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Nova Science Publishers Inc Topics in Extreme Values
Hirmer Verlag Paulo Nazareth: Melee
Published to mark the artist’s first solo US museum show, Paulo Nazareth: Melee presents an engaging and timely look at the artist’s multifarious work. The exhibition, held at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami in 2019, explored how Nazareth’s work engages the complex colonial and racial histories of the Americas. An artist who works across mediums, Nazareth uses performance and sculpture to critique the colonial experience and its afterlives in Brazil and the Americas. His durational performances and installations draw from his joint African and Indigenous heritage to highlight marginalized historical legacies, progressive political figures, non-Western worldviews, and potential methods of nonexploitative living and relating. Nazareth’s work assumes a new poignancy in light of the return of repressive political forces and the racial reckoning that our historical moment demands. This beautifully produced volume offers over one hundred color illustrations in addition to newly commissioned scholarship. Paulo Nazareth: Melee is the first exhaustive catalogue of Nazareth’s work, solidifying his place as one of today’s most important global artists.
Rudolf Steiner Press Occult Science: An Outline
An authorised translation of this classic work, re-edited, beautifully typeset and designed, from a professional publisher dedicated to high-quality editions of Rudolf Steiner's books and lectures. The anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner is not a theoretical system, but the results of research based on direct observation. As Steiner's research was so vast and conducted over such a long period of time, no single book can be said to contain the whole of his spiritual teaching. However, of all his books Occult Science comes closest. Steiner even referred to it as 'an epitome of anthroposophical spiritual science'. The book sets out, in systematic order, the fundamental facts concerning the nature and constitution of the human being and, in chronological order, the history of the universe and man. Whereas the findings of natural science are derived from observations made through the senses, the findings of spiritual science, or anthroposophy, are 'occult' inasmuch as they derive from direct observation of realities which are hidden to everyday perception. And yet these elements of humanity and the universe form the foundation of the sense world. A substantial part of Occult Science is taken up with a description of the preliminary training which is necessary to make such spiritual observations. Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write, four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Theosophy, The Philosophy of Freedom and Occult Science.
Springer Biofilms - Science and Technology
Biofilms -- Science and Technology covers the main topics of biofilm formation and activity, from basic science to applied aspects in engineering and medicine. The book presents a masterly discussion of microbial adhesion, the metabolism of microorganisms in biofilms, modelling of mass transfer and biological reaction within biofilms, as well as the behaviour of these microbial communities in industry (waste water treatment, heat exchanger biofouling, membranes, food processing) and in medicine (teeth, implants, prosthetic devices). Laboratory techniques and industrial monitoring methods are also presented. The book is directed at readers at the postgraduate level and is organised as a textbook, containing 11 chapters, a glossary, and a detailed subject index.
Springer International Publishing AG The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM® and Matlab
This textbook explores both the theoretical foundation of the Finite Volume Method (FVM) and its applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Readers will discover a thorough explanation of the FVM numerics and algorithms used for the simulation of incompressible and compressible fluid flows, along with a detailed examination of the components needed for the development of a collocated unstructured pressure-based CFD solver. Two particular CFD codes are explored. The first is uFVM, a three-dimensional unstructured pressure-based finite volume academic CFD code, implemented within Matlab. The second is OpenFOAM®, an open source framework used in the development of a range of CFD programs for the simulation of industrial scale flow problems.With over 220 figures, numerous examples and more than one hundred exercise on FVM numerics, programming, and applications, this textbook is suitable for use in an introductory course on the FVM, in an advanced course on numerics, and as a reference for CFD programmers and researchers.
InterVarsity Press The Gift of Being Yourself – The Sacred Call to Self–Discovery
Palgrave Macmillan Cross-Border Staff Mobility: A Comparative Study of Profit and Non-Profit Organisations
The book addresses several research gaps in the study of organisations and rarely analysed areas such as the non-profit sector (NPOs). It combines approaches from HRM, business studies and organisation research, and incorporates micro- and macro-perspectives on organisations and institutions by using situational and neo-institutionalist frames.
