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The American University in Cairo Press Kallimni ‘Arabi fi Kull Haaga: A Higher Advanced Course in Spoken Egyptian Arabic 5
The complete series of innovative new coursebooks in Egyptian colloquial ArabicAimed at the growing number of students studying Arabic worldwide, the Kallimni ‘Arabi series takes an innovative, functional approach to the study of Egyptian colloquial Arabic—the spoken dialect most frequently studied and most widely understood in the Arab world. Kallimni ‘Arabi Mazboot, the fourth book in the series, is designed for adult students at the early advanced stage of learning the language.Drawing on her years of experience as an Arabic instructor, author Samia Louis has developed a course rich in everyday cultural content and real-life functional language as well as comprehensive grammar. Written in accordance with the ACTFL guidelines for teaching Arabic as a foreign language, this highly structured course trains students in the crucial skills, with emphasis on listening and speaking.Each chapter includes a conversation unit that enables students to improve their communication skills and allows for progressive acquisition of vocabulary and grammar through interactive classroom tasks and everyday situations, from expressing personal likes and dislikes to initiating conversations and describing events and experiences. The associated audio files have recordings of each chapter’s dialogues and exercises, made by native Egyptian speakers to enrich the student’s exposure to the spoken language in its natural context and speed. The associated audiovisual files , both available online and as a CD, comprise a series of video programs entitled “People’s Opinions,” which further help the students to place colloquial Egyptian within context. “The books in the [Kallimni ‘Arabi] series altogether present the best Arabic textbooks available . . . miles ahead of most others.”—David Wilmsen, American University of Beirut
University Museum Publications The Gordion Excavations, 1950-1973: Final Reports Volume II; The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli Part 2 The Cremations
This volume contains the excavation report for 12 cremation burials from the Phrygian site of Gordion in central Anatolia. These tombs, dating from the later seventh century to the third quarter of the 6th century BCE, were excavated by The University Museum between 1950 and 1969, and by the German brothers Alfred and Gustav Körte in 1900. The processes for interment through construction of tumulus and cremation procedure are carefully detailed, followed by an analysis of associated finds. Two tumuli of the Hellenistic period, both covering stone chambers with inhumation burials within, are included in an appendix. Further appendices discuss other specific materials excavated from the cremation burials. A discussion of the contemporary inhumation and cremation tumulus burials at Gordion in the Phrygian period, highlighting their continuities and significant differences, forms part of the conclusion, as does discussion of sociocultural developments at Gordion between ca. 650-525 BCE as illuminated by the mortuary remains. The tumuli afford insights into questions related to gender, religion, adult/child identity, trade, social status, ethnicity, transcultural affiliations, ceramic developments, jewelry manufacture, high-status artifact display (including ivory), feasting behaviors, animal sacrifice, hero cult, and widespread "killing" of artifacts associated with the cremation burials. This entirely new publication of Gordion's tumuli makes available at last the elite cremation burials of the later Middle and early Late Phrygian (Achaemenid) periods excavated by The University Museum. By including the two Körte tumuli, it provides a complete assemblage of the cremation tumuli at Gordion. They afford remarkable new insights into life, death, and an elaborate system of value at Gordion during this most turbulent century.
Princeton University Press Strange Vernaculars: How Eighteenth-Century Slang, Cant, Provincial Languages, and Nautical Jargon Became English
How vocabularies once associated with outsiders became objects of fascination in eighteenth-century BritainWhile eighteenth-century efforts to standardize the English language have long been studied—from Samuel Johnson's Dictionary to grammar and elocution books of the period—less well-known are the era's popular collections of odd slang, criminal argots, provincial dialects, and nautical jargon. Strange Vernaculars delves into how these published works presented the supposed lexicons of the "common people" and traces the ways that these languages, once shunned and associated with outsiders, became objects of fascination in printed glossaries—from The New Canting Dictionary to Francis Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue—and in novels, poems, and songs, including works by Daniel Defoe, John Gay, Samuel Richardson, Robert Burns, and others.Janet Sorensen argues that the recognition and recovery of outsider languages was part of a transition in the eighteenth century from an aristocratic, exclusive body politic to a British national community based on the rhetoric of inclusion and liberty, as well as the revaluing of a common British past. These representations of the vernacular made room for the "common people" within national culture, but only after representing their language as "strange." Such strange and estranged languages, even or especially in their obscurity, came to be claimed as British, making for complex imaginings of the nation and those who composed it. Odd cant languages, witty slang phrases, provincial terms newly valued for their connection to British history, or nautical jargon repurposed for sentimental connections all toggle, in eighteenth-century jest books, novels, and poems, between the alluringly alien and familiarly British.Shedding new light on the history of the English language, Strange Vernaculars explores how eighteenth-century British literature transformed the patois attributed to those on the margins into living symbols of the nation.Examples of slang from Strange Vernaculars bum-boat woman: one who sells bread, cheese, greens, and liquor to sailors from a small boat alongside a ship collar day: execution day crewnting: groaning, like a grunting horse gentleman's companion: lice gingerbread-work: gilded carvings of a ship's bow and stern luggs: ears mort: a large amount thraw: to argue hotly and loudly
Princeton University Press Strange Vernaculars: How Eighteenth-Century Slang, Cant, Provincial Languages, and Nautical Jargon Became English
How vocabularies once associated with outsiders became objects of fascination in eighteenth-century Britain While eighteenth-century efforts to standardize the English language have long been studied--from Samuel Johnson's Dictionary to grammar and elocution books of the period--less well-known are the era's popular collections of odd slang, criminal argots, provincial dialects, and nautical jargon. Strange Vernaculars delves into how these published works presented the supposed lexicons of the "common people" and traces the ways that these languages, once shunned and associated with outsiders, became objects of fascination in printed glossaries--from The New Canting Dictionary to Francis Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue--and in novels, poems, and songs, including works by Daniel Defoe, John Gay, Samuel Richardson, Robert Burns, and others. Janet Sorensen argues that the recognition and recovery of outsider languages was part of a transition in the eighteenth century from an aristocratic, exclusive body politic to a British national community based on the rhetoric of inclusion and liberty, as well as the revaluing of a common British past. These representations of the vernacular made room for the "common people" within national culture, but only after representing their language as "strange." Such strange and estranged languages, even or especially in their obscurity, came to be claimed as British, making for complex imaginings of the nation and those who composed it. Odd cant languages, witty slang phrases, provincial terms newly valued for their connection to British history, or nautical jargon repurposed for sentimental connections all toggle, in eighteenth-century jest books, novels, and poems, between the alluringly alien and familiarly British. Shedding new light on the history of the English language, Strange Vernaculars explores how eighteenth-century British literature transformed the patois attributed to those on the margins into living symbols of the nation. Examples of slang from Strange Vernaculars * bum-boat woman: one who sells bread, cheese, greens, and liquor to sailors from a small boat alongside a ship * collar day: execution day * crewnting: groaning, like a grunting horse * gentleman's companion: lice * gingerbread-work: gilded carvings of a ship's bow and stern * luggs: ears * mort: a large amount * thraw: to argue hotly and loudly
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Global Warming
