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Osho International What Now, Adam?: The Book of Men
After decades in which women have started to take control of their own lives and have stepped out of old roles and restrictions to become independent of men, the focus now turns to men. The question at hand is, What now Adam?Men's liberation has not happened yet. Not only women but men also need a great liberation movement--liberation from the past, from the slavery of life-negating values and social conditionings that have been imposed upon them for thousands of years."Man needs a new psychology to understand himself, says Osho, and the basic understanding that needs to be deeply imbibed and experienced is that no man is just male and no woman is just female; each man is both man and woman, and so is each woman - woman and man. Adam has Eve in him, and Eve has Adam in her. In fact, nobody is just Adam and nobody is just Eve: we are Adam-Eves. This is one of the greatest insights ever attained.But throughout history men have been conditioned to deny and reject their feminine qualities, to suppress their so-called "feminine" responses and feelings, and this has been reflected in the suppression of the female element in the outer world. Unless each man can start to discover his own inner woman, he is going to be tied up in a frustrating search for female qualities on the outside, in the outer woman. Each man needs to reintegrate his feminine qualities in order to become healthy and whole, complete within himself.Unless the individual man starts to come out of his robot-like, mechanical functioning and unawareness and begins to live his life with self-love, awareness, and deep respect for his real nature, there seems to be no chance that our world can escape global suicide."Being a man or being a woman is an accident" says Osho. "Just like being a German or an Indian is an accident, being black or white is an accident all of these things are not our choices - but you are lost in the accidents! You are too worried about them, your whole time and energy is wasted in them, and you become so occupied with the non-essential that the essential is forgotten."The essential for Osho is what he calls the being simply the being which is not accidental, but is destined. Rather than trying to figure out what it is to be a man, Osho suggests to find that which is absolutely destined. That is your nature, that is your essence.”In his playful and insightful way Osho looks at all of the different facets of the varying roles men play, showing how these qualities have shaped and influenced society. He shows how energies that are so often channeled into aggression and negativity can be transformed into creativity and personal evolution, and provides meditative techniques as a practical aid to moving through this process.The book functions as a mirror, using common archetypes to structure the wealth of material that is available from Osho on the subject of Men's Liberation. These archetypes - Adam, The Robot, The Beggar, The Lover, The Politician, The Gambler, The Creator, and so on - should not be understood as fixed types of character or personality but simply useful descriptions of certain tendencies, conditionings, and trained behavior patterns of the personality, common to all of us.As Osho indicates, our reality lies beyond all these stereotypes and categories. The archetypal concepts are used to help us recognize our particular mind-sets and then move beyond the mind’s limitations and confinements. To go beyond the personality and discover the original face, the real and essential self.
Hay House Inc Ask and It is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
AN INTERNATIONAL SENSATION! FROM #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHORS – THE ORIGINAL LAW OF ATTRACTION TEACHINGS OF ABRAHAM THAT INSPIRED THE HIT MOVIE THE SECRETINCLUDES 22 PROVEN PROCESSES TO IMPROVE YOUR MANIFESTING AND HELP YOU FEEL MORE HAPPINESS NOWThe most comprehensive volume of the first 20 years of the teachings from Abraham - a loving group consciousness from the non-physical dimension.“A publishing milestone that offers you a blueprint for understanding and implementing your own destiny.” -Wayne Dyer, best-selling author of The Power of IntentionAsk and It Is Given, the pivotal manifestation and law of attraction book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, presents the inspirational teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham, to help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you’re living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. This empowering book will show you how to feel good now and as you read, you’ll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more are influenced by the Universal laws that govern your time/space reality—and you’ll discover powerful manifesting processes that will help you go with the positive flow of life."An absolute must for anyone interested in the law of attraction, and using it to better their lives, finances and relationships." - Soul & Spirit magazine"The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire." - Abraham“Ask and It Is Given is primarily about how whatever we’re asking for is being given to us—and it’s also the first book to ever, in such clear terminology, give us the simple practical formula for how to ask for, and then how to receive, whatever we want to be, do, or have. This book offers you a hands-on course in spiritual practicality and also teaches you how not to be, do, or have anything that displeases you.” - Jerry Hicks“One of the most valuable things about Ask and It Is Given is that Abraham gives us 22 different powerful processes to achieve our goals. No matter where we are, there’s a process that can make our lives better. I love this book, and I love Esther and Jerry Hicks!” — Louise HayChapter Titles Include: · The Power of Feeling Good Now · We Are Keeping Our Promise to You – We Are Reminding You of Who You Are· You Do Create Your Own Reality· How Can I get There from Here?· This Simple Basis of Understanding Makes It All Fit Together· The Law of Attraction, the Most Powerful Law in the Universe· You Are Standing on the Leading Edge of Thought· You Are a Vibrational Transmitter and Receiver· The Hidden Value Behind Your Emotional Reactions· The Three Steps to Whatever You Want to Be, Do, or Have· With Practice, You Will Become a Joyous, Deliberate Creator· Your Emotional Set-Points Are Within Your Control· Allow Your Feelings to Be Your Guide· Some Things You Knew Before You Arrived· You Are a Perfect Yet Expanding Being, in a Perfect Yet Expanding World, in a Perfect Yet Expanding Universe· You Are Co-creating Within a Magnificently Diverse Universe· Where Are You, and Where Do You Want to Be?· You Can Gradually Change Your Vibrational Frequency· Only You Can Know How You Feel about You· Trying to Hinder Another's Freedom Always Costs You Your Freedom· You Are Only 17 Seconds Away from 68 Seconds to Fulfillment· The Different Degrees of Your Emotional Guidance Scale· Processes to Help You Achieve What You Now RememberIt’s your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good—and this life-changing book will show you how to make it so in every way!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Risk-Return Analysis: The Theory and Practice of Rational Investing (Volume One)
The two most important words Harry Markowitz ever wrote are "portfolio selection." In 1952, when everyone in the stock market was looking for the next hot stock, as a doctoral candidate, he proposed to look at many, diverse stocks--a portfolio. He laid the first cornerstone of Modern Portfolio Theory and defended the idea that strategic asset growth means factoring in the risk of an investment. More than 60 years later, the father of modern finance revisits his original masterpiece, describes how his theory has developed, and proves the vitality of hisrisk-return analysis in the current global economy.Risk-Return Analysis opens the door to agroundbreaking four-book series giving readers a privileged look at the personal reflections and current strategies of a luminary in finance. This first volume is Markowitz's response to what he calls the "Great Confusion" that spread when investors lost faith in the diversification benefits of MPT during the financial crisis of 2008. It demonstrates why MPT never became ineffective during the crisis, and how you can continue to reap the rewards of managed diversification into the future. Economists and financial advisors will benefit from the potent balance of theory and hard data on mean-variance analysis aimed at improving decision-making skills. Written for the academic and the practitioner withsome math skills (mostly high school algebra), this richly illustrated guide arms you with: Concrete steps to accurately select and apply the right risk measures in a given circumstance Rare surveys of a half-century of literature covering the applicability of MPT Empirical data showing mean and riskmeasure used to maximize return in the long term PRAISE FOR RISK-RETURN ANALYSIS"Harry Markowitz invented portfolio analysis and presented the theory in his famous 1952 article and 1959 book. Nobody has greater insight into the process than Harry. No academic or practitioner can truly claim to understand portfolio analysis unless they have read this volume." -- Martin J. Gruber, Professor Emeritus and Scholar in Residence, Stern School of Business, New York University"Surveying the vast literature inspired by [Markowitz's] own 1959 book has stimulated an outpouring of ideas. He builds on the strengths and limitations of the important papers in order to come up with a position that should silence a lot of critics." -- Jack Treynor, President, Treynor Capital Management"The authors do not overlook various criticisms of the MPT, but rather address them convincingly. This excellent book is an essential reference for academics and practitioners alike." -- Haim Levy, Miles Robinson Professor of Finance, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel"Markowitz’s groundbreaking publications on Portfolio Selection prescribe a methodology that a rational decision-maker can follow to optimize his investment portfolio in a risky world. . . . Thischallenging new book clarifies many common misconceptions about modern portfolio theory." -- Roger C. Gibson, author of Asset Allocation and Chief Investment Officer, Gibson Capital, LLC"Contain[s] great wisdom that every economist, portfolio manager, and investor should savor page by page." -- Andrew W. Lo, Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor and Director, Laboratory for Financial Engineering, MIT Sloan School of Management"[Markowitz's] monumental work in the 1950s would be sufficient to qualify as a lifetime achievement for most mortals, but he keeps spouting fresh insights like lightning flashes year after year, and penetrating ever deeper into the theory, mathematics, and practice of investing." -- Martin Leibowitz, Managing Director, Global Research Strategy, Morgan Stanley"Risk–Return Analysis is a wonderful work in progress by a remarkable scholar who always has time to read what matters, who has the deepest appreciation of scientific achievement, and who has the highest aspirations for the future." -- Enterprising Investor (CFA Institute)
Thomas Nelson Publishers ¿Dónde se fue mi risa?
Un caprichoso libro ilustrado del autor best seller del New York Times, Max Lucado, ¿Dónde se fue mi risa? ayuda a los niños a procesar sus emociones de una manera divertida y saludable para que puedan transformarse de malhumorados a felices que se ríen a carcajadas.«Me sentí un poco malhumorado. Me sentí un poco triste. No puedo decirte por qué, pero incluso me sentí enojado». Para cada niño que a veces se siente mal y no sabe por qué, ¿Dónde se fue mi risa? ayuda a normalizar y disipar las emociones negativas de una manera encantadora.Una perfecta lectura en voz alta, ¿Dónde se fue mi risa? proporciona: Una forma natural de hablar con tus hijos sobre cómo todos a veces nos ponemos tristes Un recordatorio de que podemos ayudar a otros a encontrar su felicidad Con coloridas ilustraciones de Sarah Jennings, este libro es: Genial para las edades de 4 a 8 años Brillante para discusiones en clase sobre procesar los sentimientos y las emociones y un recurso para ayudar a los padres a hablar de la tristeza, el malhumor, la ansiedad y la falta de felicidad ¿Dónde se fue mi risa? sigue a un chico que busca por todas partes, desde el circo hasta la panadería y su propio bolsillo, su risita. Después de todo, «No reírse no es divertido. No es divertido, no señor. No reírse no es la mejor manera de ser». Entonces se da cuenta de que llevar la felicidad a los demás es la mejor manera de encontrarla él mismo. Mientras ofrece sonrisas y abrazos, ayuda a su madre a lavar los platos, juega con un amigo y le da al perro un buen cosquilleo, siente que algo muy, muy profundo empieza a moverse. Y antes de darse cuenta comienza a reírse.El encantador pero poderoso mensaje de Lucado nos recuerda a cada uno de nosotros que superar el malhumor está a solo una risa de distancia.Where Did My Giggle Go?A whimsical picture book from New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, Where'd My Giggle Go? helps your kids process their emotions in a fun, healthy way so they can transform from grumpy to laugh-out-loud happy.“I felt kind of cranky. I felt kind of sad. I can’t tell you why, but I even felt mad.” For every child who sometimes feels out of sorts and doesn’t know why, Where’d My Giggle Go? helps normalize and dissipate negative emotions in a delightful way.A perfect read-aloud, Where’d My Giggle Go? provides: A natural way for you to talk with your kids about how we all get sad sometimes A reminder that we can help others find their happiness With colorful illustrations from Sarah Jennings, this book is: Great for ages 4-8 Brilliant for classroom discussions about processing feelings and emotions and a resource to help parents discuss being sad, grumpy, anxious, or unhappy Where’d My Giggle Go? follows a boy who looks all over—from the circus to the bakery to his own pocket—for his giggle. After all, “No-giggle’s no fun. No fun, no sirree. No-giggle is not the best way to be.” Then he realizes that bringing happiness to others is the best way to find it himself. As he offers smiles and hugs, helps his mom wash the dishes, plays with a friend, and gives the dog a good tickle, he feels something deep, deep within start to wiggle. And before you know it, the boy starts to giggle!Lucado's charming but powerful message reminds each of us that getting over the grumpies is just a giggle away.
Anomie Publishing David Batchelor – Concretos
Throughout his international career spanning more than thirty years, artist and writer David Batchelor has long been preoccupied with colour. ‘Colour is not just a feature of [my] sculpture or painting,’ he notes, ‘but its central and overriding subject.’ This new publication is devoted to an ongoing series of sculptures titled Concretos. First made in 2011, Concretos combine concrete with a variety of brightly coloured – and often found – materials.The publication features a text by Batchelor charting the origins and development of Concretos. He reveals that the first Concreto was made after encountering coloured glass shards embedded in a concrete wall in the back streets of Palermo. Over time these Concretos, their title a nod to the Latin American art movement to which Batchelor’s work is much indebted, have become more complex adventures in layering, pattern and process. Elements such as acrylic plastic, spray and household gloss paint, steel, fabric and found objects all find themselves set in a concrete base. The most recent works, titled Extra-Concretos (2019–) retain much of the simplicity of the early pieces while working on a much larger scale.In an essay commissioned for the publication, curator Eleanor Nairne considers Concretos in light of their material possibilities. Nairne’s vivid text draws connections between the sculptures and a wide range of art historical and literary references. Some of the playful and sensual characteristics of Batchelor’s artistic vocabulary are considered in relation to floral bouquets, sewing-machines, ice cream and poetry.Architectural historian Adrian Forty’s essay discusses concrete’s physical qualities and relationship with modernity. He notes that the imperfect nature and apparent neutrality of the material is key to its enduring place within architecture, design and in Batchelor’s case, contemporary sculpture. ‘In the Concretos,’ asserts Forty, ‘concrete plays a necessary part in allowing colour to be itself. Present, but at the same time part of the barely noticed, half-invisible infrastructure of the city, concrete’s very neutrality performs an unexpectedly active part in these works.’The publication is edited by David Batchelor and Matt Price, designed by Hyperkit, printed by Park, London, and published by Anomie, London. The publication coincides with the first large-scale survey exhibition of Batchelor’s work taking place at Compton Verney, Warwickshire in 2022. The publication has been supported by Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, and Arts Council England.David Batchelor was born in Dundee in 1955 and lives and works in London. In 2013, a major solo exhibition of Batchelor’s two-dimensional work, ‘Flatlands’, was displayed at Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh and toured to Spike Island, Bristol. Batchelor’s work was included in the landmark group exhibition ‘Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915–2015’ at Whitechapel Gallery, London. ‘My Own Private Bauhaus’, a solo exhibition of sculptures and paintings by Batchelor was presented by Ingleby Gallery during the Edinburgh Art Festival, 2019. Between 2017 and 2020 a large-scale work by Batchelor was displayed in the collection of Tate Modern. He is represented by Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, and Galeria Leme, São Paulo. Batchelor’s portfolio also includes a number of major temporary and permanent artworks in the public realm including a chromatic clock titled ‘Sixty Minute Spectrum’ installed in the roof of the Hayward Gallery, London.‘Chromophobia’, Batchelor’s book on colour and the fear of colour in the West, was published by Reaktion Books (2000), and is now available in ten languages. His more recent book, 'The Luminous and the Grey' (2014), is also published by Reaktion. In 2008 he was commissioned to edit ‘Colour’ an anthology of writings on colour from 1850 to the present published by Whitechapel/MIT Press.
Random House USA Inc Fodor's The Complete Guide to the National Parks of the USA: All 63 parks from Maine to American Samoa
Whether you want to hike through the jaw-dropping scenery of Acadia, see rare wildlife and natural wonders in Yellowstone, or go river-rafting in the Grand Canyon, the local Fodor’s travel experts in all the National Parks are here to help! Fodor’s Complete Guide to the National Parks of the USA is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This brand new title has been designed with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor’s Complete Guide to the National Parks of the USA travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 70 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, activities, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Ultimate Experiences,” “Best Campgrounds,” “Best Lodges,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, art, architecture, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Exploring the Colorado River,” “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “Yellowstone’s Geothermal Wonders” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Acadia National Park, Arches National Park, Badlands National Park, Big Bend National Park, Biscayne National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Channel Islands National Park, Congaree National Park, Crater Lake National Park, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Death Valley National Park, Denali National Park, Dry Tortugas National Park, Everglades National Park, Gates of the Arctic & Kobuk Valley National Park, Gateway Arch National Park, Glacier Bay National Park, Glacier & Waterton Lakes National Parks, Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Great Basin National Park, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Haleakala National Park, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hot Springs National Park, Indiana Dunes National Park, Isle Royale National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, Katmai National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park, Lake Clark National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Mammoth Cave National Park, Mesa Verde National Park, Mount Rainier National Park, National Park of American Samoa, New River Gorge Park and Preserve, North Cascades National Park, Olympic National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, Pinnacles National Park, Redwood National and State Parks, Rocky Mountain National Park, Saguaro National Park, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks, Shenandoah National Parks, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Virgin Islands National Parks, Voyageurs National Parks, White Sands National Park, Wind Cave National Park, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Zion National Park Planning on spending more time in any of the states? Check out Fodor’s Arizona and the Grand Canyon, Fodor’s California, Fodor's Colorado, Fodor’s Florida, Fodor’s Essential Hawaii, Fodor’s Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, Fodor's U.S. & British Virgin Islands, Compass Yellowstone National Park, Compass Yosemite and Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks, and Fodor's InFocus Smoky Mountains.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor’s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Cultural Values: The Case of French Guests and Vietnamese Hosts
With a history of attracting French tourists since the 19th century and particularly during the colonial period, Vietnam has re-emerged as one of the most popular Asian destinations for the French. A number of factors augur well for a further increase in visitation. As a former colony, Vietnam has nostalgic appeal for many French visitors. After the release of the films L' lndochine, L 'amant, Le Cyclo, Papaye Vert, and the documentary-drama Dien Bien Phu in 1993, France became the main tourism source market for Vietnam. As the ethnic composition of France has changed, the French are interested in learning about cultures generally and Asian cultures, in particular. The prospect of discovering new destinations and cultures encourages them to travel long-haul. They are quality conscious and culture loving, and prefer to use their own language when traveling overseas, favouring their own cuisine even though they do enjoy the cuisine of the host countries .Travel to Vietnam offers the prospect of fulfilling a number of their preferences. Another attraction for French tourists is that Vietnam is a member of the Francophone Community. Since 1988, the French legacy has experienced a resurgence with the renovation of colonial-style properties and restaurants. Tourists have been impressed by the French-style architecture, accommodation and cuisine that is available. Despite Vietnam's long history of contact with France, Vietnamese service providers are relatively ignorant about Western countries, their people and their values. Up to now Vietnam's tourism authorities have paid little attention to the role of cultural understanding in the tourism development process and Vietnam's overseas tourism promotions have given minimal acknowledgement of the cultural characteristics of source markets including those conducted in France. Servicing French tourists is likely to be a challenge for Vietnamese service providers because of the substantial differences between the respective host and guest cultures and rules of behaviour. International tourism generally involves a cross-cultural component, particularly in the case of encounters between tourists and service providers. If it is accepted that the cultural values of Western travellers are different, it seems reasonable to conclude that the Vietnamese service providers need to consider the effect of this cultural dissimilarity on touristâhost mutual perceptions and social interaction in the intercultural service encounters. An understanding of areas of potential tourist dissatisfaction may assist the service providers to anticipate prospective negative perceptions and to address them, thereby contributing to overall holiday satisfaction, and improve the prospects of repeat visitation. It is common for destinations to attract visitation from different source countries and cultures. Nonetheless, consumer behaviour literature on cross-cultural perceptions and interaction have been largely limited to homogeneous sample populations from Western countries. Furthermore, until now there are no published studies have specifically examined touristâhost service encounters interaction and mutual perceptions in the context of Vietnam as a holiday destination. Consequently, this research has both practical and academic significances. From the theoretical perspectives, this study provides an augmented comprehension on Argyle's, Rokeach and SERVQUAL models. From the practical standpoints, this study offers service managers and marketers a heightened understanding of cross-cultural awareness for improving customer satisfaction. It acclaims an evidence base that can guide provision to meet the needs of international tourists with particular reference to the impact of rules of behaviour on touristâhost service encounters interaction. It accentuates the effect of cultural backgrounds on tourists' perceptions towards and satisfaction with service quality. By this means, it applies the empirically based models to development related challenges confronting the tourism sector in the cross-cultural settings for designing appropriate strategies with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage. Keywords: French Guests, Vietnamese Hosts, Cultural Values, Rules of Behaviour, Interactions, Satisfaction, Service Attributes and Performances.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Group Context
`This book, part of a series from the International Library of Group Analysis, explores how the theory of group dynamics can be transferred to different areas of counselling, education, small and large group psychotherapy and industry. As an introductory textbook, it aims to present the complex ideas underlying group processes - in particular, psychodynamic theory - in an accessible way using numerous practical examples and anecdotes. The author, an experienced social worker, emphasises the relationship of parts to the whole, looking at the connections between the individual and the group then moving outwards to explore broader social relationships.' - British Journal of Occupational Therapy`In a very short time, Sheila Thompson's book, The Group Context, has become the primary reference material for one of my supervision groups. Her understanding of the group pressures we all live with, and her descriptions of counselling in groups and larger groups, bring theory and practice alive. She looks with great clarity at experiential training, educational groups, teams, institutions, families and individuals.' - Counselling`What are the similarities and differences between group psychotherapy, group counselling, and educational group work? How does the group context determine the way we work with individuals? What do family groups have in common with other kinds of groups, and how does the family group context influence approaches to family therapy? What happens to the group dynamic when groups enlarge? These are the sorts of questions this book asks eloquently and thoughtfully. The questions are answered by means of detailed comparisons and contrasts backed up with illustrative vignettes...The beginner would be hard put to find a better introduction to the work of Foulkes and other pioneers of small group work; Bion, Ezriel, Whitaker, Agazarian, and Abercrombie. The philosophy of each is captured in a few simple paragraphs, leaving the reader to contemplate their respective merits and draw something from each...In the best sense of the term, it stands for a return to basics, an exercise in integrative thinking that provides the foundation for building techniques and methods of group work. It deserves a place in the library of any organisation that hosts groups on its premises. Students and teachers of psychotherapy and counselling will also appreciate its comprehensive sweep and reflective style.' - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry`The beginner would be hard put to find a better introduction to the works of Foulkes and other pioneers of group work; Bion, Ezriel, Whitaker, Agazarian, and Abercrombie. The philosophy of each is captured in a few simple paragraphs, leaving the reader to contemplate their respective merits and draw something from each. In the best sense of the term, it stands for a return to basics, an exercise in integrative thinking that provides the foundation for building methods and techniques of group work. Students and teachers of psychotherapy and counselling will also appreciate its comprehensive sweep and reflective style.'@QUOTE SOUCE = - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry'It would be a useful intoduction to anyone interested in working with groups in any setting or for a more experienced practitioner who wanted to update their thinking.' - British Journal of Clincal PsychologyThis introductory book describes the complex ideas integral to group work in a clear and accessible way so as to make them available to a wide readership. Sheila Thompson provides ways to understand the group process and then shows how that understanding can be applied both inside and outside purely therapeutic settings.Starting with the special situation of the psychotherapeutic group, and using models of group dynamics derived from group psychotherapy but valid in other group situations, she shows how concepts and techniques can be transferred from this setting to others - counselling and problem solving, experiential, training and educational groups, work teams and institutions - and from small groups to median groups to large groups, and then to work with families and individuals. Emphasising the relationship of the part to the whole, the individual to the group, the author shows how this concept can usefully be extended to situations where group work is not an option, and where the network remains invisible except for its presence within the mental processes of patient or client and in the interaction with the professional helper.The book will be useful to all those who wish to work more reflectively with their patients or clients.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Holy Spirit and Ethics in Paul: Transformation and Empowering for Religious-Ethical Life
