Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental Sustainability, Growth Trajectory and Gender: Contemporary Issues of Developing Economies
Environmental Sustainability, Growth Trajectory and Gender focuses on three major issues affecting developing economies: environmental sustainability, growth trajectory and gender. The social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change and loss of essential ecosystems are becoming increasingly apparent. Within the global community, the challenges of sustainable development and gender equality are growing in importance. The knowledge and collective action of women would improve productivity, boost conservation of ecosystems and enhance economic growth in developing countries. Environmental Sustainability, Growth Trajectory and Gender provides a wealth of information for academic researchers, postgraduate students, and faculties of different disciplines, and will lead to increased awareness, policies and actions that will enhance gender equality and provide full enjoyment of sustainable development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and Macro Modeling
The collection in Volume 43 Part A of Advances in Econometrics serves as a tribute to Professor M. Hashem Pesaran. Hashem is one of the most innovative, influential, and productive econometricians of his generation, with over 200 papers published in leading scientific journals to his credit along with highly influential books on both theoretical and applied topics, significantly pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge in econometrics and economics. Thanks to his profound and pioneering work on theoretical and empirical questions, the economics profession has gained a much better understanding of both the power and limitations of econometric analysis. Consistent with Hashem’s contributions, this volume comprises of chapters on a variety of topics covering prediction and macroeconomic modelling. The list of topics includes studies on Bayesian Quantile regression methods, forecasting implications from the economic impact of global warming, assessment of DSGE models, and parameter estimation in the presence of multiple breaks.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bleeding-Edge Entrepreneurship: Digitalization, Blockchains, Space, the Ocean, and Artificial Intelligence
This book contains an Open Access chapter The continued rise of the digital age and its radical innovation activities compel us to reconceptualize how entrepreneurial ventures and other organizations use various technologies to grow, evolve, and perform. How do the boldest entrepreneurship theories assist in this reconceptualization? Entrepreneurship has been heralded for decades as a revolutionary movement within the domain of business theory and practice. If so, then what are the most powerful and significant aspects of this entrepreneurial revolution? Bleeding-edge Entrepreneurship illuminates new possibilities, expanding entrepreneurship’s massive potential to create unexplored physical and virtual realms. The contributors are worldwide experts in technology-enabled entrepreneurship and social enterprise. The chapters cover a wide range of entrepreneurial phenomena, theories, and practices. Delineating the very best practices for venture performance in the world's most progressive realms, illustrating the nature of impact in extreme uncertainty, and shaping public policy regarding all these activities, Bleeding-edge Entrepreneurship is required reading for practitioners and academics in all fields of business, but especially those who are interested in entrepreneurship. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research is an official book series of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). Each volume is designed around a specific theme of importance to the entrepreneurship and small business community with articles collectively exploring and developing theory and practice in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication
Greenwashing is an emerging trend that seeks to overemphasize the sustainability practices by companies to their customers. In a comprehensive analysis of this widespread marketing and corporate communication practice, Agostino Vollero examines the understanding of greenwashing, provides a systematic review of available literature review, and reflects on theoretical approaches and research trends. Additionally explored are specific case studies that offer lessons in avoiding the greenwashing trap and a build a look to the future in this context. Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication showcases fascinating insights and new perspectives in this field, which will be of great interest to scholars of Management, Marketing Communications, Corporate Communication, Accounting and Business Ethics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultures of Authenticity
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter. Authenticity has become a buzzword for our times. Much of the travel industry is built around the provision of ‘authentic’ experiences, global brands fight to be seen as ‘authentic’ and social media platforms are awash with arguments about the authenticity of this post or that vlogger. But what do we mean by authenticity? And why have these debates grown so dramatically in the last two decades? This collection explores the complex and at times controversial idea of authenticity. Addressing the concept from an interdisciplinary perspective and offering a diverse range of topical cases, the authors bring together the latest empirical and conceptual scholarship addressing authenticity and its centrality to debates about contemporary culture, media and society. In this way, the authors are able to pinpoint the growing significance of the concept of authenticity, the various ways in which different disciplines approach the topic, and possible ways of advancing the field across disciplines. With sections covering travel and tourism, branding and marketing, popular culture, social media and political communication this exciting and innovative collection will make fascinating and crucial reading for scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities, and helps to define what these different disciplines mean by authenticity.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Digital Transformation of the Fitness Sector: A Global Perspective
The fitness sector is a growing economy where suppliers, managers and consumers are in continuously evolving relationships, and in which technology plays a key role in optimization. The Digital Transformation of the Fitness Sector highlights the challenges and opportunities of digitalization uncovered in the wake of recent global challenges in countries around the world. The innovations that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a digital transformation of sports services: facilitating interactions between trainers and consumers, establishing social media as a means of boosting a sector already witnessing great growth, and organising exercise spaces. Yet, as explored by the authors in this edited collection, disparities in accessibility to economic and digital resources that enable digitalization vary depending on the providers, the managers, and the geographical situation facing the organization. With contributions from leading academics and professionals, The Digital Transformation of the Fitness Sector is an excellent read for all practitioners working in fitness technologies, sports marketing, sports management, researchers, and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives on Sustainability Reporting
As global concerns around the environment, climate, and sustainability are moving to the forefront of consumer choices and business values, how organizations report on sustainability has become more crucial than ever before. Business sustainability issues are a major concern, with many firms seeking to contribute positively when serving their local communities and enhancing their corporate responsibility practices socially and environmentally. International Perspectives on Sustainability Reporting presents business case studies from different sectors across different regions, highlighting the changing institutional contexts and laws in each country regarding sustainability reporting: for some, reporting is mandatory and for others it is voluntary. Taking not only the historical but also the firm level, sectoral, regional, political, and economic perspective, Buallay’s work is far-reaching and comprehensive, spanning from the history of environmental reporting to sustainable reporting in the tourism industry. Tackling multidisciplinary topics that include finance, economics, sociology, law, governance, and organizational management, the methods deployed here are both qualitative and quantitative. International Perspectives on Sustainability Reporting is essential reading for both scholars and practitioners in all of these sectors as sustainability increases in importance across the board.