Tom Tietenberg, one of the leading economists working in the field of environmental economics has edited a collection of the most important articles and papers on global warming, which poses major challenges to our economic and political institutions. In this authoritative volume, leading economists bring unusual clarity and insight to the process of understanding these challenges and meets them with pragmatic solutions.Specific topics include: modelling and responding to the unique types of risks posed by global warming; estimating the cost of control and damages from global warming, as well as deriving optimum solutions; debating the appropriate role for discounting; estimating the value of information to reduce the uncertainty; and examining the issues associated with the use of two prominent policy approaches carbon taxes and transferable carbon permits.Few challenges pose a greater threat to our economic and political institutions than global warming. Uncertainty about the consequences of continued greenhouse gas emissions, the temporal and geographic separation of costs and benefits, the potentially enormous cost of making the wrong choices, and the necessity for (and the difficulties of) international cooperation all contribute to the complexity and the significance of the issue. In this book leading economists bring unusual clarity and insight to the process of understanding these challenges and meeting them with pragmatic solutions. Specific topics covered include: modeling and responding to the unique types of risks posed by global warming; estimating the costs of control and damages from discounting, estimating the value of information to reduce the uncertainty, and examining the issues associated with the use of the two most prominent policy approaches - carbon taxes and transferable carbon permits.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Merger Policy: Applying Domestic Law to International Markets
International Merger Policy offers a compelling comparative assessment of domestic and regional merger laws and procedures. Identifying important areas of convergence and emerging best practice, it considers existing levels of international cooperation and highlights the key costs associated with transnational merger review before evaluating possible mechanisms by which they might be reduced.Presenting a holistic comparative treatment of competition law merger regulation and a discussion of policy justifications for merger regulation, this authoritative study tackles the significant challenge of how the costs and conflicts associated with overlapping applications of national merger regimes should be managed. It provides an assessment of areas of convergence and emerging best practice in the national and transnational treatment of mergers, as well as of the state of cooperation and comity in the treatment of transnational mergers. Finally, it offers an evaluation of costs and benefits of the current system of transnational merger regulation, in addition to an examination of proposals for reducing the existing cost burden.The book examines emerging best practice and evaluates the merits of various reform proposals, thus will be of great use to policy makers and competition agencies. It also provides a useful rounded review of key issues surrounding merger policy and practice. Therefore, this book is ideal for researchers and students in this field.Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Framework for Merger Law and Policy 3. Substantive Merger Law 4. Merger Review Procedure 5. Merger Remedies 6. Extraterritorial Application of National Laws 7. The Role of Comity and Cooperation 8. The Cost of Transnational Merger Regulation 9. Proposals for Rationalization 10. Conclusion and Proposals for Reform Index
Hodder Education OCR A Level History: England 1485–1603
Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: HistoryFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016This is an OCR endorsed resourceBuild strong subject knowledge and skills in A Level History using the in-depth analysis and structured support in this tailor-made series for OCR's British period studies and enquiries.- Develops the analytical skills required to succeed in the period study by organising the narrative content around the key issues for students to explore- Enhances understanding of the chosen historical period, supplying a wealth of extracts and sources that offer opportunities to practise the evaluative skills needed for the enquiry- Progressively improves study skills through developmental activities and advice on answering practice exam questions- Helps students to review, revise and reflect on the course material through chapter summaries and revision activities that consolidate topic knowledge- Equips students with transferable critical thinking skills, presenting contrasting academic opinions that encourage A Level historians to make informed judgements on major debatesEach title in the OCR A Level History series contains one or two British period studies and its associated enquiry, providing complete support for every option in Unit Group 1.England 1485-1603This title explores the reigns of the Tudor monarchs from Henry VII to Elizabeth I through two British period studies and one enquiry. It allows an in-depth understanding of the key historical knowledge, terms and concepts relevant to the period studied and encourages the critical use of evidence in investigating and assessing historical questions in the associated enquiry: 'Mid Tudor Crises 1547-1558'.This title covers the following period studies and enquiry:- England 1485-1547- Mid Tudor Crises 1547-1558- Elizabethan England
John Wiley & Sons Inc Large Ions: Their Vaporization, Detection and Structural Analysis
Recent advances in both experimental techniques and theoretical methodologies have meant that increasingly sophisticated studies concerning the formation, structures, energetics and reaction dynamics of state- or energy-selected molecular ions can now be performed. In order to better serve the ion chemistry and physics community, each volume of this series is dedicated to reviewing a specific topic, emphasizing new experimental and theoretical developments in the study of ions. The Wiley Series in Ion Chemistry and Physics will help stimulate new research directions and point to future opportunities in the field of ion chemistry and physics. This volume, the sixth in the series, concentrates on the area of large ions. The production, detection and analysis of large ions are areas which have taken on great importance in recent years, in particular in the biomedical and biochemical fields. The understanding of large ions presents unique and formidable challenges which are very different from those associated with the study of small ions. This volume focuses on some of the fundamental chemistry and physics associated with the behavior of large ions, with the contributors addressing the issues in a quantitative fashion, in order to elucidate clearly some of the key recent advances which have taken place. As such, Large Ions: Their Vaporization, Detection and Structural Analysis provides an excellent snapshot of current research in this fascinating and important area. The six chapters are written by some of the leading experts in the field, and together they will be of great interest to experts and newcomers, both of whom will benefit from the in-depth discussion of the latest methods and results.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense: Biomedical Value in Health and Diseases
This book represents current findings on the impact of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of diseases and underlying mechanisms of antioxidants influencing health and disease processes. The book is divided into seven sections that describe how antioxidants defend oxidative stress-mediated diseases as well as recent developments, future opportunities, and challenges. Sections 1 analyses the role of oxidative stress in aging and associated diseases as well as the use of antioxidants in health maintenance, preventing and repairing injuries caused by oxidative stress. Section 2 represents the status of various antioxidants in cigarette smoking and antioxidant defense against exercise-induced oxidative stress. Section 3 focuses on the effect of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration and the existing status of antioxidant therapy. Section 4 covers the impact of oxidative stress at different levels of chronic degenerative diseases, as well as treatment with antioxidants to revert and diminish the cellular injury. Section 5 offers the importance of antioxidants in abating the pathological processes involved in hypertension and stroke. Section 6 presents the complexity associated with oxidative stress and metabolic disorders as well as the potential of antioxidants used in amelioration of related pathologies. Section 7 discusses the antioxidant defense against oxidative stress-mediated erectile dysfunctions and the significance of antioxidants in pregnancy. The book represents the copious set of specific research updates and diaphanous understanding of oxidative stress-mediated cellular damages and role of antioxidants in disease processes from experienced and eminent academicians, researchers, and scientists from throughout the world. Suitable for professionals, academicians, students, researchers, scientists and industrialists around the world in the biomedical, health, and life science fields.