Volker Rabens answers the question of how, according to the apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit enables religious-ethical life. In the first part of the book, the author discusses the established view that the Spirit is a material substance which transforms people ontologically by virtue of its physical nature. In order to assess this "Stoic" reading of Paul, the author examines all the passages from the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, Hellenism and Paul that have been put forward in support of this concept of ethical enabling. He concludes that there is no textual evidence in early Judaism or Paul that the Spirit was conceived as a material substance. Furthermore, none of these or any of the Graeco-Roman writings show that ethical living derives from the transformation of the "substance" of the person that is imbued with a physical Spirit. The second part of the study offers a fresh approach to the ethical work of the Spirit which is based on a relational concept of Paul's theology. Rabens argues that it is primarily through initiating and sustaining an intimate relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and with the community of faith that the Spirit transforms and empowers people for ethical living. The author establishes this thesis on the basis of an exegetical study of a variety of passages from the Pauline corpus. In addition, he demonstrates that Paul lived in a context in which this dynamic of ethical empowering was part of the religious framework of various Jewish groups.Reviews of the first edition:"Rabens's book is a model of thorough research, lucid argument, and careful exegesis."Peter Orr in Themelios 35 (2010), pp. 452-455"Overall Rabens has provided us with a fascinating and convincing account of how the process of 'walking in the Spirit' takes place."Gary W. Burnett in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 33.5 (2011), p. 84"To conclude, I recommend this monograph for three reasons. One, it is truly a 'model' thesis in that it accomplishes its aims with clarity and simplicity. Secondly, it provides an excellent survey of Pauline pneumatology and ethics. Lastly, another benefit of this monograph is the intentional bridging of continental and English NT scholarship."Carsten Lotz in LST - InSight Spring 2011, p. 17"This is a beautifully written book, detailed, stimulating and fresh. Its central thesis is strongly argued and makes an important contribution to understanding Paul's ethics, theology and pneumatology."Jane Heath in The Expository Times 123 (2011), p. 138"R.'s study is remarkably comprehensive and well-informed."Gitte Buch-Hansen in Theologische Revue 108 (2012), pp. 118-119"Rabens's relational approach is carefully argued and will be of particular use to specialists in Pauline pneumatology and ethics, although the implications [...] will cause this study to be of interest to other specializations within Pauline studies in particular and biblical studies in general (e.g., cosmology, anthropology, soteriology)."Matthew P. O'Reilly in Religious Studies Review 38 (2012), pp. 20-21"And here is the strength Rabens' work offers us. Not only is The Holy Spirit and Ethics in Paul the work of a competent Neutestamentler who is able to realistically place Paul in both his traditional and contemporary context, but it is also a model of what effective biblical theology can offer the Church in a wider conversation."Mark Saucy in Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research 4 (2012), pp. 109-122"Overall, R. provides a fascinating and convincing account of the work of the Spirit in the ethical transformation of the individual."Archie T. Wright in Journal for the Study of Judaism 44 (2013), pp. 117-118"Systematisch klar, begrifflich hochpräzise und mit einem Interesse weckenden Spannungsbogen im Aufbau seiner Arbeit nähert sich Rabens einem 'Glaubensthema' und beschreitet dabei den Weg von der Frage zu den Texten. […] Von der Gründlichkeit des Autors zeugt schließlich ein über 50-seitiger Appendix, der die Forschungsgeschichte der letzten 140 Jahre zum Thema 'Paulus und Ethik' aufarbeitet." Hildegard Scherer in Biblische Zeitschrift 56 (2012), S. 306"In der Paulus-Forschung wird die Beziehungs-Dimension in jüngerer Zeit zu Recht stärker wahrgenommen. In diesem Rahmen bietet Rabens' Arbeit eine wichtige und meines Erachtens notwendige Auseinandersetzung mit einem Paradigma der Paulus-Forschung, die zu Korrekturen nötigt."Stefan Schreiber in Biblische Notizen 152 (2012), S. 141
Medina Publishing Ltd The Caravan Goes on: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together
The remarkable story of one man's journey to leadership of the world's largest energy company, The Caravan Goes On is the first published inside account of the workings of the corporation by a CEO and represents a significant addition to the literature on the turbulent development of the world's oil industry. Frank Jungers, former President, Chairman and CEO of the petroleum giant Aramco, tells the inside story of his three decades in Saudi Arabia (1947-1978) with the world's largest oil producing company. A North Dakota farm boy Jungers rose to the top of one of the most important hydrocarbon enterprises ever, a company that eventually found itself responsible for nearly one-quarter of the world's oil resources. He writes of his face-to-face encounters with King Faisal and other Saudi leaders, and his role in steering the company through major international crises that included the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the dramatic oil price increases of the 1970s, the Arab oil embargo and the OPEC hostage incident of 1975. Central to Jungers' story is his role in helping to develop Aramco's Saudi workforce in preparation for the eventual transfer of company ownership from four American oil majors to the Government of Saudi Arabia. He explains the unique nature of the ownership transfer, which was remarkably different from the bitter nationalization process seen in Iraq, Libya, Iran and Venezuela. Jungers describes how Aramco and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in an important sense grew up together, and he highlights the crucial role played by Aramco in the development of the young nation's infrastructure and economy. The Caravan Goes On describes the origins of the petroleum industry in Saudi Arabia, with the granting of a concession in 1933 to a subsidiary of Standard Oil of California, the first of Aramco's four oil-company parents. Jungers talks of his own origins as the son of farmer in North Dakota, the family's migration westward due to drought and depression, and his engineering studies at the University of Washington. Jungers began his career in Saudi Arabia working at Ras Tanura, site of Aramco's first oil refinery and oil tanker terminal. He describes how Aramco built its initial workforce, consisting of Americans, Italians, Saudis and other nationalities; he explains how it soon became clear that the future of the Saudi oil industry belonged not with foreign oil interest but to the people of Saudi Arabia; and he relates how he and others worked to give Saudis the training and incentives needed to take over and successfully operate what would become the world's premier oil producing and exporting company. At the same time, Aramco, with its technological expertise and its access to international specialists, began playing a central role in the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company, with support and encouragement of the Saudi Kings, took a lead role in building healthcare, agriculture, the railroads, the electric grid and other sectors of the Saudi economy. The story of the "King Faisal Era" (including the monarch's role in the oil price issue, the Arab oil embargo and his closed-door meetings with the King and his key advisers, including Oil Minister Shaikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani) are vividly described, as well as the shock of King Faisal's tragic death and the tense moments of the OPEC hostage incident that began in Vienna and ended in North Africa. Jungers speaks of his involvement in launching Saudi Arabia's Master Gas System, now a central part of the national economy and his pivotal role in the consolidation of Saudi Arabia's electrical power grid in the Eastern Province. When he returned to Saudi Arabia in 2008 to attend the celebrations of the company's 75th anniversary he fully realized the success of the Aramco venture - how it had indeed prepared large numbers of Saudis for the responsibilities of leading their country's oil industry into a new and exciting economic era. This personal, colorful and up-close view is required reading for oil-industry watchers as well as those interested in big business, geopolitics, America's role in the Middle East and the extraordinary transformation and emergence of modern Saudi Arabia since oil was discovered in its Eastern Province.
Merrell Publishers Ltd Hawkins\Brown: It's Your Building
The award-winning architectural practice Hawkins\Brown, founded in 1988, is well-known for its thoughtful, innovative and sustainable new buildings and refurbishments of all types. The practice prides itself on bringing a fresh and collaborative approach, creating places that are well-made, well-used and well-loved. This new book examines 14 of its projects in detail, interspersed with essays on various themes by members of the practice. The book begins with an examination by the eminent architecture journalist Hugh Pearman of the founding, history and approach of Hawkins\Brown, based on personal interviews with the practice’s two founding principals, Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown. A full discussion of the projects follows, each comprehensively illustrated with photographs, plans and renderings. The Bartlett School of Architecture in London had been outgrown by the School; it has been stripped back and reconfigured to create a building that staff and students alike are delighted to use. The Corby Cube is a well-equipped, multi-purpose civic and cultural centre that is beloved of this East Midlands town’s inhabitants. Here East, the repurposing of the Olympic press and broadcast centres in east London into space for creative and digital industries, is an excellent example of collaboration between client, architect and stakeholders. At Hilden Grange Preparatory School in Kent, Hawkins\Brown slotted exemplary new teaching spaces into natural woodland in a sustainable and sympathetic way. The University of East Anglia’s Bob Champion Building is part of the Norwich Medical School’s vision to become a world leader in clinical research and teaching, and was completed in less than a year. Park Hill housing estate in Sheffield has been updated with a charismatic new facade treatment and revitalized flats, taking it from eyesore to icon. Another housing estate, Peabody Burridge Gardens in southwest London, has been rebuilt completely, and is now more pleasant and better integrated. Tottenham Court Road station in central London – part of the enormous Crossrail project – has been sympathetically but radically redesigned to provide for the extra people who will use it, and includes artworks by Daniel Buren, Richard Wright and Douglas Gordon. At Hackney Town Hall in east London, the refurbishment of an important art deco building required all numerous skills, from reuse and repair to conversion and conservation. A combined refurbishment and new building on Great Suffolk Street just south of the river in central London, meanwhile, has created an expanded commercial building that sits comfortably in its semi-industrial setting. For the City of London Freemen’s School in Surrey, Hawkins\Brown created a new swimming pool that is simultaneously functional, beautiful and sympathetic to its rural location. With the University of Oxford Beecroft Building – where environment is also deeply important – the practice produced a new Physics research facility that both satisfies the city’s stringent historical and conservation controls and is a genuinely groundbreaking scientific building. East Village Plot No. 6 is a `build-to-rent’ development in Stratford, east London, where architecture has been used to create community. Finally, the Thames Tideway Tunnel is a crucial yet little-known infrastructure project that will extend and modernize London’s sewerage system to cope with future demand. The visible architecture here involves various surface points along the river, including at Chelsea Embankment and at Blackfriars. The essays demonstrate Hawkins\Brown’s pride in the input of its staff. Seth Rutt explains the architect’s desire for creative autonomy and wish to follow the process of creating a new building all the way from designing it to supervising the construction. Darryl Chen explains the importance of taking time away from day-to-day work to focus on broader themes, and introduces the practice’s own think tank. Nicola Rutt discusses the importance of refurbishment in the output of the practice, emphasizing its importance to the urban fabric and to the people who inhabit our towns and cities. Morag Morrison writes about the integration of art with architecture, and Katie Tonkinson examines mixed-use architecture in the context of the architect’s approach rather than the client’s brief. Harbinder Birdi explains the importance of urban planning and considering the human context for all projects, and, finally, Oliver Milton and Jack Stewart celebrate the opportunities afforded by new technology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Play Therapy, Advances and Innovations
In the decade since its publication, Handbook of Play Therapy has attained the status of a classic in the field. Writing in the most glowing terms, enthusiastic reviewers in North America and abroad hailed that book as "an excellent resource for workers in all disciplines concerned with children's mental health" (Contemporary Psychology). Now, in this companion volume, editors Kevin O'Connor and Charles Schaefer continue the important work they began in their 1984 classic, bringing readers an in-depth look at state-of-the-art play therapy practices and principles. While it updates readers on significant advances in sand play diagnosis, theraplay, group play, and other well-known approaches, Volume Two also covers important adaptations of play therapy to client populations such as the elderly, and new applications of play therapeutic methods such as in the assessment of sexually abused children. Featuring contributions by twenty leading authorities from psychology, social work, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and other related disciplines, Handbook of Play Therapy, Volume two draws on clinical and research material previously scattered throughout the professional literature and organizes it into four main sections for easy reference: Theoretical approaches— including Adlerian, cognitive, behavioral, gestalt, and control theory approaches as well as family, ecosystem, and others Developmental adaptations— covers ground-breaking new adaptations for adolescents, adults, and the elderly Methods and techniques— explores advances in traditional techniques such as sand play, Jungian play therapy, and art therapy, and examines other new, high-tech play therapies Applications— reports on therapeutic applications for psychic trauma, sex abuse, cancer patients, psychotics, and many others The companion volume to the celebrated classic in the field, Handbook of Play Therapy, Volume Two is an indispensable resource for play therapists, child psychologists and psychiatrists, school counselors and psychologists, and all mental health professionals. HANDBOOK OF PLAY THERAPY Edited by Charles E. Schaefer and Kevin J. O'Connor ". . . an excellent primary text for upper level students, and a valuable resource for practitioners in the field of child psychotherapy."— American Journal of Mental Deficiency ". . . a thorough, thoughtful, and theoretically sound compilation of much of the accumulated knowledge. . . . Like a well-executed stained-glass window that yields beauty and many shades of light through an integrated whole, so too this book synthesizes and reveals many creative facets of this important area of practice."— Social Work in Education 1983 (0-471-09462-5) 489 pp. THE PLAY THERAPY PRIMER Kevin J. O'Connor The Play Therapy Primer covers the impact of personal values and beliefs on therapeutic work, and provides a detailed description of the process preceding the beginning of therapy. It then offers guidelines and strategies for developing treatment plans respective of the various phases of therapy, including specific in-session techniques, modifications for different ages, transference considerations, and the termination and follow-up of clinical cases. 1991 (0-471-52543-X) 371 pp. PLAY DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT Edited by Charles E. Schaefer, Karen Gitlin, and Alice Sandgrund The first and only book to fully explore the assessment potential of play evaluation, this book offers an impressive array of papers by nearly fifty authorities in the field. Following a logical progression, it is divided into six parts covering the full range of practical and theoretical concerns, including developmental play scales for normal children from preschool to adolescence; diagnostic play scales including those for the evaluation of children with a variety of cognitive, behavioral, and/or emotional disorders; parent/child interaction play scales; projective play techniques; and scales for assessing a child's behavior during play therapy. 1991 (0-471-62166-8) 718 pp. GAME PLAY Edited by Charles E. Schaefer and Steven E. Reid This important work highlights the psychological significance of using games to assess and treat various childhood disorders. In chapters written by leading authorities, it examines the content of various types of games and provides theoretical approaches, techniques, and practical guidelines for applying games to play therapy with children. Case histories demonstrate the use of game play with childhood problems ranging from hyperactivity to divorce counseling and juvenile delinquency. 1986 (0-471-81972-7) 349 pp.
Human Kinetics Publishers Complete Guide to Sport Education
Complete Guide to Sport Education, Third Edition, offers a thoroughly updated version of the evidence-based curriculum and instruction model pioneered by Daryl Siedentop, universally acknowledged as the Father of Sport Education. Lead author Siedentop first articulated his Sport Education model back in the late 1970s; it has evolved ever since and has been expressed through three editions of this book. This third edition is backed by substantial research that supports the idea that Sport Education is a valuable and motivating approach to delivering quality physical education experiences for students from the early elementary grades through the university years.New and Revised MaterialComplete Guide to Sport Education, Third Edition, offers readers a significant amount of revised and new material, including enhanced guidance for Sport Education programming across a year. Also noteworthy is the updated alignment of Sport Education’s goals and objectives with the SHAPE America standards and the national learning objectives from other countries. In addition, the text provides six brand-new chapters on the following topics: Including students with special needs Implementing Sport Education beyond physical education (e.g., school-based after-school programs, intramurals, community-based programs, and university basic instruction programs) Evidence-based research on Sport Education Developing effective program-level policies and procedures Managing equipment, facilities, and supplies Sport Education’s link with international objectives Unique Approach to Sport EducationComplete Guide to Sport Education represents a departure from traditional curriculum and instruction (C&I) models because it takes an effective student-centered approach, providing students with opportunities to take ownership and responsibility for various aspects of their class experiences. This approach better prepares students to be lifelong participants in healthy physical activity and sport—and to be more engaged in class. The text targets more in-depth and authentic learning experiences than most C&I models, giving students time to develop the skills they need and to learn to fulfill the team roles required for successful seasons. This latest edition introduces new readers to the idea of Sport Education and gives previous users of the model some fresh ways to expand their seasons and make them even more engaging and attractive to their students. Through Sport Education, students are shown effective and meaningful ways to learn about sport, to take part in sport, and to view sport as something they can connect with and find meaning in.Updated AncillariesComplete Guide to Sport Education comes with several useful and updated ancillaries: A web resource that provides a wealth of examples to support the book content; this resource includes forms, charts, assessments, and other tools A test package that houses 447 multiple-choice and short-answer questions A presentation package with 225 slides outlining the book’s content, including select tables and illustrations from the book An instructor guide that includes course syllabus templates for instructors of undergraduate and graduate students, and provides core course assignments, optional course assignments, graduate student course assignments, and signature assignments Book Organization The text is organized into three parts, with part I outlining the essential features of the Sport Education model and identifying the key aspects upon which the model is based. The importance of sport as a cultural phenomenon is then introduced to explain why it should be a part of school physical education programs. This part also addresses how to identify and select season outcomes, how to use instructional alignment to gain quality season experiences, and how to promote physical activity beyond physical education.Part II explores all the important considerations in designing and implementing Sport Education seasons. This includes modifying games and activities, designing competition formats, selecting teams and roles, teaching fair play, developing competent players, and more.Part III delves into key program design considerations, showing the links between Sport Education and U.S. content standards as well as learning objectives from a number of other countries, guiding readers through the assessment process, and examining the various aspects involved in managing a physical education program based on Sport Education. It also shows how to integrate classroom content with Sport Education.Authoritative and Affordable This popular text, whose first edition was published in 1994, is very affordable compared to similar texts. But the greatest benefit is the enduring quality of an evidence-based, student-centered text that has proven to be of high value to instructors and students alike. Through the book’s Sport Education model, students develop sport skills, grow in leadership and responsibility, and learn about the nonplaying roles of the sport experience (e.g., coach, trainer, publicist, equipment manager, choreographer). All of this leads to being more engaged in class—and to continuing a healthy physical activity engagement beyond the school years.
Brewers Publications The Compleat Meadmaker: Home Production of Honey Wine From Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations
Since The Compleat Meadmaker was first published, mead has continued to grow in popularity as crafted beverages have become an established part of the beverage market in America. In 2003 there were roughly 60 commercial meaderies in the US, but by 2020 this number stood at 450. Naturally, many hobbyists are also discovering the delights of making this “nectar of the gods” themselves. Thanks to the global distribution of bees and, therefore, honey, you will find mead-like drinks in virtually every corner of the world. No wonder historians recognize it as one of humankind’s oldest fermented beverages. Mead production never really ceased in Europe and Africa, but its star was eclipsed with the increasing production and distribution of wine, beer, and distilled spirits from the 1600s onward. With the rebirth of brewing and the establishment of world-class wine producing regions in the US, it is time for mead in the twenty-first century to be brought back into the limelight. Mead needs to establish a vocabulary of its own and find a place in the hearts of homebrewers and home winemakers.In The Compleat Meadmaker, veteran meadmaker Ken Schramm—one of the founders of the Mazer Cup Mead Competition, North America’s oldest mead-only competition—introduces the novice to the wonders of mead. With easy-to-follow procedures and simple recipes, he shows how you can quickly and painlessly make your own mead at home. In later chapters, Schramm introduces flavorful variations on the basic theme that lead to meads flavored with spice, fruits, grapes, and malt.The author covers the many aspects of meadmaking in a comprehensive but easy-to-read fashion, with something for novices and experienced brewers and vintners alike from basic equipment for meadmaking, creating your first must, and on through the basics of fermentation, racking, and bottling. Once the first steps have been taken Schramm goes into more detail, involving balancing for taste using acid, priming for sparkling mead, corking practices, and strategies for clarifying. He also covers aspects of fermentation, such as selecting the right yeast strain, aerating and managing the pH of your must during the critical early phase of fermentation, and adjusting nutrient levels to suit mead fermentation. The author also troubleshoots common problems and processes, such as stuck fermentations, fermentations that will not start, slow or prolonged fermentations, measuring total acidity via acid titrations, and on balancing residual sugars through sweetening, malo-lactic fermentation, increasing acidity, and drying out the mead further. The fine-tuning process does not stop after fermentation is finished. Perhaps the finest characteristic of mead is that it seems to improve with age almost indefinitely. As well as advice on how long to store it, Schramm also offers up his experience with the many different approaches to conditioning and maturing mead, focusing on the use of oak chips, blocks, and barrels to age mead on wood.As one of the oldest fermented drinks and using the oldest sweetener known to humankind, mead and honey are inextricable. Schramm delves into a brief natural history of honey production and the bees that make it possible, with fascinating insights into the profession of beekeepers. He explores sources of nectar and pollen and the benefits of honey varietals explored, with a section devoted entirely to varietal honey based on floral variety. Along the way Schramm delves into the concept of honey “vintage”, grades of honey, sugar, moisture, organic acids, mineral content, color terminology, and how you should not judge a honey’s flavor by its color. There is also a discussion of aroma compounds, absolutely essential if wishing to understand the organoleptic qualities of honey. While mead can be a charmingly simple drink to make, home meadmakers can easily indulge in a host of different flavors to make unique and delicious meads. The author provides you with an understanding of the role quality ingredients play in creating a really pleasing mead. There are several ingredients-focused chapters that look at making sack mead, melomel, cyser, pyment, hippocras, metheglin, and braggot. At the end, Schramm puts it all together in a section devoted entirely to recipes.As one of the most ancient of human beverages, mead arose in part because it was easy to make. Despite this, mead is a surprisingly complex, diverse, and romantic drink that can range from bone dry to profoundly sweet, and can be crafted to complement any type of food. With The Compleat Meadmaker, you can see just how simple, fun, and rewarding meadmaking is.