Emerald Publishing Limited Retail In A New World: Recovering From The Pandemic That Changed The World
The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed retailing, creating an uncertain scenario that has forced marketers, retailers, and policy makers to face new challenges to survive and thrive. These challenges affect all aspects of retailing, from supply chain management to consumers’ shopping experience, and from buying decisions to improving health and safety management for all stakeholders. A lot has been to do about the negative consequences of the pandemic on sales, mainly for traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers and small-scale independent shops. However, quite some retailers have demonstrated a remarkable agility in developing and applying new tools, frameworks, and approaches to secure their longevity, while also safeguarding employees’ and consumers’ safety. Retail In A New World: Recovering From The Pandemic That Changed The World provides an overview and assessment of the issues and opportunities for retailers that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. The book encourages readers to adopt future-facing, fresh approaches to retail management. The basis for guiding readers in this endeavour consists of a thorough synthesises of emerging studies on the dramatic consequences of Covid-19 pandemic, in an accessible way. Seeking to understand how retailers can adapt their strategies, this book presents empirical and theoretical contributions with case studies that illustrate innovative and provocative solutions. Retail In A New World proposes tools and frameworks that serve as basis to survive the pandemic and thrive in a post-pandemic scenario. New practices are introduced to ensure a safer shopping experience, including reducing consumers’ anxiety about in-person purchases, more efficient management of crowds in the stores, and adopting new technologies and service scripts to support the change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Talent Management: A Decade of Developments
This book contains an Open Access chapter. Over the past two decades, the field of talent management has established itself as a key area of management practice and research. Emerging from the practitioner literature in the 1990s, the research evidence bases truly materialised in the late 2000s onwards. The launch of the EIASM Workshop on Talent Management in 2012 coincided with this surge in research interest, and we are now in a critical time in the evolution of our understanding of talent management. Talent Management: A Decade of Developments presents valuables insights into the progression in the critical understanding of talent management, building upon a decade of the EIASM Workshops. Bringing together leading voices in talent management research to reflect on recent developments and the current state of research, examining key issues such as talent philosophies, star performers, talent turnover and retention. Aimed at researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals in the field, this collection features the leading experts in their respective areas within talent management. Talent Management: A Decade of Developments charts the evolution of talent management, illustrating the progress, prospects, and challenges that have transpired over the last ten years.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 53 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction is divided into three parts, providing contemporary readings of social situations. Part 1 includes three pathbreaking essays interpreting translational science. This is the study of the general scientific, medical and operational principles that turn observations into interventions, helping to improve patients’ lives. Part 2 consists of five essays, including an analysis of the ‘Phantasmal in Qualitative Research’ and ‘Miami’s Sea-level Rise Committee’. Part 3, Norman K. Denzin and Studies in Symbolic Interaction, includes essays by Shing-Ling Sarina Chen, Michael Katovich and Joe Kotarba.
