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McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Knockout CV
"John Lees is a purveyor of sound, no nonsense career advice which delivers results, whatever your age or status."Carol Lewis, Business Features Editor, The TimesIt doesn't take months to learn how to write a CV that works, but it does take a few hours. This book is designed to take you through that process quickly, taking some short cuts, encouraging your readers to say one simple word: "yes".Features: Step by step approach to building a CV from scratch Detailed advice on getting bullet points and the profile right Example CVs, including entry level and executive CVs Demystifying of CV formats and styles, including 'hybrid', competency-based and functional CVs Drawing on over 25 years' experience of training recruiters, John Lees, author of the bestselling How To Get A Job You'll Love, is one of the UK's best known career strategists. In Knockout CV he shows you how to write CVs and cover letters that convey your strengths quickly and get you into the interview room. "A comprehensive and practical guide to building arelevant, evidence-based CV which will win the recruiter'sattention."Liz Mason, Associate Director, Alumni Career Services,London Business School, UK"You write a CV for a purpose: to get a job. Knockout CV works backwards from the desired result, analysing each feature of the CV from the perspective of impact on the decision-maker. No frills, no diversions, simply full of practical help."Shirley Anderson, HR Director, Talent and Reward, Pilkington Group Limited"This book is essential reading for anyone considering a career move or applying for another position... This is an excellent, practical guide which I believe will really make the difference to securing that interview."Christine Gaskell, Chair, Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership and former HR Director, Bentley Motors Ltd"John Lees leads you back to the basic document of so manyjob-hunting campaigns, and yet again opens your eyes to seethe real underlying principles. His clear and authoritative voice brings life back into what is often seen as a routine activity - CV writing - yet is so important in today's hyper-competitive job market."Matthias Feist, Head of Careers & Business Relations atRegent's University London, UK and Chair of PlaceNet: Placements in Industry Network"John has produced an honest and authentic approach to creating a winning CV which speaks to your strengths, and will make the difference to getting noticed and in front of the selection panel."Angella Clarke-Jervoise, Big 4 Partner Recruiter andInternational Career CoachPraise for John Lees' careers books:"When I read John's writing, two things happen. First, I feel as if he's standing right there, personally advising me. And second, I always come away thinking over the issue in a new way. It's a rare, but very useful, gift."Sarah Green, Associate Editor, Harvard Business Review"I know first-hand the joy that being in the right career can bring and I commend John Lees for his books and seminars which help other people do just that."Rosemary Conley CBE"John Lees is the Career Professional's professional; thedoyen of careers experts. His books and advice have helpedcountless numbers of people to enjoy better, more fulfilling careers."Dr Harry Freedman, Career and Business Strategist,Hanover Executive
Green Writers Press One Cabin, One Cat, Three Years: One Couple’s Time in The Wilderness
In 2013 my wife, Jeanne, and I, she in her late sixties, I in my early seventies, set out to fulfill our long held dream of living in the woods for a year. Before leaving our home in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, I contacted the editors of Tempo, the monthly news magazine in the Town of Lac Brome (which I will refer to as “Lac Brome”), to enquire whether they would be interested in receiving reports of our progress in the endeavour. They said, “Yes.” This book is based upon those articles. My original intention was to produce a work echoing the objectives of Thoreau who, in addition to describing his daily life in his chosen wilderness, commented on the mores and politics of his time in his Walden. However, each time that I penned such a commentary, I realized that it detracted from the essence of our experience. The reaction to the Tempo articles proved that the unfolding of the tale of our daily lives was all that was required to engender intense interest and comment. Thus this memoir has to do exclusively with living in the woods. How It All Began We arrived in the mid-afternoon of June 15, 2013. The car and trailer were loaded to the gills. Scooter, our cat, lay sedated in her cage. She does not like to travel and hates being in her cage. She, particularly, does not like the movement of the car if we are going over any sort of bump, bumps being inevitable on the thirty-five km of forestry roads we take once leaving the highway in La Tuque. The unloading of our stuff and the carrying of it to the cabin was a major effort, all being by packsacks, boxes and bags. The parking spot on the track in is 350 m from the cabin. I made ten trips, thus round trips totaling 7,000 m, 3,500 of them loaded. We had decided that to be true to our wilderness endeavor, we would not have a road excavated to the cabin. The ground, as was discovered during the building process, is too rough for anything other than a high clearance ATV (all-terrain vehicle). The track, from where we park the truck, which leads to the cabin, is a series of drops over rock ledges. Given the nature of the ground and that the ATVs and their trailers were generally fully- loaded, it was not surprising that two of them were wrecked during the building process. The carrying of immediately required articles and food accomplished, we then indulged in a soothing swim and returned to the cabin as enthused and as excited as newlyweds. We opened a bottle of wine on the west-facing balcony, watched the sun set and rejoiced to see a pair of loons on the lake. Supper, then bed, exhausted but exhilarated. ******************** For about as long as I have known Jeanne she has wanted to spend an entire year, three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days, in the woods. This is not motivated by a desire to be a hermit or because she is anti-social. To paraphrase Montaigne, she is quite content living a private life but that does not mean that she is unsuited to a public one. After all, she insisted, it is only for one year. When I asked, “Might it be that you would never come back?” she answered, “It’s only for a year.” I should immediately add that this was not to be a year alone. Jeanne insisted that I was part of the plan and was to go with her. I like to think that this was because she loves me but if that was only part of the reason, for she would need a hewer of wood and fetcher of water, a man servant in the general sense, then I was content, for I need looking after myself and our lives have been inter-dependent since the day of our marriage which was over fifty years ago. Our adult lives have been outwardly quite normal. I am a lawyer specializing in maritime law, meaning having to do with ships. Jeanne has been a school teacher, first at Westhill High School and then at the Convent of the Sacred heart, both in Montreal. She then embraced her childhood dream of being a ballet dancer, which lead to her becoming a choreographer, teacher and performer of dance, first on the teaching staff of les Ballets Jazz de MontrÉal, then as owner of le Centre de Dance Jeanne Marler, which included an annual, international, two-week dance seminar with closing performance, called Focus on Jazz. It attracted aspiring pre-professionals from around the world. At a certain point, she decided that if she could no longer physically perform the dance movements at the level which she had attained in her performance career, it was time to move on. She obtained a diploma from the New York School of Interior Design and embarked upon that profession until she found it too commercially driven, the demands of the clients too often conflicting with Jeanne’s sense of what was artistically and/or practically appropriate. She then opened a performing and fine arts camp for children and adolescents, set in the pristine hills and woods of Vermont, which she ran with great success for three years, until the property which she had leased became no longer available, due to the owner’s intention to build a hotel on the site. In the mid-nineteen-nineties she turned to painting. Her sketches, oil paintings and photography illuminate this book. “But why in the woods?” many asked. Most Canadians think of going south rather than north for vacations or retirement. Only Jeanne might properly be able to answer that question. She is a spiritual person, very much in the Celtic tradition. When we go to the woods she becomes very quiet. On family vacations to wilderness locations, the children used to say, “That’s it for talking to Mum. She will turn into a rock or a mushroom or something for as long as we are here”. And so it was. On our departures from such places she often cried. We asked, “What’s the matter?” There would be no answer. I think it had and has simply to do with leaving places where her spirit finds its natural home.
Taylor & Francis Inc Critical Teaching Behaviors: Defining, Documenting, and Discussing Good Teaching
What does “good” teaching mean, and how can we know it when we see it? Perhaps you have grappled with these questions at some point in your career, either as an instructor wanting to document or grow your teaching effectiveness or as a peer or administrator trying to provide guidance to or assess the teaching of others.This book serves three purposes: a condensed, evidence-based guide to effective teaching; a resource on creating a focused teaching narrative and teaching portfolio; and a toolkit that equips faculty to conduct peer observations, student midterm feedback, and productive conversations related to teaching.The first part of the book offers a rich guide as to what constitutes effective teaching based on a comprehensive review of the research on instructional strategies and behaviors that promote student engagement, learning, and success. It includes practical advice flexible enough to accommodate disciplinary and contextual differences, recognizing that readers will want to adapt effective behaviors based on their values and dispositions.The opening chapters successively cover aligning classroom activities to learning goals; teaching inclusively to account for students’ prior learning and diversity; creating an environment that promotes students’ active engagement in learning and taking responsibility for their intellectual development; assessing students’ progress and adjusting teaching accordingly; using technology effectively; and finally engaging in reflective self-assessment with feedback from peers and students to adjust and develop teaching skills.In the second part of the book, the authors offer structured guidance on developing a focused teaching narrative, gathering peer and student feedback to support that narrative, and curating a portfolio to showcase exemplary practices and achievements. The insights and tools presented also equip readers to facilitate classroom peer observations and gather midterm student feedback. Overall, the second part of the book provides readers with a common language and tools to use when discussing teaching with peers and those who may formally or informally observe their teaching.The book builds to providing the reader with a clear sense of the criteria and evidence needed to document their teaching for the purposes of annual review, promotion, or tenure.The now widely recognized Critical Teaching Behaviors (CTB) framework offers a holistic means of documenting and assessing teaching effectiveness by including a variety of evidence and perspectives. The comprehensive feedback and documentation toolkit aligned to the framework incorporates more of the instructor’s perspective on their own teaching into the evaluation process and substitutes for or supplements student evaluations of teaching (SETs). Administrators will also find the CTB useful as a template and guide for the objective evaluation of teaching.In a single volume, this book offers faculty evidence-based guidance and encouragement to explore effective teaching strategies whether they are just embarking on their college teaching journey or are experienced instructors looking to explore new ideas. The CTB presents instructors a roadmap to both developing teaching skills and demonstrating achievements in promoting student learning to advance their careers. It is designed to be an interactive workbook. While readers can choose to read passively, they will get the most value from this book by completing the prompts and activities along the way.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China’s Urbanization and the World Economy
This book provides a fascinating perspective on why China will very likely continue to play a major role in world export at a time when it is losing its comparative advantage in labor-intensive manufacturing products as a result of rapidly rising labor cost and appreciation of its currency-the secret lies in the fact that China (as the most populous nation) can benefit from increasing returns to scale. However, the author also clearly outlines the enormous challenges ahead of China: to urbanize and integrate most of its rural population as a precondition for China to explore its potential advantage in scale economy through agglomeration effects.'- Guanzhong James Wen, Trinity College, US and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China'This is an original reading by a Chinese economist on the grand topic of China's urbanization. Through gathering a vast amount of raw materials available in Chinese, the book deliberately maintains its indigenous flavour and introduces rich and timely information to the outside world, on topical issues such as household registration (Hukou) reform, fairness of land acquisition, housing price control, forced demolition, urban poverty, traffic congestion and many other topics. The attempt to consider the implications for the world economy, especially on issues such as energy and material consumption, is extremely valuable and much needed.'- Fulong Wu, University College London, UKThis innovative book places China's urbanization within a broader global context, including a detailed estimate of China's total domestic market and its impact on the world economy.Urbanization has become a new driving force in China's development. Through China's urbanization process, China's role in the world economy will change from the world's major workshop to one of the world s central markets. The increase in demand triggered by urbanization has created a tremendous impact in the international market, changing China's international trade patterns, foreign investment and exchange rate. The success of China's urbanization depends on a group of intertwined economic and political reforms, the vision and determinedness of the leadership, cooperation and opposition of the local government, and the attitude of society. This book focuses on the logic and contradictions of China's urbanization and its future, its impact on the world economy, and the policy tradeoffs the Chinese leadership face.Economists, policymakers, academics and students interested in urban policy, international studies, Asian studies and the impact of China's urbanization on the world economy will all have much to learn in this groundbreaking book.Contents: Preface Prologue Part I: China s Urbanization 1. China's Urbanization: History and Facts 2. The Road Map and Logic of China's Urbanization 3. Industrialization and Urban Development 4. Labor Migration 5. Land and Local Government Finance 6. Infrastructure and Housing Construction 7. Social Aspects of Urbanization 8. Other Problems with Urbanization 9. The System of the Cities Part II: China's Impacts on the World Market 10. Overall Estimates and Assumptions 11. Raw Materials and Capital Goods 12. Consumer Market 13. Relocation of Factors: Labor and Capital 14. Macroeconomic Impacts Part III: Choices of China and the World 15. China's Choices 16. The Choices of the Rest of the World Conclusions Reference Index
Human Kinetics Publishers Performance-Based Assessment for Middle and High School Physical Education
Performance-Based Assessment for Middle and High School Physical Education is a cutting-edge book that teachers trust for assessing middle school and high school physical education students. Also a highly popular undergraduate text for courses that focus on performance-based assessment, this new third edition features significant additions, enhancements, and updates: New chapters on effective management and instruction delivery, which make it appropriate for PETE instructors using the book for secondary methods courses A new chapter on assessments with various instructional models, including Sport Education, Teaching Games for Understanding, Cooperative Learning, Personalized System of Instruction, and Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility A new chapter on assessing dance (with sample dance units in the web resource) A new sample unit on ultimate Frisbee in the chapter on invasion games An expanded section on cognitive assessments, with suggestions for writing tests Updated content on rubrics Performance-Based Assessment shows readers how to use portfolios to assess fitness, and it offers an example of a portfolio assessment for a high school fitness course. It also guides readers in using skill tests in physical education. Written by two authors with a combined 26 years of experience teaching physical education in public schools, the text discusses various assessment formats, helping PETE students and in-service teachers know both what to assess and how to assess it. Readers learn how to develop culminating and progressive assessments, as well as plan for continuous performance-based assessments and acquire effective teaching strategies for standards-based instruction. All content is aligned with current SHAPE America national standards and is supported by research from educational assessment giants such as Tom Guskey, Richard Stiggins, Dylan William, Robert Marzano, and James Popham. The book is organized into four parts, with part I introducing readers to performance-based assessment issues such as the need for change in the assessment process, how assessments can be used to enhance learning, the various assessment domains and methods, and the use of rubrics in assessments. Part II explores aspects of managing and implementing physical education lessons. In part III, readers learn about the components of performance-based assessment, and in part IV, they delve into issues affecting grading and implementing continuous performance-based assessment. This groundbreaking text explains the theory behind assessment and, through its numerous models, shows how to apply that theory in practice. The text is filled with practical examples, much more so than the typical assessment book. And it is supplemented by a web resource that houses forms, charts, and other material for instructors to use in their performance-based assessments. Class size, skill levels, and time factors can make assessments difficult—but far from impossible. The examples in the book are meant to be modified as needed, with the ideas in the book used as starting points. Teachers can use the material, examples, and tools in this book to create assessments that enhance student learning, providing them feedback to let them know what they have accomplished and how they can work toward goals of greater competence.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra, Set
The derivation of structural information from spectroscopic data is now an integral part of organic chemistry courses at all Universities. Over recent years, a number of powerful two-dimensional NMR techniques (e.g. HSQC, HMBC, TOCSY, COSY and NOESY) have been developed and these have vastly expanded the amount of structural information that can be obtained by NMR spectroscopy. Improvements in NMR instrumentation now mean that 2D NMR spectra are routinely (and sometimes automatically) acquired during the identification and characterisation of organic compounds. Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra is a carefully chosen set of more than 60 structural problems employing 2D-NMR spectroscopy. The problems are graded to develop and consolidate a students understanding of 2D NMR spectroscopy. There are many easy problems at the beginning of the collection, to build confidence and demonstrate the basic principles from which structural information can be extracted using 2D NMR. The accompanying text is very descriptive and focussed on explaining the underlying theory at the most appropriate level to sufficiently tackle the problems. Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra: - Is a graded series of about 60 problems in 2D NMR spectroscopy that assumes a basic knowledge of organic chemistry and a basic knowledge of one-dimensional NMR spectroscopy - Incorporates the basic theory behind 2D NMR and those common 2D NMR experiments that have proved most useful in solving structural problems in organic chemistry - Focuses on the most common 2D NMR techniques including COSY, NOESY, HMBC, TOCSY, CH-Correlation and multiplicity-edited C-H Correlation. - Incorporates several examples containing the heteronuclei 31P, 15N and 19F Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectrais a logical follow-on from the highly successful Organic Structures from Spectra which is now in its fifth edition. The book will be invaluable for students of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biochemistry and those taking courses in Organic Chemistry. Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra is complimented by the Instructors Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra which is a set of step-by-step worked solutions to every problem in the book. While it is absolutely clear that there are many ways to get to the correct solution of any of the problems, the instructors guide contains at least one complete pathway to every one of the questions. In addition, the instructors guide carefully rationalises every peak in every spectrum in relation to the correct structure. The Instructors Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra: - Is a complete set of worked solutions to the problems contained in Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra. - Provides a step-by-step description of the process to derive structures from spectra as well as annotated 2D spectra indicating the origin of every cross peak. - Highlights common artefacts and re-enforces the important characteristics of the most common techniques 2D NMR techniques including COSY, NOESY, HMBC, TOCSY, CH-Correlation and multiplicity-edited C-H Correlation. This guide is an essential aid to those teachers, lecturers and instructors who use Organic Structures from 2D NMR as a text to teach students of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biochemistry and those taking courses in Organic Chemistry.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Patent Policy and Innovation: Do Legal Rules Deliver Effective Economic Outcomes?