Palgrave Macmillan Soviet Space Culture: Cosmic Enthusiasm in Socialist Societies
Starting with the first man-made satellite 'Sputnik' in 1957 and culminating four years later with the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin, space became a new utopian horizon. This book explores the profound repercussions of the Soviet space exploration program on culture and everyday life in Eastern Europe, especially in the Soviet Union itself.
World Health Organization Rapport Mondial Sur La Prévention Des Traumatismes de l'Enfant
Peeters Publishers Recherches Levinassiennes
Le receuil Recherches levinassiennes presente le dialogue attentif de 29 auteurs, surtout des philosophes mais aussi des theologiens, avec la pensee de Levinas, permettant a cette pensee de reveler des aspects jusque-la inconnus. Tant dans la premiere partie "Problematisations internes" que dans la deuxieme "Confrontations philosophiques", les differents contributeurs s'interessent au dialogue que Levinas lui-meme menait, sans cesse, avec d'autres philosophes comme Platon, Spinoza, Pascal, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Bergson, Bloch, Sartre, Derrida. Cette inspiration multiple fait de Levinas un penseur d'appartenance plurielle.Dans le contexte de la recherche de cette multiplicite, les thematiques typiquement levinassiennes sont egalement mises en relief: l'ambivalence du moi en tant qu'interiorite; la dynamique triangulaire de "moi, vous, il(s)" et la relation entre la justice et la politique; le depassement de l'ontologie par l'ethique en tant que philosophie premiere; l'ambiguite de l'altruisme, interprete comme "instinct de bienveillance naturelle", oppose a l'heteronomie de la responsabilite par et pour autrui; l'alterite ethique du visage et le temps en tant que passe immemorial; la relation entre transcendance et immanence dans l'idee de l'infini. La troisieme partie intitulee "Tradition juive et lectures chretiennes" donne une attention particuliere a l'enracinement et la resonance juifs de la pensee levinassienne. Le lien entre la Bible et le Talmud donne a penser les modalites d'une lecture philosophique de la Bible. Un certain nombre d'idees emanant du judaisme, telle que le messianisme, le prophetisme, l'election, l'idolatrie, le monotheisme, l'infini..., amenent des theologiens chretiens a un veritable dialogue avec la pensee de Levinas, mettant en evidence a la fois la proximite et la difference irreductible entre judaisme et christianisme.
Peeters Publishers Sacred and Sweet: Studies on the Material Culture of Tell Deir 'Alla and Tell Abu Sarbut
Henk Franken contributed much to the archaeology of the Levant. He directed excavations, in the 1960s and 1970s, at the Bronze and Iron Age site of Tell Deir 'Alla, and was later involved in the excavations at the nearby Mamluk site of Tell Abu Sarbut. This volume, dedicated to his memory, is about these two sites in the Jordan Valley, the region to which Franken devoted so much of his time and energy, and about the interaction between the land and its people. Several students and colleagues contributed to it. It also contains Franken's last article on the religion of Deir 'Alla.
Peeters Publishers Lulle Et La Condamnation De 1277: La Declaration De Raymond Ecrite Sous Forme De Dialogue
La "Declaratio Raimundi" (1298) dont nous offrons ici la premiere traduction en francais, est l'un des textes les plus anciens relatifs a la Condamnation parisienne de 1277 qui nous soient parvenus. Mais ce dialogue imaginaire entre Raymond et un improbable Socrate defenseur des theses condamnees, est surtout pour Lulle l'occasion d'aborder ses themes de predilection, en particulier la defense du savoir du croyant de toute dichotomie. Quelques dix annees avant son troisieme sejour parisien, et les ecrits anti-averroistes qu'il ecrira alors, Lulle discute ici les questions qui seront a leur coeur, notamment celles de l'eternite du monde et de l'unicite de l'intellect. L'introduction qui accompagne la traduction degage les questions et les arguments les plus saillants et clarifie la portee de ce texte, temoin aussi de la tentative peu fructueuse de Lulle d'etablir la validite de son Art aupres des Maitres de l'Universite de Paris.
