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Springer, India, Private Ltd Chaotic Dynamics in Nonlinear Theory
Using phase–plane analysis, findings from the theory of topological horseshoes and linked-twist maps, this book presents a novel method to prove the existence of chaotic dynamics. In dynamical systems, complex behavior in a map can be indicated by showing the existence of a Smale-horseshoe-like structure, either for the map itself or its iterates. This usually requires some assumptions about the map, such as a diffeomorphism and some hyperbolicity conditions. In this text, less stringent definitions of a horseshoe have been suggested so as to reproduce some geometrical features typical of the Smale horseshoe, while leaving out the hyperbolicity conditions associated with it. This leads to the study of the so-called topological horseshoes. The presence of chaos-like dynamics in a vertically driven planar pendulum, a pendulum of variable length, and in other more general related equations is also proved.
Campus Verlag Vertical Europe – The Sociology of High–Rise Construction
More high-rise residential buildings have been built in the last two decades than at any other time before. Even in Europe, where historically a typical city’s most prominent vertical accents came from chimneys and church steeples, towering buildings are increasingly shaping the urban landscape. In Vertical Europe, Andrea Glauser looks at new architectural trends in London, Paris, and Vienna, as well as the promises, desires, and fears associated with them in the minds of these cities’ residents. Her book is the first full-length sociological examination of the recent skyward growth in urban Europe, bringing together debates on high-rise architecture from fields including urban planning, geography, and art history. She contextualizes this vertical construction as an area wrought with tensions between these European cities’ desire to keep pace with global competition while still retaining the specific architectural qualities that have defined them for centuries.
Springer International Publishing AG Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (Beijing 2022)
The 4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-IV) is held in Beijing, China. The PBD-IV Conference is organized under the auspices of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Technical Committee TC203 on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems (ISSMGE-TC203). The PBD-I, PBD-II, and PBD-III events in Japan (2009), Italy (2012), and Canada (2017) respectively, were highly successful events for the international earthquake geotechnical engineering community. The PBD events have been excellent companions to the International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (ICEGE) series that TC203 has held in Japan (1995), Portugal (1999), USA (2004), Greece (2007), Chile (2011), New Zealand (2015), and Italy (2019). The goal of PBD-IV is to provide an open forum for delegates to interact with their international colleagues and advance performance-based design research and practices for earthquake geotechnical engineering.
Springer International Publishing AG Deconstructing Doctoral Discourses: Stories and Strategies for Success
This book identifies and challenges assumptions about the doctorate and the discourses associated with it. The editors and contributors subvert and transform the de facto assumptions that frame the ways in which 'the doctorate' is spoken and written, and thus underpin approaches to planning, conducting and evaluating doctoral research. Giving voice to doctoral students and supervisors, the book opens a pathway for their own stories: why students entered doctoral study, the understandings and experiences they gleaned from it, and the implications for their own character. The book questions what kinds of discourses help to construct contemporary doctoral research, and how these might be de- and reconstructed, and asks what doctoral study might look like in the future. Academics, students and practitioners alike will find an avenue into rigorous research design from reflective and insightful scholars who provide a voice for doctoral strategies for success.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Psychonephrology: A Guide to Principles and Practice
The book focuses on pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches of psychiatric syndromes that commonly occur in patients with kidney disease. It specifically reviews principles of psychotherapy and psychopharmacology with an emphasis on organ impairment and drug-drug interactions specific to nephrology. This book also covers issues with medication nonadherence in patients with chronic kidney disease and psychiatric comorbidity, as well as the associated issues in dialysis and renal transplantation. Additionally, chapters cover various other topics addressing an active stance towards health promotion in chronically ill patients, including the critical role of the diet and physical activity. Such advice is often complex and changing depending on the stage of chronic kidney disease and the individual needs of the patient. Written by specialists in the field, Psychonephrology: A Guide to Principles and Practice serves as a valuable reference and teaching tool that provides an opportunity for learning across a rapidly evolving medical field.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Emergent Vascular Access: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
This book focuses on the placement of vascular access devices under emergent conditions, including the techniques and devices needed to achieve successful device deployment in even the most critically-ill patient.Up-to-date references and evidence for best practices are provided, informing both the novice and experienced healthcare provider. Each chapter is meticulously researched, including individual chapters focusing upon peripheral intravenous, intraosseous, central venous, and ultrasound-guided catheter placement. Device selection and emergent decision-making are discussed at length, including such crucial determinants as infusion flow rates, device limitations, issues with medication incompatibility, complications of line placement, and the relative indications and contraindications associated with various vascular access approaches.Emergent Vascular Access is an essential resource for any healthcare provider who places or manages vascular access devices in critically-ill patients, including emergency and ICU physicians, residents, rapid response providers, EMS paramedics, patient care technicians, medical students, and nurses.