Emerald Publishing Limited Systemic Inequality, Sustainability and COVID-19
The global spread of COVID-19 has led to devastating effects on countries worldwide in terms of population health, economy, politics, and sustainable development. Systemic Inequality, Sustainability and COVID-19 provides an opportunity to engage in a critical dialog on the consequences and interactions of COVID-19 with social inequalities and environment management. The pandemic has shattered personal lives, families, businesses, countries' health systems, education, economy, and sustainable development. COVID-19's impact is most visible among disadvantaged populations as the pandemic amplified the already profound social inequalities and problems of environmental justice existing in developed and developing countries alike. Understanding that it is critical to determine the scope, magnitude, and scale of pandemic effects on the most vulnerable groups and environmental sustainability, this book addresses the impact of COVID-19 on countries' development, exploring the consequences and interactions of COVID-19 with social inequalities and sustainable development. Taking a global perspective, this edited collection is vital to understanding countries' progress and development during and after the pandemic in this extraordinary moment in human history.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family Business Debates: Multidimensional Perspectives Across Countries, Continents and Geo-political Frontiers
The family business arena is dynamic. Family business owners, managers, and practitioners need to be aware of changing management approaches, processes, and strategies to allow them to respond to global competition in an increasingly chaotic world – as emphasised by the COVID-19 pandemic – whilst maintaining their businesses unique character, culture, and attributes. Family Business Debates provides a novel, ground-breaking approach to diverse and contemporary topics in current business management research, focusing on family enterprises to study both the positive and negative aspects of such commercial structures. Each chapter explores specific themes as they relate to family businesses and the authors developing a comprehensive and far-reaching perspective of family businesses from experts around the world, showcasing highly controversial topics in today’s global debate within family business and management. Offering unrivalled coverage of contemporary aspects of family business, Family Business Debates offers a unique focus on theory and applied research in family firms, particularly considering and reviewing the impact of research on policy and practice globally. It aims to communicate the latest family business research and knowledge worldwide for the benefit of scholars and family business practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Power of Inclusion in Family Business
Nothing but good ownership makes long-lasting family companies. Yet, during our international consulting, research, and teaching engagements, we have encountered many ill-equipped next generation owners or owners-to-be, especially among women. We coined this phenomenon 'the daughters' inclusion challenge'. The Power of Inclusion in Family Business is a guide for grooming the next generation of responsible women owners, so they can thrive, achieve, and become leaders and wealth stewards in their multigenerational family businesses and family offices. We aspire to help enterprising families come across the power of including valuable women pertaining to the business-owning family in the family firm management, governance, ownership, and investment structures. In this book, outstanding global family business scholars and practitioners from 10 different countries, come together to serve a common purpose: provide novel insights, gender sensitive-consulting practices and culturally-adapted recommendations to advance the daughters' inclusion challenge and to shape a more inclusive family-in-business and family firm environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance (APBBEF) is an annual series designed to focus on interdisciplinary research in finance, economics, and management among Pacific Rim countries. All articles published are reviewed and recommended by at least two members of the editorial board. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Policy and management on financial markets and financial institutions; 2. Options, futures, and other derivatives markets; 3. Corporate finance and investment decisions; 4. Insurance and risk management; 5. Accounting, auditing, and taxation; 6. Marketing, supply chain management, and business policies; 7. Artificial intelligence and new technology in finance; 8. Monetary and foreign exchange policy; 9. Income, employment, and education; 10. Other economic policies among the Pacific Rim countries. APBBEF is indexed in ABI/INFORM, EconLit, EBSCO, ProQuest, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar. Manuscript submission:
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Criminalization, Imprisonment and Human Rights in Southeast Asia
This volume contains two Open Access Chapters. Gender, Criminalization, Imprisonment and Human Rights in Southeast Asia features contributions from activist scholars grappling to understand and alleviate the compound sufferings of women and LGBTIQA+ persons as they encounter Southeast Asian criminal justice systems. The collection demonstrates that it is critical that the drivers of gendered harms and the way gendered needs intersect with other inequalities are better understood and adequately reflected in law, policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions and Negativity
The focus of Volume 17 of Research on Emotion in Organizations is on how negative emotions at work can be intense due to a myriad of reasons including feelings of failure, rejection, job insecurity, stressful work demands and poor coping strategies. The chapters in this book address some of the more frequent and vexing problems and resulting negative emotions that can occur at work. Many of these chapters explore relatively under-researched topics, and thus the potential for their future impact on research is enormous. Many of these topics are under-researched despite the emotions they address having a major impact on people’s lives. With an emphasis on negative emotions, coping strategies, emotional regulation, emotional labor, management and leadership, chapter authors detail a wide-ranging set of means to ameliorate negative emotions in organizational settings. These solutions, based on state-of the-art research, will be of immense help to workers and leaders as they face the challenges of the modern workplace. In addition, they should help guide human resource management training and development programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Insurance and Risk Management for Disruptions in Social, Economic and Environmental Systems: Decision and Control Allocations within New Domains of Risk
Challenges destabilize the norm and create distresses and disruptions in, for example, the culture, the technology, regulations, the environmental, etc. that influence the pace of finance and economic activities. This book is a collection of 13 chapters and studies about Insurance and Risk management in response to disruptions caused by social, economic, and environmental challenges to try and stabilize the economy in an effort to ensure sustainability. Insurance and Risk Management for Disruptions in Social, Economic and Environmental Systems brings together studies from scholars, researchers and professionals with different disciplinary backgrounds to highlight discuss and exchange ideas on these challenges, which may seem a danger, but offer prospects for economic and business development. Books in the Emerald Studies In Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management series collect quantitative and qualitative studies in areas relating to finance, insurance, and risk management. Subjects of interest may include banking, accounting, auditing, compliance, sustainability, behaviour, management, and business economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Four Dead in Ohio: The Global Legacy of Youth Activism and State Repression
