Search results for ""Faithlife Corporation""
Faithlife Corporation Who Is Our King
Faithlife Corporation Grace from Heaven
Faithlife Corporation The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism – A Guide to the Ten Commandments, the Apostles` Creed, and the Lord`s Prayer
Faithlife Corporation Psalm 108s Canonical Placement and Use of Earlier Psalms
Faithlife Corporation Living Together in Unity with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Faithlife Corporation A Bond between Souls
Faithlife Corporation Explorations and Controversies
Reflections from a prolific and seasoned theologian John Frame is remarkable for his ability to pair profound thought with lucid prose. On Theology: Explorations and Controversies gathers eighty concise reflections on wide-ranging matters of theology, philosophy, and ethics, divided into eight parts: Theological Method The Thomist Controversy Systematic Theology Essays from Lexham Survey of Theology Essays from The Gospel Coalition's Concise Theology Philosophy and Apologetics Ethics and Politics Personal Reflections Whether considering age-old questions or current debates, Frame evokes deep thinking about Christian theology in a style that is accessible and engaging.
Faithlife Corporation Finding Hope in a Dark Place
"When you're in a dark place, it is also a sacred place because God is there with you." In this refreshingly candid book, author, life coach, and conference speaker Clarence Shuler shares his own story of depression and how, by God's grace, he learned how to effectively manage it. Shuler's story will help you receive grace in your own struggles. Joining Clarence is Monique Gadson (affectionately known as "Dr. Mo"), a licensed counselor who helped Clarence escape a very dark place in his life. Learn from Dr. Mo as she offers counseling insights and expertise woven throughout Clarence's story, bringing clarity and wisdom to anyone desperate for hope. In the "Your Journey" section at the end of each chapter, you will be guided to reflect on your own walk in darkness and find ways back to joy. Finding Hope in a Dark Place--part memoir, part mentorship, part workbook--will help you recognize your own story in Clarence's and remind you that hope is possible and worth pursuing. Even in the darkness, God is with you in that sacred space.
Faithlife Corporation Christ the Center – How the Rule of Faith, the Nomina Sacra, and Numerical Patterns Shape the Canon
Faithlife Corporation Theology of Mission
Faithlife Corporation Galatians: Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentar y
Faithlife Corporation Pointing to the Pasturelands
All theology is doxology. Anglican theologian J. I. Packer was one of the most widely respected Christian writers of the twentieth century. Author of over forty books and named one of the most influential evangelicals by Time magazine and the readers of Christianity Today, Packer's impact is immense. He was known for profound theological writing that was always lively and worshipful. Pointing to the Pasturelands recovers several decades of Packer's contributions to the pages of Christianity Today. This includes his editorial columns, longer articles, and brief answers to readers' theology questions. The book concludes with a profile of Packer from Mark A. Noll. Enjoy timeless insights from a man whose life was devoted to knowing God and making him known.
Faithlife Corporation God Reforms Hearts
Faithlife Corporation Healing the Schism
Faithlife Corporation Hidden and Revealed
Faithlife Corporation Ministers of Reconciliation
Faithlife Corporation Small Preaching
Faithlife Corporation After
Faithlife Corporation The Care of Souls
2020 Christianity Today Book Award Winner for Church/Pastoral Leadership 2019 TGC Ministry Book of the Year Winner Drawing on a lifetime of pastoral experience, The Care of Souls is a beautifully written treasury of proven wisdom which pastors will find themselves turning to again and again. Harold Senkbeil helps remind pastors of the essential calling of the ministry: preaching and living out the Word of God while orienting others in the same direction. And he offers practical and fruitful advice—born out of his five decades as a pastor—that will benefit both new pastors and those with years in the pulpit. In a time when many churches have lost sight of the real purpose of the church, The Care of Souls invites a new generation of pastors to form the godly habits and practical wisdom needed to minister to the hearts and souls of those committed to their care.