ACA Publishing Limited The Elm Tree (Volume 1): Seeds of Change
Will the newest branch of a decaying house be bent or broken by these uncertain times? It has been six years since China threw off imperial rule, yet Beijing seems largely unchanged. The city is a chaotic, roiling sea of humanity inhabited by merchants, hawkers and street urchins. In the midst of it all, Qi Yuexuan, the sole scion of a distinguished family, lives a life of indolence. But change is coming. Forces from within and without are becoming increasingly influential, while the new ideas they bring are shaking the foundations of the nation. Reappraising his entrenched values, Qi is torn between tradition and the new order. The Elm Tree paints an intimate, yet vivid picture of an extraordinary cast of characters associated with the Qi household. It documents a forgotten way of life before it was swept away by the turmoil of foreign occupation and civil war...
Pitch Publishing Ltd The Worst of Cricket 2: 2
"You do well to love cricket," said Lord Harris, "for it is more free from anything sordid, anything dishonourable, than any game in the world." Harris, who captained the first England team to do battle with the Australians in this country, obviously never got his hands on a copy of The Worst of Cricket. If that volume failed to totally convince you that the sport is designed to disturb, dismay and disgruntle in equal measure, then maybe it was because it only scratched the surface. Subtitled 'More Malice and Misfortune in the World's Cruellest Game', The Worst of Cricket 2 completes the job, taking up where its predecessor, one of the best-selling titles in Pitch's popular 'Worst of Sport' series, left off. The book takes another humorous look at the whole catalogue of malevolence, misadventure and madness associated with the sport - corruption, violence, drunkenness, incompetence - on and off the pitch!
Rudolf Steiner Press Mindfulness and Reverence: Steps in Perception
Contemporary interest in the meditative schooling of mindfulness is usually associated with Eastern traditions. Rudolf Steiner spoke of the same phenomenon, although he used the terms 'attentiveness' and 'dedication' - or, combining these two, 'pure perception'. This way of mindfulness and reverence is not in conflict with spiritual paths founded on thinking or pure thought. However, as the texts in this anthology indicate, methods based exclusively on thinking cannot be successful if they are not supported by perception, feeling and will. In counterbalance to today's increasing intellectualization, the meditative exercises featured here connect with the perceptive activity of the human being's sensory organs. They could also be understood as exercises for developing empathy, helping to make our relationship with the world around us more conscious and intense. Rudolf Steiner's texts are sensitively edited and arranged by Andreas Neider, whose introduction and notes add further clarity to the theme.
Batsford Ltd Shibori: For Textile Artists
Techniques and projects for using shibori dyeing in textile art. Shibori is one of the world's richest textile traditions. Commonly associated with Japan, it is in fact a technique long used in Africa, India and South America. In this practical guide, textile artist Janice Gunner shows how to combine traditional Japanese, African and Indian shibori methods with contemporary techniques to create stunning textiles that are bursting with rich, intricate patterns and bold colour. Various techniques are covered – from tied and stitched designs to ideas for wrapping, folding, clamping, pleating and binding. Simple and safe instructions for a range of dyeing techniques are also included. Practical information is accompanied by clear instructions and diagrams, aimed at quilters, embroiderers and textile artists of all abilities. Stunning quilts and embroideries throughout demonstrate the full potential of the technique, alongside practical advice on turning your shibori textiles into beautiful quilts, hangings and textile art.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Employee Engagement: Perspectives, Issues, Research and Practice
The Handbook of Employee Engagement contains cutting edge contributions from a wide array of world-class scholars and consultants on state-of-the-art topics key to the science and the practice of employee engagement. The volume presents comprehensive and global perspectives to help researchers and practitioners identify, understand, evaluate and apply the key theories, models, measures and interventions associated with employee engagement. The Handbook provides many new insights, practical applications and areas for future research. It will serve as an important platform for ongoing research and practice on employee engagement.Combining an excellent balance of academic perspectives and practical applications this Handbook will prove to be invaluable for academic researchers in the field of organizational behaviour, organizational development and organizational psychology. In addition, human resource and organizational development practitioners and consultants should not be without this `state-of-the-art' and informative resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Social Cost of Electricity: Scenarios and Policy Implications
This book reports and rationalizes the state-of-the-art concerning the social costs of electricity generation. Social costs are assessed by adding to the private generation costs, the external costs associated with damages to human health, the environment, crops, materials, and those related to the consequences of climate change. The authors consider the evolution of these costs up to 2030 for major electricity generating technologies and, using these estimates, evaluate policy options for external cost internalization, providing quantitative scenarios by country and primary fuel for 2010, 2020 and 2030. While mainly focusing on European countries, the book also examines the situation in key emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil and Turkey.With an analysis of the policies for external costs internalization, this invaluable book will appeal to energy policymakers, research institutions focusing on energy, environmental and energy NGOs and trade associations, as well as energy companies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of Taxation: Lessons from Developing Countries
