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New York University Press Geek Girls: Inequality and Opportunity in Silicon Valley
Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2023 An inside account of gender and racial discrimination in the high-tech industry Why is being a computer “geek” still perceived to be a masculine occupation? Why do men continue to greatly outnumber women in the high-technology industry? Since 2014, a growing number of employment discrimination lawsuits has called attention to a persistent pattern of gender discrimination in the tech world. Much has been written about the industry’s failure to adequately address gender and racial inequalities, yet rarely have we gotten an intimate look inside these companies. In Geek Girls, France Winddance Twine provides the first book by a sociologist that “lifts the Silicon veil” to provide firsthand accounts of inequality and opportunity in the tech ecosystem. This work draws on close to a hundred interviews with male and female technology workers of diverse racial, ethnic, and educational backgrounds who are currently employed at tech firms such as Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter, and at various start-ups in the San Francisco Bay area. Geek Girls captures what it is like to work as a technically skilled woman in Silicon Valley. With a sharp eye for detail and compelling testimonials from industry insiders, Twine shows how the technology industry remains rigged against women, and especially Black, Latinx, and Native American women from working class backgrounds. From recruitment and hiring practices that give priority to those with family, friends, and classmates employed in the industry, to social and educational segregation, to academic prestige hierarchies, Twine reveals how women are blocked from entering this industry. Women who do not belong to the dominant ethnic groups in the industry are denied employment opportunities, and even actively pushed out, despite their technical skills and qualifications. While the technology firms strongly embrace the rhetoric of diversity and oppose discrimination in the workplace, Twine argues that closed social networks and routine hiring practices described by employees reinforce the status quo and reproduce inequality. The myth of meritocracy and gender stereotypes operate in tandem to produce a culture where the use of race-, color-, and power-evasive language makes it difficult for individuals to name the micro-aggressions and forms of discrimination that they experience. Twine offers concrete insights into how the technology industry can address ongoing racial and gender disparities, create more transparency and empower women from underrepresented groups, who continued to be denied opportunities.
Columbia University Press Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus
Valentinus was a popular, influential, and controversial early Christian teacher. His school flourished in the second and third centuries C.E. Yet because his followers ascribed the creation of the visible world not to a supreme God but to an inferior and ignorant Creator-God, they were from early on accused of heresy, and rumors were spread of their immorality and sorcery. Beyond Gnosticism suggests that scholars approach Valentinians as an early Christian group rather than as a representative of ancient "Gnosticism"-a term notoriously difficult to define. The study shows that Valentinian myths of origin are filled with references to lifestyle (such as the control of emotions), the Christian community, and society, providing students with ethical instruction and new insights into their position in the world. While scholars have mapped the religio-historical and philosophical backgrounds of Valentinian myth, they have yet to address the significance of these mythmaking practices or emphasize the practical consequences of Valentinians' theological views. In this groundbreaking study, Ismo Dunderberg provides a comprehensive portrait of a group hounded by other Christians after Christianity gained a privileged position in the Roman Empire. Valentinians displayed a keen interest in mythmaking and the interpretation of myths, spinning complex tales about the origin of humans and the world. As this book argues, however, Valentinian Christians did not teach "myth for myth's sake." Rather, myth and practice were closely intertwined. After a brief introduction to the members of the school of Valentinus and the texts they left behind, Dunderberg focuses on Valentinus's interpretation of the biblical creation myth, in which the theologian affirmed humankind's original immortality as a present, not lost quality and placed a special emphasis on the "frank speech" afforded to Adam by the supreme God. Much like ancient philosophers, Valentinus believed that the divine Spirit sustained the entire cosmic chain and saw evil as originating from conspicuous "matter." Dunderberg then turns to other instances of Valentinian mythmaking dominated by ethical concerns. For example, the analysis and therapy of emotions occupy a prominent place in different versions of the myth of Wisdom's fall, proving that Valentinians, like other educated early Christians, saw Christ as the healer of emotions. Dunderberg also discusses the Tripartite Tractate, the most extensive account to date of Valentinian theology, and shows how Valentinians used cosmic myth to symbolize the persecution of the church in the Roman Empire and to create a separate Christian identity in opposition to the Greeks and the Jews.
Columbia University Press East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World
A common misconception holds that Marco Polo "opened up" a closed and recalcitrant "Orient" to the West. However, this sweeping history covering 4,000 years of international relations from the perspective of China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia shows that the region's extensive involvement in world affairs began thousands of years ago. In a time when the writing of history is increasingly specialized, Warren I. Cohen has made a bold move against the grain. In broad but revealing brushstrokes, he paints a huge canvas of East Asia's place in world affairs throughout four millennia. Just as Cohen thinks broadly across time, so too, he defines the boundaries of East Asia liberally, looking beyond China, Japan, and Korea to include Southeast Asia. In addition, Cohen stretches the scope of international relations beyond its usual limitations to consider the vital role of cultural and economic exchanges. Within this vast framework, Cohen explores the system of Chinese domination in the ancient world, the exchanges between East Asia and the Islamic world from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries, and the emergence of a European-defined international system in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The book covers the new imperialism of the 1890s, the Manchurian crisis of the early 1930s, the ascendancy of Japan, the trials of World War II, the drama of the Cold War, and the fleeting "Asian Century" from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. East Asia at the Center is replete with often-overlooked or little-known facts, such as: * A record of persistent Chinese imperialism in the region * Tibet's status as a major power from the 7th to the 9th centuries C.E., when it frequently invaded China and decimated Chinese armies * Japan's profound dependence on Korea for its early cultural development * The enormous influence of Indian cuisine on that of China * Egyptian and Ottoman military aid to their Muslim brethren in India and Sumatra against European powers * Extensive Chinese sea voyages to Arabia and East Africa-long before such famous Westerners as Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus took to the seas East Asia at the Center's expansive historical view puts the trials and advances of the past four millennia into perspective, showing that East Asia has often been preeminent on the world stage-and conjecturing that it might be so again in the not-so-distant future.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Self-Concept: Developmental, Social, and Clinical Considerations
Of related interest... SOCIAL ORIGINS OF MENTAL ABILITY —Gary Collier This volume is the first comprehensive, systematic survey of research into the non-hereditary influences on intelligence. Focusing on the cultural, environmental, and social influences on the development of mental abilities, Dr. Collier helps to advance the nurture side of the "nature vs. nurture" debate. He also offers a viable synthesis of supporting facts and ideas from the worlds of psychology, the psychology of personality, and cognitive psychology. This book will have a profound influence upon academe, the psychological community, educators, and policymakers. 1993 (0-471-30407-7) 320 pp. EGO DEFENSES: Theory and Measurement —Edited by Hope R. Conte and Robert Plutchik This book explores the nature and manifestations of defense mechanisms and traces ego defense theory and research from Freud's initial conceptualization through recent work in object-relations theory and other psychoanalytically oriented approaches. It provides clinical guidelines for diagnosing, assessing, and dealing with defenses, reviews empirical research techniques, and indicates their value in development and in psychotherapy. This volume should be of value to theoreticians, clinicians, and researchers interested in finding appropriate tools for measurement of defense mechanisms. 1994 (0-471-05233-7) 352 pp. A THEORY OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT —Luciano L'Abate with Charles H. Bryson Luciano L'Abate's theories are rooted in social interactions and life experiences, unlike the more traditional, somewhat metaphysical theories of personality development. In this groundbreaking work, he brings to light the heart of his theory, that the ability to love and to negotiate are the sine qua non of personal competence, with the family as the major determinant of both. This book is essential reading for personality researchers, students, and all psychologists in clinical, developmental, abnormal, and social psychology. 1993 (0-471-30303-8) 336 pp. Handbook of Self-Concept "If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot." —E. M. Cioran It is one of the most intimate of realities and the slipperiest of abstractions. For Sartre it was a double negative and for B. F. Skinner, a set of learned responses. Among exponents of artificial intelligence it is the Oz at the end of the rainbow, while for Voltaire it was an unavoidable pathology. And, ever since William James first identified consciousness of self as a discrete psychological phenomenon, more than a century ago, it has been the source of intense speculation and debate among psychologists. In the past twenty years alone, over 11,000 studies have been conducted on various aspects of self-concept. Much progress has been made, and a general consensus has been reached about many of its aspects, yet, many fundamental questions remain unanswered, such as: What exactly do we mean when we say "self"? Is self-concept an aspect of a broader cognitive self-system, or is it best defined in behavioral terms? How valuable is self-concept to clinical practice? What roles do age, race, gender, and sociocultural variables play in self-concept? Bringing together contributions from leading researchers and clinicians from a broad range of psychological disciplines, this book provides answers to these and other important questions concerning self-concept. It explores all theoretical and applied aspects of self-concept, offering a balanced synthesis of the vast body of information on the subject that has accumulated since the 1970s. Chapters address each of the six primary self-concept domains (competence, social, affect, academic, family, and physical) with an emphasis on the clinical significance of each. In the chapter on clinical assessment, existing self-concept scales are subjected to in-depth quantitative and qualitative review, and readers are provided with standardized tables for organizing the principal characteristics reviewed and comparing individual test results. In the concluding chapter, Dr. Bracken describes the clinical applications of a multidimensional, context-dependent model that facilitates the synthesis of information across instruments (including more than 70 psychoeducational tests and scales provided in an appendix) and informants. Providing practical answers to many of the most important questions about self-concept, Handbook of Self-Concept is essential reading for personality psychologists as well as researchers and educators in developmental, clinical, and social psychology.
