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John Wiley & Sons Inc The Manipulation of Air-Sensitive Compounds
Revised to reflect the continuing and growing importance of research and development within this field, The Manipulation of Air-Sensitive Compounds, 2nd Edition offers state-of-the-art methods used in handling air-sensitive compounds, including gases. Part One covers inert atmosphere techniques, while Part Two treats vacuum line techniques. Appendixes provide safety data, information on materials used to construct apparatus, and a table of vapor pressures of common volatile substances.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters
AN INTRODUCTION TO Wavelet Modulated Inverters An authoritative guide to designing and constructing wavelet functions that accurately model complex circuits for better performance This is the first book to provide details, analysis, development, implementation, and performances of wavelet modulated (WM) inverters, a novel technique that keeps power systems stable and minimizes energy waste while enhancing power quality and efficiency. Written by experts in the power electronics field, it provides step-by-step procedures to implement the WM technique for single- and three-phase inverters. Also presented are key sample performance results for the new WM power inverters for different load types, which demonstrate the inverters’ simplicity, efficacy, and robustness. Beginning with the fundamentals of inverter technology, the book then describes wavelet basis functions and sampling theory with particular reference to the switching model of inverters. From there, comprehensive chapters explain: The connection between the non-uniform sampling theorem and wavelet functions to develop an ideal sampling-reconstruction process to operate an inverter The development of scale-based linearly combined basis functions in order to successfully operate single-phase WM inverters Performances of single-phase WM inverters for static, dynamic, and non-linear loads The simulation and experimental performances of three-phase wavelet modulated voltage source inverters for different loads at various operating conditions The book establishes, for the first time, a direct utilization of different concepts of the sampling theorem and signal processing in accurate modeling of the operation of single- and three-phase inverters. Figures are provided to help develop the basis of utilizing concepts of the sampling, signal processing, and wavelet theories in developing a new tool and technology for inverters. Also included are easy-to-follow mathematical derivations, as well as procedures and flowcharts to facilitate the implementation of the WM inverters. These items make this unique reference of great interest to academic researchers, industry-based researchers, and practicing engineers. It is ideally suited for senior undergraduate and graduate-level students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, applied signal processing, and power electronics courses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development
Known as the most practical text in the field, Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development, 6th edition provides clear, hands-on guidance for supervising teachers and encouraging their professional growth. Updated throughout to reflect the latest in research and theory, the text presents a widely accepted and flexible model of clinical supervision as well as numerous research-based and field-tested strategies. The concepts and techniques covered will help supervising teachers improve in the classroom.
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Legal guide on land consolidation: based on regulatory practices in Europe
This publication provides guidance on legislative issues regarding land consolidation in alignment with the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security as well as international human rights law. It is based on good practices in Europe, and focuses on rural areas.Land consolidation is a highly effective land management instrument that allows for the improvement of the structure of agricultural holdings and farms, increasing their economic and social efficiency and bringing benefits both to right holders as well as to society in general. Since land consolidation gives mobility to land ownership and other land rights, it may also facilitate the allocation of new areas with specific purposes other than agriculture, such as for public infrastructure or nature protection and restoration.While this guide encourages the exchange of good practices between countries with ongoing national land consolidation programmes, it mainly targets countries in the following cases: where there is not yet a specific legal framework for land consolidation; where land consolidation instruments have a short history or are in the initial phase of development; or where a new legal framework is needed due to new challenges, such as climate change adaptation in agriculture or nature protection measures in rural areas..
Archaeopress Funerary Practices in the Second Half of the Second Millennium BC in Continental Atlantic Europe: From Belgium to the North of Portugal
Funerary Practices in the Second Half of the Second Millennium BC in Continental Atlantic Europe presents a selection of essays dedicated to funerary practices from Belgium to the north of Portugal. It aims at filling gaps in the documentation and helping to better understand the relationships between these Atlantic regions during the Bronze Age. Our knowledge of the Atlantic Bronze Age has increased considerably over the last thirty years, but the current state of research varies from one region to another of Western Atlantic Europe, with a marked dichotomy between north and south. The volume not only highlights the cultural characteristics of those Atlantic regions that are poorly represented in European syntheses on the Bronze Age, but also establishes the long-term relationships, if any, that were maintained between the regions of the Southern Atlantic area and those of the Northern Atlantic area.