CABI Publishing Tourism in European Microstates and Dependencies: Geopolitics, Scale and Resource Limitations
Tourism in European Microstates and Dependencies carefully examines the nuances and realities associated with tourism, social and economic development, geography, and geopolitics of Europe's smallest microstates and dependencies. Through case study-based material, the book covers the smallest states of Europe, the European dependencies inside Europe, and other unique territorial anomalies and unrecognized de facto states. It looks at how, besides small size and economy of scale, one of the characteristics that connects these unique states and territories is their dependence on tourism, or their desire to develop it, for their socio-economic well-being. This book provides a thorough overview of tourism-related challenges and opportunities associated with smallness/scale, limited population size, economic development, cross-border cooperation (dependency) with larger neighbour states, relationships with the European Union, geopolitical challenges, questions of sovereignty, vulnerability, and touristic importance on the world stage. It provides a comprehensive examination of the smallest states and state-like entities in Europe. It examines the social, economic, and political importance of tourism in some of the smallest countries and territories in the world. It is the first book of its kind to look systematically at small, yet extremely important, areas of Europe from tourism, socio-economic, and geopolitical perspectives. Coverage includes Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, the Vatican City, Åland, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, the Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Svalbard, Llívia, Campione d'Italia, Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, as well as several other enclaves, autonomous areas, and unrecognized 'micro-nations'. This book will be an invaluable resource for post-graduate students and research scholars in the areas of tourism, geography, political science, and European studies.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Saxonism and the Idea of Englishness in Eighteenth-Century Britain
The importance of the Anglo-Saxon past to England in the eighteenth century, politically and culturally, is here brought out. A valuable addition to both our understanding of Anglo-Saxonism, and of eighteenth-century culture. Eloquently written, the book will be the key reference for any future understanding of the way in which eighteenth-century culture received the Anglo-Saxon period. David Matthews, Professor of Medieval and Medievalism Studies, University of Manchester. Long before they appeared in the pages of Ivanhoe and nineteenth-century Old English scholarship, the Anglo-Saxons had become commonplace in Georgian Britain. The eighteenth century - closely associated with Neoclassicism and the Gothic and Celtic revivals - also witnessed the emergence of intertwined scholarly and popular Anglo-Saxonisms that helped to define what it meant to be English. This book explores scholarly Anglo-Saxon studies and imaginative Anglo-Saxonism during a century not normally associated with either. Early in the century, scholars and politicians devised a rhetoric of Anglo-Saxon inheritance in response to the Hanoverian succession, and participants in Britain's burgeoning antiquarian culture adopted simultaneously affective and scientific approaches to Anglo-Saxon remains. Patriotism, imagination and scholarship informed the writing of Enlightenment histories that presented England, its counties and its towns as Anglo-Saxon landscapes. Those same histories encouraged English readers to imagine themselves as the descendants of Anglo-Saxon ancestors - as did history paintings, book illustrations, poetry and drama that brought the Anglo-Saxon past to life. Drawing together these strands of scholarly and popular medievalism, this book identifies Anglo-Saxonism as a multifaceted, celebratory and inclusive idea of Englishness at work in eighteenth-century Britain.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F
A thorough revision that provides a clear understanding of the basic principles of microcontrollers using C programming and PIC18F assembly language This book presents the fundamental concepts of assembly language programming and interfacing techniques associated with typical microcontrollers. As part of the second edition's revisions, PIC18F assembly language and C programming are provided in separate sections so that these topics can be covered independent of each other if desired. This extensively updated edition includes a number of fundamental topics. Characteristics and principles common to typical microcontrollers are emphasized. Interfacing techniques associated with a basic microcontroller such as the PIC18F are demonstrated from chip level via examples using the simplest possible devices, such as switches, LEDs, Seven-Segment displays, and the hexadecimal keyboard. In addition, interfacing the PIC18F with other devices such as LCD displays, ADC, and DAC is also included. Furthermore, topics such as CCP (Capture, Compare, PWM) and Serial I/O using C along with simple examples are also provided. Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive and self-contained book that emphasizes characteristics and principles common to typical microcontrollers. In addition, the text: Includes increased coverage of C language programming with the PIC18F I/O and interfacing techniques Provides a more detailed explanation of PIC18F timers, PWM, and Serial I/O using C Illustrates C interfacing techniques through the use of numerous examples, most of which have been implemented successfully in the laboratory This new edition of Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F is excellent as a text for undergraduate level students of electrical/computer engineering and computer science.
