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SHORTLISTED FOR THE WAINWRIGHT PRIZE FOR WRITING ON GLOBAL CONSERVATION 'Pilcher is both very funny and very, very clever.' Gillian Burke 'Richly entertaining throughout.' Sunday Times For the last three billion years or so, life on Earth was shaped by natural forces. Evolution tended to happen slowly, with species crafted across millennia. Then, a few hundred thousand years ago, along came a bolshie, big-brained, bipedal primate we now call Homo sapiens, and with that, the Earth’s natural history came to an abrupt end. We are now living through the post-natural phase, where humans have become the leading force shaping evolution. This thought-provoking book considers the many ways that we’ve altered the DNA of living things and changed the fate of life on earth. We have carved chihuahuas from wolves and fancy chickens from jungle fowl. We’ve added spider genes to goats and coral genes to tropical fish. It’s possible to buy genetically-modified pets, eat genetically-modified fish and watch cloned ponies thunder up and down the polo field. Now, as our global dominance grows, our influence extends far beyond these species. As we warm our world and radically reshape the biosphere, we affect the evolution of all living things, near and far, from the emergence of novel hybrids such as the pizzly bear, to the entirely new strains of animals and plants that are evolving at breakneck speed to cope with their altered environment. In Life Changing, Helen introduces us to these post-natural creations and talks to the scientists who create, study and tend to them. At a time when the future of so many species is uncertain, we meet some of the conservationists seeking to steer evolution onto firmer footings with novel methods like the ‘spermcopter’, coral IVF and plans to release wild elephants into Denmark. Helen explores the changing relationship between humans and the natural world, and reveals how, with evidence-based thinking, humans can help life change for the better.
Achilles Books (Achilles Productions) The Wicked Lord Byron
THE WICKED LORD BYRON recreates the soul and voice of Byron, whose unforgettable character marks a defining moment in modern consciousness. The great poet lives his life as if forging his own legend. Self-obsessed yet self-sacrificing, because of the astonishing breadth of his point of view he can always see the funny side of the tragedy of human existence. He evolves into the most iconic personality of the age – with irresistible beauty, poetic genius, outrageous sexuality, and a commitment to the revolution against tyranny in England, Italy and finally Greece. ****On his deathbed in Missolonghi, where he has come to lead part of the Greek army in their war of independence from the Turks, the two halves of Byron’s soul, laughing Dandy and tragic Romantic, split apart and, occasionally arguing over details, relive the life story - a process that might happen to us all at the end. The young Byron has a strange and stressful upbringing - including being sexually initiated by his maid at the age of ten, and living in the shadow of his great uncle the first “Wicked Lord” who killed his best friend in a duel. At Cambridge, where he keeps a bear in his rooms, he is befriended by eminent Dandy and professional gambler Scrope Davies, from whom he derives his sense of style, and the rather more sensible John Cam Hobhouse. ****After taking the “Grand Tour” of Europe he touches on the spirit of the age in the poem CHILDE HAROLD’S PILGRIMAGE and become the first modern celebrity - ludicrously famous around the world, the favoured icon of English high society, the essential guest in a series of balls and fashionable events in Piccadilly. Countless ladies hurl themselves at the handsome poet. But he cannot resist the one forbidden fruit, a romance with his beloved half sister Augusta, with whom he conceives a baby. ******In order to salvage his reputation he makes a disastrous marriage which has the opposite effect - when his prim wife Annabella files for a separation, the resulting scandals cast him down from the pinnacle of the fashionable society he once dominated, and exile him to the turmoil of revolutionary Europe. He considers suicide in the high purity of the Swiss Alps, then makes friends with the poet Percy Shelley and his entourage. On one opium fuelled evening they hold a contest to write a horror story: Mary Shelley begins writing Frankenstein and Byron begins the first vampire novel, the two greatest monsters of fiction born on the same night. *****He goes to Venice and fornicates his way through the most orgiastic high society in the world, where both wives and husbands are allowed to sleep with whoever they please after marriage. But finally the endless promiscuity palls and he decides to "go no more a-roving/ So late into the night." He falls in love with the Contessa TERESA GUICCIOLI, and joins her family in the Italian revolution for independence from Austrian rule. ****When the Italian forces are ruthlessly crushed, he sets up the legendary commune near Pisa with Teresa and family, brother poet Shelley, Mary Shelley, and the piratical adventurer Trelawny. But Shelley’s tragic drowning destroys the little community, prompting him to leave Italy to give his life and fortune to the Greek revolution for independence from the Turks. ****Completing the narrative frame we return to Byron’s deathbed in Missolonghi, where the two halves of his soul, laughing Dandy and tragic Romantic, reach the end of reliving their life together, and finally make peace at the moment of death.
Duke University Press Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology
The editors and contributors to Color of Violence ask: What would it take to end violence against women of color? Presenting the fierce and vital writing of organizers, lawyers, scholars, poets, and policy makers, Color of Violence radically repositions the antiviolence movement by putting women of color at its center. The contributors shift the focus from domestic violence and sexual assault and map innovative strategies of movement building and resistance used by women of color around the world. The volume's thirty pieces—which include poems, short essays, position papers, letters, and personal reflections—cover violence against women of color in its myriad forms, manifestations, and settings, while identifying the links between gender, militarism, reproductive and economic violence, prisons and policing, colonialism, and war. At a time of heightened state surveillance and repression of people of color, Color of Violence is an essential intervention. Contributors. Dena Al-Adeeb, Patricia Allard, Lina Baroudi, Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA), Critical Resistance, Sarah Deer, Eman Desouky, Ana Clarissa Rojas Durazo, Dana Erekat, Nirmala Erevelles, Sylvanna Falcón, Rosa Linda Fregoso, Emi Koyama, Elizabeth "Betita" Martínez, maina minahal, Nadine Naber, Stormy Ogden, Julia Chinyere Oparah, Beth Richie, Andrea J. Ritchie, Dorothy Roberts, Loretta J. Ross, s.r., Puneet Kaur Chawla Sahota, Renee Saucedo, Sista II Sista, Aishah Simmons, Andrea Smith, Neferti Tadiar, TransJustice, Haunani-Kay Trask, Traci C. West, Janelle White
United Nations The least developed countries report 2020: productive capacities for the new decade
LDCs have so far been spared by the worst effects of the health emergency, yet the fallout from COVID-19 has taken its toll on their economies, threatening to roll back progress towards sustainable development, worsening entrenched inequalities, and possibly leading to long-term damage. The ongoing crisis has brought back to the fore the pivotal role of productive capacities for resilience to shocks, as well as for a sustainable and inclusive recovery and sustainable development. The broadening and full utilization of LDC productive capacities remains central to upgrade LDC economic structure, bridge their development gaps vis-á-vis other countries (not only developed but also developing countries) and avert further divergence. Only a handful of LDCs displayed a sustained progress in recent years, thanks to their successfully spurring productive capacities acquisition and shift significant resources towards higher-productivity activities. The majority of LDCs, by contrast, have either advanced at an increasingly sluggish pace, or even fell behind. In the LDCs, the uptake of advanced technologies is still incipient and hindered by a range of factors, from longstanding infrastructural gaps, to skill shortages and political considerations. Bold concerted policies to strengthen LDC productive capacities are as imperative as ever and they should constitute a key pillar of any sustainable recovery and development strategy. Beyond countercyclical policies to cushion the impact of the crisis, this calls for: (i) an investment push to redress long-standing infrastructural gaps and support broader employment creation; (ii) forward-looking science technology and innovation policy frameworks to upgrade the skill basis in line with market needs; (iii) brave industrial and sectoral policies to promote domestic value addition and deepen productive linkages. The international community should play its part, assisting LDC efforts with adequate financial resources, suitable policy space and more effective international support measures, notably in the area of technology transfer
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Spanish TECC: Atención táctica a víctimas en emergencias, segunda edición, manual del curso: Atención táctica a víctimas en emergencias, segunda edición, manual del curso
En el ambiente táctico civil, cada segundo cuenta. TECC: Atención táctica a víctimas en emergencias, segunda edición enseña a los proveedores de atención prehospitalaria cómo responder y atender a pacientes durante una emergencia táctica civil, incluso en tiroteos activos. Este atractivo programa está diseñado para preparar a los proveedores de servicios médicos de emergencia (EMS) para atender pacientes en un entorno táctico. Desarrollada por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT) y aprobado por el Colegio Estadounidense de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons), TECC, segunda edición aborda los dominios actuales de los Servicios Tácticos de Emergencia Médica (Tactical Emergency Medical Services, TEMS) y es consistente con las pautas actuales del Comité sobre TECC. NAEMT es un socio educativo reconocido del Comité de TECC. Componentes del programa dinámico El manual del curso TECC, segunda edición refuerza y clarifica los conceptos clave del curso, tiene un diseño atractivo e interactivo, y está escrito de modo que sienta que está participando en una conversación, en lugar de escuchando una lección. El manual del curso incluye las siguientes características clave: • Compruebe sus conocimientos: aplique los conocimientos presentados en la lección y refuerce sus habilidades de tratamiento de pacientes. • Estaciones de habilidades: revisión paso a paso de cómo utilizar habilidades que salvan vidas en el entorno táctico.
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Agripreneuriat en Afrique: Histoires d'inspiration
Cette publication cherche à encourager les entrepreneurs en herbe en Afrique a? saisir les opportunite?s d’affaires dans le secteur agricole et l’agro-industrie. Elle se veut un outil de promotion, en particulier pour les femmes et les jeunes. La publication, qui analyse les quatre domaines thématiques suivants: la phase d’expansion, l’entrepreneuriat des femmes, l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes et l’entrepreneuriat dans des environnements difficiles, offre aux agripreneurs et aux décideurs politiques des conseils pour les guider dans leur parcours. L’importance strate?gique de l’agriculture, du secteur agroalimentaire et de l’agro- industrie pour la cre?ation d’emplois, la se?curite? alimentaire et nutritionnelle et le de?veloppement e?conomique du continent africain en ge?ne?ral, est de plus en plus reconnue. Les entrepreneurs implique?s dans le secteur agroalimentaire et l’agro- industrie jouent un ro?le déterminant dans le de?veloppement des pays, en introduisant des innovations importantes qui améliorent la productivite? agricole et la vie de nombreuses personnes. À travers les expe?riences de 12 agripreneurs - comme celle de Vimal Shah au Kenya, dont l’activité consiste à fabriquer huiles, graisses comestibles, savons et de?tergents, ou celle de Monica Musonda en Zambie, qui s’occupe de produire des nouilles et des ce?re?ales enrichies -, la publication offre aux agripreneurs des conseils sur la manie?re de surmonter ou de contourner les obstacles potentiels, et aux de?cideurs politiques des conseils sur la manière d’instaurer un environnement propice a? l’agripreneuriat.