Taxation is a major issue in the economic and political spheres. This book focuses on a sample of developing countries from Asia and Latin America that experienced an economic and democratic transition during the period 1990-2004. Using a unique dataset the authors show that tax revenue is higher in more democratic regimes, consistent with the standard view that democracies have to satisfy the redistributive needs of the electorate. They also find that a second relationship between the level of democracy and the composition of taxes (mainly direct versus indirect) is much harder to predict. However, a comparison with new EU member states suggests that more mature democracies are associated with higher levels of direct tax. This unique book in a relatively under-researched subject area will prove essential reading for academics, researchers and practitioners focusing on political economy, public finance and the economics of taxation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Empirical Industrial Organization
This two-volume collection presents the most important recent articles on empirical issues in industrial organization, related primarily to the analysis of imperfect competition. The papers cover empirical analysis of non-cooperative and cooperative oligopoly, auctions, differentiated product markets, dynamic competition and entry, plus selected work on innovation, vertical contractual relationships, and incentive issues. New research in these areas relies on detailed data for specific industries, typically integrates modern imperfect competition theory into the empirical specifications, commonly uses structural empirical models derived directly from microeconomic theory, and applies modern econometric techniques. This work and the associated techniques play an increasingly important role in antitrust policy, market design and in newly deregulated markets. This collection provides an easily accessible source of the key papers on these topics, which are otherwise not readily available. Empirical Industrial Organization will be of interest to policymakers as well as academics and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Risk and Decisions: Building Successful Early-Stage Ventures
Becoming a successful entrepreneur is impossible without accepting risk – the question is which risk to take and at what time. Expert authors Thomas G. Pittz and Eric W. Liguori draw on years of working with and in early-stage ventures to provide guidance for managing the risk associated with these decisions. Throughout this book, they offer practical, no-nonsense advice for marketing and financing your business, bringing on partners and employees, networking with key connectors, and launching your business as inexpensively and aggressively as possible. Following lean startup logic, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Risk and Decisions: Building Successful Early-Stage Ventures cuts through to the strategically important – and emotionally charged – decisions that separate the successful entrepreneurs from the unsuccessful. It is designed to help entrepreneurs move quickly, rapidly iterate their business models based on customer feedback, and provide guideposts for managing the risks inherent in all startup ventures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Behavioral Implications and Human Actions
This new volume contains selected papers that were presented at the 2013 conference on performance measurement and management control focusing on behavioral implications and human actions associated with the use of performance measurement and management control systems. These systems do not work in a vacuum, rather they guide and motivate how people in organizations and markets behave. The intersection between management tools and human action is a central aspect in these research fields. Yet, multiple variables impact the result of certain designs on the behavior of people. The volume presents issues such as national culture, organizational culture, strategy, technology, partnerships and joint ventures, and the presence of other management systems. The editors hope this book will continue the search for additional understanding and development in performance measurement and management control, and provide guidance for both academic researchers and managers as they work toward improving organizations.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company SuperPowered Immunity Starts in the Gut
A research-backed guide to healing your gut and boosting immunity. Did you know that 70 percent of the immune system resides in the gut? As Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook explains, a healthy, microbially balanced gastrointestinal tract is one of the biggest keys to warding off and fighting infectious diseases. In this practical guide, Dr. Cook shares tools and hands-on methods to transform your gut health for greater immunity and well-being. Distilling the most recent research, she explains the connection between GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) and a strong gut-immune relationship. She offers methods to assess your gut health and select which healing approach would be best. She explores some of the main illnesses, conditions, and disorders that afflict the gut and lead to poor immune system performance, including excessive yeast growth, dysbiosis (an imbalanced microbiome where harmful microbes far outnumber the beneficial ones), and excessive gut perme
John Wiley & Sons Inc Strategic Pay: Aligning Organizational Strategies and Pay Systems
Make Your Pay System Pay Off A comprehensive look at not only the choices surrounding the development of a pay system but also the pros and cons associated with each choice....Thorough. --HR Magazine In this seminal work, acclaimed compensation expert Edward Lawler III shows companies that the way they pay can be an important source of competitive advantage. He reveals how pay strategies that draw a clear connection between pay and performance can support an organization's strategic objectives by communicating unmistakably what that organization values most. Moreover, he examines a wide range of performance-based pay practices--from piecework incentive systems to merit pay and skill-based pay--to demonstrate how compensation systems can be tailored to fit a variety of business strategies and management styles. Both traditional and nontraditional pay strategies are examined, with special emphasis given to designing pay systems that support participatory management and other innovative practices.