Cornell University Press Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe
Margery Kempe, a middle-class English housewife at the turn of the fifteenth century, was called to weep and to pray for her fellow Christians and to adopt an unconventional way of life. Separating herself from her husband and many children, she became a pilgrim travelling around England and as far away as Jerusalem. In old age, she dictated to scribes an autobiography that recounts her extraordinary intimacy with Christ as well as her intense, commotion-filled life. At first glance, she does not seem very saintly in character or disposition, and her spiritual experiences can easily appear to be extreme or egotistical. To appreciate and interpret Margery Kempe's life and spirituality properly, one must go beyond conventional categories of social and religious history. In Mystic and Pilgrim, Clarissa Atkinson does this from six perspectives: the character of Margery's autobiography, her mysticism and pilgrim way of life, her social and family environment, her relations with her church and its clergy, the tradition that shaped her piety, and the context of late medieval female sanctity. Margery's Book was shaped by the writings of famous holy women and by pressures on memory and motivation that come with age. The vocation that called Margery to mysticism and pilgrimage made her unusual, therefore open to suspicion. It required her to leave her husband and children, to dress in white (a color usually reserved for virgins), to go on pilgrimage as a way to participate in Christ's earthly life and death. It graced her with a conspicuous gift: tears she could not control or resist. Her domestic and social background (she came from a powerful merchant family) gave her the courage to persist in her strange vocation and unpopular way of life. She met scorn from most of her relatives, but found encouragement in Christ, the saints, and the representatives of the Church. During Margery's lifetime the Church displayed intense anxiety over the related issues of religious enthusiasm, discernment of spirits, and female visionaries. Yet many church officials, including Dame Julian of Norwich, advised Margery to accept what God sent her and judged her feelings to be "the work of the Holy Ghost." Having examined these aspects of Margery's life and piety, Atkinson goes on to make an original and significant contribution by explaining their specific spiritual context. It is in the tradition of affective piety and of late medieval female sanctity, she argues, that Margery's religious emotions and expressions can best be understood. From Anselm of Canterbury, through Francis of Assisi, to Nicolas Love, affective writers and preachers aimed to promote intense feelings. Principal among these were compassion and contrition. Margery incorporated these feelings in her own devotional life: identification with the human Christ, conspicuous humility inspired by Saint Francis, and "boistrous" emotion in sympathy with Mary grieving at the Cross. Against this background, the religious life of Margery Kempe seems neither aberrant nor even very unusual. Rather, it is her unique response to a tradition established by great saints. Among the saintly persons of late medieval Europe were many women: Catherine of Siena, Birgitta of Sweden, Joan of Arc, Julian of Norwich. They characteristically saw visions, communicated directly with God, found scribes or biographers who publicized their experiences. An increasing number of them were wives and mothers who struggled, like Margery, with the married state and eventually transcended it, becoming in effect "honorary" virgins through their holiness and by God's special favor. Traveling widely, speaking publicly, departing from traditional women's roles, these women were a new creation of the late Middle Ages.
Cornell University Press Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe
Margery Kempe, a middle-class English housewife at the turn of the fifteenth century, was called to weep and to pray for her fellow Christians and to adopt an unconventional way of life. Separating herself from her husband and many children, she became a pilgrim travelling around England and as far away as Jerusalem. In old age, she dictated to scribes an autobiography that recounts her extraordinary intimacy with Christ as well as her intense, commotion-filled life. At first glance, she does not seem very saintly in character or disposition, and her spiritual experiences can easily appear to be extreme or egotistical. To appreciate and interpret Margery Kempe's life and spirituality properly, one must go beyond conventional categories of social and religious history. In Mystic and Pilgrim, Clarissa Atkinson does this from six perspectives: the character of Margery's autobiography, her mysticism and pilgrim way of life, her social and family environment, her relations with her church and its clergy, the tradition that shaped her piety, and the context of late medieval female sanctity. Margery's Book was shaped by the writings of famous holy women and by pressures on memory and motivation that come with age. The vocation that called Margery to mysticism and pilgrimage made her unusual, therefore open to suspicion. It required her to leave her husband and children, to dress in white (a color usually reserved for virgins), to go on pilgrimage as a way to participate in Christ's earthly life and death. It graced her with a conspicuous gift: tears she could not control or resist. Her domestic and social background (she came from a powerful merchant family) gave her the courage to persist in her strange vocation and unpopular way of life. She met scorn from most of her relatives, but found encouragement in Christ, the saints, and the representatives of the Church. During Margery's lifetime the Church displayed intense anxiety over the related issues of religious enthusiasm, discernment of spirits, and female visionaries. Yet many church officials, including Dame Julian of Norwich, advised Margery to accept what God sent her and judged her feelings to be "the work of the Holy Ghost." Having examined these aspects of Margery's life and piety, Atkinson goes on to make an original and significant contribution by explaining their specific spiritual context. It is in the tradition of affective piety and of late medieval female sanctity, she argues, that Margery's religious emotions and expressions can best be understood. From Anselm of Canterbury, through Francis of Assisi, to Nicolas Love, affective writers and preachers aimed to promote intense feelings. Principal among these were compassion and contrition. Margery incorporated these feelings in her own devotional life: identification with the human Christ, conspicuous humility inspired by Saint Francis, and "boistrous" emotion in sympathy with Mary grieving at the Cross. Against this background, the religious life of Margery Kempe seems neither aberrant nor even very unusual. Rather, it is her unique response to a tradition established by great saints. Among the saintly persons of late medieval Europe were many women: Catherine of Siena, Birgitta of Sweden, Joan of Arc, Julian of Norwich. They characteristically saw visions, communicated directly with God, found scribes or biographers who publicized their experiences. An increasing number of them were wives and mothers who struggled, like Margery, with the married state and eventually transcended it, becoming in effect "honorary" virgins through their holiness and by God's special favor. Traveling widely, speaking publicly, departing from traditional women's roles, these women were a new creation of the late Middle Ages.
Cornell University Press The Devil: A New Biography
"Although the Devil still 'lives' in modern popular culture, for the past 250 years he has become marginal to the dominant concerns of Western intellectual thought. That life could not be thought or imagined without him, that he was a part of the everyday, continually present in nature and history, and active at the depths of our selves, has been all but forgotten. It is the aim of this work to bring modern readers to a deeper appreciation of how, from the early centuries of the Christian period through to the recent beginnings of the modern world, the human story could not be told and human life could not be lived apart from the 'life' of the Devil. With that comes the deeper recognition that, for the better part of the last two thousand years, the battle between good and evil in the hearts and minds of men and women was but the reflection of a cosmic battle between God and Satan, the divine and the diabolic, that was at the heart of history itself."—from The Devil Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub; Ha-Satan or the Adversary; Iblis or Shaitan: no matter what name he travels under, the Devil has throughout the ages and across civilizations been a compelling and charismatic presence. In Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the supposed reign of God has long been challenged by the fiery malice of his opponent, as contending forces of good and evil have between them weighed human souls in the balance. In The Devil, Philip C. Almond explores the figure of evil incarnate from the first centuries of the Christian era. Along the way, he describes the rise of demonology as an intellectual and theological pursuit, the persecution as witches of women believed to consort with the Devil and his minions, and the decline in the belief in Hell and in angels and demons as corporeal beings as a result of the Enlightenment. Almond shows that the Prince of Darkness remains an irresistible subject in history, religion, art, literature, and culture. Almond brilliantly locates the "life" of the Devil within the broader Christian story of which it is inextricably a part; the "demonic paradox" of the Devil as both God's enforcer and his enemy is at the heart of Christianity. Woven throughout the account of the Christian history of the Devil is another complex and complicated history: that of the idea of the Devil in Western thought. Sorcery, witchcraft, possession, even melancholy, have all been laid at the Devil's doorstep. Until the Enlightenment enforced a "disenchantment" with the old archetypes, even rational figures such as Thomas Aquinas were obsessed with the nature of the Devil and the specific characteristics of the orders of demons and angels. It was a significant moment both in the history of demonology and in theology when Benedict de Spinoza (1632–1677) denied the Devil's existence; almost four hundred years later, popular fascination with the idea of the Devil has not yet dimmed.