Cornell University Press The Devil: A New Biography
"Although the Devil still 'lives' in modern popular culture, for the past 250 years he has become marginal to the dominant concerns of Western intellectual thought. That life could not be thought or imagined without him, that he was a part of the everyday, continually present in nature and history, and active at the depths of our selves, has been all but forgotten. It is the aim of this work to bring modern readers to a deeper appreciation of how, from the early centuries of the Christian period through to the recent beginnings of the modern world, the human story could not be told and human life could not be lived apart from the 'life' of the Devil. With that comes the deeper recognition that, for the better part of the last two thousand years, the battle between good and evil in the hearts and minds of men and women was but the reflection of a cosmic battle between God and Satan, the divine and the diabolic, that was at the heart of history itself."—from The Devil Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub; Ha-Satan or the Adversary; Iblis or Shaitan: no matter what name he travels under, the Devil has throughout the ages and across civilizations been a compelling and charismatic presence. In Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the supposed reign of God has long been challenged by the fiery malice of his opponent, as contending forces of good and evil have between them weighed human souls in the balance. In The Devil, Philip C. Almond explores the figure of evil incarnate from the first centuries of the Christian era. Along the way, he describes the rise of demonology as an intellectual and theological pursuit, the persecution as witches of women believed to consort with the Devil and his minions, and the decline in the belief in Hell and in angels and demons as corporeal beings as a result of the Enlightenment. Almond shows that the Prince of Darkness remains an irresistible subject in history, religion, art, literature, and culture. Almond brilliantly locates the "life" of the Devil within the broader Christian story of which it is inextricably a part; the "demonic paradox" of the Devil as both God's enforcer and his enemy is at the heart of Christianity. Woven throughout the account of the Christian history of the Devil is another complex and complicated history: that of the idea of the Devil in Western thought. Sorcery, witchcraft, possession, even melancholy, have all been laid at the Devil's doorstep. Until the Enlightenment enforced a "disenchantment" with the old archetypes, even rational figures such as Thomas Aquinas were obsessed with the nature of the Devil and the specific characteristics of the orders of demons and angels. It was a significant moment both in the history of demonology and in theology when Benedict de Spinoza (1632–1677) denied the Devil's existence; almost four hundred years later, popular fascination with the idea of the Devil has not yet dimmed.
The University of Alabama Press Cayman's 1794 Wreck of the Ten Sail: Peace, War, and Peril in the Caribbean
The greatest shipwreck disaster in the history of the Cayman Islands. The story has been passed through generations for over two centuries. Details vary depending on who is doing the telling, but all refer to this momentous maritime event as the Wreck of the Ten Sail. Sometimes misunderstood as the loss of a single ship, it was in fact the wreck of ten vessels at once, comprising one of the most dramatic maritime disasters in all of Caribbean naval history. Surviving historical documents and the remains of the wrecked ships in the sea confirm that the narrative is more than folklore. It is a legend based on a historical event in which HMS Convert, formerly L'Inconstante, a recent prize from the French, and 9 of her 58-ship merchant convoy sailing from Jamaica to Britain, wrecked on the jagged eastern reefs of Grand Cayman in 1794. The incident has historical significance far beyond the boundaries of the Cayman Islands. It is tied to British and French history during the French Revolution, when these and other European nations were competing for military and commercial dominance around the globe. The Wreck of the Ten Sail attests to the worldwide distribution of European war and trade at the close of the eighteenth century. In Cayman's 1794 Wreck of the Ten Sail: Peace, War, and Peril in the Caribbean, Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton focuses on the ships, the people, and the wreck itself to define their place in Caymanian, Caribbean, and European history. This well-researched volume weaves together rich oral folklore accounts, invaluable supporting documents found in archives in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and France, and tangible evidence of the disaster from archaeological sites on the reefs of the East End.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Explosive Child [Sixth Edition]: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children
Now in a revised and updated 6th edition, the groundbreaking, research-based approach to understanding and parenting children who frequently exhibit severe fits of temper and other challenging behaviors, from a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the field.What’s an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration—crying, screaming, swearing, kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, destroying property, and worse. A child whose frequent, severe outbursts leave his or her parents feeling frustrated, scared, worried, and desperate for help. Most of these parents have tried everything-reasoning, explaining, punishing, sticker charts, therapy, medication—but to no avail. They can’t figure out why their child acts the way he or she does; they wonder why the strategies that work for other kids don’t work for theirs; and they don’t know what to do instead.Dr. Ross Greene, a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the treatment of kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges, has worked with thousands of explosive children, and he has good news: these kids aren’t attention-seeking, manipulative, or unmotivated, and their parents aren’t passive, permissive pushovers. Rather, explosive kids are lacking some crucial skills in the domains of flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, and problem solving, and they require a different approach to parenting. Throughout this compassionate, insightful, and practical book, Dr. Greene provides a new conceptual framework for understanding their difficulties, based on research in the neurosciences. He explains why traditional parenting and treatment often don’t work with these children, and he describes what to do instead. Instead of relying on rewarding and punishing, Dr. Greene’s Collaborative Problem Solving model promotes working with explosive children to solve the problems that precipitate explosive episodes, and teaching these kids the skills they lack.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lasting Value: Lessons from a Century of Agility at Lincoln Electric
In its 104-year history, Lincoln Electric Company has managed to sustain its status as the world's leader in welding technology despite intense domestic and foreign competition. The company's success can be attributed to founder James Lincoln, who began adopting principles of management that empowered workers and allowed the company to change rapidly to take advantage of new opportunities. This book shows you how to duplicate these pioneering ideas and follow the brilliance of the Lincoln management system. The results of this system include happier customers, more prosperous workers, and richly rewarded shareholders. Joseph Maciariello uncovers Lincoln's approach to management in a systematic manner and demonstrates why the company has been so effective for over a century. You'll discover how Lincoln employs a mutually reinforcing set of management systems that creates a boost in overall performance. When these systems are described and understood in their entirety, you'll see how the company's sustained success is due to its natural development of agility. You'll findout how this agility is connected to its executive leadership, management systems, and cultural environment. And you'll learn how to utilize these principles and techniques in your own company to obtain similar results. The management system detailed in this book has helped Lincoln Electric: * Obtain net sales of over $1.1 billion in 1998 * Grab 40% of the U.S. market for welding machines and products * Double the average return on stock- holder equity in the metals industry * Provide production workers with an average salary that is twice as much as the industry median By implementing this system, you can also experience these strong financial returns for shareholders, an increase in wages for workers, higher productivity, and much more! "Lasting Value is that rarest of books: a "why to" book, a "what to" book, and a "how to" book- its examples deal with manufacturing companies and blue-collar workers. But the lessons have particular force for the new job facing management: building organizations of knowledge workers who perform and who create lasting value." -Peter F. Drucker "In today's world of quarterly expectations and Wall Street's praise for major restructuring, Lasting Value successfully illustrates that long-term shareholder value can occur when corporations are truly customer and employee driven with the highest of motives." -Donald F. Hastings Chairman Emeritus, Lincoln Electric Company "Worthington was founded on the lifelong principles rooted in the Golden Rule and today it represents one of the strongest employee-employer partnerships in American business. We are proud of this important foundation for our company, as it has provided us with lasting value." -John H. McConnell Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Worthington Industries "This book should be on every manager's bookshelf and be required reading at everybusiness school." -F. Kenneth Iverson Chairman Emeritus, NUCOR Corporation "Joe Maciariello's in-depth description and detailed analysis of the Lincoln Electric Company will allow managers (and others) to revisit the powerful lessons this company has offered. Lasting Value is a valuable and practical contribution that should be welcomed by managers everywhere." -Christopher A. Bartlett Daewoo Professor of International Business and Chair, Program for Global Leadership Harvard University "Managers should consider the application of this novel approach to managing their companies. Lincoln Electric has used it successfully for almost 100 years." -Robert N. Anthony Walker Professor of Management Control, Emeritus The Harvard Business School
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Lewond Vardapet. Discours historique: Avec en annexe la Correspondance d'Omar et de Léon
Dans son Discours historique, l'Arménien Lewond raconte comment «Muhammad et ses successeurs conquirent non seulement l'Arménie, mais l'univers». Posant l'expansion de l'islam comme un phénomène universel, l'auteur relate le sort de son pays, depuis la mort de Muhammad et celle d'Héraclius (641), jusqu'en 789. Selon lui, les Arabes ont poursuivi dès le début le dessein de déstructurer la société arménienne, d'exploiter le territoire et les populations soumises, en créant un contexte défavorable à la vie chrétienne. Il apporte ainsi des informations uniques sur l'Arménie, tout en exposant ses propres points de vue sur les califes, les conquêtes, les guerres civiles ou le passage des Omeyyades aux Abbassides. Effectuée sur un texte critique établi par Alexan Hakobian, qui respecte les divisions de chapitres et les titres les plus anciens, la traduction a été conjointement élaborée par Jean-Pierre Mahé et Bernadette Martin-Hisard. Cette dernière est la principale responsable des annotations à caractère historique qui accompagnent la traduction, ainsi que des pages qui lui font suite, consacrées à l'oeuvre de Lewond, sa date et son dessein. Bien des données du texte plaident en faveur de la datation, récemment contestée, à la fin du VIIIe siècle. L'auteur ne s'efforce pas seulement de relater les changements imposés à son pays par l'arrivée des Arabes; il présente aussi sa chronique comme l'Enseignement spirituel qu'on peut attendre d'un théologien s'adressant à des fidèles, désorientés par des événements sans précédent. Au-delà de son interprétation biblique, Lewond, sensible au sort de la population, est un des premiers auteurs arméniens à s'interroger sur la guerre et sur la domination califale: faut-il se révolter, se soumettre ou temporiser? On ne saurait dire avec certitude si son opinion est celle de certains milieux aristocratiques ou des autorités de l'Église, ce qui est le plus probable. Son oeuvre invite aussi à reconsidérer les relations entre monde arménien et monde byzantin au VIIIe siècle. En annexe on trouvera une Correspondance apocryphe d'Omar II et de Léon III, insérée ultérieurement dans le Discours historique de Lewond. La version arménienne de ce débat théologique entre le christianisme et l'islam est présentée, traduite et annotée par Jean-Pierre Mahé, qui a confronté l'arménien à la rédaction arabe de la Lettre d'Omar (IXe-Xe s.).
