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F.A. Davis Company Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
This is a text we have all been waiting for...I can't help but think that our earlier leaders in mental health- Dr. Adolph Meyer, Dr. William Dutton, and Eleanor Clark Slagle, to name a few- who knew the power of occupation and stressed the importance of engagement in an enabling environment, would be pleased to see this work come to a format that would guide clinicians to make a difference in the everyday lives of people with mental challenges that require the skills of an occupational therapist.'- Carolyn M. Baum, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Past President, American Occupational Therapy Association (2004 to 2007) From the Foreword: This Client-centered, recovery-oriented text gives voice to the lived experience of mental illness across the life span. You will be guided through the assessment and interventions of individuals with mental health conditions and those whose life circumstances generate significant challenges to their participation in valued activities.
La sabidura de los psicpatas
Cuando hablamos de psicópatas nos vienen a la cabeza personajes, reales o ficticios, como Hannibal Lecter, el carnicero de Milwaukee o Dexter. Y, sin embargo, en este libro no sólo se habla de ellos. En él se citan otros nombres como los de Neil Armstrong, Bill Clinton, Vincent Van Gogh, John Stuart Mill o J. F. Kennedy. Porque según Kevin Dutton, psicópatas hay muchos y en absoluto tienen por qué ser criminales o asesinos. La psicopatía es solo un índice de esa escala de locura en la que estamos todos nosotros, y existe una línea de separación muy fina entre el perfil de un neurocirujano y el de un asesino en serie. Se puede decir, por tanto, que los psicópatas gozan de rasgos tremendamente positivos e imprescindibles para triunfar en el siglo XXI: son atrevidos, carismáticos, implacables, centrados, fríos y seguros de sí mismos.Este libro es un recorrido intelectual que combina el conocimiento científico sobre el cerebro humano con una crónica que recorre desde monasterios secreto
John Wiley & Sons Inc Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2: The Impermanent Organization
Making Sense of the Organization elaborates on the influential idea that organizations are interpretation systems that scan, interpret, and learn. These selected essays represent a new approach to the way managers learn and act in response to their environment and the way organizational change evolves. Readers of this volume will find a wealth of examples and insights which go well beyond thinking and cognition to explain action. The author's ideas are at the forefront of our thinking on leadership, teams, and the management of change. “This book engages the puzzle of impermanence in organizing. Through rich examples, evocative language, artful literature citing, and imaginative connecting, Weick re-introduces core ideas and themes around attending, interpreting, acting and learning to unlock new insights about impermanent organizing. The wisdom in this book is timeless and timely. It prods scholars and managers of organizations to complicate their views of organizing in ways that enrich thought and action.” - Jane E. Dutton, Robert L. Kahn Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 10 Dead Gals You Should Know: Leaving an Enduring Legacy
Bite–sized biographies of inspirational Christian women. Spanning two millennia and multiple continents, these stories will introduce you to great women in the history of the Christian faith. From Mary in first century Judea, to Catherine Booth in nineteenth century Britain, to Gladys Aylward in twentieth century China. Perpetua and Jane Grey lived brief lives cut short by their conspicuous and brave fidelity to Jesus, while Corrie ten Boom, although no less courageous, lived a long life that testified to God’s compassion and forgiveness. For all their differences, each one of these women has left an indelible legacy on our collective intergenerational Christian consciousness. Each are worth knowing. To know someone’s story is a privilege. We hope you’re encouraged in your Christian walk as you read of theirs. The women whose stories are included in this book are: Mary Perpetua Catherine of Siena Jane Grey Anne Hutchinson Anne Dutton Selina, Countess of Huntingdon Catherine Booth Gladys Aylward Corrie Ten Boom
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to John Skelton
Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant strands of existing research, and opens up new avenues for future studies. John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative guide to this complex poet and his works, setting him in his historical, religious, and social contexts. Beginning with an exploration of his life and career, it goes on to cover all the major aspects of his poetry, from the literary traditions in which he wrote and the form of his compositions to the manuscript contexts and later reception. SEBASTIAN SOBECKI is Professor of Medieval English Literature and Culture at the University of Groningen; JOHN SCATTERGOOD is Professor (Emeritus) of Medieval and Renaissance English at Trinity College, Dublin. Contributors: Tom Betteridge, Julia Boffey, John Burrow, David Carlson, Helen Cooper, Elisabeth Dutton,A.S.G. Edwards, Jane Griffiths, Nadine Kuipers, Carol Meale, John Scattergood, Sebastian Sobecki, Greg Waite
Duke University Press New Asian Marxisms
Displaying the particular vitality of the global traditions of Marxism and neomarxism at the beginning of the twenty-first century, New AsianMarxisms collects essays by a diverse group of scholars—historians, political scientists, literary scholars, and sociologists—who offer a range of studies of the Marxist heritage focusing on Korea, Japan, India, and China.While some of these essays take up key thinkers in Marxist history or draw attention to outstanding problematics, others focus on national literature and discourse in North and South Korea, the "Mao Zedong Fever" of the 1990s, the implications of Li Dazhao's poetry, and the Indian Naxalite movement. Illustrating the importance of central analytical categories like exploitation, alienation, and violence to studies on the politics of knowledge, contributors confront prevailing global consumerist fantasieswith accounts of political struggle, cultural displacement, and theoretical strategies.Contributors. Tani E. Barlow, Dai Jinhua, Michael Dutton, D. R. Howland, Marshall Johnson, Liu Kang, You-me Park, William Pietz, Claudia Pozzana, Alessandro Russo, Sanjay Seth, Gi-Wook Shin, Sugiyama Mitsunobu, Jing Wang
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Lithographed Paper Toys, Books, and Games: 1880-1915
Collecting antique paper lithographed toys is an exciting and visually rewarding hobby. These vividly printed toys remind us of a time gone by when games, blocks, toys, dollhouses, puzzles, and books were designed by a method called chromolithography--a process that is as close to artistic perfection as a nineteenth-century painting. Filled with over 500 full color photographs, this book provides a fascinating and informative glimpse into the late Victorian era of toy making. Organized by type of item, each chapter includes useful facts about the history, manufacturing, and typical illustrations found on the toys and books, while values, measurements, dates, and game pieces are all provided in the captions. In addition, readers will find a valuable listing of the most prominent American and European manufacturers of the time, including McLoughlin Bros., Milton Bradley, Bliss, W. & S. B. Ives, Raphael Tuck, E.P. Dutton, and more. Never before has one book provided such a colorful guide to paper litho toy collecting, so take a step back in time to when toy making was a rare art!
