Search results for ""Faithlife Corporation""
Faithlife Corporation A Fresh Approach for Biblical Exegesis
New Testament studies have debated the Koine Greek verb for 25 years--reaching an impasse when it came to both tense and aspect.Now, a group of scholars offer a new take on this debate. Originally presented as part of a conference on the Greek verb at Tyndale House, Cambridge, the chapters in The Greek Verb Revisited represent scholarly collaboration from the fields of linguistics, classics, and New Testament studies--resulting in a new perspective that allows the reader to approach the Greek verb in a fresh way.The Greek Verb Revisited not only offers a rare glimpse into the background of the debate over the Greek verb, but also explains the significance of this discussion and provides a linguistically-sound way forward.Contributors include:--Rutger J. Allan (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)--Michael Aubrey (Faithlife Corporation)--Rachel Aubrey (Canada Institute of Linguistics, Trinity Western University)--Randall Buth (Biblical Language Center)--Robert Crellin (Faculty of Classics, Cambridge)--Nicholas J. Ellis (BibleMesh)--Buist Fanning (Dallas Theological Seminary)--Christopher J. Fresch (Bible College of South Australia)--Peter J. Gentry (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)--Geoffrey Horrocks (Faculty of Classics, Cambridge)--Patrick James (The Greek Lexicon Project; Faculty of Classics, Cambridge)--Stephen H. Levinsohn (SIL International)--Amalia Moser (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)--Christopher J. Thomson (University of Edinburgh)--Elizabeth Robar (Tyndale House, Cambridge)--Steven E. Runge (Lexham Research Institute; Stellenbosch University)
Faithlife Corporation A Festschrift in Honor of Stephen H. Levinsohn
Stephen H. Levinsohn is by no means the only SIL International member deserving recognition for significant contributions to the field of biblical studies; all too frequently such work goes unrecognized, even if it is appreciated in some quarters. The goal of this volume is to see that at least in Stephen's case, his work receives the commendation that it deserves. Each of the contributors to this volume has had their ideas challenged or influenced by Levinsohn's work, and each counts it an honor to contribute to a volume honoring him. The caliber of these scholars should dispel any doubts about why we're honoring Stephen's work in this Festschrift; the list of contributors speaks for itself. If you have been wondering exactly what discourse studies has to offer to biblical interpretation, I commend these articles to you as evidence of the dividends that are in store for those who invest the time and effort to enter this field.
Faithlife Corporation High Definition Commentary: Philippians
Study Paul's letter to the Philippians with a new kind of commentary. In this volume of the High Definition Commentary series, linguist Steven E. Runge leverages his expertise in discourse analysis to help you understand how Paul helped the Philippian church deal with interpersonal conflicts and grow in their relationship with God. You'll follow the flow and structure of Philippians, tracing literary and linguistic clues that help identify each passage's big ideas. Stunning graphics visually articulate these ideas and personal illustrations will help you apply them.The High Definition Commentary series helps you discover insights that were once out of reach. Each volume analyzes plot twists, shocking moments, and the development of ideas. Study the Bible as it's always been--in a whole new way.
Faithlife Corporation The Ten Commandments Coloring Book
Faithlife Corporation Uncommon Unity – Wisdom for the Church in an Age of Division
"A crucial book." --Timothy Keller Our world is facing increasing hostilities. Political and cultural differences rage, even among people who otherwise show goodwill. And the church is no stranger to extreme polarization, theological backbiting, and political squabbling. Jesus's prayer in John 17--that the church be one as he and the Father are one--seems increasingly unattainable. But what if Scripture actually provides the key for thinking about unity in diversity? In Uncommon Unity: Wisdom for the Church in an Age of Division, Richard Lints explores the nature of diversity and how Christians can think more clearly about unity in an increasingly polarized age. Drawing on theological, historical, and sociological resources, Lints exposes problems with the inclusion narrative of democracy and shows a better way forward for fostering unity in the midst of extreme diversity. If we are to think rightly about diversity, wisdom is required for the church in our late modern world. Through wisdom, Christians can display real unity in diversity and bear witness of the God who made them for himself as diverse members of his one body. Readers of Uncommon Unity will be heartened that Scripture and Christian tradition provide an antidote to division.