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Jung-Kirsch Letters: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and James Kirsch
This book charts Carl Gustav Jung’s 33-year (1928-61) correspondence with James Kirsch, adding depth and complexity to the previously published record of the early Jungian movement. Kirsch was a German-Jewish psychiatrist, a first-generation follower of Jung, who founded Jungian communities in Berlin, Tel Aviv, London, and Los Angeles. Their letters tell of heroic survival, brilliant creativity, and the building of generative institutions, but these themes are darkened by personal and collective shadows. The Nazi era looms over the first half of the book, shaping the story in ways that were fateful not only for Kirsch and his career but also for Jung and his. Kirsch trained with Jung and acted as a tutor in Jewish psychology and culture to him. In 1934, fearing that anti-Semitism had seized his teacher, Kirsch challenged Jung to explain some of his publications for the Nazi-dominated Medical Society for Psychotherapy. Jung’s answer convinced Kirsch of his sincerity, and from then on Kirsch defended him fiercely against any allegation of anti-Semitism.We also witness Kirsch’s lifelong struggle with states of archetypal possession: his identification with the interior God-image on the one hand, and with unconscious feminine aspects of his psyche on the other. These complexes were expressed, for Kirsch, in physical symptoms and emotional dilemmas, and they led him into clinical boundary violations which were costly to his analysands, his family and himself. The text of these historical documents is translated with great attention to style and accuracy, and generous editorial scaffolding gives glimpses into the writers’ world. Four appendices are included: two essays by Kirsch, a series of letters between Hilde Kirsch and Jung, and a brief, incisive essay on the Medical Society for Psychotherapy. This revised edition includes primary material that was unavailable when the book was first published, as well as updated footnotes and minor corrections to the translated letters.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Resisting Corporate Corruption: Practical Cases in Business Ethics from Enron through SPACs
Resisting Corporate Corruption The frequently used textbook is now in its 4th edition and includes new case studies on Tesla, VW, Nikola, WeWork, and Theranos. Resisting Corporate Corruption teaches business ethics in a manner very different from the philosophical and legal frameworks that dominate graduate schools. The book offers twenty-seven case studies and eight essays that cover a full range of business practices, controls, and ethics issues. The essays discuss the nature of sound financial controls, root causes of the Financial Crisis, contemporary ethics challenges like ‘Fake it Till You Make It,’ and the evolving nature of whistleblower protections. The cases are framed to instruct students in early identification of ethics problems and how to work such issues within corporate organizations. They also provide would-be whistleblowers with instruction on the challenges they’d face, plus information on the legal protections, and outside supports available should they embark on that course. Some of the cases illustrate how ‘The Young are the Most Vulnerable,’ i.e. short-service employees are most at risk of being sacrificed by an unethical firm. Other cases show the ethical dilemmas facing well-known CEOs and the alternatives they can employ to better combine ethical conduct and sound business strategy. Through these case studies, students should emerge with a practical toolkit that will help them to follow their moral compass. Finally, the cases provide an in-depth look at how a corporation becomes progressively corrupted (Enron), how the Financial Crisis was rooted in ethical decay at institutions as diverse as Countrywide, Goldman Sacks, Citigroup, and Moody’s, and at the ethical challenges that have emerged in the post-crisis, post-Dodd-Frank environment at firms like TESLA, VW, Theranos and WeWork. Audience This text provides practical case study work for business and law students, and employees in the formative stages of their careers. It is intended to help prepare this audience to withstand pressures and adverse cultural influences as they progress along a career path.
University of Pennsylvania Press From Civil Rights to Human Rights: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Struggle for Economic Justice
Martin Luther King, Jr., is widely celebrated as an American civil rights hero. Yet King's nonviolent opposition to racism, militarism, and economic injustice had deeper roots and more radical implications than is commonly appreciated, Thomas F. Jackson argues in this searching reinterpretation of King's public ministry. Between the 1940s and the 1960s, King was influenced by and in turn reshaped the political cultures of the black freedom movement and democratic left. His vision of unfettered human rights drew on the diverse tenets of the African American social gospel, socialism, left-New Deal liberalism, Gandhian philosophy, and Popular Front internationalism. King's early leadership reached beyond southern desegregation and voting rights. As the freedom movement of the 1950s and early 1960s confronted poverty and economic reprisals, King championed trade union rights, equal job opportunities, metropolitan integration, and full employment. When the civil rights and antipoverty policies of the Johnson administration failed to deliver on the movement's goals of economic freedom for all, King demanded that the federal government guarantee jobs, income, and local power for poor people. When the Vietnam war stalled domestic liberalism, King called on the nation to abandon imperialism and become a global force for multiracial democracy and economic justice. Drawing widely on published and unpublished archival sources, Jackson explains the contexts and meanings of King's increasingly open call for "a radical redistribution of political and economic power" in American cities, the nation, and the world. The mid-1960s ghetto uprisings were in fact revolts against unemployment, powerlessness, police violence, and institutionalized racism, King argued. His final dream, a Poor People's March on Washington, aimed to mobilize Americans across racial and class lines to reverse a national cycle of urban conflict, political backlash, and policy retrenchment. King's vision of economic democracy and international human rights remains a powerful inspiration for those committed to ending racism and poverty in our time.
Stanford University Press The Making of Chinese Foreign and Security Policy in the Era of Reform
This volume provides a unique look at the changes in the way Chinese foreign and security policy is made during the reform era, and the implications of those changes for China’s future behavior on the international stage. Bringing together the contributions of more than a dozen scholars who undertook extensive field research in the People’s Republic of China, South Korea, and Taiwan, the book is the most comprehensive, in-depth, and rigorous account of how Chinese foreign and security policy is formulated and implemented. Since the reform era began in the late 1970s, a new and ever-changing mix of forces has been reshaping Chinese foreign and national security policy-making institutions and processes. This volume examines those forces: bureaucratic politics and evolving organizations, changing elite views and skills, an altered domestic agenda, increasingly diverse social forces and public opinion, and the growing complexity of the international system itself, including globalization and multilateral regimes. The analysis goes one step further to look at specific foreign and security policy issues and relationships, including case studies dealing with Korea, Taiwan, the World Trade Organization, and arms control. The volume addresses itself to policy-makers in both the public and private sectors, as well as scholars of China and international relations. It concludes that China’s foreign and national security policy making, as well as its behavior abroad, is largely shaped by the forces of globalization, decentralization, pluralization, and professionalization. But the book also shows how the enduring power of Chinese decision makers and their national interest focus also mould China’s behavior, notably in crises and in major strategic decisions. Looking to the future, the book suggests that the forces of change in the Chinese system offer the possibility, though not the certainty, that China may increasingly fit more comfortably into the international system in the years ahead, though not without frictions and mishaps.
Cornell University Press Differential Diagnoses: A Comparative History of Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France
Although the United States spends 16 percent of its gross domestic product on health care, more than 46 million people have no insurance coverage, while one in four Americans report difficulty paying for medical care. Indeed, the U.S. health care system, despite being the most expensive health care system in the world, ranked thirty-seventh in a comprehensive World Health Organization report. With health care spending only expected to increase, Americans are again debating new ideas for expanding coverage and cutting costs. According to the historian Paul V. Dutton, Americans should look to France, whose health care system captured the World Health Organization's number-one spot. In Differential Diagnoses, Dutton debunks a common misconception among Americans that European health care systems are essentially similar to each other and vastly different from U.S. health care. In fact, the Americans and the French both distrust "socialized medicine." Both peoples cherish patient choice, independent physicians, medical practice freedoms, and private insurers in a qualitatively different way than the Canadians, the British, and many others. The United States and France have struggled with the same ideals of liberty and equality, but one country followed a path that led to universal health insurance; the other embraced private insurers and has only guaranteed coverage for the elderly and the very poor. How has France reconciled the competing ideals of individual liberty and social equality to assure universal coverage while protecting patient and practitioner freedoms? What can Americans learn from the French experience, and what can the French learn from the U.S. example? Differential Diagnoses answers these questions by comparing how employers, labor unions, insurers, political groups, the state, and medical professionals have shaped their nations' health care systems from the early years of the twentieth century to the present day.
Cornell University Press The Eccentric Realist: Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy
During the 2008 election season, the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates both aspired to be understood as foreign policy "realists" in the mold of Henry Kissinger. Kissinger, who is distrusted on the neoconservative right for his skepticism about American exceptionalism and on the liberal left for his amoral, realpolitik approach, once again stood as the sage of foreign relations and the wise man who rises above partisan politics. In The Eccentric Realist, Mario Del Pero questions this depiction of Kissinger. Lauded as the foreign policy realist par excellence, Kissinger, as Del Pero shows, has been far more ideological and inconsistent in his policy formulations than is commonly realized.Del Pero considers the rise and fall of Kissinger's foreign policy doctrine over the course of the 1970s—beginning with his role as National Security Advisor to Nixon and ending with the collapse of détente with the Soviet Union after Kissinger left the scene as Ford's outgoing Secretary of State. Del Pero shows that realism then (not unlike realism now) was as much a response to domestic politics as it was a cold, hard assessment of the facts of international relations. In the early 1970s, Americans were weary of ideological forays abroad; Kissinger provided them with a doctrine that translated that political weariness into foreign policy. Del Pero argues that Kissinger was keenly aware that realism could win elections and generate consensus. Moreover, over the course of the 1970s it became clear that realism, as practiced by Kissinger, was as rigid as the neoconservativism that came to replace it.In the end, the failure of the détente forged by the realists was not the defeat of cool reason at the hands of ideologically motivated and politically savvy neoconservatives. Rather, the force of American exceptionalism, the touchstone of the neocons, overcame Kissinger's political skills and ideological commitments. The fate of realism in the 1970s raises interesting questions regarding its prospects in the early years of the twenty-first century.
Princeton University Press In the Shadow of the Garrison State: America's Anti-Statism and Its Cold War Grand Strategy
War--or the threat of war--usually strengthens states as governments tax, draft soldiers, exert control over industrial production, and dampen internal dissent in order to build military might. The United States, however, was founded on the suspicion of state power, a suspicion that continued to gird its institutional architecture and inform the sentiments of many of its politicians and citizens through the twentieth century. In this comprehensive rethinking of postwar political history, Aaron Friedberg convincingly argues that such anti-statist inclinations prevented Cold War anxieties from transforming the United States into the garrison state it might have become in their absence. Drawing on an array of primary and secondary sources, including newly available archival materials, Friedberg concludes that the "weakness" of the American state served as a profound source of national strength that allowed the United States to outperform and outlast its supremely centralized and statist rival: the Soviet Union. Friedberg's analysis of the U. S. government's approach to taxation, conscription, industrial planning, scientific research and development, and armaments manufacturing reveals that the American state did expand during the early Cold War period. But domestic constraints on its expansion--including those stemming from mean self-interest as well as those guided by a principled belief in the virtues of limiting federal power--protected economic vitality, technological superiority, and public support for Cold War activities. The strategic synthesis that emerged by the early 1960s was functional as well as stable, enabling the United States to deter, contain, and ultimately outlive the Soviet Union precisely because the American state did not limit unduly the political, personal, and economic freedom of its citizens. Political scientists, historians, and general readers interested in Cold War history will value this thoroughly researched volume. Friedberg's insightful scholarship will also inspire future policy by contributing to our understanding of how liberal democracy's inherent qualities nurture its survival and spread.
University of Washington Press Gender and Assimilation in Modern Jewish History: The Roles and Representation of Women
Paula Hyman broadens and revises earlier analyses of Jewish assimilation, which depicted “the Jews” as though they were all men, by focusing on women and the domestic as well as the public realms. Surveying Jewish accommodations to new conditions in Europe and the United States in the years between 1850 and 1950, she retrieves the experience of women as reflected in their writings--memoirs, newspaper and journal articles, and texts of speeches--and finds that Jewish women’s patterns of assimilation differed from men’s and that an examination of those differences exposes the tensions inherent in the project of Jewish assimilation. Patterns of assimilation varied not only between men and women but also according to geographical locale and social class. Germany, France, England, and the United States offered some degree of civic equality to their Jewish populations, and by the last third of the nineteenth century, their relatively small Jewish communities were generally defined by their middle-class characteristics. In contrast, the eastern European nations contained relatively large and overwhelmingly non-middle-class Jewish population. Hyman considers how these differences between East and West influenced gender norms, which in turn shaped Jewish women’s responses to the changing conditions of the modern world, and how they merged in the large communities of eastern European Jewish immigrants in the United States. The book concludes with an exploration of the sexual politics of Jewish identity. Hyman argues that the frustration of Jewish men at their “feminization” in societies in which they had achieved political equality and economic success was manifested in their criticism of, and distancing from, Jewish women. The book integrates a wide range of primary and secondary sources to incorporate Jewish women’s history into one of the salient themes in modern Jewish history, that of assimilation. The book is addressed to a wide audience: those with an interest in modern Jewish history, in women’s history, and in ethnic studies and all who are concerned with the experience and identity of Jews in the modern world.