This Special Issue of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change reflects upon global student and youth activism 50 years after the infamous May 4, 1970 National Guard shootings of student activists demonstrating against the US wars in Vietnam and Cambodia at Kent State University in Ohio, USA. That incident drew attention to state violence and youth attempts to build peace. However, it was neither the first nor last time student movements faced violent opposition during protests for peace, equity, democracy, and structural change. This volume examines how youths mobilized for change, faced repression, and were commemorated. The first section focuses on how society views and responds to youth and student political engagement. Chapters assess mobilizing a global movements; how fear of and constraints on youth undermine activism, and the construction student peace programming. The second section highlights how violent repression of students and youth occurs around the world, with chapters addressing how student movements evolve in response to violence. The final section of this volume examines the contestation and commemoration of activism and violence. Taken together, this volume provides much needed space for the narratives of those youths and students who have fought, and continue to fight, for change.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Next Big Thing in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities
Responding to the need for educational stakeholders to be equipped to plan for constantly evolving developments in policy and practice for learners with learning and behavioral disabilities, this edited collection collates contributions from authors who predict what the next big things in the field will be, and offer recommendations on how to prepare for the future they envision. The chapters cover a broad range of topics that include developments related to students’ legal rights and services, how research is utilized by practitioners, using practice-based evidence to promote the use of evidence-base practices, open science, neuroscience and special education, professional development for teachers, adaptive tier-2 interventions, the field of emotional and behavioral disorders, reading and students with autism spectrum disorder, and innovations in early writing. Chronicling, too, the concerns and cautions that the authors have about what they see as the next big thing, this collection is a compelling resource for anyone looking to the future of the field, and thinking about how they can be at the front of developments in order to navigate change in a way that generates positive effects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women, Work and Transport
Women play an essential role in the transport workforce worldwide, working in formal and informal jobs in public transport, road freight and logistics, rail, maritime and aviation sectors, in ports and in active travel. Women, Work and Transport is an international collection that brings together researchers with global expertise in gender and transport work to provide original evidence of the experiences of women working in all transport modes across countries in the Global North and the Global South. The 21 chapters reveal the everyday challenges faced by women working in highly masculinised environments, including gender stereotypes about women’s lack of suitability for transport work, gender-based violence and harassment, limited opportunities for promotion and progression, inflexible work patterns, poor working conditions, and lack of gender-specific facilities. The transport sector has also been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in widespread furlough and redundancies. The effect of the pandemic on women’s work in transport is addressed, while other chapters also reveal how women have succeeded in transport occupations, with the support of mentoring schemes, leadership programmes and trade unions, highlighting new emerging opportunities to challenge occupational gender segregation as the transport sector transforms through automation, digitisation, and the transition to low-carbon technologies. The Transport and Sustainability series addresses the important nexus between transport and sustainability containing volumes dealing with a wide range of issues relating to transport, its impact in economic, social and environmental spheres, and its interaction with other policy sectors.
Emerald Publishing Limited 3D Printing Cultures, Politics and Hackerspaces
This stand-out book appreciably contributes to growing debates within Science and Technology Studies concerned with cultural politics, the emergence of citizen science and civil society interventions in shaping technology. By drawing on fieldwork data, Savvides examines the bourgeoning 3D printing culture outside the professional lab in Hackerspaces, Makerspaces and Fab Labs. This engaging ethnography not only builds arguments on tracing the historical roots of makers and Hackerspaces, 3D printing technology and political narratives surrounding these new technological environments; it also illustrates how 3D printing has configured parallel grassroots innovation in experimental spaces in the UK, Germany and Cyprus and brought together hobbyist maker communities, activists and entrepreneurs alike. The study also addresses the convergence of activism and the maker culture with prevalent cultural imaginaries - such as the visionary creator within decentralized and distributive manufacturing, the idea of autopoietic social systems, or the imaginative leap to space colonization - and touches upon challenges and motivations in the field of grassroots innovation by examining how it';s organized and conducted in semi-informal contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Economic Inequality: Poverty, Inequality and Shocks
This volume of Research on Economic Inequality contains research on how we measure poverty, inequality and welfare and how these measurements contribute towards policies for social mobility. The volume contains eleven papers, some of which focus on the uneven impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on poverty and welfare. Opening with debates on theoretical issues that lie at the forefront of the measurement of inequality and poverty literature, the first two chapters go on to propose new methods for measuring wellbeing and inequality in multidimensional categorical environments, and for measuring pro-poor growth in a Bayesian setting. The following three papers present theoretical innovations for measuring poverty and inequality, namely, in estimating the dynamic probability of being poor using a Bayesian approach, and when presented with ordinal variables. The next three chapters are contributions on empirical methods in the measurement of poverty, inclusive economic growth and mobility, with a focus on India, Israel and a unique longitudinal dataset for Chile. The volume concludes with three chapters exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as an economic shock on income and wealth poverty in EU countries and in an Argentinian city slum.