Faithlife Corporation Christian Mission
A deeper understanding of the grand history of mission leads to a faithful expression of God's mission today. From the beginning, God's mission has been carried out by people sent around the world. From Abraham to Jesus, the thread that weaves its way throughout Scripture is a God who sends his people across the world, proclaiming his kingdom. As the world has evolved, Christian mission continues to be a foundational tradition in the church. In this one-volume textbook, Edward Smither weaves together a comprehensive history of Christian mission, from the apostles to the modern church. In each era, he focuses on the people sent by God to the ends of the earth, while also describing the cultural context they encountered. Smither highlights the continuity and development across thousands of years of global mission.
Faithlife Corporation Recommitting Ourselves to One Book
Faithlife Corporation Getting the Most Out of Ephesians
Faithlife Corporation Born This Way?
Lady Gaga's song "Born This Way" has become an anthem for homosexual rights, asserting in a simplistic fashion that same-sex attraction is a trait much like hair or skin color. In Born This Way?, the author surveys the most common scientific arguments in favor of homosexuality and respond to pro-homosexual arguments. A review of the research will show that, while there are some genetic or biological factors that correlate with a higher incidence of same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior, as of yet there is no proof of genetic or biological causation for homosexuality.
Faithlife Corporation Crucial Events in the Life of Jesus and Why They M atter So Much
Faithlife Corporation Jesus and the Future
Jesus was a prophet who often spoke about future events. Some readers apply all of Jesus's teaching about the future to the distant future: his return, the future resurrection, and final judgment. Other readers contend that virtually everything Jesus taught about the future was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. The authors conclude that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. As a prophet, Jesus spoke both about the near future events of AD 70 and the distant future events surrounding his second coming. The challenge lies in determining when he was speaking about near instead of distant future events. In Jesus and the Future, the authors examine everything Jesus said about future events as recorded in the four canonical Gospels. This includes the famous Olivet Discourse along with many other parables and sayings. The authors situate Jesus's teaching in its original literary and 1st century Jewish and Greco-Roman context. Jesus and the Future is designed to discuss Jesus' teaching about the end times in a way that is accessible, biblical-theological, exegetical, and devotional and spiritually-nurturing. Written with a scholar's mind but a pastor's heart, the book is geared to a popular audience interested in making sense of end-time phenomena and conflicting teachings on the end times.
Faithlife Corporation A Plea to Recover the Wonder and Meaning of the Tr iune God
Faithlife Corporation Letters of Grace and Beauty – A Guided Literary Study of New Testament Epistles
Faithlife Corporation 1 & 2 Thessalonians Verse by Verse
The letters to the Thessalonians are a hidden gem of the New Testament. Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica are often considered two of the less important of his letters, but they were written to an important city and a church facing important issues. In addition to addressing the issue of Christ’s return and the problem of people who refused to work, these letters model a truly loving relationship between a pastor and a congregation. In 1 & 2 Thessalonians Verse by Verse, respected New Testament scholar Grant R. Osborne shows readers that in a culture demanding that everyone participate in the worship of the Roman Empire’s gods, the Thessalonians desperately needed resources that would help them withstand the pressure to conform. These letters provide us with a thrilling example of affection among believers in extremely hard times and help us see how that affection can make severe trials bearable. The Osborne New Testament Commentaries, by respected professor and author Grant R. Osborne, are for people seeking a straightforward explanation of the text in its context, avoiding either oversimplification or technical complexity. Osborne brings out the riches of the New Testament, making each book accessible for pastors and all who consider themselves students of Scripture.
Faithlife Corporation Rise Above
When a sudden accident resulted in a broken leg that could take him out of the game permanently, Seattle Sounders soccer star Steve Zakuani faced his biggest challenge yet. Steve's road to soccer success hadn't merely involved athletic challenges; in the years leading up to joining the Sounders, Steve had overcome an upbringing in one of London's roughest neighborhoods, battled personal apathy, and overcome a serious injury. He found renewed purpose through the influence of a mentor and, through that mentor, found his purpose in God's call on his life. Yet his early challenges began to look small when Steve suffered an even more severe injury that shattered his leg--and, it seemed, his career. That injury--and his 500 long days of recovery--forced him to grapple with who he was when his identity in soccer and his personal goals were taken out of his hands. This book, drawn from journals written during his recovery, will give you a raw, honest look into Steve's story. Let him coach you on how to face tragedy with a positive mindset, how to set goals that are bigger than your adversity, how to remain hopeful in your darkest moments, and how to help others in your life overcome their own greatest challenges. Rise Above: My 500 Days of Faith, Forgiveness, and Fighting Back includes a study guide for personal reflection or group discussion.