University of California Press The Making of Fornication: Eros, Ethics, and Political Reform in Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity
This provocative work provides a radical reassessment of the emergence and nature of Christian sexual morality, the dominant moral paradigm in Western society since late antiquity. While many scholars, including Michel Foucault, have found the basis of early Christian sexual restrictions in Greek ethics and political philosophy, Kathy L. Gaca demonstrates on compelling new grounds that it is misguided to regard Greek ethics and political theory--with their proposed reforms of eroticism, the family, and civic order--as the foundation of Christian sexual austerity. Rather, in this thoroughly informed and wide-ranging study, Gaca shows that early Christian goals to eradicate fornication were derived from the sexual rules and poetic norms of the Septuagint, or Greek Bible, and that early Christian writers adapted these rules and norms in ways that reveal fascinating insights into the distinctive and largely non-philosophical character of Christian sexual morality. Writing with an authoritative command of both Greek philosophy and early Christian writings, Gaca investigates Plato, the Stoics, the Pythagoreans, Philo of Alexandria, the apostle Paul, and the patristic Christians Clement of Alexandria, Tatian, and Epiphanes, freshly elucidating their ideas on sexual reform with precision, depth, and originality. Early Christian writers, she demonstrates, transformed all that they borrowed from Greek ethics and political philosophy to launch innovative programs against fornication that were inimical to Greek cultural mores, popular and philosophical alike. The Septuagint's mandate to worship the Lord alone among all gods led to a Christian program to revolutionize Gentile sexual practices, only for early Christians to find this virtually impossible to carry out without going to extremes of sexual renunciation. Knowledgeable and wide-ranging, this work of intellectual history and ethics cogently demonstrates why early Christian sexual restrictions took such repressive ascetic forms, and casts sobering light on what Christian sexual morality has meant for religious pluralism in Western culture, especially among women as its bearers.
Orenda Books The Coral Bride
In this beautiful, lyrical sequel to the critically acclaimed We Were the Salt of the Sea, Detective Moralès finds that a seemingly straightforward search for a missing fisherwoman off Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula is anything but… **SHORTLISTED for Crime Writers of Canada: Best French Crime Novel** **LONGLISTED for the CWA International Dagger** **NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER** 'A riveting story of old enmities, jealousies and friendships that come to light after a woman goes missing in a remote fishing village beautifully atmospheric' Gill Paul 'A haunting murder mystery about how human nature is every bit as dangerous and inscrutable as the sea draws out its suspense to the very last moment' Foreword Reviews _________________ It's not just the sea that holds secrets When an abandoned lobster trawler is found adrift off the coast of Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula, DS Joaquin Moralès begins a straightforward search for the boat's missing captain, Angel Roberts a rare female in a male-dominated world. But Moralès finds himself blocked at every turn by his police colleagues, by fisheries bureaucrats, and by his grown-up son, who has turned up at his door with a host of his own personal problems. When Angel's body is finally discovered, it's clear something very sinister is afoot, and Moralès and son are pulled into murky, dangerous waters, where old resentments run deep. Exquisitely written, with Bouchard's trademark lyrical prose, The Coral Bride evokes the power of the sea on the communities who depend on it, the never-ending struggle between the generations, and an extraordinary mystery at the heart of both. For fans of Ann Cleeves, Annie Proulx, Emma Stonex, Louise Penny and Jane Harper _________________ 'A police procedural like no other marvel at the clever plotting' Crime Fiction Lover 'An absolute joy to read, with as much tension as there is poetry' Le Journal de Montréal 'With a cast of characters you'll engage with and love and a mystery that will have you on edge, Bouchard pulls you into her world wonderful' Michael J. Malone 'Roxanne Bouchard is reinventing the crime novel' Quebec TV 'Emotive and tragically beautiful' Jen Med's Book Reviews 'This is a crime novel but it is also a story about fathers and sons, of strangers in a new land and of women in a man's world a work of distinction' Live & Deadly 'The captivating investigation also conjures up the tides and their mysteries, following the rhythm of the region, the icy course of its autumn tide' Le Devoir 'Beautiful, readable, unforgettable' From Belgium with Booklove 'Characters so vivid, you can hear their voices' The Reading Closet Praise for Roxanne Bouchard: 'Lyrical and elegiac, full of quirks and twists' William Ryan 'Asks questions right from page one' Quentin Bates 'An isolated Canadian fishing community, a missing mother, and some lovely prose. Very impressed by this debut so far' Eva Dolan 'A tour de force of both writing and translation' Su Bristow 'The translation from French has retained a dreamily poetic cast to the language, but it's det-fic for all that ' Sunday Times 'Characters are well-drawn, from Moralès, the cop, and his sturdy inspector, Marlène, to the husky fishermen who were Marie's devoted suitors three decades ago ... An exotic curiosity, raw nugget' Shots Mag
John Wiley & Sons Inc Marketing Unwrapped
"Key skills for marketers in the 21st century, which we have now cautiously embarked upon, conjures up images of great technological advances, of a world utterly transformed, a world perhaps ultimately dominated by Artificial Intelligence. This book thankfully does not indulge in the whole "what might be" debate, but instead sensibly takes a long hard look at where marketing stands today, setting out the key skills marketers must master to succeed over the next decade or so. Written by CIM's Director of Marketing, Ray Perry, in a very accessible, sometimes amusing manner, the book outlines the evolution of marketing basics in the 20th century before swiftly moving on to the issues that face the 21st century marketer. These range from the proliferation of media and the choices this now presents the marketer, to consumers' concerns over privacy and data protection. These and other key themes are outlined, demonstrating how they will impact and shape the marketing function. What becomes clear is that in order to succeed in the future, "marketers will need to be flexible, adaptable and multi-skilled". Pan-marketing, measuring metrics, knowledge management, CRM and integrated supply chain management will all be important, and it is likely many of them will become specialist marketing roles in their own right. The case for each role is argued well and supported by a range of well-researched figures and examples, before giving sound advice on how to execute the role. The chapters on the media marketer and metrics marketer are particularly good. Key skills and competencies are laid out with a useful summary of things to remember.The book will help today's marketers face up to the challenges of the 21st century, and help them develop the marketing skills they need for the new connected economy." --John Ling, The Chartered Institute of Marketing "Ray Perry looks at the wider perspective of new marketing and identifies key success factors - a good read for all marketers" --Andy Jones, Marketing Operations Director, Vauxhall Motors "To business people this is a breath of fresh air, a disciplined and data driven approach to marketing" --Raoul Pinnell, VP Global Brands Communications, Shell International "Marketing Unwrapped captures the key issues and challenges facing marketers today and the wider skill set required as marketing increasingly becomes a boardroom issue." --Debbie Brown, Head of Marketing Communications BT plc The marketing function has long striven to be taken seriously at board level. Much work has been undertaken in recent years to measure the effectiveness of marketing and to make it accountable at 'the bottom line'. However, if marketing is really to find its place at the top of an organization, marketers themselves need to understand and develop some core skills to give credence to their positions. Marketing Unwrapped literally unwraps the role of today's marketer. Ray Perry creates a blueprint for each facet of the marketer's role in relationship to an organization and highlights the key skills, knowledge, disciplines and competencies necessary for marketers to succeed. Compiled in the form of a matrix, this book unwraps the role of a marketer and introduces the range of 'co-functions' from relationship marketer to metrics marketer that the marketer will need to master to succeed in business in the future. This step-by-step guide to developing your own portfolio of skills will give you the confidence to sit at board level with a holistic understanding of the workings of business in general, and a clear idea of the difference you in your marketing capacity can make.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Streetwise Lisbon Map - Laminated City Center Street Map of Lisbon, Portugal: City Plan
REVISED 2023 Streetwise Lisbon Map - Laminated City Center Street Map of Lisbon, Portugal. The accordion-fold pocket size travel map includes an integrated surface tram & metro stations. Coverage includes: Main Lisbon Map 1:8,000 Belem Inset Map 1:8,000 Central Lisbon North Map 1:8,000 Lisbon Area Map 1:46,000 Lisbon Regional Map 1:340,000 Portugal Map 1:3,000,000 Dimensions: 4" x 8.5" folded, 8.5" x 32" unfolded Lisbon, benefiting from an influx of funding from the EU, has reemerged on the world stage as a destination for those seeking the cultural experience of Southern Europe. While it still has a patina of wear and retains an air of shabby chic, renovation and new development are mixing the past with the present to create an alluring juxtaposition of hip boutique hotels in old medieval quarters. The magnificent Praça do Commercial by the river Tejo is the center of the city and reflects the atmosphere of this historic maritime center. Heading east, you'll walk through the Alfama with its Moorish past, and up the rising hillside to the dominating presence of the castle of St. George. The pastel houses of the Bairro Alto line up like sunwashed Easter eggs. There's a terrific panoramic view from the park on Rua de San Pedro that shouldn't be missed. Additional must see visits are to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, with one of the best art collections in Europe, and to Bélem to see the Cultural Centre, and the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, the monastery commemorating Portugal s seagoing superiority. Take the metro D line or a taxi up to the Parque das Naçoes, home of Expo 98 and now a splendid outdoor vista with shops, restaurants and one of the most stunning Aquariums on earth, the Oceanarium. The STREETWISE® Lisbon map, including the Lisbon Area map, pulls all of these sites plus hotels, and metro stations together to help you navigate and enjoy your visit to Lisbon. The Lisbon Region map will guide you on day trips west of the city along the beautiful Costa Estoril to Cascais, Estoril and Sintra. And finally, a map of Portugal facilitates further exploration of the beautiful countryside. Our pocket size map of Lisbon is laminated for durability and accordion folding for effortless use. To enhance your visit to Lisbon, check out the Michelin Green Guide to Portugal which details sites and attractions using the famed Michelin star-rating system so you can prioritize your trip based on your time and interest. For a selection of the best restaurants and hotels, buy the red MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe. For driving or to plan your trip to and from Lisbon, use the Michelin Portugal Road and Tourist Map No. 733.