La nedadora
VIII Premi CarlemanyLa Jane és una noia anglesa que, des de petita, ha passat milers d?hores entrenant-se. Un estiu, mentre està de vacances a Çe?me, Turquia, descobreix que l?esport que l?apassiona pot tenir una altra utilitat: ajudar tres refugiats iraquians, la Fàtima, el Saïd i l?Aïxa, a arribar nedant a l?illa grega de Quios, en territori europeu. El braç de mar de cinc quilòmetres que separa Çe?me de Quios estarà ple de riscos i aventures.Em dic Jane Dutton, vaig néixer a Manchester i, entre altres coses, sóc nedadora. Quan tenia a penes un parell de mesos, els pares em van dur a aquelles sessions de natació infantils que, durant una època, es van posar de moda, i suposo que ja aleshores vaig agafar el gust a l?aigua. Vaig començar a entrenar-me sistemàticament als cinc anys i a competir als sis. L?estiu que vaig fer disset anys em preparava per al campionat britànic de natació, i aquest fet va influir decisivament en la tria del lloc on la meva família passaria les
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Women, the Book, and the Godly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, 1993: Volume I
Papers on women and religion in the middle ages, drawn from archive, manuscipt and early printed sources. Taking a variety of critical approaches, the papers in Women, the Book and the Godlyanalyse the subject of women and religion, illustrating clearly the wealth of previously untapped material on this topic, whether in archive, manuscript or early printed source. The volume examines writing by women, writing which excludes women, and writing which ignores them, as well as women readers, women patrons, and women who were read to. Archaeology, canon and civil law, and trial depositions are all represented. The common determinants of marital and social status are, of course, explored, but so also are the problems of women and language, women's various roles as creators, recipients, and objects, and women's positions on the sliding scale between the orthodox, the reforming, and the heterodox churches. The essays thus represent something of the variety and range of work being done on medieval women today. Contributors: ALCUIN BLAMIRES, JACQUELINE MURRAY, WYBREN SCHEEPSMA, ANNEM. DUTTON, ROSALYNN VOADEN, GRACE JANTZEN, ELIZABETH A. ANDERSEN, THOMAS LUONGO, BENEDICTA WARD, GOPA ROY, GEORGES WHALEN, CATHERINE INNES-PARKER, HELENPHILLIPS, SHANNON McSHEFFREY, PETER BILLER
University of Utah Press,U.S. The Capitol Reef Reader
For 12,000 years, people have left a rich record of their experiences in Utah's Capitol Reef National Park. In The Capitol Reef Reader, award-winning author and photographer Stephen Trimble collects the best of this writing—160 years worth of words that capture the spirit of the park and its surrounding landscape in personal narratives, philosophical riffs, and historic and scientific records.The volume features nearly fifty writers who have anchored their attention and imagination in Utah's least-known national park. The bedrock elders of Colorado Plateau literature are here (Clarence Dutton, Wallace Stegner, Edward Abbey), as are generations of writers who love this land (including Ellen Meloy, Craig Childs, Charles Bowden, Renny Russell, Ann Zwinger, Gary Ferguson, and Rose Houk). Their pieces are a pleasure to read and each reveals a facet of Capitol Reef's story, creating a gem of a volume. Editor Stephen Trimble guides and orients with commentary and context.A visual survey of the park in almost 100 photographs adds another layer to our understanding of this place. Historic photos, pictures from Trimble's forty-five years of hiking the park, as well as images from master visual artists who have worked in Capitol Reef are included. No other book captures the essence of Capitol Reef like this one.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Julian of Norwich
One of the most important medieval writers studied in historical and literary context. Julian of Norwich, the fourteenth/early fifteenth-century anchoress and mystic, is one of the most important and best-known figures of the Middle Ages. Her Revelations, intense visions of the divine, have been widely studied and read; the first known writings of an English woman, their influence extends over theology and literature. However, many aspects of both her life and thought remain enigmatic. This exciting new collection offers a comprehensive, accessible coverage of the key aspects of debate surrounding Julian. It places the author within a wide range of contemporary literary, social, historical and religious contexts, and also provides a wealth of new insightsinto manuscript traditions, perspectives on her writing and ways of interpreting it, building on the work of many of the most active and influential researchers within Julian studies, and including the fruits of the most recent,ground-breaking findings. It will therefore be a vital companion for all of Julian's readers in the twenty-first century. Dr Liz Herbert McAvoy is Senior Lecturer in Gender in English and Medieval Studies at Swansea University. Contributors: Denise M. Baker, Alexandra Barratt, Marleen Cré, Elisabeth Dutton,Vincent Gillespie, Cate Gunn, Ena Jenkins, E.A. Jones, Liz Herbert McAvoy, Laura Saetveit Miles, Kim M. Philips, Elizabeth Robertson,Sarah Salih, Annie Sutherland, Diane Watt, Barry Windeatt.