Universities Press Topics in Abstract Algebra
Mahaveer Publishers Isaac Newton: Man Behind Gravity
University of Wales Press A Map of Love: Twelve Welsh poems of romance, desire and devotion
A fascinating and exhilarating look at the many ways we love, and are loved. Following on from his bestselling The History of Wales in Twelve Poems, M. Wynn Thomas turns his attention in A Map of Love to poems from Wales and reflects on what they have to say on the age-old subject of love in its many and varied forms. Featuring twelve pieces dating from the fourteenth century to the present, this absorbing collection deliberately veers far from clichéd verses with its poems of regret and of mourning; straight love and gay love; bawdy verses of passion and desire, and gentle meditations on motherhood and marriage. It features anonymous and lesser-known writers as well as household names such as Gillian Clarke and R. S. Thomas, and it includes a previously unpublished poem by Emyr Humphreys. With original illustrations by Ruth Jên Evans throughout, this short but powerful collection will appeal to anyone interested in people and their complex relationships.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Non-Nested Regression Models
Nova Science Publishers Inc Maternal Sensitivity: A Scientific Foundation for Practice
Nova Science Publishers Inc Complementary Approaches for Using Ecotoxicity Data in Soil Pollution Evaluation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Distributions in Stochastic Network Models
Plural Publishing Inc Sound Stimuli: For Assessment and Treatment Protocols for Articulation and Phonological Disorders
Designed for busy clinicians, these stimuli are designed for use as standalone resources, or in conjunction with the authors' Treatment of Articulation and Phonologic Disorders. Plural's Sound Stimuli are presented as handy ringbound cards that cover a range of sounds or phoneme clusters. In all there are 8 stimuli, available singly or as a set.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Cultural Approaches to Studying Religion: An Introduction to Theories and Methods
This is the first book to provide an introduction to contemporary cultural approaches to the study of religion. This book makes sophisticated ideas accessible at an introductory level, and examines the analytic tools of scholars in religious studies, as well as in related disciplines that have shaped the field including anthropology, history, literature, and critical studies in race, sexuality, and gender. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar and includes: · the biographical and historical context of each theorist · their approaches and key writings · analysis and evaluation of each theory · suggested further reading. Part One: Comparative Approaches considers how major features such as taboo, texts, myths and ritual work across religious traditions by exploring the work of Mary Douglas, Phyllis Trible, Wendy Doniger and Catherine Bell. Part Two: Examining Particularities analyzes the comparative approach through the work of Alice Walker, Charles Long and Caroline Walker Bynum, who all suggest that the specifics of race, body, place and time must be considered. Part Three: Expanding Boundaries examines Gloria Anzaldúa’s language of religion, as well as the work of Judith Butler on performative, queer theories of religion, and concludes with Saba Mahmood, whose work considers postcolonial religious encounters, secularism, and the relationship between “East” and “West.” Reflecting the cultural turn and challenging the existing canon, this is the anthology instructors have been waiting for. For primary texts by the theorists discussed, please consult The Bloomsbury Reader in Cultural Approaches to the Study of Religion, edited by Sarah J. Bloesch and Meredith Minister.