Peeters Publishers The Homiliae Toletanae and the Theology of Lent and Easter
This book takes seriously the need for a two-fold shift in methodology within the field of liturgical studies and serves as a model for future historical work. The first shift necessary in liturgical studies is a shift to sources other than the central liturgical texts, i.e. the Missal, breviary, lectionary, and books of rites. The second shift necessary in the field is a greater appreciation of the diversity of liturgical celebrations within the Church. In order to engage in such a study, this book analyzes a non-traditional liturgical source within a little-studied liturgical tradition. The source that provides the basis for this study is the Homiliae Toletanae (British Library, Add. 30853), a homiliary for Mass found in the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite. The Homiliae Toletanae dates to circa the seventh/eighth centuries and survives in one tenth/eleventh-century manuscript. It contains homilies for every major temporal and sanctoral feast in the calendar of Toledo. The Homiliae Toletanae is a valuable manuscript for reconstructing and understanding the liturgical practices of seventh/eighth-century Toledo. This study looks only at the Lenten homilies found within the Homiliae Toletanae in order to supplement what is already known about the Lenten practices of late Visigothic and early Mozarabic Spain. In reconstructing the practices of Lent in seventh/eighth-century Spain, this study explores the two major themes of Lent, penance and initiation, and their relationship to one another. It reflects on what some scholars consider a crisis in the thematic understanding of Lent in the seventh/eighth centuries. Coupled with this crisis is a shift from adult initiation to infant initiation in this period. This study argues that this crisis of meaning and the subsequent shift to a more penitential understanding of Lent was a direct result of the decline in adult initiation in this period. The dominant role that fasting and almsgiving played in the Lenten life of late Visigothic and early Mozarabic Spain is also analyzed. In order to conduct this study, this volume utilizes textual criticism as well as the comparative method in liturgical studies. The comparative method is based on the work of Anton Baumstark, the Mateos School, and Paul Bradshaw. This method is used to reconstruct liturgical practices based on the manuscript evidence. The first part of this book contextualizes the Homiliae Toletanae within the larger Hispano-Mozarabic and Christian tradition, and discusses its origin, dating, composition, and general content. The second part of this book is an in-depth look at the twenty-three homilies of Lent found within the Homiliae Toletanae. The goal of this volume is to show that liturgical traditions, like the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite, have a profound creativity and uniqueness. Their patrimony is rich, and they contain many liturgical insights, both historically and pastorally.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Max Weber: A Biography
Max Weber (1864-1920) is recognized throughout the world as the most important classic thinker in the social sciences – there is simply no one in the history of the social sciences who has been more influential. The affinity between capitalism and protestantism, the religious origins of the Western world, the force of charisma in religion as well as in politics, the all-embracing process of rationalization and the bureaucratic price of progress, the role of legitimacy and of violence as offsprings of leadership, the ‘disenchantment’ of the modern world together with the never-ending power of religion, the antagonistic relation between intellectualism and eroticism: all these are key concepts which attest to the enduring fascination of Weber’s thinking. The tremendous influence exerted by Max Weber was due not only to the power of his ideas but also to the fact that behind his theories one perceived a man with a marked character and a tragic destiny. However, for nearly 80 years, our understanding of the life of Max Weber was dominated by the biography published in 1926 by his widow, Marianne Weber. The lack of a great Weber biography was one of the strangest and most glaring gaps in the literature of the social sciences. For various reasons the task was difficult; time and again, attempts to write a new biography of Max Weber ended in failure. When Joachim Radkau’s biography appeared in Germany in 2005 it caused a sensation. Based on an abundance of previously unknown sources and richly embedded in the German history of the time, this is the first fully comprehensive biography of Max Weber ever to appear. Radkau brings out, in a way that no one has ever done before, the intimate interrelations between Weber’s thought and his life experience. He presents detailed revelations about the great enigmas of Weber’s life: his suffering and erotic experiences, his fears and his desires, his creative power and his methods of work as well as his religious experience and his relation to nature and to death. By understanding the great drama of his life, we discover a new Max Weber, until now unknown in many respects, and, at the same time, we gain a new appreciation of his work. Joachim Radkau, born in 1943, is Professor of Modern History at the Bielefeld University, Germany. His interest in Max Weber dates back nearly forty years when he worked together with the German-American historian George W. F. Hallgarten (Washington), a refugee who left Germany in 1933 and who, as a student, listened to Weber’s last lecture in summer 1920. Radkau’s main works include Die deutsche Emigration in den USA (1971); Deutsche Industrie und Politik (together with G. W. F. Hallgarten, 1974), Aufstieg und Krise der deutschen Atomwirtschaft (1983), Technik in Deutschland (1989), Das Zeitalter der Nervosität (1998), Natur und Macht: Eine Weltgeschichte der Umwelt (2000).
Orenda Books The Coral Bride
In this beautiful, lyrical sequel to the critically acclaimed We Were the Salt of the Sea, Detective Moralès finds that a seemingly straightforward search for a missing fisherwoman off Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula is anything but… **SHORTLISTED for Crime Writers of Canada: Best French Crime Novel** **LONGLISTED for the CWA International Dagger** **NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER** 'A riveting story of old enmities, jealousies and friendships that come to light after a woman goes missing in a remote fishing village beautifully atmospheric' Gill Paul 'A haunting murder mystery about how human nature is every bit as dangerous and inscrutable as the sea draws out its suspense to the very last moment' Foreword Reviews _________________ It's not just the sea that holds secrets When an abandoned lobster trawler is found adrift off the coast of Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula, DS Joaquin Moralès begins a straightforward search for the boat's missing captain, Angel Roberts a rare female in a male-dominated world. But Moralès finds himself blocked at every turn by his police colleagues, by fisheries bureaucrats, and by his grown-up son, who has turned up at his door with a host of his own personal problems. When Angel's body is finally discovered, it's clear something very sinister is afoot, and Moralès and son are pulled into murky, dangerous waters, where old resentments run deep. Exquisitely written, with Bouchard's trademark lyrical prose, The Coral Bride evokes the power of the sea on the communities who depend on it, the never-ending struggle between the generations, and an extraordinary mystery at the heart of both. For fans of Ann Cleeves, Annie Proulx, Emma Stonex, Louise Penny and Jane Harper _________________ 'A police procedural like no other marvel at the clever plotting' Crime Fiction Lover 'An absolute joy to read, with as much tension as there is poetry' Le Journal de Montréal 'With a cast of characters you'll engage with and love and a mystery that will have you on edge, Bouchard pulls you into her world wonderful' Michael J. Malone 'Roxanne Bouchard is reinventing the crime novel' Quebec TV 'Emotive and tragically beautiful' Jen Med's Book Reviews 'This is a crime novel but it is also a story about fathers and sons, of strangers in a new land and of women in a man's world a work of distinction' Live & Deadly 'The captivating investigation also conjures up the tides and their mysteries, following the rhythm of the region, the icy course of its autumn tide' Le Devoir 'Beautiful, readable, unforgettable' From Belgium with Booklove 'Characters so vivid, you can hear their voices' The Reading Closet Praise for Roxanne Bouchard: 'Lyrical and elegiac, full of quirks and twists' William Ryan 'Asks questions right from page one' Quentin Bates 'An isolated Canadian fishing community, a missing mother, and some lovely prose. Very impressed by this debut so far' Eva Dolan 'A tour de force of both writing and translation' Su Bristow 'The translation from French has retained a dreamily poetic cast to the language, but it's det-fic for all that ' Sunday Times 'Characters are well-drawn, from Moralès, the cop, and his sturdy inspector, Marlène, to the husky fishermen who were Marie's devoted suitors three decades ago ... An exotic curiosity, raw nugget' Shots Mag
John Wiley & Sons Inc Marketing Unwrapped
"Key skills for marketers in the 21st century, which we have now cautiously embarked upon, conjures up images of great technological advances, of a world utterly transformed, a world perhaps ultimately dominated by Artificial Intelligence. This book thankfully does not indulge in the whole "what might be" debate, but instead sensibly takes a long hard look at where marketing stands today, setting out the key skills marketers must master to succeed over the next decade or so. Written by CIM's Director of Marketing, Ray Perry, in a very accessible, sometimes amusing manner, the book outlines the evolution of marketing basics in the 20th century before swiftly moving on to the issues that face the 21st century marketer. These range from the proliferation of media and the choices this now presents the marketer, to consumers' concerns over privacy and data protection. These and other key themes are outlined, demonstrating how they will impact and shape the marketing function. What becomes clear is that in order to succeed in the future, "marketers will need to be flexible, adaptable and multi-skilled". Pan-marketing, measuring metrics, knowledge management, CRM and integrated supply chain management will all be important, and it is likely many of them will become specialist marketing roles in their own right. The case for each role is argued well and supported by a range of well-researched figures and examples, before giving sound advice on how to execute the role. The chapters on the media marketer and metrics marketer are particularly good. Key skills and competencies are laid out with a useful summary of things to remember.The book will help today's marketers face up to the challenges of the 21st century, and help them develop the marketing skills they need for the new connected economy." --John Ling, The Chartered Institute of Marketing "Ray Perry looks at the wider perspective of new marketing and identifies key success factors - a good read for all marketers" --Andy Jones, Marketing Operations Director, Vauxhall Motors "To business people this is a breath of fresh air, a disciplined and data driven approach to marketing" --Raoul Pinnell, VP Global Brands Communications, Shell International "Marketing Unwrapped captures the key issues and challenges facing marketers today and the wider skill set required as marketing increasingly becomes a boardroom issue." --Debbie Brown, Head of Marketing Communications BT plc The marketing function has long striven to be taken seriously at board level. Much work has been undertaken in recent years to measure the effectiveness of marketing and to make it accountable at 'the bottom line'. However, if marketing is really to find its place at the top of an organization, marketers themselves need to understand and develop some core skills to give credence to their positions. Marketing Unwrapped literally unwraps the role of today's marketer. Ray Perry creates a blueprint for each facet of the marketer's role in relationship to an organization and highlights the key skills, knowledge, disciplines and competencies necessary for marketers to succeed. Compiled in the form of a matrix, this book unwraps the role of a marketer and introduces the range of 'co-functions' from relationship marketer to metrics marketer that the marketer will need to master to succeed in business in the future. This step-by-step guide to developing your own portfolio of skills will give you the confidence to sit at board level with a holistic understanding of the workings of business in general, and a clear idea of the difference you in your marketing capacity can make.
