Search results for ""author linda"
Random House USA Inc Not Much Just Chillin': The Hidden Lives of Middle Schoolers
Pearson Education (US) Pearson Lab Manual for Developing Writers, The: Volume A: Sentences
The Pearson Lab Manual for Developing Writers, Volume A, is a supplemental [printed] lab manual that complements all Pearson Developmental Writing titles. The lab manual provides students with additional practice exercises and applications of grammar, punctuation and mechanics stress rules rather than simply skill and drill. There are many composing exercises that apply sentence skills explained in the students’ primary textbook.
Pearson Education (US) Focus on Pronunciation 1 Audio CDs
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Troublemaker
Palmetto Publishing The Lingering Shadow
BoD - Books on Demand Fyrtio år för bättre hörsel
edition a GmbH Die TikTok Schule
Spectormag GbR Evelyn Richter
Edition XXL GmbH Magische Geschichten zur guten Nacht
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH ChakraFood Kochen als Heilung
Hauschka Verlag GmbH Preschool Activity Book for 5 Years Boys and Girls Concentration and perception
Hauschka Verlag GmbH Bloc dactivités préscolaires à partir de 5 ans pour garçons et filles livre garcon 4 ans Concentration et perception livre enfant 4 ans
Arbor Verlag Der achtsame Wege zu Resilienz und Wohlbefinden Wie wir unser Gehirn vor Stress und Burnout schtzen knnen
Adeo Verlag Vom Glück das eigene Herz zu finden
Christophorus Verlag Boho Makramee
Hädecke Verlag GmbH Wilde Waldkche Vegetarische GenussRezepte aus den Frchten des Waldes
via tolino media I am here for you
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Die Berghebamme Hoffnung der Frauen
Aufbau Der Winzerhof - Die Goldenen
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Die Kinder des Nordlichts Roman
Edition Michael Fischer Helden der Kindheit Das Häkelbuch Band 5
FISCHER Taschenbuch Brennendes Grab Thriller
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Sternenschweif 2 Sprung in die Nacht
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Vicious Magic Wilde Biester Band 2
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Vicious Magic Verzwickte Gaben Band 1
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Vicious Magic Tückische Macht Band 3
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Knigin der Bunten Tte Geschichten aus dem Kiosk
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Schwarzwälder Verschwörung
btb Taschenbuch Der Gesang der Amsel
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 80 Die EinhornPrinzessin
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 73 Das Einhorn aus der Steinzeit
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 3 Der steinerne Spiegel
tredition Jung bist du am schönsten
Penguin junior Kunterbunter Stickerspaß Farben lernen mit Tieren
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Tinto 1 1 Schuljahr Erstlesebuch Mit Lernentwicklungsheft und BuchTaucherApp
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH TINTO 1 und 2 12 Schuljahr Blaue Ausgabe Erstlesebuch
AT Verlag Torten
Cameron & Company Inc I Dare! I Can! I Will!: The Day the Icelandic Women Walked Out and Inspired the World
A picture book inspired by the Long Friday—a real event in Iceland that inspired women around the world to stand up, walk out, and march together for women’s rightsVera and Mamma are headed out for a march, but it’s not just any march: It’s October 24 in Reykjavík, and on this day in 1975, the women of Iceland took the day off, walked out of their homes and away from their jobs—as farmworkers, butchers, and fisherwomen; wives, daughters, and children—and marched to demand equality and change, chanting: “I dare! I can! I will!” And they did, inspiring and empowering girls and women to make change, not just in their country, but all around the world.