This book presents a compelling attack on the patent system. Thoughtfully analyzing the existing empirical literature and providing her own painstaking study of business method patents, Hazel Moir explains how it is that. . . patents have spread geographically and technologically, with increasingly broad rights becoming ever-easier to obtain. Bravely and persuasively, she recommends policymakers tackle one of the most vexing issues in patent law: the quantum of new knowledge that ought to be required to make an invention worthy of protection.'- Rochelle Dreyfuss, New York University School of Law, US'Hazel Moir's book deserves to become a classic. Between its covers one will find writing of great clarity and data that reveal the real world costs of the patent system. After reading Moir's analysis, one wonders what the actual social benefits of the patent system might be. This is evidence-based analysis at its best.'- Peter Drahos, Australian National University and Queen Mary, University of London, UK'Just how inventive are inventions? More to the point, just how inventive are the inventions covered by patents? Not very, according to Hazel Moir, and there is no reason to doubt her conclusions. She has spent years in painstakingly analysis of dozens of business method patents in Australia and elsewhere. She finds. . . [t]hey are no more than strategic devices intended to annoy and disrupt commercial competition and confuse the market. . . Hazel Moir is a patent expert beholden to no patent theory and no patent interests. In consequence, her research is fresh and inspired. Her conclusion - that patents describe and protect obvious combinations of old ideas and trivial variations - may not be confined to business methods. It is a conclusion that demands the consideration of policymakers.'- Stuart Macdonald, Aalto University, Helsinki, FinlandThis empirical study uses a scientifically selected sample of patents to assess patent quality. The careful evaluation of the assumptions in alternative economic theories about the generation and diffusion of new knowledge demonstrates that the height of the inventive step is critical to effective and efficient patent policy.The book provides a practical introduction to the policy rules affecting the grant of patents, particularly the rules making the inventive step so low. It also offers insights into interactions between examiners and applicants during the patent application process. Finally, the book compares how the rules about inventiveness operate in the USPTO, the EPO and the Australian Patent Office, gives new insights into business method patenting and offers suggestions for raising the height of the inventive step.Patent Policy and Innovation will appeal to academics researching in the patent field, economists, innovation and industry policy advisors, patent policy makers, NGO policy advisors and patent practitioners.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Economics of Patent Policy: Assumptions, Paradoxes and Evidence 3. Who Determines Patent Policy: Judges, Lobbyists or Legislatures? 4. In the National Interest: Defining Patentable Inventions 5. Finding and Avoiding Existing Knowledge 6. Combining Known Elements 7. The Quantum of Inventiveness: Other Approaches and Rules 8. Rebalancing the Patent System Appendix. Original Claims: Selected Patents References Index
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Foundations and Adult Health Nursing
Build the nursing knowledge and skills you need to care for patients of all ages! Combining two leading LPN/LVN textbooks into one volume, Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 9th Edition covers the fundamental skills and medical-surgical content essential to providing quality care for patients across the lifespan, including pediatric, maternity, adult, and older adult patients. Case studies provide practice with critical thinking and clinical judgment, and new Next Generation NCLEX®-format questions help you apply theory to practice. Written by nursing educators Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell, this text also helps you prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN® examination. Step-by-step instructions for more than 100 skills show clearly defined nursing actions along with the rationales for each. Clear, easy-to-understand coverage of skills across the lifespan includes maternity, pediatrics, adults, and older adults. The nursing process is applied to the discussion of disorders, and is summarized at the end of each chapter. Nursing care plans use a case-study format to emphasize patient goals and outcomes, and include critical thinking questions at the end of each care plan. Overview of Anatomy and Physiology begins each body systems chapter, and the Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology chapter provides a clear, basic understanding of the A&P that LPN/LVNs need to know. Complete mathematics review covers basic arithmetic skills and dosage calculation, followed by a discussion of medication administration including IV therapy. Evidence-Based Practice boxes provide synopses of research articles that apply to nursing, along with nursing implications for the LPN/LVN. Safety Alert! boxes cover issues related to safe patient care in a variety of settings. Coordinated Care boxes promote comprehensive patient care with other members of the health care team, focusing on prioritization, assignment, supervision, collaboration, delegation, and leadership topics. Lifespan Considerations boxes provide age-specific information for the care of the patient. Older Adult Considerations boxes provide information on the care of the aging population, which is often the primary focus of the LPN/LVN nurse. Communication boxes illustrate communication strategies through real-life examples of nurse-patient dialogue. Patient Teaching boxes focus on three-way communication among the nurse, patient, and family members, and include topics such as hospital discharge instructions. Health Promotion Considerations boxes highlight information on wellness and disease prevention, including infection control, diet, and pregnancy. Home Health Considerations boxes discuss issues facing patients and their caregivers in the home setting. Medication tables provide quick access to action, dosage, precautions, and nursing considerations for commonly used drugs. Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination sections provide key points, review questions, and critical thinking activities to reinforce learning. NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® case studies and new format questions help you prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN® examination. NEW! Discussion of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model helps you develop the skills needed to plan effective nursing interventions. NEW! Updated Asepsis and Infection Control chapter prepares you for today's healthcare environment. NEW! Updated Immune Disorder and HIV/AIDS chapters highlight the newest medical and drug therapies. NEW! Updated photos and illustrations show nursing techniques, procedures, and patient care.
Pearson Education (US) Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development
“This edition contains Larman’s usual accurate and thoughtful writing. It is a very good book made even better.” — Alistair Cockburn, author, Writing Effective Use Cases and Surviving OO Projects “Too few people have a knack for explaining things. Fewer still have a handle on software analysis and design. Craig Larman has both.” — John Vlissides, author, Design Patterns and Pattern Hatching “People often ask me which is the best book to introduce them to the world of OO design. Ever since I came across it Applying UML and Patterns has been my unreserved choice.” — Martin Fowler, author, UML Distilled and Refactoring “This book makes learning UML enjoyable and pragmatic by incrementally introducing it as an intuitive language for specifying the artifacts of object analysis and design. It is a well written introduction to UML and object methods by an expert practitioner.” — Cris Kobryn, Chair of the UML Revision Task Force and UML 2.0 Working Group A brand new edition of the world’s most admired introduction to object-oriented analysis and design with UML Fully updated for UML 2 and the latest iterative/agile practices Includes an all-new case study illustrating many of the book’s key points Applying UML and Patterns is the world’s #1 business and college introduction to “thinking in objects”—and using that insight in real-world object-oriented analysis and design. Building on two widely acclaimed previous editions, Craig Larman has updated this book to fully reflect the new UML 2 standard, to help you master the art of object design, and to promote high-impact, iterative, and skillful agile modeling practices. Developers and students will learn object-oriented analysis and design (OOA/D) through three iterations of two cohesive, start-to-finish case studies. These case studies incrementally introduce key skills, essential OO principles and patterns, UML notation, and best practices. You won’t just learn UML diagrams—you’ll learn how to apply UML in the context of OO software development. Drawing on his unsurpassed experience as a mentor and consultant, Larman helps you understand evolutionary requirements and use cases, domain object modeling, responsibility-driven design, essential OO design, layered architectures, “Gang of Four” design patterns, GRASP, iterative methods, an agile approach to the Unified Process (UP), and much more. This edition’s extensive improvements include A stronger focus on helping you master OOA/D through case studies that demonstrate key OO principles and patterns, while also applying the UML New coverage of UML 2, Agile Modeling, Test-Driven Development, and refactoring Many new tips on combining iterative and evolutionary development with OOA/D Updates for easier study, including new learning aids and graphics New college educator teaching resources Guidance on applying the UP in a light, agile spirit, complementary with other iterative methods such as XP and Scrum Techniques for applying the UML to documenting architectures A new chapter on evolutionary requirements, and much more Applying UML and Patterns, Third Edition, is a lucid and practical introduction to thinking and designing with objects—and creating systems that are well crafted, robust, and maintainable.
White Pine Press As My Age Then Was, So I Understood Them: New and Selected Poems, 1981-2020
A career-spanning volume drawn from forty years of work and a selection of new poems.Stephen Corey’s work is intelligent, moving and engaging. Poem after poem is beautiful, effortless, and thought-provoking. The range of style and subject matter, the depth of thought and emotion, the elegance and resonance and simplicity of language, the affectionate voice and tone—all work to make this a truly important and memorable book.“Here is a life, and a life, and / a life,” Stephen Corey writes in the opening poem’s instructions to on how find the faded leaf—also a metaphor for the end of life—that one must imagine still colored after he is “gone.” The poem is echoed near the end of this stunningly rich and encompassing book in a poem addressed to his four daughters about what he has missed during his life. In between we encounter a world we thought we knew but have not seen in this way before: things as varied as Monarch butterflies, telephones, calligraphy, and bread, as well as other writers and texts that become lenses to show us “How we are growing undoes what we are” and see.Like the glassblower’s art in one of these major poems, “Breath makes another world.” And like his Michelangelo in a sequence that masterfully covers centuries, we see “the way a life we love can be steered, / beyond our control, beyond us.” And so, thanks to this important and needed book we too can live beyond ourselves; that, indeed, is the highest praise for any art.”—Richard Jackson, author of Broken Horizons and Where the Wind Comes From“Stephen Corey’s, As My Age Then Was, So I Understood Them, is sometimes bookish, in the best ways, and in addition to welcoming many of the stars in our pantheon (Shakespeare, O’Keeffe, Keats, Ginsberg, Woolf, and Whitman for example) there’s also the dual elegy for the poet’s father and Dickinson (the latter also has her own baseball poem), Emerson ‘at the moment of his first masturbation,” and a sequence in which Li Po and Tu Fu hop on a jet and tour America. What this means is that when Corey forays into “the real world” —keeping a hospital death watch, exploring and exalting carnal love, or delighting in his young daughter “playing Beethoven on my chest” — the poems are informed by both of his masters… by the “shelves of books” that are “the bones of my brain.””—Albert GoldbarthStephen Corey worked at the Georgia Review for thirty-six years in various positions including thirteen year as Editor before retiring in 2019. His first two poetry collections, The Last Magician (Water Mark Press, 1981) and Synchronized Swimming (Swallow’s Tale Press, 1984), were winners of national competitions. All These Lands You Call One Country (University of Missouri Press, 1992) and There Is No Finished World (White Pine Press, 2003) followed, and a half-dozen poetry chapbooks were interspersed along the way. His first prose collection was Startled at the Big Sound: Essays Personal, Literary, and Cultural (Mercer University Press, 2017), and a second is in process.
Human Kinetics Publishers Christian Paths to Health and Wellness
God created people to be well in body, mind, and spirit—a unified and healthy whole. Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Third Edition, helps undergraduate students explore key topics that affect their health and well-being and apply what they learn to their daily lives. This updated text examines wellness from a holistic perspective, delving into how students can thrive in body, mind, and spirit. Students will learn how to more fully understand God, themselves, and their purpose in life; have strong and healthy relationships with others; develop cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility and mobility; have a healthy attitude toward their bodies, eat well, and manage weight properly; understand and apply good sleep hygiene to maximize alertness; and adopt emotionally healthy habits and deal with stress in a constructive way. All of this material is based on current research and is delivered through a faith-based perspective that will help students apply aspects of behavior modification as they learn how to take charge of the health of their bodies, minds, and spirits. Written by highly respected Christian academics, the text includes chapter objectives, a glossary that defines key terms from each chapter, and easy-to-read charts that highlight specific information. This latest edition also features a new web study guide that makes Christian Paths to Health and Wellness a particularly valuable and unique resource. For each chapter in the text, the web study guide supplies readers with an introductory self-assessment activity on the chapter’s topic; application and learning activities; self-reflection writing prompts to help students process the chapter’s content; suggested websites and readings for further exploration of the topic; and an interactive key terms quiz. (The web study guide is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web study guide is available separately.)Christian Paths to Health and Wellness offers instructors free access to online ancillaries, including an instructor guide, a presentation package, and a test package. “This text,” says coauthor Peter Walters, “is a book about accepting our God-given roles and capacities. Then empowered by the Spirit of God, we can make healthy choices regarding our mind, body, and soul. The end result is what ancients called ‘the good life,’ current academics call ‘human flourishing,’ and what scriptures call ‘shalom’.” “Personal wellness is often achieved through mental and physical discipline,” adds coauthor John Byl. “However, it is also important to open yourself to the power of God through the Holy Spirit. It is written in Bible that ‘the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control’ (Galatians 5:22–23). Ideas related to the fruit of the Spirit have been woven through the text, and a couple of chapters offer brief vignettes on a particular fruit of the Spirit, which demonstrates how the Spirit heals and makes one well.”Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Third Edition, will equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to adopt healthy lifestyles in all aspects of their lives. And that lifestyle will be pleasing to God and help them live out their purpose.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Customer's New Voice: Extreme Relevancy and Experience through Volunteered Customer Information
Find out how to reap the benefits of motivating and engaging the new, direct customer voice The Customer's New Voice shows businesses how to motivate and transform directly volunteered consumer knowledge into profitable insights, enabling a new echelon of marketing relevancy, customer experience, and personalization. With a deep look at the inner workings of how a modern generation of business innovators are tapping into the fresh opportunities with the customer's new voice, this book describes how businesses are transforming "inference-based" predictions of purchase intent with direct consumer knowledge of their actual intentions and buying context. The result: An untouchable/unprecedented level of offer relevancy, experience, and personalized service levels. Those offers range from the most basic app model of "Give me your physical location, we'll find the best Thai restaurant near you, and give you an instant coupon" to a more complex model such as an Electric utility value proposition: "We'll give you discounts to charge your Prius during certain times to help us optimize our grid efficiency while allowing Toyota to monitor and optimize your battery to enable Toyota's R&D and customer experience enhancement." Forty case studies detail proven approaches for directly engaging the new consumer, showing companies how to take advantage of rapidly evolving personal technology—smart phones, homes, vehicles, wearable technology, and Internet of Things—and the new sharing culture to collect the higher value "intentionally/ discretionarily" shared information. Readers gain access to a robust tool set including templates, checklists, tables, flow diagrams, process maps, and technical data schematics to streamline these new capabilities and accelerate implementation of these transformational techniques. Ninety percent of the data that businesses use to determine what they sell or how to personalize a customer experience results from consumers unintentionally volunteering "indirect" data; however, this type of data has less than 10 percent accuracy. This low effectiveness also necessitates up to 70 percent of a business's cost infrastructure. Direct consumer knowledge is now available and boasts up to 20-50 percent accuracy, yet businesses remain anchored in the old "indirect" competencies. This book helps companies integrate compelling sharing motivators and controls for consumers to feel motivated and safe about directly sharing their product and experience desires, providing the ultimate market advantage. Learn how to catch up to the new digitalized consumer Leverage direct consumer information from current megatrends Navigate privacy's current and future metamorphosis Unlock the untapped value of Big Data's true enabler—Little Data Parsing "incidentally" volunteered data has been stagnant for decades due to the capabilities and expectations of a new generation of enabled consumers The timeless reality is that any level of investment in computing power, data, and analytics will never approach their full ROI potential without interfusing the direct, intentional insights from the consumer. If today's forward-thinking companies want to profitably engage the new consumers, they must learn the secrets of motivating and safeguarding this new potential of customer transparency. The risks of not engaging these new consumer voices? Irrelevancy and Silence. The Customer's New Voice shows businesses how to fulfill the promise and caveat of the new consumer: "If you make my life easier, reward me, and respect my shared information: I will tell you my secrets."