Anomie Publishing Meekyoung Shin
London and Seoul-based Korean artist Meekyoung Shin (b.1967) is internationally renowned for her sculptures that probe the mis- and re-translations that often emerge when objects of distinct cultural and historical specificity are dislocated from their original context. Made from soap, her works replicate artefacts and canonical works of art, from Asian porcelain vases to Greek and Roman sculptures, translating between continents, cultures and centuries in the process. Meekyoung Shin was born in South Korea and completed her BFA and MFA at Seoul National University. In 1995, she moved to London to obtain her MFA at the Slade School of Art, University College London, and has since held solo exhibitions internationally including at Haunch of Venison, London (2010) and the Korean Cultural Centre UK, London (2013). She has participated in numerous group shows including at the Museum of Art and Design, New York, and the 2013 Asian Art Biennial in Taiwan. Her works are found in collections all over the world, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea. Shin was nominated for the Korea Artist Prize 2013. In this new monograph on the artist, Jonathan Watkins sets the scene for Shin’s solo exhibition at the Korean Cultural Centre UK in London in late autumn 2013, a stone’s throw from Nelson’s Column and the‘Fourth Plinth’ commission of Trafalgar Square. Context is essential to Shin’s practice, and indeed, to her identity. As she asserts: ‘I often identify myself as someone on the border between cultures’. Watkins eloquently introduces Shin’s major bodies of work whilst capturing the cultural complexity, exquisite craftsmanship, conceptual elegance and natural wit embodied within them. An essay by Ben Tufnell explores the cultural and historical references in Shin’s work over the past fifteen years. Taking Shin’s solo exhibition at Haunch of Venison in London in 2011 as his point of departure, he opens up questions of anthropology and museology, of what is exhibited where and when, by and for whom. His incisive analysis of Crouching Aphrodite (2002)– a life-size sculpture of the artist’s own body in the pose of the classical Venus of Vienne from the Louvre – raises issues of Eastern and Western culture, of originality and copying: ‘Being neither fully Asian nor fully Roman it inhabits a cultural limbo space.’ Tufnell explains, ‘Shin’s works are not simply replicas or reproductions but strange twins, uncanny avatars of their precursors.’ Curator and art historian Kyung An’s text offers an illuminating account of Shin’s Written in Soap: A Plinth Project (2012-ongoing), which takes the form of a remarkable public art project in which the artist recreates– out of soap – a large equestrian military statue of Prince William Augustus, the Duke of Cumberland, that once stood in Cavendish Square, London. Having initiated a project that contributes to debates on public monument building, Shin then created subsequent versions of the sculpture for display in Seoul and Taipei. As An asks, ‘what becomes of the monument when it is transplanted to a national museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art five thousand miles away?’ Jade Keunhye Lim’s essay unpicks the various strands of Shin’s Translation Series, from the classical Greek sculptures through to Toilet Project (2004-ongoing)– in which portrait busts made of soap are placed in the washrooms of galleries and museums for visitors to use when washing their hands – and Weathering Project (2009-ongoing), in which Shin locates her soap sculptures outdoors for them to be slowly eroded by the elements. Via cultural imperialism and the tastes of the affluent classes of the West, Keunhye Lim questions the value systems of objects and the logic of their accession into museums – questions that underpin Shin’s practice. How is beauty, cultural significance and financial value constructed, and how does this translate across cultures and time? This monograph, beautifully illustrated with over fifty colour and black and white images, was published by Anomie Publishing in collaboration with the Korean Cultural Centre UK, London, on the occasion of‘Unfixed: A solo exhibition by Meekyoung Shin’, held at the KCC from 12 November 2013 to 18 January 2014, curated by Jonathan Watkins. Published by Anomie Publishing in collaboration with the Korean Cultural Centre UK, London.
Medina Publishing Ltd The Caravan Goes on: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together
The remarkable story of one man's journey to leadership of the world's largest energy company, The Caravan Goes On is the first published inside account of the workings of the corporation by a CEO and represents a significant addition to the literature on the turbulent development of the world's oil industry. Frank Jungers, former President, Chairman and CEO of the petroleum giant Aramco, tells the inside story of his three decades in Saudi Arabia (1947-1978) with the world's largest oil producing company. A North Dakota farm boy Jungers rose to the top of one of the most important hydrocarbon enterprises ever, a company that eventually found itself responsible for nearly one-quarter of the world's oil resources. He writes of his face-to-face encounters with King Faisal and other Saudi leaders, and his role in steering the company through major international crises that included the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the dramatic oil price increases of the 1970s, the Arab oil embargo and the OPEC hostage incident of 1975. Central to Jungers' story is his role in helping to develop Aramco's Saudi workforce in preparation for the eventual transfer of company ownership from four American oil majors to the Government of Saudi Arabia. He explains the unique nature of the ownership transfer, which was remarkably different from the bitter nationalization process seen in Iraq, Libya, Iran and Venezuela. Jungers describes how Aramco and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in an important sense grew up together, and he highlights the crucial role played by Aramco in the development of the young nation's infrastructure and economy. The Caravan Goes On describes the origins of the petroleum industry in Saudi Arabia, with the granting of a concession in 1933 to a subsidiary of Standard Oil of California, the first of Aramco's four oil-company parents. Jungers talks of his own origins as the son of farmer in North Dakota, the family's migration westward due to drought and depression, and his engineering studies at the University of Washington. Jungers began his career in Saudi Arabia working at Ras Tanura, site of Aramco's first oil refinery and oil tanker terminal. He describes how Aramco built its initial workforce, consisting of Americans, Italians, Saudis and other nationalities; he explains how it soon became clear that the future of the Saudi oil industry belonged not with foreign oil interest but to the people of Saudi Arabia; and he relates how he and others worked to give Saudis the training and incentives needed to take over and successfully operate what would become the world's premier oil producing and exporting company. At the same time, Aramco, with its technological expertise and its access to international specialists, began playing a central role in the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company, with support and encouragement of the Saudi Kings, took a lead role in building healthcare, agriculture, the railroads, the electric grid and other sectors of the Saudi economy. The story of the "King Faisal Era" (including the monarch's role in the oil price issue, the Arab oil embargo and his closed-door meetings with the King and his key advisers, including Oil Minister Shaikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani) are vividly described, as well as the shock of King Faisal's tragic death and the tense moments of the OPEC hostage incident that began in Vienna and ended in North Africa. Jungers speaks of his involvement in launching Saudi Arabia's Master Gas System, now a central part of the national economy and his pivotal role in the consolidation of Saudi Arabia's electrical power grid in the Eastern Province. When he returned to Saudi Arabia in 2008 to attend the celebrations of the company's 75th anniversary he fully realized the success of the Aramco venture - how it had indeed prepared large numbers of Saudis for the responsibilities of leading their country's oil industry into a new and exciting economic era. This personal, colorful and up-close view is required reading for oil-industry watchers as well as those interested in big business, geopolitics, America's role in the Middle East and the extraordinary transformation and emergence of modern Saudi Arabia since oil was discovered in its Eastern Province.
Rowman & Littlefield Society in Focus: An Introduction to Sociology
Examining the role of mass media and information technology in contemporary society, Society In Focus, Eight Edition, emphasizes the increasing diversity and globalization of societies everywhere. It is designed to help students think clearly and critically about sociological issues, concepts, and methods. Questioning is at the heart of this approach, and as students read this book they are encouraged to become part of the sociological enterprise—rather than remain passive observers. Every element of the text is designed to challenge students to evaluate social issues and, guided by the sociological imagination, to clearly formulate their own positions. By asking questions that demand sociological and creative thought, students are reminded that their conclusions and decisions, as well as their non-decisions and inaction, may have important social consequences. New to this edition: • New coauthor Mica Thompson, an experienced teacher of introduction to sociology, brings a fresh new perspective as well as a wide array of different life experiences to this edition of Society in Focus. • An expanded critical analysis in Chapter 1 introduces all forms of media and technology, and every chapter examines an aspect of their powerful social influence. • Chapters 9, 16, and 17 have been updated to include the most recent worldwide financial and economic developments, to help explain globalization and cultural diversity. • Expanded application of feminist theory in every chapter to help students recognize the importance of gender diversity and the contributions of that theoretical perspective in sociology. • Updated and brand new boxes throughout encourage students to take a closer look at society and selected social issues. This book is accompanied by a learning package designed to enhance the experience of both instructors and students: Instructor’s Manual.* For each chapter in the text, this valuable resource provides a lecture outline, student learning objectives, key terms with definitions, discussion questions, and web resources. Test Bank.* The Test Bank includes multiple choice questions marked with difficulty and skill levels and referenced by section. The true-false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and essay questions are all referenced by section. PowerPoint® Presentation.* The PowerPoint® slides provide lecture outlines as well as the tables, maps, and figures from the text. Learning Management System (LMS) Cartridge. Available for most learning management systems, this cartridge contains the test questions and Companion Website material that accompany Society in Focus: An Introduction to Sociology, Eighth Edition. This cartridge allows for better integration of the materials with your course and makes it easy for student test results and graded assignments to flow into instructor gradebooks. *The Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoint® Presentation, and the Learning Management System Cartridge are available to adopters for download. Please contact to gain access. Enhanced eText. The Enhanced eText allows students to access their textbook anytime and anywhere they want. The eText for Society in Focus: An Introduction to Sociology, Eighth Edition, features direct links to flash cards, self-quizzes, and additional activities designed to enhance the concepts in each chapter. The Enhanced eText can be purchased at or any other retailer of online texts. Companion Website. Accompanying the text is an open-access Companion Website designed to reinforce the main topics. For each chapter, flash cards, self-quizzes, and additional activities help students master the information they learn in the classroom. Students can access the Companion Website from their computer or mobile device at Respondus 4.0©. Respondus 4.0© is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to the most popular learning management systems. Exams can be created offline or moved from one LMS to another. Respondus LE is available for free and can be used to automate the process of creating print tests. Respondus 3.5, available for purchase or via a school site license, prepares tests to be uploaded to an LMS. Click here: to submit your request. Respondus StudyMate©. Respondus StudyMate© helps students master the basics of course material through learning activities, self-assessments, and games. A dozen activities – such as flash cards, crosswords and quizzes – engage students with course content in an individualized way. Students can access StudyMate activities using computers, smartphones and tablets. StudyMate also integrates seamlessly with the most popular learning management systems.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Becoming a Trainer in Adult Abuse Work: A Practical Guide
Pritchard's extensive experience of practice, research and training inform the advice and practical guidance she gives... The book is full of useful photocopiable handouts and proformas that can be helpful as long as the trainer has the necessary background knowledge to use them. The case studies are a joy and contain the diversity of experience and multicultural elements missing from the rest of the book. They will be useful in concocting a range of exercises and discussion points in basic training.'- Social Work Education'The book is written in a clear, conversational style and is both practically-based and very accessible... Pritchard's style is conversational and accessible. Material is introduced in a friendly and informal way.'- Ageing & Society'A training guide covering the setting up of abuse awareness courses through the various stages, looking at selecting a pool of trainers, developing them, evaluation and case studies. It provides guidance for those struggling through the discussions and planning, and point clearly to the need for sensitive and skilled group workers as trainers.'- Community Care'This is the latest of a wide range of adult abuse publications by Jacki Pritchard, now recognised as one of the leaders in the field. In previous works, she has highlighted the need for training at all levels in all agencies concerned with vulnerable adults... The book's purpose is simply to increase the number of people available with the capacity and skills to provide training to others. This cascade approach is seen to be the most effective way of training large numbers of people with limited resources. It is however recognised that different types of training are required for people with different functions. This manual will be used to train trainers at the introductory, basic information level.The manual is set out clearly and provides essential information for potential trainers of trainers. It manages to demystify the art of training and brings it within the scope of most people. The initial sections deal with developing training within organisations, selecting a pool of trainers, and training and supporting trainers, with exercises to help readers through the process.The next section is full of practical advice on how to get ready for your first training session. This leads on to a chapter on possible content of a basic raising awareness course on adult abuse. While giving direction, this section allows some felxibility and choice for the trainer. There are lots of handouts, which can be reproduced as part of a training course.One of the most important sections is on difficult issues for trainers. This includes disclosure of abuse by a course participant or participants being particularly challenged by the subject matter. This is followed by a section on problems for trainers, which offers sound advice on a range of important issues. The final chapters concentrate on evaluation and case studies for use during a training course. English law is referenced in the legal section and this should be substituted with the relevant Scottish equivalents where they apply.This timely and practical manual will help agencies develop effective awareness programmes. It deals with a wide range of issues, offers practical advice and contains numerous exercises and worksheets. An ideal addition to any agency's training resources, it will make a positive contribution to addressing the often unrecognised issue of adult abuse.'- RostrumAgencies working with vulnerable adults are increasingly finding they have to train staff internally to become trainers on the issue of adult abuse and new government legislation means this trend is likely to continue. Based on the author's considerable experience of training practitioners, this timely and practical manual will help agencies develop effective basic awareness programmes. Becoming a Trainer in Adult Abuse Work deals with a comprehensive range of issues including selection of trainers; practicalities such as venue, equipment, refreshments; policy, law and evaluation and difficult issues ranging from disclosure and confidentiality to lack of confidence and time management. As well as this step-by-step advice, the book contains exercises and worksheets, ensuring it is a practical resource as well as a useful reference for those agencies, across all sectors, involved in adult abuse work.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Counselling and Psychotherapy with Refugees
Blackwell looks at the role of political conflict in creating refugees and introduces us to the vital importance of politics in the therapeutic context. In his discussion of forced migration and cultural transitions, he describes some of the essentials of working cross-culturally, and attunes the therapist to the influence of their own political and cultural context. This is a concise book with many complex issues introduced succinctly and outlined clearly. It ends with chapters on working with interpreters, advocacy and welfare issues, supervision, and a comprehensive list of references and resources.'- Bereavement Care'It is most welcome to come across this easy-to-read book directed at those with responsibility for counselling or offering psychotherapy to recently arrived immigrants. Although primarily aimed at therapists, as a very broad introduction to working with refugees, it contains material relevant to social workers and health care professionals. This text does succeed in setting out a broad. introduction to the major themes of therapeutic work with refugees.'- British Journal of Social Work'This excellent book has been written by a psychotherapist and supervisor with many years' experience at the medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, and he explains clearly and concisely the issues experienced by refugees, as well as the different areas of concern for counsellors and psychotherapists working with them. I can wholeheartedly recommend this useful, easy to read, concise and intelligently written book for anyone interested in this area of work.'- Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal'It is rare to me to read a book in one sitting. But this slim volume more than inspires the concentration and deserves the investment. Do not be put off if you are working directly with refugees. Without doubt, the book fulfils its description as an essential tool to help counselors and psychotherapists engage with the experiences of persecution, violence and exile often faced by refugees. But the book also doubles as a concise and accessible framework for describing the role of psychotherapy in the modern world where `identity' is so problematic that an understanding of the political and cultural context is central to the task. Dick Blackwell has based the book on the work undertaken at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture and Organized Violence where he has worked for over 16 years. His experience shines through the straightforward accessible prose with numerous nuggets of wisdom and common sense all delivered in a direct style that manages to avoid the dangers of a polemic. But what makes the book such a gem is his belief, and presumably his experience, that even in the face of appalling atrocity, a willingness to connect, to respect and to learn can build the interpersonal structure where healing can take place.' - Therapeutic Community Journal'The different experiences of refugees and therapists are documented in separate sections, which make it easy to read. I also like the fact that the author addresses the important and often overlooked challenges of working with interpreters and the dilemma for therapists of becoming advocates. These ongoing challenges are clearly outlined and discussed in a straightforward manner, with useful insights given from the author's own experience. The book is written in a factual and easy-to-follow manner and is accessible enough to be used as a tool in the therapy process as it could be given to a client to enable them to understand the experience of psychotherapy. I found this book to be extremely useful, well laid out and a good basic manual to have on hand when trying to understand the experiences of refugees. I would highly recommend this book as a reference for those working with refugees and as a basic information pack for those who are training or preparing to begin psychotherapy work with refugees.' - Community CareThis concise book is an essential tool to help counsellors and psychotherapists understand and engage with the experiences of persecution, violence and exile often faced by refugees. Dick Blackwell's unique framework is based on work carried out at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture. It offers a flexible approach to the special circumstances of displaced and traumatized clients from different cultural and political backgrounds. The author considers four levels of experience - political, cultural, interpersonal and intrapsychic - and explores each of these in relation to both the client and therapist. He also includes practical information on advocacy, supervision and working with interpreters.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Dementia and Social Inclusion: Marginalised groups and marginalised areas of dementia research, care and practice
There has been a considerable and welcome growth of publications about dementia care and Jessica Kingsley Publishers has certainly played a very useful part in this growth... we need more not less of this quality of work and writing if society is to include those with dementia as full citizens.'- Christian Council on Ageing'The editors are to be congratulated on assembling a collection of contributions which make this book a milestone in the literature on dementia research and practice... [They] have collected papers on extraordinarily diverse issues and from a very diverse set of authors. Each of the chapters can be seen as an invaluable introduction to the topic area as well as addressing the main theme of the book. It is a milestone book because it manages to provide a snapshot of dementia studies at this moment in time and will, in my view, be widely quoted by policy makers, practice developers, researchers and trainers for the next few years... In such a treasure trove of approaches and issues it is hard to pick out the most striking... I would recommend this book: all readers of the journal will find chapters that they can use to improve dementia care.' - Journal of Dementia Care'What makes this particularly notable is that Innes, Archibald and Murphy have harnessed such individual voices to address so cogently. Together they address the core issues, all too often neglected or marginalized, in dementia research and care.Sexuality, communication, risk taking, ethnicity, incontinence and practices within remote rural communities are all subjects that draw threads from the very fabric of our society, and it is indicative of how wide the spectrum has broadened that these historically dispirit strands can be tackled constructively.' - Signpost'A diverse range of subjects are covered in a series of papers written by numerous professionals of standing from various disciplines... The subjects covered include ethnicity, spirituality, sexuality, dying with dementia (palliative care), faecal incontinence and risk-taking. There is a section addressing aspects of communicating with people with dementia and another covering the medical aspects of dementia that have not had much focus in recent years, such as hypertension and diabetes. Finally, there is a social science perspective, including discussing ways that people with dementia can be involved in the research process.I found the book easy to read and it is well written and clearly presented. Covering marginalized areas of practice, it offers food for thought for the reader and is a welcome addition to current literature'. - British Journal of Occupational Therapy'This book provides invaluable research results and innovative thinking which professionals studying gerontology and dementia care will find very useful throughout their careers.'- London Centre for Dementia Care Newsletter'The contributors to this volume examine the barriers to the consideration of social inclusion in the field of dementia studies and argue for the necessity of acknowledging the personhood of all individuals with dementia. The papers discuss the sexuality of people with dementia, communication and risk taking, and dementia care in remote rural communities, among other topics. The volume ends with suggestions for more inclusive values, service development, theory and research'. - Book News'The book, commendably, tries to look at marginalized issues within dementia, such as death and dying, sexuality and faecal incontinence.' - Mental Health Today'This is a book for the connoisseur. I wish I had contributed a paper. I wish I had read it even earlier. It will be appreciated by many people, from many backgrounds. This is the study of dementia and dementia-care grown to a new maturity. Chapters are original research papers, communicating new findings and analyses, set in the context of previous knowledge, well reviewed... Thanks to the editors and authors for this little gift. Let's be sure it is read widely.' - David Jolley, director of DementiaplusExamining important issues in dementia research and care that are often neglected or marginalized, the contributors to this book provide fresh perspectives on current practice. The authors put dementia care into a socio-cultural framework, highlighting the impact of social change on dementia care over the last two decades and challenging current stereotypes.The contributors address the implications of power relationships between carers and people with dementia and discuss a broad spectrum of issues, including:* the sexuality of people with dementia* communication and risk taking* people with dementia from minority ethnic groups* faecal incontinence* dementia care and practice in remote rural communities.Taking an in-depth look at dementia research and service development, this book makes essential reading for practitioners, researchers and students working in the field of dementia care.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality Facility Management: A Marketing and Customer Service Approach
As a facility manager, you're concerned with building quality into your operation but possibly unsure about how to go about it in a systematic way. Perhaps it's because a Total Quality Management program seems too imposing and costly for your department to undertake. Or maybe you're leery of certain aspects of such a concerted effort, like measuring quality or marketing facility services, because they've never been adequately explained to you. Possessing considerable backgrounds in facility management, Stormy Friday and Dave Cotts understand these uncertainties. In Quality Facility Management, they have pooled their knowledge and experience to develop a comprehensive resource that demystifies the quality movement and shows you how to apply the old-fashioned but enduring commonsense principles of quality management often overshadowed by TQM. Flecked with humor and written as if the authors were simply talking to you, this refreshing new book identifies the five major elements underpinning any effective quality facility management program and takes you step by step through each one in a detailed yet accessible way. Gradually, you learn how to put these elements all together and—by incorporating selected modern techniques—devise a program to meet your specific situation. With the help of real-world examples, checklists, and other how-to aids, Quality Facility Management reveals: Why customers must be the driving force behind your quality effort, how you can exceed customers' performance expectations, and how you can effectively recover from service mistakes How quality facility management has its roots in TQM, what constitutes the major aspects of a TQM program, and how you can implement quality facility management without a full-blown TQM program Which aspects of your operation need to be measured and evaluated, which measuring tools should be used, and how to get your customers involved in the measurement process How to develop a facility marketing plan that increases awareness of your services, improves your image as a provider, and acts as an "insurance policy" in retaining the support of senior management in the face of organizational upheaval How to engineer a program of continuous quality improvement by assuming a specific leadership role, empowering frontline staff, instituting effective customer service training, and partnering with vendors The final chapter provides a bounty of practical case histories of companies that are realizing quality facility management right now, including major organizations like Celestica, Bell Atlantic, Hewlett-Packard, and Lockheed. Here, you'll find ample evidence of quality tools and strategies at work—from interior preventive maintenance crews to staff productivity improvements, infrastructure planning teams to customer satisfaction programs. Indeed, whether you're in the public or private sector, in a large or small facility, part of an in-house organization or a contracted firm, Quality Facility Management enables you to plan, organize, staff, direct, and evaluate for quality, so that you maximize your department's responsiveness to customers and your value to top management. Quality facility management is the only way to do business. Here's the only way to do quality facility management. Facility managers want to answer the call for quality but many feel they don't have the resources or guidance to make it an essential feature of their operation. Total Quality Management programs require too much of them and various aspects of the quality effort, whether it's quality measurement or facility marketing, seem hard to carry out or even beside the point. Finally there's a sensible guide that enables you to build quality into your department simply by applying basic, old-fashioned quality principles and selected modern techniques—Quality Facility Management With the assistance of examples, checklists, and other handy tools, this invigorating resource reveals the five key aspects of quality facility management and shows you how to bring them all together to develop a program that fits your particular circumstances. Emphasizing why your customers are the driving force behind your quality efforts, Quality Facility Management helps you: Surpass customers' performance expectations and recover effectively from even the most damaging mistakes Provide quality facility management without implementing a formal TQM program Accurately measure critical aspects of your operation and act effectively on that feedback Devise a facility marketing plan that enhances your department's image with customers and top management Put a program of continuous quality improvement into effect through leadership, staff training and empowerment, vendor collaborations, and other proven means Packed with case studies of facility managers who are building quality into their operation, Friday and Cotts's Quality Facility Management illustrates how your quest for quality can dramatically upgrade customer and senior management satisfaction—without draining department resources.