Great West Pub The Poor Gringo Guide to Mexican Cooking
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Three Treatises on the Nature of Science
Contents:Introduction, BibliographyOn the Sects for BeginnersAn Outline of EmpiricismOn Medical ExperienceIndex of the Persons Mentioned in the TextsIndex of the Subjects Mentioned in the Texts
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Still Not Equal: Expanding Educational Opportunity in Society
Rowman & Littlefield Promoting the General Welfare: New Perspectives on Government Performance
Compendium Publishing & Communications Everywhere, Still: A Book about Loss, Grief, and the Way Love Continues
John Wiley & Sons Inc The E-Myth Accountant: Why Most Accounting Practices Don't Work and What to Do About It
Distilled small business advice for accounting practices Many accountants in small and mid-size practices are experts when it comes to their professional knowledge, but may not have considered their practice as much from a business perspective. Michael Gerber's The E-Myth Accountant fills this void, giving you powerful advice on everything you need to run your practice as a successful business, allowing you to achieve your goals and grow your practice. Featuring Gerber's signature easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement style, The E-Myth Accountant features Gerber's universal appeal as a recognized expert on small businesses who has coached, taught, and trained over 60,000 small businesses A recognized and widely respected co-author and leader in the accounting field The E-Myth Accountant is the last guide you'll ever need to make the difference in building or developing your successful accounting practice.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing On and Off the Page: Mapping Place in Text and Culture
This collection of essays, comprised of research first presented at the seventh annual Louisiana Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture, explores one of the most pervasive, vexing, and alluring concepts in the Humanities, that of place. Including essays which encompass a broad range of research fields and methodologies, from Geography to Cybernetics, it presents a cross-section of approaches aimed revealing the complex cultural machinations behind what once may have seemed a static, one-dimensional topic.Investigations into the function of place as a force in contemporary culture inevitably reveal a long history of the interplay between place and cultural product, between 'context' and 'text'. Just as traditional cultures mythologize sacred spaces, so too has Western culture sanctified its own places through its literature. Imagined places such as Faulker’s Yoknapatawpha or Joyce’s Dublin become the focus of conferences and festivals; authors’ homes, birthplaces, and gravesites are transformed into sites of pilgrimage; locales created for television shows and movies become actual businesses catering to a public for whom the line between fantasy and reality is increasingly blurred; and persisting through the great cultural shifts of the past two hundred years is the popular and romantic notion that words, performances, narratives, and even national identities are always in some way an expression of the places in which they are created and set. With the idea of place foregrounded in so much contemporary discourse, this collection promises to enter into an already lively debate and one which, due to its relevance to where we live and how we make sense of our own “places” within them, does not show any signs of flagging.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Cultural Approaches to Studying Religion: An Introduction to Theories and Methods
Examining the analytic tools of scholars in religious studies, as well as in related disciplines that have shaped the field, this updated textbook includes cultural approaches from anthropology, history, literature, and critical studies in race, sexuality, and gender. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar and includes: the biographical and historical context of each theorist their approaches and key writings analysis and evaluation of each theory a list of key terms suggested further reading Part One: Comparative Approaches considers how major features such as taboo, texts, myths, and ritual work across religious traditions. This section explores the work of Mary Douglas, Phyllis Trible, Wendy Doniger, Catherine Bell and, new to this edition, Tomoko Masuzawa, whose contributions reveal the colonialist assumptions of the comparative, world religions model. Part Two: Examining Particularities analyzes the comparative approach through the work of Alice Walker, Charles Long, and Caroline Walker Bynum, who all suggest that the specifics of race, body, place and time must be considered. Part Three: Expanding Boundaries examines Gloria Anzaldúa’s language of religion, as well as the work of Judith Butler on performative, queer theories of religion, Saba Mahmood, whose work considers postcolonial religious encounters, secularism, and the relationship between “East” and “West”. New to this edition is Jasbir Puar’s work on work on affect, gender, sexuality, and disability. Along with a list of key terms, each section now includes an introduction highlighting the contributions of each thinker and their relation to previous theories that dominated the field.
WHO Regional Office for Europe Implementing Health Financing Reform: Lessons from Countries in Transition
Peeters Publishers Grammaire Fondamentale du Latin. Le Signifie du Verbe
Peeters Publishers The Stone of Alciato / De Steen Van Alciato: Literature and Visual Culture in the Low Countries. Essays in Honour of Karel Porteman / Literatuur En Visuele Cultuur in De Nederlanden. Opstellen Voor Prof. Dr. Karel Porteman Bij Zijn Emeritaa
This voluminous book, which is a Festschrift in honour of Prof. Dr. Karel Porteman, contains 56 articles on the relationship between literature and the visual arts in the Low Countries. Visual culture is interpreted in the largest possible sense to reflect the wide range of topics and interests Karel Porteman specialized in. All sorts of bi-medial genres in the strictest sense (emblems, picture poems, frontispieces, illustrated broadsheets,...) allign with visual aspects of other literary genres, including theater. The subjects of the articles are not restricted in time: they deal with seventeenth century culture as well as modern subjects.