John Wiley & Sons Inc Private Equity 4.0: Reinventing Value Creation
“Private equity is more economically significant than ever, as institutions hunt for high returns in a risky world. Private Equity 4.0 examines the role, workings and contribution of this important industry in a straightforward yet revealing manner.” Dr. Josh LernerJacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking Chair, Entrepreneurial Management Unit Harvard Business School A multi-perspective look at private equity's inner workings Private Equity 4.0 provides an insider perspective on the private equity industry, and analyzes the fundamental evolution of the private equity asset class over the past 30 years, from alternative to mainstream. The book provides insightful interviews of key industry figures, and case studies of some of the success stories in the industry. It also answers key questions related to strategy, fund manager selection, incentive mechanisms, performance comparison, red flags in prospectuses, and more. Private Equity 4.0 offers guidance for the many stakeholders that could benefit from a more complete understanding of this special area of finance. Understand the industry's dominant business models Discover how value is created and performance measured Perform a deep dive into the ecosystem of professionals that make the industry hum, including the different incentive systems that support the industry's players Elaborate a clear set of guidelines to invest in the industry and deliver better performance Written by a team of authors that combine academic and industry expertise to produce a well-rounded perspective, this book details the inner workings of private equity and gives readers the background they need to feel confident about committing to this asset class. Coverage includes a historical perspective on the business models of the three major waves of private equity leading to today's 4.0 model, a detailed analysis of the industry today, as well as reflections on the future of private equity and prospective futures. It also provides readers with the analytical and financial tools to analyze a fund's performance, with clear explanations of the mechanisms, organizations, and individuals that make the system work. The authors demystify private equity by providing a balanced, but critical, review of its contributions and shortcomings and moving beyond the simplistic journalistic descriptions. Its ecosystem is complex and not recognizing that complexity leads to inappropriate judgments. Because of its assumed opacity and some historical deviant (and generally transient) practices, it has often been accused of evil intents, making it an ideal scapegoat in times of economic crisis, prodding leading politicians and regulators to intervene and demand changes in practices. Unfortunately, such actors were often responding to public calls for action rather than a thorough understanding of the factors at play in this complex interdependent system, doing often more harm than good in the process and depriving economies of one of their most dynamic and creative forces. Self-regulation has clearly shown its limits, but righteous political interventions even more so. Private equity investment can be a valuable addition to many portfolios, but investors need a clear understanding of the forces at work before committing to this asset class. With detailed explanations and expert insights, Private Equity 4.0 is a comprehensive guide to the industry ways and means that enables the reader to capture its richness and sustainability.
Authentic Media Nine Minutes Past Midnight: A Doctor Comes Face to Face with His not so Silent Partner
"If you are a believer this book is a must read. If you are a sceptic this is a must read for you too. If you think you are too "intellectual" for Christian belief let this book tell you how wrong you are and inspire you to try a better way with God, instead of without Him. Highly recommended - a great Australian book which will blow you away." (Marian Klitzke, (Tasmania), a retired social worker and ex-owner of a Christian bookshop. Emailed to the author and posted on You-tube with the promo.) Trained at the University of New South Wales, Dr Ern Crocker is an experienced nuclear medicine physician, and the first to practise ultrasound in Australia. As he reconciled his Christian faith with his understanding of medicine, Dr Crocker became aware that God was working alongside him during an after-hours medical emergency. In this book, Dr Crocker recounts this life-changing encounter with the miraculous power of God, and also presents the testimonies of many other doctors who, like him, have experienced the presence of a "silent partner" as they carry out their medical duties. Readers will be amazed at these insiders' accounts of how God intervenes in the world of medicine today! "An essential read for those struggling with the considerable challenge of integrating a passion for the science of medicine, the art of compassionate holistic care and a love of the God who has created them." Dr Michael Burke MBBS, PhD, FRACGP, FAICD Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia "It is my hope that this book will encourage a large number of people to recognize that their hope lies with God, rather than with themselves." Ben Carson MD, Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Professor of Neurological Surgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery, and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University. Author of Gifted Hands "This is an inspirational book. I recommend it to all, but especially to students and young professionals in health care. Over and over again it shows that God is faithful to those who seek him and intervenes in the lives of his followers. He is the healer, whether it be through medical or miraculous means. May it encourage those in the medical world to go after God more and more and see his kingdom come in health care in the nations." Dr Ken Curry, Health Care In Christ, Australia "To some, a Christian doctor is an oxymoron in our day and age. Dr Ern Crocker in his book Nine Minutes Past Midnight demonstrates keen intellectual precision whole at the same time positioning himself in a very real faith. I love the reality of the book. I enjoy the stories of incredible medical and technological breakthrough. I am in awe when healing comes when doctors know that it was not their efforts alone that won the day. Both types are stories of divine intervention. I am comforted that others struggle with the reality that healing is not effected in every case, either by divine or by natural means. The reality of our limitations as shared in this book, serves to remind us that there is still much to learn, and much to keep us humble, even while celebrating great success. This book and its heroes are worth celebrating." David Crabtree, Senior Pastor, DaySpring Church, Australia "Nine Minutes Past Midnight is a compelling book, demonstrating perfectly what it looks like when the kingdom of heaven is expressed through the hands of those in the medical field. With interviews and testimonies from professionals all over the world, Dr Ernest Crocker has courageously painted a clear picture of what it looks like when the hand of God is upon and working through doctors surrendered to Him. This book will encourage your faith as you read about the many who have encountered God and have successfully carried Him into the world of medicine." Bill Johnson, Senior Pastor, Bethel Church, California. Author of When Heaven Invades Earth and Secrets To Imitating God Nine Minutes Past Midnight is essentially a compilation of interviews, conversations, and anecdotes, involving both doctors and patients. The purpose of Crocker's assembled interviews, conversations, and anecdotes, was to set out "factual evidence" - sometimes quite startling factual evidence - entrusted to him by "prominent medical practitioners of sound mind and undisputed word" (thereby confirming Crocker's own relevant experiences) regarding "the manner in which a 'personal' God interacts and intervenes in the lives of doctors, their patients, families and friends." This factual evidence related to God's intervening in the healing process today, not simply in the past. Put differently, the central theme of Nine Minutes Past Midnight is the experience by doctors and patients of God's presence now in day-to-day medical practice as the "third person involved in patient care and in the healing process...that unseen person or 'silent partner'." Rarely does a reviewer get to write about a book as remarkable as Ernest Crocker's Nine Minutes Past Midnight. Dr Colin Goodwin (extract from review) "Mr Ernest Crocker does not work alone but with a 'silent partner' he calls on during his treatment. As a young doctor he found just how powerful this 'silent partner' is when called out to a medical emergency at Nine Minutes Past Midnight. It was beyond explanation how this woman, pronounced dead twice by other medical personnel, lived without any lasting effects. This miracle encouraged and changed Dr Crocker, the first nuclear medicine physician in Australia to practise ultrasound. Nine Minutes Past Midnight begins with this incredible story and is followed by Dr Crocker's medical and spiritual journey and stories of other Christian doctors he encountered and interviewed over the years. It is a book of incredible faith, from medical personnel praying and trusting God to heal patients when their prognosis and ethics tell them the opposite, to the faith of patients whose lives are healed when their prognosis is non-existent. This truly inspirational book would be a great encouragement to those training or working in the health field. They will learn to trust God the healer would be a great encouragement to those training or working in the health field. They will learn to trust God the healer to work in the lives of patients either through medical or miraculous means and realise the limits of medical abilities against God's healing power. Highly recommended." - Elizabeth Gardner Weekly Challenge New Zealand's Christian Newspaper, 23/06/2012
Encounter Books,USA An Honest Writer: The Life and Times of James T. Farrell
James T. Farrell vaulted into the American literary firmament during the 1930s, becoming one of its brightest lights. "Studs Lonigan," his trilogy about a young Irish "tough" from Chicago's South Side, became a literary sensation and was acclaimed as a modern classic. Farrell went on to write some other excellent novels, and kept on writing for four more decades. But his courageous stance against Stalinism took a toll on his literary reputation, and later, as the naturalism he employed in his best fiction slipped out of vogue, his work fell into neglect and his star dimmed. Even "Studs Lonigan" came in recent decades to be little read. "An Honest Writer" recreates Farrells life and times and restores this important writer to his rightful place in the forefront of American literature. Robert Landers begins this landmark biography with Farrell's great subject: the vibrant Chicago of his birth and boyhood, the struggling Irish-Americans and others on the city's South Side, and his own family, whose eccentric members inspired some of the most memorable figures in his fiction. If the theme of Farrell's contemporary, Thomas Wolfe, was that "you can't go home again," the theme of his own work was that you never really leave. In Farrell's half-century as a writer, Chicago would remain as much a mythic landscape for him, a place standing for the whole of the American experience, as Yoknapatawpha County was for William Faulkner. In his chronicle of Farrell's effort to escape the heavy gravity of his youth and begin his audacious assault on the wider world, Landers gives us the archetypal journey of a young man discovering America at a time when the country was in the process of finding itself amid the crisis of the Great Depression. In his description of Farrell's search for love and sexual fulfillment, his relationships with friends and enemies such as Theodore Dreiser, Edmund Wilson and Nelson Algren, and his long quarrel with would-be censors who wanted to deny the harsh social realities portrayed in his works, Landers has given us a portrait not only of a man and a writer but of literary America in the middle decades of the 20th century. Drawing on the voluminous private papers that Farrell left behind upon his death in 1979, as well as on his own independent research and interviews, Landers opens a time capsule that reveals the connection between literature and politics from the 1930s onward. Initially drawn to the Communist Party when he left Chicago, Farrell was propelled by a radical vision in his early years as a writer and became deeply involved in the doctrinal disputes of the day. Yet he was ultimately a maverick who would not bow to any party discipline, and he awakened long before Hemingway, Malcolm Cowley and others to the horrors of Soviet totalitarianism. He freed himself from Marxist illusions for good at the onset of the Cold War, joining Sidney Hook, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., and other leading anti-Communist liberals in the Congress for Cultural Freedom. With a deep sympathy for Farrell and an informed reading of the larger context in which he lived and worked, Robert Landers has produced a sparkling history of an era and a compelling portrait of one of its major figures. This authoritative biography arrives right on time for the James T. Farrell centenary in 2004.
Monacelli Press SOM: Architecture of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1997-2008
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, founded in 1936, is one of the largest and most influential architecture firms in the world. SOM has long been known for innovation, experimentation, design excellence, and technical mastery, for an abiding interest in the contributions that buildings can make to the life of cities, and for a collaborative approach that extends to all aspects of the design and construction processes. This volume presents work from the late 1990s and 2000s. In an era of true globalization in design and commerce, SOM has come to occupy a unique place in American and international architecture. Recognized for the exceptional quality of its architectural design and urban planning, the firm is also renowned for its clients, an eminent group of businesses and institutions. In the years 1997–2008, the period represented in this monograph, SOM’s steadfast dedication to a modern expression has produced an important series of works at all scales, in a variety of typologies, in countries around the world. From the diminutive Skyscraper Museum in New York City to the radiant Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland, California, to the master plan and two buildings for the University of California Merced, the newest U.C. campus, the works shown here illustrate the remarkable range of SOM’s current practice. Perhaps no work exemplifies the firm’s creative, multifaceted approach as much as 7 World Trade Center, the first structure built at the World Trade Center after September 11, 2001. On a site claimed by commerce but also subject to the demands of memory, SOM created an elegant stainless-steel and glass tower that restores the New York City street grid and begins the process of remaking this part of the city. A suggestive combination of artistic and structural expertise, dedication to finding sustainable design solutions, collaborations with preeminent artists and designers, and commitment to urbanism characterize not only 7 World Trade Center but SOM’s recent body of work. Among the projects shown is the massive U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters in Suitland, Maryland, the first federal office building to receive a LEED rating. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing elegantly responds to the local culture and site. An abundance of airport projects - in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Israel, and Singapore - shows SOM’s mastery of this complex project type. The firm’s commitment to urbanism and its ability to work at a large scale on sites of great visibility are evident in the designs for the Time Warner Center in New York and Tokyo Midtown, as well as in a series of grand master plans: Chongming Island in Shanghai, the redevelopment of the waterfront in Alexandria, Egypt, and Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay. At the same time, the firm often works at a fine scale, as in the Burr Street School in Connecticut, the retail prototype for Charles Schwab, and the Condé Nast Cafeteria in New York. Kenneth Frampton brings a historian’s perspective to SOM’s recent work, tracing its evolution back to the Miesian modernism dominant at the time of the firm’s founding and forward to the cutting-edge technical advances to which the firm has devoted itself. Large-span structures, high-rise towers, low-rise topographic forms, compositions that incorporate media, and constructivist essays: all contribute to the development of contemporary architecture and contemporary urbanism alike. Well into its eighth decade of practice, SOM continues on a course of twenty-first century modernism, a modernism that is diverse and inclusive, contextual, urbane, and populist.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Leathersoft, Red, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Huddle: How Women Unlock Their Collective Power
Wall Street Journal BestsellerCNN news anchor Brooke Baldwin explores the phenomenon of “huddling,” when women lean on one another—in politics, Hollywood, activism, the arts, sports, and everyday friendships—to provide each other support, empowerment, inspiration, and the strength to solve problems or enact meaningful change. Whether they are facing adversity (like workplace inequity or a global pandemic) or organizing to make the world a better place, women are a highly potent resource for one another. Through a mix of journalism and personal narrative, Baldwin takes readers beyond the big headline-making huddles from recent years (such as the Women’s March, #MeToo, Times Up, and the record number of women running for public office) and embeds herself in groups of women of all ages, races, religions and socio-economic backgrounds who are banding together in America. HUDDLE explores several stories including: The benefits of all-girls learning environments, such as Karlie Kloss’s Kode with Klossy and Reese Witherspoon’s Filmmaker Lab for Girls in which young women are given the freedom to make mistakes, and find their confidence. The tactics employed by huddles of women who work in male-dominated industries including a group of US veterans/Democratic Congresswomen, a huddle of African-American judges in Harris County, Texas, and an all-female writers room in Hollywood. The wisdom of huddling from trusted pioneers such as Gloria Steinem, Billie Jean King, and Madeleine Albright as well as contemporary trailblazers like Stacey Abrams and Ava DuVernay. How professionals such as Chef Dominique Crenn and sports agent Lindsay Colas use their success to amplify other women in their fields. The ways huddles of women are dedicated to making seismic change, including a look at Indigenous women saving the planet, the women who founded Black Lives Matter, the mothers fighting for sensible gun laws, America’s favorite female athletes (Megan Rapinoe, Hilary Knight, and Sue Bird to name a few) agitating for equal pay, and female teachers rallying to improve their working conditions. The bond between women who practice self-care and trauma healing together, including the women who courageously survived sexual abuse, and the women who heal together in The Class and GirlTrek. The ways women are becoming more intentional about the life-saving power of friendship, including the bonds between military wives, new moms, and nurses getting through the time of Covid. Throughout her examination of this fascinating huddle phenomenon, Baldwin learns about the periods of huddle ‘droughts” in America, as well as the ways that Black women have been huddling for centuries. She also uncovers how huddling can be the “secret sauce” that makes many things possible for women: success in the workplace, effective grassroots change, confidence in girlhood, and a better physical and mental health profile in adulthood. Along the way, Baldwin takes readers through her own personal journey of growing up in the South and climbing the ladder of a male-dominated industry. Like so many women in her field, she encountered many sharp elbows on her career path, but became an early believer in adding more seats to the table and huddling with other women for strength and solidarity. In the process of writing HUDDLE, Baldwin learns that this seemingly new phenomenon is actually something women have been doing for generations—a quiet, collective power she learns to unlock in her transformation from journalist to champion for women.