Emerald Publishing Limited Talent Management Innovations in the International Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry relies on the sourcing and development of talent to deliver excellent customer experiences and interactions in a 24/7 environment. Talent Management Innovations in the International Hospitality Industry explores both research and practical perspectives on contemporary talent management, presenting a diverse range of stakeholder views in a variety of international hospitality settings. This collection circumnavigates a wide range of subjects within the talent management field, including employer branding, creative talent, talent pools, and mentoring initiatives, along with a focus on talent identification, development, and retention. The new insights aid academics and professionals in gaining a greater understanding of the multifaceted nature of talent management in this people-centric industry and offers a comprehensive set of evidence-based research and practical examples of talent management innovation in the international hospitality industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa
The international business environment has undergone major turbulence in 2020 following the onset of lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing all prompted by Covid-19. These restrictions have limited the revenue generation capacity of both countries and businesses – large and small. While the winners have been mostly those sectors with a digital footprint such as streaming services and video-conferencing giants, the creative industries have felt a much harder blow. Against this backdrop, The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa takes an unorthodox approach to showcasing the trends and challenges of the contemporary creative economy with a view to positioning the sector for a global audience. Drawing upon the categorisations of the Creative Industries Federation, the book interrogates, and highlights, the challenges, and opportunities of the creative industries in Africa. This is with a view to aggregating how the sector has coped with a myriad of challenges even before the pandemic. Discussions across the chapters document the changing landscape of the sector, capturing insights from the global value chain to everything digital – from arts to publishing, fashion, film and music production and distribution. Further insights are discussed around recent events such as the take-off of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the exit of Britain from the EU – with the latter event reinvigorating the Commonwealth Agenda and renewed interest in Africa’s creative industries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship for Social Change
Social entrepreneurship is revolutionizing the way societal challenges are being approached and solved. Instead of waiting for government or big business to take action, individuals across the world are developing and implementing innovative, effective, and sustainable solutions to some of our most pressing social and environmental challenges. In Entrepreneurship for Social Change, a cast of expert contributors explore how the growing trend towards social entrepreneurship, along with a variety of political, cultural and social influences, have developed across sectors and countries. The book features a diverse array of chapters on subjects such as peer-to-peer lending, venture capital, the digital silk road, small business contracting and women’s health social enterprises.
Emerald Publishing Limited Role of Education and Pedagogical Approach in Service Learning
Role of Education and Pedagogical Approach in Service Learning is a collection of case studies and interventions adopted by academics across the globe to explain and explore the concepts of social responsibility in education, social justice and civility. In the context of virtual learning spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, it might be viewed as increasingly difficult for students to explore opportunities for mitigating real world societal problems. The chapters in this volume demonstrate how academics have showcased, however, that online learning doesn’t mean an end to service learning. Delving into the enhancement potential of online learning, the authors uncover how students can continue to be agents of social change in our more virtual world. Describing the concept of service learning as a model and as a pedagogical tool, the collection offers a framework for service learning that can be inculcated across the higher education sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Water Management and Sustainability in Asia
Water is life. Managing water quantity and quality is a big part of human responsibility. Water Management and Sustainability in Asia covers topics related to water resources management, including multi- and interdisciplinary research on flood, soil infiltration, contaminants, sediment, water quality, hydrological modelling, and water resources systems. Presenting case-studies on soil infiltration and contaminants, the impacts of flood with risk assessment, as well as water modelling and management systems. The lessons shared in this volume focus on rapidly developing countries in the South-east Asia who have a complex climate system which presents challenges. This research provides models and projections that can support water management in the region.
Emerald Publishing Limited Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector: Mitigating Global Recession
The growth of manufacturing industries can be a key factor in helping to mitigate global recession. Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector highlights key issues and possible remedies facing the manufacturing sector in range of international contexts. Focusing on specific manufacturing sectors in emerging and developing economies, chapters examine themes including developing economies amidst changing world trade dynamics, and the role of smart, circular and competitive manufacturing practices in enhancing economic resilience, as well as presenting sector specific analysis, including the metal manufacturing industry, food & beverage industry, and the small-scale manufacturing sector. Showcasing different demonstrative methods that can be adopted to grow manufacturing sectors in different contexts, Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector is an important tool for economists and policy makers to understand the complexity and realities of these economies, using recent data and methodology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pandemics and Travel: COVID-19 Impacts in the Tourism Industry
Tourism is not only affected by pandemics and epidemics but also contributes to their spread, affecting not only tourists but also the communities in their destinations. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a new crisis, challenging the travel industry more than ever before. Several studies have suggested that there will be long-term severe effects that could continue for an unspecified period of time across the world, both medically, socially and economically. Pandemics and Travel: COVID-19 Impacts in the Tourism Industry analyses the wider impacts of epidemics, diseases and virus outbreaks on tourism and mobility. Chapters examine a wide range of interrelated issues, including the concept of Health Risk and Tourism, the impacts of the recent COVID-19 crisis on tourism activity in several countries, and considers new challenges that the tourism industry will face in the post-COVID era. This book is essential reading for researchers seeking to understand the ongoing effects of pandemics on travel, tourism, hospitality and health industries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Work Obligations: On the Delicate Art of Dealing with Disagreeableness