Duke University Press Whither China?: Intellectual Politics in Contemporary China
Whither China? presents an in-depth and wide-angled picture of Chinese intellectual life during the last decade of the millennium, as China struggled to move beyond the shadow of the Tiananmen tragedy. Because many cultural and intellectual paradigms of the previous decade were left in ruins by that event, Chinese intellectuals were forced in the early 1990s to search for new analytical and critical frameworks. Soon, however, they found themselves engulfed by tidal waves of globalization, surrounded by a new social landscape marked by unabashed commodification, and stunned by a drastically reconfigured socialist state infrastructure. The contributors to Whither China? describe how, instead of spearheading the popular-mandated and state-sanctioned project of modernization, intellectuals now find themselves caught amid rapidly changing structures of economic, social, political, and cultural relations that are both global in nature and local in an irreducibly political sense. Individual essays interrogate the space of Chinese intellectual production today, lay out the issues at stake, and cover major debates and discursive interventions from the 1990s. Those who write within the Chinese context are joined by Western observers of contemporary Chinese cultural and intellectual life. Together, these two groups undertake a truly international intellectual struggle not only to interpret but to change the world.Contributors. Rey Chow, Zhiyuan Cui, Michael Dutton, Gan Yang, Harry Harootunian, Peter Hitchcock, Rebecca Karl, Louisa Schein, Wang Hui, Wang Shaoguang, Xudong Zhang
Trafalgar Square Grid Pro Quo: 52 Powerful Jumping Exercises from the World’s Top Riders
This modern-day quick reference to more than 50 grids and jumping exercises brings the best of top international training and instruction into your home ring. Build your skillset and your horse's confidence and conditioning with a fantastic selection of lessons you can use to: - Diversify your training routine. - Sharpen your horse prior to competition. - Address specific problem areas. Within these pages you'll have regular access to the tips and tricks that have brought some of the most accomplished riders and trainers professional success. Amateur eventer Margaret Rizzo McKelvy has compiled an unparalleled collection of exercises for any jumping discipline—eventing, show jumping, hunters, and equitation—by tapping the expertise of a remarkable group of top equestrians never before found together in one instructional book, including Olympians Anne Kursinski, Phillip Dutton, Kim Severson, Ingrid Klimke, and Will Coleman. Plus, you'll find: - Easy-to-follow diagrams and clear explanations make it a snap to recreate the lessons at home. - Workouts are easy to modify for smaller or larger arenas. - Recommendations help you adjust exercises as needed relative to the experience level of riders and horses. This one-of-a-kind resource is not only a fabulous addition to any rider's training toolbox, it is invaluable to coaches and instructors looking for ideas and inspiration to help keep their students engaged and growing as riders and educated horsepeople.
Duke University Press The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences: Positivism and Its Epistemological Others
The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences provides a remarkable comparative assessment of the variations of positivism and alternative epistemologies in the contemporary human sciences. Often declared obsolete, positivism is alive and well in a number of the fields; in others, its influence is significantly diminished. The essays in this collection investigate its mutations in form and degree across the social science disciplines. Looking at methodological assumptions field by field, individual essays address anthropology, area studies, economics, history, the philosophy of science, political science and political theory, and sociology. Essayists trace disciplinary developments through the long twentieth century, focusing on the decades since World War II. Contributors explore and contrast some of the major alternatives to positivist epistemologies, including Marxism, psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, narrative theory, and actor-network theory. Almost all the essays are written by well-known practitioners of the fields discussed. Some essayists approach positivism and anti-positivism via close readings of texts influential in their respective disciplines. Some engage in ethnographies of the present-day human sciences; others are more historical in method. All of them critique contemporary social scientific practice. Together, they trace a trajectory of thought and method running from the past through the present and pointing toward possible futures.Contributors. Andrew Abbott, Daniel Breslau, Michael Burawoy, Andrew Collier , Michael Dutton, Geoff Eley, Anthony Elliott, Stephen Engelmann, Sandra Harding, Emily Hauptmann, Webb Keane, Tony Lawson, Sophia Mihic, Philip Mirowski, Timothy Mitchell, William H. Sewell Jr., Margaret R. Somers, George Steinmetz, Elizabeth Wingrove
Duke University Press Whither China?: Intellectual Politics in Contemporary China