Faithlife Corporation How Do Humans Flourish?
Experience life under Jesus' yoke. Everyone wants to succeed in life. But do you know what success looks like? Is true flourishing found in a busy life pursuing money, status, and experiences? Or is there a better way? In How Do Humans Flourish?, Danielle Sallade argues that the Christian life leads to thriving. Many burden under the yoke of worldly success, resulting in stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. But true flourishing can be found only in peace, and that begins with a right relationship with God. Learn what true success looks like. Discover how you can value work rightly, find your identity in Christ, and live with an attitude of dependence on God. You too can flourish. The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God's word to today's issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.
Faithlife Corporation Nature′s Case for God
Can we know anything about God apart from the Bible? Many Protestant Christians are suspicious of natural theology, which claims that we can learn about God through revelation outside the Bible. How can we know anything about God apart from Scripture? In Nature's Case for God, distinguished theologian John Frame argues that Christians are not forbidden from seeking to learn about God from his creation. In fact, the Bible itself shows this to be possible. In nine short and lucid chapters that include questions for discussion, Frame shows us what we can learn about God and how we relate to him from the world outside the Bible. If the heavens really do declare the glory of God, as the psalmist claims, it makes a huge difference for how we understand God and how we introduce him to those who don't yet know Christ.
Faithlife Corporation The Power of Revival – Martyn Lloyd–Jones, Baptism in the Spirit, and Preaching on Fire
Faithlife Corporation Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch
Faithlife Corporation When God Is Silent – Let the Bible Teach You to Pray
Faithlife Corporation The Apocalypse of John Among its Critics – Questions and Controversies
Faithlife Corporation Biblical Hebrew Poetry as Jewish and Christian Scr ipture
Faithlife Corporation Paul`s Thorn in the Flesh – New Clues for an Old Problem
Faithlife Corporation Atheism and Divine Absence in a Secular Age
Faithlife Corporation A Guide to Your New Life With Christ
Faithlife Corporation Job: Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary
Faithlife Corporation A Guide to Holy Scripture
You read it. But do you understand it? While the Bible is the most famous book in history, it can be intimidating. Yet God's word is for us and all people. It is living and active and has the power to save, give life, and heal. Do we read the Bible attuned to the power of God's word? John W. Kleinig opens up the riches found in the Bible. He likens God's word to a lavish meal that nourishes and satisfies our souls. He shows us the centrality of Scripture to Christian faith--the word through which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit speak with one voice to believers on Earth.
Faithlife Corporation Meditations on the Mercy of Our God
Meditations on grace from a biblical scholar Grace is not limited to God. If one of God's characteristics is grace, it should be one of ours also. Grace runs throughout Christian Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. But as we read the Bible, we might miss the depth of what grace truly is and what it means for us. In What Grace Is, biblical scholar Craig A. Evans invites us to look at grace throughout the Bible, going deep in examples from the book of Genesis and the Gospel of Luke. Bringing together biblical insight and personal wisdom, this short book will give readers a new appreciation for grace in action--acts of kindness and mercy exemplifying the kind of grace that can only be described as divine. We live in an angry and fractured world that desperately needs more of this grace. What Grace Is encourages us to meditate on the divine grace we have received and extend that same grace to others.
Faithlife Corporation Great Is Thy Faithfulness
From basement Bible study to leading evangelical institution Starting from humble beginnings in the late nineteenth century, the story of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is one of faithfulness. In Great Is Thy Faithfulness, scholars John D. Woodbridge, David M. Gustafson, Scott M. Manetsch, and Bradley J. Gundlach trace the journey of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In order to tell the story of evangelicalism in America, one must know the story of Trinity International University. Great Is Thy Faithfulness is an essential resource for understanding an institution that has been at the center of evangelical theological life for decades. Readers will be encouraged by God's faithfulness to his people.