Peeters Publishers Zeger-Bernard Van Espen: At the Crossroads of Canon Law, History, Theology and Church-state Relations
The volume contains the text of 23 papers read at the colloquium (Louvain, 21st-23rd September 2000) on Zeger-Bernard van Espen (1646-1728), the most important canonist of the ancient Louvain University.Several contributions seek to gauge the influence of Van Espen in a number of European countries: France, Italy, Spain, the German Empire and the United Provinces. Van Espen's influence was not merely investigated from a geographical perspective. The question was also raised as to how well his ideas survived the passage of time. How was Van Espen viewed in the 19th century? How was he used or misused?Hitherto, those who inquired into the personality and work of Van Espen have treated him almost exclusively from a 'Jansenist' perspective. The present volume seeks to break through this one-sidedness by approaching the man and his work from a legal and theological viewpoint, and from that of canon law and ecclesiology.From Gratian's "Concordia discordantium canonum" to Van Espen's "Separando certa ab incertis explicare et conciliare": the Louvain canonist was eminently aware of the canonical tradition within which he developed and formulated his ideas. More than being a Jansenist or a regalist or a Gallican, Van Espen was a jurist, who thought and reasoned on the basis of the law and structures of the Church. The protection of "that which is right", including the subjective rights of clerics and lay people, was his subject, his goal and his duty. On the basis of a sincere scientific, historical and philological approach to canon law, he came to conclusions which did not necessarily correspond to Rome's views on Church and State, moral theology, law and ecclesiology. This is not merely attributable to his Jansenist, rigorist, Gallican and regalist prejudices in these sensitive areas, but, probably to a greater extent than has been assumed hitherto, to his training as an academic, as a jurist, and as a canonist.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe: Band II/4: Briefe 1903-1905
Die Briefe 1903-1905 zeigen Max Weber in seiner neuen Rolle als Heidelberger Privatgelehrter. Sie vermitteln einen Eindruck von der wissenschaftlichen Neupositionierung im Spannungsfeld von Nationalökonomie und Kulturwissenschaft durch die methodologischen Aufsätze zu "Roscher und Knies" und zur "'Objektivität' sozialwissenschaftlicher und sozialpolitischer Erkenntnis". Sie bieten Hintergrundinformationen zur Entstehung von "Die protestantische Ethik und der 'Geist' des Kapitalismus" und zum Kauf des "Archivs für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik", das für Max Weber in den Folgejahren zum wichtigsten Kommunikations- und Publikationsorgan werden wird. Alte und neue Netzwerke werden ausgebaut. Und Max Weber reist: nach Italien, Helgoland, Holland, an die Ostsee und - anlässlich einer Einladung zum Weltkongress in St. Louis - in die USA. Die Briefe zur dreimonatigen Amerikareise 1904 bilden einen Höhepunkt. Sie dokumentieren die wissenschaftliche Neugierde Max Webers, aber auch seine intellektuelle Freiheit, mit der er die Reiseroute abändert und im Südwesten das Indian Territory und die erste Bildungseinrichtung für Afroamerikaner besucht. Die Briefe, unter anderem an Heinrich Rickert, Georg von Below und Georg Jellinek, aber auch die italienisch verfassten Karten an Marianne Weber sowie die in Englisch geschriebenen Briefe an Booker T. Washington oder W.E.B. Du Bois, wurden editorisch geprüft und kommentiert. Eine knappe Einleitung führt sachkundig in die Briefe und deren Kontexte ein. Informationen zum Verlauf der Amerikareise und den dort besuchten Verwandten finden sich im Anhang. Wie immer bieten die Register zu den Briefempfängern, genannten Orten und Personen einen schnellen Zugriff.
Keenspot Christmas with Grubbs
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Way to God: Selected Writings from Mahatma Gandhi
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
This comprehensive, one-volume encyclopedia covers the sedimentological aspects of sediments and sedimentary rocks. It features more than 250 entries by some 180 eminent contributors from all over the world, excellent indices, cross references, and extensive bibliographies.