Whither China? presents an in-depth and wide-angled picture of Chinese intellectual life during the last decade of the millennium, as China struggled to move beyond the shadow of the Tiananmen tragedy. Because many cultural and intellectual paradigms of the previous decade were left in ruins by that event, Chinese intellectuals were forced in the early 1990s to search for new analytical and critical frameworks. Soon, however, they found themselves engulfed by tidal waves of globalization, surrounded by a new social landscape marked by unabashed commodification, and stunned by a drastically reconfigured socialist state infrastructure. The contributors to Whither China? describe how, instead of spearheading the popular-mandated and state-sanctioned project of modernization, intellectuals now find themselves caught amid rapidly changing structures of economic, social, political, and cultural relations that are both global in nature and local in an irreducibly political sense. Individual essays interrogate the space of Chinese intellectual production today, lay out the issues at stake, and cover major debates and discursive interventions from the 1990s. Those who write within the Chinese context are joined by Western observers of contemporary Chinese cultural and intellectual life. Together, these two groups undertake a truly international intellectual struggle not only to interpret but to change the world.Contributors. Rey Chow, Zhiyuan Cui, Michael Dutton, Gan Yang, Harry Harootunian, Peter Hitchcock, Rebecca Karl, Louisa Schein, Wang Hui, Wang Shaoguang, Xudong Zhang
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XXXII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2009
A series which is a model of its kind EDMUND KING, HISTORY This latest collection reflects the full range and vitality of the current work on the Anglo-Norman period. It opens with the R. Allen Brown Memorial Lecture for 2009, a wide-ranging reflection by the distinguished French historian Dominique Barthélemy on the Peace of God and the role of bishops in the long eleventh century. Economic history is prominent in papers on the urban transformation in England between 900 and 1100, on the roots of the royal forestin England, and on trade links between England and Lower Normandy. A close study of the Surrey manor of Mortlake brings in topography, another aspect of which appears in an article on the representation of outdoor space by Normanand Anglo-Norman chroniclers. Social history is treated in papers dealing with the upbringing of the children of the Angevin counts and with the developing ideas of knighthood and chivalry in the works of Dudo of Saint-Quentin and Benoît of Sainte-Maure. Finally, political ideas are examined through careful reading of texts in papers on writing the rebellion of Earl Waltheof in the twelfth century and on the use of royal titles and prayers for the king inAnglo-Norman charters. Contributors: Dominique Barthélemy, Kathryn Dutton, Leonie Hicks, Richard Holt, Joanna Huntington, Laurence Jean-Marie, Dolly Jorgensen, Max Lieberman, Stephen Marritt, Pamela Taylor
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Haskins Society Journal 23: 2011. Studies in Medieval History
The most up-to-date research in the period from the Anglo-Saxons to Angevins. This volume of the Haskins Society Journal furthers the Society's commitment to historical and interdisciplinary research on the early and central Middle Ages, especially in the Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and Angevin worldsbut also on the continent. The topics of the essays it contains range from the curious place of Francia in the historiography of medieval Europe to strategies of royal land distribution in tenth-century Anglo-Saxon England to the representation of men and masculinity in the works of Anglo-Norman historians. Essays on the place of polemical literature in Frutolf of Michelsberg's Chronicle, exploration of the relationship between chivalryand crusading in Baudry of Bourgeuil's History, and Cosmas of Prague's manipulation of historical memory in the service of ecclesiastical privilege and priority each extend the volume's engagement with medieval historiography, employing rich continental examples to do so. Investigations of comital personnel in Anjou and Henry II's management of royal forests and his foresters shed new light on the evolving nature of secular governance in the twelfth centuries and challenge and refine important aspects of our view of medieval rule in this period. The volume ends with a wide-ranging reflection on the continuing importance of the art object itself in medieval history and visual studies. Contributors: H.F. Doherty, Kathryn Dutton, Kirsten Fenton, Paul Fouracre, Herbert Kessler, Ryan Lavelle, Thomas J.H. McCarthy, Lisa Wolverton, Simon Yarrow.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building
As a conflict ends and the parties begin working towards a durable peace, practitioners and peacebuilders are faced with the possibilities and challenges of building new or reformed political, security, judicial, social, and economic structures. This Handbook analyzes these elements of post-conflict state building through the lens of international law, which provides a framework through which the authors contextualize and examine the many facets of state building in relation to the legal norms, processes, and procedures that guide such efforts across the globe. The volume aims to provide not only an introduction to and explanation of prominent topics in state building, but also a perceptive analysis that augments ongoing conversations among researchers, lawyers, and advocates engaged in the field. The Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building provides keen insights for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students in programs related to peace and conflict, governance, and international justice and law. Practitioners such as United Nations staff, government officials, international institution and think tanks engaged in post-conflict state building will glean important lessons and guidance from the Handbook's chapters. Contributors include: T. Beckelman, S.-T. Bounfour, M.J. Day, M. de Hoon, Y.M. Dutton, R. Friedrich, C.M. Goebel, S.L. Hodgkinson, D.E.W. Johnson, R. Kraemer, C.D. Kreutzner, J.C. Levy, A.C. Mann, B. McGonigle Leyh, N. Narayan, S. Pearlman, F.J. Pecci, R.M. Perito, D.J. Planty, B. Popken, M. Sterio, J. Trahan, G. Visoka, P.R. Williams, J.P. Worboys