United Nations The least developed countries report 2020: productive capacities for the new decade
LDCs have so far been spared by the worst effects of the health emergency, yet the fallout from COVID-19 has taken its toll on their economies, threatening to roll back progress towards sustainable development, worsening entrenched inequalities, and possibly leading to long-term damage. The ongoing crisis has brought back to the fore the pivotal role of productive capacities for resilience to shocks, as well as for a sustainable and inclusive recovery and sustainable development. The broadening and full utilization of LDC productive capacities remains central to upgrade LDC economic structure, bridge their development gaps vis-á-vis other countries (not only developed but also developing countries) and avert further divergence. Only a handful of LDCs displayed a sustained progress in recent years, thanks to their successfully spurring productive capacities acquisition and shift significant resources towards higher-productivity activities. The majority of LDCs, by contrast, have either advanced at an increasingly sluggish pace, or even fell behind. In the LDCs, the uptake of advanced technologies is still incipient and hindered by a range of factors, from longstanding infrastructural gaps, to skill shortages and political considerations. Bold concerted policies to strengthen LDC productive capacities are as imperative as ever and they should constitute a key pillar of any sustainable recovery and development strategy. Beyond countercyclical policies to cushion the impact of the crisis, this calls for: (i) an investment push to redress long-standing infrastructural gaps and support broader employment creation; (ii) forward-looking science technology and innovation policy frameworks to upgrade the skill basis in line with market needs; (iii) brave industrial and sectoral policies to promote domestic value addition and deepen productive linkages. The international community should play its part, assisting LDC efforts with adequate financial resources, suitable policy space and more effective international support measures, notably in the area of technology transfer
American Bar Association The Introverted Lawyer: A Seven-Step Journey Toward Authentically Empowered Advocacy: A Seven-Step Journey Toward Authentically Empowered Advocacy
A stereotype bias exists in law school and legal practice favoring the garrulous extrovert. While loquacious law students, professors, lawyers, and judges thrive in a world dominated by the Socratic Method and rapid-fire oral discourse, quiet thinkers and writers can become sidelined. Introverted, shy, or socially anxious law students and lawyers often question their place in the legal arena, though research reveals they offer much-needed gifts to the profession, including active listening, empathy, contemplative analysis, and impactful writing. As legal education and law practice adjust to economic shifts and changing client mindsets, this is a prime opportunity for the legal community to make room for subtler voices. The Introverted Lawyer invites that dialogue into the legal profession.This book explains the differences among introversion, shyness, and social anxiety and how each manifests in the legal context; describes how the extrovert bias in law school and practice detrimentally can impact quiet individuals, fueling enhanced anxiety in a vocation already fraught with mental health issues; explores how quiet law students and lawyers offer greatly needed proficiencies to the legal profession; and finally, presents a seven-step process to help introverted, shy, and socially anxious individuals amplify their authentic lawyer voices, capitalize on their natural strengths, and diminish unwarranted stress.The Introverted Lawyer provides practical, tangible steps for individual growth, as well as a sound platform to enable caring professors, law office mentors, and bar association representatives to educate themselves, their students, and developing lawyers about this important and often overlooked issue.The first half of this book: (1) Explains the differences among introversion, shyness, and social anxiety and how each can manifest in the legal context. (2) Explores the impact on quiet individuals of the push toward extroversion in law school and law practice. (3) Highlights greatly valued proficiencies that quiet individuals offer the legal profession through nurturing instead of repressing innate strengths. Further, to help quiet law students and lawyers become authentically powerful advocates, the second half of this book outlines a practical seven-step process to empower introverted, shy, and socially anxious individuals to amplify their voices without compromising their quiet assets. With increased self-awareness and a holistic approach, and buoyed by collaboratively compassionate and motivating professors and law office mentors, introverted, shy, and socially anxious law students and lawyers will transform the legal profession.
University of California Press Island Refuge: Britain and Refugees from the Third Reich 1933 - 1939
The acrimonious debate over the British policy toward refugees from the Nazi regime has scarcely died down even now, some forty years later. bitter charges of indifference and lack of feeling are still leveled at politicians and civil servants, and the assertion made that Great Britain's record on refugee matters is shabby and unworthy of her liberal traditions. It has now become possible to investigate the truth of these charges and to analyse the reaction tin Britain to refugees from the Third Reich throughout the eventful years preceding the outbreak of war. Based on Government and private papers only recently released for public scrutiny, this book is the first authoritative study of the British response to a refugee crisis which posed many highly emotional and contentious issues in both domestic and foreign policy, and proved na acute irritant in Anglo-American relations. There were no simple answers, no obvious or rapid solutions in a world which frequently seemed to have no room for refugees and but scant sympathy for their plight. Harassed by conflicting pressures form home and abroad, all too aware that greater generosity to refugees from Nazism might well inspire imitative mass expulsions from Eastern Europe, Whitehall officials struggled to maintain an older British tradition of political asylm while still avoiding, at a time of massive unemployment, a sudden large-scale influx of aliens. Initial caution, insensitivity and confusion gave way after the Anschluss to a greater awareness of the critical need, and ultimately to a large-scale modification, under the sheer pressure of refugee numbers, of polices which had virtually hardened into constitutional doctrine. Britain's record concerning refugees from the Third Reich was a mixed one. Far less welcoming at first than a number of countries, but ultimately more generous than many, including the United States, Britain did grant asylum to a significantly large number of refugees in the crowded months before the outbreak of hostilities. The reasons for the dramatic turnabout in British refugee policy emerge clearly from this dispassionate and carefully documented study. Inland Refuge sheds definite light on a largely unexplored and still highly controversial episode in twentieth-century history. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1973.
Data Trace Publishing Company The Podiatric Practice Manual: A Guide to Running an Effective Practice
A complete and fully customisable manual is available to the practising physician to assist with day-to-day operations. The Manual places an emphasis on improving and aiding the medical and business aspects of running an efficient and successful medical practise. An accompanying CD allows the podiatric physician and staff to customise a wide assortment of template forms, from memos for office procedures, employee job descriptions, forms for new employees to sign, and patient consent forms, to creating your own, personalised office employee handbook. This is truly a tool your office cannot do without.Covers the following topics: Clinical Care. The Manual's first section deals specifically with clinically related procedures such as treatment algorithms, appropriate X-ray positioning, general clinical care policies and procedures, proper documentation techniques, and caring for, ordering and dispensing medical instruments, equipment and supplies. The section concludes with a collection of essential clinical care forms and patient education materials needed for everyday operations. Patient Relations. The second section discusses how the podiatric physician's office should manage patient appointment scheduling, insurance, new patient processing, missed appointments, and patient care outside the office. The forms provided at the end of this section will help you and your staff communicate effectively with your patients and provide staff with essential information for dealing with patient-related situations. Office Administration.The objectives of this section include identifying the specific job responsibilities for each of the office personnel, identifying office policies such as responding to telephone calls, delays in the waiting room, and cleanliness, as well as discussing financial polices such as budgeting, accounts payable, collection policies, coding and fee schedules, and insurance and Medicare billing. Conventional administrative forms follow this section's discussions. Personnel Policies. The Manual's fourth section contains the office staff policy guidelines, from compensation and benefits to behavioural expectations. A well thought-out personnel policy section is essential so that your employees know what is expected from them as members of your team. Key forms such as an appropriate employee warning notice and an example of a performance review are among the forms provided in this section. Appendices. Appendix A, Model Plans and Programmes for the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communications Standards is a public domain resource reproduced in this publication as a reference tool. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires all medical offices to have an Exposure Control Plan. This plan is designed to minimise exposure to bloodborne pathogens or other infectious material.