Canbury Press Brexit Without The Bullshit: The Facts on Food, Jobs, Schools, and the NHS
'Punchy, pithy and short.' – POLLY TOYNBEE, GUARDIAN COLUMNIST 'In an ideal world every citizen would read this essential book, and think hard.' – PROFESSOR AC GRAYLING, ACADEMIC The broadcaster and journalist Gavin Esler reveals the long-lasting impact of the most momentous change in Britain for decades. In seven succinct chapters, he charts the profound changes brought about by leaving the European Union on key areas of life in the United Kingdom: Food and diet Health and the NHS Jobs and industry Education Travel to Europe From the food markets of Kent to NHS operating theatres to the boardrooms of big employers, Brexit is packed with surprises. And Brexit Without the Bullshit is not about the Brexit you were told you were getting: it's about the one we're actually getting. From the author of How Britain Ends and Britain is Better Than This, this is the ideal accompaniment to books on Brexit such as the Fintan O'Toole's Brexit Chronicles and Michel Barner's Secret Brexit Diaries. Instead of concentrating on the Brexit referendum campaign, it uncovers the fundamental changes caused by Brexit - and what they mean for ordinary life. REVIEWS 'If you want a pithy, sober, clear-headed summary of what Brexit is actually likely to look like, @gavinesler’s new book is spot on. Such a welcome antidote to all the whipped up sentiment - calm, factual, rigorous.' – DR RACHEL CLARKE, NHS DOCTOR AND CAMPAIGNER 'Esler provides the evidence of what Brexit has already done to Britain and the harm that it s causing and will cause, in particular to the poorest in our society. A guide for all who want to understand what Brexit really means.' – JESSICA SIMOR QC 'A brilliant demolition of the lies and liars that created the Brexit mess. Should be required reading at his old stamping ground, the BBC.' – ALASTAIR CAMPBELL, WRITER AND BROADCASTER WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK - BY GAVIN ESLER In 2016 I did something I had never done before. I voted in the Brexit referendum without knowing what I was voting for or against. No one explained to me - or you - what Brexit would mean for our lives. Whether you voted Leave or Remain, we did not know the facts about Brexit, how it would affect our jobs, food, schools, universities, the NHS, our families, pets, travel arrangements, and even the supposed unity of the United Kingdom. In the years since the Brexit vote, the British government has continued to fail to explain the facts about Brexit, and so I decided to find out for myself. The result is my latest book, “Brexit Without The Bullshit.” At first I thought that if Brexit were stripped of the bullshit — lies and deceit, scare stories and fantasies — there would be nothing left. But the facts about Brexit are so stark, there’s plenty to discuss and think about. The key fact is this: Brexit is not an event. It is a process. Whether it happens or not, whatever version of leaving the EU we end up with, we will be forced to discuss Brexit for years to come. If we are to survive and perhaps thrive, we need to start with the facts. Gavin Esler CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1. Brexit & Our Food Chapter 2. Brexit, Our Health & the NHS Chapter 3. Brexit, Our Money & Our Jobs Chapter 4. Brexit & Our Children’s Education Chapter 5. Brexit & Travel Chapter 6. Brexit & Our Country Chapter 7. A No Deal Brexit The Boring Bits: Glossary and Endnotes
Human Kinetics Publishers The Essentials of Teaching Health Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The Essentials of Teaching Health Education, Second Edition, presents a skills-based approach to teaching K-12 health education that prepares students for success in the 21st century. This practical text is written by seasoned and highly credentialed authors with experience in both university and K-12 settings. It provides educators all they need to build, teach, and assess a health education program that will help their students become health literate, develop self-efficacy, and gain the 21st-century skills they need to maintain or improve health and well-being.What Sets This Book Apart This text meets the unique needs of schools, teachers, and students. It emphasizes an individualized approach to enhancing student learning and developing skills based on current research and national health education standards. This new edition of The Essentials of Teaching Health Education features the following: Two new chapters: one on the role of health education in the 21st century and the other on equity and social justice in health education An updated definition of skills-based health education A revised skill-development model that puts learning theory into practice as well as updated research connecting this approach to health behavior theory and learning theory A new student resource accessed through HKPropel Practical strategies for curriculum design and program development with a skills-based approach—one that makes it easy to put the content into action and make a meaningful impact on students Real-world examples to help readers understand and apply the content, along with summaries, key points, and review questions that aid in retaining the information Vocabulary words and definitions to help students keep up with the ever-changing terminology in health education Ancillaries for adopting instructors are available online.Book Organization The book is arranged into four parts. Part I delves into the skills-based approach to health education, explaining the role of health education, discussing equity and justice in health education, describing the importance of the approach, and demystifying student motivation. Part II focuses on how to teach skills that are based on the National Health Education Standards: accessing valid and reliable information, products, and services; analyzing influences; interpersonal communication; decision making and goal setting; self-management; and advocacy.Part III explores how to use data to inform curriculum planning, outlines the eight steps for curriculum development, and shows teachers how to design meaningful assessments. In part IV, readers learn how to create a positive learning environment, implement a skills-based approach, and meet the unique needs of elementary health education. The final chapter examines professional development beyond the classroom.A Framework for Successful Acquisition of SkillsThe Essentials of Teaching Health Education, Second Edition, offers evidence-informed strategies as it guides teachers through the critical process of supplying students with the tools they need for success in school and in life. The authors use the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework to set the foundation for teaching the skills students need. The text is comprehensive and flexible to meet all students’ needs. With all the ancillaries and tools it provides, educators are set to deliver a complete, well-rounded curriculum that will prepare future teachers for success. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
New York University Press 110 Stories: New York Writes after September 11
Collected stories from renowned and emerging voices writing fiction, poetry, and dramatic prose in the aftermath of 9/11 New York is a city of writers. And when the city was attacked on 9/11, its writers began to do what writers do, they began to look and feel and think and write, began to struggle to process an event unimaginable before, and even after, it happened. The work of journalists appeared immediately, in news reports, commentaries, and personal essays. But no single collection has yet recorded how New York writers of fiction, poetry, and dramatic prose have responded to 9/11. Now, in 110 Stories, Ulrich Baer has gathered a multi-hued range of voices that convey, with vivid immediacy and heightened imagination, the shock and loss suffered in September. From a stunning lineup of 110 renowned and emerging writers-including Paul Auster, Lynne Sharon Schwartz, Edwidge Danticat, Vivian Gornick, Phillip Lopate, Dennis Nurkse, Melvin Bukiet, Susan Wheeler-these stories give readers not so much an analysis of what happened as the very shape and texture of a city in crisis, what it felt like to be here, the external and internal damage that the city and its inhabitants absorbed in the space and the aftermath of a few unforgettable hours. As A.M. Homes says in one of the book's eyewitness accounts, "There is no place to put this experience, no folder in the mental hard drive that says, 'catastrophe.' It is not something that you want to remember, not something that you want to forget." This collection testifies to the power of poetry and storytelling to preserve and give meaning to what seems overwhelming. It showcases the literary imagination in its capacity to gauge the impact of 9/11 on how we view the world. Just as the stories of the World Trade towers were filled with people from all walks of life, the stories collected here reflect New York's true diversity, its boundless complexity and polyglot energy, its regenerative imagination, and its spirit of solidarity and endurance. The editor’s proceeds will be donated to charity. Cover art donated by Art Spiegelman. List of Contributors: Humera Afridi, Ammiel Alcalay, Elena Alexander, Meena Alexander, Jeffery Renard Allen, Roberta Allen, Jonathan Ames, Darren Aronofsky, Paul Auster, Jennifer Belle, Jenifer Berman, Charles Bernstein, Star Black, Breyten Breytenbach, Melvin Jules Bukiet, Peter Carey, Lawrence Chua, Ira Cohen, Imraan Coovadia, Edwidge Danticat, Alice Elliot, Eric Darton, Lydia Davis, Samuel R. Delany, Maggie Dubris, Rinde Eckert, Janice Eidus, Masood Farivar, Carolyn Ferrell, Richard Foreman, Deborah Garrison, Amitav Ghosh, James Gibbons, Carol Gilligan, Thea Goodman, Vivian Gornick, Tim Griffin, Lev Grossman, John Guare, Sean Gullette, Jessica Hagedorn, Kimiko Hahn, Nathalie Handal, Carey Harrison, Joshua Henkin, Tony Hiss, David Hollander, A.M. Homes, Richard Howard, Laird Hunt, Siri Hustvedt, John Keene, John Kelly, Wayne Koestenbaum, Richard Kostelanetz, Guy Lesser, Jonathan Lethem, Jocelyn Lieu, Tan Lin, Sam Lipsyte, Phillip Lopate, Karen Malpede, Charles McNulty, Pablo Medina, Ellen Miller, Paul D. Miller/DJ Spooky, Mark Jay, Tova Mirvis, Albert Mobilio, Alex Molot, Mary Morris, Tracie Morris, Anna Moschovakis, Richard Eoin Nash, Josip Novakovich, Dennis Nurkse, Geoffrey O'Brien, Larry O'Connor, Robert Polito, Nelly Reifler, Rose-Myriam Réjouis, Roxana Robinson, Avital Ronell, Daniel Asa Rose, Joe Salvatore, Grace Schulman, Lynne Sharon Schwartz, Dani Shapiro, Akhil Sharma, Suzan Sherman, Jenefer Shute, Hal Sirowitz, Pamela Sneed, Chris Spain, Art Spiegelman, Catharine R. Stimpson, Liz Swados, Lynne Tillman, Mike Topp, David Trinidad, Val Vinokurov, Chuck Wachtel, Mac Wellman, Owen West, Rachel Wetzsteon, Susan Wheeler, Peter Wortsman, John Yau, Christopher Yu.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Programme Procurement in Construction: Learning from London 2012
"This book ... adds to the impressive 'legacy' of learning which is still emerging from the successful delivery of the London 2012 construction programme. The authors combine the reforming zeal of a champion for change, who was there every step of the way, with academic rigour, and the result is delivered with impressive passion and commitment to the topic … All spenders and suppliers need to read this, to understand how conventional understandings of procurement fall so dramatically short when applied to high value-high risk acquisitions, which invariably is what large construction projects represent."—Don Ward, Chief Executive, Constructing Excellence, UK Successful construction is often attributed to one or more aspects of the delivery process from good planning, design and clever engineering to efficient project management and quality construction. Before any of these disciplines can begin, they all require some form of procurement to select the team or supply chain to meet a client’s or a project’s specific requirements. The concept of PSE - Purchase and Supplier Engineering - originated in the procurement of the construction and infrastructure required to stage the 30th Olympiad in London during 2012. At the time of writing PSE has successfully delivered almost £25bn of public procurement meeting client and project requirements and without legal challenge. The construction of the venues and infrastructure needed to stage London 2012 was such a resounding success that it boosted not only the reputation of the UK construction industry but also the confidence of the UK population in the country’s ability to organise, build and run a major international event. Its success has been lauded as something from which clients and industry could learn. The ODA has established a comprehensive and informative body of evidence as part of a Learning Legacy. While the ODA is well aware of the many elements of the procurement and supply chain management, the complete end to end concept of how the Olympic supply chain procurements were managed has until now not been captured. For example, how does one buy the stage for an Olympic Games? How does one manage the details of thousands of contracts and the many firms of contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers and ensure that no one organisation adversely affects any other to the detriment of the programme? How are a client’s requirements beyond those of the capital asset realised as part of the investment? How does one measure programme exposure, or manage performance? How does one measure capacity and the ability of firms to cope with the work and manage the risks involved? Programme Procurement in Construction: Learning from London 2012 covers the planning and preparation of a programme’s procurement processes from understanding and developing the client’s requirements, to monitoring performance based on the benchmarks contractors set out in their own tender submissions. The emphasis is on a close attention to detail to avoid surprises, while keeping a focus on the total programme. Purchase and Supplier Engineering provides an overview of managing the interest of firms in participating and the resulting capacity and workloads of all suppliers, including the main contractors and the critical subcontractors and material suppliers. Offering techniques, tips and lessons learnt from the implementation of PSE on London 2012 and Crossrail, this book is aimed at public and private sector clients, developers, senior management and those businesses and professionals involved in undertaking the procurement, supply chain management and delivery of multiple construction projects or complex major construction programmes.
Anomie Publishing Kathryn Maple – a Year of Drawings
Kathryn Maple (b. 1989, Canterbury) is an artist specialising in drawing and painting. Her large-scale paintings feature urban, suburban and rural landscapes which are frequently populated by human figures. Her work is distinctive for its use of intensely layered mark making, lending the work both urgency and intimacy. The places and people depicted, rendered in a range of painting and drawing materials, are frequently afforded a sense of wildness or mystery by dint of their colour palette, collage-like compositions and recurring motifs such as wind-blown trees and winding pathways.This, her first monograph, features 379 images, many of which are reproduced for the first time. These include the presentation of her recent major series of oil pastel on paper works 'A Year of Drawings', alongside reproductions of her mixed media works on paper, as well as large oils on canvas.An essay by Kathryn Lloyd, writer, artist and Contemporary Art Editor at The Burlington Magazine, offers insight into Maple’s impulse to explore the world around her through her work. Large-scale paintings, replete with dense layers of marks, are constructed by means of personal encounter, memory and imagination. Details of man-made objects, tree bark and human skin, for instance, become composite, crucial in capturing fleeting experiences of place and of people. Lloyd brings out the symbolism of Maple’s work, making art historical comparisons while connecting these to the specific local characteristics of Maple’s familiar South London landscapes and the importance of walking to the artist’s practice.An interview with independent curator and critic Anneka French is focused on 'A Year of Drawings', a series of 365 drawings made daily since January 2022 outside the artist’s studio. They discuss the process, materials and art historical and literary influences upon Maple’s work, with a focus on how her drawing and painting strands of work impact each other. Their conversation provides an insight into the thinking of the artist at a crucial stage in Maple’s career.Taking its title from the lyrics of The Cure’s A Forest (1980), Editor Matt Price’s essay 'Into the Trees' offers an introduction to, and an overview of,' A Year of Drawings', discussing examples of the works and considering aspects of the series ranging from art historical precedents to themes, recurring motifs and interpretation.The monograph is published to coincide with the exhibitions: Under a Hot Sun, by Kathryn Maple, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 11 February – 30 April 2023 and Kathryn Maple: A Year of Drawings, Lyndsey Ingram Gallery, London, 1–17 March 2023. It has been edited by Matt Price, designed by Anomie Studio, printed by Mixam, Watford, and published by Anomie, London.Kathryn Maple was born in Canterbury in 1989, and lives and works in South London. She graduated in 2011 with a degree in fine art printmaking from the University of Brighton, before undertaking a postgraduate programme at the Royal Drawing School in 2012–13. Maple has featured in exhibitions at venues including Barber & Lopes at the British Art Fair, London, The Royal Academy, London, Beers London, Messums Wiltshire, Flowers Gallery, London, Frestonian Gallery, London, Christies New York, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, and Drawing Room, London. Maple was the winner of the Times Watercolour Competition 2014 and 2016, and The John Moores Painting Prize 2020. Her exhibition Under the Hot Sun at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 2023, was awarded to Maple as part of her prize for winning the latter.
