both an inventor and a patent agent, this guide teaches the methods of research, planning, and the art of writing winning claims that will result in commercially valuable patents.
Taylor & Francis Inc Synthesis of Carbon-Phosphorus Bonds
Synthesis of Carbon-Phosphorus Bonds, Second Edition is a working guide for the laboratory, incorporating classical approaches with the recent developments of carbon-phosphorus (C-P) bond formation. These advances include the preparation of phosphoranes - specifically in the use of transient oxophosphoranes as intermediates in organophosphorus compound synthesis ñ along with the new approaches towards the preparation of compounds with aromatic and vinylic C-P bonds.Synthesis of Carbon-Phosphorus Bonds, Second Edition serves as a useful tool in the laboratory. It offers detailed surveys of IUPAC nomenclature recommendations, common notation systems, and various experimental examples. These features help to make this text an effective source of critical and annotated references, as well as a a working guide for organic and phosphorus chemists specifically, or for any chemists working with C-P bonds.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Saccharides
This fourth volume in the Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components series focuses on saccharides as food constituents. Written by an international group of experts, it provides an up-to-date review of a wide spectrum of issues, focusing on the current research and literature on the properties of compounds, their mechanisms of action, and effects on the quality of foods. It also explores some non-nutritional applications of saccharides, including biodegradable materials and polysaccharide waste as a source of energy. This unique reference will serve as a valuable resource and guide for researchers, professionals, and graduate students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Modern Neurosurgery: Clinical Translation of Neuroscience Advances
Focusing on how increased understanding of brain function affects clinical neuroscience, this incisive text explores the interface between neuroscience and clinical neuroscience advances by examining the hypotheses that drive this evolution. The author reviews the relevant underpinnings of new neurosurgical techniques, treatments, and conceptual approaches, which are likely to shape clinical neuroscience over the next decade. A critical aspect of this rational approach is to underscore what needs to be done in each field, potentially leading to further study and improvements.
Taylor & Francis Inc Identity-Preserved Systems: A Reference Handbook
Identity-Preserved Systems: A Reference Handbook provides background for the development of processes or systems of maintaining the segregation of and documenting the identity of a product. Growers and other parties that handle, transport, condition, or process the identity-preserved (IP) product must follow strict growing and handling practices, including segregation, inspections, and cleaning of equipment to prevent other varieties from mixing with or contaminating the IP variety. The key to this system is traceability. Each production, processing, and delivery step is documented, so that products can be traced from the store shelf back to the farmers' fields and every stage in between.The need for Identity Preservation (IP) is rapidly becoming of major importance in the world trade of agricultural crops that are enhanced genetically, grown under specific conditions, or have specific characteristics which must be identified and maintained from the seed planted to the delivery of the crop to the end-user. The handbook serves as an authoritative resource that unifies IP efforts, outlines the protocols for IP systems, and includes an operational manual that may be used at any point in the value-chain of the production and marketing effort. This handbook describes an overall identity-preserved (IP) system, which may be utilized in ways that will meet the particular needs of the parties involved in specific trade agreements. It discusses the background of IP systems originating in the seed industry, the basics of a total IP system, and the potential electronic transfer of data and documents. By using the system of identity-preserved verification provided in Identity-Preserved Systems, the seed, specialty crop, and grain and oilseed industries can easily provide products that are identified with a paper trail verifying identity, product quality, and special characteristics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Developing An Industrial Chemical Process: An Integrated Approach
The development and implementation of a new chemical process involves much more than chemistry, materials, and equipment. It is a very complex endeavor and its success depends on the effective interactions and organization of professionals in many different positions - scientists, chemical engineers, managers, attorneys, economists, and specialists. Developing An Industrial Chemical Process: An Integrated Approach is the first professional reference to examine the actual process development practices of industrial corporations, research organizations, engineering companies and universities. Backed by 45 years of experience within R&D, design, and management positions in various countries, the author presents his know-how for better and faster results and fewer start-up problems. While most books on chemical processes concentrate only on the scientific/technical aspect, this book also deals with the range of people and "real life" issues involved.Developing An Industrial Chemical Process serves as a "how to" guide for the effective management of process development procedures. The issues start with the "why" and "how" concerns of the executives and project managers and proceed with the actual implementation by professionals, each in his/her particular role. The author addresses the working organization and the different activities involved in a process development program, including the implementation, design, construction and start-up of a new plant. Finally, each chapter provides a short summary of the key issues along with suggestions for further reading. This book can help you handle the problems normally associated with the development and implementation of a new process and reduce the time and resources that you and your organization spend on this critical activity.
Taylor & Francis Inc Modeling Microbial Responses in Food
The first state-of-the-art review of this dynamic field in a decade, Modeling Microbial Responses in Foods provides the latest information on techniques in mathematical modeling of microbial growth and survival. The comprehensive coverage includes basic approaches such as improvements in the development of primary and secondary models, statistical fitting strategies, and novel data collection methods. An international team of experts explore important developing areas, including specific applications, challenges in applying models to foods, variability and uncertainty, and new modeling strategies. The authors present detailed descriptions of non-linear regression fitting, methods, approaches relevant to 'real world' situations, and extensive applications of predictive models. They conclude by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses in the field and areas for future work, and attempt to resolve some of the outstanding conflicts. The book includes strategies for combining databases, improving researcher networks, and standardization of applications packages. Providing the uninitiated with enough information to begin developing their own models, Modeling Microbial Responses in Foods covers all aspects of growth and survival modeling from the primary stage of gathering data to the implementation of final models in appropriate delivery systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Expert Witnessing: Explaining and Understanding Science
Communication problems between science and the courts are widely deplored and sometimes exploited by a variety of groups. The U.S. Supreme Court has twice tightened the law of evidence to control the flow of information, but amazingly little has been written to analyze the nature of the problem and reduce the barriers. Expert Witnesses: Explaining and Understanding Science results from the first-hand experience of the contributors-who include scientists, expert witnesses, litigators, and a judge-that the cultural and interdisciplinary communications barriers between science and the law can be greatly reduced to everybody's advantage if the parties understand and respect each other's needs and positions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Carcinogenesis and the Molecular Biology of Human Cancer
To gain a complete overview of what is presently known about molecular carcinogenesis would prove to be a very daunting task for those not already steeped in this complex subject. Fortunately, David Warshawsky and Joseph Landolph Jr., both highly respected for their own contributions to the field, know exactly whom to call upon to fulfill the need for a definitive summary.Molecular Carcinogenesis and the Molecular Biology of Human Cancer provides a technical, as well as historical, overview of research covering the science of cancer. This volume explores molecular information specific to chemical, viral, and radiation carcinogenesis, explains the working of cellular oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, and also introduces readers to the latest genomic and proteomic approaches. The first part of the book offers basic information; the second part deals strictly with cancer in humans. It commences with discussions on induction and exposure, then reviews complex mixtures of chemical carcinogens, and provides several chapters on tumors, organized by specific organs. This section also covers chemoprevention of chemical carcinogenesis, exposure assessment, and biomarkers, as well as the role of risk assessment, before offering a discussion on prevention that includes the history and particulars of carcinogen regulations. Featuring leading researchers writing about their areas of expertise, this book provides a succinct yet detailed reference that meets the needs of professional researchers, clinicians, and environmental regulators, as well as attorneys practicing law in the area of toxic torts. Its progressive structure allows it to also serve as a primary text or resource for students in medicine and cancer research.