Search results for ""author linda"
MIT Press Ltd Cosmic Odyssey: How Intrepid Astronomers at Palomar Observatory Changed our View of the Universe
Pearson Education (US) Password 5
Pearson Education (US) New Password 3: A Reading and Vocabulary Text (with MP3 Audio CD-ROM)
Would you like to know: when and why we laugh? how food can affect your brain? what it's like to fight a forest fire? New Password 3: A Reading and Vocabulary Text is the third book in the newly expanded five-book series. It helps intermediate students develop reading skills and increase their active vocabulary through engaging readings about real people, places, events, and ideas. Students benefit from a systematic, corpus-informed approach to learning more than 300 high-frequency words, expressions, and collocations. Features Useful, high-frequency vocabulary selected through extensive corpus-based research Careful recycling of vocabulary in readings and exercises Activities that highlight collocations and word grammar Discussion and writing activities that reinforce learning Unit wrap-ups that help students review vocabulary and practice dictionary skills Vocabulary self-tests that help students assess their progress The Student Book comes with an Audio CD-ROM containing the entire Student Book audio program in MP3 format. There is also an edition of the Student Book without the Audio CD-ROM; click on the Resources link on the left side of this page. The New Password series also includes: New Password 1 New Password 2 New Password 4 New Password 5
Pearson Education (US) Focus on Pronunciation 2
The new edition of Focus on Pronunciation gives beginning to high-beginning students the tools, tips, and techniques they need to speak clearly, accurately, and fluently. All aspects of pronunciation are included — consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm, and intonation. The variety of activities and flexible, accessible style make learning fun. Features: Presentation sections feature clear explanations and diagrams. Focused Practice sections build accuracy with high-interest listening and speaking tasks and engaging games. Communication Practice sections integrate pronunciation and fluency with practice in a communicative thematic context. Natural English boxes illustrate how to speak English more naturally and fluently. Extended Practice sections encourage continued accuracy and fluency practice outside of class. The CD in the back of the book provides MP3 audio for the Extended Practice sections. Classroom Audio CDs provide the complete audio program. Complete online Answer Keys and Audioscripts are available online.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Marriages and Families Intimacy Diversity and Strengths
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Color of Abolition: How a Printer, a Prophet, and a Contessa Moved a Nation
White Star Verlag Schule für Spione. Mission Bruchrechnen
kunstanstifter GmbH Das Bärenhäufchen
Bananenblau Hello Ruby
via reise verlag Mit Kindern in Hamburg Mit Ausflgen in die Umgebung
kunstanstifter GmbH Die kleine Waldfibel
Hauschka Verlag GmbH Bloc dactivités préscolaires à partir de 5 ans pour garçons et filles livre garcon 4 ans Japprends à tracer formes boucles courbes lignes livre enfant 4 ans
Nomos Verlags GmbH Die EUVerordnung über die Wasserwiederverwendung WWVO und deren Integration in das deutsche und schwedische Recht
Blue Panther Books Lustvolle erotische Reisen Erotischer Roman
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Unsere Tage am Ende des Sees
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Solange die Hoffnung uns gehrt
Jungbrunnen Verlag Ein Kleid für den Mond
Grin Publishing Faustlos Ein pdagogisches Konzept
FISCHER Taschenbuch Dein ist die Lüge
FISCHER Taschenbuch Bse Seelen
FISCHER Taschenbuch Blutige Stille
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Sternenschweif 1 Geheimnisvolle Verwandlung
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Sternenschweif 41 Verzauberte Herzen
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Landgang
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Schmälzle und die Kräuter des Todes
Piper Verlag GmbH A Thousand Words Missing
Herder Verlag GmbH Ich liebe die Frau die ich bin
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 82 Eine neue Freundin
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif Zauberhafter Geburtstag
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif Bücherhelden 1. Klasse Der geheime See
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 76 Das Feenpony
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 74 Hilfe für Flocke
Franckh-Kosmos Sternenschweif 2 Sprung in die Nacht
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Ganzwrter lesen Familie Freizeit Kalender bungsmaterial fr Schler mit geistiger Behinderung 2 bis 8 Klasse
