Search results for ""Author Arne"
Blue Panther Books Quickies Erotischer Ratgeber Sex an ungewhnlichen Orten
Osburg Verlag Einmischung unerwünscht
Salis Verlag Der Elefantenbcker
Peter Hammer Verlag GmbH dieser tag ist mein freund
Piper Verlag GmbH Null gleich eins
Piper Verlag GmbH Misterioso
Piper Verlag GmbH Stummer Schrei
Heyne Taschenbuch Etwas verborgen Schönes
Herder Verlag GmbH Bessermacher
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Windenergieanlagen
Droemer HC Machtübernahme
C.H. Beck Der Untergang der Welt von gestern
De Gruyter Vom Germanenerbe zum Urkommunismus: Urgeschichtsbilder in Museen der SBZ und DDR
In the German Democratic Republic (GDR), prehistory was part of the national narrative that served to legitimize the dictatorial regime of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED). However, the socialist conception of prehistory came up against a heavily loaded ideological legacy in the wake of the notions of ‘German prehistory’ that had been espoused during the National Socialist period. Museums were tasked with mastering the politically prescribed narrative shift from an ethnic-nationalist conception of prehistory to a Marxist one. Using an extensive body of exhibition photos, this doctoral project analyses the depiction of prehistory in museums of the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR as well as discourses that led to the alteration or persistence of related concepts.
Oslo Academic Press Aesthetics in Prose
Lit Verlag Economic Governance and Employment: Policy, Polity and Politics of Economic Rise and Decline
Wilhelm Hansen Tres Lamentationes
Blue Panther Books Die ersten Schritte SM Unterwerfung fr Anfnger Erotischer Ratgeber Die Kunst der erotischen Unterwerfung
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Kumpel, Kohle Und Krawall: Miners' Strike Und Rheinhausen ALS Aufruhr in Der Montanregion
Penguin Random House LLC To the Top of the Mountain: An Intercrime Novel
Maximum Verlags GmbH Ihr letztes Spiel
Maximum Verlags GmbH Ihr letzter Flirt
Blue Panther Books Vorspiel Erotischer Ratgeber
Ventil Verlag UG Die Vögel fliegen hoch
Deutsches Kulturforum Das schlesische Elysium
Pendragon Verlag Ostkind
Acabus Verlag 1842 Der Groe Brand von Hamburg
Müller C.F. Polizeirecht BadenWürttemberg
Schuenemann C.E. Ringen ums Teufelsmoor
Peter Hammer Verlag Unterm Bett liegt ein Skelett
Blue Panther Books Cuckolding Die Kunst der erotischen Erniedrigung Erotischer Ratgeber
Haufe Lexware GmbH Green Company Transformation
Piper Verlag GmbH Gier
Piper Verlag GmbH Bses Blut
C.H. Beck Datenschutzsanktionenrecht
Lit Verlag The Socioeconomics of Economics
Dr Ludwig Reichert Bongornu, Kif Int?: Einfuhrung in Die Maltesische Sprache
Transit Buchverlag GmbH Das Glitzern der Heringsschuppe in der Stirnlocke Ein islndisches Familienportrt
De Gruyter Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht (Vwvfg)
Basic Books The Cold War: A World History
Fordham University Press Finance Fictions: Realism and Psychosis in a Time of Economic Crisis
Finance Fictions takes the measure of what it means to live in a world ruled by high finance by examining the tension between psychosis and realism that plays out in the contemporary finance novel. When the things traded at the center of the economy cease to be things at all, but highly abstracted speculations, how do we come to see the real? What sorts of narrative can accurately approach the actual workings of a neoliberal economy marked by accelerating cycles of market crashes, economic and political crisis, and austerity? Revisiting such twentieth-century classics of the genre as Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities and Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho, De Boever argues that the twenty-first century is witnessing the birth of a new kind of realistic novel that can make sense of complex financial instruments like collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps, and digital algorithms operating at speeds faster than what human beings or computers can record. If in 1989 Wolfe could still urge novelists to work harder to “tame the billion-footed beast of reality,” today’s economic reality confronts us with a difference that is qualitative rather than quantitative: a new financial ontology requiring new modes of thinking and writing. Mobilizing the philosophical thought of Quentin Meillassoux in the close reading of finance novels by Robert Harris, Michel Houellebecq, Ben Lerner and less well-known works of conceptual writing such as Mathew Timmons’ Credit, Finance Fictions argues that realism is in for a speculative update if it wants to take on the contemporary economy—an “if” whose implications turn out to be deeply political. Part literary study and part philosophical inquiry, Finance Fictions seeks to contribute to a new mindset for creative and critical work on finance in the twenty-first century.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Bongornu, Kif Int?: Einfuhrung in Die Maltesische Sprache. Schlussel Und Worterverzeichnis
Emons Verlag Sylter Biike
Duncker & Humblot GmbH Die Justiziabilitat Des Klima Und Umweltschutzes
Springer International Publishing AG Light Metals 2017
The Light Metals symposia at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition present the most recent developments, discoveries, and practices in primary aluminum science and technology. The annual Light Metals volume has become the definitive reference in the field of aluminum production and related light metal technologies. The 2017 collection includes papers from the following symposia:Alumina and BauxiteAluminum Alloys, Processing, and CharacterizationAluminum Reduction TechnologyCast Shop TechnologyCast Shop Technology: Recycling and Sustainability Joint SessionElectrode TechnologyThe Science of Melt Refining: An LMD Symposium in Honor of Christian Simensen and Thorvald Abel Engh
De Gruyter Verwaltungsprozessrecht (Vwgo)
C.H. Beck Pompeji
John Wiley & Sons Inc Local Area Network Management, Design and Security: A Practical Approach
How to use LANs to help your company grow A vital component of today’s business, Local Area Networks (LANs) allow organizations to link their computers together for maximum work sharing, collaboration among geographically disparate teams, and other essential business functions. This book helps system administrators and IT professionals set up LANs and Intranets in a way that will contribute to their company’s growth and success. Beginning with the theoretical foundation for LAN operation and design, it covers the applicable data communications principles, then goes on to explore both LAN hardware and infrastructure design, network operating systems, LAN management and security. The book also gives a practical introduction to the world’s most popular network operating systems—Windows 2000, Novell NetWare, and Linux. Finally, the book takes an in-depth look at business and management issues, with special emphasis given to the impact of Intranets on business goals.