Faithlife Corporation For the Care of Souls
Jesus Christ is the light that no darkness can overcome. Spiritual warfare isn't always obvious. It's normally not scary or spooky; it's usually rather mundane. Yet it's real and always miraculous. In Spiritual Warfare, Harold Ristau shows that faithful spiritual warfare isn't about secret methods and rituals. The good fight is fought with God's word, prayer, and worship. As the church preaches the forgiveness of sins, the darkness is pierced with the light of Christ and those in bondage are freed.
Faithlife Corporation How the Church Fathers Read the Bible
Faithlife Corporation The Word from the Beginning – The Person and Work of Jesus in the Gospel of John
"And the Word became flesh"John's Gospel famously opens with a poetic prologue about the Word. However, after these initial verses, the theme of God's Word incarnate seems to fade.The silence is only apparent. In The Word from the Beginning, Bruce G. Schuchard reunites John's prologue with the rest of his Gospel. What Jesus does in the Gospel embodies who Jesus is in the prologue. Jesus's words and actions reveal and unfold his unique identity as the Word. Jesus is indeed God's Word enfleshed.This theological reading of John's Gospel unifies Jesus's identity, words, and work, opening up implications for Johannine Christology.
Faithlife Corporation Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day. The Christmas season easily overwhelms, and meaning can be lost in the busyness. In Tidings of Comfort and Joy, Mark M. Yarbrough reminds us why we celebrate. These twenty--five short devotions focus December on Jesus through a combination of Scripture reflections, winsome stories, advent applications, and guided prayers. This is a book that you and your family will turn to annually, as you prepare your heart for the wonder and meaning of Christmas.
Faithlife Corporation Stewardship
Faithlife Corporation Wonderfully Made
Faithlife Corporation The Federal Theology of Jonathan Edwards
Faithlife Corporation Freed to Be Gods Family
Faithlife Corporation The New Testament Commentary Guide
Faithlife Corporation Sinless Flesh
Did Christ assume a fallen human nature? "What is not assumed is not healed." So goes the Chalcedonian maxim articulated by Gregory of Nazianzus regarding the nature and extent of Christ's work in assuming a human nature. But what is the nature of that assumption? If Christ is to stand in solidarity with us, must he have assumed not merely a human nature, but specifically a fallen human nature? In Sinless Flesh: A Critique of Karl Barth's Fallen Christ, Rafael Bello argues against the assertion made by Karl Barth, T. F. Torrance, and those who follow them that Christ assumed a fallen nature. Through retrieval of patristic, medieval, and Reformed orthodox theologians, Bello argues that a proper understanding of human nature, trinitarian inseparable operations, and the habitual grace-grace of union distinction leads to the conclusion that the assertion that Christ assumed a fallen human nature is at odds with faithful theological and historical understandings of the incarnation. Readers interested in theological retrieval for issues in contemporary theology will find a faithful model and way forward for a thorny issue in modern dogmatics.
Faithlife Corporation The Unfolding Word
Is the Bible one story, or many? The Bible is more than a collection of isolated stories; it is a transformative, unfolding Word that shapes and changes its readers. Too often the Bible can be misunderstood or hard to comprehend. How does the Bible, with its various authors, genres, and styles, all separated by hundreds of years, tell a single story? In The Unfolding Word, Zach Keele helps readers understand the narrative shape of the Bible and how each of its parts collectively tell one grand story.
Faithlife Corporation A Pastors Guide to Budgets, Spreadsheets, and Othe r Things You Didnt Learn in Seminary
What can the Church learn from the business world? You're a leader of a ministry, nonprofit, or church. You trained to be a faithful counselor, preacher, interpreter of God's Word—so why do you find yourself spending so much energy on administration tasks that threaten to drain your time, energy, and joy? Look to this book for the coaching you needed, yesterday. Written from years of ministry and business experience, Business for Ministry is built on a solid foundation of business principles but—unlike many business books—in a straightforward style that anyone can grasp. You'll learn how to: Communicate vision and strategize with a team Steward resources well (yes, including budgeting) Prioritize goals, wisely make decisions, and evaluate outcomes based on vision and data Leverage the existing talents of men and women at your church, many of whom don't fit in "traditional" ministry roles This field guide to building a holistic, sustainable system for your church will both help you address the business needs of your church and free your leaders to serve, fully and joyfully.
