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SAGE Publications Inc Psychotherapy and Counselling for Depression
`Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! I would thoroughly recommend this book to any other counsellor of psychotherapist. It is described on the back cover as ′outstanding′, ′valuable′ and an ′essential resource′ and I would fully endorse all of these descriptions. I have been qualified for 10 years and have had extensive client experience, but feel I have gained so much from Gilbert′s wisdom on this topic. It is excellent value for money and again I would recommend it to any practitioner′ - The Independent Practitioner ′This book takes the reader gently but thoroughly through the biopsychosocial processes that underpin depression. Excellent worksheets and information sheets are provided as appendices. [It] is a valuable resource for those who already work with depression and essential reading for those considering working in this field′ - Therapy Today `Paul Gilbert provides the reader with a refreshingly wide-ranging, integrative and up-to-date understanding of the nature, assessment and treatment of depression. All psychological therapists will benefit from reading his important book′ - Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal `Paul Gilbert writes in a scholarly, yet accessible, style on the bio-psychosocial perspectives of depression. I agree with him that knowledge of such areas is crucial to being able to work effectively with people experiencing depression′ - Nursing Standard, 5 star review `Psychotherapy and Counselling for Depression, Third Edition by the distinguished psychologist, Paul Gilbert, is an outstanding contribution to the field. I read this book with great enthusiasm and interest - and, I must acknowledge - admiration. All clinicians will benefit from reading this valuable book′ - Robert L. Leahy, President, International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy Paul Gilbert′s Psychotherapy and Counselling for Depression, Third Edition is a popular and practical guide to working with people suffering from depression. The book is based on a wealth of research into evolutionary, cognitive, behavioural and emotion-focused approaches to depression. It outlines how to work with general negativity, sense of failure and abandonment, and feelings of powerlessness, anger, shame and guilt The book examines the essential stages of the therapeutic process from conceptualization and formulation through to a wide variety of interventions for different types of difficulty. It has been greatly revised, expanded and updated for the Third Edition and: o explores in depth the biopsychosocial processes underpinning depression o shows how a compassionate mind approach can be incorporated into different types of therapy o includes a new chapter focusing on the role of the therapeutic relationship, including therapeutic dialogues o features detailed guidance with case examples on how to work with a wide variety of depressions. Psychotherapy and Counselling for Depression, Third Edition is an essential resource and comprehensive guide for practitioners and anyone involved with treating depression. Paul Gilbert is Professor of Psychology in the Mental Health Research Unit at Kingsway Hospital, Derby.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Science of Cooking: Every Question Answered to Perfect your Cooking
It's time to bring food science out of the lab and into your kitchen!Which vegetables should you eat raw? How do you make the perfect poached egg? And should you keep your eggs in the fridge? Why does chocolate taste so good? Is it OK to reheat cooked rice? How do I cook the perfect steak or make succulent fish every time? TV personality, food scientist and bestselling author, Dr. Stuart Farrimond answers all these questions and more with The Science of Cooking - equipping you with the scientific know-how to take your cooking to new levels.Explore fundamental culinary concepts, practical advice and step-by-step techniques, to bring food science out of the lab and into your kitchen. Find the answers to your cookery questions and get more out of recipes with intriguing chapters covering all major food types from meat, poultry and seafood, to grains, vegetables, and herbs.Perfect your cooking with practical instruction and the science behind it, as you explore:- Step-by-step techniques to demonstrate key concepts in a clear manner- Striking illustrations are featured throughout to highlight key culinary processes- Scientific concepts organised by food group and ingredient - Question-and-answer format to make science relevant to everyday cookingA good recipe goes a long way, but if you can master the science behind it, you'll be one step ahead! The Science of Cooking shows you how by bringing food science out of the lab and into your kitchen, providing you with all the scientific information you need to take your home cooking to a whole new, more nutritious level! From making great risotto and soft ice cream to the process of steaming, this gastronomic cookbook includes step-by-step techniques and striking 3D graphics to bring culinary facts to life. A must-have cooking gift for anyone interested in the culinary arts, whether you're a hobby cook at the beginning of your learning, seeking to cook more intuitively, or you love science and learning about it's everyday applications, this is a great volume for anybody interested in food and nutrition generally, doubling up as a lovely coffee table book for the whole family to explore and love!At DK, we believe in the power of discovery.So why stop there? This series from DK is designed to help you perfect your cooking with practical instruction - and the science behind it. There are more cookbooks to discover from The Science of... series giving you the essentials to cook up a storm! Explore the science behind the art of making incredible spice blends with The Science of Spice paired together they make the ideal cookery gifts for your food-loving friends too!
Pearson Education (US) Adobe Photoshop CC Book for Digital Photographers, The (2017 release)
AN AMAZING NEW VERSION OF THE PHOTOSHOP BOOK THAT BREAKS ALL THE RULES! Scott Kelby, Editor and Publisher of Photoshop User magazine–and the best-selling photography techniques author in the world today–once again takes this book to a whole new level as he uncovers more of the latest, most important, and most useful Adobe Photoshop techniques for photographers. This update to his award-winning, record-breaking book does something for digital photographers that’s never been done before–it cuts through the bull and shows you exactly “how to do it.” It’s not a bunch of theory; it doesn’t challenge you to come up with your own settings or figure it out on your own. Instead, Scott shows you step by step the exact techniques used by today’s cutting-edge digital photographers, and best of all, he shows you flat-out exactly which settings to use, when to use them, and why. LEARN HOW THE PROS DO IT The photographer’s workflow in Photoshop has evolved greatly over time, and in this current version of book you’ll wind up doing a lot of your processing and editing in Photoshop’s Adobe Camera Raw feature (whether you shoot in RAW, JPEG or TIFF–it works for all three). That’s because for years now, Adobe has been adding most of Photoshop’s new features for photography directly into Camera Raw itself. Since today’s photography workflow in Photoshop is based around Camera Raw, about one third of this book is about mastering Camera Raw like a pro. Plus, you’ll learn: • The sharpening techniques the pros really use. • The pros’ tricks for fixing the most common digital photo problems fast! • The most useful retouching techniques for photographers, and how to make “impossible” selections like wind-blown hair (it’s easy, once you know the secrets), and how to use Layers like a pro. • How to seamlessly remove distracting junk from your images. • How to stitch panoramas, how to process HDR for a realistic look, and tricks for pulling way more out of your images than you ever dreamed possible. • The latest Photoshop special effects for photographers (there’s a whole chapter just on these!). • A host of shortcuts, workarounds, and slick “insider” tricks to send your productivity through the roof! Scott includes a special chapter with his own workflow, from start to finish, plus, each chapter ends with a Photoshop Killer Tips section, packed with time-saving, job-saving tips that make all the difference. He also provides four bonus chapters, along with the images used in the book for download so you can follow right along. If you’re ready to learn all the “tricks of the trade”–the same ones that today’s leading pros use to correct, edit, retouch, and sharpen their work–then you’re holding the book that will do just that.
RIBA Publishing RIBA Domestic Building Contract 2018
Fully revised and updated, the RIBA Domestic Building Contract is specifically designed to be a simple, clear and easy to understand and use contract between a client and a contractor. Endorsed and supported by the HomeOwners Alliance, the RIBA Domestic Building Contract can be used on all domestic (non-commercial) projects, including renovations extensions, maintenance and new buildings. Key benefits Written in plain English that is simple to understand Guidance notes to help complete the contract Provides an effective way of managing payments to the contractor Gives you control over the timely completion of the project Provisions for collaborating with the contractor over events that may delay completion or add costs to the project Other features Collaboration provisions: advance warnings, joint resolution of delay, proposals for improvements and cost savings Flexible payment options Provision for contractor design, with ‘fit for purpose’ liability option Optional provisions for a contractor programme Optional provisions for client-selected suppliers and sub-contractors Mechanisms for dealing with changes to the project which allow for agreement and include specified timescales Option for commencement and completion in stages Terms compliant with the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 Guidance notes on use and completion are included. Key changes in the 2018 edition: The contract has been fully updated to comply with the CDM Regulations 2015. The Guidance Notes include detailed advice for clients with regards to their particular duties under the Regulations. The guidance on Insurance and Insuring the Works has been expanded and is clearer and easier to understand. Further explanation is given on the process for ensuring that adequate insurance is obtained and the importance of notifying the property’s building and contents insurer if the work is to an existing building. Emphasis is given to the need for whoever takes out the insurance to provide written confirmation of the extent of cover provided in respect of the works. The Consents, Fees and Charges item has been expanded so that it now clearly states what regulatory and statutory consents, fees and charges need to be obtained and who is taking on the ether the responsibility for obtaining and paying for them, either the client or the contractor. The guidance on Dispute Resolution has been expanded but also simplified. Mediation and adjudication are now highlighted as the initial/preferred forms of settling any dispute in the contract, but the client retains the right to refer any dispute to the courts, as the courts will often make it a precondition to hearing a case that the parties have attempted an alternative dispute resolution method. The Programme optional item has been simplified. The contract have retained the requirement for a contractor to indicate the activities they will carry out to complete the works, including the start and finish times of each activity and the relationship of each activity to the others. However, the obligation on the contractor to submit a Programme prior to the commencement of the works, and any financial penalties for not doing so (perceived as too confrontational), have been removed. The Contractor Design optional item has been retained, so that, if it is agreed that the contractor is to design part of the Works, a detailed and accurate description can be provided of the parts that the contractor will design. However, this optional item now also allows a level of professional indemnity insurance to be specified. The Required Specialists optional item has been amended so that while clients can still request that specific subcontractors and suppliers be used for parts of the Works, details of those parts of the works are now to be identified at the tender stage and listed in the Contract Documents. The contract now includes a Contract Checklist which both parties should review and answer ‘yes’ to the questions provided before signing the contract. This is to ensure that the client is fully aware of what they are agreeing to, that all of the appropriate documents and information has been provided and that all of the provisions – such as: scope of the works; start and completion dates of the works; contract price; payment of fees; access to the site and working hours; insurance; and the process for dispute resolution – have been adequately completed. Easy to understand The RIBA Domestic Building Contract is written in plain English, which provides three key benefits: the language used in the contract is simple and easy to understand, compared to other standard forms of contracts; the clause structure used in the contract avoids the use of large numbers of sub-sub clauses and too much cross-referencing between provisions; and Where common construction terminology is used, it has been simplified so that less-experienced users can understand it. Copies required for each Party It is legally advisable that both parties to the contract each have an original signed version. Therefore you should purchase two copies of the contract, so that both the client and contractor has an original signed copy. Alternatively prepare your contract online enabling you to issue final copies of the contract to each party at no extra cost. Integration with other RIBA documents The RIBA Building Contracts have been specifically written to integrate with the RIBA suite of professional services contracts (RIBA Agreements) and the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Create your RIBA Building Contract online – it is quick, simple and straightforward Generating your building contract online allows you to create, alter, manage and view all of your contracts in one secure location before printing the final contract. For further details, go to:
American Nurses Publishing Genetics/Genomics Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice
Completely updated by genetics/genomics nurses for genetics/genomics nurses. The first best resource for the RN or APRN genetics/genomics nurse at any level and in any setting. Essential for all involved in this nursing practice specialty now and throughout this decade. Genetics/genomics nursing practice and care focuses on the actual and potential impact of genetic and genomic influences on health. These nurses advise and educate clients and families on such influences that might impact their health, identify and manage physiologic responses. The goals of their nursing interventions: to optimize health, reduce health risks, treat disease, and promote wellness. Their research and evidence-based practice also includes interprofessional collegiality and collaboration with other genetics/genomics professionals and other healthcare professionals to provide quality patient care.A workgroup of genetics/genomics nurse experts, convened by ISONG and ANA, completely updated and expanded the previous edition. With input from nurses nationwide, their revision addressed and incorporated ongoing and anticipated changes in genetics/genomics nursing as well as in nursing and health care in general. The revised scope of genetics/genomics nursing practice - the who, what, where, when, why, and how of practice - sets the context for understanding and using the standards: the underlying assumptions, characteristics, environments and settings, education and training requirements, key issues and trends, and ethical and conceptual bases of genetics/genomics nursing.The updated 16 standards frame any evaluation of the outcomes and goals of, and measure the accountabilities for, general, graduate-level prepared, and advanced practice genetics/genomics nurses. By meeting each standard's competencies, these nurses can demonstrate compliance with that standard.A foundational volume primarily for those directly involved with genetics/genomics nursing practice, education, and research, other nurses and allied healthcare providers, researchers, and scholars will find value in its content.About ANA's Specialty Nursing StandardsSince the late 1990s, ANA has partnered with other nursing organizations to establish a formal process for recognition of specialty areas of nursing practice. This includes the criteria for approving the specialty itself and the scope statement, and an acknowledgment by ANA of the standards of practice for that specialty. Because of the significant changes in the evolving nursing and healthcare environments, ANA's approval of specialty nursing scope statements and its acknowledgment of specialty standards of practice remain valid for five years, starting from the publication date of the documents.The standards in this publication are based on language from ANA's Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, Second Edition, a helpful supplement to this specialty text, which in turn is of optimal use with two complementary ANA texts: Nursing's Social Policy Statement and Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses. Together, these three books help guide nursing practice, thinking, and decision-making. The set is proving useful as a professional reference, classroom textbook, in-service training guide, and credentialing exam resource.