Peeters Publishers Regards / Mises En Scene Dans Le Surrealisme Et Les Avant-gardes
Quels regards critiques nouveaux peuvent etre portes sur les mouvements d'avant-garde et le surrealisme (dans des differentes declinaisons)? A repondre a cette question s'emploient des chercheurs europeens confirmes, issus de six nationalites differentes (anglaise, allemande, francaise, italienne, luxembourgeoise et russe). Delimiter dans le detail des strategies la place du spectateur, comme de ce premier et constant spectateur de son oeuvre qu'est l'ecrivain ou le peintre, tel est l'horizon de cet ouvrage. Regards qui travaillent, mises en scene qui s'elaborent: observons les jeux de l'interprete et les boucles du "cercle" hermeneutique, dans les contributions de Giovanna Angeli (Florence), Wolfgang Asholt (Osnabruck), Karlheinz Barck (Berlin), Claude Bommertz (Luxembourg), Jacqueline Chenieux-Gendron (Paris), Elena Galtsova (Moscou), Gast Mannes (Luxembourg), Jean-Claude Marcade (Paris), Timothy Mathews (Londres), Michael Sheringham (Londres), Hans T. Siepe (Dusseldorf), Yves Vade (Bordeaux) et Jose Vovelle (Paris).
Gregorian & Biblical Press Faith and Culture: The Role of the Catholic University
Brepols Publishers Georgia as a Bridge Between Cultures: Dynamics of Artistic Exchanges
Safran Editions 'La Description de l'Egypte' de Jean-Jacques Rifaud (1813-1826)
Les Belles Lettres Polybe, Histoires: Tome III: Livre III
Stone Arch Books A Time for War
OM Book Service Loose Leaf College Accounting (Chapters 1-13)
Feiwel & Friends Murder on the Safari Star: Adventures on Trains #3
Rudolf Steiner Press Theosophy: An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man
Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write - belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work - four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Occult Science, The Philosophy of Freedom and Theosophy. Theosophy focuses on a psychology based not on the usual duality of body and mind, but on the more ancient division of body, soul and spirit. Steiner describes in detail the functions and organs of these three aspects of the human being, and the objective realms to which they belong. Just as the body derives from and belongs to the material world, so do the human soul and spirit belong to their own specific realms. These are the dimensions through which all human beings travel in the life after death, and in which - after passing the 'midnight hour' - we prepare to seek our destiny, or karma, in a new life. Theosophy features one of the most comprehensive and condensed of all Steiner's accounts of these realms, and of the experiences which our immortal being undergoes in passing through them. The book ends with a chapter on the modern 'path of knowledge', in which Steiner describes the exercises through which every person may develop the latent powers of perception which are necessary for a knowledge of metaphysical worlds.
Emerald Publishing Limited Water Insecurity: A Social Dilemma
It has been estimated that globally, 1.2 billion people live with acute shortage of water. Water scarcity, particularly in south and south-east Asian countries, is well known. However, the social dilemmas and insecurities related to water issues are often less discussed. In the case of south and south-east Asia, the distribution of available water amongst various casts and creeds has been determined through several social hierarchies. Hence, water forms a critical socio-political issue, with a multi-faced dimension. This book critically analyses the associated social issues of increasing water scarcity in countries such as India. It documents the social impacts and predicament of water scarcity. The book will be of prime interest to researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the fields of development and environment, as well as water planners, and it will be a useful reference guide for future research in the field of water scarcity and risk management. Topics analysed include arsenic contamination, the impact of salinity on livelihood and mitigation, and drought resilience, adaptation and policy. The book concludes by providing lessons, challenges and future perspectives of water insecurity.