Robert D. Reed Publishers More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks
The description for the first book, Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks, fits for his second book, More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks. Who says math can't be funny? In More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks as in Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks , Patrick Vennebush dispels the myth of the humorless mathematician. His quick wit comes through in this incredible compilation of jokes and stories. Intended for all math types, both More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks and Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks provide a comprehensive collection of math humor, each book containing over 400 jokes. This too is a book that all teachers from elementary school through college should have in their library. But the humor isn't just for the classroom-it also appeals to engineers, statisticians, and other math professionals searching for some good, clean, numerical fun. From basic facts ("Why is 6 afraid of 7?") to trigonometry ("Mathematical puns are the first sine of dementia") and algebra ("Graphing rational functions is a pain in the asymptote"), no topic is safe. As Professor Jim Rubillo notes, " Math Jokes 4 Math Folks is an absolute gem for anyone dedicated to seeing mathematical ideas through puns, double meanings, and blatant "bad" jokes. Such perspectives help to see concepts and ideas in different and creative ways." And as all these endorsers of More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks say: "If you took all the people who fell on the floor laughing when they read this book and laid them end-to-end, you'd have a very long line of people. It'd be a silly thing to do, but at least you'd know who to avoid at a cocktail party."~ Gail Englert, Retired National Board Certified Teacher and NCTM Board Member 2002-05 "If you're above the 90th percentile, you'll chuckle or groan at all of the jokes in this book. If you're above the 50th percentile, you'll chuckle or groan at some of them. But if you find that you're not chuckling or groaning at any of them, well..."~ David Barnes, Associate Executive Director, NCTM "Laughter is good for your health. Really, it is! That's why I'm very glad that Patrick Vennebush has done it again! Take your own journey through MORE JOKES 4 MATHY FOLKS; but regardless of the path you take, you'll smile, laugh out loud, and think about ways to use or adapt some of these jokes in your own classroom or personal repertoire."~ Francis (Skip) Fennell, Professor Emeritus, McDaniel College, and Past President AMTE and NCTM "Henny Youngman and Leonhard Euler walk into a bar. Patrick Vennebush faithfully captures their conversation in this collection of old saws, with all the corollaries worked out, along with some new results. He proves that math, unfairly the dread of many, is more than ready to have a good laugh. Like a good joke, good math has a set-up that invites the reader to wonder what is coming, then - pow! - a zinger of a punchline that surprises and delights. Vennebush shares humor found in this intersection that will give a chuckle, maybe a groan, and some sneaky insights."~ John Golden, Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University, and Blogger at "While everyone loves to laugh, most people wouldn't expect that to take place in a math classroom. This book fixes that problem with humor that kids and adults will chuckle about. Check out these jokes out, and share them with your students and colleagues!"~ Robert Kaplinsky, Math Teacher Specialist,Downey Unified School District "What an amazing collection of jokes, problems and stories that are "plays" on numbers, their names, relationships among them, and how they are used in many fields and by folks in varying professions. I spent lots of time trying to figure out how the answers to questions were determined - strange relationships! - and had my colleagues and students try to solve them, too. That figuring-out process produced many laugh-out-loud results. You don't have to be a math aficionado to love this book."~ Carole Greenes, Professor and Director of the PRIME Center, Arizona State University "Patrick Vennebush proves why he will never be eaten by cannibals-he would surely taste funny. The second volume of mathy jokes will bring smiles to the faces of teachers and groans from students when you use these jokes in class!"~ Fred Dillon, Institute for Learning, University of Pittsburgh "Vennebush never fails to entertain! His work is worthy of a limerick: Patrick was faster than most folks In learning a collection of math jokes. They roll off his tongue Faster than bells that have rung, So he published some books for us slow pokes." ~ Johnny Lott, Professor Emeritus,University of Montana, and NCTM President 2002-04
Groundwood Books Ltd ,Canada Somos como las nubes / We Are Like the Clouds
An eloquent and timely plea for understanding refugees. Why are young people leaving their country to walk to the United States to seek a new, safe home? Over 100,000 such children have left Central America. This book of poetry helps us to understand why and what it is like to be them. This powerful book by award-winning Salvadoran poet Jorge Argueta describes the terrible process that leads young people to undertake the extreme hardships and risks involved in the journey to what they hope will be a new life of safety and opportunity. A refugee from El Salvador’s war in the eighties, Argueta was born to explain the tragic choice confronting young Central Americans today who are saying goodbye to everything they know because they fear for their lives. This book brings home their situation and will help young people who are living in safety to understand those who are not. Compelling, timely and eloquent, this book is beautifully illustrated by master artist Alfonso Ruano who also illustrated The Composition, considered one of the 100 Greatest Books for Kids by Scholastic’s Parent and Child Magazine. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.5 Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.7 Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.5 Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.7 Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.7 Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.7 Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they "see" and "hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.9 Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.
Human Kinetics Publishers Discovering Dance
Discovering Dance is the ideal introductory text for students with little to no dance experience. Teachers can adapt this course to meet students where they are, whether they are new to dance or already have some dance experience. The material helps students consider where movement comes from and why humans are compelled to move, grasp the foundational concepts of dance, and explore movement activities from the perspectives of a dancer, a choreographer, and an observer. The result is a well-rounded educational experience for students to build on, whether they want to further explore dance or choreography or otherwise factor dance into college or career goals. Discovering Dance will help students in these ways: • Meet national and state standards in dance education and learn from a pedagogically sound scope and sequence that allow them to address 21st-century learning goals. • Discover dance through creating, performing, analyzing, understanding, responding to, connecting to, and evaluating dance and dance forms. • Step into a flexible dance curriculum that is appropriate for one or more years of instruction. • Build on their dance experience, whether they want to further explore dance or choreography or otherwise factor dance into college or career goals. • Use student web resources to enhance their learning. The book is divided into four parts and 16 chapters. Part I focuses on the foundational concepts of dance and art processes, wellness, safety, dance elements, and composition. Part II delves into societal facets of dance, including historical, social, folk, and cultural dance. In part III, students explore dance on stage, including ballet, modern dance, jazz dance, and tap dance, and also examine aspects of performance and production. Part IV rounds out the course by preparing students for dance in college or as a career and throughout life. Each chapter helps students • discover new dance genres; • explore dance genres through its history, artists, vocabulary, and significant works; • apply dance concepts through movement, written, oral, visual, technology, and multimedia assignments, thus deepening their knowledge and abilities; • enhance learning by completing in each chapter a portfolio assignment; and • use the Did You Know and Spotlight elements to expand on the chapter content and gain more insight into dance artists, companies, and events. Learning objectives, vocabulary terms, and an essential question at the beginning of each chapter prepare students for their learning experience. Students then move through the chapter, engaging in a variety of movement discovery, exploration, response, and research activities. The activities and assignments meet the needs of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners and help students explore dance through vocabulary, history, culture, creation, performance, and choreography. This personal discovery is greatly aided by technology—including learning experiences that require taking photos; watching or creating short videos of dancers’ performances; creating timelines, graphs, drawings, and diagrams; and creating soundscapes. Chapterrs conclude with a portfolio assignment or project and a chapter review quiz. A comprehensive glossary further facilitates learning. In addition, some chapters contain Explore More elements, which trigger students to investigate selected dance styles on the web resource. These sections offer students insight into various dance genres and styles; for example, in the chapter on cultural dance, students can explore more about street dances, Mexican folkloric dance, African dance, Indian dance, and Japanese dance. The online components further strengthen the book and enrich the students’ learning experience. These resources also help teachers to prepare for and manage their classes. Here is an overview of the resources: Teacher Web Resource • Learning objectives • Extended learning activities • Handouts and assignments that students can complete, save, and print to turn in • Explore More sections of selected chapters to introduce students to additional social, folk, cultural, and contemporary dance styles • Chapter glossary terms both with and without the definitions • Chapter PowerPoint presentations • Information on assessment tools • Interactive chapter review quizzes • Answer keys for handouts, assignment sheets, and quizzes • Unit exams and answer sheets • Video and audio clips for selected dance genres • Web links and web search terms for resources to enhance the learning • Additional teacher resources to support and extend the teaching and learning process (these resources include chapter learning objectives, enduring understanding and essential questions, chapter quotes, teacher-directed information to support teaching specific activities, and web links) Student Web Resource • Handouts and assignments that students can complete, save, and print to turn in • Explore More sections of selected chapters to introduce students to additional social, folk, cultural, and contemporary dance styles • Chapter glossary terms both with and without the definitions so students can test their knowledge • Information on assessment tools • Interactive chapter review quizzes • Video and audio clips for selected dance genres • Web links and web search terms for resources to enhance the learning The availability of Discovering Dance as not only a print book but also an e-book and an interactive iBook enhances its ability to introduce students to the elements of dance and help them discover new talents, desires, and delights as they explore movement and dance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Freud Scientifically Reappraised: Testing the Theories and Therapy
It would be impossible to tabulate fully the debt modern psychology owes to Sigmund Freud. Freud's theories of the unconscious, the role of parents in personality development, psychological defense mechanisms, psychosomatic symptoms, body image, and sexual behavior patterns, to name just a few, continue to exert a powerful influence on most contemporary schools of psychological thought. So, too, elements of the original psychoanalytic method have become a fixture in the modern psychotherapeutic armamentarium. But, as the authors of this book point out, Freud's approach was more intuitive than scientific, and his work less a rigorous system than a collection of "mini-theories," some of which have stood the test of time and scientific scrutiny, while others have not. For obvious reasons, then, it is important that Freud's theories and methods be periodically reappraised and revised in light of the latest empirical findings, and that they be closely evaluated for their relevance to the contemporary psychological scene. Freud Scientifically Reappraised represents Seymour Fisher and Roger Greenberg's on-going efforts to do precisely that. Like their landmark work of the 1970s, The Scientific Credibility of Freud's Theories and Therapy, it is based on the authors' critical review of all studies conducted over the past decade that either directly or indirectly tested the validity of Freud's theories of psychopathology, personality types, Oedipal dynamics, and the nature of the dream process, or the efficacy of psychoanalytic therapy. While their research focused mainly on sources in social, clinical, cognitive, developmental, physiological, and other psycho-logical schools of thought, it also extended to the recent literature in anthropology, sociology, psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and other outside disciplines. OF RELATED INTEREST... PSYCHIATRY AND CRIMINAL CULPABILITY—Ralph Slovenko In this book Ralph Slovenko, a professor of law and psychiatry, explores the cases, origins, links, and requirements of legal insanity tests. Dr. Slovenko addresses a wide range of important topical issues such as the distinction between the defenses of not guilty by reason of insanity, guilty but mentally ill, and diminished capacity. He identifies the types of mental illness that fall under criminal responsibility and explores the role of the mental health professional as an expert character witness. This thought-provoking book will help mental health and legal professionals deal with the controversial question of what makes a person criminally responsible or criminally insane. 1994 (0-471-05425-9) 448 pp. A PERILOUS CALLING: The Hazards of Psychotherapy Practice Edited by Michael B. Sussman Through a series of compelling first-person narratives, this fascinating book takes a revealing look into the private and professional lives of psychotherapists. This candid approach reveals not only the perils of the job, but the effects that dealing with the emotional and mental sufferings of others may have on the psychotherapist. This book will help professionals learn how to take better care of themselves in their professional and private lives and help their patients, friends, and loved ones gain some insight into the psychotherapists' own concerns and conflicts. 1995 PSEUDOSCIENCE IN BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY: Blaming the Body—Colin A. Ross and Alvin Pam Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry is a groundbreaking book that explores cutting-edge issues like the historical origins of biological psychiatry, genetics and mental illness, the current state of psychiatric training, psychopharmacology and drug therapy, and more. Instead of limiting the origins of mental illnesses to chemical or physical influences, this book takes into account the possibility of illnesses stemming from outside influences as well. This book alerts the mental health community to the ideological blind spots and conceptual errors in the basic logic and methodology of biological psychiatry and suggests alternative approaches to understanding and treating mental illness. 1994 (0-471-00776-5) 304 pp. As will be apparent to all those versed in Freudian theory, throughout Freud Scientifically Reappraised, the authors scrupulously avoid the common tendency to oversimplify the theories in order to make them easier to test empirically, but instead present them in their full complexity as formulated by Freud. Readers from all backgrounds will appreciate the effort made to relate Freud's concepts and methods to personality and cognitive literature in order to provide a framework for integrating them into contemporary thought and practice. Freud Scientifically Reappraised is must reading for psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, and all mental health workers who acknowledge the enduring influence of and debt owed to the "Father of Psychoanalysis." Upon its publication, The Scientific Credibility of Freud's Theories and Therapy was named one of the 10 best books in psychology by Library Journal and one of the "Best Behavioral Science Books" by Psychology Today.
Johns Hopkins University Press Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge
In Collaborative Learning, Kenneth Bruffee advocates a far-reaching change in the relations we assume between college and university professors and their students, between the learned and the learning. He argues that the nature and source of the authority of college and university professors is the central issue in college and university education in our time, and that if college and university professors continue to teach exclusively in the stand-up-and-tell-'em way, their students will miss the opportunity to learn mature, effective interdependence-and this, Bruffee maintains, is the most important lesson we should expect students to learn. The book makes three related points. First, we should begin thinking about colleges and universities, and they should begin thinking about themselves, not as stores of information but as institutions of reacculturation. Second, we should think of college and university professors not as purveyors of information but as agents of cultural change who foster reacculturation by marshaling interdependence among student pers. And third, colleges and universities should revise longstanding assumptions about the nature and authority of knowledge and about classroom authority. To accomplish this, the author maintains, both college students and their professors must learn collaboratively. Describing the practical value of the activities encouraged by a collaborative approach-students working in consensus groups and research teams, tutoring peers, and helping each other with editing and revision-Bruffee concludes that, in the short run, collaborative learning helps students learn better-more thoroughly, more deeply, more efficiently-than learning alone. In the long run, collaborative learning is the best possible preparation for the real world, as students look beyond the authority of teachers, practice the craft of interdependence, and construct knowledge in the very way that academic disciplines and the professions do. With no loss of respect for the value of expertise, students learn to depend on one another, rather than depending exclusively on the authority of experts and teachers. In the second edition of this widely respected work, the argument is sharply focused on the need to change college and university education top to bottom, and the need to understand knowledge differently in order to accomplish that change. Several chapters, including that on collaborative learning and computers, have been throughly revised, and three new chapters have been added: on differences between collaborative learning and cooperative learning; on literary study and teaching literature; and on postgraduate education. From COLLABORATIVE LEARNING, second edition: ON THE CURRICULUM: Behind every public debate about college curriculum today lie comfortably unchallenged traditional assumptions. When we become fully aware of how deeply and irremediably these traditional assumptions have been challenged by twentieth-century thought, we see that a potentially more serious, and perhaps more rancorous and divisive, educational debate lies in wait for us. ON THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE: Remember the time Aunty Molly sat on the Thanksgiving turkey? Tell such a story at a family party and family members follow the story easily and get the point, because they are all members of the same small knowledge community. They know the people and the situation thoroughly, and they understand the family's private references. But try to tell the same story to neighbors or colleagues. For them to follow the story and get the point, you have to explain a lot of obscure details about family events and personalities that they're not familiar with. That is, when a smaller community sets out to integrate itsuelf into a larger one, the level of discourse has to change. The story changes and even its meaning changes as it becomes a constituting narrative of a larger and more complex community. The main purpose of college or university education is to help older adolescents and adults renegotiate their membership in that encompassing common culture. The foundational knowledge that shapes us as children sooner or later circumscribes our lives. We never entirely outgrow the local, foundational knowledge communities into which we are born. But for most people, the need to cope to one degree or another with the diversity and complexity of human life beyond the local and familiar does outgrow knowledge that is familiar and (locally) foundational. ON POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION: The problem is not that graduate professors do not know what they need to know. The problem is that most of them have learned what they know entirely under the traditional social conditions of academic alienation and aggression. Indeed, the problem is that mmbers of current graduate faculties were selected into the profession in part because they evidenced those traits. As a result, their fine education and superb reputations as scholars and critics may in some cased actually subvert their ability to understand knowledge as a social construct, learinng as an adult social process, and teaching as a role of leadership among adults.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Continuing Engineering Education Handbook
The book is divided into four sections. Section One includes two chapters on history. The opening chapter of the book introduces the subject of continuing engineering education (CEE). There are general sections on continuing education and engineering education and then the subject of CEE is presented. The chapter concludes with some sources for further information including relevant organizations, journals, and workshops. The second chapter in the section is on the 50-year history of engineering distance education at Iowa State University. A timeline with notable events is presented along with the key people involved in the program. Section Two concerns instructional design and contains five chapters. The first is on the learning preferences of working engineers. It presents the results of a study on the learning strategy and verbal-visual preference of engineers working in the oil and gas industry. The results show that the engineers surveyed have statistically significantly different preferences compared to the general population. They prefer problem solving and are highly visually oriented. The second chapter shows how learning styles have been incorporated into a course on process heaters. The learning styles include print, aural, interactive, and visual. The use of multiple learning styles helps training content to match the preferences of most participants. The third chapter in the section provides guidelines for selecting multimedia for CEE. The primary takeaway is that engineers are highly visual so training content should be designed accordingly. Examples include drawings, photos, videos, animations, and virtual reality simulation. The fourth chapter provides recommendations for effective instructional practices for CEE. It discusses hybrid, converged, and hyflex delivery modes. The 60-year curriculum and the growing impacts of alternative credentials and virtual/augmented/extended reality are presented. It concludes with some work and learning models in effective instructional practices. The fifth chapter in the section presents the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in CEE. Brief histories of VR and AR are given. The human factors of information overload, verbal and non-verbal communications, sight, sound/auditory, gated response, and touch are discussed. Cognitive psychology subjects of sensory memory, iconic memory, echoic memory, split attention effect, automated behaviors, kinesthetics, chunking, and serial position effects are briefly described. VR/AR integration and extensibility show the power of contextualizing information for users. Section Three focuses on CEE delivery and administration. The first chapter in the section discusses the results of a survey of working engineers to determine their CEE practices and preferences. It includes results such as how many courses engineers take each year, what types of courses they take (technical; management; environment, health, and safety; legal; and other), what fraction of the course is mandatory including what fraction is required by the participant's organization and by outside organizations, the fraction of courses taken that are taken for credit, and how many courses are taken after normal working hours. It also presents data on what those same working engineers preferred regarding their CEE. The second chapter provides detailed information on how to conduct effective virtual (distance) training courses including the instructional design and delivery platforms. The third chapter in the section describes combustion CEE training designed for the oil and gas industry. While it is for a specific industry, the general principles apply universally. It also includes some case studies of classes conducted at clients' sites. The fourth chapter discusses the many types of potential CEE providers categorized by internal, external, and hybrid providers. Providers include the engineer's own organization, universities/community colleges, training organizations, vendors, professional societies, trade organizations, government, and consultants. It is recommended that organizations choose the combination of providers that makes the most sense for their particular situation which usually will include a combination of providers. The fifth and last chapter in the section describes how to build a sustainable administrative organization for delivering CEE. It provides cultural implications, organizational design models, the four-phase natural evolution of an organization delivering online CEE, a matrix organizational design model, the new professional working adult learner, and changing demographics. The fourth and last section concerns the future of CEE and includes three chapters. The first chapter describes a sustainable future through the 60-year curriculum model. It discusses the changing postsecondary landscape, the relevance of the model, adapting to the curriculum, the role of CEE in pioneering the 60-year curriculum, and mapping higher education's future in the context of the 60-year curriculum. The second chapter in the section discusses sustainability education and research in action (SERINA), developed by the International Association on Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE). The executive committee used the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a benchmark tool to evaluate SERINA. The purpose of SERINA is to provide practical tools for engineers to help meet the SDGs. The final chapter of the section and of the book suggest some future research areas for CEE. They are broadly categorized under learning preferences, curriculum, VR and AR, and multimedia.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Yes, You Can Do This! How Women Start Up, Scale Up, and Build The Life They Want