Canbury Press Die Smiling: A Memoir: The Sorrows and Joys of a Journey to Dignitas
"A searingly honest tale of love, life and death" – Sarah Wootton, Dignity in Dying Die Smiling is a rare and intimate account of one man’s journey to Dignitas in Zurich and his ultimate triumph over suffering and disease. Told with wit and candour, Julie Casson traces her husband Nigel’s extraordinary journey from diagnosis of motor neurone disease to his death.Successful businessman and father of three, Nigel battles the degenerative disease with boundless courage and gritty good humour, until, faced with the unimaginable torture of a slow, living death – his spirit crushed, his body a tomb – he takes control. He decides to go to Dignitas to end his life, while he is still able to die smiling.The family prepares for this enormous logistical and emotional challenge: the gruelling Dignitas process and the eight-hundred-mile road trip to Switzerland. They complete it with pragmatism and humour. Denying the disease its victory and choosing his own cure, Nigel dies happily, in the arms of his wife and children.This is a thought-provoking and deeply moving book, where love, family, dignity and choice conquer adversity. It sits in the heart of the debate on assisted dying and raises questions about the right to put an end to suffering and the right to choose how life should end.'Julie Casson lays bare the devastating human impact of the UK’s ban on assisted dying, capturing precisely why true choice at the end of life is a movement whose time has come for this country. By turns uplifting and heart-wrenching, Die Smiling is a searingly honest tale of love, life and death, and a powerful contribution to a historic debate.' - Sarah Wootton, CEO Dignity in DyingContents1. Looking Back 3 2. Death’s Calling Card 6 3. Brenda and Methuselah 15 4. Tests, Tests and More Tests 23 5. The End of ‘Normal.’ 32 6. Life with MND Begins 44 7. Breaking the News 53 8. The Wailing Weeks 67 9. Spain 81 10. The Bucket List 85 11. Where Hope Dies 91 12. Not Ready for This 98 13. Our Spanish Love Affair 103 14. Two Steps Ahead 112 15. MND Declares War 122 16. Don’t Forget Me 126 17. Cost More Than our First House 132 18. Starting to Die 137 19. 22 July 2011 147 20. Every Day is a Bonus 157 21. Don’t Laugh at my Cock 164 22. Toileting Matters 179 23. When the Laughter Stops 191 24. It’s All About Control 203 25. Apply to Die 210 26. The Provisional Green Light 226 27. Last Christmas 238 28. The Recce 247 29. Appointment with Death 264 30. Twenty-five Days Left to Live 283 31. The Goodbyes 295 32. The Hotel and the Doctor 303 33. One More Day 314 34. Nigel’s Cure 328 35. Nigel’s Last Goodbye 345 Acknowledgements 356
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Free Market Economics, Third Edition: An Introduction for the General Reader
Acclaim for the first edition:'Free Market Economics is virtually a must read for serious economists . . . Highly recommended.'- Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries'A refreshing theoretical counterattack to the established Keynesian world view that has left the West financially overpromised, disastrously broke, and vulnerable to crank ideas. Professor Kates has brilliantly resurrected Say's law of markets - Keynes's old nemesis - into a new modern framework that forms the foundation of a new sustainable economy.'- Mark Skousen, editor, Forecasts & Strategies and formerly of the Columbia Business School, US'Steven Kates has written an exciting new book on the basics of economics. He avoids the dry and unrealistic assumptions of most introductions to economics. He puts change, entrepreneurship, uncertainty, decentralized knowledge and spontaneous order at the center of his analysis. The reader will profit from this fresh approach far more than from an ordinary textbook. This is a treatment for the general reader that both respects and engages one's intelligence.'- Mario J. Rizzo, New York University, US 'Steve Kates, an academic with business experience, does away with the unrealistic abstractions that make economics inaccessible to general readers. This book is about real, enterprising people with whom we can identify, and about how ordinary economic life evolves in conditions of uncertainty. We learn why vacuous modelling only misleads us and why economic freedom and secure institutions are essential to achieving the good life.'- Wolfgang Kasper, University of New South Wales, AustraliaIn this thoroughly updated third edition of Free Market Economics, Steven Kates assesses economic principles based on classical economic theory. Rejecting mainstream Keynesian and neoclassical approaches even though they are thoroughly covered in the text, Kates instead looks at economics from the perspective of an entrepreneur making decisions in a world where the future is unknown, innovation is a continuous process and the future is being created before it can be understood. Key Features include: analysis derived from the theories of pre-Keynesian classical economists, as this is the only source available today that explains the classical pre-Keynesian theory of the business cycle a focus on the entrepreneur as the driving force in economic activity rather than on anonymous 'forces' as found in most economic theory today introduces a powerful though simplified model to explain the difference between modern theory of recession and classical theory of the business cycle great emphasis is placed on the consequences of decision making under uncertainty offers an introductory understanding, accessible to the non-specialist reader. The aim of this book is to redirect the attention of economists and policy makers towards the economic theories that prevailed in earlier times. Their problems were little different from ours but their way of understanding the operation of an economy and dealing with those problems was completely different. Free Market Economics, Third Edition will help students and general readers understand classical economic theory, written by someone who believes that this now-discarded approach to economic thought was superior to what is found in most of our textbooks today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Catch-up and Technological Leapfrogging: The Path to Development and Macroeconomic Stability in Korea
'The Korean experience has fascinated scholars around the world as one of the most remarkable stories of ''catch-up'' from very low to high levels of development. This book, by one of the leading Korean experts on industrial policy, argues that catch-up is not about following the paths of frontrunners but rather about finding new path to technologically ''leap-frog''. The application of this fundamental insight into the Korean story will be recognized as a landmark in this debate.'- Jose Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University, US and Formerly United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, and Minister of Finance of Colombia'This book gives a full picture of the factors that made it possible for South Korea to move from being a poor economy to become close to Japan in terms of income per capita. It shows that earlier debates on the role of respective market and state are misleading and that the key to understand economic catching-up lies in specific technological strategies that were outcomes of an interplay between state policies and firm strategies. It is demonstrated that a key to understand catching-up in South Korea is 'technological leap-frogging' where dominant firms enter into technologies that are both new and in a process of rapid change. The book studies the phenomenon of leap-frogging and catching-up at respectively macro, meso and micro-level. It is thus of great interest for those who are involved in designing national, sectoral and enterprise strategies aiming at economic development and especially when the aim of the strategy is to take the step beyond a middle-income country. The combination of macro-economic analysis with sectoral and enterprise perspectives gives a more adequate understanding of economic dynamics than what traditional textbooks can offer.'- Bengt-Ake Lundvall, Aalborg University, Denmark and Founder of GlobelicsThis book elaborates upon the dynamic changes to Korean firms and the economy from the perspective of catch-up theory. The central premise of the book is that a latecomer's sustained catch-up is not possible by simply following the path of the forerunners but by creating a new path or 'leapfrogging'. In this sense, the idea of catch-up distinguishes itself from traditional views that focus on the role of the market or the state in development.The author provides a comprehensive account of the micro and macro level changes, deals with both firm- and country-level capabilities, and explores the issue of macroeconomic stability to overcome financial crisis. The book demonstrates that at the firm level the focus is on innovation capabilities, diversification, internationalization and job creation. It goes on to examine the rise and upgrading of big businesses, such as Samsung, as well as the global success of SMEs. Comprehensive and illuminating, this is an ideal book for students, academics and researchers interested in the economics of development and technological innovation. It will also be a valuable source book for policy makers in international development agencies, governments and the public sector.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Green Infrastructure: Planning, Design and Implementation
It is all too easy for the vogue term 'green infrastructure' to be waved around by local authorities and developers like a totem of environmental awareness, while simply meaning 'greenspace' or 'storm water management'. This book provides a welcome corrective, demonstrating the need to plan the natural environment of cities as integral to their effective social, economic, ecological and aesthetic function. The impressive range of topics includes green infrastructure and health, air quality, biodiversity, water and recreation, and the book shows through policy discussion and case study how principles can be converted into practice. It will be an essential source for students, researchers and practitioners.'- Hugh Barton, University of the West of England, UK'Green infrastructure is an essential feature of social, economic and environmental planning for all places. This important and very comprehensive book will be essential reading for all those involved in its provision and promotion. It offers an exceptionally informative contextual review and it is exemplified throughout by a series of domestic and international case studies at a variety of scales. Its methodological discussion and examples will be of considerable value to all those engaged in the delivery of green infrastructure.'- Janice Morphet, University College London, UKGreen infrastructure encompasses many features in the built environment. It is widely recognised as a valuable resource in our towns and cities and it is therefore crucial to understand, create, protect and manage this resource. This Handbook sets the context for green infrastructure as a means to make urban environments more resilient, sustainable, liveable and equitable.Including state-of-the-art reviews that summarise the existing knowledge as well as research findings, this Handbook provides current evidence for the beneficial impact of green infrastructure on health, environmental quality and the economy. It discusses the planning and design of green infrastructure as a strategic network down to the individual features in a neighbourhood and looks at the process of green infrastructure implementation, emphasising the importance of collaboration across multiple professions and sectors. This comprehensive volume operates at multiple spatial scales, from strategic networks at the regional level to individual features in neighbourhoods, with international case studies used throughout to illustrate key examples of good practice.This collection of expert contributions will be invaluable to students and academics in the fields of planning, urban studies and geography. Practitioners and policy-makers will also find the policy discussion and examples enlightening.Contributors include: J.H. Amorim, A. Barker, S. Burgess, T. Butlin, T. Butterworth, C. Calfapietra, L. Chawla, N. Collomb, A. Coombs, E. Costa Pinto, C. Dair, V. Derr, K.J. Doick, G. Everett, T. Ferguson, P. Freer-Smith, S. Gill, C. Gonçalves, C. Greed, S. Grimmond, S. Kotthaus, J. Lamond, E. Lawson, F. Lemes De Oliveira, M. Lindsey, S. Manley, J. Marques-Da-Cruz, I. Mell, A.I. Miranda, A.J. Moffat, P. Nolan, C. Olver, S. Payne, A. Quintas, A. Rigolon, S. Rolls, M. Short, P. Silva, E. Silveirinha De Oliveira, D. Sinnett, N. Smith, T. Sunderland, M.J. Tallis, P.Toscano, C. Ward Thompson, K. Williams, J. Wilson
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Sustainability Assessment
Following on from their 2013 book, Sustainability Assessment: Pluralism, Practice and Progress, the authors are rapidly establishing themselves as lead authorities on this subject. Their new Handbook of Sustainability Assessment has many strengths. It brings together the latest research from leading experts from many parts of the world. It provides a valuable mix of conceptual work, practical applications and relevant techniques, and reflects on effectiveness in practice. In particular, as summarized by one of the many learned contributors, this Handbook marks a watershed between the end of the early life of applications and research initiatives in sustainability assessment and the beginning of many new possibilities. All these strengths make this book essential reading for both researchers and practitioners.'- John Glasson, Oxford Brookes University, UK'In a single volume the authors have succeeded in capturing the essential background, and cutting-edge thinking around the theory and practice of sustainability assessment. This is a timely and much needed contribution to an emerging field that has seen a proliferation of definitions and frameworks. It provides an indispensable resource for policy-makers, practitioners, researchers and students who are grappling with understanding the broad and complex terrain that this form of assessment covers. It should make an important contribution to directing decision-making towards sustainability.'- Theo Hacking, University of Cambridge, UKSustainability assessment refers to any process that directs decision-making towards sustainability. This groundbreaking Handbook presents state of the art thinking and research on the theory and practice of this broad and rapidly evolving field. Emphasizing how traditional impact assessment practices can be improved to contribute to sustainable outcomes, the overall aim is to enhance the effectiveness of sustainability assessment practice.Based on original contributions from world-leading researchers and practitioners, the book examines sustainability assessment in five sections: the first explores the conceptual foundations of sustainability assessment from different perspectives; the second section introduces some of the different scales and decision-contexts to which sustainability assessment can be applied; third, sectoral approaches to sustainability assessment are investigated, focusing in particular on energy as a key area of future focus; the fourth section introduces several tools used within sustainability assessment, including ecosystem services, multi-criteria analysis, systems analysis, and objectives-driven approaches; finally, key aspects of sustainability assessment governance are considered, including managing decision complexity and community engagement.This essential and comprehensive exploration of sustainability, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, will be invaluable to students, academics and practitioners.Contributors: C. Adelle, M. Audouin, A. Bond, M. Burns, R. du Toit, A. Diduck, C.G. Duarte, V. Ferretti, T. Fischer, A.L.C.F. Gallardo, K. Gaudreau, D. Geneletti, R. Gibson, W. Grace, J. Gunn, N. Hanley, J. Hartz-Karp, S. Hayes, A. Jordan, L. Lamorgese, D. le Maitre, T.F. Malheiros, A. Morrison-Saunders, J. Nel, B. Noble, P. O'Farrell, M. Partidario, P. Pereira, S. Petrova, J. Pope, F. Retief, D. Russel, L.E. Sánchez, W. Sheate, J. Sinclair, J. Turnpenny, M. Vespa, A. Weaver, S. Weiland
Wharton Digital Press Making Money Moral: How a New Wave of Visionaries Is Linking Purpose and Profit
"As we look ahead to the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, Making Money Moral could not come at a better time." —Jamie Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, JPMorgan Chase The math doesn't add up: Global financial markets can no longer ignore the world's most critical problems. The risks are too high and the costs too great. In Making Money Moral: How a New Wave of Visionaries Is Linking Purpose and Profit, authors Judith Rodin and Saadia Madsbjerg explore a burgeoning movement of bold and ambitious innovators. These trailblazers are unlocking private-sector investments in new ways to solve global problems, from environmental challenges to social issues such as poverty and inequality. They are earning great returns and reimagining capitalism in the process. Pioneers in the field of sustainable and impact investing, Rodin and Madsbjerg offer first-hand stories of how investors of every type and in every asset class are investing in world-changing solutions—with great success. Meet the visionaries who are leading this movement:The investment managers putting trillions of dollars to work, like TPG, Wellington Management, State Street Global Advisors, Nuveen, Amundi, APG and Natixis;The asset owners driving the transition, like GPIF and PensionDanmark;A new generation of entrepreneurs benefiting from the investments, like DreamBox Learning, an innovative educational technology platform, and Goodlife Pharmacies, which is disrupting the traditional notion of a pharmacy; The corporations that are repurposing their business models to meet demand for sustainable products and services, like Ørsted; andThe nonprofits that are reimagining how to raise money for their work while creating significant value for investors, like The Nature Conservancy. In their book, Rodin and Madsbjerg offer a deep look at the most powerful tools available today—and how they can be unlocked. They reveal:Who the investors are and what they want;How innovative products and investment strategies can deliver long-term value for investors while improving lives and protecting ecosystems;How leaders can build strategies and prepare their organizations to enter and expand this dynamic market; andHow to measure impact, understand critical regulations, and avoid potential pitfalls.A roadmap to making the financial market a force for good, Making Money Moral is a must-read for those seeking private-sector capital to address a big problem, as well as those seeking both to mitigate risk and to invest in big solutions. "Judith Rodin and Saadia Madsbjerg identify an important new way of looking at money: from the root of all evil to the fount of all solutions. Their timely, important book on impact investing is full of powerful insights and compelling examples they've seen firsthand. Their work will be sure to accelerate momentum toward a more sustainable world." —Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and Author of Think Outside the Building: How Advanced Leaders Can Change the World One Smart Innovation at a Time
Human Kinetics Publishers Client-Centered Exercise Prescription
Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition With Web Resource, emphasizes a personalized approach to exercise in which unique programs meet the interests and needs of individual clients. This resource will help you to prescribe exercise and guide clients in adopting, enjoying, and maintaining active lifestyles. Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition, expands the role of the fitness professional from simple exercise prescription to include activity counseling, design modification, exercise demonstration, functionally integrated exercise, injury prevention, and follow-up monitoring for a variety of clients. Central to the book are seven client-centered models for each major fitness component that serve as a template of options for each decision in the prescription process: activity counseling, musculoskeletal exercise design, exercise demonstration, cardiovascular exercise prescription, resistance training prescription, muscle balance and flexibility prescription, and weight management prescription. The text explains the vital role that functionally integrated exercise plays in improving performance and maintaining musculoskeletal health and teaches how to recognize muscle imbalance and prevent complications. Fitness professionals will learn to make informed, client-centered decisions and address the following issues: • Establishing rapport and increasing adherence by prescribing exercise programs that match clients’ desires, needs, and lifestyles • Understanding clients’ unique psychological needs and using that information to keep them motivated • Monitoring clients’ needs both as they are originally presented and as they evolve over time • Applying strategies for treating and preventing overuse injuries so that clients avoid injury and frustration, thereby avoiding withdrawal from the program • Addressing the unique considerations of aging clients, including musculoskeletal conditions and functional mobility The third edition of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription retains the client-centered approach of previous editions, offering simulated initial interviews with clients, teaching cues for demonstration, sample sessions, and sample counseling dialogue. The text also features numerous updates: • More than 40 reproducible forms included in the text and duplicated in printable format in the web resource that can be shared with clients • Applied exercise prescription worksheets that facilitate the flow from the prescription models to the prescription card • Three new chapters on exercise prescription for aging adults that offer specific exercise recommendations for this growing demographic • Expanded sections on applied nutrition, reliable field tests, safety and referrals, and a unique biomechanical approach to exercise modifications and functional progressions • Five new case studies and other updated case studies that allow you to grasp how the material may be used in practice • Theory to Application sidebars, numerous photos, and chapter summaries that will engage you and help you find the most relevant information Using reliable field tests, practical nutrition guidelines, and applied exercise physiology conceepts, this text will help both professionals and students better serve their current and future clients. Candidates preparing for certification exams, including the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Certified Personal Trainer (CSEP-CPT) exam, will find comprehensive treatment of the theory and applications covering the competencies required before entering the field. Practical examples, applied models, and scientific knowledge also make the text accessible to undergraduate students in fitness, exercise science, and health promotion programs.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Theory and Explanation in Geography
THEORY AND EXPLANATION IN GEOGRAPHY "With this book Henry Yeung puts Geography back into the driver's seat of new theory development. Foregrounding mid-range theories and mechanism-based explanations, he offers a pragmatic approach that has the capacity to shape the wider social sciences for years to come. The timing of this intervention is pitch-perfect, as scholars search for ways to understand and intervene in an increasingly distrustful and polarized world."—KATHARYNE MITCHELL, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA "In Theory and Explanation in Geography Yeung presents us with a rare thing - an argument for geographical theory with forms of causal explanation at its heart. The book is both modest and ambitious. Modest in its insistence on mid-level theory without a call for some new “turn” or advocacy for any particular approach. Ambitious in its insistence that existing theoretical traditions are inadequate or incomplete insofar as they lack causal explanatory power. Geographers will be inspired and/or infuriated by Yeung’s arguments in this provocative and cogently argued call to theoretical arms for many years to come."—Tim Cresswell, Ogilvie Professor of Geography, University of Edinburgh, UK "Critical human geography possesses a distinctive theory culture—pluralist, creative, distributed, restless, contested—prone to “turning,” wary of orthodoxies and fixed positions. In this original and provocative contribution, the leading economic geographer Henry Yeung steps out beyond his home turf to engage styles and practices of theorizing across this diverse field, carving out a new remit and rubric for middle-range theorizing."—JAMIE PECK, Canadian Research Chair and Distinguished University Scholar, University of British Columbia, Canada Grounded in a generous reading of a multitude of critical approaches in human geography and their diverse conceptions of theory, Theory and Explanation in Geography draws upon cutting-edge debates on the mechanism-based approach to theory and explanation in analytical sociology, political science, and the philosophy of social sciences to inform current and future geographical thinking on theory. This consolidated conceptual work represents an extension and much further development of the author's well-cited works on relational geography, critical realism and causal explanation, process-based methodology, globalization and the theory of global production networks, and "theorizing back" and situated knowledges that were published in leading journals in Geography. The work has several chapters that identify new directions for Geography’s current and future engagement with the wider social sciences and relevant research agendas in geographical thought. Its main chapters provide the necessary conceptual toolkits for mobilizing such an expanding research program in the 2020s and beyond. Compared to typical texts on geographical thought, this book is less retrospective and historical and more prospective in nature. Detailing why and how mid-range explanatory theories can be better developed through causal mechanisms and relational thinking that have been revitalized in the social sciences, Theory and Explanation in Geography is an essential read for academics, geographers, and scholars seeking unique perspective on an important facet of the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Theory and Explanation in Geography
THEORY AND EXPLANATION IN GEOGRAPHY "With this book Henry Yeung puts Geography back into the driver's seat of new theory development. Foregrounding mid-range theories and mechanism-based explanations, he offers a pragmatic approach that has the capacity to shape the wider social sciences for years to come. The timing of this intervention is pitch-perfect, as scholars search for ways to understand and intervene in an increasingly distrustful and polarized world."—KATHARYNE MITCHELL, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA "In Theory and Explanation in Geography Yeung presents us with a rare thing - an argument for geographical theory with forms of causal explanation at its heart. The book is both modest and ambitious. Modest in its insistence on mid-level theory without a call for some new “turn” or advocacy for any particular approach. Ambitious in its insistence that existing theoretical traditions are inadequate or incomplete insofar as they lack causal explanatory power. Geographers will be inspired and/or infuriated by Yeung’s arguments in this provocative and cogently argued call to theoretical arms for many years to come."—Tim Cresswell, Ogilvie Professor of Geography, University of Edinburgh, UK "Critical human geography possesses a distinctive theory culture—pluralist, creative, distributed, restless, contested—prone to “turning,” wary of orthodoxies and fixed positions. In this original and provocative contribution, the leading economic geographer Henry Yeung steps out beyond his home turf to engage styles and practices of theorizing across this diverse field, carving out a new remit and rubric for middle-range theorizing."—JAMIE PECK, Canadian Research Chair and Distinguished University Scholar, University of British Columbia, Canada Grounded in a generous reading of a multitude of critical approaches in human geography and their diverse conceptions of theory, Theory and Explanation in Geography draws upon cutting-edge debates on the mechanism-based approach to theory and explanation in analytical sociology, political science, and the philosophy of social sciences to inform current and future geographical thinking on theory. This consolidated conceptual work represents an extension and much further development of the author's well-cited works on relational geography, critical realism and causal explanation, process-based methodology, globalization and the theory of global production networks, and "theorizing back" and situated knowledges that were published in leading journals in Geography. The work has several chapters that identify new directions for Geography’s current and future engagement with the wider social sciences and relevant research agendas in geographical thought. Its main chapters provide the necessary conceptual toolkits for mobilizing such an expanding research program in the 2020s and beyond. Compared to typical texts on geographical thought, this book is less retrospective and historical and more prospective in nature. Detailing why and how mid-range explanatory theories can be better developed through causal mechanisms and relational thinking that have been revitalized in the social sciences, Theory and Explanation in Geography is an essential read for academics, geographers, and scholars seeking unique perspective on an important facet of the field.
Rutgers University Press Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion)
Winner of the John S. Tuckey 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award for Mark Twain Scholarship from The Center for Mark Twain Studies American novelist E.L. Doctorow once observed that literature “endows places with meaning.” Yet, as this wide-ranging new book vividly illustrates, understanding the places that shaped American writers’ lives and their art can provide deep insight into what makes their literature truly meaningful. Published on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Historic Preservation Act, Writing America is a unique, passionate, and eclectic series of meditations on literature and history, covering over 150 important National Register historic sites, all pivotal to the stories that make up America, from chapels to battlefields; from plantations to immigration stations; and from theaters to internment camps. The book considers not only the traditional sites for literary tourism, such as Mark Twain’s sumptuous Connecticut home and the peaceful woods surrounding Walden Pond, but also locations that highlight the diversity of American literature, from the New York tenements that spawned Abraham Cahan’s fiction to the Texas pump house that irrigated the fields in which the farm workers central to Gloria Anzaldúa’s poetry picked produce. Rather than just providing a cursory overview of these authors’ achievements, acclaimed literary scholar and cultural historian Shelley Fisher Fishkin offers a deep and personal reflection on how key sites bore witness to the struggles of American writers and inspired their dreams. She probes the global impact of American writers’ innovative art and also examines the distinctive contributions to American culture by American writers who wrote in languages other than English, including Yiddish, Chinese, and Spanish. Only a scholar with as wide-ranging interests as Shelley Fisher Fishkin would dare to bring together in one book writers as diverse as Gloria Anzaldúa, Nicholas Black Elk, David Bradley, Abraham Cahan, S. Alice Callahan, Raymond Chandler, Frank Chin, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Countee Cullen, Frederick Douglass, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Jessie Fauset, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Allen Ginsberg, Jovita González, Rolando Hinojosa, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Lawson Fusao Inada, James Weldon Johnson, Erica Jong, Maxine Hong Kingston, Irena Klepfisz, Nella Larsen, Emma Lazarus, Sinclair Lewis, Genny Lim, Claude McKay, Herman Melville, N. Scott Momaday, William Northup, John Okada, Miné Okubo, Simon Ortiz, Américo Paredes, John P. Parker, Ann Petry, Tomás Rivera, Wendy Rose, Morris Rosenfeld, John Steinbeck, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, Yoshiko Uchida, Tino Villanueva, Nathanael West, Walt Whitman, Richard Wright, Hisaye Yamamoto, Anzia Yezierska, and Zitkala-Ša. Leading readers on an enticing journey across the borders of physical places and imaginative terrains, the book includes over 60 images, and extended excerpts from a variety of literary works. Each chapter ends with resources for further exploration. Writing America reveals the alchemy though which American writers have transformed the world around them into art, changing their world and ours in the process.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Max Weber: A Biography
Max Weber (1864-1920) is recognized throughout the world as the most important classic thinker in the social sciences – there is simply no one in the history of the social sciences who has been more influential. The affinity between capitalism and protestantism, the religious origins of the Western world, the force of charisma in religion as well as in politics, the all-embracing process of rationalization and the bureaucratic price of progress, the role of legitimacy and of violence as offsprings of leadership, the ‘disenchantment’ of the modern world together with the never-ending power of religion, the antagonistic relation between intellectualism and eroticism: all these are key concepts which attest to the enduring fascination of Weber’s thinking. The tremendous influence exerted by Max Weber was due not only to the power of his ideas but also to the fact that behind his theories one perceived a man with a marked character and a tragic destiny. However, for nearly 80 years, our understanding of the life of Max Weber was dominated by the biography published in 1926 by his widow, Marianne Weber. The lack of a great Weber biography was one of the strangest and most glaring gaps in the literature of the social sciences. For various reasons the task was difficult; time and again, attempts to write a new biography of Max Weber ended in failure. When Joachim Radkau’s biography appeared in Germany in 2005 it caused a sensation. Based on an abundance of previously unknown sources and richly embedded in the German history of the time, this is the first fully comprehensive biography of Max Weber ever to appear. Radkau brings out, in a way that no one has ever done before, the intimate interrelations between Weber’s thought and his life experience. He presents detailed revelations about the great enigmas of Weber’s life: his suffering and erotic experiences, his fears and his desires, his creative power and his methods of work as well as his religious experience and his relation to nature and to death. By understanding the great drama of his life, we discover a new Max Weber, until now unknown in many respects, and, at the same time, we gain a new appreciation of his work. Joachim Radkau, born in 1943, is Professor of Modern History at the Bielefeld University, Germany. His interest in Max Weber dates back nearly forty years when he worked together with the German-American historian George W. F. Hallgarten (Washington), a refugee who left Germany in 1933 and who, as a student, listened to Weber’s last lecture in summer 1920. Radkau’s main works include Die deutsche Emigration in den USA (1971); Deutsche Industrie und Politik (together with G. W. F. Hallgarten, 1974), Aufstieg und Krise der deutschen Atomwirtschaft (1983), Technik in Deutschland (1989), Das Zeitalter der Nervosität (1998), Natur und Macht: Eine Weltgeschichte der Umwelt (2000).
Open University Press Reconceptualizing Leadership in the Early Years
"This book has the potential to do for nurseries what Michael Fullan's work did for schools, to re-affirm the moral heart of leadership. Often omitted from accounts of early years professionalism, an attitude of care is advocated as the central characteristic of leaders. At the same time, Clark and Murray challenge the traditional explanation for this attitude amongst practitioners in terms of female nurture, presenting it instead in non-gendered terms as a function of ethical character and commitment. With their concepts of catalytic agency, reflective integrity and relational interdependence, the authors provide an intellectual justification for something that many practitioners have long known intuitively, that early years leadership calls for a marriage of both mind and heart." Dr Geoff Taggart, Lecturer in Early Years, University of Reading, UK“This book makes an innovative contribution to the discussion and debate about leadership in early years. The new conceptual framework which is introduced for understanding leadership focuses on thinking critically about how leadership is worked out in early childhood practice. Underpinned by empirical research from across the early years sector, a range of practitioner profiles and voices are used to illustrate, examine and discuss the core features of the leadership within process in action. Particularly useful for graduate early years leaders, and all students of early childhood education and care practice, this book includes valuable material that will challenge thinking about the development and professional identity of leaders in early years provision in the twenty-first century.”Gill Goodliff, Department of Education, The Open University, UKThis book explores the realities of leadership in the early years and examines the challenges and opportunities for the profession. The authors suggest that recent moves to professionalize the workforce offer a unique opportunity to reconceptualize leadership and develop a new paradigm more suited to the specific circumstances of the sector.As well as discussing current perspectives of leadership, the book proposes a new concept for the early years, leadership within, which recognises that leadership can come from anywhere within an organisation or setting. The book argues that the concept of leadership within is more appropriate for the early years sector as it draws on the professional desire to further the education and well-being of young children and their families rather than on traditional hierarchy and position. Key features of the book include: Ideas based on research from a wide range of current early years practice Real leadership profiles of practitioners from a diversity of different professional backgrounds and working in a variety of contexts Reflective prompts to assist you in identifying the leadership in your own practice and how this can be developed further The ideas explored in Reconceptualizing Leadership in the Early Years have important implications for sustainable leadership development in the sector and are essential reading for all practitioners as well as those studying early childhood and enrolled on EYPS courses.