Taylor & Francis Inc Frontiers of Forest Biology: Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Meeting of the North American Forest Biology Workshop and the Western
Discover new approaches to promote a viable forest industry while protecting non-timber values!Frontiers of Forest Biology: Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Meeting of the North American Forest Biology Workshop and the Western Forest Genetics Association gives you significant new insights on current initiatives in forest biology. Because the field is changing rapidly, you need to keep aware of current trends, as the emphasis in forest research shifts from productivity-based goals to sustainable development of forest resources. In this volume, you will find a comprehensive summary of the state of the art of forest science in North America. Whether your focus is on genetics or on the environmental aspects of forest science, plant physiology, or silviculture, you will find helpful chapters by practitioners as well as cutting-edge research by scientists. This integrated approach is unique in the field. Based on the 1998 Joint Meeting of the North American Forest Biology Workshop and the Western Forest Genetics Association, Frontiers of Forest Biology addresses changing priorities in forest resource management. This important book contains fascinating research studies, complete with tables and diagrams, on topics such as biodiversity research, the productivity of commercial species, conserving adaptive variation in forest ecosystems, and the effect of harvesting trees on nutrient leaching.The book maps the frontiers of this fast-changing science with chapters on: the social, biological, and industrial context of forest biology new directions for research into genetics, physiology, plant silviculture, and conservation the impact of genetics on sustainable forestry the effects of cold and disease on plant physiology regeneration of various species after logging new species adapted for agroforestry the impact and management of exotic weeds Frontiers of Forest Biology offers solid information on a broad spectrum of topics and suggests fresh avenues for your investigations in all aspects of forest biology.
Cornell University Press The Deeds of Philip Augustus: An English Translation of Rigord's "Gesta Philippi Augusti"
The first full English translation of Rigord's Gesta Philippi Augusti, The Deeds of Philip Augustus makes available to Anglophone readers the most important narrative account of the reign of King Philip II of France (r. 1180–1223), a critical source about this pivotal figure in the development of the medieval French monarchy and an intriguing window into many aspects of the broader twelfth century. Rigord wrote his chronicle in Latin, covering the first two-thirds of Philip II's reign, including such events as Philip's fateful expulsion of the Jews in 1182, his departure on the Third Crusade in 1190, his governmental innovations, and his victory over King John of England. As Philip II transformed French royal power, Rigord transformed contemporary writing about the nature of that power. Presented in a lively and readable translation framed by an introduction that contextualizes the text and accompanied by annotations, maps, and illustrations, The Deeds of Philip Augustus makes one of the most important documents of twelfth-century France available to a wide new readership.
University of Nebraska Press Lessons from Fort Apache: Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance
Lessons from Fort Apache is an ethnography of Indigenous language dynamics on the Fort Apache reservation in Arizona with North American and global implications concerning language endangerment. Moving beyond a narrow focus on linguistic documentation, M. Eleanor Nevins examines how the linguistics and cultural identities of Indigenous populations are attributed with meaning against other sociocultural concerns and interests. While affirming the value of language documentation and maintenance, Nevins also provides a much-needed appraisal of the potential conflicts in authority claims and language practices between community members and the educators and scholars who research their linguistic heritage. Nevins argues that the debates surrounding the revitalization of Indigenous languages need broadening to include larger questions of social mediation, shifting cultural identities, and the politics intrinsic to the relationship between Indigenous community members and university-accredited experts such as language researchers and educators. This engaging ethnography examines these questions and investigates the language dynamics of the Fort Apache Reservation, including the unintended challenges that standardized textual models sometimes pose to local interests. Nevins reveals the community’s historical and contemporary concerns for language documentation, maintenance, and revitalization.Lessons from Fort Apache demonstrates the need for language maintenance programs and for flexibility in finding politically sustainable forms of collaboration and exchange between researchers, teachers, and those community members who base their claims to an Indigenous language in alternate terms.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Colors of Mice: A Model Genetic Network