Workman Publishing Mercury Magic
An optimistic, in-depth guide to understanding everything about Mercury in astrology—and yourself. Mercury may be associated with chaotic retrogrades, but it’s also the celestial body that fuels your communication superpowers, thought processes, and how you connect with others. Mercury Magic reveals all the must-knows about this fascinating planet, including how Mercury retrograde works and tips and tricks for finding the silver lining during these periods. Brush up on astrology basics, discover how to make the most of each season as transiting Mercury moves through each zodiac sign, and explore your self-expression and compatibility with others by identifying and learning about your natal Mercury (the sign and house it was in when you were born). Harnessing the power of the messenger planet—whether it’s direct or retrograde—in your everyday life will empower you to bring your most whimsical dreams and bol
Stanford University Press Fabricating Homeland Security
Homeland security is rarely just a matter of the homeland; it involves the circulation and multiplication of policing practices across borders. Though the term homeland security is closely associated with the United States, Israel is credited with first developing this all-encompassing approach to domestic surveillance and territorial control. Today, it is a central node in the sprawling global homeland security industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars. And in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, India emerged as a major growth market. Known as India''s 9/11 or simply 26/11, the attacks sparked significant public pressure to adopt modern homeland security approaches. Since 2008, India has become not only the single largest buyer of Israeli conventional weapons, but also a range of other surveillance technology, police training, and security expertise.Pairing insights from science and technology studies with those from decolonial and postcolonial theory, Fab
Guilford Publications The Fast Track Program for Children at Risk: Preventing Antisocial Behavior
This unique volume reports on the largest long-term preventive intervention study ever conducted with children at risk for serious violence and poor life outcomes. From first through 10th grade, Fast Track provided multicomponent interventions to support children, families, and schools in achieving positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes. The book explores the developmental processes associated with early aggression, describes how each component of FastTrack was developed and implemented, and summarizes outcomes up to 20 years later. Vivid case studies track the impact of comprehensive school- and family-based programming on children's pathways through the elementary and high school years. The concluding chapter offers recommendations for using Fast Track components in future violence prevention initiatives. See also the authors' Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group Manual, a step-by-step guide to implementing one of the core components of Fast Track.
University of Toronto Press The Mirage of America in Contemporary Italian Literature and Film
The Mirage of America in Contemporary Italian Literature and Film explores the use of images associated with the United States in Italian novels and films released between the 1980s and the 2000s. In this study, Barbara Alfano looks at the ways in which the individuals portrayed in these works - and the intellectuals who created them - confront the cultural construct of the American myth. As Alfano demonstrates, this myth is an integral part of Italians' discourse to define themselves culturally - in essence, Italian intellectuals talk about America often for the purpose of talking about Italy. The book draws attention to the importance of Italian literature and film as explorations of an individual's ethics, and to how these productions allow for functioning across cultures. It thus differentiates itself from other studies on the subject that aim at establishing the relevance and influence of American culture on Italian twentieth-century artistic representations.
University of Toronto Press Be a Good Soldier: Children's Grief in English Modernist Novels
In the modern era, children experiencing grief were encouraged to dry their tears and 'be good soldiers.' How was this phenomenon interrogated and deconstructed in the period's literature? Be a Good Soldier initiates conversation on the figure of the child in modernist novels, investigating the demand for emotional suppression as manifested later in cruelty and aggression in adulthood. Jennifer Margaret Fraser provides sophisticated close readings of key works by Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce, among others who share striking concerns about the concept of infantry - both as a collection of infants, and as foot soldiers of war. A phenomenon associated traditionally with Freud, Fraser instead uses a unique, Derridean theoretical prism to provide new ways of understanding modernist concerns with power dynamics, knowledge, and meaning. Be a Good Soldier establishes a pioneering, nuanced vocabulary for further historical and cultural inquiries into modernist childhood.