The world of non-work obligations - defined as disagreeable activities that are neither work nor leisure - is a territory of social life that has largely been ignored by scholars of work and leisure alike. The exception to this rule is Robert A. Stebbins, who over the years has written extensively on the significance of non-work obligations and the mundane and often disagreeable tasks that we are all compelled to face in our daily lives. In this new book, Stebbins brings together years of writing and research on this topic to forcefully argue that the current research interest in work-life balance can no longer afford to ignore the effects that non-work obligation has on it. He contends that, whether we like it or not, non-work obligations bear heavily on both our work and leisure. Having to deal with disagreeable tasks and objectionable people on a daily basis, without the support of any outside agency, can seriously undermine our well-being, and it is only through recourse to voluntary simplicity that we can hope to limit the harmful impact of non-work obligations. Written both as a guide to happy living and as a powerful rejoinder to conventional orthodoxy in the fields of leisure and work studies, the book is essential reading for both the general reader and scholars of leisure, consumer, work and happiness studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Best Practices in Urban Solid Waste Management: Ownership, Governance, and Drivers of Performance in a Zero Waste Framework
Efficient waste management is crucial for a sustainable future. However, due to population growth and the threat of global climate change, systems of urban waste management are under increasing pressure. For the waste sector, the prospect of transitioning to a circular economy presents an opportunity to promote organizational changes and improve performance, as well as contribute to a more sustainable world. Through the examination of case studies of municipalities and waste management firms across Europe, this book provides an overview of the most innovative best practices in urban waste management. The authors analyze the development and results of collection methods, tariff-setting systems, collaborations with partners and providers, recycling policies, and employees’ and stakeholders’ engagement programs. Given the complexity of urban waste management procedures, analysis is multidisciplinary, encompassing management, environmental and sociological perspectives. Providing an overview of opportunities for knowledge sharing and transfer among firms and municipalities to help them promote best practice, this book is a valuable reference for managers and policy makers in urban waste management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technical Services in the 21st Century
While librarianship in general has had to respond to constant revolutionary change, technical services have faced much more immediate challenges, having nearly been completely reimagined in the 21st century. By showcasing the work of technical services, and the ground-breaking changes they have encountered, this edited collection provides readers with an opportunity to re-assess the opportunities and challenges for library administration, and to understand how libraries should be managed in the future. Including thirteen chapters from a variety of libraries, this collection examines several aspects of technical services work in the 21st century. The authors offer thoughtful applied theoretical solutions to practical problems encountered by library administrators and managers in four broad categories: planning and assessment, workflows, data, and acquisitions. Geared at library managers and administrators, readers of this volume may understand new trends in technical services work, how previous structures and workflows fit in and are evolving, and the new ways that in which we might describe, assess and carry out what we do in libraries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Entrepreneurship
The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, social entrepreneurship and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current “state” of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. Volume Five focuses on research drawn from work grounded in Social Entrepreneurship. Leading scholars in this discipline contribute to a 360-degree evaluation of theory, including cross-discipline research, empirical explorations, cross-cultural studies, literature critiques, and meta-analysis projects. Social Entrepreneurship will be useful for emerging and senior business school educators researching and teaching in the business and society field, as well as doctoral and masters level students across the business, social sciences and natural sciences seeking to learn about this multi-discipline and sustained field of management study.
Emerald Publishing Limited Monetary Policy, Islamic Finance, and Islamic Corporate Governance: An International Overview
Toseef Azid, Murniati Mukhlisin, Nashr Akbar, and Muhammad Tahir bring together leading researchers to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the monetary policy, corporate governance, their legal and regulatory issues and procedures that structure Islamic banks (IBs) and other Islamic financial institutions (IFIs). Monetary policy and corporate governance are integral to macroeconomics and microeconomics while interest rates are a key part of monetary policy. Given negativity associated with interest rates, Islamic economists have sought alternative instruments. Focusing on the populous Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Bangladesh and Indonesia this book explains how corporate and shari’ah governance structures work together under the umbrella of Islamic monetary policy, and in the process, provides guidelines that how such structures improve corporate social responsibility in order to serve the best interests of all stakeholders. The chapters included here cover various features of IBs and IFIs, corporate performance and strategic analysis of microfinance shari’ah based non-banking institutions, in order to investigate the role that these processes play in shaping broader global financial systems. For instance, it portrays different governance models of central bank of a country like Iran having a shari’ah based financial system. In conclusion, Monetary Policy, Islamic Finance, and Islamic Corporate Governance: An International overview explores the interrelationships between corporate governance from the perspective of shari’ah, banking industry and Islamic monetary policy. This is a must-read for the corporate sector, banking experts and monetary authorities including academics and postgraduate students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Radical transparency and digital democracy: Wikileaks and beyond
This book tells the story of radical transparency in a datafied world. It is a story that not only includes the beginnings of WikiLeaks and its endings as a weapon of the GRU, but also exposes numerous other decentralised disclosure networks designed to crack open democracy - for good or ill - that followed in its wake. This is a story that can only be understood through rethinking how technologies of government, practices of media, and assumptions of democracy interact. By combining literatures of governmentality, media studies, and democracy, this illuminating account offers novel insights and critiques of the transparency ideal through its material-political practice. Case studies uncover evolving media practices that, regardless of being scraped from public records or leaked from internal sources, still divulge secrets. The narrative also traces new corporate players such as Clearview AI, the civic-minded ICIJ, and state-based public health disclosures in times of pandemic to reveal how they all form unique proto-institutional instances of disclosure as a technology of government. The analysis of novel forms of digital radical transparency - from a trickle of paper-based leaks to the modern digital .torrent - is grounded in analogues from the analogue past, which combine to tell the whole story of how transparency functions in and helps form democracy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Measurement in Marketing