Orion Publishing Co Dear NHS: 100 Stories to Say Thank You, Edited by Adam Kay
THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERCurated and edited by Adam Kay (author of multi-million bestseller This is Going to Hurt), Dear NHS features 100 household names telling their personal stories of the health service. Contributors include: Paul McCartney, Emilia Clarke, Peter Kay, Stephen Fry, Dawn French, Sir Trevor McDonald, Graham Norton, Sir Michael Palin, Naomie Harris, Ricky Gervais, Sir David Jason, Dame Emma Thompson, Joanna Lumley, Miranda Hart, Dermot O'Leary, Jamie Oliver, Ed Sheeran, David Tennant, Dame Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Malala Yousafzai and many, many more. All profits from this book will go to NHS Charities Together to fund vital research and projects, and The Lullaby Trust which supports parents bereaved of babies and young children.Other writers include Chris O'Dowd, Johnny Vegas, Jack Whitehall, Chris Evans, Lorraine Kelly, Lee Mack, Jonathan Ross, Konnie Huq, Greg James, Frank Skinner, Louis Theroux, KT Tunstall, Sandi Toksvig and Kevin Bridges. The NHS is our single greatest achievement as a country. No matter who you are, no matter what your health needs are, and no matter how much money you have, the NHS is there for you. In Dear NHS, 100 inspirational people come together to share their stories of how the national health service has been there for them, and changed their lives in the process. By turns deeply moving, hilarious, hopeful and impassioned, these stories together become a love letter to the NHS and the 1.4 million people who go above and beyond the call of duty every single day - selflessly, generously, putting others before themselves, never more so than now. They are all heroes, and this book is our way of saying thank you.Contributors include: Dolly Alderton, Monica Ali, Kate Atkinson, Pam Ayres, David Baddiel, Johanna Basford, Mary Beard, William Boyd, Frankie Boyle, Jo Brand, Kevin Bridges, Alex Brooker, Charlie Brooker, Rob Brydon, Bill Bryson, Kathy Burke, Peter Capaldi, Jimmy Carr, Candice Carty-Williams, Lauren Child, Lee Child, Bridget Christie, Emilia Clarke, Rev Richard Coles, Daisy May Cooper, Jilly Cooper, Fearne Cotton, Juno Dawson, Kit de Waal, Victoria Derbyshire, Reni Eddo-Lodge, Chris Evans, Anne Fine, Martin Freeman, Dawn French, Stephen Fry, Mark Gatiss, Ricky Gervais, Professor Green, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, Mark Haddon, Matt Haig, The Hairy Bikers, Naomie Harris, Miranda Hart, Victoria Hislop, Nick Hornby, Sali Hughes, Konnie Huq, Marina Hyde, E L James, Greg James, Sir David Jason, Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Jackie Kay, Peter Kay, Lorraine Kelly, Marian Keyes, Shappi Khorsandi, Nish Kumar, Stewart Lee, Joanna Lumley, Lee Mack, Emily Maitlis, Andrew Marr, Catherine Mayer, Alexander McCall Smith, Paul McCartney, Sir Trevor McDonald, Caitlin Moran, Kate Mosse, Jojo Moyes, David Nicholls, John Niven, Graham Norton, Chris O'Dowd, Dermot O'Leary, Jamie Oliver, Sir Michael Palin, Maxine Peake, Sue Perkins, Katie Piper, Ian Rankin, Jonathan Ross, Ed Sheeran, Paul Sinha, Frank Skinner, Matthew Syed, Kae Tempest, David Tennant, Louis Theroux, Dame Emma Thompson, Sandi Toksvig, Stanley Tucci, KT Tunstall, Johnny Vegas, Danny Wallace, Dame Julie Walters, Phil Wang, Emma Watson, Mark Watson, Robert Webb, Irvine Welsh, Jack Whitehall, Josh Widdicombe, Dame Jacqueline Wilson, Greg Wise, Malala Yousafzai, Benjamin Zephaniah.A minimum of £3.09 from the sale of each book will be paid to NHS Charities Together and £0.16 will be paid to The Lullaby Trust.
City Lights Books Under the Dome: Walks with Paul Celan
An arresting memoir of the final years and tragic suicide of one of twentieth-century Europe’s greatest poets, published on the centenary of his birth."Daive's memoir sensitively conjures a portrait of a man tormented by both his mind and his medical treatment but who nonetheless remained a generous friend and a poet for whom writing was a matter of life and death."—The New Yorker"Jean Daive's memoir of his brief but intense spell as confidant and poetic confrère of Paul Celan offers us unique access to the mind and personality of one of the great poets of the dark twentieth century."—J.M. CoetzeePaul Celan (1920–1970) is considered one of Europe's greatest post-World-War II poets, known for his astonishing experiments in poetic form, expression, and address. Under the Dome is French poet Jean Daive's haunting memoir of his friendship with Celan, a precise yet elliptical account of their daily meetings, discussions, and walks through Paris, a routine that ended suddenly when Celan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Seine. Daive's grief at the loss of his friend finds expression in Under the Dome, where we are given an intimate insight into Celan's last years, at the height of his poetic powers, and as he approached the moment when he would succumb to the debilitating emotional pain of a Holocaust survivor.In Under the Dome, Jean Daive illuminates Celan's process of thinking about poetry, grappling with questions of where it comes from and what it does: invaluable insights about poetry's relation to history and ethics, and how poems offer pathways into a deeper grasp of our past and present. This new edition of Rosmarie Waldrop’s masterful translation includes an introduction by scholars Robert Kaufman and Philip Gerard, which provides critical, historical, and cultural context for Daive’s enigmatic, timeless text."Under the Dome breathes with Celan while walking with Celan, walking in the dark and the light with Celan, invoking the stillness, the silence, of the breathturn while speaking for the deeply human necessity of poetry."—Michael Palmer, author of The Laughter of the Sphinx"The fragments textured together in this more-than-magnificent rendering of Jean Daive’s prose poem by this master of the word, Rosmarie Waldrop, grab on and leave us haunted and speechless."—Mary Ann Caws, author of Creative Gatherings: Meeting Places of Modernism and editor of the Yale Anthology of Twentieth Century French Poetry"Rosmarie Waldrop's brilliant translation resonates with her profound knowledge of both Celan's and Daive's poetry and the passion for language that she shares with them. The text brings these three major poets together in a highly unusual and wholly successful collaboration."—Cole Swensen, author of On Walking On"Rosmarie Waldrop takes up Celan’s question to Jean Daive as her own. I cannot unread her inimitable ease in these pages. This is a book that contends with time."—Fady Joudah, author of Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance"Daive's writing is a highly punctuated recollection, a memoir, perhaps a testimony, but also surely a way of attending to the time of the writing, the conditions and coordinates of Celan's various enunciations, his linguistic humility. … Celan’s death, what Daive calls 'really unforeseeable,' remains as an 'undercurrent' in the conversations recollected here, gathered up again, with an insistence and clarity of true mourning and acknowledgement."—Judith Butler, author of The Force of Nonviolence
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination
Prepare for success on the NCLEX-RN® exam with this complete review! Often called the best NCLEX® exam review book ever, Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination reviews all nursing content areas related to the current test plan. This new edition includes 5,700 NCLEX exam-style questions in the book and online, including alternate items formats and Next Generation NCLEX questions. Don't make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX exam review books, because only this book includes the kinds of questions that consistently test the clinical judgment skills necessary to pass today's NCLEX exam. Even better, all answers include detailed rationales to help you learn from your answer choices as well as test-taking strategies with tips on how to best approach each question. Written by the most trusted names in NCLEX review, Linda Anne Silvestri and Angela Elizabeth Silvestri, this is THE book of choice for NCLEX preparation. But don't just take our word for it - read any customer review or ask your classmates to see why there's nothing else like it! More than 5,700 practice questions in the text and on the Evolve website offer ample testing practice. UNIQUE! Detailed test-taking strategy is included for each question, offering clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option, with rationales provided for both correct and incorrect answers. UNIQUE! Pyramid Points icons indicate important information, identifying content that is likely to appear on the NCLEX-RN® examination. UNIQUE! Pyramid Alerts appear in red text and highlight important nursing concepts, and identify content that typically appears on the NCLEX-RN examination. UNIQUE! Priority Concepts - two in each chapter - discuss important content and nursing interventions, and reflect the latest edition of Giddens' Concepts for Nursing Practice text. UNIQUE! Priority Nursing Action boxes provide information about the steps you will take in clinical situations requiring clinical judgment and prioritization. UNIQUE! Audio review summaries on Evolve cover pharmacology, acid-base balance, and fluids and electrolytes. New graduate's perspective is offered on how to prepare for the NCLEX-RN, in addition to nonacademic preparation, the CAT format, and test-taking strategies. Mnemonics are included to help you remember important information. Alternate item format questions cover multiple response, prioritizing [ordered response], fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration [hot spot], chart/exhibit, video, and audio questions. 75-question comprehensive exam in the book covers all content areas in the book in the same percentages that they are covered on the actual NCLEX-RN test plan. Practice questions on Evolve are organized by content area, cognitive level, client needs area, integrated process, health problem, clinical judgment, and priority concepts, allowing completely customizable exams or study sessions. NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style questions prepare you for the biggest change to the NCLEX-RN® test plan to date. NEW! Thoroughly updated content incorporates clinical updates and reflects the latest NCLEX-RN test plan. NEW! Clinical Judgment boxes identify clinical judgment situations, each addressing one of the six cognitive skills of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. NEW! Additional questions cover health problem areas and complex care. NEW! Urinary and Bowel Elimination and Hygiene, Mobility, and Skin Integrity chapters are added to this edition.
Pearson Education (US) SOA Design Patterns
“SOA Design Patterns is an important contribution to the literature and practice of building and delivering quality software-intensive systems.” - Grady Booch, IBM Fellow “With the continued explosion of services and the increased rate of adoption of SOA through the market, there is a critical need for comprehensive, actionable guidance that provides the fastest possible time to results. Microsoft is honored to contribute to the SOA Design Patterns book, and to continue working with the community to realize the value of Real World SOA.” - Steven Martin, Senior Director, Developer Platform Product Management, Microsoft “SOA Design Patterns provides the proper guidance with the right level of abstraction to be adapted to each organization’s needs, and Oracle is pleased to have contributed to the patterns contained in this book.” - Dr. Mohamad Afshar, Director of Product Management, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle “Red Hat is pleased to be involved in the SOA Design Patterns book and contribute important SOA design patterns to the community that we and our customers have used within our own SOA platforms. I am sure this will be a great resource for future SOA practitioners.” - Pierre Fricke Director, Product Line Management, JBoss SOA Platform, Red Hat “A wealth of proven, reusable SOA design patterns, clearly explained and illustrated with examples. An invaluable resource for all those involved in the design of service-oriented solutions.” - Phil Thomas, Consulting IT Specialist, IBM Software Group “This obligatory almanac of SOA design patterns will become the foundation on which many organizations will build their successful SOA solutions. It will allow organizations to build their own focused SOA design patterns catalog in an expedited fashion knowing that it contains the wealth and expertise of proven SOA best practices.” - Stephen Bennett, Director, Technology Business Unit, Oracle Corporation “The technical differences between service orientation and object orientation are subtle enough to confuse even the most advanced developers. Thomas Erl’s book provides a great service by clearly articulating SOA design patterns and differentiating them from similar OO design patterns.” - Anne Thomas Manes, VP & Research Director, Burton Group “SOA Design Patterns does an excellent job of laying out and discussing the areas of SOA design that a competent SOA practitioner should understand and employ.” - Robert Laird, SOA Architect, IBM “As always, Thomas delivers again. In a well-structured and easy-to-understand way, this book provides a wonderful collection of patterns each addressing a typical set of SOA design problems with well articulated solutions. The plain language and hundreds of diagrams included in the book help make the complicated subjects of SOA design comprehensible even to those who are new to the SOA design world. It’s a must-have reference book for all SOA practitioners, especially for enterprise architects, solution architects, developers, managers, and business process experts.” - Canyang Kevin Liu, Solution Architecture Manager, SAP “The concept of service oriented architecture has long promised visions of agile organizations being able to swap out interfaces and applications as business needs change. SOA also promises incredible developer and IT productivity, with the idea that key services would be candidates for cross-enterprise sharing or reuse. But many organizations’ efforts to move to SOA have been mired–by organizational issues, by conflicting vendor messages, and by architectures that may amount to little more than Just a Bunch of Web Services. There’s been a lot of confusion in the SOA marketplace about exactly what SOA is, what it’s supposed to accomplish, and how an enterprise goes about in making it work. SOA Design Patterns is a definitive work that offers clarity on the purpose and functioning of service oriented architecture. SOA Design Patterns not only helps the IT practitioner lay the groundwork for a well-functioning SOA effort across the enterprise, but also connects the dots between SOA and the business requirements in a very concrete way. Plus, this book is completely technology agnostic—SOA Design Patterns rightly focuses on infrastructure and architecture, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re using components of one kind or another, or Java, or .NET, or Web services, or REST-style interfaces. While no two SOA implementations are alike, Thomas Erl and his team of contributors have effectively identified the similarities in composition services need to have at a sub-atomic level in order to interact with each other as we hope they will. The book identifies 85 SOA design patterns which have been developed and thoroughly vetted to ensure that a service-oriented architecture does achieve the flexibility and loose coupling promised. The book is also compelling in that it is a living document, if you will, inviting participation in an open process to identify and formulate new patterns to this growing body of knowledge.” - Joe McKendrick, Independent Analyst, Author of ZDNet’s SOA Blog “If you want to truly educate yourself on SOA, read this book.” - Sona Srinivasan, Global Client Services & Operations, CISCO “An impressive decomposition of the process and architectural elements that support serviceoriented analysis, design, and delivery. Right-sized and terminologically consistent. Overall, the book represents a patient separation of concerns in respect of the process and architectural parts that underpin any serious SOA undertaking. Two things stand out. First, the pattern relationship diagrams provide rich views into the systemic relationships that structure a service-oriented architecture: these patterns are not discrete, isolated templates to be applied mechanically to the problem space; rather, they form a network of forces and constraints that guide the practitioner to consider the task at hand in the context of its inter-dependencies. Second, the pattern sequence diagrams and accompanying notes provide a useful framework for planning and executing the many activities that comprise an SOA engagement.” - Ian Robinson, Principal Technology Consultant, ThoughtWorks “Successful implementation of SOA principles requires a shift in focus from software system means, or the way capabilities are developed, to the desired end results, or real-world effects required to satisfy organizational business processes. In SOA Design Patterns, Thomas Erl provides service architects with a broad palette of reusable service patterns that describe service capabilities that can cut across many SOA applications. Service architects taking advantage of these patterns will save a great deal of time describing and assembling services to deliver the real world effects they need to meet their organization’s specific business objectives.” - Chuck Georgo, Public Safety and National Security Architect “In IT, we have increasingly come to see the value of having catalogs of good solution patterns in programming and systems design. With this book, Thomas Erl brings a comprehensive set of patterns to bear on the world of SOA. These patterns enable easily communicated, reusable, and effective solutions, allowing us to more rapidly design and build out the large, complicated and interoperable enterprise SOAs into which our IT environments are evolving.” - Al Gough, Business Systems Solutions CTO, CACI International Inc. “This book provides a comprehensive and pragmatic review of design issues in service-centric design, development, and evolution. The Web site related to this book [] is a wonderful platform and gives the opportunity for the software community to maintain this catalogue….” - Veronica Gacitua Decar, Dublin City University “Erl’s SOA Design Patterns is for the IT decision maker determined to make smart architecture design choices, smart investments, and long term enterprise impact. For those IT professionals committed to service-orientation as a value-added design and implementation option, Patterns offers a credible, repeatable approach to engineering an adaptable business enterprise. This is a must read for all IT architect professionals.” - Larry Gloss, VP and General Manager, Information Manufacturing, LLC “These SOA patterns define, encompass, and comprise a complete repertoire of best practices for developing a world-class IT SOA portfolio for the enterprise and its organizational units through to service and schema analysis and design. After many years as an architect on many SOA projects, I strongly recommend this book be on the shelf of every analyst and technical member of any SOA effort, right next to the SOA standards and guidelines it outlines and elucidates the need for. Our SOA governance standards draw heavily from this work and others from this series.” - Robert John Hathaway III, Enterprise Software Architect, SOA Object Systems “A wise man once told me that wisdom isn’t all about knowledge and intelligence, it is just as much about asking questions. Asking questions is the true mark of wisdom and during the writing of the SOA Design Patterns book Thomas Erl has shown his real qualities. The community effort behind this book is huge meaning that Thomas has had access to the knowledge and experience of a large group of accomplished practitioners. The result speaks for itself. This book is packed with proven solutions to recurring problems, and the documented pros and cons of each solution have been verified by persons with true experience. This book could give SOA initiatives of any scale a real boost.” - Herbjörn Wilhelmsen, Architect and Senior Consultant, Objectware “This book is an absolute milestone in SOA literature. For the first time we are provided with a practical guide on how the principle centric description of service orientation from a vendor-agnostic viewpoint is actually made to work in a language based on patterns. This book makes you talk SOA! There are very few who understand SOA like Thomas Erl does, he actually put’s it all together!” - Brian Lokhorst, Solution Architect, Dutch Tax Office “Service oriented architecture is all about best practices we have learned since IT’s existence. This book takes all those best practices and bundles them into a nice pattern catalogue. [It provides] a really excellent approach as patterns are not just documented but are provided with application scenarios through case studies [which] fills the gap between theory and practice.” - Shakti Sharma, Senior Enterprise Architect, Sysco Corp “An excellent and important book on solving problems in SOA [with a] solid structure. Has the potential of being among the major influential books.” - Peter Chang, Lawrence Technical University “SOA Design Patterns presents a vast amount of knowledge about how to successfully implement SOA within an organization. The information is clear, concise, and most importantly, legitimate.” - Peter B. Woodhull, President and Principal Architect, Modus21 “SOA Design Patterns offers real insights into everyday problems that one will encounter when investing in services oriented architecture. [It] provides a number of problem descriptions and offers strategies for dealing with these problems. SOA design patterns highlights more than just the technical problems and solutions. Common organizational issues that can hinder progress towards achieving SOA migration are explained