Rutgers University Press The Great Disappearing Act: Germans in New York City, 1880-1930
Where did all the Germans go? How does a community of several hundred thousand people become invisible within a generation? This study examines these questions in relation to the German immigrant community in New York City between 1880-1930, and seeks to understand how German-American New Yorkers assimilated into the larger American society in the early twentieth century. By the turn of the twentieth century, New York City was one of the largest German-speaking cities in the world and was home to the largest German community in the United States. This community was socio-economically diverse and increasingly geographically dispersed, as upwardly mobile second and third generation German Americans began moving out of the Lower East Side, the location of America’s first Kleindeutschland (Little Germany), uptown to Yorkville and other neighborhoods. New York’s German American community was already in transition, geographically, socio-economically, and culturally, when the anti-German/One Hundred Percent Americanism of World War I erupted in 1917. This book examines the structure of New York City’s German community in terms of its maturity, geographic dispersal from the Lower East Side to other neighborhoods, and its ultimate assimilation to the point of invisibility in the 1920s. It argues that when confronted with the anti-German feelings of World War I, German immigrants and German Americans hid their culture – especially their language and their institutions – behind closed doors and sought to make themselves invisible while still existing as a German community. But becoming invisible did not mean being absorbed into an Anglo-American English-speaking culture and society. Instead, German Americans adopted visible behaviors of a new, more pluralistic American culture that they themselves had helped to create, although by no means dominated. Just as the meaning of “German” changed in this period, so did the meaning of “American” change as well, due to nearly 100 years of German immigration.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology
This textbook explains Technology Roadmapping, in both its development and practice, and illustrates the underlying theory of, and empirical evidence for, technologic evolution over time afforded by this strategy. The book contains a rich set of examples and practical exercises from a wide array of domains in applied science and engineering such as transportation, energy, communications, and medicine. Professor de Weck gives a complete review of the principles, methods, and tools of technology management for organizations and technologically-enabled systems, including technology scouting, roadmapping, strategic planning, R&D project execution, intellectual property management, knowledge management, partnering and acquisition, technology transfer, innovation management, and financial technology valuation. Special topics also covered include Moore’s law, S-curves, the singularity and fundamental limits to technology. Ideal for university courses in engineering, management, and business programs, as well as self-study or online learning for professionals in a range of industries, readers of this book will learn how to develop and deploy comprehensive technology roadmaps and R&D portfolios on diverse topics of their choice. Introduces a unique framework, Advanced Technology Roadmap Architecture (ATRA), for developing quantitative technology roadmaps and competitive R&D portfolios through a lucid and rigorous step-by-step approach; Elucidates the ATRA framework through analysis which was validated on an actual $1 billion R&D portfolio at Airbus, leveraging a pedagogy significantly beyond typical university textbooks and problem sets; Reinforces concepts with in-depth case studies, practical exercises, examples, and thought experiments interwoven throughout the text; Maximizes reader competence on how to explicitly link strategy, finance, and technology. The book follows and supports the MIT Professional Education Courses “Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development,” and “Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis”
Peeters Publishers Le Langage Mental Du Moyen Age a L'Age Classique
La connaissance du monde s'exprime en propositions, que celles-ci soient considerees, selon les theories, comme objets ou comme moyens de la science. Le probleme de la relation entre ces entites linguistiques et les representations mental (intellections, intentions, concepts...) a une longue histoire qui remonte au traite De l'interpretation d'Aristote et aux commentaires de Boece. Apres Guillaume d'Ockham, en effet, l'idee de langage mental est certes une hypothese qui a acquis force et consistance, mais tous les problemes lies a la structuration de la pensee et au rapport entre le langage parle et la pensee ne sont pas resolus. Des questions surgissent sur la structuration meme de ce langage.Le colloque organise a Tours du 1er au 3 decembre 2005 sous les auspices de la Fondation europeenne de la science (European Science Foundation) avait l'ambition de parcourir ces questions en repartant d'Augustin qui est l'initiale medievale du probleme, et en suivant cette histoire jusqu'a l'aube des Temps modernes. Ce parcours historique donc fait une part importante au Moyen Age tardif, a la Renaissance et au XVIIe siecle. En meme temps, notre ambition etait aussi d'approfondir certains enjeux proprement philosophiques de ce parcours. L'horizon general est la question : est-il possible de considerer le domaine de la pensee comme etant structure a la maniere d'un langage, et par quels moyens conceptuels penser cela ? Comment cette idee peut-elle cesser d'etre metaphorique pour devenir un veritable instrument conceptuel d'investigation des procedures de pensee ? Comment les theories du Moyen Age tardif, de la Renaissance, des debuts des Temps modernes, peuvent elles etre mises en relation avec l'idee contemporaine du " langage de la pensee " ? Dans le meme temps l'emergence de l'idee medievale de langage mental remet en cause ou transforme certains usages de l'intention et de l'etre intentionnel tels qu'ils s'etaient imposes au tournant des XIIIe et XIVe siecles. Les problemes concernant le rapport entre intentions premieres et intentions secondes, intentions concretes et intentions abstraites, disparaissent ou sont considerablement transformes. Comment relier ces transfomations a l'idee contemporaine (ou aux idees contemporaines) d'intentionnalite ? Si l'idee medievale d'intention recouvre parfois le contenu mental, elle peut aussi designer un aspect de la chose, vise par la pensee. Si l'intentionnalite caracterise les entites mentales comme pensees de quelque chose, quel est le rapport entre cette intentionnalite et la semanticite du langage ? Enfin, les developpements sur le langage mental et ses remises en cause ulterieures nous conduisent a nous interroger sur les usages classiques de la notion de " representation ", une idee qui est elle aussi sinon equivoque du moins polysemique. La notion gagne en importance tant sur un plan metaphysique general (notamment avec Duns Scot) que dans certaines theories logiques et semantiques du XIVe siecle. Mais est-ce dans le meme sens qu'on la retrouvera au XVIIe siecle ?
Archaeopress Living Opposite to the Hospital of St John: Excavations in Medieval Northampton 2014
Living Opposite to the Hospital of St John: Excavations in Medieval Northampton 2014 presents the results of archaeological investigations undertaken on the site of new county council offices being built between St. John’s street and Angel Street, Northampton in 2014. The location was of interest as it lay directly opposite the former medieval hospital of St. John, which influenced the development of this area of the town. Initially open ground situated outside the Late Saxon burh, the area was extensively quarried for ironstone during the earlier part of the 12th century, and by the mid-12th century, a few dispersed buildings began to appear. Domestic pits and a bread oven were located to the rear of Angel Street along with a carver’s workshop, which, amongst other goods, produced high-quality antler chess pieces. This workshop is currently without known parallel. The timber workshop was refurbished once and then replaced in stone by the mid-13th century. During the late 12th and early part of the 13th centuries, brewing and baking were undertaken in the two plots adjacent to the workshop. A stone building with a cobbled floor lay towards the centre of the St. John’s street frontage, and behind the building were four wells, a clay-lined tank for water drawn from the well, and several ovens, including at least two bread ovens and three malting ovens. This activity ceased at around the time that the carver’s workshop was replaced in stone, and much of the frontage was cleared. Subsequently, although there was still one building standing on St. John’s street in the early 15th century, the former cleared ground was gradually incorporated back into the plots, perhaps as gardens adjoining the surviving late medieval tenement. The stone tenement was extended and refurbished in the late 15th century and was occupied until c. 1600. Another building was established on Fetter Street after c. 1450 but had disappeared by c. 1550. However, this is the first archaeological indication for the existence of Fetter Street, and further demarcation occurred in this period with a rear boundary ditch being established along the back of the Angel Street plot, separating the land to the south. In the 17th–18th centuries, the area was covered by the dark loamy soils of gardens and orchards until the construction of stables and terraced buildings on the site, which would stand into the Victorian period and beyond.
WW Norton & Co Lincoln's Greatest Case: The River, the Bridge, and the Making of America
In the early hours of May 6, 1856, the steamboat Effie Afton barreled into a pillar of the Rock Island Bridge—the first railroad bridge ever to span the Mississippi River. Soon after, the newly constructed vessel, crowded with passengers and livestock, erupted into flames and sank in the river below, taking much of the bridge with it. As lawyer and Lincoln scholar Brian McGinty dramatically reveals in Lincoln's Greatest Case, no one was killed, but the question of who was at fault cried out for an answer. Backed by powerful steamboat interests in St. Louis, the owners of the Effie Afton quickly pressed suit, hoping that a victory would not only prevent the construction of any future bridges from crossing the Mississippi but also thwart the burgeoning spread of railroads from Chicago. The fate of the long-dreamed-of transcontinental railroad lurked ominously in the background, for if rails could not cross the Mississippi by bridge, how could they span the continent all the way to the Pacific? The official title of the case was Hurd et al. v. The Railroad Bridge Company, but it could have been St. Louis v. Chicago, for the transportation future of the whole nation was at stake. Indeed, was it to be dominated by steamboats or by railroads? Conducted at almost the same time as the notorious Dred Scott case, this new trial riveted the nation’s attention. Meanwhile, Abraham Lincoln, already well known as one of the best trial lawyers in Illinois, was summoned to Chicago to join a handful of crack legal practitioners in the defense of the bridge. While there, he succesfully helped unite the disparate regions of the country with a truly transcontinental rail system and, in the process, added to the stellar reputation that vaulted him into the White House less than four years later. Re-creating the Effie Afton case from its unlikely inception to its controversial finale, McGinty brilliantly animates this legal cauldron of the late 1850s, which turned out to be the most consequential trial in Lincoln's nearly quarter century as a lawyer. Along the way, the tall prairie lawyer's consummate legal skills and instincts are also brought to vivid life, as is the history of steamboat traffic on the Mississippi, the progress of railroads west of the Appalachians, and the epochal clashes of railroads and steamboats at the river’s edge. Lincoln's Greatest Case is legal history on a grand scale and an essential first act to a pivotal Lincoln drama we did not know was there.
New York University Press Making Judaism Safe for America: World War I and the Origins of Religious Pluralism
Honorable Mention, 2019 Saul Viener Book Prize, given by the American Jewish Historical Society A compelling story of how Judaism became integrated into mainstream American religion In 1956, the sociologist Will Herberg described the United States as a “triple-melting pot,” a country in which “three religious communities - Protestant, Catholic, Jewish – are America.” This description of an American society in which Judaism and Catholicism stood as equal partners to Protestantism begs explanation, as Protestantism had long been the dominant religious force in the U.S. How did Americans come to embrace Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism as “the three facets of American religion?”Historians have often turned to the experiences of World War II in order to explain this transformation. However, World War I’s impact on changing conceptions of American religion is too often overlooked. This book argues that World War I programs designed to protect the moral welfare of American servicemen brought new ideas about religious pluralism into structures of the military. Jessica Cooperman shines a light on how Jewish organizations were able to convince both military and civilian leaders that Jewish organizations, alongside Christian ones, played a necessary role in the moral and spiritual welfare of America’s fighting forces. This alone was significant, because acceptance within the military was useful in modeling acceptance in the larger society. The leaders of the newly formed Jewish Welfare Board, which became the military’s exclusive Jewish partner in the effort to maintain moral welfare among soldiers, used the opportunities created by war to negotiate a new place for Judaism in American society. Using the previously unexplored archival collections of the JWB, as well as soldiers’ letters, memoirs and War Department correspondence, Jessica Cooperman shows that the Board was able to exert strong control over expressions of Judaism within the military. By introducing young soldiers to what it saw as appropriately Americanized forms of Judaism and Jewish identity, the JWB hoped to prepare a generation of American Jewish men to assume positions of Jewish leadership while fitting comfortably into American society. This volume shows how, at this crucial turning point in world history, the JWB managed to use the policies and power of the U.S. government to advance its own agenda: to shape the future of American Judaism and to assert its place as a truly American religion.