Measurement is at the core of empirical research in marketing because researchers need measures that faithfully represent the constructs in their theories. This 19th volume of Review of Marketing Research addresses important measurement issues to deepen readers’ appreciation of the fundamental role of measurement in empirical research in marketing. Measurement in Marketing features a range of chapters from experts in the field who discuss the philosophical foundations of measurement, provide practical recommendations about measurement error and explore the latest research, offering guidance on the selection of appropriate implicit measures for capturing automatic cognitive processes. Measurement in Marketing is built to provide a state-of-the-art discussion of current topics in measurement and deepen readers’ appreciation of the fundamental role of measurement in empirical research in marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Success Stories In The UAE: The Key Drivers Behind Their Growth
In the domains of business and management, organizations across the world imbue insiders and outsiders with multiple 'strategies of success' that can be learnt from them. Corporate Success Stories In The UAE is a rich collection of these evidence-based cases that have led to the success of various companies in the United Arab Emirates. The corporate milieu has been transforming at a rapid pace in the last decade and companies are constantly in an endeavour to craft suitable strategies to survive and progress during normal and critical business environments, including the recent COVID -19 scenario. This accentuates the need for having regionally contextualised knowledge inputs needed to enhance strategic thinking among the corporate decision makers and the academic fraternity. Regional ‘Case studies’ have been a major tool for such knowledge enhancement. This book is a focused attempt at bringing out case studies on 13 successful companies in the UAE, belonging to different sectors and industries. All cases come with ‘Teaching notes’ and ‘Summary presentations’ to cater to the needs of corporate managers to train their employees, lecturers to train their undergraduate and post graduate students. The cases have been prepared to serve three major target audiences namely Company managers, Universities professors and Researchers. The chapters in the book provide rich insight on the companies, their products and services, key indicators of success and the strategic drivers behind them and finally the potential areas of future study. Thus, the book serves as a repository of curated best practices across industries in the UAE.
Emerald Publishing Limited Scaling Social Innovation Through Cross-Sector Social Partnerships: Driving Optimal Performance
This book is designed to illuminate the features of cross-sector partnerships that make them powerful vehicles to drive social change. Partnerships across market sectors, involving for-profit, non-profit, and government entities, work because they leverage the advantages of each type of organization to arrive at novel solutions to social problems. Unlike previous work that has discussed cross-sector, multi-sector, or public-private partnerships at a conceptual level, this book scours the existing literature and explores real-life examples to demonstrate the practical characteristics that render these partnerships effective at tackling obstreperous social problems. The authors delve into the key formative features of cross-sector partnerships such as leadership, motivation, cooperative capabilities, and arrive at distinct characteristics that drive performance. The authors lay out a succinct roadmap for creating and maintaining viable cross-sector social partnerships, with instructive real-life examples that highlight how these partnerships can be executed effectively.
Emerald Publishing Limited Construction Industry Advance and Change: Progress in Eight Asian Economies since 1995
A nation’s construction industry is essentially home grown, a derivative of its culture, history, geography and economic circumstances with every building or road a unique product, always a prototype, unlike the honed prototypes set up for efficient production runs of other industries. In terms of what was built and the standards achieved, Construction Industry Advance and Change: Progress in Eight Asian Economies since 1995 describes construction industry progress between 1995 and 2019 in Hong Kong , India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. The 25-year accounts provide insight into the nature of these individual construction industries, their shared characteristics, and their differing priorities. The book will add knowledge and contextual reference for construction industry professionals, public policy makers and academic researchers studying the industry. New students in construction industry management courses, will find the information and context needed to appreciate the nature of construction industries and the factors affecting industry output performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resourcing Inclusive Education
While resource provision is widely recognized as an essential element of successful inclusive education, this is the first time an entire book has been dedicated to the topic. In this volume leading experts address international perspectives on funding models, the role of resources, and the development of professionals for the implementation of effective inclusive education. Split into two parts, the first section of the book addresses funding challenges that have emerged following the implementation of an inclusive school system. The authors present a broad range of international perspectives on different funding models and collate evidence from a variety of countries. They also unearth a variety of perceptions regarding resourcing for successful implementation of inclusive education. In the second part of the book, the authors focus on international perspectives of teacher training and professional development for inclusive education, ranging from early childhood education to post-secondary teacher training. Providing critical information and empirical studies, valuable to all of those engaged in the endeavour of providing adequate resources to support inclusive education, this volume is of interest to education policy makers, school and system leaders, and economists.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management
Globalization, digitalization and social changes are rapidly impacting the world of business and in-turn, Human Resource Management practices. The book examines issues that employees encounter in the workplace: ethics, diversity, discrimination, generational differences, conflicts, participation, digitalization and work-life balance. Practitioners and researchers will gain enhanced understanding and awareness of these issues and more as they are investigated through an interdisciplinary, international and critical point of view.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health Management 2.0: Transformational Leadership for Challenging Times