Open University Press The Business of Therapy: How to Run a Successful Private Practice
Creating a comfortable consulting room, grappling with the thorny question of money, finding clients, paperwork, legal issues, boundaries and confidentiality – Pauline Hodson analyses both the psychological and practical issues which need to be addressed when setting up a private practice.Once your practice is established it is important to be able to anticipate and think about situations that impinge on the therapy: illness, holidays, neighbours, pets and children, which if not paid attention to, can destroy the safe environment necessary for effective and sensitive work to take place.The Business of Therapy gives both detailed anecdotes and a jargon free overview of the theory and practice of the work of therapists. It is a much needed handbook for all those who work with clients in the privacy of a consulting room - and for all those who are curious about what therapy actually involves.This book is a valuable resource for psychotherapists and counsellors, for graduates setting up in private practice, for established practitioners and for those planning retirement.With a foreword by Susie Orbach."Counsellors from a psychodynamic and psychoanalytical background will feel very at home with the contents. I found it a thoroughly enjoyable read; it actually made me laugh out loud on a couple of occasions."Therapy Today review, February 2013"This book is a marvel! This book gives an engaging and practical insight into what is usually the very private world of private practice."Susanna Abse, CEO, The Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships, London, UK"The book takes seriously the needs of therapists throughout their professional life - the need for developing support systems and care of the therapist’s well being, looking after their bodies as well as minds ... In the Foreword Susie Orbach describes the book as a gift to the profession and I agree."Oxford Psychotherapy Bulletin"Although addressed primarily to psychotherapists and counsellors, practically every page of this book applies equally to the practice of complementary medicine - acupuncture, osteopathy and so on - and it is essential reading for these practitioners."John Hamwee, Acupuncturist and author of Energy Medicine and Acupuncture for New Practitioners"This book gives me an intriguing, bird’s eye view from inside the room of how and why the process works."Lisa Jayne Bloomer, Lisa Jayne Art Studio, UK"Written with admirable concision and with the page-turning delights of a fine novel, this book will be a joy for seasoned colleagues, and a life-saver for students and for those newly qualified. The Business of Therapy: How to Succeed in Private Practice leaves all other contenders in the dust!"Professor Brett Kahr, Centre for Child Mental Health in London and Roehampton University, UK"I wish this marvellous book had come my way earlier. It’s an essential read for any therapeutic practitioner, but particularly for those in their first years in the profession or who are still in training. It’s a pleasure to recommend it."Carol Leader, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (BPC and UKCP)
Oxford University Press Inc Learning from My Daughter: The Value and Care of Disabled Minds
Does life have meaning? What is flourishing? How do we attain the good life? Philosophers, and many others of us, have explored these questions for centuries. As Eva Feder Kittay points out, however, there is a flaw in the essential premise of these questions: they seem oblivious to the very nature of the ways in which humans live, omitting a world of co-dependency, and of the fact that we live in and through our bodies, whether they are fully abled or disabled. Our dependent, vulnerable, messy, changeable, and embodied experience colors everything about our lives both on the surface and when it comes to deeper concepts, but we tend to leave aside the body for the mind when it comes to philosophical matters. Disability offers a powerful challenge to long-held philosophical views about the nature of the good life, what provides meaning in our lives, and the centrality of reason, as well as questions of justice, dignity, and personhood. These concepts need not be distant and idealized; the answers are right before us, in the way humans interact with one another, care for one another, and need one another--whether they possess full mental capacities or have cognitive limitations. We need to revise our concepts of things like dignity and personhood in light of this important correction, Kittay argues. This is the first of two books in which Kittay will grapple with just how we need to revisit core philosophical ideas in light of disabled people's experience and way of being in the world. Kittay, an award-winning philosopher who is also the mother to a multiply-disabled daughter, interweaves the personal voice with the philosophical as a critical method of philosophical investigation. Here, she addresses why cognitive disability can reorient us to what truly matters, and questions the centrality of normalcy as part of a good life. With profound sensitivity and insight, Kittay examines other difficult topics: How can we look at the ethical questions regarding prenatal testing in light of a new appreciation of the personhood of disabled people? What do new possibilities in genetic testing imply for understanding disability, the family, and bioethics? How can we reconsider the importance of care, and how does it work best? In the process of pursuing these questions, Kittay articulates an ethic of care, which is the ethical theory most useful for claiming full rights for disabled people and providing the opportunities for everyone to live joyful and fulfilling lives. She applies the lessons of care to the controversial alteration of severely cognitively disabled children known as the Ashley Treatment, whereby a child's growth is halted with extensive estrogen treatment and related bodily interventions are justified. This book both imparts lessons that advocate on behalf of those with significant disabilities, and constructs a moral theory grounded on our ability to give, receive, and share care and love. Above all, it aims to adjust social attitudes and misconceptions about life with disability.
Institute of Economic Affairs The Future of the Commons: Beyond Market Failure & Government Regulations
Traditional economic models of how to manage environmental problems relating to renewable natural resources, such as fisheries, have tended to recommend either government regulation or privatisation and the explicit definition of property rights. These traditional models ignore the practical reality of natural resource management. Many communities are able to spontaneously develop their own approaches to managing such common-pool resources. In the words of Mark Pennington: '[Professor Ostrom's] book Governing the Commons is a superb testament to the understanding that can be gained when economists observe in close-up detail how people craft arrangements to solve problems in ways often beyond the imagination of textbook theorists.' In particular, communities are often able to find stable and effective ways to define the boundaries of a common-pool resource, define the rules for its use and effectively enforce those rules. The effective management of a natural resource often requires 'polycentric' systems of governance where various entities have some role in the process. Government may play a role in some circumstances, perhaps by providing information to resource users or by assisting enforcement processes through court systems. Elinor Ostrom's work in this field, for which she won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2009, was grounded in the detailed empirical study of how communities managed common-pool resources in practice. It is essential that we avoid the 'panacea problem'. There is no correct way to manage common-pool resources that will always be effective. Different ways of managing resources will be appropriate in different contexts - for example within different cultures or where there are different physical characteristics of a natural resource. Nevertheless, there are principles that we can draw from the detailed study of the salient features of different cases to help us understand how different common-pool resources might be best managed; which rules systems and systems of organisation have the best chance of success or failure; and so on. Elinor Ostrom's approach has been praised by the left, who often see it as being opposed to free-market privatisation initiatives. In fact, her approach sits firmly within the classical liberal tradition of political economy. She observes communities freely choosing their own mechanisms to manage natural resource problems without government coercion or planning. In developing a viable approach to the management of the commons, it is important, among other things, that a resource can be clearly defined and that the rules governing the use of the resource are adapted to local conditions. This suggests that rules imposed from outside, such as by government agencies, are unlikely to be successful. There are important areas of natural resource management where Elinor Ostrom's ideas should be adopted to avoid environmental catastrophe. Perhaps the most obvious example relevant to the UK is in European Union fisheries policy. Here, there is one centralised model for the management of the resource that is applied right across the European Union, ignoring all the evidence about the failure of that approach.
Cornerstone Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
The definitive book on the Scrum methodology from its co-creator and the CEO of Scrum, Inc., Jeff Sutherland.Scrum is the revolutionary approach to project management and team building that has helped to transform everything from software companies to the US military to healthcare in major hospitals. In this bestselling productivity bible, its originator, Jeff Sutherland, explains precisely and step-by-step how it operates - and how it can be made to work for anyone, whether you're working from the office or from home.He explains how to define precisely what it is that you are seeking to achieve, how to set up the team to achieve it, and how to monitor progress until the project is successfully completed. Filled with practical examples drawn from all types and organisation, Scrum will make you rethink the fundamentals of successful management - and show you how to get things done.Every organisation, whatever its size, constantly has to come to grips with delivering a product or service on time and on budget. Scrum shows you how.__________________________'Full of engaging stories and real-world examples. The project management method known as Scrum may be the most widely deployed productivity tool among high-tech companies. On a mission to put this tool into the hands of the broader business world for the first time, Jeff Sutherland succeeds brilliantly.' - ERIC RIES, New York Times bestselling author of THE LEAN STARTUP'Engaging, persuasive and extremely practical . . . Scrum provides a simple framework for solving what seem like intractable and complicated work problems. Amazingly, this book will not only make your life at work and home easier, but also, better and happier.' - SHAWN ACHOR, New York Times bestselling author of BEFORE HAPPINESS and THE HAPPINESS ADVANTAGE'Scrum is mandatory reading for any leader, whether they're leading troops on the battlefield or in the marketplace. The challenges of today's world don't permit the luxury of slow, inefficient work. Success requires tremendous speed, enormous productivity, and an unwavering commitment to achieving results. In other words, success requires Scrum.' - U.S. General BARRY McCAFFREY'Jeff Sutherland is the master of creating high-performing teams. The subtitle of this book understates Scrum's impact. If you don't get three times the results in one-third the time, you aren't doing it right!' - SCOTT MAXWELL, Founder & Senior Managing Director, OpenView Venture Partners'This deceptively simple system is the most powerful way I've seen to improve the effectiveness of any team. I started using it with my business and family halfway through reading the book. - LEO BABAUTA, creator of ZEN HABITS'[Scrum] dramatically increases productivity while reducing employees' frustrations with the typical corporate nonsense. This book is the best description I've seen of how this process can work across many industries. Senior leaders should not just read the book - they should do what Sutherland recommends.' - PROFESSOR JEFFREY PFEFFER, Stanford Business School; co-author of THE KNOWING-DOING GAP
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook: A Guide to Maximizing the Value of Your Limited People Resources
THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO MAXIMIZING LIMITED RESOURCES TO INNOVATE AND GROWTrying to accomplish too much with too few resources has become almost customary in business today. More often than not, though, all that we "accomplish" is delayed projects, mass confusion, and missed opportunities--not the achievement of business goals.The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook helps you tackle the critical challenges of resource management and capacity planning head on by providing a proven tool for making the leap from chaos tocontrol: the Capacity Quadrant, a framework for addressing visibility, prioritization, optimization of existing resources, and integrated planning and governance.The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook demystifies the complexities of resource capacity and demand management and offers clear ways for maximizing your limited resources to drive business growth and sustainability.This groundbreaking guide includes: The latest benchmark data from a comprehensive study of resource management Case studies from organizations that haveused the book's methods with great success Tools for overcoming common barriers and making decisions involving time capture, resource assignments, and competing priorities Recommendations on ownership of the organization'sresource management and capacity planning functions Considerations for addressing the human side of resource management and capacity planning The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook gives you the information, insight, and proven methods to take your company where it has never been before.PRAISE FOR THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND CAPACITY PLANNING HANDBOOK"There are lots of leadership books, scores of human resources books, and plenty of project and portfolio management books. This is the first book dedicated to what is essentially the drivetrain of organizations--the effective use of its people toward its most important activities. This is Manas's best and most ambitious book yet." -- Judith E. Glaser, CEO, Benchmark Communications, Inc.; Chairman of The Creating WE Institute; and author of the bestselling Conversational Intelligence"Jerry's book and the Capacity Quadrant model he outlines give you a realistic view of your workforce and an approach to maximizing the 'people power' in your organization that's easy to understand and apply. It could very well help transform your company and make you a hero in the process!" -- Dave Garrett, President and CEO,"Unlike lifeless products, people skills and capacity are difficult to measure and vary widely between 'good' days and 'bad' days. Manas steps nimbly through this minefield with solid evidence and practical advice--all laced together in an easy-to-read style." -- R. Max Wideman FCSCE, FEIC, FICE, FPMI"It didn't take me too long into reading when I realized how much we really needed this book. I wish we had it when we started implementing Resource Capacity Planning and Investment Planning. I will make sure all of my staff members have copies." -- Gary Merrifield, PMP, Manager, IT Project Delivery and Quality Assurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana"A great guide to the most important topic in management: how to maximize your limited people resources." -- Hans Heuschkel, Senior Business Intelligence Analyst/Project Manager, Swiss insurance company
Tuttle Publishing The Mad Kyoto Shoe Swapper and Other Short Stories
"Otowa has woven a series of delightful vignettes of life in Japan, from a true historical story of feuding villages to a man who steals shoes at temples…and some highlighting the cultural differences between Japanese and American sensibilities, especially for women." — Ginny Tapley-Takemori, translator of Convenience Store WomanFrom the unique standpoint of an American woman who married into a Japanese family and has lived in Japan for more than thirty years, Rebecca Otowa weaves enchanting tales of her adopted home that portray the perspective of both the Japanese and the foreigner on the universal issues that face us all—love, work, marriage, death, and family conflict.The collection includes: A Year of Coffee and Cake—A young American wife in the Tokyo suburbs suspects her next-door neighbor of murdering an elderly relative. Rhododendron Valley—An elderly man decides to commit suicide to deal with his terminal illness and to spare his family pain. The Mad Kyoto Shoe Swapper—A reclusive young Japanese man enjoys the strange hobby of stealing shoes from temples, but it gradually consumes him. Genbei's Curse—A downtrodden woman loses her temper with her demanding, sick father-in-law. Years later, old and sick herself, she can now empathize with him. Trial by Fire—A true story passed down through the author's family of a gruesome trial to settle a land dispute in 1619. Love and Duty—The Japanese custom of "duty chocolates" (chocolates gifted by women to men on Valentine's Day) has repercussions for an American and a Japanese woman. Uncle Trash—Told in the form of newspaper articles, this is the story of an old man, his hoarding addiction, the annoyance it brings his family, and his eventual revenge. Watch Again—A man starts stalking his ex-wife and learns something about himself in the process. Three Village Stories—A tea ceremony teacher, a vengeful son, and an old man ostracized by his community are the protagonists in three vignettes of village life. The Rescuer—After meeting his death in a train accident, a young man finds himself in the position of rescuing others from the same fate. Showa Girl—Based on a true story from the author's family, a girl of fifteen has an arranged marriage with an older man just back from a POW camp in Russia in 1948. Rachel and Leah—An older American woman reflects on her long and not always happy marriage to a Japanese man. The Turtle Stone—Going from the 1950s to the present, this is the story of one man's efforts to keep the family cake shop alive in a Kyoto that is constantly modernizing. Illustrated throughout with the author's own black-and-white drawings, this captivating volume offers a unique and lovingly rendered insight into everyday life in modern Japan.