Princeton University Press Garden Insects of North America: The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Bugs - Second Edition
This second edition of Garden Insects of North America solidifies its place as the most comprehensive guide to the common insects, mites, and other "bugs" found in the backyards and gardens of the United States and Canada. Featuring 3,300 full-color photos and concise, detailed text, this fully revised book covers the hundreds of species of insects and mites associated with fruits and vegetables, shade trees and shrubs, flowers and ornamental plants, and turfgrass--from aphids and bumble bees to leafhoppers and mealybugs to woollybears and yellowjacket wasps--and much more. This new edition also provides a greatly expanded treatment of common pollinators and flower visitors, the natural enemies of garden pests, and the earthworms, insects, and other arthropods that help with decomposing plant matter in the garden. Designed to help you easily identify what you find in the garden, the book is organized by where insects are most likely to be seen--on leaves, shoots, flowers, roots, or soil. Photos are included throughout the book, next to detailed descriptions of the insects and their associated plants. An indispensable guide to the natural microcosm in our backyards, Garden Insects of North America continues to be the definitive resource for amateur gardeners, insect lovers, and professional entomologists. * Revised and expanded edition covers most of the insects, mites, and other "bugs" one may find in yards or gardens in the United States and Canada--all in one handy volume* Features more than 3,300 full-color photos, more than twice the illustrations of the first edition * Concise, informative text organized to help you easily identify insects and the plant injuries that they may cause
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Shema and The First Commandment in First Corinthians: An Intertextual Approach to Paul's Re-reading of Deuteronomy
Erik Waaler takes a somewhat modified intertextual approach to the relationship between Jewish monotheism and Pauline Christology. His focus is on Paul's Christological reuse of Shema in 1Cor 8:1-6. He argues that the statement "there is no God but one" (8:4a) is a combined echo of Shema and the First Commandment, and that v. 4a might be associated with the Second Commandment. This fits with Paul's constant use of Deuteronomy in 1Cor 5-10. Admittedly first century non-Christian Jews did not use the term one about other beings together with the one God, thus combined phrases such as 'one God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ' are without Jewish parallels. Apart from this Christological twist, Paul's reuse of such phrases is in line with Jewish custom. He uses phrases like one God and one Lord as arguments for unity, although he speaks of unity in the Church. In the Old Testament, themes like God's fatherhood and His oneness are associated with creation and salvation. Paul echoes this, but when Shema let the phrase 'one Lord' signify Yahweh, Paul let it signify Jesus, who like Yahweh is contrasted to the idols. Additionally, both Shema and 1Cor 8:1-3 speak of love directed at God. The Christological twist is supported by Paul's Christological re-interpretation of the divine epithet the Rock (Deut 32). In the context, Paul makes membership in the Christian in-group dependent on the confession: "Jesus is Lord." Erik Waaler concludes that Paul in 1Cor 8:1-6 sustains a relatively high Christology. Paul achieves this effect by a contextual and binitarian re-reading of Shema.
Wolters Kluwer Health Multiple Sclerosis for the Non-Neurologist
Recent rapid changes in the field of multiple sclerosis management have made the task of staying well-informed a challenge for neurologists, and even more so for other healthcare practitioners who are involved in symptom evaluation and treatment. Multiple Sclerosis for the Non-Neurologist is an up-to-date resource for physicians, residents, fellows, and others who care for patients with MS. It contains authoritative information on all aspects of this complex disease, including monitoring requirements for patients with MS, potential risks and adverse events of disease modifying or symptomatic therapies, and possible drug interactions and contraindications of medications. Contains up-to-date guidance for healthcare providers in any field who are likely to encounter problems associated with MS, including internal medicine, emergency medicine, urology, ophthalmology, dermatology, podiatry, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and more. Presents expert, multidisciplinary views and experience from prominent specialists on everything from public health issues associated with the disease; to MRI findings in MS; to issues encountered in surgery and pain management, dental care, and identification of services for patients and their families. Covers visual dysfunction, obesity and MS, bladder in the MS patient, cognitive function and mood disorders, MS in adolescents and children, exercise prescription, comprehensive care and nursing, palliative care, and much more. Outlines the epidemiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and basic immunology of MS. Facilitates optimal comprehensive care for patients and their families, helping those with MS live longer, more active lives. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Yale University Press With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in American Art 1972–1985
A timely and expansive survey of a groundbreaking American art movement that overturned aesthetic hierarchies in a riot of color and ornamentation The Pattern and Decoration movement emerged in the 1970s as an embrace of long-dismissed art forms associated with the decorative. Pioneering artists such as Miriam Schapiro (1923–2015), Joyce Kozloff (b. 1942), Robert Kushner (b. 1949), and others appropriated patterns, frequently from non-Western decorative arts, to produce intricate, often dizzying or gaudy designs in media ranging from painting, sculpture, and collage to ceramics, installation art, and performance. This dazzling book showcases an astonishing array of works by more than 40 artists from across the United States, examining the movement’s defiant adoption of art forms traditionally viewed as feminine, craft-based, or otherwise inferior to fine art. In addition to offering an overview of the Pattern and Decoration movement as it is commonly recognized, this volume considers artists of the period who are not typically associated with the movement. Rethinking the significance of patterns and the decorative in postwar American art, this panoramic view provides new insights into abstraction, feminism, and installation art. Essays explore the movement’s feminist methods and values, including Miriam Schapiro’s “femmage” practice; its impact on contemporary abstract painting; and its relationship to postmodern architecture and design. Artist biographies, an exhibition history, and reprints of historically significant writings further establish With Pleasure as the most expansive publication on the subject.Published in association with The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los AngelesExhibition Schedule:Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (October 27, 2019–May 11, 2020)Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College (June 26–November 28, 2021)
Project Management Institute Process Groups (Spanish Edition): A Practice Guide
Need help on how to get work done using traditional project management practices? Then, Process Groups: A Practice Guide is the right supplemental guide for you. This important companion to, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), offers useful and practical guidance for a predictive approach to project management practices. This practice guide influences your way of working, ensuring you are equipped with the information you need to succeed in this changing profession.What's in the guide? You'll find a process-based project management approach for guiding your projects, aligning methodologies, and evaluating project management capabilities. This guide uses a popular Process Groups model that will help you with: Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring and Controlling Closing In addition, you will learn about 49 processes within these five process groups along with inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs associated with those processes. This practice guide shows the processes considered good practices on most projects, most of the time.