Faithlife Corporation Plain Theology for Plain People
Everyday Christians need practical and accessible theology.In this handbook first published in 1890, Charles Octavius Boothe simply and beautifully lays out the basics of theology for common people. "Before the charge 'know thyself,'" Boothe wrote, "ought to come the far greater charge, 'know thy God.'" He brought the heights of academic theology down to everyday language, and he helps us do the same today. Plain Theology for Plain People shows that evangelicalism needs the wisdom and experience of African-American Christians.Walter R. Strickland II reintroduces this forgotten masterpiece for today. Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.
Faithlife Corporation Philippians 2:19–4:23: Evangelical Exegetical Comm entary
In his epistle to the Philippians, Paul addresses internal struggles and external pressures that the church faced. In the letter he presents the sacrificial life of Christ as the ultimate example, "the ethical foundation for all of life," and then calls believers to imitate Christ in their own lives.In this volume, Mark J. Keown scrupulously examines Philippians with a clear eye on the original text and a fine-tuned ear to first-century culture while also interacting with the full history of scholarship on Philippians. Keown also carefully considers the letter's theological and devotional importance for present-day believers. The result is the most comprehensive commentary on Philippians yet published.
Faithlife Corporation Exodus 19–40: Evangelical Exegetical Commentary
In the book of Exodus, the promises to the patriarchs begin to see their fulfillment: Yahweh takes a people for himself and dwells among them. He is not a distant deity, but a God who speaks and acts to deliver his people from oppression. In this two--volume commentary, Eugene Carpenter interacts with the Hebrew text to trace these and other important themes through Exodus. He also discusses how key theological concepts of Exodus continue throughout the Bible and offers suggestions for applying the message of the book to modern-day readers.About the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary Series:The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series incorporates the latest in critical biblical scholarship and is written from a distinctly evangelical perspective. Each comprehensive volume combines historical and literary explanations with insights for understanding the text within the Bible's larger story and applying it to everyday life.
Faithlife Corporation Faith Amid the Ruins
If God asked you to live faithfully in the midst of upheaval, even if the cost was high, how would you respond? What if he made extraordinary and difficult demands? The prophet Habakkuk struggled with these very questions as he tried to follow God step-by-step during a time of unrest."Living by faith" sounds great on the surface, but when we face hardship and opposition, it's easy to seek security and stability instead of God's will. In Faith Amid the Ruins, Heath Thomas walks us through the book of Habakkuk, revealing the heart of this story about living by faith in light of God's own faithfulness toward us.
Faithlife Corporation On Education
Kuyper on the Divine Purpose for Education. Among Abraham Kuyper's many accomplishments was his founding of the Free University of Amsterdam, where he also served as president and professor of theology. This collection of essays and speeches presents Kuyper's theology and philosophy of education, and his understanding of the divine purpose of scholarship for human culture. Included are convocation addresses given at the Free University, parliamentary speeches, newspaper articles, and other talks and essays on the topic of education. Much of the material deals with issues still being debated today including the roles of the family and state in education, moral instruction, Christian education, and vouchers.
Faithlife Corporation Picturing Scripture – Verse Art to Inspire the Biblical Imagination
Refresh your soul with beautifully rendered pieces of art paired with thought-provoking devotions. The designers and writers collaboratively invested their energy and creativity into this collection, each drawing upon the timeless, inspired words of Scripture. The result is 100 pairings of art and devotional thought that illuminate the words of Scripture.