F.A. Davis Company Pharm Phlash!: Pharmacology Flash Cards
The best flashcards to test yourself on the top drugs & prepare for the NCLEX®! Increase your test scores in pharmacology class. Build your confidence to pass the NCLEX®. Expand your understanding of pharmacological agents. Decrease and prevent medication errors in practice. These flashcards put critical clinical information for nearly 400 of the top generic medications at your fingertips. Each card features a single generic drug or a medication group to help build associations between common medications and includes indications for use of the drug, action of the drug, route/dosage information, adverse reactions/side effects, pre-administration vital signs, laboratory data assessment, drug levels, patient teaching, and more. Count on them for accuracy because each card is based on content from Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®. AMAZING and MUST GET!“These cards are a MUST for any nursing student or even nurse! I use these for almost every single assignment from nursing process sheets to care plans. You need to get these immediately, and you’ll love them!! Seriously, I am so glad I stumbled upon these cards. Thank you to whoever invented these!”—Edgar G. GREAT for Nursing Students“I used these cards to pass my pharmacology final and my NCLEX in nursing school! I love these cards. They have all the info you need on the card, and even helpful tips.”—Cloie Updated & Revised! Completely reviewed and updated to ensure accuracy A color-coded, body-system organization reflects the information common to classes of medications. Each card features a single generic drug or a medication group to help build associations between common medications and includes indications for use of the drug, action of the drug, adverse reactions/side effects, pre-administration vital signs, laboratory data assessment, drug levels, patient teaching, and more. “Make the Connection” highlights information crucial to administering medications safely, understanding the clinical applicability of the information, and helps to develop critical-thinking skills. “Keep in Mind” provides key nursing considerations, including client teaching. Route/dosage information appears on the back of each card. Common abbreviations listed on each card, with a summary of the abbreviations on separate, introductory cards. A comprehensive, alphabetical Index makes it easy to locate drugs within the deck by trade, generic, or Canadian brand name. New! Card listing commonly used monoclonal antibodies, their brand and generic names, and indications for use New! Cards explaining the cytochrome P450 (CYP 450) enzyme system, how the enzymes effect the levels of other drugs with a list of strong and moderate inhibitors and inducers New! CYP3A4 inducer or inhibiter descriptions in the “Make the Connection” section on each card, when appropriate New! Cards for VMAT2 inhibiters in the central nervous system section
Johns Hopkins University Press Iliazd: A Meta-Biography of a Modernist
A captivating portrait of futurist artist Iliazd infused with the reflections of his accidental biographer on the stickiness of the genre.The poet Ilia Zdanevich, known in his professional life as Iliazd, began his career in the pre-Revolutionary artistic circles of Russian futurism. By the end of his life, he was the publisher of deluxe limited edition books in Paris. The recent subject of major exhibitions in Moscow, his native Tbilisi, New York, and other venues, the work of Iliazd has been prized by bibliophiles and collectors for its exquisite book design and innovative typography. Iliazd collaborated with many major figures of modern art—Pablo Picasso, Sonia Delaunay, Max Ernst, Joán Miro, Natalia Goncharova, and Mikhail Larionov, among others. His 1949 anthology, The Poetry of Unknown Words, was the first international anthology of experimental visual and sound poetry ever published. The list of contributors is a veritable "Who's Who" of avant-garde writing and visual art. And Iliazd's unique hands-on engagement with book production and design makes him the ideal case study for considering the book as a modern art form. Iliazd is the first full-length biography of the poet-publisher, as well as the first comprehensive English-language study of his life and work. Johanna Drucker weaves two stories together: the history of Iliazd's work as a modern artist and poet, and the narrative of the author's encounter with his widow and other figures in the process of researching his biography. Drucker's reflection on what a biographical project entails addresses questions about the relationship between documentary evidence and narrative, between contemporary witnesses and retrospective accounts. Ultimately, Drucker asks how we should understand the connection between the life of an artist and their work. Enriched with photographs from the Iliazd archive and a wealth of primary documents, the book is a vivid account of a unique contributor to modernism—and to the way we continue to reevaluate the history of twentieth-century culture. Accounts of Drucker's research during the mid-1980s in the personal archive of Madame Hélène Zdanevich, the poet's widow, lend the narrative an incredible intimacy. Drucker recounts how, sitting in the studio that Iliazd occupied from the late 1930s until his death in 1975, she was drawn into the circle of scholars who had made him their focus and were doing foundational work on his significance. She also coped with the difference between the widow's view of the artist as a man she loved and Drucker's own perception of Iliazd's significance within a critical approach to history. Iliazd is at once a rich study of a significant figure and a thoughtful reflection on the way a biography creates an encounter with its always absent subject.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development
Despite the Doha declaration of November 2001, the failure to start a new round of global trade negotiations at Seattle in December 1999 and the hostility of protesters to the trade liberalization process and growing global economic and social disparities was a wake-up call for the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The ambitious goal of this ground-breaking book is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of liberalized world trade, in particular in the agricultural sector, and to investigate to what extent the current WTO agreements provide the necessary fail-safe devices to react to trade-related negative impacts on sustainability, environmental protection and food security. The background and interrelationship between the WTO, the tenets of sustainable development and the unique features of the agriculture and forestry sectors are explored, and conclusions regarding the deficits of the world trade system and its conflicts with basic societal goals – such as sustainability – are drawn. Agriculture and forestry have a particular affinity with what the authors call "strong sustainability" and are to be among the major agenda items in forthcoming WTO negotiations. The book proposes that sustainable agricultural production techniques such as integrated and organic farming provide a series of related services to community and environment which could be severely prejudiced by wholesale trade liberalization and the imposition of the large-scale production methods of the mega-trade giants of the USA and Europe. And yet the concept of sustainability is referred to only tangentially in the existing WTO agenda. The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development argues that, without a formal recognition of this failing, the premise that free trade is inherently advantageous for all countries is a falsehood. Further, unfettered liberalization is unsustainable and a social and environmental multilateral framework must be agreed to reinterpret or adapt a host of WTO regulations that are at odds with sustainable development. The core problem is that, under the current system, import duties can only be differentiated by direct goods and services and not by their means of production – sustainable or otherwise. Therefore, a range of environmental policy measures in the agricultural sector, such as the consideration of product life-cycles, the internalization of external costs and a coupling of trade liberalization with ecological obligations are proposed by the authors. In addition, they argue that unsustainable economic short-termism must be curbed and the use of the stick of trade sanctions and the carrot of financial benefits for good environmental performance be permitted to promote sustainable agricultural practices. This book will contribute greatly in addressing the lack of basic theoretical arguments at the intersection between trade and sustainable development – a failing that has already been bemoaned by trade policy-makers. It is highly recommended reading for all those involved or interested in the WTO negotiations, whether from multilateral organizations, governments, industry or civil society.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking US Election Law: Unskewing the System
Recent U.S. elections have defied nationwide majority preference at the White House, Senate, and House levels. This work of interdisciplinary scholarship explains how ''winner-take-all'' and single-member district elections make this happen, and what can be done to repair the system. Proposed reforms include the National Popular Vote interstate compact (presidential elections); eliminating the Senate filibuster; and proportional representation using Ranked Choice Voting for House, state, and local elections. This timely analysis of election law and politics outlining key structural election reforms combines distinct analysis of presidential, Senate, and U.S. House elections reforms, while also addressing reforms at the state and local government level. The author argues for fundamental structural changes to U.S. elections like Proportional Representation and Ranked Choice Voting, without requiring any constitutional amendments. Analysis of recent political developments such as progress on the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting state-wide in Maine, and the 2018 Supreme Court gerrymandering cases add real-world relevance and applicability. This sharp examination of a flawed system is vital reading for students and scholars involved in election law and political science, and is approachable enough for lay readers interested in politics and reform as well. 'Rethinking US Election Law is a timely, well-written argument in favour of electoral reform in the United States. It advances achievable solutions that could go a long way towards solving the country's current democratic breakdown, and is an excellent read for anyone interested in ''unskewing the system''.' - Erica Frazier, LSE Review 'Steven Mulroy's Rethinking US Election Law is a concise and refreshing book on US election law. The book takes the reader on a tour through the various and profound shortcomings of the country's reliance on single-member districts (SMDs) and demonstrates that, so long as these SMDs remain the principal building block of US elections, little can be done to resolve the many ailments that afflict the process. It is a powerful, thoughtfully-reasoned and clearly-written argument in favor of electoral reform.. . . Mulroy offers a compelling argument for electoral reform that should be required reading for the next redistricting cycle or for any undergraduate class on voting rights and redistricting. Even the most skeptical critic would have difficulty refuting his analysis.' - American Political Science Association 'Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, Rethinking US Election Law is a seminal work of outstanding scholarship that is as thoughtful as it is thought-provoking. . . (it) is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to community, academic, governmental Contemporary Political Science collections and supplemental studies reading lists for students, academia, political activists, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject.' - John Taylor, Midwest Book Review
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Rise of the City: Spatial Dynamics in the Urban Century
'Cities have been studied and written on from a whole host of unique viewpoints. The contributors of this volume shed light on the city from several perspectives that together constitute the modern singularity of these spaces on Earth. Based on international and cutting-edge research, the content explores critical and sometimes contested issues such as innovation and entrepreneurship, technology, infrastructure, governance and the quality of life of urban inhabitants. The volume brings a clear and refreshing perspective on a fast changing reality.'- Jean-Claude Thill, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US'The Rise of the City is a must read for those who want to learn about achieving the promise of cities and urbanisation for society and the well-being of their people. The distinguished group of contributors provides a holistic roadmap about how cities can be economic engines of growth that promote innovation and creativity. This will not be easy as they also identify the challenges that must be overcome including better planning, inclusive governance, and sustainable development.'- Mark Partridge, Ohio State University, USCities and city regions are growing throughout the world and this trend is forecast to continue well into the 21st century. The authors of The Rise of the City see the next 100 years as being the ''Urban Century''. In this book they examine urban growth and the dynamics that are transforming the city and city regions, focusing specifically on the spatial aspects of this process.Forces that are driving city growth include agglomeration spillovers, concentration of innovation and entrepreneurship, diversity of information and knowledge resources, better amenities and higher wages. These benefits produce a positive reinforcing system that attracts more people with new ideas and information, fuelling innovation, new products and services and more high-wage jobs, thereby attracting more people. Such growth also produces undesirable effects such as air and water pollution, poverty, congestion and crowding. These combined factors both impact and change the geography and spatial dynamics of the city. These transformations and the public policies that may be critical to the quality of life, both today and in the future, are the substance of this book.Providing a more informed synthesis of the city and its dynamics in the new century than any other volume, as well as a set of specific analyses and questions on the changing nature of the city, this book will be indispensible to scholars and students of regional science and urban studies.Contributors: Å.E. Andersson, D.E. Andersson, M.G. Boarnet, A.M. Bonomi Barufi, S. Brunow, R. Camagni, R. Capello, A. Caragliu, Z. Chen, Z. Daghbashyan, C.F. Del Bo, R.K. Green, E.A. Haddad, B. Hårsman, K.E. Haynes, N. Ishikawa, K. Kourtit, J.P. Larsson, M.M. Mazurencu, V. Miersch, P. Nijkamp, A.R. Olsson, R.R. Stough, M. van Geenhuizen, R.S. Vieira, Y. Wen, H. Westlund, Q. Ye
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Art and Practice of Economics Research: Lessons from Leading Minds
'In this book, Simon Bowmaker offers a remarkable collection of conversations with leading economists about research in economics. He has selected a broad sample of the great economists of our time, including people whose perspectives span most of the major subdivisions of economics research, from micro to macro, from theoretical to empirical, from rationalist to behavioral.'- From the foreword by Roger B. Myerson, University of Chicago and 2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics 'The Art and Practice of Economics Research is the book I wish I had when I was ''growing up'' as an economist. For anyone who is or wants to be an economic researcher, or anyone just interested in how economics ''works'', this is a terrific and inspirational resource.' - David K. Levine, Washington University in St. Louis 'It is hard to imagine an economist in the world who would not enjoy this book. It is fascinating, gripping, and full of the wisdom imparted by age and by scholarly life's ups and downs.'- Andrew J. Oswald, University of Warwick, UK 'Although each has followed his or her own road, these scholars share a passion for economics and a commitment to the research enterprise. The best economists lie sleepless, gripped by their questions.' - Joshua Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology'This is a wonderful book of interviews with some of the most respected economists in the world. It is full of insights into academic life, and clearly conveys the joy of doing economics research.'- Jon Levin, Stanford University'The relaxed frame of the interviews gives interested parties exciting insights into the thoughts and concerns of leading economists and might well inspire some of the best young minds to continue with economics in their later lives.' - Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich, Switzerland The Art and Practice of Economics Research provides an in-depth look into the research methods of leading economists from across the United States and Europe. This innovative volume contains 25 interviews with practicing economists, presenting insightful personal accounts into an often-misunderstood field. Contributors to this volume were asked to reflect on their own experience in economics research, including their methods of working, the process of scientific discovery and knowledge creation, and the challenges of successfully disseminating their work. The unique and compelling interview format showcases each contributor's personal connection to his or her work, presenting a view of current economics research that is technical, comprehensive, and refreshingly human. Both students and current scholars in economics will find much to admire in this book's window into the inner workings of some of the brightest and best-known minds in the field. This volume also makes a great companion to the author's 2010 book, The Heart of Teaching Economics, which showcases the personal experiences of teachers and professors of economics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sons Talk About Their Gay Fathers: Life Curves