Not Stated The Familiar Dark
One of Publishers Weekly''s Best Books of 2020 (Mystery/Thriller)From its gripping beginning to its sobering finale, Amy Engel''s The Familiar Dark never fails to enthrall with surprising twists.–Associated PressA spellbinding story of a mother with nothing left to lose who sets out on an all-consuming quest for justice after her daughter is murdered on the town playground. Sometimes the answers are worse than the questions. Sometimes it''s better not to know. Set in the poorest part of the Missouri Ozarks, in a small town with big secrets, The Familiar Dark opens with a murder. Eve Taggert, desperate with grief over losing her daughter, takes it upon herself to find out the truth about what happened. Eve is no stranger to the dark side of life, having been raised by a hard-edged mother whose lessons Eve tried not to pass on to her own daughter. But Eve may need her mother''s cruel brand of strength if she'
Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott NCLEX-RN Pharmacology Review
Lippincott® Pharmacology Review for NCLEX-RN® Rebecca Hill, DNP, RN, FNP-C, CNE and Emily J. Sheff, MS, FNP-BC, CMSRN Master the Pharmacology Concepts You’ll Encounter on Your Licensure Exam! Reinforce your understanding and ready yourself for success with this comprehensive review of critical pharmacology content covered on the NCLEX-RN®. Lippincott® Pharmacology Review for NCLEX-RN® summarizes core medication classes and their associated conditions in an easy-to-use format accompanied by ample practice questions to help you excel on your exams and make a confident transition to clinical practice. Streamlined, bulleted format reinforces key information at a glance. NCLEX-style review questions test your retention of essential concepts and familiarize you with the exam experience. Detailed answer key offers instant remediation including full rationales, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels and Client Need categories for each question. Free 7-day Lippincott® PassPoint trial provides personalized, adaptive online test preparation to enhance your test-taking confidence.
Little Genius Books Stories in the Sky: Constellations
The stars in the sky help scientists, and also point the way. Certain groups of stars tell a story, or tell us the month and day. For thousands of years, the stars have filled humankind with wonder. They have pointed the way, helped us tell time, and best of all, told us stories. Now, curious kids can explore the night sky with Stories in the Sky: Constellations. From Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Leo the Lion, Orion the Hunter, and more, ten of the most popular and easiest-to-find constellations in the night sky are featured with beautiful illustrations that show the stars in the constellation as well as a cute rendering of the animal or person it represents. The fun, rhyming text introduces the ancient Greek or Roman character most often associated with the constellation, and the fun facts on each spread include basic information about where and when to find each of them.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microfluidics
The recent development of microscale technologies makes it possible to design complex microsystems devoted to transport, dosing, mixing, analysis or even synthesis of fluids. Applications are numerous and exist in almost every industrial field, from biotechnology and healthcare to aeronautics and advanced materials manufacturing. Microfluidics is a relatively new research area, usually comprising work with microsystems and involving internal fluid flows with characteristic dimensions of the order of one micrometer (1 x 10 -6 m). This book provides engineers and researchers with a range of tools for modeling, experimenting on, and simulating these microflows, as a preliminary step in designing and optimizing fluidic microsystems. The various consequences of miniaturization on the hydrodynamics of gas, liquid or two-phase flows, as well as on associated heat transfer phenonema, are analyzed. The book is illustrated with examples that demonstrate the wide diversity of applications, and the breadth of novel uses of these fluidic microsystems.
The Experiment LLC The Healing Journal: Guided Prompts and Inspiration for Life with Illness
The Healing Journal is a dynamic, illustrated guided journal to empower those living with chronic illness to cope with the ways illness impacts daily life. It provides an outlet for readers to freely express their experiences related to illness and enables them to explore their own strength and resilience. Research suggests that writing expressively and sincerely about personal struggles and traumas improves physical health. Rooted in mindfulness and positive psychology, each of the 50 topics in this journal is explored through the pairing of an affirmation with relevant journaling prompts and a painted illustration inspired by the California wilderness.The writing prompts and affirmations in this journal will help the reader to: Cultivate an attitude of positivity and hope about their personal healing Develop strategies to cope with negative emotions associated with their illness Communicate their needs to friends, family, and coworkers Utilise mindfulness, positive psychology, and practices of gratitude to maintain a healthy emotional state
Rizzoli International Publications The Wedding Dress: Newly Revised and Updated Collector's Edition
From Jacqueline Kennedy to Grace Kelly, Oleg Cassini s designs are synonymous with the world s most glamorous women. The same electrifying elegance resonates with his magnificently crafted bridal gowns. This book showcases a wide range of styles by such fashion luminaries as Cassini, Chanel, Dior, Armani, and McQueen, among others, featuring such notable photographers as Patrick Demarchelier, Benno Graziani, Horst, Arthur Elgort, Milton Greene, David LaChapelle, and Irving Penn who capture the effervescent spirit that is associated with the wedding dress. This volume begins with an overview of the sumptuous wedding gown, chronicling its history from royal weddings to today s celebrities and presents a variety of silhouettes from elegant Empire-style floor-length gowns to flirty short dresses and sophisticated suits. Also featured are some of the best weddings in the world, including celebrity, society, and high fashion weddings. This stylish look at the wedding dress is not only an essential resource for the bride-to-be but for everyone interested in fashion.
Rowman & Littlefield Poet and Audience in the Argonautica of Apollonius
In this innovative study of the Argonautica, Robert Albis examines structural elements of the text that recreate phenomena associated with composers and performers of epic much earlier in the Greek tradition. Such phenomena include the effect of divine inspiration on the performer, and the empathy thus created among the audience, performer, and characters of the poetry. Albis focuses on the invocations of the Argonautica, arguing that these passages reveal the poet's attempts to associate himself and the audience with the activity within the poem. Albis' approach to the Argonautica is important because it makes use of theoretical approaches to poetry while still concentrating on the place of the poet and epic poetry in contemporary Greek culture, and on the tradition the poet had inherited. This fascinating study, which includes analyses of the Homeric influence on Apollonius and Apollonius' influence on Virgil, will be of interest to scholars of ancient epic, Greek poetry, and Hellenistic Greek culture.
Lexington Books Homing Devices: The Poor as Targets of Public Housing Policy and Practice
Homing Devices is a collection of ethnographies that address the central problem affecting not only the United States but also other developed and developing nations around the globe-affordable housing. These ethnographies cut across national and cultural borders, offering a diverse look at housing policies and practices as well as addressing the problems associated with providing or obtaining affordable housing. The studies incorporate perspectives of both policymakers and recipients and as such provide comparative insight into public housing policy programs and practices based on qualitative research. The collected experts provide an analysis of such problems as displacement, resettlement, policy implementation, collaborative planning, exclusionary practices, environmental racism, and silencing the voices of dissent. Editors Schuller and thomas-houston have assembled a strong volume that offers a fresh approach to discussing policy while bringing the particular problem of housing to the forefront in a way that will appeal to scholars of anthropology and social science, governmental policy departments, and activists from the general public across the nation.