Faithlife Corporation Business & Economics
Faithlife Corporation Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis
We rarely think about the way languages work because communicating in our native tongue comes so naturally to us. The Bible was written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek--languages no modern reader can claim to have a native understanding of. A better understanding of how language works should help us understand the Bible better as we seek to discern the original intent and meaning of each biblical author. In this book, you will get a basic introduction to the field of linguistics--its history, its key concepts, its major schools of thought, and how its insights can shed light on various problems in biblical Hebrew and Greek. Numerous examples illustrate linguistic concepts, and technical terminology is clearly defined. Learn how the study of language can enhance your Bible study.
Faithlife Corporation Paul′s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9
Debates rage over Paul's understanding of election in Romans 9-11. But is election really what Paul had in mind? Aaron Sherwood argues that this debate is foreign to Paul's purpose here. Paul primarily intended these passages to be a defense of God's covenantal faithfulness.In The Word of God Has Not Failed, Sherwood examines the first major passage of this section, Romans 9:6-20, giving special attention to the Old Testament Scriptures Paul used. It is vital to understand Paul's interpretation of these texts in order to understand the thrust of Paul's message. Sherwood shows how Paul viewed the rejection of the gospel by unbelieving Jews as idolatry, and the inclusion of believing Gentiles as a fulfillment of God's promises to Israel.
Faithlife Corporation Start Next Now
You have permission to do something incredible.Whether you'd like to start a different career, earn greater income, or perhaps accomplish something unrelated to your job, you can do it! And now is the time to start.In Start Next Now, successful entrepreneur Bob Pritchett shares his guiding principles, which have grown his company to over 440 employees today. You won't find mere inspirational puffery here. This fast-paced book provides you with an actual plan to start achieving your goal before you even finish reading.So what are you waiting for? It's time to start next now.
Faithlife Corporation Malachi
As the old adage goes, you have to ask the right questions before you can get the right answers. And that's exactly what the Not Your Average Bible Study series helps you do. Rather than spoon-feeding you with individual facts, this study of Malachi coaches you on how to think through the text as a whole. Tested and proven in Bible Study Magazine, it's perfect for group and individual studies alike.So often we affirm God's love until things go wrong. In anger, anxiety, or pain, we doubt his goodness or involvement in our lives. Like the Israelites of Malachi's day, we cry out, "How have you loved us?" But the words of the prophet Malachi comfort us with God's love, and they challenge us to reciprocate that love--even in dark times. Malachi shows us that we need a savior.Each section of the guide begins with a concise introduction, providing context for the biblical passage. Next, you'll consider questions designed to prompt your own in-depth study. You'll also find specific prayer suggestions, along with ideas for further research. Experience the joy of discovering biblical insights for yourself--then apply these lessons to your everyday life.This is not your average Bible study!
Faithlife Corporation Hebrews
As the old adage goes, you have to ask the right questions before you can get the right answers. And that's exactly what the Not Your Average Bible Study series helps you do. Rather than spoon-feeding you with individual facts, this study of Hebrews coaches you on how to think through the text as a whole. Tested and proven in Bible Study Magazine, it's perfect for group and individual studies alike.Hebrews was written for people like us--struggling Christians seeking to know God better. The ancient communities who first received this letter faced temptation, suffering, and doubt. When we understand God's message for them, we can better embrace God's message for his church today.Each section of the guide begins with a concise introduction, providing context for the biblical passage. Next, you'll consider questions designed to prompt your own in-depth study. You'll also find specific prayer suggestions, along with ideas for further research. Experience the joy of discovering biblical insights for yourself--then apply these lessons to your everyday life.This is not your average Bible study!
Faithlife Corporation For Life
"We are one nation under God, and a nation that is under God must defend life at all stages-young and old alike."John Bornschein was an almost-aborted child. Abortion isn't an abstract political argument--it's about life and death for individuals. In For Life Bornschein shares his story and calls the church to defend the defenseless. Exploring Scripture and history, he equips you with the baseline and background knowledge you need to stand boldly on our culture's front lines to protect life at all stages. A special section from the Family Research Council provides you with essential information for engaging others about the issues of abortion and defending your position.