Abrams Alphablock Deluxe Gift Edition An Abrams BIG Block Book
Learning the alphabet is as easy as A, B, C in this chunky, oversized deluxe edition of Alphablock from Abrams’ bestselling Block Book series! With thick pages cut into the shape of each letter, children and parents will enjoy this peek-through guessing game around the letterform itself. This deluxe, jumbo-sized edition features die-cuts on every page and a larger trim size, perfect for classrooms and playrooms. Sprinkles, hot fudge, and cherries hint at I’s ice cream sundae, while aquarium accessories hint at F’s fish. As readers interact with the pages, they will familiarize themselves not only with the 26 letters and associated words, but also with each letter’s physicality—angles, holes, and curves, both front and back. Illustrated in Peski Studio’s bright, graphic style, Alphablock encourages the smallest readers to manipulate the alphabet in a whole new way and is a must-have ABC boo
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Child and Adolescent Obesity
Address the growing societal problem of childhood obesity with this practical guide Childhood obesity and its associated health issues remain major societal concerns across both developed and developing worlds. In the United Kingdom, as many as a quarter of all children starting school are living with obesity, and this prevalence only increases as children and young people age. It has never been more critical for dietitians, nutritionists, and healthcare professionals to understand the mechanisms of childhood obesity and how to tackle this significant public health issue. Child and Adolescent Obesity offers a comprehensive, practical, evidence-based overview of this subject. Adopting a modern approach, it incorporates global perspectives, including parent interviews, to produce a thorough and rigorous discussion of best practices. Clear and accessible, it is a must-own for all social and healthcare professionals working with children and adolescents. Readers will also find: In-depth di
Taylor & Francis Ltd Religion in the History of the Medieval West
These ten essays by John Van Engen situate religion in the history of medieval Western Europe: as an unavoidable presence in everyday life, as a conceptual framework for social and political life, as a force integral to its historical dynamics. Four of the essays are bibliographical and retrospective in nature, reviewing the field broadly, but also pointing toward a more dialectical approach to understanding the interaction of religion and society in the European middle ages. Other studies deal with large topics usually subsumed under the abstract term 'Christianization'. They grapple with learned sources as well as those associated with 'popular' religion, and show what can be gained from an imaginative use of all that lawyers and theologians said about religion in their society. The essays, finally, look for the quality and dynamic of change, even inventiveness, released by religious action and conviction in medieval European society.
Duke University Press Exiled Home: Salvadoran Transnational Youth in the Aftermath of Violence
In Exiled Home, Susan Bibler Coutin recounts the experiences of Salvadoran children who migrated with their families to the United States during the 1980–1992 civil war. Because of their youth and the violence they left behind, as well as their uncertain legal status in the United States, many grew up with distant memories of El Salvador and a profound sense of disjuncture in their adopted homeland. Through interviews in both countries, Coutin examines how they sought to understand and overcome the trauma of war and displacement through such strategies as recording community histories, advocating for undocumented immigrants, forging new relationships with the Salvadoran state, and, for those deported from the United States, reconstructing their lives in El Salvador. In focusing on the case of Salvadoran youth, Coutin’s nuanced analysis shows how the violence associated with migration can be countered through practices that recuperate historical memory while also reclaiming national membership.
Stanford University Press The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security
Interest in nuclear energy has surged in recent years, yet there are risks that accompany the global diffusion of nuclear power—especially the possibility that the spread of nuclear energy will facilitate nuclear weapons proliferation. In this book, leading experts analyze the tradeoffs associated with nuclear energy and put the nuclear renaissance in historical context, evaluating both the causes and the strategic effects of nuclear energy development. They probe critical issues relating to the nuclear renaissance, including if and how peaceful nuclear programs contribute to nuclear weapons proliferation, whether the diffusion of nuclear technologies lead to an increase in the trafficking of nuclear materials, and under what circumstances the diffusion of nuclear technologies and latent nuclear weapons capabilities can influence international stability and conflict. The book will help scholars and policymakers understand why countries are pursuing nuclear energy and evaluate whether this is a trend we should welcome or fear.
Stanford University Press Democracy and the Police
Everyone is for "democratic policing"; everyone is against a "police state." But what do those terms mean, and what should they mean? The first half of this book traces the connections between the changing conceptions of American democracy over the past half-century and the roughly contemporaneous shifts in ideas about the police—linking, on the one hand, the downfall of democratic pluralism and the growing popularity of participatory and deliberative democracy with, on the other hand, the shift away from the post-war model of professional law enforcement and the movement toward a new orthodoxy of community policing. The second half of the book explores how a richer set of ideas about policing might change our thinking about a range of problems and controversies associated with the police, ranging from racial profiling and the proliferation of private security, to affirmative action and the internal governance of law enforcement agencies.