How women can "lean in" to entrepreneurship to create the life they want! Claudia Reuter left a promising corporate career to raise her two young children but realized, when re-entering the workforce, that the gap in her resume looked like a gap in ambition—not a purposeful plan. Instead of leaning into a corporate career and fighting the structures and systems designed by and for men decades ago, or leaning out and giving up income, Claudia took a different path. That decision ultimately led to success in the corporate world and at home. In Yes, You Can Do This!, Claudia shares her own reasons for starting a business and makes a call to action for women to consider entrepreneurship so that they can create businesses with the rules they want and change the playing field for others, making a significant impact in the world. More than a "how-to book" on building a business, Yes, You Can Do This! provides clear examples and practical resources to help others create the life they want through entrepreneurship. In Yes, You Can Do This!, you'll learn: How to develop and share your vision How to deal with stereotypes and unconscious bias How to leverage perceived weaknesses and turn them into strengths How to balance life at high speeds and avoid burnout How to cultivate the confidence to move from idea to creating a company with the culture and rules you want Claudia provides women with an electrifying third career option: it’s not just "lean in" or "lean out," but startup and change the playing field for others in the process. Praise for Yes, You Can Do This! "It's rare to find a book on entrepreneurship that fuels your heart with inspiration and encouragement and your mind with practical, tangible things you can put into action immediately — but this is one of them. As a woman who has started three companies and been a senior team member of five startups, this is the guide I wish I'd read when I was starting out." —Nataly Kogan, Author of Happier Now and founder of Happier, Inc. "Combining compelling storytelling with practical, tactical advice, Reuter has created a manifesto for the next generation of female founders. Rooted in the research around gender and work, this is a must read for women looking to launch the next new thing." —Jennifer McFadden, Associate Director of Entrepreneurial Programs, Yale School of Management "A must-read for any woman considering taking the leap into entrepreneurship, You Can Do This brings together today's best thinking about women in the workplace with practical advice for creating your dream career and life - by starting a company. Whether you are just curious or ready to take the leap, this book is a great read and a valuable resource." —Anna Barber, Managing Director, Techstars "Claudia helps not just the female entrepreneur, but all entrepreneurs, find their footing in what can be an overwhelming whirlwind of starting a business. This book is not only inspiring and uplifting, but positively necessary for any woman looking to find success in the startup space!" —Shira Atkins, Co-founder & CMO Wonder Media Network "Stories of entrepreneurial success exist in abundance for men who receive 97.8% of venture funding and hold 95% of CEO roles. What is most inspiring about Claudia's book, making me want to shout from the rooftop, is that it is told from the perspective of an everyday woman who pushed hard through barriers, doubts, and setbacks that any entrepreneur would face. On top of all that, she overcame obstacles that are uniquely ours as women today. Claudia is now a standout among women, but with her book in hand, women who want to build a business to scale have a blueprint and path to do so. Here's to making dreams come true!" —Coco Brown, CEO and Founder, The Athena Alliance. "As I read through the book, there were multiple points where I thought, 'Every man in any startup or fast-growing business should read this.' As a man in technology, I took away lots of new ideas, along with examples that were explained in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to do prior to reading Claudia’s book" —Brad Feld, Managing Director, at Foundry Group, author of Venture Deals and Do More Faster "Reuter breaks the stigma about mothers that chose to leave the workforce. She provides practical tools to start a business, by showing the path to success for every woman that wants to write her own rules" —Sharon Kan, CEO of Pepperlane & Co-Founder of the WIN Lab "Reuter manages to put into words what women have been facing and feeling for decades. She leaves the readers with stories, steps and inspiration to create the career path they are worthy of no matter if it's starting from scratch or breaking glass ceilings. This book will fuel the next generation of women in leadership and entrepreneurship giving them guides and confidence as it has fueled me to start the business I have always wanted." —Elizabeth Presta, CD(DONA), CLD
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Volcanism
Volcanic eruptions are the clear and dramatic expression of dynamic processes in planet Earth. The author, one of the most profound specialists in the field of volcanology, explains in a concise and easy to understand manner the basics and most recent findings in the field. Based on over 300 color figures and the model of plate tectonics, the book offers insight into the generation of magmas and the occurrence and origin of volcanoes. The analysis and description of volcanic structures is followed by process oriented chapters discussing the role of magmatic gases as well as explosive mechanisms and sedimentation of volcanic material. The final chapters deal with the forecast of eruptions and their influence on climate. Students and scientists of a broad range of fields will use this book as an interesting and attractive source of information. Laypeople will find it a highly accessible and graphically beautiful way to acquire a state-of-the-art foundation in this fascinating field. "Volcanism by Hans-Ulrich Schmincke has photos of the best quality I have ever seen in a text on the subject… In addition, the schematic figures in their wide range of styles are clear, colorful, and simplified to emphasize the most important factors while including all significant features… "I have really enjoyed reading and rereading Schmincke’s book. It fills a great gap in texts available for teaching any basic course in volcanology. No other book I know of has the depth and breadth of Volcanism… I have shared Volcanism with my colleagues to their significant benefit, and I am more convinced of its value for a broad range of Earth and planetary scientists. Undoubtedly, I will use Volcanism for my upcoming courses in volcanology. I will never hesitate to recommend it to others. Many geoscientists from very different subdisciplines will benefit from adding the book to their personal libraries. Schmincke has done us all a great service by undertaking the grueling task of writing the book – and it is much better that he alone wrote it." Stanley N. Williams, ASU Tempe, AZ (Physics Today, April 2005) "Schmincke is a German volcanologist with an international reputation, and he has done us all a great favour because he sensibly channelled his fascination with volcanoes into writing this beautifully illustrated book... [he] tackles the entire geological setting of volcanoes within the earth and the processes that form them... And, with more than 400 colour illustrations, including a huge number of really excellent new diagrams, cutaway models and maps, plus a rich glossary and references, this book is accessible to anyone with an interest in the subject." New Scientist (March 2004) "The science of volcanology has made tremendous progress over the past 40 years, primarily because of technological advances and because each tragic eruption has led researchers to recognize the processes behind such serious hazards. Yet scientists are still learning a great deal because of photographs that either capture those processes in action or show us the critical factors left behind in the rock record.Volcanism by Hans-Ulrich Schmincke has photos of the best quality I have ever seen in a text on the subject. I found myself wishing that I had had the photo of Nicaragua’s Masaya volcano, which was the subject of my dissertation, but it was Schmincke who was able to include it in his book. In addition, the schematic figures in their wide range of styles are clear, colorful, and simplified to emphasize the most important factors while including all significant features. The book’s paper is of such high quality that at times I felt I had turned two pages rather than one. I have really enjoyed reading and rereading Schmincke’s book. It fills a great gap in texts available for teaching any basic course in volcanology. No other book I know of has the depth and breadth of Volcanism. I was disappointed that the text did not arrive on my desk until last August, when it was too late for me to choose it for my course in volcanology. I am also disappointed about another fact—the book’s binding is already becoming tattered because of my intense use of it! Schmincke is a volcanologist who, in 1967, first published papers on sedimentary rocks of volcanic origin, the direction traveled by lava flows millions of years ago, and the structures preserved in explosive ignimbrites, or pumice-flow deposits, that reveal important details of their formation. Since then, his studies in Germany’s Laacher See, the Canary Islands, the Troodos Ophiolite of Cyprus, and many other regions have forged great fundamental advances. Such contributions have been recognized with his receipt of several international awards and clearly give him a strong base for writing the book. However, as a scientist who has focused on the challenges of monitoring the very diverse activities of volcanoes, I think that the text’s overriding emphasis on the rock record has its cost. The group of scientists who are struggling with their goals to reduce or mitigate the hazards of the eruptions of tomorrow need to learn more about the options of technology, instrumentation, and methodology that are currently available. More than 500 million people live near the more than 1500 known active volcanoes and are constantly facing serious threats of eruptions. An extremely energetic earthquake caused the horrific tsunamis of 2004. However, the tsunamis of 1792, 1815, and 1883, which were caused by the eruptions of Japan’s Unzen volcano and Indonesia’s Tambora and Krakatau volcanoes, each took a similar toll. " ( Stanley N. Williams, PHYSICS TODAY, April 2005)
Baker Publishing Group JoyKeeper – 6 Truths That Change Everything You Thought You Knew about Joy
Know joy. Keep joy. Live joy! Joy can feel elusive when defined by how you feel in a given moment or what your circumstances are at the present. Sometimes joy feels like it can be taken away, even when things are good. During a long season, Suzanne Eller discovered six surprising biblical truths about joy. Those truths helped her see joy and God in a new light. You are invited to embrace those same truths! JoyKeeper will help you · replace the need to hide emotions with honesty about how you feel · redefine joy from an up-and-down feeling to who God is in the right-now · discover how joy guides you through the hard places as well as the good · run freely to your Source of joy, rather than try to do it on your own · confront everyday joy stealers to live day-to-day as a JoyKeeper Thirty practical and inspirational daily exercises are also included so you can intentionally practice these truths. Includes a small-group study guide Suzanne (Suzie) Eller is a bestselling author, Bible teacher, and cohost of the More Than Small Talk podcast. Suzie has been featured on hundreds of TV and radio programs. When she's not writing, you'll find her kayaking, hanging out with her "littles," finding the best food truck, or hiking. Learn more at "Suzie has not only written but lived these beautiful, powerful words. In our uncertain world, we all need to know how to hold on to our joy no matter what happens. Suzie is the wise friend and insightful guide who will show you."--HOLLEY GERTH, Bestselling Author, Life Coach, and More than Small Talk Podcast Cohost "Some books fill your mind and others fill your heart. JoyKeeper does both, and then goes a step further, taking you by the hand to guide you through the process of knowing, keeping, and living joy in the midst of challenging circumstances. Suzie Eller shares honest struggles and hard-earned wisdom on every page, always pointing us to Scripture, always circling back to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. And what a delight to find a thirty-day devotional included in the book, offering daily encouragement for all of us who want to embrace a JoyKeeper life. So well done, and so needed."--LIZ CURTIS HIGGS, author of 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path "For everyone who has ever thought that joy was for other people (you know, those super-spiritual people who have the inside track to what God wants . . . ). Suzie is here to tell you joy, deep soul-satisfying joy, is available to all of us who love God in our own imperfect way."--KATHI LIPP, bestselling author "Each of us wrestle with sticky spots in our lives that try, on a daily basis, to steal the joy Jesus has promised for us. JoyKeeper helped me to identify a robber in my life. As I have put the truth I learned through JoyKeeper into practice, I have found a new joy I've never known. I now know that specific robber's identity and can send him packing when he comes into view."--LYNN COWELL, author of Make Your Move and member of the Proverbs 31 Ministries speaking and writing teams "During family struggles, health challenges, and disappointment, joy can seem elusive. In JoyKeeper, Suzie Eller intimately shares her path to joy through cancer diagnoses and heartache. Using insightful reflection questions and engaging storytelling, Suzie invites every woman with scars on a journey to becoming a JoyKeeper."--DR. SAUNDRA DALTON-SMITH, author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity "A fresh wind of hope comes as you read Suzie Eller's newest book, JoyKeeper. Suzie grants her reader permission to be real about what we feel, while equipping us with the tools needed to leap into action as God's joykeepers. Say good-bye to worry, and hello to deep, lasting joy!"--KRISSY NELSON, author, speaker, TV hose, Krissy Nelson Ministries "I have watched Suzie maintain joy in the face of adversity. JoyKeeper is written with vulnerability and profound insight guiding readers to encounter joy in a way they haven't yet--by knowing. Joykeeper is a lifeline when joy seems like a lost cause and a fleeting feeling."--JENNIFER RENEE WATSON, More Than Small Talk podcast cohost and author of Freedom!: The Gutsy Pursuit of Breakthrough and the Life Beyond It "To learn and know joy that supersedes our circumstances is not only life-sustaining, it's life-giving - to us and to everyone whose lives intersect with ours both now and in the future. This truth, this hope, has become the testimony of Suzie's life amidst real struggle and through this book she has chosen to become a kind and gentle mentor, a friend who is willing to teach us how we can choose joy in both the mountains and valleys as well."--KATIE WESTENBERG, author of I Choose Brave "Suzie's transparency, wisdom, and biblical teaching make you feel right at home and safe. I felt seen, understood, and mentored throughout this entire book. Not only does she offer powerful truths, but she equips you with practical application for breakthrough. This book helped me rediscover the joy I've been longing for and I'm forever grateful."--CHRISTY RODRIGUEZ, speaker and writer; host, The Brave Place Podcast with Christy Rodriguez; director and CEO,
St Augustine's Press The Silence of Goethe
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance. But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence. It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.” However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . . This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . . The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?
St Augustine's Press The Silence of Goethe
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance. But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence. It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.” However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . . This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . . The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC National Theatre Connections 2020: Plays for Young People
National Theatre Connections is an annual festival which brings new plays for young people to schools and youth theatres across the UK and Ireland. Commissioning exciting work from leading playwrights, the festival exposes actors aged 13-19 to the world of professional theatre-making, giving them full control of a theatrical production - from costume and set design to stage management and marketing campaigns. NT Connections have published over 150 original plays and regularly works with 500 theatre companies and 10,000 young people each year. This anthology brings together 9 new plays by some of the UK's most prolific and current writers and artists alongside notes on each of the texts exploring performance for schools and youth groups. Wind / Rush Generation(s) by Mojisola Adebayo This is a play about the British Isles, its past and its present. Set in a senior common room, in a prominent university, a group of 1st year undergraduates are troubled, not by the weight of their workload, but by a ‘noisy’ ghost. So they do what any group self-respecting and intelligent university students would do in such a situation – they get out the Ouija Board to confront their spiritual irritant and lay them to rest – only to be confronted by the full weight of Britain’s colonial past – in all its gory glory. Fusing naturalism, with physical theatre, spoken-word, absurdism, poetry and direct address – this is event-theatre that whips along with the grace, pace and hypnotic magnetism of a hurricane. Tuesday by Alison Carr Tuesday is light, playful and nuanced in tone. And a little bit sci-fi. The play centres on an ordinary Tuesday that suddenly turns very weird indeed when a tear rips across the sky over the school yard. The play touches on themes of friendship, sibling love, family, identity, grief, bullying, loneliness and responsibility. And in the process we might just learn something about ourselves as well as some astronomical theories of the multiverse! A series of public apologies (in response to an unfortunate incident in the school lavatories) by John Donnelly This satirical play is heightened in its naturalism, in its seriousness, in its parody and piercing in its interrogation of how our attempts to define ourselves in public are shaped by the fear of saying the wrong thing. Presented quite literally as a series of public apologies this play is spacious, flexible and welcoming of inventive and imaginative interpretation as each iteration spirals inevitably to its absurdist core. This is a play on words, on convention, on manners, on institutions, on order, online and on point. THE IT by Vivienne Franzmann THE IT is a play about a teenage girl who has something growing inside her. She doesn't know what it is, but she knows it's not a baby. It expands in her body. It starts in her stomach, but quickly outgrows that, until eventually ittakes over the entirety of her insides. It has claws. She feels them. Presented in the style of a direct to camera documentary, this is a darkly comic state of the nation play exploring adolescent mental health and the rage within, written very specifically for today. The Marxist in Heaven by Hattie Naylor The Marxist in Heaven is a play that does exactly what its title page says it’s going to do. The eponymous protagonist ‘wakes up’ in paradise and once they get over the shock of this fundamental contradiction of everything they believe in…..they get straight back to work….and continue their lifelong struggle for equality and fairness for all….even in death. Funny, playful, provocative, pertinent and jam-packed with discourse, disputes, deities and disco dancing by the bucketful, this upbeat buoyant allegory shines its holy light on globalization and asks the salient questions – who are we and what are we doing to ourselves?.....and what conditioner do you use on your hair? Look Up by Andrew Muir Look Up plunges us into a world free from adult intervention, supervision and protection. It’s about seeking the truth for yourself and finding the space to find and be yourself. Nine young people are creating new rules for what they hope will be a new and brighter future full of hope in a world in which they can trust again. Each one of them is unique, original and defiantly individual, break into an abandoned building and set about claiming the space, because that is what they do. They have rituals, they have rules, together they are a tribe, they have faith in themselves….and nothing and no one else. They are the future, unless the real world catches up with them and then all they can hope for is that they don't crash and burn like the adults they ran away from in the first place. Crusaders by Frances Poet A group of teens gather to take their French exam but none of them will step into the exam hall. Because Kyle has had a vision and he’ll use anything, even miracles, to ensure his classmates accompany him. Together they have just seven days to save themselves, save the world and be the future. And Kyle is not the only one who has had the dream. All across the globe, from Azerbaijan to Zambia, children are dreaming and urging their peers to follow them to the promised land. Who will follow? Who will lead? Who will make it? Witches Can’t Be Burned by Silva Semerciyan St. Paul’s have won the schools Playfest competition, three years in a row, by selecting recognised classics from the canon and producing them at an exceptionally high level, it’s a tried and trusted formula. With straight A’s student and drama freak, Anuka cast as Abigail Williams in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the school seem to be well on course for another triumph, which would be a record. However, as rehearsals gain momentum, Anuka has an epiphany. An experience resulting in her asking searching questions surrounding the text, the depiction and perception of female characters, the meaning of loyalty, and the values and traditions underpinning the very foundations of the school. Thus, the scene is set for a confrontation of epic proportions as Anuka seeks to break with tradition, before tradition breaks her and all young women like her and reality begins to take on the ominous hue of Miller’s fictionalized Salem. Dungeness by Chris Thompson . In a remote part of the UK, where nothing ever happens, a group of teenagers share a safe house for LGBT+ young people. While their shared home welcomes difference, it can be tricky for self-appointed group leader Birdie to keep the peace. The group must decide how they want to commemorate an attack that happened to LGBT+ people, in a country far away. How do you take to the streets and protest if you’re not ready to tell the world who you are? If you’re invisible, does your voice still count? A play about love, commemoration and protest.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Asset Management at Central Banks and Monetary Authorities: New Practices in Managing International Foreign Exchange Reserves
In response to the Global Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks have used all available instruments in their monetary policy tool-kit to avoid financial market disruptions and a collapse in real economic activities. These actions have expanded the size of their balance sheets and altered the composition of the asset-side. This edited book highlights how these assets are managed, providing an intellectual and practical contribution to an under-researched field of central bank responsibilities. It first reviews the sources and uses of domestic and international assets and how they complement—or possibly conflict with—the implementation of monetary policy goals. Next, the book examines the asset management mandate in a balance sheet context before turning to the investment decision-making process from strategic and tactical asset allocation to investment strategies, risk management, governance, reporting and control. Finally, it presents new developments in the field of managing assets at central banks. The individual chapters are written by central bankers, academics, and representatives from International Financial Institutions, each representing a particular aspect of the asset management practice.Practical and powerful insights from a hall of fame of investors, central bankers and scholars, are packed into this one volume. If you could have only one book on central bank asset management, this would be it. —Peter R. Fisher, Clinical Professor, Tuck School of Business at DartmouthJacob Bjorheim draws on his long experience in sovereign asset management to pull together a rich collection of insights from a broad range of expertise. Asset management at central banks has evolved and expanded considerably over the past decade. This book is a timely source of information and guidance. —Guy Debelle, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of AustraliaCentral bank balance sheets have grown at a tremendous pace over the last decade and a half. Drawing on contributions from scholars and experienced central bankers from around the world, this timely and insightful book sheds light on how central banks are, and should be, managing their growing balance sheets. —Kjell G. Nyborg, Chaired Professor of Finance, University of Zurich, Author of Collateral Frameworks: The Open Secret of Central BanksCentral banks and monetary authorities are charged with, and being held accountable for, managing portfolios of foreign currency assets of unprecedented size. The essays in this admirable book, written by some of the worlds most highly experienced officials, cover the full range of why and how this is currently being done and how new developments are affecting old practices. Interesting conceptually and immensely useful practically. —William White, Senior Fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute, former Head of the Monetary and Economic Department with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and chairman of the Economic and Development Review Committee at the OECDAn excellent and timely review of modern international reserve management, which ought to be read by everyone working with, or simply interested in, international asset management and finance as well as monetary and economic policy. The spectrum of authors is broad and their combined insight is very valuable. —Tom A. Fearnley, Investment Director, Norwegian Ministry of FinanceWith “Asset Management at Central Banks and Monetary Authorities”, Jacob Bjorheim has achieved an editorial tour de force. The book assembles the insightful views of the leading experts in the field, both from an academic and practitioners’ perspective. It bridges the gap between the macroeconomics of central banks and the financial management of their reserves. A must read to understand how central banks are special in the group of institutional investors. —Eric Bouyé, Head of Asset Allocation and Quantitative Strategies, Treasury Department, The World BankThe balance sheet is a large and important toolbox for any central bank and specifically the foreign exchange reserves constitute one the more powerful of these tools. This book provides excellent insight in the various perspectives of managing reserves at a central bank. —Heidi Elmér, Director of Markets Department, Severiges RiksbankThe world of international reserves has changed since the global financial crisis. In this volume, Jacob Bjorheim has assembled a stellar cast of experts to explain how and what that means for reserves management. With chapter authors like Andrew Ang, Jennifer Johnson-Calari, Robert McCauley, Ravi Menon, Simon Potter and Philip Turner, it is a book that every reserve manager must read. —Eli Remolona, Professor of Finance and Director of Central Banking, Asia School of Business in collaboration with MIT SloanJacob Bjorheim has succeeded in bringing together a first-class team of experts, and organising their contributions in an articulated journey from the central banks’ policy mandate to their asset management practices. An indispensable post-crisis update of the subject and a a required reading for anyone professionally involved with central bank’s asset management, or simply curious about a topic benefitting otherwise from limited research. —Louis de Montpellier, Former Global Head, Official Institutions Group, SSGA, and former Deputy Head, Banking Department, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), BaselAt last, a book that shares with a wider audience, deep insight in a unique, challenging and ethical approach of asset management developed and implemented in the secretive world of central banks. If you wonder how to manage funds that stand ready for use at short notice in times of stress then this book is for you. Two features make it such a valuable read and a must-have reference: First, the very comprehensive list of themes covered from a rich diversity of angles. Second, the very impressive list of prominent institutions and authors that have contributed and shared their analysis and practical approaches of the issues presented. What is better than to get the information directly from first-hand practitioners, experts and managers themselves in their own words? —Jean-Pierre Matt, Former Head of Financial Analysis at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and founder of QuanteisThis book holds the promise to become the go-to guide for anyone wishing to learn more about the management of official foreign exchange reserves. Central bankers in particular, but also those providing services to central banks, will find benefit from the broad scope in subject matter and varied perspectives being presented. I am yet to see a compendium on official reserve management with similar reach in subject matter. —Leon Myburgh, Former Head Financial Markets Department, South African Reserve Bank (SARB), PretoriaThis is an immensely timely book at a time when central bank operations, and their balance sheets, remain “larger for longer”. Following the Financial Crisis 10 years ago, and with the Covid-19 Recession about to break, central bank balance sheets are at the forefront of the authorities’ response to economic issues as never before. Yet the management of their now large-scale assets remains a little known and little studied area. The authors of this book combine extensive technical and practical experience, and their observations will fill an important gap in the literature at a critical time. —Freyr Hermannsson, Former Head of Treasury, Central Bank of Iceland, Reykjavík