Random House USA Inc You Can Be a Doctor/You Can Be a Pet Vet (Barbie)
Double the fun with two Barbie You Can Be Step into Reading leveled readers in one!This deluxe Step into Reading book features two leveled readers in one! First, children ages 3-7, will love reading about Malibu and Brooklyn taking care of adorable puppies, kittens, and more in the Step 2 YOU CAN BE A PET VET. Then they can flip the book over and read about Malibu and Brooklyn assisting a doctor and nurse in the Step 2 YOU CAN BE A DOCTOR.Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.Since 1959, Barbie has shown girls that they can live their dreams. From an astronaut to a chef to a president, she knows that girls can do anything!BARBIE™ and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from, Mattel. ©2022 Mattel.
Random House USA Inc You Can Be a Doctor/You Can Be a Pet Vet (Barbie)
Double the fun with two Barbie You Can Be Step into Reading leveled readers in one!This deluxe Step into Reading book features two leveled readers in one! First, children ages 3-7, will love reading about Malibu and Brooklyn taking care of adorable puppies, kittens, and more in the Step 2 YOU CAN BE A PET VET. Then they can flip the book over and read about Malibu and Brooklyn assisting a doctor and nurse in the Step 2 YOU CAN BE A DOCTOR.Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.Since 1959, Barbie has shown girls that they can live their dreams. From an astronaut to a chef to a president, she knows that girls can do anything!BARBIE™ and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from, Mattel. ©2022 Mattel.
WW Norton & Co The United States Capitol: Its Architecture and Decoration
The U.S. Capitol, the building that houses the legislative branch of our government and a landmark that attracts 3-5 million visitors each year, has its origins in an architectural competition devised by George Washington. The winning design, submitted by William Thornton, combined "grandeur, simplicity, and convenience." Construction began in August 1793, but progress made during the following decade was less than satisfactory. English architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe was brought in by Thomas Jefferson in 1803 to oversee the work, which was finally completed under Charles Bulfinch in 1829. The U.S. Capitol is regarded by many as the finest example of classical architecture in America. This profusely illustrated book offers a detailed description of the building's exterior, its unsurpassed ornamentation, and the richness of its rooms. An illustrated glossary of architectural terms used and a section of brief biographies of persons associated with the Capitol are also provided as tools for the reader.
Hirmer Verlag Thomas Huber: On the Horizon
What is the place of painted pictures? What is their relevance? And what is their reality? Thomas Huber is an internationally acknowledged painter whose cool picture constructions, mostly devoid of humans, circle around these questions. In meticulously composed, surreal-looking scenarios he creates a world of paradox combinations and reflections that challenge reality. Thomas Huber (*1955) mostly creates pictorial spaces with an architectural character. In them he has been sounding out the various forms of appearance and effect for more than thirty years. This volume presents mainly recently created works by the artist, who was born in Zurich and now lives in Berlin. They refer to the horizon as a constant of all pictures constructed using perspective and as a metaphor for a boundary between the visibility of the motif and the invisibility of the associated dialogue. Texts by and a conversation with Thomas Huber demonstrate the systematic pictorial theories of the artist.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Environmental Management in India: Waste to Wealth
This book presents unique connectivity between waste management within the agenda 2030 of India. This book is the first publication presenting up-to-date work and knowledge about waste management and waste technologies to transfer waste to wealth in India. Besides, this book also presents the role of waste management and its contribution to achieving a sustainable development program in India, with vast implication worldwide. The main focuses of the book include waste and wealth and the associated technologies, recycling of solid waste, utilization of hazardous waste, use of nanoparticle in waste management, urban solid waste, generation of energy from organic waste, clean technologies, and use of waste in agriculture. The book is a unique source of information on the transformation of waste to wealth in India. This book is of interest to research communities in the field of waste management in India, and in similar socioeconomic countries, but also, due to the planetary implications, has global interest.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Addiction Medicine: A Case and Evidence-Based Guide
This book provides an accessible, up-to-date understanding of how to treat patients with substance and non-substance-related addiction. It covers all the typical substance and non-substance use disorders and presents evidence in a case-based format.Concise and comprehensive, opening chapters relay a preliminary assessment of addiction disorders and their neurobiology. Subsequent chapters then offer specific treatment options, challenges, and cases relating to the abuse of distinct substances. The substances mentioned earlier include alcohol, opioids, stimulants, hallucinogens, and sedatives. Additionally, one chapter covers the unique issues associated with treating behavioral addictions, such as sex and gambling. Each chapter will outline cases in a fashion that will optimize the reader's experience. In closing, the book examines co-occurring substance use disorders and mental illness.An invaluable addition to the Psychiatry Update Series, Addiction Medicine is an essential reference for mental health clinicians, as well as primary care and family medicine clinicians.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Tumor Suppressor Par-4: Structural Features, Molecular Mechanisms and Function
Par-4 is a tumor suppressor protein first discovered and identified in 1993 by Dr. Vivek Rangnekar’s laboratory in prostate cancer cells undergoing apoptosis. Par-4 (later also known as PAWR) is a naturally occurring tumor suppressor. Studies have indicated that Par-4 selectively induces apoptosis in cancer cells while leaving normal, healthy, cells unaffected. Mechanisms contributing to the cancer-selective action of Par-4 have been associated with protein kinase A activation of intracellular Par-4 in cancer cells or GRP78 expression primarily on the surface of cancer cells. Par-4 is downregulated, inactivated or mutated in diverse cancers. This first of two volumes will be the first on the market on the topic of Par-4, and will provide the opportunity for researchers to discuss the future direction of studies, broaden the scope of research, and contribute a more complete understanding of the molecule’s structural features, key functional domains, regulation and relevant basic and clinical/translational facets.
Rutgers University Press The "Puerto Rican Problem" in Postwar New York City
The "Puerto-Rican Problem" in Postwar New York City presents the first comprehensive examination of the emergence, evolution, and consequences of the “Puerto Rican problem” campaign and narrative in New York City from 1945 to 1960. This notion originated in an intense public campaign that arose in reaction to the entry of Puerto Rican migrants to the city after 1945. The “problem” narrative influenced their incorporation in New York City and other regions of the United States where they settled. The anti-Puerto Rican campaign led to the formulation of public policies by the governments of Puerto Rico and New York City seeking to ease their incorporation in the city. Notions intrinsic to this narrative later entered American academia (like the “culture of poverty”) and American popular culture (e.g., West Side Story), which reproduced many of the stereotypes associated with Puerto Ricans at that time and shaped the way in which Puerto Ricans were studied and perceived by Americans.