along with potential approaches for dealing with these real world challenges. Once again Thomas Erl provides in-depth coverage of SOA terminology and helps the reader better understand and appreciate the complexities of migrating to an SOA environment.” - David Michalowicz, Air and Space Operations Center Modernization Team Lead, MITRE Corporation “This is a long overdue, serious, comprehensive, and well-presented catalog of SOA design patterns. This will be required reading and reference for all our SOA engineers and architects. The best of the series so far! [The book] works in two ways: as a primer in SOA design and architecture it can easily be read front-to-back to get an overview of most of the key design issues you will encounter, and as a reference catalog of design techniques that can be referred to again and again…” - Wendell Ocasio, Architecture Consultant, DoD Military Health Systems, Agilex Technologies “Thomas has once again provided the SOA practitioner with a phenomenal collection of knowledge. This is a reference that I will come back to time and time again as I move forward in SOA design efforts. What I liked most about this book is its vendor agnostic approach to SOA design patterns. This approach really presents the reader with an understanding of why or why not to implement a pattern, group patterns, or use compound patterns rather than giving them a marketing spiel on why one implementation of a pattern is better than another (for example, why one ESB is better than another). I think as SOA adoption continues to advance, the ability for architects to understand when and why to apply specific patterns will be a driving factor in the overall success and evolution of SOA. Additionally, I believe that this book provides the consumer with the understanding required to chose which vendor’s SOA products are right for their specific needs.” - Bryan Brew, SOA Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton “A must have for every SOA practitioner.” - Richard Van Schelven, Principal Engineer, Ericsson “This book is a long-expected successor to the books on object-oriented design patterns and integration patterns. It is a great reference book that clearly and thoroughly describes design patterns for SOA. A great read for architects who are facing the challenge of transforming their enterprise into a service-oriented enterprise.” - Linda Terlouw, Solution Architect, Ordina “The maturation of Service-Orientation has given the industry time to absorb the best practices of service development. Thomas Erl has amassed this collective wisdom in SOA Design Patterns, an absolutely indispensible addition to any Service Oriented bookshelf.” - Kevin P. Davis, Ph.D “The problem with most texts on SOA is one of specificity. Architects responsible for SOA implementation in most organizations have little time for abstract theories on the subject, but are hungry for concrete details that they can relate to the real problems they face in their environment. SOA Design Patterns is critical reading for anyone with service design responsibilities. Not only does the text provide the normal pattern templates, but each pattern is applied in detail against a background case study to provide exceptionally meaningful context to the information. The graphic visualizations of the problems and pattern solutions are excellent supplementary companions to the explanatory text. This book will greatly stretch the knowledge of the reader as much for raising and addressing issues that may have never occurred to the reader as it does in treating those problems that are in more common occurrence. The real beauty of this book is in its plain English prose. Unlike so many technical reference books, one does not find themselves re-reading sections multiple times trying to discern the intent of the author. This is also not a reference that will sit gathering dust on a shelf after one or two perusings. Practitioners will find themselves returning over and over to utilize the knowledge in their projects. This is as close as you’ll come to having a service design expert sitting over your shoulder.” - James Kinneavy, Principal Software Architect, University of California “As the industry converges on SOA patterns, Erl provides an outstanding reference guide to composition and integration–and yet another distinctive contribution to the SOA practice.” - Steve Birkel, Chief IT Technical Architect, Intel Corp. “With SOA Design Patterns, Thomas Erl adds an indispensable SOA reference volume to the technologist’s library. Replete with to-the-point examples, it will be a helpful aid to any IT organization.” - Ed Dodds, Strategist, Systems Architect, Conmergence “Again, Thomas Erl has written an indispensable guide to SOA. Building on his prior successes, his patterns go into even more detail. Therefore, this book is not only helpful to the SOA beginner, but also provides new insight and ideas to professionals.” - Philipp Offermann, Research Scientist, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany “SOA Design Patterns is an extraordinary contribution to SOA best practices! Once again, Thomas has created an indispensable resource for any person or organization interested in or actively engaged in the practice of Service Oriented Architecture. Using case studies based on three very different business models, Thomas guides the reader through the process of selecting appropriate implementation patterns to ensure a flexible, well-performing, and secure SOA ecosystem.” - Victor Brown, Managing Partner and Principal Consultant, Cypress Management Group Corporation In cooperation with experts and practitioners throughout the SOA community, best-selling author Thomas Erl brings together the de facto catalog of design patterns for SOA and service-orientation. More than three years in development and subjected to numerous industry reviews, the 85 patterns in this full-color book provide the most successful and proven design techniques to overcoming the most common and critical problems to achieving modern-day SOA. Through numerous examples, individually documented pattern profiles, and over 400 color illustrations, this book provides in-depth coverage of: • Patterns for the design, implementation, and governance of service inventories–collections of services representing individual service portfolios that can be independently modeled, designed, and evolved. • Patterns specific to service-level architecture which pertain to a wide range of design areas, including contract design, security, legacy encapsulation, reliability, scalability, and a variety of implementation and governance issues. • Service composition patterns that address the many aspects associated with combining services into aggregate distributed solutions, including topics such as runtime messaging and message design, inter-service security controls, and transformation. • Compound patterns (such as Enterprise Service Bus and Orchestration) and recommended pattern application sequences that establish foundational processes. The book begins by establishing SOA types that are referenced throughout the patterns and then form the basis of a final chapter that discusses the architectural impact of service-oriented computing in general. These chapters bookend the pattern catalog to provide a clear link between SOA design patterns, the strategic goals of service-oriented computing, different SOA types, and the service-orientation design paradigm. This book series is further supported by a series of resources sites, including,,,, and
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gánale la guerra a la preocupación: Cultiva un corazón en paz y una mente confiada
Dios es más grande que el miedo y todos sus primos: la depresión, la ansiedad, el pánico y la preocupación. Louie Giglio nos recuerda que, gracias a esa verdad, podemos comenzar de inmediato el proceso de restar importancia a la preocupación y sustituirla por confianza.Gánale la guerra a la preocupación tiene el potencial de poner a los lectores en un nuevo camino y darles las herramientas que necesitan para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentido de confianza en el Todopoderoso. Cuando experimentemos la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podríamos comprender, Él guardará nuestros corazones y mentes mientras vivimos en Cristo Jesús.Jesús te ha dado todo lo que necesitas para la vida y la piedad. Él ya ha ganado la guerra a la preocupación, derrotando a la muerte, al infierno y a la tumba de una vez por todas. A medida que leas este sencillo, pero poderoso, libro, empezarás a ver más claramente cómo: la preocupación es un pensamiento mentiroso, pero podemos elegir si queremos escuchar al enemigo o a nuestro Padre Celestial el miedo alimenta la preocupación, que alimenta nuestra necesidad de control, pero el amor perfecto de Dios expulsa el miedo puedes mantenerte firme en la verdad de que Jesús quiere y es capaz de encargarse de lo que te preocupa podemos sustituir los pensamientos ansiosos por pensamientos que se alineen con el carácter y la naturaleza de Dios Gánale la guerra a la preocupación puede ponerte en un nuevo camino y darte las herramientas que necesitas para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentimiento de confianza en el Todopoderoso. A través del viaje práctico que se expone en este libro, permite que Louie Giglio te señale a Aquel que es más grande, al Dios que anima a Su pueblo.Winning the War on Worry God is greater than fear and all its cousins: depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how: Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the enemy or our Heavenly Father Fear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God's perfect love drives out fear You can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what's worrying you We can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of God Winning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Premium Calfskin Leather, Brown, Full-Color, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multimodal Transport Systems
The use and management of multimodal transport systems, including car-pooling and goods transportation, have become extremely complex, due to their large size (sometimes several thousand variables), the nature of their dynamic relationships as well as the many constraints to which they are subjected. The managers of these systems must ensure that the system works as efficiently as possible by managing the various causes of malfunction of the transport system (vehicle breakdowns, road obstructions, accidents, etc.). The detection and resolution of conflicts, which are particularly complex and must be dealt with in real time, are currently processed manually by operators. However, the experience and abilities of these operators are no longer sufficient when faced with the complexity of the problems to be solved. It is thus necessary to provide them with an interactive tool to help with the management of disturbances, enabling them to identify the different disturbances, to characterize and prioritize these disturbances, to process them by taking into account their specifics and to evaluate the impact of the decisions in real time. Each chapter of this book can be broken down into an approach for solving a transport problem in 3 stages, i.e. modeling the problem, creating optimization algorithms and validating the solutions. The management of a transport system calls for knowledge of a variety of theories (problem modeling tools, multi-objective problem classification, optimization algorithms, etc.). The different constraints increase its complexity drastically and thus require a model that represents as far as possible all the components of a problem in order to better identify it and propose corresponding solutions. These solutions are then evaluated according to the criteria of the transport providers as well as those of the city transport authorities. This book consists of a state of the art on innovative transport systems as well as the possibility of coordinating with the current public transport system and the authors clearly illustrate this coordination within the framework of an intelligent transport system. Contents 1. Dynamic Car-pooling, Slim Hammadi and Nawel Zangar. 2. Simulation of Urban Transport Systems, Christian Tahon, Thérèse Bonte and Alain Gibaud. 3. Real-time Fleet Management: Typology and Methods, Frédéric Semet and Gilles Goncalves. 4. Solving the Problem of Dynamic Routes by Particle Swarm, Mostefa Redouane Khouahjia, Laetitia Jourdan and El Ghazali Talbi. 5. Optimization of Traffic at a Railway Junction: Scheduling Approaches Based on Timed Petri Nets, Thomas Bourdeaud’huy and Benoît Trouillet. About the Authors Slim Hammadi is Full Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lille in France, and Director of the LAGIS Team on Optimization of Logistic systems. He is an IEEE Senior Member and specializes in distributed optimization, multi-agent systems, supply chain management and metaheuristics. Mekki Ksouri is Professor and Head of the Systems Analysis, Conception and Control Laboratory at Tunis El Manar University, National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT) in Tunisia. He is an IEEE Senior Member and specializes in control systems, nonlinear systems, adaptive control and optimization. The multimodal transport network customers need to be oriented during their travels. A multimodal information system (MIS) can provide customers with a travel support tool, allowing them to express their demands and providing them with the appropriate responses in order to improve their travel conditions. This book develops methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool capable of ensuring the availability of permanent multimodal information for customers before and while traveling, considering passengers mobility.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governance of Distressed Firms
This is an important and timely book which makes a really valuable contribution to corporate law scholarship. It brings together for the first time, two crucial aspects of the law in its consideration of the application of corporate governance to firms facing insolvency. In the current environment, this is a book which academics and practitioners alike will find invaluable. Professor Milman is one of Europe's foremost experts in insolvency law and his mastery of the subject is evident in this clear exposition of an important topic. I particularly liked the manner in which Professor Milman fuses theory, law and practice giving the reader the benefit of his own expert insight and experience. His style of writing makes it accessible to all readers.'- Blanaid Clarke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland'Anglo-American corporate law scholarship focuses obsessively on the governance of large, public corporations. It has little to say about the governance of financially distressed firms and less still to say about the governance of small businesses, even though SMEs are the bedrock of any functioning national or regional economy. In the Governance of Distressed Firms, David Milman, one of the UK's leading and most influential commercial law scholars, redresses the balance. His original and timely book provides a critique of the current legal framework applicable to directors and insolvency practitioners together with a blueprint for reform. Informed by practical and comparative insights, it deserves to be widely read.'- Adrian J. Walters IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, US'This is a bold and exciting monograph, which breaks new ground in exploring the concept of corporate governance as applied to and within insolvent firms, concentrating mainly on small firms. Intellectually acute, with deep comparative insights, Governance of Distressed Firms also has indisputable practical value, especially given the huge growth in the commitment, by dozens of countries, to business rescue and reorganization. Scholars and practitioners alike will be very indebted to David Milman for this volume.'- Harry Rajak, University of Sussex, UKThis detailed book examines how the law can provide a discrete governance regime for financially distressed firms.The concept of a distressed firm covers businesses that are struggling, but have not yet entered formal insolvency, as well as those businesses that are undergoing a formal insolvency process. With reference primarily to English law, this study encompasses both limited liability companies and limited liability partnerships with a focus on the regulation both of company directors and insolvency practitioners. It offers recommendations for improvements in governance mechanisms and notes that many of the governance shortfalls that occur can be related to the ease of access given to those who wish to trade with the benefit of limited liability.Providing an up to date analysis in a fast evolving area of law, this book will appeal to academics, postgraduate students, practitioners and policy makers.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction to Concepts and Dramatis Personae 2. The Relevance of Corporate Governance Theory and Related Issues 3. Governance in the Twilight Zone 4. Governance Post Formal Insolvency Regime Commencement 5. Comparative and EU Perspectives on the Governance of Distressed Firms 6. Reflections and Reform Bibliography Appendix I: Applicability of Selected Statutory Stewardship Obligations and Enforcement Thereof Appendix II: List of Selected Statements of Insolvency Practice Index
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Success the LOVEFiLM Way: How to Grow A Fast Growth Business in Fast Changing Times
As you might expect from a company responsible for renting so many thrillers, there’s rarely a dull moment at LOVEFiLM. From start-up, through mergers and fast paced growth, culminating in a takeover by an internet giant, few corporate adventures encapsulate the archetypal modern business story as neatly as that of LOVEFiLM. In the 6 years from inception to the defining deal with Amazon, the company underwent a near constant process of change and evolution. They simply didn’t sit still for a minute. As the chief executive who guided LOVEFiLM through these fast-paced times, Simon Calver tells the story of how they grew the company from a series of small start-ups into a multi-million pound enterprise and well-love household name. Calver offers his personal insights and key lessons on everything from how to manage spectacular growth, to the importance of taking big risks and how small entrepreneurial companies can benefit from big companies thinking. Success the LOVEFiLM Way is an essential read for anybody who wants to start and grow a successful business, and learn how to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing and growing industry. “The LOVEFiLM story offers interesting insights into the way modern businesses, and particularly those backed by venture capital, succeed. There are useful lessons for anyone looking to start or grow a business using this route. Simon Calver explains both the challenges and opportunities that VC funding raises. Calver is right to describe this as the classic modern business story.” Alex Mitchell, Head of Influencer Relations, IoD “The LOVEFiLM story was a great read. It’s honest, insightful and very entertaining. It shows most importantly the power of leadership to create an exceptional company. Frankly, everyone in the UK needs to read this book right now.” Julie Meyer, Managing Partner, ACE Fund “I met Simon at the annual Real Business awards in 2009, and was delighted when he asked King of Shaves to become a founding member of The Consumer Forum – an association of SME’s that put the customer first. The success of LOVEFiLM, and his leadership of this disrupting business, was entirely down to his ‘putting customers first’ – by giving them what they wanted, when they wanted it, always embracing the latest in cutting edge technology. Firstly by sending the latest film releases through the post, and now by it streaming on demand. I’ve been lucky enough to spend personal quality time with him, and now you can learn how he helped LOVEFiLM grow so astonishingly, in a constantly changing digital environment. If you Lovefilm, and LoveCustomers, then you’ll Love this book!” Will King, Founder, King of Shaves “The LOVEFiLM story shows the importance of organizational agility, trust and the relentless focus of taking customers, stakeholders and employees with you on your journey. Above all it demonstrates the importance of understanding what you do and why you do it, and why it’s important to have a business model that delivers for the customer and the business.” Jo Causon, CEO, Institute of Customer Service “It took Simon’s dedicated hard work bringing together a series of smaller businesses to make LOVEFiLM one of the true internet success stories. In Simon Calver’s book, he shares his business philosophies that led LOVEFiLM to the successful takeover by Amazon. The book is not just a compelling narrative, but lessons that all businesses and entrepreneurs can benefit from.” Mark Florman, CEO, The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA)
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Premium Calfskin Leather, Brown, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith. The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
Human Kinetics Publishers Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy
Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy provides a balanced introduction to the knowledge, skills, and clinical abilities that span the profession of athletic training. Students in athletic training, coaching, or other health care fields will find current information covering the breadth of theory and application of athletic training, including evidence-based practice, prevention and health promotion, clinical examination and diagnosis, acute and emergency care, therapeutic interventions, and health care administration. It also presents advanced topics of pathophysiology and psychological response to sport injury to better prepare students for continued study.Compared to other introductory athletic training texts, Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is the only text that aligns with the newest athletic training education competencies from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (2011). Written by a team of respected athletic training educators with experience at the professional and collegiate levels, the text breaks new ground by condensing key concepts to a comprehensive level while not overwhelming students with content that will be addressed in depth in advanced courses. Numerous features assist students in learning the fundamentals:• Each of the six parts opens with a discussion of the competencies that are covered in that part and concludes with a reference list of those competencies by description and number, making it easy to monitor the knowledge required.• A companion web resource contains 41 clinical proficiency exercises, carefully chosen to complement the introductory level of the text and align with required educational objectives. The modules may be completed online or printed, and cross-references at the end of each chapter guide students to the appropriate modules to apply the chapter content.• Case studies sprinkled throughout the text demonstrate real-world situations and include critical thinking questions that underscore principles of rehabilitation and exercise.• Full-color photographs depict specific conditions and techniques, giving students an accurate picture of real practice.• For instructors, a complete set of ancillaries assists in preparing and presenting lectures, leading class discussion, and planning assignments and assessments.In addition, Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is the first text to offer a complete chapter on evidence-based practice, the newest educational competency required of entry-level athletic trainers by the NATA. The rest of the text introduces general information about life as an athletic trainer, such as training, education, licensure, certification, employment opportunities, and the roles in a sports medicine team. The core of the text then focuses on required knowledge and skills related to injury prevention, injury recognition and classification (including region-specific examination strategies, basic objective tests, physical exam strategies, and injury mechanisms), acute care, therapeutic interventions, and the role of pharmaceuticals in the healing process. To round out the text, it addresses health care administration and discusses strategies for the management of athletic training programs.With learning features and a web resource that integrate clinical learning into an introductory ccourse, Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is the essential resource for current and future athletic trainers. Long after its first use, it will prove a valuable reference for athletic training students as they progress through the curriculum, prepare for certificiation, and begin careers in the profession.Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is part of Human Kinetics' Athletic Training Education Series. Featuring the work of respected authorities in athletic training, this collection of outstanding textbooks, each with its own supporting instructional resources, parallels and expounds on the content areas in the accreditation standards of the NATA Education Council.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth
"A truly enlightening work filled with fundamental strategies that have worked for others.Martin Fridson documents the essential principles inherent in every billionaire's success." -Gordon Bethune Chairman of the Board and CEO Continental Airlines Self-made billionaires all have one thing in common: they excel at making money. But hard work, thrift, and focus are only part of the story-you hold the rest of it in your hands. How to Be a Billionaire is the first comprehensive picture of the real strategies and tactics that built the great business fortunes of modern times. Packed with engaging accounts of titans like Ross Perot, Richard Branson, Phil Anschutz, John D. Rockefeller, Wayne Huizenga, Bill Gates, J. Paul Getty, and Kirk Kerkorian, How to Be a Billionaire will show you principles that can increase your wealth and business acumen to the mogul level. How to Be a Billionaire looks at the careers, the methods, and the minds of self-made billionaires to distill the common keys to titanic accumulations of wealth. Each chapter explores a specific strategy and brings it to life through extended profiles of past and present masters of the art of making money. Do you think innovation is the best way to prosper in business? Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart retail chain, would tell you otherwise. The key to Walton's success was supreme devotion to copying the methods of other successful discounters. What could be less complicated than buying low and selling high? But the ascent of Warren Buffett, John Kluge, and Laurence Tisch to billionaire status depended on much more than an eye for good bargains. And if you're looking to thrive by outmanaging the competition, look no further than Richard Branson. When the founder of Virgin Atlantic needed to reduce his staff by 400 people, 600 volunteered to take off a few months on sabbatical. How to Be a Billionaire identifies the methods, beliefs, and behaviors every businessperson must understand and emulate to reach the pinnacle of riches. A manual for success that can benefit every aspiring tycoon, it is a fascinating read for anyone intrigued by wealth and how it's gotten. Praise for HOW TO BE A BILLIONAIRE "How to Be a Billionaire offers fascinating insight into the subject of building wealth. As a result of his exhaustive research, Martin Fridson is able to explain the wealth-creation process from a unique perspective. As the reader will discover, there is no single formula for success, but there are certain categories into which these concepts can be placed. My personal advice is to remember the words of Winston Churchill who said, 'Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.'" -Ross Perot "Martin Fridson has created the ultimate roadmap to the American Dream. He comes as close to extracting a formula for the acquisition of wealth as any book I have ever read." -Jeff Sagansky CEO, Paxson Communications "Martin Fridson's book has a number of very insightful and thoughtful analyses, something you don't pick up in many business schools." -Philip F. Anschutz Chairman and CEO, The Anschutz Corporation "How to Be a Billionaire is a powerful arsenal of dead-on strategies for increasing your personal wealth and business acumen. Marty Fridson details the tactics of self-made billionaires with great intelligence and insight. I wish this book had been available when I was starting my career." -Spencer Hays Founder, Tom James Company Executive Chairman, Southwestern/Great American, Inc. Chairman, Athlon Publications
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence
Winner of the 1st-place American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award in nursing research/evidence-based practice for 2021! Burns & Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 9th Edition is the trusted resource for those wanting to master the research methods that are foundational to evidence-based practice. This highly respected textbook covers how to appraise and apply existing research evidence, as well as how to participate in research and quality improvement projects. This new 9th edition has been extensively updated to reflect today's focus on online research in the digital era and includes clear, step-by-step guidelines for all major quantitative and qualitative research approaches - including supporting examples from the latest high-quality literature. There's also new content on translational research, coverage of the most current research tools and techniques, and an increased use of illustrations, tables, and other visuals to help engage visually oriented readers of all levels. Coverage of quantitative, qualitative, and other research methodologies provides a solid foundation to conduct, appraise, and apply research evidence to the realities of today's clinical practice. Balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods addresses the qualitative research methodologies that are often the starting point of research projects, particularly in magnet hospitals and DNP programs. Clear, comprehensive coverage is organized into five units that include: an introduction to nursing research; coverage of the research process; application for evidence-based health care; how to analyze data, determine outcomes, and disseminate research; and how to propose and seek funding for research. Strong emphasis on evidence-based practice addresses this key graduate-level QSEN competency and reinforces how to generate research evidence and appraise and synthesize existing research for application to clinical practice. Rich examples from nursing literature bring research principles to life. Emphasis on the most currently used research methodologies focuses on the methods used in both quantitative research and qualitative research, as well as outcomes research and mixed-methods research. Coverage of digital data collection examines the use of online research tools. Quick-reference summaries include a table of research methods inside the front cover and a list of types of research syntheses (with definitions) inside the back cover. Helpful user resources are included with each new text purchase on the companion Evolve website and feature 400 interactive review questions along with a library of 10 full-text research articles. NEW! Extensively updated content reflects the most current quantitative and qualitative approaches to nursing research, as well as the most current research tools and techniques used in the digital era. NEW! Updated research examples throughout incorporate the best examples of current literature, with increased emphasis on international examples to reflect the increasingly global nature of nursing research. NEW! Increased use of visuals includes the addition of more illustrations, tables, and boxes to help break up long passages of text for today's more visually oriented learners of all levels. NEW! Revised chapters offer improved clarity and usability in the areas of research problems and purpose, quantitative research design, quantitative methodology, and qualitative methodology. NEW! Increased emphasis on hospital magnet status reflects the effect this status has on improving nursing competency and quality outcomes. UPDATED! Coverage of certain qualitative research content has been de-emphasized to reflect the decreased use of certain methodologies (e.g., historical research) and to allow the introduction of additional methodologies that are growing in use.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Strategic Evaluation of Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean
This book is an approach, in the wider theoretical considerations on scientific research and study, of issues relating to energy resources and energy security and, at the same time, it is a case study on Eastern Mediterranean energy security. The Mediterranean has been known since ancient times as a large semi-enclosed sea, surrounded by more than two states as it lies between three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. However, developments in the 21st century have necessitated viewing it conceptually as a distinct "new" region with specific characteristics. Comprised by Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Turkey, Italy the region is assuming increased significance in world affairs. More specifically, the region of the Eastern Mediterranean is currently of vital importance for the EU, due to several prospects and challenges, such as migration flows, energy, security and sustainability of the region. The individual objectives are the recognition of energy actions and resources, forms of energy, energy security and in general, all actions at the energy level mentioned in the specific area. Research this study will focus on the qualitative method to the subject. The structure of the present study was developed as follows: The Preface provides a general presentation of the topic. The first chapter presents an overview of eastern Mediterranean and energy issues. The second chapter reports on energy resources and it focuses on energy security and its basic principles. The third chapter is about energy and security. The fourth Chapter offers discussion on European Union's energy policy development and on the EU interests, strategy and policy regarding the Eastern Mediterranean region. The fifth chapter presents the changes in the East Mediterranean energy map and data on geopolitical chessboard. The last chapter presents the conclusions. A useful tool in completing this study was the understanding of the delicate ethnocultural and religious synthesis of the region, the current challenges and underlying controversies, considering the interlinked nature of interests and the importance of cross-border affiliations. All the findings of the study demonstrate certain dimensions of a reality, which are expected to be dynamic, creating risk but also future opportunities. The main finding of the study points out not only the strong correlation between energy, power, economics and politics but also the increased dependence of the latter two on the former, thus creating a hotbed of tensions, rivalries, and conflicts every time the existing relationship between economy and energy are destabilized. The shifting to energy sources, which are safe and eco-friendly, is a one-way process, the only means of survival and safe development for humanity. Generating energy based on economic, safe, cost-efficient and renewable criteria is the current ecological and technological challenge if, firstly, the vast interests in the energy sector are dealt with successfully. Finally, this book will be of key interest to scholars and students, for researchers in the fields of Energy Economics, Policy, and Security, Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy, Geopolitics, who aim to have a better understanding of the current trends or research in the relevant fields, for professionals in EU politics and foreign policy, energy policy and security, and more broadly to security studies, European politics and international relations and newcomers in the profession of energy security, and for policymakers who intend to apply the collective knowledge included into this volume into policy and decision -making.
City Lights Books Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority
White Americans have long been comfortable in the assumption that they are the cultural norm. Now that notion is being challenged, as white people wrestle with what it means to be part of a fast-changing, truly multicultural nation. Facing chronic economic insecurity, a popular culture that reflects the nation's diverse cultural reality, a future in which they will no longer constitute the majority of the population, and with a black president in the White House, whites are growing anxious. This anxiety has helped to create the Tea Party movement, with its call to "take our country back." By means of a racialized nostalgia for a mythological past, the Right is enlisting fearful whites into its campaign for reactionary social and economic policies. In urgent response, Tim Wise has penned his most pointed and provocative work to date. Employing the form of direct personal address, he points a finger at whites' race-based self-delusion, explaining how such an agenda will only do harm to the nation's people, including most whites. In no uncertain terms, he argues that the hope for survival of American democracy lies in the embrace of our multicultural past, present and future. "Sparing neither family nor self...he considers how the deck has always been stacked in his and other white people's favor...His candor is invigorating."--Publishers Weekly "One of the most brilliant, articulate and courageous critics of white privilege in the nation."--Michael Eric Dyson "Tim Wise has written another blockbuster! His new book, Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority, is a cogent analysis of the problems of race and inequality as well as a plea for those who harbor views about race and racism to modify and indeed eliminate them. While the book's title addresses white people, this is really a book for anyone who is concerned about eliminating the issue of racial disparity in our society. This is must read and a good read."--Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., the Jesse Climenko Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the Executive Director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice. He is the author of a number of books, including The Presumption of Guilt: The Arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Race, Class and Crime in America "Tim Wise is an American hero in the truest sense of the term--he tells the truth, no matter how inconvenient that truth might be. Dear White America is a desperately needed response to the insidious mythology that pretends whites are oppressed and people of color unduly privileged. In the process, it exposes how new forms of racism have been deliberately embedded into our supposedly 'color blind' culture. Read this book--but rest assured, it's not for the faint of heart."--David Sirota, syndicated columnist, radio host, author of Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live In Now "The foremost white analyst of racism in America never fails to provide fresh takes as he punctures myths and defenses."--World Wide Work Tim Wise is one of the most prominent antiracist essayists, educators, and activists in the United States. He is regularly interviewed by A-list media, including CNN, C-SPAN, The Tavis Smiley Show, The Tom Joyner Morning Show, Michael Eric Dyson's radio program, and many more. His most recent books include Colorblind and Between Barack and a Hard Place.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How You Can Trade Like a Pro: Breaking into Options, Futures, Stocks, and ETFs
DO YOU WANT TO TAKE YOUR TRADING TO THE NEXT LEVEL?To earn a living as a trader, even part time, takes consistency. Most first-time investors find today's turbulent markets are anything but consistent. To keep from throwing your money away following obsolete tradingstrategies, you need a seasoned mentor like Sarah Potter to provide the latest insight, training, techniques, and action steps to become the trader you want to be.How You Can Trade Like a Pro holds the answer to fulfilling your dream of earning an income by trading.Written by an educator who now trades full time, this how-to book is unmatched in its clarity and to-the-point explanations. You will quickly develop a solid foundation of theory and professional techniques for tradingmultiple markets including options on stocks and ETFs as well as futures contracts. Unlike many nuts-and-bolts investing books, this holistic guide helps you through the technical and emotional process of trading, with Potter’s real-life stories of transitioning to a full-time trader and her humorous "Trading Tips" comic strips. Best of all, you can start with a small amount of capital and be confident you have the same advantages as the pros. How You Can Trade Like a Pro provides expert coverage on: Understanding the risks and rewards of the market Avoiding the emotional pitfalls of trading Creating your own trading plan and watch lists Also includes: A simple tracking system to optimize trading performance Proven trading strategies explained step-by-step A variety of expert tools for accurately identifying market trends If you want to be a trader or just want to take back control of your fi nances, this guide shows you how to empower yourself with the trading routine that best fits you. Not only will you avoid costly brokerage fees, but you will have the satisfaction of growing your wealth your own way. Take the first step today and learn How YouCan Trade Like a Pro.TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR WEALTHHow You Can Trade Like a Pro is the cornerstoneguide to Sarah Potter’s proven system for designing and implementing a professional-grade trading routine custom fit to your personality and goals.Whether you want to supplement your income or embark on a new career in trading, Potter has developed the ideal support structure to help everyone interested in growing capital transition into active traders focused on making a profit.PRAISE FOR HOW YOU CAN TRADE LIKE A PRO:"How You Can Trade Like a Pro is an excellent tool for anyone interested in learning how to trade. As experts in this industry, we know the greatest barrier to entry is the terminology. Sarah breaks down complicated topics into simple terms. This book will give new investors the confidence to trade on their own." -- Liz Dierking and Jenny Andrews, The LIZ & JNY Show"Sarah Potter [offers] a fresh voice with essential information for active traders. Her comprehensive, inviting book is an informative A-to-Z compendium to helpnew traders find their path to profitable trading. TraderPlanet members vote her stories as some of the most popular on our site. We are sure you will find her writingto be engaging as well." -- Lane J. Mendelsohn, Founder and President,
Orenda Books The Big Chill