University of British Columbia Press Eating Bitterness: New Perspectives on China's Great Leap Forward and Famine
When the Chinese Communist Party assumed power, Mao Zedong declared that “not even one person shall die of hunger.” A little over a decade later, China was in the midst of the most devastating famine in modern history. Between 1957 and 1962 – the years commonly associated with Mao’s Great Leap Forward – some 30 million peasants died of starvation and exhaustion.Rather than exploring why party leaders stumbled so badly in their attempts to modernize China, the contributors to this landmark collection draw on newly available sources to show how men and women in rural and urban settings experienced the changes during this period. Eating Bitterness lifts the curtain of officially propagated images of mass mobilization to expose the uneven and deeply contested nature of state-society relations in Maoist China. It also illuminates the role that history writing and memory have played in shaping narratives of the recent past.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Country Bird
Get an informed yet cheeky perspective on the fascinating language of birds in rural areas with this witty twist on a traditional field guide.Country Bird gives birdwatching new meaning by pairing scientific insight on the sounds and songs unique to birds inhabiting rural areas of North America with a light-hearted narrative that reflects the personality and characteristics associated with country life. Vibrant illustrations help you identify the birds you see, and a journaling section at the back of the book allows you to jot down the times and places you spot a new feathered friend.Learn about birding in a new, whimsical way and meet 50 wonderful Country Birds, including: The White-crowned Sparrow, adorned with a feather crown fit for royalty The friendly Downy Woodpecker, a great neighbor to all (except when he starts drumming!) The Northern Mockingbird, a musical diva with some of the most complex
The History Press Ltd A Companion and Guide to the Norman Conquest
1066 is the one date in British history that every schoolchild knows. The victory of William the Conqueror over King Harold at Hastings, and the subsequent imposition of Norman rule over the whole of England and Wales, effectively marked the creation of the country as we know it today. A surprising number of historic sites from this turbulent period survive: battlefields, castles, churches, monasteries. Peter Bramley’s beautifully illustrated field guide and companion to the Norman Conquest gives full details of both the events and the personalities associated with each of these sites, together with the historical background and the reasons for the end of Anglo-Saxon rule. Arranged by region, it covers England, Wales and Normandy, and provides invaluable information for anyone visiting or planning to visit any of the sites connected with the Conquest, as well as anyone interested in the history of this period in general.
Pluto Press The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait: Religion, Identity and Otherness in the Analysis of War and Conflict
Focusing on the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Hamdi Hassan offers a balanced examination of the motivation of the Iraqi polity and the conditions which accelerated and facilitated the decision to invade. Critical of the traditional approach of most Middle East studies, The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait offers a counterpoint to Western interpretations of this key event in the contemporary history of the Middle East. Hassan examines how Saddam Hussein assessed and responded to American and Israeli intentions after the invasion, the reaction of other Arab states, and the unprecedented grassroots support for the Iraqi leadership. In this context, the author examines the social structure of Iraqi society - families, clans and regional alliances - and the importance of Ba'athism. Hassan also examines the political structure of the country, relating the identity of Arabism - the religion and language which is associated closely with the Pan Arabist ideals - to Iraqi foreign policy.
University of California Press The Myth of Silent Spring: Rethinking the Origins of American Environmentalism
Since its publication in 1962, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring has often been celebrated as the catalyst that sparked an American environmental movement. Yet environmental consciousness and environmental protest in some regions of the United States date back to the nineteenth century, with the advent of industrial manufacturing and the consequent growth of cities. As these changes transformed people's lives, ordinary Americans came to recognize the connections between economic exploitation, social inequality, and environmental problems. As the modern age dawned, they turned to labor unions, sportsmen’s clubs, racial and ethnic organizations, and community groups to respond to such threats accordingly. The Myth of Silent Spring tells this story. By challenging the canonical “songbirds and suburbs” interpretation associated with Carson and her work, the book gives readers a more accurate sense of the past and better prepares them for thinking and acting in the present.
Indiana University Press Quilts and Health
Name an illness, medical condition, or disease and you will find quiltmaking associated with it. From Alzheimer's to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lou Gehrig's Disease to Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, and for nearly every form of cancer, millions of quilts have been made in support of personal well-being, health education, patient advocacy, memorialization of victims, and fundraising. In Quilts and Health, Marsha MacDowell, Clare Luz, and Beth Donaldson explore the long historical connection between textiles and health and its continued and ever growing importance in contemporary society. This lavishly illustrated book brings together hundreds of health-related quilts—with imagery from abstract patterns to depictions of fibromyalgia to an ovarian cancer diary—and the stories behind the art, as told by makers, recipients, healthcare professionals, and many others. This incredible book speaks to the healing power of quilts and quiltmaking and to the deep connections between art and health.
Columbia University Press The End of Progress: Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory
While post- and decolonial theorists have thoroughly debunked the idea of historical progress as a Eurocentric, imperialist, and neocolonialist fallacy, many of the most prominent contemporary thinkers associated with the Frankfurt School-Jurgen Habermas, Axel Honneth, and Rainer Forst-have defended ideas of progress, development, and modernity and have even made such ideas central to their normative claims. Can the Frankfurt School's goal of radical social change survive this critique? And what would a decolonized critical theory look like? Amy Allen fractures critical theory from within by dispensing with its progressive reading of history while retaining its notion of progress as a political imperative, so eloquently defended by Adorno. Critical theory, according to Allen, is the best resource we have for achieving emancipatory social goals. In reimagining a decolonized critical theory after the end of progress, she rescues it from oblivion and gives it a future.