Rutgers University Press Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma in Kenya
Viral Frictions takes the reader along a trail of intersecting narratives to uncover how and why it is that HIV-related stigma persists in the age of treatment. Pfeiffer convincingly argues that stigma is a socially constructed process co-produced at the nexus of local, national, and global relationships and storytelling about and practices associated with HIV. Based on a decade of fieldwork in one highway trading center in Kenya, Viral Frictions offers compelling stories of stigma and discrimination as a lens for understanding broader social processes, the complexities of globalization and health, and their profound impact on the everyday social lives and relationships of people living through the ongoing HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. This highly engaging book is ideal reading for those interested in teaching and learning about intersectionality, as Pfeiffer meticulously demonstrates how HIV stigma interacts with issues of treatment, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, social change, and international aid systems.
Rutgers University Press Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma in Kenya
Viral Frictions takes the reader along a trail of intersecting narratives to uncover how and why it is that HIV-related stigma persists in the age of treatment. Pfeiffer convincingly argues that stigma is a socially constructed process co-produced at the nexus of local, national, and global relationships and storytelling about and practices associated with HIV. Based on a decade of fieldwork in one highway trading center in Kenya, Viral Frictions offers compelling stories of stigma and discrimination as a lens for understanding broader social processes, the complexities of globalization and health, and their profound impact on the everyday social lives and relationships of people living through the ongoing HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. This highly engaging book is ideal reading for those interested in teaching and learning about intersectionality, as Pfeiffer meticulously demonstrates how HIV stigma interacts with issues of treatment, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, social change, and international aid systems.
Classical Press of Wales Luxury and Wealth in Sparta and the Peloponnese
A Spartan lifestyle proverbially describes austerity; ancient Greek luxury was associated with Ionia and the oriental world. The contributions to this book, first presented at a conference held by the University of Nottingham's Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, reverse the stereotype and explore the role of luxury and wealth at Sparta and among its Peloponnesian neighbours from the Iron Age to the Hellenistic period. Using literary, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic evidence, an international team of specialists investigates the definition and changing meanings of the term luxury and its nearest ancient Greek equivalents, providing new insights into Sparta's supposed abstention from luxury, and the way that this was portrayed by ancient writers. They analyse wealth production and private and public spending, emphasising features that were distinctive to Sparta and the Peloponnese compared with other parts of ancient Greece. Other chapters investigate issues still familiar in the contemporary world: economic crisis and debt, austerity measures, and relief provisions for the poor.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Great Inflations of the 20th Century: Theories, Policies and Evidence
The problems associated with chronically high inflation and hyper inflation continue to preoccupy policy makers and economists. In Great Inflations of the 20th Century, Pierre Siklos has gathered together major papers by a distinguished group of scholars who use historical episodes to understand and explain a key issue.Beginning with general surveys of historical experiences of hyperinflation and cases of chronic inflation, this volume continues with papers on the conditions which are conducive to generating high inflation. The link between monetary policy and inflation is examined through empirical studies of inflationary episodes in Germany, Hungary and Bolivia. The final part looks at how policy makers can seek to end high inflation with the smallest possible economic cost.Bringing together in one accessible volume a series of acclaimed contributions to the field, Great Inflations of the 20th Century will be a key reference resource for interested scholars and policy makers concerned with the myriad of issues surrounding the beginning and end of high or chronic inflation.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd MacMillan Modern Black:: Waverley Genuine Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook (9cm x 14cm)
Bound in genuine MacMillan Modern Black tartan cloth made in Britain and supplied with the authority of Kinloch Anderson, this pocket hardback notebook is 14 x 9cm, with 176 pages - each spread has left blank, right ruled pages. With stained edges, ribbon marker, a bookmark and inner note holder this notebook is part of the real cloth tartan notebooks from Waverley Scotland. Made with acid-free paper from sustainable forests. The MacMillan Modern Black tartan is predominantly black and yellow with red and green. The MacMillan clan is claimed to be descended from Airbertach, a Hebridean prince who is said to be a grandson of King Macbeth. The current seat of the clan is Clan Macmillan Centre in Langbank, Renfrewshire. Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister from 1957-1963 was the grandson of Daniel MacMillan (1813-1857), a Scottish crofter who founded Macmillan Publishers. Associated septs of the clan include: Baker, Baxter, Bell, Brown, Callum, Calman, Gibson, McGill, Milligan, Mullen and Walker.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Generalization of Knowledge: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
While the notion of generalization fits prominently into cognitive theories of learning, there is surprisingly little research literature that takes an overview of the issue from a broad multifaceted perspective. This volume remedies this by taking a multidisciplinary perspective on generalization of knowledge from several fields associated with Cognitive Science, including Cognitive Neuroscience, Computer Science, Education, Linguistics, Developmental Science, and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Researchers from each perspective explain how their field defines generalization - and what practices, representations, processes, and systems in their field support generalization. They also examine when generalization is detrimental or not needed. A principal aim is the identification of general principles about generalization that can be derived from triangulation across different disciplines and approaches. Collectively, the contributors’ multidisciplinary approaches to generalization provide new insights into this concept that will, in turn, inform future research into theory and application, including tutoring, assistive technology, and endeavors involving collaboration and distributed cognition.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Globalisation: Social Conflicts, Labour and Environmental Issues
In this book a distinguished group of international contributors, from both developing and higher income countries, identify and discuss major social conflicts, labour and distributional concerns, environmental issues and impacts arising from the very rapid increase in globalisation experienced since the early 1970s. Issues considered include possible alternatives to globalisation; cultural and linguistic inequalities associated with globalisation, consequences of growing regionalism and economic inequality between and within nations. Poverty, international migration, biodiversity conservation, natural resource sustainability, and global trade in genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are also discussed.A substantial introductory chapter provides a significant overview of the rate and process of economic globalisation and integrates the contributions and their interconnections for the reader. Economic Globalisation offers policy proposals and responses and represents divergent views and rigorous theoretical analysis.Economists, particularly those with an interest in international economics, labour, environmental and ecological economics, macroeconomics and social economics will all find this book of great interest.
