Search results for ""author marion"
Boyens Buchverlag Winterlich Ses aus norddeutschen Cafs
Vahlen Franz GmbH Gute Arbeit
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Weidenflechtwerke Lebendige Strukturen im Garten
Landwirtschaftsverlag Als der Trecker kam und das Pferd verschwand
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Eine Fruhmittelalterliche Einsiedlerregel Der St. Emmeramer Laienbruder
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Das kleine Hotel in der Provence
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Ist das vielleicht nicht Glück
FISCHER Sauerländer Hrst du die Naturgerusche
Wochenschau Verlag Inklusion kontrovers Herausforderungen fr die Soziale Arbeit
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wochenend und Wanderschuh Kleine WanderAuszeiten in der Pfalz
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Camp Hike Deutschland
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wochenend und Wohnmobil Kleine Auszeiten am Bodensee
FISCHER Sauerländer Julie Jewels Perlenschein und Wahrheitszauber Band 1
Bod Third Party Titles Entwicklung und Vernderung der menschlichen Einstellung zu Sterben Tod und Trauer Hospizarbeit und Sterbebegleitung heute wrdig leben bis zuletzt
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C 52 kleine große Eskapaden in und um Hannover
Suhrkamp Verlag Die Kieferninseln
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Das obszne Werk Die Geschichte des Auges Madame Edwarda Meine Mutter Der Kleine Der Tote
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Lesefreunde 2. Schuljahr. Arbeitsheft Östliche Bundesländer und Berlin
Herder Verlag GmbH Digitale Beobachtung und Dokumentation in der Kita
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Fehlstart
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Deutsch in 15 Min Groß und Kleinschreibung 5.6. Klasse
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Fhrerschein Rechtschreibung 2 und 3 Klasse
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Hexen
Reclam Philipp Jun. Seneca zum Vergngen
Reclam Philipp Jun. Epistulae Briefe in Auswahl LateinischDeutsch
Reclam Philipp Jun. Das Orakel von Delphi Geschichte und Texte
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Lesefreunde 2 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft stliche Bundeslnder und Berlin Neubearbeitung 2015
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Einsterns Schwester 4 Jahrgangsstufe Themenheft 4 Bayern Sprache und Lesen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH der die das Sprache und Lesen 3 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Lesen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Muttersprache plus 6 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft fr Lernende mit erhhtem Frderbedarf im inklusiven Unterricht Arbeitsheft mit Lsungen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Deutsch 7 Schuljahr Rechtschreiben und Grammatik Arbeitsheft Westliche Bundeslnder
Kein + Aber Der leere Platz
Abrams Books Binge Watching London
Melville House UK Brolliology
A quirky and literary book about the umbrella, exploring its history and cultural and literary significance. You will never think of the humble brolly in the same way again.
Bodleian Library Chaucer Here and Now
The Geoffrey Chaucer of this book is not the Father of English Literature that you think you know. In this wide-ranging collection of essays you will find wartime Chaucer, postcolonial Chaucer, feminist Chaucer, misogynist Chaucer, radical Chaucer and conservative Chaucer, among many other interpretations. Featuring beautiful illustrations of early manuscripts and rare editions, Chaucer Here and Now gives a picture of how varied adaptations of and responses to his work have been, from fifteenth- century scribes who finished off incomplete tales, through early printers who constructed Chaucer as the Father of the Nation, to contemporary postcolonial writers such as Zadie Smith. The book moves through years of censorship, the creation of children’s Chaucer, Protestant Chaucer and imperial Chaucer – and the travels of Chaucer all around the world. It also explores Chaucer on film and Chaucer in the present moment. Today’s creative responses follow in a line of irreverent, partial responses that we can trace back to Chaucer’s very first readers and editors, showing that Chaucer is available for every here and now to remake, rework and reinvent.
Arsenal Pulp Press Out Of The Darkness: Teens Talk About Suicide
Kids Can Press Window
Edinburgh University Press Intermedial Dialogues: The French New Wave and the Other Arts
Simon & Schuster Ltd Witchcraft: A History in Thirteen Trials
Salem, King James VI, Malleus Maleficarum. The world of witch hunts and witch trials sounds antiquated, relics of an unenlightened and brutal age. However, 'witch hunt' is heard often in the present-day media, and the misogyny it is rooted in is all too familiar today. A woman was prosecuted under the 1735 Witchcraft Act as recently as 1944. This book uses thirteen significant trials to explore the history of witchcraft and witch hunts. As well as investigating some of the most famous trials from the middle ages to the 18th century, it takes us in new and surprising directions. It shows us how witchcraft was decriminalised in the 18th century, only to be reimagined by the 1780s Romantic radicals. We will learn how it evolved from being seen as a threat to Christianity to perceived as gendered persecution, and how trials against chieftains in Africa stoked anger against colonial rule. Significantly, the book tells the stories of the victims - women, such as Helena Scheuberin and Joan Wright - whose stories have too often been overshadowed by those of the powerful men, such as King James VI and I and “Witchfinder General” Matthew Hopkins, who hounded them. While this will be a history of witchcraft, the subject cannot be consigned to the history books. Hundreds of people, mostly women, are tried and killed as witches every year in Africa. ‘WITCH HUNT!’ is as common in our language today as ever it was, and witches are still on trial across the world.
McGill-Queen's University Press Victory Harvest: Diary of a Canadian in the Women's Land Army, 1940-1944
Kelsey's observations range from descriptions of the Battle of Britain from the ground, bombing raids on civilian populations, and a meeting with a possible German spy, to more personal accounts of the difficulties of obtaining a bath. She and her husband were reunited on his quarterly leaves and the journal records their travels through much of England, Ireland and Scotland amid air raids, bombings, and machine-gun fire, providing a unique travelogue of Britain in the 1940s. Through Kelsey's depiction of life the Women's Land Army the reader discovers -- as Kelsey came to realize -- that agricultural work was vital to the overall war effort in Britain.
Random House USA Inc The Fannie Farmer Cookbook: A Tradition of Good Cooking for a New Generation of Cooks
Columbia University Press Social Work Practice: Concepts, Processes, and Interviewing
Social Work Practice synthesizes the latest theories and research findings in social work and related fields and demonstrates how this information is used in working with clients. Because the interview is the medium in which much of social work practice takes place, learning the processes and skills to conduct a productive interview is a critical part of social work education.
Olympia Publishers Adventures of Flying TwigBird
Assimil Bienvenue En Coree
American Traveler Press Women Who RV and Their Kindred Spirits: Volume One
Longstone Books Somewhere More Simple
Inner City Books Addiction to Perfection