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Digital Politics
Politics continues to evolve in the digital era, spurred in part by the accelerating pace of technological development. This cutting-edge Handbook includes the very latest research on the relationship between digital information, communication technologies and politics.Written by leading scholars in the field, the chapters explore in seven parts: theories of digital politics, government and policy, collective action and civic engagement, political talk, journalism, internet governance and new frontiers in digital politics research. The contributors focus on the politics behind the implementation of digital technologies in society today.All students in the fields of politics, media and communication studies, journalism, science and sociology will find this book to be a useful resource in their studies. Political practitioners seeking digital strategies, as well as web and other digital practitioners wanting to know more about political applications for their work will also find this book to be of interest.Contributors include: E. Amnå, N. Anstead, N. Benn, W.L. Bennett, C. Birchall, L. Bode, A. Bruns, S. Coleman, N. Couldry, K.B. Culver, P. Dahlgren, E. Dubois, W.H. Dutton, S. Edgerly, D. Freelon, C. Fuchs, S. González-Bailon, T. Graham, T. Hall, A. Hanna, T. Highfield, F. Hirzalla, Y. Kim, D. Kreiss, T. Mcafee, G. Moss, B. O'Loughlin, K. Parry, R. Petchler, J. Schradie, A. Segerberg, D.V. Shah, K. Thorson, N. Thurman, E. Vraga, C. Wells, S. Wright, M.A. Xenos, J. Yang, L. van Zoonen
University of Pennsylvania Press Blood Matters: Studies in European Literature and Thought, 14-17
In late medieval and early modern Europe, definitions of blood in medical writing were slippery and changeable: blood was at once the red fluid in human veins, a humor, a substance governing crucial Galenic models of bodily change, a waste product, a cause of corruption, a source of life, a medical cure, a serum appearing under the guise of all other bodily secretions, and—after William Harvey's discovery of its circulation—the cause of one of the greatest medical controversies of the premodern period. Figurative uses of "blood" are even more difficult to pin down. The term appeared in almost every sphere of life and thought, running through political, theological, and familial discourses. Blood Matters explores blood as a distinct category of inquiry and draws together scholars who might not otherwise be in conversation. Theatrical and medical practice are found to converge in their approaches to the regulation of blood as a source of identity and truth; medieval civic life intersects with seventeenth-century science and philosophy; the concepts of class, race, gender, and sexuality find in the language of blood as many mechanisms for differentiation as for homogeneity; and fields as disparate as pedagogical theory, alchemy, phlebotomy, wet-nursing, and wine production emerge as historically and intellectually analogous. The volume's essays are organized within categories derived from medieval and early modern understanding of blood behaviors—Circulation, Wounds, Corruption, Proof, and Signs and Substances—thereby providing the terms through which interdisciplinary and cross-period conversations can take place. Contributors: Helen Barr, Katharine Craik, Lesel Dawson, Eleanor Decamp, Frances E. Dolan, Elisabeth Dutton, Margaret Healy, Dolly Jørgensen, Helen King, Bonnie Lander Johnson, Hester Lees-Jeffries, Joe Moshenska, Tara Nummedal, Patricia Parker, Ben Parsons, Heather Webb, Gabriella Zuccolin.
Johns Hopkins University Press Come and Be Shocked: Baltimore beyond John Waters and The Wire
Baltimore seen through the eyes of John Waters, Anne Tyler, Charles S. Dutton, Barry Levinson, David Simon—and also ordinary citizens.The city of Baltimore features prominently in an extraordinary number of films, television shows, novels, plays, poems, and songs. Whether it's the small-town eccentricity of Charm City (think duckpin bowling and marble-stooped row houses) or the gang violence of "Bodymore, Murdaland," Baltimore has figured prominently in popular culture about cities since the 1950s. In Come and Be Shocked, Mary Rizzo examines the cultural history and racial politics of these contrasting images of the city. From the 1950s, a period of urban crisis and urban renewal, to the early twenty-first century, Rizzo looks at how artists created powerful images of Baltimore. How, Rizzo asks, do the imaginary cities created by artists affect the real cities that we live in? How does public policy (intentionally or not) shape the kinds of cultural representations that artists create? And why has the relationship between artists and Baltimore city officials been so fraught, resulting in public battles over film permits and censorship?To answer these questions, Rizzo explores the rise of tourism, urban branding, and citizen activism. She considers artists working in the margins, from the East Baltimore poets writing in Chicory, a community magazine funded by the Office of Economic Opportunity, to a young John Waters, who shot his early low-budget movies on the streets, guerrilla-style. She also investigates more mainstream art, from the teen dance sensation The Buddy Deane Show to the comedy-drama Roc to the crime show The Wire, from Anne Tyler's award-winning book The Accidental Tourist to Barry Levinson's movie classic Diner.