Verso Books The Populist Moment: The Left After the Great Recession
After thirty years of retreat, the last decade has witnessed a resurgent left in the United States and Western Europe. This upsurge of anti-establishment candidates was not only left-wing but also populist. Though in most cases these movements ran out of steam before getting to a position to wield state power, many of the parties and figures associated with this wave of left populism have entered government and others are still contesting high office.Providing a blow-by-blow history of the rise and defeat of this movement, Arthur Borriello and Anton Jäger guide us through the conditions that shaped it. Extreme and rising inequality, the collapse of civic life, and a lack of trust in traditional institutions have all played a part. In these circumstances, some form of populism was all but inevitable. And, despite defeats, left offensives will remain populist in nature for the foreseeable future. The formative conditions of crisis are still very much with us.
The History Press Ltd Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke
Within two years of the battle of Bosworth, Henry Tudor was forced to defend his throne against a formidable challenge mounted on behalf of a ten-year-old boy who had been crowned in Dublin as Edward VI'. Though presented as the last surviving Plantagenet, the young lad is generally known to history as Lambert Simnel.Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke unravels the tangled web of dynastic politics and rivalries in Yorkist England, seeking a context for the bizarre events of 1487. It considers the political instability and the miasma of intrigue associated with the reign of Richard III and the first years of Henry VII. It seeks to probe the mysteries surrounding Lambert Simnel, raising questions about his identity and the roots and ramifications of the movement that centred on him. Above all, it charts the progress of the conspiracy and rebellion, from the raising of troops in the Netherlands and Ireland to the coronation' in Dubli
Emerald Publishing Limited Reimagining Public Sector Management: A New Age of Renewal and Renaissance?
In this latest volume of the Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management series, Professors John Diamond and Joyce Liddle have gathered leading scholars and new research to help discern some immediate areas of public policy making that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. With this new profoundly different context, “business as normal” is seen as no longer viable. Reimagining Public Sector Management delves into the crisis and emergency management of the pandemic, exploring the ways in which different agencies responded to the pandemic and the lessons learnt in terms of disaster planning and co-ordination. Chapters analyse the ways in which health services and the associated work linked to vaccine development provided significant lessons for those involved in public policy making and analysis before highlighting the emergence of a new consensus on the role of public agencies and institutions could play in the post pandemic environment as captured in the slogan “Build Back Better”.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization
For more than a century, the corporation has shaped our thinking of organizations. This deeply institutionalized form is still regarded as both the iconic business organization and the core structural unit of our economic order. Today, however, it stands at a crossroads. Economic, social, and environmental failures of the recent past as well as misconduct and scandals are widely associated with deficits of the corporate form and its governance. The Corporation engages with current issues of the corporation as an institutionalized organizational form, approaching the concept from the backgrounds of organization theory, law, and economics, combining different theoretical views and empirical approaches. This volume addresses the corporation's entanglement with capitalism, examines a spectrum of constitutive features and purposes of the corporate form, offers historical perspectives on its emergence, and provides reflections on its future development. Encouraging you to rethink the corporation, each contribution also adds to the conceptual development of the corporate form as the iconic business organization.
Octopus Publishing Group The Magick Colouring Book: A Spellbinding Journey of Colour and Creativity
Step into the fascinating world of magick with this collection of supernatural symbols and beautiful images, ready for you to bring to life with colour Embark on a bewitching journey into the world of magick with this collection of intricate and striking images, ready for you to colour and complete as you wish. Featuring enchanted creatures, mystical objects and a host of other esoteric miscellanea, this colouring book offers an array of beautiful designs to celebrate the beliefs and practices associated with the supernatural world. Take a moment of peace and clarity as you journey through the mesmerising icons and patterns within these pages. Each illustration is accompanied by an inspiring quote, or insight into the history and meaning behind the symbol featured. Packed full of beautiful and captivating designs, this colouring book will help you connect with your natural energies and you unleash your inner power. So relax, unwind, and explore the mystery and magnetism of the magickal world.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd Cosmic Rituals: An Astrological Guide to Wellness, Self-Care and Positive Thinking
Cosmic Rituals – An Astrological Guide to Wellness, Self-Care and Positive Thinking is the ultimate guide to taking care of yourself and harnessing your powers.With a focused chapter for each star sign, Cosmic Rituals covers everything from hints and tips for self-care, and de-stressing, to mindful meditations and techniques to help you feel energised and ready for anything. There’s herbal healing to soothe the soul, and sleep rituals to get you in the Zzz-zone, plus a selection of mantras to help you get up and glow.There’s no one size fits all when it comes to taking care of yourself, but your star sign provides a blueprint, which you can work with. Whether you’re a tenacious bull who prefers routine or a sensitive crab that takes on the world’s woes, the character traits associated with each sign mean you’ll need a unique approach to selfcare and wellbeing.There really is no better way to find your sparkle, than by looking to the stars!
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Heat Transfer 2: Radiative Transfer
Heat is a branch of thermodynamics that occupies a unique position due to its involvement in the field of practice. Being linked to the management, transport and exchange of energy in thermal form, it impacts all aspects of human life and activity. Heat transfers are, by nature, classified as conduction, convection (which inserts conduction into fluid mechanics) and radiation. The importance of these three transfer methods has resulted justifiably in a separate volume being afforded to each of them. This second volume is dedicated to radiation. After recalling photometry, the calculation of luminance is addressed using the theory of the black body and associated laws: Stefan, Wien. The reciprocal radiation of two surfaces in total influence is discussed extensively, and the case of finished surfaces is also considered. Heat Transfer 2 combines a basic approach with a deeper understanding of the discipline and will therefore appeal to a wide audience, from technician to engineer, from doctoral student to teacher-researcher.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart Buildings, Smart Communities and Demand Response
This book focuses on near-zero energy buildings (NZEBs), smart communities and microgrids. In this context, demand response (DR) is associated with significant environmental and economic benefits when looking at how electricity grids, communities and buildings can operate optimally. In DR, the consumer becomes a prosumer with an important active role in the exchange of energy on an hourly basis. DR is gradually gaining ground with respect to the reduction of peak loads, grid balancing and dealing with the volatility of renewable energy sources (RES). This transition calls for high environmental awareness and new tools or services that will improve the dynamic as well as secure multidirectional exchange of energy and data. Overall, DR is identified as an important field for technological and market innovations aligned with climate change mitigation policies and the transition to sustainable smart grids in the foreseeable future. Smart Buildings, Smart Communities and Demand Response provides an insight into various intrinsic aspects of DR potential, at the building and the community level.