Running private-investigator and funeral-home businesses means trouble is never far away, and the Skelf women take on their most perplexing, chilling cases yet in Book Two of the darkly funny, devastatingly tense and addictive Skelfs series! ***Longlisted for Theakston’s Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year*** ‘Compelling, compassionate … just brilliant. This series gets better with every book. I cannot get enough of the Skelfs’ Mark Billingham ‘Brilliantly drawn and blackly comic’ Herald Scotland ‘Confirms the Skelfs as a classic crime clan. I can’t wait for the next one’ Erin Kelly ‘I LOVE the Skelfs … The only problem with The Big Chill is that you’ll devour it so fast you’ll feel as bereft as one of the Skelfs’ clients. Doug Johnstone has murdered sleep’ Val McDermid ____________________ Haunted by their past, the Skelf women are hoping for a quieter life. But running both a funeral directors’ and a private investigation business means trouble is never far away, and when a car crashes into the open grave at a funeral that matriarch Dorothy is conducting, she can’t help looking into the dead driver’s shadowy life. While Dorothy uncovers a dark truth at the heart of Edinburgh society, her daughter Jenny and granddaughter Hannah have their own struggles. Jenny’s ex-husband Craig is making plans that could shatter the Skelf women’s lives, and the increasingly obsessive Hannah has formed a friendship with an elderly professor that is fast turning deadly. But something even more sinister emerges when a drumming student of Dorothy’s disappears and suspicion falls on her parents. The Skelf women find themselves sucked into an unbearable darkness – but could the real threat be to themselves? Following three women as they deal with the dead, help the living and find out who they are in the process, The Big Chill follows A Dark Matter, book one in the Skelfs series, which reboots the classic PI novel while asking the big existential questions, all with a big dose of pitch-black humour. ____________________ ‘Exceptional … Johnstone seamlessly presents their stories with depth, elegance, and a delicate touch of wry humor as they get difficult jobs done with grace and kindness. This is a must for those seeking strong, authentic, intelligent female protagonists’ Publishers Weekly ‘Emotionally complex, richly layered and darkly funny. An addictive blend of Case Histories and Six Feet Under‘ Chris Brookmyre ‘Johnstone’s intuitive depiction of this trinity of resilient women is never less than flawless, in this tale punctuated by emotional depth and moments of dark humour...’ Raven Crime Reads Praise for The Skelfs series ***Shortlisted for the McIlvanney Prize for Best Scottish Crime Book of the Year*** ‘An engrossing and beautifully written tale that bears all the Doug Johnstone hallmarks in its warmth and darkly comic undertones’ Herald Scotland ‘Gripping and blackly humorous’ Observer ‘This dark but touching thriller makes for a thoroughly enjoyable slice of Edinburgh noir’ Mary Paulson-Ellis ‘This enjoyable mystery is also a touching and often funny portrayal of grief, as the three tough but tender main characters pick up the pieces and carry on: more, please’ Guardian ‘A tense ride strong, believable characters’ Kerry Hudson, Big Issue ‘They are all wonderful characters: flawed, funny, brave and well set up for a series. I wouldn’t call him cosy, but there’s warmth to Johnstone’s writing’ Sunday Times
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Hardcover, Burgundy, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth
"A truly enlightening work filled with fundamental strategies that have worked for others.Martin Fridson documents the essential principles inherent in every billionaire's success." -Gordon Bethune Chairman of the Board and CEO Continental Airlines Self-made billionaires all have one thing in common: they excel at making money. But hard work, thrift, and focus are only part of the story-you hold the rest of it in your hands. How to Be a Billionaire is the first comprehensive picture of the real strategies and tactics that built the great business fortunes of modern times. Packed with engaging accounts of titans like Ross Perot, Richard Branson, Phil Anschutz, John D. Rockefeller, Wayne Huizenga, Bill Gates, J. Paul Getty, and Kirk Kerkorian, How to Be a Billionaire will show you principles that can increase your wealth and business acumen to the mogul level. How to Be a Billionaire looks at the careers, the methods, and the minds of self-made billionaires to distill the common keys to titanic accumulations of wealth. Each chapter explores a specific strategy and brings it to life through extended profiles of past and present masters of the art of making money. Do you think innovation is the best way to prosper in business? Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart retail chain, would tell you otherwise. The key to Walton's success was supreme devotion to copying the methods of other successful discounters. What could be less complicated than buying low and selling high? But the ascent of Warren Buffett, John Kluge, and Laurence Tisch to billionaire status depended on much more than an eye for good bargains. And if you're looking to thrive by outmanaging the competition, look no further than Richard Branson. When the founder of Virgin Atlantic needed to reduce his staff by 400 people, 600 volunteered to take off a few months on sabbatical. How to Be a Billionaire identifies the methods, beliefs, and behaviors every businessperson must understand and emulate to reach the pinnacle of riches. A manual for success that can benefit every aspiring tycoon, it is a fascinating read for anyone intrigued by wealth and how it's gotten. Praise for HOW TO BE A BILLIONAIRE "How to Be a Billionaire offers fascinating insight into the subject of building wealth. As a result of his exhaustive research, Martin Fridson is able to explain the wealth-creation process from a unique perspective. As the reader will discover, there is no single formula for success, but there are certain categories into which these concepts can be placed. My personal advice is to remember the words of Winston Churchill who said, 'Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.'" -Ross Perot "Martin Fridson has created the ultimate roadmap to the American Dream. He comes as close to extracting a formula for the acquisition of wealth as any book I have ever read." -Jeff Sagansky CEO, Paxson Communications "Martin Fridson's book has a number of very insightful and thoughtful analyses, something you don't pick up in many business schools." -Philip F. Anschutz Chairman and CEO, The Anschutz Corporation "How to Be a Billionaire is a powerful arsenal of dead-on strategies for increasing your personal wealth and business acumen. Marty Fridson details the tactics of self-made billionaires with great intelligence and insight. I wish this book had been available when I was starting my career." -Spencer Hays Founder, Tom James Company Executive Chairman, Southwestern/Great American, Inc. Chairman, Athlon Publications
Canelo The African Samurai: The incredible story of Yasuke
'Fierce, vivid and richly detailed' Daily Mail'Gripping. Fans of Shogun will love it' Conn Iggulden'A necessary tale that’s been masterfully told' Femi Kayode, author of GaslightThe incredible story of the slave who became a Japanese samurai.In 1579, a Portuguese trade ship sails into port at Kinchotsu, Japan, loaded with European wares and weapons. Also aboard is an East African slave. Taken from his village as a boy, sold to mercenaries and forced to fight in Indian wars that meant nothing to him, he is a young but experienced soldier.Serving as the protector for a high-ranking Italian priest, the young man joins an expedition pushing inland towards the capital city of Kyoto.There they meet Oda Nobunaga, the most powerful warlord in Japan, who is preparing a campaign to unify the country after more than a hundred years of civil war. Under the tutelage of Nobunaga, the young African soldier becomes the great warrior Yasuke, Japan’s first foreign samurai, and the only one ever of African descent. His preoccupation is not a question of power, as it is for Nobunaga, but one of freedom.A timeless, epic story, a magnificent reconstruction and moving study of a lost historical figure, and a truly enthralling narrative, thrilling in its dramatization of the making of modern Japan, from which rises the most unlikely of heroes.Praise for The African Samurai 'Breathtakingly visual with dialogue that’s filled with insights and wisdom … Written with compassion and an authenticity brought on by painstaking research, Shreve is the rarest of writers: one who can evoke varied emotions in the reader with few words and attention to detail. I experienced sixteenth-century Japan like never before despite being a huge fan of the novels of Eric Van Lustbader and the seminal Shogun by James Clavell. Yet, it is Yasuke’s journey that pulls me fully and completely into that world, with a sensitivity that’s unparalleled and which will most certainly guarantee The African Samurai’s stellar position in the literary space.'Violent, raw, visceral, incisive and deftly plotted, Shreve has given us a hero we did not know we needed. He has given voice to someone who has been silenced throughout history, and in the process he has offered us (the reader) hope. In Yasuke, we have found a hero as broken as he is brave and as strong as he is flawed.'A necessary tale that’s been masterfully told, and an essential read for lovers of great literature' Femi Kayode, author of Gaslight'Shreve tells an extraordinary story with dramatic intensity, sensitivity, and consummate imagination. Like all the best historical novels, it feels relevant and even essential to our present moment. Of the many admirable things about this novel, perhaps the greatest is Shreve’s feat of breathing life into Yasuke, its central character, and rescuing this remarkable man from obscurity' David Bezmozgis, award-winning author of Immigrant City and The Betrayers'A complex and deeply moving story . . . that powerfully resonates with our current times. The deftly drawn characters of European, Asian and African origin inhabit a sometimes frightening but ultimately hopeful story due to Shreve’s immense skills at illuminating the power of the human spirit' Jeffrey Colvin, award-winning author of Africville'A sweeping historical epic anchored by one man's fight for survival and the search for a home and identity ripped away. Fearlessly told and painstakingly crafted, The African Samurai explores rare literary territory and tells a singular, visceral tale of discovery and endurance' — Kevin Hardcastle, award-winning author of In the Cage and Debris
SAGE Publications Inc Conflict Coaching: Conflict Management Strategies and Skills for the Individual
Recent research shows that between 25-85% of conflict disputants referred to mediation choose not to participate (i.e., they resist wanting to meet face-to-face). In the field of conflict resolution, conflict coaching is the only process that has emerged which allows resolution methods to work on a one-on-one basis. Conflict Coaching: Conflict Management Strategies and Skills for the Individual defines this growing area of conflict resolution and distinguishes conflict coaching as a stand-alone resolution technique. In a service society where human relationships are central to our professional as well as personal lives, individuals value one-on-one attention to obtain custom solutions for handling important interpersonal communication.Rooted in research and theory, the text is organized into three sections, Introducing Conflict Coaching, Conducting Conflict Coaching, and Integrating Conflict Coaching, and offers a practical model for coaching. It is a useful volume for students and practitioners in a range of academic disciplines including communication, alternative dispute resolution/conflict resolution, business, education, law, psychology, sociology, and social work.The CD-ROM accompanying the book provides numerous resources for instructors, coaches, and other interested readers, including: worksheets for techniques and approaches presented in the chapters; feedback forms for clients and their organizations; sample syllabi, learning objectives, paper assignments; PowerPoints; additional case studies and readings; and suggested hyperlinks to relevant Web sites. "In Conflict Coaching, Tricia S. Jones and Ross Brinkert have made a timely contribution to the advancement of the field of conflict analysis and dispute resolution. They simultaneously present a clear vision of the role of a conflict coach as well as a persuasive argument for a new and expanded mind set on who it is we say we are and what it is we say we do. The book makes credible arguments about the need for the conflict coach and then clearly blows open a much needed area of practice that has been unnecessarily restrained by outdated and untestable notions. The authors accomplish this by combining first rate scholarship with an easy to read guide on the practice of conflict coaching to create an evolutionary path within the field. From this book expect to see a flurry of other scholars and practitioners follow their lead in both print and practice."—Brian Polkinghorn, Ph.D.Distinguished Professor and DirectorConflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution Wilson Elkins Professor, University System of MarylandExecutive Director, Center for Conflict Resolution, Salisbury University"Conflict Coaching is a book that should be in every corporate library and in every chief human resource officer′s desk so others can see it! Moreover, this book should be provided for every young, high-potential corporate manager and be required reading in business school executive education programs." —Frank P. Brennan, JE. Former Chief of staff to the postmaster general of the United States"Jones and Brinkert offer example case studies illustrating the subject of each chapter, scholarly research throughout, a wonderfully approachable text and a companion CD of tools that makes a perfect addition to any Ombudsperson′s library. Not only is this a terrific resource for us LTCOs, but also for Organizational Ombuds and other ADR professionals and practitioners seeking to clarify the whats and hows of empowering those we serve to better respond to the conflicts they face."—Drew Strayer, LTCO and NALLTCO′s Ohio State Coordinator
John Wiley & Sons Inc Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations
Project management is a system originally developed within the construction industry for controlling schedules, costs, and specifications of large multitask projects. In recent years, manufacturers have discovered that project management's time-tested techniques dovetail neatly with the current thinking on quality control and management in a highly competitive global marketplace. The system has been increasingly recognized for its suitability in the manufacturing process and is now applied in virtually every area of production. One of the foremost proponents of this trend is Adedeji Badiru, an internationally recognized authority on project management, whose books have helped thousands of companies adapt the system to their particular needs. This completely revised Second Edition of Badiru's breakthrough publication, Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations, focuses on the dramatic increase in the use of high-tech machinery in industrial operations, and seamlessly integrates high-tech themes into a general discussion of project management. An introductory chapter on manufacturing analysis investigates how the latest concepts and techniques of project management are applied to manufacturing. The main body of the book offers a wealth of new material, including discussions of learning curve analysis, basic models for forecasting and inventory control, economic analysis of manufacturing, techniques for data analysis, and the application of expert systems. The chapter on computer applications in project management is completely revised and updated to reflect the enormous strides taken in this area in recent years. This book presents an up-to-date, practical approach to project management in manufacturing. Written by a pioneer in the application of project management to the manufacturing industries, this revised and expanded Second Edition of Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations reflects the increased use of high-tech machinery in industrial operations and the trends of recent years to apply project management methods to every phase of production. Complete with numerous illustrations, as well as exercises to wrap up each chapter, this Second Edition features: An emphasis on practical examples, including many new case studies, and a full chapter on the lessons learned from the space shuttle Challenger disaster Many new project management concepts and techniques that focus on manufacturing but can be applied to any project A new chapter on manufacturing systems analysis that provides the backdrop for the project analysis that takes place throughout the book Expanded discussions of the latest quantitative and managerial approaches, including learning curve analysis, basic models for forecasting and inventory control, economic analysis of manufacturing, techniques for data analysis, and the application of expert systems A strong international perspective, useful for multinational companies and for academic purposes This book equips engineers and managers with the tools to effectively manage all aspects of a project, including quality control, schedules, and expenses. Used as a text in engineering or business courses, it offers absorbing supplemental reading for students at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels. Professor Badiru has been widely praised for his incisive and highly relevant case studies. In this Second Edition, the case-study approach is expanded so that chapters typically include two real-world examples of the project management techniques or issues in question. In the final chapter, Badiru takes a close and painful look at a high-tech disaster, the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. He offers rare and instructive insight into the devastating failure of a high-tech project—still poignant, despite the passage of time. Communicative throughout, this volume provides a solid, up-to-date reference for engineers and managers in manufacturing, as well as for consultants and administrators in related fields. Professor Badiru's proven reputation for providing interesting lecture material also makes Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations especially useful as a technology management text in both engineering and business schools. Cover Design/Illustration: David Levy
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intermediate Structured Finance Modeling, with Website: Leveraging Excel, VBA, Access, and Powerpoint
This book is written for financial analysts who have a working knowledge of Excel and VBA and who wish to enhance their marketability by improving their modeling expertise. The goal of the book is to broaden the reader’s VBA skills and at the same time to progressively integrate Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook into an existing model. Significant attention is also directed to the design and execution of an Excel/VBA interface employing detailed UserForms. In addition, the construction of various reports, first in Excel, then Access, and finally PowerPoint is undertaken. Regardless of your area of financial expertise, this book serves as an essential guide to mastering leveraging the effects of Microsoft products in whatever applications you choose to build. The focus of the book is a case study containing a structured finance model. The case study model was originally designed for the securitization of a portfolio of commercial small business loans. This model now needs to be expanded to securitize a much larger portfolio of residential mortgages. The Original Structuring model will be bifurcated into a Sources of Funds model, the assets of the collateral pool, and a Uses of Funds model, the liabilities waterfall model. This will give the reader experience working with an existing model as a base departure point of development rather than the less common “start from scratch” approach. Once the Base Asset Model (BAM) and the Base Liabilities Models (BLM) are complete, each model will serve as the platform for future development. From the BAM and BLM a pair of much more robust models, the Collateral Cash Flow Generator (CCFG) and the Liabilities Waterfall Model (LWM), respectively, are created. The CCFG is designed to process a significantly greater quantity, variety, and complexity of collateral types. It also introduces the analyst to Geographic based prepayment methods as well as those using Financial/Demographic factor approaches. The LWM, operating independently of the CCFG, reads the collateral cash flow scenarios and applies them across a two tiered, six tranche bond structure. The liabilities waterfall contains provision for an interest rate swap, performance triggers and a variety of other credit enhancement features. With the CCFG and LWM now complete Access is introduced. Access will replace various Excel/VBA code modules in the CCFG such as the collateral data management, data scrubbing and reporting, data sufficiency testing, and eligibility screening. Access is also employed to export and the various collateral cash flows. In the LWM Access is used to import the cash flows, store the liability structure specifications, and export/save the resultant structure performance. PowerPoint is then introduced in the CCFG to allow for the fully automated production of presentation report packages. Last Outlook is added to the models to inform the analyst of model performance and to automatically distribute the various report packages to pre-designated mailing lists. The book contains over 750 exhibits of reports, menus, calculation, and algorithmic examples and most of all code. The complete Excel, VBA, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook code for all of the models is included on the Web site. The Web site also includes Web chapters containing detailed instructions on how to create and populate a directory environment to store this code, run the models, and organize the results. Lastly there are other Web chapters containing supplemental information explaining the structure and function of the original model, bond and mortgage math (with calculation examples), representative line generator programs, and a tutorial on the construction and integration of UserForms. This book is the intermediate level companion volume to A Fast-Track to Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring, and Valuation: Jump Start VBA; Preinitz; Wiley 2009, an introductory work on the subject.