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Tinto Sprachlesebuch 2 Schuljahr Basisbuch Sprache und Lesen Mit Lernentwicklungsheft und STARKGrammatikkarte
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Tinto 1 1 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft SchreibenLesen Mit Buchstabenhaus
AT Verlag Lomelinos Eis
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Internet of Things for Education: A New Actor on the Stage
This book is about the Internet of Things in the field of education. Specifically, it focuses on two major topics: IoT (Internet of Things) solutions to support distance education and new pedagogical approaches to support development of computational thinking with educational devices possessing the characteristics of IoT. As the educational landscape has dramatically changed in times of global pandemic, online resources and media, such as IoT, have become increasingly important. This situation compels all educational scholars, researchers and practitioners to search for new solutions, new educational pathways and new agents for knowledge development to support learning. This book presents the possibilities of IoT as both a catalyst and performance tool for education. The convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems can serve as tools for learning support and this book details exactly how these powerful tools can be utilized to best effect.
Beyond Publishing Divine Unwind: When I'm Alone I Dance
Policy Press Family policy matters: Responding to family change in Europe
Across Europe and beyond, changing family living arrangements have stimulated popular and academic debate about the impact of socio-demographic trends on family well-being and the challenges they present for governments. This path-breaking book explores the complex relationship between family change and public policy responses in EU member states and candidate countries. After comparing the major socio-economic changes of the late 20th century in Europe and their impact on family and working life, it analyses both the reactions of policy makers and users as they respond to change and the perceptions families have of public policy and its relative importance in their lives.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economy of China
The emergence of China since 1979 has been a hallmark in the global economy, not only in the past but also in this century. This comprehensive book provides an analytical view of the remarkable economic development of the most exciting economy in the world.China's impressive economic growth has propelled it from being one of the poorest countries in the world to becoming its third largest economy. It is a complex economy with a mix of characteristics resulting from being both a transition economy and a developing country, which also points to the challenges that it still faces. This book explains China's remarkable transformation from a centrally planned to a more market-oriented economy through examination of the institutional reforms necessary to support such marketisation and eventual global integration. Although no book will be able to be completely comprehensive given the scale of the economy and the remarkable pace of transformation over three decades, this study highlights the key areas giving an overview of the major developments in China's economy, enabling its prospects of continuing growth to be assessed.With topical discussion incorporating recent data and developments, this book will be a stimulating read for academic researchers, postgraduate students in economics, international business, Chinese and area studies, as well as anyone interested in understanding the Chinese economy.
ECW Press,Canada The Mother Of All Degrassi: A Memoir
Sourcebooks, Inc Up to No Gouda
The first in a delicious new culinary cozy series featuring a grilled cheese eatery owner who must solve murders in her small town before she is put under lock and brieBack in Balsam Dell to heal after the death of her husband, Carly Hale is finally pursuing her lifelong dream—opening Carly's Grilled Cheese Eatery. After only five months, business is booming as Vermont vacationers and townspeople alike flock to lunch on her Party Havartis and other grilled cheese concoctions. All but Lyle Bagley, Carly's one-time high school boyfriend and now town bully who just bought the building that houses her eatery and wants Carly out. After a muenster of a fight, Carly's forced to put her nose to the rind and find a solution to keep her business afloat.That is…until Lyle is discovered dead behind the dumpster of Carly's shop, and one of her employees becomes the prime suspect. In order to save her eatery and prove her friend's innocence, Carly must sleuth out the killer before she's the one who gets grilled.With a delightful cast of characters, an inventive amateur sleuth, and a whole host of cheesy hijinks, Up to No Gouda is the perfect cozy murder mystery to melt into.
Good Books Honoring Christmas