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. The Traditional Jewish Law of Sale: Shulhan Arukh, Hoshen Mishpat, Chapters 189-240
Within traditional Jewish commercial law, the laws of sale and fraud are surprisingly intelligible and fascinating for modern students of Jewish tradition. This translation of the relevant sections of the Shulhan Arukh, sometimes known as the ‘Code of Jewish Law’, has been prepared with the utmost care and attention to the technical nuances of legal terminology in both modern and ancient law. The Shulhan Arukh is the most widely consulted of the various legal codes in Judaism. Rabbinic tradition is in large part a tradition of law and jurisprudence. This tradition of law comprehends fields as diverse as the law of evidence and the dietary regimen, as laws on credit and debt and the laws of ritual purity. It follows naturally that many, if not most, of the great works of rabbinical literature are law books, commentaries on the law, and collections of cases. The principal legal code, or restatement, still authoritative among traditional Jews, is the Shulhan Arukh, compiled by Joseph b. Ephraim Karo of Safed (1488-1575) and glossed by Moses Isserles of Cracow (1520-1572). This work, published in four volumes, provided the rabbinic jurist or magistrate, as well as the learned layman, with a concise review of the various areas of Jewish law that might come to his attention. One such area of traditional Jewish law was the laws of buying and selling and the laws of fraud in sales. This particular domain within traditional Jewish commercial law is surprisingly intelligible and fascinating for modern students of Jewish tradition. Buying and selling are just as much a part of the modern world as they were of past ages. Moreover, the student of legal history or comparative law will find that this rabbinical code on sales and fraud in sales provides, at a glance, a view of the strata of Jewish legal development from the ancient period to the sixteenth century. Among the matters treated in this code are the formation of the agreement to buy and sell, the concept of acquisition as it relates to various types of property, legal capacity, and the requirement of good faith. The chapters on fraud reflect the moral and ethical values of Jewish tradition which are always implicit, and often explicit, in the rules of Jewish civil, criminal, and commercial legal codes. The material is clearly of interest to modern students of business ethics. A synopsis of the law of sale prefaces the work. It underscores some of the main features of this area of the law and furnishes some terminology and analysis of the material. While this synopsis does note some points of contrast and comparison with Roman law and medieval church law, it is not intended as a detailed historical or comparative study. It serves principally to introduce the text itself and establish some useful lines of understanding and classification. The translation of the laws of sale and fraud presented here has been prepared with the utmost care and attention to the technical nuances of legal terminology in both modern and ancient law. Its apparatus of notes and references includes material on the history of the printing of this translated portion of the Jewish legal tradition.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Our Animal Condition and Social Construction
Our species origin has its roots in ancestral habits, behaviors and survival drive, through changing environmental conditions, and crystallized during millennia in basic neurobehavioral circuits, be it as predators or potential prey: we were not born in a mother-of-pearl cradle and protected by magic agents. Placed on the thread of time, modern cultural contexts: norms, priorities, values -- appear as "newly born". This bio-cultural interaction and "dystopia" carved our identity, genetic expression and the possible origin of beliefs, resulting in an arch of possible behaviors and cultural phenotypes. This book offers evidence -- as a way to acquire conscience -- of evolutive grounds and socio-cultural ecology upon which our brain organisation and behavioral constructs derived. Among those, shared basic behavioral drives with non-human primates. The biological nature of our construction drags millenniums of species trials with variable rates of survival times. They provide traces of a variable and multiple evolutive chains. The emergence of humans with a sophisticated language allowed the development of complex virtual constructs based on symbolism and the instruments of culture, which has enhanced cognitive capacity and emotional interaction supported by processes anchored in neural networks distributed within cortical and subcortical levels. Basic, essential neural connectivities were preserved during the evolutionary development of the species. Which and how much of our current drives -- individually and as a global community- are driven by ancestral, inherited traits imprinted in our animal condition? This issue pertains to our identity as a species, our social constructions, and ecological interaction. The biological (animal) matrix and inheritance are usually segregated from the social and cultural construction. Although sophistication of our cultural development tends to "set up a divisive fault" from our animal condition, primitive foundations of non-human animal behavior (survival, territory, reproduction, prevalence, access to nutrients) are basic templates and underlie essential individual and group basic drives and cultural constructs. Humans have not ceased from being territorial (whether applied to virtual or material dimensions). In our time and through human history various forms of social inequities were expressed. On evolutive terms, the notion of individual "social status" within the social structure (rights, priorities) in a gregarious community with hierarchical organization, generated the probability of an individual ascending or descending the hierarchy within the said organization: the potential figure of leader or the subordinate or marginalized. Is there an evolutive antecedent for human social inequities? How to construct a different future? Post-industrial societies became increasingly dependent on material consumerism and technological cultures to the point of "embraining" them, conceptually becoming technological hybrids. It represents a developmental "must" or an uncontrolled "spin-off" of human inventiveness, affecting our future? It ought to be taken conscience of, at the social and political level. Construction of supernatural agents played a significant role in socialization/domestication processes. Agents with intentionality flourished through altered states of conscience or under fear from natural phenomena, or attributed to supposed inhabitants of the Natural Kingdom or virtual beings. This imaginary universe, reinforced by ritual behaviors, contributed to control personal/collective distress of various possible origins, and conditioned our "degrees of emotional and cognitive freedom".
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry
The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry The new edition of the classic textbook that has helped thousands of students understand and solve the complex mechanistic problems posed by organic reactions The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry is a must-have workbook for students and professionals alike, offering step-by-step guidance on applying proven strategies and logical techniques to solve complex reaction mechanism problems. The book is organized in two sections: The Toolbox and the Problem Chest. The first part is presented in four chapters covering advanced contemporary issues of molecular structure and orbital configuration, stereoelectronic constraints, electron shifts, redeployment and arrow-pushing allowances and pitfalls, as well as functional groups roles and key intermediate species, all of which dominate the reaction mechanism scenario. These concepts are rounded up by a series of time-tested problem analysis strategies and thinking routes shown in flowcharts and illustrated by application to specific cases. The Problem Chest puts together a set of 50 newly selected fully discussed mechanism problems of increasing difficulty, in which all the power of the Toolbox paraphernalia is put to work. Now in its third edition, The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry retains the structure of previous editions, previously rated among the 30 best organic chemistry books of all time by BookAuthority. More than 50 revised organic reaction mechanism problems are complemented by an entirely new set of problems, additional concepts and techniques, expanded coverage of applications in contemporary organic chemistry, embedded cases of the existing reaction pool taken from recent literature, and much more. Describes the principles, methods, tools, and problem analysis techniques required to solve organic reaction problems Extends the logic and strategy of the mechanistic approach beyond specific reactions and facts Discusses practical methods for improved problem solving for organic reaction mechanisms Explains tested strategies for analyzing the possibilities of reaction mechanisms between reactants and products Contains detailed appendices with definitions and examples of principles, reactions, mechanisms, and reagents The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition is an essential volume for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, lecturers, and professionals looking to improve their performance in finding solutions to organic reaction problems. It is an ideal textbook for courses on organic reactions and problem analysis, as well as an excellent supplement for courses covering reactive intermediates and mechanisms of molecular transformations.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Kochland
‘A landmark book....A massively reported deep dive into the unparalleled corporate industrial giant Koch Industries....This impressively researched and well-rendered book also serves as a biography of Charles Koch, with Leonard providing an evenhanded treatment of the tycoon. Leonard's work is on par with Steve Coll's Private Empire and even Ida Tarbell's enduring classic The History of the Standard Oil Company.’ Kirkus Reviews ‘Leonard’s superb investigations and even-handed, clear-eyed reportage stand out....American capitalism at its most successful and domineering is at the center of this sweeping history of a much-vilified company.’Publishers Weekly ‘Leonard’s intricately developed and extensively researched history of the Koch empire is a colossal corporate biography that sheds important light on this closely guarded enterprise while simultaneously scrutinizing the nefarious underpinnings of American economic policies and practices.’ Booklist ‘This page-turning exposé reveals the full extent of the Koch brothers’ influence on American capitalism.’ Book Riot ‘If you want a crash course in the evolution of postmodern capitalism over the last five decades read Kochland....Leonard's study is exhaustive and engaging.’ New York Journal of Books The annual revenue of Koch Industries is bigger than that of Google, Goldman Sachs and Kraft Foods combined. But very few people have ever heard of Koch Industries because the billionaire Koch brothers want it that way. Now, in Kochland, Christopher Leonard has managed what no other journalist has done before: to tell the explosive inside story of how the largest private company in the world became that big. In doing so, Leonard also tells the epic tale of the evolution of corporate America over the last half-century, in all its glory and rapaciousness. Koch is everywhere. It controls the fertilisers at the foundation of our food system. It controls the synthetics that make our diapers and carpets. It controls the chemicals that make our bottles and pipes. It controls the building materials that make our homes and offices. And it controls much of the Wall Street trading in all of these commodities. It makes money at every end of almost every deal. For five decades, CEO Charles Koch has kept Koch Industries quietly operating behind a veil of secrecy, with a view toward very, very long-term profits. When Wall Street came calling twenty years ago, trying to take Koch public, Charles Koch said no. He’s a genius businessman: patient with profits, able to learn from his mistakes, determined that his employees develop an almost a worshipful dedication to free-market ruthlessness, and a master disrupter. We think of disruption as something that happens in Silicon Valley, but this book will upend your understanding of what disruption really is. Charles Koch’s business acumen has made him and his brother David (Koch Industries’ co-owner) together richer than Bill Gates. But there’s a dark side to their story. If you want to understand how we killed the unions in this country, how we widened the income divide, how we stalled progress on climate change and how corporate America bought the influence industry, all you have to do is read this book. Seven years in the making, Kochland reads like a true-life thriller, with larger-than-life characters driving the battles on every page. The book tells the ambitious tale of how one private company consolidated power over half a century – and how in doing so, transformed capitalism into something that feels so deeply alienating to many Americans today.