From precision medicine to pandemics, from value-based healthcare to stakeholder engagement, European health systems are facing unprecedented change. How can health managers cope with these challenges and what skills and competencies will they need to deliver transformational change in the 'new normality'? This original volume presents a blueprint for Health Management 2.0 and helps set a path for long-term health system sustainability. Along with a comparative European framework to illustrate current developments in health management, the authors also highlight five key change drivers: integration; personalization; empowerment; digitalization; and life sciences, and examine how each is enabling the development of health systems that are fundamentally different from those of today. With fresh insights for managers, educators, researchers and policy makers, Health Management 2.0 promotes a modern interdisciplinary and dynamic approach to health leadership and management - one that focuses on skills and competencies - and outlines international best practice for future teaching and training.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women and the Abuse of Power: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Do witches and witchcraft represent our understanding of how women who threaten the patriarchy are demonised? If to be born female is to be born deviant, how deviant is a body transformed to be female? There are few explorations of whether power exercised by women is as robust as that exercised by men, and therefore whether it is more open to abusive use. This fascinating anthology examines these questions through the lens of literary critique, history, criminology, and psychology to explore another representation of women - in relation to how they abuse power, or how they react when they are the victims of that abuse. With themes ranging from the personal consideration of female bodies, to the supernatural hidden realm, to the public condemnation of women who fall foul of either the law or of a male-dominated world, this collection of interdisciplinary essays provides an in-depth look at the fate of women who abuse or are abused by power.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
In the latest volume of Advances in Taxation, series editor John Hasseldine compiles cutting-edge, peer-reviewed studies from expert contributors to explore topics such as: the effects of level of government on trust in revenue agencies; whether understanding tax laws reduces charitable giving; the link between distributive justice and tax fairness judgements; the role of states' R&D tax credits effectiveness in business location; and consumption tax collection on cross-border online sales. Two further contributions separately study the role of designated permanently reinvested earnings (PRE) in the financial statements of multinational corporations. This volume is an exploration of the latest issues in tax and taxation theory, including empirical studies using a variety of research methods from different institutional settings and contexts. It is essential reading for anyone interested in tax policy and its impact in practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research
The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research provides a fresh overview of many novel international business research challenges as they pertain to salient institutional dimensions with a locational component. The first part of the Volume includes chapters honoring the work of Eleanor Westney. These chapters address subject matter related to globalization challenges in the realm of the ‘new normal’ of populism and de-globalization tendencies. They focus on how the ‘new normal’, as well as various rapidly evolving institutions, will affect the functioning of multinational enterprises. The subsequent parts explore the impacts on international business of home country institutions; host country institutions; cross-country and subnational institutions; and finally, sustainability pressures. The book is strongly focused on the multiple contemporary dimensions of institutions and how they affect internationally operating firms. It is a must read for scholars and postgraduate students interested in the ‘new normal’ on a global scale.
Emerald Publishing Limited Aesthetics and Style in Strategy
This book contains an Open Access chapter Scholarship in management and strategy is paying increasing attention to the domain of aesthetics. Companies routinely make aesthetic choices and there is growing recognition that aesthetic considerations are fundamental for successful performance in competitive markets. Stylistically sophisticated products may appeal to demanding customers, yielding higher profit margins. Style and beauty can also be applied toward enriching organizational cultures, informing leadership visions or motivating employees to defy conventions in designing new products. Aesthetics and Style in Strategy constitutes the first systematic survey of the interface between the aesthetic and strategic domains. Motivated by the rise of aestheticism in contemporary culture, it lays the foundations for an “aesthetic” turn in strategy, which interrogates the use of aesthetic features as a source of competitive advantage and provides examples of connecting design and engineering, style and technology. The “aesthetic turn” is not simply about creating value, but about sharing value among employees and infusing organizational activities with a purpose that transcends principles of efficiency. Volume 42 of Advances in Strategic Management documents the variety of ways in which the useful and the beautiful can be brought together, making a valuable contribution to the sustainability of business in the 21st century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Degrees of Success: The Transitions from Vocational to Higher Education
Policies to promote high participation in Higher Educations (HE) systems aim to deliver social justice and economic development through widening participation of under-represented groups. Degrees of Success provides a critical test of this through examination of participation and success of learners progressing to HE with a vocational background. Employing an original conceptual framework that combines the ideas of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu the authors analyse the various transitional frictions experienced by learners with VET backgrounds on their journeys into and through the HE system. The findings indicate that including students with vocational qualifications does lead to widening participation but that their modes of participation may not provide fair access and outcomes. In part this is due to the epistemic incompatibilities between higher and vocational education which remain unresolved despite constant VET qualification reform. This book, therefore, extends the debate about widening participation beyond metaphors of barriers to access to consider the epistemic and pedagogical challenges of increasing student heterogeneity in high participation HE systems. The analysis and policy suggestions therefore have relevance for all seeking to support students' HE learning journeys, and policy makers concerned with how best to utilise HE systems as means of furthering social mobility and justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Equity in UK Sport Leadership and Governance
Gender Equity in UK Sport Leadership and Governance goes beyond the headlines to provide a timely analyses of current strategy, policy, structure, and practice relating to gender equity in the leadership and governance of sport in the UK. It brings together the expertise and empirical insights from the work of scholars who are researching in this field. Providing theoretical and historical insights, the first part of this edited collection includes chapters on intersectionality and the history of women in sport leadership and governance. The chapters in the second part explore gender equity in the UK home nations, analysing policy and practice within each home country, while problematising the complexity of a dual approach that includes devolved nation policies and UK policies. The final element draws together chapters that explore organisational practices and the gender pay gap and makes visible the everyday experiences of women working in the sector. For those working in sport and researching gender equity, this collection provides evidence-based suggestions on ways we can evidence and create change within the sector through future research and applied practice.