Examine the impact of disclosure on sons whose fathers are gay! In this book, Andrew Gottlieb, author of Out of the Twilight: Fathers of Gay Men Speak, explores yet another side of the impact of homosexuality on families. He now looks at how sons react to learning that their fathers are gay, allowing us to see, over time, how this has changed their family relationships and their own lives. Simply and elegantly written, this psychoanalytically oriented qualitative research study is accessible to both the beginner and the more advanced researcher and practitioner. It draws from a wide range of literary, popular, and psychological sources and includes an interview guide, a reference section, and an index. When someone discloses as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, it is not just an individual event. It is a family event. Based on estimates of married gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons, a spouse's coming out affects up to 2,000,000 couples. Yet, its impact has been largely ignored. Children’s voices are the least often heard. . . . Little has been written about sons of fathers who came out during or after marriage. Data for studies that do exist most often draw from the fathers' point of view. . . . The significance of this study lies in its comprehensive, detailed picture of sons and gay fathers as they develop their separate self-images as well as the images of their son-father relationships over time. Painful, sensitive, often triumphant, the stories and [the author’s] analysis of their thoughts, perceptions, and feelings afford a multidimensional, longitudinal viewing. Step by step, we follow the complicated dance of these sons and fathers as they develop and define their connection. from the Foreword by Amity Pierce Buxton, Author of The Other Side of the Closet: The Coming-Out Crisis for Straight Spouses and Families Sons Talk About Their Gay Fathers: Life Curves is a storybookan extended narrative moved along, but not overshadowed, by psychoanalytic theory. The Introduction briefly reviews more recent writings of the fathering experience as told by gay men themselves, setting the stage for: Father to Childa look at the father as seen through the ever-shifting eyes of his son at different phases of the life cycle The Quest for the Real Fatheran examination of sons' responses to their fathers' homosexuality as captured in film, fiction, nonfiction, television, and the psychological literature Methodologythe story of the research process, including sampling, the search for subjects, trustworthiness, the interview, bias, and data collection The Storiesan anthology of narratives the author constructed from the interview material, painting an intimate portrait of each individual son Findingsa categorical analysis Discussiona summary of all the preceding material cast in a developmental framework, highlighting implications for future research and clinical practice
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set
Overcome the fears and challenges of life—seven of Jon Gordon’s most inspiring quick reads in one collection. Bestselling author and inspirational speaker Jon Gordon has devoted his life to helping people reach their greatest potential. He is celebrated for the way he takes complex subjects and distills them into engaging stories—infusing optimism, encouragement, positivity, and grit into the lives of millions of people around the world. The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set features seven of the author’s most powerful books on overcoming fear and anxiety, nurturing personal growth and positivity, thriving through change, creating clarity and focus, cultivating teamwork, and creating meaningful and lasting success. The Shark and the Goldfish, a fable that strengthens the courage and confidence you need to overcome fear and uncertainty in difficult times—and thrive! Features charming illustrations and an action plan filled with practical tips and proven strategies. The Positive Dog, a delightful story that shows you that we all have two dogs inside of us: one is positive, the other is negative. Learn how feeding your positive dog also nourishes those around you—to everyone’s immense benefit! One Word shows you how to create simplicity in your world and develop a discipline for life through the power of just one word. Discover your yearly word to positively impact all six dimensions of your life—and lead the way to clarity and success. Life Word shares a simple yet powerful tool that identifies the word that will inspire you to leave your greatest legacy. Follow the step-by-step process that will help you live your best life with a renewed sense of confidence, purpose, and passion. The Coffee Bean, a powerful illustrated fable that teaches you how to transform your environment, overcome challenges, and create positive change in yourself and those around you. The Garden, the spiritual fable that brings the power of faith, hope, and love to real life. Infused with thought-provoking ideas and practical strategies, this life-changing story shows you how to overcome fear with faith, encouragement, truth, and belief—for yourself and the people you love and care about. Stick Together delivers a critical message about the power of belief, ownership, connection, love, inclusion, consistency, and hope. This illustrated fable takes you on an inspirational journey that will help you and your team create an unbreakable bond, persevere through challenges, overcome obstacles, and create enduring success—together. The time-tested wisdom and practical guidance contained in The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set is invaluable for CEOs and leaders, team members and coworkers, parents, mentors, coaches, and individuals looking to instill passion, purpose, and achievement into every aspect of their lives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Virtual Selling: A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video, Technology, and Virtual Communication Channels to Engage Remote Buyers and Close Deals Fast
And just like that, everything changed . . . A global pandemic. Panic. Social distancing. Working from home. In a heartbeat, we went from happy hours to virtual happy hours. From conferences to virtual conferences. From selling to virtual selling. To remain competitive, sales and business professionals were required to shift the way they engaged prospects and customers. Overnight, virtual selling became the new normal. Now, it is here to stay. Virtual selling can be challenging. It's more difficult to make human to human connections. It's natural to feel intimidated by technology and digital tools. Few of us haven't felt the wave of insecurity the instant a video camera is pointed in our direction. Yet, virtual selling is powerful because it allows you to engage more prospects and customers, in less time, at a lower cost, while reducing the sales cycle. Virtual Selling is the definitive guide to leveraging video-based technology and virtual communication channels to engage prospects, advance pipeline opportunities, and seal the deal. You'll learn a complete system for blending video, phone, text, live chat, social media, and direct messaging into your sales process to increase productivity and reduce sales cycles. Jeb Blount, one of the most celebrated sales trainers of our generation, teaches you: How to leverage human psychology to gain more influence on video calls The seven technical elements of impactful video sales calls The five human elements of highly effective video sales calls How to overcome your fear of the camera and always be video ready How to deliver engaging and impactful virtual demos and presentations Powerful video messaging strategies for engaging hard to reach stakeholders The Four-Step Video Prospecting Framework The Five-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework The LDA Method for handling telephone prospecting objections Advanced email prospecting strategies and frameworks How to leverage text messaging for prospecting and down pipeline communication The law of familiarity and how it takes the friction out of virtual selling The 5C's of Social Selling Why it is imperative to become proficient with reactive and proactive chat Strategies for direct messaging – the "Swiss Army Knife" of virtual selling How to leverage a blended virtual/physical selling approach to close deals faster As you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you'll gain greater and greater confidence in your ability to effectively engage prospects and customers through virtual communication channels. And, with this newfound confidence, your success and income will soar. Following in the footsteps of his blockbuster bestsellers People Buy You, Fanatical Prospecting, Sales EQ, Objections, and Inked, Jeb Blount's Virtual Selling puts the same strategies employed by his clients—a who's who of the world's most prestigious organizations—right into your hands.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Break Down Your Money: How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets
Praise for Break Down Your Money "Tracy Byrnes writes like she speaks on FOX-clearly, passionately, and yes, lovingly. She is that rare expert who helps enrich your portfolio and your soul. You can do both, and Tracy shows you how. Others talk about what your goals should be. For the first time, finally, someone who shows you how to reach them in finances, and in life."—Neil Cavuto, FOX News Channel, FOX Business Network "Break Down Your Money is unique-smart, wisecracking market insights. You'll learn and laugh, a lot."—Dan Colarusso, Managing Editor, Conde Nast "Tracy Byrnes is truly one of the best at helping investors get a grip on their finances. In Break Down Your Money, she delivers on that promise so eloquently-with the kind of bite-size information and entertaining flair that makes her a TV standout. This is one money book you won't want to put down."—Jennifer Openshaw, author, The Millionaire Zone, host of ABC Radio's Winning Advice "Being in the financial business, I have read plenty of books about the markets, and would never use the word 'fun' to describe any of them. Until now. Tracy paints a colorful picture of the markets. Her book is an entertaining, well-informed, fun read for the expert and the novice alike."—Steven Grasso, Floor Governor at the NYSE, Managing Director, Stuart Frankel & Co. "Tracy offers a comprehensive walk through the basics of finance in an easy-to-understand manner. A great read!"—Todd Harrison, founder and CEO, Minyanville Publishing and Multimedia, LLC "As a money manager, university professor, financial writer, and frequent media guest, I am constantly challenged with the objective of explaining complex concepts to an audience that is trained to focus on sound bites and instant messages. You have to boil down these complex concepts to a quick and digestible form accented by down-to-earth language and humor when necessary. Tracy Byrnes has accomplished these goals in Break Down Your Money and, in the process, makes learning about financial and money management more enjoyable to the reader. I wholeheartedly recommend Break Down Your Money to readers of all ages and investment skill levels."—Scott R. Rothbort, founder and President, LakeView Asset Management, LLC, Professor of Finance, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, founder and Manager, "Tracy has a unique knack of explaining the market to folks who are not 'in the market.' It is really a wonderful gift. A must-read for anyone wanting to invest and who is too overwhelmed to dive in."—John Layfield, CEO, Layfield Energy, and, as WWE wrestler John "Bradshaw" Layfield, the longest reigning World Champion in SmackDown history
Human Kinetics Publishers Sports Massage
On the field, post-event, or in the clinic, Sports Massage is the essential resource for developing and perfecting your sports massage technique! Sports Massage provides an in-depth discussion of applications of foundational massage techniques within a sports massage approach. Thorough instructions and over 130 full-color photos demonstrate the correct application of each massage stroke for muscle groups of the neck, shoulder, torso, pelvis, legs, and feet. You’ll also learn how to use advanced working positions in prone, supine, side-lying, and sitting orientations to address each muscle group, helping you achieve a more comfortable and therapeutic session for your client. This practical guide explains the foundations of sports massage as a profession, including performance-related benefits of sports massage, common environments for professional practice (practice, event, clinical), range of clientele (recreational or serious athletes, physically active people), and applications (pre-, inter-, and post-event, or as part of a training regimen or rehabilitation program). Sports Massage emphasizes proper therapist mechanics, including working posture, proper table height, and effective client positioning to help improve the delivery of your technique and reduce strain to your arms, hands, and back. Highlighted in the text are tips on technique adjustments, and special “Client Talk” boxes offer suggestions for ways to communicate technical information to your clients. Throughout the text, self-test questions with answers allow you to check your understanding and reinforce your learning. In addition, a photo gallery index provides quick reference for checking techniques and their application. Organized for quick reference, Sports Massage explains massage modifications for common injuries and conditions and provides technical information to support your decision-making process. Information regarding contraindications and pathologies will prepare you to adapt your technique to accommodate a wide range of soft tissue conditions. In addition, discussion of equipment, hygiene, and safety considerations will help you be prepared for each therapy session. A discussion of client assessment and consultation will assist you in learning how to obtain the necessary information to address muscular issues during the therapy session. Sports Massage also discusses considerations in administering the technique to special populations, including individuals with spinal cord injuries, limb deficiencies and visual impairments, and cerebral palsy. In addition, you’ll find information on conducting sports massage before, during, and after sporting events. Part science and part art, effective sports massage relies on a therapist’s thoughtful application of knowledge and experience. Sport Massage provides a solid knowledge base, helping you learn how to work with your body efficiently and apply each technique with sensitivity. With its emphasis on correct body mechanics and effective client positioning, Sports Massage will help you improve your technique, reduce strain as you work, and provide a better quality of touch.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Psychological Assessment of Children: Best Practices for School and Clinical Settings
Psychological Assessment of Children, Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of the most effective approaches to the psychological and educational assessment of children in clinical and school settings. Completely revised and updated, this widely acclaimed resource provides practical, step-by-step guidance on measuring children's adaptive behavior, intelligence, motor skills, neurological functioning, cognitive abilities, vocational aptitudes, interests, and more. Drawing on the firsthand experiences of leading experts, this book reflects the state-of-the-art thinking in the field of assessment, and helps practitioners determine when and how to use the wide variety of tools at their disposal. It presents the central issues and best practices for the full range of assessment strategies. Its broad scope includes all the major tests used with children, including the WISC-III, the Woodcock-Johnson Revised, Bender Gestalt, Halstead-Reitan, and Luria-Nebraska, as well as invaluable information on conducting clinical interviews and performing informal assessments. This new edition reflects the latest developments in the field and offers new chapters on perceptual-motor skills, social skills, autistic disorders, mental retardation, and curriculum-based assessment. Careful attention is also given to cultural issues in assessment and to the assessment of special populations. Each chapter offers an in-depth, practical discussion of an assessment instrument, a presentation of the best practices for administration and interpretation of the instrument, and a detailed case study, illustrating real-world applications of the assessment technique. In addition, each chapter presents a thorough explanation of how to interpret and integrate test results. Readers will appreciate the numerous time-saving resources, including quick-reference tables and charts, that support the text. Psychological Assessment of Children, Second Edition is an indispensable guide for school, educational, and developmental psychologists; clinical child psychologists; educational diagnosticians; graduate students; and other professionals involved with psychological assessment. Comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date, Psychological Assessment of Children, Second Edition offers step-by-step guidance on the most effective approaches to the psychological and educational assessment of children. Written by leading authorities, this indispensable resource covers all the major assessment tools, including the WISC-III, the Woodcock-Johnson Revised, Bender Gestalt, Halstead-Reitan, and Luria-Nebraska; it provides invaluable information on conducting clinical interviews and performing informal assessment. This Second Edition includes new material on curriculum-based assessment and on the assessment of perceptual-motor skills, social skills, autistic disorders, and mental retardation. Praise for the previous edition . . . "Provides important information regarding the best practices in assessment procedures."--Contemporary Psychology "Assessment and diagnostic practices have undergone dramatic changes. [This book] presents the current wisdom and projected trends of this rapidly evolving field."--Intervention "An instructive, even-handed book that will orient the reader to the theories, issues, and practicalities. . .[of] the assessment process."