Canbury Press Missing the Mark: Why So Many School Exam Grades are Wrong – and How to Get Results We Can Trust
UNCOVERED: 1 in 4 EXAM GRADES IS WRONG 'An important contribution to our thinking.’ – Sixth Form Colleges Association 'An uncomfortable but important read.’ – Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference 'Everyone in UK education should reflect upon the problems identified in this powerful book' – Higher Education Policy Institute Every summer one million GCSE and A-Level candidates receive results that define their school years and set them up for their life. But those results are gravely unreliable. In fact, about one grade in four in England is WRONG. That is 1.5 million grades every year. An A-Level grade B might have been an A, or even a C, had a different examiner marked the script. Similarly, a GCSE grade 7 might have received a grade 8 or a 6. For a decade, young people and their friends and families have been unable to grasp the full extent of this randomness. Now, in this definitive and easy to follow book, Dennis Sherwood explains why so many pupils receive final grades that don’t do them justice. And he suggests ways to regain trust, which apply to essay-based exams throughout the world. Reviews ‘Know an A Level student who you were absolutely sure should nail an A* but ended up with a B? Well, they probably should have got that A* but were a victim of this scandal. Sherwood’s work changed my outlook. Let him change yours too.’ – Robert Campbell, former Chief Executive, Morris Education Trust ‘Dennis has been challenging our thinking about assessment and the awarding of grades for many years, combining detailed research with an engaging manner and clear explanations... this is an important contribution to our thinking.’ – Bill Watkin, Chief Executive, Sixth Form Colleges Association ‘Dennis Sherwood asks the questions about exam grades that no one really wants to answer. His analysis suggests that much of what we think we know about school exams is based at best on wishful thinking and at worst on wilful misrepresentation of statistics. But he also has some positive suggestions for improvement. Missing the Mark is an uncomfortable but important read.’ – Melvyn Roffe, Chair, Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference ‘Missing a grade can result in university or college applications being rejected. Dennis Sherwood asks the $64,000 question: ‘Are grades reliable enough for the purposes they are supposed to serve?’ This book presents an insightful analysis of this important matter, including the rules introduced in 2016 to reduce the number of appeals, the controversial grading processes in 2020 and 2021 when exams were cancelled, why ‘real’ grades are so unreliable, and some solutions too.’ – Huy Duong, parent ‘Everyone in UK education should reflect upon the problems identified in this powerful book – and then decide what to do about them.’ – Nick Hillman, Director, Higher Education Policy Institute Anyone with an interest in how examinations are assessed, from those in government, regulators, schools, colleges, universities to employers, teachers, parents and students, should read Dennis Sherwood's incisive analysis. His conclusions will have a profound impact on our idea of the accuracy, reliability and fairness of examinations. – Mike Larkin, Emeritus Professor Queen's University of Belfast and Total Equality For Students ‘Dennis provides a clear, step-by-step outline of what is going so terribly wrong and the easy ways to remedy this.’ – Ollie Green, A-level student About the author Dennis Sherwood is a management consultant with experience of solving complex problems. He has a Physics Masters from the University of Cambridge, an MPhil in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University and a PhD in biology from the University of California in San Diego. After being a consulting partner at Deloitte Haskins + Sells, and Coopers & Lybrand, he became an executive director at Goldman Sachs. He now runs his own business, The Silver Bullet Machine Manufacturing Company Limited, specialising in organisational creativity and innovation. He is author of 14 books. Extract - Foreword Gold standard! Well, maybe not! For many years England’s GCSE and A-level qualifications have enjoyed an international reputation as world-leading. They have frequently been cited as ‘gold standard’ examinations. In this book Dennis Sherwood applies forensic analysis, in an accessible format, to one aspect of those qualifications – the grades awarded to each student on results day. His expert commentary leaves us in no doubt that the architecture of reliability is nothing more than a fancy façade on a house that’s built on sand. This is not a book about whether examinations are the best way to assess authentic learning. That’s a different debate, although there’s evidence here that excessive reliance on end-of-course examinations exacerbates the great grading scandal. This is also not a book about whether the content of our examination-driven school and college curriculum is well-designed, fit for purpose or sufficiently visionary for the future needs of students. That too is a long overdue discussion which should inform public policy, but Dennis retains his focus on one pressing issue. Are the grades awarded to students at the end of the examination process a reliable indicator of their performance and ability? Can those grades be trusted to determine suitability for advanced academic study or access to employment? Do they serve to differentiate authentically between one student and the next? We are all familiar with the results day photographs that accompany the headlines in August. Enthusiastic celebrations with beaming smiles. Images that are carefully contrived to align with the supporting text as ‘Camelia’ (or whoever) progresses to a top university with her four A* grades or ‘Daniel’ revealed to be a prodigy as he attains twelve grade 9’s in his GCSEs. Their results may well be impressive and will certainly open doors towards privileged academic opportunities. But what if the student with AAB is actually no better, in any meaningful sense, than the student with BAC? What if these grades lack the precision that they appear to convey? Is there an element of unreliability in how they are awarded – such that two otherwise identical candidates may as well roll a dice alongside completing their examination paper to determine which, say, of two adjacent grades they may ultimately be awarded? If Dennis is right – and I think he is – then a great grading scandal unfolds before our eyes every summer... [Buy the book to continue reading the foreword] Dr Robin Bevan, Headteacher, Southend High School for Boys and NEU Past National President, 2020-21
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Conversational Capacity: The Secret to Building Successful Teams That Perform When the Pressure Is On
OPEN, BALANCED DIALOGUE--THE KEY TO PEAK TEAM PERFORMANCEIn a world of rapid-fire change, it's more important than ever to build teams that work well when the pressure is on—and quality communication can mean the difference between success and failure.Conversational Capacity provides the communication tools you need to ensure that your team remains on track even when dealing with its most troublesome issues, that it responds to tough challenges with agility and skill, and performs brilliantly in circumstances that would incapacitate less disciplined teams.Praise for Conversational Capacity:"This book blows the lid off everything you have learned about team building and will have you asking, 'Why didn't someone show me this before?'" -- Rick Woodcock, Chief Technology Officer of the US Naval Institute, Annapolis"Easy to implement, Craig Weber's techniques will transform your organization. We put these principles into practice and saw immediate results." -- Scott Goodey, CEO, Greenpoint Technologies"A must-read for leaders and those who aspire to lead. It's one of the most influential books on the value of teaming." -- Benjamin Ola Akande, PhD, Professor of Economics and Dean of the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology, Webster University"Conversational Capacity is one of those rare books that will forever change how you see yourself and the people with whom you work. Read it. Recommend it to your boss, your team, and your friends." -- Jan Wilmott, Director of Leadership Development at the Royal Bank of Canada"This book provides a practical roadmap to learning the single most important skill that any leader can and should master. Conversational Capacity will change the way you lead and transform your relationships--at work and at home." -- Andy Restivo, President and CEO of Creative Channel Services, an Omnicom Group Company"Conversational Capacity shows leadership teams how to think actively and adapt quickly. Better yet, the simplicity of the book enables the reader to apply the concepts and ideas in any leadership position." -- Mark Milliner, CEO of Personal Insurance at Suncorp "Craig Weber has a gift for connecting what it means to build healthy relationships with the nuts and bolts of running an organization. In Conversational Capacity he brings a refreshing combination of practical tools, personal examples, and wisdom from having worked with hundreds of leaders over the years. If you are a leader or someone interested in getting better at what you do, Conversational Capacity is a must read." -- Rob McKenna, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Leadership Research and Development and author of Dying to Lead "Craig Weber challenges us to think differently about the way we talk to each other. Not since the seminal work of Chris Argyris have I read a book that so well documents the promise and the peril of dialogue. Readers will learn to develop conversational competence with team members and with leaders at all levels. You will learn to become more mindful in difficult situations, appreciate the power of curiosity, and develop ways to experiment, compare, reframe, and reengage with renewed commitment. We need this book, now more than ever. Once you read it, you will want to share it as soon as possible!" -- Frank J. Barrett, PhD, Professor of Management and Organizational Behavior, Global Public Policy, at the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School and author of Yes to the Mess "This book has transformed the way I lead, teach, and facilitate. Weber captures the essence of team effectiveness and provides a well-researched and tested model that supports the other building blocks of leadership." -- Dr. Tony Herrera, Direct of Partner Development at Schreiber Foods"Required reading! Improving the conversational capacity of your team and organization is invaluable. These same skills are needed to address the broader issues we face as a society. Get this book! Share it with your colleagues, friends, and family." -- Chris Soderquist, President of Pontifex Consulting and author of The Strategic Forum"Craig Weber's Conversational Capacity works. It works to build an internal culture that allows our organization to focus on the work at hand--without the drama, emotions, and egos that often get in the way of creating a high-functioning organization. It also works when building relationships with funders, stakeholders, and other clients, allowing our team to listen for commonalities and to find areas of true agreement." -- Michele Lueck, President and CEO of the Colorado Health Institute"Those who aspire to use a conversational process to facilitate and deliver high-impact team results have come to the right place. Having worked with Craig Weber to design training programs for colleagues, I can personally attest to his brilliance in using narratives to capture our attention and emotional intelligence with evidence-based methods to build our conversational skills. With clarity, practicality, and case examples, this book will help you find the sweet spot in any conversation while ensuring a productive outcome." -- Dr. Kathleen Keil, Senior Manager of Learning and Development at Pfizer Animal Health"Craig Weber's Conversational Capacity reduces organizational fear through a simple, effective technique that increases trust and maximizes creativity. It will help any organization realize new levels of confidence, creativity, and success. The tools within these pages may very well be the most important keys to both change and growth in the twenty-first century." -- Scott Eck, President of Leadership Masters"We often see the need for collaboration but do not have the tools and skills required to make it happen. Using Craig Weber's techniques to build conversational capacity is exactly what we need in both our professional and personal lives." -- Karen Minyard, PhD, Director of the Georgia Health Policy Center at the Andrew Young School of Public Policy, Georgia State University"The ideas in these pages are profound, life changing, and applicable to every area of life. My nonprofit team acquired a new set of skills that increased our capacity to tackle governance, interpersonal relationships, and the future in a dynamic and changing economy. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a master the tools required to elevate awareness, skill, and discipline to achieve desired--and amazing--results." -- Jane Soderquist, Board Chair of the Upper Valley Waldorf School
American Bar Association Innovative Legal Service Applications: A Guide to Improved Client Services
In addition to discussing the numerous ways, with many examples, lawyers can improve their service to their clients, the book presents other relevant topics about producing and using innovative legal service applications. That starts with why lawyers should evolve like almost all businesses that strive for better client service. It is just not a matter of obtaining more business. The “why” is also for reduced negligence claims and fewer client complaints (and less fear of them both happening.) Also, adding research and development of client service to a lawyer's job description will make their jobs more creative and enjoyable. The book explores the many elements of good legal client service and the processes of finding, creating, evaluating, and ensuring implementation of applications. Along the way, the book, sometimes with humor, has several lawyer war stories to make a point and the odd practice tip. The style of the book is casual and personal. The book is based on the author's 42 years of practicing law and his research and presentations over the years about creating innovative legal service applications. Some examples are client manuals for different practice areas, client enhanced content and forms for a firm’s website, slideshows for initial consultations shown on client monitors and better use of generic software. Though primarily directed at lawyers in solo, small firm, and general practice, the book would be of interest to lawyers of all degrees of experience, in all areas of practice, in all sizes of firms, and even lawyers not in private practice. All lawyers should want to serve clients better and enjoy their job more. Reviews and Endorsements: "This book is an essential addition to any lawyer's library. While the primary audience may be the lawyer setting out to build a clientele as a sole practitioner or in a smaller office setting, the insights into marketing, creating and sustaining client satisfaction will be valuable to any practising lawyer. It offers practical tips on interacting with clients. This book has a great writing style. The reader can easily find topics of interest. I founded a two-lawyer firm and built it to a 45-lawyer firm. If this book had been available, it would have been on the desk of every lawyer that we hired. This book is highly recommended." - Lynn Harnden, Ottawa labour and employment law lawyer “Great read! Whether you are starting out in private practice or you just made managing partner, Pascoe’s book delivers a fresh roadmap to what our clients desire: honest service, fair results and above all, to be not just a part of the process but a partner in it.” - Michael Cochrane, Toronto lawyer and author of Surviving Divorce (6th edition) “This book should be compulsory reading in every law school or Bar Admission program. With more and more newly minted lawyers hanging their own shingle upon their call to the Bar, the Applications developed by the author serve as a foundation for the development and practices of a great lawyer and law firm. As a commercial and insurance litigation lawyer with more than 25 years’ experience, I can attest to the transferability of most of the Applications from one area of practice to another, as the Applications are both adaptable and adoptable. Finally, the book provides the readers with what is tantamount to a “Get Out of Jail Free” card by introducing the lawyer to Applications that serve to reduce the risk of having a complaint brought against the lawyer by an unhappy client and having to defend oneself against a claim that may best have been avoided at the outset by the development of better solicitor-client communications skills derived from Pascoe’s book." - Norman Carroll, Ottawa Commercial and Insurance litigation lawyer "This book starts with the data around lawyers and law firms, and the author’s years of successful practice, and builds a helpful resource based on it. At practicePRO, LAWPRO’s claims prevention and risk management program, as the author notes, we have long recognized that in most areas of practice, mistakes and client management issues more frequently arise from how the services were delivered than the legal advice itself. This book recognizes these service-related risks. A key theme throughout is that we can enhance client service, which will not only reduce risk, but also enhance lawyer fulfillment. The book includes both effective practice management techniques such as developing intake procedures, client manuals and client questionnaires with tips to provide client moments to enhance the legal services experience. The author graciously provides the secret sauces he developed to help deliver excellent service to his clients; now he’s given other lawyers and law firms the recipes so they can serve up similar successes. It’s an easy read, packed with great resources." - Juda Strawczynski (He/His/Him), Director, practicePRO "If you’re an innovative lawyer – read this book. There are gold nuggets sprinkled throughout to help you be ahead of the crowd. Laurie Pascoe has decades of lawyering innovation and expert marketing behind him. It shows. He passes the knowledge along in this book. Practical “rubber hits the road” tips to guide you along your own path and even a chapter to support you to get them done. It’s a wonderful resource and I am honored to have had the experience of working (yes, on the other side of family law files) with him. I can attest that he “walks the talk” of innovation. I have picked his marketing brain for years, and am so happy to have this book." - Elizabeth Swarbrick, Family Focused Law – Almonte Ontario "I was worried this book would be out of my league, but to my surprise, I had a good time reading it. The author was highly relatable and dealt with practicable teachings. Readers could also apply his words and advice in business and daily living. For instance, the subtopic that addressed keeping scorecards and learning to manage time and energy was aptly resourceful for me. I also love how he softens the seriousness of this book with humour and war stories from his own experiences….. I commend the author for an intricately compiled work and a well-done job. In a nutshell, there is nothing I dislike about this book. It is also exceptionally edited and free from errors. For these reasons, I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars…. I highly recommend this book to lawyers and other readers curious about legal services applications. Sit back and buckle up; this book is all-inclusive, with an excellent appendix for further research." (where a longer fuller review can be found)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Reference On Handbook Of The Economics Of Wine (In 2 Volumes)
Over the last three decades, wine economics has emerged as a growing field within agricultural economics, but also in other fields such as finance, trade, growth, environmental economics and industrial organization. Wine has a few characteristics that differentiate it from other agricultural commodities, rendering it an interesting topic for economists in general. Fine wine can regularly fetch bottle prices that exceed several thousand dollars. It can be stored a long time and may increase in value with age. Fine wine quality and prices are extraordinarily sensitive to fluctuations in the weather of the year in which the grapes were grown. And wine is an experience good, i.e., its quality cannot be ascertained before consumption. As a result, consumers often rely on 'expert opinion' regarding quality and maturation prospects.This handbook takes a broad approach and familiarizes the reader with the main research strands in wine economics.After a general introduction to wine economics by Karl Storchmann, Volume 1 focuses on the core areas of wine economics. The first papers shed light on the relevance of the vineyard's natural environment for wine quality and prices. 'Predicting the Quality and Prices of Bordeaux Wine' by Orley Ashenfelter is a classic paper and may be the first wine economics publication ever. Ashenfelter shows how weather influences the quality and the price of Bordeaux Grands Crus wine. Since the weather condition of the year when the grapes were grown is known, an econometric analysis may be constructed. It turns out this model outperforms expert opinion, i.e., critical vintage scores. At best, expert opinion reflects public information. The subsequent papers, by Ashenfelter and Storchmann, Gergaud and Ginsburgh, and Cross, Plantinga and Stavins, tackle the terroir question. That is, they examine the relevance of a vineyard's physical characteristics for wine quality and prices, but from various dimensions and with different results. Next, Alston et al. analyze a question of great concern in the California wine industry: the causes and consequences of the rising alcohol content in California wine. Is climate change the culprit?The next chapter presents three papers that apply hedonic price analyses to fine wine. Combris, Lecocq and Visser show that Bordeaux wine market prices are essentially determined by the wines' objective characteristics. Costanigro, McCluskey and Mittelhammer differentiate their hedonic analysis for various market segments. Ali and Nauges incorporate reputational variables into their pricing model and distinguish between short- and long-run price effects.The next section of this volume deals with one of the unique characteristics of wine — its long storage life, which makes it potentially an investment asset. Studying wine's increasing role as an alternative asset class, Sanning et al., Burton and Jacobsen, Masset and Weisskopf, Masset and Henderson, and Fogarty all examine the rate of return to holding wine as well as the related risks. Since these papers analyze different wines and different time periods there is no 'one message.' However, all point out that, while wine may diversify an investor's portfolio, wine's returns do not beat common stock in the long run.The last two chapters examine the role of wine experts. First, Ashenfelter and Quandt revisit the 1976 'Judgment of Paris' and show that aggregating the assessments of several judges should go beyond 'adding points.' Depending on the method employed, the results may vary, and some measure of statistical precision is essential for interpreting the reliability of the results. In two different papers, Cicchetti and Quandt respond to the necessity to provide statistical tools for the assessment of wine tastings.In a seminal paper, Hodgson reports a remarkable field experiment in which similar wines were placed before judges at a major competition. The results have the shocking implication that how medals are awarded at a major California wine fair is not far from being random. Ashton analyzes the performance of professional wine judges and finds little support for the idea that experienced wine judges should be regarded as experts.Do experts scores influence the price of wine? The answer to this question is less obvious then commonly thought since expert opinion oftentimes only repeats public information such as wine quality that results from the weather that produced the wine grapes. Hadj Ali, Lecocq, and Visser as well as Dubois and Nauges find that high critical scores exert only small effects on wine prices. However, Roberts and Reagans show that a high critical exposure reduces the price-quality dispersion of wineries.Lecocq and Visser analyze wine prices and find that 'characteristics that are directly revealed to the consumer upon inspection of the bottle and its label explain the major part of price differences.' Expert opinion and sensory variables appear to play only a minor role. In an experimental setting using two Vickrey auctions, Combris, Lange and Issanchou confirm the leading role of public information, i.e., the label remains a key determinant for champagne prices. In a provocative and widely discussed study drawing on blind tasting results of some 5,000 wines, Goldstein and collaborators find that most consumers prefer less expensive over expensive wine.Finally, Weil examines the value of expert wine descriptions and lets several hundred subjects match the wines and their descriptors. His results suggest that the ability to assign a certain description to the matching wine is more or less random.Volume 2 covers the topics reputation, regulation, auctions, and market organizational. Landon and Smith, Anderson and Schamel, and Schamel analyze the impact of current quality and reputation (i.e., past quality) on wine prices from different regions. Their results suggest that prices are more influenced by reputation than by current quality. Costanigro, McCluskey and Goemans develop a nested framework for jointly examining the effects of product, firm and collective reputation on market prices.The following four papers deal with regulatory issues in the US as well as in Europe. While Riekoff and Sykuta shed light on the politics and economics of the three-tier system of alcohol distribution and the prohibition of direct wine shipments in the US, Deconinck and Swinnen analyze the European planting rights system. The political economy of European wine regulation is then covered by Melonie and Swinnen, before Anderson and Jensen shed light on Europe's complex system of wine industry subsidies.The next chapter is devoted to wine auctions. In three different papers, Fevrier, Roos and Visser, Ashenfelter, and Ginsburgh analyze the effects of specific auction designs on the resulting hammer prices. The papers focus on multi-unit ascending auctions, absentee bidders, and declining price anomalies.The last chapter, supply and organization, is devoted to a wide range of issues. First, Heien illuminates the price formation process in the California winegrape industry. Then, Frick analyzes if and how the separation of ownership and control affects the performance of German wineries.Vink, Kleynhans and Willem Hoffmann introduce us to various models of wine barrel financing, particularly to the Vincorp model employed in South Africa. Galbreath analyzes the role of women in the wine industry. He finds that (1) women are underrepresented and (2) that the presence of a female CEO increases the likelihood of women in winemaker, viticulturist, and marketing roles in that firm. Gokcekus, Hewstone, and Cakal draw on crowdsourced wine evaluations, i.e., Wine Tracker data, and show that private wine assessments are largely influenced by peer scores lending support to the assumption of the presence of a strong herding effect.Mahenc refers to the classic model of information asymmetries and develops a theoretical model highlighting the role of informed buyers in markets that are susceptible to the lemons problem. Lastly, in their paper 'Love or Money?' Scott, Morton and Podolny analyze how the presence of hobby winemakers may distort market outcomes. Hobby winemakers produce higher quality wines, charge higher prices, and enjoy lower financial returns than professional for-profit winemakers. As a result, profit-oriented winemakers are discouraged from locating at the high-quality end of the market.