Rizzoli International Publications The California Casa
This sumptuous and comprehensive volume embraces one of the most beloved house forms, the Spanish Colonial Revival, presenting at once a lavish portrait of the style as well as the definitive statement on the subject through more than three hundred color photographs. The Spanish style in architecture encompasses facets from a vast array of traditions, many of which are in evidence in these extraordinary houses. Elements include thickset, whitewashed stucco walls, deeply recessed doors, lushly planted courtyard gardens, intricate and colorful tile work, telescoping towers inset with Juliet balconies, elaborately traced wrought-iron window grilles, and richly appointed interiors heightened by drama in light and shadow cast by moody pendant lamps and low-burning fires. The houses featured are the very best of the type, both famous and little-known, and showcase the work of architects such as George Washington Smith, Bertram Goodhue, Wallace Neff, and Paul Williams, from the early twentieth century, to the work of contemporary practitioners, including Marc Appleton, Michael Burch Architects, and others. These homes are a fantasy for living made real in the Southern California sun.
Hirmer Verlag Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration
Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration coincides with the Missouri state bicentennial. The catalogue brings together the region’s paintings, sculptures, works on paper, furniture, ceramics, metals, textiles, and more to reveal and celebrate their shared artistic history. Beginning with the ancient Mississippian culture followed by the Osage, French, African American, German, British, and artists today, these communities developed rich artistic traditions that have vibrant legacies. Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration marks the 200th anniversary of Missouri’s statehood. This exhibition catalogue presents extraordinary objects produced or collected within a 150-mile region around St. Louis. As a celebration of the cultural and artistic traditions of this region, the catalogue looks within— and beyond— the years of statehood to reveal how the region’s geography, raw materials, and pressing social issues shaped over 1,000 years of rich artistic production. Though these objects have rarely been considered in connection with one another, the catalogue brings them into dialogue to establish and celebrate their shared artistic history and serves as the first significant publication to introduce this primary artistic material to a global audience.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Dupuytren’s Disease and Related Hyperproliferative Disorders: Principles, Research, and Clinical Perspectives
This book is based on results of the 2010 International Symposium on Dupuytren's disease held in Miami, Florida, but it also includes new data and additional chapters. It is hoped that it will raise awareness of this underestimated condition and promote cooperative efforts to work towards a cure. Up to date information is provided on the epidemiology, biology, and pathology of the disease. The principles and specifics of treatment are explored in detail. The indications for and techniques of radiotherapy, minimally invasive treatments and open surgery are fully explained. The role of physical therapy is considered as well as the care of relapse and complications. The treatment of Ledderhose’s disease and Peyronie’s disease is also discussed. This book provides invaluable information for hand surgeons, podiatrists, orthopedists, radiation therapy specialists and general practitioners. It will help to foster an interdisciplinary approach to the understanding and management of this debilitating disorder.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Applications of Mathematics of Uncertainty: Grand Challenges—Human Trafficking—Coronavirus—Biodiversity and Extinction
This book provides an examination of major problems facing the world using mathematics of uncertainty. These problems include climate change, coronavirus pandemic, human tracking, biodiversity, and other grand challenges. Mathematics of uncertainty is used in a modern more general sense than traditional mathematics. Since accurate data is impossible to obtain concerning human tracking and other global problems, mathematics of uncertainty is an ideal discipline to study these problems. The authors place several scientific studies into different mathematical settings such as nonstandard analysis and soft logic. Fuzzy differentiation is used to model the spread of diseases such as the coronavirus. The book uses fuzzy graph theory to examine the problems of human tracking and illegal immigration. The book is an excellent reference source for advanced under-graduate and graduate students in mathematics and the social sciences as well as for researchers and teachers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Colleges Across the Diaspora: Global Perspectives on Race and Stratification in Postsecondary Education