Honno Ltd Losing Timo
John Wiley & Sons Inc Autism and Blindness: Research and Reflections
This book has brought together leading international experts to explore the similarities and the differences between autism and blindness. Current research with children as well as adults is described comparing early psychological development from a range of perspectives such as language, memory, thought and feelings as well as providing critical reviews of educational and intervention programmes. New developments in the field have sparked debate that is well represented here and touches on a variety of issues ranging from musical talent to the basis of 'connectedness' to others. The readership will be drawn from many fields reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the topic and will include researchers and practitioners in psychology and psychiatry as well as educationalists, therapists, classroom teachers and parents.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Practical Behaviour Management Solutions for Children and Teens with Autism: The 5P Approach
Children and young people with autistic spectrum disorders present many challenges to the people who care for them. 'Difficult' or challenging behaviour is often encountered on a daily basis, and it is easy for both parents and professionals to feel completely overwhelmed by its sheer range and complexity. Where do you start? What happens when, in managing one set of problems, another gets worse? Is there some way to tackle difficulties before they get out of hand, or even before they arise? Practical Behaviour Management Solutions for Children and Teens with Autism answers these questions and provides practical solutions that really work. It offers a complete framework for behaviour intervention which has its roots in prevention and good practice, with an emphasis on promoting and encouraging the development of skills and independence, through Profiling, Prioritizing, Problem analysis, Problem solving and Planning. From identifying behaviour and understanding the root causes, through to planning and implementing a comprehensive intervention programme, this book is packed with practical strategies and expert guidance. While clearly defining the steps you need to take, it also allows for flexibility according to need and individual contexts. Designed specifically for parents and teachers, and complete with photocopiable tools, this book will provide structured yet flexible guidance for all parents and professionals supporting a child or young person on the autism spectrum.
Policy Press Voluntary Sector in Transition: Hard Times or New Opportunities?
Voluntary and community organisations have moved to the centre of political debates, as the new UK government reduces the scope of the state and locates solutions in civil society. This new book explores the extensive growth and reshaping of the voluntary sector following sweeping changes to social and welfare policy over 30 years. It draws on contemporary social and organisational theory and debates to consider whether surviving in the voluntary sector now depends on realigning activities and compromising independent goals and values.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economy of China
The emergence of China since 1979 has been a hallmark in the global economy, not only in the past but also in this century. This comprehensive book provides an analytical view of the remarkable economic development of the most exciting economy in the world.China's impressive economic growth has propelled it from being one of the poorest countries in the world to becoming its third largest economy. It is a complex economy with a mix of characteristics resulting from being both a transition economy and a developing country, which also points to the challenges that it still faces. This book explains China's remarkable transformation from a centrally planned to a more market-oriented economy through examination of the institutional reforms necessary to support such marketisation and eventual global integration. Although no book will be able to be completely comprehensive given the scale of the economy and the remarkable pace of transformation over three decades, this study highlights the key areas giving an overview of the major developments in China's economy, enabling its prospects of continuing growth to be assessed.With topical discussion incorporating recent data and developments, this book will be a stimulating read for academic researchers, postgraduate students in economics, international business, Chinese and area studies, as well as anyone interested in understanding the Chinese economy.
Liverpool University Press Spain Bleeds: The Development of Battlefield Blood Transfusion During the Civil War
War is sometimes mistakenly construed as the chief impetus for medical innovation. Nevertheless, military conflict obliges the implementation of discoveries still at an experimental stage. Such was the case with the practice of blood transfusion during the Spanish Civil War, when massive demand for blood provoked immediate recourse to breakthroughs in transfusion medicine not yet integrated into standard medical practice. The Spanish Civil War marked a new era in blood transfusion medicine. Frederic Durán-Jordà and Carlos Elósegui Sarasoles, directors, respectively, of the blood transfusion services of the Republican Army and of the insurgent forces, were innovators in the field of indirect blood transfusion with preserved blood. Not only had they to create transfusion services, almost from scratch, capable of supplying campaigning armies with blood in wartime conditions, they also had to struggle against the medical establishment and to convince their medical peers of the value (not to mention the scientific significance) of what they were doing. The Blood Transfusion Service of the Republic was a truly international effort, with medical volunteers from all over the world carrying out transfusion work in primitive and often dangerous conditions. All took their lead from one man the young Catalan haematologist, Frederic Durán-Jordà, the indisputable pioneer of civil war blood transfusion medicine. From humble beginnings at the outbreak of war, blood transfusion services were created in Spain that would later become crucial in the treatment of casualties during the Second World War and would shape the future evolution of blood transfusion medicine throughout the developed world.