Faithlife Corporation Moral Questions of the Bible
Are all the moral commands of the Bible meant to be obeyed exactly for all time, or are there some that need to be adapted for our modern world? Scripture contains lots of guidance on ethical issues, including statements about polygamy, slavery, divorce, sex, and other things that sound strange to our modern ears. Even Christians, who believe the Bible is God's word, disagree on whether women should wear head coverings, whether Christians can ever lie, whether women should preach, and whether Christians should drink alcohol. How can we resolve these issues and figure out how to apply the Bible to our lives? David Instone-Brewer helps answer this question by showing how the Bible's moral commands were understood in their ancient cultural context. The more we understand what God and the biblical authors intended to communicate to the original audience, the better we will be able to make sense of how to apply those commands today. In brief chapters that address a wide variety of moral issues, Instone-Brewer equips Bible readers with a paradigm they can use to discern matters for themselves: Is a biblical command timeless or time-bound? If the command itself is time-bound, what is the timeless purpose behind it? And how do we remain faithful to the Bible's commands today even when handling subjects the Bible does not address? The Scripture in Context series is driven by the conviction that there is nothing as exciting, direct, provocative, and spiritually enlightening as the Bible when we read it as it was meant to be read. Each book in the series dives into the ancient cultural context behind Bible passages, examining the effect this context had on what the Bible writers were saying and how we should understand their words today. When we read the Bible in light of its context, it is anything but boring. Instead, God's word can speak to us as powerfully as it did to those who first read it. Chapters are short and informal, so it's easy to read one chapter at a time or the whole book straight through.
Faithlife Corporation Cutting Ties with Darkness
Paul wrote 2 Corinthians with a heavy heart, wrestling to maintain his relationship with the young church that he established.The way that Paul handled this painful situation provides an example for us today. When should we reconcile, and when should we walk away? How do we cut ties with darkness--whether in ourselves or in others?In this volume from the Transformative Word series, edited by Craig Bartholomew, John D. Barry explores how we deal with such scars in light of Jesus' example.
Faithlife Corporation James
As the old adage goes, you have to ask the right questions before you can get the right answers. And that's exactly what the Not Your Average Bible Study series helps you do. Rather than spoon-feeding you with individual facts, this study of James coaches you on how to think through the text as a whole. Tested and proven in Bible Study Magazine, it's perfect for group and individual studies alike.We can easily become entangled in the cares of this world and forget the important things in life. When we lose sight of the big picture, James reminds us what truly matters--the gospel. He challenges us to be "doers of the Word, and not hearers only." The gospel should define how we think, feel, and act.Each section of the guide begins with a concise introduction, providing context for the biblical passage. Next, you'll consider questions designed to prompt your own in-depth study. You'll also find specific prayer suggestions, along with ideas for further research. Experience the joy of discovering biblical insights for yourself--then apply these lessons to your everyday life.This is not your average Bible study!
Faithlife Corporation Galatians Verse by Verse
After the Apostle Paul returned from his first missionary journey, he heard that a certain group of legalistic Jewish Christians had infiltrated the churches he had established. These false teachers were teaching that new Christians had to be circumcised and follow the Old Testament law in order to be truly saved. Paul, realizing the gospel was at stake, wrote this letter in response. In Galatians Verse by Verse, experienced New Testament scholar sets forth Paul's laser-focused argument: Jesus is not only the Messiah; he came to inaugurate a new era in salvation history. In this new era, Christians are not made right with God by obeying the law; justification is by faith alone. This frees believers to live their lives not trying to earn salvation, but instead joyfully keeping in step with the Spirit. Pastors, Bible study leaders, and invested laypeople will all benefit from Osborne's careful reading of the text and commitment to making sense of the New Testament without scholarly jargon.The Osborne New Testament Commentary Series is a set of commentaries on every New Testament book. In each volume, Grant R. Osborne seeks to carefully exposit the text in plain language, bringing out the treasures in each book and making them accessible for today's readers.
Faithlife Corporation A Quiet Mind to Suffer With – Mental Illness, Trauma, and the Death of Christ
Faithlife Corporation Reading the Bible for the End of the World