This book examines colleges and universities across the diaspora with majority African, African-American, and other Black designated student enrolments. Research confirms that these campuses possess a flourishing landscape with racial, economic, and gender diversity while sharing a Black identity created through global racialization. Globally, Black colleges and universities create academic and social environments where different races, sexes, cultures, languages, nationalities, and citizenship status coexist, enabling academic achievement, civic engagement, and colonial resistance. This volume highlights racial hegemony in multi-national student experiences and achievement; examines the social and career implications of attendance on lifelong success; explores the impact of global Black marginalization and racist ideology on Black college communities; and explores the role gender plays in outcomes and attainment. This timely work engages the diversity of Black colleges and universities and explains their critical role in promoting academic excellence in higher education.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Renaissance Papers 2007
Focuses on the literary implications of 17th-century religion, Shakespeare's Roman plays, and 16th-century poetry. Renaissance Papers collects the best essays submitted each year to the Southeastern Renaissance Conference. In the 2007 volume, two essays focus on Shakespeare's Roman plays: one on Lavinia's death and Roman suicide in Titus Andronicus, the other on the rhetorical construction of masculinity in Julius Caesar. Five essays address the literary implications of seventeenth-century religious belief and practice, considering the influence of the timing and delivery of sermons on John Donne, the impact of godly reforms on Thomas Browne's Religio Medici, the effect of Scottish on English Presbyterianism during the 1640s, the critique of reformist utopianism in Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World, and the implications of Paradise Lost's lack of a frontispiece. Two essays on sixteenth-century poetry look at the literary voices of commoners and of kings: one focuses on the portraits of women and commoners in A Mirror for Magistrates, while the other examines the political implications of King James VI/I's metrical translations of David's Psalms. Contributors: Reid Barbour, Nora L. Corrigan, William A. Coulter, Julie Fann, Robert Kilgore, Sonya Freeman Loftis, Christopher Hair, Jim Pearce, and John N. Wall.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Renaissance Papers 2001
The current volume contains nine articles reflecting a wide range of approaches to Renaissance literary performance and theory. Renaissance Papers is a collection of the best scholarly essays submitted each year to the Southeastern Renaissance Conference. The nine articles in this volume reflect a wide range of approaches to Renaissance literary performance and theory. The first four essays seek reasons for the success of various Renaissance plays: Christopher Cobb examines how Thomas Heywood casts heroic action in a positive light in his romantic dramas, whereas Lucas Erneurges that Thomas Kyd's Spanish Tragedy owes its success to its Christian portrait of Heironimo's unsuccessful attempt to recognize a benevolent deity. Robert Reeder looks at Renaissance educational manuals in order to clarify views on precocity in Richard III, Bartholomew Fair, and Twelfth Night; and Thomas L. Martin and Duke Pesta investigate and refute postmodern claims about a "transvestite stage." Scott Lucas shows how several sonnets of Fulke Greville's Caelica disorient the reader, underscoring the poet's doubts about human reason and perception; and Pamela Macfie illustrates how Marlowe's ghostly allusions to Ovid's Heroides in Hero andLeander darken the portrayal of the tragic lovers' frustration. The final three essays concern the 17th-century literary giants Donne and Milton: Jay Stubblefield shows Donne's 1619 sermon to the Virginia Company to be a uniquely Thomistic commentary on the conflicting motives behind England's exploits in the New World; and John Wall and John T. Shawcross explore the effects of John Milton's poems on Renaissance and modern readers. M. Thomas Hester is professor of English at North Carolina State University.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Renaissance Papers 2002