Biteback Publishing British Conservative Leaders
As the party that has won wars, reversed recessions and held prime ministerial power more times than any other, the Conservatives have played an undoubtedly crucial role in the shaping of contemporary British society. And yet, the leaders who have stood at its helm - from Sir Robert Peel to David Cameron, via Benjamin Disraeli, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher - have steered the party vessel with enormously varying degrees of success.;With the widening of the franchise, revolutionary changes to social values and the growing ubiquity of the media, the requirements, techniques and goals of Conservative leadership since the party's nineteenth-century factional breakaway have been forced to evolve almost beyond recognition - and not all its leaders have managed to keep up.;This comprehensive and enlightening book considers the attributes and achievements of each leader in the context of their respective time and diplomatic landscape, offering a compelling analytical framework by which they may be judged, detailed personal biographies from some of the country's foremost political critics, and exclusive interviews with former leaders themselves.; An indispensable contribution to the study of party leadership, British Conservative Leaders is the essential guide to understanding British political history and governance through the prism of those who created it.;Contributing authors include Matthew d'Ancona, Tim Bale, Stuart Ball, Jim Buller, John Campbell, John Charmley, Charles Clarke, Mark Davies, Patrick Diamond, David Dutton, Dr Mark Garnett, Richard A. Gaunt, William Hague, Angus Hawkins, Timothy Heppell, Andrew Holt, Michael Howard, Toby S. James, Nigel Keohane, Jo-Anne Nadler, T. G. Otte, Anne Perkins, Robert Saunders, Anthony Seldon, Andrew Taylor, D. R. Thorpe and Alan Wager.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Organizational Resilience (with bonus article "Organizational Grit" by Thomas H. Lee and Angela L. Duckworth)
Build resilience in your company to weather the greatest crises.If you read nothing else on organizational resilience, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help your company prepare for and overcome disruption, social upheaval, and disaster.This book will inspire you to: Reposition your core business while launching a separate, disruptive business Build the ability to continually anticipate and adjust to emerging trends Prepare for the business implications of climate change Learn about the risks of hyperefficient businesses Develop organizational grit Rebound from a recession faster than your competitors Lead your company through any kind of crisis This collection of articles includes "How Resilience Works" by Diane Coutu; "The Quest for Resilience" by Gary Hamel and Liisa Valikangas; "Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave" by Joseph L. Bower and Clayton M. Christensen; "Organizational Grit" by Thomas H. Lee and Angela L. Duckworth; "Leading in Times of Trauma" by Jane E. Dutton, Peter J. Frost, Monica C. Worline, Jacoba M. Lilius, and Jason M. Kanov; "Learning from the Future" by J. Peter Scoblic; "Leading a New Era of Climate Action" by Andrew Winston; "The High Price of Efficiency" by Roger L. Martin; "Reigniting Growth" by Chris Zook and James Allen; "Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World" by Willy C. Shih; and "Roaring Out of Recession" by Ranjay Gulati, Nitin Nohria, and Franz Wohlgezogen.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.
New York University Press China: Contemporary Political, Economic, and International Affairs
China’s dramatic transformation over the past fifteen years has drawn its share of attention and fear from the global community and world leaders. Far from the inward-looking days of the Cultural Revolution, modern China today is the world’s fourth largest economy, with a net product larger than that of France and the United Kingdom. And China’s dynamism is by no means limited to its economy: enrollments in secondary and higher education are rapidly expanding, and new means of communication are vastly increasing information available to the Chinese public. In two decades, the Chinese government has also transformed its foreign relations—Beijing is now consulted on virtually every key development within the region. However, the Communist Party of China still dominates all aspects of political life. The Politburo is still self-selecting, Beijing chooses province governors, censorship is widespread, and treatment of dissidents remains harsh. In China, leading experts provide an overview of the region, highlighting key issues as they developed in the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Edited with an introduction by David B. H. Denoon, an authority on China, this volume of articles covers recent events and key issues in understanding this growing superpower. Organized into three thematic sections—foreign policy and national security, economic policy and social issues, and domestic politics and governance—the essays cover salient topics such as China's military power, de-communization, growing economic strength, nationalism, and the possibility for democracy. The volume also contains current maps as well as a “Recent Chronology of Events” which provides a decade's worth of information on the region, organized by year and by country. Contributors: Liu Binyan, David B.H. Denoon, Bruce J. Dickson, June Teufel Dreyer, Michael Dutton, Elizabeth Economy, Barry Eichengreen, Edward Friedman, Dru C. Gladney, Paul H. B. Godwin, Merle Goldman, Richard Madsen, Barry Naughton, Lucian W. Pye, Tony Saich, David Shambaugh, Robert Sutter, Michael D. Swaine, and Tyrene White.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Cyril Scott Companion: Unity in Diversity