Pearson Education (US) Art of Computer Programming, The: Combinatorial Algorithms, Volume 4B
The Art of Computer Programming is Knuth's multivolume analysis of algorithms. With the addition of this new volume, it continues to be the definitive description of classical computer science. Volume 4B, the sequel to Volume 4A, extends Knuth's exploration of combinatorial algorithms. These algorithms are of keen interest to software designers because ". . . a single good idea can save years or even centuries of computer time." The book begins with coverage of Backtrack Programming, together with a set of data structures whose links perform "delightful dances" and are ideally suited to this domain. New techniques for important applications such as optimum partitioning and layout are thereby developed. Knuth's writing is playful, and he includes dozens of puzzles to illustrate the algorithms and techniques, ranging from popular classics like edge-matching to more recent crazes like sudoku. Recreational mathematicians and computer scientists will not be disappointed! In the second half of the book, Knuth addresses Satisfiability, one of the most fundamental problems in all of computer science. Innovative techniques developed at the beginning of the twenty-first century have led to game-changing applications, for such things as optimum scheduling, circuit design, and hardware verification. Thanks to these tools, computers are able to solve practical problems involving millions of variables that only a few years ago were regarded as hopeless. The Mathematical Preliminaries Redux section of the book is a special treat, which presents basic techniques of probability theory that have become prominent since the original "preliminaries" were discussed in Volume 1. As in every volume of this remarkable series, the book includes hundreds of exercises that employ Knuth's ingenious rating system, making it easy for readers of varying degrees of mathematical training to find challenges suitable to them. Detailed answers are provided to facilitate self-study. "Professor Donald E. Knuth has always loved to solve problems. In Volume 4B he now promotes two brand new and practical general problem solvers, namely (0) the Dancing Links Backtracking and (1) the SAT Solver. To use them, a problem is defined declaratively (0) as a set of options, or (1) in Boolean formulae. Today's laptop computers, heavily armoured with very high speed processors and ultra large amounts of memory, are able to run either solver for problems having big input data. Each section of Volume 4B contains a multitudinous number of tough exercises which help make understanding surer. Happy reading!" --Eiiti Wada, an elder computer scientist, UTokyo "Donald Knuth may very well be a great master of the analysis of algorithms, but more than that, he is an incredible and tireless storyteller who always strikes the perfect balance between theory, practice, and fun. [Volume 4B, Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 2] dives deep into the fascinating exploration of search spaces (which is quite like looking for a needle in a haystack or, even harder, to prove the absence of a needle in a haystack), where actions performed while moving forward must be meticulously undone when backtracking. It introduces us to the beauty of dancing links for removing and restoring the cells of a matrix in a dance which is both simple to implement and very efficient." --Christine Solnon, Department of Computer Science, INSA Lyon Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available.
Quarto Publishing PLC Small World, Big Ideas: Eco-Activists for Change
Small World, Big Ideas collects twelve of the most inspiring and courageous activists together to share their stories and present an inspiring vision of what each of us can do to build a better world today.There's an activist in all of us, and you don't have to shout about it to be heard. And to prove it, life-long campaigner and former Jain monk Satish Kumar has invited twelve of those activists he most admires to share their own inspiring stories in Small World, Big Ideas, revealing—some, for the very first time—who or what made them want to change the world and what kind of world they want to help create. This book collects the thoughts, hopes and visions of some of the most significant figures in the global fight for a better and more compassionate world. As well as Satish Kumar, we hear from: Deepak Chopra - The mind-body healing pioneer discusses his journey from growing up in post-war India to learning about Ayurvedic medicine, to his current work promoting spiritual knowledge and working for world peace. Jane Goodall - The renowned scientist and conservationist tells of the people who have inspired her in her work to pretect animals, and the reasons she has for hope in the future. Franny Armstrong - The McLibel filmmaker writes about her politicisation as a teenager, her involvement with the Greenpeace movement and the next steps in the fight against climate change. Bob Brown - The Australian Green politician shares stories from his time as an ecologist and lawmaker, and his belief in how democracy can be used to bring people together to fight the looming crises facing Planet Earth. Tim Flannery - The explorer and ecologist tells of watching the ecosystems around him disappear, his travels to remote areas around the world and how the only hope for our future lies in connecting with others to act together. Polly Higgins -The late environmental lawyer discusses how the concept of Earth Law, and how she came to fight for ecocide to be recognised as a crime against humanity. Caroline Lucas - England's only Green MP, Lucas writes about how she has fought all her life to change the political system, and how radical change is always possible! Bill McKibben - The writer and activist discusses moving from writing to political campaigning, and how he founded, the global grass-roots organization that works to halt and reverse climate change. Carlo Petrini - The slow food advocate tells of growing up in Piedmont, and of how we can change the world by putting food back at the centre of our lives. Vandana Shiva - The ecofeminist discusses how the multiple crises which she has fought – climate change, misogyny and inequality – are all interlinked, and how our response must be similarly all-encompassing. Whether they have championed the tragic plight of Indian farmers impoverished by the domination of the agro-giants or shamed Hollywood into treating climate change as a serious concern these are the people who have made their voices heard. Their illuminating and often moving life stories will inspire all of us to get off the couch and do something ourselves to help shape a better world.
Baen Books 1636: Calabar's War
Domingos Fernandes Calabar started out as a military advisor for the Portuguese in Brazil. But to his superiors, he was still nothing more than a mameluco, a man of mixed blood. Until, that is, the Dutch arrived and he switched sides. Then the Portuguese had a new label for him: “traitorous dog.” But when Dutch admiral Maarten Tromp arrives, having barely survived the disastrous Battle of Dunkirk, Calabar’s job changes again. Now he has to help engineer a swift Dutch exodus to a safer place before word of Tromp’s defeat reaches Spanish ears. Partnered with the Sephardic pirate Moses Cohen Henriques, the two aid the battered Dutch fleet by striking at the Portuguese and Spanish, both on land and sea. Until, that is, Calabar learns that bitter personal enemies have grabbed his family, put them in chains, and sold them to a slaveship bound for the Spanish Main. Calabar must now choose: continue to help the Dutch, or save his wife and children? Tromp and other strong allies want to put an end to slavery, too, but their strategies and timetable are measured in months and years. Calabar doesn’t have that kind of time and can’t rely on their methods. The struggle to recover his family, and to free the millions more suffering in shackles, is one he must win in his own way and on his own terms. Because ultimately, this is not just Calabar’s fight. This is Calabar’s war. About 1636: Calabar's War: “. . . dives into the story of . . . Calabar, a Brazilian military adviser [who] juggles helping [the Dutch] in their fight against the Spanish with rescuing his family, who have been sold into slavery.”—Publishers Weekly About 1635: A Parcel of Rogues: “The 20th volume in this popular, fast-paced alternative history series follows close on the heels of the events in The Baltic War, picking up with the protagonists in London, including sharpshooter Julie Sims. This time the 20th-century transplants are determined to prevent the rise of Oliver Cromwell and even have the support of King Charles.”—Library Journal About 1634: The Galileo Affair: “A rich, complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book.”—David Drake “Gripping . . . depicted with power!”—Publishers Weekly About Eric Flint's Ring of Fire series: “This alternate history series is . . . a landmark . . .”—Booklist “[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist “ . . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . . ”—Publishers Weekly
Thinkers Publishing The Modernized Ruy Lopez - Volume 2: Complete Opening Repertoire for White
I would like to thank you for purchasing this book, I really appreciate it. It also means that you found an interest in my work of trying to crack the Ruy Lopez. As I said in the introduction to the first volume, I had no idea what I was signing up for when deciding to write a book on Ruy Lopez. This opening has such a rich history and good reputation that proving advantages in many lines is nearly impossible. Writing the first volume on this opening was a Herculean effort and I thought “it cannot be more difficult”. After all, I was covering such solid variations as the Berlin and the Open Spanish. Well, I got surprised again! I am not exaggerating when I say that writing the second volume was at least as hard as writing the first one. This second volume on the Ruy Lopez consists of two parts. In the first part I focus on modern systems with …Bc5, attempting to dissect both the Archangelsk and Moller Variations. These two variations have quite a rich history but in 2020 there have been several developments. If I had to name one person that contributed the most to the developments in those lines it is, without a doubt, Fabiano Caruana. His encounters in the Candidates Tournament in Ekaterinburg, then his theoretical discussion in those lines with Leinier Dominguez, revised my opinion on many of those lines and led to interesting discoveries that I analyze in this bookIn the subsequent part I discuss the Closed Ruy Lopez. It is easily one of the most popular openings throughout the history of chess with many games occuring as early as the 1800s. I suggest going for 9.h3 which usually leads to a positional battle. I present new trends and find new paths and ideas in such evergreen variations as the Zaitsev, Breyer, Chigorin and others. Additionally, I attempt to crack the Marshall Attack by suggesting the Anti-Marshall lines with 8.a4. I must admit that I thought that it would be a pretty easy task to analyze those openings having some prior analysis and experience with both colors. However, time after time I was encountering new challenges and new ideas from both sides that I had to resolve. My conclusions, based on careful analysis with the most powrful engines currently available is presented in this book. This book completes my series on the Ruy Lopez. I would like to take a moment and recall what I said in the introduction to the first volume. When both sides play very good and sound chess, it is normal that games end in a draw. It is especially true for such sound openings as Ruy Lopez. I do not attempt to dismiss one line or another because somewhere with best play Black can make a draw by force on move number 30, playing sometimes ridiculous moves that are only found during the analytical work. Over the board the reality is way different – practical aspect plays an important role in chess. Some positions are easier to play, some harder. Similarly to what I did in the first volume, I try to offer the most playable positions. I do not mind if the positions are equal, provided it is easier to paly with White or the chance of an error by Black is quite large. Sometimes I go into forced variations (e.g. in Moller Defense or Archangelsk Defense), sometimes into more positional battles (like in the Zaitsev) but I truly believe that the positions I aim to reach have potential and are tricky for Black. With proper knowledge I think White can put pressure on Black in the Ruy Lopez. I hope that you will find my approach to tackling the Ruy Lopez interesting. I am aware that there is only so much I can analyze and someone may say that I did not analyze some positions deeply enough but that is the nature of chess – possibilities are pretty much unlimited and there will always be theoretical debate!Finally, I wish you, dear Reader, good luck and I hope you can successfully use the ideas that I present in this book in your games. Dariusz Swiercz February 2021.