University of Toronto Press Canada's Prime Ministers: Macdonald to Trudeau - Portraits from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Prime ministers, the central figures in parliamentary government and the leaders of political parties, fill dominant roles in Canada's political history. Their importance is recognized in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada by the space devoted to them. Each political leader is presented by a notable Canadian scholar who, following the rigorous standards of research, writing, and critical judgement set by the DCB/DBC, has brought life and understanding to the careers of the individuals who have served in Canada's pre-eminent political office. Canada's Prime Ministers brings these well-written biographies together for the first time in order to provide readers with an opportunity to reflect on the striking variety of personalities who have succeeded in climbing the summit of Canada's public life and the different challenges they faced in their determination to stay there. What insights into the workings of our public life do the biographies of these fifteen leaders provide? Did these very different men have anything in common that determined their success? The DCB/DBC biographies make it clear that although there is no standard mould that shapes Canadian prime ministers, prime ministerial success depends on both "character and circumstance." The biographies suggest that one of the only commonalities between the prime ministers was an unstable mixture of personal ambition and a sense of obligation toward their country and their political party. Pragmatism in making policy and in devising strategies of survival, rather than principle or ideology, often seems the guiding determinant in the success of Canada's federal political leaders. For a Canadian prime minister there is usually no higher ground than the claim to be the defender of national unity against threats of disruption and disintegration. In addition to these themes, the DCB/DBC's fifteen biographies of Canada's prime ministers is also an important historical reference tool, providing details about personal lives, sketches of close associates, a narrative of major events, and an assessment of accomplishments and failures set against the backdrop of economic and demographic growth, the social crisis of depressions, and the impact of world events. Together, they recreate the political and social panorama stretching from the campaign for confederation in 1867 to the struggle to entrench the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the new Constitution of 1982. Told through the lives of Canada's leading politicians this is a remarkable, engrossing, documented account of modern Canadian history.
Taylor & Francis Inc Internet Resources on Weight Loss and Obesity
A seasoned medical librarian provides top Internet resources on health, eating, and nutrition!Obesity has reached epidemic proportions not only in the United States, but also around the world. How does someone with weight loss questions find the most up-to-date information available to make informed health decisions? Internet Resources on Weight Loss and Obesity provides you with a comprehensive list of the best Web sites, already evaluated for your convenience. The book helps you locate the correct information you need on obesity and ways to combat itsaving you time from having to resort to Google® or other search engines. This valuable guide, written by a seasoned medical librarian, explains the dynamic nature of the Internet, how to correctly use it, how to easily find, evaluate, and use the latest health information on weight loss, and even how to detect medical fraud.Internet Resources on Weight Loss and ObesityInternet Resources on Weight Loss and Obesity provides important advice and instruction on mining information on this difficult health issue, and includes dozens of Web addresses that offer appropriate, free of charge information. The resource also explains ways to find additional information and support you may need using discussion groups, chat rooms, mailing lists, and newsgroups. Web sites are provided on diet and nutrition, health and diet assessment, eating disorders, obesity, weight-loss programs, bariatric (weight loss) surgery, available medications, spas and residential diet programs, and recipe information. This guide is written in clear, understandable language that even the Internet beginner can use, and provides vital information and help to anyone looking to lose weight and change his or her life.In Internet Resources on Weight Loss and Obesity, you will learn: how to determine whether medical and nutrition information is factual how to locate helpful Web sites where to begin researching particular diets or weight loss methods how to evaluate a Web site how to detect outright medical fraud when and how to use search engines what is the significance of Web site address domains proper etiquette in Internet discussion groups Internet Resources on Weight Loss and Obesity is a handy, easy-to-use resource that is invaluable to librarians, Internet users, or anyone needing important health information concerning weight loss and obesity.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Closing the Execution Gap: How Great Leaders and Their Companies Get Results
CLOSING THE EXECUTION GAP Once upon a time strategy was king. Leaders immersed themselves in the matter of planning how best to achieve their company's goals. The subject dominated the attention of senior executives and the writings of consultants and management gurus. Experts of various stripes weighed in on how to put strategic planning processes in place and transform employees at all levels into strategic thinkers. Naturally, leaders assumed all this strategizing would pay off. And yet, for too many organizations the promised results never came to pass. Quite simply, they couldn't execute. Now, the business world has shifted its focus to the consistent delivery of results. If an organization can't execute its plans and initiatives, nothing else matters: not the most solid, well thought-out strategy, not the most innovative business model, not even technological breakthroughs that could transform an industry. As it turns out, the "conventional wisdom" about what it takes to implement strategy and deliver results isn't all that wise. So what really differentiates the companies that are able to get things done day-to-day and deliver consistent results? The answer is found in the pages of Richard Lepsinger's ground-breaking book, Closing the Execution Gap. Based on extensive research and years of practical experience, the book outlines five prerequisites for effective execution and five "Bridges" that differentiate companies that do it best. It also describes six "Bridge Builders" leaders at all levels can use to close the execution gap in their company or team and help people get things done. Specifically, it addresses: What really gets in the way of getting things donefor individuals, teams and entire companies What leaders can do to enhance their organization's ability to close the execution gap and achieve solid business results What it takes to consistently execute plans and initiatives at a day-to-day operational level The book features many case studies of companies that have a track record of effective execution (Hewlett-Packard, Costco, Procter & Gamble) and those who have struggled with closing the gap between creating a vision and delivering results (Dell, American Airlines, GM). As the business world becomes more competitive and less forgiving, execution matters more than ever. This is a book for the times we live inand one that for many companies could mean the difference between success and failure.
Edition Axel Menges Beauty Design: Cosmetics as Intention & Conception
Text in English & German. Cosmetically-enhanced beauty is something that has existed for decades. Over the course of the last century, however, a cosmetics industry has arisen that is worth millions. Its products claim to optimise visual appearance, to bestow inner and outer health and to delay aging, under a veneer of medical credibility and reliable results. Cosmetics deals in alleged 'deep-acting' substances, which are supposed to detoxify and to purify the body from within. However, the whole arsenal of cosmetic ingredients is founded more on persuasion than conviction. Cosmetics is always a matter of mimicking an ideal. To this extent, cosmetic discourse deals in what might be described as an iconography of hunger -- it requires and is predicated upon a feeling of lack. At the same time, it promises to remedy that lack. The referential frame for cosmetics is constituted by cultural history and iconology, by semiotics and sociology, by psychology and rhetoric. Like fashion, it has called into being a linguistic system of considerable depth and complexity; one that draws its subtexts from futurology and history, from medicine and alchemy, from nostalgia and from heritage preservation. Cosmetics are supposed to make one more attractive and more seductive -- to make one positively irresistible, in fact. Cosmetics hold out the prospect of sexiness to women and men alike. All that one has to do is to acquire the right creams and lotions, the right palette of powders and rouges, of lipsticks and mascara, and one has a form of beauty that can be bought! The persuasive power of cosmetics is as dominant as it is irresistible. All of us could resist it if we wished to. And yet we don't wish to. This book exposes the rhetorical system behind the promises of cosmetics in terms of the histories of cultures and of mentalities, analysing the verbal/visual messages of selected examples. The internationally known architecture and design historian Volker Fischer was deputy director of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main for over ten years. Since 1995 he has built up a new design department in the Museum for Applied Arts in Frankfurt; in addition to his museum work he teaches history of architecture and design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach. Volker Fischer is already represented in Edition Axel Menges by books on Stefan Wewerka, Richard Meier, the Commerzbank in Frankfurt by Norman Foster, Hall 3 of Messe Frankfurt am Main by Nicholas Grimshaw, and the design activities of Lufthansa.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Anarchies in Collision
The debates concerning global terrorism focus on "radical Islam" and the way it can be "moderated" or pacified by appeals to its peaceful side. These debates include the discussion of the clash of civilisations, tolerance and its limits, and military means to defeat the perpetrators. Such cultural clashes appear in various parts of the globe, including India, Pakistan, and even among sects of the same civilizations. This monograph explores the nature of these cultural clashes and the resurgence of global terror to look at a more fundamental set of issues, including the misguided search for truth, resulting in Western post-modernism and "post-truth", spanning the globe in the guise of multi-culturalism. The analysis of this context leads to questioning the basic composition of civilisations, their compatibility, and radical differences, leading to a dimension of awareness that has not been addressed by scholars studying civilisations. What is at issue is the inevitable "anarchistic terror," which includes most unpredictable acts by "unsuspected" individuals, not only from Islam, but also by those emboldened by a specific mode of awareness. This level "dissolves" the various claims that the fundamental clash is among civilizations and points to two, modern, Western levels of this dissolution: literature and theory. The former calls for the collapse of anything resembling features of the world that are accessible to human awareness. The second level places the world at an arbitrary service for human "needs". The result is made manifest by the claims from anarchistic terrorists that the modern West is "Satanic" and destructive of the created order of all things, which is a totally anarchistic point of view, while the answer from the modern West points to the fundamental anarchism of those who terrorise "Western" ways. The analysis of this context shows that both sides are anarchistic and face an inevitable collision without any possible justification. The collision is designed to unfold into a final domain that requires an "ontological" account of how such a collision in human life is possible, without relying on previously inadequate explanations. The text includes contemporary "turmoil" in global relationships, the various trends toward "autocracy" and "strong man" solutions to our predicaments. Such tendencies appear in the phenomenon of the conjunction of state and religion, so well pronounced in Russia, in Confucian China, the Middle East, the United States, and in European nations. It is to be noted that such solutions do not depend only on personality cults, but above all, on "legitimating" their stories. The point is that such stories are equally anarchistic.
City Lights Books More Gone: City Lights Spotlight No. 18
A scion of the New York School, Edmund Berrigan grew up in and around poetry. More Gone, number 18 in the Spotlight Poetry Series, is his first full-length collection in a decade, as well as the first to follow-up to his well-received memoir Can It!Written in a distinctive mix of New York quotidian and post-Language abstraction, More Gone documents the poet’s search for domestic tranquility amidst the city that never sleeps. Berrigan draws on a variety of materials, from songs to found language, assembling them into poems of oblique humor and wry perspective on the challenges of everyday existence. These poems aren’t anecdotes or confessions so much as objects in their own right, even as they remain rooted in a recognizable urban landscape: “Mostly, the city is begging for love, grieving, / or telling us to back the fuck off.” "In More Gone, Eddie Berrigan shows so much writing savvy it has long sleeves, on which he wears his heart. There are poems with strategic non sequiturs which yield an inherent logic that convinces and leads to unfamiliar perceptions. There are multi-line riffs during which he works the count, throwing three or four different pitches. The last will look like a fastball, but it's a slider, low and away, and down you go. In simpler compositions he redirects you with subtle shifts of time and context. He includes himself, which gives a poem its worth. A vulnerable and movingly confident self. He impresses with deep impressions."—John Godfrey "The language employed in Edmund Berrigan's More Gone infuses itself on the lateral plane, variegated as it is by glints from particulars that rely 'on sensory input to motion.' He teases beauty out of terminus via tenuous electrification. One feels clarity evince itself through an opaque psychic transparency, a transparency that magically filters lingual seepage. Thus, our consciousness is marked by an incremental elevation providing us with an experience of language that engages our capacity to cast greater light on the stark complexity that we optically imbibe as daily reality."—Will Alexander "Edmund Berrigan's poems may be 'more gone,' but they are also more here. 'Anxious, patient and sentient,' they happen at an intimate core of self, family, community, and world, webbing out in all our neighboring shades and activities of being, where experience glitches and knits. They are rollercoastery, beautiful, knowing, revelatory, and real."—Eleni Sikelianos
Casemate Publishers Ghost Patrol: A History of the Long Range Desert Group 1940–1945
The origins of most of the west’s Special Forces can be traced back to the Long Range Desert Group which operated across the limitless expanses of the Libyan Desert, an area the size of India, during the whole of the Desert War from 1940 – 1943. After the defeat of the Axis in North Africa they adapted to serve in the Mediterranean, the Greek islands, Albania, Yugoslavia and Greece. They became the stuff of legend. The brainchild of Ralph Bagnold, a pre-war desert explorer, featured, in fictional terms in The English Patient, who put all of his expertise into the creation of a new and, by the standards of the day, highly unorthodox unit. Conventional tactical thinking shunned the deep heart of the vast desert as it was thought to be a different planet, a harsh, inhospitable wilderness where British forces could not possibly survive even less operate effectively. Bagnold, Pat Clayton and Bill Kennedy Shaw created a whole new type of warfare.Using specially adapted vehicles and the techniques they’d learned in the‘30s, recruiting only men of the right temperament and high levels of fitness and endurance, the first patrols set out bristling with automatic weapons. The 30-cwt Chevy truck and the famous Jeep have become iconic, the LRDG, in a dark hour, was the force which took the fight to the enemy, roving over the deep desert – a small raider’s paradise, attacking enemy convoys and outposts, destroying aircraft and supplies, forcing the Axis to expend more and more resources protecting their vulnerable lines.Their work was often dangerous, always taxing, exhausting and uncomfortable. They were a new breed of soldier. The Axis never managed to equip any similar unit, they never escaped their fear of the scorching wilderness. Once the desert war was won they transferred their skills to the Mediterranean sector, re-training as mountain guerrillas, serving in the ill-fated Dodecanese campaign, then in strife torn Albania, Yugoslavia and Greece, fighting alongside the mercurial partisans at a time the Balkans were sliding towards communist domination or civil war.In addition LRDG worked alongside the fledgling SAS and they established, beyond all doubt, the value of highly trained Special Forces, a legacy which resonates today.