John Catt Educational Ltd Tips for Teachers: 400+ ideas to improve your teaching
Teaching is complex. But there are simple ideas we can enact to help our teaching be more effective. This book contains over 400 such ideas.The ideas come from two sources. First, from the wonderful guests on my Tips for Teachers podcast - education heavyweights such as Dylan Wiliam, Daisy Christodoulou and Tom Sherrington, as well as talented teachers who are not household names but have so much wisdom to share. Then there's what I have learned from working with amazing teachers and students in hundreds of schools around the world.Inside you will find 22 ideas to enhance mini-whiteboard use, 15 ideas to improve the start of your lesson, 14 ideas to help make Silent Teacher effective, seven ways to respond if a student says they don't know, and lots, lots more.Each idea can be implemented the very next time you step into a classroom. So, whatever your level of experience, subject or phase, there are plenty of ideas in this book to help take your teaching to the next level.Book contentsChapter 1: How to use this bookTip 1. How to use this book to improve your teachingTip 2. How to give yourself the best chance of making a lasting changeChapter 2: Habits and routines Why are habits and routines important? Tip 3. Eight ideas to help introduce a routineTip 4. Beware of the Valley of Latent PotentialTip 5. Two ideas to help a routine stickTip 6. Develop a set of high-value activity structuresTip 7. Six ideas to help establish positive norms in your classroomTip 8. Four types of words to consider removing from your teaching vocabularyChapter 3: The means of participationA challengeTip 9. Front-load the means of participationTip 10. Ten ideas to improve Cold CallTip 11. Eight reasons to strive for mass participation more frequentlyTip 12. Twenty-two ideas to improve the use of mini-whiteboardsTip 13. Five ideas to improve the use of voting systems Tip 14. Nine ideas to improve Call and ResponseTip 15. Fifteen ideas to improve Partner TalkTip 16. Six ideas to improve group workTip 17. Use the means of participation holy trinityTip 18. Never rely on a mental noteTip 19. The best tool for the long term might not be the best tool for nowChapter 4: Checking for understandingTip 20. Think of questions as a check for misunderstandingTip 21. Use the temptation to ask for self-report as a cue to ask a better questionTip 22. Lengthen wait times after asking a questionTip 23. Lengthen wait times after an answerTip 24. Ten types of questions to ask when checking for understandingTip 25. Try these three frameworks for learner-generated examplesTip 26. Three ways to use diagnostic questions to check for understandingTip 27. Provide scaffolds for verbal responsesTip 28. Six key times to check for understandingTip 29. Ten ideas to improve Exit TicketsTip 30. Pick the student least likely to knowTip 31. Start with whoever got 8 out of 10Tip 32. Ten ideas to help create a culture of errorTip 33. Three ideas to encourage students to ask questionsChapter 5: Responsive teachingTip 34. Trick your students to test if they really understandTip 35. Never round-upTip 36. Six ideas if a student says 'I don't know'Tip 37. What to do when some students understand and some don'tTip 38. What to do when some students still don't understandTip 39. How students can own and record classroom discussionsTip 40. Share students' work with the rest of the classChapter 6: PlanningTip 41. Seven ideas to improve a scheme of workTip 42. Six ideas to help start the planning processTip 43. Plan to do less, but betterTip 44. Ask yourself: 'What are my students likely to be thinking about?'Tip 45. Write out ideal student responsesTip 46. Four ideas to help you plan for and respond to errorsTip 47. Two ideas to help teachers engage in Deep Work Tip 48. Aim to close the loop when sending an emailChapter 7: Prior knowledgeTip 49. Plan relevant prior knowledgeTip 50. Prioritise relevant prior knowledgeTip 51. Assess relevant prior knowledgeTip 52. Respond to prior knowledge assessmentTip 53. Assess relevant prior knowledge for each idea, not for the whole sequenceChapter 8: Explanations, modelling and worked examplesTip 54. Five ideas to show students why what we are learning today mattersTip 55. Use related examples and non-examples to explain technical languageTip 56. Fourteen ideas to improve the explanation of a conceptTip 57. Teach decision making separatelyTip 58. Five ideas to improve our choice of examplesTip 59. Model techniques liveTip 60. Use a teacher worked-examples bookTip 61. Use student worked-examples booksTip 62. Make use of the power of Example-Problem PairsTip 63. Fourteen ideas to improve Silent TeacherTip 64. Use self-explanation prompts to help develop your students' understanding Tip 65. Six ideas to improve 'copy down the worked example'Tip 66. Vary the means of participation for the We DoTip 67. Three errors to avoid with the Your Turn questionsTip 68. Reflect after a worked exampleTip 69. Beware of seductive detailsChapter 9: Student practiceTip 70. Eight ideas to improve student practice timeTip 71. How to harness the hidden power of interleavingTip 72. Consider using Intelligent PracticeTip 73. Consider using 'no-number' questionsTip 74. Nine ideas to help you observe student work with a purposeTip 75. Occasionally let students do work in someone else's bookChapter 10: Memory and retrievalRetrieval opportunitiesTip 76. Show your students the Forgetting CurveTip 77. Show your students the path to high storage and retrieval strengthTip 78. Show your students the limits of working memoryTip 79. Show your students how long-term memory helps thinkingTip 80. Show your students that being familiar with something is not the same as knowing itTip 81. Ensure you provide retrieval opportunities for all contentTip 82. When designing retrieval opportunities, aim for 80%Tip 83. Vary the types of retrieval questions you askTip 84. Consider providing prompts and cues during retrieval opportunitiesTip 85. Get your students to assign confidence scores to their answersTip 86. Make corrections quizzableTip 87. Twenty-one ideas to improve your Low-Stakes QuizzesTip 88. Fifteen ideas to improve the Do NowTip 89. Consider using Trello to help organise the disorganisedChapter 11: Homework, marking and feedbackTip 90. Make homework feed into lessonsTip 91. Eight ideas to improve homeworkTip 92. Two things to check if homework or test scores are a surprise Tip 93. Be careful how you respond to 'silly' mistakesTip 94. Turn feedback into detective workTip 95. Consider recording verbal feedbackTip 96. Twelve ideas to improve whole-class feedbackChapter 12: Improving as a teacherTip 97. Find the expertise within your teamTip 98. Five different people to learn fromTip 99. Revisit education books and podcast episodesTip 100. Four things to consider when trying something newTip 101. Five ideas to help tackle the negativity radioTip 102. Consider slowing down your careerTip 103. Sixteen ideas to improve the delivery of CPD Tip 104. Micro tipsTip 105. If you want more tips...
Robert D. Reed Publishers I Can Still Do It!: The Unstoppable Spirit of a Plane Crash Survivor
Karen Trola was 51, piloting a plane out of Truckee, CA, and she crashed with 3 passengers. Everyone survived, but it left Karen in a wheelchair. However, not only did Karen survive, but she thrives as a paraplegic woman... as a professional woman in real estate, as an avid world traveler, and as an active sports fanatic, adapting each sport to accommodate her paralysis. She water skis, goes canoeing and horseback riding with her husband Steve, rides 4-wheelers, snorkels, is an award-winning martial arts expert, coaches soccer, and gives back to her community in a variety of ways. She is indeed unstoppable! Her favorite saying is, "I can still do it!" And she finds ways to do everything except deep sea diving, and she would do that if the doctors would let her!! This book. I CAN STILL DO IT! is her personal story, a motivational read with 53 photos to give visuals to her moving account. With a huge support system, determination, creativity, and ahistory of physicality, she inspires everyone who knows her or knows of her. Here is what many people in her life have to say about her and this book: A Horrifying Crash... Amazing Lady! Karen Trolan is a fighter, survivor, teacher and friend. After a horrifying crash she continues to define courage and passion and has the ability to change people's lives with her will power and love. Amazing lady!~ Jeff Barnett, VP & REGIONAL MANAGER, Alain Pinel Realtors®, Los Gatos, CA, CAR Director for Life | NAR Hall of Fame, Realtor® of the Year 1998 & 2008 Recommending this Book to Every Patient Inspirational!!! This book shows the power of faith, determination, and the importance of taking personal accountability for one's decisions in how to live his/her life. I'm recommending this book to every patient of mine and anyone who has encountered a setback and wants to turn it into a comeback! ~ Dr.James Lu , PT, DPT, LAc, Dipl. OM, OCS, MTC, CSAS Inspirational Journey of Hope and Grit For close to 20 years I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Karen Trolan in the crazy world of California real estate. Compared to the rest of us mere mortals, Karen is a nova that never dims - she has always done more in less time (and generally with more heart) than anyone I have ever known. Karen's love for skiing and flying led to a horrific accident that could have destroyed her life; however, it only served to strengthen her resolve to be the best wife, mother, REALTOR® and ultimately the best person that any of us could ever hope to be. The determination and love in the Trolan family is a wonder to behold. Karen's book is an inspirational journey of hope and grit - like Karen it stands as a testament to everyone that we should never give up on our dreams simply because of a nightmare. I CAN STILL DO IT! is a must read for anyone who needs a role model to guide them along a difficult life path. ~ Victoria B. Naidorf , J.D., Broker Risk Management Never Giving Up Yep, it's a great story about life and passion and never giving up. Inspirational. ~ Shihan Russ Rhodes , 10th Degree Black Belt (Martial Arts Instructor) plus four other Black Belts Double Down on Determination By nature, people are pessimistic, even in the most optimistic of positions. I have never known anyone with more grit and enthusiasm for life than Karen. Her disabling circumstances have only pushed her to double down on her determination to succeed at everything she desires to do. Her authentic insights will richly bless those who read her story. ~ Mike Hulme , President of Alain Pinel Realtors, Silicon Valley Encourages Us All A brave friend and student, Martial Artist Karen Trolan was a pilot of a small plane and in a plane crash. Her horrific injuries included paraplegia, but she had faith and never gave up hope. Her inspiring story encourages us all that we can do it. The author addresses the determination, stamina, courage and compassion of oneself facing a life-threateningcondition. A definite read. ~ Samuel Kwok , Grandmaster Wing Chun, Qi Gong, Instructor, Author of TRADITIONAL WOODEN DUMMY and MASTERING WING CHUN Persistence and Grit When I first worked with Karen on horseback in an arena at a therapeutic riding center after her accident, I pointed to a trail high on a hill and said "If you work hard at this, we'll be riding up there someday." She and her husband now own horses of their own, plus a truck and trailer, and they camp and ride on many such trails in beautiful parks throughout California. Persistence and grit. Karen personifies both. ~ Niki Lamb Captivating Journey Karen is uniquely gifted with determination and grace, to not just live but to thrive and to inspire all those around her. Now her story will bring hope and inspiration to the thousands that read her captivating journey following a life-changing plane crash. ~ Mark Keirstead , Co-Founder and Executive Director, One Step Closer Therapeutic Riding An Inspiration in My Life Karen's return to our patrol team has truly been an inspiration in my life. After two decades of professional ski patrolling I have seldom witnessed the courage and strength that she brings to the mountain every time she puts on her cross. From the summit of Mt. Pluto to greeting our guests at mid mountain, she embodies the true spirit of what it means to be a patroller. ~ Forrest Philpot, Northstar California Ski Patrol Director Courage and Tenacity Karen is tenacious and has an amazing human spirit. She has worked through her challenges and prevailed. She is the same positive and active person I have known for nearly forty years. Observing Karen on a personal level after the accident, I saw this was not an easy process, yet she fought through the pain and all the medical setbacks. If you desire inspiration and need encouragement to get through the day, this is the book for you. Let Karen's journey help you improve your life and show you how to be active while living life to its fullest. She is inspirational to all of us at any level, proving the human spirit is stronger than the physical. Every time I talk to Karen I am inspired and empowered. Her courage and tenacity are contagious. Her book will improve your life no matter your situation. ~ Holly Vargas Life Is What You Make of It. Absolutely amazing, Karen's story from the accident to where sheis today is truly inspiring. Every challenge that was thrown her way has been overshadowed by her accomplishments. Her dedication to family and God proves to all of us that LIFE is what you make of it. ~ Vince Arthur , Director of Base Area Operations, Heavenly Mtn Resort A Warrior, an Inspiration, and a Hero Karen Trolan is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. She is a warrior, an inspiration, and ahero.By reading her book we can all learn about overcoming the impossible, through faith and endurance. I love this woman for who she is and what she has accomplished. Her book , I CAN DO IT! is an inspirational must-read. ~ Cynthia Rothrock , Action Film Star (55 credits) and Producer (7 credits), Martial Arts Instructor (5 Black Belts), Inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame, Inside Kung-Fu Hall of Fam e, and the International Sports Hall of Fame
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Reference On Handbook Of The Economics Of Wine (In 2 Volumes)
Over the last three decades, wine economics has emerged as a growing field within agricultural economics, but also in other fields such as finance, trade, growth, environmental economics and industrial organization. Wine has a few characteristics that differentiate it from other agricultural commodities, rendering it an interesting topic for economists in general. Fine wine can regularly fetch bottle prices that exceed several thousand dollars. It can be stored a long time and may increase in value with age. Fine wine quality and prices are extraordinarily sensitive to fluctuations in the weather of the year in which the grapes were grown. And wine is an experience good, i.e., its quality cannot be ascertained before consumption. As a result, consumers often rely on 'expert opinion' regarding quality and maturation prospects.This handbook takes a broad approach and familiarizes the reader with the main research strands in wine economics.After a general introduction to wine economics by Karl Storchmann, Volume 1 focuses on the core areas of wine economics. The first papers shed light on the relevance of the vineyard's natural environment for wine quality and prices. 'Predicting the Quality and Prices of Bordeaux Wine' by Orley Ashenfelter is a classic paper and may be the first wine economics publication ever. Ashenfelter shows how weather influences the quality and the price of Bordeaux Grands Crus wine. Since the weather condition of the year when the grapes were grown is known, an econometric analysis may be constructed. It turns out this model outperforms expert opinion, i.e., critical vintage scores. At best, expert opinion reflects public information. The subsequent papers, by Ashenfelter and Storchmann, Gergaud and Ginsburgh, and Cross, Plantinga and Stavins, tackle the terroir question. That is, they examine the relevance of a vineyard's physical characteristics for wine quality and prices, but from various dimensions and with different results. Next, Alston et al. analyze a question of great concern in the California wine industry: the causes and consequences of the rising alcohol content in California wine. Is climate change the culprit?The next chapter presents three papers that apply hedonic price analyses to fine wine. Combris, Lecocq and Visser show that Bordeaux wine market prices are essentially determined by the wines' objective characteristics. Costanigro, McCluskey and Mittelhammer differentiate their hedonic analysis for various market segments. Ali and Nauges incorporate reputational variables into their pricing model and distinguish between short- and long-run price effects.The next section of this volume deals with one of the unique characteristics of wine — its long storage life, which makes it potentially an investment asset. Studying wine's increasing role as an alternative asset class, Sanning et al., Burton and Jacobsen, Masset and Weisskopf, Masset and Henderson, and Fogarty all examine the rate of return to holding wine as well as the related risks. Since these papers analyze different wines and different time periods there is no 'one message.' However, all point out that, while wine may diversify an investor's portfolio, wine's returns do not beat common stock in the long run.The last two chapters examine the role of wine experts. First, Ashenfelter and Quandt revisit the 1976 'Judgment of Paris' and show that aggregating the assessments of several judges should go beyond 'adding points.' Depending on the method employed, the results may vary, and some measure of statistical precision is essential for interpreting the reliability of the results. In two different papers, Cicchetti and Quandt respond to the necessity to provide statistical tools for the assessment of wine tastings.In a seminal paper, Hodgson reports a remarkable field experiment in which similar wines were placed before judges at a major competition. The results have the shocking implication that how medals are awarded at a major California wine fair is not far from being random. Ashton analyzes the performance of professional wine judges and finds little support for the idea that experienced wine judges should be regarded as experts.Do experts scores influence the price of wine? The answer to this question is less obvious then commonly thought since expert opinion oftentimes only repeats public information such as wine quality that results from the weather that produced the wine grapes. Hadj Ali, Lecocq, and Visser as well as Dubois and Nauges find that high critical scores exert only small effects on wine prices. However, Roberts and Reagans show that a high critical exposure reduces the price-quality dispersion of wineries.Lecocq and Visser analyze wine prices and find that 'characteristics that are directly revealed to the consumer upon inspection of the bottle and its label explain the major part of price differences.' Expert opinion and sensory variables appear to play only a minor role. In an experimental setting using two Vickrey auctions, Combris, Lange and Issanchou confirm the leading role of public information, i.e., the label remains a key determinant for champagne prices. In a provocative and widely discussed study drawing on blind tasting results of some 5,000 wines, Goldstein and collaborators find that most consumers prefer less expensive over expensive wine.Finally, Weil examines the value of expert wine descriptions and lets several hundred subjects match the wines and their descriptors. His results suggest that the ability to assign a certain description to the matching wine is more or less random.Volume 2 covers the topics reputation, regulation, auctions, and market organizational. Landon and Smith, Anderson and Schamel, and Schamel analyze the impact of current quality and reputation (i.e., past quality) on wine prices from different regions. Their results suggest that prices are more influenced by reputation than by current quality. Costanigro, McCluskey and Goemans develop a nested framework for jointly examining the effects of product, firm and collective reputation on market prices.The following four papers deal with regulatory issues in the US as well as in Europe. While Riekoff and Sykuta shed light on the politics and economics of the three-tier system of alcohol distribution and the prohibition of direct wine shipments in the US, Deconinck and Swinnen analyze the European planting rights system. The political economy of European wine regulation is then covered by Melonie and Swinnen, before Anderson and Jensen shed light on Europe's complex system of wine industry subsidies.The next chapter is devoted to wine auctions. In three different papers, Fevrier, Roos and Visser, Ashenfelter, and Ginsburgh analyze the effects of specific auction designs on the resulting hammer prices. The papers focus on multi-unit ascending auctions, absentee bidders, and declining price anomalies.The last chapter, supply and organization, is devoted to a wide range of issues. First, Heien illuminates the price formation process in the California winegrape industry. Then, Frick analyzes if and how the separation of ownership and control affects the performance of German wineries.Vink, Kleynhans and Willem Hoffmann introduce us to various models of wine barrel financing, particularly to the Vincorp model employed in South Africa. Galbreath analyzes the role of women in the wine industry. He finds that (1) women are underrepresented and (2) that the presence of a female CEO increases the likelihood of women in winemaker, viticulturist, and marketing roles in that firm. Gokcekus, Hewstone, and Cakal draw on crowdsourced wine evaluations, i.e., Wine Tracker data, and show that private wine assessments are largely influenced by peer scores lending support to the assumption of the presence of a strong herding effect.Mahenc refers to the classic model of information asymmetries and develops a theoretical model highlighting the role of informed buyers in markets that are susceptible to the lemons problem. Lastly, in their paper 'Love or Money?' Scott, Morton and Podolny analyze how the presence of hobby winemakers may distort market outcomes. Hobby winemakers produce higher quality wines, charge higher prices, and enjoy lower financial returns than professional for-profit winemakers. As a result, profit-oriented winemakers are discouraged from locating at the high-quality end of the market.