Surrey Books,U.S. Fieldwork: A Forager’s Memoir
From National Book Award–nominee Iliana Regan, a new memoir of her life and heritage as a forager, spanning her ancestry in Eastern Europe, her childhood in rural Indiana, and her new life set in the remote forests of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Fieldwork explores how Regan’s complex gender identity informs her acclaimed work as a chef and her profound experience of the natural world.Not long after Iliana Regan’s celebrated debut, Burn the Place, became the first food-related title in four decades to become a National Book Award nominee in 2019, her career as a Michelin star–winning chef took a sharp turn north. Long based in Chicago, she and her new wife, Anna, decided to create a culinary destination, the Milkweed Inn, located in Michigan’s remote Upper Peninsula, where much of the food served to their guests would be foraged by Regan herself in the surrounding forest and nearby river. Part fresh challenge, part escape, Regan’s move to the forest was also a return to her rural roots, in an effort to deepen the intimate connection to nature and the land that she’d long expressed as a chef, but experienced most intensely growing up.On her family’s farm in rural Indiana, Regan was the beloved youngest in a family with three much older sisters. From a very early age, her relationship with her mother and father was shaped by her childhood identification as a boy. Her father treated her like the son he never had, and together they foraged for mushrooms, berries, herbs, and other wild food in the surrounding countryside—especially her grandfather’s nearby farm, where they also fished in its pond and young Iliana explored the accumulated family treasures stored in its dusty barn. Her father would share stories of his own grandmother, Busia, who’d helped run a family inn while growing up in eastern Europe, from which she imported her own wild legends of her native forests, before settling in Gary, Indiana, and opening Jennie’s Café, a restaurant that fed generations of local steelworkers. He also shared with Iliana a steady supply of sharp knives and—as she got older—guns. Iliana’s mother had family stories as well—not only of her own years marrying young, raising headstrong girls, and cooking at Jennie’s, but also of her father, Wayne, who spent much of his boyhood hunting with the men of his family in the frozen reaches of rural Canada. The stories from this side of Regan’s family are darker, riven with alcoholism and domestic strife too often expressed in the harm, physical and otherwise, perpetrated by men—harm men do to women and families, and harm men do to the entire landscapes they occupy. As Regan explores the ancient landscape of Michigan’s boreal forest, her stories of the land, its creatures, and its dazzling profusion of plant and vegetable life are interspersed with her and Anna’s efforts to make a home and a business of an inn that’s suddenly, as of their first full season there in 2020, empty of guests due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She discovers where the wild blueberry bushes bear tiny fruit, where to gather wood sorrel, and where and when the land’s different mushroom species appear—even as surrounding parcels of land are suddenly and violently decimated by logging crews that obliterate plant life and drive away the area’s birds. Along the way she struggles not only with the threat of COVID, but also with her personal and familial legacies of addiction, violence, fear, and obsession—all while she tries to conceive a child that she and her immune-compromised wife hope to raise in their new home. With Burn the Place, Regan announced herself as a writer whose extravagant, unconventional talents matched her abilities as a lauded chef. In Fieldwork, she digs even deeper to express the meaning and beauty we seek in the landscapes, and stories, that reveal the forces which inform, shape, and nurture our lives.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians: Husbandry, Clinical Procedures, Surgical Procedures, and Common Diseases
Get the big picture on the vet tech's role and responsibilities in large animal care! A practical, comprehensive guide, Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition describes how to set up, assist, and follow through on medical procedures and treatment regimens for domestic livestock. The book begins with an overview of livestock handling, reproduction, and nutrition, along with the skills required in hospital management. Following are separate sections on horses, cattle, sheep and goats, llamas and alpacas, swine, and poultry, with each section including chapters examining husbandry, clinical and surgical procedures, and common diseases. Written by expert clinician and vet tech educator Kristin Holtgrew-Bohling, this text provides an ideal study tool in preparing for the VTNE® and for everyday practice. Comprehensive large animal coverage is specifically tailored to the needs of veterinary technician students. Coverage of the essential large animal-related tasks in the CVTEA Manual of Accreditation for Veterinary Technology Programs prepares you to pass the Veterinary Technology National Exam (VTNE®). Step-by-step procedures explain how and why a clinical procedure is performed, and the roles that you fill in preparing for, assisting in, and following up the procedure. "How-to" chapters within each species section examine husbandry, clinical procedures, surgical procedures, and common diseases - so veterinary technicians, acting under instructions of veterinarians, can plan and follow through on procedures and treatment regimens for large animals. Evolve website includes quizzes, images, and reference materials to reinforce understanding. Full-color photographs and line drawings show step-by-step procedures in areas such as restraint, bandaging, physical examination techniques, and diagnostic procedures. Coverage of husbandry and breeds demonstrates how day-to-day housing and feeding affect the care of many large animal diseases, and also helps you provide quality client education. Livestock Industry section provides an overview of safety and handling, reproduction, and nutrition, so you can better understand the practices, procedures, and decisions in large animal veterinary medicine. Learning features enhance critical thinking and decision making with case studies, clinical applications, key terms, chapter outlines, learning objectives, and Technician Notes. NEW! Coverage of animal care includes care in small-scale and hobby farm settings, fear-free care, and IV catheter maintenance. NEW! Updated information includes illegal drugs, remote delivery devices, nutrition and environmental enrichment for each species, carcass removal information, breeding soundness exam information for bulls, poisonous plants and other toxins, needle disposal and broken needle guidelines, sedation protocols, dehydration tables for calves, and more. NEW! Updated images, case studies, step-by-step procedures, disease information, and terminology ensure that you have the most current information. NEW! Updated test questions and chapter quizzes on the Evolve website make it easier to study, review, and remember difficult subject matter.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
Lonely Planet's Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip.Climb Half Dome, gaze at Mono Lake, and ski in Yosemite; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and begin your journey now! Inside the Lonely Planet's Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Travel Guide: User-friendly highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices, emergency information, park seasonality, hiking trail junctions, viewpoints, landscapes, elevations, distances, difficulty levels, and durations Focused on the best hikes, drives, and cycling tours Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, camping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, summer and winter activities, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Contextual insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, geology, wildlife, and conservation Over 40 full-color trail and park maps and full-color images throughout Useful features- Travel with Children,Clothing and Equipment, andDay and Overnight Hikes Covers Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, Badger Pass, Wawona, Tuolumne Meadows, Hetch Hetchy The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, our most comprehensive guide to these national parks, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less traveled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA's National Parks for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travelers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
New York University Press Black in Latin America
Selected as a 2012 Outstanding Title by AAUP University Press Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries The history of how six Latin American countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Middle Passage. While just over 11.0 million survived the arduous journey, only about 450,000 of them arrived in the United States. The rest—over ten and a half million—were taken to the Caribbean and Latin America. This astonishing fact changes our entire picture of the history of slavery in the Western hemisphere, and of its lasting cultural impact. These millions of Africans created new and vibrant cultures, magnificently compelling syntheses of various African, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish influences. Despite their great numbers, the cultural and social worlds that they created remain largely unknown to most Americans, except for certain popular, cross-over musical forms. So Henry Louis Gates, Jr. set out on a quest to discover how Latin Americans of African descent live now, and how the countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past; how the fact of race and African ancestry play themselves out in the multicultural worlds of the Caribbean and Latin America. Starting with the slave experience and extending to the present, Gates unveils the history of the African presence in six Latin American countries—Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, and Peru—through art, music, cuisine, dance, politics, and religion, but also the very palpable presence of anti-black racism that has sometimes sought to keep the black cultural presence from view. In Brazil, he delves behind the façade of Carnaval to discover how this ‘rainbow nation’ is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy. In Cuba, he finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music of this island is inextricably linked to the huge amount of slave labor imported to produce its enormously profitable 19th century sugar industry, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959. In Haiti, he tells the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic, and finds out how the slaves’s hard fought liberation over Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Empire became a double-edged sword. In Mexico and Peru, he explores the almost unknown history of the significant numbers of black people—far greater than the number brought to the United States—brought to these countries as early as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created in Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico, the Costa Chica region on the Pacific, and in and around Lima, Peru. Professor Gates’ journey becomes ours as we are introduced to the faces and voices of the descendants of the Africans who created these worlds. He shows both the similarities and distinctions between these cultures, and how the New World manifestations are rooted in, but distinct from, their African antecedents. “Black in Latin America” is the third instalment of Gates’s documentary trilogy on the Black Experience in Africa, the United States, and in Latin America. In America Behind the Color Line, Professor Gates examined the fortunes of the black population of modern-day America. In Wonders of the African World, he embarked upon a series of journeys to reveal the history of African culture. Now, he brings that quest full-circle in an effort to discover how Africa and Europe combined to create the vibrant cultures of Latin America, with a rich legacy of thoughtful, articulate subjects whose stories are astonishingly moving and irresistibly compelling.