HarperCollins Publishers Zodiac Types (Collins Gem)
A new edition of this perennial Gem favourite, this is a complete guide to everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the zodiac. From sex to work, family to living habits, Gem Zodiac Types tells you how each zodiac sign behaves and lives. Have you ever wondered what a Taurean’s personality is like, what sort of home a Piscean would have, how a Sagittarian behaves in the office and what a Libran is like when in love? If you have, Collins Gem Zodiac Types is the handy-sized guide for you. The section for each sign of the zodiac includes:• Personality, look and male and female traits• Behaviour at home and in the office• Love, sex and partners• Friends, leisure interests, health and compatibility with other signs Lists of famous people associated with each sign round off this ideal introduction to the world of the zodiac.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Zodiac Year
This immersive guide invites you to find calm in the beauty of the night sky, seek answers among the stars, and embrace the power of astrology throughout the year. Embark on a month-by-month astrological exploration, taking a closer look at each of the constellations of the zodiac and mapping their celestial placements. Each chapter is dedicated to a sign of the zodiac and introduces the ancient myths and legends associated with the constellation, the traits attributed to people born under the sign, and the fascinating folklore that has endured through the ages. This beautifully illustrated guide is enriched with stunning visuals and practical information, covering everything from the influence of the planets to a monthly stargazing guide. Harness the natural rhythm of the stars by engaging with rituals, mindfulness exercises, and astrological insights, enhancing your connection to the universe and your place within it. Celebrate the magic of
Institution of Engineering and Technology Electrician's Guide to Emergency Lighting
The Electrician's Guide to Emergency Lighting, 3rd Edition has been updated to take into account changes to the Code of Practice for the Emergency Lighting of Premises in BS 5266-1:2016. The Code of Practice has undergone extensive changes to keep the document aligned with associated national legislation and national and European Standards. The standard responds to the increasing recognition of the application of emergency lighting to assist the safety of occupants who may stay in a building during a mains supply failure. This guide is one of a number of publications prepared by the IET to provide guidance on specific areas of electrical installations in buildings. It takes into account the relevant parts of BS 7671 and BS 5266. This guide is essential for all designers of emergency lighting systems, electricians, electrical contractors and their managers, general electrical installation designers, and students in further education and professional training.
The Crowood Press Ltd Covensense
In her latest book, Patricia Crowther explores some of the many questions she has been asked over almost fifty years as an initiate of the craft and a high priestess of the Great Goddess. 'What is a witch's ladder?', 'Why is the left hand associated with the devil?', 'Is it true that only a young woman can become a high priestess?' are just some of the questions addressed in these pages. An acknowledged authority on witchcraft and magic, the author offers the reader the benefit of her considerable knowledge. There are sections on Magic Mirrors, the validity of self-initiation, how to protect yourself against ill-wishing, the Mansions of the Moon, talismans, the language of flowers and a guide to running a successful coven. Laced with poetry, this new paperback edition of Covensense will be an instructive and exciting addition to any Occultist's library.
Oxford University Press Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction
This book is a clear and informative introduction to cryptography and data protection - subjects of considerable social and political importance. It explains what algorithms do, how they are used, the risks associated with using them, and why governments should be concerned. Important areas are highlighted, such as Stream Ciphers, block ciphers, public key algorithms, digital signatures, and applications such as e-commerce. This book highlights the explosive impact of cryptography on modern society, with, for example, the evolution of the internet and the introduction of more sophisticated banking methods. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Obstetrics
This new edition brings undergraduate medical students fully up to date with the latest information in the field of obstetrics. Presented in bullet point format for ease of understanding, each topic has been fully revised and new sections added. Beginning with an introduction to basic anatomy, history taking and examination, the following chapters discuss normal and abnormal pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The remaining sections cover associated disorders such as gestational diabetes, anaemia and hypertension; infections, special conditions, operative obstetrics, routine and special radiological investigations, neonatology, and contemporary issues. A complete chapter is dedicated to pharmacotherapeutics. Each chapter concludes with self assessment exercises to assist revision and more than 600 clinical images and tables enhance the comprehensive text. Key Points New edition bringing undergraduates up to date with latest developments in obstetrics Fully revised, with new topics added Each chapter includes self assessment exercises Previous edition (9788180619113) published in 2007
Albatros nakladatelstvi as Discovering the Underground with Snow White
There are not only dwarves in the underground. This hidden kingdom is full of interesting animals, things, and phenomena, as this mix of encyclopedia and fairy tale will show you. Once upon a time there was a Queen who only cared about her looks. She believed she was the most beautiful woman in the world, except for her stepdaughter Snow White. She was more beautiful and the jealous queen could not accept it, so she decided to get rid of Snow White. And what happened to the beautiful princess and her evil stepmother? In addition to the well-known fairy tale there are seven richly illustrated gatefolds where you can also learn about what lies underground, who works there apart from the seven dwarves, and which animals live there. You can also learn about underground structures and other curiosities associated with the realm below the Earth’s surface.