University of Washington Press Testimony, Tensions, and Tikkun: Teaching the Holocaust in Colleges and Universities
The Holocaust was a cataclysmic upheaval in politics, culture, society, ethics, and theology. The very fact of its occurrence has been forcing scholars for more than sixty years to assess its impact on their disciplines. Educators whose work is represented in this volume ask their students to grapple with one of the grand horrors of the twentieth century and to accept the responsibility of building a more just, peaceful world (tikkun olam). They acknowledge that their task as teachers of the Holocaust is both imperative and impossible; they must “teach something that cannot be taught,” as one contributor puts it, and they recognize the formidable limits of language, thought, imagination, and comprehension that thwart and obscure the story they seek to tell. Yet they are united in their keen sense of pursuing an effort that is pivotal to our understanding of the past-and to whatever prospects we may have for a more decent and humane future. A “Holocaust course” refers to an instructional offering that may focus entirely on the Holocaust; may serve as a touchstone in a larger program devoted to genocide studies; or may constitute a unit within a wider curriculum, including art, literature, ethics, history, religious studies, jurisprudence, philosophy, theology, film studies, Jewish studies, German studies, composition, urban studies, or architecture. It may also constitute a main thread that runs through an interdisciplinary course. The first section of Testimony, Tensions, and Tikkun can be read as an injunction to teach and act in a manner consistent with a profound cautionary message: that there can be no tolerance for moral neutrality about the Holocaust, and that there is no subject in the humanities or social sciences where its shadow has not reached. The second section is devoted to the process and nature of students' learning. These chapters describe efforts to guide students through terrain that hides cognitive and emotional land mines. The authors examine their responsibility to foster students' personal connection with the events of the Holocaust, but in such a way that they not instill hopelessness about the future. The third and final section moves the subject of the Holocaust out of the classroom and into broader institutional settings-universities and community colleges and their surrounding communities, along with museums and memorial sites. For the educators represented here, teaching itself is testimony. The story of the Holocaust is one that the world will fail to master at its own peril. The editors of this volume, and many of its contributors, are members of the Pastora Goldner Holocaust Symposium. Led since its founding in 1996 by Leonard Grob and Henry F. Knight, the symposium's scholars--a group that is interfaith, international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational--meet biennially in Oxfordshire, England.
Pearson Education (US) PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself
In just a short time, you can learn how to use PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript together to create dynamic, interactive websites and applications using three leading web development technologies. No previous programming experience is required. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson in this book builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of full-stack web application development – from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front end, to PHP scripting and MySQL databases on the server. Regardless of whether you run Linux, Windows, or MacOS, the book includes complete instructions to install all the software you need to set up a stable environment for learning, testing, and production. Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common web application development tasks. Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn. Quizzes and exercises help you test your knowledge and stretch your skills. Learn how to: • Build web pages with HTML5 and CSS • Use JavaScript to build dynamic, interactive web pages • Get PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript to work together to create modern, standards-compliant web applications • Enhance interactivity with AJAX • Leverage JavaScript libraries such as jQuery • Work with cookies and user sessions • Get user input with web-based forms • Use basic SQL commands • Interact with the MySQL database using PHP • Write maintainable code and get started with version control • Decide when frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, React, Angular, and Laravel can be useful • Create a web-based discussion forum or calendar • Add a storefront and shopping cart to your site Contents at a Glance PART I Web Application Basics 1 Understanding How the Web Works 2 Structuring HTML and Using Cascading Style Sheets 3 Understanding the CSS Box Model and Positioning 4 Introducing JavaScript 5 Introducing PHP PART II Getting Started with Dynamic Web Sites 6 Understanding Dynamic Web Sites and HTML5 Applications 7 JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, Strings, and Arrays 8 JavaScript Fundamentals: Functions, Objects, and Flow Control 9 Understanding JavaScript Event Handling 10 The Basics of Using jQuery PART III Taking Your Web Applications to the Next Level 11 AJAX: Getting Started with Remote Scripting 12 PHP Fundamentals: Variables, Strings, and Arrays 13 PHP Fundamentals: Functions, Objects, and Flow Control 14 Working with Cookies and User Sessions 15 Working with Web-Based Forms PART IV Integrating a Database into Your Applications 16 Understanding the Database Design Process 17 Learning Basic SQL Commands 18 Interacting with MySQL Using PHP PART V Getting Started with Application Development 19 Creating a Simple Discussion Forum 20 Creating an Online Storefront 21 Creating a Simple Calendar 22 Managing Web Applications PART VI Appendixes A Installation QuickStart with XAMPP B Installing and Configuring MySQL C Installing and Configuring Apache D Installing and Configuring PHP
Canelo Summer on the Turquoise Coast
It's never too late to start living your life...Nina likes her life exactly as it is. Happy(ish) in her teaching job, and with no love interests on the horizon, she knows she can’t get hurt if she doesn’t rock the boat. But Nina’s octogenarian grandmother, Flossie, has plans to drag Nina kicking and screaming from her comfort zone.When the two of them arrive in Turkey, Nina’s plans for a quiet holiday are blown out of the water by Flossie’s antics. And that’s before Nina meets lovely and handsome Leo on a trip to the ancient ruins of Ephesus. Despite her grandmother determined to play matchmaker, Nina knows that holiday romances are not built to last. But there’s something about the turquoise coast – and Flossie’s shenanigans – that compels Nina to loosen up and have some fun… Perfect for fans of Mandy Baggot and Tilly Tennant, join Nina and Flossie as they learn to let go, enjoy the time they have and maybe even find love in the process.What readers are saying about Summer on the Turquoise Coast:'Oh I absolutely LOVED this book! Lilac Mills has such a fabulous lyrical writing style that she magically sweeps us away to picturesque Turkey in her latest novel.' Reader Review'Great summer read. Hilarious and a surprise at the end. Would recommend.' Reader review'Brilliant I haven't read a book that's made me laugh like this did for aeons. Well written great story and lots of ahhh moments.' Reader review'This was an absolute laugh a minute. Lilac Mills certainly makes this one gripping story and you just want to keep turning the page. Fantastic descriptions throughout. I was so sad to see this end and it was over before I realised it... I am looking forward to the next one from this author.' Reader review'Perfect summer holiday reading, this book is so so funny and incredibly easy to read. I was transported on Flossie and Nina's holiday as a fly on the wall, laughing at their various antics... My only regret is that the book isn't longer, I finished it far too quickly, for it only took me a morning of sitting in the sun to read. I was devouring it with a massive grin on my face and think it's a brilliant romantic comedy.' Reader review'Witty writing that had me giggling along especially at the inappropriate bits and it definitely put me in a fabulous mood.Then factor in a gorgeous romance that just made this story all the more perfect. Before I knew it I was nearing the end and it was such a shame as I was having so much fun... makes you want to step out of your comfort zone and embrace life!' Reader review
Nova Science Publishers Inc Glycome: The Hidden Code in Biology
This book addresses one of the most fundamental questions in biology today. The book targets readers with little expertise as well as the experts in Glycoscience. Sugars are electroneutral. However, linking sugars to sugars, or attaching sugars to proteins or lipids changes the structural and functional identities of the glycoconjugate, and enables to form cellular networks of 4Gs [i.e., glycoproteins (N-linked or O-linked), glycosphingolipids, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)]. These glycans (i) support growth, proliferation and differentiation of cells and tissues; (ii) protect cells from foreign invasions including bacteria, viruses, parasites as well as from changes in the extracellular environment; (iii) act as biomarkers and participate in transmembrane signalling. The glycans are not ubiquitous but they are tissue/species specific. Structurally, the glycans are diverse, and form linear to highly branched structures. This diversity is present not only across the species but also within cells of the same species, i.e., the glycoforms. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometric (MS) studies (i.e., Glycomics) have evaluated and contributed significantly in delineating the structural diversity of glycans. Glycomics, in fact, has helped in overcoming many earlier technological barriers which were otherwise very laborious and time consuming. Plant lectins being carbohydrate binding proteins with a high degree of sugar specificity have been useful tools to characterize the carbohydrate structures they recognize. The glycan structures complement their biosynthetic processes. Because of the highly compartmentalized nature of the process, the glycans move between compartments during their assembly. This is believed to be mediated by vesicular structures but the participation of exosomes cannot be ruled out. A large number of genetic disorders [gangliosidosis, mucopolysaccharidoses, congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG)] are due to abnormal glycan synthesis or degradation. Disproportionate expression of glycans is also found in diseases like cancer, neurological disorders, diabetes, metabolic syndromes, and infection. This raises questions about the regulatory principle(s) in glycan biosynthesis. There is no template for glycan chain synthesis, elongation, processing or termination. The cells/tissues follow a highly conserved mechanism. The assumption is glycosylation uses donor and acceptor interactions as the driving force. Increased or decreased synthesis of glycans in response to the environmental change influence cell function, i.e., growth, survival or death favour of a "push-pull" hypothesis. In the absence of a genetic code for sugars, the assembly as well as the processing of glycan chains are controlled by the Glycome. Unlike the genome, the Glycome is hidden for the normal eye but its communication skills with the cellular microenvironment and genome for glycan synthesis and degradation are enormous. Seventeen chapters in the book are dedicated to walk the readers through the diversities of the Glycome. The authors have used mammalian, microbial and plant systems to achieve the desired goal.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Homo within the Sapiens
While creativity and solidarity form the main constructive profile for our species, the primal animal drive for dominance involving basal brain circuits places our future at risk. This bipolar nature distorts the global perspective of our collective future and ecological conditions. Our species' behavioural construction has its roots in ancestral habits and survival drives that were crystallized in basic neurobehavioral circuits over millennia, be it as predators or potential prey. Its expression acquired further complexity through the development of social/cultural cues, and was kept-in-check by conditional inhibitory processes. How much of our current drive - individually and as a global community - is caused by those inherited traits imprinted in our animal condition? This book analyses the increasing bipolar construction in terms of dominant groups affecting critical access to current knowledge and information, a profound gap among populations concerning a modern humane quality of life, and present trends pertaining to our ecological habitat. These dynamic processes seem to be in a free-running mode, only conditioned by the prevalence of power concentration in the hands of worldwide minority groups. This worldwide disjointed perspective is further distorted by diverse cultural profiles and interests accessing information and its impact on lifestyles. Our species' true nature has highly conserved remnants of our animal origin expressed as animal drives embodied before and during the evolutionary process as Homo and under inhibitory social control. These involve territorial, survival, and dominant cues on top of which sapiens' cultural development profiles have taken place; that is, the hidden ancestral human nature. Competition to control and prevail in those domains has unveiled a long-lived struggle for dominance in political and financial (corporate- or state-bound) prevalence. Below this stratum of power-seekers, a large proportion of the service-bound and marginal populations crawl for their survival, often approaching inhuman conditions. Fundamentalist beliefs, the disregard of environmental abuse, belligerence to resolve discrepancies, personal and group-centred greed, growing inequalities, disinformation from dominant carriers, and intolerance to alternative viewpoints describe our species' developmentally immature collective behaviour. If not just an evolutionary stage, then we in fact belong to the "wrong species" (Colombo, 2010), and are on a path toward our demise or a bipolar evolution of our species, but not necessarily a collective, cooperative, shared development that respects various cultural profiles. The increasing speed of knowledge development widens the gap among populations with different cultural values and those that are underdeveloped or living in subhuman conditions. Since we exited the period of egalitarian-prone hunter gatherers, we have been conditioned by elite or institutionalized dominant powers and given limited access to information, which is used as a means for domination. Hence, our future depends not only on our social, political, and financial decision-makers but also on the degree of our permissive, functional absence from such a scenario.
Hodder & Stoughton Walk With Your Wolf: Unlock your intuition, confidence & power with walking therapy
'Drawing on perceptive insight and profound wisdom, Jonathan Hoban reveals how the simple act of walking can displace our minds from a place of chaos to tranquil calm, and makes a beautiful and inspiring case for walking with your wolf.' - Dr Mithu Storoni, author of Stress-ProofNature is our greatest healer. It's time to start walking and reclaim the wildness in all of us.When did you last take a walk? Not a stroll to the shops, or to the pub, but a walk that got you energised, stimulated your senses, allowing you to de-stress? If the answer is that you'd love to walk, but don't have the time, there really are more reasons to get outside than you might think.When we walk we find the space to process our feelings and we begin to have the courage to be vulnerable and honest with ourselves. Walking awakens the intuition that helps us face up to our difficulties and walk alongside them, enabling us to find positive solutions to our problems. Our ancestors knew all about movement - they walked across the planet, understanding nature and learning to respect and work in harmony with it. Written by a London-based therapist, Walk with your Wolf is part memoir, part self-help and part reflection on the connection we must re-establish with our natural, intuitive selves if we are to live healthy, fulfilling lives. Offering practical advice and exercises on how to walk and think as a method of confronting difficult emotions, this book will allow you to reconnect with your intuition, confidence and power.'An important message about the power of reconnecting with the primal self to achieve balance in the modern world. A fascinating read' - Megan Hine'Deftly blending science, his own narrative and his experience as a therapist, he is at our side as we find a way of engaging with and being healed by nature. Like the wolf in the book's title, we can reconnect with our own elemental lupine instincts which are so often repressed in our stressful and artificial world - both a wolf's wildness as well as its sociability and need to be part of a pack. Follow in Hoban's easy to apply footsteps and you will never walk alone again. - Rachel Kelly, bestselling author of Walking on Sunshine and The Happy Kitchen'Jonathan Hoban challenges us to use nature as a setting for reconsidering our lives and our stresses. He asks us to 'walk alongside our difficulties' giving ourselves the physical and mental space to look at ourselves anew and to decide what we really need. For that commute to work, or indeed for that break on the park bench, I commend this book.' - Sir Ciarán Devane, CEO of the British Council
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety into Motivation and You Can Too
Hey Teammate,We all face obstacles-physical, emotional, between the ears. The good news is that everything we have fought back against can empower us, IF WE KNOW HOW TO USE IT. My obstacles happen to be anxiety and depression. I call it living in the gray, and I've been mired in it my whole life. To be honest, it sucks. But I have also recently recognized that this same gray that has held me down has also empowered me to make my wildest dreams come true. You have probably overcome many of your own obstacles, but you;ve been too close to the conflict to clearly see what you’ve accomplished. We are all UNBREAKABLE, no matter what we do, who we are, or what traumas we may have experienced. We just need to admit that we can’t walk this walk alone.--Jay GlazerAfter years of rejection but with constant hustle, Jay Glazer has built a career has one of the most iconic sports insiders, earning himself a spot on the Emmy award-winning Fox NFL Sunday, a role as the confidant of coaches and players across the league, and a role as himself alongside Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on HBO series Ballers. His gym, Unbreakable Performance Center, attracts some of the biggest names in Hollywood, and is the headquarters to the powerful charity MVP (Merging Vets and Players) that Jay founded in 2015. MVP began as a weekly physical and mental health huddle with combat veterans and retired athletes has expanded to seven locations, helping soldiers and players transition to a new team. In Unbreakable, Jay Glazer talks directly to you, his teammates, and shares his truth. All of his success from his screeching-and-swerving joy ride through professional football, the media, the fighting world, Hollywood, the military-warrior community, comes with a side of relentless depression and anxiety. Living in the gray, as Jay calls it, is just a constant for him. And, in order to work through the gray and succeed, Jay has to maintain an Unbreakable Mindset. With this book, you can too. · Be of Service—help others and help yourself in the process· Build Your Team—give support, get support· Never Underestimate the Power of Laughter—never take yourself too seriously· Be Proud of Your Scars—our trauma makes us who we areThroughout Unbreakable, Jay will use his stories—featuring some of the biggest, baddest, and most fascinating characters in the public eye today—to show how he walks this walk, has learned that while the gray is very real, it doesn’t have to define him. And it doesn’t have to define you either.