Harvard University Press The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets
A Financial Times Book of the YearA ProMarket Book of the Year“Superbly argued and important…Donald Trump is in so many ways a product of the defective capitalism described in The Great Reversal. What the U.S. needs, instead, is another Teddy Roosevelt and his energetic trust-busting. Is that still imaginable? All believers in the virtues of competitive capitalism must hope so.”—Martin Wolf, Financial Times“In one industry after another…a few companies have grown so large that they have the power to keep prices high and wages low. It’s great for those corporations—and bad for almost everyone else.”—David Leonhardt, New York Times“Argues that the United States has much to gain by reforming how domestic markets work but also much to regain—a vitality that has been lost since the Reagan years…His analysis points to one way of making America great again: restoring our free-market competitiveness.”—Arthur Herman, Wall Street JournalWhy are cell-phone plans so much more expensive in the United States than in Europe? It seems a simple question, but the search for an answer took one of the world’s leading economists on an unexpected journey through some of the most hotly debated issues in his field. He reached a surprising conclusion: American markets, once a model for the world, are giving up on healthy competition.In the age of Silicon Valley start-ups and millennial millionaires, he hardly expected this. But the data from his cutting-edge research proved undeniable. In this compelling tale of economic detective work, we follow Thomas Philippon as he works out the facts and consequences of industry concentration, shows how lobbying and campaign contributions have defanged antitrust regulators, and considers what all this means. Philippon argues that many key problems of the American economy are due not to the flaws of capitalism or globalization but to the concentration of corporate power. By lobbying against competition, the biggest firms drive profits higher while depressing wages and limiting opportunities for investment, innovation, and growth. For the sake of ordinary Americans, he concludes, government needs to get back to what it once did best: keeping the playing field level for competition. It’s time to make American markets great—and free—again.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Political Women: Fifteen Campaigns that Changed Twenty-First-Century Britain
The lives of women changed immeasurably during the twentieth century, not just because of technological and economic advances, but as a result of a multiplicity of small and large, local, national and international political campaigns by women. The activities of the Edwardian suffrage campaigns are the most well-known example of this, but in less well-known, political struggles women fought with equal tenacity, sacrifice, and inventiveness, to demand, for example, equal pay, analgesics for women and childbirth, an end to virginity testing at airports or wages for housework. This book focuses on 15 such campaigns and the thousands of women who sought to influence decision making, exercise and challenge power in the twentieth century. These political activities were sometimes small-scale and short-lived or seemingly unsuccessful but together they helped to bring about immeasurable changes in women’s lives during the twentieth century. With limited financial resources and hefty domestic responsibilities, women have often chosen to pick their political battles very carefully. Some fought for workers’ rights or the right to education, some prioritised stopping male violence on the streets, in the home or between nations, others like Radcliffe Hall campaigned so women could define their own sexuality. Women organised self-help childcare, rape crisis centres and peace camps. They set up birth control clinics and women’s refuges. Ordinary women took on exploitive landlords, immigration officers, international companies, local councils, the media and successive governments. A few of the hundreds of thousands of these political women, like Maggie Wintringham and Nancy Astor, were MPs; others became local councillors. However, women’s access to traditional areas of political power was limited, even when Britain had its first woman prime minister in 1979, she was one of only 19 women MPs in parliament. Consequently, women sought other spheres of activity through which to fight for change, using all the resources and imagination at their disposal to challenge injustice and abuse. They employed deeds and words, petitions and protests, legal and illegal devices, peaceful and violent strategies to further their political aims. Their motivations and contributions were varied, many made sacrifices to be involved in political battles, but this book seeks to celebrate some of these unsung heroines who tried to make a difference.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Sydney
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring Sydney.Marvel at the iconic silhouette of the Sydney Opera House, take surfing lessons on Bondi Beach or sip coffee in one of the many bustling cafes lining Darling Harbour: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Sydney with this indispensable travel guide.Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Sydney:- Over 20 colour maps help you navigate with ease- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of Sydney, designed for every interest and budget- Illustrations and area plans show in detail the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Art Gallery of New South Wales, the Powerhouse Museum and more- Colour photographs of major sights, incredible architecture, fascinating museums, historic streets, stunning parks and more- Detailed chapters, with area maps, cover the Rocks and Circular Quay, City Centre, Darling Harbour and Surry Hills, Botanic Garden and the Domain, Kings Cross and Darlinghurst, and Paddington- Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about the city's history, architecture, museums and galleries, parks and reserves, and the festivals that take place throughout the year- Experience Sydney with features on the city's cosmopolitan culture, its sports and its beaches - Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus transport, visa and health information DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Sydney is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your visit to Sydney.DK Eyewitness: winner of the Top Guidebook Series in the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards 2017. "No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The IndependentPlanning to explore beyond Sydney? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Australia.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Peeters Publishers Die Grabreliefs Aus Dem Bosporanischen Reich
The book discusses the grave stelai and grave reliefs from the Bosporan kingdom. Occupying the eastern Crimea and the Taman Peninsula on the northern shore of the Black Sea, this ancient Greek state was situated in an important contact zone of the ancient Greek world. The permanent interaction of Greeks and indigenous peoples (the Scythians, others and later the Sarmatians) in this region resulted in a dynamic local culture. Subjected to long-term acculturation processes, this culture reflected elements of Greek and indigenous traditions. In this respect, the grave stelai erected in Bosporan necropoleis and their numerous relief depictions dating from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century AD are a unique source: they provide us not only with pictorial evidence for local identities, but are, ultimately, also of great value for our understanding of the development and transformation of this local culture in general. The book deals with problems of typology, stylistic developments and the (re-)evaluation of the chronology of the reliefs. A major part focuses on analysis of imagery of relief stelai (mainly from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD) and the development and originality of the iconography compared with monuments from Greece, Asia Minor and the neighbouring Greek cities of the northern Pontic region (e.g. Chersonesos). Increasingly dominant local iconographic solutions, such as the famous depictions of horsemen or soldiers, are discussed and are interpreted in the context of role-models and value-systems. Particular attention is also paid to questions concerning the validity of ethnic interpretations and the reflexes and deliberate use of contemporary local material culture in iconography. In addition, an attempt is made to embed the monuments in the context of the local funerary culture, i.e. the contemporary Bosporan necropoleis with their manifold forms of sepulchral self-representation. Consideration of epigraphic and literary evidence seeks to shed further light on the cultural and social dimension of these developments and phenomena. A comprehensive catalogue of over 1200 published grave monuments, including detailed descriptions, bibliographical references and information about find-spots etc. (based on analysis of literature and study in relevant archives and museums) completes the publication.
Rowman & Littlefield On the Brink of Civil War: The Compromise of 1850 and How It Changed the Course of American History
Years before the Civil War began, another dark conflict threatened to shatter the Union. It was December 1849. The U.S.-Mexican War had just ended, doubling the size of the country. A grave problem emerged: whether slavery should be admitted into the new territories that were to be carved out of the vast new domain resulting from the war. This dilemma strained the relationship between the slave-holding South and the antislavery North. Other issues loomed as well: where to draw the Texas boundary line with the New Mexico territory, how to settle the Texas debt claims, and what to do about the problem of fugitive slaves escaping to the North and the slavetrade in the District of Columbia. The nation was on the brink of secession, dissolution, and civil war. On the Brink of Civil War tells the dramatic story of what happened when a handful of senators-towering figures in nineteenth-century American history-tried to hammer out a compromise to save the Union. The characters in this critical political drama included Henry Clay, seasoned politician and statesman known as the "Great Pacificator," who formulated an agreement in the Senate and would fight to get it through Congress; the gifted orator Daniel Webster, who helped Clay in his efforts by delivering the "Seventh of March" compromise speech on the Senate floor, one of the most memorable speeches in American history; and John C. Calhoun, a fervent defender of slavery and the South who, though nearing death, spoke to the Senate and demanded equal rights for the South in the new Western territories. Four young senators stepped into the fray to play their own unique, important roles: Henry Seward, the Whig from New York who many say controlled President Zachary Taylor and who opposed compromise; Stephen A. Douglas, the dynamic "Little Giant" from Illinois who favored agreement; Salmon P. Chase, the voice of the Free-Soilers and foe of compromise and concessions to the South; and Jefferson Davis, Mexican War hero and second only to Calhoun as the V
O'Reilly Media qmail
qmail has quietly become one of the most widely used applications on the Internet today. It's powerful enough to handle mail for systems with millions of users--Like Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail, while remaining compact and manageable enough for the smallest Unix- and Linux-based PC systems. Its component design makes it easy to extend and customize while keeping its key functions secure, so it's no wonder that adoption of qmail continues at a rapid pace. The downside? Apparently none. Except that qmail's unique design can be disorienting to those familiar with other popular MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents). If you're coming from sendmail, for instance, you might have trouble recasting your problems and solutions in qmail terms. qmail first helps you establish a "qmail frame of mind," then explores the installation, configuration, administration, and extension of this powerful MTA. Whether you're installing from scratch or managing mailing lists with thousands of users, qmail provides detailed information about how to make qmail do precisely what you want qmail concentrates on common tasks like moving a sendmail setup to qmail, or setting up a "POP toaster," a system that provides mail service to a large number of users on other computers sending and retrieving mail remotely. The book also fills crucial gaps in existing documentation, detailing exactly what the core qmail software does. Topics covered include: Installation and configuration, including patching qmail - Moving from sendmail to qmail - Handling locally and remotely originated messages - Managing virtual domains - Logging qmail activity - Tuning qmail performance - Running multiple copies of qmail on the same computer - Mailing list setup and management - Integrating the qmail MTA with POP and IMAP delivery - Filtering out spam and viruses If you need to manage mailing lists, large volumes of mail, or simply find sendmail and other MTAs too complicated, qmail may be exactly what's called for. Our new guide, qmail, will provide the guidance you need to build an email infrastructure that performs well, makes sense, and is easy to maintain.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Electroceramics: Materials, Devices, and Applications
The first textbook to provide in-depth treatment of electroceramics with emphasis on applications in microelectronics, magneto-electronics, spintronics, energy storage and harvesting, sensors and detectors, magnetics, and in electro-optics and acousto-optics Electroceramics is a class of ceramic materials used primarily for their electrical properties. This book covers the important topics relevant to this growing field and places great emphasis on devices and applications. It provides sufficient background in theory and mathematics so that readers can gain insight into phenomena that are unique to electroceramics. Each chapter has its own brief introduction with an explanation of how the said content impacts technology. Multiple examples are provided to reinforce the content as well as numerous end-of-chapter problems for students to solve and learn. The book also includes suggestions for advanced study and key words relevant to each chapter. Fundamentals of Electroceramics: Materials, Devices and Applications offers eleven chapters covering: 1.Nature and types of solid materials; 2. Processing of Materials; 3. Methods for Materials Characterization; 4. Binding Forces in Solids and Essential Elements of Crystallography; 5. Dominant Forces and Effects in Electroceramics; 6. Coupled Nonlinear Effects in Electroceramics; 7. Elements of Semiconductor; 8. Electroceramic Semiconductor Devices; 9. Electroceramics and Green Energy; 10.Electroceramic Magnetics; and 11. Electro-optics and Acousto-optics. Provides an in-depth treatment of electroceramics with the emphasis on fundamental theoretical concepts, devices, and applications with focus on non-linear dielectrics Emphasizes applications in microelectronics, magneto-electronics, spintronics, energy storage and harvesting, sensors and detectors, magnetics and in electro-optics and acousto-optics Introductory textbook for students to learn and make an impact on technology Motivates students to get interested in research on various aspects of electroceramics at undergraduate and graduate levels leading to a challenging career path. Includes examples and problem questions within every chapter that prepare students well for independent thinking and learning. Fundamentals of Electroceramics: Materials, Devices and Applications is an invaluable academic textbook that will benefit all students, professors, researchers, scientists, engineers, and teachers of ceramic engineering, electrical engineering, applied physics, materials science, and engineering.