This Companion provides a comprehensive analysis and appraisal of all of Scott's available (published and unpublished) music and a broad picture of his entire output in literary, dramatic and philosophical genres. Cyril Scott (1879-1970) was an English composer, writer and poet. He was a prolific composer-pianist writing over 400 works including four symphonies, three operas and concerti for piano, violin, cello, oboe and harpsichord. Oftenperforming his own compositions he became a pioneer of British piano music, and his music was admired by composers as diverse as Debussy, Strauss, Stravinsky and Percy Grainger, the last a lifelong friend. A true polymath, Scottwas also the author of forty-one books, including two autobiographies and one unpublished memoir, on subjects ranging from music, alternative medicine and humour to occultism, theosophy and Christianity. In addition, he wrote poems and plays and painted watercolours. This Companion explores the life and work of this remarkably creative man. It provides a comprehensive analysis and appraisal of all the available music and includes a complete catalogue of his musical works, along with a discography. Several works completely unknown to the musical world, both music and literary (such as the memoir 'Near the End of Life'), are here newly catalogued and discussed. Altogether, thevolume gives a broad picture of Scott's entire output in literary, dramatic and philosophical genres. LEWIS FOREMAN has published many books and articles on music. His Boydell titles include Bax: A Composer and hisTimes (2007), The John Ireland Companion (2011) and with Susan Foreman Felix Aprahamian (2015). DESMOND SCOTT is the son of Cyril Scott. He was an actor, theatre director and TV writer. He is also a sculptor and past-President of the Sculptors Society of Canada. He has contributed to The New Percy Grainger Companion (Boydell Press, 2010) and has published articles in musical journals on Cyril Scott. LESLIE DE'ATH isProfessor, Faculty of Music, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Singing, a pianist, conductor and opera director. He has recorded Scott's complete solo piano music for Dutton. Contributors: PETER ATKINSON, MARTYN BRABBINS, LESLIE DE'ATH, PETER DICKINSON, LEWIS FOREMAN, KATHERINE HUDSON, VALERIE LANGFIELD , KURT LELAND, STEPHEN LLOYD, STEVEN MARTIN, ROHINTEN DADDY MAZDA, RICHARD PRICE, EDMUND RUBBRA, DESMOND SCOTT, MARTIN YATES
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on High Performance
Set yourself on the path to greatness.If you read nothing else on performing at your highest level, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you learn what successful people do differently, find inspiration in your work, and achieve your full potential.This book will inspire you to: Identify the patterns that are holding you back Turn weaknesses into strengths and strengths into success Form the right habits to reach your goals Focus on the work that matters most Avoid the pitfalls of being a star performer Set the stage for others to excel This collection of articles includes "The Making of an Expert," by K. Anders Ericsson, Michael J. Prietula, and Edward T. Cokely; "Managing Oneself," by Peter F. Drucker; "Are You a High Potential?," by Douglas A. Ready, Jay A. Conger, and Linda A. Hill, "Making Yourself Indispensable," by John H. Zenger, Joseph R. Folkman, and Scott K. Edinger; "How to Play to Your Strengths," by Laura Morgan Roberts, Gretchen Spreitzer, Jane Dutton, Robert Quinn, Emily Heaphy, and Brianna Barker Caza; "The Power of Small Wins," by Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J. Kramer; "Nine Things Successful People Do Differently," by Heidi Grant; "Make Time for the Work That Matters," by Julian Birkinshaw and Jordan Cohen; "Don't Be Blinded by Your Own Expertise," by Sydney Finkelstein; "Mindfulness in the Age of Complexity," by Ellen Langer and Alison Beard; "Primal Leadership," by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee; and "The Right Way to Form New Habits," by James Clear and Alison Beard.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads for Business Students
Take your business education to the next level—and drive your career forward.If you read nothing else to stand out in class and prepare for what's next, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the best ones to help you learn the most important ideas in leadership and management, feel confident in your business classes, and be ready to thrive in any role you take on.This book will inspire you to: Succeed by playing to your strengths Learn to be more persuasive Give killer presentations Perfect your business-writing skills Find your authentic voice and leadership style Build a purposeful career This collection of articles includes "Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life," by Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams, "Harnessing the Science of Persuasion," by Robert B. Cialdini, "How to Give a Killer Presentation," by Chris Anderson, "The Science of Strong Business Writing," by Bill Birchard, "How High Achievers Overcome Their Anxiety," by Morra Aarons-Mele, "How to Play to Your Strengths," by Laura Morgan Roberts, Gretchen Spreitzer, Jane Dutton, Robert Quinn, Emily Heaphy, and Brianna Barker Caza, "You're Not Powerless in the Face of Imposter Syndrome," by Keith D. Dorsey, "The Feedback Fallacy," by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall, "The Authenticity Paradox," by Herminia Ibarra, "The C-Suite Skills That Matter Most," by Raffaella Sadun, Joseph Fuller, Stephen Hansen, and PJ Neal, "Building an Ethical Career," by Maryam Kouchaki and Isaac Smith, and "From Purpose to Impact," by Nick Craig and Scott Snook.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd About Poems: and how poems are not about
In this innovative series of public lectures at Newcastle University, leading contemporary poets speak about the craft and practice of poetry to audiences drawn from both the city and the university. The lectures are then published in book form by Bloodaxe, giving readers everywhere the opportunity to learn what the poets themselves think about their own subject. Anne Stevenson argues that change is time's one permanent condition, that it continually transforms the present into the past at the very moment it opens the future to further change. She also argues that without an understanding of how poetry has re-invented itself through its history, today's present innovations are likely to remain rootless and unnourished. Drawing on lines from her own poem, 'The Fiction Makers' - 'They thought they were living now/ But they were living then' - Stevenson traces the theories, fashions and beliefs of modern poets in America and Britain since the 1930s (the span, in fact, of her own lifetime). Giving special attention to the voices of T.S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, Robert Frost, Elizabeth Bishop and Wallace Stevens, she shows how, after World War II, populist movements in the United States rose up against a university-based establishment, introducing a barbarian energy into the art while at the same time destroying its solid base in traditional rhythm and form. Each lecture features poets she considers to be among the most effective of their kind, ranging from W.B. Yeats, Robert Lowell and Richard Wilbur, to Frank O'Hara, John Ashbery and Denise Levertov. In her final lecture, she quotes extensively from friends and contemporaries recently deceased: G.F. Dutton, Frances Horovitz, William Martin, and finishing with a tribute to the voice and ear of Seamus Heaney. To the three texts of her 2016 Newcastle/Bloodaxe Lectures Stevenson has conjoined additional essays originally given as talks in the Chapel of St Chad's College in the University of Durham. These have mainly to do with rhythms and sounds rather than with subject-matter, arguing that, until very recently, it was a defining virtue of poetry not to be about anything that could better or more clearly be said in prose.Finally Stevenson, having had a number of second thoughts about Bitter Fame, her biography of Sylvia Plath (1989), includes a talk on this American poet's astonishing gift and tragic life, first given at Ledbury Poetry Festival in 2013.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Career Resilience (with bonus article "Reawakening Your Passion for Work" By Richard E. Boyatzis, Annie McKee, and Daniel Goleman)