Annual collection of essays, this year treating works by Donne, Shakespeare, Marvell, and Spenser, among other topics. Renaissance Papers is a collection of the best scholarly essays submitted each year to the Southeastern Renaissance Conference. The conference accepts papers on all subjects relating to the Renaissance -- music, art, history, literature, etc. -- from scholars all over North America and the world. Of the nine essays in the 2002 volume, three have to do with John Donne; among the topics here are Donne and Pietro Aretino, Donne and "All the World," andauthorial intention in the Holy Sonnets. Two essays deal with Shakespeare, specifically the discourse of dilution in 2 Henry IV and the Ovidian underworld in Othello. Other essays treat Marvell and the temporality of paranoia; poetry, patronage, and identity in Spenser's The Faerie Queene; and the visual culture of the Elizabethan prodigy house. Contributors: Nicholas Crawford, Dennis Flynn, Heather Hirschfeld, Pamela Royston Macfie, Anne E. McIlhaney, Graham Roebuck, Gary Stringer, James M. Sutton, Alzada Tipton. M. Thomas Hester is professor of English at North Carolina State University
Pan Macmillan Sabotage on the Solar Express
Ride into danger with Hal and Uncle Nat on the fifth breathtaking Adventures on Trains Mystery, Sabotage on the Solar Express, from bestselling award-winners M. G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman. Perfect for readers of 8 to 12 and brilliantly illustrated in black and white throughout by Elisa Paganelli.'A thrilling and hugely entertaining adventure story' – David Walliams on The Highland Falcon Thief, the first book in the series.Billionaire train enthusiast August Reza has invited Harrison Beck and Uncle Nat on the maiden voyage of the Solar Express – the winning design of his Reza’s Rocket competition. But during the journey, they discover the train has been sabotaged, hurtling passengers into a heart-stopping, action-packed, thrill ride across the Australian Outback. Can Hal find the saboteur and stop the runaway train before disaster strikes?Sabotage on the Solar Express can be read as a stand-alone novel, or enjoyed as part of the Adventures on Trains series. Join Hal and Uncle Nat on more stops in this thrilling series with: The Highland Falcon Thief, Kidnap on the California Comet, and Murder on the Safari Star.Praise for the Series:'Like Murder on the Orient Express but better!' – Frank Cottrell-Boyce on The Highland Falcon Thief'A first class choo-choo-dunnit!' – David Solomons on Kidnap on the California Comet'A high-speed train journey worth catching . . .The best yet' – The Times on Murder on the Safari Star'This series just gets better and better' – Maz Evans on Danger at Dead Man's Pass
Pan Macmillan Danger at Dead Man's Pass
Embark on a thrilling fourth adventure in the bestselling, prize-winning Adventures on Trains series - Danger at Dead Man's Pass, from M. G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman, as Harrison Beck investigates an ancient family curse high in the German mountains. Illustrated in black-and-white throughout by Elisa Paganelli. A mysterious letter from an old friend asks Hal and Uncle Nat to help investigate a spooky supernatural mystery. Legend has it the Kratzensteins, a family of rich and powerful railway tycoons, are cursed, but there is no such thing as a curse, is there . . .?Hal and Nat take the night train to Berlin and go undercover. From a creaking spooky old house at the foot of the Harz mountains, they take the Kratzenstein family's funeral train to the peak of the Brocken Mountain. Can Hal uncover the secrets of the Brocken railway and the family curse before disaster strikes?Danger at Dead Man's Pass can be read as a stand-alone novel, or enjoyed as part of the Adventures on Trains series. Join Hal and Uncle Nat on more stops in this thrilling series with: The Highland Falcon Thief, Kidnap on the California Comet, Murder on the Safari Star and Sabotage on the Solar Express.Praise for the Series:'Like Murder on the Orient Express but better!' – Frank Cottrell-Boyce on The Highland Falcon Thief'A thrilling and hugely entertaining adventure story' – David Walliams on The Highland Falcon Thief'A first class choo-choo-dunnit!' – David Solomons on Kidnap on the California Comet'A high-speed train journey worth catching . . .The best yet' – The Times on Murder on the Safari Star'This series just gets better and better' – Maz Evans on Danger at Dead Man's Pass
John Wiley & Sons Inc Computer Security Handbook, Set
Computer security touches every part of our daily lives from our computers and connected devices to the wireless signals around us. Breaches have real and immediate financial, privacy, and safety consequences. This handbook has compiled advice from top professionals working in the real world about how to minimize the possibility of computer security breaches in your systems. Written for professionals and college students, it provides comprehensive best guidance about how to minimize hacking, fraud, human error, the effects of natural disasters, and more. This essential and highly-regarded reference maintains timeless lessons and is fully revised and updated with current information on security issues for social networks, cloud computing, virtualization, and more.