Duke University Press Architecture at the End of the Earth: Photographing the Russian North
Carpeted in boreal forests, dotted with lakes, cut by rivers, and straddling the Arctic Circle, the region surrounding the White Sea, which is known as the Russian North, is sparsely populated and immensely isolated. It is also the home to architectural marvels, as many of the original wooden and brick churches and homes in the region's ancient villages and towns still stand. Featuring nearly two hundred full color photographs of these beautiful centuries-old structures, Architecture at the End of the Earth is the most recent addition to William Craft Brumfield's ongoing project to photographically document all aspects of Russian architecture.The architectural masterpieces Brumfield photographed are diverse: they range from humble chapels to grand cathedrals, buildings that are either dilapidated or well cared for, and structures repurposed during the Soviet era. Included are onion-domed wooden churches such as the Church of the Dormition, built in 1674 in Varzuga; the massive walled Transfiguration Monastery on Great Solovetsky Island, which dates to the mid-1550s; the Ferapontov-Nativity Monastery's frescoes, painted in 1502 by Dionisy, one of Russia's greatest medieval painters; nineteenth-century log houses, both rustic and ornate; and the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Vologda, which was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible in the 1560s. The text that introduces the photographs outlines the region's significance to Russian history and culture.Brumfield is challenged by the immense difficulty of accessing the Russian North, and recounts traversing sketchy roads, crossing silt-clogged rivers on barges and ferries, improvising travel arrangements, being delayed by severe snowstorms, and seeing the region from the air aboard the small planes he needs to reach remote areas.The buildings Brumfield photographed, some of which lie in near ruin, are at constant risk due to local indifference and vandalism, a lack of maintenance funds, clumsy restorations, or changes in local and national priorities. Brumfield is concerned with their futures and hopes that the region's beautiful and vulnerable achievements of master Russian carpenters will be preserved. Architecture at the End of the Earth is at once an art book, a travel guide, and a personal document about the discovery of this bleak but beautiful region of Russia that most readers will see here for the first time.
University of Pennsylvania Press Knowing Dil Das: Stories of a Himalayan Hunter
Dil Das was a poor farmer—an untouchable—living near Mussoorie, a colonial hill station in the Himalayas. As a boy he became acquainted with a number of American missionary children attending a boarding school in town and, over the years, developed close friendships with them and, eventually, with their sons. The basis for these friendships was a common passion for hunting. This passion and the friendships it made possible came to dominate Dil Das's life. When Joseph S. Alter, one of the boys who had hunted with Dil Das, became an adult and a scholar, he set out to write the life history of Dil Das as a way of exploring Garhwali peasant culture. But Alter found his friend uninterested in talking about traditional ethnographic subjects, such as community life, family, or work. Instead, Dil Das spoke almost exclusively about hunting with his American friends—telling endless tales about friendship and hunting that seemed to have nothing to do with peasant culture. When Dil Das died in 1986, Alter put the project away. Years later, he began rereading Dil Das's stories, this time from a completely new perspective. Instead of looking for information about peasant culture, he was able to see that Dil Das was talking against culture. From this viewpoint Dil Das's narrative made sense for precisely those reasons that had earlier seemed to render it useless—his apparent indifference toward details of everyday life, his obsession with hunting, and, above all, his celebration of friendship. To a degree in fact, but most significantly in Dil Das's memory, hunting served to merge his and the missionary boys' identities and, thereby, to supersede and render irrelevant all differences of class, caste, and nationality. For Dil Das the intimate experience of hunting together radically decentered the prevailing structure of power and enabled him to redefine himself outside the framework of normal social classification. Thus, Knowing Dil Das is not about peasant culture but about the limits of culture and history. And it is about the moral ambiguity of writing and living in a field of power where, despite intimacy, self and other are unequal.
Princeton University Press Vampires, Dragons, and Egyptian Kings: Youth Gangs in Postwar New York
They called themselves "Vampires," "Dragons," and "Egyptian Kings." They were divided by race, ethnicity, and neighborhood boundaries, but united by common styles, slang, and codes of honor. They fought--and sometimes killed--to protect and expand their territories. In postwar New York, youth gangs were a colorful and controversial part of the urban landscape, made famous by West Side Story and infamous by the media. This is the first historical study to explore fully the culture of these gangs. Eric Schneider takes us into a world of switchblades and slums, zoot suits and bebop music to explain why youth gangs emerged, how they evolved, and why young men found membership and the violence it involved so attractive. Schneider begins by describing how postwar urban renewal, slum clearances, and ethnic migration pitted African-American, Puerto Rican, and Euro-American youths against each other in battles to dominate changing neighborhoods. But he argues that young men ultimately joined gangs less because of ethnicity than because membership and gang violence offered rare opportunities for adolescents alienated from school, work, or the family to win prestige, power, adulation from girls, and a masculine identity. In the course of the book, Schneider paints a rich and detailed portrait of everyday life in gangs, drawing on personal interviews with former members to re-create for us their language, music, clothing, and social mores. We learn what it meant to be a "down bopper" or a "jive stud," to "fish" with a beautiful "deb" to the sounds of the Jesters, and to wear gang sweaters, wildly colored zoot suits, or the "Ivy League look." He outlines the unwritten rules of gang behavior, the paths members followed to adulthood, and the effects of gang intervention programs, while also providing detailed analyses of such notorious gang-related crimes as the murders committed by the "Capeman," Salvador Agron. Schneider focuses on the years from 1940 to 1975, but takes us up to the present in his conclusion, showing how youth gangs are no longer social organizations but economic units tied to the underground economy. Written with a profound understanding of adolescent culture and the street life of New York, this is a powerful work of history and a compelling story for a general audience.
The University of Chicago Press Sheer Misery: Soldiers in Battle in WWII
Marching across occupied France in 1944, American GI Leroy Stewart had neither death nor glory on his mind: he was worried about his underwear. “I ran into a new problem when we walked,” Stewart wrote, “the shorts and I didn’t get along. They would crawl up on me all the time.” Complaints of physical discomfort like Stewart’s—or worse—pervade infantrymen’s memories of the European theater, whether the soldiers were British, American, German, or French. Wet, freezing misery with no end in sight—this was life for millions of enlisted men. Crawling underwear may have been a small price to pay for the liberation of millions of people, but in the utter wretchedness of the moment, it was quite natural for soldiers like Stewart to lose sight of that end. Sheer Misery trains a humane and unsparing eye on the corporeal experiences of the soldiers who fought in Belgium, France, and Italy during the last two years of the war. In the horrendously unhygienic and often lethal conditions of the front line, their bodies broke down, stubbornly declaring their needs for warmth, rest, and good nutrition. Feet became too swollen to march, fingers too frozen to pull triggers; stomachs cramped, and diarrhea stained underwear and pants. Turning away from the accounts of high-level military strategy that dominate many WWII histories, acclaimed historian Mary Louise Roberts instead relies on diaries and letters to bring to life visceral sense memories like the moans of the “screaming meemies,” the acrid smell of cordite, and the shockingly mundane sight of rotting corpses. As Roberts writes, “For soldiers who fought, the war was above all about their bodies. It was as bodies that they had been recruited, trained, and deployed. Their job was to injure and kill bodies but also be injured and killed.” Told in inimitable style by one of our most distinctive historians of the Second World War, Sheer Misery gives readers both an unprecedented look at the ground-level world of the common soldier and a deeply felt rendering of the experience of being a body in war.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Architecture and the Face of Coal: Mining and Modern Britain
With only a handful of British coalmines remaining active and with targets set to reduce carbon emissions, the coal industry now seems to be heading towards extinction. Yet, it was coal that turned Britain into a world-leader during the Industrial Revolution and established the conditions for the modern state. In the 20th century, it generated building programmes on a massive scale concerning miners’ welfare, settlements and housing. The form, space, organisation, and aesthetics of architecture became of critical importance not just to the process of the industry’s modernisation but also how it was perceived and understood both within and outside its workforce. But despite the centrality of coal mining and its workers to the development of modern Britain, as well as the contemporary recognition that aspects of its innovative architecture received, its built legacy has often been overlooked and physically almost completely erased. Divided into three parts, this is the first book which provides a critical and comprehensive examination of the architecture of coal in Britain and how it responded to the needs of the industry and, perhaps more significantly, its labour force. Part I explores the relationship between the architecture of coal and the provision of welfare. While this produced a series of enlightened built projects for miners and their communities especially between the wars – educational buildings, reading rooms, holiday camps, welfare institutes, sports grounds, swimming pools, medical centres, children’s playgrounds, etc. – it focusses on the paradigmatic integration of aesthetics and programme seen most emphatically in the creation of over 600 pithead baths. Part II looks at settlement and the relationships between responses to often adverse conditions within domestic environments in mining settlements and the development of broader and influential theories and practices concerning housing. Finally, Part III explores the modernisation of the industry during the post-war period arguing that that architectural design and representation became pivotal to the functional and symbolic requirements of the newly Nationalised entity and its position within, and singular contribution to, post-war society.