Faithlife Corporation World Mission
World mission needs a fully biblical ethos. This is the contention of the editors of and contributors to World Mission, a series of essays aimed at reforming popular approaches to missions. In the first set of essays, contributors develop a biblical theology of world mission from both the Old and New Testaments, arguing that the theology of each must stand in the foreground of missions, not recede into the background. In the second, they unfold the Great Commission in sequence, detailing how it determines the biblical strategy of all mission enterprises. Finally, they treat current issues in world mission from the perspective of the sufficiency of Scripture. Altogether, this book aims to reform missions to be thoroughly-not just foundationally-biblical, a needed correction even among the sincerest missionaries.
Faithlife Corporation Honey from the Rock
Communion with the Lord is sweeter than honey. In his meditations, Abraham Kuyper reveals a side of himself unseen in his well-known theological writings. First published in 1880 and 1883 and never before translated in English, the devotions in Honey from the Rock were written for the nourishment and health of his soul. Rather than the public figure and theologian, we see a man thirsting and hungering for God's presence. Modern readers entering this sacred space will be spiritually renewed, restored, and replenished by the light of God's Word, before returning to our daily callings. James De Jong introduces these powerful devotions from Kuyper.
Faithlife Corporation Winning Through Losing
These sample sermons show a combination of solid scholarly study, fidelity to the meaning and intent of the biblical author, oral clarity, contemporary relevance, humor, and creativity. Pastors who plan on preaching through any of these biblical books could be drawn to these sermons as models or as stimulating prompters for their own messages.
Faithlife Corporation Making Connections
Making Connections is a hands-on aid to learning the grand story of the Bible. It can be used as a standalone resource, but is best suited to be used alongside the textbook by the authors Telling God’s Story (Broadman & Holman) in addition to the Bible. It is designed to be used in the local church for Bible studies, pastor-led studies, and Sunday school.
Faithlife Corporation Biblical Portraits of Creation
Faithlife Corporation Brand New Mentor`s Guide – A 40–Day Guide to Life in Christ
Calling all mentors.We all need others to encourage, challenge, and teach us, but this kind of mentorship is critical in the early stages of a new Christian life. In Brand New: A 40-Day Guide to Life in Christ, Shilo Taylor gives new believers a brief and practical guide through their first steps in their walk with Jesus. The Brand New Mentor's Guide provides a resource for mentors who are walking with these new Christians. With tips for leaders and guided reflections, this mentor's guide is an essential component to a successful mentorship. It will help you facilitate discussion, expand on the daily readings, and wrestle with the questions throughout the 40-day devotional. Taylor brings her years of experience in youth ministry to equip mentors with an essential resource for ministry and outreach.
Faithlife Corporation Christian Unity
In these pages, Richard Baxter addresses Christians around Europe in a time of religious upheaval. Here, he strives to show how Christians of all backgrounds can be unified--a unique stance during years of religious warfare between Catholics and Protestants. In two treatises on Ephesians 4:3 and Romans 14:1, he lays out a vision for how Christian love could heal the ruptures separating the different forms of Christianity in his time.Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.
Faithlife Corporation Truth, Inspiration, and Authority of Scripture
This book, originally published in 1836 as Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration, and Canonical Authority of Holy Scripture, contains Archibald Alexander's defense of God's role in the inspiration of Scripture. Alexander devotes time to defending the truth of Scripture, the veracity of miracles, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the credibility of the Gospels, firmly supporting the view that the revelation of God in the Bible is neither improbable nor unreasonable.Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.
Faithlife Corporation 52 Daily Devotionals for Parents
Andrew Murray's Christian Parenting, originally published as The Children for Christ, contains 52 readings--one for each week of the year--on the subject of parental duty. Each lesson includes passage from the Bible and Murray's thoughts on how the passage illuminates the important role of parenting. The lessons all conclude with a short prayer. Christian Parenting is a timeless resource for parents who want to learn more about strengthening their Christian household.Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.