John Murray Press Leading Teams In A Week: Team Leadership In Seven Simple Steps
Leading a team just got easierWe live in a world of teams made up of all kinds of people. We see this every day on TV, in newspapers and on the web - it might news about a winning sports team, a company's leadership team who have succeeded in buying another company or it might be a about a group of homeowners who have won a battle against a big developer. This book is aimed at helping all of us no matter what kinds of teams we might need to lead - it might be a group of people running a country, playing a sport for university, organizing a Church fete, leading a start-up company, or managing a global multinational group. All such teams have leaders, who are those individuals given the task of ensuring that their team works well together to achieve whatever goals and objectives are required. Very few if any of us will spend our entire lives without at some point leading other people even if only for a short time and in many cases we often lead others without having a formal leadership title.In seven chapters, this book will walk you through the entire process of successfully leading and managing a team, showing you the key dos and don'ts and spelling out where you need to put special attention and focus. These seven chapters cover:- How to get started with a team, exploring what a great team looks like and how it performs, and how to create a new team from scratch with individuals who bring their own habits, skills and expectations- The stages of development of a team and how a new manager can gain the respect and understanding of a team - The importance of aligning a team and setting common goals and expectations with clear agreement on a mission, vision and values.- How to create a team culture and processes of excellent communication, with clearly understood expectations, well run team meetings and discussions, and the minimizing of any conflict and gossip- How to work with remote or virtual team members where face-to-face meetings are difficult to arrange- How to identify and work with problematic and nonperforming members of your team and how to balancefairness and discipline- How to ensure that each team member's job role is clear and that the work is efficiently delegated and shared among the team members- How to grow your team through excellent training and development, including coaching, mentoring and on-thejob training- How to turn a good team into a team with a culture of excellence- How to create a self-functioning team which can operate in your absence and in which you have groomed a successor to take over from you if needed.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Veg in One Bed New Edition: How to Grow an Abundance of Food in One Raised Bed, Month by Month
Grow your own vegetable garden with this practical, straightforward gardening guide.There is nothing more fulfilling than growing your own home produce. You don't have to be a seasoned gardener to produce a healthy, flourishing garden - all you need is a few seeds, water, sunlight, good advice and patience!In just one raised bed, author Huw Richards, shows you exactly how to grow vegetables organically, abundantly and inexpensively so you have something to harvest every month of the year. Here's what you'll find inside:- Month-by-month guide to what to do and how to do it, including what pests to look out for, and what can be harvested. - Covers first year in detail, with the final chapter on 'Next Steps' providing suggestions of what to do in years two and three.- Illustrations show you what the bed should look like month to month.- Windowsill planting ensures early success cultivating plants before they are transferred into the bed.- Maintenance sections ensure readers know how to keep their plants (and raised bed) healthy each month.- Includes instructions on assessing your site and building a 4x10ft (1.2x3m) raised bed.- Alternative vegetables are recommended, allowing readers to tailor their bed to their taste.- Plans chart growing season for different circumstances: cool climate, low rainfall, low effort, salad bed, winter bed, herbs and edible flowers.Month by month, discover what you need to do and how to do it. Try becoming more self-sufficient in your allotment, a small garden, or even on a roof terrace. Veg In One Bed shows you that you can have a small thriving garden and still be able to maintain it, yielding fresh vegetables all year round. Learn what to do each month on your windowsill, where you'll raise seedlings, and in your raised bed, where your plants will grow to maturity. Everything is explained in clear, illustrated steps: building your bed, growing from seed, planting, feeding, and harvesting.This gardening book not only guides you through the whole process of building your raised bed through to harvesting your vegetables but also provides sustainable gardening practices, which will resonate with all gardeners committed to protecting our planet. This makes for the perfect book for new gardeners who want to grow their own produce, as well as the new generation of gardeners who are seeking a gardening guru of their own age.Veg in One Bed goes beyond the inspiring demonstrations on his YouTube channel "Huw Richards - Grow Food Organically". In this book he organises all his ideas and suggestions into a blueprint for growing your own vegetables month by month. Little growing experience? Only a small space? No matter - with Veg in One Bed, you can still eat food you have grown all through the year.
Quarto Publishing PLC Conscious Creativity: Look, Connect, Create
“Full of tips and tricks on how to look at the world with a curious eye, it’s a brilliant way to breathe creativity (back) into our lives.” – Flow magazine“Crammed with practical ideas, inspirational images & creative exercises, Conscious Creativity leads the reader through the process of establishing what kind of creative you are...”–Mslexia“The purpose of this book is to enable you to look at things in an alternative and more substantial way, so that you arrive at composition through genuine interest.”–Juno magazine“Philippa Stanton is passionate about people connecting to their innate creativity and has distilled these incredible techniques and ideas on how we can tap into that. Philippa is a massively successful Instagramer at @5ftinf and yet she is only too aware how these little two dimensional squares can limit our experiences and restrict our creativity, so it’s not without a little irony that she’s written a book to encourage people to step away from their screens and connect more with the 3D world. It’s a fascinating subject and I wholeheartedly recommend the book for anyone who’s working in the creative industry or is curious about the world around them.”–Sophie Robinson (DIY SOS, The Great British Interior Design Challenge, This Morning)Unlock your creative potential with Conscious Creativity: a practical, playful guide bursting with inspiration to help bring more colour into to your life. There is creativity in all of us, but it can easily be buried beneath our everyday concerns or need a spark to bring it back to life. Whether you’ve lost your mojo or just need some fresh ideas, artist and photographer Philippa Stanton’s lively guide will stimulate your imagination and reinvigorate your creative life.Engage your curiosity and connect your observations to your creative practice with activities such as: Noticing all the hues of one colour you can see around you Creating an abstract textured image using herbs, spices and other dry ingredients from your kitchen cupboards Collecting shadows: photograph hidden shapes and dark spaces that you haven’t noticed before Conscious Creativity will help you open your senses to the beauty you may not notice every day, and show you how to capture it. Simple, engaging exercises that encourage observation and experimentation will give you an insight into your own aesthetics as you take a conscious step to note the colours, shapes, shadows, sounds and textures that fill your world, and how they make you feel.Bursting with practical ideas and inspirational images, embrace the joy of creating, and learn to use your natural curiosity to take a leap into the most creative time of your life. If you like this, you might also like Creative Flow and Nature Tonic.
Orenda Books The Beaver Theory: The triumphant finale to the bestselling Rabbit Factor Trilogy – 'The comic thriller of the year' (Sunday Times)
Can everyone’s favourite insurance mathematician, Henri, combine the increasingly dangerous world of adventure parks with the unpredictability of blended-family life? He’s about to find out in the final instalment of the hilarious, nail-biting Rabbit Factor Trilogy. 'A joyous, triumphant conclusion to Tuomainen’s trilogy … the comic thriller of the year' Sunday Times THRILLER OF THE YEAR ‘Quirky crime capers don’t come more left field than the Rabbit trilogy … extremely funny, with a wicked line in social satire’ Daily Mail ‘One of those rare writers who manages to deftly balance intrigue, noir and a deliciously ironic sense of humour’ Vaseem Khan _______ Henri Koskinen, intrepid insurance mathematician and adventure-park entrepreneur, firmly believes in the power of common sense and order. That is until he moves in with painter Laura Helanto and her daughter… As Henri realises he has inadvertently become part of a group of local dads, a competing adventure park is seeking to expand their operations, not always sticking to the law in the process… Is it possible to combine the increasingly dangerous world of the adventure-park business with the unpredictability of life in a blended family? At first glance, the two appear to have only one thing in common: neither deals particularly well with a mounting body count. In order to solve this seemingly impossible conundrum, Henri is forced to step far beyond the mathematical precision of his comfort zone … and the stakes have never been higher… Warmly funny, quirky, touching, and a nail-biting triumph of a thriller, The Beaver Theory is the final instalment in the award-winning Rabbit Factor Trilogy, as Henri encounters the biggest challenge of his career, with hair-raising results… Soon to be a major motion picture starring Steve Carell ––––––––– Praise for the Rabbit Factor Trilogy: ‘Finland's greatest export’ M.J. Arlidge ‘The funniest writer in Europe’ The Times ‘Thrilling and warmly human. In these uncertain times, what better hero than an actuary?' Chris Brookmyre ‘Delightfully funny’ Guardian ‘Unlike anything else out there' The Times ‘A thrilling and hilarious read’ Liz Nugent ‘Charming, funny and clever, this is a novel to cheer up anyone who is finding life a little tough’ Literary Review ‘A delight from start to finish’ Big Issue 'Original and brilliant story-telling' Helen FitzGerald ‘A coruscating comedy’ Sunday Times 'You don’t expect to laugh when you’re reading about terrible crimes, but that’s what you’ll do when you pick up one of Tuomainen’s decidedly quirky thrillers' New York Times ‘A refreshing change from the decidedly gloomier crime fiction for which Scandinavia is known’ Publishers Weekly Right up there with the best’ Times Literary Supplement ‘A thriller with black comedy worth of Nabokov’ Telegraph
Little, Brown Book Group All the Feels: a heart-warming Hollywood romance
'An absolutely witty, swoon worthy behind the scenes romp! Delightful from beginning to end!' Julie Murphy, No.1 New York Times bestselling author of Dumplin'Olivia Dade returns with another utterly charming romantic comedy about a devil-may-care actor - who cares more than anyone knows - and the no-nonsense woman hired to keep him in line. Alexander Woodroe has it all. Charm. Wealth. A starring role on the biggest show on TV. But the showrunners have wrecked his character, he's hounded by old demons and his future remains uncertain. When all that reckless emotion explodes into a bar fight, the tabloids and public agree: his star is falling. Enter Lauren, the former therapist hired to keep him in line. Compared to her previous work, watching over a handsome but impulsive actor shouldn't be especially difficult. But the more time she spends with Alex, the harder it is to hold on to her professionalism, and her heart . . . When another scandal lands him in major hot water, and costs Lauren her job, Alex becomes determined to keep his impossibly stubborn and extremely endearing minder in his life any way he can. On a road trip up the California coast together, he intends to show her exactly what a falling star will do to catch the woman he loves . . . Praise for Olivia Dade'I adore All the Feels. This slow burn romance had me falling in love every step of the way' Meryl Wilsner, author of Something to Talk About 'All the Feels leaves you swooning and eager for more!' Denise Williams, author of How to Fail at Flirting 'Joyful, clever and full of heart . . . All the Feels is all the things I love about romance' Rachel Lynn Solomon, national bestselling author of The Ex Talk 'Whip-smart dialogue, scorching chemistry, and side-splitting humour . . . This author is an absolute gem!' Mia Sosa, USA Today bestselling author of The Worst Best Man 'Hilarious and poignant at the same time' Cat Sebastian, author of The Queer Principles of Kit Webb 'Olivia Dade once again delivers a book as sexy and charming as it is cathartic. I adored All the Feels and can't wait to see what Dade writes next' Jessie Mihalik, author of Chaos Reigning '[All the Feels] weaves in sharp wit and dry humour even as it tugs at the reader's heartstrings . . . A consistently entertaining and often insightful romance' Kirkus Reviews (starred review) 'Olivia Dade writes with such compassion and kindness for her characters, and in the process, makes you want to live in the world she creates' Jenny Holiday, USA Today bestselling author 'With richly drawn characters you'll love to root for, Olivia Dade's books are a gem of the genre - full of humour, heart, and heat' Kate Clayborn, author of Love Lettering
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love and Other Mistakes
Jessica Kate’s heartfelt and romantic debut proves that love always comes in God’s own time. Natalie Groves once had big dreams. But soon after her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, inexplicably broke off their engagement and left town, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Now tasked with keeping her family afloat, Natalie’s grand plans have evaporated . . . and God feels very far away. Fast-forward seven years, and Jeremy is back in Charlottesville with an infant son and years of regrets. When his niece, Lili, lands on his doorstep in need of a place to stay, Jeremy needs help—and fast. An internship opening finally presents Natalie a chance at her dream job, but she needs a second income to work around it—and the only offer available is Jeremy’s. They could be the solutions to one another’s problems, provided they don’t kill each other in the process. When they join forces, sparks fly. But they both know there’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and that love will turn out to be the best decision—or the biggest mistake—of all. This inspirational contemporary read is a standalone novel, though it also features characters from Jessica Kate’s forthcoming novel, A Girl’s Guide to the Outback (coming January 2020). Book length: approximately 90,000 words. Includes a reading group guide. “A stunning debut . . . This tale of love and redemption will stay with you long after you've closed the book. A must-read.” —Rachel Hauck, New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress “Witty. Charming. Heartfelt. I could go on and on about Jessica Kate’s debut novel. From its highly relatable characters to its pitch-perfect dialogue, Love and Other Mistakes is a delightful, romantic read filled with just the right amount of sass. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud as I watched Natalie and Jem navigate their relationships, careers, and faith. Definitely one of the most enjoyable books I've read lately, and I can't wait to see what’s next from Jessica Kate!” —Melissa Tagg, Carol Award–winning author of Now and Then and Always and the Walker Family series “Love and Other Mistakes wraps a poignant and warm look at relationships within a smart, sly, and knowing comedic voice. Readers of Sally Thorne and Bethany Turner will be immediately at home with Natalie: an all-too-real heroine who balances whip-smart agency with an endearing vulnerability and whose intersection with long-lost Jeremy helps her forge a path to confidence and discover the woman she was always meant to be. Kate’s unputdownable debut recognizes that all human relationships—familial, friendship, romantic—are worth the keen eye and clever insight of her talented pen.” —Rachel McMillan, author of the Van Buren and DeLuca Mysteries “If you’re looking for a story with sass on top of style, or a fresh voice pumped full of fun, you need to read Love and Other Mistakes. Then after you’ve enjoyed this—and I’m confident you will—make a date with whatever this exciting new author writes next!” —David Rawlings, author of The Baggage Handler