Rizzoli International Publications Architectural Digest: The Most Beautiful Rooms In The World
Since 1920, Architectural Digest has celebrated design talents, innovative homes, and products--providing endless decoration, lifestyle, and travel inspiration. With ten global editions, the magazine is an authority renowned all over the world for publishing only the very best of today's interior design. In this new volume--spearheaded by AD France's editor in chief, Marie Kalt--the editors of Architectural Digest's international editions have teamed up to thoughtfully curate a collection of today's most exceptional interiors around the globe. These diverse residential spaces span from the United States and China, to France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Spain, India, Mexico, and the Middle East, presenting each country's unique AD style manifesto and the work of design luminaries such as Peter Marino, Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Jacques Grange, Joseph Dirand, and Bijoy Jain, to name a few. The featured projects range from Marc Jacobs's New York townhouse to Tommy Hilfiger's Connecticut abode and Seth Meyers's Manhattan duplex; a sumptuous eighteenth-century Italian villa and a Moroccan palace; Pierre Berge's apartment and a hotel particulier in Paris; a Majorca summer home; and a country house in Russia. Brimming with stunning images and rich international inspirations, this unparalleled compendium of global interiors is a must for every library of interior design. Interior designer Mark D. Sikes burst onto the publishing scene with his New York Times best-selling first book, Beautiful. His new book, aptly titled More Beautiful, picks up where the first left off, in a celebration of classic, all-American decorating. The rooms featured in More Beautiful are divided into five distinct styles, all of which exude the happiness that comes with surrounding oneself with things you love. Traditional is chockablock with vibrant color, antique furniture, and heady doses of trim and pattern. Country is a new take on the style, where distressed finishes and modern silhouettes mingle for a warm welcome. Coastal is streamlined, with natural woven fibers, sun-faded linen and neutrals, and blues and whites galore. Mediterranean evokes faraway lands, with a saturated palette, ornate tiles and ikats, and iron details. Finally, there's Beautiful: a peek inside Mark's own Hollywood Hills home, which nods to all of his favorite design signatures--including Italian wicker, blue and white, Anglo-Indian antiques, and more. With all-new photography by Amy Neunsinger, the book will inspire with rooms that are light-filled and crisply patterned, chic yet comfortable, and just the way people want to live today. Every Pierce and Ward home tells a story. Emily and Louisa believe that there is a beauty in the unfolding of a room that takes the eye dancing from one piece to the next, swirling over velvets of peach and gold, gliding over glass and marble, and stopping to take in the homeowner's precious sentimental favorites. As the designers for such Hollywood powerhouses, supermodels, and rock stars as Brie Larson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dakota Johnson, Kate Hudson, and Karen Elson, Pierce and Ward artfully blend classic elements and fanciful touches, creating an irresistible kaleidoscope of patterns, textures, art, and objects. Stately striped wallpaper mixes with French florals. Brass-lion bookends sit beside trays inlaid with glinting mother-of-pearl. Milk-glass globes hang down hallways like glowing moons to guide one's path. Humble finds from eBay and lovingly worn textiles mix with museum-quality art and family photos. This book will teach readers about organized abundance and un-gaudy decadence, with a dash of restraint for good measure: it's an evocative and inspiring ode to the art of more. With a focus on Schumacher's greatest contemporary patterns--everything from classic stripes and exuberant florals to edgy animal prints--this accessible and highly useful style guide is organized thematically by chapters such as Sensual and Spare; Preppy; Ladylike; Exuberant; and Opulent, with each featuring a stunning selection of patterns along with inspiring interiors designed in the same spirit. To help readers better understand their style preferences, every chapter begins with a questionnaire, for example: Are You an Acolyte of High Style? Do You Prefer a Midnight Supper to a Power Lunch?; Consider Jewel Tones Neutral?; Think Champagne Is Not Just for Special Occasions? Page after page after page of lavish imagery and pattern details are juxtaposed alongside beautiful interiors designed by such luminaries as Miles Redd, Tom Scheerer, Amanda Lindroth, Celerie Kemble, Veere Grenney, and Mark D. Sikes, to name a few, illustrating how Schumacher's iconic patterns can be integrated into a wide range of chic and stylish room designs. The texts provide insights and tips on how patterns can be used in your decor, along with guidance for deciding what style is best for you and your home. Full of inspiring design ideas, as well as an unparalled resource of prints and patterns, S Is for Style is a visual feast of interior design for all styles and tastes. In their first book, Stamps and Stamps share their passion for historical references and attention to detail, showing you how to create a mood with floral patterns, brimming bookshelves, and overstuffed armchairs. These images inspire you to incorporate vintage treasures into your interiors, and the text explains where to find and buy the decor--such as fabrics, wallpaper, and lighting--featured in these pages. Above all, Stamps and Stamps show you how to make your home comfortable, as they believe houses are for living in, not just for looking at. With a focus on Southern California, where they live, Stamps and Stamps specialize in designing, decorating, and restoring historic homes and gardens. From an Andalusian riad in Hancock Park restored and decorated for Ellen deGeneres, to a newly built old California ranch in Rolling Hills, to a collector's cottage in Pasadena to their own compound in South Pasadena designed around a Greene and Greene carriage house, Stamps and Stamps have built their style on an aesthetic foundation rooted in the past but with a lightness and wit that's very much of the present. With its beautiful photography and practical tips, Stamps and Stamps is sure to inspire you to embrace cozy and comfortable interior design, while showing you how to create a home that's easy to live in. Since the 1990s, Watson has been one of the most prolific chroniclers of remarkable interiors and portraits, gracing the pages of W magazine, Vanity Fair, AD, and T Magazine. From hard-edged modernity and historical exoticism to pure classicism, the photographer has documented rooms of note in cities, atop mountains, and by the sea. Complementing his masterful images, Watson gives an intimate description of each location. On this journey with the photographer, one experiences the Duchess of Alba's Palacio Liria in Madrid, filled with sixteenth- and seventeenth-century masterpieces; interior designer Roberto Peregalli's splendid riad in Tangier; the magnificent and vast Castello Gardena in the Italian Alps owned by the Franchetti clan; Guinness heir Garech de Brun's hillside retreat in County Wicklow, Ireland; the Renaissance Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne in Rome, designed by Baldassarre Peruzzi in the sixteenth century; shoe designer Christian Louboutin's fanciful Parisian apartment; and many other splendid places around the world. Designer extraordinaire Stephen Shadley began his working life as a scenic artist at 20th Century Fox. Throughout a celebrated career (landing a coveted spot on the AD100), his work has been marked continually by the glamour of Hollywood as well as by a kind of visual storytelling that is richly informed by the world of the movie screen and by the artifice and allure of film's great cinematographers. Notable for their expression of an exquisite sense of style, his designed homes--including the interiors for a classic Beverly Hills abode for Diane Keaton, an apartment for Robert Altman in the legendary Pythian building on New York's Upper West Side, as well as a luxurious contemporary home for Jennifer Aniston--are all expressions of a masterful sense of scale and an appreciation for understated beauty and refined materials that are ultimately warm, inviting, and serene. The book features numerous beautifully designed homes of Hollywood royalty, primarily in Southern California, though with notable projects in New York and beyond, as well as three greenrooms, which Shadley designed for the Oscars and the Emmy Awards. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could knock on the most talented people's doors and prowl through their homes for inspiration? Chosen and curated by London-based creative director Alex Eagle, this collection of stylish interiors is the next best thing. With a spotlight on objects that personalize each home, this playful volume is rich in inspiration for creating that perfect blend of modern luxury and bohemian chic. Practicing what she preaches, Eagle's light-filled loft in London's Soho is a showhouse for the objects, vintage furniture, and art she deals in at her boutique, where natural materials, rare books, original art, and vintage furniture create the warmth and personality of a well-lived home. Exploring the homes, tastes, and lifestyles of brilliant creatives around the world--from adventurer David de Rothschild to heiress Marie Louise Scio (owner of Il Pellicano), this book pairs vibrant photos of interiors with texts about their owners' worlds, providing insight into how these spaces cultivate unique ways of living, working, and socializing. Eagle's warm curation of her subjects and her personal relationships with each allows the book to transcend the boundaries of a traditional interiors tome, giving us all access to aspire. The French woodwork purveyor Feau and Cie has supplied architects, designers, and museums with period paneling since 1875. Featuring documents, drawings, plaster models, panels, and antique boiserie rooms, its archive of 25,000 pieces--many from the eighteenth century and Art Deco era--is an unrivaled source of inspiration for re-creating heirloom spaces as well as for constructing spectacular contemporary pieces. Though the house remains best known for its magical historic rooms, it has collaborated with architects and decorators on original projects since its beginnings, and today's design greats--including Michael S. Smith, Brian J. McCarthy, and Robert Couturier, among others-- regularly call upon the firm for elaborate projects. In this first book of the firm's work, Feau and Cie reveals a selection of its most exceptional projects, from magnificent historical abodes to daring modern creations, including a palace in Tuscany and residences in Paris, London, New York, Malibu, and Atlanta. Dazzling images of finished interiors are accompanied by details of panels, doors, and decor, while exclusive photographs by lensman Robert Polidori explore the house's Parisian atelier. The unique savoir faire of joiners, sculptors, gilders, and painter-decorators shines through in this visual celebration of decorative masterpieces, which is bound to delight design masters and art lovers alike. Through his long and crowded life, polyglot designer Federico Forquet has been by turns a couturier who learned his craft at Balenciaga's side and whose creations for his eponymous house clothed the best-dressed women of the day; a decorator of interiors of singular style and charm; a discriminating collector of rare and beautiful objects, furnishings, and pictures; and a creator of magical gardens. For the first time, the many worlds of this creative visionary are brought together in a richly illustrated celebration of style: from imagery of his lavish haute-couture gowns featured in 1960s and '70s Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and other fashionable publications and worn by trendsetters such as Marella Agnelli, Sophia Loren, and Diana Vreeland to picturesque scenes of verdant Tuscan gardens and opulent, old-world Roman villas and palazzos decorated by Forquet. Accompanied by insightful texts from the design world's authoritative voices, this inspiring and utterly enchanting tome will appeal to readers fascinated by fashion, social history, gardens, interior design, and Italian style. From New York to London, Paris to Monaco, the private residences of the greatest and most illustrious names in the art world boast some of the world's most outstanding collections. Antique masterpieces, modern chefs d'oeuvre, and contemporary creations are set against exquisite--and at times audacious--interiors exuding bold, unique style. A first of its kind, this elegant volume grants readers exclusive access to these houses and gives life to enthralling contrasts, echoes, and unexpected dialogues by juxtaposing unparalleled art collections with interiors designed by the most renowned names, such as Peter Marino, Francois Marcq, Jacques Grange, and Toshiko Mori. The result is a gallery of striking beauty, most of which is revealed to the public eye for the very first time and captured by photographer Jean-Francois Jaussaud. Demirdjian's texts guide the reader through these private spaces, while excerpts from exclusive interviews with some of the spaces' owners, such as Dominique Levy, Brett Gorvy, Almine Rech, Barbara Gladstone, Kamel Mennour, and Axel and May Vervoordt, enrich this volume. Spanish landscape designer Fernando Caruncho has spent over four decades impressing the world with his breathtaking garden designs, which create a perfect union of architectural design within nature. His sources of inspiration are as diverse as Islamic design, Zen Buddhism, and European Classicism, and the control of light, geometrical scale, and use of local materials are key principles of his design approach. In this book, Caruncho personally curates a selection of twenty-six of his international garden projects ranging from private residences to large agricultural estates and public spaces, including a vineyard in Italy, a private garden in Biarritz, France, and an expansive estate in New Jersey. Caruncho gives readers a glimpse at his creative thought process through inspirational images, ephemera, and selections from his sketches. Rattan evokes the glamour and exoticism of the Riviera, grand yachts, and tropical verandas. It appeared in Impressionist paintings, and dazzling celebrities like Marilyn Monroe and Gina Lollobrigida were photographed lounging on it. Now, rattan is regaining its allure and becoming increasingly fashionable in interior design and fashion spreads--a reflection of beauty, craftsmanship, and sustainability. Heywood-Wakefield furniture from the nineteenth century is highly collectible, as are pieces created by giants of modern design such as Josef Hoffmann for Thonet, Josef Frank for Svenskt Tenn, Jean-Michel Frank for Ecart, Renzo Mongiardino for Bonacina, and Arne Jacobsen for Sika. Paul Frankl and Donald Deskey designed sleek Art Deco rattan furniture. Rattan pieces have become iconic and highly prized, including Hiroomi Tahara's Wrap Sofa, Franca Helg's Primavera Chair, and the many iterations of the Peacock Chair. The glamour of rattan shines through in seductive and beautiful interiors--Madeleine Castaing's house in Chartres, Michael Taylor's California beach houses, the Titanic's Cafe Parisien. The book also showcases tastemakers who have embraced rattan, from Marella Agnelli and Cecil Beaton to design leaders of today, including Jeffrey Bilhuber, Veere Grenney, Axel Vervoordt, and Bunny Williams. This exquisite book showcases the stunning properties of the world's leading design connoisseurs, including Jasper Conran, Lynn Guinness, Vanessa Branson, and Helen and Brice Marden, who have transformed Marrakesh's exotic style into unexpected but elegant expressions. The story of design in Marrakesh begins with the contributions of Bill Willis, Yves Saint Laurent, and Pierre Berge, who fearlessly fused Moroccan elements--zellige tilework, rugs, pottery, fountains, woodwork, metalwork, and tadelakt wall treatments--with a luxuriant mix of furnishings from around the world. We are invited into such lush private places as the gardens of the Villa Oasis, designed by Madison Cox, and the Bulgaris' tranquil riad. Full of personal insights, Loum-Martin explores how international design-savvy individuals continue to incorporate such exuberant designs in their work. Today's Marrakesh style appeals to a wide variety of tastes--from formal to quirky, from rustic to refined--and is suitable for diverse settings. Eco-friendly materials, including earthenware and natural fibers, contribute to these appealing interiors and gardens. Superbly photographed, Inside Marrakesh abounds with a wealth of unique design ideas. The great appeal of Spanish Style homes lies in their aura of romance and drama, a sense of story, of magic, as well as in their very comfortable and engaging proportions and the great livability of the interior spaces. Deep shadow, arched doorways, trickling courtyard fountains, climbing bougainvillea on wrought-iron window grilles, wood-beamed ceilings, and white-plaster walls are all hallmarks of the style. Here, through a celebration of contemporary and historic homes in Southern California, as well as existing historic precedents in Andalusia, Spain--most notably the intricatedly detailed Casa de Pilatos in Seville and the Alhambra of Granada--The Spanish Style House presents the definitive picture of the style as it exists today. Featured homes include the George Washington Smith-designed Casa Blanca--a fantasy made real in stone and stucco replete with the romance of old Morocco in its horseshoe arches, its domes, and evocative tile murals--and a Marc Appleton-designed beach house in Del Mar, California, which is a dream on the sea and an eloquent testament to the virtues of the style for today. Native Houstonians Lucas and Eilers's aesthetic marries the entrepreneurial, can-do spirit of the West with Southern grace. The distinctive influences of their hometown--from the architecture of John Staub to the textures and color palettes of the surrounding Texas ranches and expansive landscapes to the impact of futuristic NASA--infuse their design choices. Whether traditional, contemporary, or transitional in style, the rooms they create are timeless. The duo's seasoned insight into the principles and elements of interior design forms the book's heart. Touching on such topics as scale and proportion, color and light, and pattern and texture, they explore their pragmatic, imaginative approach to creating expressive living spaces in a diverse range of projects from coast to coast. They then tour us through several homes, including a comfortable family ski compound in Utah with repurposed rough-hewn wooden beams and custom forged-steel fireplace surrounds; a Houston shotgun home rich with patina; and a charming Gulf Coast beach house. For those passionate about interiors, this wealth of design fundamentals is inspirational. The sensibility of interior design firm Nickey Kehoe ranges from minimal to maximal, quiet to baroque, but always seeks to express the ephemeral feeling of a space. Designers Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe are fascinated by how a room can come together to express its own persona, as though the design just happened. Describing themselves as object-obsessed observers, Nickey and Kehoe pay keen attention to their clients' passions, preferences, and beloved pieces, juxtaposing elements and styles in deceptively simple ways. The result is interior design that appears as if it were a personal collection randomly put together, when in fact it is the product of their very mindful curating. Nickey Kehoe's studied but unfussy design is elegant but never staid, proud but humble, full of detail but resplendent with negative space. And then they add a bit of the unexpected--a combination of layered patterns and palettes, different time periods, humorous gestures, clever lighting--any element that keeps their impeccable sense of balance from becoming predictable or formulaic. This collection of residential interiors is for the curious, for lovers of studied but unfussy design, and for those who appreciate being surrounded by beautiful things with a story to tell. Nicole Hollis's approach to contemporary living is to create timeless interiors that blend seamlessly with the environment. Featured is a wide range of residences in city, country, and coastal settings that masterfully mix the simplicity of line with organic complexity to create refined spaces. A striking home in the Marin County town of Tiburon features natural materials and dramatic touches that embrace the property's sweeping views of the San Francisco Bay. A Kona Coast property set on a lava field reimagines a Hawaiian open-plan sanctuary with a modern design scheme of rich textures, including lava-basalt floor tiles and coral wall blocks. Michele Oka Doner's lighting employs the shape of Kiawe tree branches. A San Francisco pied-a-terre is an elegant contrast study in black and white, infused with historical nuances. These curated spaces are comprised of art, found objects, and bespoke furnishings that underscore Nicole's appreciation of texture, craft, and nature. The fascinating story of this business starts in the small village of Pella, on the shores of Lake Orta, in northern Italy, yet its high-end design products created by the best-known designers, including Piero Lissoni, Michael Anastassiades, Matteo Thun, Antonio Rodriguez, Vincent Van Duysen, Naoto Fukasawa, and Paik Sun Kim, went on to travel the world in an international circuit. Water is the common thread running through the whole book. This is the water of Lake Orta, found in the images of great photographers such as Gianni Basso, Franco Fontana, Giorgio Lotti, Gabriele Basilico, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Ferdinando Scianna, Gabriele Croppi, and Walter Zerla, who have interpreted it over time at the invitation of Fantini. However, water is also the main element of the jewellike taps produced by the company, small everyday masterpieces that bring it to our homes, renewing this great magic every day. This book takes the reader through Estel's history from the future to the past, working backward in five major phases of the company's progress. These phases are related through various illustrations, best called dioramas, covering double spreads that fold out, making four full-size pages. Especially created for the book by Pierluigi Longo, these dioramas emerge like modern-day frescoes in which the leading figures of the business world can be observed, along with the production panorama and market environment around them. They represent a sort of visualized concept that not only illustrates and tracks a path through the book, but also lends it concept and structure. The texts that follow each theme-diorama pivot successively on the company philosophy, the protagonists, the products, and a brief text classifying the furniture-manufacturing sector itself. Hence, the tale unfolds on two fronts simultaneously, interweaving the company's history with the ongoing developments in the sector and in methods of production. This volume offers beautifully photographed and printed views of these sumptuous carpets in rooms designed by some of the world's leading interior designers. The carpets have been collected by luminaries in the design, fashion, and art worlds including curators Mark Rosenthal and Allan Schwartzman, Joseph Ettedgui, founder of the Joseph brand, Pierre Alexis-Dumas, creative director of Hermes, and celebrities such as Steve Martin, Madonna, and Brad Pitt, among others. Experience the highs and humorous lows of Davis and Provisor's adventures in Asia as they track down the best in materials and craftsmanship, as well as the most authentic cuisine in each region. Specializing in retail and hotel design, Virgile + Partners is a key global player with a wide scope of international projects, from luxury retail, restaurants, and hotel interiors to department stores and malls. The agency has works across the United States, India, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, the Middle East, China, and Russia, as well as extensive work throughout Europe and the UK. Virgile + Partners' approach to global design is to decode and absorb various cultures, avoiding classic reinterpretations by presenting an unexpected twist to traditions and conventions. As a result, the diversity between each project avoids a uniform response and instead sparks a desire to communicate the individuality of each brand's vision, as well as to bring their values to life. The book's narrative structure gives a clear insight into the essence of the work shown. It offers a glimpse into the making-of process and the backstage thinking that inspired the ideas, not just the aesthetic vocabulary, that led to the final design outcome. This is the story in pictures of a dimension of living that differs from every other. While there have been attempts to create a philosophy of interior design, there has rarely been an effort to discover the soul of furniture and objects. That is what Paolo Roversi has tried to do with his camera in these pages, which are devoted to Poliform, the Italian company that has successfully transformed ancient Italian artisanal traditions into contemporary furniture. By using what have always been his raw materials--time, light, space--Roversi leads us on a photographic journey to the middle of the Poliform universe, helping us to relive the company's story and capture the mysterious, unmistakable soul that makes the surfaces and volumes of its objects vibrate. A virtuoso of volumes and a master of light, Brussels-based architect Olivier Dwek shapes buildings and interiors that are inhabited by a timeless aura. Fluid lines and varied perspectives define monumental structures, enhancing details and contemporary art pieces in both private and public spaces, all imbued with serene elegance. Ranging from Greek vacation homes to Parisian townhouses, this volume celebrates the refined approach that marks Dwek's style while taking the reader on a journey across Europe and the world. Vibrant photographs showcase Dwek's fascination with textures and new uses for materials developed in collaboration with artists and artisans. His skilled use of light, his innate sense of symmetry, and his effortless merging of architectural elements with design details are all apparent in this volume. With texts by architecture expert Philip Jodidio, this printed journey through Dwek's buildings and interiors is bound to seduce architecture connoisseurs and curious spirits alike. Visit Los Angeles with a photographer who knows how to get the lighting right to highlight the spectacular architecture of the city. Stylish museums, such as the Broad, and a flourishing Arts District illustrate the explosive art scene, while Hollywood's Chateau Marmont and the historic Beverly Hills neighborhood add a chic dynamism. Across town, Culver City, home to the tech industry, features blocks of futuristic architecture by Eric Owen Moss. The modernist homes by Richard Neutra and John Lautner, as well as Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House, are shown against dramatic backdrops of sky and sea. The visual sweep of this oversize book also encompasses the Los Angeles of film and television. Los Angeles is a city of dreams, and Los Angeles Today is a glorious portrait of the city in its infinite variety. From a ranch in the U.S. and a Finnish farmstead to a Spanish hacienda and Australian outback home, Stables is a celebration of horses and their extraordinary lodgings. International in scope, ranging from traditional to contemporary in flavor, these stables--built of wood, metal, and stone--are exemplars of the finest taste in design. The allure of housing horses is a story of architecture, design, landscape, and a unique way of living in magnificent places--and spaces--that are made exclusively for horses and for those who love them. The book also explores indoor and outdoor arenas, paddocks, and gardens, providing a humane face to the otherwise functional buildings. Social spaces for the horses, riders, and visitors also play an important role in filling out the projects, making stables not just places for sport but also for entertainment and leisure. There is a beauty here that reflects the majesty of these animals, the distinctive landscapes in which they are set, and the creative visions of the owners, architects, and designers who have all brought them into being. Beautifully photographed, the book is sure to interest horse aficionados as well as all those interested in engaging, clean, human-scaled design. Throughout their twenty-five-year commitment to modern design, Barnes Coy Architects have specialized in one-of-a-kind dream houses designed for those who prefer to live in highly spatial and modern ways. Assembled in Light is the first exclusive look at this firm's previously unpublished body of high-end residential work. These leisure homes gleam in the sun like sleek, finely tuned machines. Everything has been custom designed, custom made, custom treated. The houses are tastefully furnished with one-of-a-kind artisanal pieces (by Wendell Castle, Chris Lehrecke, etc.) and museum-quality collections of contemporary art hanging on the walls (such as works by Anselm Kiefer, Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, and Cindy Sherman). They feature infinity pools, outdoor and indoor kitchens, roof decks, temperature-controlled wine cellars, and numerous guest rooms, as well as ten-foot-high doorways and floor-to-ceiling swathes of tempered glass to better gaze out at the dunes and ocean views. The new photography beautifully captures the architects' attention to detail and love of specialized materials, whether it's Carrara marble from Italy or teak from Bali. While most of the houses are located in the Hamptons in New York, a few are found as far afield as Costa Rica, California, Georgia, and Westchester County. All but three homes were built on commanding waterfront sites. In 2012, Danish architect Lise Juel completed the restoration of fellow Dane Jorn Utzon's magnificent residence on the Spanish island of Mallorca, known as Can Lis. Uncovering Utzon is a series of pensees by Juel describing the process of restoring the beloved architect's unique and magnificent construction for the Utzon Foundation. Accompanying Juel's evocative account are the equally evocative images of the house by eminent architectural photographer Helene Binet. Known for her powerful black-and-white photographs of the work of the world's most important architects, past and present, Binet brings her unique eye to Can Lis to produce a breathtaking portrait of Utzon's spectacular, elemental masterpiece. Together, Juel's personal account and Binet's inimitable photography illustrate the undeniable power of this rough-hewn Modernist architectural landmark. Miguel Angel Aragones has gained international attention with his spectacular private residences and buildings throughout Mexico and beyond. This lavish volume features eleven of his stunning interiors and residences that show off his spare aesthetics and sophisticated principles of all-white, uncluttered interiors during the day that light up with cinematic neon colors at night. Considered an important member of the Mexican and Latin American architectural vanguard, Aragones is known for his modernist sensibilities and creative use of lighting. Aragones has a knack for creating harmonious spaces in overwrought environments. Rombo is a series of private houses located in a central, tree-lined neighborhood in Mexico City, which light up with color bursts of neon to transform the properties from day to night. Mar Adentro is a luxury resort in Cabo San Lucas that adopts his principles with an archipelago of stark white cubes fanning toward the horizon and various platforms connected by paths that appear to float on mirrored saltwater pools. This dual-language volume will appeal to those interested in greats such as Legorreta and Barragan, as well as the Latin American school of modernism. Koichi Takada is part of a new generation of architects striving to bring nature back into the urban environment--an approach he developed after living in Tokyo, New York, and London. His architecture reconnects people to the natural environment, drawing inspiration from organic forms and local contexts. This elegant volume