CABI Publishing Oestrid Flies: Biology, Host-Parasite Relationships, Impact and Management
This book provides an in-depth review and analysis of the biology of adults and larvae of the Family Oestridae (commonly known as botflies, or warble flies). Oestrid flies cause myiasis (invasion of living tissue by the larvae), and are a major pest of both domestic and wild animals worldwide. The book presents a comparative investigation of the life histories and adaptation to parasitism exhibited by this unique family of flies. It also gives a detailed survey of each genus and provides a synopsis of the taxonomy of the family. It contains chapters on morphology, life history, host-parasite relationships, taxonomy and behaviour.
University of California Press Beirut
Widely praised as the definitive history of Beirut, this is the story of a city that has stood at the crossroads of Mediterranean civilization for more than four thousand years. The last major work completed by Samir Kassir before his tragic death in 2005, "Beirut" is a tour de force that takes the reader from the ancient to the modern world, offering a dazzling panorama of the city's Seleucid, Roman, Arab, Ottoman, and French incarnations. Kassir vividly describes Beirut's spectacular growth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, concentrating on its emergence after the Second World War as a cosmopolitan capital until its near destruction during the devastating Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990. Generously illustrated and eloquently written, "Beirut" illuminates contemporary issues of modernity and democracy while at the same time memorably recreating the atmosphere of one of the world's most picturesque, dynamic, and resilient cities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Collected Works of Jaroslav Hájek: With Commentary
"Hájek was undoubtedly a statistician of enormous power who, in his relatively short life, contributed fundamental results over a wide range of topics..." V. Barnett, University of Nottingham. Hájek's writings in statistics are not only seminal but form a powerful unified body of theory. This is particularly the case with his studies of non-parametric statistics. His book "The Theory of Rank Test", with ?idák, was described by W. Hoeffding as almost the last word on the subject. Hájek's work still has great importance today, for example his research has proved highly relevant to recent investigations on bootstrap diagnostics. Much of Hájek's work is scattered through the literature and some of it quite inaccessible, existing only in the original Czech version. This book provides a valuable unified text of the collective works of Hájek with additional essays by internationally renowned contributors. Undoubtedly this book will be essential reading to modern researchers in nonparametric statistics.
Indiana University Press Ayya's Accounts: A Ledger of Hope in Modern India
Ayya's Accounts explores the life of an ordinary man—orphan, refugee, shopkeeper, and grandfather—during a century of tremendous hope and upheaval. Born in colonial India into a despised caste of former tree climbers, Ayya lost his mother as a child and came of age in a small town in lowland Burma. Forced to flee at the outbreak of World War II, he made a treacherous 1,700-mile journey by foot, boat, bullock cart, and rail back to southern India. Becoming a successful fruit merchant, Ayya educated and eventually settled many of his descendants in the United States. Luck, nerve, subterfuge, and sorrow all have their place along the precarious route of his advancement. Emerging out of tales told to his American grandson, Ayya's Accounts embodies a simple faith—that the story of a place as large and complex as modern India can be told through the life of a single individual.
University of Illinois Press Building Womanist Coalitions: Writing and Teaching in the Spirit of Love
Over the last generation, the womanist idea--and the tradition blooming around it--has emerged as an important response to separatism, domination, and oppression. Gary L. Lemons gathers a diverse group of writers to discuss their scholarly and personal experiences with the womanist spirit of women of color feminisms. Feminist and womanist-identified educators, students, performers, and poets model the powerful ways that crossing borders of race, gender, class, sexuality, and nation-state affiliation(s) expands one's existence. At the same time, they bear witness to how the self-liberating theory and practice of women of color feminism changes one's life. Throughout, the essayists come together to promote an unwavering vein of activist comradeship capable of building political alliances dedicated to liberty and social justice. Contributors: M. Jacqui Alexander, Dora Arreola, Andrea Assaf, Kendra N. Bryant, Rudolph P. Byrd, Atika Chaudhary, Paul T. Corrigan, Fanni V. Green, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Susan Hoeller, Ylce Irizarry, M. Thandabantu Iverson, Gary L. Lemons, Layli Maparyan, and Erica C. Sutherlin