Arnoldsche Arts and Crafts is Cactus
The term ‘craftsmanship’ is associated with individuality, uniqueness, decorative potential, artistic quality, attention to material and to process. But what does craftsmanship mean today? This exhibition catalogue of nearly 600 pages explores the meaning of craftsmanship in the context of the outstanding collection of the Museum Angewandte Kunst (Frankfurt, Germany) in a monumental survey of 700 items dating from 1945 to the present. Scale reproductions of plates, furniture, cutlery, jewellery and vases highlight their surprising variety of form. In their essays, the ten authors take diverse approaches to the broad terrain of craftsmanship: from the relationship between East Asia and Western ceramics, via the handicrafts of the Romantic period, to the adventure that is arts and crafts today. The title plays on the perceived parallel between the ability of the cactus to survive and thrive in adverse conditions, and the future of the hand-made object in an industrial world.
Peter Lang AG Tumour Hypoxia: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Implications
Insufficient supply of oxygen, i.e. hypoxia, typically occurs in a broad range of solid tumours due to aberrant vasculature. It is a key component of tumour microenvironment that affects many biological processes at molecular, cellular and tissue levels. Adaptive responses to oxygen deficiency shape signal transduction, cell metabolism, proliferation, differentiation, survival, angiogenesis, immunosurveillance etc. and thereby contribute to tumour invasion and metastasis. Presence of tumour hypoxia is significantly associated with poor prognosis and therapy resistance. Therefore, it represents a clinically relevant phenomenon that can be exploited for improvement of existing diagnostic and treatment procedures as well as for development of new targeted strategies. This book summarizes the current state of knowledge on hypoxia-regulated pathways and their biological consequences and describes promising approaches to clinical application of this knowledge. It is the first concise and complex guide to understanding principal basic and medical aspects of tumour hypoxia.
Channel View Publications Ltd Managing Educational Tourism
Increasingly tourists are seeking learning and educational holidays. This interest has led to the provision of tourism product with some form of learning or education as an integral component, including cultural heritage tourism and ecotourism. The growth of offshore education and lifelong learning has stimulated cross-border movement for language learning, school excursions and university student travel. Reflecting this growth in educational tourism types, the author outlines the main forms of educational tourism, their demand and supply characteristics, their impacts and the management issues associated with them, taking a holistic systems-based perspective. The book argues that without adequate research and appropriate management of educational forms of tourism, the potential regional development impacts and personal learning benefits will not be maximised. The book highlights the need for collaboration and networking between both the tourism and education industries to adequately manage the issues surrounding the growth in educational tourism.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Subjects and Subjectivities of International Criminal Law
This book provides a critical introduction to the core elements of international criminal law. It does so by provoking thought on what international criminal law is, or could be, by contrasting the practice of widely recognised state-based actors and institutions such as the International Criminal Court with practices associated with non-state actors in particular citizens' tribunals.International criminal law is now established as an essential legal and institutional response to atrocity. However, it faces a series of political and practical challenges. It is vital to consider its limits and potential, as well as the ways and extent to which those limitations might be addressed. Many actors with very different visions of its nature and parameters play a role in shaping the meaning of international criminal law whether that be in official or unofficial spaces.This book explores the principles and institutions of international criminal law alongside the alternative visions of it
Vendome Press Rowing Blazers
Renowned designer and former US national team oarsman Jack Carlson’s revised and expanded edition of Rowing Blazers is an essential and glorious celebration of the classic garment. This handsome, eye-catching ode to the classic rowing blazer is a must-have for anyone who has raced the rivers or cheered on their favorite crew. Classic American style was born in British boathouses, where the very first blazers were made for college rowing clubs. This book, now revised and expanded, was created by champion rower Jack Carlson, who offers an insider’s guide to the elaborately striped, piped, trimmed, and badged garments, as well as the stories, historic clubs, and races associated with them and, of course, the elite athletes themselves. Featuring stunning color photographs, Rowing Blazers is a visual feast, transporting readers to the highly atmospheric boathouses, campuses, and team rooms of clubs around the world.<