Building a successful career starts with you.It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of your current job and lose sight of the big picture, but with a typical career spanning 50 years or more, you do so at your own peril. It's up to you to chart your own course to professional success.If you read nothing else on effectively managing your career, read these 10 articles by experts in the field. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you develop yourself, make the right career moves, navigate inevitable detours and disruptions, and turn your professional dreams into reality.This book will inspire you to: Identify and leverage your strengths Cultivate the curiosity, skills, and knowledge you need to maintain your professional relevance far into the future Navigate messy job transitions gracefully Build and sustain a network that supports and encourages your growth Restore meaning and passion to your work Bounce back from career setbacks big and small Reinvent yourself, even in tough times This collection of articles includes "Managing Oneself," by Peter F. Drucker; "How to Play to Your Strengths," by Laura Morgan Roberts, Gretchen Spreitzer, Jane Dutton, Robert Quinn, Emily Heaphy, and Brianna Barker Caza; "How to Stay Stuck in the Wrong Career," by Herminia Ibarra; "Five Ways to Bungle a Job Change," by Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams; "Learning to Learn," by Erika Andersen; "The Strategic Side Gig," by Ken Banta and Orlan Boston; "How Leaders Create and Use Networks," by Herminia Ibarra and Mark Lee Hunter; "How to Bounce Back from Adversity," by Joshua D. Margolis and Paul G. Stoltz; "Rebounding from Career Setbacks," by Mitchell Lee Marks, Philip Mirvis, and Ron Ashkenas; "Reawakening Your Passion for Work," by Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee, and Daniel Goleman; and "Next-Gen Retirement," by Heather C. Vough, Christine D. Bataille, Leisa Sargent, and Mary Dean Lee.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Telework: Strategies for Managing the Virtual Workforce
In Managing Telework, Jack Nilles illustrates that telework is undeniably the corporate wave of the future on a global level. Telework, or telecommuting, a term coined originally by Nilles, means basically moving the work to the worker instead of the other way around. Although there are both risks and opportunities involved in managing a virtual workforce, the opportunities usually far outweigh the risks. As Nilles explains, the key to a successful virtual workforce is making the best use of those opportunities through proper planning and the development of an appropriate management style. Management philosophy, style, and technique constitute the foundation of this indispensable resource. Managing Telework provides crucial information on every part of the telecommuting process. Nilles first explores the issues of selecting the right type of telecommuter-candidates who are likely to be effective workers without the structured environment of the office-and how to find or make proper workplaces for an effective telecommuting program. He then goes on to discuss that central, often unspoken managerial fear of telecommuting: the threat of losing control. Nilles explains that leaders, not administrators, are the key players in successful telecommuting, and that leadership can be taught. There must also be a basis of trust between the worker and the manager, and constant, open communication. Many other pressing topics are discussed in detail, such as how to select the best technology for your specific organization, how to navigate the formal rules and regulations of telecommuting (including union rules and zoning laws), how to measure results, and how to set up a home office. Plus, there is absolutely critical advice provided on other legal, corporate, and cultural issues. This step-by-step guidebook to telework is the only management resource you'll need for the future of business. Learn how to get out of the office. A step-by-step guide to managing a successful, efficient, and happy virtual workforce. "There is no better guide to telework than Jack Nilles. His insights are of growing importance to managers and teleworkers at all levels and sectors of government, business, and industry." -William H. Dutton Professor, Annenberg School of Communication and School of Public Policy and Urban Development at the University of Southern California, and former national director of the UK's Programme on Information and Communication Technologies(PICT) "From his twenty-five years of pioneering and perfecting telework, Jack Nilles defines the essential leadership philosophy of the successful telemanager and presents his time-tested techniques for Managing Telework. These pages are packed with top-notch expertise. I wouldn't be without it!" -David Fleming Fleming LTD "In Managing Telework, Jack Nilles describes what managers and workers need to do to create successful telework programs and explains the benefits they can derive from this way of working." -Paul Gray Professor of Information Science, Claremont Graduate University "Another milestone from the father of telecommuting; an essential reference and stimulation for the biggest change in work organization since Henry Ford." -Peter Johnston Directorate General XIII BI, Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research, European Commission "The success of any telecommuting program hinges on thoroughly training telemanagers and non-teleworkers as well as telecommuters themselves. Nilles presents his guidelines in a practical, straightforward manner."-Margaret A. Klayton-Mi, PhD Associate Professor of Business Administration, Mary Washington College "A major transformation in the nature of work is in process. Jack Nilles, for years the foremost expert and visionary leader in the field of telecommuting, has written the definitive book on the subject. This is where the future begins. Don't miss it." -Burt Nanus Author, Visionary Leadership Professor Emeritus of Management, University of Southern California