Faithlife Corporation Philippians 1:1–2:18: Evangelical Exegetical Comme ntary
In his epistle to the Philippians, Paul addresses internal struggles and external pressures that the church faced. In the letter he presents the sacrificial life of Christ as the ultimate example, "the ethical foundation for all of life," and then calls believers to imitate Christ in their own lives.In this volume, Mark J. Keown scrupulously examines Philippians with a clear eye on the original text and a fine-tuned ear to first-century culture while also interacting with the full history of scholarship on Philippians. Keown also carefully considers the letter's theological and devotional importance for present-day believers. The result is the most comprehensive commentary on Philippians yet published.
Faithlife Corporation Shattered Prayers
Kenneth Ching lived a comfortable life--with a great job, a big house, and an easy faith. He went to church and believed in God's goodness. But when his son is born with a serious and rare genetic condition, his life is thrown into terrifying chaos.In this honest and raw memoir, Ching brings to life his experience of letting go while learning to truly trust the Savior he claims to know. Ching doesn't shy away from asking the hard questions: Why does God answer some prayers but not others? How does prayer work? Is God even listening?Shattered Prayers is ultimately a story about recognizing God's presence and faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. And how one man thought God ruined his life by giving his son a terrible disease, but eventually realized God was actually fighting to save his faith and his son's life.
Faithlife Corporation Supernatural: A Study Guide
In Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World--and Why it Matters, Michael S. Heiser uses his expertise and fifteen years of research to tackle questions about what the Bible really says about the unseen world.Ronn Johnson's Supernatural: A Study Guide will help you further explore the ancient worldview of the Bible. Johnson walks through main themes and big picture ideas from Supernatural, while connecting each with practical applications. Reflection questions at the end of each chapter are designed for individual study or discussion with a small group.
Faithlife Corporation On Charity and Justice
Faithlife Corporation Textual Criticism of the Bible
Textual Criticism of the Bible provides a starting point for the study of both Old and New Testament textual criticism. In this book, you will be introduced to the world of biblical manuscripts and learn how scholars analyze and evaluate all of that textual data to bring us copies of the Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek that can be used for translating the Bible into modern languages. Textual Criticism of the Bible surveys the field, explains technical terminology, and demonstrates in numerous examples how various textual questions are evaluated. Complicated concepts are clearly explained and illustrated to prepare readers for further study with either more advanced texts on textual criticism or scholarly commentaries with detailed discussions of textual issues. You may not become a textual critic after reading this book, but you will be well prepared to make use of a wide variety of text--critical resources.
Faithlife Corporation Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians
Gain easy access to the best of Spurgeon's writings on the book of Galatians. Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians collects his thoughts on Galatians in a commentary format, including sermon illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings. Illustrations are indexed by theme, enabling you to quickly find a fitting observation whether you're searching by topic or verse. Each section of Scripture also includes at least one application from Spurgeon based on those verses. And updated language brings greater clarity to his teachings than ever before--allowing you to better understand and apply Spurgeon's rich insights into Galatians.
Faithlife Corporation Mapping Divine and Human Agency
When interpreting Scripture, do we take an academic or a spiritual approach? Do we emphasize the human or the divine agency? Do we focus on man's authorship or God's inspiration?Mark Bowald argues that these are false dichotomies. We need to understand both the human qualities of Scripture and the divine, as an overemphasis on either will lead to distortions. In Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics, Bowald surveys various schools of thought, explaining where they lose the balance between the two. He analyzes the hermeneutical methods of George Lindbeck, Hans Frei, Kevin Vanhoozer, Francis Watson, Stephen Fowl, David Kelsey, Werner Jeanrond, Karl Barth, James K. A. Smith, and Nicholas Wolterstorff.Bowald shows that we should view Scripture as equally human and divine in origin and character. And our reading of Scripture should involve both critical rigor and openness to the leading of God's Spirit.
Faithlife Corporation The Lord Jesus Christ - The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