Serving the needs of pigment cell biologists, cellular physiologists, developmental geneticists, researchers interested in melanoma and more, this new book showcases a blend of new technologies and new insights in the field of pigmantary genetics of mice, with comparative information on other animals. Graduate students can learn here the terminology and scope of the field, and animal fanciers can discover the genetics behind common color variants of mammals. The book is hailed for being written by four of the premier scientists in the field. These authors aim to present the molecular /cellular work in the context of phenotype and the interacting functions of genes that direct the development and function of one biological system. For other researchers, the depth of genetic knowledge on the pigmantary system makes it a valuable model for the study of other systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc International Business - Theory And Practice: Theory & Practice
First Published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading: Preparing Teachers for a Changing World
Basic reading proficiency is key to success in all content areas, but attending to students’ literacy development remains a challenge for many teachers, especially after the primary grades. Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading presents recommendations for the essential knowledge about the development, acquisition, and teaching of language and literacy skills that teachers need to master and use. This important book is one result of an initiative of the National Academy of Education's Committee on Teacher Education, whose members have been charged with the task of creating a core knowledge base for teacher education.
Princeton University Press The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4: 1819-1826: Text
During his adult life until his death in 1834, Coleridge made entries in more than sixty notebooks. Neither commonplace books nor diaries, but something of both, they contain notes on literary, theological, philosophical, scientific, social, and psychological matters, plans for and fragments of works, and many other items of great interest. This fourth double volume of the Notebooks covers the years 1819 through 1826. The range of Coleridge's reading, his endless questioning, and his recondite sources continue to fascinate the readers. Included here are drafts and full versions of the later poems. Many passages reflect the technological interests that led to Coleridge's writing of Aids of Reflection, later to become an important source for the Transcendentalists.Another development in this volume is the startling expansion of Coleridge's interest in "the theory of life" and in chemistry--the laboratory chemistry of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the theoretical chemistry of German transcendentalists such as Okea, Steffens, and Oersted. Also contained in this volume is an important section on the meaning of marriage.Kathleen Coburn is Professor Emeritus at Victoria College of the University of Toronto. Merton Christensen was Professor of English at the University of Delaware.Bollingen Series L:4.Originally published in 1990.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Faulk's Basic Forensic Psychiatry
After the second edition was published (in 1994), a number of changes have taken place, including changes in the law, advances in treatment, and changes in the management of prisons and special hospitals. The book remains essential reading for doctors taking the Membership examination of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, but also will be of interest to general psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, lawyers, probation officers and criminologists. The subject is set out clearly, logically and expertly and arranged for quick reference.
University of California Press Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought
The first collection of its kind, Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought is historically organized and transnational in scope, highlighting key ideas, transformative moments, and feminist conversations across national and cultural borders. Emphasizing feminist cross-talk, transnational collaborations and influences, and cultural differences in context, this anthology heralds a new approach to studying feminist history. Provocations includes engaging, historically significant primary sources by writers of many nationalities in numerous genres from political manifestos to theoretical and cultural analysis to poetry and fiction. These texts range from those of classical antiquity to others composed during the Arab Spring and represent Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Western Europe, and the United States. Each section begins with an introductory essay that presents central ideas and explores connections among readings, placing them in historical, national, and intellectual contexts and concluding with questions for discussion and reflection.