Bartleby Press From Behind the Screen: How a Brash Young Man from Jim Crow New Orleans Became a Civil Rights Leader in Texas
The native Creole culture of New Orleans and Louisiana is unique. We know its music, its food, its French and Spanish inspired accents. Ultimately though, the most distinctive feature is the people. What we now recognize as Creole developed over several hundred years, a “gumbo” of African slaves, and former slaves, free people of color, Europeans, even American Indians – all in just about any combination you can imagine. In New Orleans, regardless of the mixture, they were considered “colored.” African Americans had separate neighborhoods, stores and parks. Where black and whites came into contact there was as strict code of deference that had to be followed. Even in the Catholic churches that allowed both races to pray, parishioners expected that they would sit in separate pews with whites given the most advantageous positions. Needless to say, opportunities for the city’s colored population were severely limited. hen there was the “screen,” the New Orleans’ name for the “Colored Only” signs that were ubiquitous in the Jim Crow-dominated city. Every bus and trolley car had one to make sure the African American citizens knew to sit in the back, as if they needed to be reminded. “Screens” were found in many other places around town as well. It is in this separate, but still rich and vibrant, world that the inspiring story of Curtis Graves begins. His remarkable parents were determined that Curtis grow up aware of who he was and his fascinating roots, which included both former slaves and plantation owners. At first, this required deceptions by his family as they hid the most obvious signs of restrictions placed on their lives. As he became older Curtis observed life in New Orleans and was allowed to come to his own understanding. Mabel and Buddy Graves also placed a great value on education, expecting that Curtis would go to college, perhaps become a teacher, or businessman, among the few vocations available for educated African Americans. After a time attending college close to home, Curtis transferred to Texas Southern University in Houston, a large historically black college. The late 1950s was a time when even more attention was being paid to the burgeoning civil rights movement. A young Martin Luther King, Jr. had already emerged as its leader, focusing on nonviolence, a tactic and philosophy primary adopted from Gandhi in India, but enhanced through deep religious roots. The young students at Texas Southern took notice. Faced with racism all around them, Curtis and others decided to protest in their own way – demanding equal access to public places. The first target was the lunch counter at a Houston supermarket. In March 1960, they staged the first “sit-in” there. Nobody knew what would happen, but the sit-ins continued at supermarkets and drugstores around town, drawing more and more interest. When it made the national news, Curtis Graves’ parents were not happy. However, he made them realize that they had brought him up to take a stand, even if it was dangerous. By the time Curtis entered the Army, he had already earned a reputation for political activism in the cause of equality. Returning to Texas, he ran for a seat in the Texas State Legislature. After a raucous election, Curtis Graves won the election, becoming one of the first African Americans to hold state office since Reconstruction. He served six years, but even after he left office—and politics — Graves has never stopped battling for fairness and equal opportunity. He tells his story with real style, remembering with warmth and good humor all the people –both famous and not so well-known— who have touched his life along the way. Even more, he gives us an important first-hand, inside understanding of the struggles for civil rights in America.
Human Kinetics Publishers PE Metrics: Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education
If you are looking for the definitive resource to help you measure your students’ achievement, your search is over. PE Metrics: Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, Third Edition, aligns with SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, was created by SHAPE America and its writing team, and was reviewed by researchers and teachers with expertise in assessment. The result is a text that you can use with confidence as you help develop physical literacy in your students. Written for physical educators, administrators, and curriculum writers (and for physical education majors and minors), this latest edition offers the following: • 130 ready-to-use assessments for kindergarten through grade 12 (65 elementary, 43 middle school, and 22 high school) • Worksheets, checklists, and rubrics that support the assessments • Guidance on creating your own assessments for any lesson or unit These assessments are aligned with the three SHAPE America lesson planning books for elementary, middle, and secondary school and dovetail with SHAPE America’s The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education. The assessments can be used as they are, or you can modify them or use them as samples in creating assessments that are best suited to your needs. PE Metrics, now in a four-color design, is organized into four main parts: Part I introduces the purpose and uses of assessment, how to develop an assessment plan, and the various types of assessments and tools you can use. Part II contains sample assessments for students in grades K-5, focusing on fundamental motor skills; as such, the elementary-level assessments center heavily on Standard 1. In part III, the emphasis shifts to middle school assessments, with a concentration on Standard 2 and on the categories of dance and rhythms, invasion games, net/wall games, fielding/striking games, outdoor pursuits, aquatics, and individual-performance activities. Part IV offers sample assessments for high school students, with a priority on providing evidence of the knowledge and skills students will need to remain active and fit after they leave high school. This resource provides a comprehensive, performance-based assessment system that enables you to incorporate assessment into every facet of your teaching, create assessments that are unique to your program, and measure your students’ performance against the grade-level outcomes. The assessments are process focused and are designed to measure multiple constructs as well as provide meaningful feedback to students—ultimately helping them to develop holistically across all three learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive, and affective). PE Metrics will help you instill in students the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annals Meeting Reports - Advances in Resource Allocation, Immunology and Schizophrenia Drugs, Volume 1236
This volume presents reports from three recent scientific meetings on special topics. The first report discusses scientific perspectives on individuals’ drive to consume, presented at the conference "The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption: Mechanisms of Allocating Resources Across Disciplines" at the University of Michigan in May 2010. Sponsored by Rackham Graduate School and the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan, the conference included presentations on human, primate, and rodent models and spanned multiple domains of consumption, including reward seeking, delay discounting, food-sharing reciprocity, and the consumption and display of material possessions across the life span. The next report comes from the one-day symposium by the Centre for Immunity, Infection, and Evolution (CIIE) entitled "Wild Immunology," held at the University of Edinburgh, UK in June 2011. Funded by the Wellcome Trust, the CIIE aims to connect evolutionary biology and ecology with research in immunology and infectious diseases in order to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on challenges to global health. The central question of the symposium was "Why should we try to understand infection and immunity in wild systems?" Specifically, presenters explored how the immune response operates in the wild and how multiple coinfections and commensalism affect immune responses and host health in these wild systems. The symposium brought together a broad program of speakers, ranging from laboratory immunologists to infectious disease ecologists, working on wild birds, feral animals, wild and laboratory rodents, and on questions ranging from the dynamics of coinfection to how commensal bacteria affect the development of the immune system. The final report discusses the work presented at "Advancing Drug Discovery for Schizophrenia," a conference sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences and with support from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Life Technologies Foundation, and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. The meeting, at the New York Academy of Sciences in March of 2011, included individual talks and panel discussions and highlighted basic, clinical, and translational research approaches, all of which contribute to the overarching goal of enhancing the pharmaceutical armamentarium for treating schizophrenia. The meeting report surveys work by the vanguard of schizophrenia research in such topics as genetic and epigenetic approaches, small molecule therapeutics, and the relationships between target genes, neuronal function, and symptoms of schizophrenia. NOTE: Annals volumes books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.