Yale University Press A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain, 1660-1851
This remarkable dictionary provides information on the work of over 3,000 sculptors working in Britain between 1660 and 1851. It is a substantially expanded edition of Gunnis’s Dictionary of British Sculptors, the primary source for information on church monuments, portrait busts, carved fireplaces and more since publication in 1951. Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and the Henry Moore Foundation
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Atlas of Vascular & Endovascular Surgical Techniques
Atlas of Vascular & Endovascular Surgical Techniques is a highly illustrated guide to vascular surgery from an author team of US-based experts. The book is divided into six sections, containing surgical techniques for different parts of the vascular system; cerebrovascular, thoracic aorta, abdominal aorta, visceral, peripheral vascular, and venous. Important topics include aortic arch and four vessel cerebral angiography and stents. The book provides information on anaesthesia, indications, instrumentation and special considerations for each technique, as well as step-by-step instructions on procedure. Atlas of Vascular & Endovascular Surgical Techniques is enhanced by 721 full colour images and illustrations including intraoperative photographs. A DVD featuring detailed procedures for infusion catheter, angiojet, trellis, pelvic angiogram and completion angiogram completes this atlas, making it an indispensable resource for vascular and general surgeons in practice and in training. Key Points Illustrated guide to vascular surgery by leading US-based vascular surgeons 721 full colour images and illustrations including intraoperative photographs Includes DVD demonstrating vascular and endovascular procedures The first in the Surgical Atlas Series, which will also include Endocrine Surgery and Breast Surgery
New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers A Textbook on HIV Infection and AIDS in Adolescents
AVEdition Media Architecture Compendium: Digital Placemaking
New frontiers for media architecture: This compendium explores how digital media is shaping cities today and in the years to come. It illustrates groundbreaking use of light and media in urban environments through 36 winning or shortlisted entries from the Media Architecture Biennale Awards in 2014 and 2016 in five categories: Animated architecture, Money Architecture, Participatory Architecture & Urban Interaction, Spatial Media Art, Future Trends & Prototypes.
Demeter Press Music of Motherhood: History, Healing, and Activism
Mothering and music are complex and universal events, the structure and function of each show remarkable variability across social domains and different cultures. Al- though motherhood studies and studies in music are each recognized as important areas of research, the blending of the two topics is a recent innovation. The chapters in this collection bring together artists and scholars in conversations about the multiple profound relationships that exist between music and mothering. The discussions are varied and exciting. Several of the chapters revolve around the challenges of mothering partnered with a musical career; others look at the affordances that music offers to mothers and children; and some of the chapters examine the ways in which music inspires social and political change, as well as acknowledging the rise of the mom rock phenomenon.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Diversity of Cypriniforms Throughout Bangladesh: Present Status & Conservation Challenges
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Trends in Biotechnology: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Applied Statistical Science V
McGraw-Hill Education College Accounting (A Contemporary Approach) ISE
Based on the best-selling text by the same author team, College Accounting, A Contemporary Approach, 6e is a streamlined version of the text designed for instructors who teach the course without covering special journals. The authors represent the breadth of educational environments ensuring that the text is appropriate for all student populations. Throughout, they have adhered to a common philosophy about textbooks: they should be readable, contain many opportunities for practice, and be able to make accounting relevant for all.
John Libbey & Co Obesity in Europe 91
Quilliam Press Ltd The Book of Assistance
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Scottish Lion on Patrol: 15th Scottish Reconnaissance Regiment
Scottish Lion on Patrol was first published in 1950, the record of the 15th Scottish Reconnaissance Regiments formation, training ands service in the campaign that took them from Normandy to the Baltic. They played a key role in the liberation of Europe and the Regiment was unique in that it was in the forefront of the crossings of the Rivers Seine, Rhine and Elbe. The troops who landed in Normandy were highly trained but most of them had not experienced actual combat; however they very quickly learned the skills necessary to survive and defeat a cunning and resourceful foe. Full of eye-witness accounts, this is a true story of a real Band of Brothers, the original work being faithfully reproduced and significant new material from personal recollections which are graphic, moving and occasionally humorous.
Palgrave Macmillan The Lesbian Premodern
Key scholars in the field of lesbian and sexuality studies take part in an innovative conversation that offers a radical new methodology for writing lesbian history and geography, drawing new conclusions on the important and often overlooked work being done on female same-sex desire and identity in relation to premodern cultures.